Thursday 27 March 2014

: Now The Sun sitting on the Court of lions, in the heavenly world three thousand undergraduate, his German was particularly sharp, brilliant general respect, dread across the stunning voice of high German, ten local Buddhist followers world wide as the Ganges River sand, like the Mountain God Tu-di, brilliant hues enemy special WINS, the other can not. Comment: question: what force by oai Buddha in the middle of all the beings, his German in particular respect, dread of Germany's voice to brilliance? As London Transfer Seong, Chu heaven, Holy, there are also major power, dread why brilliance, German speaking only German dread having particular Buddha dignified?
A: The Saint he still has a dread of Germany, but had the brilliance of class, as well as the star, when the Sun grows up then goes away do not show. Buddha from A-immeasurable boost-States, collection of merit, all were full. Because of the large coast workers should result in large newspapers, the others are not like that.
Again the eternal Buddha tu the ascetic, normally alms for the myriad of immeasurable beings the brain, the spinal cord. You see only the wife Of alms only, and for ever austerities were full of all the world, the ring, the effort, the meditation, and pure intellect cannot compare, not vandalism, can not. Due to the capacity of the fruit's message is cannot specifically retribution God dread measurement. So says because huge coast personnel should result in large newspapers.
Q: If the Buddhas have immeasurable power, dread Germany taps vọi can't tell, then why did suffer nine crime report: 1-Being the daughter Pham-Religious name da-Zhi-cancellation capital stock, five hundred A-la-Han also canceled stock. 2-Be she-la-keeper named Fry-elderly (Cinca) forcing the wooden bowl made of fake bump pregnancy to cancel stock Buddha. 3-Threads-BA-da-hitch kick from the mountains down to the Buddha's foot pressure injures toe, 4-foot shot landed in trees, 5-King Bhikkhu-save-ly bringing troops murdered their children Like Buddha, headache6-the invitation of Ms-la-A-Mon Bhikkhu-reach-to which must eat rice, 7-wind chill as his back pain, 8-9, ascetic six years-play golf in Her village-la-Mon qifu mumo carried, must bring the bowl to zero. Back before and after the winter solstice on 8, wind chill broke bamboo must find three y to cover. It gets hot so A-nan behind new fans for Buddha. the little things of the world, the Buddhas are good enough. If the Buddhas have immeasurable power, colors brilliant General, oai vọi taps German among three thousand of heavenly world, until the world Buddhist followers as much as sand and Ganges River in the East, South, West, North, four above, under what are also subject to the criminal report?
A: the Buddha's birth in the human species, have parents, bringing the force to man, but the power of a finger longer than the strength of Na-do-tha White Elephants. Mental health of countless, immeasurable Buddha do. The King's son Tinh-Sanskrit, boring geriatric illnesses died in agony that made his study, he is not a passive offense, being cold is hot as fuck pics? As the force of Buddha do, in France do they not the tribulation hot cold?
Then again, the Buddhas have two stems: one is a French family name, the two are environmentally contentious parents. Leanne French body then fills the ten means of nowhere, boundless, immeasurable general decency toward general good dignified, immeasurable brilliance audio, immeasurable. They listen to France also were throughout nowhere (they are also dear Leanne French, not people being killed). Often many, many titles, many of which being, many vehicles to the beings, usually of around all non-stop moments. The Dharma itself, or the names of ten of the being, is also subject to the provincial Gazette, which is the Buddha birth relatives. Buddha birth relatives, the minor class theory as ways of humans. Because there are two things the Buddha himself, should have even accused the newspaper, not an error.
Then again, once the Prime Buddha, all achievements. How far it has bitten any friendly France can tho? Just because your life beings mercy lai Buddhist life media should present the crime.
Then again, as A lot--beans, sweet sustenance for a pratyekabuddha, which enjoy good life in immeasurable life, the mind thinking of the sailings are drinking, what case the eternal Buddha meat boning cut the spinal cord to the contender for being, which goes against what is not real, qifu gangui to hug the Bowl? Because of it, should know that Buddha because the media of being life should the guilty.
What is the means of mercy life beings have bred? In them (renunciation) disciples of Buddha, as blessed alms thin should take the real stuff qifu gangui to be used to feed. Every homeless says: "you don't have to be a rice shirt, there is no disease except being, how can a privileged direction helpful to people?" Five of them have replied: "we still don't have the small things to feed itself, which has a large German approval of acts. Today we are suffering, is guilty of the previous incarnation, but the Germany of today will have benefits in the future. Out of sight, our lawyers go into Her village-la-Mon qifu mumo carried longer, must hug the Bowl did not return. Buddha also has the disease. When progeny from they prefer to pay off sins, Buddha also headaches. What's troubling is the low-level, thin phuớc? " Every renunciation heard complete, attention, associated grab four Saturday donation to give the Bhikkhu-stilts itself is an OK, Zazen, Buddhist leaders said that because of the media, real-life crimes are not reported.
As in the Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidney said: "the Buddha Bhikkhu-gia-ly, Buddha told A-nan: The US plays the hot vapors, to use cow's milk, he hugged my custard milk please bring it back here." A-nan custard hug of Buddha, in the early morning to the Bhikkhu-gia-ly, to stand under the door of a notable musician. At the time, Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidneys are going between them, see A-nan hugged custard of Buddhas that stood out, ask A-nan says: "He that morning clutching custard stand here?" A-nan responded: "Buddha body slightly sick, need to use cow's milk, so I came here." Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidney said: "Okay, okay, A-nan! Also not deteriorates profanity As Hybrids. Theravada Buddhism is The Religion, has surpassed all the real French, doesn't have the disease? We recommend making your heard rough words Pagans, they would disrespect Buddhist teachings that say: "Buddhist patient does not save, then how do you save someone else?" A-nan said: "This is not my idea, which is obedience to Buddha to use cow's milk". Bhikkhu-ma-la-kidney said: "this is but the Buddha, but it is the means, because our lifetime this directly under evil's form should be used to get rid of all. If the hybrid unit life Bhikkhu-stilts, will follow every renunciation to apply drug, every resident who said: "The sick Physician does not save, and where to save other people?" The Bhikkhu-stilts will say again: "out of sight, our attorneys also have the disease, our body doesn't like grass beneath without the disease?" Due to the renunciation, give smoking, cosy giving Bhikkhu-stilts, cause they are an okay Zazen South Korea. Our forerunner, can use the grass species, paying attention to what the persons case, except As a full Hybrid all German positions which in themselves have no diseases except? I just quietly hugged custard milk carries away a clerk to the allergic people learn to listen to know ".
So should know the Buddha because the media are really easy. Coast Guard personnel on charges of other newspapers as well. So Buddha said that his German was particularly sharp, dignified General brilliance, German vợi great dread.
LONGITUDE: now, that's usually used to refer to Respect for all beings in the three thousand graduate this heavenly world. At the time, Sun Capital-da-Assembly, it Violates-we (that's heaven Date-see), Sun-Tha-self-in-da-you see, heaven, heavens Yes-ma, Tam-tam-Sun, Sun Foursome-the-United Kingdom and three thousand of heavenly world age, people with inhuman retrieved the things United, string-Lac, perfume water, powdered incense. The Blue Lotus, Lotus, Lotus, Lotus pink and its leaves, bring to the Buddha.
Comment: question: why the Buddha refers usually to the directive to all beings in the three thousand of heavenly world?
A: the Buddha wanted to persuade An elegant eight-Ba-la-suite should enter the Tam I United Kingdom I London, then from three kingdoms generals under foot lit up to the humiliation of the brilliant, tremendous, like when shit take the fire, from the mountains of Tu-di in order to fire off, the light he turned around three thousand of heavenly world until World Buddhist followers as much as sand in the ten directionsare all very bright. See all beings reached A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam Bodhi, then the Force initially when the Buddha wanted to persuade An elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. The second is all pores are smiling. The third is often light Launcher, each light a staff. Wednesday is the General tongue covering three thousand of heavenly world where laughing. Thursday is entered into the lion-du-hý t-I, three thousand shaken world heavenly six ways. Friday is the Buddha in the dark incarnation lion WINS, s c statue of brilliance, German faucets, vọi pond dread force's pathetic beings. Those who have faith are to be A-nậu-multi-l-miệu Tam. In it for the sense of comfort, the Buddhist embodiment often, make them get the prize in mind, that each person comes up saying, "Now seen here is the foot body of Buddha". Due to the force of the Buddhas, who in the three thousand of heavenly world body of Buddha, regardless or escaped. The beings in the three thousand of heavenly world's wedding parties, saying: "It is true that the Buddha-body". Buddha Buddha at birth, new at the, at the new Buddha Zhuan Falun, uses his body, think thus was himself Buddha.
Q: What is Sun Net-homeless, Sun Breaking-?
A: in the fourth meditation had eight seats, five seats is of A-na-jaw in Net called-homeless, three seats were of divine and Holy together in place of eight-seat Results. of the cross-head Dude-slapped in, also known as pure land-residential, mark King, flea Ðại-self-in. Sun Breaking-what is has three birth place: one is that it Violates-we, the seat of the minor Offences-celestial being. Two extra-Range is Heavenly, heavenly Birth Date-your. Three is the Sun Out, where's your tu intermediate meditation birth to.
Q: do you exercise or another, why when you have room engenders different facilities?
A: a Beginner meditation comes in three grades: lower, middle, upper. If the tu Ha practitioners being on Offense-they, if practitioners in contentious Middle order-filler, if tu Central practitioners in birth-date. Tu happy from are also like that. As Magic-tag-"I think that for all that, they are all being in It-genius. We now should not be contentious at the same place with his disciples, tu upper almond from ". By tu upper from birth-the Date should be in the Australian.
Then again, do mind the highest purity should being in An Offense-the twins.
Q: why do for four meditation, here comes to meditation and meditation, meditation and the other two quarter-final between not talking?
A: Because initially left is hard, in the end is that magic is difficult, and two meditation in the Middle ease import so doesn't say.
Then again, said Pham-what is inclusive of Gender Identity, but because the fourth meditation vi magic for so particular.
Then again, since most people know It, did not know the other heavenly realms should just say It-genius. Net also-Christian often for mercy being, which discourage or Buddha (to say).
Then again, the Buddhist theory, spherical sounds to Date-the twins. At Prime for development, Tian Chu Buddha turning the sound up higher choruses to Net heaven-homeless. So should speak only of first meditation and meditative Quartet, said two meditation Center.
Then again, It should-the world of sex, need to listen closer, it is Best home sex-Net so need to listen to. Like the know arrive, when to charge the host know; also the intermediary because it is, should not speak to.
Then again, in the second meditation, are thrilled at the Tam practitioners are happy, excited and happy easy launch Yi so don't say.
Q: Why is called Tha-turned-self-in?
A: this heavenly Realms to take change of others to make fun yourself, so called Tha-turned-self-in. Auto-touch is turned out in the ceiling in order to have fun, so called free-Culture. What do you see-capping called Tri-sufficiency. Da-ma called Shan-part genius. The second is Three-and ten-t. Sun under the lower end called the Quartet-the-United Kingdom.
Mt. Tu-di-high eight thousand four thousand by week. On the cross God-tam Tam 's. Side mount Tu-di is called Hopea-da-ra high, four thousand two thousand by week. The mountain has four Spire on Spire has become. Quartet-the United States-every Sun at a major. The Sun Da-ma, etc. in the ground by the seven treasures, the wind held it up in the middle of nowhere, so Sun-Net also is so.
The Sun is so close that Buddha, great pure brilliance, they carry the donation, which is above water, on dry. The flowers grow on the ground, the United Tu-Malta's most precious, flower delivery in water, the Blue Lotus is the most precious, or flower of the trees, the flowers of grass grow lan ..., the flower she enough strange colors, the smell, they all bear flowers of heaven come to Buddhism, because the flower's beauty, more aromatic, smoothshould take to make donation.
What is United? Sweet Heavenly flowers, scented bay. The chain-Lac, then hung in the Buddha; divisions in the swamps, the Sun Earth Buddha balm; incense powder heaven then sprayed onto the snow Lotus Buddha only green flower, red, pink, white, why not have the gold? Gold in the fire, the fire is incompatible with inflorescences. Lotus of heaven, "by Save-glass, with gold leaf, diamond Match-fitness-na-da, soft scented with incense, which leaves the Sun, brought to the Buddha.
Question: If every heavenly divine donation should worship the Sun, the flowers and the inhuman, how do you get the flowers?
A: the Buddha using mental enormous student light Launcher, the Earth six ways shaken, Chu heaven rained down everything beautiful flower, full of all three thousand of heavenly world to donation Buddha. and Africa or collect flowers she donation to Buddha.
Then again, according to the France of Tianzhu, things of beauty are called heavenly things. The flowers and inhuman him but are not United on the Sun, but because it's nice so called United. So should say and Africa bring the flowers, no errors whatsoever.
LONGITUDE: grab the things United, until the leaves flavor of the Sun, laying up on Buddha.
Comment: q: why do flowers scattered over body Buddha?
A: Because respect donation. Again, the Buddha light shone out in the distance are seen, the mind is very excited. Leave a donation, are taking the flowers scattered over the body of Buddha.
LONGITUDE: flowers are scattered evenly into big radio in the middle of nowhere, over three thousand of heavenly world.
Comment: q: why do chemical scaffold in the middle of nowhere?
A: the Flowers are sprayed at least that turned a large radio station, is to do for human beings to know at least the fruit variety.
Question: How do radio in the middle of nowhere without bottom?
A: the Buddha used the force to the beings known as the Buddha, the Buddhist cult filling, ớc ph bitten not lost, until the Buddha, Fuk it still.
BUSINESS: identity, in brilliant colors. The Museum of the United States, Britain-pit four sepals which he hung the-lost, American Museum magazine throughout the full three thousand heavenly world.
Comment: question: If Buddha himself has the force, why people have scattered flowers evolve into new radio?
A: Because want to make being pure faith. He saw the flower donation were turned into a large Castle, the mind is very excited. Multiply excited should be blessed in Germany.
LONGITUDE: due to United States Museum, Uk-Lac dignified so three thousand heavenly afterlife the colors gold, and Buddhist schools of world as much as cat in the ten directions are also the same.
Comment: someone said: "Turning wheel Seong owned four world, Pham-Heavenly Master of the world, the Buddha is the owner of three thousand of heavenly world". To show that words cannot properly, so the Buddha turned to Chemistry World Buddhist followers as much as sand in the ten directions.
LONGITUDE: now, being in the three thousand of heavenly world, till ten, per each thought to myself: "I own that Buddha sermon, not because the other person".
Comment: question: Buddha used only a torso POPs a three thousand of heavenly world and ten; now being why each individual finds himself in front of Buddha sermon?
A: the Buddha's power there are two things: one is sitting in one spot, making the distant beings are seen, at a distance are heard. The two are at a place in Buddhist discourse, might cause each individual beings are Buddhas found in front of her, just like a sunrise over the water from that.
Then again, being not the same, someone saw the Buddha-body throughout all three thousand of heavenly world, where being pure faith. Have people per each saw his hand in front of the Buddha sermon, that being your favorite news, trust is pleased. So Buddha in front of each each (beings) that the sermon for them.
LONGITUDE: Now That Honor in the Court of Lions fun laughing, light shining around three thousand art heavenly world. Due to the light, beings of the three thousand of the great heavenly afterlife saw Buddha and increasing in the West as much as the Ganges River sand; beings in the world as much as cat in the East that saw Buddha Anomaly-ni and popular in the three thousand of the great heavenly world. South, West, North, four above, under such well.
Comment: question: Before the Buddhas have repeatedly launched light, now why did magnify light?
A: Front light Launcher, each individual has a job, as before stated. Far as they are in this world and the other world has not yet seen each other, should use the force of light makes all the other worlds in mass and are seen together.
Question: as in every disciple, who most label is An A-la-A-lot-Han-beans, if that number temporarily, only to see the minor natural world, a new technology that is two thousand of the world. Pratyekabuddha one temporarily out of sight, only to see the two worlds, a thoroughly m i seen three thousand of heavenly world. And now all the people that see the world in Buddhist schools of West as much as the Ganges River sand?
A: that's due to the force of Buddha made seen, not physical beings. Although A-la-Han and pratyekabuddha elsewhere also power of Buddha that is infinite. Like Seong rotation Switch off, all his servants and elephants, horses, animals are also followed. Now due to the force of the Buddha, being yet in that distance, is also seen as the Buddha because the capacity of the Board of tam Chau-I, however, don't get the Heavenly label, which still sees ten Buddhist methods, the eye can't see. As well as when shit take the fire, all natural beings are Heavenly, the label is meditation. Buddha used the force which all beings are visible from far away as well. Now, The Sun in Court of lions that laugh. Laugh as before said, did not say today will say.
Q: this in the distant beings found in other methods, is caused by the force of the Buddha, while the other beings have also seen this side is due to the force?
A: that's the force of Buddha's renewed-and makes the other beings are seen three thousand of heavenly world in this way, and found the New Buddha-ni and all them, South, West, North, four above, under such well.



LONGITUDE: Meanwhile, across from the world Buddhist followers as much as sand in the East, at the end of the world, have the world's Most Telling, as Buddha Said, is because the United States--slapped Ma-ha-bat-slapped Three elegant theory-la-suite.
Comment: question: As Buddha said world is boundless, immeasurable stars here said at the end of the world? In the end that is falling in General property boundary. If the world property boundary, the beings also must take advantage of the property? Why? Because each of the Buddha of immeasurable out countless beings on infinity-residual Nirvana, no longer new beings ought to take?
A: the Buddhist scriptures but has said the world is immeasurable, which is the means, not the truth. As it does not have the spirit of that because the media says has the spirit. In fourteen accidents, whether the world is boundless, is marginal or deviant. If the boundless Buddhist don't necessarily mind, why? Because of the wisdom to know the same thing throughout did not know, called for the new position. If the world is boundless, the Buddha can know everything. If the world's owner, faulty forecast as before said. Both are deviant, why? Because the slash to the boundless friendship border. Da world is this Protection at the end of the world, which is at the bottom of the beings that multiply the charm of Buddha. Just like in the right end of a water, did not say at the end of Match-fitness. If the world is boundless, the Buddha is not the person who knows it all. This seems to have responded in the segment say about the meaning of Buddha on the other. So, should know the Buddha mind is immeasurable, large box-like so the lid as well.
Q: the world Da name says. There are two things that Your security and legal protection. Since Friday, said would more that called the world?
A: two things are. Several Portuguese slapped a projection the jewel of France's name etc. (this is the treasure of spoken Portuguese slaps have been used as a hat, staying in uniform were found headless Buddhas and willow hit all French names), as several so called unto him. In the water Protection Area as Buddha does, because last year the French loss, five, Seven, eight limb buds legitimacy loads smuggled, so called Security analysis.
Q: If so, should the Buddha called all Merits; Why just call that Buddha is to Earn?
A: While all Buddhist schools have therefore things, but the only other Buddha retrieved treasures that make titles, such as Maitreya called From-the ... Chu, however, Buddha is from, but Maitreya comes from doing the honours.
Then again, as when Buddha Baohua engenders, all over the body are the brilliant colors of flowers so called Crown Prince Bao. So when the Buddha Nature--sign engenders, all over the bright side as the lights should be called Prince Course--sign, when the Buddha also called Course Commonwealth (formerly the Optical has anything Buddha) Buddha, The Area also, maybe when the new birth also has many treasures engenders, or from the land of birth, or from the rain the United treasure collectionso called Security analysis.
Q: just had a Buddha Like-houses-and no, there are ten Buddhist methods, why? The Buddha's renewed-ni has immeasurable force dread, could the whole being, there have been no other Buddha. As said: A-nan for the mind to think that "the past the Buddha Told the United Commonwealth engineering, etc. all living being into nice, tho very long network, may the all beings, and now Germany is a potential Buddha-ni being on lifetime network's short life, evil, will not be at all? " Because there is such suspicion of mind should know that instant Buddha A-nan are thinking so as soon as the sun rises, the Buddha entered the Japanese t-I. Now all the pores on the Buddha-body manufacturing the light as the Sun came out light. The light then shone throughout the Match-fitness-deals. Throughout the play up to four people, the projector four publicity all over now, passport to three thousand of heavenly world. Three thousand heavenly world premieres throughout, shone to ten the world immeasurable. Then from the navel of the World Honor these Lotus treasures, such as the shelf says:
"" The Green morning, Yuri
Thousand of Golden hues, wing
Diamond makes a Cup,
Amber dignified United.
Soft curvy not rough,
It is higher than ten staff,
Lemon-Green Granite glass,
In between the navel Buddha.
Wing it extends that long,
Beauty between white,
Immeasurable treasure dignified,
United then had thousands of wings.
Such beautiful flowers,
From navel Buddha engenders,
The four sepals,
Treasure shine in the Sun.
Per each of the courts,
Each court has a sitting Buddha,
As Golden mount four tip.
Same brilliance as a.
From the umbilical between the four Buddha,
The beautiful Lotus under his gracious direction,
On "there is a beautiful treasure
Each court has a Buddha.
From the middle of the Buddha, the umbilical
Development of turning out flowers,
Each flower has a Court of
Each court has a Buddha.
Development of such a conversion,
Until Sun Net-homeless,
If want to know off,
Let's take the example says:
A large, square stone
High as wide as big mountain,
From the drop down,
Let's not spend.
The great wall of eight thousand three hundred,
Eighty-three years,
Number of years so long ago,
Its new spectacle to the ground.
In between the two about him,
Enough to be filled with Buddhist culture
The light He grew,
Over the Sun the Moon,
There are Buddha oneself out of water
Also loved fire,
Or we go my onions
Sometimes sitting down wearing.
There Buddha came qifu mumo carried,
To blessed being,
Either theory,
Have the light.
Or three evil road,
Add ice, dark hell, fire.
Gas except price.
Lights the Dungeon.
Hot spot for the cool breeze
As the suffering it
An okay not the tribulation
Max escapes with the France team. "
The first such vehicle, an instant at local level ten can be immeasurable being. Max beings and then, back in my duty of the umbilical between the Buddha.
Now, That Honor from Japanese tam you up, ask A-nan that "He saw the overall spirit of Vinny you?" A-nan of the white Buddha: "white World, I have seen". Again the white Buddha says: "If the Buddha head then disciples are in a full day of nowhere, what case head over eighty years!". So should say: "A Buddha has merit and immeasurable force, present the ten directions, there is no other Buddha".
Then again, as Buddha says: "female celebrities can't do London Transfer, Seong vexed, not God-like Angel, Devil, the United Kingdom, not Buddha, not two Turning wheel seat rule Seong, Ten Ton Jie also no two Buddhas appeared a lifetime". Again, the Buddha says: "Buddha says not fictional lies, a life without two Buddha, a Buddhist that is most difficult in France That Venerated; expression of immeasurable life, long long way per. In the past life, 91; the three had life past life the previous 91 second Buddha. Hien, originally the Buddha Bhikkhu-Miss-contest (ship's Vaccine-vaccine-opinion). In a past life, the 31st two Buddha, a mark is competition-gas (Australian vessel), a mark is Bhikkhu-Tuesday-extra-grandparents (Bhikkhu-XA-compatible-hull necessarily strains). In His past life has four Buddha: A brand is Ca-la-external-San-da (Hook-up-ton), two Canadian is establishing new and old (Verse-New jaw-Needle First vessel personnel), three as Ca-lettuce, four titles are Like-ca. In addition the shit no Buddha, worth mercy! ". If there are ten Buddhist methods, how to say "the shit no Buddha, is well worth the merciful"?
A: While Germany Buddha have immeasurable power, or evolve vexed in ten directions to ejection, theory of light beings, nor can the most beings, as crashing on posession, while no longer have Buddha in the future. But because the beings didn't take, so also the Buddha.
Then again, he said the theory of human female Buddha himself was not made in the. The two Moves are not rotating simultaneously Seong appears. Also, Buddha in a life no two Buddhas. He did not understand this meaning. Buddha has two meaning, means to understand, that deeply confusing. As when Buddha coming into Nirvana, said to the Bhikkhu-stilts: "from now on should come up on France, should not come up on people; should come up on the significance, should not come up on the speakers; should come up on the position, should not come up on the formula; should come up on my willow, should not come up on the sunny yet ".
Come up on France's France twelve types; should come up on France, should not come up on the ng time slider.
Taking refuge means, in that there is no controversy about the good, bad, guilty, damaged. As for meaning, meaning is not, As people took the index finger the moon to tell the stupid, but stupid people get a finger without seeing the moon. She, in turn told it I only finger grab the Moon, is to let you know the Moon, how did you get your finger without seeing the Moon? This is also like that. To that, that is not, and should not come up on the language.
Come up on the place is the location, relative measurement differentiate evil, sleeping, often find amusing, not to be directed toward .so says should not come up on the formula.
Come up on my willow, literally, in the person of another, necessarily, the Buddha was superlative. In all my poems, then the Dharma is superlative. In all of them, then they're the most are rising on stilts-Bhikkhu. He shall be blessed, heavenly beings are kept, so and so forth. is willow. As the shaman theory says there are five things: One is blessed, two are your favorite people, three to four districts, decency is fame, in rear is Nirvana, he is not yet the willow. Why not Willow? Because he is blessed, it is clearly understandable, and the sermon did not have an animal said to be blessed, be blessed this is the sermon. Use many ways concur wholeheartedly to smash the dāna n San took part, well except for his heart, so take part xan says is not willow. This is largely the result of means, not the real meaning. In the mean while the Buddha said no two Buddhas appeared, without speaking in all ten world method (without the two Buddhas). But say life without two Seong rotation Switch, which also does not have to say in all ten of the three thousand of heavenly world there, which comes in four world ch — no two Convert Robin Seong. By creating a pure joy King a world devoid of resentment. If there are not two Kings called purity. But the Buddha does not have the mind disabilities quiz, but because of the eternal career almond purity should also not have the two Buddhas appeared in the world.
Hundred mountain memories of Tu-di, hundreds of memories the Sun the Moon, known as Tam heavenly heavenly world. So ten local constants HA sa Three heavenly heavenly world, called a Buddha in the world, which no longer contains the other Buddha, truth has only a Buddha. In a world of Buddha he often turns to the Buddha, the Dharma, the body, the charm, the means to the beings. So in the almost all-tri said: "In one's life in a world without the two Buddhas without saying ten mass media there is no Buddha".
Then again, as he said: "One the hard gaàu7841? p, that is How Worship Buddha. Back talk in ninety, three had life of Buddha; the shit no Buddha, is well worth the merciful ". Buddha because the heavy guilt not cultivated friendly self-catering see that Buddha, should say Buddha's birth was difficult to meet as the flower tree Pros-talks-Bowl-la, a long long time. Who is guilty of such heavy rotation in the three evil way. Or being in the realms of the heavenly realms, which met at the Buddha's birth, the other also not seen Buddhas. As saying nine memories home in the Dormitories-Wai, has three memory the actual Buddha, three memories home with Buddhas, which the eye does not see, not hear the memories of three is also not seen. Buddha in at Dormitories-guard twenty-five years that they'd never heard not seen, the conditions are far from?
Then again, Buddha and A-nan entered the Dormitories-Wai qifu gangui. Now there was a poor old woman stood at the line, A-nan of the white Buddha says: "the White World, poor him, begging for the Buddha". Buddha told A-nan: "he doesn't have the personality charm". A-nan dear: "Buddha arrived near sighted him, General Hao quang minh, who played the wedding Festival, I presume, that fate".
Buddha goes to near instant him, turning his back to the Buddha, Buddha goes over all four sides, the links all four the turn your back on Buddha which turn their face up. Buddha from the top down, bent over the eyes. Theravada Buddhism from the ground up, taking both hands cover eyes won't see Buddha. Buddha told A-nan: "want is what charm?" There is such a person class, does not have the charm of a privileged character should not be seen Buddhas. so should the Buddhas said simply: "A-nan! Theravada Buddhism is hard to meet as Pros-talks-Bowl-la; like rain water but many, everywhere has been that hungry daemons demons often suffer thirst, can not drink ".
He said in ninety, only three had life Buddha, đóù is talking in a Buddhist world, rather than all of the other worlds. Say "damn this place is empty no Buddha made world, mercy", which is also spoken in a Buddha of this world, rather than in all the other worlds. So should know there are ten Buddhist methods.
Then again, in The French-speaking media have written ten Buddhas, which he himself doesn't understand. As in the Magazine A-ham said: "Countries such as heavy rain, drops, drops non-stop, never count out. The Buddhist world as well. We see in the West world immeasurable, there is the, which the world is based, have ruined the world, the number of the lot, no. As such until ten the immeasurable being. In the ten directions that world, there are three things to gauge is old, sick, dead; three things about the framework is suggestive, si; three things miserable for posterity is hell, hungry daemons, animal birth. All the world has three grades of lower, middle, upper. Lower class people are passionate about current pleasures; middle class people are passionate about the hereafter pleasures, upper-class people, the globe, compassionate care we laments snah. Coast Guard personnel have, how did not have another thing coming? Buddha said: "If ever there is old, sick, dead, the Buddha is not released". He realized beings were elderly patients died in that brain, the gauge radio vows: "we're going to do, so the escape being, end except the mind disease, save the slitting hereafter for beings". So ten world means all have human fate that Buddha was born. Why just say this place has the Buddha, the other place is not there? Like someone said: "there is no tree of moist soil, no water" is something unbelievable. Buddha loved beings, so also have the older gauge, sick, dead; the mind has the self-defeating, si; Buddha because the end to three things that cause them to gauge is superfluous, so Maxine appeared in his life. In all of the world have the beggar, how come there is no Buddha?
Then again, countless blind people that speak only in need of a physician, that is also not true. So there must be ten Buddhist methods.
Then again, in the event A-ham has said: "there are damn United Kingdom holding the North, with hundreds of thousands of myriads of numbers very last night, come to the Buddha, the Buddha footprint ceremony and then stand on one side, dropped the light, shining all over the jungle States, making dazzling, accept the hand-riveted Buddha, say two shelves that:
"I rule Out tier network,
In this species the Buddha on both legs,
Ug has the intellectual eye sees
Chu Tian did not understand the intelligence.
Buddha's past, present, future
I shall bow all ceremony,
As such I present transport network of Buddha.
Well as respect third Buddha ".
In the shelf so there are ten Buddhist methods. damn United Kingdom Buddhist ceremony bowed three years, new private network rules and Buddha. If there is no current Buddha means ten, then should just say network rules of Buddha, Buddhist followers should not say the past, future, present. So say there are ten Buddhist methods.
Then again, the past has a future position life, immeasurable also has immeasurable Buddha. so should present must also have immeasurable Buddha.
Then again, if the Buddha in France-writer, which says there are countless Buddhas immeasurable means ten, the beings would say Buddhist above are met, and then not be laborious for the rescue. If not having this Buddha, Buddha would meet there, so no need for the escape. As well as Moose without getting shot, did not know fear, when shot and scared to run around looking for way out. People also like that, have been suffering the disease died old, heard only a Buddha, it is difficult to meet, the instant Center of fearless, industrious tu planet tons for mau was escape. So should the Buddhas in France-writer doesn't say there are ten Buddhist methods, nor to say no. If there are ten Buddhist methods which he said were not guilty. If there are ten Buddhist methods that I said yes he bring forth immeasurable Buddha Memorial Centre shall be blessed respect, because why? Due to the multiplication of good mind which was blessed in Germany. Such as From heart t I have see all beings all want to see them tho. While there is no real benefit, but because the mind from so's you get immeasurable joy. Commemorate ten Buddhist methods as well. If you have ten Buddhist methods that say otherwise are immeasurable felony, destruction of ten the Buddha, why? Because of vandalism. The eyes of the meat but don't know who to believe but that said yes, then blessed him immeasurable. If truth is Buddha in Italy say not guilty it very badly. People who use themselves, also are believed to be armed, what Buddha himself said in An admit that truth has ten Buddhist methods without trust?
Q: If there are ten local Buddhist immeasurable and the Bo-slaps, nay, most beings are fallen in three batteries, so why not?
A: Because heavy charges beings, Buddhas Bo-slaps but to also do not see. Again, France dear Buddha often magnify light, used to say, that for Karma so not seen, not heard, like the Sun which the blind don't see, the Thunder up ground that deaf people can't hear. So, Buddha-body light Launcher typically French, typically the sermon that immeasurable beings shit deep structural sin thick, so it is not seen not heard. As well as the mirror in the morning, water in the face, see, did the country profiles are dirty impure obscure, not time. As such, the pure beings see Buddha, if the mind is not pure, not Buddha. Now while it's there the Buddha and the Bo-slaps to the point being that no beings visible.
Then again, like the Buddha, in the continental Match-fitness-threads, being in Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection, many traveling six cities in the East, Tianzhu when flying to Nandina home life to renunciation in this capacity Memory donation. Maybe temporarily to the Yuezhi in North Tianzhu offering Long United Kingdom A-ba-la-la. Back to Western Yuezhi offering American La-suicide. Buddha in Longmen Grottoes of suicide for some time, until now there are Buddha's balls. Someone walks into view, not seen, out away from looking at the light seen as temporary when Buddha bay to the mountains of forerunner Chile-water-Front Design canvas, the middle of nowhere that first offering. Forerunner says: I'm in here, please Buddha for Buddha's hair and nails to build towers of donation.
The tower still (under the mountain has a temple of the Glasses. Ly so called Rate-canvas-da). The same contentious with Theravada Buddhism in a country where not everyone can see, is the case elsewhere. So much to do not see ten the Buddha that says no.
Then again, Maitreya Bo-who slapped the great compassion, which just in heaven do not come to this country, can not come and say there is no Maitreya? Maitreya is near that don't come, don't tell is the spooky, ten the distant Buddha (not) wasn't enough for the ...
Then again, ten Buddhist methods can't come because of the deep structure of heavy crimes beings, not cultivated merit see Buddha, Buddha did not come.
Then again, when the Buddha knows all beings mature, unlawful use, so new to degrees, such as the shelf says:
"Headless Buddha before watching know someone,
Run out of vehicles not being,
There is a hard man, nice guy,
Or have the slow, someone!
Or use light, or spirit.
The multiplying the charm of being,
People want to work against the Buddhist trader,
Or want to work against the Buddha does not stop.
They reinforced hard, coarse words,
Pure mind much the words soothe,
While the compassionate care of equality,
When the teaser used the media ".
So should the ten Buddhist methods but not to that should not say no.
Then again, the Buddhas are intellectual power, the media, mental, the A-la-Han as Dormitories-benefits-the ECHO, Bo-slapped as Maitreya is also impossible to know what the case, human?
Then again, the great Buddha Chu Bo-slaps, when beings as supply fears, for mind to do or time to salvation. As in Western Yuezhi, in one of the Buddhas, the leper, went to the statue Turns Bo-cat-slapped for self care, refuge, anniversary ideas merit of Bo-cat-slapped, vows except disease. Then Turn the Bo-cat-slapped sailings get precious brilliance right hand to rub on the other body, ill be ready. Again, in a country with a Bhikkhu-stilts tu in riot-A-lan-great read, An overpaid, that King often experience hair for him to step up. Is Bhikkhu-stilts tells the King that "the Ma-ha-la, not chanting more, how King great donation like?" King said: "We want to see the middle of the night a Bhikkhu-stilts, soon to place him in, then see the Bhikkhu-stilts in the chanting of France, and saw a good White Elephant ride, brilliant gold pieced together the hand donation, we went slowly closer, then disappear, I ask out of Germany:" why I came to where the colors of bright yellow disappear? The Bhikkhu-stilts answer: "such is the Bo-slaps Turn-cat. Bo-slaps Turn-cat self saying: "there are people who would read the French economy, the weather we're going to ride the White Elephants go to higher education". Because I am chanting France United should Bo-slaps self-sand Turns to (Turn-cat in the United States called Samantabhadra) ".
Again, in a country with a Bhikkhu-stilts praying A-di-da and An elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, the person about to die, said to his disciples: "Buddha-di-da, along with his mass at the same go to". His body movements are instantaneous, refuge, General network sec.
After the General network, Sami nature wood ashes, bươi tomorrow in the ash heap saw blade does not burn. By chanting A-di-da Buddha which saw the Buddha arrived, due to litigation is the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite that the tongue does not burn. That's because the visible in his life now, as in the said the lettered Buddhist Portuguese slapped out to so many. So where do the crime and unlawful use is thin that know for worship Center with confidence, no doubt, will be seeing the Buddhas, are never frivolous lies. Coast Guard personnel, knowing that there are ten Buddhist methods.
: Now, in the other world is Bo-slaps the name is Universal.
Comment: the meaning of the United States-slapped as stated in Chapter Approved Cyrillic letters Bo-slapped.
Q: What is called Intelligent Spectrum?
A: the light He often ran the whole world should be called the spectrum.
BEIJING: great light show, seen on Earth big vibration, saw itself Buddha, Buddha Told Bach that "Buddha Of The Sun! Now because of what the coast guard personnel that there was light to the Earth, the Earth was shaken, saw the Buddha body? "
Comment: Ðất Buddha-body light vibration, as before stated.
Q: is the Bo-ming of the Prussian State most religious night slapped in the Bo-slapped, then have to know human fate; Why ask?
A: the Universal Coalition United-him yet, but may not know the wisdom, the force of the headless Buddha. like Moon light while large but the sun appeared, then disappeared, so ask the Buddha.
Then again, Dude-slaps often want to see the Buddha, consciousness not boring enough, Coast Guard personnel not longer want to see the Buddha, what big Coast's case?
Then again, it should not be in doubt. Because as Buffalo Nghe what mother walks by ... As minor dynasties listed, probably should be. The great Portuguese slaps also like, as are major benefits, and is often like to follow Buddhist teachings, United-who's the find him successively knows it is big deal, seen countless world immeasurable, both see each other, so that should be asked.
Then again, some say: "Dude-free him with the force knows, is also due to the force of Buddha's renewed-and make known. Just because the Portuguese slapped does not know to ask, should ask the Buddha. Bo-slapped before subtracting out fearful tribulation, cannot ask the Buddhas, so because they ask. Bo Ming spectrum-him appearance in this world along with the urinal, bidet, should know that they cannot ask (they should ask). Like big Elephants can shove down the tree to let the young Elephants are rhinoceroses, should ask the Buddha: "ladies out of Germany The Ton! So what's this light charm, great vibration on Earth, saw itself Buddha? "

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