Thursday 27 March 2014

INVESTMENT: the time, The Crown used the light often ran around three thousand of heavenly world, and to the world of Buddhist followers as much as sand in the East, up to ten such also. If there are beings of light meet, sure to be A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam. COMMENT:
Question: on the body were smiling and pore free light, Star light Launcher also now often to show ten mass media?
A: there are people who see a strange light, which is not the light of Buddha. Buddha's light show grew steadily, the birth center that's Hy Festival, said the lighting of the Buddha, should certainly reach A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam.
Question: what is light?
A: Four side Buddha has light a staff, when Portuguese slapped engenders sailings. It is in thirty-two General called general staff.
Q: why light of Buddha is generally a staff without more?
A: the light is usually of the Buddha, often immeasurable lettered premiered ten mass media world. Germany is a potential Buddha-ni has a spirit and immeasurable optical trunks, or a staff, hundred thousand, ten thousand, thy thy remembrance unto all over three thousand of heavenly world, until all ten directions, such as France's vassal state Buddha. but because beings in our lifetime in German, at least less the weapon only appears a light staffIf light shows off more then does being thin Phuoc, padded, eyes not to light it. As people find themselves, then the eyes blurred, because the light is stronger that the weak eye. If we are good Buddhist era key justifies Phuoc appears immeasurable light.
Then again, there are people who do see the light of Buddha, being mindful that the wedding Festival is a prime rates as the monarch brought food, often remaining for the bottom, people get excited. Buddha also, someone saw the light stuff others don't mind the wedding Festival, which saw the light of Buddha then surely reach A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam.
LONGITUDE: now, that's a long wide tongue out to honor General covering three thousand of heavenly world, happily smiling. From her base damage dropped thousands of immeasurable great wall light memory, each light was then turned into a thousand sharp needles treasure flower wings. On the flowers she has turned the old-lady unlawful Buddha is located, six degrees of Ba-la-suite, being heard, sure to be A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam. To the world of Buddhist schools in ten directions much like the Ganges River sand are also the same.
Comment: question: As Buddha World-religion, Germany respect, why does the long wide tongue seems inferior generals?
A: the above have launched three light shining up to ten local beings, made for the exit. Now want to tell mouth major College Bowls-the elegant Three-la-suite, elegant eight-Ba-la-suite very deeply confusing harder to know, can hardly credit tho, for so long, wide blade General appeared to testify. General tongue so it comes out true, I presume.
As the ancient Buddhas once in her life,-Xa-Tue, A-nan as Buddha traveled the country, when coming to the subject of her la, King of the Ba-la-Mon Buddhist deity knew that Germany or transform the beings, who touched people, far away here, who also likes me anymore! The King ordered ban: "If anyone thinks that Buddha ate, listened to the Buddha said the penalty five hundred gold coins".
After ordering, the Buddha to that country, along the A-nan hug Bowl to qifu gangui, the people in the city were closed, not to hug the Bowl does that out. At the time, in a family of people I take older tanks map thiu always out the door, saw the Buddha World-religion hug the Bowl doesn't go to, who I've seen old Buddha's Gold shades of good, the white feather, humiliation, light a staff, that there's no space Bowl jar food. See her taste her thoughts: "the Human Spirit like that, most of the food eaten, now his bat held himself away please, make for great from all the merciful", and then successively being pure faith, want donation map, with no stars is like praying. Disgrace, he answered, with the Buddha: "I think want to move packed donation which can not be this bad bad food, nay, take necessary Buddha".
Who trusts the other to know Buddha glass, so take things out, cosy establishments and custard. • Buddha laughing, emit light in colors, shining throughout heaven and Earth, and then back into General between the two eyebrows.
A-nan see kneeling straight hand-Bach Mo Buddha: "Dear World, nay human fate would you laugh, let me hear the meaning". Buddha told A-nan: "master co's old lady fell in medium trust, sweet food for Buddha?" A-nan dear: "the White World, I have seen". Buddha said: "old woman left by worship Buddha eating in fifteen, at the heavenly realms and in the realms of life, joy, sensual messages an evil leader, will be doing itself daocheng school spice, pratyekabuddha, and enter Loads-residual Nirvana". Now next to the Buddha have a Ba-la-keeper stood there, said the shelves:
"Bees are Japanese line-strain,
The Crown Prince of the Translational-Sanskrit monarch,
Just because eating that great hope,
Map of the Peel, heavy newspaper! "
Now the long wide tongue both Governments take Buddha's eyes up to the foot of hair, say-la-Mon: "he found in books saying people have blades like this that tell lies?" BA-la-Mon ladies: "If people have the tongue to nose, said situation has been what the Government lies, unspoilt to the hairline. I believe the Buddha certainly do not hope, but just don't understand why alms a few that are bitten so much? " Buddha told Her-la-Mon: "He has never seen these things United owner hard to see in the midst of life?" BA-la-Mon ladies: "saw. I once went with whom she-la, middle of the road saw the silhouette of a tree-lot-statements-da covered all five hundred merchant's wagon, that tree is still not over. Then the United owners hard. " The Buddha asked: "the seed of the tree's big or small?" BA-la-band a: "Grew a third rape". Buddha said: "who will believe him, to which the seeds are very small again?" BA-la-Mon ladies: "Indeed, my World, my own eyes I saw rather than frivolous lies" Buddha said: "We also, see. who credits, give worship Buddha, bitten. As well as trees, little human that thing coming. Due to the hybrid's control such as Irene which was so ". BA-la-Mon Italian geography, Center, in land, please repent with the Buddha: "My Foolish Heart, do not believe the Buddha". The Buddhist theory of each for each he heard testimony by the initial results, his instant hand that took off to the voice: "everyone has huge orange gates, m, why not!" All Ba-la-Mon, to load five hundred gold coins to the King, to Buddhist procession that donation, and all said, "Are the orange flavour, then who else sorry nothing five hundred gold coins?" Everyone go to Buddha, the ban was ignored. Mrs. King's subjects-according to the rules of Dharma network. All the people are here.
So, now the long wide tongue General Buddhist is because no ones.
Question: As she-la-Mon out of General Government blades both sides, that the light of the General Government for blades up to three thousand of heavenly world?
A: the blade cover to the base of the hair, is because the small news, now because of the elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite is the Renaissance of long wide tongue General Government currently should all three of thousands of heavenly world.
Q: in a general seen were all tongue covered both sides he is tough, what scenarios are now speaking the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, all of Congress, this means from the immeasurable and condone the practice that are seen at all? The human eye sees is no more than a few miles, now says all over three thousand of heavenly world, not that hard to credit?
A: the Buddha used means of household power, could make the beings are seen tongue covered all three thousand of heavenly world. If the Buddhas not to household goods, however, the force Collected Portuguese head-slaps don't know if Buddhist Buddha blessed the force, then to the animal being well known Buddhist. as in Late-Emerging of the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite says: "all beings are Buddha's Association in France saw-logs in front. As well as when Buddha says about the world everything strictly represents Buddha-di-da, A-nan would wish to see, we all make instant Buddha is seeing the world net radio-Buddha's grave-the life-energy. See General blade of Buddha as well as that, the Buddha used the long wide tongue General covering three thousand of heavenly world, and then He smiled. Coast Guard personnel said laughs as above.
Q: in light of previous reportage tongue, now why do really radical back light Launcher?
Answer: we would like to give all the more believes. Because of the General tongue like Yuri, kim quang in the am, start together, should again light Launcher.
Then again, the light was then turned into a treasure of Golden hues blossom of thousands of wings, from sharp-edged out general Golden treasure flower thousand wings, quang minh join as a new Sun rises.
Q: why in the light changes as United treasure?
A: because the Buddha wanted to sit.
Q: can Bed sit, shower socks?
A: the bed is the seat of the white row y world. Back for Lotus Software, want to show force, able to sit up on it that States still do not. Because the seats raises serious magic. Because the flowers are small, fragrant flowers of Ma's g, clean, large. Lotus of men no more than one size, the Lotus pond in the side-da-ni and the pond A-na-BA-reach large radars in Museum. Heavenly treasures Lotus grew more, then maybe to Fang-an old lady is located. Flower of Buddha sit longer than did flowers folded hundred thousand ten thousand times. Leave the calyx sen like strictly, aromatic, beautiful, can sit.
Then again, shit take burning, all without human Phuoc Duyen, Germany of beings, the wind blowing from the ten directions to, opposite, contact each other, held a large water from above, from the subtropics – a thousand, two thousand limbs, known as s-nữu, from the navel's export Lotus magic Golden shades and thousand wingslight, it's great as is like the Sun the same projection, in which the Fang-old lady is located. He had immeasurable quang minh, known as It-Uranus. From the Centre of Piracy-heavenly beings eight children, eight sons engenders God people. Piracy-the United Kingdom has a clean removal of the bawdy, ruicheng County. Therefore, should say: "If there are meditation, pure land, end except for lewd, then called the practice Violates". Zhuan Falun Buddha, called Falun,
or is it rotating. Piracy-the United Kingdom was then seated on the Lotus, the Buddhist followers as successor, Fang-an old lady sitting on the Lotus, says the six Three-la-suite. The listener was France, certainly reached A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam.
Q: Like-ca Van Buddha turned do immeasurable thousand ten thousand Buddhas, lettered memory how can speak French in a while? As in A-Bhikkhu-talkie saying: "In a time no two minds, if say, then at Buddhist culture Turned home to silence the Home Chemistry, chemical, at Buddha also have to silence, how at one time that all said six Three-la-suite?
A: Says that is how the transformation of the pagan goods and price-based. Excuse me, what changes are immeasurable because overall I thought I couldn't think, Freemasons should say, then at Buddha himself also immeasurable thousand thousand memories turned Buddha also said.
The pagan goods and bar-writer could not make out, even as Theravada Buddhism World-religion culture and make out. The layman and the bar-after body removal, can't u Lu turned, also as The Buddha-religion after oneself down, can still save the Buddhist culture in the Buddha is no different.
Then again, in A-Bhikkhu-talks, at a time no two minds, now Buddhas as well. Till turned Buddha said, nor has the mind, Buddhist thought of Buddhist culture, like to make turns Buddha said, raising said.
Q: Now the Buddhist saying Baghdad Three tastefully-la-suite, why make Buddhist culture speaks of six Three-la-suite?
A: Six Three-la-suite and elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, is a France is no different. 3rd year-la-suite before without being an elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, is not known as Ba-la-suite. As Ba-la-suite there are Three elegant eight-dollars-suite then sank in French property of the world, or is the A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha Scouts that enter Nirvana. If there are Three elegant eight-dollars-suite together back then known as Ba-la-suite, can reach to the Buddha; so the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite with five Three-la-suite is a France is no different.
The elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite there are two things: one is dignified, two are not yet dignified. As someone wearing His beautiful Club to dignified, someone not wearing, called yet dignified. As well as the monarch who brought Entourage by, called the King to, if not bring an Entourage, called alone.
As such, the world as much as cat in the East, up to ten such also.
Q: If the Buddhas have the power like that, the multitude of thousands of myriads of Buddhist culture memory for up to ten mass media are novel six Three-la-suite, the escape it all, then right on full, can't someone yet?
A: there are three obstacles: the evil way in the three beings, cannot comprehend; in humans, the sky, or too young, or too old, or too ill; and on the Infinite, the Infinite heavens, are there no, impossible to know.
Question: who can hear, understand, why doesn't the same DAC leader?
A: Well not all are privileged, because why? Because of unlawful use karma. History of urban planner coming heavy, often using urban planner cover, so shouldn't the same privileged direction.
Q: Ten local Buddhist followers today, should also make theoretical Buddha chemistry six Three-la-suite, and we also don't have three obstacles, so why don't you listen?
Answer: being present, being evil in life, time is not in the three obstacles. In later Theravada Buddhism, were real friendly newspaper industry, or obstruction because of poor world's evil, or obstruction due to unlawful use of heavy thickness. Birth to after Buddha, people for the most part were unlawful use of heavy thick as obstacle course. Thin or thick ruicheng county courts that lewd, lustful thick thin ruicheng County; lustful slim that foolish, foolish to thin thick ruicheng county courts. Such things are thin thick transfer development change. Because of the obstacle course of unlawful use, should not listen to Buddhist culture did not know the sermon, not htấy the light of Jesus, what was troubling. As well as the Sunrise that blind people do not see, and he said the world did not have the Sun, moon, and the Sun has an error! As the Thunder shake the ground that deaf not to hear the noise, but no errors.
Now ten Buddhist Scriptures say the phrase means France, often causing the Buddha turned to ten the theoretical world of six Three-la-suite, which because of the poor like lamp holders, such as deaf, should not hear the sounds of the Chief Justice; so don't see hear. Despite being from the Holy mind, can't make everyone listen to. If the crime is about to kill Irene, contraction, then seen the Buddha heard of France.
LONGITUDE: Now That Sun wants to stay at the lion, lion entered into the vacation I uses pine spirit, Delta made moving three thousand of heavenly world, six ways vibrations.
Comment: question: why this Black Triangle called lion vacation?
A: the Pilot like a lion catch Moose, have fun playing themselves in. Buddha also, when the tam I, can in many ways to turn this place great, making six phen vibrations.
Then again, the lion of vacation as well as the date on which the lion entertainment, while the beasts is an electromechanical ⮮ Buddha also, when entered into the three kingdoms she, three thousand shaken the heavenly world, make three evil beings in the road at one time were to rest an OK.
Then again, the Buddha called the Sphinx. Lion vacation t me Mirna Buddha i.e. me. When entering into this romantic triangle, causing this vibration of six ways, beings in all the evil of hell were to be freed, is birth to heaven, should call làhý.
Q: why Buddha enter t she?
A: Because three thousand shaken to heavenly world, bringing out the evil three beings, placed in two lines.
Then again, there are three minor changes made from the stems of Buddha, or the mind believes that deepness, far greater vibration was wanted for beings know is immeasurable, can make foreign things shaken, that being the wedding Festival trust Kat, are absent from the gauge.
Question: is the A-la-Han and Chu Tian also shook, backs of saying only the force of Buddha?
A: The A-la-Han and Chu Tian can't do full vibration, only new Buddha made of vibrated six ways.
Q: How do Buddhas shaking three thousand of heavenly world?
A: Because want to make beings know all is not, impermanence.
Some say the vast venue, the Sun, the Moon, mount Tu-di, the great sea are common. That's why The Tribe made six ways shaken, just pitching staff which coast is impermanent.
Then again, as people want to dye the shirt, before shaking the dirt, cũngnhư Buddha, before making the three beings in worlds saw the force of Buddha's birth Center provides new nhuyến need glasses following, says France; so should say six ways of vibration. What are six ways shaken?
LONGITUDE: East climbed the West descend, climbed the East West dive, climbed the South Arctic dive, Arctic climbed the South dive, climbed four Middle dive, climbed between the four sides dive.
Comment: q: why officially six ways shaken?
A: the Ground with upper, middle, lower. Down two ways: either the East climbed the West descend, or the South climbed the North dive, or four climbed between the dive. Central has four: either North, South, East, West; or the East, West, four side, between; or South, North, four sides, the Center. The upper six ways shaken.
There are many coast guard made the Earth shake. As the Buddha told A-nan: "eight workers eight Coast Guard, causing the seismic activity", as the other spoke.
Then again, some say there are four ways to do dynamic Earth: Fire, Dragons, birds, Kim-sí, heavenly.
Twenty-eight stars go by a ring around the Sun the moon if the moon going to the stars Crowns, stars, stars, stars, stars Fall To Long, the stars, the six stars, the time of vibrated as cold. How does movement of the fire God, then no rain, rivers dry up, the rice season is lost, God against evil, Lord Siva. If going to the stars, stars, stars, stars Bich Vy Telugu, legs, why Compromise, the six stars, then the soil such as canker. How does movement in Long, at the time not to rain, rivers dry up, the rice season is lost, God against evil, Lord Siva.
If going to the stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars Zhen Cang Yicheng County, the six stars, then the soil such as canker. How does movement of birds in the meantime, sí Kim-don't rain, rivers dry up, the rice season is lost, God against evil, Lord Siva.
If going to the stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, stars, Spoiled stars, stars, stars the Big Dipper, in nine stars, as the land was now cold. How does motion of heavenly, then an okay, rain the weather gauge, cereals. God is good thing, Lord van Phuoc, enjoyed an okay.
Then again, fate had shaken ground great and small. There is a vibration when the Match-fitness-deals, when the vibrations of the four people, one thousand, two thousand, three thousand of heavenly world
Small is due to human fate, such as who has blessed German, or birth, or death, the soil of a country shaken, he is small. So great is the most charming, like Buddha, kill at three thousand are coming to heavenly world shaken, he is large. Now Buddha wanted to assemble a vast beings should make this site great shocks in six ways.
Then again, in France the elegant eight-Three-la-suite life Buddha, signed for the United States--slapped will be vexed, that Buddha was a great master of heaven and Earth, the spirit's glad, that I will get the priests, so the soil. As well as the monarch when she gets up, excited, all cheered haii, dancing ca choreography.
Then again, due to human beings in Germany by Phuoc coast three thousand of heavenly world there should be greater with the trees all all things, which beings do not know it is impermanent. So, Buddha used greater force of German intellectual, Gina shook her world, making being blessed in Germany known to thin, all Ghost removal, return to impermanence.
INVESTMENT: land is the need nhuyến, which makes being fun Republic.
Comment: question: How do vibrations Soil can make beings happy Republic?
A: the mind depending on the stem, stems are fun, the weather centre of pleasure to browse. Browsers are the same ones in and things convenient for oneself, or make fun Center. Now for the bad times in the evil beings are three thousand of heavenly world, mind it rough evil, no good; so, as the vibrations of this, making all the need nhuyến, mind the benefit. As well as the Sun in the thirty-three in the garden of joy, divine angel who goes in, comes the need for nhuyến, festivity fun Republic, the mind of evil being, not rough When A-tu-la raised arrived, were not interested. Meanwhile, inhabitants of the Love-theme-she-na led the them to the garden-wax. As in the garden, the fruit trees, gas are not happy, because the distribution-wicked wax, so the birth they are interested. Buddha, too, because of this rough-wicked wax should transform it into your nhuyến, making the mind all beings be happy. Back when Uncle art smoking grass stormed into the nose of the person, the mind becomes angry at the instant delivery of instant fight each other. Back there smoking grass do mind the fun Hy Festival Republic, respect each other. Uncle art drugs as such, even grass conditions are both great places of three thousand of heavenly world were like nhuyến.
LONGITUDE: Hell, hungry daemons, animal birth and eight survivors of three thousand of heavenly world of instantaneous release, are being heaven, from Sun up to Sun-Uranus quarter-Tha-turned-self-in.
Comment: question: If Buddha enters into a lion vacation t I, can cause hell, hungry daemons, animal birth and eight of the victims were freed, the four heavenly realms of heavenly beings up to until the Sun turns auto-Tha-in, like what is the new charity Executive tu Phuoc bitten?
A: it as above stated, the blessed Germans much, see the light is the deep structure caused by sin, who ground the new vibrations. As well as the sun shone on the outdoor shower, the shower earlier bloom and old, shower not immature. Buddha also, before launching the light, the blessed are mature, Spry mind is freed, and the blessed have yet to mature, mind not Spry, so not yet. The great Buddha from bi, equal salvation full-heartedly, without hate doesn't hurt. As well as fruit, who rocked the tree, left nine previous loss. Buddha also, three thousand of heavenly world, such as trees, who rocked the Buddha, who was the first to be vegetables, who have been the green fruit.
Q: why do human beings only mind charity charm onto the Sun Education about, not being on the Sun Shades and the Sun is Infinitely good?
A: the Buddha wanted the Prime Director beings show results. In the Myriad shades because no body should not be the sermon for. In Excel, there is no mind know boring, should hardly be privileged, because the fun in the scene who emphasized that many meditation time.
Then again, the Buddha used the God by doing the touching, making of of three thousand of heavenly world were like nhuyến, there are beings who are Hy should bring forth onto the Sun Exercise. Because there are Four meditation and Useage not should not be contentious over the Infinite realms and identity.
Q: warm is impermanence, egolessness does, how being on the Sun and the people? One dead and one living being?
A: it, said the Portuguese Crown width-slaps, will brief response: he said the five aggregates impermanence, no, v ego. The five aggregates in the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite there is often impermanent, or disabled, or anatta. If the layman looking for truth falls, falls she can't get, only pretending, so the coast guard personnel that harmony, that title. As well as the art going to kill each other, outsiders see it die, due to going to art making, who also saw it live, live and die only title, no real substance. In France, the world really is life and death, in France it's life and death then there is General.
Then again, people being killed are being killed, people are not being killed without being killed, why? Because people are not being used, the great intellectual break except General being, as the shelf says:
"Dharma General although not,
Nor the removal,
Despite being phenomenally well,
The almond industry does not take.
The banana tree, such as the
All from the mind of birth,
If the French did not know,
Nor does he mind.
If there's no anniversary,
Executive Director, isn't it time,
The French don't fragment removal,
Anniversary should take.
There, takes Ma,
No anniversary is out,
Dynamic mind isn't,
Real estate is the Legal issue ".
INVESTMENT: The people can know the student network, are all very wedding Festival, come to the Buddha, the Buddha footprint ceremony, and then sat on one side.
Comment: question: Chu to natural birth self-knowledge: know where to go to, where the German approval of austerities, Phuoc said Germany had done. The birth there is three things. How to know the student network?
A: not certain humanitarian, or someone knows, there are people who don't know. Then again, thanks to the force of the Buddhas, said Student network.
Q. Chu Tian has another thing coming was the first year the God, Self Sufficiency, can go to the Buddha, the human species but thanks to Buddha, known to the student network, but it is very far from how can come to Buddha?
A: Either someone engenders had another thing coming is the God, as the Holy Holy rotating Switch, etc. Or have people thanks to Buddha.
Q: Who engenders is, to ten months pregnant, breast-fed three years mớm, after ten years might come out. Now thanks to the dread spirit of Vinny, Buddha bat accident suit were freed, being in the realms of heaven or the people, soon to the Buddha, but it may be so, but the French, who have yet to do so to be?
A: the way engenders in the five Leadership Council: Chu heaven, hell have turned contentious; Ghost hungry daemons or thai  hoă sanh Hoa sanh; humane and animal living being had four as low birth, placenta, pregnancy, birth and baby birth.
The ovule is contentious as Bhikkhu-residences-old Di-, mother of then-la, being 32 child (Bhikkhu-XA-32 being overstayed the eggs, the eggs hatched 32 boys, are làlực; Di-elderly-la is the largest child. Her mother later was the third). Those so called people born from eggs. Low birth is like Porn for women providing cover-la-BA-l , wealthy girl being Transformed-rotating, etc. The so called engenders from wet. Culture of birth is like Buddha and 4 of them traveled out of them on stilts-ni-Bhikkhu has Bhikkhu-stilts-ni A-la-BA, from birth, and chemistry in soil at all, life turned contentious. The so-called birth by transformation, Thai sanh is contentious as the commonly being. The culture of birth away growth that can come to the Buddha. then again, thanks to the Buddha blessed the force should be able to go to the Buddha.
: So, the world as much as cat in the ten directions, ground tremors are six ways, all hell, hungry daemons, animal birth and eight of the victims were freed, is being up the heavens, sky Friday (in Education).
Comment: question: three thousand heavenly beings in the world has so many countless, immeasurable, why did universal to the beings in the ten directions the world as much as cat the Ganges?
A: the immeasurable power of Buddha, but the beings of the three thousand of heavenly world also is less, so universal, and up to ten.
Q: If Like-ca-ni Buddha used the broad power of ten, then why did need many Buddha?
A: because of the immeasurable beings, not mature for a while. Back of human beings are not the same, as in The French-speaking culture: Property with character disciple-benefits-the ECHO, except the echo client-Xa Loi-Buddha, also could not be the case, what others have.
Then again, only now it comes to a constant HA sa Eastern world, not two, three, four until thousands of myriads of memory the world as much as cat the Ganges. back for boundless world immeasurable, if marginal amount, while being able to share.
Thus, Chu an immeasurable need Buddha means ten.
LONGITUDE: now three thousand heavenly beings in the world, the blind ngươì be seen, the deaf to hear, the dumb speak, crazy people are in, the disorder was more naked people, are tunic, starvation was no enough, the sick are healed, the disabled are intact.
Comment: q: beings tribulations have hundreds of thousands of things, why not make the Buddha's spirit all are freed?
A: all were saved, only brief said the crude. As there are many unlawful uses which only comes to three.
Question: Just say the blinds are found is sufficient, why say is blind since birth?
A: Who engenders blind is because t i weighed life ahead. Severe crimes also makes visible what the misdemeanor case.
Q: how heavy the previous life so make engenders blind?
A: Or break damaged the eyes of beings, or eyes of beings, or break the primary eye comments, saying no crime of Phuoc, who died an hell, crime ceases to be human beings, engenders blind. Or also stole fire and light towers, or even stealing fire and light in the Tower A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha. Or steal the light of Phuoc long. Because of the entertainment industry's life before that should be blind, lives far or because of disease, because of hitting that blind, he is so charming life today.
Then again, ninety-six minor eye disease, the physician is not Canadian-Soap can be treated, just That the Buddhist Religion is can make seen.
Then again, before making the seen, then again makes are the intellectual eye. The deaf to hear;
Q: If there are blind since birth, said deaf since birth?
A: for the most part been blind since birth, at least someone deaf since birth, so there's no telling.
Q: Because what coast human deafness?
A: Deafness is because previous coast guard personnel, teacher, dad taught not to listen, not to practice and back to anger. Because that's the crime are deaf.
Then again, because of the cropped ears or ear damage beings, beings, or steal hopea maces, Ghost, screws, drum of the towers, turrets and in the paddy fields and other patriarchal blessing (such as parents, teachers, ...) so the guilty. Such is the fate of previous karma. Coast Guard personnel present life or sick, or hitting, etc. as the present life of the coast makes the deaf.
Q: The dumb speak, do what that dumb?
A: eternally cutting blade, or the silenced people, or removing the poison makes do not speak, or listen to a Professor, parent education, interrupting them, cooking them, or evil people do answer deviant opinion did not believe crime speech, breaking the patriarchal blessing, so after sin in hell, being contentious as the mute, speechless. Because the coast guard so so dumb.
Q: crazy guys are in, why that crazy?
A: Life before creating offense, not to the Zazen, breaking the Zazen, the uncle art makes people angry, bawdy. Or because life present the unlawful use, as She-la-Mon as their lost season, his wife died, instantaneous crazy, naked run. As Bhikkhu-stilts-ni-Si-Xiao-dam-accommodation at work in his renunciation, had seven children all died, our best sense of priority, should take the mind play. Because the mind is not, which became si. Foolish because evil, retrieved the ashes smeared, hair pulled, naked, Kuang si eat feces. Someone or because of wind disease, illness, serious illness that became insane. There were demons possessed, or had someone too stupid to drink rainwater that crazy. Take the mind as such, the so called madness. Thanks to the Buddha to be found insane are the province of.
Q: Your lo n are given. Mad is, why else?
A: there's not crazy that mind much disarray, Italy as the monkey, can not specialize in one place, you should call the disorder.
Get the rush rush, heart problems, who should take over power, not as head of the French leader's life.
Q: what coast guard personnel because of disorder?
A: Good thins the mind, pursuing things in good faith, he called the mind.
Then again, because he is not a non-dead General Consulate, impermanence, no-one is your favorite, wrecked long lived, calculate the job, Chrissy ruổi, so the heart disorder.
Then again, not so happy inside according to Dharma, running find the fun outside. Due to pursue the pleasure so mind disorders. The Center for disorders like Buddha, seen, they were given.
Q: Before the crazy people say are the, now says the naked are Austria, why have the naked?
A: there are two things: one was Crazy everyone knows that is crazy, because evil deviant comments that self naked, nobody knew it was crazy. As the story tells, at the nandina has shaman, sitting High Court doctrine literally means five precepts, they'd have more layman to listen. Then King accident that: "If the word Magi, who give alcohol and who drink alcohol, crazy thing coming to bear, then the value for life far more than the people who are crazy, but crazy people why the little that people wake up more?" At the time of the pagans were saying: "Or rather, my problem penetrating Thuy! He bare head sitting High Court, will certainly not be, since the King profited ".
Then just do shaman layman, which comes through the other stories. The King of instant understanding. The layman told the King: "a problem of very intensive Thuy, he does not know the answer, afraid of ashamed not knowing, so just put your hands only and comes through. The King said to the layman: "shamans sitting High Court's hand was done, because the guardians to you should not use words, which only refer you to say that you are mad, mad not less. You retrieved the ashes smeared, in naked don't know Tiger, taking skulls of people that eat compost containers, pluck the hair, lying on the rough, hanging back, nose, winter jumping into water, summer over the fire. The Department runs the airstrip, which is kind of crazy. Then again, according to your French, butcher and sell salt is lost She-la, when religious heaven if he were Crawling, associated trade, for that is true, but the Beef as well as pork. Lie to lie to people, not the error? Say "into the sand River (the Ganges) are sins. What is the crime or blessed are no more coast guard personnel. Butcher, sell salt guilty? On the Sandy River can target crime? If that guilt can also be blessed, well? Such things are not human not to Altaf, sexual shows is that coast is crazy. As such, the form is all crazy. Wizards like to guardians of you should just hand without saying ". These so called crazy naked.
Then again, there are poor people with no shirt, only dressed in torn blue hordes, thanks to the Buddhist forces make obtain Austria.
Q: Your hunger is no, your desire to drink. What is hunger and thirst?
A: Sirisha Germany previous fragile, non-human, life is not favored, and starvation.
Then again, her life before robbing the food of Buddha, A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha body parents and love, should still meet life with Buddha remained hungry, is heavy as well.
Q: now there are people being in the life of the weapon against evil appetite enough, what about the birth experience life there are Buddhas suffered hunger and thirst, why so? If someone is guilty, should not being met life that Buddha, if the blessed birth should not have evil in life?
Answer: each person's karma People not like each other. Or someone having personalities charm meets Buddha does not have the personality charm of eating, or eating coast have no coast guard personnel met the Buddha. well as the Black Pearl hug Solid Ma-ni which is located, or A-la-Han go qifu mumo carried without spending. as the Buddhas Ca-Romaine, whose two brothers renunciation request, a person's maintenance, chanting, meditation, a person's only worry to the Forums-free, the blessed. Until Germany Buddha Writer's birth, a birth into the head fake, a great white whale, have destroyed the enemy. Who produces the adults studied, are six deities, the A-la-Han, but because silver was real qifu mumo, Irene. Day hugging the custard into the real qifu mumo, everywhere but nowhere, go to the White Barn horizontal bearers to see King provide for elephants, Elephant told sailings that: "we're with you all have sin." • Elephant touching the carpet, three days without eating. The elephant frightened, seeks to meet human leaders, asking that "he made the white elephant art, uncle of King suffering illnesses cannot eat? Answer: "she's my baby Elephant in my life before, together studied in Buddhist-era Anthem-Romaine. I just worry about maintenance, chanting, meditative old respect, don't know about me, he's just worried about coming to the Forums-free work, alms, not education. Because it is not maintained, the chanting, meditative, should now do Elephants, and thanks to Mrs tu alms much that eating full of stuff, and we just got released, do not know tu alms, so far though is, that comes out, "not real qifu gangui.
So do human fate, should still meet life with Buddhist teachings, which still bear the hunger and thirst.
Q: how's the beings are no enough?
A: some say, Buddha used the force turned to food, cause no enough. Say again, the Buddha's light touch, make not starving. As well as the jewel As-Italy, Romanian, who had thought of starving is out, what the case găﰠPhật. (Talk): the sick are healed. There are two things: diseases due to previous industrial warranty results that were the stuff of today's life: either disease were cold, heat, wind arises, also suffers from the disease. Sick life now are two things: One is inside the sausage, not regulate, bind the old disease. The two are external disease, is pairing off with his army of stab knife falls, everything.
Q: what coast guard personnel Because the disease?
A: your previous roi competing quotations, prison bound, the brain damage the now infected. Life now patients is since dont know feed the body, drink eat no more, are seated stand is not permitted. Do these tasks should suffer from the disease. As such, there are four hundred and four diseases, thanks to the force of the Buddha makes the disease is benign. As stories: Buddha in the country House-Mrs.-title, a visiting Buddhist renunciation and dinner at the essential, Buddha in fine dining, reception House there are five reasons: 1-is about to enter. 2 – upcoming sermon for Chu. 3-Coming journey to observe the room the Bhikkhu-stilts. 4-take care of the Bhikkhu-stilts. 5-Coming world urban planner for the Bhikkhu-stilts have been unlawful. The Buddha then push the door into the room the Bhikkhu-stilts, find a Bhikkhu-stilts ill suffering, nobody cared, that bowel, not sitting up, ask Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts: "he was miserable that no one cared at all?" Bhikkhu-stilts ladies: "white World, you Respect the German names of lazy, when others are sick, I don't care, so far the disease, others don't care". Buddha said: "good men, As Lai will take care of him".
Meanwhile, Love-title-she-na-inhabitants brought water, body massage hand Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts. While removing the stems, then all are suffering diseases goal except, who himself was an okay. Then The Sun slowly help Bhikkhu-stilts sick up, raced out of the room, bathing wear, and then slowly brought back protected mattress cover, sit. Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts that disease: "long he didn't need the bridge has not been made, the yet to come, that suffered the tribulations. So will have to still greater suffering! " Bhikkhu-stilts heard, self centered thinking: "an immeasurable, innumerable, hand massage for me, sick mind, exhausting gauge pleasure!", so he should say Buddha used the force causing the Steelhead ⮨ are fresh.
The disabled are intact.
What is disability? If someone died before destroying his body, or decapitated, or cut the limbs, the other part oneself; or break the Buddha statues, destroying Buddha's hand knob and visualized the Holy Sage, or break the parental figure, because of the guilt he should carry most of the body is not integrity.
Then again, due to the result of any friendly France should bear wear ugly body. Or this life were the aggressors, with criminal charges cutters. Because the Coast Guard's cause of disability. Or ill wind, cold, hot, cold body, blinded engenders ruined, he called the evil figure. Thanks to the great grace of the Buddha which is integrity. Like the people in me in the States-done-name only, was the son of the British King-mask ꣬ presentable courageous public event, the mind peaceful Leanne, wife of King saw birth of mind immersed in advance, said young follower, Sue-just not as mad, wife, grabbed her with King, attributed to it. The King listened to successively led off limbs, took the mound, but debris from the middle and tried to die. Night Tigers, wolves, demons La-police want to eat meat. Then the Buddha came next, his aura projected onto his body, his body soon recovered, he was so excited, the Buddha sermon for sailings is leading results Tuesday. Buddha's hand, provides essential dormitories-stub. He said: "my Body was destroyed, has been put off, are Buddhist, connected for his lifelong vow this incarnation of Buddha and alms giving Bhikkhu-stilts Rising".
Tomorrow-Wednesday-the King of masks ꣠ to hear things like that, go to the States-done, told the Event-only: "shall I pardon thee, thou it's innocent, which Threw me penalty, shall I now will give you half a Kingdom to rule over you." Event-only said: "I was bored and then, King was also innocent. Because previous woes, which are committing such a newspaper, now I gave alms and Buddhist body, rather than return again ".
So, if there are beings, not integrity, thanks to the light of Buddha, the instant heal. It should say: Let t n the disabled body not integrity, thanks to the light of Buddha, instantaneous was recovered.
INVESTMENT: all beings to look at each other with equality, as her father as her mother, brothers, sisters, as close and good knowledge. The time beings are equally practice Ten improved career leader, Pham tu, net without the Bhikkhu stain, fun letters thoi, as Bhikkhu-stilts entered the third meditation. All are perfect hue, precept, constables, interfere beings.
Comment: question: The beings he has glasses, no meditation, no four immeasurable heart, how to be mindful of equality?
A: equal not equal in meditation, which is for all beings not blame him not. That's equality by bringing in good heart look at each other.
Then again, the mind of equality is as in the saying: "what is the mind of equality? Looking at each other as parents, he called the Centre for equality ".
Q: affordable view all beings as parents, brothers, sisters?
Answer: not so. See the elderly as their parents, adults like me, people like you, look like sisters. Due to the equal force of mind should have viewed each other as kin.
Q: Why didn't my parents, so don't be like that loved that love, not guilty hope speaker?
A: all beings in immeasurable life, no one has not the parents, brothers, sisters, relatives.
Then again, in France it's General, then no problem as parents, brothers, because of the ego driven previous disputes that called my parents, my brothers. Now due to the capacity of the charity mind, should view each other as parents, that there is hope.
Then again, as people took to mean that an alliance with each other, not the father that worshiped as the father, not the mother that worshipped as mother. Brothers, children as well. As people have children to do evil, then later removed, and the other guys they where done good leading about raising children. Looking at each other like that, called the Centre for equality, such as the shelf says:
"Other guys wife Regarded as the mother,
Find wealth in other guys like fire,
Treat all as dear,
It is the see of equality ".
Now being practiced equally. Ten good karma is, the career leader with three is not killing, not stealing, not. Password Pro Scouts have four is not lying, not speaking evil no blade, not spin. The industry leader has three is not greedy, not brain damage, not deviant. Himself not being, don't tell others, riveted the exclamation does not close to being, to see people not being so excited for it. So deviant comments also have four ways.
Q: Three career then is, not career, seven career start as Scouts as well as career, why say that Ten charity career direction?
A: Put at least as much so called career. The three letters following the two but not career that can start. Because industry should bring forth run, therefore referred to as industry leader.
(): Tu Pham, none of the Bhikkhu stain.
Q: on the said practice Ten charity career, physics was enough, now why did say Hanh Pham tu NET?
A: there are people who practice the ten charity career, without the minus Sybarite. Far back as the evening spreads who practice everyday Criminals-Angel, the bawdy but, should say NET is tu Pham. Kinh said: "there are no Bhikkhu stain" was an evil practice that dead trunk suggestive title, so should concur that lustful evening of paragraph except the people: there are no Bhikkhu stain, unclean.
(): Fun.
Q: this is funny stuff?
A: there are two Fun things is fun inside and Nirvana. Two things not fun since Tran arises. Like streams of water from the rock in the mountain, not from outside. Center for fun as well. The practice of equal mind, tu Pham, are Ten good karma, not pure texture is UE have fun inside.
Q: does Fun Stuff in the system? Heating system in the Exercise, the Sac or the Myriad colors?
A: Sunday happy Sex-sex in the system which is also not in the system, not the Best in the world vàVô colors. Now talk like Bhikkhu-meditation with the third entry on stilts. If the heating system is based on the Gender Identity should not say like Bhikkhu-meditation on stilts was third. V the meaning he should know not to System Performance. In Education about being loving permeability throughout the whole body, like warm milk from the submerged body, peaceful joy.
Not cooling in General really is, is an elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite, the real French being immortal, are intellectually chon TAM, TAM did not stick. The endless fun is not in System General.
Q: Phâﴠcó Nirvana the most fun, why did say the fun in the third meditation?
A: two things fun: have fun funny thing tho, leader led the life end. Friday fun-life led end to end, is all warm year end up no longer being back, it's funny stuff Nirvana. Also by the end except for negativity in the mind, a sense of superiority are funny things, he is head of the Hy-life. Life Club, so stay in the third meditation. So says funny like the third meditation.
Question: A meditation, meditation Ii, also has lost its star, saying only the third meditation?
A: Please have the upper, middle, lower. Xia is A meditation, is the second meditation, is the Third meditation. A funny thing has two meditation help align and Hy was based. In consciousness, consciousness tribe Samyutta Samyutta Hy was based. In the second meditation, conscious Samyutta with Hy. In the third meditation, conscious Samyutta with peanuts. In all three realms, except the third meditation, there is no place-consciousness Samyutta with peanuts.
The year cannot distinguish, unknown to general title, brand awareness engenders in a moment of broken nails already consciously engenders. That's why in formula Samyutta with tribe was based could not feel full, conscious contact with new apartment Samyutta might be fun filled with compost. Thus, in the third meditation merit at least the màvui much, should not have Eight multiples discharge, eight wins, Ten necessarily enter. Up too from the third meditation is no longer fun. So should say as Bhikkhu-meditation with the third entry on stilts.
(): All beings are perfect hue, maintenance, self defense, not chaotic beings.
Q: why when it comes to the fun again comes to being perfect hue?
A: People have not been happy, or do the German, when is to be happy now, because the mind immersed before many in the happy without merit, so when it comes to the fun continues is Hao Hui. Hui Hao is maintenance free, with constables, interfere beings.
Q: Maintained about i.e. constables, also is not turbulence being, why did say himself constables and interfere beings?
A: Dear and pure mouth, called the Citadel, check out the end into his thing called constables themselves, also known as do not disturb beings. All merit are entered into the trunk, the trunk, the lily stems. Saying that cleverly maintained, Regency on gender; manual order constables was about to close; do not disturb the German and other beings from etc. of in meditation, the Regency of the lily family.
Question: Is no one speak not maintained, how far did maintenance?
A: someone like her-la-Mon wrecked before by France the world that say: "Leave the manual maintenance, the lost race". Say: "as self made wealth, and then expanded to merit, so be blessed, and renunciation, qifu gangui, himself not alimony was, then how did the merit". The words are so harshly condemned the manual maintenance.
Also who wrecked before on the worldly value that blameless self constables that: "The rule of law, and get rewarded with tu Thien evil penalty, the law cannot violate, not religion itself, lawmakers saved his life, are tremendous benefits, need to keep improving itself, the constables themselves? Life no lo fix, who fold does not get ". The words were harshly condemned the politically committed constables.
Also the blameless people politically interfere beings that "there is resentment that cannot be reported, there are the aggressors that can't be beat, no evil kid famous, not poor, not excluding disorders what rescue implied in vain". The words were harshly condemned the judgement interfere beings. As the shelf says:
"People without dung,
Being in that genus,
Dear distress without bail,
As the wood on real estate ".
The words are probably not nice like that, called word of blameless people interfere beings.
Grades and who are of good character, lead hue, constables, interfere beings. Practice of the French charity, who himself was an all right, there's nothing to fear, no tempers poopy, be nice honor, people love the glass. It is close to the mouth of nirvana. When the General network, see blessed, the mind is happy, no anxiety, no regrets, if not yet Nirvana, or birth into the world Buddhist followers, or birth to the Sun, so it should say was good, self-maintenance, Lily constables, interfere beings.

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