Thursday 27 March 2014

MENSTRUATION: because of guilt and no offence could not have been, so full competition-la-la-suite.
Question: Contest-la (ship's name translates as good), your favorite charity action is directed, not self-propelled Yi, called Contest. Or about that issue, or the life that's not good, is called Competition. The summary said that eight suspected code where the body and mouth: No brain, no stealing, no ties, no lie, not to say the two tongues, not spin, not drinking and farming life in a pure way; This is about. If let go not stock photography; he is broke. The break is fallen into the road. If maintained about commissioned the contentious within the human species; maintenance about high, the birth of the Sun Records; maintain an upper tier back austerities four meditation, the four then being in the Sun and Endless good purity.
Maintain an upper tier has three grades: Maintain the purity, the commissioned evidence A-la-Han; maintain the purity grade is shown to be Flanges-chi-Buddha; maintain the purity of the upper tier shall be Buddha. Do not soak up front, not y y, no break, no vices, are my favorite praise Holy, the so called upper-level purity. If for mercy being, due to its being, as well as know what Gen of gender; the mind does y y, wrecked before; maintenance about like, future testimony to the Buddha. The so called upper world are Buddhas. If people want to be in good favor, be persistent, as unfortunately the treasure value, such as holding the trunk network, because why? As such, all tangible things, are taking refuge land that exist. As such, is stay made of all goodness.
Then again, such is not the foot that want to go; not the wings that want to fly; no boat that wants to cross the River, is not possible. If there is no world that want to pray the good thing coming as well. If people leave this world, but in the mountain ascetic seclusion, eating fruit, taking drugs, then does what no other beast. Or are people just drink for the world; or drink milk, or unkempt air; or cut the hair; or wear Ca-sa; or wear white; or wear the grass, or the leather jacket; or winter on the water; or summer over fire; or from high mountain sa down; or the Ganges River bath; or three times a day; Re donation, self-sufficient economic ways, I pray everything; good practice the ascetic, for it is about, just as inane, not anything.
If someone still in high Opera, dressed well, but this practice was good and place of birth, are also covered. Or to a small man, adult, practice is about, it is big. If breaking world, except to a small, large, are not arbitrary being in place.
Then again, who broke the world, as well as the pond in the cool màcó snakes, not bathing, as well as the delicious fruit crops that have many thorns. As people still are being respected at home, his body presentable chances wide school districts, which don't like maintenance, not compassion, as well as such, as the shelf says:
"To that ridiculous position forecast is impaired,
Where his side is also impaired,
People who maintain that back breaking,
This life forever after all my thoughts"
The poor, however despicable that maintained, over the riches that went bankrupt. The flowers, the trees, unable to fly away; divisions of maintenance, fly around ten. The Citadel, which is full of happily, remote listening reputation, Sun glass lover, now life is the hedonistic stuff. If you want to bring forth into the realms of heaven and the people, get the wealth, long life is not difficult. The Citadel about purity, wish were yours.
Then again, the maintenance, see who broke the world suffer the hell tortured enough brain gauge stuff, which itself knew himself permanently depart the, which pleased. If the maintenance, see who are have the honor, reputation, pleasure, then the mind thinking "As people are honored, we also have section". The maintenance, when the common destiny, despite the wind cut knife, tendons sheer piece, self know I maintain about purity, mindful not to fear, as the shelf says:
"In the very diseases the data,
Is smoking or,
In great fear.
About as constables.
In the dark to die
About as bright lights,
In the evil path, spot
Is an ancient Banyan Bridge,
In the water of the dead sea,
World's big boat ".
Then again, who maintained an often life now respect donation, heart happy do not regret, no shortage of rice, the dead are being heaven, later shown to be Buddha. The Citadel, does not obtain; who broke the world, all of which lost. Such people often donation, her poverty, a kindly donation complacency, expectation, wealth, partly hurt that person, himself the embodiment of, which asks: "do you pray?" The other responded: "I pray for things like wealth, cooperating, all are". Heaven given to an object, called the German tanks, and said: "everything needed, from the output of this bottle".
The other was the average and then, as you wish, everything was. Enacted as Italy built the House well. Elephant riding horses, vehicles, seven treasures in full, give the front, does not lack anything. Solo: "Before he poverty, now why do not be rich like this?" A: "I was pot heaven for, published Wednesday, for the rich that way." Solo says: "Ðua the view, since the output from cảvật". Sailings take out tanks, in comments cited everything, the other arrogant guests too Cavalier, standing up on the dancing, the average instant broke. All the animals at the same time objective. The maintenance as well. The magic lost, hope is, if the person knocking about, haughty Bohemian freedom, as well as the other breaks the vase, d. boon.
Then again, the maintenance, the scent of Fame, this life after turning around the sky and humankind.
Then again, the maintenance, the cult favorite contender, no pity, no material business an advantage in being in life without missing anything. Investors can also bring forth up realms, in front of the ten directions, into three admit that leaders be freed. Just subtract the maintenance men in ties, not later.
Then again, if people still do not know, spice austerities were France's contentious realms of heaven. If the Citadel about purity, meditation, wisdom, would like to request the release of birth death disease old agony, praying her decision would be. The Citadel about while not thy soldiers, that the evil is not part of, the material hold world, no one stole it. Relatives of the dead, but the maintenance is not removable, solemnity of the Citadel about you more than seven treasures. So for that reason, should households maintained, as guardian life, as my treasure. Who broke the world, suffer great wall, as the poor suffer broken vase of goal, before.
Then again, the maintenance of the criminal world, the shop went bankrupt, so the most exertion, self consciousness maintained.
What's called knocking about? Who broke the world, others are not, the it as a wild, hard, no one came.
Who broke the world, lose the merit, like a dry tree, who does not love.
Who broke the world, such as the Lotus flower is full of frost, undesirable.
Who broke the world, has a frightening malevolence, like demon's La-suicide.
Who broke the world, others are not, like the rules, don't look to the dry wells.
Who broke the world, the mind often doubt regretting, like people who commit the crime of fear, often flooding.
Who broke the world, like the rice with sleet, could not rely.
Who broke the world, like the bitter, but sweet fruit-like body that can not eat.
Who broke the world, like neighbors, can't live.
Who broke the world, like the serious illness, no one wants to close.
Who broke the world, not from the agony, like sugar, is hard to come by.
Who broke the world, cannot in General; same as aggressors, hardly able to close.
Who broke the world, like the tunnel of fire, woman to stay away from.
Who broke the world, hardly possible in General, like snakes.
Who broke the world, unable to close, just as the fire grew.
Who broke the world, like the boat broke, unable to carry across the river.
Who broke the world, like the map of the sick, cannot eat again.
Who broke the world, staying in them good like Horses at the Horse.
Who broke the world, different people, the trick is in the Cow herd.
Who broke the world, among them effort like helpless baby in the midst of powerful people.
Who broke the world, while the mining, Bhikkhu-stilts that also uncovered die in the eyes of people.
Who broke the world, like the fake jewel in the midst of real Turquoise.
Who broke the world, like the tree of Y-lan in the jungle Sheep-flock.
Who broke the world, while mining, which heals shape inside no good. But also head shaving, dyeing the shirt, according to the Wednesday ruling class card (stay) called Bhikkhu-stilts, which really isn't that Bhikkhu-stilts.
Who broke the world, if even the forensic time was wrapped with copper iron leaves hot. If custard hug time was molten copper bowls. If drinking eating time was completely swallowing the hot iron.
Then again, who broke the world, generally hugging your fear, as ngươì getting displaced diseases, often afraid to die to. As well as five against offenders, the mind is often thought to myself: I am the enemy of Buddha, concealed to avoid cringe, as aggressors fear the people, on five months passed, not usually an alright.
Who broke the world, but to be useful, the donation it impure; like stupid donation jewelry uncovered die. American hearing, hate does not want to see.
Immeasurable crimes broke the world as such, couldn't tell. Most practitioners who should be maintained.
Chapter 22
Question: Thread know the result announced in Germany as such, what call is about chess?
A: End to evil does not come back, calling is. Or from the center of being, or Word of mouth, or from another place as head of the life that the evil where body and mouth; He is the General of. Stars known as evil? If the truth is that being, that being, born of mind to kill, Rob life, form, have good general artifact, he is guilty of murder being, also tied up, locked up, beaten, etc. as a way to help.
Then again, kill the other guys guilty, but not to kill himself. The mind knows there are beings that kills, is a crime, not as the night sees the return to the stump waving that kills. Deliberate suicide being newly charged with murder, not intentionally killed the new birth Centre. like crime, not si. His life ended in murder, not wounded. Dear colleagues, a refresh not only mouth wrong. The mouth is a crime, not only the mind being thought of evil. As such, etc. known as the General of the crime of murder. Don't do the crime, called. If the oral sex, birth-life who said, "I am from today, no longer look". Or not, the mouth does not say, only the center of being, himself vowed: "I am from today, no longer close to birth," he called about not being. Someone said: "the World does not improve or sign contentious or"
Question: As in A-Bhikkhu-talkie saying Ca-fried-land-said: "all precepts are friendly facilities," stars now says is signed?
A: As in A-Bhikkhu-talks of Ca-fried-land-said: "all is good"; also in the A-Bhikkhu-other talks said: "The real suicide or friendly or disabled", because why? Because if the real suicide thing is always làthiện, who represented fiction, right as the privileged, often fallen into evil. Do so or maybe loads up. Loads up then no result, no living being on the Sun, the people.
Question: There is an infinity sign up fallen hell; again due to the malevolence of birth should have fallen to hell?
A: Not being be immeasurable goodness, to do or not do any blessed day arises. If the cause of a less guilty then blessed him into limited amounts, because why? Because it has no infinite mass. So should know in about real suicide or maybe loads up.
Then again, there are non-life Masters, where only birth center vowed: "I am from today, no longer look". Not so, or sometimes called the infinity sign.
Question: About real suicide was then bound into realms?
A: In A-Bhikkhu-talks of Ca-fried-land-said: "all its precepts are all facilities bound according to the Exercise". Also in the A-Bhikkhu-other talks saying: "Or bound according to the realms, or hurtful." Tell ya there should be three types: either bound by the Exercise, or bound by the Sac, or hurtful. The birth but in the real world, police must also follow the suicide that in realms. only in the Colors, not the mind infinity pirated non, he is about as close to real feet stopped for a long time away ...
Then again, there's no sex life, but from birth on, that being, murder loathsome or donation or sign, he called the infinity sign.
France real close to being not the mind, mind, mind's Samyutta, or "mind being, or not" birth center. In A-Bhikkhu-talks of Ca-fried-land-said: "not being the user identity, or that gun industry General artifact, or no good general artifact, or enforced, or not enforced, the newspaper industry is not dead. Two entrances, two tu-tu ve should witness should testify. Do the thinking, the whole in the fuselage at the Exercise shown to be; because the opinion stands, the duration, the divine Lady of Holy witness is. It is good, or can see, or cannot be found, or that France has to be afraid, or shy to Air France; France has another thing coming, France does not have bitten; French property illegally compounded vi; France is also France above (compounded of upper-upper back is for Radio France), such as Samyutta. Such discrimination; He called the real world.
Question: The Bowl's legitimacy is also about not being, why just talk about not being that has bitten, is pirated?
A: In this French speaking tho only precepts, not to say ridiculous contraband Act.
Then again, in the other A-dam "-Bhikkhu France real suicide usually do not take the mind, not body-export industry. Nghịêp not by the mind, or have another thing coming, or no result. France didn't mind the Samyutta either possession of pirated or illegally ". Such is the wrong spot to another, there were other. Again someone said: "Chu Saint Buddha not only France, the treatise hý does money beings are sorry life should Buddha shalt not steal others ' life, eternal life have robbed other k were suffering. Chhúng being true or not will say.
Question: They took the overall win people, occupied the country, kill resentment, as Hunter took flesh, to the huge relief. It is not even close to being the benefit?
A: No fear, investors can be happily. We don't harm the other, there is not harm me, so please don't afraid not scared. The curious, but in his person, nor an be as people maintain about a walk alone, no more fears of accidents.
Then again, the curious, the species lives are loathe to see, if not fondness watching all your favorite all beings, then slash based.
Then again, the maintenance, when the common network of mind be at peace, no doubt, are not, or are contentious realms, or being the person, often live longer. He was the Prime coast, until it was known as the Buddha, immeasurable long life in.
Then again, who is close to being, then this life life life-after the mind distressed. People not being, there are no accident; He is big.
Then again, thinking: "I know sorry lives, love yourself, then the other end also, along with the other one?" So perhaps she should not close to being.
Then again, if the fresh murder human beings, matter, because the debt should the network often fear, resentment over being hated, when death will repent, fallen in hell, or in animal species being, or being in the human species, tends to be abortive.
Then again, suppose life after being indicted, is not blameless, wholesome people matter, and should not try to hijack other guys network, why? Because people have been healed, and the generals should not do, what consequences both fuses are innocent, were bitten badly.
Then again, to bring forth the heaviest charges in the crime, why? Because the person who encountered the death fold, don't regret things you treasure, which only worried about his life first. Such as the merchant marine customers to find the treasure, coming out of the sea, the boat suddenly rupture, cherish and take off that are happy, put your hands up saying: "a little bit longer takes great treasure!" People overwhelmed says: "did you lose your privacy, naked escape, how excited says: a little bit longer takes great treasures? A: "in all treasures, the most valuable people networking. For life search of treasure, not because of the treasures that find life ". Because then, Buddha in ten real friendly, close to being topped. During the year, about real suicide also topped. If the tu much blessed in Germany without an authorization is about real close to being, no forecast, why? Because while there are beings on the wealth, power, powers which are not live long life, who enjoy free fun? So know in the crime, the crime of suicide being the most severe, in Germany, the biggest being not German. In the world, unfortunately life is for, why? Because all people, would rather enduring punishment, disability, guest survey to their lives.
Then again, if someone's life, the center of being, his mouth said that "from today do not kill all beings". That is for the immeasurable beings gave favorite things that give, should be merit also immeasurable. As Buddha said: "there are five things he grew". What is the year? 1-Not close to being, is the great Bell, 2-Not theft, 3-no ties, 4-way, 5-don't drink, as well as such.
Again, practice From tam I was blessed, immeasurable harm missiles, armed soldiers are not hurt, all the evil can't be hit. Because in the alms, should be the same.
Then again, the dignified ranks third in the ten directions, Buddha is the most dignified. As Buddha said Favor-she-Nan code-title-ca that "Suicide being ten. What are the ten? 1-the mind usually hug the eternal poison. 2-being resentment towards hate, the eye does not want to look at. 3-often meditate on evil, decadent, evil thought. 4-beings fear as seen Tiger snake 5-sleep Center of fear, insecurity. 6-often has nightmares. 7-when the mission presented a general fear of death. 8-Seeded human industry's abortive. 9-Environmentally destructive destiny, fallen in hell. 10-If you are doing people, tends to be abortive. "
Then again, practitioners consider thinking: "All cảloài have lives, until the insects themselves, Sorry dear. How to know take up drinking eating to protect myself kill beings?! "
Then again, practitioners should learn French officers. In all, Buddha is dark, because why? Since all wisdom is achievements, ten full-force, or an intellectual being, usually from introspection, keep about suicide being, that is known as the Buddha, also teaches the disciple who practices from introspection. Practitioners wishing to Hanh's officers, should also do not kill.
Question: If non-invasive heart I may end up, even if invasive, usurp, the botanical gardens, the time to do?
A: The measurement should Not disrespect. If you kill yourself, before should think: "the entire world is full or is important? Smash is the loss or riveted to the loss? " Such thinking keeps world's full body weight is contempt. If temporarily out of distress that is full-bodied, which is what? The possible convergence of elderly patients die, sure to be ruined. If for keeping world that takes itself, taking advantage of him is very important. "I thought back in front after the loss of the eternal, infinite number, or do the evil aggressors body beasts, just for your benefit that do the real work, which is due to hold the net for no pity. Discharge of the network to keep the sexes, more than hundred thousand ten thousand times to cancel all about to keep the whole body, can not for example be ". Determine the Centre as such, should have to die to net household. A Tu-da-complete delivery in a murderous, age about the traumatic event, must govern their career without being seen. My parents put the knife and a goat, locked up in the House where the Bao: "If not kill goats, not for people that see the Sun the Moon and eating". His own thoughts: "We should kill a goat, and he must do this business throughout his life, forever because the body that triggers this great sin?" Sailings take the knife to commit suicide. Parents open the door see goats standing at a woman and kids were destined. Right now, ựa birth sailings up the Sun. Or be like him, is because no regret life to households NET integrity. The meaning as such, called about not being.
Not to get is, know that things of other people that being mindful of theft, obtaining donated from the old place, is the creature of one; so called identity theft. If not, the call is not stealing. In addition, the media so calculated, so the handle that has not left out; He called helping thievery.
Member of two types: the type attached by others, there kinds do not belong to someone else. Obtaining in someone else is stealing. Creatures of other people also have two: 1-in the village of neighbors, 2-animals in space. In two places, there is the mind thief retrieved, then caught stealing. If things in space, please check out the review to know he's near the water? He must have the Department, should not be taken. As the Vinaya says about the failure. He called the General article is not stealing.
Question: Do not steal any benefits?
A: There are two lives: in and out. If Rob, then robbed outside the network, why? Because life is based on where food, clothes etc. new live. If Rob, if he stutters, called Rob external network, such as the shelf says:
"All beings
Take the rice dressing feed
Or Rob or steal
He called the hijacking "
Because he, who has Tri not to be plundered.
Then again, should think: "robbery was to give her a full body, but then also to die, to die in hell. But his family life was very glad that only their own bear the guilt nor save ". A suicide is that he should not to be stolen.
Then again, don't let that get here there are two things: 1-the Thief, pirate 2. both are called not to get it. Out of guilt for that taken, identity theft is so badly, why? Because everyone grab your livestock, which Cliff cut a turnover peach thief retrieved; because there is more power, that's why fear death, steal very impure. During the robbery, identity theft is. As the shelf says:
"Hungry thirsty body lean, thin
Great place, crime life
Of people cannot touch,
As the fire grew.
If the identity of the person,
Master it crying brain coat,
Assume that,
Also taken as suffering ".
Guilty of the murder being but heavy, just as aggressors against the slain men stealing back the aggressors with regard to all of the people. If the other circles, there is not always a crime against another country, and the theft, then all countries all punishment.
Question: Who plundered, lifetime now have the merit for is strong. So for the plundered; How to let go of the discharge?
A: Don't think that steal, that is general real friendly. In the edit, but there are, but they all are real friendly. Such mixed food toxins, poison food mixed half bad; delicious half bad but that poison is no different. As well as the morning, evening, day and night fire at the bicycle but that burning legs is a. «Economy, stupid people don't know the result reported crimes in two years, Irene has no mercy, found invasive power users alike, usurp others ' property, praise for strong, also lettered the Holy Sage Buddha's mercy during the clarify, run drawings all three lives should not miss, not complimented. So should know crime heist is real friendly, wholesome and non-meditators do. As Buddha said: "do not let that take ten. What are the ten? 1-the material is often angry. 2-being suspected for committing felonies. 3-travel Africa, not brewing. 4-friends with the evil guys, depart ranks gentleness. 5-General. 6-Be indicted with the view. 7-non-material. 8-Seeded Ayub of human industry. 9-dead fallen into hell. 10-If you are out that making people, industrious hard material bridge, became mutual in the House is either King, or the enemy, or fire, or the real aggressive use. Until the trove also lost.
Deviant Sex is, if for my daughter to be their parents, brothers, sisters, husbands, kids, law, and allow the constables Kings, which to her, or called. Or had someone but no one constables, constables from France. What is France constables? Are all the female and the female gender's life in a day; He was the gunner. If used, use up your animals, or lure, or have the wife's life; pregnant, have children who are breastfeeding period; or the runway; to use the corolla for the female sex to love books. Breaking the so called thing. Don't do things like that call is not.
Question: The constables to senior citizens, France should break the constables, so called. But for his wife, because that is your space?
A: Soap allows his wife's life in a day, was in France, but which was not freely. m Through out the life world day is forecast, France constables. Again, the wife is pregnant, because the other body heavy, tired old habits; back for fear of hurting the abdomen refurbished; When the longer periods of feeding that porn fuck the milk dries out; because the mind drunk lewd, no longer looking after children. Place the runway is not male, not female heart glad that forced justified should be called. What he didn't do, so it is not called.
Question: If the husband did not know, not seeing, not negativity it is suggestive that guilty?
A: Because it is deviant. Thread called ties, this is misdeed, so guilty.
Then again, there are sins: bad husband wife was different but close. Hijacking other people's love, broke the heart of his people; then the aggressors, has felony, bad reputation, being scared at least fun to hate, resentment, or fear of punishment. The fear of her husband and the two sides know, are often preferred to lie, being responsible for Holy yelled at is guilty of felony.
Then again, who sheltered abusers should think: "my wife's wife, and the woman, flesh bone on the other, the other not modal; that is why we bring forth the mind fascinate mistakes across the left, run to your TA? " The deviant sex break lose this life fun, posterity.
Then again, reversed rotated about itself, to initiate that: "If the other violated my wife, we're angry with poison; If we violate other person's wife, while the other, too different. Abdominal distress to themselves so shouldn't do ".
Then again, as Buddha said: "The deviant sex, after a fallen tree into hell sword, is all. When you are out of that as the family discord, common bawdy, deviant, evil aggressors. Deviant porn is the tribulation such as snakes, as well as the fire grew, not rushing, then painting again soon ". As Buddha said: "Deviant sex with ten offences: 1-often the owners wife abusers want to do harm. 2-the husband-wife argument, often fight each other. 3-day on French growth, any consequential reduction in France. 4-no constables themselves, his wife, and lonely. 5-the property every day wear and tear. 6-there are engaging, often gets people. 7-knowledge, familiarity popularity not excited. 8-Sow career personnel matter on the coast. 9-General network sabotage Himself, died in the Inferno. 10-If you are out that made the woman, must collectively stacked with many people, and if the female, then the wife chastity.
-Lie is, the mind is not pure, like to lie to lie to people, concealed the truth, in other words, being imported; He is lying. Crime is expected due to the mutual comprehension of the language there; If not the same understanding, but has said no truth, no lies.
Lying is talking, don't know, don't know know; see say no, don't say that; heard not heard, not heard heard; He is lying. If not, he is not lying.
Question: The lie that the crime?
A: People lie first of all the lie itself, then lied to people. Get real damage; get spoiled rotten, really it's insanity, not charity receives. Like the Hippo tank, the water is not to be. People who lie, are not very good, close the sealing door friendly and Nirvana. A review to know sin, for so doing.
Then again, considering how beneficial language it is very large. The benefit of it's speakers from his place, very easy to get. Such is the strength of the whole people. The Germans, who in his renunciation has this advantage. Such is the General of the who.
Then again, the truth, the mind them straight, easy to get off. Such as pulling away tree jungle, straight tree easy.
Question: If the lie is guilty, why do people lie?
A: Someone foolish lack of position, having the heart ACE, lied to escape, not knowing the French life forged, not know next life forged great quote. Again there are people who still know lies, but because San took part in ruicheng county courts, the foolish lot for should lie. . Again someone while not San in ruicheng county courts, which lied to witness crimes, protect Center is real, dead were fallen into hell, as disciple of Threads-BA-reach-maximum Sentences-elderly-cups, often explore Property's mistake-benefits-the ECHO, item-hopea-contact. At the time he is finished, the two settled down to travel through the water, rain, Sun met to the potters, stay in the House containing the map filled with pottery. In the House, before there was a women who sleep in that night, the two he didn't know. Monday night that the American dream is made impure, early in the morning to go over here to wash. Now the sentence-random-ly old crosses. The sentence-the elder-ly afford physiognomy, know the status of people who have, without knowing there dream or not to dream. The old spinning-Cup-said to his disciples: "this woman last night endorsed sex with other people". Federation for women: "She is in?" A: "I sleep thanks to the potters House". Asked: "with whom?" A: "Two Bhikkhu-on stilts". At the time two him from inside the House to come out. The sentence-an old-ly see it, come see the General tests, in Italy that he certainly did things impure. First hug is the mind disabilities quiz, now see this, take the MOSS into the hamlet villages, then go to the States, initiator of bad voices.
In the meantime, between Piracy-the United Kingdom go to want most Buddhas, Buddhas were on interior silence, in the net wage. They are also the stilts-Bhikkhu on tam I, unable to wake up, "I thought self sailings to most Buddhist Buddha on three I", and would like to go back and forth, back and think: "Buddha from going up, you will soon," should stop a little while and went to the front room-the elder-cups, knocked on the door saying: "-old man-ly! My-old-ly! Accommodation-benefits-the ECHO and The pure mind-hopea-Nanette nhuyến, also not deteriorates with stock that suffered agony for a lifetime ". The sentence-the elder-ly asked: "who would?" A: "I'm It-Uranus!" Question: "Buddha says he was led outcomes A-na-jaw, because how come"-United Kingdom the mind to think that said shelves:
"Like the French anticipated the immeasurable
Should not try to take the General,
Like the French anticipated the immeasurable,
He was blinded "
Said shelf it, Offense-the United Kingdom come to the Buddha, the full Pack. Buddha said: "Heal instead! Heal instead! Manual says the shelf ". Now The Sun's shelf say again:
"Like the French anticipated the immeasurable
Should not try to take the General,
Like the French anticipated the immeasurable,
He was blinded "
Piracy-the United Kingdom heard the Buddha says it suddenly not showing, raising anew the Sun. Now, My old-ly-come to the Buddha, the Buddha footprint ceremony, lui sits on one side. Buddha told The old--ly: "the ECHO and its benefits--Xa-hopea-pure heart like nhuyến, thou shalt not destroy stock that suffered agony for a lifetime". The old ladies-Cup-Buddha: "for the word of Buddha do not dare not believe, just because the eye sees clearly, exactly two false Religion truly had impure". Buddha scolded so three times, divorced three times-and old-also does not assume, from stand up, seat back, whole body being the new pimples, such as rapeseed, grows as the pea, apples, berries, as large as the bowler, East to sabotage, such as a large fire burning, wail, died during the night., sa to hell out of United States.
The time ranges-the night away to the white Buddha: "-old man-ly is dead". Is there a Date-Angel says: "Be fallen into hell out of United States".
Tuesday night over, Buddha tell them to Increase volume press conference that teaches that: "you want to know the network of life-long glass-short in hell?" The Bhikkhu-stilts ladies: "Pray to hearing". Buddha said: "had the casemated secondary sixty Sesame, there was over 100, taking away a sesame seed. Keep to the end that the life of hell A-compliance-gaining momentum yet. Of life in hell twenty A-edema-da is the life of a hell-la-da. Of life in hell twenty Ni-la-da life-line is in a hell of A-a-la. Of life in hell twenty A-a-la is the life of a hell A-BA-BA. The life of hell in the twenty A-she-she is the life of hell in a Retirement-retirement. Of life in hell twenty Retirement-retirement life is hell in a number-three dollars. Digital life in twenty-three European-hell-la is the life of a hell-da-Le-ca. Shou of the twenty hell-da-Le-ca is the life of an underworld Ma-ha-Ba-head – ma. The sentence-an old-ly been fallen to hell Ma-ha-Ba-early-ma, the tongue was pulled out loudly, taking five cent nail crashing into five hundred the plough plow up ". Now That the new Religious said shelves:
"People being in my life,
The hammer in the mouth,
Firepower cutting oneself,
Led by the evil words.
Ðáng yelled at again compliments,
Ðáng praise again yelled at,
The mouth contains the evil,
Not all are happy,
The mind of evil beings industrial exporters.
Ðọa cell Ni-la-
Enough to be filled hundreds of thousands of years,
Is suffering poison spicy,
If being A-edema-da,
Be filled enough of thirty-six,
Private again in my life,
Bear the agony.
Mind slash Ta comments,
Break the word of His Saints,
As tre b. left,
Self destruct itself ".
As such, the mind being doubted defamation comes to the decision is also a lie. People lie, even the word of Buddha's life again. Because such crimes bear, so should not lie.
Then again, as the Buddha is La-almost-la, as a Cub, not yet known but the mouth, someone asked: "The Sun in the House?" Lied: "not at home". If the Buddha is not at home, someone asked: "La-almost-la, Buddha at home?" Lied: "Buddha at home". There are people. Someone said to Buddha, Buddha told La-almost-la: "take Me for washing the feet". Buddha's foot-washing is complete, said: "Inverted flower pots together". According to the teachings, La-almost instant dollar inverted, Buddha told La-almost-la: "fetch water for bottling up". Pouring is complete, the Buddha asked: "water into the pots." Ladies: "white World Religion, not on". Buddha told La-almost-la, "as well as such. People who don't know very good 3rd quarter, the French Director, che lie not in being ". As Buddha said: lied with ten offences: 1-Slightly foul mouth. 2-Angels shunned, the Africa human convenience. 3-However there honestly no one believe tho. 4-The General Conference decoration, often did not qualify. 5-often suffer defamation, are notorious evil rumors all over the world. 6-do not respect people, while education, people do not acknowledge applications. 7-Often many insects. 8 human industrial drills Jesica for libel. 9-trunk joint network sabotage will fire into hell. 10-If you are out doing the extraordinary, were defamatory. The things not to do, he is not lying, called the donation law of the mouth.
Don't drink the alcohol, there are three things. 1-2, rice wine-Alcohol result, 3-medicinal Alcohol. The wine's fruit A-Le-tra, the so called Alcohol results. Medicinal wine is the medicinal plants in harmony with rice, yeast in water the cane, can turn into wine, Wine-like animal milk, hot milk all are doing Fine. In short, the things or dry or wet, or bar or the weapon can cause the center of the upheaval, both sheltered launcher called wine. All of which should not drink, then called don't drink.
Question: Alcohol can except cold statement itself, making the wedding Festival, why not drink?
A: Handy little body that harm oneself very much, should not drink. Such good food which is mixed. Is the poison? As Buddha said to Favor-she-Nan code-title-song: "Alcohol is harmful article 35: 1-current lifetime member of hao Kiet, why? Because the drunk, the mind does not know more limitations, fees are useless. 2-the gateway for all disabilities. 3-the root of the fighting. 4-Accomplice not know Tiger. 5-bad reputation. 6-no respect. 7-creature are not, things get broken again. 8-these things discreetly brought out with people. 9-The career was not abandoned. 10-Say were melancholy, why? While intoxicated causing much guilt. 11-power Stems more and less. 12-Best Body ruined. 13-do not know worship the father. 14-don't know the mother church. 15-no-glasses. 15-no Ba-la-Mon. 16-no glass, paying attention and respect, why? Because when drunk kissing me startled, irrespective of anything. 18-Not revered Buddha. 19-no glasses. 20-no glass Up. 21-Friends with evil guys. 22-depart ja ranks. 23-Do people. 24-Not very good. 25-Not the constables. 26-sordid lust. 27-the ganh hate loathe to see. 28-the religious kinship with further information and intellectual pursuit. 29-real Executive. 30 to dispose friendly France. 31-Being I am who do not believe in use, why? Because of the ample launched by alcohol. 32-depart Nirvana. 33-Sow the coast people madly, si. 34-Environmentally destructive common networking fallen into hell, evil. 35-If made, it engenders often have to frantically nuts. Because of the disastrous thing like that, so don't drink, as the shelf says:
"Alcohol, loss of sensory General tri,
Excellent body directly under that bad,
Entertainment Center for that disorder,
So far you have been robbed.
Furniture, increased anger,
D., to cancel national and religious
So while the call taking,
What to drink poison.
Not mad at that,
Not worth the laugh that laughs,
Not worth the tears that weep
Not worth the fight,
Not worth saying that said,
No other genus of the whirl,
Robbing the public of Germany.
The Tigers know nothing
The four charges of not doing so, is suspected of law. Don't lie is the oral law's facilities, called the five precepts Premium facilities-Ms.-rule.
Question: If hold eight suspected law (three-body, the mouth has four and don't drink) and feed is clean, called sex, so why do you Favor-for in-laws suspected of mouth no doubt law 3 (say two tongues, evil speaking, says spin) and feed the way pure?
A: Every home life, renunciation of sex in my life, just cum tu Phuoc in Germany, could not overhaul the French border, so the Buddha is only meant to hold five.
Then again, in four Saturday, gun industry lie is most severe. Then again, the lie is mental beings trying to do, and the other business (saying blade etc.) or attempt to do, or who didn't mind doing.
Then again, just telling lies is composed of three other stuff enough.
Then again, in the French charity, chon TAM is the largest. If say chon TAM is actually already contains enough for four Saturday speech.
Then again, every life in renunciation, and the handling of the incident, the emissary of career, so it's hard to keep the sexes do not say evil. Lying is intentionally done. Because of the weight should not do.
In this world there are five degrees of life leaders in Premium class-Mrs.-rule: 1-For the travel Pros-she-rule, 2-Minimum operating parts Pros-she-rule, 3-almost all the Priority administration-BA-, 4-Man baggage Favor-she-rule, 5-Ðoạn porn Pros-BA-rule.
For the onion is in only a year in the life, life could not maintain the four worlds.
Minimum part is or are the sexes, or three.
Almost all the life is four.
Meet the life operations keep the year.
Ðoạn sex is life after the five precepts, in front of the Master again vow that "I respect your wife no longer ran the prostitution", she called in, like Buddhas up shelves that:
"Do not kill nor steal.
Also there is no deviant sex,
So, don't drink alcohol
Chief network with meditate
If done so,
Except for fear of his life, two
About Irene often under the fuselage,
Often together with Sun.
United six times in his life,
The bright colors and play,
Because of this, a year of flowers
In the sky one day.
Natural birth, sky tree
The Corolla and I strayed,
Red flowers as decorative lamps,
The color or the other.
Endless sky pond run numbers,
How much stuff the color,
Essential white in the Sun,
Sealed Lightweight not xen openings.
Brilliantly weaving embroidery of gold,
Text appears slightly cloudy.
Upper magic like that,
Under his gracious direction from rain tree.
Bright turquoise earrings,
Far from bright piles of limbs,
Ladies dressed up,
Also from the tree of heaven.
The golden flowers "Yuri,
Diamond made wind flower,
Softer Fragrant incense,
Under his gracious direction from rich pond.
Terms, paintings, not most,
«Anointing themselves by the seven treasures,
Beautiful sweat, should be in,
Also from the trees.
Three tree-seat-substance-multi,
Between the trees,
In the other the wedding Festival
No where.
Keep gender is ploughing,
Tree of heaven from then on out,
Kitchen orange taste heaven-,
Drink eat except hunger and thirst.
Daughter God not afraid,
No accidental pregnancy,
Investors can also fun nature,
Eat, from Ms. distress.
Keep usually, photography
Enacted by the birth place of freedom,
It also loads,
Usually be happy happy.
Qian Chu himself in,
Lo agony no longer being,
Think what links to.
Optical body shining dark.
The funny stuff like that,
Under his gracious direction due to laboratory experiments and boundary,
If you want to be reported,
H y should themselves bear jewelry ".
Question: Now talk about the three-dollar suite will be known as the Buddha, why concur n Fuk newspaper the Sun?
A: Buddha three certainty bitten is not wrong: he was about to be Maintained, Dai Phuoc birth place as good, to be freed. If the only place of birth be kept private if tu, wisdom, compassion, harmony was the fruit of three redundant. Only approved Cyrillic letters maintained present life be merit, reputation, happily, ever after bitten, such as Shelf has riveted the exclamation. As a child, getting the bitter pills coated, after drinking it. Now first of all riveted German procrastination the exclamation of joy, so after one hosted new world. Maintenance about it, created a large voluntary testimony, go to Buddha, which was then maintained about being About Three-la-suite.
Because all men are like soak up the fun. In the pleasures of the world, the sky is over. If listening to the hedonistic stuff on the left, the long-running maintenance. Later heard on trơì impermanent beings Center for boring, and so may demand release. Listen to the Buddha's merit immeasurable, if there is a compassionate mind arises, three Lady-la-suite will be reaching to the Buddha. Due to that reason, said blessed by world without error.
Question: Every home life, renunciation, fiction or what other solution there?
A: Also about the life in a day in the life of his six-day, immeasurable merit. Or in the last twelve months, from day one to fifteen days ' cooling-life world, was blessed in Germany very much.
Question: How do the life in a day?
A: How about life one day, was kneeling straight hand-pieced together (before about Pastor) said like this: "My name ... now a days a night refuge, the Buddha, the Dharma y y". Say so more refuge for the second, the third.
"My name is. ... Buddhist refuge and, Yes, the French refuge refuge Increased. ". Saying so to the second, the third refuge.
"My name is ... or any industry, any industry, export your career any good, because exercise yard ruicheng County, foolish. Or this life or prior life, there is the guilt that way, today's sincere repentance. Hull, the mouth is purity, maintained the eight precepts ". He is Bo-slaps, hull is in good student (sleep well).
"As schools of Theravada Buddhism, life is not close to being, my name is ... in one on one night and not being, as well as such".
"As schools of Theravada Buddhism, a lifetime is not theft, my name is ... in a night is not theft, as well as such".
"As schools of Theravada Buddhism, a lifetime is not lewd, my name is ... in one day one night not lewd, as well as such".
"As schools of Theravada Buddhism, life does not lie, my name is ... in one day one night does not lie, as well as such".
"As headless Buddha, lifetime don't drink, my name is ... in a day and a night not to be drinking, as well as such".
"As headless Buddha, lifetime doesn't sit at high bed, my name is ... in one day one night does not sit high beds, as well as such".
"As headless Buddha, lifetime does not wear the corolla, not therapeutic, not wearing perfume scent, my name is ... in a day and a night and do not wear the corolla, not therapeutic, not wearing marinated flavor, as well as such".
"As schools of Theravada Buddhism, life does not dance to have fun, don't go see hear, my name is ... in one day one night does not make dance fun, don't go to the hearing, as well as such".
"Life was done eight, as Buddha did not eat during the lifetime, midday, I called ... one full day per night and not eat midday as well as such".
"My name is ... tho take eight attending France's headless Buddha, known as the Bo-slapped. Pray keep this Portuguese quote Phuoc eternal being slapped, fallen on the wicked, eight accidents. I also did not request the fun in the world, the rotating Switch-Seong, God-like-the-United Kingdom, only the chapel end of the negativity, the crew gets Slapped-Mrs. Buddhism (wisdom) Buddha's achievement ".
Question: How to Shou in world?
A: Kneeling straight hand-pieced together (before an architect) saying: "My name is. .. Buddhist refuge, the refuge, refuge ". Say the same for the second, the third.
"My name is. .. Buddhist refuge and, Yes, the French refuge refuge Increased. ". Saying so to the second, the third.
"The Priority is-she-principles of Buddha, please place credentials to his name ... from today until life refuge".
The pastor should say: "Favor-she-rules, you take a listen: The Tathāgata, the cult, the Chief Justice made the voters, know, see, because consumers Favor-she-theoretical principles in this world, your life expectancy. What is the year?
- Lifetime did not murder of birth is about Favor-she-rule. In this lifetime should not deliberately close to being. This if kept, answer: Yes, keep.
-Life is not theft is about Favor-she-rule. In this lifetime should not be stealing. This if kept, answer: Yes, keep.
-Lifetime non-deviant sex is about Favor-she-rule. In this lifetime should not. This if kept, answer: Yes, keep.
-Whole life not lied about the pros-she-rule. In this lifetime should not lie. This if kept, answer: Yes, keep.
Lifetime-don't drink is about Favor-she-rule. In this lifetime should not drink alcohol. This if kept, answer: Yes, keep.
He is in the Pros-BA-rule, life expectancy.
Should donate that Buddha said, France said, Bhikkhu-stilts Rising tu Phuoc to pray, Buddhist industrious.
Question: Because the stars in six days, eight boys, tu Phuoc in Germany?
A: Because of the evil Qủy who track that day, wanted to rob the country, causing illness, disease, aggressive impaired failed to do for non-peaceful. As such, the Saints at human life teaches users maintain, overhaul welfare largesse to avoid violence, impaired. At the time the French boys life not eight, in a single day not eating is the son. Later the Buddha's birth, taught that: "The people take a day, a night like headless Buddha holds eight vehicles, and midday. The Germans then put people to Nirvana ". As in the Quartet-the-United Kingdom, Buddha said: "every June on son, the Crown Prince and four angels, self down to Earth observing being, if fewer alms, maintained the positive, the parents, raising over Sun God with the benefit-Ðao-like. God-like, Chu heaven are not happy, saying: "just like A-tu-la more, just like little heavenly divine". If there are many alms, maintained the positive, God-like, then parents Chu Tianxin are wedding Festival, said: "Chu Tian increased interest, we A-tu-la-loss reduction", was now Like-subject-she-na-inhabitants see Chu Tianxin hoan Hy should ignore theories that:
"June on Shinto,
Shou maintained about purity,
Her longevity,
The Germans must like me ".
Buddha told the Bhikkhu-stilts: "Love-theme-complete Nhon should not ignore such theories. Because of the Love-theme-complete Nhon was in general decline and three independent yet except, why lie is kept about a day, I must quote Phuoc merit? "
If said: "Longevity maintenance fiction, will be like headless Buddha" is a real word. By the Australian coast guard t.j. hoan Hy should be blessed increase much.
Then again, in the six days he, evil villains Qủy, brain disorders. If the neighbor villages, mounds, hamlet of districts would have the remain healthy boys, tho, so charming, wicked qủy stay away, stay of an OK. Therefore, should the six-day maintenance boys, tho be blessed increase much.
Question: Why we're the evil Qủy's six-day use to brain harm people?
A: In the Scriptures to learn more about Head Boots said: "At the new life, which the son of heavenly father's Date Singularity-the qủy spirit, ascetic seclusion by date-Solstice, full-on, in this six-day cut of meat, blood, taken to the fire. So the Qủy spirit in six days, and he has power.
Question: The father of the Qủy spirit, why in this six-day cut of meat, blood, taken to the fire?
A: In the spirit, Ma-he-Thu-la spirit is greater than the whole, the spirit comes with updates. Ma-he-Thu-la every month there are four updates is mồng 1, 2, 3, 14, 29, and the other gods of each month there are two updates is mồng 1 and may 16, or the day 2 and day 17, also on May 15 and November 30 in all. Ma-he-Thu-la is the home of the gods, should be much more days. Including the four day's son, and two days in all Spirit also tells is son. So in the six days the Qủy God of power.
Then again, the father of the Qủy spirit, in this six-day cut of meat, blood, taken to the fire in the twelve years, Uranus came down told me that: "do you pray?" A: "have children". Uranus said: "this is their first donation Allowed burning incense, sweets and purity. How did you get the blood of meat to in fire, do as the French crime? You broke your favorite charity, work evil, just makes you evil child birth, eating meat, drinking blood ". Even while saying the word, in eight great Qủy black ink-like appearance, body, blond hair, red eyes, great light. All Qủy God are from eight Qủy God this was born. So in this six-day cut of meat, blood, taken to the fire, which has been powerful. Also as in the Buddha Dharma, on no good bad, depending only on the coast of ferocious world that teaches boys about life maintenance.
Question: In and about a day, about any more?
A: Coast guard personnel should the sexes equally. But five shall keep for life, and eight world just kept in a day. The year usually hold much time, that world back at least. Also about a day, the less time that world back lot.
Then again, if there is no authorized Centre but no precept for life with only the mind keeps about one day. Examples include the soft dust, while the troops whose Dzung decor, lifetime is not enough, in the end there is the category. If such an ardent hero, Binh Dinh, animation and immediately credits a day that bosses at all. Two things about this are France's Strengths-you-basis in the home. Home maintenance class world has four levels: there is lower, middle, upper, upper terrace.
Lower staff maintain globe for this fun, or because of fear, because of the honor, reputation, either because permission, PM in my person, or avoid the gauge room, off the yoke. The so-called lower human maintenance.
The workers maintain the wealthy class, is playing like Italy, which later lost or because the blessed hope, etched on to self celebrate the good little gauge that benefit a lot. Such thinking, should be solidly maintained. For such traders, went away to the deep, be beneficial for sure. Blessed of procrastination, make people enjoy the blessed tribe hereafter also as such.
Upper staff maintain globe is because Nirvana bridge. The French relied upon are impermanent, like to be absent from the bridge, often amusing wuwei.
Then again, people who maintain world no regrets, no remorse should be excited, be delighted should be for the mind, for the mind should be real, be real position should be that the mind has to be boring, boring mind should be glass, be physical separation should be freed, be freed should be Nirvana. Maintenance about such basics of the charity.
Then again, maintenance is the gateway initialization of the eight preliminary gate, legitimacy to the Scouts, definitely go to Nirvana.
Question: As in Eight districts, Chief Justice, the Chief Justice in the Middle, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice and almond at the top. Now why did say preliminary gateway is maintained by Eight legitimacy?
A: Take the big thing to say, is the first Chief Justice of enormous magnitude so in the beginning.
Then again, as the Chief Executive do ants get relief; While the France order, so in advance. Such buildings, the roof roof rafters but big, which due to land first.
Upper staff maintain globe is as merciful being, because the Buddha, because know France, bridge's General, not for fear of evil, not for fun. The things, the people maintain, then four. Collectively the world Favor-she-rule.
Spice World there are four grades: 1-Sa-di,-di-ni, 2-Way-massage-ma-na, 3-World Bhikkhu-stilts, 4-World Bhikkhu-stilts-increase.
Question: If the birth is home to the Sun, are Bo-slaps, also be Nirvana, then also need something to spice world?
A: But the same privileged level, but there was hardly much different. At his birth the design profession, if it wants to address Dao, gia industrial era were abandoned, if one wants to specialize in care of his career the right career direction. Don't get left out, is the manner should do, he called it hard. If the renunciation, absent from the end to the turmoil, a single-minded onions is easy.
Then again, in his loud, plenty more work, is the root of the unlawful use, it contains the evil, so very hard. If the renunciation, for as someone out in that same inane whom specialize for the mind, do not think do not worry, the right of deduction, then the outside also died, as the shelf says:
"Net Sitting between forest tree,
The quiet end of the wicked,
Diem protein be added mind,
Happy than pleased.
People gain wealth,
Pretty good bed mattress,
Have fun not an OK,
Because the bridge is not silly enough.
Ca-sa goes qifu mumo carried,
The most common mind only Ðộng,
Self taken intellectual eye,
One knows the real France.
In the French second division.
On equality, under his gracious direction
Twas wisdom breakfast,
Three of the class ".
So should know about ethical conduct tu spice is easy.
Then again, renunciation of tu, is immeasurable in good law, all facilities are full; so should every white shirt should come join tho.
Then again, in the Dharma, France is hardly the most convent. As Pham-releases Match-fitness-your-Property-the echo benefits-asked: "what's the most difficult Buddhist?" XA-benefits-to develop a: "renunciation is hard". Ask: "spice is hard?" A: the "export my fun French is difficult. Been delighted France, while what's hard? Tu the charity France should hardly need renunciation ".
Then again, if the home debut, the awe-inspiring Devil suspected that "this person the unlawful use of thin coming, be witness to be Nirvana, stands to increase security."
Then again, in the Dharma, the renunciation but cancel out, fallen into sin, that when the crime was freed. As in Wrath-Bowl-la-flowers-and-stilts-Birth Duty Bhikkhu says, ' the Buddha Bhikkhu At that, at-stilts-and this is A-la-Han, enough for six gods, go to the elegant, often praised the French renunciation, told the women that you: "my sister should come!" The elegant woman said: "we're teens, event Rover brilliantly nice plump, precept is difficult, or would have to break the world". Bhikkhu-stilts-ni said, "simply, spice world, the break". Question: "break the world will be fallen into hell, how do you break?" A: "Ðọa hell, the fallen". The women you are laughing said: "in hell is guilty, how fallen?" Bhikkhu-stilts-ni said, "I'll remember himself before the daughter done, the area of old, sometimes wearing Bhikkhu-stilts-ni to do weddings. So does Lanie, that the Buddha aromatic herbs-I am the Bhikkhu-stilts-ni from the series itself, they said, the Chief Justice who, being arrogant that breach the ban. Because crime smash must bear the hell fallen sinners. Bear guilt, may meet the Buddha Love-Romanian houses that renunciation, was shown to the A la fruit director Han, enough for six gods. So should know about life, but spice to sex, which do about human fate should be evidence led outcomes A-la-Han. If only do evil, without human fate is not privileged. I thửơ in front of an eternal hell, evil people out from hell, the evil dead returned to hell that don't get anything. Now take this witness that knew that renunciation, a life yet again broke the world; but thanks to the human s/he may elect moral outcome.
Then again, as when Buddha in at United Perfectly, have a Ba-la-alike say come to Buddha, please do Bhikkhu-stilts. Buddha sai A-nan head shaved, dressed in France. When he woke up, saw his torso back now suddenly the Bhikkhu-stilts, successively fled. The Bhikkhu-stilts asks the Buddha: "so that the people She-la-Mon say she Bhikkhu-stilts?" Buddha said: "She-la-Mon, of immeasurable life, at first there was no center of renunciation, now drunk people temporarily who played so little. Thanks to charm people, following his privileged ". Due to the multiplication of such charm, the benefit of the countries immeasurable merit. That's why every renunciation but have longevity in men without equal.
The law has four manufacturing facilities, class Sa-di,-di,-massage-ma-na, Bhikkhu-stilts-ni and Bhikkhu-stilts.
How Sa-di,-di-ni is renunciation tho about France? Every renunciation would like to export, you should bridge the two wizards: 1-2, venerable-A-Acharya. Venerable father, Acharya as his mother. Since leaving my parents should parent bridge engenders. Even y CA sa, removing hair, two venerable legs grip. Why hold? According to the permission of Tianzhu for the hold is the highest donation reverent. The A-Acharya should teach the ten precepts, as life is about. Sa-di-ni also, just take the Bhikkhu-stilts-ni as venerable. Form-massage-ma-na Shou maintained six to France for two years.
Question: Sa-di-life expectancy, gender Specific ten student, also in France Bhikkhu-stilts-ni, why has the Formula-massage-ma-na, a new International Instrument, after life?
A: At Buddha also in world, having a wife he head fake, not know I was pregnant, my sufficiency Tool life. Then, present the sorcerer said head fake the problems the Bhikkhu-stilts. Multiply that Buddha instituted two years learning about life, maintained that six new life, following Student Tools for.
Question: If because of muscle problems, formal-massage-ma-na that does not cause muscle problems?
A: Form-massage-ma-na not yet sufficiency Tool life, for children, as well as a housekeeper, but guilty is not organised body, UE.
Form-massage-ma-na had two women: a VND is class 18 longevity of six French, two is ten years in the life of French etymology is six. If the student's Instrument, the life span is in between two sets Up Shop enough in y and custard. Bhikkhu-stilts-ni as venerable and Professor. Bhikkhu-stilts as the mastermind. In addition, as life permits. Said Combs had 500 men, said the van 8 wide. When Fang-the third Ghost is completed, is to be the law, an immeasurable achievements Bhikkhu-stilts-ni.
Bhikkhu-stilts and has 3 y and custard, 3, 10, true to life in France. Said Combs had 250 world wide had forecast, said van 8. When Fang-ma last Tuesday, is being suspected law immeasurable (Bhikkhu-stilts), collectively the world's Competition.

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