Saturday 29 March 2014

Tu a mouth.
Karma is the Act of creating work many times, of body, breath and mind. in three career, colleagues from the mouth is the worst is taken to the results reported, both "Pro" and "bitten" form the "law of cause and effect", the circulation did not stop, sending the rollover. We want austerities are effort and achievement, they must avoid the towns of Africa, as the African takes a lot of time in a useless, which entail a lot of career entry, oan left.
Business problem: "artist like, covered in medium guns, close stations, due to the evil". that is, consider the person in life, the hammer to the mouth, killing people, led by the evil words. Human stock also has taught: "general import-export of spare parts, spare parts and export export" means: the disease from a mouth by eating and drinking that bring on, also from a mouth so to speak the Africa that generates. Buddha in ten (10) the career of humans in that mouth has accounted for four (4) almost half:
1/what not to say yes, say no,
2/say vicious,
3/twin Siberian cats, says
4, said his textile embroidery.
But in daily life besides the four things on the mouth, while creating more career again as:
5/global dining,
6, criticism, praise, cooking
MOSS 7, rao's fault, (four of them) things caused joy and guilt are đoạ to hell, as well as friction, cause conflict, hatred killed each other.
So doing also taught, in daily activities has 4 grades of us should avoid:
1/or say sorry guys,
2/or talking superstitions, ties,
3/the mouth good, bad stomach (Buddha, mind body oil),
4/do at least as much.
From a mouth that one can know the Italian mentality and reviews are others, to be a candidate for adaptation.
Despite the tremendous wealth as the mountain, but a mouth to eat on long as well. Blessed Germany despite painful sowing to create more life, but due to a mouth made, criticism, criticism, saying evil words ... then in moments also can dissipate. Please or were wearing these resentment, as well as a mouth others tell it, yelled at nhiếc, says outrageous people. "God of passwords it hurt flesh, People would say the graphics do bad. Miss legs stand was over. Miss mouth suffice to the temple to pay only "this mouth very disastrous, eating, picky like to swallow to strange animal delicacies for khóai password, just waste of money, just bring the disease to the body, because plant and animal production now run by profit should use lots of chemicals, if not know abstinence then terminally ill bring into environmentallyin order to do it ourselves and make miserable people, have to worry about running the cure, natural.
The ancients also teaches: "Password giving spirit. Really consider non-contentious "i.e. open mouth arguments will eventually tỗn spirit, the tongue action often talk to the left, rather than lose, pretty bad, compliments to cooking and then struggled, perceived each other cause engenders pitiful stories.
It is only via the disastrous things usually happen every day of a mouth, left during a human lifetime, due to steam for a mouth that we've created do not know how the sin. So the Western also has taught: "before talking to tongue seven times".
Also has shelves that:
"Hundred years of changes moved. A sentence proclaiming the precious record.
Open your first consideration. That we take off the useful information is. "
With poetry:
"The speech was black instead of white,
Heaven, hell entrance squeeze email address?
Users who preferred not scratchy.
Keep in mind how meditation!!! "
That mouth also has many benefits: used to eating well, nourish the body, used to say in the daily communication, creating dynastic situation, harmonious interaction, mutual understanding, used for preaching, teaching, knowledge transfer, and the benefits to more people. Read the story in the national educational text messages will see the assassins of a mouth, the tongue: "one day he promises to households were ordered to kill pork and select the most precious of the pig makes him a snack. People do obedience and then he consecrate a dish that the most precious is the tongue. He promises to households asking why people do respond that the tongue is the most precious parts, because thanks to the human tongue can express the heartfelt sentiments, ideas, useful and beneficial water are useful for mankind. Shortly after, he promises to households was again ordered to kill a pig and a bad parts for making him a snack. People do obedience and consecration millionaire households a plate of food that the worst parts as well as the tongue. He promises to households asking why, people do and he replied that because of the tongue can speak the words of the wicked worst for breaking social and family can approach the island home country even harm to humanity. He promises to households of utmost praise the intelligence of people do ". What is the blade bone shaking roads much ingenuity. The ancients also says "depth possible in languages, hung, depth possible language in canopy" means a word of mouth can build the home country, which also broke the home country.
A brief history of the aggressive, then we have the master a mouth, tongue of worldly people to harm more than the article creator's advantage was born man has two ears but only one mouth, should have to listen more than talk, the new true to nature, being a body is hard, full Green, flat and warlord being blessed in Germany too.This treasure, Phuoc aims which grew more blessed Germany out, it's a smart person, so to worry about Tu a mouth is essential for and viewed as Tu over half a human lifetime.
HT Like Friendly Republic taught:
"The Smart People talk less listen more,
Select your responses, select the thing asked,
Before the wise.
Favour on a step width is very friendly.
The man who never said how.
I know his story, then the smart new "
The establishment also has a question:
"The smart Bird, roasted spare vocals.
The smart people say the tender caress.
Heard expressed Bodhi enlightenment.
Recommended worship Western bronze ".
Tin Leg TT also has poetry:
"Less talk, a
Less Sin si pitch of grief
Add the worship more.
Blessed great spirit add more fun ".
Minh Hanh's marvelous sense of Bodhisattva has taught: "the Less said about a story, recite much of a Buddha, was killed, French hopes us action".
In the Dhammapada the Buddha had taught: "oil comes thousands of thousands of words, But no other benefits, a better sense, hear it is LAC-Net".PC 100,
or: "not because of the new State, this list deserves an okay resentment fear, called degrees of" PC 258,
"not because life is keeping the French public, who heard the little French miracle, but users get the French Chief of staff, did not let go of the lung, is the life maintained the Dharma". PC 259.
Buddha also taught: "Do thinh as Chief Justice, noí as the Chief Justice" as such. As Buddhists, for a voice to speak out to help more people understand, at peace, we benefit not sorry lyrics, Phuoc Germany very well, but so are the dominant ethnic insurgency, linguistic ethnic insurgency, having to speak out the words to the suffering, the loss, then we will have to reap the Samyutta. Create Joy in Germany at all one's life, but just a bad password it comes out to be dashed in moments. "The speech did not lose money, lyrics that tell satisfied each other ". We want austerities are effort and achievement, they must avoid the towns of Africa, as the African takes a lot of time in a useless, which entail a lot of career entry, oan left.
There is a very good poem:
_ "Through the back-solve the problem? Why not stop-the dog, the pit add depth.
_ Lyrics through the back-take us to where? Why not breathe mist-plumpy laughing looked at each other.
_ Lyrics through the back-take us to where? Why don't you stop-breathing deep and light ".
Please keep in mind that:
"Hundred years are stele worn,
thousand years of beer mouth still inert inert beings "
"Ai! little says is gold
Sin said many left horizontal well more
Genus with at least say how much
From this negativity, from article marketing Africa
Lucy daily career wuwei
Cause and effect _ not what the crazy island
No such Karma crime mind
Infinity, infinity knives, pepper boat Lady brain
so, should each be tu lo lick that mouth.
In daily life we are often treated together, a mouth that is always smiling plumpy, apologies and important sensitive acknowledgements. Similar to the glass, use the AI language, don't pity praise, praise, praise, rao are good people, good deeds, things or, probably have to multiply the typical fine out more as a bowl full of life, but very mixed reviews, but the vegetarian places in order to protect the environment and save the globe, don't lie, which must say the words honest, don't lie, we'll get more prestige, fame. Don't say the word spin, which speaks the words, will be many dear. Not to say shove my prick, which says the word harmony will be many supporters. Do not say evil crude, which says all of the words, love, there will be life-radiant. That's the French tu for a mouth, very amusing, very helpful, we need to follow, to reap more joy in Germany, at the time of his life, the family and society, in the present are at peace, security and the future will bring forth into place at peace, happier with.
Career professional mouth make it!!!!!

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