Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri Comment
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                

Episode 5
Book 89
Economics: What is beauty custom 80 figure? 1. Can not see the top 2. Straight nose, high, beautiful, nostrils closed; 3. Eyelids as new moon rises, there is lapis blue; 4. Grow the ear hangs down; 5. Body that is real as is typical athlete Na sky; 6. Joints as hooks; 7. Each visit to rotate as the elephant god; 8. When placing foot four inches, stamped on the ground; 9. Copper-colored nails, thin and smooth; 10. Hard knee, round, beautiful; 11. Body clean; 12. Body soft; 13. Body not curved; 14. Finger round, tapered; 15. Beautiful finger; 16: Circuits deep; 17. Fish eyes closed; 18. Body smooth; 19. Body is solid, go diagonally not awkward; 20. Body plump; 21. Full form; 22. Do not expect full; 23. Accommodation can not be real peace; 24. All the commotion virtue; 25. Everyone preferred view; 26. No large long hand; 27. Virtuous appearance, not doping; 28. Full hand; 29. Lips red as the color left her frequency; 30. Reverberation deep; 31. Deep navel, round, beautiful; 32. The hair on the body turning towards organic; 33. Hands full; 34. Pleasant limbs; 35. Pointing clear, straight; 36: The long arm; 37. Pointing endless; 38. Malevolent beings find peace in fun; 39. Front broad, beautiful; 40. Plump face, bright as the moon; 41. According to them and said merry; 42. Pores fragrant; 43. Mouth fragrant; 44. Please be as Lions; 45. Walking with God like; 46. Getting as goose; 47. Ma is as effective early momentum; 48. Sounds obvious; 49. Sharp teeth; 50. Sac pink tongue; 53. Pure in heart; 54. Eyes wide and long; 55. General complaints (loss) full; 56. Pure white hands and feet like lotus; 57. Umbilical not shown; 58. Abdomen not present; 59. Small belly; 60. Body not likely work; 61. Body stout; 62. Big body; 63. Body tall; 64. Hands and feet clean, soft; 65. The aura one-fathom long body; 66. Body lighting going; 67. View beings equally; 68. Not when they born; 69. According to the grace of beings not sound too, not reduced; 70. Lecture no difference; 71. Depending on the language of beings that sermon; 72. There is predestined by class lectures; 74. There minister all beings can not see it all; 75. Viewers not boring; 76. Long hair, beautiful; 70. Hair colors like emerald green; 80. Virtuous minister limbs.
This Bodhi Monastery, she is 80 beauty achievements depending where Buddha image. Thus, by two bodhisattvas prime location photography beings, such as financial and legal pilot experiments. This is hardly equaled in the rarity of the Bodhisattva.
How Bodhisattva manually using photography loving beings? Bodhisattvas take birth Paramitayana because they preach, saying: The people from six Paramitayana, collecting photography is all goodness.
How to take advantage Bodhisattva action photography prime beings? It is often taught Bodhisattva born, raised from six Paramitayana.
Bodhisattva how players get their fellow photography student? It is the Bodhisattva of psychic energy use, the way evolution goes on in the same line of work with people. It's taken them four players born in photography.
* Again, the Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita practice, teaching that all sentient beings: This e devotees, so cleverly school, distinguishing graphs and so cleverly said a word to form 42 samples rather, cleverly knowing all see that the language in the graph are from Monday 42 th to form words, and all are in that language. A sample form letters are in 42 words, 42 letters and form words in a sample. They did so cleverly school student 42 such graphs. 42 school typography and clever, clever can know propriety of typography, clever typography knows of propriety and decency left knows no form of this word. This Bodhi Monastery, known as the Buddha clever typography decency, clever typography know, clever typography said no, because no such authority typography typography decency to say, why? So to overcome all by themselves, called dharma.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, born If we can not get ultimate, ultimate legal and can not be, calculated and ultimately can not be, because ultimately no, no do not, Bodhisattvas such as Prajna Paramita practice until Paramitayana For, when four meditation practice, four immeasurable mind, the four formless, 37 legal assistant, not eighteen, mindless, harmless, eighty eight by far, the second grade nine, ten power of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen no common law, 32 generals, 80 custom shaped beauty, how do reside in divine retribution is that because they are born preacher? We really could not have been born, because they should not have been born identity can not be, for the form can not be, because the aggregates can not be, so six to 80 Paramitayana beauty custom shape are not possible. Can not get in, no living beings, no identity until no beauty custom 80 figure, so how Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita possible for sentient beings sermon? O Buddha, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, the bodhisattva still can not get, what is the legal situation Bodhisattva?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, as you say. Because they can not get, so do not know the internal, not external, internal not external, no no, not great, not in its highest sense, not compounded, not inaction, every scene no, no do not, do not agree, not legal, no ideology, no computer, elect not impossible, not very legal, not legal ownership, not legal outlawry ownership. Because they can not get to know the five aggregates, twelve not enter, not eighteen, twelve non-causal, not four soles, not down, feeling fake, counterfeit network, who was born, who feed, who care We number, person, person, person to do that, start up, start up the cause, territory, territory that person, who knows, who will not see. Because they can not get to know the innate goodness no, not four immeasurable heart, so noble eightfold no, no no, not formless, harmless, no, not by far eight, nine the second layer. Because they can not get to know the ten of Buddha, four things not afraid, not afraid to position four, eighteen general not no way, should know the results until no director has completed Pratyekabuddhas no, no Bodhisattva address , Supreme supreme Buddha not. This Bodhi, Bodhisattva that all such measures do not, as they birth sermon, the minister did not take no. Bodhisattvas such as shops, post all smooth measures are not afraid, not afraid to know all legal right, not undermine the general law, not two, not discrimination, just because they are born that way as it's said. For as the evolution of the Buddha, who transformed the chemical make countless memories of thousands of thousands of people, there are people that teach giving, someone teach morality, someone taught patience, diligent people teach, teach people meditation to, someone taught wisdom, have four teachers of meditation, the four immeasurable mind, the four formless, mind you think? The evolution of Buddhism was calculated undermine reasonable?
Tu Bo said: No, the venerable sir. The transformation did not have the heart, not the mind have some legal interest, how to distinguish between the legal destruction?
This Bodhi, should know that Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because in place appropriate sentient sermon; pull off crazy beings, which should be in place to stay, because no open legal bind , why? Because identity is not tied not open, feeling, perception, knowledge not tied not open; identity not tied not open is not the best, feeling, perception, knowledge not tied not open is not the way, why? Because the ultimate color purity, sensation, perception, action, legal knowledge to all, or compounded, or inaction and ultimate purity. Thus, the Bodhisattva was born as they do not preach the acquisition of general legal and all sentient beings. All the measures should not be able to get legal residence Bodhisattva should not residing in general, it is best not to own because, inaction is not legal, why? Because self-identity until compounded, unconditioned self can not be calculated, no shelter. France does not have ownership, not residing without legal ownership; self not permanent in nature legality legality, legitimacy spared no legal residence in otherness, why? For all methods are not possible. France may not have been the residence to? Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because he could not say such measures, Prajna Paramita act as such, for the Buddhas and bar text, Pratyekabuddhas no error, why? Because the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas, Arhat's legal right to be, because we are not born preacher converting true form of legal, why? Since As, calculated, in fact can not be converted, why? Because of these measures can not.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if calculated, as, in fact not convert, so different colors with affordable legal? With such excellence, whether in fact different? Sensation, perception, action, compounded to form, unconditioned, world, of the world, illicit property, other outflows equal?
Buddha: None other. Lust is no different, no different calculation methods, like no other, in fact no other feeling, perception, knowledge to tangible worldliness, nor other outflows.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Blessed, if no other color, other measures are not, like no other, in fact no other sensation, perception, action, smuggled food to organic, no other outflows, the how tar tar distinguished career has reported, the retribution of hell, animals, ghosts, transparent white industry have reported, is born retribution heaven, human beings, now have black white black white press, not black not white now have no tar no transparency retribution, that is until the results have completed Supreme supreme Buddha?
Bodhi Monastery Buddha: According to the card to say there should distinguish retribution, not to follow in its highest sense. In First imperialism can not say karmic retribution, why? First real imperialism because no minister, no discrimination, no discourse, is best known for the tangible worldliness, outflows; minister not born, no kill, no memory, no cleaning, because ultimately not Vo Thi not.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Blessed, if so follow the card to say there should distinguish retribution, not according to First imperialism, the holidays are all byproducts have complete results for the Supreme momentum College District enlightenment.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: What do you think Italian, you know that ordinary people is the base, which is the highest sense give birth? If known, the ordinary was probably worth the momentum resulting from completion until the Supreme supreme Buddha. This Bodhi Monastery, because ordinary people do not know how true empire, imperialism is unknown to most, not knowing direction, not tell the difference between direct result, how they have the results been? This Bodhi Monastery, said that imperial saint, said First imperialism, religion, religion can practice, so saints have different results.
White Buddha Bodhi Monastery: results from the island are affordable?
He tells us: not to be. Martyrdom is not effective, non-practitioners who are also not effective, the results will not depart guidance, direction and not residing in the results. Thus, the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because sentient beings should not differentiate and distinguish results that are calculated compounded, calculated inaction.
Blessed One, if not the usefulness of distinguishing, features that are the result unconditioned, therefore why stop Exalted said all three fetters called Tu has completed, verify if the call is from Da si thin jaw, lower end to end year section called anagami fetters, fetters end to end in the upper part called Arhat? Know the law has set are known as eradicated Minister directed Pratyekabuddhas, stop all the negativity and habitual called Supreme supreme Buddha? Blessed, I do not know why the usefulness of distinguishing, as the unconditioned which is the direct result?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: He has completed results, results from the skin to the Supreme function supreme Buddha, the effect was compounded, because there is no?
Tu Bo said, are ridiculous.
This Bodhi Monastery: In unconditioned differentiated approach reasonable?
Ladies do not, venerable sir.
This Bodhi Monastery, if good men, good men and women smoothly all legal or ownership of, or are a general unconditioned, formless ie, when there was discrimination or compounded, or unconditioned reasonable?
Ladies do not, venerable sir.
This Bodhi Monastery, as such, as beings Bodhisattva teachings, regardless of the law, not because of internal legal to own outlawry not. Bodhisattva's themselves are no legal attachment, also teaches that there is no legal attachment, or until Paramitayana For Prajna Paramita, or meditation to To Charity, or love, compassion, blowing, discharge to Phi Phi mindless ideas property or place to place four foundations of mindfulness Necessarily strain. Bodhisattva does not accept yourself first, also taught non-attachment, the attachment because no obstacles should not do. For as the evolution of Buddhist charity work, not handouts territory retribution, just as they are born until Necessarily autonomous territory which is not Necessarily the effect of the strain position. Bodhisattvas also, operating six Paramitayana to all legal residents without tangible worldliness, outflows, compounded, unconditioned, not rudely, but just as sentient beings, why? As the Bodhisattva's real smart communicate Minister of Justice.
Comments: Question: Eighty beauty custom body shape is dignified way, she stars in Pregnancy "knowing full knowledge" is an option in the form of beauty?
A: Consciousness is the knowledge that retribution by birth, for good or bad earth naturally knows. And the ordinary form of incomplete, should have to learn a new way others know. Buddha in a year full pregnancy, birth fullness, body and wake up fully. Others or eight months, or nine months in pregnancy, generally ten months. Bodhisattvas in the ten months pregnant generally get a full house in the body, by way of birth and full retribution.
Q: portrait yen yen to spot differences in how?
A: Accommodation is as quiet warrior who sticks firmly in poultry, stay where it is, can not shake. Back when ordained, ghost people, evil can not do that backward motion away.
42 The meaning of the word form as in Mahayana said. A sample text in all the graphs; 2 contestants as the No. 1 back to 2 and 3 together, as 3 1, 4 1 together, as 4, so for a thousand, ten thousand. Again as is the letter A, A La turns into, turns into three, so all text in 42 samples, 42 samples in a form letter in the word, 42 letters are form letters A, the letter A on the in the letter A. Smart cleverly literate should know the legal name; clever clever name should know the legal meaning of the law. No form letters ie that the true form of the law, why? Because the meaning of the law, the law can not by themselves.
Bodhi Monastery question: If the ultimate law, no self-identity, how bodhisattva residing in six divine retribution birth by birth but because we preach? If ultimately there is not no way we alive? Buddhist Bodhi Monastery accepted words to say: So, so. Because not eighteen, so all may not have been legal. Self and beings, who know who to see, so should know the Buddha, Bodhisattvas are not. Knowing this and that because they are not born that sermon. If we are truly born, but because they have not the theory can not be, because they are not born, but due to be crazy. So do not miss the bodhisattva not because they are born that sermon. Do not miss the news is not made for the law are not, also said there is no law. If the law is saying there is no time to lose minister. If your mouth is not the mind, is not missing. In this Buddhist saying: General measures not two, not decay. Want to clear things up Buddha give examples: As the Buddha by transformation, turning many people, because they are born preacher, or theory of morality, virtue, generosity. Vehicles such teachings without error, that could pull off crazy beings, because no open legal bind. In First bind not open imperialism, in the soles should be tied open. In this causal Buddhists say: Sac bind not open, why? Since opening in not bind the appearances did not have, until such knowledge also. Bodhisattva used such measures should not stay in no legal residence, as beings sermon. We could not have been born, because all living beings and can not be legal. In this causal Buddhists say: France has no ownership, no resident has no legal ownership, for as frivolous, no permanent place nowhere; self-legitimacy, not legality permanent place itself; pilot as the fire does not stay the fire, where legal residence is not legal otherness otherness; experiment as in non-domestic properties fire to the uncertainty for others. If the pure teachings so that the Bodhisattva of Buddha, saints and sages no error, why? Because Buddhas, saints and sages are not infected before the law, the trial before the infection is not legal; Buddhas, saints and sages because ultimately did not, taken as basis minister cessation of the mind, so also the sermon. Buddhas, saints and sages into three liberation, is actually counting method, which is parinibbana, according to her preacher should not have errors. In this causal Buddhists say: Buddhas, sages and saints that are legal, because they are born preacher, do not convert calculated, because the calculation does not, formless.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha: If no conversion calculation, the legal identity with another equal?
He tells us: No, why? Because that is the true form of identity calculated. The Buddha would say, the Bodhisattva teachings would derail the calculation.
Tu Bo asked: Sac etc. .. along with other measures are not, why would you just calculated? Since no other Buddhist identity calculated response to Bodhi Monastery victims ask: If not how to distinguish between different times of good, evil, white, black, etc. resulting from the momentum completely.?
Buddha: Sac etc. .. but not leave calculation, but because by that empire should be distinguished, even in its highest sense in order not to discriminate, why? So get to the most holy imperialism, can not distinguish what, possess heard no good, hear no possessed not worry, because they are formless law, should give way to shred no longer prime minister, let alone What distinguishes good faith, evil. The minister has not attained the truth, because he wanted to imperialism First place distinction. In order to say here predestined: France had no discourse, no birth and death, memory clean, meaning that ultimately no, no do not.
Q: What's in here just called to say two not legal?
A: All of there, or law, or beings, if not the ultimate say that breaking law, if the break does not say very beings. Break the two methods was then all the way down. In this Bodhisattva was born as they should preach to two not to break the law and break beings, but there are no other but not profound, ultimately with no ultimate. The other non-tree was burning, the remaining coal ash, not the time ultimately no ashes, no coal. Someone said: Or say eighteen, no errors, so say two strategies should say not.
Tu Bo said: Where in the world should base any distinction between good and evil, black and white retribution, according to First imperialism was the ordinary person probably should have finished the momentum into the net, etc. .. why? So if in the sole distinction of falsehoods holy sages, even in its highest sense as ordinary soles worth of holy sages. Bodhi Monastery distinguish other ordinary minister said while talking First Buddha the most general sense, should give good reason to say that ordinary saintly.
Buddha replied: If ordinary distinction, said that the First imperialism, which is the base, probably the result worth the holy ordinary. Because it is not known director ordinary, undistinguished direction, not knowing practice, practice director, let alone be directed results! Buddhist holy person can say discrimination should talk to holy holy person there.
Now from Bo himself aware of the error, should say: In the calculation infinite, formless, infinite dynamic, how the prime minister, wants the innumerable instruments, how to resist the holy ordinary? So Buddha territory. Know who attained a new practice, people who do not practice their religion not attained, so ask Buddha attained martyrdom reasonable? Buddha replied no.
Another question: On the other distinguished Buddha attained spiritual advancement say, why say this? Buddha said: On the other says not attachments, because this brings Bodhi Monastery attachments that question, want results derived from religion, as from pressed sesame oil, if so directed with the same results frivolous claims. So the Buddha were not answered. Listeners interested students think: If you are not religious, not religious so deserve justice?
Buddha: Tu also not be, not religious situation! For like two people who want to go to, a person is not going to stand still, a n lost, they both can not come. If a practitioner does not have to be a little longer so fun photography center, let alone direct result! If the prime minister of spiritual center, but have a fun photography meditation without direct result. If the prime minister does not mind the religion of spiritual fruit. So Buddha said: Wisdom Bodhisattva perfections regardless of usefulness, unconditioned, the other false religion.
Tu Bo asked: If so, why would the Buddha say three fetters are terminate Tu has completed, with such distinction?
Buddha asked back, saying he thought star Italian, he has completed results is compounded, because there is no?
Bodhi Monastery replied tasteless.
Buddha: If so, there are differences in unconditioned reasonable?
Tu Bo said: No, the venerable sir.
Buddha: If there is no distinction, why would he ask victims? Bodhi Monastery Buddha asked: If the good men, good men and women smoothly all a general approach, which is formless, in the three liberation, when Nirvana, when he had to distinguish legal or compounded , or unconditioned reasonable?
Tu Bo said: no.
The Buddha is, only then is the true center, while others are frivolous, therefore why he problem? Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita not all legal distinction, not in the legal, internal etc. .. are not pure, not attached themselves, they also teach students not attached; meant to teach generosity It is necessary to place race, in religion teaches that Bodhisattvas are not attached. For as the evolution of Buddhist charity work, and regardless of alms, not retribution alms territory, just as sentient beings. Mind Bodhisattva so well, why? Since the calculation smart smoothly. Ingenious transparent calculation is not the prime minister, did not reside in the calculation, in the calculation are not comfortable, do not exchange that sermon, do not stop, do not go, do not be afraid, that is smoothly calculated . END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.27/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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