Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment.
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                

Episode 5
Book 81
Explanation: Stock Photography Mutual Then  Friday 68 (continued)
Business: Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that: O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Rings Paramita Paramita For players?
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the center until the new sat ashrams, in that if there is some intermediate beings go to anger, lashing out or cut spending each part that still Bodhisattva patience, thinking that I should charity for all sentient beings, should not there for: Need to eat food, drink for drink needs, so everything needed to feed all the best. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva's in the dedication, not born two center, think: Who dedication? Dedication to nowhere? The residence is the Bodhisattva of photography Patience Paramita Paramita cooed.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Patience Paramita Paramita letters?
Buddha: Bodhisattva from the center until the new sat ashrams, in about middleman does not rob whole another network, do not take what is not given, so do not wrong, nor status bar text them, Bich just fine. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. Bodhisattva was born while not dedicate three center think: Who dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme? What methods used for VR? Dedication to nowhere? He is resident in Rings Bodhisattva perfections photography solid perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Rings paramita Diligent players Paramita Sutra?
Buddha: Bodhisattva perfections reside in Rings diligent student center think I will go through a due week by week, or ten, or a thousand, ten thousand, memories by week, more than one world, to the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, memory world, teaching all sentient beings, to teach a world that life over the years, let alone teach that the results have completed, so arahatship, Pratyekabuddhas director, chief equity Supreme enlightenment. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. He is resident in Rings Bodhisattva perfections photography Diligent players perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Rings Paramita Paramita Zen player?
Buddha: Bodhisattva perfections reside in Rings, education leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop; leave sexual bliss born in meditation, to meditation on the Fourth, in her meditation, inner peace in the mind Some measures are in place towards the Necessarily. In the dedication, he Bodhisattva for meditation and goodwill are not possible. He is resident in Rings Bodhisattva perfections photography Paramita Zen player.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Rings Paramita Prajna Paramita player?
Buddha: Rings Bodhisattva perfections reside in customary law or the general left, or cessation minister, or minister endless, not by the prime minister passed away certificates to the sitting position ashrams pharmaceutical Necessarily strain, from ashrams standing up, to teach. He is resident in Rings Bodhisattva perfections photography Prajna Paramita players, because not take, not give.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how bodhisattva residing in Tan Paramita Paramita photography cooing?
Buddha: Bodhisattva perfections reside in Tan, body and mind diligently, not lazy, not stopping, thinking that I would definitely be supreme Buddha Supreme, can not not be. Bodhisattva's the benefit of living beings go through a week by, or hundred, thousand, ten thousand, memories by week, or a world, or hundred, thousand, ten thousand, memory world, residing in Tan perfections , if not met a teacher who turns to making into a Buddha, or directed into office, or Pratyeka Buddhist, or met a person that religious teachers of the ten leading charity, diligence not lazy, makes photography Judicial experimental and experimental resources. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, no dedication to bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. He is resident in Tan Bodhisattva perfections photography cooed perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how Offensive solid Paramita Paramita photography?
Buddha: Bodhisattva perfections reside in Tan, from the center until the new sat ashrams, not killing yourself, do not teach people watching, not killing the praise, joyful praise not killing people , to themselves away from wrong, teach others away from wrong, not wrong to praise, praise the joy not wrong. About Bodhisattva's residence in perfections, not for blessings in realms of Education, Sac realm, formless realm, not for status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, trigeminal not mind: Do not see the helpfulness, not legal in that direction, no place in that direction. He is resident in Tan Bodhisattva perfections photography solid perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how Offensive Paramita Paramita photography confess?
Buddha: Bodhisattva perfections reside in Tan, from the center until the new sat ashrams, in about him or his intermediary, or go to the non-cutting portion of each expenditure. Bodhisattva thought: Who cut that I am? Luck who I am? Bandits who we are? Thought that I was gifted a large profit. My dear life because they are born so they regenerate themselves go to take. Then Bodhisattva remember thinking a true form of legal right feet. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, no dedication to the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. He is resident in Tan Bodhisattva perfections photography confessed perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how Offensive photography Paramita Paramita Zen player?
Buddha: Bodhisattva residing in Tan perfections, education leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop; leave sexual bliss born in meditation, subtle meditation, meditation tam charity, to love, compassion, sympathetic joy discharge, so useful in African thought. Mindless African origin, not meditation brings immeasurable, formless to her, retribution territory, but born to workplace benefits beings; bring six Paramitayana accomplishment living beings from one realm to another realm of Buddha Buddha body offerings to the Buddhas access, good planting base. He is resident in Tan Bodhisattva perfections photography Paramita Zen player.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how Offensive photography Paramita Paramita Sutra player?
Buddha: Bodhisattva residing in Tan perfections, not that she is a secret method, that Icons are not perfections, until not that meditation paramita, no minister Meditation paramita, the four foundations of mindfulness for It is necessary to place strain; did not find the law, not that generals, not that legal, illegal, illegal fees, for the law will not be attached. Bodhisattva was doing the right thing as saying. He is resident in Tan Bodhisattva perfections photography Prajna Paramita players.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how in Zen Bodhisattva perfections resident photographer cooed perfections?
Buddha: Zen Bodhisattva perfections reside in, leave education, departed evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop; leave sexual bliss born in meditation, subtle meditation, meditation tam charity, to love, compassion, sympathetic joy discharge to Africa on African ownership mindless idea origin, in the meditation paramita not mind wandering, experimental and practical resource for executive candidates beings. Self-two contestants practice, teach others to practice two pilots, two experimental methods praise, joyful praise the two experimental practice. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, no dedication to the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. He is living in a Zen Bodhisattva perfections photography cooed perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how meditation Paramita Paramita photography solid?
Buddha: Zen Bodhisattva perfections reside in non-sexual attention, anger, ignorance, do not disturb others living center, training center corresponds only omniscience. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme, no dedication to the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. He is living in a Zen Bodhisattva perfections photography solid perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how meditation Paramita Paramita photography confess?
Buddha: Zen Bodhisattva residing in perfections, sharp as a bubble bar, restaurant life like water balloons; visualization as the mirage; act like banana bars, bars form as illusory, in that year when the shop is not durable aggregates , thinking: Who cut that I am? Luck who I am? Who expectancy? Who thought? Who's out? Who formula? Who trough? Who is online? Who was born of anger? He is living in a Zen Bodhisattva perfections photography confessed perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how meditation Paramita Paramita photography Offensive player?
Buddha: Zen Bodhisattva perfections reside in, leave education, departed evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop; leave sexual bliss born in meditation, subtle meditation, meditation tam charity, from meditation and goodwill then, accept the prime minister, born the divine as: Taking on water, walk on land on land as on water; has natural atrial hear two languages: English sky, the language, know the mind of others or collecting photography, or canopy disorder, to have the upper center, center supreme; know the past life memory; label for natural purity than the human eye, to see them living life as Kamma retribution. Bodhisattva's residence in miracles, from a Buddhist realms go to a Buddha realm, offering close Buddhas, healthy planting base, achieve enlightenment for sentient beings, strictly pure Buddha realm. Bring the virtues of living beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. He is living in a Zen Bodhisattva perfections photography Offensive players perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas reside in how meditation Paramita Sutra photography paramita player?
Buddha: Zen Bodhisattva residing in three perfections are not sharp, not feeling, perception, consciousness; For paramita not until Prajna Paramita, not the four foundations of mindfulness Necessary to place strain , are not compounded, are not ridiculous. Because there should not be doing, not doing so is not born, not born should not kill, why? So whether or not the Buddha, the Buddha such as, general legal, permanent resident calculation was still not born, not destroy, the most common practice center corresponds to omniscience. He is living in a Zen Bodhisattva perfections photography paramita Sutra players.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, how bodhisattva residing in photography Prajna Paramita Paramita For players?
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in secret, not internal, internal can not get no, no exchange, no exchange can not be, not exterior, interior and exterior can not get no, no no, no no can not be, not until all legal, all such measures can not be. Bodhisattva does not residing in fourteen generals do not see color or not, or did not, do not see the general feeling, perception, action, official or not, or did not, do not see the four foundations of mindfulness minister or not, or did not, for to not see impermanence supreme Buddha or not, or did not, do not see the usefulness of, as ridiculous or not, or did not. Such Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in honey, what have alms or food, clothing, furniture live feed, the restaurant's generosity is not, what not? As a charity, the charity receives animal experiments and no, not born bright mind, why? As the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita from the center until the new sat ashrams, no distinction delusion. As the Buddha attained Supreme supreme Buddha, sparing no attention. Bodhisattvas such as Prajna Paramita practice, sparing no plate, what noble Bodhisattva, the Prajna Paramita. He is resident in the Bodhisattva of Wisdom For security procedures perfections photography.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Prajna Paramita Paramita letters?
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in non-security center Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas, why? Hearer, Pratyekabuddhas to the Bodhisattva's impossible to get; center aims to bar text, Pratyekabuddhas could not have been. Bodhisattva's newfound interest since until sitting ashrams, in that intermediate range, not to kill yourself, do not teach people to kill, not to kill the praise, joyful praise not kill people, for not wrong in themselves, teach people not wrong, no wrong way of praise, joyful praise not wrong people. The morality does not have the legal ability or status bar text manually, or Pratyekabuddhas, let alone other! He is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in confidential letters perfections photography.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Prajna Paramita Paramita confess?
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in security measures depending upon human life, thinking: In what way does not have, or start, or kill, or birth, or death, or subject to taunts, or subject words data, or cut, or split, or break, or tied, or beaten, or killed. Bodhisattva's newfound interest since until sitting ashrams, if we go to the reviled born, said data; cane knife, cut tile, carved into pity, not shaken mind, thinking: Freaky , in which nothing shall revile, speak evil, cutting, making pity, but they still bear the suffering of birth. He is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in photography admits secret perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Prajna Paramita Paramita Offensive player?
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in secret, because the sermon beings, causing corpses to Paramita Prajna Paramita; teaches that mindfulness training for four to eightfold noble path; taught that the results Tu has postponed until Pratyekabuddhas director; taught that the Supreme supreme Buddha, the usefulness of non-resident, non-resident in unconditioned properties. He is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in photography confidential epistle perfections.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas how residents in photography Prajna Paramita Paramita Zen player?
Buddha: Bodhisattva of Wisdom residing in secret, except samadhi of the Buddhas, to get all the other eighty, or bar text, or Pratyekabuddhas, or Bodhisattva; are practiced, both in be. Bodhisattva residing in the eighty's and reversed polarity, and in multiples of eight discharge. What is eight? Inside appearances, external color bar, which is by far the first, no appearances inside, outside color bar, the two exhaust bumper, bumper exhaust purification, self-certification work, a multiple discharge three; through from all appearances, killing generals have treated, not thinking of the Minister, in the land of immeasurable Nowhere, a multiple discharge four; through the land of nowhere, in the land of boundless knowledge, a multiple-year discharge; across from Food origin, on naught origin, is by far six; over from naught origin, in Africa Africa mindless organic origin concept, is by far seven; useful ideas through Africa from African origin mindless, thought to exterminate life origin, are multiples of reach. For eight multiple discharge him, or upon or against, or the filing or on the first nine. What are the nine? Educational leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, educational leave, living in blissful meditation, from Africa to the property through mindless thoughts African origin, Kill Life on the idea, she called the nine first class, or upon or against, out on. Bodhisattva's exhaust grill bumper eight, nine for second class, on measures eighty lions disperse. What is called samadhi dispersed Lion? It is sexual Bodhisattva leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, leave sexual bliss born in meditation, to exterminate life into the idea, from idea to start-up Kill Life, back to Phi Phi useful idea mindless origin; useful ideas from Phi Phi mindless origin arises to give back to the meditation. He is eighty legal Bodhisattva Lady Lions dispersed, in Vietnam Super samadhi. What is Super eighty Vietnam? It is sexual Bodhisattva leave, leave evil unwholesome methods, there sensory shop, leave sexual bliss born in meditation; arises from meditation, to give thought to Phi Phi mindless organic origin, from Phi Phi very useful idea Origin thought arises, to exterminate the ideal life, the perfect death exterminate life arises, go into meditation; arises from meditation, to exterminate the ideal life, from idea to start-up Kill Life, in subtle meditation, from binary Cessation of life meditation arises in the idea, from idea to start-up Kill Life, on the third meditation, meditation arises from the third, the idea to exterminate life, from idea to start-up Kill Life, philanthropy, from the Arouse jhana , Kill Life on the idea, from idea to start-up Kill Life, in no origin, not originating from start up, to exterminate the ideal life, from idea to start-up Kill Life, in which action, from which action arises, in Kill the ideal life, from idea to start-up Kill Life, Made to naught, naught origin from start up, to exterminate the ideal life, from start-up Kill Life on the idea of ​​non-organic origin mindless generals Africa, from Phi Phi useful ideas originating mindless revolt, the idea to exterminate life, from idea to start-up Kill Life on the center spread, arising from the scattering center, Kill Life on the idea, from idea to start-up Removal life back on the center spread, from the dedicated property arises in Africa mindless thoughts African origin; useful ideas from Phi Phi mindless origin starting back up residence in devotion; arises from the scattering center in Wuxi owns the land, from Origin Unknown owner residing in dedicated arises, arises from the scattering center, in which action, from action to start up residence in devotion; arises from the scattering center, in no origin; origin arises from not resident in Dedication, arises from the scattering center, in To Charity; since the revolt To Charity dedicated resident; arises from the scattering center, at the Third Meditation, meditation starts from the third scattered up residence in the mind , arises from the scattering center, in the Second Meditation, Zen II from the start up residence in devotion; arises from the scattering center, in meditation, meditation arises from the residence in the center spread. Bodhisattva's residence in Vietnam is really super eighty Minister of Justice. He is resident in the Bodhisattva of Wisdom Meditation security procedures perfections photography.
Thesis. Q: There is only one star Paramitayana master?
A: By the grace th grade practice has not. Bodhisattva two classes: At home and renunciation. Bodhisattva in part thanks to the great blessings rich, wealthy Buddhist large demand, from Paramitayana. First should practice charity, why? Since you already have things, to know sin blessed, to have compassion for living beings should cultivate the practice of giving first right, by class Paramitayana cultivate the other. Ordained Bodhisattva because no possessions, by world class autonomy, patience, meditation, because to call adaptive mastery. Except the pilot, the other Paramitayana, people should practice renunciation. Bodhisattvas take ownership Paramitayana Rings, pray that if people come to my mutilation, birth center should not anger. Now I cultivate the Bodhisattva, the photographer with the Paramitayana. In Paramitayana, head alms. In giving, treasured objects, not what most mercilessly through the body, which can be brought to trial, not pity, not anger. Thus, sufficient patience photography Paramitayana players alms. Bodhisattva residing in patience, generosity to coat rice beings and objects, the people who are the opposite pilot yelled, beating Bodhisattva, want to break patience while giving. Bodhisattva thought: I should not frivolous because the body that destroy Paramitayana direction. We should give alms, not born evil mind, not because a little bit of evil that rot away. Bodhisattva was running low while increasing network more alms center. If the public network, thanks to the power Paramitayana other two, should immediately born into a good place, continuing generosity.
Photography is Paramitayana letters:
Q: While patience, that is not evil world, there is nothing left to say stay in patience photography Paramitayana letters, which should stay the world to photography rather confess?
A: In general this talk about class and not about things arise. But harmony which each have different generals. If the class in order to advance after sex ring. Gender is not robbing the network, ring network is unfortunately not alone; own so says patience generals in the world.
* Again, patience is a collection of photographic self-interest alone, not starting up anger, while morality has two: One is not born brain hurt them, two do it yourself, because the root is born out of meditation. There Bodhisattva practice patience life without legal morality, for fear I should just have patience, because mercy can not sentient beings. He or hear him, or think about it: the precepts of Buddhist karmic, no harmful interference beings. I can now have patience, the religious world is easy;'s patience could manually About Paramitayana photography.
* Again, patience is the number of legal interest, is morality phenomena: Morality is the mind, mouth to maintain life, and patience is the only birth center, not to maintain life.
* Again, body and mouth-called morality, purity, the purity called patience.
Question: Zen and Tri Paramitayana is also a pure mind, why would only say patience?
A: Meditation and mental health should not talk big. While morality, is not a pure heart, need to have patience to hold the center. In this economic causal said: There Bodhisattva intellectual merit and the great benefit grounds, to detect recurrence before the retreat center Paramitayana, so eternal growth until the Supreme supreme Buddha not fall into evil origin. Bodhisattva's mind since new until seated center ashrams not born angry, sentient networks robbery, nor immerse II legacy. It is the merit of two Paramitayana, three things left center, dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. Three's mind: No, no way, no place in the direction, not ego centered, crazy mind.
Photography Paramitayana Offensive players are: Or yourself accommodate groups merit, or because sentient beings that the mind has not lazy, until all the achievements, if any direct causal karma, the mind does not think, does not rot, clinic bear all suffering, not taken the painful long hard day. As in business says that Bodhisattva to go through thousands of thousands by weeks, if not met a person to teach the true way to nirvana, when he was not depressed center; taught that if met five precepts, then joy, not thinking that I pass the immeasurable states that he only met this person, so for the sorrow, why? As the minister a minister that is all people, and all who minister is a minister, the law minister for not two.
Zen Photography Paramitayana procedure is: Bodhisattva's patience in the strength conditioning needs to be finely mind, heart conditioning needs puree is so easy meditation, meditation center in some legal mind and purity, compassion, Hy, discharge; are no attachments mind to dedicate to the Supreme supreme Buddha.
Photography manually Prajna Paramita is: Bodhisattva beings residing in rings, rings of all kinds of evil beings sent to, cultivate compassion, so that should be great merit. Merit greater attention needs be so easy to be legal puree rings, all legal means ultimately infertility. Resident in customary law that all legal ring minister, minister departed, passed away endless Minister as Minister Nirvana, then back to growth rings beings, in ultimately not so, who is the bearer, who are harmful? Then player two rings photography, is not that the law three rings, the ring and seat ring. So not all legal arguments Coliseum as such, should be able to see all the legal minister, passed away as Nirvana. As the Buddhist prayer should not immersed in the ultimate law was not until the players are not sitting ashrams not Nirvana. When you sit ashrams, photography Dharma, the Buddhist, Falun arbitrary transfer benefit sentient beings. Such things are due to Prajna Paramita.
Resident in Tan Paramitayana photography is Paramitayana cooed: Bodhisattva initial effort to use the door in the Paramitayana, since Paramitayana hard, diligent body and mind nonstop, no other changes. In the effort was not afraid of suffering Avici Hell, let alone another format? Bodhisattvas also know not all methods ultimately, not ultimately derive from, because compassion should go back to the good karma without Nirvana, he was diligent. Bodhisattva in the effort to think that I'm going to be away long Supreme supreme Buddha, can not not be. He went through a week because, due to the hundreds of thousands a week, and then used the experimental approach to living beings. So go through hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, the memory state, assuming there is a teachable see that in succession, center Bodhisattvas do not ask, do not think, do not think that I am going through this much that the Buddha not having the ability to be a level, all the time how people? Over a hundred thousand national level, or have been taught that a person ten good practice, not winning in succession, not as a minister who does not realize the truth that hug pleased contempt, remorse. Think that this makes me the person ten good practice guidance, moral gradual succession to bring escape of them. Thickness from ten to contributing to the charity and alms full legal and living beings, and bring him back toward merit Supreme supreme Buddha. Body mind diligently undergone countless beings country because of the sermon.
Q: All the handouts are due diligence, financing and just say excuse experimental approach arises due diligence?
A: Despite all the handouts are arising due diligence, but it says that arise due to more diligent. As this prayer says: Over a hundred thousand national level, providing two full alms to the people.
Resident in Tan Paramitayana Paramitayana photography is solid: full ten Bodhisattva practice charity called World leading Paramitayana, or patience ..... etc. arise. If bodhisattvas emerging from the center until sitting ashrams, leaving ten unwholesome direction, good practice guidance forty nonstop, he called Diligent Paramitayana. There's only one thing can not be good direction, let alone all four things good practice guidance, as well as Effort should Paramitayana not born into three realms, not life, is not it redundant. They have a mind of defilements born alive lazy to three realms, so boring life and death should give Buddhist, Theravada for authentication, which are lazy minister. So say three realms bodhisattva not involved, no evidence for excess II.
Resident in Tan confessed Paramitayana photography is Paramitayana: Bodhisattva from the center until the new sat ashrams, or go to the people or non-mutilation carried away. Then Bodhisattva break crazy ego mind, because ultimately not good karma, consider that: In this no-mutilation, ordinary things are frivolous saw, we benefit greatly. When we know the true form of law, can enter nirvana, but because they are born should pity dear life, to bring beings to walk away, do not be sorry. Then enter the true form of the law itself, in true form does not have the minister; beings born of fear itself, bring merit to the beings that share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. In the reviled here or there, spend two rings can be;'s called patience, not regressive joy, he called the effort. Two measures that diligent student or patient, or from patient diligent student. It says patience from diligent student.
Resident in photography Offensive players Paramitayana Paramitayana Meditation is: Is the natural meditation, as in life take time. Or when someone is retrogression, was born, or born in the upper to lower local site is, but is not from meditation so diligent student. University alms is a man that broke five hindrances etc. .. lust is instant meditation. Or the pure precepts, practicing patience, boring mind immediately is meditation. Or due to the great wisdom, knew frivolous Desire Realm impermanent, impure, and he was meditating, meditation but also more frivolous but still in the realm of Education. Despite this effort, it's where other methods of meditation, it is not called from the diligent student. There's no place in the legal ownership, only diligently day and night, meditation, meditation, often struggle with the mind, so in power, credit,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom tame hindrances to the same year, if wanderings instant photography collection center back, as the enemy fought, until sweat. Those from meditation is so diligent student. Or Bodhisattva padded base, old sins that hide deep wreck the fun worldly wanderings difficult livery, who so diligently to force a new part can be specified. For such people have merit, but settled multitude of blessings and fortune to themselves and those who work diligently thin blessing, many new struggle. People are naturally blessed, called merit order go to; due diligence has been called the new fight due diligence that is. Thus, although there everywhere but where much effort that name.
Resident in photography Offensive players Paramitayana Prajna Paramita is: Bodhisattva should be so diligent Paramitayana Meditation, Zen Paramitayana should be incurred divine. Do two things go hand pressure around ten miracles, insufficient merit want to make full; want instructive beings. Unless wisdom born from four Paramitayana, the other much intellectual effort from the student, should take photographic theme diligently intellectual capital. Prajna Paramita have two: One is the true form of customary law, which they perceive the law, not that illegal generals, two is like saying religious right. The lazy mind can not do two things, thanks to the diligent work of two new full-sized.
Resident in Paramitayana Zen master photography is Paramitayana Thursday: Bodhisattva residing in Paramitayana Meditation Center puree conditioning needs, not shaken, can observe the true form of law, as in the closed pilot lights burning , radiant light, he called in Paramitayana arising Zen wisdom. Then no harm to the brain, the Compassionate home, he called morality, purity and patience. Transformed due to divine generosity full possessions, forcing people say that legal evolution. Again, from meditation arises Bodhisattva, by purity of mind because they need mollusks living sermon, he called alms. Human health Kabbalah meditation arise, go over ten pilot that benefits all not lazy, he called the effort. Again, people do meditation for four Paramitayana be gain; was called from birth diligent meditation. The other means of doing this was broadly.
Resident in Prajna Paramita master photography is Paramitayana Thursday, as the Buddhists say this prayer wide.
Q: But broadly speaking the Buddha, which was and still others do not understand, this should be asked: In eighteen not, why would not say no final four?
A: The fourteenth is not Necessarily not legal. Necessarily say that is covered across all legal, so do not say.
Q: If so, should just say fourteen, eighteen excuse not to have?
A: In all other discrimination law minister, not all photographers in general are not eighteen. In saying this because that practitioner. The practitioner or a non-religious, not two, not four to ten, depending on seat attachment more or less. There is the deep attachment of misbelief, while using the remaining four did not, because why? Because property law, outlawry etc. .. is wrong heathen. Bodhisattva of compassion needs puree should not have born false view, no such approval. Again, the Bodhisattva took fourteen Exercises not mind, should stay in there and obviously not infallible. So do not say no final four.
Q: Why talk like Buddhist Bodhisattva, no greed previous statement that mean?
A: The Buddha stopped the habitual negativity, no longer arises, also due to the Bodhisattva Sutra livery, making no starts. Want to praise this effort Sutra, but fetters should not end that effort Bodhisattva Sutra where the Buddha did not stop other fetters, to make people know that you Prajna power the mind has thought that, in this no legal or born, or destroy, or subject reviled, cutting.
Q: This ring ie infertility, she said why ring upon demand?
A: The key here said breaking pretending beings, because the aggregates harmony, but can not break the law. So business says: No man born, kill, no one should be reviled. Again, he broke down, but that has not customary law can not penetrate, should remain immersed preferred method. As legal infertility center ring but still compassionate living beings in need has pleaded not legal concept. In both methods was: A student is where they should not have been called living beings ring, two measures are in place should not have been called a legal entity. France ring, ring unencumbered beings, beings ring, no legal obstacle rings, different only shallow.
Q: Eighty Vietnam is not super super two level, not from the center but on Destroying agree to, nothing in here says so?
Answer: The French University, Theravada different: no two places are in legal super Theravada said. And there are countless Bodhisattvas and intellectual merit, penetrating meditation can be arbitrary super Vietnam. As athletes who do not jump too few staff, if not counting athletes jump sky near and far. Again, in the Abhidharma are so mundane and every bar text that says; Bodhisattva time not so. Due to eighty brainpower Lion dispersed, can the legal entities, by force can Sutra teachings arbitrary order, to adapt to living beings. Again, there are Bodhisattvas cultivate Prajna Paramita more, the minister said real estate law abiding, all heavenly world, the victims do not be so hard to be the trend. If the two-class handout material resources, or are candidates for the Buddha, or candidates for sentient beings, because we are not born equal to the other center, do not value the Buddhas, not despised beings. If applicants for the poor despised so blessed few, if candidates for the Buddha, which wrecked before so blessed because incomplete. If bringing gold, silver, jewels and trees to give alms, because no law should also not equal to another. An end to the delusions of the legal distinction or another, not two, but in the practice of generosity, he called the experimental resources. French pilot too, not taking a location you know initiation candidates, not the irrational contempt of the law do not know, why? Because of the innumerable Buddha, can not say, inconceivable. As said shortsighted legal alms, and twelve causal say no, formless, uncreated, no, no minister, no legal impact is profound, equal, not different, why? Since that law passed away are in, no argument Coliseum. Thus is born from Wisdom alms.
* Again, Bodhisattvas rejoice that bring merit to the first three of ten monks and followers of the Buddha, all beings share the same dedication to supreme Buddha Supreme. Do not have the brainpower to the experiments and what not to share our blessings for living. Again, there are Bodhisattvas while the center announced candidates better, eradicated root avarice that practice generosity. Take heart from anger alms should end. Seeing the territory was happy then happy, so stop jealousy. Get ghost reverent attention should break the heart of generosity comfort and ignorance. Do not think that the Minister and the certain territory, the wrong mortgage can break, not accepted. Watch the territory as the Buddha, if a charity as impermanence supreme Buddha, from ancient to see yourself ultimately not here, if such generosity is not frivolous straight to the Supreme supreme Buddha. The so-called minister of Prajna Paramita Giving Birth Paramitayana.
* Again, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom penetration pure honey, so there must not have beings that can improve sex life over ten. As crazy mind wants to have sex killing should not kill, but not in general be true that world.
* Again, there is the precept of not killing living beings in a hundred by the week, there is not the morality of killing for a living beings in Jambudvipa, such as precepts for living beings have limited quantity. Or keep the world in a day, or keep the five precepts, the ten men; precepts such as limited quantity. Bodhisattva Sutra, keep them in the world for countless country not because of a life or two lives. As As such, nowhere, calculated, in fact, because ultimately no minister should not cling generals, not hate international break, no prior discipline. He is from the Prajna Paramita generated world full no distinction.
Rings have two things: One is that they are born rings, two rings are legal. Bodhisattva of Wisdom penetrate security measures should be ring. There are countless incredible life dharma, the mind can not distinguish between urban and non-, Minister of so called Prajna born in patience.
And a due diligence Bodhisattva full year Paramitayana should cultivate Prajna Paramita. Be true minister of Ahab, end three now, dear no artifacts, no mouth to speak, mind thoughts, as in a dream who find themselves sinking in the sea, move forward through the arms and legs off, to wake up the mind he puts his dreams, he is from the Prajna Paramita diligent arise. As in economic Tri Tam said: I have been so diligent in that Buddha Nature is Life Sign Up.
Buddha: Lia wisdom without meditation time, thanks to new intellectual power of meditation, how to meditate from wisdom born. As the Buddha said in business Pratyekabuddhas: There is a monarch saw two buffalo for lewd chisel should die fighting each other. Self-enlightened king said, I do so talented conquer other countries have different time here? Consecutive year education leave, the meditation, the Pratyekabuddhas. Such Bodhisattvas. Due to little more boring male sex, sex reserves the fun in the fun with meditation, so far apart. I can open for a little fun in missing the fun training that meditation stars? The fun is the fun meditation pure merit, pervades the body and mind. Thus, the distinction between intellectual meditation arises. Literal meditation as told in business.
* Again, the Bodhisattva of countless lifetimes, because Buddhist should cultivate good base, leave year for education should be free in meditation, such as penetration, calculated, in fact. Due to the diligent and means, out of compassion so profound legal, Back to the merits. He won for his mind, in a body from the six concepts Paramitayana. Bodhisattva means that while correct as legal alms renounce possessions, that is, she is confidential. Dwelling in ten leading charitable alms, not toward excess II;'s About Paramitayana. If there are afflictions avarice etc. .. and ghost people go to, can not make up mind, he called Paramitayana Rings. While giving, body and mind unceasingly diligently, she called Tan Paramitayana. Photographers interested in giving, not distracted, not comfortable, not foreign, heading towards the supreme Buddha Supreme;'s called Zen Paramitayana. While giving, the people, the resources are received and can not be, not as false view of the Minister, promising that there are certain subjects, such as Buddhas, sages considered sacred animals generals, generals who received, the Minister for seats and dedication, as well as measures such experiments, he called the secret Wisdom. Bodhisattva life full of sex, goodwill arises, right speech, right action of the rule of three facilities: comfortable Precepts, meditation room and outflows law legislation comfort, in a world that is not afraid of giving birth to them, she For Paramitayana called. The sexual negativity, anger want to break the precepts, there are institutions that work, patience can.
* Again, people are lashing out, hitting harm, lest the world should break patience not respond. Again, see the hunger, cold hot, the urgent suffering, because morality can tolerate up, he called Paramitayana Rings. Distinguish generals heavy, light, residues, or residues, root causes and conditions, flame, or prevent doing, which is keeping their mind, practice the true precepts, while lowering the continental scope than , that called themselves diligently. Due diligence discipline him, so do not need sun king, the king, until Theravada not Nirvana, but only because the world is the abode of the Bodhisattva, because morality can practice both male Paramitayana , he called Diligent Paramitayana. If the bodhisattva precepts pure meditation time not leave, why? Since the break precepts of pure negativity, mind conditioning, livery; pilot as very young age robbed, killed in soluble damage. The yogi should meditate because there are thoughts of sex, birth year hindrances, invasive of morality. So, because morality is solidly fun for the meditation. Meditation is mind some legal interest photography collection blend a place called meditation. Meditators are now except themselves, break bad oral sex, followed by three wicked sense except, except that after three subtle senses, ie senses of the country, the people and of immortality. Unless so then, and he was meditating, he called Zen Paramitayana. While morality, know the retribution that may arise merits of this life, the afterlife so, then this is wisdom.
* Again, sex, morality, who broke the world, three of which are impossible to get, he called intellectual. The three ratings: The break below grade men, world class holding attachment, the attachment does not rank in the world. Bodhisattva thought: If I hate the world and break down the world; favorite precept that men and preferred birth center, hates the poor bear back. For as elephant bathing clearly illuminate mud took her, so interested students should not love or hate.
* Again, all are under karmic law, not liberated. The bad ones are legal workers born evil, if evil's how attachment method is born? Evil Evil legal how hate is born? Thought so, go straight to the true form of law, morality and break the bar from the causal world should not be free at birth; should not be free in no ultimate, ultimate attachment should not, he called Prajna Paramita. Bodhisattvas cultivate patience while, thinking that if we go to the student body cutting me, I immediately give alms, do not let them guilty of robbery birth. Or when practice patience, patience sermon, taking each per distinguish causal world, Nirvana, making them born residents in six Paramitayana, the rings beings. Get yourself known as The Giving alms. Be a legal person, the legal entry, because they preached born, he was executive candidates. Two candidates from the two rings was born, she was known as bile. Bodhisattva practice patience when my life was spared, let alone harm to the brain to be guilty of breaking world! So, the ring that morality; merciful beings, want the exit for them. Morality is an established abode all goodness, he referred About Paramitayana. Bodhisattva in patience, hard body and mind Paramitayana four, he called the press room. At the center of patience, finely conditioning needs, not wrecked before in training, a photography center, I was able to have patience beings as land, was known as Zen Paramitayana. Bodhisattva knows patience is the effect of the great stately idols. Private bodhisattva, afflictions or obstacles, or tolerate evil of beings, or endure the profound legal, minister of the law after the fact, when the practitioner's body and mind are infertile legal entity, ie Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva diligent student residing in the Paramitayana is, the basic effort of all good things; leave diligent not get the bad ones. But only so much that diligent arising Paramitayana year, so-called diligent student. Bodhisattva inflicted unprecedented three way handouts forsaken;'s called For Paramitayana. Bodhisattva right action of body, speech and headed straight to the Buddhist religion, not participating II bequest was called the World Paramitayana. Diligent practice diligently, there is going to destroy the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva can not tolerate shaken, he called Paramitayana Rings. Bodhisattva but from the law, not scattered, single-mindedly thoughts omniscience, He called Zen Paramitayana. There are two ways Diligent: One is the line minister, ie tu hard body and mind, both as an end to all argument Coliseum, the estate body and mind. But laborious automatic Bodhisattva diligently, he will not depart estate Diligent, Diligent not depart estate Prajna Paramita. Due to the Bodhisattva of compassion meditation which should not be afraid of giving power to the people. Or should meditate due to turn up treasures such as Mount Meru, full employment for all; rain floral offerings to the Buddhas and alms for the poor beings blanket coat, eat. Or in meditation for ten beings sermon, he called For Paramitayana. In this meditation, depending on which operating dear karma, karma mouth; leave Sravakas center, Pratyekabuddhas; was called the World Paramitayana. Bodhisattva in meditation, is the pure fun, meet mollusk, meditation can not wrecked. Thanks to the power of meditation should not penetrate the approach or method that endure, not Congress Center, was called Paramitayana Rings. Bodhisattva as patience, want the samadhi arises as Vietnam Super eighty, eighty dispersed Lion etc. .. and countless other eighty relentless; was called Diligent Paramitayana. Thanks to the power of meditation, unshakable calm mind, it's possible to Minister of Justice, Minister of legal truth that is Prajna Paramita. Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, or bars as boundless generosity Minister, kill the Coliseum can not comment on, nor no, he called in Paramitayana For immeasurable, infinite Wisdom. Body and export business under Prajna, Prajna is because, should there be morality, purity, durability, he called the World Paramitayana. Resident in Sutra, sentient individual or legal increasingly profound purity, he called Paramitayana Rings. Prajna Monastery of Bodhisattva body and mind are purified, be diligent estate, see the effort as illusory, like a dream, because the estate should not be diligent in Nirvana, he called Diligent Paramitayana. Tu tu Bodhisattva Sutra was very afraid, but so often in meditation, but because of the strength Prajna Paramita out of meditation should not still be able to escape the living beings he called Zen Paramitayana.
Thus, the Bodhisattva through intellectual agility, in a center, in a possible full time six Paramitayana.

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