Friday 28 March 2014

Chapter 36
Explanation: The Ten Powers
Investment Property-the echo benefits-Hey! Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped like to know all over ten, four are not afraid of endless entertainment, four concerned, eighteen non-French General, pronouns, possessive bi of Buddha, an elegant eight-to study ba-la-suite.
Comment: Ten, four not afraid ... is France's myriad Buddhas, probably should have told why, on this eighth anniversary nine says, before?
A: Six Three-la-suite is France application of Bo-slaps, prior said. Thirty-seven relief supplies for up to three loads smuggled units, is of The writer. Bo-slapped six practice Ba-la-suite power and want to pass the Status Bar text, pratyekabuddha and want the chemistry teacher towards The van, pratyekabuddha led them into Buddhas, so blame it's France, Emirates abandoned beings, no benefits. Or the young adult writer said that His wife, not to attach himself was: end unlawful use, not practicing The French van, with only such blameless. So the Buddha told Bo-slaps are full of thirty-seven of The leaders. But the practice was that because nothing was and because railway operations beings, should United-happy administration slapped this real forever is not giving up. The France was then not, nothing is, should also not get the seat shown to Nirvana. If United--slapped does not understand non-Executive U.s. admit that only the blameless, who is telling; for as the Buddha Love-Romanian houses if not ascetic practices six years whom asceticism is the runway, not longevity. As a result, Buddhist ascetic self than others, so when the Buddhist leader, harshly condemned ascetic way, then everyone is. So the next six Three-la-suite Executive says The writer.
Then again, it's not just The French van, which in France has a harmony with Italy not neglected beings, full of all the Dharma, so because there is no place, find nothing, so called France Bo-slapped.
Q: If Bo-slapped a full thirty-seven Scouts, why don't the French status entered into evidence The writer?
A: to be filled enough is full of pubs, said that no player, because unclear so called full, as Buddha said: all fear of pain sticks, all are sorry there, get yourself to do the example, don't hit the beings. While saying all afraid of competing, but beings in realms Invisible good without stems, in the Colors but have no Physical realms in sticks, roi Buddhas. Seong rotation Switch, yaksha or over, are not afraid to whip sticks; song for fear of seeing it whip sticks for should say "all". Says full also, not as eager players testifying that wrecked before France should say is "full".
Again, I say not neglected beings is because there is no position available DAC harmony, not fallen into the Status Bar text.
Q: From six Three-la-suite for up to three loads smuggled units only have to complete; from then on, how are said to want to know, just keep training the elegant eight-ba-la-suite?
A: The French writer has limited should say "full right", from there onwards is the Dharma, immeasurable depths, Bo-slapped not yet, should say "want to be it learn to Bowl-elegant three-dollar Suite".
Then again, The French writer and easy to be easy to know should say "full", French Portuguese slapped France Buddha confusing harder to know whether to say "should".
Then again, the French General in The van is only known suffering, known to cause suffering, know the gauge off, knowing the moral misery. For as the two first class physician class: only know the disease, causes disease, knowing the disease heals, said drugs cure the disease, without knowing all the sick, don't know all the causes of diseases, not knowing all the disease heals, don't know all medicines cure the disease. Or just know curing people, don't know curing cattle being. Or just possibly a degree of healing that can not curing in the degrees; maybe worth a few dozen things sick, unable to know 404 patients. For the cause of diseases, the disease, the drug healed so well. The second class, for four minor diseases, causes the disease, the disease, the drug healed all over, all over know, throughout the known disease. Young adult literature as small physician cannot know all across the United States--slapped a large physician, does not like what the disease does not know what medication or not. So The French text must be full, France Australia-should be slapped.
Ten of the Buddha: 1. Position as truth know maybe, maybe not. 2. Position the power industry, the head of the tho, where coast guard personnel knew the industry, creating; know the result of beings in the past, the future, the present. 3. Position as it's known to the aberration General meditation, liberation, t-I, the, the UE, purity. 4. Position as it knows the General low-level of beings. 5. Position power know the sex of beings. 6. Tri force knows the multitude of worldly beings. 7. Position power know General where to reach of all. 8. Mind power, General Abubakar said General General the previous lifetime, a lifetime, two lifetime until hundreds of thousands of lives, primal life, ending with, one in the other beings that they are, name, dining, fun, life, gauge network length, so short, so. The other died in the birth of this, die in here again being in this, have them name, eating, funny, network, gauge, length, that is. 9. Position power Buddha were pure label over the eye of the Sun, people, clearly being death birth, respectable Chief or wicked, or major or minor, or an evil leader, or fallen in good human leader, such notice yanshou. The beings he loved evil career accomplishments, achievements and export of Italian industrial achievement, evil karma wickedness; libel Saint, TA, Ta career achievement, so loved her charm, when the evil dead to sabotage sa, being in hell; While the beings he loved industrial achievement, export industry, your career, do not defame Holy, Chief Justice, Chief career achievement, so loved when he, coast, fresh road kill on the dead, being the Sun. 10. Place the clean force Buddhist schools of all smuggled or pirated unconscious mind, freed, endless wisdom smuggled out, even in the present life the birth order has expired, the Citadel has done, is no longer true, as future rebirth.
Q: Ten position stop Bo-slapped not yet, the writer, pratyekabuddha cannot be present, why talk?
A: The text Bar but could not be, but if you hear the German ten locations this time of instant thought: Buddha has great merit, should commit to that: we are in good faith, expecting no less useful, and then being pure faith that the Scouts, killing take heart. While the Portuguese slapped heard, lo diligence tu Bo-slapped, bitten to the great merit of ten such force positions.
Then again, with The writer and Bo-slaps, tu I tam-worship, not just remember think Buddha himself, have to remember thinking the French merit of Buddha, Buddhist thought should be remembered because the understanding of all races, all France should call for tier placement; because the manual as it should all say discrimination termed See all; because we all know money is termed France should Know that invisible barrier; because the mind of equality for all beings so termed out of compassion; because of the great compassion so called degrees of salvation; because like real relief that goes to the so called As Hybrid; because the life span of the donation leaders combine all the world should be termed a religious Code; because of the intellectual achievements not insanity should be termed the Chief variables; because the gender achievement given the intelligence should be termed happy Intelligent student; because no return, should be termed Friendly testimony; Because knowing the General worldly's own Minister General should be termed World Tournament; because politically speaking Scouts out of the world alone should be termed Unconscious Sergeant elects to dwell mastermind; grab three things the Dhamma of beings so termed Celestial Sphinx; because a static sense of self-belief might as well others about the negativity of the world all dormant so called degrees of enlightenment; because all departments should Have termed prayer in Germany; because the accomplishments of ten positions should Be termed an attempt; because of four things not afraid should call as a lion in the human species; because the deepest spot is immeasurable so called sea of great merit; because all invisible speaker concerned should be called as the wind; because no hate for all the good the bad should called as Ðất; because the burn all firewood used urban planner should call is like fire; because of the diplomatic end to all volumes of gas impurities should be called full release; for stay of paramount should call The Sun. Buddha has the merit of such things, so worship.
Consequently, Bo-slapped ma-ha-slaps to ten locations, four things are not afraid of the French General, eighteen non-Buddhist, make up the elegant eight-school three-la-suite.
Then again, the Buddhas in the mountain States-SOAP-excavation in the United Kingdom, as saying three elegant eight-dollars-suite, four of them of Buddha and the layman, in part, renunciation, the Sun, the Dragon, the devil spirit ... the kind of mass resides. Buddha on Tam-I Wang tam-I; large light Launcher, screened around the world as much as cat, Earth vibrations six ways, Buddha: the elegant eight-ba-la-suite, six three-la-suite for up to three loads smuggled this apartment. Including what force because there are reasonable beings, how much of the stuff that can make moving the benefit thought I couldn't think that way? Because the Buddha knew the mind being such facilities, said that position, knowing that the French General, stop ten Saturday, taking ten things should stop decor can make moving changes so can also do too. Therefore, should say to ten locations, please study the elegant eight-ba-la-suite.
Then again, the eternal Buddha disciple cultivation was based, that because of a little guilt should coast fallen into layman. The layman often say Buddha is not truth has merit, but it was their legendary streak of art lies or thought of. Ðệ death of Buddha fallen into layman mind being suspected, if so then the Buddha is not great entertainment! Because want to end that evil libel should Buddha: so there are ten positions, four things are not afraid, should speed their legendary streak rather than being lied to.
Then again, the Bo-Bo-tu leadership slapped slapped by the ascetic hard achievements to solve favors discontinued, so Buddha said: this place ten practices, will be bitten immeasurable; for example the root wholesale Commission merchants that: thou shalt not careful, tedious h y the essential need to attempt to be treasure mountain, will be seven treasures as Bao Chau. Buddha also, comforted the Bo-slaps that: not the boring tedious, be industrious, tu Bo-slapped, ran the ten locations this power, will be immeasurable thing coming. By Lydia on such benefits, should say ten. ..
Question: Buddha have immeasurable power, how showed ten resources?
A: the Buddha while immeasurable power, because the people of the coast should just say ten position, is sufficient for the job. Take the power position to know maybe that's probably not differentiate categories of beings that may or may not speed; take the newspaper industry force position that distinguish categories of people have karma, she cut him, quote no obstacle course; taking the place of meditation power freed tam-I which distinguish categories of her wrecked, person's wrecked; take the power position of the upper apartment house which distinguish categories of position of being more or less; taking the position that strains of strain forces distinguish categories of possible lost of beings; taken place power race race seat capacity category that distinguish Leanne deep down towards of beings; take the power position "Chi parish" that distinguish the transition of the door out of beings; take the position of student resources network that distinguished the previous amount of transition from; take the power position of birth which distinguish categories of beings is good bad; take the power position Counts far that distinguishes privileged beings productive energy Nirvana.
Buddha used ten position stop to the escape being, consider celebrating without mistakes, were full. Thus, while the Buddha have immeasurable power, which only speaks of ten position power.
Then again, he probably does not know the power positions perhaps, decided to know from people's coast engenders bitten; which of the nine Regents position, because the beings, should stay in position early to distinguish out nine Monday, because why? Because of this worldly beings we see money rice from rice varieties engenders but also don't know, situations are multiplied and the coast warn of heart center of France. Buddha for v i multiply the charm thing coming out of there around unclear, so called.
Buddhas know being left by industry troubles should be bound, by the pure land meditation tam-Black liberation should be freed. Three things karma, negativity, light, heavy, deep, shallow, rough of beings within the three years, the Buddhas are known all over the so called power.
The meditation, freed three-I and the coast guard rescue of large, small, shallow, deep of all beings, Buddhas are known all over the so called power.
Implant hull because apartment life beings later should result in Phuoc Duyen human SIN; the benefit was based, because no wants to be reborn so the Group of Buddhas, all know the General status of units high, low, good, bad, for so called resources.
The beings there are two things for Duyen as communication education. These various data and communication, sexual things, Buddha knows all over the so called power.
Because the latter exercise due to two strains of Tanh as Coast Guard should know all over the place where deep down of being, for so called resources.
All beings by Leanne strains should be two is in good and evil, it goes to the disciplines, the Buddhas are known all over the so called power.
Coast Guard personnel thing coming in the past, the future, wisdom to know deeply afraid, then place power back before death. Know the cause and effect the past, the future, clearly knows the media crush ruined the charm of people bitten; He is tri-force counts. Buddha said two Coast Guard personnel stuff for three years, to distinguish categories of basic education family identity of being, because they make a stop off, illicit, or that the sermon, which was then pirated intellectual force.
Q: what is the force know maybe, maybe not?
A: the Buddhas know human General fate of whole fruit. From the Coast Guard's being bitten so, human beings cannot coast from bitten so, because why? As in almost all the names isn't probably State Minister said maybe.
As the women themselves do not perhaps rotating Seong Transfer; Why? Because all female celebrities are all South of us, not in. Female celebrities did not make London Transfer case Seong is vexed. If the woman was freed Nirvana as where male suicide that was, there is naturally a prime leader.
The two Moved a rotating too holy time, maybe not; Why? Since there is no resentment. The two Moved simultaneously rotating not Seong, what incident the two Buddhas?
Aùc industry which enjoys thing coming, maybe not. Aùc career can't be the worldly pleasure, is the worldly scenarios made fun. If the evil that is being up realms, not maybe. Aùc career couldn't be contentious case pool is what realms are Nirvana.
In the slopes of the compartment cover, Center of disarray, absent from the tu seven sensations section where privileged Nirvana, probably not. In the slopes of the compartment cover, Center of disarray, left the monastery of the seven parts of the non-sense text; scenarios is Buddha. The mind is not hidden, the Buddhist leader could also be; more van DAO Thanh. The work is probably not--probably so, as Buddha taught in almost all the names. The Conference counsel come up on my broad preaching Buddha meaning "maybe, maybe not" as Buddha says: If there is guilt, ventricular defects; or the gentleness that bridges studied with Mr. Pagan, or the Holy Sage said it is Buddhist, or the gentleness that fallen into evil, or Fang Shi has been ended due to see Li tetrarchy which also arises again, or the Holy Sage also concealed sins, or Tu-da-done but also within twenty-five (25 realms). All of which, perhaps not as broadly in the Holy Sage.
The five offenders who complete any class year derivations (South Africa, non-female) beings fallen four evil way, the inhabitants of wrath-Tara-free, progeny of ma, who was cut three compartment cover. If say the person he was, not maybe.
Contempt, disrespect, contempt order, breaking world, foolish, if say they are full of good, then maybe not.
He said the body, to bring the Buddha mouth don't repent that to see the Buddha, or guilty of breaking Up not repentance but look forward to seeing the Buddhas, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice devoted to the deviant, the Chief Justice notes, in addition to private Dharma who was privileged, Ying ying, Director, DAC hull DAC or avoid being deadNeither, maybe.
Except for the coastal people being awake, outside contacts and also France, probably not.
Buddha sent, the not yet finished or was afraid, not maybe.
Enter From the mind so I tam-other coast or that do die, enter the Kill ends, in whom God Ants status or death, are not perhaps.
Or damage to Buddha and Buddhism templates, not maybe.
The rich's daughter, elephant, gods, gods treasure master master troops Turned Robin Seong, whom or who died in the mother's pregnancy, abortive, probably not.
People in Wrath-Tara-free, American Buddhist General networking model, the rear fuselage fallen on the wicked, are not perhaps.
Owners typically, Nirvana, his wife chums impermanence can end to unlawful use of the non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea, renovated in all meditation, loads smuggled pirated as Director for the organic, or ground water, wet hard General General, General conditioning, fire wind General stands still, he probably doesn't.
Ignorance can not bring forth the onions, so being unable to bring forth old man dies, he probably does.
Two mind at once arises, in environmentally conscious can distinguish the Prime, or stick, or left, can run up Bills, industry body, or sleeping, or in meditation, perhaps not.
Only five similar practices continue being, not being conscious; only in environmentally conscious wrecked property contrasts continue, only in environmentally conscious can charm, charm can be Gen, could charm the French identity invisible, able to charm the past, the future, can the French coast left three dead; only in environmentally conscious feelings of hate, bright emotions. Tu meditation, or suspected law life (World) good faith, law, any facilities or Hy, or there are not vigilant, or increase the useful, perhaps.
Female consciousness, loss of consciousness, is rich organic loads up, Friday's the divine Lady, depart fell, probably not. So has the immeasurable "not maybe, maybe" as well.
Buddhas know maybe not maybe, distinguish the transition energy to the sermon to the people who can, and do human charm for the could not speed; such a good physician knows the disease treatment, the disease is not treated, the writer, the pratyekabuddha know less because less so or want a person that cannot, as the dollars value for degrees without degrees, as the Property is not-profit-echo. Buddha has no alibi, not undermining, not more than, because the Buddha knew the same all over. Such is the force of mind.
Career placement report: operation of the mouth, and working from it engenders, career longevity, evil karma, Karma engenders by day and night, using Karma being indicted--brief history of Buddhist karma, Phuoc said photographic equipment into three seats; He called the whole career. Buddhas know all beings c in the past, the result also in the past; have in the past, that thing coming in at present; have fruit in the past; results are reported in the future; have in the past, which results in the past, at present; have in the past; results are reported in the past, the future; have in the past; results are reported in the present, the future; have in the past, the results reported in the past, the future, the present. Current career as well.
Then again, in good faith, report any real-life industrial centre, infinity; in the friendly, loads up the mind as well.
Then again, due to human life should be good karma thing coming, human life should Karma thing coming agony, human Karma does not gauge, should the life result report suffering is no fun. Coast Guard personnel of the industry we should quote Shou thing coming at present, Abdulwahid human beings should report their industrial Shou thing coming out is the next life birth, human life press logistics industry's coast should result when engenders in the life after. Due to the multiplication of pro-life newspaper should be impure fruit of human brain, career life should not bitten Translational brain gauge, entertainment industry's confused life should result report mixed.
Then again, there are two things are Karma for sure tho not sure tho, and industry news. Career alert service life certainly cannot depart, or wait time, wait, wait, life here as people have blessed so along with Moved London-life hurting Fuk Seong at good life Moving rotating at the time of appearance, Seong-life new quote, then wait a while. Thanks people, who immediately Moved St. London United Kingdom. Thanks it is possible Switch wheel Seong appears.
Then again, pro life certainly did notice, do not wait, order of skills, or bad, or good, do not demand it, such as people being blessed realms, lost themselves to, the birth of hell, suffering themselves to, no wait staff, because this industry seriously deep.
Then again, Karma for sure tho, as the forces of King Bhikkhu-save-ly kill seven thousand two thousand of the DAC, and countless Advantages-she-life rule five precepts, though there are offices like The-not bail was, like Canvas-gardeners-la was stepmother to toss in a fire, in boiling water, in water which does not die. As the Buddha travelled the country, renunciation to qifu gangui, without food, cosy, that five hundred vehicle carrying the King's food, so that does the hard rice engenders when eating enough percentage. The career of evil so be sure tho, also not sure tho.
The Exercise is the first of three career-life quote-life industry is bitten, the life industry result in the life industry, newspaper results reported suffering no fun. The good life is the life industry as companies report results, career longevity results reported suffering no fun. Infinite realms is the best tho a minor career as a life career suffering badly bitten.
Or wait for the turns where her life that were bitten, as in Echo's pond-ca-la-MS, being the Golden hues of thousands of Lotus petals, big as the wheel that opens the play that has many Prime spice.
Buddhas know all beings create a career, or in the Exercise, the Sac, the infinitely good. Ơû the education, in religion; If natural, the leaders in heaven; If in the humanitarian world; If in Match-fitness-deals are in the country to some degree; If the water is in; convergence Lac; If in the time then in the village; neighbors; the House; It would. Knowing her career invariably do. The past two years, a lifetime up to hundreds of thousands of great wall life, the result of how businesses have much life yet, tho, how many for sure tho, not sure how much tho. Use things in good faith or good faith, that is waxy sticks, teach to kill; to manually kill the wrong people, kill, the other evil karma, Karma so wholesome. Learn dāna, Citadel, tu Thien. In the alms, alms, land, property room, dress, drink eat, clear, set, seven material treasures. In the maintenance world, natural world, from the mind of birth, about the mouth speaks, a world, at least in part, many of the world's complacency, the world one day, seven men of good moral precepts, ten precepts Determine gender, Tools, decorative.
In blessing the tu Campus, the second, Three, four, from mind, bi, Hy, who discharge. Such is the fate of good karma. If San took part, if the anger, if fear, if deviant comments, if the knowledge of evil ... is the fate of the wicked; Phuoc's staff are or believe, or mercy, or tantrum, or meditation, or wisdom, or knowledge of good, that's the charm of good karma. The career of love at all, it could not convert the industry, in the memories of thousands of great wall life it generally tracks the beings do not leave, as the creditor according to the debtors, with enough entertainment for Coast thing coming, like the seed in the soil when enough human beings ready mix Jesica-weather. He made career-life beings beings in the six enemy as fast as sugar.
All beings have the newspaper industry as a parent to leave the property, you have a proper section. When the result of the industry's arrival, could not prevent the end to be, like the fire at shit, customised beings worthy of birth arrived, an entertainment anywhere, as King of discretionary great people deserve that ban for captaincy. When the General's career network to fills the mind, such as large mountain light up everything.
Career--for the category itself, such as for the draw, draw the picture. If people would take the Chief Justice be tame, friendly France nurtured, for another thing coming. If retrieved deviant tame almond industry, real good upbringing, then for the bad thing coming. As the Church of the King, which was a quote.
Such is the distinguishing thing coming of the career of Gen.
Then again, as in the Distinguished Career, Buddha told A-nan: the evil beings who make it good, wholesome people being that bad. A-nan ladies: how's Work? Buddha: The poor evil life soggy, which previous wholesome Karma has ripened, so multiply that coast, that this life while the wicked good place of birth again; or death, mind mind of Protestant France arises, because human beings are also a good place's charm. The contentious healing it bad because this wholesome Karma soggy that previous evil karma has ripened, that's the charm of this life so do heal the bad place of birth; or the death centered mind of France real friendly so he coast, arises should also bring forth the bad spot.
Q: can the soggy ninth Career so, also mind arises out of the brief time when dying how could win power industry caused throughout life?
A: the mind then but during moments that force themselves into favor, like fire, like poison but few can become real. In death, the decision should force enterprises to Meng WINS created in that year. Ultimate mind he called mind, because the body and the grounds of urgency, as people on the battle, not pity themselves there, called dung. As A-la-Han discharge off cordially earlier should be A-la-Han. So the newspaper industry, reported crime blessed should also know as such.
Young adult writer knows only guilty of evil karma, Phuoc Thien's career, it cannot distinguish such sophistication. Buddhas know all over the industry and career journalist with radio-intelligence powers concerned, cannot be destructive, not more. This is the second power position.
Distinguishing force of mind meditation, liberation, t I, texture, net: meditation four meditation. Buddha said meditation help her French leaders, distinguished name, General, meaning the order of layers, tu, smuggled, contraband, school, benighted, pure land, structure, its deep, shallow, ...
The eight freed: Meditation as a three-dollar Suite distinguished generals. Say meditation is all to the good, said freed is including both tâát, ba-la-suite i.e. freed.
Meditation, intention, freed, tam-you are called.
Determine who is not disarray.
Texture is the negativity, biased, ...
NET is chon TAM meditation, not lộïn and the negativity, biased, side, like real gold.
Distinction is in the plan to have a seat, without a seat, usually, not always, hard on, ease in, ease out hardly out, take our General, General, transferred for value, not turn for treatment. Transfer for treatment as lechery that tu from the mind, the anger that one impure, the foolish that boundless border thinking, people fluctuate which uses wisdom to distinguish the French people Kiss bass that want to stock photography (transition to lechery tu a defilement; the anger they must overhaul from the mind and so new treatment-ND). If not, the call is not transferred for treatment.
In the plan it should distinguish the weather and stay. If the trunk lean, thin is not the time to meditate. As Bo-slapped while asceticism thinking that: we now can't arises meditation. Or that many people nor place to meditate.
Then again, Buddha said meditation is wrong, then meditation is meditation, head increase, meditation is to reach Nirvana.
Then again, he knew Buddha's hard to hard to set, easy to easy out, easy to hard out, hard to be out. Buddhas know's you can repeated as such, knows he lost the outlawed meditation for years, said he enjoys the life in education and then back to the Lady's meditation, meditation is A-la-Han.
So all the meditation escape, i.e. three-I. The Buddha's meditation using the intellectual depths knows, can not vandalism, not more. This is the third force intellectual.
Low power high knew location of beings: Buddhas know beings benefit was based, padded, central units. Nina called the high, low, called Buddha decor implant used low-power spot he knew that distinguish all beings is the benefit was based, is based, is padded. He based that way, this life can only be A result, not the result. Who's second, third, fourth. He can only be Preliminary meditation, he can only be himself in the second, third, fourth, to be given thorough Removal as well.
Know who will be testifying during the rescue, he will get real time release. He might be doing the most people in The van, he might be doing the most people in the pratyekabuddha. her full six Three-la-suite; can be disabled from the upper Primary Education Office. So then Prime the comb, or say or say expanding DAC. Or say the word soothing turns to religion, or say harsh words to teachers, or saying a word just soothing stiff medium to higher education.
Buddha also distinguish him other accommodations, should make the birth more radical beliefs, he should make contentious effort, anniversary, designated, the intelligence units. He used the credit based that on the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice emphasized that the basis used. The benefit unit that suffered unlawful use stop cover as Run-excavation L-ma-la ... The benefit was based, did not suffer unlawful use stop masking, as the ECHO, the benefits--Xa-hopea-United ... know the units but without the padded cover as Chou-benefit goals-da-old padded base, someone that was hidden.
Know the root implant for smuggled or opinion piece, which stands to benefit units for contraband or do the thinking; know the root implant for smuggled or due to the thinking that favor radical for smuggled or opinion piece, he knew the Emperor all copper base padded the benefit; He said all units not padded no favor, said he had great power pre-, the coast guard currently has great power, he'd tie that was open, he would like to open that tied up, such as Run-excavation L-ma-la want to kill my mom, Buddha be freed without harm and such a Bhikkhu stilts are Four meditation that because who initiates increase of upper side, should go back to hell.
Know who's an evil way, he's hard, he is easy to get him out, he far from out.
As such all low base status in General and of being, well know all over, not sabotage, not more. This is the fourth power position.
Tri force knows the physical stuff of beings: is your fancy, greeting, message, funny. Your years as Ton-da-la-da ... Your reputation as Threads-she-hit-your favorite ... your worldly interests such as the Tu-di-suicide-Tara ... Favorite spice as his property to your favorite ...-like Canvas-Preference; maintenance such as La-almost-la ... Like alms as Da-canvas-la ... (the grandson of her Cam-exposing, she of the Buddha). Like the almond tu da shunned as Ma-ha-Romaine. Your Zazen as Rules-multi-bi ... Intellectual Property such as Preferred-benefits-the echo. Like most written as A-nan. Like to know the law as Pros-ba-glass ... The disciples of Buddha, each person has your favorite spot. The voracious Lady also each have room, or have people excited about the lewd, someone excited about grounds ruicheng County.
Then again, the Buddha knew him much, much, more.
Q: many General education, many, many si?
A: as in meditation Sutra speaks of three generals, including extension. Know well, so General as for the more lewd use consistent disciplines impure for values, for the several disciplines, use consistent from Centre for values, for the more foolish consistent disciplines, use multiply charm for treatment.
Subject to your favorite spot to the sermon, means your favorite earners want to heal then comes France according to their minds, such as easy boat line, your favorite earners want use harsh words to teachers, such as taking the wedge wedge shaft. For location aware stuff, Buddha knows all over, not sabotage, not more. This is the fifth power position.
Tri force know about Leanne: Buddha knew the differences of the world. Leanne is the buildup of customs, the General Lee from the birth, education work under the names, or sometimes from the sex, sexual practices, Leanne into Leanne. Leanne is the work of pollution, exercise is the coastline being kicked. Such is the sex discrimination and family identity.
The world have differences as per each family identity, many names of immeasurable, can't count, then differences of the world.
There are two things the world is the world of the Earth (the Earth) and the worldly beings. In this talk about worldly beings. Buddhas know Leanne beings as such, as such, from the place to the radical innovations, heal, not Protestant, may, may not, assign, uncertainty, certainly, not sure what to do, Hanh, birth place, in any location.
Then again, the Buddha did beings know the General, that is, the trend is customised so much, you are so, so heart infection, wants the same, such a career, thus such negativity, so French, so, dread such facilities, known as such, seeing as such, remember the idea of such a distinction, know many unlawful use of birth, much history of unlawful yet contentious. Customised training options, before being accepted as a center of infection, infected with the mind that trend, the trend that value, depending on the value that is often a Visual one, as the sense of that contentious hý conclusion, as the treatise which typically hý, options usually recite that play out, the options play out without creating karma, created a life that result.
Then again, the Buddha used the Tri force knew about the vaccine strains, Leanne knew she beings, beings she could not, then can this life beings, beings that posterity may have degrees, he beings can speed right away, being available at another level, he beings can speedHe beings, eye can see. The Buddha might, he can text Bar, the common people, he sure can, who's not, who she said Lu c can speeds, he said, could he broadly speaks to, he riveted the exclamation can speed, who had provided can, he welcomed can, he may discard the subtle French people, maybe, he can damn French, who he says can an acrimonious, he said softly, she can say can calm an acrimonious. He ties, her Chief of staff, he immersed past, he wrecked the hybrids, he wrecked the removal, he wrecked, he wrecked property, he sank unconscious prejudices, he took part in the exercise, he took cover glass of being, he asked happily, he wrecked the railway heavy Ant says human funny, he said, the coast railway workers said the Chief Justice's charm, he says infinity, he says ties, he said the Chief Justice, he said no, he said, the Chief Justice said the ties, he said you fell, her appreciation of the year, her appreciation of the benefit, then you drink eatwho'd you say the entertainment, your favorite people, he likes loud, he shunned her, preferred by most, who was then under the more generic, like him, he likes, he should skip him, constables, who'd you maintain, her appreciation of the meditation, her appreciation of the intellectual, the easy, her instructors say funny, he can lead the way, he understands each question, the benefit was based, he padded, the middle one, the easy-out easy to save, he's hard to hard to save her, fear of crime, the crime, the fear of birth and death, he is not afraid of being killed, the many, many people, many people, the more exercise, the more exercise yard of thin clouds, negativity, people like negativity, the less stigma, many people remember, the wisdom to prevent cover, her intellectual property profile, her vast intellect, he cleverly know General in warm, twelve, eighteen, twelve human fate. Maybe, maybe not, suffering, destruction, relief. Fudge said to plan, set out in the plan.
Then again, the Buddha knows it's being Physical realms, that's being the identity, the Infinite good, which is hell, animal beings, hungry daemons, demons, heaven; It is the living being from birth, eggs from fetuses, being from low, wet from the transformation. Such is the species, which is not good, it is thought, it is not ideal, it is the network, which is the ill-fated school network. That is the only human left, yet it is foo the voracious lady was left out of the bottom, which has left the realm of meditation, as such until the non-Christians think the non-ridiculous idea. Such is the Scout, which is privileged, that is the pratyekabuddha, which is headless Buddha.
Thus the distinction of five lines, four species of being, three capacitors, pretending, spending three, five, twelve, eighteen, good faith basis, real charity, the unlawful use, other, karma, is possible, is not to be a distinct place, kill.
Due to so distinguish know the differences of worldly beings, release deeply afraid. So the differences, the Buddhas are said throughout, failed to sabotage, not more. This is the sixth force positions.
Tri force know world releases parish: someone said: Karma i.e., because career as Coast Guard put across in the street. There are available, organizations can have a place to come, it is holy and the leaders of three counts of investment. Thus, the career is the way to go.
Then again, some say: in part, in another, tam-I head, the achievement of benefits in all areas.
Say again: is the fourth meditation, because why? Because the fourth meditation is meditation all together. As in the saying: Good mind, mind, mind, mind, photography isn't into the fourth meditation.
Then again, someone said: as anniversary of i.e. the "Parish", the root for the benefit of the relief.
Say again: is the All Saints; using his faith as the benefits as you wish.
Have a comment supposedly said: all good Scouts, all evil, all saints, each each know where come of acts, as in passive Mao said: you all know Buddha all over, not sabotage, not more. This is mind force Saturday.
Mind power: the network of student student knows three is Yes, Yes, Yes. The voracious Lady only, The writer also informed also, Buddha also informally as well, also, because why? Because human wife only knew before have spent not knowing because of career as coast. So again the only human there. Young adult writer knows the Roman Empire should know well due to career as coast continue to bring forth life. So who The writer is also available there. If the disciples of Buddha as a divine Lady is a residential place there, when on the status ant empire led to know human fate Episode, arises mind loads smuggled eighth, end to end or, should turn into (a tetrarchy through sixteen, consisting of eight disabled cockroach, eight freed, sixteenth to mind is the end to all comments either. Sixteenth mind who is aiming to get the eighth, or call center loads smuggled out eighth-n. d. uncle) because why? Because the original root of the opinion, if previous Buddhas, disciples were saints, after the Student place the network arises, also got to know Empire Episode, Abdulwahid personnel should again turn into.
Question: If when the Buddhas are flame-slaps, before being a residential place there, as the Portuguese slapped before following the new clean impurities into the Scriptures, so why the Buddha said: I was a student night-new intelligent network? (Did say when smuggled take's the bootleg yet night, take advantage of, stars also say evidence Sufficiency which network does not say is shown to the student network?-n. D pay attention).
A: at the time weren't. If the Buddha in the middle of a mass Student demonstration at the time said we were smart networking is to let them know that a Student's intelligence network, the night proved to be; such as the monarch, when not yet a King that his birth, after the King, someone asked: The King of birth? A: The King at the time of birth. Childbirth not as King, but as far as King should call the other son was the King that: children's King at the time of birth. Buddha's mind as well as the network of student being, now is not, just as, Jesica people known at The end of the night, should again turn into, after the mass in the middle of the night I taught was a student there.
Question: Meaning of flux and thus also implies force?
A: the Buddha uses the intelligent human network Sufficiency Abubakar knows he changed in his lifetime boundless immeasurable and of being. They all know all over, then, cannot be ruined, can't win. This call is the eighth power position.
Tri force know birth control: Buddha used the heavenly label see where beings of birth and death. Phu Thien used human with the same very well just be the four continents. The very same text Bar found minor width natural world, also found around on the bottom.
Question: out of sight, breaking the United Kingdom can also see thousand of the world, so what's the difference?
A: the United States of Violating An order stand between worlds is found all over, and if one side stand the weather do not see the other side. Young adult literature as such, not stand in place would still see a thousand worlds. Pratyekabuddha, saw hundreds of thousands of Buddhist followers in the world, then see the boundless world immeasurable. Tri Thien phu human's label is that there are, also, just see things appear that cannot be seen by human beings life s/he industry, as stated in the Student network.
Then again, its been the most label object is A lot--beans, this label is half the purity of the four Gender Identity of the creator, while the heavenly label of Buddha is complete purity of the four great created. Such is possible.
Then again, young adult writer in tam-I was with, successively in the three-I can see, or t-I have a feeling, or tam-I don't there is a triangle, or t-I don't won't, depending on the entry in the Buddha-I would like to see. If Princess tam-I radio galaxy is insensitivity to label, and then into the tam-tam, I had a feeling-I don't sense a well visible.
Then again, the Bar text using label objects that are in the three-I, if the mind into other objects I tam-the label is lost, so not Buddhist, but mind you, the other three-the label is still not lost. Does intelligence know all over place of birth place of all beings, not sabotage, not more. This is the ninth power position.
Location: off, illicit capital Nine distinct intellectual forces are wrong, and then smuggled out of power positions, all The writers, pratyekabuddha with Buddha what's wrong?
A: while the smuggled out as gay that intellectual distinction is wrong. The big strength of The van, thinking the unlawful use by three as being the head part, the removal section. Such non-Buddhist, during a timeout at the birth. Young adult writer see tetrarchy the unlawful use, the sections at birth; still thinking of the urban planner must pass three interval. Also see Buddhist tetrarchy paragraph and thinking the other has not. Young adult literature the Holy leader, at any time and at different evidence, also gained a Buddhist Centre is also in evidence also reached, right in the Centre of which was necessarily, just a destructive mentality of the obstacle course, right in the Center is all the Dharma.
Then again, the young adult writer has two minor release is release negativity, France temperamental, and Buddha are all freed negativity, also all freed France. Buddha nature is the intellect, and The writer must follow the Roman Catholic religious austerities.
Say again: If the Buddha used the intelligence ends the negativity for all th y he minds being, nor wear less, for similar colors, so on that a little bit of cotton, but cotton which burnt out the heat of fire is not diminished. Wisdom of the Buddha also, burn all afflictions that position nor power reduced.
Then again, The writer knows only itself end up smuggled or, did Chu Buddha himself know end up smuggled or pirated or runs out end to well know for others, as in the pure land Sutra speaks.
Then again, the Buddha alone knows the mind distinct beings out there 98, 196, except for Buddhas not who knows. Also the Buddha alone knows the French gauge, a gauge type position end to be Leanne's left, directed to the urban planner kind of position as well. About pirated or due to segment, thinking of the nine freed leader as well. Is gender Education (nine and four, four, each of the nine product portfolio or, having nine or eighty-one product. Want end to nine products or in each prefecture to undergo nine off-line countless Scouts and nine freed. -N. d. uncle). Buddha knows all the same of all beings. The author if known and speak little bit are stated according to the intellectual power of Buddha smuggled out as such, cannot be ruined, not more. This is the tenth force positions.
Q: Ten resources, more power?
A: Each force are large in his work, such as water or permeable, fire or fires, have themselves.
Someone said: the force is big, because including the ten. Or say a large force is illegal, because the achievement was Nirvana. Longer comment supposedly said: ten stop are taken deeply afraid to release as the basis, increases.
Q: If ten is the Buddha's own work force, while Sami life now no one has been, why Buddha say?
A: Due to end of the facilities for ten clues, and make the center location is determined for c, ch-strength of the four they said private wedding Festival master of us have such a power, not the same with all beings.
The layman says: Sa-subjects they Tickle-talks, usually in that calm, intellectual atrophy. So I say to my releases into the an: I that the full set of ten, four did not fear, in the Middle, said chon TAM intellectual, religious beings, chemistry, the Dragons, lion-like transfers London (law wheel) that all pagan, Sun, no one moved, due to the termination of his disparagement of layman should say ten.
Q: who's good, an intellectual work is not so narcissist, what scenarios the anatta, not stick with the narcissist his force ten? As says:
"His Praise, saying,
Praise people, cooking,
Four things,
People do not do ".
A: the Buddha but egolessness, not sticky, have immeasurable power, led by Center for the beings should just say ten, rather than because of his merit, for as man bad customers, guided the pirates lied or just new sexual harassment line pitching trade because of the compassion that comes with that merchant: I am the person telling the truth, the thou shalt not listen to guys who lied to or. As the patient or the physician salary, the lie is worse medicine trader told the patient that we have drugs or may deduct sick for thee, thou shalt not believe in the words of lies that gauge.
Then again, the Buddha's merit, if Buddha not say no one knows. Because beings that comes out so many benefits. Hence, the Buddha himself spoke out ten.
useful intelligence may well, taking ten power increase of interest of this intelligence can the guys who aren't pros, taking ten force increase this intellect being self in for France, such as the grand national democracy itself in for people. The above is written using The strategy said that ten finished loading. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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