Friday 28 March 2014

INVESTMENT: Not I, tam, tam, tam I General working I, Four, Four, Four immeasurable invisible colors; Eight multiples discharge, Eight WINS of; Nine things filed, Ten necessarily made.
Comment: question: why, after thirty-seven leading products said eight kinds of France?
A: Thirty-seven relief supplies is your pathway to Nirvana's all go to the nirvana. The Nirvana has a 3 door is Not Indefinite, General, working. Said the road, next door to say on arrival. The four meditation etc. is France helping open the door.
Then again, thirty-seven French is Director of upper magic; Center for gender Education in disarray, the land Lady, the media would be? Have to come up the Best meditation about, winning colors. For of the four immeasurable, Four loads colors, Eight multiples discharge, Eight WINS, Nine Monday filed a plan, Ten necessarily made, test the mind to know was the need for self-nhuyến in arbitrary? Such a ruling warlord try crooked horse arbitrary, so new to the battles. Ten necessarily made so well, grab a sharp object, and then bring all things green led at all, all gold, all red, all white, were all the same. Back in the fate of the Eight WINS are made at. And one discharge is diploid body impure, the third body is discharging multiple net return. Four immeasurable heart, from one's immeasurable beings are happy; bi-one the immeasurable beings are suffering; the wedding is a celebration of all beings. Discharge of the three centres, one being that no centres of hate.
Then again, there are two things: 1-the Willow Championship. 2-that's it. It's a thirty-seven Scouts. Because it's hard to be consistent should in turn tell Willow Championship. In the Willow Championship who then was the need for nhuyến, easy to be true. Use it consistently gets into three door Nirvana.
Question: What is the door not of Nirvana?
A: The French had no falls, falls. The French coast guard personnel by the merge of birth, no one, no one is; He called the door of no.
Then again, the door is not as Patient Position said.
Known to egolessness, falls; why the beings who wrecked your preferred delivery method? Practitioners thought that human beings by the French: the charm, there is no real solution, only the General; the Prime Minister took the beings he is falling, falling. Now we make a General is there may be real or reasonable? A thoroughly review all saw could not have been. Or General, General American, the most general, etc. the generals he truly cannot be any, because why? Because the France egolessness, crumpled fan so no; not so with no legal male, female, for allergic reactions. In the fall of falling property has as most are. Thus most French men, women, really can't get.
Then again, four and four Department created modern colors (perfume, seasonings, sharpens, exposed) enclosed space should not be called. In the Cabinet's personnel left by foreign birth and Hoa hiep Hoa hiep fuselage strains of consciousness with the consciousness that strains to do all the work, talk, sit, stand. Speaking in place of nowhere have six strains (soil, water, wind, fire, no, formal) peace agreement, reluctantly called, reluctantly called females. If the six are male, while there must be six males rather than to grab another six, six as a; in General men and women also have no strains, until in extinct form nor has male and female General. If in each geographical strains do not have male and female generals, while Hoa hiep also can not have. For like six puppies, each unable to sire a lion; six combined also failed to bring forth, as Leanne self invisible.
Question: Why not women? But I fell there is no distinction, but the main body then has the distinction of men and women are different. She loved cannot be absent from the body, the body can not be absent from the body; as seen the user's foot, is known to have the thing (possession of France); France was then called. The legs etc. of the body other than the body; relative i.e. male and female generals?
A: I fell was lost before, General were ruined, now will say: If there's section called compounded trunk, a body he has enough in the part (of it) or a body part split in the part? If in full-body parts, in the first part should have the legs, because why? Because in the first part of the full body. If the body part split across sections, and each section there is no different. The dear varies according to the part.
Question: If the user's feet etc with France has out that section, there is an error. And now the legs of the body etc. with that out of the guy, so no error?
A: If the user's feet etc with stem off the guy, then the top i.e. the legs, because why? Because of these two things is itself is no different. Back to each part of the body that many airframe, which partially out of which only one, cannot do a lot, a lot of work.
Then again, because people should not pod no fruit, no human should not have. If each section c a dear to stem out the guy, then you probably should not pod people there, because why? Because causation is one such. In either a, or else find bodies have failed to get. User has no fashion, where there are men and women? If there are men and women, the women's relatives, or other relatives? The body is not able to get. If it is in the other, while the other isn't good, so there are no other General wrong men and women. Just because two Coast Guard personnel Hoa hiep's life, because the mind is crazy island for so called men and women, such as the shelf says:
"Bow, threshold, co, stretch, stand, go, leave,
In, see, look, speak, not the real thing.
Wind industry turns to have artifacts,
He takes the removal form, reciting mantras.
Kia wiring of men and women who run it,
It does not see intelligence there,
Adjacent bone, flesh hooks
Machinery of movements such as the wood.
In addition to mining, unreal, but who,
Such as Cook domestic bottling gold,
As well as fire also burned bamboo forest,
Due to the integrated coast guard personnel ".
The General, as before said, here comes more broadly, he called his Infinite chess.
Working is know worthless, include general he called his working.
Question: Three things then, because No one intelligence, General, working. His wisdom why g i is the Third black?
A: Three things intellectually, if not in intent, the frenetic, most fall into space, unable to do anything. If in the schedule can break the negativity, Satori is the General truth.
Then again, this is different from the moral world, in the world. The Saints were in General, in fact, not by fans of the mind comes out.
Then again, in the meditation without three France, the weather is not called T-I, because why? Because Interior rot, fallen into being, as the shelf says:
"NET, maintenance Or call Bhikkhu-stilts,
Or a failure, call the tu,
People who are often the most industrious effort,
Called the true issue.
The most fun in the fun stuff,
The French ended craving, thirst runs out
Body skandha in French Director,
It is often nice to Nirvana ".
So Buddha said three subjects out of T-I.
Question: Stars called the rescue?
A: His practice when he was freed, on infinity-residual nirvana; so called door release. Infinity-residual nirvana is chon TAM liberation, get rid of the gauge where the mind, taking ownership and outstanding Nirvana as the door. This isn't, however, the French trio Nirvana, Nirvana's song is, it should be called Nirvana. Speaking in the world, in the fruit said. No, this is Ridiculous, Ridiculous names, who is at the heart of France, stems from Samyutta industry export industry Act; in this run up the center of real action, Republic Samyutta are called T-I. Examples include the King arrives, be sure to have great spirit and the serve went under. T I as King, as the great spirit, the other as the serve. The names of the other while not speaking out but certainly must have, because why? Because the force does not matter arises, can not do anything alone. This is due to the breadth of French birth, Thorn, Thorn, thorn; do the benefits to each other.
- Not T-I have two general practice: 1-A long-year aggregates do not have for chess, chess for should not. 2-A crumpled, crumpled Department of France, could not have been very fall.
- Infinity General Tam I have four general practice is to take, kill, magic,. A Nirvana everything all agony, so called. Fire three toxic impurities etc. kill off, so called removal; in all France so called magic; Apart from the world should call is made.
- Working T I have ten One-year general practice: human life birth charm by aggregates should impermanence: mind is negativity so miserable. A life of General Administration in four aggregates: negativity and illicit possession corporate Republic Union engenders a gauge, so called volume; due to the six human beings suffering result, so called; due to the four Coast Guard being miserable result, so called charm; Coast Guard personnel equally not more not less suffering engenders result, should call contentious. Consistent in real life: eight general practice has four aggregates Holy leader parts can lead to Nirvana; should be called; No insanity so called Principals. Seats of the all holy should be called area. Experiences and opinions not prohibited should be called the due.
Three free courses in nine locations of four unique tastes, meditation, meditation and medial three loads brilliantly, it belongs to Leanne loads smuggled. Or had someone say: three free courses, an invisible ink smuggled, while three did, or possession of pirated or contraband; so there are two named Tam I and freed. Say like this: in the eleven was six, Three loads of sex, lust, and Friendship, wealthy girl. If the owner forced into black-market in eleven places; If is not pirated forced the apartment house, Lac Hy, discharge one Samyutta. When the application is in the realms of Education, achievements, then stay in the Sac and SAC. As such, non-achievement of accomplishments, tu tu no; as in A-Bhikkhu-talks said.
Then again, there are two "not" to a whole of France; It's not beings and France did not. Beings not as above said, while France is not the free French General. As Buddha said to the Tu-Bodhi: "Lust, lust-General; tho, thought, action, formal, formal chess ".
Question: Say no no no, beings that can be trusted, and said France is not General himself could not believe, because why? Because if the free French General, while not being, do not kill; no living being does not kill should isn't guilty not blessed; no guilt no blessed should need anything school leader?
A: There is no "new" should be guilty, without approval of the French "no" cannot be guilty of Phuoc, because why? For if the French really have character names, time cannot be turned. General Abubakar from the emptiness of beings; If human beings are, coast from France has created. If France is France's name had the artifact, the weather can disrupt; If the French speaking French Leanne artifacts can be destructive, it is not true! Leanne called on France not to Altaf people waiting, no artifact available. The free French names, which are not contentious, because before you had before. If no birth, no kill, baby kill there should be no guilt Phuoc. Since no crime should learn what blessed relief? If the beings that no one forecast, Leanne chon TAM harm was, nobody benefits was because Leanne himself fixed it. Such people cannot know that grace, ruin careers and the result reported. In France, "no" doesn't have the French General. He said France is not that he carries the mind pollution before, should such a matter ' new. France does this, because the main Buddhist schools of America, why speak out to end to AI Fang, exorcism opinion for being.
Then again, it's the General of the France or end to end the agony and chon TAM is the truth of the Scriptures. If France had not Leanne self, then all non-French speaking, how well it self? If there are no non-owned auto, during his accident?
Because the two are not available the French were not to be absent from the Centre, the French, the fictional world known as the lie going.
A not so, if also accept Prime Minister not of France, so that's the coast engenders the unlawful use their port side etc. saying "I know the truth of the French". At this time should have to study Loads, to end mind accept the Prime Minister did not. If in general but also being mindful hý comments, would like to have the artifacts, accept the advance into infinity does this then the generals must think that, "I was wrong, and then, in the non-disabled, how can there be general, which accept the Prime Minister emerged hý conclusion?" At the moment, should be under and not General. The fuselage, export, Italy, should not have the artifacts; should only a general working, kill three, should not run the Italian industrial enterprises themselves should not close contentious bridge in the three realms. When thinking so, back on his working out.
Three subjects of this rescue, in Mahayana is merely a French, because of human fate, hence the three things.
The French did not, he called no, in not impossible. Was now "Not" reverting known as "infinite". In general there should be created to bring forth into the three realms. Now "Invisible" back called Infinity "; Examples include the three doors, one who can not at once from all three doors away on, if at the time only from a door. It's the General is the Nirvana, the three doors is Not Indefinite, General, working. If the admission is not, without its DAC Does Not, nor does the Prime Minister, who then go straight on. The work is done, no need for two doors. If the admission is not this, but also Prime Minister, did Not forecast, for the people shall not be the door; because the trade was. Or excluding non-General, now under the door Infinity General that on, if for General Loads General that also accept its contentious, please, now comment hý except mind accept Prime Minister Unconscious that admission is working.
In the sense of A Bhikkhu-no talks released this subject consists of five aggregates, Imperial Gauge affinities; Infinite chess freed his fate a France that is often favored Emperor Removal; Working out his three-five soles coast aggregates.
In the meaning of the Mahayana, the three freed this subject's coast General legal, because the three freed this subjects see the world that is Nirvana; because how, because nirvana is Not Indefinite, General, working. The world as well.
Question: As Beijing says: "one stop Nirvana"; copy now says there are three?
A: On the other end said, but one that has three meanings. Then again, the value for the three grades: Grade craving more, more accepted class, and class prejudices.
The more accepted class saying no liberation for them see all the human beings by the French coast, no self Tanh. Leanne self should not; don't give up the good comments.
Craving more class then says working out for them all is impermanent, suffering, human beings by the coast guard. See and the mind will be boring but, absent from the Mainland are on.
Peer comments and ratings, said Infinity General freed their subjects listened to know General men and women is not available, so the end of charity; the most general is there, should end.
Buddhas or one at a time, say two or three subjects at a talk. Every Bo-slaps so have to learn all over, know all, so Buddha said the three subjects. Have when wanting to practice the other things, so it's only a brief history of the meaning of the three subjects.
Fourth meditation there are two things: 1-2. Net-Infinity pirated meditation. Stars called the pure land? The five aggregates of pirated property. Stars called infinity pirated? The five aggregates loads smuggled. Password Pro photographers and into the Fourth meditation sharpens, the remaining karma is good. All are unable to see, not to be afraid; or possession of pirated or illegally. Huu Huu charity the five aggregates is smuggled contraband; loads smuggled five aggregates are illegally owned countless vi. Owner black-market tied, the tied scalar not pirated. Stem career and other importation Center for any future travel stock photography in meditation, is not the mind, the mind, the mind isn't Samyutta.
Shou aggregates, aggregates and aggregates operations Samyutta thought featured photographer into the meditation Center, Department of France, is also the center of Samyutta. The Center, Italy, formal photography into the meditation is just the mind.
The four meditation or under the seat isn't that life expectancy Samyutta, or UAN UAN Samyutta weren't as mind; or under the seat also Monty aggregates Samyutta; or maybe life isn't run centered aggregates Samyutta.
The four meditation under the seat isn't that close, life is Samyutta aggregates industry, export industry, the real Center of the capital under the Samyutta and Shou aggregates NIE in the Fourth meditation.
Quarter-life meditation aggregates Samyutta not under seat is, conscious mind NIE in the quarter finals.
The four meditation under the seat also Monty aggregates Samyutta as aggregates, aggregates Samyutta warm onion stock photography in the Fourth meditation.
The four meditation isn't as tho not capital aggregates Samyutta is, part of the Centre of any remaining onions Samyutta outside the capital, according to the Center for photography runs Samyutta in Fourth meditation.
Think warm, warm Samyutta also so.
In the Fourth meditation, three meditation after not according to one's conduct sensory Samyutta. Feedback practitioners or have not issued number sense by Samyutta; or maybe a Samyutta isn't as visually; or when under way also a Samyutta; or maybe not as visually onions weren't consistent Samyutta.
One such practices as meditation Visual profile Samyutta's body and the gun industry real Samyutta under vigilance and consistent.
A meditation a Samyutta weren't as enlightened action that is.
A meditation upon sensory issue there is also a center of the Samyutta French number-one heart and the Samyutta.
A meditation not to conduct one's sense of Samyutta is minus the mind real Samyutta under sensory, the real Center of the remaining onions Samyutta.
Four coast guard personnel are meditation and also for human fate.
In the Fourth meditation, meditation or is filed, such as coast to coast along with things; or was the first Coast Guard also said Monday filed Frida; or maybe Monday filed for Wednesday's coast filed charm. A meditation was the first coast guard not to Altaf who was the first thing the mind of France coming to birth in my life. A meditation was the first Coast Guard also said Tuesday the French charm who is at the heart of student in the past, the present. Beginner meditation isn't stuff I didn't coast to favored who mind the brother thing of France coming to birth in my life are hybrids; the rest of the heart center of France, stems, password and the mind of real life in the Samyutta.
The second, the third meditation as well.
Fourth meditation was the first coast to coast along with the first is mind mind of France is about to bring forth to the myriad ideas or being or are about to birth in my life. Fourth meditation was the first Coast Guard also said Tuesday the French charm who is at the heart of student in the past, the present. Fourth meditation isn't stuff I didn't coast to favored who mind the brother thing of France is about to bring forth life, taste the rest of the heart center of France in the future, and unless the Center filed, the real Center of Samyutta; the rest of the Center fuselage and Samyutta industrial inefficiency, and export industry.
Dear colleagues, the industry, and the Center for real action photographer samyutta of the Fourth meditation is to charm and not to Altaf; the rest is also favored as well for the coast guard.
The four meditation as well as increase the upper coast also increased the upper coast. The definition as such have distinguished in A-Bhikkhu-radio.
Meditation, meditation, meditation means General read of Bo-slapped achieved are made clear in the Third Meditation-la-suite.
Question: In the comment section on the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, saying only the French President; Dude-where do the French not to slap back may take up meditation?
A: Bo-slapped the five years and prevents human beings by masking charm without Leanne self, is not nothing, so it's easy to give discharge. Beings as human mad passionate Island coast slightly less amusing stuff bad bad last year, first year stop masking, should depart Friday fun deep magic of meditation. Bo-slapped because that beings who start class dhāranī, austerities, meditation centres in the coast guard, left five, except first year stop cover that on A good meditation. Removal of sensory kiosks, deep into his inner purity, is the celebration of the magic of the second meditation. Due to the deep magic to do so for the disarray left whole, the fun turns around the fullness that on the third meditation. Absent from all suffering, except all the wedding pros and breath out into; take the rough purity micro magic to stately himself in the fourth meditation.
He is Portuguese, however French is not the slapping, invisibly, but because the beings do not know, should take meditation teacher to General chemical beings. If it has a "legal" is not called; nor can discharge up to be the year that DAC meditation. And there's nothing left nothing, so there's no General of France also possible DAC, so should not fall victim to that "If France does not, how that DAC meditation".
Then again, Dude-slapped by the previous Prime Minister of Ireland, accepted that meditating; Examples include the pill, to minus the disease, and not as tasty. Due to the pure, intellectual achievements should meditate. Bo-slapped in each each meditation, practice Center from the air; for meditation no refuge whatsoever. Due to years of rough sex, lies insanity for the French international to use microscopic damage to the deep magic for treatment, as well as taking toxic poison.
Four mind is immeasurable, bi, Hy, discharge. From the AI anniversary beings; often jobs happy like an OK do benefit for beings. Bi is the introspection responsibility beings must bear all the suffering in agony of mind in the way. The wedding is to make beings from the happy wedding Festival. Discharge is discharge put three things on, just think of being without hate doesn't hurt. Tu from the mind to except sensory thought anger towards beings; tu bi focal sensory brain idea to subtract harm beings; tu Hy to subtract the not fun for beings; tu who discharge to except the love of hate for being.
Question: In the Fourth meditation had four immeasurable, for up to ten necessarily made; how far longer in particular?
A: But in the Fourth meditation all have it, but if not particular notable era not be c ng Germany; as well as treasures in here, if it doesn't open while it is not known. If people want to be German Dai Phuoc, telling them the four immeasurable; If the fear of boring colors as break in the underworld, telling them the four loads colors; If the person in respect of the coastal landscape are in, like a scenes charm as I tell them eight wins of; If people have been compartment not be being then tell them eight multiples of discharge; If the mind does not need conditioner nhuyến can't since starting meditation practice, the entry class things up telling them nine Monday filed a plan; If people are not all coastal scene soi across arbitrary to be understood, then tell them ten necessarily made.
If while thinking of ten local beings, want to make them be happily; in the center of the mind of France arises a French word. Tho, thought, action, formal aggregates Samyutta with words; He called the center of France. From there run and gun industry body the mind real Samyutta, this harmony, are called from. Due from which France's birth; taken from the master, which should be called from. As well as all mind mind of France, but are all career as Coast Guard for posterity, but only privately-owned Center is called; because in my mind, private facility generating more power. Bi, Hy, discharge as well.
The mind from this stay Sharp or possession of pirated or contraband; or maybe the paragraph or not. From basic also in meditation, also in the medium of meditation.
From Samyutta with three radical Hy, Lac, commune, except as part of radical, radical priorities. The meaning as such in A-Bhikkhu-talks have distinguished clearly.
Accept the Prime Minister being so mind from the illicit ownership; Prime Minister and then go into the General's French, so from the invisible contraband. Hence the endless questions in Italy United-slapped said from there are three things that charm beings from the French coast, from and funny words.
Question: Four immeasurable how this practice?
A: As Buddha said in the capital: its stilts-Samyutta by Bhikkhu who with the words: do not hate or resentment does not pitch no brain, immeasurable generosity, cleverly renovated. The mind from drifting across the Eastern world beings; the mind from scattered all over the world means ten beings, from the South, West, North, four corners, on the bottom. Mind the Samyutta with bi, Hy, discharge also sprayed all over that way.
Mind the Samyutta with from, from the heart of France, except for the earliest weapon box in mind; It's the negativity anger San take part etc.; Examples include the stone pure land cards dropped into water, water in the Mainland.
Not anger, for human beings or that s/he has no charm or floating roof; or want to export nhiếc, yelled at the evil plundered; He called the pitch. Waiting for the weather, place, power, it will do no harm; He called hate. Take heart from minus two, called infinity radio hate or yard.
Don't blame him not the brain is anger, resentment, when IE is organised, new hate long into resentment, set user password cause harm referred to is the brain.
Then again, when the yard known as birth, growth, calculations, keep in the unresolved, called hate; also called resentment. If the mind has decided, is no longer what proofing Lt, then called the brain. Take the effort of the mind from clear, depart three things; He called no pitch is not hate. The Buddha does not hate or resentment, no yard is not enough brains to scatter the exclamation.
All beings are afraid of suffering which took part in the fun; pitch was the fate of agony, from the human fate. Being heard From tam I has power except gauge, has a capacity for pleasure, so who's most industrious effort, Tam practice she. So don't hate or resentment does not pitch, not the brain.
Promo, the vast, immeasurable is, a Center from which distinguish three name: Quang is a great method, is far higher, as lower immeasurable and nine other methods.
Then again, HA Phuong is, Sarah is great, is immeasurable.
Then again, fate to mind the beings in the four directions called làquảng, to mind the beings in the four corners called; Coast Guard to the mind of the beings in the lower upper method calls is immeasurable.
Then again, anger, resentment minds promo is referred to as brain Center Lagoon, known as immeasurable.
Then again, all heart troubles, the u.s. is the primary human beings, should be called small. Smaller again so called anger, resentment towards the brain. Take out the small in small ones, called generous immeasurable; because why? Because the Coast Guard's normal is the primary.
Your mind is fear of crime, fear of an underworld should clear the French evil in mind.
Great is your preferred news thing coming blessed Germany should except put evil in mind.
Mind is immeasurable because Nirvana should except put evil in mind.
Again, keep in mind, he is pure world wide; meditation is great mind in full; wisdom's achievement is at the heart of. Retrieved from this mind think to order Holy DAC; He called the immeasurable heart. Using French immeasurable distinguish degrees of Holy, thinking to honor your client's natural and men called the great Center. Think of the other hạtiện places and beings of the three evil; He called your mind. Take the mind from thinking beings are loved more is thought to himself; as your mind. The mind from thinking people do not love not hate; known as the mind. Bring the mind from thinking of your resentment towards hate, does merit a lot of so called immeasurable heart.
Then again, because for limited scene coast mind, so called creative; because for a small scene coast mentality should be called; as for the mind of so called immeasurable. Distinguish the meaning as such.
Manual order is the heart from strength. When the new get Metta, not called. Not just for being loved; not just for being good; not only for being of interest to you; not for the beings in a way that is smart. But the practice long days are far deeper interest; as for the three grades being hurt, hate and not hurt not to hate, whether equality is no different. For ten years in the beings approach, taking a Center from view it as cha as moms, such as brothers, sisters and grandchildren, knowledge; the bridge is usually nice to them; want to make they are an advantage.
Such a mind turning across the beings in the ten directions. The mind from so called beings from the coast. This means that class from many parts, property class not yet ended off, illicit practices.
France fate from the A-la-Chinese contraband, pratyekabuddha, and headless Buddha. the Holy wrecked General ego, killing off most general; just shop all human beings by coast continue the exercise. When Holy ranks are often thought of being, seen by contrasting harmony coast people continue being, just don't. The five aggregates that is being, thinking of the five aggregates, should bring from mind thinking beings because French does not know so often on the one hand wishing to have fun. Holy mercy makes are fun. This is because according to allow secular, so called from the coast of France.
Funny words is the mind from just a new Buddhist followers, because why? Because the mind of Buddha in the head not lettered names of owners, wuwei; do not cry into the past, future, present; the coast guard is not truth, which is crazy bad island lies, should not mind what the coast. But because beings don't know what General of France, which had to be back in the road, the mind immersed according to France, the distinction of obtaining, removing; should Buddhas offer wisdom about truth General legal, cause beings food poisoning are; He called the funny words. As well as laboratory level for poor people or things, or gold and silver treasures, or as Pearl. The mind from the French coast, beings charm, funny charm just the same. This is a brief history of said definition of Metta. Also, bring compassionate care Australia introspection view see ten local beings suffer agony, thinking that: being poor, OK to being subjected to agony, for who should not hate or resentment does not pitch not brain; until around ten options as well.
Question: There are three beings: life class Is fun, like Chu Tian and part human life, such as gauge class are beings in a three way evil and part of mankind does not gauge the life class; happy, like a little in a year. Why do people who practice from the view that beings are happy life; who really runs the compassionate view that all beings are miserable life?
A: Practitioners who wish to learn the immeasurable developed first from that: Prayer life are beings of fun stuff. Embrace life, General aerial photography into his meditation, his general broad rise gradually; News see all beings happy life; such as Paintbrush, first take the smooth grass, dry cow dung, when the larger fire can burn the fresh plant is large, From tam I also like, when new arises only from cooperating to kinship, knowledge; When the mind from the more extensive, then your relatives are all peer resentment found them to be fun; He is meditating on the mind from being growth achievements. Bi, Hy, discharge as well.
Question: In compassionate embrace life in agony, General Hy embrace life General greeting; also in the rough then seized the General.
A: Embrace life General suffering is no fun. Practitioners who do it gradually grew wider then saw all life are suffering badly.
Question: The three things the mind from, bi, Hy must have blessed Germany; longer rough-in for beings suffering life unhappy then get benefits?
A: Practitioners thought: all beings when fun time being miserable; while slitting the weather is miserable; if not miserable unhappy time an wrong. it's benefits. Practitioners who practice from the mind, or the wedding when the mind take immerse arises; practice of compassionate, or sometimes melancholy mind arises, because of mental disorder and should favor. Enter the rough-in, except in the mind, the mind's favor and take tham and condolences except for so called rough-in.
Question: Compassionate, rough can know be; also Metta make beings happy, mind Hy make beings happy; fun and celebrate what's wrong?
A: Dear fun funny funny Center, called called celebration. Happy Samyutta with five formula called fun, fun Samyutta with consciousness called làmừng. In the year of Chen being funny as funny, in France the ceiling being happy is happy. First bridge, pray for the beings are; from the fun of making beings be happy; as the trade of poor, first for the treasures, called happy, then teach traders was lost in life education called happy.
Then again, pray for the Physical realms fun beings called happy; pray for beings that feel the Gospel call is Outstanding.
Then again, the fun Samyutta with five formula in the realms of sex called, the have fun Samyutta with three formula in the First meditation, all the fun in the meditation called happy; the happy Samyutta with consciousness in the realms of Education and meditation, all the fun in the second meditation called happy.
Fun fun fun, called International crude called happy. When in the nucleus called happy, when in consequence called happy. When new is called fun fun; joyful mind played out inside, General fun showing off the outside, dance dance, called greeting. Such as when the new pill called, when drugs are deposited throughout the body called happy.
Question: If so, why don't the second mind making an immeasurable, which is divided into two?
A: Practitioners who are photographers not profile, may yet profound way of being hurt, so just for fun. When the Center for photographic equipment, trade of beings in a way, so new to celebrate. So before the fun and happy.
Question: If so, why not in the layer "from" next to the "Hy"??
A: When the practice of Metta, loving beings as biological children, pray for it fun; exit from Tam you should see beings subject to everything new, intensive care charity mercy beings making it the profound pleasure; such as the parents but love me, if you get sick, endangered minds fondly as heavy. Bo-slapped as well. Enter the compassionate view see beings suffering birth, mercy unto the deep pleasure. Due to that reason, compassionate middle stage.
Question: If intensive AI beings like that, why did practice rough?
A: Practitioners often results in a suicide that way: often does not discharge the discharge, that only beings put off three mind; because why, because to the neglect of other disciplines. Is also due to the mind from wanting to do beings, that fact does not make nice; want to do the compassionate being absent from the agony, that fact does not make was absent from the gauge. When practicing rough also cannot make the beings are great Hy. This is just the mind, not really. Want to make beings is truly absent from the agony, who plays happy vexed, practicing six Three-la-suite, full Dharma, new beings are really funny. So skip the three centers, which in rough-in. From, bi, who deeply loved the wedding should have quit being difficult, while the rough-in is easy to remove.
Question: Bo-slapped six practice Ba-la-suite until the Buddha, also failed to make all beings from suffering be fun; so why just say three Metta, bi, Hy's is just being mindful to remember ideas without really?
A: The Bo-slaps to be Buddhist, but may not make all beings be happy, but Bo-slaps a large prayer was broadcast from the great vow'd bitten blessed Germany; thanks to large bitten should be able to make big gains. That means that every wife, stick-based practice four immeasurable, just because of the characters subduing, self interest, just remember to such beings; While the Portuguese-who is from practice Bunting to make beings from suffering is fun. Due to the multiplication of mind from him, also was blessed in Germany, also Roman Catholic turned others
German largesse. When Shou thing coming, or turning the Falun Gong Scriptures, do the benefits. Bo-slaps or renunciation meditating, Superfund beings, teach meditation, is being into the world, Shou immeasurable pleasure centers; or when vexed, along with countless immeasurable beings, into infinity-residual Nirvana. In comparison to the benefits of such cooperating, then this is a huge benefit; to retain the French and also gain Property benefits a lot.
Then again, if a Buddha of all beings, the Buddha one level further; that is not a Buddha, Buddha-like the end. There are such errors, so there is a Buddha is not full all beings.
Then again, count of beings from foolish that is bogus, France; the Buddha in the third ten local search as beings that can not get, how full of it all.
Question: If being is inane, not full, while some are also beings; how can speed the less?
A: I said to the Buddha in the third ten mass media seeks truth family identity of all beings can not be, should not be; that he, the victim asked why Buddha is not full, so he lost. He lost to not save, but also victims asked that the place has no being, then the lot and at least the same type, how the little part; so he is defeated once more.
Then again, in truth the first general definition of the temporal method there being no degrees; just because according to secular French which is spoken there. He was in France during the first search for secular meaning, it can't be; as well as in stone tile look on Pearl said it was impossible.
Then again, the Buddha who played Jesus, until France ends, in the intermediate range, have what merit is there in France, limited the amount of artifacts, before that; so were the beings also must have mass. Unable to bring France under celebration charm thing coming with that full immeasurable beings; as the great powers, the strength of bow while the arrow that flies, they must fall; as well as a large fire at shit, burning three thousand worlds, youthful immeasurable, but to shut down. Bo-slapped the Buddha as well. From when the new play, holding the bow, arrow used wisdom, plunged deeply into Dharma, vexed the thumping will also have to end. When Bo-slaps are world strains, relative to eject light, shining soi world immeasurable; per each light changes invalidate, e ten the immeasurable being. After entering Nirvana, Dormitories and four thousand eight-ten thousand French tu plat beings; Examples include the fire at shit take Passport out, long had to end.
Question: He said the light changes invalidate, for the ten the immeasurable beings; now it says because of human fate has so quantities are also beings degree?
A: There are two things: immeasurable 1-truly immeasurable. The amounts are not Holy; such frivolous, Nirvana, as beings; There is no knowing. 2-can the amount but because poor health do not bark; as Mt. Tu-di, the water of the sea, the loss amount, the number drops much less, Chu Bo Buddha-slapped knows; also lettered and the eternal unknowable. Buddha of beings as well. The Buddha learned but not the he knows, should say is immeasurable.
Then again, the Hoa hiep coast legal being, no self owned; emptiness itself has so often failed; in the usually do not, cannot be, as beings have Buddha says:
"When we sit, shume
Wisdom cannot be,
The hand not gotten small children,
To get rid of all.
It's the General of the French,
The Prime Minister of being,
If General grasp being,
The real depart.
Often recited General "not",
He didn't run,
In France not being destroyed,
Which kicked general distinction,
If the distinction in mind,
Is the ghost nets,
No, don't cry,
Is France ".
Question: If there are two fun part is the heart and mind from the wedding. Compassionate, why didn't gauge number-two parts?
A: Fun place love of beings should do two parts; the longer the gauge being does not love does not remember. Back when funny life, Center for software; When the life gauge, hard heart. As Vi-da-du children of King Ashoka, the King allowed the Match-match-in seven days, with the years of education upper magic as beneficiary. Through out the seven days, Ashoka questioned: "the Match-fitness-enjoy fun happy?" I didn't see, didn't hear, didn't know, because why? The name Fried-da-la every day various large vibration: "for seven days had passed on one, two, etc., the seven days, then he must die." I hear the hum should still be King Match-fitness-deals are full, upper education, but because of the profound suffering anxieties without hearing does not see anything.
So should know the fun of power, many width. If the whole body tho, that just stabbed a spot, the fun is gone, just feel miserable; because of a weak cheer. The fun is in two parts; but the miserable lot, with only one possible gauge of well enough to see clearly.
Question: Practice of the four immeasurable heart he bitten?
A: Buddha says: The Freemasons, is now beyond Words in the German public is: into the fire does not burn, poison hit not dead, his conscience will not hurt, lifetime from being hoạnh and friendly spirit support; so do immeasurable benefit for beings should be immeasurable joy in Germany. Do mind the possession counts of immeasurable charm as she beings should be pure place of birth; that is Good.
Question: Why Buddha said results of the mind from being being in the Offense-heaven?
A: Because It is God-beings to honor you, one thing all hear all know. Buddha in Tianzhu, in Tianzhu frequented Mrs.-la-Mon; that her French-la-keeper when it has blessed what German Birth Date-the realms are volunteers. If being heard from the Center are being the Offense, then the majority according to French practice. So the Buddha spoke from the Date of birth-the twins.
Then again, the end to leave lewd are called crime, and say It is both Brilliantly. So lewd passages known as piracy. Do exercise also known as Breaking. If said Offences as including Four meditation, four infinity award.
Then again, and a hard end up not talking after the realms above; for as in sex, gender just mouth said one thing real good terms, as including all three things.
Question: From there, the Germans: mind, bi, Hy, discharge of talk has merit?
A: As the example above, say a is including all three. This also, if it comes from the said bi, Hy, discharge.
Then again, from the immeasurable chon TAM, from such as King; three of the kia's Entourage as the people, because why? Because before taking the mind from wanting to make beings happy; When you see someone's not happy just being compassionate to make beings from suffering; the mind is France, so the birth Center celebrates. As for the three things don't hate does not love, does not favor, so being rough.
Then again, From the offering fun for being, so in most rise-A-jaw comes From there, the Germans. Compassionate as in Mahayana Sutra, where it is said of merit; as in the Ming KinhVõng Bo-Bo said to slap-slapped in the middle of practice beings thirty two marbles, gradually grew into the great wide bi. The great merit of the original maple tree's bearing all Buddhist schools, Bo-slapped; the mother of Three elegant eight-dollars-suite; the form of the divine Buddha. Bo-slapped by Center bi should be elegant eight-Ba-la-suite; be elegant eight-Ba-la-suite should be vexed. so many ways concur the exclamation ball Center. Mind the other spot rough, Hy also riveted the exclamation. The two centers from huge, billiard evening rivets around the turn should merit it; because from the Germany hard because bi is capable of great achievements.
Question: Buddha said the four immeasurable merit, from a good mind tu, tu was cited, are blessed with the ultimate to-translational-the good heart smart, tu bi; tu, be blessed and have to Break-not-infinity-edge-of good heart, Hy; tremendous seclusion, are blessed with the ultimate to-infinity-edge-of good judgement, Center discharge; tu, was blessed with the ultimate to infinity-property-owners-made. Why this talk of fruit from the mind was being the Sun-the Offense?
A: France's vassal state of Buddha cannot as summer residences, each being worth a how are talking like that.
Then again, from where from to start up back towards the third meditation is easy; from where the ball to run up revert to Damaged-not-infinity-edge-made easy; from where the wedding planning started up that enter Formula-infinity-edge-made easy; from where the discharge plan to run up helpfulness that enter Ridiculous-fan-friendly-made easy.
Then again, the mind from volunteering for beings to be happy, then bitten naturally funny life. In the three realms, the Sun turn the pure land is very pleased that, should say blessed with the ultimate to the pure land paradise. Bi-one mind seeing beings suffer miserable being sick and old dead, against; practitioners who bring forth mercy, how do they get off? If except gauge, the gauge back to Foreign Affairs. Practitioners to think: "Yes as gauge; only loads the new incarnation is not a gauge ". Nowhere can break the SAC, so blessed with stress is to Break-not-infinity-edge-origin. Mind the wedding wish for happy consciousness beings, the consciousness is fun is the heart was ripped off the fuselage; as the bird out of the cage. In Broken-not-made, but are absent from the off that the mind is also forcing it nowhere. Formula of immeasurable, in the whole of France all have consciousness, consciousness is boundless in itself; so blessed with the ultimate of the wedding is in at-infinity-edge-origin.
Discharge is discharge of agony in beings. The gauge lost has to discharge should be talking ingenue to discharge France; that's Ridiculous-fan-friendly-made. So blessed to have the same rough-in of Invisible-property-owners-made. Four immeasurable mind as such, just Holy; that means the wife doesn't have to be.
Then again, the Buddha knew the future position life because disciples padded should distinguish accept ahead of France, said wrong about the General of four legions in their heart like this: "the four immeasurable charm this as beings should just possession contraband; just so there are no limits Sex Tutty as in Myriad colors, because why? Because of the Myriad colors about non Sex Tutty. To end the hopes of the class, so Buddha said the four immeasurable heart in Infinite shades. Buddha said as the four immeasurable heart charm throughout the ten means of beings should also be Infinite charm colors; as in his quest of the Invisible-make-Bo-slaps says: "Since there are three things that being French charm, charm and funny". The essay says: "coast is being smuggled, pirated is funny". France favored or possession of pirated or contraband. Such meanings, are talking about the four immeasurable heart.
Four loads specified colors is Broken-not-made, formal-origin, infinity-property-owners-made, non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of. Four loads Excel has three types: 1 – is infected, 2-3, was going to be born – practices that have been. Is infected is in-world identity is composed of thirty-one, urban planner and real Samyutta Executive from unlawful use triple up. Engenders have been endless practice is good; by fate, the newspaper industry should birth into infinity, shades are four aggregates loads signed not hidden away. Practices that have been customary so brilliantly bad rough, miserable, sick and old, murder etc. as the fate of the brain gauge; as regards diseases, as scourge, like that of poison, is hoping to break language lies, so must. Such thinking, overcome all the generals, ended all general there for concerned; don't think about all the wrong General, that boundless enter nowhere.
Question: How did destroying three types of chess?
A: Three other generals are due to human being, got fate should not be self-emptiness; Leanne should have three categories--General fiction lies not truth, easy kills.
Then again, her identity to differentiate each section break, then there is absolutely no; the following should not do now. Beings because of insanity should be excellent for most Prime Minister accepted Hoa hiep, previous infection Center under General; We now should not imitate the sleeper, which should find the truth; in truth there is the most general, Gen.
Then again, thinking that if we refuse the exception, depart the France, the profound benefits. First of all we give discharge an unsophisticated, his wife, and that renunciation, maintained the purity of mind, are an OK not afraid not scared, do the exercise, the evil French real friendly. Absent from the exercise being loving, be on A meditation; left visually consistent, inside the purity that are excited in the second meditation, absent from the Sunday Gospel of the second meditation which in the third meditation, be fun stuff fun stuff in the first. To put this fun which is discharge in the pure notion fourth meditation. Today's meditation flush four should be magic. So, pass the general good, killing General have for shy, not reciting to the wrong General.
Buddha says there are three things: have the best stuff can be found and there for there excellent ng could not see and have had excellent stuff, concern, respect cannot see and do not hesitate to pass the general good is excellent-only can see and have to be afraid; There is general concern for removal is only for good may not have to be afraid; no other general notion is only for good may not not for shy.
Then again, the eye sees colors turn destructive, called pass; the ears hear, smell, taste, body, blade emotion turns destructive, called pass the General colors have to be afraid. The remaining two color, and higher education (infinity symbol) the minor distinction, known as General false identity. Consistent so then depart the pollution in gender identity that gets into Broken-not-infinity-edge-origin. Coast Guard personnel means to be three loads colors, as in meditation, Ba-la-suite articulates.
The four realms of trying loads colors, one often pirated property (the only Africa-Africa-thought-of), the other three going to distinguish: Broken-no-origin or possession of pirated or contraband. Huu Huu aggregates of four counts of counts of NIE in Broken-not-made; loads smuggled four aggregates loads smuggled photographic equipment in Broken-not-made, formal-origin, infinity-property-owners-made as well. These are all useful.
Naughty-not-made in good faith, illicit possession of property report; Naughty-not-made loads and loads smuggled is reported; Recipe-made, infinity-owned facility-made as well.
Africa-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of; Africa-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of improving the property report; Africa-Christians-concept-non-infinity-thought-of infinity is infinity.
Four loads brilliantly to charity is available tu; four loads specified colors infinity sign is not available.
Hidden are hidden, no infection has lost is no texture corruptions. An Africa-Africa-thought-of as having infected; in three of the other, if the owner had black-market tainted, black-market no texture corruptions.
Mind the mind of French Regency in four loads brilliantly, Samyutta. The mind is real not Samyutta Samyutta.
Good faith in France four to infinity, with the four output loads colors weren't friendly France, also in good faith also in four to infinity, there is no friendly France don't have to stay within the four defined infinity.
The French are not in four to infinity is, all colors and aggregates the four aggregates, and coastal decor take no stock photography of the four intended loads.
There are things in the four intend to comb the French charity's best is four loads colors infinity sign.
Good faith also has four defined infinity award is given to four loads of good performance.
There isn't a French charity's four defined infinity is, all five aggregates real good; and aggregates loads; and four aggregates in set four photographers sign countless loads; and nowhere, and not to Altaf position avail.
The four plan to comb and allow good faith not in aerial photography.
The French have not signed to four loads loads; There are four infinite radio isn't going good sign; There is no sign France also specified four loads; there ain't no invisible notation not defined four loads.
There ain't no notation of four to infinity is infinite aggregates identity sign and four aggregates non-specific indefinite indefinite NIE signed in four colors; and nowhere; and coastal decor isn't taking advantage of Roman Empire.
There are four output loads colors weren't infinitely sharp four is ridiculous given notation.
There are also loads up to four French radio is radio-radio identity defined four signs.
There weren't loads up France's four defined infinity is, the five aggregates, aggregates the best real good; four aggregates of good not stock photography of infinite colors and decor Asma capitalize God.
Pirated or which weren't specified four loads; or four to myriad colors weren't smuggled; or pirated and also four to infinity; or maybe wasn't intended to smuggle four loads.
Contraband that isn't four to infinity is a pirated (bootleg sex only) and a part of two counts (ownership and smuggled, pirated ignorance).
Four output loads colors weren't smuggled is specified, four loads colors do not belong to the photographers and contraband.
Also smuggled four to that well ill is part of two counts (ownership and smuggled, pirated ignorance).
There are four isn't going to smuggle loads colors are sharp, aggregates and four aggregates do not stock photography of the four intended loads brilliantly smuggled, and wuwei.
Or property not specified which smuggled four loads; or four to myriad colors that aren't natively contraband; or possession contraband also specified four loads; or maybe owner smuggled four isn't intended loads.
Property not specified which smuggled four loads colors is, brilliantly useful aggregates smuggled and four counts of possession of mineral aggregates non-photographer.
Four colors to not scalar property counts as part of the three loads.
Also useful is also invisible to four counts, a comb and a part of the three loads.
Not natively smuggled four to not scalar performance was excellent, aggregates and four counts of illicit mineral aggregates the multitude does not stock photography in myriad colors, and three French wuwei (wuwei nowhere, Trach kill wuwei, Trach kill wuwei).
Pirated or which weren't specified four infinite realms; or four to myriad colors that weren't invisible contraband; or also pirated radio also specified four loads; or maybe loads smuggled four isn't intended loads.
Loads that bootleg weren't four to infinity is infinite and aggregates, aggregates the four loads smuggled not stock photography in French and in three colors, myriad wuwei.
The four plan to comb sharp isn't infinite infinite a definite identity, is illicit and parts of three other colors invisible to.
Also loads smuggled which also specified four loads colors is part of the three intended loads.
There are myriad myriad to four outstanding, isn't contraband is, brilliantly useful aggregates smuggled and four counts of possession of mineral aggregates non-photographer.
Frivolous or made in the paragraph; or thinking the; or there's the.
Who is segment Empire ants under the boys up and confidence under the seats know France, could the patient (the French position gauge rings, the French position rings etc) that paragraph, be like? Is twenty-eight and Damage-non-native Samyutta with twenty-eight; and the Center for real action Samyutta kicked up from it.
The thinking is that, according to opinion and user thinking that paragraph? Thinking the three uses and Naughty-not-samyutta of the three and the real action started Samyutta mind up from it; and-non-native structures, myriad, myriad counts (not hidden away), pirated property.
No paragraph is Broken-no-origin loads smuggled, consciousness-of, Department of-possession-of also
Africa-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of or opinion the paragraph, or thinking. Opinion the paragraph, as the boys up and confidence under the under the seat out of France, the emperor could that paragraph? Is twenty-eight and Non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of Samyutta with twenty-eight, and the mind of real action Samyutta kicked up from it.
The thinking is that, according to opinion and user thinking that paragraph? Three paragraphs is thinking, and non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea of Samyutta with three, and the mind of real action Samyutta kicked up from it, and the owners thought the non-ridiculous idea of unconscious structures.
The Center for real action photographer samyutta of the four intended loads colors is, not the mind, not the mind of France, doesn't mind the Samyutta. Shou aggregates, aggregates and aggregates Samyutta with Shou. Idea is at the heart of France, is also the center of Samyutta; also, Italy, formula it is.
Four output loads or enforced that life not Samyutta; or without the Samyutta enforced; or enforced and also tho Samyutta; or not enforced, and life isn't Samyutta.
Enforced that no Shou Samyutta is, the real Center of Samyutta enforced administrative and service life. Shou Samyutta doesn't depend on the capital's Center.
Enforced and also tho Samyutta is ideal, and aggregates aggregates Samyutta with it.
There are also life isn't enforced Samyutta is, except in the mind of real Samyutta capital according to the Administration, the rest of the mind real Samyutta.
Idea aggregates Samyutta, aggregates Samyutta, should know as well.
Naughty-not-made or due to human causes relatives, not to user comments; or by user comments as well as return to oneself; or not by the user comments as well not to user comments.
Because the body cannot make comments back to the body, except the unlawful use by seeing Emperor chunk Size in the eternal past, present, and-not-made Samyutta with it; well except for the unlawful use by that Emperor chunk in the past, the present, and Damage-non-native Samyutta with it; and except for Broken-no-samyutta of the fuselage with a lifetime in the body except idea also hybrid being, old, head, kill, the rest of the Naughty-not-made organic texture.
Due to user comments as well as back for the body, what in there working out.
Not because the human body cannot make comments back to the trunk, Naughty-not-made comb texture.
Recipe-made, infinity-owned facility-origin, Non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of as well.
The four plan to infinity, all with charm and character for the coast guard.
Naughty-not-made or was the French charm (radio-class coastal Roach) without giving things French charm. Or was the first Coast Guard also said Monday filed Frida; or maybe Monday filed for Wednesday's coast filed charm.
Naughty-not-made was the first coast guard without giving things French charm is, except in the mind of mind of Fictional-no-taste of life engenders in the wants, and mind the mind of Naughty-not-made in the past of A-la-Han during the ultimate end.
Naughty-not-made was the first Coast Guard also said Friday filed is, from coast of mind mind of Naughty-not-made at ultimate termination of the past, currently A-la-Han; the rest of the heart center of the Naughty-not-made in the past, the present.
Naughty-not-made weren't things I didn't coast to favored who is who, along with the stuff of Fiction-non-native would like to bring forth life in the future, the rest of the mind the mind of Fictional-no-taste of life and mind real Samyutta.
Recipe-made, infinity-owned facility-made as well.
Africa-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of or is filed no charm for Wednesday filed Frida; or was the first coast guard which also said Friday filed Frida; or maybe Monday filed for Wednesday's coast filed charm.
Tuesday filed first to charm charm who is who, along with the number of Non-Christians-concept-non-infinity-thought-of want to bring forth a life and mind of minds in Africa-Christians-concept-non-infinity-thought-of life past, present; at the ultimate removal of the A-la-Han and life destroying idea or have birth or birth.
Monday filed for Wednesday also charm charm who is who, except the first digit in the non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of ultimate destruction at of A-la-Han life past, present; the rest of the Centre for the mind in Africa-Christians-concept-non-infinity-thought-of life past, present t i.
There are things I didn't coast to favored who is who, along with second numbers in Africa-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of coming to birth in the future, the rest of the mind the mind of Non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of in the future; excluding mind Monday filed, the real Center of Samyutta; the rest of the mind real Samyutta.
The Centre for the mind of French Regency in four defined loads colors are attractive and also for the Department of coastal charm.
The Center for real action photographer samyutta of the four intended loads s/he isn't best for the Department of coastal charm.
The four plan to comb all shades raised the upper Coast Guard also increased the upper coast.
The differentiation of four defined such loads, as in A-dam-wide speaking Bhikkhu.
Question: In Mahayana says four to myriad colors?
Ans. : The real French General along with wisdom, that is four to loads colors according to Mahayana.
Question: What is true for general legal?
A: The French, the free French emptiness.
Question: The French coast so Brilliantly got distinction for so no, also in the myriad colors.
A: Crude's Sharp line because the eye sees, the headphones are, but also the air; the case cannot see, not to be afraid, do not know the agony, what next?
Then again, dividing the remedies for extremely small arrive, all thumbs down to zero; What's troubling the mind consciousness of France only in the range of dates, the weather, the minute until just one anniversary also cannot capture.
He called the meaning of the Four intended loads.
Such meanings, combs said of the four intended loads.
(Top 20 book according to a Han dynasty)
(There is still 5 things)
1. Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita sutra (eight-10 features a great wall post litigation). In 1902 he Prata pacandra Glosa continue san at Gulcutta. He Rajendralala Mitra for a this owing to litigation post 113,670 divided into 72 products, form.
2. the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita (Bat-Susan 8,000 post litigation) taken a traditional Sanskrit in Népal do to a family. Mr Mitra published in Gulentta (Jia-Cup) lemon 32 equal pieces, Baghdad.
3. Vajrashedika Prajnamita (Kim-cang Bowl Buddhism) comparable segment Features Kim-cang by Coated room.
4. Paneavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita, there are 28,000 products 8 article. The equivalent of the great works of Baghdad and The second in the vast bowl of Buddhism Sutra.
5. Prajnàparamita Brdayasutre (Bowls-Susan interest).
My Bowl of Buddhism Han translation of lemon with 747. Which the College Bowls-Coated by the Legendary Sir elegant room has a 600 bench said in 4th place is composed of 16 associations, article 255, 200,000 food shelves. Four seats are: 1-In Ghost-thứu paint, 6. 2-Becomes-multi-l, 8. 3-Ma ni your in Tha-turned-self-favoritism, 1. 4-Party ao Bai-orange in the garden Architecture, forestry, 1.
(There are 13 a simplified Chinese Translation)
1. the Executive Director 1 1 bench features a bat-products. French apartments, 172 T. L (lost).
2. Elegant Executive Director 10 food-Bowl (8) book of 30 products. Chi-long-ca-Thunder room 179 TL.
3. General Proving The Infinity 6 (4) book of 30 products. Genus Humbled room năm223-228.
4. Corn Products 5 10 bench. Kang-increase-the room in 251 (lost).
5. the minor product 7. Architecture-France-meeting room, 272 (lost).
6. Ma-ha Buddhism, Director 2 Bowl bench. Protection-musician-degree room, 290-306 (lost).
7. Great Location 4 Degrees. States-da-Suite room 317-420 (lost).
8. Ma-ha Buddhism Bowl Three-la-suite, 5 (4), 13. Com-ghost-Buddha-apartments in 382.
9. Elegant eight-Three pieces-la-suite, book 10, 29. Jiujiang-ma-la-the room in 408.
10. General Proving The book 4. Direct Supply room, 397-418 (lost).
11. College Bowls-the fourth book, the elegant 18, 29. Huyen Coated in 660-663.
12. export form Buddha Tibetan Buddhism Bowl French Freemasons contentious Three-la-suite, 25, 32. Contest-apartments in 980-1000.
13. German security model features a bat-Buddha-la-Suite 3 bench, 32. J.l. French room, 980-1000.
(There are 4 translation)
1. Optical Zoom Elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, 20 (30) his book, 90, Ill-la-massage room 291 T.L.
2. Optical Scatter Bowls-the elegant Three-la-suite, 10 (15), 21 (27), Truc-France-apartments in 286.
3. Ma-ha Buddhism Bowl Three-la-suite 27 (30) his book, 90, Rescue-ma-la-the room 403.
4. College Bowls-second experience the elegant, 78, 85. Huyen Coated room in 660.
(Translation 2)
1. multiply the United Kingdom Three Elegant eight-Regent-la-suite, book 2, 8 products, Rescue-ma-la-the room 403.
2. the Great Jamahiriya Tan Lines Were translated United Kingdom Bowl-2 experience the elegant bench 8. Real-no room in 765.
(Six translations)
1. Kim-cang Elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1. Jiujiang-ma-la-in the room.
2. Kim-cang Elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1. Bodhi-save-spending room.
3. Kim-cang Elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1. Foot-soles.
4. Kim-cang Features Elegant eight-piece Ba-la-suite 1. Kosa-multi-level room.
5. Power the Kim-cang Elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1. Xuanzang translated.
6. Power the Kim-cang Elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1. Net uses translated in 703.
(There are 11 translations)
1. Ma-ha Buddhism Bowl Three-la-suite major notes 1. Jiujiang-ma-la-in the room.
2. Elegant eight-Ba-la-Heart Sutra 1 bench. Xuanzang translated.
3. Elegant eight-story Buddha Ba-la-1 heart. Net-meaning translation.
4. Elegant eight-Three-la-suite-1. Bodhi-save-spending room in 693.
5. Ma-ha Buddhism 1 enforced Bowl bench. Truth-massage-nan-da room in 695.
6. Tri-Spectrum-the Elegant eight-Ba-la-suite 1 heart. France Moon room in 738.
7. Elegant eight-Three-la-suite to tâm1 his book (take the room).
8. Elegant eight-Ba-la-your heart, 1 bench, Bowl-features Benefits room.
9. Elegant eight-Three-la-suite to tâm1. The intellectual debate room, 487-859.
10. Buddhist Scriptures form the elegant eight-Three-la-suite-maximum of 1 book, Exam-apartments in 980-1000.
11. Bat-Elegant Three-la-suite-1 Center bench, French translation.
6. the NEED for ITS BOWL of Buddhism
(There are 3 translation)
1. the need for The United States-slapped, feces Infinite pure upper 2. Strictly for Buddhist translation Thing, 188.
2. the need for The United States-slapped, feces Infinite pure upper 2. The wall Of room, 420 to 479.
3. bowl of Buddhism Sutra filed Bowl Assembly, Xuanzang translated.
Van-enemies Baghdad refined 3 translations:
(There are 3 translation)
1. Writer-enemies-master-interest novel Bowl-Elegant Three-la-suite, 2 Port, bench-da-la Concierge, 506-511.
2. Van-enemies-master-interest novel Bowl-Elegant Three-la-suite, book 1, a-giàø-la Concierge, 515 to 520.
3. bowl of Buddhism Sutra, book 2, the Interior first Xuanzang translated.
8. WON HEAVENLY BOWL of Buddhism
(Translation 2)
1. heavenly Three Elegant eight-Win-la-suite, 7 to 16, Moon-she-its-na in 565.
2. The Business Council eight-sixth book, Elegant 3 to 17, Xuanzang translated.
(There are 5 translations)
1. the great bowl of the elegant, cross-business book 1, along with the Legendary Glamour room.
2. it's an elegant eight-General-la-suite, 1 bench, Coated room.
3. Kim-cang-wealthy girl-Du-elderly-its capital Baghdad, my first attempt, Bodhi-save-spending room.
4. the great tribe of kim-cang real not true T ma-join my Bowl-Elegant Three-la-suite-multi-player, 1 bench, real-no room in 720 to 768.
5. turn the shining Three-la-suite, 1 bench, apartments
(600 books, 275. Xuanzang translated)
Above, from the preparations to the vast product range includes translation, 10. There is also a translation of the Song Contest Households like Buddhism: doctrine of willow that Baghdad experienced bench 1-Honey Features, Buddhist doctrine Five Holy bat-suit cross Three Tastefully-la-suite 1, Emperor theory Buddha Sutra-like Bowl-heart Elegance rolling 1 business, Marian dogma Buddha Ba-la-suite-maximum of investment 1.
-The translation of the Buddhist primary samples such as Ear News self-la-suite-maximum 1 business book, Buddhism Buddhist contemplate theory model the elegant eight-Three-la-suite 1-Bo business multi roll slapped.
-Translation of Net Capacity etc. such as: theoretical considerations Members Buddha himself at the elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite-maximum of 4 business.
-The translation of Sugar Bowl-Susan tripiṭaka as: Mahayana fun green Three-la-suite business 10.
-Translation of a French Song Gentleness as a basic theory of the Supreme Buddha: the great lost Kim-cang Real not t I Church United Kingdom capital book 7.
The translation above, but much different, but equally elegant eight-foot system.
Also Workers United Kingdom Bowl Buddhism Sutra, which according to the Heaven's coming into Office, Staff Assessment shall have 3 translations:
1. United Kingdom's Baghdad Business 2 charming bench. French apartments, 307-312 TL.
2. United Kingdom's theory of household Buddha Bowl-Three charming-la doing 2. Jiujiang-ma-la-402 in the TL.
3. United Kingdom-Bowls emerging features 2. Chơn thành district Empire Room, 525-545 TL.
In addition, according to export the tripiṭaka signed by Salary-increase-the elegant eight-hựu interest also has a translation named Ma-ha Buddhism Bowl Three-la-suite 1, mantra takes the room.

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