Sunday 30 March 2014

Volume 3
Gone 45MAHAPRAJNAPARAMITA PADESA SASTRA.                              
(Business Ma Ha Sutra Records: Products Diamond Sutra)
Business: Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed! What is called Ma ha slap?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva for us all to do foremost, the so-called Ma ha slap.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that revered sir! What are we doing all of the foremost bodhisattvas?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: It is the nature of the local people, inhuman, Tu has completed, freezer function, anagami, Arhat, Bich-Buddha, Bodhisattvas new center, drives to the Bodhisattva no rot. Bodhi Monastery! Yet we all do to that Bodhisattva foremost. Ma ha Bodhisattva was born slapped on them big heart, can not be damaged as vajra make them all the foremost.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that: What is the bodhisattva ma ha slap born great care not to damage as Vajra?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: ma ha Bodhisattva should slap birth center like this: I will be in great solemnity infinite life and death, we should have to give up all ownership, we must keep equality for all of us born and I must admit the escape should get three all beings, made in parinibbana;'re all beings the right, but not the only one who can give to Nirvana, one must be born out of such general all the way and I should have taken her home from the center net operating Slapped six Paramitayana, we should learn wisdom, reaching all the way willow, willow should have achieved most general goal of the legal position, we must be Willow reached for the countless subjects minister position. Bodhi Monastery! He called the Bodhisattva ma ha slap born great interest, as Kim can not destroy the port. Bodhisattva ma ha slapped in her heart that makes them superior to all the players, because he used numerous methods possess it.
Dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped, student center like this so I will replace all beings of the ten directions, or hell beings, animals or beings, or evil beings that suffer falls, because each and every sentient being goes in hundreds of thousands of immeasurable suffering depression alternative life hell until he too ambiguous born in parinibbana. Because that way, because sentient beings should bear all suffering. They was born on parinibbana then follows that by cooling itself, through countless hundreds of thousands of breast countless lives, will see the Supreme supreme Buddha.
Dyke! He is the bodhisattva ma ha slap big heart damage as Vajra can not, stay in the center of that because they do foremost.
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap born like big pleasure center, resident's mental pleasure, but because we all like to do foremost.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha said, Blessed! How big is the center of pleasure like bodhisattva ma ha slap?
He says: ma ha Bodhisattva new slap from the center, until the Supreme securities supreme Buddha, non-pollution center, center courtyard a well foolish heart, mind brain damage, heart bar text, center Pratyeka Buddha, he called the pleasure center of the Bodhisattvas like big slap ma ha; residence in her heart to do that because we all foremost, do not think there's interest. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap born Bodhisattva estate center.
That white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Why call center Real estate?
Buddha: Standing Heat race concept mind, do not think that there's interest, he called the Bodhisattva slap ma ha estate.
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, for all beings, should benefit joyful birth center. Why call center happily interests? As rescue all beings, and all beings not give up, do not think there's also the mental states. He called the Bodhisattva ma ha slap happy birth center to benefit all beings.
Thus, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, practice Prajna Paramita, as supreme rank foremost among them deterministic.
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva should slap ma ha wants legal practice center, legal glad, happy way. What is legal? That is not true minister broke the Minister of Justice, he called the law.
What is known is wanted legal, legal celebrate? Legal news, Legal endure, French territory; was known as wish legal, legal excited.
How fun is legal? As he often practice law, he is pleased to call law.
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, upper level players can do for them all to, because he used numerous methods so possessed.
Again, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not resident in internal legal to own outlawry not, steps can make all the foremost of them, because he used numerous methods possess it.
Again, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, residing in the four foundations of mindfulness to stay in eighteen general not legal, steps can make all the foremost of them, because he used numerous methods possess it.
Again, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, residing in eighty as Vajra, to stay immersed in Eighty nowhere left no infection, upper level players can make their deterministic, because legal He used that wealth possessed.
Thus, dyke! Bodhisattva residing in the law that may rank as the foremost of them all, because of conditions that should be referred to as Ma ha slap.
Comments: Tu Buddhist Bodhi have heard that Bodhisattva, Ma ha slap this question means.
"Ma ha", the Chinese translation is "big", "Bodhisattva DOA" Chinese translated as "mind" or "beings". Supreme beings filed between the worldly beings, the so-called great. Again, take great care to know all legal, of all beings want, then this is great.
Again, Bodhisattvas should call Ma ha slap, slap Ma ha so called Bodhisattva, because the mind has directed the Supreme demand so.
Again, as stated in product width Praise ma ha slap means Bodhisattva.
Again, in this Buddha himself said that Ma ha slap.
Sentient beings have three parts: 1. Right Concentration, make sure to Nirvana. 2. Ta-making, certainly in bad faith. 3. Uncertainty. Huge living among us right concentration, so called Ma ha slap.
Audience is just all the saints and sages, except Buddhism.
Human nature is the birth place of saint nature, so-called nature, such as diabetes in children born to your home, but can not do anything small, then certainly hope the big deal. Ovule position since the First World approach to law.
Real's place is in the fifteenth practice is to dig under center.
Q: Why did fifteen call center's bowl?
A: In the thinking mind more direct use, is used in conditions for direct and multiple rings, rings take place, because why? Because of the large ring.
Again, patience and wisdom, two things can guess, can attest. Residing in eight so-called ring bowl ring.
Tu has completed, freezer function, anagami, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, as previously mentioned.
Bodhisattva is a play, it is said: The new center, to be infertile legal entity, according impermanence supreme Buddha that plays center, he called the new center, which give rise to their feet. Clearly know the true form of the law, also known minister of mind, out of sorrow, under the Supreme mind supreme Buddha, not crazy; center was called a play.
Someone said: People residing in the ordinary fetters however, heard the Buddha, found compassion, mercy beings, we would pray to Buddha. But in her mind afflictions, because interest honor and respect are the sun, as the Prince of cakkavatti to conceive another child was over the horizon, demons, gods will honor. Bodhisattva mind too, though in fetters, has more gods, saints, clairvoyance.
Furthermore, since the new bodhisattva until center is no Supreme supreme Buddha, have been signed into law the life, infertility is a legal person, called retrogression. Retrogression minister, said after going wide.
For mass will thus rank foremost, the so-called Ma ha slap. Bodhisattvas and all he wants to do all the Saints, should give rise to large, bear all the suffering, permanent center as Vajra estate.
Heart Diamond Sutra is not all fetters shook afflictions, for as Vajra mountain the wind do not shake. The evil beings who go to, not do as it said it did not believe life; been schistosomiasis, defame, beaten, imprisoned tied, tight dress, cut split, other constant attention. Someone please head to the eyes, brain marrow, limbs, skin, tendon, bone, are possible for all. People please do not be bored while lashing out anger, so the heart does not tolerate the Bodhisattva, Vajra candidates as permanent mountain, destroying people gouged, interesting insect bite, not a bit of harm reduction; was called Vajra center.
Again, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra says Minister of center, is the Bodhisattva should think: I do not have a month, a year, a life, two lives, for the lives of thousands of thousands of large solemn oath, we should have to go through countless, countless, infinite life escaped death benefit of sentient beings. Secondly we should remove all objects in outer esteem. Three injured is not equality hate towards others. Fourthly, we will take three admit that radical option of escaping all beings. In the sentient beings and such, but it's not the one, he has not, in her mind did not regret not sunk. Friday is going to know the law minister was not born not kill, not to go there, did not clean memory. Saturday is going to take the immaculate purity of mind Paramitayana six practice, dedication necessary to Tri strain. August is going to know all the skill of making the world of production and the world should know, all communicated clearly. Nine is going to most subjects understood the legal position of the minister, all of which are ultimately not legal, all measures consistent as Minister parinibbana, leave the breast distinguish thoughts. Ten is going to know the two general measures three subjects (the Tripitaka Taisho Built-sa and have recorded three generals) to minister to countless subjects, clearly communicated.
Two officers are all things is legal or two, or not, or student, or kill, or do, or not do, or achromatic colors or etc. ..
Three subjects as either one, or two, or more, of three or more are called a lot. Or, or, or not have not have not, either on or between, or under, or past, or future, or present, three worlds, three measures positive, negative, neutral, three subjects, four subjects, five subjects, so countless disciplines, are very afraid smoothly, not interested in that exchange, no terror, no doubt, credit life communicates very afraid, inflicted not stop, destroy the defilements, retribution it and the obstacles, are making corrupt; like Kim shove the mountain as possible. Vajra's residence in the center, will make a public defense of the upper classes, because obtained not impossible.
If not impossible to attain great bodhisattvas born as Kim Cang center so that students feel pride times heavier than ordinary crimes. So say countless users possess, the minister of law can not, as illusory as merchandise.
Again, there is increasingly attention as Kim beings sink into the three evil paths, we will be hard to replace hard because every bear that every sentient being suffering hell until it's born from the hell out of the group good grounds, until then parinibbana evidence. Back save all beings, so roll of all beings, the group later on their own merit, through countless eons, the new Buddha, in that no foreign interest not shrinking. Replace suffering beings under such diligence, make your own merit, in the long mortal, not foreign interest not sunk, as Vajra land preservation age three thousand worlds, making unshakable, durable center was must be called as Kim port.
Mind blocks are like large but sturdy mind, not like big blocks, as horses have very big but not like big blocks. For two beings are equal attention should not genital infection, if Ai is the enemy, break etc. .. ego mind is of Buddhist origin. Often practice compassion should not have anger, often charming shops entities living in harmony without nature, should not foolish; love the concept than the red beings should not have brain damage heart, do not give them birth , precious Buddhist, interested students should not bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
Q: If the mind solidly as Vajra estate news, star center said this estate?
A: Or when the mind but also solidly up and down, as though the tree that can solidly lay. Harmful: 1. Foreign animate coast, as before said. 2. Noiduyen animate, as wrong, etc. .. If you tend to be small comfort Buddhist thought and all wisdom, that we will get her retribution, should not the mind.
Again, Bodhisattvas should use the karmic benefit sentient beings, from taking food to Buddhist music skills to benefit sentient beings, we often do not give birth, want to cause suffering departed, he called a peaceful mind and well do not think there's interest.
Again, Bodhisattvas fun approach, called the foremost. France is not undermining the law minister. Do not break the law minister could no attachments, no law can be territorial, that is impossible to attain. Nature's impossible is not attained nirvana; often endure life believe that law, education law known as; usually practice three fun-called liberation measures.
Again, the bodhisattva not dwell in the eighteenth, eighteen for not falling into the issue, should not the poor start. Resident four foundations of mindfulness, not until eighteen common law, kill the negativity, the legal team of friendly, could foremost.
Again, in the interest Bodhisattva Vajra etc. .. at the age of eighty pleasure, the fun boring world, growth and intellectual virtue means should foremost among them the holy congress. If that works for adults is usually obtained, then what chance for the small! So called Ma ha slap. 
EXPLANATION: Abuse Broadcaster packed 14
(Doing Great Wisdom note: Part 2, the 12th of Abuse Broadcaster ants) 
Economics: Then Sariputta knowledge network that white Buddha: Blessed! I mean why call Ma ha slap.
Buddha: He just said.
Sariputta said, ego, acceptance beings, mortgage life, mortgage life, mortgage born, nurturing acceptance, we accept books, people accept, accept work, accept that work, acceptance arises, that arises mortgage, mortgage life , accept that life, accept someone knows, someone found acceptance, approval period, generally accepted, may approve, not approve, approve in warm mortgage twelve imported eighteen accept, approve four substrate, karmic acceptance twelve , accept to accept four foundations of mindfulness for eighteen common law does not, accept Buddhist observance achievements beings, net national observance of Buddha, Buddhist acceptance, approval Zhuan Falun. Since the end of the mortgage is such that sermon, he called Ma ha slap.
Bodhi Monastery told that Sariputta: So what should observance of conditions that accept color called? So what should accept karmic feeling, perception, knowledge transfer to Falun called mortgage is approved?
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, no skillful means for identity so generated is approved, property acquired for use, for sensation, perception, , consciousness until turning Falun born is approved, property acquired for use. Here, ma ha slap bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, skillful means taking power, the grid is an end to accept that sermon, because numerous users possess.
Thesis. Q: Buddha 500 agents led to the pond dragon Arhat A multi na she reached the pleasures of life away from, say for previous karma and self disciple Sariputta was not there. Items related to Buddha referred to. Then Section related to psychic energy used to refund period is met Sariputta medical apparel. Section Sariputta told to wait a little ventures, and garment care waiting to be finished. Section venture urge to go fast. Then he rubbed his hand Section venture, he finally completed. Sariputta see related item that you psychic, and he took the waist band shirt thrown to the ground and said: He just took her to strip. Section venture taken up arms long cut, but not how to take off from the ground, on the mainland to take up deep, powerful vibration of the earth, still clinging strip of land. Then, Kondanna Buddha asked: So what causal powerful vibrations of the earth?
Buddha: Because Section venture into the deep, large storage using psychic power strip of Sariputta up without.
Buddha monks: Meditation of Sariputta in or out, until Section venture did not even know the name; Buddhist meditation in and out, so Sariputta did not know the name.
Q: So, Sariputta wisdom far away from Buddhism, therefore why I said it was fun to say?
A: Sariputta not want to expose their intellectual advance mass, high interest trying to say. Sariputta was the only Buddhist Zhuan Falun, wide benefit sentient beings. Ma ha literal slap huge benefit, so complete Buddha, Sariputta continued speaking.
Again, many news Sariputta said, because why? As before listening predestined life Sariputta said, many people found the Bodhisattva mind. Buddha by the karmic for compassion, my mind, and I've basically eradicated habits, legal charity has an end, should allow Sariputta said.
Sariputta said: ego, accept who know, guys that accept Buddha, Bodhisattvas mortgage, mortgage beings and the false view of property, wealth, period, typically five aggregates until the transfer is approved the legal Buddhas rotation. Bodhisattvas are three things that end up going that is accepted between public lecture. Three things this is accepted, since no driving test was used to stick the bone marrow. Bodhi Monastery think: the aggregates for the Buddha Dhamma is the place of the Bodhisattva, so therefore why should finish the sermon is approved? Think so then asked Sariputta. Sariputta replied: Bodhisattva without skillful means that want to practice Prajna Paramita, find the best restaurant minister, the prime minister should take the color generated is outstanding mortgage, as opposed to here, known as the means skillful. This Bodhisattva but consistent excellence, no expectation is that students get the wrong end.
Business: Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed! Con also want to say why called Ma ha slap!
Buddha: his talk. 
Bodhi Monastery said: Blessed! Supreme Mind supreme Buddha, does not equal heart-shaped shell with center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, because why? Because the center is located outflows Necessarily, such that the force; outflow to the heart, such attachments are not binding, because of conditions that should be referred to as Ma ha slap.
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: What is the very heart of the Bodhisattva level class ma ha slapped together with no center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas?
Bodhi Monastery said ma ha Bodhisattva from the slapping new legal center that has so far not born there is death, there are more down there thanks to clean. Sariputta! If measures are not born not kill, do not remember not to clean, that there is no center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas no attention Supreme supreme Buddha, Buddhism has no center. Sariputta! He called the very center of the Bodhisattva level class ma ha slap, not with center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas.
Sariputta told dyke: dyke As said, omniscience center, threefold, non-binding center, not sticky mac.Tu Bodhi! Lust is not attached, sensation, perception, action, knowledge is not attached, the four foundations of mindfulness is not attached, not until eighteen common law does not cling, therefore why not just say that clinging mind?
Bodhi Monastery said: So, so! Lust is not attached, not until eighteen common law does not cling.
Sariputta told dyke: Mind outflows ordinary person is not binding, because emptiness; center bar text, Pratyeka Buddha, Buddhas mind that such outflows also required, because the emptiness.
Bodhi Monastery said: Yes, Sariputta!
Sariputta said: Bodhi Monastery! If color is not bound outflows, because emptiness, feeling, perception, knowledge outflows is not binding, because emptiness; made to contact the student life is predestined outflows, not binding, because the nature No.
Bodhi Monastery said: Exactly!
Sariputta said: The four foundations of mindfulness outflows also not binding, because nature does not, not until eighteen common law also required that such outflows, because emptiness.
Bodhi Monastery said: Yes! As it Sariputta said, the center also outflows such mundane constraints, because the emptiness, not legal for eighteen common outflows also not binding, because the emptiness.
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: As for the word bodhi say no, because there is no center attachment should not mind that. Bodhi Monastery! Because there is no color attachment should not matter; since sensation, perception, action, until the contact form do not have an affinity born life expectancy should not attachment, for the four foundations of mindfulness should not have no attachment to the four foundations of mindfulness, the in general not legal for eighteen should not have no attachment no general legal eighteen.
Bodhi Monastery said: Exactly, Sariputta! Because there is no color to color so no attachments, so no general law for eighteen should not be legal for eighteen common no no attachments. Thus, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita taking center Supreme supreme Buddha, taking numerous class center class, not with center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas not think there's interest, the attachment is not interested that, for all that nothing is possessed, so called Ma ha slap.
Thesis. Bodhi Monastery inner class wife of Ma ha slap, for he is not interested attachments. Non-attachment is the bodhisattvas from the past when the mind has found no law, there are certain general or student, or kill, or more or less, or memory or clean. Ultimately did not mind, it does not have interest in non-interest general minister, the minister for ultimate purity, so no center bar text, Pratyekabuddhas center, center Bodhisattva, the Buddha mind.
Abandoned in mind so you also confess good, no attachments bodhisattva's mind is honor. Sariputta asking dyke should say: Is not Necessarily only center position is such that the required outflow, Bodhisattvas should not be high, because why? As ordinary human mind is such that the required outflow, because nature often does not. As Sravakas center, Pratyekabuddhas, Buddha Mind outflows, such that the force, the true form of the ordinary mind emptiness. It's not general nature, not pure attachment, as before said: May cover up the sun the moon, can not defile the sun the moon. Again, the true form of the affliction usually centered Minister emptiness not different, just the ordinary position where it is thanks to the clean, still standing in the Holy place, for practicing intellectual formless, without distinction, just because they are born so merciful but there is talk that the mind is not attached. Did not mind ordinary private outflows are not binding, that the aggregates for eighteen common law is not so.
Bodhi Monastery said: Yes!
Sariputta said: Tam did not mind, because the minister did not mind, so no attachment. Place identity, appearances should also not without attachments, to the Dhamma for the same.
Bodhi Monastery said: Exactly! So Bodhisattva legal nature may often not consistent, not impossible to attain ultimate purity, should say so interested Supreme supreme Buddha, no class center class, not with center bar text, center Pratyeka Buddha, do not think there's interest, that interest is not attached, can quickly reach the Supreme supreme Buddha.
EXPLANATION: LAU NA byproduct 15th
(Doing Great Wisdom note: Part 2, 14 Mahayana leftovers) 
Business: Di na now in long multi-element la ni (Man From e) white Buddha said, Blessed! Also want to say the reason the Son called Ma ha slap.
Buddha: He just said.
Already a long Phu Di na ni e said: great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva dignified Development Center Mahayana interesting direction, he rode great bodhisattva (Mahayana), the Bodhisattva was called Ma ha slap.
Sariputta told long Phu na: What Bodhisattva called ma ha Stockings dignified?
Na long Phu told Sariputta: Stockings bodhisattva ma ha solemn regardless because then many people should stay confidential For three dollars, three dollars For security practice, but for all beings should stay confidential For three dollars , For paramita practice, not because people should reside About this much paramita, perfections About practiced forbearance paramita, perfections Tan, Qian perfections, Prajna Paramita, but because all beings should stay Prajna Paramita practice Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva ma ha Stockings solemn unlimited beings that all these people I would rather the level of others; do not say that I just do for all these people to the Supreme supreme Buddha, while others do not come. Bodhisattva ma ha slap him around for all beings so great solemnity. Think again: For I will fully paramita, as well as for all beings For paramita practice; self-sufficient About three perfections, Rings paramita, perfections, effort, meditation three dollars security, self-sufficient Prajna Paramita, as well as living beings practice Prajna Paramita.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva For paramita practice, there is nothing alms center are necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, and all beings dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. Sariputta! He called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections corpses, there she is solemn secret agents.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped corpse paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, not toward the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. Sariputta! He called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections corpse, having a great perfections solemn.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped corpse paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily strain, confidence, patience, generosity wanted to approach her, he called the corpse paramita, perfections labeled great solemnity.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped corpse paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, not stay diligent practice, he called the corpse Paramita Paramita Effort has great solemnity.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped corpse paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, photography center, center bar text not arise, Pratyekabuddhas; was known as the corpse meditation paramita have three dollars solemn secret agents.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped corpse paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, the customary law as illusory, no trial, no guinea pigs, no life; was known as the corpse Prajna Paramita Paramita have great solemnity.
Thus, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped with interest alms Tri necessarily corresponding strain, not the acquisition of Paramitayana minister, should know that the great bodhisattva ma ha slap solemn.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha tu About slapped paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, all beings in the same direction to the Supreme supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva was called ma ha slapped tu About three For three la la honey honey.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections clergy have information center, rings, he wanted to call the legal world Bodhisattva slapped ma ha la tu About three perfections label side.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections clergy, religious hard not leave, he called the Bodhisattva ma ha slapped clergy have diligently Paramita Paramita.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections clergy, received no attention Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas; was called potash ha ma tu About slapped Paramita Paramita Zen.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha tu About slapped perfections, all measures consistent as illusory, also do not think that world, because the user unknowingly possessed, he called the Bodhisattva ma ha tu About slapped Prajna Paramita has three perfections.
Thus Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha tu About slapped perfections; collection of Paramitayana other photographers, so the so-called great solemnity.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped private paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, all beings in the same direction Supreme supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva was called ma ha la slapped three private For three honey is honey.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private, received no attention Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas just received necessarily mind race, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private motorized three dollars confidential.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private, Tri interest necessarily corresponds to the strain, diligent mind and body, do not stop without a break, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections prisoners have three dollars Effort confidential.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private, interested in a photography site, but see the pain, the mind is not distracted, he called ma ha potash slapped private Paramita Paramita Zen.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private, Tri interest necessarily corresponds to the strain, the customary law, no person, no life, no scolding, cutting, mind as illusory as a dream , he called the Bodhisattva ma ha slapped prisoners have Prajna Paramita Paramita.
Thus Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections private collection of Paramitayana other photographers.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma tu ton ha slapped paramita, generosity center corresponds with Tri necessarily race, do not let laziness body and mind; was called Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Tan For Paramita Paramita have .
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped magnetic tons perfections, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, before following full pure morality; was called Bodhisattva magnetic ma ha slap when there are tons paramita About three dollars confidential.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped magnetic tons perfections, practice patience with Tri center corresponds necessarily strain; was called Bodhisattva magnetic ma ha slap attack when she realized Paramita Paramita.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped magnetic tons perfections, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, photography center, educational leave, to meditate, she called the Bodhisattva magnetic ma ha slap when there are tons Paramita Zen perfections.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped magnetic tons perfections, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, not accept all the legal prime minister, prime minister for not approve nor attachment; was called Bodhisattva ma ha slap Diligent practice when there Prajna Paramita Paramita.
Thus Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped magnetic tons paramita, the photography collection Paramitayana other.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections meditation, the mind necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, the center alms, do not mind chaos, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation Paramita Paramita yarrow .
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections meditation, morality centered Tri necessarily corresponding strain, the force due to the destruction of the world can not get in, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation paramita have About three perfections.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections meditation, the mind necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, due to compassionate humanism of brain damage, he called a Bodhisattva which ha slapped meditation Paramita Paramita labeled .
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections meditation, the mind necessarily corresponds to the strain position, for meditation not interested, no infection, usually from an increased demand to a Zen meditation, he called the Bodhisattva ma ha Zen slap when there Diligent Paramita Paramita.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva perfections meditation, the mind necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, not leaning all the way, and not according to the student, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation paramita have Bat Elegant three perfections.
Thus, Sariputta! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation paramita, the photography collection Paramitayana other.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, possessions in alms outside, not little nostalgia, not that people who receive and guinea pigs; was called Bo tu ma ha slap slap the Prajna Paramita Paramita yarrow. 
Again, Sariputta! If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, Tri interest necessarily corresponds to the strain, not seen two world break the precepts, he called ma ha slapped bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita Paramita motorized.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri strain, no responsible person, who yelled, hitting people, people kill, not to see that he used the patient is not: it calls Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita Paramita labeled.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, the law ultimately not consistent, taking compassion, from goodness, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva from any elegant Paramita Paramita deliberately attacked.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita, interest necessarily corresponds to the Tri States, in meditation, the minister left bar, minister, minister formless, Minister of meditation uncreated; was called Bo tu ma ha slap slap the Prajna Paramita Paramita Zen.
Thus Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped Prajna Paramita, the photography collection Paramitayana other.
Sariputta! so called ghost ha Bodhisattva Stockings solemn.
Great Bodhisattva's dignified, happy Buddhas of the ten directions, worthy of praise in the middle of them that, in the world that have great bodhisattva ma ha slapped her solemn, achievements beings, the Buddha of purification.
Comments: na long Phu two disciples heard saying that Ma ha slapped on, the Buddha said promised fresh possibilities instead. And Phu na long been popular among Buddha praised the shaman above all, want to say that Ma ha should slap that white Buddha: I also want to say, lets say Buddha immediately.
Q: Bodhi Monastery is the owner said Prajna Paramita, then ask Sariputta dyke, she asked why this long Phu na?
A: The two are the same person Brahmin, named only as mothers name, those two are major steps in the Dharma. Sariputta large in intellectual goods. Phu na long ways solemn sermon, guided beings, major steps in every sermon, so those two are equal, equal to discourse together in front of the Buddha.
Lai, Phu na long ago recommended the same conclusion Sariputta, together cleverly replied. As in business, for example say seven cars, they have done the rear ones, prefer the same logic, no longer abandoned in such an affinity.
Lai, Phu said that Ma ha na long slap, so it should be asked, why ask her uncle dyke!
Ma ha slap was meant to say it was great solemnity, as people go away, there are many from wages, as breaking the enemy should prepare weapons. Bodhisattva was also, want to break the demonic afflictions enemy, should practice self-six Paramitayana filed solemn. This person lives in immeasurable long gone in life and death, blessings intellectual group to make from wages, in succession, because Mahayana tends to release six Paramitayana retreat center, rides great.
Sariputta asked na long Phu Thanh text, also Pratyekabuddhas trend direction. Why not call great solemnity, but only say great Bodhisattva dignified?
Na long Phu said to bar text, but Pratyekabuddhas six practice almsgiving, etc. .. but the limited amount, because of his self and of the beings deserve, not so-called great solemnity. Regardless of the Bodhisattva, without limitation because of all these living beings should cultivate generosity to wisdom. Do not think that I was the third person quite the legacy, not of all these people, all these people are making Supreme supreme Buddha, and of all those who can not. Bodhisattva practice makes great solemnity in all beings as Mahayana Buddhism. Great bodhisattva practice solemn, self-paramita practice is also true that urban beings perfections, for the practice of Prajna Paramita, and so on.
Q: Why are referred to as dignified agents?
A: Because sentient beings, because the Supreme supreme Buddha should practice the virtue of merit, said comb is six Paramitayana practice, as long na Phu said second layer.
If Bodhisattva for all Candidates should practice intellectual perfections, blessings and virtues common to all beings.
Common means of giving blessings we enjoy, and general beings, we take it to the Supreme dedicate supreme Buddha.
Dedication to the virtues is not for the king, the king of heaven, the happy world of meditation, just as they should give birth to the fun and not for Nirvana. Last night's report, because sentient beings should demand dharma. The Minister For so called modern perfections solemn.
If the bodhisattva's practice of generosity, if found Pratyekabuddhas, Arhat modern Kabbalah, clean or illegal, into Nirvana, he did not participate before work, only the most religious Buddhist center, was known as For Paramita Paramita About arise. At alms, if any import reviled evil, damage a knife sticks, resist unnecessary ones please please, do not mind the foreign court, to minister in truth the ultimate solution is not: it is called a secret, she discovered born Rings perfections.
At practice generosity, harmony possessions, guardian to give to the other, not lazy body and mind incessantly; was called Paramita For Effort incurred perfections.
At alms, most mind Buddha, dharma concept, not to mind ADD text, interjected Pratyekabuddhas;'s generosity was immediately in meditation dunh; was called Paramita For Meditation perfections arise.
At generosity, bodhisattvas think the candidates, recipients, possessions predestined by birth should not be harmonious nature. Since there is no nature should not, as illusory, like a dream. Because they should not unclaimed, no trial, no legal because there is no material resources;'s called For perfections arising Paramita Sutra.
If bodhisattvas because Necessarily the Minister should not cling Paramitayana, which can Paramitayana practice, known as Bodhisattva's great solemnity. In a Paramitayana was born Paramitayana enough, in this business that differentiate them. Historically, in other words, no ultimate meaning, should help distinguish said, meaning opening arguments. In other Paramitayana, should also mean to say that option.
Q: Why only talk in For the six perfections Paramitayana incurred while in year Paramitayana said only arise in the other?
A: If Paramitayana years later, every each have six Paramitayana arise, there is no error. Six Paramitayana is not practice for a while, in a notion that countless lifetimes of the six groups called merit Paramitayana six. Before incurred minor, after arising medium, large, what fault! All the measures were initially small then big, so Paramitayana each other every six may arise Paramitayana.
Again, while all the Buddhas teachings are taught paramita For the original door, as in Beijing said, usually began teaching Buddhism beings generosity, morality, born of heaven, saying in sexual taste, before telling the suffering of the world, the interests of morality, later said four soles, so say the first alms. 
Q: Why is Buddha said alms door initially?
FAQ: How to collect photography beings nothing more than giving. Large and small, on man to animal, collecting alms photography is both, for the petitioners to placebo for consecutive no resentment became no relatives, no resentment and no relatives are becoming candidates for the friendly people. Buddhas have 32 generals, 80 custom shaped beauty full of merit, such as the integers, are due alms which are. As Attorney General, etc. .. Make potash seven treasures from the output arm, bringing them level applicants born, born to make them happy puree needs, it can be nirvana. There are so mean as alms head. 
Q: Why do long na Phu said in a rise Paramitayana Paramitayana arise Paramitayana to act dignified?
A: Each Paramitayana her own act together, the weak force, as the soldiers are not trained enough not to fight the enemy, if the army solemn meeting, armed enough to destroy the enemy. Bodhisattvas also, six Paramitayana solemn a time when the enemy can break the demonic affliction, the Supreme presto supreme Buddha. So say in a Paramitayana have enough Paramitayana. 
Ten Buddhas praise worthy achievement beings, the pure Buddhist nation, as before said.
Economics: Tue network Sariputta asked long Phu Di na ni la multi element that ma ha Why Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries?
Na long Phu Sariputta said that Bodhisattva when practicing slap ma ha Prajna Paramita, the education leave, leave the evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, leave sexual bliss born in Jhana, for To Charity came in, took heart from large, not two center practice, no energy, no resentment, no anger, no brain damage over a wide methods, two, three, four directions, four corners, on the bottom; widely throughout all the world; compassion, sympathetic joy and such discharge. Bodhisattva was at the time in meditation meditation, meditation, and immeasurable tops and branches, all of them born in the same direction Tri necessarily to race, he called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva meditation paramita Development Center beneficiaries Mahayana.
Bodhisattva ma ha slapped her residence in immeasurable kindness, have a thought that I will be Tri necessarily strain, will preach negativity to stop living beings, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation paramita For paramita there.
If interested bodhisattva ma ha slap Tri necessarily corresponds document of meditation, meditation headquarters; duplicity, so charitable, not received the attention bar text, Pratyekabuddhas; was called Bodhisattva ma ha Meditation is slapped bile About three perfections.
If the bodhisattva ma ha slapped center corresponds to the strain in the Tri necessarily meditate, think I will preach to end negativity beings have the heart to want to, please, her rings, she called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva While meditation Paramita Paramita labeled.
If interested bodhisattva ma ha slap Tri necessarily corresponds to strain on the meditation group based charity, helpfulness Tri necessarily to race, do not stay diligent practice, he called ma ha slapped Bodhisattva meditation paramita Effort has perfections.
If interested bodhisattva ma ha slap necessarily corresponds to the Tri race, religious meditation and four tops and branches, consistent impermanence, suffering Minister, impersonality, minister, minister formless, ineffective minister, along with all of us Tri born dedication necessary to strain; was called Bodhisattva Meditation ma ha slap when there Prajna Paramita Paramita.
Sariputta! This is ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Bodhisattvas practice ma ha slap from the heart, to think that I will bring peace to all living beings on our compassion will save all sentient beings, the mind feels pleasure in all beings; to discharge our mind will make all beings, free from all defilements; was called Bodhisattva tu ma ha slap when unscrupulous For perfections.
Again, Bodhisattvas practice of meditation ma ha slapped her immeasurable, not toward the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, just dedication necessary to Tri States; was called Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped immeasurable About three perfections there.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped four immeasurable, not participating status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, just ring, fun, Tri necessarily want to race, he called the Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped immeasurable, she received three perfections.
Again, Sariputta! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap Tri necessarily corresponds to the strain, four immeasurable, pure act well; was called Bodhisattva tu ma ha slapped four Diligent unscrupulous perfections.
Again, if the bodhisattva ma ha slapped into meditation, into immeasurable nor according meditation arises immeasurable; was called Bodhisattva tu ma ha slap when unscrupulous means Prajna Paramita.
Sariputta! He called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slap Development Center Mahayana interesting direction, all the way from the four foundations of mindfulness, all the way to practice the Noble eight sections, all three liberation from religious, not legal for eighteen common; was called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slap brainer for internal possessed not so numerous, so there is no legal intellectual property law for not, because no possessed, he called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slap for all legal, intellectual distraction not to; she called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Sariputta bodhisattva ma ha slap Development Center Mahayana interesting direction, extraordinary intelligence, non impermanence, wisdom non-touch, non-suffering, non-real, non-zero, non-self, non selflessness, he called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries, because numerous possessed.
Again, Sariputta! Tri bodhisattva ma ha slap not go in past lives, lives not move in the future, do not go in this present life, nor do not know three generations, he called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana beneficiaries Development Center, because numerous possessed.
Again, Sariputta! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana beneficiaries Development Center located in the Desire Realm not go, do not go in Sac realms, realms Immaterial not go in, nor do not know Desire Realm, Sac realms, realms Immaterial, because numerous possessed , he called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Again, Bodhisattvas ma ha slap Development Center Mahayana position beneficiaries not go in the legal world, do not go in the way of the world, compounded not go in, do not go in unconditioned law, not go in tangible worldliness , do not go in the outflow, not special nor legal world, the world of law, compounded, legal unconditioned, organic contraband, illegal wealth, because wealth possessed. 
Sariputta! He called ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries.
Thesis. Q: Six Paramitayana, if the time should speak against Prajna Paramita said before, then continued to say ... to say meditation upon the perfections Candidates should have said before, so say meditation paramita this before?
A: Deriving modern dignified beings do not have to be destructive. If you say no Bodhisattva meditation, fitness center apart yet, but there Paramitayana practice the other, while prone to damage. Zen perfections, can go through countless attention, then not broken, as says the convent eighty, knives do not hurt, do not fire water damage, also psychic power, these transformed , which may arise great solemnity, as the Buddha taught, bird without wings, can not fly cast. Bodhisattvas do not have magic powers, can not generate great solemnity. In the Zen perfections, can arise through countless attention. Because there is a foreign object in miracles should not be hurt, so should say first of all perfections Meditation.
Q: In the first four meditation merit, may issue six Paramitayana, why say this only in four out of six immeasurable heart Paramitayana? 
A: Four immeasurable mind, the prime minister beings, dependent beings, often because they are born bodhisattva should practice their religion, in the four center had immeasurable compassion, can benefit sentient beings, while eight swims, the first nine classes etc. .. there is no such benefits.
Q: Bodhisattva residing in five broad miracles can benefit sentient beings, therefore why not say?
A: Great compassion is the basis of the Bodhisattva. Again. Kabbalah year ago said, after countless mind would say four, for saying this should not say, if only out four bodhisattvas immeasurable heart, the mind has not called Mahayana interesting direction. Since there are six Paramitayana harmony so-called Mahayana Development Center beneficiaries. Four center immeasurable six Paramitayana arise, in order to say here na long Phu was predestined.
Q: How mindfulness practice all four to eighteen general not legal?
A: There are two kinds of credit out nature and practice of nature. Credit act is consistent nature of impermanence, suffering, impermanence or just shop, or warehouse. The practice of nature is not consistent, selfless, or just not consistent, or consistent self. Bodhisattva for all sentient beings should have religious teachings are learning ..
Again, the Development Center Mahayana took eighteen eighteen things not breaking the law, and giving up her mind about eighteen things that do not.
Again, Bodhisattvas are often the consistency of, well not grasping the minister, he called to mind not no disorder.
Again, for fear of fall usually accepted in touch crazy approved, the law should not shop often, optimistic, fearing fall into insanity approved cessation should not shop very often.
Again, if the Bodhisattvas of the three realms intellectual, not three life bars, no action, no prime minister, said that it will not fall into the delusion of ignorance.
Again, for the world, nor the world of mind. Did not mind because no, no the minister, the ultimate purity. Is not no place is as consistent impermanence, suffering, etc. .. In no Prajna Paramita, without any action not position. No action is for preventing ants, breaking charity law, leave refuge. No non-place is not foolish because, unlike ordinary. Again, keep the world out, meditate, consistent set of measures. Called a non-place? As the scriptures say testimony Born ..
"Legal Practitioners away.
It does not rely on knowledge,
What is indistinguishable,
's Location decision " 

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