Monday 31 March 2014

EXPLANATION: 19th tank of Mindfulness 
(Business Ma ha recorded Sutra: Pham Quang Hue)  (inscribed Doing Great Wisdom: Part 2, Cast Products other than 17) 
BUSINESS: Bodhi Monastery Buddha: the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slapped the four foundations of mindfulness. What are the four? Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped place within the body itself under the bar, there is no general sense of themselves, because they could not get. Where the foreign body, foreign body internally consistent according to relatives, had no idea about the relative sense, because there can not be, the most diligent industrious center, covetousness unless the world. Inner life, interior, internal legal, foreign life and foreign interest or foreign law; life exterior, interior and exterior mind, internal and external legal, customary according to the law, there is no idea about the legal sense, because there can not be, hard crystals Most heart attack, but taking advantage of the time. 
Bodhi Monastery! How ma ha slap Bodhisattva body where internal consistency according to relatives? Bodhi Monastery! If the bodhisattva ma ha slapped know when to go, when to stand know standing, sitting, sitting, lying is known, as head of the body, said so. Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattvas such ma ha slap yourself where internal consistency according to relatives, most diligent industrious center, covetousness unless the world. 
Again, dyke! Ha ma or bodhisattva slapped travel, see, look most often center; waist, stretch, bend, lift, pear Sangha robe, he holds a bowl, eat drink, lie down, stand to sit, sleep mode, talking , silent, in meditation, the meditation, the mind most often. Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita where internal body according to the body shop, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva body where internal consistency according to body, mind to remember thinking: When breathing in said breathing in, breathing out as you breathe out know, when breathing in long-term inhalation know, when breathing out a long exhale long known; Short of breath to know when breathing in short, know when breathing out short short exhalation, such as worker or student workers set design, long known long cord, short cord known short; Bodhisattva Precepts also ma ha so, most of the heart idea: When breathing in said breathing in, breathing out as you breathe out know, when breathing in long, long known breathe in, breathe out long known as a long exhalation, breathing in short knows breathing in short, known as short exhalation of breath short out. Thus, dyke! Where internal body according to the body shop. Diligent most diligent attention, but taking advantage of time, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped four great body shop, thinking that the body has great location, great waterway, the fire, modern style, such as the student who killed or kill buffalo buffalo buffalo knife kills divided into four parts, divided into four finished part, or stand, or sit, watching her four parts. Ma ha Bodhisattva Precepts also so, at Prajna Paramita practice, the four body shops, great location, great waterway, the fire, modern style. Thus, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, according to the body shop where the internal body, because they can not get. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva major domo ma ha slap from foot to summit wrapped around thin skin, filled with all sorts of impure in themselves, think that in itself has hair, hair, nails, teeth, thin skin, thick skin, tendons, blood, bone marrow, spleen, kidney, heart, liver, lungs, small intestine, colon, stomach, bladder, urine, feces, impurities, sweat, tears, saliva, spit, pus, blood, phlegm White gold, fertile brain, gut, thin film; experiment as in warehouse full of elaborately complex filled cups, all kinds of rice, sesame, barley, beans. The bright eyes open warehouse immediately knew it was sesame, barley, glutinous rice, beans, a clear distinction. Bodhisattva ma ha slap too, contemplating the body from foot to the top, thin skin full wrap around impurities in full body, hair, hair, nails, teeth, until the brain membrane. Thus, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha hard slap major domo most diligent attention, except taking advantage of time, because they could not get. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, if the dead body disposal, a day for two days, until the day, blue bruises hypertrophy, decent pus out, my body thought so also general, such measures, we have not get rid of that law. Thus dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva body where internal consistency under center most diligent hard body, but taking advantage of time, because they could not get. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap if the dead body discarded or six days or seven days of work, kites, vultures, sweet, wolf, fox, dog, bird species spend so devour eat. I also thought themselves so general, such measures, not escape that way. Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva body where internal consistency according to relatives, most diligent industrious center, but taking advantage of time because they can not get. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, if that dead bodies discarded, animals spent eating, impure putrid decay, general body one thought so, such measures, not out of it ... until legal greed space superiority. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped if dead bodies discarded, key ring bone, flesh and blood stained filthy, adjacent tendon, general body one thought so, such measures, not out that way, except for the taking advantage of time. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, if that dead bodies discarded, lock ring down through blood and bone meat, adjacent tendon, general body one thought so, such measures not escape that way, except for the taking advantage of time. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap if the dead body disposal, lock ring bone disintegrated on earth, general body one thought so, such measures, not escape that way. Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva major domo, the advantage of time to greed.
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, if the dead body disposal, bone decay over land, a leg bone, hip, ribs, spine, arm bone, parietal bone, skull every second in every place; thought itself so we have generals, such measures, not out of her way. Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva major domo, the advantage of time to greed.
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped found dead bones discarded on the ground, the wind perennial, hot sun, as white shells, thought to have general body thus such measures, not escape that way. Thus, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped the internal body, except for the time taking advantage, because they can not get. 
Thesis. Q: In the four foundations of mindfulness are more consistent way, therefore why speak only twelve or consistent style restaurant is in, or out, or the outside?
Again, what is in, what is outside, inside and outside the shop finished, there was nothing in particular outside?
Again, the four foundations of mindfulness, a concept originating in, regent of France in the center, two of mindfulness is outside, photography is about life outside the law and legal, a concept originating in outer photography is outside the body of the method, Why say four measures are in, are apart, both inside and outside? Why not just tell the body shop said that according to the body shop? Why shop student body without feeling great about yourself, therefore why most diligent attention diligent say? Thirty-seven leading products are single-mindedly to say, she say why only one heart here? In here, if the four foundations of mindfulness practice, all except five hindrances are, therefore why just say greed? The joy of worldly obstacles can also direct, priority boarding only reason why? Than there is the impermanence, suffering and not, selflessness, she just said how this impure body shop? If only customary impurity, therefore why there are four thoughts of body posture? It's easy to know enough to ask where?
A: The practitioner's twelve ways that are consistent concentration. From before the last three or unchaste things in, or outside, or inside out, breaking three things should misconduct for three primary things well. There are many people infected with the internal affairs wrecked, wrecked infection adultery less, as people as yourself should be able to give his wife and children, relatives treasures. There are many people with wrecked adultery, affairs at previous infection, such as the participation of the melt itself, because that takes online education. There are people with much dare say adultery, Chief Justice should say three things.
Again, the body itself is called internally, externally neighbor called themselves. Nine-called inner life enter the body, not nine life called foreign body entering, five senses, eye, ear etc. .. called the internal body, five ceiling color, etc. .. bar called foreign body, such distinguished exterior. The practitioner before use wisdom internally consistent body impure, impermanent, suffering and not, selflessness, find relatives did not see the good minister or minister, or the minister often, or lost, or fall, or so. Internal body was not able to get, the foreign body shop to find pure Minister, usually, down, touch, truth, we can not get. If there are suspicions went: When we visualize internal or external to the wrong time, when consistent with internal or external to, the exterior of this restaurant once, might as well have been. At that time the center is chief, said this impure body, impermanence, suffering, not, selflessness, like disease, like cancer, like scabies, nine seats decent flow sordid, ugly basement that is, not long ruined, leave tan, eradicated, minister died. There are often surrounded by such suffering hunger, cold, hot, rod sticks, tied imprisoned, reviled, disparaging, etc. .. do not get sick old self now. Inside the empty, derelict, no one knows, who see, those who do, those who bear responsibility not only legal, predestined harmony should be, spontaneous self-destroy, not dependent where, like plants , so the restaurant exterior. The exterior and other means as mentioned in Chapter Eighteen no.
Quan is finding itself under observation know it impure, old failure, sickness, death, decay damage stinking, rotting bone tendon, worn back to earth, like our own here, thin skin covering, making people crazy in love want everyone feared, so should the form of external monitoring, observing the original flame. Again, like the Buddha's words, according to the body shop.
No student is not feeling great about themselves a prime minister taking, other birth relatives that conclusion Coliseum. They are born in the sense where the body starts to think, some people are born great sense of calm, there is a great sense of people born impure, have the reproductive sense, remember the sins of others. Someone contemplating the body, the body is what legal? Inside the body is a part, is another non-sense thought so, why? Since there is no benefit, only unobstructed nirvana.
Again, the ordinary man, every player bar text itself took the form that shop, but no player taking the Bodhisattva's form that the body shop.
Painstaking attention is the most diligent dexterity convenient life, from the wife for her past life, often up often, as people are more likely to separate glass, special glass, the hard knowledge, particularly knowledge-ly easy, especially father and son hard glass , special father-son separation easy, difficult self separated himself, his body itself apart easily, difficult to leave my mind, self-interest is not the time for her painstaking diligence can not be done, such as fire sawing trees, the most diligent attention continuously without a break can be a fire, so to say most diligent attention diligent.
Except covetousness and greed of the world except the five hindrances is cleared; like split bamboo, the first eye has split time the other eye will go smoothly.
Again, one year away from education, school-home director, has left the worldly pleasure, not the pleasure of meditation, or the psychological concept of priority concerns, such as water-loving fish, such general interest, often find the fun, remember back to the old pleasures. Born yogi or two so He said that center should except covetousness. Speaking participate glad news of the world says, because it corresponds.
Initially bar is impure impure body, because the thin skin covering, so prenatal idea net, after birth the other crazy ideas. So should first talk shop impure.  Again, we immerse students much greed, pure prime minister took, also pitch a well time not so wrong, so prior to treatment consistent impure desires.
Recitation of four body postures before the enemy wants to relatives, who are most interested, as are all the achievements, so should first search for the body of work, the office, to go, your sleep, meditation, consistent as the body, most often impressive center, not disorder not mistaken, observe impurities such as salt baths to ease is impure. Body side though impressive in many senses evil, destructive as other psychiatric disorders, such as mindfulness of breathing should speak out on how to minus sixteen senses. Meaning concept as the previous exhalation said.
Body was impressive, not rampaging center, so after the new self-governing impure durable peace. If before the impurity self-management, because wild impure heart disorders should become static object. In the Dharma, the two measures are called the original store nectar.
Bodhisattva Quan is impure ma ha slapped grass contemplating the body as no other stone tiles. Four agents outside the body turns food drinks, filled in the body, the hard part is land, water is wet, fire is hot, the wind is. Four part that is inside her body, in four parts that are no ego, no self basis, following four impermanence of birth, aging, illness, death, not according to the person. Suffering, not so well, either sitting or standing, is the lazy, not the body nor the mind, the mind goes disorders, mind and spirit are not pure. To get the show for the eyes do not see, so say for example: Buffalo for example for practitioners themselves, who operated the practitioner eg buffalo, for example knives sharp intellect, buffalo network robbers breaking example of a general body. Four examples of the four sections. The surgery buffalo buffalo observe four parts, no longer own cattle, nor buffalo. Meditator by four great body so well. Four university itself did not call, why? Since age four, but only one body. Again, the four generals is total, the special general body, if the four are not known outside the body, while in the body, known as the author himself. Self not in the four, the four not in self. Falling away from the four, only because expectations observance is crazy relatives. Use wisdom did not disperse into, which distinguishes four great and toned, so later on the other three foundations of mindfulness, being in direct. Again this body from foot to hair, from hair to toe, slim leather wrapped around, up and down not think there is a place calm, hair feathers to the brain, membranes, said the 36 strategies impurities, said the lot width .
Granary example for yourself, for example farmer practitioner, for example rice fields sown causal body of the practitioner now, harvesting rice in warehouses for example predestined life of maturity practitioners themselves; rice, sesame, paddy rice and beans for example impurities in the body. Open warehouse immediately known farmer rice, sesame, glutinous rice. beans, different things, and so on. He is a meditator impure. Get knowledge repository eyes perceive themselves in this full body impure; surely melt due to damage or harm others by death itself, in this body only feces, saliva impure, evil things out of the recipe.
Forums internal consistency impure body, this body was corrupt foreign customs. So say two impurities: One is already damaged, the two are not damaged. This restaurant has not damaged himself also understanding. If the fetters thin, benefit grounds boring time student center, and the fetters thick padded base, was found dead havoc, hate scary. If death one day to five days, farmers also guardian, then not eat animals, black and green growth, decent pus flowing blood, abdominal aneurysm breaks, five organ damage apart, stinking feces urine very disgusted . Meditators think myself here before beauty, travel, speaking gorgeous, modest appearance, riveting, people prefer to immerse lustful. Now see not see beauty where, as the Buddha taught, it is illusory way, only to face the no-mind. The truth revealed today show, one immediately thinks oneself to death have no other body, not out of it, how themselves infatuated and besotted others? Re also why its important despise? Shop the center so subdued, possibly for guidance, but are taking advantage of time.
Think again when he found a new dead bird told not see dead people, do not dare to come near, so to say the last six, seven days, relatives had gone out, the birds, vultures, weasels, spend to tear food. The flesh has expired, other changes everyday, so to say only the ancients. So visibly, birth center as boring, think liver heart, this skin really is no self, only because this body gathered unpleasant karmic guilt immeasurable blessing. Instant thought my body would soon have to be, not depart from it. Or when practitioners have found human bones on the ground, heavy rain, soaking hours of sun exposure, only white bone, tendon or bone saw off a long day, vertebrae apart and scattered everywhere, like white doves, damage or rotting pepper, and earthy colors. At first 36 bars impure animal, found dead growth, a day to five days, that is customary impurity. Birds eat the blood flow to the ground, he is usually very consistent. In looking down and fell head that could not have been, as before said predestined by birth, not in order, that is non-self consistent. Quan's form so happy not worth anything, if born before sinking advantages suffering, suffering that is consistent.
Get four saints marching impure, impermanent, selfless, hard to externally consistent, self-knowing yourself so well, so after all the masses outside. If interested mathematics disorder, should think of the elderly suffering, illness, death in the three evil paths, the network itself is impermanent, dharma is about killing. Thus, making the heart beat nestled down, forced back into the bar impurities, called her diligent effort. The most industrious diligent attention should be deducted covetousness. Two robbers enemy taking advantage of our security measures, he should think that this body is impermanent, impure obnoxious, as they may be star student body craving to start up the karmic sin? So thinking that in itself has five apartments, in addition to sexual harmony should be born in one of the world crazy fun. Mind the fun of it, not always stop office, visualize what he is really happy or damaged? Body rugged tan still kill, let alone what's the fun? The fun was also no shelter, no future, the past is dead, do not stop now based, variable anniversary anniversary kill, just because the Treasury is pleased to call, but no one was fun. Such as eating, except for temporary suffering hunger for fun, eating the transition back pain birth, as stated in paragraphs break fun. So glad to know the causal world are suffering from birth, it is born or oversized, brushed the moment, after suffering immeasurable, such as good food and poison, but delicious fragrant, toxic people. The world is so funny, because sexual defilement poison etc. .. rob networks wisdom so crazy love interest, profit taking away life leaders who thought it was so funny? Only consciousness. Concept of military discipline mind that birth and death anniversary, so continuity should be able to get prime minister, as water waves, such as light. Mind unpleasantness not mind happiness, not happiness heart center unpleasantness, suffering not mind not feeling optimistic not unpleasant communications center; Gen. different time, so should center impermanence, not in order, not order in so selfless. Ideas, investment, etc. .. as well as memories that notion. Three other mindfulness, Minister of External as mentioned before. Practice that four out of four holy virtues crazy: Impure accept that pure insanity, insanity accept impermanence that often, but selfless ego crazy, crazy suffering that accept fun. Break open so crazy four true form, when it's open general then shame old habits have done the same as the night eating impure, later said that the harassment should be ashamed.
Consistent measures four impure, impermanent, etc. .. He called the Noble Truth of Suffering, the sorrow of love etc. .. is suffering, he is apron, etc. .. stop loving afflictions the sole Cessation, stop messing facilities loving brain etc. .. is the Noble Truth. Quan four such problems, Nirvana religion, abiding pleasure center, very similar as contraband, he called the ovule measures, such as the palm trees on fire, both hot air; certainly hope the fire. Believe that legal right, center Popular funny that way as Buddha Buddha taught: As drinking water or healing, is good teacher knows, the person taking the First healing in humans, he is believed Increase. Such Information Security, ovule incremental approach, stop crime equal merit, the so-called nomenclature, as the mountain to the top, the way the two sides are equal. From the top of the ring measures measures to Arhat is a side road, from ovule to the top of the line one side. In customary law Sravakas four foundations of mindfulness have been reported such results. French restaurant where she Bodhisattva vows not forget, no compassion left, before taking any possible local elected not controlling it, residing in that place, but there are afflictions, not usually fall into the mind, as not to kill people but the enemy, which tied a prison. 's Statutory Bodhisattva as mentioned in the previous law. Ring measures, ie measures the First World Bodhisattva upon as legal persons. Tu has postponed until Arhat director, Pratyeka Buddhist bodhisattva infertility is a legal entity. As the Buddha himself said the following products: Tu has completed or position or results are infertile legal Bodhisattva ring. Four primary need, as the four-sufficient but each in a different position each, were in the four foundations of mindfulness. Many so-called wisdom of four foundations of mindfulness; much effort should call the four primary needs, the more so as the call is four-sufficiency.
Q: If so, why not say excuse saying that mindfulness place of origin? 
A: When a new collective practice, do not have any place to store the original concept, the concept is often that, according to this conception wisdom should take the concept as name. The four foundations of mindfulness can be very intellectual, why? Because customary paternal relatives ie wisdom, wisdom in the idea of ​​keeping the grace not to be distracted called mindfulness. In contrast to the 96 th misconduct should call the director for four primary needs. The Foreign Ministry of Education, come down hard on the body, can not give legal evil evil, not good legal team, while Buddhism has two methods stop evil evil: evil has born an end to exclusion, prevent evil unborn for students; fresh approach to the way the measures also have two healthy unborn caused birth, gave birth to healthy approach that growth, she called the primary need. Fire chief intellectual winds does not need to be burned. The director of the center needed if excessive scatter, weaken the fire place, as fire is wind, or excessive time off or weak, can not burn, lighting, self-adhesive so diligently to produce less wind there is too much time to be attained. 
Concentration of four things is education, the effort, concentration, thinking of. Processing reduce excessive wisdom in the four foundations of mindfulness, then the IP should be diligent as the basis of sex, as the latter is to be called into action as sufficient attention. Causal sufficiency is also called as the part. Twelve law was in place the padded base called apartment, as the original tree that does not have power, if the benefit grounds where the call is force. It was soon clear achievement can work; sharp knife cut the neck as objects, so-called force. The call is not directed achievement, accomplishment thinking should practice called giac.Luan discusses thirty seven directors as before mentioned products. 
Q: What if thirty-seven Bodhisattva's leading product, therefore why not craft Nirvana? 
A: Because of the volunteer durable, because compassion penetration, because it's clear the law minister, the Buddhas of the ten directions for the deceased, as Kinh said caste Bodhisattva office furniture, in addition to the customary law does not, consistent selflessness, as in a dream tie the tree to make a boat across the river, the line between waking up, thinking that our quantum painful, is not no river boat, where we pass? Bodhisattva time too, depressed center repent, we of something, kill something? Want to stop crazy mind. Then the Buddha gave ten rubbing his head: rather Protestant, Buddhist! Do not regret birth center, remember his vows! He however said that, but not enlightened beings. He did not bring legal education for all sentient beings. It is new evidence he is a door, and countless Buddhas body, sound immeasurable, innumerable teachings, wisdom etc. .. Necessarily he will not be. He found the law not consistent, so immersed before Nirvana. In no way, no place should kill no place wrecked before. If truth be killed before last he was killed. He had six full Paramitayana until eighteen law, he should approach her full, sit ashrams, as propriety of the Buddhas! 
Again, eighty-three, eleven place, three units outflows, eighty senses, ten mindfulness, meditation four, four immeasurable mind, the formless four, eight swims, the first nine classes, as before said. 
Again, the ten Buddhas, four not afraid, afraid position four, eighteen no common law, as stated in the first article. At the end of the law that are acquired using a multitude, because harmony with Prajna Paramita should ultimately not; known covetousness unless the world is, because I could not get it. 
BUSINESS: Again, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped found dead bones discarded on the ground, white as a dove, decaying standards of the damage to the land, itself thought to have thought so, so general, not escape that way. Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva body where internal consistency according to relatives, most diligent industrious center, but taking advantage of time, because there can not be. Foreign body shop, body shop exterior so well. Tho mindfulness, mindfulness mind, mindfulness measures, should say so wide. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva Mahayana ma ha slapped four primary needs. What are the four? Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slap on the unborn evil evil law, so as not to want diligent diligent student regent practice center, legal evil for evil was born, except for an end to want diligent attention diligent action photography director, for good measures unborn, because students should want painstaking attention diligently practice photography; fresh approach to the already born, because not remain lost, more extensive practice fully, diligently diligently photographer should want attention practice, because they can not get. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap.
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is like the four section. What are the four? Education achievement of operating segments, as the religious part, the segment operating center achievements, such as the religious part; diligently to achieve operating segment, as the religious part, thinking the operating segments achievements, such as the religious part, because there can not be. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva's five senses. What is the year? Tin base, base attack, base concept, the base, knowledge base, he called the Minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is in force. What is the year? Credit power, attack power, concept of force, torque, intellectual capacity. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana seven Spoiler. What is seven? Bodhisattva ma ha slap shifting left reciting Spoiler, grill immaculate, toward nirvana; legal blame Spoiler, Spoiler diligent, pleasant Spoiler, Spoiler except, the Spoiler, Spoiler discharge, shifting left , Lady Immaculate, navigate to Nirvana, because they could not get. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana is the Noble eight sections. What is eight? As of right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, Right Effort, Mindfulness, Right Concentration. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is eighty three. What are the three? No, formless, eighty ineffective. Bath salts are not self minister, he is not freed door. Formless is passing the law minister, do not remember not thinking, he was liberated door formless, is ineffective against the law no artifacts, no effect was liberating door. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is difficult to treat, file location, kill location, location director, take location, location infertility, treatments, billions place, that place, eager mind, as it's location. Why place called suffering? Is known place not arise, he called the place of suffering. Why is it called collective mind? Is known episode should end, he called the collective mind. Why kill site called? As I suffer kill, kill location was called. Why call the director position? As Noble said eight parts, called the director's position. Why call take place? As said the legal sex, anger, delusion cessation, was called to take place. Why place called infertility? Is known not born into the world, he called infertility location. Why is it called the legal position? As the minister said the five aggregates, then this is the legal position. Tri star called? Eye is impermanent know, until life and touched by the immense karmic usually do, then this is the location billion. Why is the place called? As said by themselves predestined, he called that place. Why call tha mind? As we know the mind of others, he called tha mind. Why it's called like fun? Is necessarily known strains of the Buddhas location, as it's called that position. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva Mahayana ma ha slapped three units: the indulgence location based, knowledge base and value base. Why is it called root position indulgence? As in the canteen,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom of practitioners who have not attained, called the base position indulgence. Sao knowledge base called? Credit is the basis for the knowledge base of practitioners who have attained, he called the tri base. Why is it called false prophets apartment? Credit is the basis for the knowledge base of uneducated people, or Arhat, or Pratyeka Buddha, Buddhas, he called the false prophet apartment. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is eighty three. What are the three? Bath salts have sensory shop, shop Eighty no sense, no sense not consistent eighty. Why have called sensory Eighty shop? Leave the education, legal departed evil evil, there is sense of agency or depart born blissful sex, in Jhana, there's eighty known as sensory organs. Why call the shop Eighty no sense? Jhana, Second Jhana, meditation intermediary, he called the shop Eighty no sense. Why not call Eighty no consistent sense? Second Jhana from non organic to the mindless heresies, he called Eighty no sense not consistent. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, so can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana concept is ten. What is ten? Buddha, dhamma, Increase anniversary, anniversary Gender, discharge concept, natural conception, good idea, concept exhalation, body concept, death anniversary. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana meditation is four, four immeasurable mind, the formless four, eight by far, the first nine layers. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana Buddhism is the power of ten. What is ten? 
Force one: Buddha-like all law minister said that moral or immoral. 
Two forces: the Buddha as it's known now, the territory of beings past, future, present, know where karma, karmic know, know basis. 
Force Three: Buddhist meditation known as truth, liberation, eighty, to Gen. contaminated, pure distinction. 
Four forces: Buddha-like minister said the upper house of the lower beings. 
Luc year: Buddha-like desire to know the place, the interpretation of beings. 
Moment later: Buddha-like character known strains of countless world. 
Force seven: Buddhist religion known as truth leads to all seats. 
Force eight: Buddha know the truth as sufficient network with generals, have an affinity, a life, give birth to two hundred thousand lives, life begins, life ended, was born in trongchung born there, have they so, name so, taking food, fun size, long life span so short, and there was born to die here, die here where the birth place; born here have their name, eating, fun size, short and long lifespan that. 
Nine power: Buddha label natural than the eyes too pure gods, beings that die at birth, beautiful, ugly, or large or small, or fall into evil ways, good or rotten direct, causal life now report such. The evil beings that bodily accomplishments, verbal achievement evil, malice career achievements, Saints defame, for now acquire the wrong person, so when the joint network dissolution of the body, born in hell, and we student achievement was improving bodily, verbal achievements friendly, professional achievements goodwill, not defame saint, because now people acquire the right view, should the dissolution of the body corporate networks, leading to improved bio heaven. 
Force ten: Buddha as true all should know the contraband was threefold deliverance, deliverance outflow wisdom, self-knowledge proof, he immediately entered in the current law to know that I have to take life and death, virtues were established, from this life there is no afterlife. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Mahayana Bodhisattva is not afraid of four. What are the four? 
Fearless one: Buddha honestly say that I am the right knowledge Necessarily, if Sa subjects, Brahmin, or heaven, or ghost, or Brahma, or even the victims that they like so: As France's Lai did not know, until then I do not see the slightest sign of fear. So I am in peace, be not afraid, the Holy Spirit abiding place, in the middle of a public voice roaring lion, turn on rotation that began, Brahman, or the sun, or ghost, or Brahma, or the other so they could not be moved. 
Two fearless: Buddhist honestly say that I have all the illegally stopped or cleaned, if Sa subjects, Brahmin, or heaven, or ghost, or Brahma, or the other we, as real victims that: Gonorrhea or Tathagata does not clean off, so I do not see the slightest sign of fear, I was so peaceful, be not afraid, the Holy Spirit dwells spot, in the middle of a public voice roaring lion, moved Pham rotation that began, Brahmin, or heaven, or ghost, or Brahma or the other they can not be transferred. 
Three fearless: Buddhist honestly say that I say direct legal obstacles, if Sa subjects, Brahmin, or heaven, or ghost, or Brahma, or there are other victims that they like so: French territory distention was not directing, so I do not see the slightest sign of fear. So I am in peace, be not afraid, the Holy Spirit abiding place, in the middle of a public voice roaring lion, turn on rotation that began, Brahman, or the sun, or ghost, or Brahma, or the other so they could not be moved. 
Fearless Four: Buddhism honestly say that I said Noble, can take from the world, which will be carried out in accordance with all suffering. If there are subjects Sa, Brahmin, or heaven, or ghost, or Brahma, or the other as we really victims that Act was not taken out of the world can not end suffering, until then I do not see there is the slightest sign of fear, so should we be secure, be not afraid, the Holy Spirit dwells spot, in the middle of a public voice roaring lion, turn on rotation that began, Brahmin, or sun, or ghost, or Brahma, or the other so they could not be moved. He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana position is four very afraid. What are the four? It means very afraid, very afraid legal, since very afraid, very afraid heresy. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be. 
Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva Mahayana is no common approach eighteen. What is eighteen? 1. Buddhas Body no errors. 2. Mouth no errors. 3. Reciting no errors. 4. No allergic Minister. 5. There is no uncertainty in the mind. 6. No not know left center. 7. Education is not reduced. 8. Diligent not reduced. 9. Mindfulness is not reduced. 10. Wisdom is not reduced. 11. Liberation is not reduced. 12. Freeing knowledge not reduced. 13. Under all bodily wisdom. 14. All under verbal intelligence. 15. All of the business intelligence under. 16. Wisdom does not know that past life obstacles. 17. Future intellectual life knows no obstacles. 18. Wisdom to know that no obstacles present life. Bodhi Monastery! He called the minister of the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be (a long piece included in the 1308 letter to stop here). 
Again, dyke! Bodhisattva Mahayana ma ha slaps self class, speech class, the introductory text. What is self-class, English class, the introductory text? Mon letter A, because not all of the original legal birth; technical word out, because all the departed legal defilements; Three professional letters, because all the easiest means; goal homeowners, because all can not be a full legal , does not all end all legal not born; subjects Na letters, because the legal identity apart, there is no loss of general nature; keeper Roman letters, because the law over the world, as well as of life costs (labor costs in 12 fate) kill; subjects Chu, because the measures of good living, as well as general alms; subjects Ms word, because she left the calligraphy; subjects that letter, because the pure legal rubrics; subjects Sa words, because the dharma, emptiness in six self-purification; subjects uppercase, because street language spoken in the legal end, Chu subjects, such as the legal estate; subjects Chu, because in the real estate law as born; subjects Look up the word, because the legislation may not be available; keeper fish, because on the way, the author could not have been; subjects letters I, because while the law may not have been, because the law has not moved so , keeper Ma word, because on the way, Russia can not afford it; goal homeowners, because the law, can not get away; subjects Tha word, because on the way, the country can not afford it; subjects letters Soap, because in the law, can not be born; subjects Spread the word, because in the law, she could not get the word; subjects Chu, because on the way, nature can not be obtained; subjects Far word, as in the law, can not get to; owns the subjects, as in the law, can not be damaged; subjects Delete text, as in the law, can not be eradicated; subjects font sizes, because on the way there Can not get. Mon homeowners, because the law, can not be located; subjects Tha word, because in the law, can not get the word Tha; subjects Ms word, because in the law, can not be destroyed; subjects Far letters , because in France, Germany can not be, because the aggregates as the ball could not have been; keeper Ma word, because on the way, the word that can not be; subjects uppercase, as in the law, do not cry might have been; subjects letters I, because in the law, I can not get the word, subjects homeowners, because the law, can not get the post; Jan subjects words, because on the way the country can not afford it; Noa technical words, because in the law, not to not go, not standing, not sitting, not lying; subjects Pha words, because in the law, can not get the minutes; keeper fish, because in the law, convergence can not get; subjects letters I, because on the way, the word can not get the province; Price subject word, because in the law, can not get out; subjects Trá letters, as in the approach zones can not be used; subjects that letter, because in extreme marginal seat of Justice, not the end not birth. Too big red letters, there is no word to say, why? because not even the word, very afraid of anonymous letters, nor kill, nor can tell, can not only present, can not see, can not copy.
Bodhi Monastery! Know the law as frivolous. Bodhi Monastery! He called la ni defenders, A. If it is literal ghost Bodhisattva ha was slapped with the subject itself, press the letter A press, or hear, or territory, or chant, or read, or maintenance, or as others say, knowing this, will be merit twenty. What is twenty? Knowing that a strong memory, the qui tam, the permanent center, just exciting of Scripture, wisdom, be very afraid to say happy, easy to get the other defenders ni la, respire not mind, is not happy to hear good , hear no evil temper, is not high not low, the mind does not add up, be wise to know the language of living beings, are cleverly distinguish five aggregates, twelve in, eighteen, twelve causes and conditions, the four coastal , four soles, are cleverly distinguish based rumors of beings, be clever to know the mind of others, are cleverly distinguish date weather, disasters are cleverly distinguish atrial communication, be smart sufficient to distinguish the network, is vital information to distinguish smart, be smart not to say moral right doctrine, the majesty clever cross body said, sitting up etc. .. 
Bodhi Monastery! Already a ni subjects, subjects etc. .. that's the word A minister called the Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap, because there can not be.
CONCLUSIONS: Self class, ni la are in the majority language of the text does not equal love to hate. 
Again, the letters that when the appropriate time has not nor, nor present, only in our mind, my sensory memory center concept to distinguish said, saying he was distracted mind, not that the truth , as before the wind shook the looks do not see anything. The word is the same with ultimate class, peer nirvana. Already a ni Bodhisattva was used, for all legal, communicated very afraid;'s called self-class, English class. 
Q: If you say the strategy has five hundred dollars left ni, if broadly times have left countless ni la, why this talk is self polymorph ni la original door of the defenders la ni? 
A: Before saying a great, great time to know the other said. This is the original door of the Da la ni, saying the door originally said the other door. 
Again, the ni la France, have distinguished themselves and that language was born. Forty-two letters (Dvacatva-Rimsad-aksaramukha, or 42 letters in Sanskrit) is the basis of all the word, the word's letters, the words are known, the name means. Bodhisattva or hear the word, the word to understand its meaning. He's starting the letter A, and finally red letters, 40 letters in between. Already a Bodhisattva is self-ni's, if heard all the words in the letter A, in the sense that it is immediately all measures from the minister some are not born. 
A problem, Chinese translated as Admin, A Chinese magnates She has translated Any student, if listen closely romanized know all the legal sense departed minister defilements. La soap, translated Chinese sentences, words heard three consecutive know if all the measures in the highest sense. Three peculiar, the Chinese translation is the easiest means, if you hear the word immediately know all the prices are not to act out. Price pears labor, China's Administrative Services, if you hear the word Na, and he said all such measures are not lost, not to go there. Na, Chinese translated as Real, if La hear the word, and he knows all the important legal contempt departed minister. La-demand, Chinese translated as Contempt, if the PO hear, and he knows all the good law minister. Skin that is Good Chinese translator, if she heard the word, immediately said not all methods not tied open. She momentum, the Chinese translation is blessed, if you hear the word, they went all the way generals know not hot. Nam Thien Truc called energy from radiation, heat Real Chinese is translated, if Sa hear the word, and he said the body has six strains minister. Sa, translated as the Chinese mainland, if uppercase, and he left law minister said all night. Three-tha peace, Chinese Language language translator is to listen to the PO, and he knows the law in such as real estate. David's neighbor, China is translated as if listening to the PO, and he knows the law in true form without birth or death. Dropped canvas, Chinese translated as fact, if Tra hear the word, and he did not know the legal obstacles minister. Tea-grandmother, the Chinese translation is Obstacle to listen to fish, and he knew of no legal authors. Ca-la-ca, Chinese is translated author, if she heard the word, immediately we all know the law can not be. Slap-her Chinese is translated Necessarily, if Ma heard the word, immediately know the legal basis falling apart. Ma ma la ca, China was self service basis, if homeowners hear, and he knows the law and can not get to. Imitation leather, Chinese translated as To (bottom), if Tha hear the word, and he said the four words "As past" could not have been. Prices have dropped A (Tathagata), the Chinese translation is like the past, if you hear the word soap, and he said the law could not have been born old. Communes in la, Chinese translated as occupational, if low three words to hear, and he said the measures are not possible. As low three words could not have been, low three words should not interpret meaningless, if the PO hear, and he knows the law, can not get legal nature. Da Lama, China is the French translation, if Xa hear the word, and he said the law minister passed away. Far leather, Chinese President Removal Services is to listen to the word zones immediately know the law can not get nowhere. Pat elderly Chinese is translated Nowhere to listen Delete text, immediately know the law minister could not have been eradicated. Delete part, China is the new service, if the officer heard the word, immediately know the law is marginal benefit. Singer spherical na, Chinese translation what is the benefit that, if homeowners hear, and he knows no law in the Tri minister. Nha-na (Prana), Chinese translated as knowledgeable, if Tha heard the word, immediately knew the general approach that can not be obtained. A-benefits-tha, Chinese translated as meaning, if she heard the word, immediately said the minister could not break the law. The old woman, Chinese translated as Bankruptcy, if Xa hear the word, and he said the law does not go anywhere. Away old threads, is the Chinese translation, if low Ma hear the word, and he said the consolidation method as Diamonds. A low-ma, the Chinese translation is Thach, if you hear the word Mars, and he knows there is no general legal sound. She has been Martian, China is refundable service (call back), if I hear the word, and he said the law minister no avarice no town. My face is, the Chinese translation is Xan, if homeowners hear, and he knows the law is not thick not thin. Canadian, Chinese translated as Hau (thick), if Jan heard the word, immediately said no legal abode. Nam Thien Truc called Jan na, Chinese translated as Land, if Noa hear the word, immediately they know the law and who are not not go, not sitting not lying, not standing up not, because we are not born, not legal. Nam Thien Truc known as Noa, the Chinese translation is Real, if Pha heard the word, immediately know the results are not legal. Pha la, Chinese translated as fruit, if Ca hear the word, immediately knew the aggregates can not be. Ca University, Chinese translated as We (aggregates), if I hear the word, immediately I am not literate. The law, too, if you hear the word price, do not immediately know the law minister. Price is local, Chinese translation line is, if you hear the word Investigation, said the mainland shore legal easement can not be obtained. Was that the Chinese translation is short, if you listen to that letter, and he knows the law can not be sure. Three-furniture, Chinese translated as There (certainly). Apart from that letter, there is no word if there are 24 tribes of the word, this word often in this world, because similar continuity, because in all languages ​​very afraid. National territory to territory as national estate, no name given, so say anonymous. After listening closely to eradicate, exterminate should say. The way in which legal nature, can not get chance to say what is the word. The ideal approach because no memory can not only distinguish presentation. First, the distinction should now be verbal, bodily demographics should now write a letter, the letter is rupa, or eyes can see, or ears to hear, resist beings called letters. No causal, so can not see, can not write. The method usually does not, as Minister of nowhere, let alone spoken word perish. Van's freezer doors la ni la ni rocks. 
Q: Knowing the causal ni la's defenders can be infinite merits, she said why only 20 merit? 
A: The Buddha would say the infinite other virtues, for fear of the said abandoned Prajna Paramita should just say 20 strategic merit. 
People are very powerful method is bodhisattvas are often consistent Already a nun's Minister of letters, memories practice should be very powerful concept. 
The qui tam is the legal team of good, evil legal bored, so you born eight. 
The center is fortified group of intellectual merit attention should be solid as diamonds, to hell whether in a subsidiary not lost rotten Supreme supreme Buddha, let alone meet the other suffering. 
The person of Scripture is only interesting to know Buddha year means the sermon, should be interesting call of Economics. One is to know how to preach Buddhism. Two are Buddhas know what to say because. Three are known as the Buddha means to say. Buddha said only four exciting display should say. In the Buddha known for compassion should say. 
The Bodhisattva's wisdom Already a nun who was distinguished squander the letters, nor language, not the language nor the name, nor the name should not mean, that is not the ultimate Wisdom confidential. 
Pleased to say that wisdom is the ultimate intellectual purity so very afraid, because compassion for a living and sentient beings are not afraid to say so fun. 
Already a nun is to be candidates as split bamboo, the first eye has split time to cover the other eye. Bodhisattvas are also documents from the skin so that the natural la ni la Da ni is the other. 
Being comfortable is not interested in the truth is the foreign minister of France, but is not Necessarily in mind that for all the profound legal, not Congress. 
Good to hear no evil hear no anger is excited to distinguish each of these things is not a praise, should not defame glad to hear no good, hear no evil mad. 
Being down is not high has not stopped all love to hate. 
Being skillful is the language we are born knowing all eighty of them living language. 
Be tricky to distinguish the five aggregates, twelve in, eighteen, twelve of conditions, four charming, four substrates is that the aggregates etc. .. as said before. 
Be tricky to distinguish the base beings rumored to be smart to know other foster care, natural atrium, network-sufficient, smart saying that maybe, maybe not like in ten forces that are said. 
To be clever to know through the sit up etc. .. is as stated in paragraph A tent pad location. 
Be tricky to distinguish weather date is the date from the early to early, beginning, middle, end, night has three parts. A day has 30 hours a night. Equinox, fall equinox, the days of 15 hours, 15 hours of night. The other hour or more or less. By May, 18-hour, 12-hour night. By November, the night 18-hour, 12-hour days. A month or 30 days or 30 half days, or 29 days or 27 half days. There are 4 types of solar month is January, the month of the world, the month of the moon, the stars of the month. May the sun be 30 and a half days, the world has 30 months of the date of the moon 29 days, 30 of the 62 division, the month is 27 days more stellar 21 of 69 stool. February in a leap from the middle of December and January the sun of the world output, then this is 13 months, or 12 months, or 13 months a year called. Each year has 366 days, bordered by a ring of the original back. Bodhisattva now know every inch of every day, through the preceding chapters, the following are not born, middle office no stop, no prime minister to be elected. Japanese section was empty, nothing, while the 29 to 30 days away, how the month harmony; May not be in harmony, how the year. So Buddha said so worldly as illusory as a dream, just legal interest lies. Bodhisattvas know the date of harmony of the world, know nothing squander, he cleverly called discrimination. 
The first such distinction, called the minister's Mahayana bodhisattva ma ha slap. 

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