Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri thesis.
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                 

Episode 5
Book 86
Explanation: Variable Learning Products First 74
Business: Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed, great Bodhisattva intellectual achievements executive profound life not retribution.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, great Bodhisattva intellectual achievements, Bodhisattva profound, life is not retribution, why? As the Bodhisattva's not lie with the law.
Blessed, for what such legal action?
He says: For the calculation does not own real estate.
* Again, the Bodhisattva of excellence estate properties, properties for sensation, perception, action, estate knowledge, to calculate market Paramitayana to Prajna Paramita estate properties, regardless of the innate goodness action, as four immeasurable estate center, as the four formless estate, real estate properties for the four foundations of mindfulness to eightfold noble path property estate, with no samadhi, mindless, harmless, until eighty properties estate compassionate, why? Because of the method is that no property, because the law does not have legal ownership can not be owned.
Tu Bo said, France has been the legal owner can possess reasonable?
Buddha: None.
Bach Exalted, has legal ownership can be no legal ownership affordable?
Buddha: None.
Blessed, no legal owner can be no legal ownership affordable?
Buddha: None.
Blessed, without ownership, there can not be the legal owner, has legal ownership can not be legal without property, have legal ownership can not be legal no ownership, no legal ownership no law can not be owned, so there will not be Exalted, not directing it?
He tells us: There is, but not by four sentences.
Venerable sir, how is it?
He says: There must be owned, not without ownership, there is no argument that the theater, he called enlightenment.
Blessed One, what is the legal conclusion of the Bodhisattva theater?
Buddha: Bodhisattva color bars or often or very often, that is the conclusion theater; contemplates feeling, perception, knowledge or often or very often, that is the conclusion theater, restaurant or sharp pain or pleasure, sensation, perception, knowledge or pain or pleasure, that is the conclusion theater; consistent identity or ego or non-ego, feeling, perception, knowledge or self or non-self, not sharp then either passed away or passed away, feeling, perception, knowledge or cessation or not passed away, he was whinnying comment. Bars should see the Noble Truth of suffering, we should set piece Noble Truths, destroy our church to be witnesses, we should base our Church, he was a theater conclusion, one should practice meditation four, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, Comments that are neighing, we should practice the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the sufficiency of four, five senses, five forces, Spoiler seven, eight noble part is that theater conclusion, we should not liberation, subjects formless liberation, liberation ineffective, reasoning that the theater, we should practice swims eight, nine for second grade, he is a theater conclusion, we should pass completely over from momentum, momentum function results, performance A na function, arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, reasoning that the theater, we should address the full ten Bodhisattva, he is a theater conclusion, we should go to the Bodhisattva, is a theater that conclusion, we should strictly pure Buddha realm , is that theater conclusion, we should give them insight into student achievement, is that theater conclusion, we should force the Buddha's birth ten, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, is that Comments theater; should be located Necessarily race, is that theater conclusion, we should stop all the negativity habits, reasoning that the theater. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva of Wisdom when operating secret identity or often or very often can not and should not comment theater theater conclusion; feeling, perception, consciousness, or often or very often can not and should not be theater theater Comments argument, so they can not be located Necessarily theater theater Comments should not comment, why? Because of the argument can not calculate theater, theater can not comment asexual asexual; computer apart, no computer, no way can re-capture. Legal reasoning is reasoning Circus theater, theater room argument, so there is no theater excellence of speech, sensation, perception, action, Necessary knowledge for the position they have no theater reasoning. Thus, should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita no theater reasoning.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, why? Sac theater can not comment until they can not place the theater Necessarily comment?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Because Isaac did not have to strain to calculate position Necessary no, as no legitimacy ie no arguments theater, so theater excellence can not comment. From Bo! If Bodhisattva Sutra operating theater no conclusion was that, while he was on the Bodhisattva.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if the law can not, then what is the bodhisattva practice into the Bodhisattva? Sravakas practice, practice practice Pratyekabuddhas or Buddhist?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: No documents directed Thanh, Pratyekabuddhas not directed, not by the Buddhist Bodhisattva is in position, but throughout the school Bodhisattva Bodhisattva directed into position. Bat For every person as before the new school directors then in the position, but results have not been effective prenatal guidance, such Bodhisattvas, before learning throughout the next director to the Bodhisattva, the position has not Necessarily strain that before being born Vajra Samadhi, then by an intellectual concept corresponds, is located Necessarily strain.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if the school throughout the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva directing that at you, the kind of person who Bat Tu momentum toward completion, the Monastery has completed, navigate to the freezer functions, the word has function, navigate to anagami, is anagami, navigate to the Arhat, the Arhat, Pratyeka Buddhist, Buddhist, that's each and every different direction? If Bodhisattvas throughout the school's director following the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva was born if directing Bat Bat's time to do class, if the island events arising parchment finish, if only arise from time to direct parchment function, anagami, Arhat; arise if the directors do Pratyekabuddhas Pratyekabuddhas? O Buddha, if Bodhisattvas as Bat's class then new to the Bodhisattva, it's probably not possible? Bodhisattvas are not in that position Necessarily strain was also not possible? Parchment finish until Pratyekabuddhas, so later on Bodhisattva's also probably not? Bodhisattvas are not in that position Necessarily strains are also probably did not? O Buddha, the Bodhisattva knows how throughout the school are directed to the Bodhisattva?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, if Bodhisattvas as Bat's class has completed the results to be arahatship, directed Pratyekabuddhas, then go to the Bodhisattva, it probably can not He, not on which is located the Bodhisattva Necessarily race, it's probably not. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva if the new center, six religious Paramitayana, thanks observer that is required to pass eight local disk wisdom, nature sites, inhuman place, geomorphology, dishes, or holy place , go to the beach location, location Pratyekabuddhas, rely on the general direction where the Bodhisattva. In the Bodhisattva mind Necessarily then strain through which end all afflictions and habits. At Bat's address or location, or a bodhisattva stage infertility legal entity; Tu has completed or location (location known dukkha - ND) or paragraph (except the base set - ND); function or location or freezer section, anagami location or segment, or location or Arhat stage, Pratyekabuddhas location or ring segments are Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattva TU writer, Pratyekabuddhas. As such, rely on the general direction where the Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas on the grill and place that race Necessarily end all afflictions and habits, is Buddhist. Thus, throughout the school Bodhisattva should be directed full Supreme supreme Buddha, the supreme Buddha Supreme and bring beneficial results beings.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Exalted says director: Dao Thanh writer, director Pratyekabuddhas, Buddhist, how is the race director of the Bodhisattva mind?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva alive a pure strain of all directors. What is a pure strain of all religion? As if the method can be expected to manifest physiognomy, the Bodhisattva should know right; knew right then, because someone else expresses, declare the causes are understood. Bodhisattva should understand all the sounds, language, sound, language was spread throughout the world preaching three thousand such great natural echo. So first of all Bodhisattvas should complete all directed learning. Director position should complete and profound distinction of beings: beings Or hell, the road to hell, the hell, hell result, it said, should stop excluding; distinguish known animal, the animal's , animal performance, Russian demons, ghosts fruit, sugar hungry demons, should know, should stop unless, of dragons, demons, she Beware, Emergency na la, la most old Ma, who directed and asura results should know, should stop unless, of humanitarian causes and effects should know, and should know the results of the first direction, causes and effects of the thirty-three heavens, hath ghost, heaven momentum rate, it turns optimistic, sun alienation themselves in, Brahma, Sun Optical Audio, denatured sun, sky fruit, formless sun, sun ha la Mrs. A, Infinite Heat sun, sun sue, Hy sun is on the horizon, A ni ca identity should know;'s and results of nowhere origin Boundless, boundless origin formula, naught origin, property Phi Phi the wall idea parish should know; causes and effects of the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary need, as the four-sufficient, base year, in force, seven Spoiler, noble eightfold should know, cause and effect of not freeing subjects, mindless, harmless, technical rescue, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen measures not common, compassionate should know. Bodhisattva by the director that makes them born on the Tu directed to the director has completed Pratyekabuddhas, leading Supreme supreme Buddha. He called religion a pure strain of Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattva school's general direction and then in the position of beings deeply, deeply interested in and follow the teachings of beings proper, not frivolous words, why? As he left the Bodhisattva know the identity of their birth, said some legal center of attention in path mortal beings. From Bo! Bodhisattva should practice Prajna Paramita so, why? For all direct subsidies are bad ones in Prajna. The Bodhisattva, bar text, should Pratyekabuddhas practice.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if the four foundations of mindfulness to the Supreme supreme Buddha is not all the measures are not approved, no color, no shape, no respect, just a formless continuum , by the way, how can that player assistant certification Supreme supreme Buddha? Blessed, a general law, no minister, no case, no canopy, no color, no shape, not for nothing was taken, do not give up, do not get nowhere as not quit.
The Buddha: Thus, as such, are not legal entities themselves, nothing taken, nothing left, because they know not to self-assess student not legal, because they should declare the legal assistant that can try them Supreme supreme Buddha.
* Again, form, feeling, perception, consciousness, until Paramitayana For Prajna Paramita, not internal, not external legal to own no outlawry, meditation for useful ideas to Phi Phi mindless origin , the four foundations of mindfulness for the noble eightfold, three liberation, eight swims, the first class of nine, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen general not legal, compassionate , located Necessarily strain, the legal measures that are not in the Bible, not approved, not color, not shape, not against, just a formless continuum. Because according to secular law because they are born instructor says, made to understand, but not according to the highest sense. This Bodhi Monastery, for all her legal, Bodhisattvas should use the legal position as it's found that school; completing the legal distinction should or should not use.
Tu Bo said: Blessed Bodhisattva what distinguishes the legal right to use, or not use?
Buddha: France bar text, Pratyekabuddhas know should not be used to distinguish, differentiate strains Necessarily position should know. Thus, for the Holy Bodhisattva should study law Paramita Sutra.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how legal is called Holy, Holy, which include what?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: France bar text, Pratyeka Bodhisattvas and Buddhas with greed, anger, stupidity illegal, disapproval, sexual infections, inappropriate anger, disapproval, color infection, infected formless , exchange office, arrogance, ignorance, illegal, disapproval, until the Fourth Jhana meditation inappropriate, disapproval, compassionate petal, nowhere African origin to Africa mindless organic origin not thought of, not spread , the four foundations of mindfulness eightfold noble path to no where, no canopy, interior not so great compassion, compounded nature, not the nature of the unconditioned, disagree, why? Because not all colors are legal, no picture, no respect, because it is a formless continuum. France not sharp with no outstanding legal inappropriate disapproval, not legal form for legal not illegal formation disapproval; legal not against the law no, not of disapproval; approach a minister to a minister of law, not spread; Legal formless formless with no legal case, disagreed. This Bodhi Prajna Paramita most general formlessness, no color, no shape, not against it, the Bodhisattva should study, learn and do not acquire the general law.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Bodhisattva minister excellent school not it? No education minister sensation, perception, action, affordable food? No education minister to minister to the eye? No education minister to minister for legal excellence? No local education minister minister official race until race? For Paramitayana not learn until Prajna Paramita? No education minister cabinet minister not to own outlawry legal? No education minister to minister meditation To Charity? No education minister compassionate petal? No education minister not boundless, for the general idea Phi Phi mindless existence? No education minister four foundations of mindfulness, the noble eightfold to minister? No School No minister eighty, eighty formless Infinite effect? No education minister swims eight, nine for second grade? None of the ten Buddhist education minister, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen general not legal, compassionate? No school Drywall Noble Truths, Tap, leading exterminate Noble Truths? No education minister upon consistent, causal inverse twelve bar? No sexual education minister, numerous computer? Blessed One, if not the law school's minister, minister Bodhisattva how the law school or compounded or unconditioned; finished overcome the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas? If you do not learn the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas how to address the bodhisattva? If not in place Bodhisattva, how the race location Necessary? If no location is given as Necessary stars Zhuan Falun? If not, Zhuan Falun, bring in three admit how sentient beings?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the law minister really have time to learn the Bodhisattva's minister, the law minister, but because it's not, no color, no shape, no respect, just a formless continuum; should therefore Bodhisattva Minister not learn, not learn formless, why? Because there is no Buddha or Buddha, a minister of the law, as is permanent.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if not all the way there is not no minister general of the Bodhisattva how Prajna Paramita practice? If not waive time can not exceed the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas? If you do not exceed the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas unable to address the bodhisattva? If not to address the bodhisattva is not legal ring infertility? If infertility is not a legal person can not be the divine bodhisattva? Without the divine bodhisattva can not strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom for living beings? If not strictly pure Buddha realm, achievements wisdom for living beings and they can not be located Necessarily race? If not strain the mind can not Necessarily Zhuan Falun? If not Zhuan Falun, the student can not make them have completed Amendment to the direct effect Pratyeka Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and can not do for alms beings are blessed, blessed morality, self-adhesive?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, as a result, the law was not a minister formless, not two generals, if religious practice is formless Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery Prospectus: How is formless tu tu Prajna Paramita?
Buddha: From the decay law is Prajna Paramita practice.
Blessed One, how tu tu decay are legal Prajna Paramita?
Buddha: Tu tu sharp decay are Prajna Paramita, religious feeling, perception, knowledge decay is Prajna Paramita practice, practice, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body Paramitayana the decay are practice Prajna Paramita, tu color, sound, smell, taste, touch is corrupt legal practice Prajna Paramita; self-governing decay are impure Prajna Paramita practice, practice meditation, meditation-dual, triangular meditation and charity h is damage Prajna Paramita practice, practice compassion petal decay are Prajna Paramita practice, practice four formless ruin of the Prajna Paramita practice, reciting the Buddha, dhamma , Increased conception, conception sex, conception towns, natural conception, conception destroy, ruin is mindfulness of breathing practice Prajna Paramita; practice of impermanence, suffering Minister, impersonality, minister, minister training, general human , born minister, minister charming, homologous, killing minister, minister magic, general manufacturing, general director, General White, General remnant, corrupt generals leave the convent Prajna Paramita; religious twelve causes and conditions deteriorate, Minister self, Minister beings, fake life, so who knows who that minister is corrupt practice Prajna Paramita, often ideological, fun Minister, Minister, static decay are falling Prajna Paramita practice, practice four mindfulness eightfold noble path to ruin is cultivating Prajna Paramita, tu no, uncreated, is formless Samadhi Prajna Paramita practice, practice swims eight, nine for second class from any decay are Elegant three perfections; has sensory eighty shop, shop Samadhi no sense, no sense eighty decay is not consistent practice Prajna Paramita; hardship Noble Truths, Noble Truths collection, anti Noble Truths, directed Noble Truths is corrupt practice Prajna Paramita; hardship location, file location, kill location, location directed decay are Prajna Paramita practice, practice to take place, is located infertility practice Prajna Paramita, tu legal position, position rate, that place, eager minds are corrupt practice Prajna Paramita; Paramitayana corpse until Prajna Paramita Sutra decay are paramita practice, internal cultivation no, not foreign , interior and exterior no, no no, no age, no means highest sense, not compounded, not inaction, not every scene, no do not, no canopy, no identity, no word Ahab, not ideology, not possible acquisition no, not very legal, not legal ownership, not legal outlawry organic decay are Prajna Paramita practice, practice the ten of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen law decay are not common practice Prajna Paramita; tu complete results for the momentum arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas decay are Prajna Paramita practice, practice omniscience decay are Prajna Paramita practice, an end to all religious negativity decay are habitual practice Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, so-called religious identity disintegrates to guess all the negativity decay are habitual practice Prajna Paramita?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: Wisdom Bodhisattva when operating perfections can not think of phenomena, that is Prajna Paramita practice; do not think there is life, perception, thinking no way to have an end to end Alternately brain habits, he is cultivating Prajna Paramita, why? Since there are ways to think about, is not religious Prajna Paramita. This Bodhi Monastery, there is no way to think of the corpse until Paramitayana Prajna Paramita, why? Since the law's attachment, not enforced until Paramitayana Prajna Paramita. Such attachment is no liberation, no religion, no nirvana, there is no way to think about the four foundations of mindfulness practice, until the noble eightfold, not from zero to eighty Necessarily race position, why? Since the law was approved in advance.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, what is legal? How legal is not there?
Buddhist Bodhi Persia: Two is legal, there is no legal two.
Blessed One, what is two?
Buddha: General color is two, general feeling, perception, consciousness is double, minister to minister the eye for two; minister's legal identity to the two generals, General For general Paramitayana to Buddhism, Impermanence supreme Buddha; Minister compounded, inaction is two. From Bo, are all two generals, there are two all legal, legal adaptation may be mortal, mortal adaptation is not to be separated from aging, disease and death benefits compassion born of suffering. So he should know the causes and conditions approved two generals Paramitayana not have to Prajna Paramita, no religion, no fruit, no agreement until the ring, let alone see the minister to see the minister excellent location necessarily race! If not how are practitioners who have completed results to arahatship, director Pratyekabuddhas, Supreme supreme Buddha and end all afflictions habits?
Comments: Buddhist Bodhisattva said six out Prajna Paramita, worldly retribution not life, praising the Bodhi Monastery was unprecedented, white Buddha that Bodhisattva's great intellectual achievements, deeply religious law create effective agent without life. Bodhisattva's because big benefit for sentient life should not insignificant effects. Buddha accepted his will, to speak of conditions: Bodhisattva for the calculation not shaken. As the legal owner is not there, not ultimately, As, calculated, in fact, the Bodhisattva dwells in her heart, not stirred.
Bodhi Monastery ask: For what computer unshakable?
Buddha replied: To the unshakable identity, so to calculate compassionate ... why? Because the law is predestined by birth, not in order, to not have the minister, no minister should not have the property. The method is rupa rupa ... who's to say ridiculous. So do not be ridiculous legal ownership, why? Because the law can not be used without acquiring legal ownership but ownership.
Tu Bo said: If there is no property, can not acquire legal ownership, so what other measures could be used to acquire legal ownership owns it?
Buddha replied: No, why? Because there is no legal ownership is spread all saints confess, to dwell, there can not be grasped, let alone own way!
Tu Bo said, France has acquired legal ownership without ownership affordable?
Buddha replied: No, why? Since owning no property has defects, so He answered no.
Tu Bo said, no law can be used to acquire property without legal ownership affordable? Buddha replied: No, why? As the legal owner can be born minister, law minister's office frivolous claims, and can not be grasped, let alone not have legal ownership from the ancient past but have ultimately not possessed!
Tu Bo asked: If all four questions are used without care facilities, the directors would not have, not favorable result?
Buddha replied: It has enlightened, but just did not use the four questions, why? Since there are four questions above error, if he left four sentences ie reasoning theater director.
Another question: What is the general opinion Bodhisattva theater?
Buddha replied: Lust or often or very often ... a bodhisattva theater conclusion, why? As if often the student did not kill, not guilty fortune, good or bad, if not very often also true, why? Because people often say that very often. Often there can not be, let alone very often!
* Again, if impermanent is certainly the Minister of identity, time can not be karmic retribution now, why? So ... anniversary anniversary rupa annihilation. If fate and karma retribution killing took not called impermanence? The causes and conditions as so often is not very real phenomena ... as minister of breaking in front of Impermanence products. So think I will stop all the negativity habits, as well as theater conclusion. Rupa ... can not comment neighing, whinnying byproducts that legal reasoning, even for legal Bodhisattva can not comment neighing, whinnying not depending on legal reasoning, why? So do not be self-theater argument calculated and why? Because predestined by birth, only pretending, how can theater conclusion? If the theater can not comment, let alone asexual? Separated and counted asexual, have no third alternative theater can comment? Comments are Circus: Circus legal reasoning, where arguments theater seats, are measures that can not be obtained. Bodhi this, rupa ... a general conclusion can not theater. Thus, Bodhisattvas should cultivate Prajna Paramita no theater reasoning.
* Again, the Buddha himself said the theater could not causal reasoning: legal ... very self-identity, if nothing is self-theater that is not able to comment. If Bodhisattva Sutra practice are unable theater's argument, and he was to address the bodhisattva.
The Bodhi Monastery: No comment is directed theater of succession, so what religion used to Bodhisattva Bodhisattva in local theater does not have a comment? Buddha replied are not, why? Because every Mahayana Bodhisattva should not admit legal Second, because six Paramitayana incomplete or can not use a Buddha. In the Buddha himself said this karmic; Bodhisattva should practice throughout the new director is in place Bodhisattva; candidates as Bat's rows in every condition for direct and learning throughout the first director, is in the position that has not been effective Tu has completed, such Bodhisattvas; throughout the first school director, is to address the bodhisattva is not Necessarily race results. If Bodhisattva residing in Vajra Samadhi, taking a mental concept corresponds to the time the race results Necessary.
Tu Bo asked: Blessed, if Bodhisattvas throughout the school so after the new director position Bodhisattva, the direction was different, if Bodhisattvas throughout the school's director, or director born in August, that is, Eight people, if born in Pratyekabuddhas direction, ie Pratyeka Buddha, if Bodhisattvas who do inhuman Pratyekabuddhas to do, so after the new address Bodhisattva, while perhaps not he? If not in the place that is located Bodhisattva Necessarily race, maybe he did not? How do you know I'm going to school directors Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva in place?
Approved by the Buddha himself said he and predestined: Bodhisattva from the center out six new Paramitayana, so that dishes and top spot but straight through, as relatives who have been detained in prison work, go to see the show but does not carry the same yoke; Bodhisattva want full race director on site location should Bodhisattva, look around the walk, to address Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva in place before the race location Necessarily, an end to end collective negativity gas. Buddhist Bodhi Monastery open market for that second class is part less intellectual legacy of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so every person or place or paragraph Bat, until Pratyekabuddhas or location or legal sections are infertile ring Bodhisattva.
Tri is the mind of every school and every nine or ten of the uneducated mind.
Paragraph ten fetters are terminate, ie in the upper part of fetters, five lower fetters section.
Completed Tu, Tu said momentum strategy function is stopped three fetters, said wide end eighty-eight fetters. Summary anagami said lower part is an end in fetters, by extension, the end of ninety two fetters. Arhat is brief stop talking three or contraband: illegal sex, illegal property, ignorance; said wide end all afflictions. He called the place and period, location and paragraphs are infertile Bodhisattva's legal.
Every bar text is directed by four Noble Truths, Bodhisattva customer base due to a holy religion. Buddha said the four Noble Truths are a holy empire, because the distinction should be four. Four soles of her location and II are in excess of a base. First Bodhisattva residing in need through the ring, killing countless school infertility, infertility nor, not very death; leave useful comments, no comments, is very useful, not very useful is not the end all ... the theater conclusion, the ring infertility.
Again, say intelligence can overcome writer's bar, Pratyekabuddhas called infertility ring. Sravakas intellectual, consistent Pratyekabuddhas born five aggregates should kill boredom birth center, which is separated sexual liberation. Bodhisattva by major intellectual merit and should be consistent in aggregates while birth and death, fear not mind as Theravada; Bodhisattva eyes used to find the general knowledge of the law can not get birth and death, as mentioned in the product Bankruptcy Birth in advance. Only meat eyes and mind can see the crude birth and death are impermanent; ordinary goods for legal entities that often, but when she became legal attachment of impermanence, the sentient grief, anguish. So Buddha said he wanted to leave superiority often difficult for visualization. Speaking impermanence accept her for breaking often crazy, but not so often that said mortgage sheath dress, so give consistent Bodhisattva birth and death, to kill in countless infertility.
Another question: If on infertility that is often no kill, how far apart are usually crazy mortgage?
Buddha said: impermanence As there are two: One is generally accepted that broke crazy not accept impermanence, or accept impermanence born theater conclusion; infertility ring so well; One student was killed while clearing without approval Infertility Removal should not fall into insanity generally accepted, two are accepted birth and death should not fall into insanity generally accepted.
Infertility is the true end of the bar, lines of language, all measures consistent as minister Nirvana, from the ancient past often did not born; are very anti-sterility, purity was the ultimate impermanence was not approved shop players, let alone birth and death? The minister called for infertility such legal entity. He was associated infertility in local rings Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva on site and by race end position Necessarily afflictions and habits, using all beings escape the predestined; like delicious fruit crops benefit many.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how is the race director of the Bodhisattva mind?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva residing in infertility real entity Minister of Justice. From start-up real minister, minister in the name, the language of his self-understanding, self-understanding and their fertility because they say, that was enlightening. Bodhisattva by karmic merit should understand the audio, language beings, using sounds great turn around three thousand worlds, and not attached to that voice, knowing it resonates. Ie sound was music minister committed, so the Bodhisattva should know all the direct and see them born around the center, said the root of the flame and bring it to benefit charity law, measures to prevent evil, as in business at large: Bodhisattva first know the true form of law, so Nhi for guidance on self in excess, then go straight through the observation that in place Bodhisattva. And because sentient beings should start directing wisdom; wish for beings sermon, sound understanding, language and use the range of negative beings sermon, prevent evil way, good way. Sugar is evil three realms: hell, animal, hungry ghost. Road improvement is directed three charity: The, Sun, asura. Use any direct causal blame evil, praises good faith. Road block Road block is evil hell's hell, hell result. Hell is directed three evil religion. Hell of the three poisons: Greed arises growth path immoral greed, jealousy, courtyard road Nhue arisen unwholesome anger, brain damage; dense growth arises unwholesome wrong path. She read the lines of the three unwholesome, three lines of seven evil is evil path. The fruit of hell are man's body should be hell, bear the suffering mind, it is effective. Bodhisattva should see results of the hell beings, so after because they preach, makes a stop and causal path to hell. Ten unwholesome lines have upper, middle and lower. God is hell; central animal is, the lower is the hungry ghost. Ten lines have also improved upper, middle and lower. God is the sun, the medium is, the lower the spirits. In ten lines could improve educational left, born on planes Lust, Lust worlds apart, born on the formless realm. In the three evil paths often suffer, should say need to know, need to prevent exclusion. In man, heaven has predestined species enlightenment, or nirvana because there should stop except when, because uncertainty should not say, because of the different legal assistant should not stop except to say, until the Supreme supreme Buddha . Bodhisattva distinguish such beings already know the Theravada approach used; should take measures to level the user Mahayana Mahayana law degree. Bodhisattva know deeply sentient life and career of conditions before, to know karmic retribution after death, to the weather and place of birth can you help them, the causes and conditions can you help others know full, so no frivolous speech. Wisdom to know the race director and the assistant director Such measures are in Uncivil photography, so should the Bodhisattva practice Prajna wisdom director.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha: If legal assistant, legal Bodhi is inappropriate, disapproval, no color, no shape, no respect, just a formless continuum, while her assistant are not legal, how can Supreme proof supreme Buddha? France, no ownership, considerable time should not take, do not give up; candidates like nowhere, no law should not take, do not quit?
Bodhi Monastery tells the true center is not attached, so He promised to: So, so, causal and said: There are beings do not know the law minister himself is not so, because sentient beings should distinguish legal assistant that can attain the supreme Buddha Supreme. This Bodhi Monastery, not only directed thirty-seven aids No, no case, no spread, which measures the excellent location Necessary to race in the holy law, and not ideology, not of, not apart. No case, no approval is no ultimate meaning, as it says in the most general, it is formless. France does not yet, but because by that base because sentient beings should say: To make the church is on the way, but not the highest sense. In this Bodhisattva should have known, that law school does. Each call is known; later on deep, called the find. Knowing is not clear, that is clear.
Q: Knowing and found nothing else wrong?
A: Someone said: Yes I know it's not that the show had not known, there is also a well know that there is something not not know that.
Yes I know it's not just the location that is to take place and infertility, except in the world of right and evil is, the others are called to know wisdom, wisdom that is said, was not found.
There is something that not knowing is evil in this world and in the right understanding and patience is to train, he is seen, not known. The Property is also known as other outflows known, also known as that; leave show and said that, the other was not seen, not known.
* Again, it is said: The call center is found, Dinh and not transparent are called to know, as in business Zhuan Falun says it's hard to know should see, know and distinguish known, that law should be seen , was hard to, he should approach segment is that apron; legal documents that should, Destroy Emperor's; law he ought to, he is sole director. Or knowing that affliction called an end; like ripe product info or eradicated.
Bodhi Monastery heard another word Prajna-called holy law, should ask: What is the holy law?
Buddha replied: In the holy law, the gentle saint or Buddha, or Pratyekabuddhas, or bar text, because the case law does not greed .., did not approve. No where is all defilement called crazy, crazy no immediate possession. Without ownership, how can the? If not how is the canopy? Because there should not despise the ordinary, for disapproval should not arrogant, does not care for beings not hate. Buddha himself said in this case is not predestined, not scattering, which is: The measures are not sharp, not shape, not against, just a formless continuum. France has no legal identity with no identity no case, did not agree, so there is no general approach to the law no minister, no canopy, why? Since that law were a computer, not with the self-calculated and was called the most general formlessness of Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas should study. And no law school can be.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that no school Bodhisattva appearances compounded As for the seemingly ridiculous, if not the law school's generals, why in the first Bodhisattva business school said the law minister, after exceeding Sravakas , Pratyekabuddhas address, if not exceed Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, how to address the economic Bodhisattva as wide say here?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the law really should have learned minister's generals. Bodhi this, but the truth is no general law; Bodhisattva so should not learn chess, there is no minister should not learn, because learning is a prime mortgage. The law minister as the minister at Middle Lagoon products mentioned conclusion. There are Buddhist or not Buddhist, it is still legal permanent residents, most general formlessness.
Tu Buddhist Bodhi heard all legal formless, today asked the Buddha: If not all useful measures minister, minister not formless, how Bodhisattva Sutra? If there's time where formless formless can cultivate Prajna? Now the minister and formless are not, so what's the practice Prajna? If not from any church can not exceed the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, so can not enter an establishment where three blessings?
Buddha's words promise the possibility that So and so said people cultivate Prajna; Bodhisattva is not because of religious ideology should Sutra; should be tu tu formless Sutra.
Venerable sir, how tu tu Sutra is formless? If formless, how can the practice?
Buddha: Tu tu decay are legal Sutra, because the law should perish minister also formless ruin; pilot car division as general damage to the wheel well kill, so until mote.
Venerable sir, what those measures might sabotage?
Buddha replied: Tu rupa ie destructive practice Prajna Paramita, tu stop all negativity that is habitual practice Prajna Paramita.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: How best practitioners to practice sabotage to stop all the negativity is destructive habitual practice Prajna?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva mind to most omniscience, mercy beings, want to be Chief Justice Prajna Paramita, organic matter are not legal thought; such as tu tu Sutra, because the color is the Minister real, time Gen. own mistakes, because why? As the Buddhists say this predestined: organic is not religious minister Sutra, Sutra because of outlawry was not there, let alone organic methods! He did not practice Prajna, not religious Paramitayana year, the theater was attached compounded speech, not religious alms ... The attachment so there is no liberation, no religion, no nirvana. No liberation called three no deliverance;'s no way not no saint called religion, no religion should not be nirvana.
Q: Why not religion?
A: Because he whinnied legal arguments, not boring old patient dead, alive attachments legal wrong, wrong, can not really contemplate the body as impure ...; should not be contemplating the body can not self development concept origin, no religious body should not be able to cultivate mindfulness feelings, consciousness, mindfulness measures; do not practice the four foundations of mindfulness should not be able to cultivate samadhi Not Necessarily race position, why? Because attachment compounded.
Blessed One, what is compounded, what is very legal? Ordinary or organic methods for birth mindless idea to organic methods of infertility? Want to ask him to distinguish the Buddha.
Buddha replied, two generals are compounded, not two generals is that nothing is.
Bodhi Monastery ask: What are the two methods?
Buddha replied: Clinging ie two appearances, as said in previous articles. Leave no sharp eye, left eye has no color, so the usefulness of, ridiculous, why? Because leave is compounded not say ridiculous; departed not be telling the truth unconditioned compounded minister, so two different methods that did not leave the mundane that is two, so crazy. Buddha said two general strategies, for all legal compliance are the two prime ministers, two are all organic, organic adapt mortal came, why? Because of that friendship born attachments, attachments that's born of sorrow, because sorrow through the birth and death, because life and death that displeasure are suffering, that should tell compounded went adaptation mortal , there is no mortal time from old age, sickness benefits, suffering. This Bodhi Monastery, so people should know there is no general accepted two Paramitayana For no agreement until the ring, let alone see the true form of identity, to see the true form of omniscience location. If he does not see the true form of excellence ... without spiritual advancement, how complete results for the momentum to end all afflictions habits?
Six Paramitayana two: the world and of the world. He does not have Paramitayana six of the world, so says the mortgage does not have six general usefulness Paramitayana. If there is only Paramitayana world, but it does not say in Paramitayana world. Dao Thanh still no results, let alone have a Buddha? Q: Pros ring upon ring is what? A: That's easy Theravada ring. Pros ring no longer Theravada, Mahayana what circumstances!
Q: status nomenclature has not been retrogression, say excuse rings to legal status?
A: In legal documents said Thanh Danh fall, in Mahayana measures fall well renowned, renowned legal excuse not fall? Someone said: Still not rot rotten in nomenclature, but not durable, not certain should not say. Tolerance is the long dwell, was in the district, but is not that the same with outflows outflows. Therefore, depending upon the size measures should ring called ring, for unprecedented measures that, everyone should be seen immediately rings called rings. He is small but the radio is great with the mundane.
Seeing two colors: One color is clear that the true form, both as an end to negativity constraints according to the color, so called that. Like Necessarily excellent place to race, and to end all afflictions such habits as well. If people see of spiritual identity was not available, the results benefited from the momentum completely to stop habitual negativity?
Explanation: First Class Products Tuesday 75
(Business Ma ha uncivil write: Three first class action) (2 Beijing University Prajna Assembly note: Products Shop Friday 73 th)
Business: Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed, Gen. compounded if there is no agreement ring, let alone be directed? If according to the Minister agree that nothing will be affordable rings? IP address or be in need, or local nature, inhuman place, geomorphology, dishes, or holy place, go to the beach location, location Pratyekabuddhas, Buddha or Bodhisattva local address, or a practitioner of spiritual people will stop bothering Does the brain? As affliction that should not exceed the bar text, which in the local Pratyekabuddhas Bodhisattva? If not in place Bodhisattva must not Necessarily race position, not the position Necessarily race is not an end all afflictions and habits. Blessed, without the legal property law minister was not born? If not born that way and they can not be located Necessarily race?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, if no agreement has compounded the ring to end all afflictions and habits.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, have reasonable general legal? That is, until the colors have general knowledge Minister, Minister to the Minister for the eyes, the minister minister for legal excellence, Minister's vision for the world in general sense, the four foundations of mindfulness Minister, Minister location Necessary to race, color, or general , or similar sharp end until General knowledge, General knowledge end, twelve generals entered, likewise eighteen, or general ignorance, ignorance or terminate Minister, Minister for the pros, compassion, pain, brain dominance , compassion, suffering brain stop, or general education, general education or an end, or minister to minister born born to an end, or general si, si terminate or minister, or drywall, or drywall finish, or general practice, or general set a stop, or kill generals, or generals kill terminate, or direct the Minister, or the Minister directed end, the minister for race position Necessarily, general end all afflictions and habits?
Buddha: None. Wisdom Bodhisattva practice when there is no law minister, Gen. illegal, ie upon Bodhisattva ring. Without law minister, minister of spiritual illegal means, as well as direct results. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva property is legal, no effective method is bodhisattvas, because of conditions that should know all legal, no ownership properties.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if all legal, not owning property, how the Buddha knew all legal, property owner should not have to be a Buddhist, for all the health measures in order ?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, all legal, no ownership properties. My old Bodhisattva practice, practice six Paramitayana, the education depart, depart evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, leave sexual bliss born in meditation, until at the Fourth Meditation, meditation for him and the goodwill did not think of meditation, the meditation is not life, that is not meditation, not infected, four pure meditation practice, I have no life retribution for her meditation. Y meditation arises residence where four years is sufficient spirit divine communication, information bias atrium, y tha information, network-sufficiency, natural atrial communication, medical tha information, network-sufficient and natural label, for miracles not accept the prime minister, did not think there was divine, not the divine life's taste, was not acquired spiritual powers, I do not differentiate under five was divine. This Bodhi Monastery, at the time I used a concept corresponds to the Property, the Supreme supreme Buddha. That is, you realize he is suffering Noble Truths, that is, that is the killing, is directing Noble Truths, the ten achievements, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen general not legal, compassionate, was Buddha, we distinguish three groups of students are heading right concentration, wrong concentration and uncertainty.
That white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: How to Exalted without legal ownership which arise four meditation, six supernormal beings nor that Buddhism distinguishes three groups of beings?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the legal education and taking unwholesome evil, or order, or the otherness, the old one when the bodhisattva austerities, was not the sex shop, evil evil has no legal ownership to in meditation, but because of the sex, no evil evil law, or the self, or the otherness are not own property. So when the old one out new Bodhisattva leave the education, legal evil for evil in meditation to meditation on the Fourth. This Bodhi, if there are miracles, or the self, or the otherness while I can not know that without divine ownership, the Supreme supreme Buddha. This Bodhi Monastery, because no miracles, or the self, or the otherness have no ownership, so be Buddhas for divine power knows no ownership should be supreme Buddha Supreme.
Thesis. Q: The same law not mean, excuse Bodhi Monastery used per each causal asked: In the following question: Is the law minister could not be upon the ring, so if the law was not alive can not be located necessarily race?
A: That's not the law ultimately was very profound, difficult to understand, difficult to say, let alone the territory, people practice? So because Bodhi Prajna Monastery which is talking, afraid of many guests, many either, so every user every causal asked.
* Again, that is a question that spot but have different causes. Or ask if all is not legal, how to distinguish between five lines? Or ask if all legal no property, how to distinguish between three redundant? Or ask the minister has not been easy for the ring, how to observe local dishes that Bodhisattva? Questions such as other questions that should be different, because there is no general Sutra certain. Likely benefit from the Buddha Bodhi promise that: So, so, before he asked upon rings, which are rings of Theravada agreement, this question, which is upon the ring of the Bodhisattva. If the operating Bodhisattva Sutra, have reasonable general legal? Buddha answered Bodhisattva Sutra when no legal action born minister or whether or not he, why? So that there are no errors found, that is Bodhisattva upon ring, for all non-interest law that minister, that is, from the island. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva property is legal, is very effective method. Friends called compounded legal, outlawry is ridiculous. Administration of the eight holy brethren stop the negativity, the unconditioned results.
* Again, it is said in Paramitayana called organic law, the Bodhisattva; Prajna Paramita is ultimately not very legal, Bodhisattva results. Someone said: Wisdom is the general wisdom is compounded direction, As, calculation, since in fact no causal born, often, it is called an outcome. There is no such difference. Because of conditions that should know all the methods are not taking ownership, called outlawry.
Another question: Blessed, if not all have legal ownership, how the Buddha to be no ownership right knowledge, certification Supreme supreme Buddha, to be free from the law? Buddha's words promising possibilities. Bodhisattva mind without taking ownership of all legal practitioners, can stop all attachments should be supreme Buddha Supreme. In Buddhism this self-evidence: ancient when I make the following order Bodhisattva sex Paramitayana leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, which left blissful sex born in meditation.
Lia is left in sex education; leave law is immoral evil hindrances leave year. Bringing people into the so-called evil evil; legal obstacles so-called good evil. There is a shop feeling good sense, of meditation; leave sexual bliss is born of sexual abandon birth bliss. Lust is in the realm of blissful have lost two things: One is glad there is good, two is just glad no good. Fun and celebration of meditation, meditation II; just have fun, not meditative celebration of three.
Q: Jhana, Second Jhana are excited, there is nothing else wrong?
A: First joy of meditation is incurred due to leave in education, first in subtle meditation is delighted to arise from the so-called birth. Again, the general negativity Desire Realm immoral obstacles to meditation. The yogi should want to leave big obstacle place of birth, and Sac realms of negativity in neutral, the victims are soft lo, predestined to lose sense of meditation, the Buddha said so kill the senses, the mind purity should be subtle meditation, meditation tam charity as said before. Ta for the prime minister's goodwill is then that he did not think to have meditation. As early meditation, until the prime minister, was then undertaken should reflect fear of impermanence, meditation does not have to think, not the Minister of meditation to acquire them was not life's taste of meditation, the mind does not previous infection from the four meditation, others with pagan. According to the religious life without retribution Zen meditation. Medical Resident four meditation, psychic arises in. Because sufficient causal network should know its old business student living in this place. Due to natural label should show the place of birth of beings in the future, according to their karma. Know the origin of living beings and living flame compassion, stop thinking about how hard the continuum of life and death to living beings. Then dedicate to illegally take center information, instant because of a mental concept corresponds with the Supreme supreme Buddha. This means that there was a general realization suffering of suffering is craving, craving an end to the suffering death; way to kill pain as directed; communicate four imperial power should be ten, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen not common law, and differentiate them into groups of three students. Using the three divine celestial beings that are used sota tha, god sufficient information, for beings that sermon escape samsara.
Tu Bo asked: If there is no legal ownership, how time do Buddhist meditation Bodhisattva arose four, six miracles? Without living beings, how Buddha beings distinguish three groups?
Buddha replied: The education, the law, if there is evil evil, or the computer itself, or otherness, as ancient as the Bodhisattva I can not shop the sex, the evil evil has no legal ownership, but on meditation . The Buddha is if Germany, France evil is evil or qualitative methods have more or less from the wall, or in chimpanzee relatives, love ... As there are two: either manually, or the otherness. Computer calculations are impure in themselves; otherness is only for clothing, body jewelry, all things are impermanent frivolous claims, as an affinity for suffering. In education within no external communication is usually so calm down, if I have time to practice the Bodhisattva old, not in sex shop No, that does not have ownership in meditation, because the evil evil German and French not true, or the properties themselves, or otherness, so when I do leave Bodhisattva in Germany, France evil evil into meditation so that to charity. If there are miracles, or the properties themselves or otherness, the old convent when I Bodhisattva can not know without divine ownership, should be supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhi Monastery question: If the law is not certain, there is no ownership, how to approach the Buddha himself in power?
He says: I do meditation for four defilements are liberated, by six miracles to be legal in the birth order. The Bodhi Monastery is because four meditation, Kabbalah four is, how the Buddha himself for not being in power?
Reveal the Buddha: One year sex shop No, because there is not frivolous should not accept the Minister before the start-up psychic meditation. The term bias minister should be able to discharge volume, the Supreme supreme Buddha. At last leave training, because take ownership do not have the personnel to be effective Supreme supreme Buddha, nor ownership. Not certain if the meditation, the Supreme supreme Buddha did not have the problems that can. But for now both are not, and should not be problem.

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