Sunday 30 March 2014

Tales mirror the previous incarnation of the Buddha almond taste Shakyamuni.
As wine shines in short eclipses and eternal immortality, Hieu Hanh example of precursor Buddha Shakyamuni (Buddha Sakyamuni) shining reflection of humanity from ancient to countless thousand lifetimes ve later ... The cause of her roots, which were fashioned into a manifesto of praise, sanctification, and wonderful sense of total harmony regardless of time, space, context, country, ethnicity: 
    " Bathing Buddha mind; Hanh Hieu Hanh Buddhist "
Tam Tam Hue flower Hieu
Zen garden between France constants exist.
Hieu Hanh is threatened with Heart
Amid gardens fragrant radiate life.
It's very specific meaning in the statement that praised him: Tablets - Hieu Hanh and nurtured, promoted and uplifted at the same time to practice the virtues, freedom of forgiveness, deliverance pure heart and mind enlightenment, bring blessing and happiness, purity, self at yourself and people - Self-awareness, enlightenment forgiveness, fullness Enlightenment virtues - namely liberation from the reign, and rampant manipulation of three basic toxins suffering: greed, hatred and delusion, from the three unwholesome karma: Executive Body, speech and volitional act, create.
The truth, in the human world and interconnected universe, correlation, impermanence and non-self, the human heart remains constant vibration filled with aspirations niem "curiosity", "love "," the people "hidden, eternal existence, the nature of suffering Tears and smiles happy is not different from ancient ages.
Childhood past lives, Sakyamuni very heavy heart to piety and virtues as a prerequisite for human and Dao Dao Thanh Hien. He did not deny any sacrifice, provided parents are living longer and stronger good, though the drug must hook eye, heart moi's network or abandon imperial throne was now to take care of his parents early Monday ...
Here is a typical rare stories:
There is an old life, the Buddha was born as Prince named A-Li-Na-Book-Tu (Alinasattu) son of Cha-Da-Di-Sa (Jayadisa) capital Pi-Ca-La (Kaplla) origin Ball -Cha-La (Pancala), Central India which childhood. Right from childhood, the famous prince intelligent and very well ink hospitality.
One day, his father's desire for hunting animals, a galloping horse ended his chase prey that I communicate between forest princess. When they defeated the beast sunset covered mountains. Phan too tired, phan not find a word about the king rested under a tree root. But the real risk for the king, because in modern life, there is a specialist carbon capture hung meat eaters lying sleepily. So hear noises, hung his shocked awake coal and arrested the king to eat meat.
Although extremely frightened, the king begged faked calm:
- Sir, I am the King of this country, named Cha-Sa-Da-Di, He must have heard the name. So engrossed hunted wild animals, should communicate to this step. I ask Him to forgive life for me and ask Him to return the meat to use this network temporarily.
Warning teenagers:
- Easy to hear him say so! You do not forget that his current life and what relates to Him are owned by me, but then again I like to eat His flesh before.
No rush discouraged, continue to present the king politely but decisively:
- Sir, now I no longer regret my death, which I regret is not carried out a promise. Therefore, confess Him, I promise to appreciate life more.
Teenagers surprised and wanted to know how this promise. The king solemnly presented that, before his hunting, the king had met a young man named Nan-Da, intending to tell him hear a verse or so and he promised that after hunting ve, will hear and will truly deserves reward. The king determined, if coal is hung approved, he will return to his load right into the next day.
Listen to the king presented, teenagers stabbed to thinking: "This person really brave and honest officer. The Living Dead at the moment, so without thinking of my life, wife and children, but only now thinking of empire promise, look solemn promise than life, this person truly heroic. " Because our institution, have to agree hung charcoal sauna king tide.
Arriving at the palace, the king invited Nan-Da to hear him preach shelves. Hearing this, the king rewarded very important post, and for his bus ticket domicile.
Cleared honor this promise, the king summoned the fire rate of spread documents relating martial courtiers, and declared abdicated the throne to Prince. Prince reminds him to take the country, people do important work, the right to practice religion according kingdom, an absolute must shun violent.
After the Israelis through and saying goodbye to the martial documents, the new king to know the reason.
You hear bad news, everyone was silent. But Prince was promptly banned so calm and knees to request that Father network. The king explained that pitiful, his deep paternal love can not be accepted.
Prince fierce: "O Prince, Father! This is an opportunity thousand year-old, showing hospitality to the director. The children have decided, please ask The King for the vow was fulfilled. " King apparent determination estate transfer, as well as extraordinary power potential of the Crown Prince, he felt secure, confident feeling that rare and wonderful!
After The King farewell, climate and population sample of coal, coal-hung go see Prince, princess stalked like before all jungle animals.
Witnessing the birth separation, and death to this very king then choked tears. Sample post is too faint emotion, the prince's wife once asked dumbfounded and sisters, the much complained of tune.
On awakening spirit, lest the king should hide his ambush on a tree top. By the time that Prince alone, climbed down, put your back stand Prince.
Heroes of high gas loading, Prince went round to the opposite hung a heroic spirit, courage dread.
Hung god spoke:
- Behold the man, ye know that I am not a great man-eating ghost pain specialist or determine how that led to this? Prince calmly replied:
- So today, he will be devoured me, because I was so proud King was my network. Hung god says:
- Look under the bonnet also knows he is the king Cha-Da-Di-Da, as he has many very same father. I think that his actions were indeed extraordinary, but brave attitude, calm and confident as his more extraordinary. You're a brilliant man. Prince modest:
- Sir, I think, as a human sacrifice my life to save his parents is not an impossibility to act. Hung god replied:
- Has anyone called the fear of death, but why are you not afraid?
Prince sternly:
- Because I deem it my self without any negative actions or obscure any matter publicly. I am also mindful that: birth and death, death is the law of life. Therefore, I have no regrets and no fear. So please you, the more the force, let me go eat.
Resilient attitude, he's brave and curious behavior, teenagers stabbed a bewildered, frightened and brave enough find themselves not eat such a person. Prince Lap release center, teenagers how to make fake Prince firewood to hand so much about Prince barbecue. Prince enforcement seriously, calmly.
Prince teenagers watching a fire that injured heart full of glass: "This is a true hero, as lions stalked, shining like the sun. For the first time in my life, I met a person like this template. " Hung coal just automatically think just sat down, opened my eyes to see the Prince really a trance.
Seeing teenagers have strange gesture, Prince surprised:
- Sir, just now, he looks angry, but now he looks so gentle. Through insight and understanding of his détente, I feel there is a big shift in her heart?
Teenagers not only answered the Prince said to himself heard: "The hospitality heavy direct and significant promise, but virtuous, is sacrificing the present age. Who eat people like that, then they will hurt broken into seven pieces ".
Prince reached the ears hear the word repent was wondering, teenagers asked:
- Sir, if you do not have to eat meat, then why did they send me burning firewood do?
Hung god replied:
- Indeed I intend to release him by making him the opportunity to escape.
Prince sternly:
- So he despised me. To be honest with you, even in a past life I was hare-Like German Empire wanted to see the virtues of generosity, I told him to jump into the fire and burned himself, to help him eat for hunger. But at that moment, he reveals heavenly king picture, hug me nowhere fly up, drawing his finger rabbit in the moon. Therefore, the emerald bowl still evident today.
Dedication to rejoice, to praise teenagers: "Moon escape real bloggers, light ivory pearl how to earth, the Great Sage, tastes great as he can not be driven to suicide by the cruel hand of I am. He'd calm return to civil court and coal. "
Indeed, the Prince Hieu Hanh A-Li-Na-Book-Tu, the Buddha precursor, it is true shining example to mankind forever mindful TAC. Like Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha is Tathagata, cut off afflictions; themselves enlightened; Brain - Full Virtue; Reach Nirvana; worldly knowledge; Tier Supreme Officers and Articles Defence secretary; Tier Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, The Exalted performance.
Tam Hanh - Hieu Hanh is Virtue, Dao Hanh ... His immensely profound truth, perfection and holiness. For reference back to Tam Hanh, Hieu Hanh Duc Hanh, Dao Hanh ... our past, present and future is how this practice?! "Self-experience". Hieu Hanh or do duty for the parents, as citizens of the society, the country, is not bound by what the ancient culture, which is probably eternal life, the soul of a culture imbued with cultural nuances cloning, bringing Truth - Compassion - American humanity. So, Hieu Hanh's not a rhetorical, a chimera theory, a passive dogma ... which is a natural mind, is a specific action ... is a mystery flower petal Countless Advantages Sac pervaded boundless - Perfume:
"Perfume fragrant flowers
Unable to fly against the wind
Duc Hanh Huong who have
Want the fly against the wind "
(Dhammapada: 54)

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