Friday 28 March 2014

Chapter 37
Explain: Four Non-Fear Of Endless Entertainment, Four Concerned
Four not afraid: Buddha said that honest words: am necessarily Chief Justice position. If there S a-Fujian, She-la, or Sun, ma, violations, or other beings said as truth that does not know, Buddha Dharma, I so don't see that little human fate to fear. As such, It was an okay, be not afraid, an holy place Lord, as Buffalo resident Lord in the Middle, the lion-dragons dragons mass transfers London (law wheel) that the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, or Sun, ma, violations, or the other they not be moved. This is not afraid.
Buddha comes true lyrics I've cleaned out the contraband. If there S a-Fujian, She-la, or, or, or, or they like it's saying, yet Buddha's or bootleg, I so don't see that little human fate to fear it. So We were an all right, be not afraid, an holy place Lord, as Buffalo resident Lord, in between, the Dragons dragons popular lion. Turning wheel, that the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, or, or, or, or the other, it could not be moved. This is the second fear.
Buddha's true Word is said that France obstacle course. If Sa, Ba-la-Mon, or, or, or, or the other of them as real-life French obstacle course that is not serious, we're so not seen little human fate to fear it. Thus We are security glitches, be not afraid, an holy place Lord, as Buffalo resident Lord, in between, the Dragons dragons popular lion. Turning wheel, that the Sa-, Ba-la-Mon, or, or, or, or the other, it could not be moved. This is not fear Tuesday.
Buddha's true Word is said that essential relief to be out of the world; practice of faith, can end the agony. If there S a-Fujian, She-la, or, or, or, or the other of them, as it says, practice faith cannot come out of the Earth, could not end the misery, then we give to see c bit human fate to fear it. As such, It was an okay, be not afraid, an holy place Lord, as Buffalo resident Lord, in between, the Dragons dragons popular lion. Shift gear away from France, but the Sa, Ba-la-Mon, or, or, or, or the other of them that could not be moved. This is not fear Wednesday.
Q: what's the saying four not afraid?
A: Because someone said: Buddha himself for it, necessarily, but books, engineering, fine decor, the media in the world a lot of immeasurable, if everyone shared and hard to know everything, what incident alone that Buddha had necessarily to another, or have a job, have the victim.Buddha, do not be afraid. Because want end to termites or should it matter, the Buddha said the four were not afraid.
Then again, or when the Buddha comes, the layman user full how to lie or the globe, globe blessed by or eat the fruit, the vegetables, or eat the roots, or eat cow dung, graze, or lunch day, or two days, ten days, one month, two months, or lunch-wind, drink water, eat the stunned; or use a coat of bark, leaves, grass, leather, or wood planks, or lying on the ground, on, on, on, on thorns; or when cold then drench, when hot, the fire, jumped into the water to die, death, fire, or jumping on her mount that died, or fasting that died. Use the ascetic way so to request birth to heaven, Nirvana, also teaches the disciple did not give permission.
All that used to draw the invisible place for donation; Examples include Firefly fire when the sun never rises, more or less may be projecting soi, when the Sun did rise, thousands of lights, the Moon and the star router lost light, statewide fire fireflies?
If they were unmarried, Buddhist layman has little worldly projection light, which was donation. When Buddha came that great light placement, removal of light the layman and the disciples, they no longer are donation. Because of the loss of beneficial donation should defame the Buddhas and Buddhist disciples, such as in the Sun-da-lyï says: layman killed Sun-da-lyï (Sundari) for defamation, tell people that "evil Bad Guys in the world still do not work. People of the French desk is not worldly scenarios is Nirvana? " Want end to libel him, so the Buddha himself said that the Germany of four not to fear: we're the only necessarily position, nobody can genuinely say: Buddha. We're not afraid of it. Only One passages make all pirated or gas, and no one can like it says: not all Buddha smuggled or. We're not afraid of it. The French leader said obstacles making Nirvana, no one can honestly say not: France as hindrances Nirvana. We're not afraid of it. I say moral ends the agony reached Nirvana, no one can genuinely say: faith cannot reach Nirvana. We're not afraid of it.
Combs said of the four not to fear: 1. chon TAM Chief know full-heartedly. 2. all the smuggled gas and or. 3. Speak French all do the obstacle course. 4. Say moral end to misery.
For four things, if anyone genuinely said, Buddha could not know throughout run out. Buddhas don't fear it, because Buddha was chon TAM Chief said around knows better. Two things not afraid, is full of Germans themselves, the two do not fear the full benefit beings.
Then again, three things are not afraid, one, three, four is talking about, the second is not afraid to talk about the (end). Position in Germany, the Germany job, IE fully done.
Question: what are power mind Ten, four not afraid also the position, then what's wrong?
A: The merit of Buddha, broadly speaking, the strategy is not afraid.
Then again, there is no power, it is not afraid of ' facilities. The intellectual cultivation should be called force, pepper scatter the ignorance should be called not afraid. .. The French team should improve called force, kill the real French charity should call is not afraid. Intellectual self should call, no one should be called non-destructive fear. Strong intellect is the force, withstand problems is not afraid. The intellectual group known as the intellectual force, taking out is not afraid. London, United Kingdom, for as Scripture, achievements of seven treasures is the force, are the seven treasures, across four continents — are offering called not afraid. As a physician or cleverly know, Hoa called remedy the concoction for the caller is not afraid. The benefits themselves, benefit others is not afraid. Self except negativity is, except for negativity to others is not sơï. The device is not vandalizing, not accident does not rot is not afraid. Himself into his thing is, the good for others is not afraid. Location of good craftsmanship is, taking place in good craftsmanship is not afraid. Necessarily, necessarily as strains; necessarily, necessarily place strains show plays out is not afraid. Eighteen French real lemon is eighteen, France real lemon results play out is not afraid. By reaching across France Tanh is, if there are problems, no need for thinking to meet Mainland, is not scared. Enacted by the Buddha, Buddha label is the label see it with someone who can speed the sermon for them is not afraid. Investors can also place three loads concerned are France, literally, from, he called; was he afraid to meet myriad means of calling is not afraid. That invisible barrier as Club, endless theories concerned is not afraid. For positions in the group, for example, the coast guard, dignified language theory is not afraid. Breaking them, breaking the code comment Conference Professor layman is not afraid. The charm so distinct, and not afraid.
Q: Why is not afraid?
A: investors can no suspicion, no kyï, no intellectual retreat, not losing, their plumage is not, in every true French novel sailings do not fear.
Q: How do you know the Buddha not afraid?
A: If there is fear the weather could not overpower, or stock photography, or discharge, or gay gắc for therapy, or speak softly but teach, as Buddha once repel him, ECHO-benefits-House-hopea-contact ... and then came back to take care of America photography, introspection if kyï then ' is the comment we recommend staying on the mountain side of being arrogant, wealthy girlsuperficial wisdom, bring to mind the drunk guys are saying that, in the world there is only one rather than does anyone else know for sure my mail and mail classic comment recommend others. Use the evil mouths decry as mad elephant not being suitable; the Governor who is Pm-trão, School, canvas-Slapping-reviews-, Ni-, hopea-lô-chi ... are available if both Buddha Buddha got scared, unable to so.
Back in the renunciation as Mr Qiao-Tran-like, a thousand hair braided forerunner as he Favor-long-Tan-Ca-Romaine ... said, the echo-benefits-House-hopea-lien, An American-Romaine ... come join in the Dharma.
The hundreds of thousands of people line they liked, the master of Match-fitness-deals, great Three-private--anonymously, King of Qin-BA-sa-la, Fried King-da-BA-foe-Superior King-filled, King Echo-ca-la-BA-lyï, King of Piracy-hit ... do Buddha's disciples.
The Ba-la-sports at that worldly wisdom, which was exceeding chaplain dear threshold as the master as he Violates-ma-example, the echo-ca-la-BA-lyï, Jiujiang-la-Dan-da ... do Buddha's disciples.
There are evacuees, the second, third, fourth. The great demon God of A-la-BA-ca, Bhikkhu-la-ca ... The long United Kingdom A-ba-la-la, Y-la-Baghdad-la ... the evil people like Run-excavation-Le-ma-la ... are offering inbound goods according to the Buddha.
If that fear the weather could not sit alone on the Lions under a tree, when coming into Infinite upper Primary Education Office, the devil we do chemistry troops of lions, Tigers, bears, bi, or an eye, many eyes, or an ear, much of the ear, carry the mountain erupts, around the four sides, Buddha's hand pointed to the groundat a glance, range, they disappear.
Chu, A-la-Han, Bhikkhu-nature-God-like rules-title-Huanren, Brahma ... Buddha who lead them both as his disciple.
If that fear, cannot be sermon in between. Because no fear, so can the sermon in the middle schools of mass, such numbers, so the call is not afraid.
Then again, the Buddha for being dark is the ultimate respect, has the other coast of the ultimate of all France, which was a large reputation, should speak not afraid.
Then again, let her merit of Buddha, the Buddha's worldly merit is also second to none, because the Buddha has nhỗ off the roots of fear, which is being pirated, illicit currency exchange houses, ugly colors, not dread, evil crude words ...
Birth House of The smuggled currency:-da-la, just toss the dead, Kublai Khan, chickens, hogs, go hunting, butcher, cooking wine ... is the u.s. entertainment company, if in the middle of a mass, very afraid. Buddha from ancient to now often being in the line Switch Seong Ðảnh rotating, as being the United Kingdom, Like ants, we 're-exhausted Wang, Ma-ha Threads-Wang--known as being in the home of the King, so should not be afraid.
Birth place of pirated evil bad: Being the An-da-la, House-she-la (naked Juice) See-overstayed-la (urine Humiliation-chi) Tu-lyï, An-news, Australian-how often ... being in the Kingdom as such, if in the middle of our time very afraid. Buddha's birth in China Ca-Bhikkhu-la-for should not be afraid.
Ugly colors: skinny unprofitable ones Are sick, people don't want to see, if in the middle of a mass, which also scared. The Buddhas have nice bright colors like gold mountain shone like fire, leap leash, so don't be afraid.
No doubt dread: back and forth, standing, sitting, walking with no dread of the facilities, or fear. Buddha has no alibi.
Rough evil speech: someone sounds like, say "nghịu, stuttering, saying there is no Saturday classes, they loathe, and very scared. Buddhas don't have fear, so Buddha said true smoothness, layered stuff easy to understand, quick, not slowly, not less, not more, don't hide not the stigma, no joke, than the Ca-birds-mausoleum-an old, from and that quibble not hurting anyone. The word Buddha is absent from the exercise should not stop infection, should pitch not afraid, except the stupid should understandable, French growth Hy should stylishly, prevent crime should be an okay, according to the Center, according to the release, that is deep, Word of the magic. Coast Guard personnel should say yes, use for example should show clever presentation, the affidavit should clear, close to centre of beings should say Lac district, long afterwards are shown to enter Nirvana so for its liberation.
Due to such dignified speech volume, Buddha for words without fear.
Just talking about such a worldly Dharma, Buddha also have no fear of more French. Thus says the Lord Buddha has four non-fear.
Q: in ten of the Buddha, is not afraid of? If there is not fear of time should speak only four. If there is the fear, why speak of achievements is not afraid?
A: One in ten place called Buddha's ten accomplishments, such as a person know ten, under the name calling. Ten stop taking off at the four spot, he is not afraid. Powers said he's probably not probably, smuggled or off, not afraid of first, second; also eight force but broadly, is not afraid of Tuesday, Wednesday. Therefore in ten force have not fear, that in particular the four not afraid nor error.
The Chief Justice made the voters (does not fear a): Know all the crazy French island, the Chief Justice is not deviant, like the Buddha, he called the Multitude of the upper Primary Education Office. As the Buddha told A-nan: worldly things; Sun, who do not know, the Buddha knew the same all over, so called Invisible upper Primary Education Office. Or had someone say, she didn't know the Buddha Dharma.
Question: who is Aáy?
A: In this Buddha has said or Sa-subjects, She-la, or Sun, or ma, or date, so people want to comment with Buddha. Conclusions France?
Someone said: Buddha didn't say great stuff of eighteen Economic layman, Wins comment, number of comments, Vedic.
Someone said: the weight of mountains of Tu-di, of shallow depth, the number of all plants.
Some say, fourteen accidents: the world is often impermanent; property boundary or boundless ... Buddha did not answer.
Someone said: France, French, French identity identity, can see, cannot be hurting for shy, not for shy, smuggled, contraband, vi, vi ... Buddha knows only one worker on the coast, while the fate of the other Buddhas, or don't know.
Sa-Mon is said person.
BA-la-Mon is said people in that position.
Sun is celestial God, nowhere says.
Ma said the six heavens in the Exercise.
Breaking the News says the head is it Uranus and the Sun in all realms.
The other is the people other than these species.
As it says is the hero the front, or bring out the charm people fall victim to it.
So don't see that little human fate fear is the General's fate, I don't see that little human charm as France to sabotage me. Because not afraid should We say sincerely that I an Lord of the sacred place to stay.
Buddha say honestly that We end off, illicit (not afraid). If someone says he smuggled not Buddha or end to end, we have no fear. What is gonorrhea? Contraband, illicit sex is having three, ownership and smuggled, pirated ignorance.
Contraband is secreted from the radical Center, six of France Samyutta with texture corruptions.
Then again, as in all contraband smuggled seven distinguished Karma said.
France do karma (not afraid): only for the illicit possession corporate and negativity, reportedly spending the night in evil, and so to outlawed because of worldly meditation that tu fortresses, alms, ten friendly. Combs said what or tiles, or tiles, or sign, may be stumbling Nirvana, are both called on France to do the obstacle course.
Someone said: there are two Administrators (do not fear) is the Patron Saint and Holy wisdom. Two of France's leading to Nirvana.
Someone said: three saints are ridiculous, the intelligent, the contraband.
Someone said: four of France's Four Holy Roman Empire.
Someone said: the year the world production base.
Someone said: six names of worldly appearances.
Someone said: seven sensations.
Someone said: the eight Saints, leading to Nirvana.
The Conference says: all loads smuggled to Nirvana, which if any Sa, Ba-la-subjects to say as truth that he does so, then it is assumed to not see that little human fate. Not scared, so the true Word that Arielle, stay in that holy God.
Q: why did Buddha say true that holy place We stay in safety, Lord?
A: the full German Order, peaceful beings led also benefit. If Buddha himself was resident of peace that cannot make benefits beings, nor as an stay in that holy God. If only the benefit beings that are not self sufficient merit, nor is it called an stay in that holy God. If self has merit also benefits being, so to say an honest word that we stay in that holy God.
Then again, the Buddha himself evil, evil end to end for being, as the end to two storage batteries should be of the most pure, cleverly sermon should an stay in that holy God.
Then again, for Four Holy Roman Empire, thrice turning twelve, can transfer can be distinguished, I should say an actor wife Gallery stay in that holy God.
Then again, maybe except all foreign facilities, Ta comments, explanations are all profound questions ', so called an stay in that holy God (first place, paramount, extreme, not rotten one, full of merit, not minimize). Human health such a virtuous charm should speak true words that we're an holy place in God.
Ơû between them, the Dragons take the Lion: we are eight they Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Suicide, Natural, Foursome, T-ten-t, Ma, Pham. beings in eight of them, the expectation for wisdom in saying only up to eight of them. In this, the lion-dragons take Buddha is also in the midst of all these, in the other they either said. Because whoever hears the sound of the Buddhas, are called them.
Then again, some say: the Buddhas alone in that absence, so to say, in true words spoken between them, saying, We have ten, four are not afraid, he called in the middle of them, the Dragons took to the lion.
Then again, true Buddha: I a declaration saying, I am the lion, steps for setting location in the middle of all the Earth, who were suspicious, don't believe please go to, I will explain. So says in between them, the Dragons lion.
Lion-Dragons: Like the Lion King, being in the same, in the deep deep cave in the mountain, Square Jaw bones, meat-filled fatty body, big heads, eyes bright, long, wide, high tooth shirt White large bạch square nose, mouth, tough strength, teeth snugly with curly, white tongue red, came two ears high uphair, fur, on the broad, tough flesh, straight spine, hips, abdomen, legs, long tail, sharp claws to stand firm, large trunk strength. From there walk out, twisting, wrinkled, Growl, getting down to Earth, the mole mouth great dread, not outdated, General pitching early morning waking, manifesting the lion jewelry, splurge with species of deer, bears, retired Tiger, Leopard, wild boar, weasel awaken them to bed long ago, offering a powerful, intense high open by itself the way that big ROAR. When such dragons, they hear, or thrilled or scared, hiding cave species, species in the deep quiet waters, species in the mountain quiet cringe, lock ring wall stalks mad elephants which ran between the high flying bird, not away.
Lion of Buddha as well as such, being from the tribe's name of six Three-la-suite and four sacred Rococo strains (p. Catràro Ariyavámsà-four thing arises seed Holy Cross: 1. know the amusing enough. 2. know the amusing enough. 3. know the amusing enough Crouching. 4. Know the fun fun. N.D. Notes). Ơû in the big Chair, in profound meditation cave, is the head, the mind strains necessarily function group of friendly units, the eye Infinity pirated works initiatives, determine the brow, equality wisdom teeth to Four non-fear of white identity, her mouth Deeply afraid to deliver full, primary Four cheeks need to make fullThirty-seven teeth, thick products Director, white blades that came with tight-reds Tu impure, ear hair, noble wisdom Mantras bristles clean morning Air France eighteen fresh meat, generally on the Three freed his strength, back straight, stomach Minh Hanh presents Three full-backs, no Rings tapered tail, the humiliation of the far glass long-almondFour legs, as it stands, nails, sharp pointed, the benighted base of immeasurable power, body, Ten Loads smuggled France aggregates. From the stay of Tam-I United Kingdom of Chu Buddha comes out, in the land of French schools of the crease you Growl Four loads concerned; her mouth deeply concerned the rescue force Ten power Lady, generous, the beings are not wrong, just general pitching early tomorrow for the worldly heaven people, German French, who's pitching, splurge for us layman deviant comments comment Conference, the sense of being about to sleep for four, found enough so the side of the wrecked before the five aggregates is mine, paving the way for the deviant opinion Singularity learned conclusion recommendations. As such, making the railway operations, the leaders fear, the Chief of the unit, the happy, the padded flat benefit, comforted Sami, destructive layman, Chu Thien Truong tho, Castle the happy realms, time unknown impermanence.
The beings so hearing the Lions four dragons, are being mind boring, mundane mind should be depart, depart should be in Nirvana, he called in between them like a lion dragons.
Then again, the Lion the Buddhist lion and Dragons dragons are wrong. Lions, dragons frightened animals, or death, or near death, while dragons Lions of Buddha, from the fear of death. The lion is dead, eternal dragons, dragons, lion Buddha left this life dead, no longer suffering. Lions, dragons, evil crude, they don't like to hear, fear, life and death of Buddha, dragons, Lions, such as nhuyến, not boring, mind-good, sounded far along all over, usually for two fun stuff is fun to bring forth the heavens, and Nirvana; other wrong.
Q: the Buddhas, dragons dragons lions also make the listener fear, along with the lion of dragons what's wrong?
A: Listen to contemporary dragons lion Buddha feared little that follows are great benefits. People who have wrecked before me, I, who bruised his thirst the fun world, people often suffer from insanity opinions deviant mind-binding, then the birth of fear, as in the saying: the Buddhist theory of Four Emperors, until on Chu Tian also are scared to think, we're suffering, impermanence, egolessness, no, because the mind is crazy island should immerse before General often and have fun, the other wrong.
Again, listen to the lion-dragons, Tru who left, the others are afraid, while the Dragons lion Buddha Nirvana bridge glass, non-segregating education are afraid. The friendly dragons Lions real good are afraid, and the only friendly dragons lion Buddha.
Then again, the lion of all dragons are afraid, did the Buddhist lion Dragons but have done little but unscrupulous beings that only display the crime world, which do not like being in the world, virtuous benefits of Nirvana, except for the fear of the world, plays the evil way, causing people to go to Nirvana.
Then again, do twenty thing should Buddhas sermon called lion-dragons, which is due to come up missing, because no force ten-based, because of fear, because, because, because taking the lead, because the devil made frightened because disturb ma, because making Chu Tian Huan Hy, since being off the grid mabecause the end to bondage ma because ma hook break, because the ghost realm pass, because the French growth, because the loss off tha France because bitten unspoilt lied, because theory isn't empty, because the human wife of the Saints, because people in the Church were full off, illicit, and the appropriate customised Prime witness three redundant. So Buddha said, called the lion of dragons; He is the definition of General, General of the lion of dragons.
London transfers: NET Bar called piracy. French intelligence and the intelligence of the Samyutta the Buddha called the wheel (wheel). The words of the Buddha said, the head of the life according to administrative maintenance, called switch. Robin then took four full of mantras do vote, five units, five United States hands power car, four as a student doing the fortified ring, four Chief needs to do the ring fit together, the three freed as eyeglass frames, intellectual meditation do mix, smuggled about incense for the car, seven junk made sense cherry tribe, the Chief Justice opinion do shoot in the right, who preferred the pure credit, Chief Justice effort do come, the invisible dragons, lion captain made marvelous sounds, or fear, break apart the twelve human fate, ruined the birth death, absent from the Africa brain n, ends the career of Luan, making London the world barrier, break the London gauge, or make the wedding Festival, practitioners, the dear grave. London--no one unshakable are, she maintained the Dharma, so called London transfers.
Then again, Zhuan Falun Buddha like Seong said Luan Luan Transfer switch.
Question: Buddha and transfer what I equate Seong rotation?
A: For the King being in pure lines do not, according to the national industrial achievements Leanne clan, the stately general hull, United Kingdom, Germany, and moved to London, the United Kingdom, sprinkle soy source lotions are on four people, ruined the except whole allows the aggressors, which dare not left, treasures abound, making seven treasures to make jewelryfour French photographer and photographer, took the seat being, cleverly used the United Kingdom France, comforting addition took office the Home Minister, Leanne Dick, to make policies-procedures, have fun drawing alms cherish the upper magic, who, faithful to the memory of Prophet does not change. Dharma realm as well. The virtue Buddha Nature, Commonwealth, and United ... bring forth from within the schools of Buddhism, the Buddha first dread, 32 full almond facilities General to dignified, Holy Lord dread full facilities, turning the Falun, legs cam the intellectual giant sprinkle soy source on top of another, making high Releases honor among the three realms, undermining all aggressors negativity, we learn, benighted hoan Hy, all introduces was unlawful not left it. French store to complete the seven treasure immeasurable sense of dignified, 84,000 troops France convergence, taking four French photographer whose worldly collect Regency beings, know the media said France's four Holy Roman Empire to the French rite, the General Amnesty-benefits-the ECHO, Maitreya Buddha, of political correction affidavit used pirated radio radical, powerful, visuallyfun stuff, magic to alms, intensive bridges of good for all beings is the Memorial place solidly. Such is the possible future mining between the Turning wheel Seong with Dharma.
Then again, there is Buddha enemies win over London United Kingdom Mass Transfer. Turn off not rotating Seong the negativity, the Buddha has left permanently the negativity; Move LUN Seong sank in the mud of birth, the Buddhas were out; Move LUN Seong as servant for AI yin, Buddha was out; Move LUN Seong going in the way of birth insurance, Buddha passed away. Move LUN Seong in foolish, Buddha in quang minh first; Move LUN Seong himself at the extreme between four people, Buddha himself in between the boundless world immeasurable; Move LUN Seong Member said himself in self care, Buddha; Move LUN Seong thirsty craving the pleasurable realms, Buddha said to have fun in the Sun in owner Summit also depart; Moved by rotating the external Seong that find pleasure, Buddha himself the mind being fun. Hence, the Buddha for Turning wheel Seong is the enemy to win.
Then again, Turning wheel hand car shipping Seong treasure go middle of nowhere myriad Buddhas, French car shipping concern, in the midst of all the worldly heaven and who did not prevent. People found to be toxic, the vehicles were destroyed, having been poisoned during the French vehicle all impurity removal. See the car underwater treasures, the evil accidents hurt both, having been disastrous all time French car about deviant comments, suspected, were destroyed. King retrieved the car underwater treasures treat me, Buddha used car rule of law all the world, who, being himself in France. That's where solidarity between London, United Kingdom Mass Transfer with Buddha.
Then again, the French car car car, winning over enemies continue to deteriorate, French cars are true; car fire-growth regime three toxic, airport fire kills French three poison; car owners car radio-France, smuggled treasures smuggled; car sex fun in treasure lost, funny French cars of France; coach jewel is unlawful, the French car seat isn't unlawful use; car underwater treasures limited way; French car go country an immeasurable; car treasure due for pure mind he should have been eternal, French car group by the coast guard personnel all friendly units in A immeasurable-Boost-commit period and wisdom should be; car underwater treasures after the King's death is no longer moving, French car after the Buddha destroyed the still moving; the car race in which a person, the car in which all the available degrees.
Then again, It is wide, the Buddha turned French cars throughout the ten directions, so called wide.
Then again, from the four centres date (last words, bi, Hy, discharge) it comes out so called Piracy.
Then again, the new leadership at Prime Buddha, Brahma or Buddha Kingdom Zhuan Falun, for so called Piracy.
Then again, the Buddhas in the Ba-la-complaint Zhuan Falun, the elegant ceiling-A-Beautiful-as DAC, French listening through Brahma 's, so called Piracy.
Then again, someone you want to show them, Brahma, called the wedding Festival Date. So called Piracy.
Q: when the Buddha called Falun, when called It, what's wrong?
A: Falun Dafa and the Offense is no different.
Then again, some say, said Luan Pham is the indicator of the four immeasurable heart, say Falun is the indicator of the four emperors.
Again, the four Prime immeasurable heart, he called It, other acquisition, the French lady he called Falun. Breaking wheel directive four Falun Gong, meditation instruction directed thirty-seven works, breaking the Holy directive rotating led meditation, Scripture instructs the Falun leader tu wisdom. So, distinguishing the wrong spot between Falun and Dafa Offense.
Q: what is France afraid of emptiness?
A: Prime At the new Buddha, are all the Dharma, ten four, not fear ... in this is France Samyutta with four position not afraid in life are hybrids, called not afraid, like the alms, in the mind arises "discharge" Samyutta as centre of the Department. As with the four immeasurable Samyutta who called France from.
Q: in regards to the fear, have the class?
A: The fear that instructs people to know all of France, said France should all say we clean off, illicit, clean off, illicit should know as hindrances to the off, illicit, end to France that barrier should say.
Then again, don't fear, such as a physician to know all herbs; not afraid, like all ill end; not afraid, like to know were all kyï; not afraid of four; such instruction should be eating things.
Then again, in the first place isn't afraid necessarily, in no fear of the two gas isn't talking about negativity, not afraid of three spoke French mistake, not afraid of four talking about up, gets to Nirvana.
Question: as in the elegant eight-ba-la-suite, each product has said the five aggregates, ten four, not afraid, neither breadth eighteen any French, so how do you distinguish says its Prime Minister.
A: In the Dharma the impenetrable, not privileged, not hindrances to the French. He's not impenetrable, as saying all the Dharma, twelve Nikaya; for as nowhere does, which all things come up that mature.
Then again, say ten, four not afraid, not because of the Prime Minister, who earlier accepted, that just because the beings, human beings know this coast thanks to be freed. Such talk of grass smoking just because to heal, not to look for General medicinal, as in The comment says:
"If the French did not,
Aáy time to get on with,
If you don't believe France did not,
All are left loose,
If taken "Loads" is not,
Nothing created,
Have not done already,
No, it creator,
The French General,
Anyone knowing or private?
Only the Center is clean,
Speaking out does not cry,
Left two comments, no,
The natural mind "Cabinet.
Question: In France The writer say ten, four not afraid so, also in excess of ten distinguished Australian forces, four are not afraid?
A: in ten four, not afraid, know all know all over, which was then in force, four out of ten said overcapacity is not afraid.
Question: In France The writer also says know all know all over, how said in An overpaid said know all know all over?
A: In The French text the comment Conference says the Buddhas know all know around here isn't that Buddha himself said, far in excess of four out of ten say, no fear is the Buddha himself said we know all know all over.
Then again, because now The writer say ten, four not afraid with four, multiply the coast Radio legal texts, which are due to reach Nirvana, far in excess of four out of ten say, don't be afraid because with great bi, the real French General real immortal being that said.
Q: the Buddhas have the power of ten, four not afraid, Bo-slapped?
A: Yes, how? 1. Play mind necessarily, should be a deep hard force strength. 2. be filled enough from the Center should be in force do not dispose of all beings. 3. no need to gain respect support donation, so the full force of the great bi. 4. what all the Dharma, fully developed all the Dharma and the mind does not know silly enough, should be great force effort. 5. For capital according to wisdom, not dread, destructive force should be meditated. 6. Subtract the second Sedo, according to twelve human fate, end all ties, destroy all memories thought distinguishes hý treatise, so full intellectual power. 7. because of the achievements for all beings, so immeasurable life birth, group of friendly units do not know silly enough, knowing the whole world like the dream, should be non-force fed up being killed. 8. A general truth of France, you know, not being, believing the French not out not being, should be France's contentious power rings. 9. on three subjects: a escape, not General, working, knowing that The writer, pratyekabuddha liberation force, should be freed. 10. Deep Within France are in, know the capital of beings or not, so are power mind. Such is the power of ten of the Bo-slapped.
What are the four things is not afraid of the United States--slapped? 1. remember to have heard, was the da-la-ni, remembering not to forget, should in theory between them without fear. 2. investors can deliver for all of France, known to distinguish use potion, all know thoroughly all beings, so between them depending on the basis that the sermon, not fear. 3. Bo-slapping normally depart every fear, don't think that ten is one problem, I can not answer. Don't see that General, should in theory between them without fear. 4. give people freedom to distress, per each feature a off, end except or, should in theory between them without fear. Such is the four not afraid of United-slapped.
The four infinite minds afraid: Location aware that loads concerned, knowledgeable know France deeply concerned, knowledgeable know from myriad obstacles, knowledgeable know tribe of endless theories.
Position to know that invisible barrier: using the language of said title, per each of the French General, as general land hard, in which General hard is literally, land title is French, the language spoken is from, for three things--decor fun at himself saying, called lost.
Media reach not stop shy of four it called invisible spot.
General water wet, fire is hot, General wind General, Center for general thinking, the five aggregates General impermanence, impermanence, life in General, the gauge aggregates do not, all General egolessness. Differentiate the General French public, private as well as the General; She called the myriad uses decor.
Position to know France deeply concerned: to know the name of that time, General hardware called the land. Distinguish all contacts as not economically concerned; She called the myriad legal problems decorating know, because why? Because of the difficult title can not get. Know that to do it, so next is France.
Q: is twinned with each other? or do each other? If that combined with the popular fashion, as saying the fire had burned their mouths, if absent from the time when calling fire, water may come?
A: not Too well not to be absent from, the ancients designated to call France's name, who know it, so every legal are, he is.
The name's meaning and how can cause beings to understand? So must use words to distinguish the new stately makes people understand, smoothly without delays concerned; He called the place know from myriad obstacles.
Say yes, endless opened for the meditation, also did not shy, backlogged at self called mind know glad said loads.
Position loads concerned a and four in nine locations, the position ridiculous fears two and three in the Education World and Brahma.
Position loads concerned two and three belong to the infinite mind, concerned a ten position, position loads concerned four in nine locations. (Ten position see chapter 35 – n. D pay attention).
Invisible barrier there three ranks of upper, middle, lower. Upper Chu Buddha, Middle Chinese Bo-slaps, lowering the A-la-Han.
Question: power, not afraid, not afraid; both are intellectual. Inside there are external forces, not afraid enough, why did say not afraid?
A: the force and not afraid to have distinguished. There are people who still do not fear that the mass in the middle of the sermon was still afraid, so says the four infinite minds. Investors can also place four loads concerned her dignified for four not afraid, not afraid of four dignified for ten.
Then again, says not afraid of, or have the amenities that such a person may be in the midst of the masses are not afraid? Buddha said, because before ten, then there are four infinite minds afraid to give up in the middle of a mass sermon without fear. So as to distinguish the four infinite minds.
Q: in the Mahayana has four position infinitely afraid of Bo-slaps?
A: Yes. Like?
Position to know that invisible barrier: that is what the Prime Minister of France, unable to speak. Literally, the name, no other specific vernacular. Before, after, between, as well as such; He called that. Could not be absent from the vernacular names, which private means. Three of her equally called.
Then again, all clearly know the meaning of the French did not shy, delays reached called mind know that invisible barrier.
Location aware Radio France concerned: France is the name of the definition, because thanks to the name that knows that.
Then again, Dude-slapped on know radio signals usually shy, French France, do not trust the people; usually the French lady, illegal press. French lady is, not what the French didn't really, why? Because he objected to all names and vernacular self known chess which depart.
Then again, taking the position as France's concern, knowing invisible to distinguish three superfluous, but distinguish three admit that ruined France's name, because why? Because of that, the French are the most general name is General. Bo-vernacular used to slap him, but know the vernacular is not, as Dr. gvang. Opening theory to beings, making believe, know the names of the French, the name, the vernacular spoken smoothly without delayed shy, she called the myriad French know.
Position to know from myriad problems: using the vernacular to talk sense and designation, the dignified vernacular, the appropriate basic options using the vernacular makes clear, is that the vernacular, the Dragon, the skin-removing, Qian-thát-BA, A-tu-la, Ca-1st floor-la, Ma-almost-la-elderly, non-human. Vernacular Love-theme-Huanren, Brahma, four, That homepage. The vernacular, a Word, two words, many words, combs said, broad said, women 's, men's vernacular vernacular vernacular, the past, the future, the present. The vernacular so make are well understood. Self talk, others say, not complimented cooking ... because why? For the whole of France is not in the vernacular. Vernacular isn't really means. If the real vernacular sense, the vernacular cannot be used in good faith say it real good. Just enter Nirvana so say let out, never accept the first vernacular.
Again, using the vernacular to make real beings under the legal definition. Because vernacular are included in the General truth. Aáy called the place know from myriad obstacles.
Location: Bo fun radio talk know shy-slapped in a letter to all lowercase letters, in one word can say all lyrics, in a France can speak French full-heartedly. Therein it is spoken are French, are all real, all is possible, depending on who is talking ingenue degrees that would be of benefit. I.e. the preferred economic contract law contract law say (Sùtra) for them, people like Insects that litigation said the Court Coincide (Geya) for them, who preferred to sign (Vyàkarana-Shou) comes Up for them, who preferred that echo the chant (Gatha-She) says that echo the praise for them, your favorite people talk (Udana), charm (Nidàna), for example (Avadàna), to learn more about the (Itivcttaka), the duty of birth (Jàtaka)Quang, Phuong (Vaipulya), disease (Adbhuta-Dharma), treatise (Upadésa), speak for them. Depending on the basis of being preferred to believe, that happily speaks. Say your favorite people based, say your favorite apartment for the effort, said the anniversary for people like diligence, talking to your favorite person and photographer for the Center, said the intelligence units for your favorite person. As well as five other apartments, as well as the friendly talk.
Then again, because of lechery with two thousand one thousand, ten thousand Buddhas because she said the four thousand eight for France; Anyhow that's the funny thing, French class say, Bo-slap happy said. Based out of the terrace of ruicheng County has two thousand one thousand, ten thousand Buddha because his apartment four thousand eight French spoken for; as he spoke, the French political class, the Bo-slapping funny said. One of the foolish to have two thousand one thousand, because then, Buddha says eight thousand four thousand units to France for treatment; does the option have fun saying Saturday class for values, Bo-slap happy said. Basis of the education section (take part, si equal parts each) two thousand one thousand, because the Buddha's saying 84,000 units in respect of values, depending on the time, glad said Monday the French class for values, Bo-slap happy talk; She called the myriad fun decor said ...
Then again, Dude-slaps indefinite position used a handwritten message, or afraid, or halves, each each dignified, not sabotage the French General. The Bo-slaps, or hide themselves don't show, which uses the pores theory to beings. According to possible adaptation, not a mistake. Bo-him immeasurable intellect, all conclusions Conference counsel could not know okay, well don't be destructive. Bo-him being infinite minds afraid that, when transformed themselves passive natural birth, know well the books, art, wisdom, skills of all our information, which is the first of four Vedic, six Run-old uncle art, knew the Sun the Moon, stars, my guess, the land, the devil said, bird people dumb, four-legged animal, who is said General view, the crop season, the Sun the Moon, five-star tussle, medicine, math, draw, dance, digital music. The fine work of such techniques are known to all. Smarter than everyone and the layman, not tall, not brain damage to others. The secular work, not because of nirvana.
Bo-slapped four-position achievement invisible barrier should be good force around ahead of the Offense-releases, was the Date-Solstice respect Ireland lost respect, consciousness is not infected before. Because such objects are respected during the respect nor the previous infection, just being the mind to think of impermanence, suffering, no, egolessness. Also used by the spirit through celestial divine mind which do trigger thirst thresholds that said remedies for them, does not make non-destructive, end except an Indefinite stay, making trading facilities of upper Primary Education Office.
Aáy called in An excessive talk about the four position power fears United-slaps, or into beings. Such is the meaning of the four infinite minds.

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