Friday 28 March 2014

BUSINESS: for all France, Abbot no mind?, so full of meditation-la-suite.
Comment: question: what is the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite?
A: Ch?Bo-slaps from the play of mind required for a set period of time, in the middle of her wisdom to know that t?ớng the French, then the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Question: If nh?so, should not be called Ba-la-suite, because why? Because ch?a to banks of wisdom?
A: Wisdom of the Buddha saw e?it's mostly Three-la-suite. Multiply nI ti a three-dollar-that's the secret facility run by Bo-slaps, also known as Ba-la-suite; because in speaking thus. The elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite, in the mind of Buddha, renamed the place necessarily. Bo-slapping practice wisdom bridge to the other side, so called Ba-la-suite; Buddha came to the other side, so called the Buddha's place is necessarily.
Question: All negativity and Buddha air has the intellectual eye, pure, so true nh?it's testimony to?mostly it's t?ớng the real t;?ớng legal news is the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. Bo-ch slappedhima killer take of contraband, the intelligent eye ch?a, how can know eit's reachable t?ớng of France?
A: That would broadly in chương, now just l?come along and say. Nh? ngllife on the sea, babyyouthe new time slider, ngllifemake the spectacle of deep seabed shallow sources, while others that were called in. Buddha and the Bo-slappedhim but also that. The bottom of the same Buddhist sources, while Bo-ch slappedita end to negativity and the meager power, gas, not deep into. Butit was in the latter that says for example: Nh? ngllife in the House up the street lights burning, per each are clear, another big lights, more hI tn, know the darkness of the following lamp shone out with the shadow of lamp tr?ớc projector breaking down along in one spot. Lamp tr?ớc but the same darkness in common, which also illuminates eitreachable objects. If lamp tr?ớc there is no darkness in General, the following lamp does not add anything useful. The wisdom of Buddha and the Bo-slapped as wellso it ardently. The wisdom of the United States-though slapping together with unhappiness and episodes air per seat, which is still known tohimare mostly what t?ớng of France, also the nhl lamp tr?ớc can throw tohimare mostly animals wisdom of Buddha; also ends the negativity of gas volumes and also know eit's reachable t?ớng of France; nhhim again the lamp more clearer.
Question: What is the real t?ớng the French?
A: All ng?life comes comes to true t?ớng the French, himself is a must. In this serious t?ớng is unable to break the họai, th?ờng stay more constant, no-one made out tohimto come along. Nhcovered in chương after the Buddha speaks with Tu-Bodhi: "If United--slapped a whole France isn't th?ờng, ill th?ờng, isn't agony weren't lost, falling isn't egolessness, there weren't no etc. also does not work for a time, he called Bo-slapped Three elegant eight-practice-la-suite. In this sense is left whole, ends the whole language, absent from the capital, from x"a back date any living being immortal nh? t?ớng Nirvana. T?ớng all France also nh, right , this is what t?ớng of France. Nhright shelf article praising the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite that:
"The elegant eight-Ba-la-suite,
It's not insanity,
Anniversary, t?ởng, subtracting,
Ð?ờng vernacular ended also.
Infinite l?the heart of crime except off,
Center for th?ờng for purity.
Ng?religious life magic nh?so,
Time to see e?reachable Baghdad,
Nh?h?not Immaculate,
Infinity hý, loads of inscriptions,
If a sync?reachable nh?so,
He is seen,
Thats right nh?France a Buddha,
The bowl-and Nirvana,
Three things then a t?ớng,
Thats right it's not wrong.
Ch?Buddha and the Bo-slaps,
Benefits for all,
Baghdad's elegant mother,
Or export being raised,
Buddha is my being,
Bat-Susan engenders Buddha,
Bowl of Buddhism is the model,
Of all beings.
Baghdad-a charming French,
Buddha spoke out more names.
Depending on the strength of being,
Set up your other self.
If ng?life e?reachable Baghdad,
Center for conferences are over.
Nh?when the sun rises,
Sương soon vanish.
Dread in Germany of Baghdad,
Lay the two-class action ng?time slider:
The unconscious mind is fear,
Ng?time slider has position wedding Festival.
If ng?life e?reachable Baghdad,
The master of Baghdad,
For the elegant eight-no v?ớng,
Scenarios for France.
Baghdad-where are no grace,
Also do not go anywhere,
Ng?time slider position all over the nMatthewi,
Search requests do not see d?reachable.
If you do not see Baghdad,
He was forced.
If ng?time slider to see Baghdad,
He also is being forced.
If ng?time slider to see Baghdad,
Then e?come along and release.
If you do not see Baghdad,
He also e?come along and release.
It is very useful for Greece,
There is profound, daimyo
Countries which nh?going to object,
See that cannot be seen.
Ch?Buddha and the Bo-slaps,
Thanh-Van, pratyekabuddha,
DAO freed Nirvana,
Under his gracious direction from elegant eight-e?reachable.
The dominant theory is that secular,
Because thương for mercy all,
Pretending to speak French,
While saying that said.
The elegant eight-Ba-la-suite,
Countries which nh?big flame,
The four sides are not manually sync?reachable,
Do not take not take,
(Loads its Heron real player).
A good player has to discharge,
He called impossible.
Can not manually which player,
He immediately called.
T?ớng bowl of Buddhism not ruined,
V?ợt across all languages,
V?no nương's title,
Who praise c?reachable in Germany,
Bat-Susan can't compliment.
I now d?mostly concur the exclamation,
However, ch?a land of death,
Then also has t itreachable off ".
Question: Why just call private elegant eight-Three-la-suite is Out (ha) without calling in Ba-la-suite?
Ð p: Ma ha, China room is out of sight, the elegant eight-room is Downstairs. The elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite room is Ðáo Belgium Bank. As to the other Bank of the sea of wisdom, to the opposite of all wisdom, to have the same so called due to Belgium on the left bank.Lettered in three big ten media-life Buddhas, Thursday to be Bo-slaps, pratyekabuddha, Thanh-Van; four officers are from Bat NHA-Ba-la-suite very contentious should be called Out.
Then again, it or giving big thing coming beings, invisible power, usually don't turn the other, called Nirvana. Also, the three-dollar suite there are not the same. Alms etc. that leaves Three elegant eight-dollars-suite then just beings giving worldly thing coming, should not be called Out.
Question: What is wisdom?
A: The elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite currency stock photography all wisdom; because why, because Bo-slapped for Buddha should leaders must learn all of France, are all intellectual; it's all wisdom of the bar-writer, Buddha, pratyekabuddha. does three things: wisdom, benighted, benighted African Studies. Location Africa studying Africa's benighted as Qian Hui, impure, an-na-Bowl-na, Satipatthana in the Education World, ovum, wealthy girl, French ring, the first French etc. Position the French gauge was knowledgeable, patient, wisdom to navigate A-la-Han, Kim-cang tam-I intellectual property in afraid (Infinity interrupt) ninth. Benighted place is A-la-Han with ninth place freed (emancipated). From then on, all benighted places as Take place of birth, position, etc. Global Intelligence leader pratyekabuddha also so.
Question: If the pratyekabuddha Scouts as well as such, how do you distinguish between the bar and pratyekabuddha?
A: Dao but what use are different. If the client fails to appear at the Buddha Dharma, or destroyed at the left by previous coast guard personnel, comes wisdom, not by others, by the intellectual self Prime. As a monarch to go hang out in the Park, ban mai in the am to see lush fruit trees, are great fun. The King ate lying idle, the wife of the King's favourite subject, jointly picking flowers, break break the forest tree, King woke up, saw the tree was destroyed, which awakened self: "all the world, were all ruined, the impermanence as well!" Such thinking, the mind infinity pirated arises, end to end unlawful use, the DAC conducts pratyekabuddha six enough spirit, associated to the middle of the jungle alone. Coast Guard personnel are so, so blessed, prayer, life-bitten before, now see a little human evidence s/he gets into moral pratyekabuddha. is so wrong.
Then again, pratyekabuddha has two: One called independent from, the two called the coast guard like on said. This person is independent from this life into his own enlightened leaders do not follow other people's hearing, called independent from sensory Flanges-chi-ca Buddha.
Independent from sensory Flanges-chi-ca Buddha has two grades: 1 – Which is a first, being in the human species, then there is no Buddha, Dharma has to kill, the Tu-da-done has met seven phen being, no longer being the eighth into the self, experienced leader. This person is not known as the Buddha, not known as A-la-Han, just called the minor Flanges-chi-ca Buddha, along with A-la-Han is no different. Or is not equal to An A-la-Property of Han-benefits-the echo etc. 2-Be Flange Ðại-chi-ca Buddha, in a hundred lifetimes to create merit, wisdom, are the thirty two generals, or thirty-one, thirty, twenty-nine generals, so a general class of nine A-la-Han, wisdom through more profitable, to be of General, General of the French didn't even penetrating, long on practice planyour favorite, often alone. General condition as such, called Ðai pratyekabuddha, hence the difference.
The Buddhist bridge your IP address, when play began prayer: "Pray me vexed the escape being, are all the Dharma, practice six Three-la-suite; breaking them Ma and unhappiness, are necessarily mind, Buddha accomplishments, so on infinity-residual Nirvana. According to a vow a, from intermediaries that acquire wisdom, all of chess, chess knows everything; He called the wisdom of the Buddha. Three things are wisdom knows, to the opposite shore; so say to the intellect.
Question: If as stated all wisdom should go, or the world, or the world; why only said the intelligence of three admit to the shore it, without saying the position?
A: The intelligence of three surplus is real wisdom, the others were damaged. Bo-slaps but know that professionals do. As except for Mount Ma-Le, the trees do not produce other mountain Sheep-flock. Or in other words, are all from the Buddhist Dharma that has been. From where non-Dharma, the new look but the idea, which long time not beautiful; countries such as cow's milk milk trick, sharpens it still the same, that cow's milk into cream, milk trick during the segment. The word Dharma and words of layman are saying: "do not kill, do not steal, from introspection beings who, left; and a "no" yet, but the word pagan comes at first but in a theatrical performance, which together have the place about the lies. All Pagans are getting into the fall. If it had fallen while it must fall into the two possible làtướng ruin; or is General not ruin; If làtướng ruin must like cowhide, if the General does not ruin the forecast is like nowhere. In two places he without sin, without any approval. If such frivolous, the rain can not hook permeability, hot winds can not drying, the forecast fall in General; If brain damage often cannot gauge era, tribe can't do fun. If not, the gauge should not avoid suffering find Phuoc. If the leather, wind rain disintegrates, while falling to impermanence; If impermanent not guilty Phuoc. My layman said if true, the weather didn't work not as blessed, to being a crime?
Question: Blessed in Germany hold the layman has such problems, while meditation and wisdom?
A: Layman who took the fall for meditation in observance should be much longer, opinion,, does not discharge all France should have no real intelligence.
Question: He has a layman a "no", "not" the discharge of all France, why say layman does not exhaust all legal, so it's a no-brainer?
A: Layman but a "no", but accept the Prime Minister did not, while the French are not without self know I don't; because no one intelligence over love.
Question: Layman going to infinity, in which the mind of mind of France were both down; since both kill should not blame Prime Minister of Ireland prior to wisdom?
A: Due to power of sexual fantasy to make removal, not because of intellectual truth; back in it being for it's Nirvana, not knowing that there was only due to the agreement worked out by the fall in crazy island; in which the mind while temporarily removal, after meeting the Coast Guard's contentious; for as people slept without dreamsNo, the mind works, but to the way the weather has returned.
Question: Determine invisible idea has such problems, there are useful to determine the African idea of the non-disabled, in that not all good ideas, don't like compulsive ideas makes removal as is in the infinity idea; that in here because of the intellectual power, should no longer think?
A: In fact, he should know; not because of if is still disciples of Buddha's idea for what probably was real intelligence again? In Buddhism, consciousness in Non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought, relying where three aggregates (the life, ideas, travel) that head. This charming four aggregates for human impermanence, impermanence, impermanence suffering should should not, should not be egolessness does anatta ought to be able to discharge. He likes to immerse the intellect should not be Nirvana; Examples include measuring worm, co to legs an right distilled front legs, if it called off, no longer to be back again. Layman First Lady meditation flush to take part in exercise lower, to slash non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of, to discharge loads of possession, on which no longer turns, unable to discharge non-Christians-concept-non-ill-thought-of. Because no slash, should fear d. falling, fear of falling into endless privileged place in the Department.
Then again, in the layman, is allowed, sex, good, drink wine, saying that because the actual Sun should pay attention not to kill him. So, if granted, would like a full body that kills people, not guilty. See level accident which due, except gold, also are allowed to steal to save, after going minus-run offense. Except for the master's wife, wife of the King, wife of the knowledge of good, and women, in addition to the other female celebrities because of the technology level, is allowed. Because I, as a parent, because cows, as himself, because as a broker, be allowed to lie. Of conditioning allows drinking bile agar, while allowing international tasting a two drops of alcohol. In the Dharma is not so. For all beings who, from the view of equality, until an Ant can't Rob what case it murderous network? A needle, a thread not pick what sounds more things? For women porn guys unattended without taking the hands touched, hu ng what is man and wife? I'il take playing did not lie more deliberately lied. All wine all time not to drink more of cold, when actual sky? He compared the pagan Dharma far apart from each other as the Sun with the Earth. France says Pagan is that engenders the negativity, and Dharma as possible kill the affliction. That's where the big difference.
The Buddha of immeasurable, large sea-like, the arbitrary exercise of beings that dogma every each; or say yes, or say no; or say usually impermanent, or say; or say, or say happy; or say, or say anatta; or three industrious career, said NIE of the charity; or say all the France's no. So each each other wrong. The unconscious mind listening to is for false, and contrasted the position enter three disciplines, all words are spoken French real Buddha, not left.
What are the three traditions? 1-con-Lac district, 2-A-3-subject talks, Bhikkhu-no band?
Question: Stars called Con-Lac district-keeper? So called A-Bhikkhu-radio? Stars called no band?
A: Con-Lac district has three million two hundred thousand words. At Buddha did in that, An American-fried-land. After the destruction of the Buddhas, the human lifespan decreases, your mind knows little, can not read broadly proceedings, the privileged direction to compose three hundred eighty-four thousand words. If anyone on the Con-Lac district, the conclusion will immensely, including customised courses for electives, General therapy, etc.
Depending on the general subjects such as Buddha said shelves:
"The evil it does,
The fresh job well done,
Its pure self
He is the divine Buddha ".
Which says the center of France, now just say pure self I, the weather should know who the French numbers say enough already. What is it? So general and Coast Guard facility and each other. As Buddha said four anniversary of, in not leaving the four Chief needs, four as a student, Nam, in power, why? In memory of four parishes, four effort of four Chief needs, four to four-i.e. like Italy, five French charity i.e., radical forces. Although the Buddha did not say other disciplines which just says the four anniversary, should know was talking to other disciplines. Like Buddha in the four, or said one God, or say, or say three. As code-essential Bhikkhu-stilts (Assaji-A-novel-the: code-Thang, Ma-Su) say shelves for Dormitories – benefits – the echo:
"The charm of France from being,
France's fate to, kill,
Master I Holy host, Australian
Says that it ".
This shelf article only refers to the three emperors, Emperor leaders should know there was in it, because not to leave each other. Such a mistake, both are guilty. As such, etc. called up of general subjects.
For untreated subjects, such as the Buddhist saying only four insanity, often mad, crazy, crazy island club fell on net, crazy island. Therein while not saying four anniversary of, song should know already which means the four anniversary of; such talk is already know from it, says the disease is know smoking it. If said four anniversary of time said said four islands. Four of the island's railway General; If say the four island is said the unlawful use, because why? Because the original maple tree tells time know enough leafy twigs. As Buddha said the whole world had three poison; say three poison should know said three parts, eight legitimacy. If said the three should know is toxic, said all the negativity. Fifteen minor as taking exercise, authoritarian ruicheng County Court fifth deck is, fifteen things poisonous ignorance is foolish; the deviant opinions, arrogance, suspected to belong to ignorance. So all unlawful uses are collected into three. Get something to kill it? Take three parts, eight legitimacy. If said three parts, eight legitimacy, should know the said thirty-seven Assistant Director. The Minister thus called for treatment. The French General options, for treatment of such subjects, called Con-Lac district-division.
So called A-Mon Bhikkhu-radio? Or the Buddha himself said that the French, or the Buddha himself spoke a sequence of France, the disciples gathered its mean algorithm. As Buddha said: there is Bhikkhu-stilts for compounded micro, not the Chief memory of memory, that'd be the first of the world (world first), not perhaps that. If not filed for France of the world that wants into the Chief Justice, not perhaps that. If not into the Chief Justice position that wants to be the fruit of Tu-da-da-,-, na-, A-la-Han, perhaps not. If a Bhikkhu-stilts for compounded vi, Chief of the Ministerial, to France along with the rest of the world, it has to be. If the French were the first of the world, should be the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice should be fruition Tu-da-da-,-, na-, A-la-Han, then for sure maybe. As Buddha said to France along with the rest of the world without saying its General uses, as it belongs to the system, what the coast guard personnel, results reported? From France along with the rest of the world, the French Department of price-based, until infinity-residual Nirvana, each distinct in its general sense each, he called A-Bhikkhu-discuss subjects.
No band is not Contentious, France; as in Qin-BA-ta-la Silla Buddhist Nghinh bảo Ðại Buddha says: "United Kingdom" when lust being just "not" being, when SAC removal is just "not" kill, when the birth is just "there". When removal is just "there", he has no ego, no man, not God, not people from generations later, the exception is the title mix Jesica beings; that means that guys wife foolish runs according to demand it ". In doing so, Buddha talks about being no.
France is not, as Buddha says in the Australian twelve charm people don't: from ignorance to the elderly die, if people say it's dead, old, or elderly who die? are deviant. Birth, life, love, friendship, emotions, green added, identity, knowledge, onions, ignorance as well. Or had someone say body i.e. the God falls, or other relatives say I fell; the two words are different, however, is TA. Buddha said: Dear i.e. spirit falls, deviant comments like that, ain't no disciples. Or other relatives say God falling, as well as deviant, not disciples. In the Buddha's saying about France. If it says "dead old ai", should know that naughty, then known as non-contentious. If said: "he is old to die", should know it is an imaginary, he called on France not to. So ignorance as well.
Then again, the Buddha says about sixty-two opinions in my Sagging Offense: If someone says "I fall often worldly, too often", then your space. If saying "I fell impermanence, impermanence world" she is deviant. If saying "I fell, and the world is also impermanent, I fell and the world not often and not impermanent" are deviant. Consequently, the French were not, he's the real thing.
Question: If say I fall often, so are the ties because why? because God's name fell there. If say I fall often must also be devoted to comments, because why? because the world is impermanent, so driven, so said. If say I fell railway, also the impermanence, because why? because the names of God fell there, not to be told is impermanent. If say the world is often not as deviant, because why? because the names of all compounded micro, truth is impermanent?
A: If the French all truth are impermanent, so Buddha said: "say the world does, impermanence called deviant opinions. Therefore know the world isn't real is impermanent.
Question: The place where the Buddha is said A compounded micro-impermanence, suffering, no, egolessness, makes people privileged; so here comes impermanence crashed into deviant comments?
A: Theoretical place where Buddha impermanent, places where immortal theory. As Ma-ha-se Like the United Kingdom go to Buddha, the white Buddha says: "in Ca-Bhikkhu-this winter, many people in la have when I meet them rong vehicles, ruổi, elephant jewelry, auctions, lost mind of Buddha. I thought to myself: If I die, will bring forth." Buddha told Ma-ha-nam: "thou shalt not fear. Did you ever not being on that beast evil beings to charity; such plants are often inclined to the East, if it is logged, it falls to the East; heals as well. If the user vandalized Prince, in good conscious mind usually get credit, world, writer, pilot, the order of the lily Centre, should certainly be benefitted, is being up the Sun. If all France celebrated birth anniversary of Buddha, impermanence removal comes with the order of merit, so it's certainly a new birth to the Sun. So know not names of impermanence.
Question: If impermanent is not real, how did Buddha say impermanent?
A: Customised Buddhist adaptation of beings that theory. Because breaking insanity accept usually so Buddha said impermanence. Because people do not know do not believe in life after death should come to mind speaking Buddha follows, being up the Sun by the career criminal Irene, hundred thousand van KIEP at no. This is the rule For all forums, Ðệ for meaning all forums. Indeed, the French General who often, impermanence. Many non-French speaking also where, in France does not, nor is impermanent. So says the worldly impermanence is deviant. So called France.
Then again, Piracy-releases in the Bhikkhu-gia-ly named Comment. who have an profitable flourishing bring much treasure to hire Conclusion to argue with Buddha. character is completed, hire night composing five hundred accidents, early in the morning with your resources go to the Buddha, the Buddha asked that "a glass lens or more rescue rescue leaders?" Buddha said: "a relief to save the glass rather than the many". Breaking-news stated: "Buddha says a leader, Mr. layman has directed research. What is more, not one? ". Buddha said: "while there are many names that are not real, because why? Because all are getting into the space, so it is not called "glass Research Director. The Buddha asked Pham-releases: "Loc Starter Prime-Chi DAO Offense?" A: "In all the privileged walk, this is the first". The Bhikkhu-stilts elders Loc Starter Pham-releases, are behind most of the Buddha Buddha Buddha, asking fans for Breaking-News: "He knows the Bhikkhu-stilts?" Date-Solstice ladies know, disgrace! Then Buddha said that products from the shelves:
"Each individual to get the glass,
That each of your favorite character wrecked,
Yourself to the left,
He will never save the glass.
Her conclusion,
When justified sense,
Each each Africa,
More than lost embrace worried.
More people dropping their cellar,
Losers sa underworld lo.
So who has Tri,
Not according to the two French.
Conclusion Resources you should know,
France's disciple, the
Not frivolous nor truth.
You want to request something?
He'd ruined the conclusions I,
The whole was not ruined,
Hard-won University,
Just self-destructive enough ".
As such, many places in my bar-text, Buddhist doctrine of France.
Out of sight, not subjects, all the French, vulgarity, self due to media wisdom should not. As Buddha said to the Tu-Bodhi: "good, good characters, tho, thought, action, consciousness, consciousness itself. Twelve, eighteen, twelve human fate, thirty-seven Scouts, ten, four infinity eighteen clearance facility France real lemon, from the great bi, Slapped-she-Primary, upper Primary education to visually Disabled features non-self.
Question: The French all vulgarity non, nothing, why not fallen into deviant comments? Ta Ant called not guilty, not blessed, not this life hereafter, along with this to say no is no different?
A: People say not guilty, not blessed, they don't say there is no God, just say no; as grass trees being destroyed themselves. Or being, or who to kill, just stay in the present life, without being in the hereafter, they didn't know a body outside the body in general order No. So that is another.
Then again, the deviant, evil jobs, a stop to the work, not the number, for the good of France did not want to do, more to do evil?
Question: Deviant comments there are two things: things break entertainment break, there is some breaking balls don't break. As the words he says are breaking the fruit does not break. Break the result is breaking said no individual charm, not guilty not blessed; He is broke. Said no way, hereafter, the Fuk crimes result report; then break the outcome. The Consulate does not say "no" while neither causation Phuoc crime, along with other pagan-what is Ant?
A: The deviant ideas, for France the removal makes no; the Australian knows the true French does not breach the non-destructive.
Question: Three ties: 1-bitten guilty Phuoc, Phuoc crime smash not; break the results Conference, not break the charm people; this after breaking pháđời, no. 2-Breaking result reported crime blessed; also broke the Conference's top offense Phuoc Duyen; their fruit personality charm; later this pháđời also, break, doesn't break the whole of France. Destroy all French, all do for nothing. The Consulate does not, said chon TAM is not nothing, working with the deviant comments Tuesday has anything else?
A: The deviant opinions the French make not one person; also did not know the true French does not breach the non-destructive.
Then again, who said that neither the legal opinions deviant, nothing, accept its hý treatise on chess not of France; While the restaurant doesn't, know the French, no Prime Minister, no hý conclusion.
Then again, the deviant comments but her mouth says no, but all your favorite your favorite contentious period in that, in that angry, being angry, in that his side wouldn't be contentious era, in that contentious times foolish foolish self, lied to lie to themselves. Even as Theravada Buddhism disciples who know, really don't shake; all possible unlawful use of birth no longer contentious; such frivolous, fire can not do soil, heavy rains can not wet. One does so, the troubles are no longer stick to the mind.
Then again, the deviant opinion says nothing, not from AI (credited as life letters?) as human beings appear intra coastal; and chon TAM is no human beings appear intra coastal do love words, so is the other. Four immeasurable, the France, because its coast should not also does not equal wisdom chon TAM case, staff is not harmful is?
Again, comments he called deviant ideas, and chon TAM no comments as Chief Justice. The railway administration opinion, this life called person worse evil, will fall into hell. The wisdom of this lifetime, chon TAM is commendable, the hereafter be vexed; Examples include countries with fire; as well as the huge orange with poison; is the foul stools than Moto-da, the food of heaven.
Then again, in chon TAM no no no t-I, deviant comments see, though not without no t me.
Then again, one person talking ingenue; first of all, he maintained, the meditation Center, immeasurable man subdued, soft, thin client, Prime new unlawful chon TAM. The deviant opinions no alibi, just want to get the Ministerial idea, Ta Center; such people in agriculture, at first unaware of salt, see people get salt on vegetables, meat eating. Question: "why do the same?" Replied: "Because salt can make delicious healthy food". She, and he thought, then salt can make good food then it taste substances to several successive full loading, salt into her mouth that eats, salty tear new mouth, asks: "How do you say salt can make delicious? The other said: "sweat the idiot! Must transition to new Republic less numerous is, why eat the salt ", not the practice in Germany, which wanted to be, he is not deviant, a stop to the friendly units.
The so called non-sense. If anyone on the three subjects (Con-Lac district, Bhikkhu-radio, no band) this time out that Dharma did not contrasted each other. Know it i.e. the capacity of the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, for the whole of France is not what the hell. If there are Three elegant eight-dollars-suite, which in A-fall in the forecast-Mon Bhikkhu talk accept, on no band the fall in endless disputes; If the Con-Lac district Division during the fall in both disputes both loads.
Then again, Dude-slapped Ma-ha Buddhism Bowl practice Three Slaps-la-suite, while the most General in France, also learned French all vaccine strains. While the French strain of vaccine, also knows French full-heartedly for chess. Wisdom like that of Bo-slapped, called the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Question: Bo-slapped Ma-ha know full-heartedly Slaps France vaccine strains. How do you know all the French for chess?
A: Bo-slaps the French for chess, that is General, have general character there; in France who have being, so all there is.
Question: In France there is also the mind of birth?
A: If you say no, the thing that is there.
Then again, Dude-most French all General Consulate to slap, which is General; as the Buffalo General no general goats, where goats have no Buffalo General. In France, every other French generals have each; as earlier stated, there should be no birth center, France's different there, because to should not. If the French "Yes" is the water buffalo, goats also should be Buffalo, why? Because the French "Yes" is no different. If there is no forecast differs, so all is not.
Then again, Dude-one French full-heartedly slapped is a French personality, one that in France only a birth center. The France each each have a general, mix one should call is two, called three .... A is true; two, three ... is frivolous.
Then again, Dude-slapped the French Department should have, as a body infinitely often; Why? Because of the General being destroyed. All French so there should be no personnel department.
Then again, all non-French people should have such a body, impermanent beings kill; human beings kill should be aware of impermanence. Does human should be. So then, if incredibly pointless time. If the worker does not have the staff, time does not usually clone personalities. As such, all there is.
Then again, Dude-slapped all French Consulate General, there is no French General; as land with heavy hard water, General General cold wet; the fire is hot, general illumination; the wind is light, General; Nowhere has the Chancellor contain; Visual distinction voters is the General of consciousness; There is this other being of General; has long has come to be General of the age; the mind brain disorder and evil weapon beings is General of iniquity; Kat charity mercy beings is General of the blessed; soak up ahead of France's Gen. of bondage; do not immerse the France's Minister of liberation. All the money currently in France, from being hindrances is the General of the Buddhist way, all are General.
Then again, Dude-one whole that neither France slapped the Chancellor, the Chancellor left by human beings mix Jesica, no self Tanh for should not. As the land; due to its location, contact, four French harmony again called the land. Not only has sharp called soil; well not only are emotions that called soil; because how, if only the SAC is covered, while the other three are not, such as the land had no flavor, taste, exposed? Perfume, seasonings, as well as such.
Then again, four star's the French doing a French? Why a France make four? Therefore not be retrieved four things done, too not be absent from the four things to do.
Question: I'm not for four French is the land, just multiply by four of France for the French should have contentious land; land stood between four French?
A: If four land land forecast, engenders in France with four different French; as the parents of other children, a son born to her parents. If so, now my eye sees, the nose knows, the tongue knows flavor, environmentally aware in contact; the land if different from four French, the other one should have right, another to know. If no one else, to know the land, while landless.
Question: If on the other end said of general ground fault, it should be A-Bhikkhu-talks talks about chess: Ðất called by the four colors created, of which only the General strain hardening. Ðất's colors can be seen?
A: If the soil is just brilliantly, previously mentioned error. The ground is hard, but in general the eyes see only colors, as seen the moon under water, in mirrors, shadows of the trees as there is no general hardware, General hardware is by itself one contact that knows.
Then again, if the eye sees colors is earthy, and General hardware is the vaccine; the eye sees colors then water, fire, and General hot water is wet, fire is General. If so, the wind and the vaccine, should also distinguish, but that does not discriminate. As says: "what is the wind, what is style? What is style? What is wind? If the wind and the vaccine is an object, not so a two ways. If wind and other non-local strains and strains also failed.
Question: Four great, per each non-left each other; as in ground water, fire, wind, four things. But in the land, the soil is more exhausting, so called soil; in the water, fire, wind and vậty?
A: Not, why? As if in flames has four great, so are both hot, since there is no heat heater; If the other three eras in the fire without heat, the weather doesn't call for fire. If the hot ground, water, wind up losing Leanne self, are called fire. If that is so subtle it can not know, no different with no. If there is rough can know, know there are subtle; If crude does not forecast. Because the coast guard, said General land could not have been. If general land could not have been the General of all the French could not have been. That's why all the French are a general.
Question: Nobody should say ridiculous, why, because for the invisible French General news is General, If not infinitely General could not breach the French all General, why, because there is infinite. If there's General, could not speak French all loads.
A: Take the General for the General multitude; if there are countless General General, fallen into the General. If not fallen into the General legal, the term should not be questioned. Loads the full General in General, as well as general order removal; for as fire sticks, after burn firewood, burn again. That's why Holy practice of Infinity radio-General General tam I, to out-general.
Then again, Bo-non-whole number-slapped, insoluble, not good, not pictured, not for, no display, no talking, only one General, which is ridiculous. Thus the general solution,
How can a vaccine strain of chess? All the French currency stock photography at two of France's reputation, good; SAC, SAC; can see, can't see it; there for, not for; possession of pirated, contraband; owner, wuwei v. v. .. Two hundred two disciplines, such as Natural products in the Accident said.
Then again, there are two France, is patient and humiliation. Two of France's glass hull and donation. Two countries which are member countries and France. The two forces were distinguished and tu wisdom. Two international instruments as an instrument and specific comments made by the Chief Justice. The two generals is general nature and need for General nhuyến. Two French is intention and the position. Two of minh and freed. Two French is French and worldly sense. Two French is fine and wisdom. Two racks are the racks and the first definition. The two freed is treated to the liberation and indestructible mind freed. Two nirvana is outstanding and Nirvana-Nirvana-redundant. Two rescue wing is the voluntary rescue wing and wing. Two comments are opinions and detailed piece tri. Two international instruments is that tool and language tools. Two of France's least and voters. Two French is easy and easy enough. Two of France's legal options and the French. Two position is to take advantage of location and delivery location. So ... two disciplines immeasurable.
Then again, said the three are biased, tu, benighted. Three names are the names of Pearl, glass, killing Leanne. Three tu tu tu, the world is, the intelligence overhaul. Three Bodhi's Buddhist Bodhi, Bich-Buddha-Bodhi, Thanh-Van. Three redundant is redundant, Buddha Mural-chi-ca, Buddha Bar-writer. Three refuge is Buddha, France, Rising three stay is breaking the stay, stay, stay. The three upper tank is self rising, rising, rising French excuse. Three Buddhist schools of any real career incarnation is, real Italian households, industry and export industry real households. Three blessed is the origin, sex, good mind. Three sticks (instrument) is listening, gas separation, gas sticks sticks, gas sticks. Three seconds is the transformation, the tha mind, Roman Catholic culture. The three freed is Not freed, Loads of general release, working out of the Division. So ... three disciplines immeasurable.
Know the four of France's four anniversary, four Chief needs, four as a student, four Saints, four Saints, four sa Division, four voters, four, four, four, four, four, French aerial photography via apartment in good health reach, four, four heavenly people, four were dead, four infinity lt facility, four immeasurable heart. So ... the four disciplines immeasurable.
Know, benighted, Leanne export year, the year of liberation, of, in, in, in the lab, in another, A year-on-year, Net seat function-Christian, in values, in position t-I, the Holy year Toni part I, in French as language. So ... the immeasurable traditions in parts.
Know the six French charity, six discharge tantrum France, six spirit, six class A-la-Han, six comments positive, sui Empire six, six, six black Freemasons-la-suite. So ... the immeasurable six disciplines.
Know the seven sensations, seven, seven, seven medical ideas, seven wonders, seven, seven-seat Thien Nhan tri, seven, seven Member Phuoc, Phuoc an, seven seven African aid plan. So ... the immeasurable seven disciplines.
Know the eight Saints Scouts section, eight multiples discharge, eight helicopters, eight officers, eight Sunday, támtrượng wife, eight A-la-Han forces. So ... the eight disciplines immeasurable.
Know the nine Monday filed a plan, nine track colors (from birth to death is nine) etc. .. removal, nine loads smuggled, pirated, countless local nine nine religious thinking. So ... the immeasurable nine disciplines.
Know the ten French benighted, ten, ten, ten ten, necessarily, of Buddha's ten. So ... the immeasurable ten disciplines.
Know the eleven Holy aid relief. Know the twelve French coast guard personnel. Know the thirteen French export, fourteen changes mind, fifteen mind opinion stands, sixteen-An-na-ban-na, seventeen Saints (should say sixteen), eighteen France real lemon, nineteen cups. One hundred sixty-two Scouts in thinking, ethical thinking that aggressors negativity. One hundred seventy eight Sa-Division result consists of eighty-nine micro organic result, eighty-nine loads of results. So the very French General wrong; beings, kill, falling, rising, DAC, furniture, texture, net all know. Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped the France he finished, which may cause the French enter the self-emptiness, that with regard to the French not stick stuck; beyond the status bar-writer, pratyekabuddha, which the Portuguese position-slapped. On the Bo status-slapped, get great bi Center of mercy, take your discriminatory means the title race French, the beings which were Freemasons. Such as the mechanically, uses drugs can turn transforming into gold, Silver Gold into silver.
Question: If the French why not chon TAM Leanne discriminatory race title? Why not just say that Leanne chon TAM?
A: United States-Ma-ha-slapped slaps don't say no is probably Prime, can, do the other strains of strain France has the wrong General. Do not prime the impossible is nothing shy fuck; If there is concern the hell its privileged rather than not possible DAC. If United--slapped Ma-ha-slapped know possible DAC, and distinguish the France, laments the escape being, this is the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, room essentials that says: it's the General is an elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite.
Question: All secular books and ninety-six minor classics of renunciation layman speak real French General?. Back in the bar's French tripiṭaka-writer, also said that the French General, why not call it elegant eight-Ba-la-suite, that only true general the French spoken in this business, known as the elegant eight-Three-la-suite?
A: In secular books, because to make an entire country, life expectancy, for n n isn't real. Layman renunciation fallen in France ties, your favorite mind immersed, so not really. In France-writer while there are four, took impermanent, suffering, not real consistent egolessness General of France; because of inadequate intelligence, do not benefit, can't because of all beings; not because it was true, however, the Buddhist wisdom without calling the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. As the Buddha said, in and out of the three I 's, not the echo benefits-Residence-hear the case name is can know, because why? Because the A-la-Han, pratyekabuddha when developing the mind, does not have the will, not from the Grand Ball, not for all of Germany, no donation all third ten Buddhist methods, do not consider how the General requirements, which are only required to escape miserable elderly patients died. While the Portuguese who discovered the slapping had extensive voluntary testimony, have great compassion, all of Germany, all third donation of ten major entertainment organisation Buddha method, bridge's general legal, except for one thing-one NET is, impure, often pubs, impermanence, restaurant, CafeNo, it's consistent, falls, egolessness. Discharge of the Customs according to the Center for hope such comments forces, that only a true General of outer charm is Africa, Africa impure, inconceivable, impermanence, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa egolessness. For the same, not before, not its privileged, because French is secular, not the first. Purity the same all over, not breaking does not sabotage the holy place, then known as the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Question: Thread know though General Baghdad, elegant French Prime Minister is indefinite; so how could award was issued in France?
A: Buddha used the media discourse, onions as Buddha says Prime time; for as the high Coast coverage, thanks to scale that up. As the water depth thanks to boats that pass. Bo-slapped new, if according to the Buddha, Buddhist disciples, or hear, or hearing in saying: "all French it. No, no names of possible capital availability for certain before, is France's first, eradicate the hý conclusion". General nirvana is very good security, I want to get rid of all beings, how private retrieved Nirvana? I'm now blessed German, wisdom, spirit, power pine should not be leading the beings, are full of charming people, practice in Ba-la-suite is alms, etc. By the Member countries should be rich in French by the countries which should be wisdom, can do two him which led to poor beings along the tam DAO legacy. Due to maintenance the birth should be on the person in the Sun, dignified exit three evil way; also make three-way escape the evil beings. Due to the patient, should prevent malicious stuff mad, which was itself deeply dread the first German districts, decency, who saw both the wedding Festival, glass front, conditions did the sermon again? Due to the effort should be able to break the German approval for France, which was kim cang, Center for real estate. User's mind who break their side of chums wife made be Nirvana. By meditation, who broke the disarray, absent from the happy Sin according to the five elements, or for being talking about French Cup. Meditation is the only Bat's elegant y-Ba-la-suite, y where meditation that elegant Three-Bowl-la-suite French natural birth. As in the saying: "Bhikkhu-stilts for homepage, can a true General of France.
Then again, knowing in the Education about the many poor and, due to the closure of the San. When practicing I-Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite, the two tasks, open the. To be generally open, should practice about Three-la-suite of ten charities. Because of incomplete meditation, wisdom, yet physical separation should break the World Ba-la-suite. So practice patience, knowing three things on is capable of opening blessed. You knew she was bitten German approval of impermanent, ceases to have fun in the Sun, back to the fallen on the tracks. Because silly enough blessed Germany impermanence, should demand that the three elegant eight-General-la-suite.
How can it be? Be sure to do for the mind can be. As the Pearl string of Long, who most consistently close without hitting the dragon then the value Match-fitness-deals. For the mind to meditation, except in education, one year; who wants to be happy must use effort; so the next patient humiliation is said effort Three-la-suite. As in say practitioners themselves sit straight, tying in front, which specializes in fixed star, oils for dry bones meat items, the whole no favors, so pull award effort meditation. If there is material that is not enough alms hard; for fear of an evil road, afraid to lose the good that maintained world, nor the humiliation of rings is hard. So in three degrees do not speak to the effort. Because it's an elegant eight-General-la-suite, from the mind, a new bridge was difficult, so the effort required. Such practices can influence the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Question: Must practice in Ba-la-suite, the following new DAC Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite, or can practice one, two Three-dollar suite can also DAC Bowl Buddhism?
A: The Ba-la-suite has two things: 1. a Three-dollar Suite had enough Three-la-suite Samyutta as onions. 2. depending on the time of private practice three-la-suite. Every Three-la-suite would deal under which name calling. Examples include the four public College, though not absent from each other, but under great would that much was known.
It is sui Samyutta, in a Three-dollar suite has five Three-la-suite. He is not left in the three-dollar suite which elect the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
As a prime time as, or one, two three-la-suite which elect the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. If the center of the upper Primary level Public Radio which alms, now find that such a general and other alms, non-conventional, non-organic, non-impermanence, loads etc. As in the talk about alms in front. Real people that understand all general legal alms; He called human alms that DAC Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite.
Or have the maintenance, not brain damage being, the mind has no regrets. If the Prime Minister already being approved before the emergence of competition, her brain yard while not being, song for France has your favorite mind hate so back terrace of the brain being. Therefore like to not pitch the brain being, let's practice a French vassal state of equality. If the distinction is guilty is innocent, not the practice About Three-la-suite; because how, because of the hate crimes, not crimes, who forecast the high order of birth, back in the way the brain harm beings. Therefore the Bo-slaps a guilty person, who was not charged, the mind does not hate love. One such is only practiced About Three-la-suite which elect the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Bo-slaps to think that: If the French were not patient, time cannot usually rings. All beings without what the rings are the encyclopedia; When there is a pressing and then gauge the weather cannot be ring. Such inmates are afraid of competing is to die in agony. Due to her charm the French human beings should ring: no man, who yelled at, nor have the bear; just as human life before insanity bitten coast should be called good. At this time, regardless, he called the ring. France rings is penetrating all wings, was then called French ring. Enacted by France's ring, usually no longer brain yard beings. Intellectual property corresponds to the French patient is an elegant eight-Ba-la-suite.
Effort is usually in all good faith, achievements are all friendly. If that wisdom supposed to amount to distinguish the French reached France before, then effort gives wisdom.
Lai as General of the effort is absent from the body, like real estate. Effort, or elegantly Baghdad engenders Ba-la-suite. In addition the the effort is like going, such as midsummer, frivolous lies for decolonisation did not say. If deep down as real time, photographers saw the General truth. It's the General is not seen, heard, thought that know; because how, for six, six people were bitten coast ceiling damage lies. Things to see in him is also the fictional lies. The completely frivolous, abusive know unbelievable. You can believe is true only the General wisdom of Buddhist followers went A-Boost-commit period symptoms. Because of her intelligence based where meditation for the mind, a true General of France; He called in meditation arises the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. Or when absent from the 3rd year-la-suite, just listening, reading, thinking, productive amount reached the General truth; It is in the medium position arises the elegant eight-Ba-la-suite. Or from two, three, four Three-la-suite arises Baghdad Three tastefully-la-suite; as a listener base that was the direct result. Or maybe listen to two, three, four of which are the direct result.
Someone for the suffering also fascinate many other sins, thanks to heard that gauge is privileged. Three other racks as well. Or have the fascinate all four stands, thanks to hear four racks that privileged. As Buddha said to the Bhikkhu-stilts: If you stop to take part, I said you were A result leaders taking office-function. If end take part in gymnastics, golf, si also ended. Of the six Three-la-suite as well. Because of deteriorating mind San took part in many French speaking, so he should know the other evil also breaks. Because the evil junk should say enough six Three dollars for each individual or each practice should, or combined practice. All over because everyone should say enough six Three-la-suite, rather than as a person.
Then again, if Bo-slapped all French inaction, not prime players all France should DAC Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite, because why? Because these are not frivolous; or near the fault, or far away with errors; like any good French is near sin, did France friendly, long the next time you change it before birth or wrecked lo gauge, y is far from sin. Such good food, bad food have toxic impurities, which ate half bad sailings not fun, eat good food fun gourmet instant; song soon afterwards, they both stole lives, so don't feed them both. The charity, as well as such.
Question: If so, why Buddha said it is three, the IGD?
A: Radio Operator runs called Sacred, because why? Because all Saints, not in addition to these three subjects. In it, the onions, the Prime being that being, but when run with no errors, but all have failed. Back right here to find Leanne real, then both are broken. If the Holy Sage brought two practices before the multitude mentality, no errors. If so, radio Executive, absolutely nothing, DAC, while suffering insanity damaged hope it. not contentious. As nowhere, so it's a Prime Minister during the Prime facility by France, is privileged; as in the scalar property DAC Bowl-Susan said.
The French identity, etc. not so, that ever often non. The French identity, etc. not because of intellectual understanding is not spherical, so said nothing was ever that generally does nothing. It should not be asked to practice these Three-la-suite is a privileged Baghdad! The Merciful Buddha being secular, in the sense that said, rather than the first.
Question: If there is nothing, nothing, why practitioners seeking it?
A: Nothing is (invisible fan) there are two things: 1. There is world expectation that aren't, then nothing is (invisible fan). 2. in general the real France, nothing was decided, so called nothing (Infinity fan), but not without joy in Germany increased intellectual interest in good units; as wife of the French distinguishing human on earth should have prime facility. The merit of good also, depending on the center of the world should say that Prime property, also in the non-Buddhist schools of mind DAC.
This is a brief history of saying that the elegant eight-Three-la-suite. After going wide said.

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