Wednesday 26 March 2014

Gone 4. MAHAPRAJNAPARANITA PADESA SASTRA.                                                                    Chapter 7  EXPLANATION: The Bodhisattva
BUSINESS: And a Bodhisattva Ma-ha-slapping negativity was over, all six miracles, for the benefit of all beings. negativity was over, all six miracles, for the benefit of all beings. ten thousand times ten thousand, thousand times ten thousand Australian dollars, ten thousand thousand memories so-called Na-tha, thousands of thousands Na-do-tha-Mrs Qin (Bimbara), thousand thousand women called Frequency-Shift-tha (Gata ), the Ca-called A-tha-term increase. Thus, of the three A-increase-period, end of a practice if A-increase-period, the A-rose-tu second period, from the end of A-increase-second period, the A-tu-term increase Tuesday. For example, some math, counting from one to hundred, count back from one hundred finished. Thus the Bodhisattva through a rose-A-period, then back away from a launch. In A-rose-early, not self-interest that we want to become a Buddha or a Buddhist. In A-increase-period two, the mind knows but surely become a Buddha, but his mouth would not say the Buddha. ten thousand times ten thousand, thousand times ten thousand Australian dollars, ten thousand thousand memories so-called Na-tha, thousands of thousands Na-do-tha-Mrs Qin (Bimbara), thousand thousand women called Frequency-Shift-tha (Gata ), the Ca-called A-tha-term increase. Thus, of the three A-increase-period, end of a practice if A-increase-period, the A-rose-tu second period, from the end of A-increase-second period, the A-tu-term increase Tuesday. For example, some math, counting from one to hundred, count back from one hundred finished. Thus the Bodhisattva through a rose-A-period, then back away from a launch. In A-rose-early, not self-interest that we want to become a Buddha or a Buddhist. In A-increase-period two, the mind knows but surely become a Buddha, but his mouth would not say the Buddha.

In a three-rose-term, self-interest would clearly know the Buddha, his mouth without fear of judicial discourse: "I will become a Buddha in the next life." Van Shakyamuni Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha from past Van Maitreya Buddha-to-gas competition na (Ratnasikhin) is A-rose-early. During the Bodhisattva's permanent separation from the body beauty. From Buddha Maitreya-Buddha na thi-gas to fuel-log (Dipsamkara) is A-increase-second period. Between them, the Bodhisattva Buddha offerings Fuel-flying lotus petals, deer skin jacket cover, hair cover up mud to pave the way for passing Buddha, Buddha-Nature published immediately prediction for the Bodhisattva: "He future performance will become a Buddha-ni-ca Conflict. "
From Buddha to Buddha Nature-log Pi-she-competition, the A-rose-third term. If past the three A-increase-period life, then it is time now Bodhisattva cultivated as an affinity for thirty two generals.
Question: Karma for thirty two generals can now cultivated in where?
Answer: In the Desire Realm realm, not in Sac, formless realm. In the realm of Education director, at planting humanitarian. Galaxy in four continents, in Asia Yan-line-for sowing, not European-part question-ni, Hebei-Trinidad-la-Vietnam, Phat-her-topic. In line at the point-of-body problem, the male element not cultivated woman. Buddha's time of planting. Buddha does not appear that can not be planted. As Buddha charm that is sown, other relatives dependent not sown.
Question: Career of thirty-two generals, are in place bodily, verbal, attention now, are sowing now?
Answer: The seed industry, not body Industrial, verbal, why? Since the alert now. 
Question: The formula now has six, thirty-two of the industry's minister, was aware sowing or sowing your sleep?
Answer: Being aware, not contingent way, why? Predicate form indistinguishable, so sow sense.
Question: What Gen. first sown?
Answer: Some people say: Gen. feet planted flat first, why? Since then stand front to be able to sow the other generals.
Someone said: Sowing minister blue eyes before. This was the eye-eye view from being great.
Yet there are words but not necessarily so. If the minister does karmic harmony is started sowing.
Question: One or more considerate considerate sow sow?
Answer: Thirty-two of thirty-two seeding considerate minister. Each of the quartet sown each minister. Each minister has a hundred solemn blessings.
Question: How much is a merit called?
Answer: There are people who say: There are now reports do cakkavatti, in four continents in the age of the earth be blessed themselves in touch, He called a merit. Enough so a hundred blessings a minister.
Again it is said: Make Like-threads-Full-kindness, in the second heaven, are free in, then this is a blessing.
Again it is said: How are Uranus Tha -turned-self-in, in the realm of the self in Education, he called a blessing.
Again it is said: Except Bodhisattva processor, blessings of all living beings can be, then this is a blessing.
Again someone said: After end of life of heaven and earth, because all the merit of being all together, that's retribution Three great Christian world is established, then this is a blessing.
Again some say Blessed is he not able to measure, for example, which can not be known. As whole beings in the Three great Christian world are blind, there is a cure, he called a blessing. All persons poisoned, a cure; dying all, a person rescued from; break all the world, breaking the right view, an instructor for the pure precepts and the right view. Each such things are a blessing.
Again it is said: Blessed be he does not measure, for example, can not. Bodhisattva's in A-increase-in the third term, the mind thinking about being big, cultivated an affinity for thirty-two generals, so that incalculable blessing, only to realize the Buddha.
Question: Bo- How long slap cultivated a blessing?
A: Within a hundred lives much, much faster ninety-one lives. Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-ni-ninety-one aeons of practice completed thirty two generals. In doing so said: "Lives long distant past, there are Buddha Buddha-sa (Rusya.) There were two Bodhisattva, is a Form-ni-ca and one is Maitreya. Buddha-Buddha sa want to see consistent center-Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-ni has not yet matured, know his mind to contemplate that the center has not mastered his disciples were mature. silkworms Maitreya Bodhisattva, the domesticated His mature disciples that they have not mastered. Asa Phat Then think like this: "Heart of a chemical to communicate quickly, can hardly focus of many colors antidote." So thinking then, Phat Asa wants to make the Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-mau-ni is a Buddhist, so up the mountain snow, enter the Martian treasure in the cave. Bodhisattva Then Mau-ni-ca is the forerunner to the pagan mountain picking, saw Phat-sa treasure sitting in the cave, enter the Martian, corona discharge. saw it then, godly joy, have a leg to stand, hands in the direction of a heart admire, through seven days and nights that do not blink and said a verse chanting:
"Heavenly galaxy, no one in the Buddha,
the world's November, can not be compared,
in this world What I found out,
not all have who rivaled Buddha. "
Over seven days and nights Exalted look closely, his eyes never blink, but beyond nine lives, but in ninety-one lives is a supreme Buddha Supreme.
Question: If the Bodhisattva Thich Conflict-ni-ca smart to know more, can do more or verse; reason why the last seven days and nights that just chanting a verse?
Answers: the Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-ni-quarter in his right mind you do not in many words. If you still get the other shelves chanting, the mind is turbulent, so just get over seven days and nights chanting a verse.
Question: Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-ni-star center maturing not that interested practitioners to mature? And mind Bodhisattva Maitreya that mature heart is not mature disciple.?
Answers: the Bodhisattva Form-ni-ca, center for the benefit being that much because his self-less, while the Bodhisattva Di Lac-friendly center for many centuries, but because they are born less. From the Stands Buddha to Buddha-her-Ca-lettuce competition, in ninety-one about her life, career cultivated an affinity for thirty two generals finished, the full six Balaam password. What are the six? Dan Balaam security, Thi-la-la-Ba, Ba-la san-threads-density, Pi-pear-Date Balaam security, security Meditation Balaam, Bat-elegant Balaam confidential.
Question: Dan Balaam full security like?
FAQ: Can alms all, no hesitation, until my life that bring to mind still not sorry. For as king Thi-Pi (Sibi) which contestants bring themselves to pigeons. The body of the Bodhisattva Thich Ca Mau-ni-time test-Pi is king. King was "The Da rescue network-la-ni", very diligent, have compassion, see all beings as mother loves her child.
Having then no Buddha, Thich-threads-Full-goodness life span near the end, thought: "Where the Buddha, the most omniscience?", then go ask around the room that no one segment should know not all of them are Buddhist, and he returned to heaven, and sat down to sorrow . There were gods name is Pi-ma good player-fetters-transformed, asked: "why God all that sad?" A: "I find most omniscience should be folding without sorrow." Pi-prime-fetters-ma said: "There is the great Bodhisattva, generosity, morality, meditation, adequate intelligence, will soon become a Buddha." De-shelf prefer replied:
"forth a great Bodhisattva,
like caviar, mango blossom,
Three time's the more,
the result is very little time. "
Pi-prime-fetters-ghost replied: "Test-King Seed Company Pros-thi-na was, complete discipline, diligence, pronouns, compassion, meditation, wisdom, will soon become a Buddha. " Full-problem-like-goodness tell Pi-prime-fetters-ma: "Let's try to see and know the Bodhisattva minister or not. Dove You do, do do bird. Scared old people doing the creep in the armpit king, you're chasing. " Pi-prime-fetters-ma said, "Why did you take this job and feeling that the great Bodhisattva". Full-problem-like-shelf mercy said:
"I am not malevolent,
metal legs, try,
try this Bodhisattva,
to know whether the center? "
shelf finished speaking, Pi-ma-defense-associated dysentery transforms himself into a dove, red eyes, red legs. Full-problem-like-kindness transforms into a bird, fly pursuit in a hurry. Pigeons fly straight into the armpit king, body trembling, eyes dive music, urgent cry.
"Then there are people,
the same said to one another,
from King's was great,
all should be protected.
tiny pigeon that,
as home to the Bay.
Minister Thus the Bodhisattva,
the Buddha List'm not long. "
Then the bird at the top of a nearby tree, said to the king, Thi-spleen that: "Pay Bo-sentence to me, because my catch. " King said the bird, "I caught it, not you. 'When we discovered the Bodhisattva has to catch it. Beings we all want to escape the". Buzzard said: "The king wants the whole beings, I am not at all that of it?, Why not be the king of my own injuries, but now it's robbing my meal?" King said: "You need to eat something? Pray we can have as many of these beings to come to us, rescue us all. Users need to eat something, I will give." Buzzard said: "I need something hot meat freshly killed". The king thought: "It was hard, not being suicidal, how is" How did I get to kill a child that brings a child? "Thinking concentration, and self-presentation shelf:
"The flesh of us here,
Hang of old age, sickness, death,
no longer will rot, 
Kia needs, we will. "
Such thinking then, King referred to the knife, mangled thigh themselves to buzzard. Ó said to the king: "The king but that hot meat for me, but to follow moral seriousness to the meat of the new Dove, waiting. "
bring balance to the false king, king meat weight with Pigeons. Pigeons on heavy ever, slightly down on meat king. snakehead King sent his meat both sides, still light, not enough, Monday to two calves, shoulders, breasts, neck, back, etc. ... for the rest of the meat in his body Pigeons that are still heavy, light meat still king. courtiers at that time, place, spread cover blinds, not for everyone to see: "The king has thus could not see anymore." said King Thi-Pi "Do not discourage people, let them look", and shelves that theory:
"God, The, A-tu-la,
we all come to see,
University Center, supreme will,
because you're a Buddhist.
If there is demand Buddhist,
Foolish Take this ring,
it can not solidly
attention, stand back. "
Then the Bodhisattva, bloody hands, holding onto weight, want to climb up, to bring the body center to give equal weight Pigeons. Ó said: "Great King, the city was difficult, so where necessary, pay back my pigeon." King said: "Pigeons come to us, we do not communicate to certain people. Now I want to bring this body in exchange for a Buddha." King took handrails weight, then all the Bodhisattva meat, ribs were broken, not homemade, but just wanted to climb the falls, blame assured that: "You ask yourself more resilient, not to be confused! . beings are all big advantages fall into the sea of suffering, his vow you want to save up all, why lazy ignorant? size is very small, so much suffering in hell, bring two things compare , is not equal to one sixteenth. present I have wisdom, diligence, discipline, meditation, and this fear of suffering, let alone those in hell, no brainer, how? " Then Bodhisattva want to climb weight determination, to protect patrons. Tam then great Bodhisattva has no regrets.
gods, King Long, A-tu-la, Devil, God, people commented that: "Because that's a small bird, it's a rare drop䴠" .
soon as he, great earthquake six books, large ocean waves floating plants being dried flowers, rain and scattered flower scent you, praising God and women are sure to become a Buddha. Same as the four winds that elves are to praise: "He is the true Bodhisattva, surely soon become a Buddha." Eagle told Dove: "The challenge that, unfortunately not the network itself, that is true Bodhisattva" and said shelves that:
"In the land being compassionate
omniscience shoots,
They should make offerings,
Do not make mental afflictions. "
Pi-prime-fetters-ma told Like-threads-Full-mercy: "God has all his powers, should make the body of the king's recovery."
Like-complete problem-say-goodness "No need to do.'s king vows independence, great joy, not regret my life, all to make sense to play center for Buddhist." Sakka said to the king: "He cut meat painful, sad that he does not mind?" King said: "Our mind is happy, no sorrow interior rot." Empire likes to say: "Whoever believes in him is not rotten heart failure?" Then the Bodhisattva vow to make true that: "I snake meat, bleeding without hate not sad, not least regret to center for Buddhist. If so, my body would immediately recover the same ".
soon as the prayer was spoken, the same body recovered immediately. God, who sees all very happy, unprecedented praise: "Great Bodhisattva He will become a Buddha, we should take a dedicated offerings, praying him early Buddhist Circuit, we remember ". Then, Like-threads-complete-goodness, Pi-ma-prime-fetters are returned to the sky. Enough of the generals, he is Dan Balaam full confidentiality.
Question: Thi-la-la-Three fully how?
Answer: No sorry my life, upholding the pure precepts. As king Tu-tu-ma-momentum (Sutasoma) from life as Massah great king-three-momentum (Kalmasapada), even to give my life is not violating international ban.
ancient king Tu-tu-ma-crystal momentum tons morality, holding to the truth. An early morning car ride, with the women go into the garden to roam. When out to the gate, there is a Ba-la-goal to please, say to the king: "The king is a great mercy, my dear impoverished, have mercy on me less." King said: "Well! Glass Tathagata teachings, we will give alms, but wait for us to return." After saying this, the king went into the garden, bathing, playing.
At that time, there have bird wings great lord named Chan-nai (Kalmasa-Pada), aerial flying to be among women, stealing king fly go, like birds in mid-si Kim began sea dragon. The female can cry cry terrified the garden, until the outside of all fear panic. Foot-carrying deer fly king middle of nowhere, to place it in the mountains, to the king in the mid ninety nine balls  surely king. King Tu-tu-ma-momentum crying like rain. Foot-deer said: "This king-close-profit University, why he wept like a child that? Person is born dead, there are meetings have separated." King Tu-tu-da-ma said, "I am not afraid of death, self-hatred is only infidelities. Ta from birth to now, no lie. While the gate of the city this morning, Balaam has a goal please come and follow me, I will promise to return. did not think she was very often to betray him, and true recipe for guilt lies, just so that I cried. " Foot-deer said to the king: "Do you want that, some teams say that, believe him, I give him back in seven days to give to his Brahmin She finished it right back. Past seven days that he does not come back, I have no wings to a strong, began his return is not difficult. "
King Tu-tu-ma-momentum back the country, even the alms. Specifies the throne Prince and the People's Assembly to the penance from him that: "It is not all over the Tri animals, largely correcting wrong way, please forgive loyalty., Such as coal Today we no longer his, should not have to go back. " People throughout the country and kin, king asking to stay put: "May the king to stay, have mercy on this country, and do not talk because Foot-deer king feared that, should set the iron, sperm, Chan- deer god but is also not afraid of it. " King said: "Do not be," Theory and shelves:
"It's the First world language,
English is the ladder to the sky That
fact is of higher human language,
the language Hope to hell,
so I now keep language,
Whatever dispose my life,
no regrets Mind. "
intruder theory, the king depart, go-to spot deer legs. Foot-deer seen from afar, happy to say: "He is telling the truth, do not take promises. Unfortunately Everyone's online, and he was released from death, then back to the promise. Mr. truth the private higher education. " Then the king Tu-tu-ma-momentum praise truth that language: "It's the language, non-truth is not that the language". Enough of such words, so word of praise, blame term prospects. Foot-deer heard it, pure faith, said to the king, Tu-tu-ma-momentum that: "He left saying such words, I drop him now. Mr. liberated, ninety-nine other kings also be Mr always forgive, who returned to the arbitrary nation ". Say so then, hundreds have been released back to their king.
Enough of this minister, was Thi-la Ba-la-mode full.
Question: Three-threads-la-sufficient like?
Answers If someone came scolded, beaten, mutilated pieces, robbing network, starting center not anger. As monks are available subject king-Ca-pear cut hands, feet, ears, nose, but still solidly estate center.
Question: Ti-pear-Date Three-la-mode full how?
Answer: If there repre diligent attention, as the Bodhisattva Great-examination (Mahatyagavat) because of all this that brings the body tat seas, causing dry, no address given preferential attention, as well as praising the Buddhas that seven-sa Date night stand has a foot, eyes unblinking.
Question: Zen Balaam full privacy like?
Answer: As between themselves in all pagan meditation. Upper-left corner as Forerunner Chile, while not meditating exhalation, bird nest bun childbirth on which no action lay not until the bird flew away.
Question: Bat-elegant Balaam How full privacy?
A. Bodhisattva distinguished contemporary thinking mind, as courtiers neo-Cu-Ba-la-technical momentum, great location-sharing match-threads into seven sections. How many big cities, many small city, village, rural citizens are divided into seven sections. Bat-elegant Balaam is like honey. He called Balaam the six measures of security are fully Bodhisattva. When Ca-lettuce in place of Buddha, Bodhisattva disciple, maintain the pure precepts, practice virtue, heaven-interest arise.
Question: Bodhisattva star in heaven just born without birth-rate in the higher realms lower than or plane? Already have great mercy, they can at birth?
Answer: Some people say: So now mature predestined to birth there.
Again, being lower in heavy fetters impure. Born in fetters higher alert. Where is the birth-rate is not heavy fetters, not clever, intellectual peace.
Again, not wanting the same period that arises. If born in the lower realms short life, the Buddha is not common destiny of the world. If born in the realm of higher life long, life is not all it's the time comes. In heaven Where-rate, life expectancy that comes with time overlap.
Again, often at Buddhist Middle Way. Where sun-Luc-sexual interest between heaven and Brahma, on three under three. Born in the country between this galaxy, descended midnight, midnight out of Ca-Pi-la that enforce centrally directed, evidence is supreme Buddha Supreme, which uses the middle for the sermon. His midnight on Infinite balance Nirvana, because like in the procedure should be born in the disaster. Thus, the Bodhisattva Where heaven after birth-rate, used four times by military personnel: A shop time, the customary two levels, three and four are consistent line shop where they are born.
- What is The bar? Eight time period, which arises how to: 1 - When human life eighty-four thousand years old, 2 - When human life seven thousand years old, 3 - When human life six thousand years old, 4 - When human life thousand years old, 5 - When human life four thousand years old, 6 - When human life three thousand years old, 7 - At the age of twenty thousand human life, 8 - When human life a hundred years old. Bodhisattva thought this: "Humans are a hundred years old is the life of the Buddha's time has come", that is consistent period.
- What is the customary? The Buddha is often born in China, where many treasures of gold, silver, drinking adequate food, pure earth.
- What are they consistent line? Arises in two lines or Sat-profit or She-la-goal. Police-line benefits are greater forces, the Ba-la-keeper is great wisdom. Depending valued at that Buddha was born in that line.
- What is born customary place? The mother who may be pregnant Bodhisattva strength Na-la-performed and also keep his or pure precepts.
Quan done so, only the queen of the king of the water-Tinh Ca-Pi-la, is that China, as can pregnancy Bodhisattva. So thinking, and from over-capacity of heaven come down, do not lose that primary insight into the womb.
Question: Why all the body's final Bodhisattva, have come down from heaven, not from the species to whom?
Answer: Because it is directed to the upper path. In the six paths, God directed above all.
Again, when from the sky, it does meet the ever auspicious. If that comes from Humanity, the Humanity does not have the good omen. Again, as regards the sun.
Question: Everyone interested by structural continuity that enter into the womb, with all the wisdom that corresponds evil; why the Bodhisattva of wisdom that the primary user to enter the womb?
A: Some people say: Now there is continuity, whole beings with wisdom that our minds into the womb. Bodhisattva memories not forgotten concept, called on the chief intellectual womb. In the known intermediate in the intermediate, while in the womb is said to pregnant mothers, while Ca-la-la (Kalala) was residing in the said Ca-la-la (is now crystal white and red crystal mixture in the first seven days of conception), Court-at-momentum line (Arbuda), the Court said it is permanently in-line momentum (two weeks later, looks like cocoon), at Old-na (Ghana) said they are resident in Old-na (the following week, looks like condensed milk), while the five-cell (Explain Pesin products) are known are resident in the five-cell, knowing the moment of birth is born. In the meantime do not forget the memory concept, he called the chief insight into the womb.
Again, while others stay in the warm, if a man is born to a mother infected with fitness center that he spare the woman with his father left for the birth of your anger. If you are female, the father of consciousness that infected male sexual spare him the death along with her, but for the birth mother's anger. Bodhisattva no anger, sexual infections like mind. Bodhisattva has said before that the father is clearly the mother, the father or mother raised my body. We rely on the body caused by birth parents, but the Supreme supreme Buddha. Meditate parents think so, enter continuum that pregnant, that he called chief insight into the womb.
Bodhisattva when fully ten months, primary mental memories not forgotten concept. When pregnant out, go seven steps, generate word of mouth, saying, "This is my last body."
Until the king led to the Pure-Sanskrit professor Minister considered that: "He's so you can see full thirty two generals reasonable? If enough thirty two generals there may be two things: If the house is going to cakkavatti, if it will become a Buddha ordained ". The General monk said: "Location really have enough disasters Prince monument's thirty two. If the house is going to cakkavatti, if it will become a Buddha ordained". King said: "What is thirty two generals?". General response:
1 - General underfoot flat: Under your feet are all touched the ground, though a needle can not pass through.
2 - General two wheels under your feet: the thousand spokes car ring wheel and axle, three things fully and naturally achievements, workers who do not wait. The sky divers afflictions as Pi-player-turned-ghost can not do the same thing as that.
Question: Why is that not possible?
Answer: Pi-prime-ma's fetters-skilled workers that God's wisdom is not hidden secret , moral Minister was good karma. Themed sun is being reported in the intellectual, moral Minister was due to the practice of virtue is intellectual. Pi-prime-fetters-ma was in a life that is precarious, Minister's rotation from eons wisdom is born. Thus, Pi-player-turned fetters-ma can not do, let alone what the other workers.
3 - General fingers long: slender fingers, long and straight, low high regularity, burning ginseng wrong hands.
4 - General heels feet wide and equal.
5 - General fingers, toes, tongues of fire spread as the tern: the present tense language schools, not unfurl it does not.
6 - General soft hands and feet: As things hair-Te-life three (Karpasakambalam) than other parts of the body.
7 - General instep height and thickness: Take the foot meet the ground, not wide not narrow, sharp red lotus like foot, between the toes and under two feet excellence like real coral, copper nails as clean. On the instep colors like metallic feet, hair color on the instep as Pi-save-green glass; leg seriously beautiful jewelry as a shoe full of precious things.
8 - General thighs Guinea-Performing Health ( Aineya): As the deer leg before Princess Y Guinea-forums, depending ago after that stretch.
9 - General upright, knees finger touches: No not looked bent, knees touched the hand.
10 - General sound like Bau Museum, Horse Treasure: Air and smart, beautiful.
Question: If the Supreme Bodhisattva is supreme Buddha, the disciple predestined by what was seen warming Museum?
Answer: Because the they are human, we think that Buddha stopped showing music minister Museum. Then there are people who say, Buddhist cultural treasures as horse, elephant treasures, only for his disciples, saying: "General tone of the museum we also like."
11 - General body balance as high and wide tree-Ni-sentence plot -Skin: Body Bodhisattva navel in the center, four equal parts.
12 - General hairs upward rotation: The hairs on the body are up and beautiful.
13th - General each have a pore hairs: The hair is not complex disorders, such as lapis blue, feather and turn the organic side facing upwards.
14 - General color gold color
Q: How Sac gold?
Answer: If yellow is the color of iron in the iron does not. Compare this with the current gold first gold in the life of Buddha is not present. Gold in the life of Buddha with gold Yan-line match-na (Jambunadasuvarna) is not present. Gold-na Yan-line comparison with gold sand on the road in college cakkavatti customs are not present. Yellow sand is not comparable to the current gold mountain. Gold Mountain Gold Mountain match with the Tu-Mobile does not. Gold Mountain Monastery-cell communication comparable to Britain's golden decade Tam tam heaven does not. Vang Anh Tam touch of heavenly golden cross your mind to the heavens out Diem-ma is not. Gold heavenly match with the ghost Diem-gold-rate-momentum heaven does not. Where heavenly gold-rate-has been born of heaven turns to gold-in-itself is not present. Golden Sun Chemical-self-in comparison with the gold of heaven Tha-turned-self-in is not present. Golden sun-Tha-cultural self-identity in rivaling the Bodhisattva's body does not. Sac like golden minister was called.
15th - General lighting a scepter: Four upper body has an aura staff. Buddha in the aura that the most serious radical, as proving the aura of gods kingdom. 16th - General thin smooth skin: non-stick dust itself, like a lotus of dust and water. If the Bodhisattva meditation on the mountain dry land, land not stick legs. Hurricane blows to land a crushing mountain of dust, dirt and even to a non-stick Buddha.
17th - Gen. full seven-seater: two hands, two legs, two eyes and between the neck; seven seats that are filled with people unite primary, pure color other than the body.
18th - General under two plump arm: Not high, not deep.
19th - General torso as Lions.
20th - General tremendous body and straight: Body large and straight more people.
21st - General shoulders rounded and beautiful: All the plays do not match that. 22 - Gen. forty teeth: No more no less. The others are thirty two teeth, the body has more than three hundred bones, skull had nine, while the Bodhisattva forty something, the beginning of a bone. Osteoderms Bodhisattva much less bone head, others less tooth bone, bone head more, so it would be different with the body.
23 - Gen. regular tooth: The tooth is not too big, not too small, not protruding, not indented. Teeth close together, people do not know is the only one tooth. Fit to mention that even though a tiny hairs did not fall.
24 - General Dental White: White light over the mountains of snow.
25 - General cheeks as Lions: Lion As lord of the animals, there are straight and the cheeks wide.
26 - General is in the upper position: Someone said: "It has to get food into his mouth, then all the food becomes paramount, why? Because of all the food he had 's supreme position. minister who does not have that, can not emit a person that is not the ultimate. "
Then there are people who say: "If the Bodhisattva to put food in his mouth, then two side up most flowing nectar mixed with the taste ". So he called purity should be in the upper position.
27th - General enormous tongue: The tongue's great Bodhisattva launched from the mouth to cover the whole surface roots, while also not returned mouth tight.
28 - General Pham-natural sound: As on-year Uranus may sound emanating from the mouth: 1 - Deep down like thunder, 2 - During heard afar, delight the listener, 3 - Enter the they are born loving heart glasses, 4 - Roger understandable, 5 - The listener is not bored; sound of the Bodhisattva is the same. Five things sound emanating from the mouth of the bird sounds minister Ca-steering-frequency-old very popular. Then there are general sound of the drum, big drum sound like resounding deep.
29 - Gen. blue eyes: As beautiful blue lotus.
30th - Buffalo General eyelash: eyelash As of Buffalo Princess, long and beautiful , not complex disorder.
31 - General protuberance at the top: the Bodhisattva has bun with bone as fist on top.
32 - Gen. white hair: The hair that grows between two white eyebrows, not high not low, white clean, turn the organic side, pull out hundred yards long.
Mr. Minister said: "Prince Street Natural Monument thirty two such people, the Bodhisattva of the Minister's enough."
Q. cakkavatti three twenty-two generals, the Bodhisattva has thirty two generals, nothing else wrong?
A. General of the Bodhisattva has seven more thing cakkavatti minister. General of the Bodhisattva: 1 - Pure Perfect, 2 - its part, 3 - No wrong place, 4 - Full, 5 - Penetration, 6 - Depending intellectual work, not depending on the world, 7 - Depending on the perspective ly. Minister of cakkavatti not be so. Question: Why is the minister called?
Answer: For the so-called minister, as others fire, by Minister should know.
Question: why Bodhisattva thirty-two generals, no more no less?
Answer: Some people say: Buddhist minister by thirty two solemn radical right itself should not complex disorder. If the body is not less than the radical right, if more complex, the general disorder where Buddha. Thirty-two virtuous minister was not complicated disorder, not more, not less, and so the form.
Question: why take the Bodhisattva good minister to stately body?
Answer: Some people see the form of the Buddha Credit purified mind. So good for general use dignified body. Again, because of all the Buddhas all over everything, from the physical body, power, family, part of, wisdom, meditation, liberation, everything was over. If not solemn Buddha's form, the thing went missing.
Again, there are people who say: Supreme supreme Buddha was residing in the body. Just as the proud daughter wants to marry you, he sent messengers daughter said one to another: "If you want to marry me before the stately rooms, furniture, eliminate contamination, painted, burned incense, setting bed mattresses, mats, curtain stretched, swollen, Keelung, incense, flowers, and later had to sedate me your new home. "
Supreme supreme Buddha too, porcelain false intelligence, in future life , came to the Bodhisattva said: "If I want to be, must have general good practice for self solemn, and then I come in your body. Otherwise solemn yourself, then do not stay."
So, Bo thirty-two general practitioners slaps self dignified body, to the supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhisattva Then gradually large, saw suffering, old age, sickness, death, birth center boring, then midnight of Date, six years of asceticism, emulsified broth milk, sugar, honey, these sixteen rewarding merit making for her daughter's body by his Brahmin named Nan-hard rock. After eating at the roots of Bodhi, the Bodhisattva down eighteen thousand soldiers Devils memories that we then witness the supreme Buddha Supreme.
Question: To what merit called Buddha?
Heath: Take place , Infinite Buddha birth place should be called.
Again it is said: It is October, four very basis captain, Eighteen unjust law, three achieved very afraid. Three intentions are: 1 - The respected religious life, the Buddha is not happy. 2 - The life not Catholic, not respected, not sad Buddha, 3 - Regards or no respect, no other center. Great words, great compassion, directed thirty-seven items; General Minister and Minister of all special measures are known, so-called Buddha.
Question: Why have not yet been called, the Buddhist Bodhisattva, when Buddhist and is not known as the Bodhisattva?
Answer: Not Buddhist, loving heart still wants to be in front of the Supreme supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva called. As a Buddhist, then, it is these other great merit, should have another name called Buddha. Just as the king when the king is not called the Prince, as did the king, not known as Prince. When did the king, but Prince still is, but not known as Prince. Bodhisattvas also, without a Buddha, known as the Bodhisattva, the Buddha has been directed, called the Buddha.
During Qing-cultural approach, we disciples of Ca-fried-Ni-mail forums General Theory and that of the Bodhisattva as above.
Persons Mahāyānists said: "We disciples of Ca-fried-Ni-mail forums, as people in cyclic, not recite prayers Mahāyānists not, they do not have great Bodhisattva, not knowing the true form of law, order taking location based alert, at the conclusion of the Dharma written request interpretation of the fetters, credit, for, house etc. ... so much wrong place, let alone want requesting comment on the Bodhisattva? well as less power, jump across the small channel through the case is still not big river? person was in the big river, be sure to take sink.
Question: How Losing?
A. On the other says undergone countless lives, known as the Bodhisattva. During three countless lives, charity heads, eyes, bone marrow, brain, heart no regrets, that's what A-la-han, Bich-chi Buddhist can not unmatched. As old as the Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva-momentum-grandmother (Sarthavaha), go through the big sea, strong winds broke the boat, with traders saying: "Take the hair, hands, my feet, I will take over ". When traders hold finished, he took out his knife suicide. Statute of the sea is not contained corpses, immediate and strong wind brought to shore. Great word that says so is not it also Bodhisattva Bodhisattva who is?
Cultivation Monday innumerable lives, countless lives when not in second place Buddha Nature-published, he was signed as life Buddha, immediately flew up to see ten Buddhas of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere, praised the Buddha-Nature published. Fuel-log Buddha said: "You pass out a countless lives will be a Buddha, named Mau-ni-ca". Such was life sign, which says that time is not the Bodhisattva, that not seven?
Those disciples of Ca-fried-Performing Ni-mail said: In three generals countless lives have not Buddha, not growing well an affinity for Buddhist minister, how do you know that the Bodhisattva? All the previous methods minister, then later said it could be true, if no generals do not know.
Mahāyānists He said: Was Life inflation, soaring nowhere, see ten Buddhas, which did not Minister must be big stars? Life will be signing Buddha, Buddha is made, it's great generals. This large wall, which received the thirty-two generals, the generals thirty two cakkavatti also. Devas, Mara also do general chemistry there. Nan-Da, De-grandmother etc ... are thirty two generals. Ba-Ba-la promotion-pear-three subjects minister, wife of Minister Dai Ca-lettuce be golden. Until the advent of this, each person also has a minister, two generals, or green eyes, long arms, upper body as Lions. The Minister, or more or less so, did you just see him in the future?
any say in business in three Bodhisattvas countless lives are not predestined by General Planted? As Nan-momentum for Buddhist monks bath-she-examination, may be strict radical purity. In-Buddha-Cliff tower, he took up the walls painted dark blue Bich-chi Buddhist statues, that's vow: "May I often Statue of sharp needles." He re-built the tower stairs in Buddhist chant-lettuce. Because three of three predestined to eternal blessings which are happily born and where strict radical. Du's report, the family was living in the water Like Ca-Pi-la, a disciple of Buddha, thirty-two's minister of higher education, the radical right purity, renunciation directed A-la-drought. Buddha said in the five hundred disciples, monks Nan radical right-most momentum. Minister's easy to get, why say ninety-one lives in cultivation, remaining a minister's new life? That is so fly! He said in the beginning of countless lives, do not know will not make the Buddha or Buddhism. In the second countless lives, will know the Buddha, but do not speak out. In countless lives Tuesday, said inflation and can tell who knows. In place Buddha's saying? In any business there is that word? In Tripitaka Bar-spoken, or in Mahayana say?
Those disciples of Ca-fried-Performing Ni-mail said: But in the Buddhist Tripitaka themselves say not burn your mouth, but that reason is not. Bodhisattva products in A-Pi-Pi-she-sa negotiations (Abhidharma vibasa) say so?
'he replied In Mahayana said: At the new center said that "I shall become a Buddha. As the Bodhisattva A -old-la (Acala) in the Prime Buddha School, the new center court until Kim port that Buddhist Circuit, in about middleman, the impure mind not being crazy. As in prime-steering Three-serious-black (Suramgamasamadhi), there are four classes and four first Bodhisattva prediction: There have not found Bodhisattva mind that the prediction; has just released the Bodhisattva mind that the prediction; had Bodhisattva ago when life sign, others know, do not know themselves; had Bodhisattva before prediction, and his people know. reasons he said in Monday countless lives knowing prediction, but not speak out?
Again, the Buddha said: In countless lives immeasurable merit, of being wanted, why say only three countless lives, countless lives are three volume limited.
Question: In the Mahayana approach, but there words, I do not believe it.
A: That is so fly! France is true Mahayana Buddha Dharma, Buddha said from his mouth. Mr. betrays words can not. He was from the way that the Mahayana, why say: "I can not believe it!"
Again, the conclusion of the conference was broadly Mahayana in it.
Again, speaking of the causal now thirty two generals, planted in the sphere rather than planting at Lust, formless. Because no body formless, no Sac, that's thirty two generals to stately body, so the formless realms can not be cultivated right, even in the realm of Lust cultivated why not? At the age of Lust on King, often visiting Buddha first preached, that is pure wisdom, may demand a Buddha, why say no causal planting of thirty-two generals are?
Speaking only in man is not cultivated in other species. But as the Long Ba-old-king (Saramayara-jaduhita) in Cross office Bodhisattva, A-na-she reached Long-cylindrical kingdom in Seven Bodhisattva, most La-la-la-ru-king is also great Bodhisattva, why say in the cultivated species can not predestined of thirty two generals?
Lai said, in humans, only in new threads Yan-line-planted, while in Europe Hebei multi-la -Vietnam can not sown. It is argued that because the other people in Europe do not know self, before sinking pleasure, no benefit grounds. But the momentum-Cu-ni, Phat-her-topic, this two-seater merit, wisdom, life span than Yan-line-problem, why not be cultivated?
Talking: A considerate planting a minister, but her mind in moments sixty times being destroyed. In a mind not dwell in a heart that has no force, not an office, indistinguishable, how can higher education minister who planted? Higher Education Minister who clearly does not know the heart that can not be cultivated, so it is more considerate harmony can cultivate a minister. As well as a heavy object, a person can not bear, must have the means of many people. Also, he must have cultivated great general interest, much the new quartet harmony cultivated so called Minister hundred blessings. Do not be a cultivated mind a minister. The other job was not a cultivated mind a job, let alone galaxy Minister hundred blessings.
Why say "Bodhisattva Van-ni-ca mature not mind, but the mind mature disciples? Bodhisattva Di- Donate mature mind, but the mind is not mature disciples? Word does say that? During Tripitaka, the Mahayana teachings without it.'s Word was just mind his own self-made. He only saw the Bodhisattva Thich Van-ni-ca treasure in the cave, saw Phat-sa, over seven days and nights to use a verse of praise, but the Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddha also praised Waving ways-sa, only in Business A -three-dakhong said, so he did not know was there. spend no causal sure that the disciples of Maitreya has not mastered mind. thus are wrong.
, he said: Bodhisattva alms everything mercilessly, as king Thi-Pi (Sibi) because that cutting meat pigeon hawk, the heart no regrets. should know the wealth brought alms, alms he is down, and bring the body in that father experiments, medium was called alms, alms enough things in mind before, that is the upper alms. Why are you praising the woman down alms-la-sufficient? This generosity but have more compassion and great wisdom but sometimes knowing, sometimes no intellectual understanding. As the parent body because of my life without regret, or for clients that do not regret my life. You should know that because of Pigeons my life without regret, generosity middle.
Question: Bodhisattva is because all beings, even just for parents, for teachers, it all just because of all the men , so not only my life but did not regret for Ladan Ba-la-sufficient?
Answer: Although all beings because that's not a pure heart. Do not know himself is not free, not knowing who the recipient is not, not all, not knowing the true nature of the animal charity is not to say one, others can not say. For the three things that attachment, that is not pure, only blessings in the world, can not go straight to the Buddhist religion, as saying: In Bat-elegant Balaam security, the three are inseparable attained, nor attachment. These values ​​are fully confidential Dan Balaam. Likewise, to say that: "Bat-elegant Balaam's security agency or local division, fortresses, villages seven portions., It is elegant Bat-Ba-la-sufficient" is wrong.
Be aware, Bat-elegant honey Balaam was so boundless as the sea. Gods, Saints, A-la-han, Bich-chi Buddhist Bodhisattva until a new executive director could not know its shores, only the tenth Bodhisattva knows it. Why do you talk or local division of the university, fortresses, villages do bayphan, he called the Bat-elegant Ba-la-sufficient? The numerical methods that belong to, college address sharing capability is part of the Bat-elegant little Ba-la-secular as well as a two drops in the ocean water. It's Bat-elegant Balaam density is the mother of three Buddhas life, or show the true form of all legal. Bat-elegant Balaam secret place not to, no place to go. Find it everywhere, can not be, as magical, as echo, like the moon in water cages, saw perish. The saint for mercy, but a minister should use multiple calls Bat-elegant name Balaam's secret treasure wisdom of the Buddhas. But he said the fly! He said four things are consistent: The Restaurant, Bar National level, shop watches, the county where the birth. During the eighty-year-old human life Buddha was born, in the period, seven, six, five, four, three, two thousand year old Buddha was born, the life expectancy during a hundred years old when the Buddha was born. " If true Buddha of mercy, the star being born only eight times, while other times it does not? dharma no waiting time, as well as any drugs or drink at that time to heal. dharma is like, no wait time.
Question: But the bodhisattva of mercy beings, Buddhas not wait but at the same time humans live longer than eighty years old, many pleasures, craving deep infection fetters thick, monophonic Tanh, while not time can be instructive. If a hundred years old or younger, short human life, suffering much damage, the fetters of hatred as deep back thicker. At two times the fun and suffering, not the prime period Buddhism is not a religion should be born?
Answer: thousands of thousands of gods living apart, was predestined before birth; though many pleasures, craving deep infection thick, mahay enlightenment, in the case of men not be happier. enough time three Six impurities are easily reformed. So at the age of eighty-life Buddha was born so, because at that time no disease, heart happy, everyone benefits merit basis, for the sake of merit based so easy to enlightenment.
Again, the Buddha Master -electronic-music-ancient kingdom, the ten thousand-year-old life, the Buddha Ming Wang, who seven hundred life countless lives. Buddha In A-di-country track, the boundless life countless lives, how he said at the time the eighty-year-old Buddhist life not born?
Question: In the Mahayana things, the law did not say to ten Buddha, only just past Van-ni-ca, etc. Question-ceiling-elegant ... a hundred Buddha; future Maitreya Buddha etc ... five hundred?
Answer: In Mahayana conclusion, due to many causes and conditions say there are three Buddha's ten lives. Why? As the world's ten aging, illness, death, sex, anger, delusion, etc. ... so He was born in the country need that level. As in business says: Without aging, illness, death, unhappiness is not the Buddha was born. "
Again, there are many patients, clinicians should have more. During Qing-law of his office, as in Business School A-levels, king Pi-user racks recluses white Buddha:
"Buddha slots with the past, future, present,
also provided networking Van Buddha Shakyamuni. "
he said to slots players Economics Buddhas too past, future, present, provided the network said Van Buddha Shakyamuni. Given that currently the Buddha said another. Without Buddha in the other states, so why be played before the eighth slot, after the new private network rules for Van Buddha Shakyamuni? King (Pi-sa-subject) was not doctrinal, where Shakyamuni Buddha Van enlightened, because the glass heart should love rules online, and the place of Buddha the only other slot players.
Question: The Buddha said his mouth: In a world without two Buddha was born in a time, no two cakkavatti born at a time, so that should not be present in the Other Buddhist?
Answer: While there are words, but he did not understand its meaning. Buddha said in a Three great Christian world no two Buddha was born at the same time, not to say in ten world. Currently there is no Buddha, as in a galaxy world, no two cakkavatti born at the same time, because this is the great mercy, no enemy being plaintively common man's life, so four continents galaxy only one cakkavatti. Like Buddha, in the Three great Christian world no two Buddha was born. Buddha and cakkavatti, said business alike, why he believes the disaster hakhac Xuzhou cakkavatti there that do not believe in the Three other great Christian world there is Buddha?
Then again, a Buddha can not level off all beings, if a Buddhist can of all beings, the Buddha can not be the only one other that Buddha was born is enough. But as the law of the Buddhas, when the end of the level beings can pass away, as the lights go out the fire, because compounded impermanence, emptiness. So right now there are other Buddha.
Again, being infinite, immeasurable suffering as well, so we must have great Bodhisattva level center appears also to have immeasurable Buddha was born, the beings.
Q: As in business said: "In countless years, a new Buddha appears once, as flower Pros-talks-la-bowl occasionally appear once. If there are ten full Buddha, Buddha's so easy to appear , easy to get, so can not call that hard?
Answer: Not so! It is said in an observatory in the world, going through countless years, emerging occasionally Buddha, not to say that in all the ten directions world is difficult to come by. well as the glass did not know sin, not diligently for guidance, should say: "It has gone through countless years, appeared a long long time. And because he has more crime being reported, fall in evil ways, life was immeasurable case is not heard the Buddha found Buddhism? So which class he said "it's hard to derive."
Question: If there are currently ten Buddhas, Bodhisattvas so far all evil beings are suffering, why not go there?
A. beings in countless lives immeasurable crime following statement, but the blessed excess, but not without merit to see the Buddha should not be seen, as the shelf says:
"Blessed is not nearly good press,
thought not eliminate crime,
time money can not see,
Venerable Tier useful resources.
saints The Venerable,
regardless Tam,
compassion for all,
want to escape the once.
beings merit maturity,
intelligence units and larger,
if it destiny degrees,
be freed immediately.
example contemporary Naga king,
Depending pray that rain down,
crime blessed with four virtues,
as each facility every created. "
Question: If you own merit, self-brainer, so the Buddha is the and if there is no merit, wisdom, not the Buddha. If so, has its own merit, wisdom, do not wait for the Buddha?
A. merit, precarious, spontaneous causal arises. If not born Buddha, the Bodhisattva of ten bring karmic goodness, the four immeasurable, happy life after newspapers reported the crime, the first director of conditions for teachers. Without the Bodhisattva, then preaching in the business, who met her approach, shifting karmic law practice does merit.
Again, though people have merit, wisdom, but if not the Buddha life, the only newspaper in the world that life can not be enlightened. If Buddha was born صح chicken can enlightenment, that is a great benefit. For as the eyes, when there is no sun, is not visible, need sunlight, new visible, should not be saying, "I have eyes, what should the sun." As Buddha said, because of conditions in and outside of right birth: 1 - According to others who hear the law, 2 - center right as the legal order thinking. Due to the birth merit should or goodwill, intellectual benefit grounds due to such legal or correct thinking. Therefore know, because that is from where Buddha.
above mentioned things like commentaries, many mistake. This argument because he wanted to create recommendations on Bat-elegant Balaam security, should not be further amplified the other. 

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