Friday 28 March 2014

LONGITUDE: Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped by no head that head in the Bowl-elegant Three-la-suite. Because the real birth anniversary of Four should be sufficient, Four Chief needs, Four as a student, Nam, In force,
Seven of the Eight Saints, the moral sense.
Comment: question: thirty-seven of the Assistant food-writer and pratyekabuddha; six Ba-la-suite is of Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped. This is why in Portuguese-French Director said to have slapped the bar-writer?
A: United States-Ma-ha-slap slap must learn all the good, all; as the Buddha told Tu-Bodhi: "Bo-Ma-ha-slap slap practice elegant eight-Ba-la-suite must learn all the good, all; It was from Qian Prefecture-hui to Buddha. Nine's place to study without the seat; Buddha also studied and also its capital.
Then again, it would say thirty-seven religious aid products just as France-writer, pratyekabuddha, rather than Portuguese-French slapped? In the Mahayana Sutra's food Bowl-nhãBa-la-suite, Buddha said four anniversary of, until the eight Saints Scouts section is Mahayana. In the tripiṭaka nor say thirty-seven relief supplies are just Minor French redundant. Who should reign as Buddha said thirty-seven Scouts are Scouts of Nirvana; Depending on the will of human beings, as the fate of all beings is faith. People like to Tsing-van, the van DAO-DAC; people want to sow seed in good faith based on the pratyekabuddha, DAC pratyekabuddha; the demand for Buddhist leader the Prime Buddha. Customizing a Spry and prayer or stupid; There is no ball, Center Center; for as Long the United Kingdom down rain all over the world, rain is not wrong, big trees, big grass grew so receives several; small small small roots, grass trees for life should get less.
Question: Thirty-seven Scouts, but no say leadership is its own bar-writer, pratyekabuddha, not Bo-slapped. Song took the meaning inferred quite know; Bo-slapped at birth, long in the back and in the road, don't fold retrieved Nirvana; also in thirty-seven relief supplies, only French speaking Nirvana, not talking to three-la-suite, also said greater bi. So should know not the Bo-slaps Director?
A: Bo-slapped while in long in being also must know the truth, Africa's leadership, is France, French is Nirvana. Know then formed the great vow: "poor beings, we pulled out and put into place wuwei". Because it's legal, practice of the Ba-la-suite, can reach Nirvana. Bo-slaps, but know France, but because of incomplete six Three-la-suite should not manually. As Buddha said: such as or the shoot up between Siamese arrows each, no, not for landfall, Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped as well, taking Three elegant eight-arrow-la-suite, shot in the middle of the three freed; again using the arrow the arrow shot in medium bowl of Buddhism, not for landfall Nirvana.
Then again, or as he said, Bo-slapped in long in the birth, suffered the agony of mind-body where the brain. If there are really mind how the rings are forecast. Consequently, when a slap of truth-directed health, elegant eight-Ba-la-suite that can turn the world into a direct result Nirvana, because why? Because of the three realms of the Earth are so contentious harmony; harmony birth is no self Tanh. Since there is not, as should be the names of self is not so impossible its capital; can't Prime is Nirvana. So says Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped by not stay France should stay out of Bat NHA-Ba-la-suite. For not being so full four anniversary.
Then again, in the France of the bar-and pratyekabuddha said instantaneous is Nirvana; because how, because wisdom does not penetrate the French way. As Buddha said to the Tu-Bodhi: "Good news is no news is good; tho, thought, action, i.e. no; no news is tho, thought, consciousness; not that is Nirvana; Nirvana that is not ". In conclusion say racks:
"Nirvana is no different from the world,
The world is no different from Nirvana.
Opposite the Earth, Nirvana,
A field with no other errors "
Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slaps were really General thing should not be bored, unhappy Nirvana. Thirty-seven Scouts are bad.
Question: The four anniversary of France could fully privileged; so did speak to thirty seven? If he gives as says Combs should say Four anniversary of, say scaling should say thirty-seven. It is not true, because why, if say the wide immeasurable?
A: The four anniversary of despite being full to DAC, which should also said Four Chief needs, because why? Because the mind being category of disagreements; unlawful use as well many things, fancy French knows well. The Dharma but for truth for chess; but as beings should place twelve Nikaya, distinguishing dogma out of eight thousand four thousand of legal convergence. If not so, first to Zhuan Falun, said up to four is enough, no need to say more in France. Because of that silly beings class suffering, soak up fun, should persuade the Four Emperors. The French mind has been all bad, no fun. The cause of suffering is caused by craving affliction etc.; Where's dedicated segment gauge is Nirvana; the media go to nirvana is called. There are many mantras beings class disorder insanity, so immersed in life, body, heart happy makes his French ties. Because the person class should speak out Four anniversary. The French leader also, because each of the beings that dogma, such as a physician does not use a medication treatment all sick. The disease is not identical, then the drug is not a minor. Buddha also, because heart disease of being many things to many medications used to treat Buddha.
Or a legal theory to the beings; as the Buddha told a Bhikkhu-stilts: "thou shalt not's 's not taken". Bhikkhu-stilts says: "got it". The Buddha asked: "Know what?" Bhikkhu-stilts said: "The French are not my figures should not take".
Or use two to the being, it is and IP. Or use the three French is about intent. Or use four France four anniversary.
That's why the four anniversary of DAC, can, however, the practice of other panels have another, slightly different distinction, well. So to say the French as Chief Justice Four needs, etc.
Then again, the Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapped because great force there, because of all beings, so the Buddha spoke enough the thirty-seven Scouts. If say the other doors worked, the ten ideas etc. all currency stock photography in both the thirty-seven Scouts. Thirty-seven leading products is the concoction blending back enough to heal all the sick of being, for so much theory is not needed. As the Buddha while immeasurable power position, but only ten are sufficient for the level of being.
Thirty-seven Scouts of this product, take ten to France as the basis. What are the ten? That is, about, thinking, effort, anniversary, wedding, except, emphasized, to discharge.
Credit is Credit, Credit.
About as Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network.
Effort the four principals need, effort, effort, effort force sense part, Chief Justice effort.
Anniversary the Anniversary, Anniversary, anniversary of the sensory component, mindfulness.
Plan four student apartment, like Italy, the strength, the sensory part, Chief Justice.
Wisdom the four anniversary of, intellectual property, intellectual property, legal opinion Chief Justice share, sense of Inclusion.
The French then, recite positive options according to the coastal landscape of wisdom that are primary chon TAM an, so now called Ballooning. Breaking ties in France, take in the legitimacy, should be called the Chief Justice c n. Regency Center right at the coast guard, should be called As Italy. Position nhuyến needs call center is Based; TAM tri was called Spry. used to overhaul leader should call is used to Visually see the Scouts should be called.
Question: So before said, because why? So the new friendly then led France; for as the first on the road, and then later to the place. Now how crazy Island, said Four anniversary of first, and then later said Eight legitimacy?
A: Nothing crazy island. Thirty-seven Scouts are called when starting to want to go; as well as the practitioners come to the master, when listening to French leaders, first used the anniversary to maintain life in France; When he called the Anniversary of. Its OK, but from where the maintenance requirements of tu Chanh result, so the effort austerities; When he called the Chief Justice needs. Because the effort should not mind much disarray; who needs things photographers should be called like that.
Mindful that the need now arises In Real units: General legal profundity confusing, apartments should credits be; He called radical Trust. No regret life, for the mind sphere; He called the effort was based. Often recite mantras, not the other, it is called ballooning. Usually in stock photography; He called the plan to align. Real number-four generals; He called the intelligence units. Hien's growth, or block negativity; as a large tree or the prevents water. In this apartment when growth can gradually into the Sham; He called the force.
When the distinguished French Director, has three parts: the French Scouts, effort, Hy. Three French, as leader if the mind be affective one then it makes starting up, while Excluding (Contempt an sensory information), the sensory, sensory Discharge, three French, if that Director as subscribed, then it collects nhi p makes Visual Concept, information in two places, the French charity groups, preventing evil; as well as usher, the benefit is in vain, and then drove away. If the mind is a French bass three mantras make kicked up; If the Center concur then reciting the three France makes stock photography.
Seven things (Seven sensory information) can lead to True enlightenment of benighted ranks, called the (read more). Is France's right, full security to enter into Nirvana wuwei, should practice the France, which was then called.
Question: What are the four anniversary of?
A: Relatives of mantras; Tho, the mind, the French notion of origin; then the four anniversary. A French four-four-one has impure body: life, the shop is a gauge, a center of impermanence, egolessness France. This four-no, however the four generals are impure, suffering, impermanence, egolessness; song for themselves for the most part a is impure; for the most part consistent life is suffering; as for the center of the several pubs is impermanent; for the most part the French Consulate is anatta. Because why? That means that guys wife when not on, then for four, because deviant everyday run up four crazy island. In France the impure insanity for the pure land; in agony crazy island for fun; in impermanence for insanity is often; anatta in crazy island for the fall. To break the four crazy island should persuade Four anniversary of net: break insanity should say made in memory of Relatives; break off insanity should say made in memory of Life; break is often driven should say made in memory of Relatives; break is often driven should say made in mind; breaking down insanity should say made in memory of the French. So says the four, no less no more.
Question: How do the four anniversary of?
A: Net practitioners, who deal most convent boarder planet tons, Hull had five General impure. What is the year? 1-where was born 2 video-defilement, impure, 3-4, impure Leanne-General Himself impure, 5-Save the glass impure.
What is the place of birth to impure? The head, legs, abdomen, back, hips, tendons, the impure harmony called female, inside there are Tibetan, Tibetan, Shu contentious urine impure, outside which the wind due to negativity career blowing recipe bīja into two, or eight months or nine months, as in salted, as the shelf says:
"The body is the Privy Council D08,
Not from the flowers being,
Nor from Vedic Astrology-bặc,
Not from the mountain ".
He called it engenders impure.
What is bīja impure? Parents have the wind hopes idea ties lewd fire mantras, high heat, melt the marrow flesh turned into planets. Because previous coast guard personnel industry, formal bīja in glass red white; He called himself, as the shelf says:
"This Body impure,
Isn't that marvelous creatures.
Not from birth, white NET
Only from the minor road off ".
He called bīja impure.
Leanne Self impure is, from the foot to the top of the thin skin, four, including the second with impure; costume jewellery, sandalwood massage shampoo bath, eat the moat send taste, undergo a night are the impure. Suppose dressed, ate, because a computer user should become impure; what the case of rice, such as coat racks says:
"The land of fire, wind,
Transform except impure.
This body wash sea swept,
Could not get themselves clean ".
He called himself before you impure.
General conditioned Self is where this stems usually nine holes flow map impure: watery eyes, ears, nose, ear wax flow drooling, mouth salivate, the greater the u.s. often exude feces, urine, and sweat flowing pore complexes, such as the shelf says:
"The animals impure,
Filled in in the fuselage,
Generally flowing out continuously,
As Vietnam dangling "bowls.
He called himself Gen. impure.
Save the impure glass is, this body should toss into the fire as the shooting, the time-eating infection, in the land of the rotting into the soil, in the water while the bulge the golden goal họai, or aquatic insects to eat. In all uncovered die, uncovered the most impure. France impure will say in the talk about nine ideas, such as the shelf says:
"Look at this body shop,
Finally to die
Hard to prevent.
BOI favors such as entertainment ".
He called the rescue goggles impure.
Then again, this relative birth when it died, the objects to close relatives, to an bodies have become impure; as the delicious pure water, hundreds of followers from flowing, when got into the sea, are turned into salt water. The United States of America that the family ate on, though beauty aroma, composing the upper smooth, as on the abdomen are turned into impure. This body, from birth to death, often impure, it wanders very worthy of hate. Practitioners to think: this Body while the impure, if there is little remaining time is usually curable, but it is impermanent; Although the body impure, impermanent, if there's little fun time can cure, but great suffering. This trunk is where engenders, as water from the Earth engenders, the wind from nowhere to being, human flame trees. In this incarnation, the agony in the external from the fuselage engenders. The gauge is old, sick, dead, etc. External gauge is waxy sticks, hot-cold, starvation, etc. Because of this body should have a gauge.
Question: Hull isn't just suffering; that also from the fuselage having fun. If there is no sexual stuff five times hull followed Italy, who led longevity?
A: Emperor Holy Roman Empire of the four Gauges, Holy it is actually suffering fools for it's fun. Holy Lady's ranks, fools need far away. This body is suffering, because the end to the great suffering should take the u.s. suffering as fun; as well as "one must die, is that network by the punishment, then it's very excited. The punishment that was suffering, but because the alternative is death, so that was fun.
Then again, the new format is fun, the old gauge is suffering; as the sitting then, sit for long being miserable. When she left, standing, lying is fun, is also suffering. Co, stretching, bowing, crane, see look, breathe, usually under the fuselage. Since the life abortion, born to die for, there is always fun. If he gives the lustful life is fun, sex is heavy; looking for male external identity, find as much, fire to heavy gear; as part of the scabies sores hold to fire them, then there is little funny, that great suffering deeper again. The fun is so small, also due to diseases that are not so fun. People are not sick watching the contentious fire pellet Center for mercy. People who do exercise see lechery as well; to listen guys fire were scorching sex enthusiasts, many are suffering more.
The coast guard, General information and human suffering of herself. Practitioners know stems are just things impure, impermanence, suffering, loath to raise it; Examples include birth parents, you back evil worse tyranny, but for himself engenders should have raised it of achievements. Trunk truth egolessness, because why? Because no character in. For as the leprosy, cannot turn their heads away; sick people clogged the throat unable to speak; so should know oneself not in. As people have arbitrary objects, use it; While not close to be so, because not in, should know the egolessness. Practitioners to think: this Body impure, impermanence, egolessness, non-miserable so that such atrocities immeasurable. The body shop, called Relatives of mantras.
Achievements made in memory of loved one, then human beings as thinking: what coast taking part in this body wrecked? Because the life lost; because how, by six radical parties in harmony with the six outer ceiling being out six, the six sense being three things: life expectancy, life Club, real-life communication any gauge. Life lost is what all your beings wanted; the life gauge is what all beings distaste; real real life communication framework, no its not discharge, as the shelf says:
"Or do the evil, or renunciation,
Chu, who was born and animals.
In all ten of the team leader,
All of your fun to hate.
Because of insanity or went unconscious,
Don't know where nirvana is often funny "
Practitioners a tribe's life, really know it does, but only agony; Why is fun, it's good there is no insanity, all the fun of the world, is outlawed from crazy Island sanh, there is little truth.
Then again, according to the tribe's life, but would like to request, again can only be great suffering, such as the shelf says:
"If people in the sea having wind data,
The waves dashed black mountain as starter n marbles,
If the great battle fought,
The road stretches between data ranges,
DIME you mock his bent head,
Close u.s. personnel because of lust.
The great suffering the same,
Who are taking part in the "fun boat.
So should know-life Club engenders the gauge.
Then again, while the Buddha says three things tho, have lost the life, because life lost should be called agony; as a suite, made in big river, when you lose your number.
Question: If the pleasures of the world, because of human insanity should gauge. So the Holy meditation engenders the fun loads smuggled, must be the truth, as the excuse. Because the fun's not from foolish insanity that is, why the fun is suffering?
A: Isn't suffering. But Buddha said impermanence that is suffering, as are compounded smuggled should say suffering; because human beings for wife who smuggled compounded previous infection, since compounded smuggled impermanent turn ruined so contentious. For France the previous infection does not mind black-market multitude, myriad, however, should not usually engenders strong bi brain gauge, so it is not called a gauge, nor were the unlawful use wrong use.
Then again, if the infinite pleasure of Buddha doesn't forecast gauge is pirated in private Moral truths, for aerial photography on the Gauge.
Question: There are two things, the happy owners of pirated pirated and endless fun. Happy friendship way down black-market worse evil, worthless black-market upper magic. Why, because in the happy land of birth, then turning the mind the previous infection, also in the upper fun magic didn't mind being infected? In the upper center of contentious new magical fun before infection; as for gold and silver treasures, not heavy, deeply involved and as vegetation?
A: In the myriad marvelous fun pirated intellectual superior intellectual, much the more should be able to depart the previous infection. In the happy owners of pirated, the unlawful use craving etc. many; Ireland were wrecked before, it's wisdom, could depart. So for no previous infection.
Then again, countless pirated intellectual, often a whole impermanence, impermanence shouldn't engenders the unlawful use craving, etc.; Such goats near the Tiger, but is a good outdoor grass, which can not be fat. As such, the Holy life, however, the endless fun smuggled, but consistent impermanence, don't, shouldn't mind being infected.
Then again, the infinite fun non-pirated off three plum, sixteen Scriptures, there is usually no general beings. If there are general being, time of birth previous infection centers. So the fun loads smuggled but upper magic without being infected by mind.
Due to the multiplication of such charm, a tribe of the life of the world is suffering. A life gauge as the arrow. A real real life communication framework is General impermanent ruined. A life lost in time so no contentious exercise before, during the life gauge is not being any real gauge in ruicheng County yard lost its not being foolish; He called the book of life.
Practitioners thought: because the fun should immerse themselves. One funny thing tho? Think and know by heart. Mindful beings possessed the island so that should be fun fucking life-one who's General, is delivery an impermanent, lasted a life should not be celebrated. But humans insanity because life should be considered, because why? Since the beginning of life who wants fun engenders, whereas the other again engenders pleasure, mind before the mind behind not caught up to each other, how do you say fun is life Center? Mind the past has destroyed so life isn't fun; the current Center Office in an anniversary too quickly so don't know tho.
Question: The past, the future cannot be happy life; the current mentality when the head of a celebrated life can be fun. Why say no Shou?
A: I said because it goes so fast so don't know tho.
Then again, the French General is impermanent, so there is no time to stop; If the mind is suspended in a book, then to recite the second it may well head, that is used to head no general removal. But like the Buddha said: all compounded micro has three General, head of General also kill General; If not, the weather is not the General ownership vi.
Then again, if France later that kill, time should know at first there was also destroyed. Examples include the new shirt, new day even if not old, nor can the second day old; for up to ten years a new coat still forever, can not old, but honestly it was old; for new and old with should know that at one time, just because of the subtle should not realize, until the old have appeared new. So know the French have at stop, how is that when the mind to be happy life? Otherwise head that tho funny, just not right! So should know that don't have a life, spending just under secular France, because the mind, so calling it a general fun life.
Question: How do you know all compounded vi are impermanent?
A: Before I said, will take more. The only compounded her must be subject, before the coast guard personnel not very often now, not later, now have very often.
Then again, Gen. impermanence usually follow compounded vi, compounded vi without falling off; all compounded vi for conflicting very often.
Then again, there are two older Gen vi French property often follow: 1-Getting old, 2-disintegrates. There are two General die often follow: 1-self die, 2-other guys killed. So should know all compounded vi are impermanent. As for the Dharma, impermanence mentality are easy to see. As Buddha said that means that guys wife is knowing oneself impermanence, but cannot know the mind impermanence. If the divine Lady said treatments are also often the incarnation; If talking is often too large error is mesmerizing; because of the cylindrical body, why are the ten years, or twenty years; also mind the day, month, hour, minute, carving a few moments passed, being destroyed, anniversary celebration doesn't stop, coming to bring forth different being, coming to kill other again. Like going to the art, it's impenetrable General DAC.
Because of the immeasurable charm people like that, who knows infinitely often; He called the idea of origin.
Practitioners to think: "he who belongs to the Center? Who dictate the mind? A complete, not seen. All French characters should not mix Jesica himself in; not in itself so no names; Leanne self should be egolessness. If egolessness, who dictate the mind? "
Question: Should have fallen, because why? Because of the mind control, should also have ego dictate care? Examples include the King wrong use of General, general military history wrong. So there are wrong to use the mind, there is life to use Equant in education?
Then again, everyone has ego mind, ought to know it's there. If only, because the mind is crazy island should accept the ego; Why not in other stem initiates accept the ego? Due to the General he should know everyone has fallen?
A: If the eccentricity taken himself, who used the wrong there, the back must have something else wrong use fell; if there something else wrong use falling, he forecast. And the wrong use of falling will be two times I fell. If the egolessness, which fell wrong use of mind, you should only use the eccentricity. If he gives the mind of God falls, except God TAM ego knows nothing; If not, how wrong to use? If God fell there who also forecast, General do? So who know only the general formula tri, false self, used, no wait I fell. As the names of fire or burns, do not need to.
Question: Though the Fire has burned, but no person is useless; the mind but has a general formula tri, no spirit, no history of false ego be?
A: The French General should have, I didn't fall to Prime Minister. He even wanted to take the breath away on and the gauges have fun etc. for the general spirit of falling; It is not true, because why? Because the breath out into the general framework of life, fun etc. is the General of the mind; Why take the body and the mind as the General of the God falls?
Then again, or the fire itself can consume, don't wait; just because life according to the word that called the burning fire. His logic is defeated, why? Spirit falls is, shouldn't take people for example who. He also said that each person has fallen, should know it's there. If only the body, but because the mind insanity should accept the ego, why not in other people who kicked the body accept the ego. As for the legal ownership fell egolessness he doubt, that ask why not in other people who kicked the body accept the ego? Self-forgiveness of bodies have from falling which have fallen, nor can there be. Or good or excellent General and General; or often, or impermanence; or, or the boundless; has come, cannot go; himself in, not in; the General fall so are impossible to get. As stated in the "intersection" in advance.
Due to the multiplication of such charm, the charm of French by birth, got no truth France had fallen; He called the French notion of origin.
The four anniversary of three kinds of mantras, mantras "Leanne's origin, made in memory of Charm.
-What is made in memory of Leanne? One intelligence body called Body of mantras, wisdom pubs, the notion of Life called life; the Intelligence Center called mind, wisdom pubs, the French called the French notion of origin; Leanne's notion of origin.
-What is the "notion of origin? A stem on top, as Coast Guard arises; or the possession of pirated or illegally; called made in memory of Himself. A French Consulate or mind, a life above all else, as Coast Guard arises; or possession of pirated or illegally; called tho, Mind, France Memorial of; he is the "notion of origin.
-What is the Charm of ballooning? All French identity that is ten and part France enter; called made in memory of Himself. The life expectancy of birth six tactile label; the Atrium, male, were killed, the body, the emotions of birth anniversary of Life called life. Six is the label, the Atrium, female, total loss, environmentally conscious; mind is made. Think warm, warm onions and three wuwei; the French called the notion of origin; Jesica's memory.
Leanne anniversary of: Get wisdom as Leanne; no good, can't see, not for shy; or possession of pirated or illegally pirated owners, newspaper owner; contraband loads, are all compounded human birth charm, up to three years; the Regency in the name, imported into, due to intellectual property. If possession of pirated, smuggled variable segment is neither counted the turning position. Possession counts were possible, loads smuggled is impossible paragraph; the French tu, loads textures; is the result and also fruit. French, isn't it all tho, not by the four great form; is compounded of upper (rather than Radio-France). Possession of smuggled pirated radio is there, reciting mantras of is there; both Samyutta.
The four anniversary of aerial photography on the part of good practice in the aggregates of the six charities; and the charity operates aggregates NIE on four anniversary of photography, not in real good and loads up contraband.
Or have four anniversary of not compounded smuggled, pirated or not compounded Four anniversary of; or have four anniversary made is also illegally compounded or not Four anniversary of compounded not pirated. There are four anniversary of not compounded smuggled four anniversary of illicit mineral names. Compounded smuggled weren't Four anniversary of is, except Four anniversary of illicit possession of pirated property, the names of the other.
There are four anniversary of origin is also the owner of the smuggled four anniversary of Lee's possession illegally. There are Four anniversary of wasn't compounded smuggled Four anniversary of minus in endless legal bootleg Leanne loads smuggled others rest. Four questions about infinity pirated as well.
"Anniversary of: In "anniversary of this, dear colleagues, the career is in good, the rest isn't that good. All can see, the French are not afraid; or possession of pirated or illegally; both are compounded. Possession of smuggled bootleg, newspaper celebrates anniversary of don't quote; the legal fate of birth, in three years, to the relative's password; rest stock photography in the mailing, in the Center, Italy, formula, enter the rest of the intelligence, foreign photographers know. If owner smuggled pirated piece tri, variable is not the variable. Owner smuggled pirated, sections probably could not fragment; the French were tu, include specs; is the result and also result; not all life in France. The fuselage, by four guns generate, rest doesn't do the four great created; both are compounded. Possession of smuggled pirated radio is there, reciting mantras of is not there. Body, mind and gun is neither Samyutta Samyutta; the rest is Samyutta. In friendly arrangers NIE four anniversary, four anniversary of also collecting photographic equipment in good faith; the rest are not collecting photography, no stock photography in France real good and loads up contraband.
Or have four anniversary of not compounded smuggled, pirated or not compounded with Four anniversary of; or have four anniversary made is also illegally compounded or not Four anniversary of compounded not pirated. There are four anniversary of not compounded contraband is smuggled Four anniversary, radio host names. There are compounded not smuggled Four anniversary of is, except Four anniversary of possession contraband pirated compounded, the names of the other. There are four anniversary made is also illegally compounded of four anniversary of pirated property t nh. E.g. France Four anniversary of compounded, contraband is nowhere, often charming Kill, there's often favored Removal.
Or have four anniversary of radio isn't contraband, or having endless French contraband, isn't Four anniversary of; or have four anniversary of Radio France also smuggled, or maybe Four anniversary of Radio-France, isn't contraband. There are four anniversary of French origin loads smuggled four anniversary of pirated property names. There are countless French contraband, isn't Four anniversary of three French wuwei. There are four anniversary of is also smuggled four anniversary of illicit mineral names. There are Four anniversary of Radio-France, isn't contraband, illicit possession of Four the anniversary, most of the remaining counts of French property.
Coast of reciting: In memory of Coast of reciting the host Body, sharpens, the three anniversary of kia isn't that good. Three mantras of kia cannot see; Loved ballooning of the need to distinguish: Stem celebration of that part that part cannot be found. The chance of seeing the colors enter, most cannot see the other entry is nine and part of France. Three mantras of no for shy, a Relative notion of the need to distinguish: Stem celebration of there for adding Ten added, from Colors to enter to enter the Fuselage and parts of France. Dear anniversary of illicit possession of ten and one part of France to enter; invisible contraband is part of France. Ganesh mantras of Samyutta with possession contraband pirated is Italian; Samyutta with loads smuggled Italy is pirated. Understanding of such concepts as well as France, made of warm friendship and warmth is ideal for illicit possession contraband; in the endless warm warm, ideal for illicit and France wuwei is pirated.
Three mantras of the owner, a legal notion of the need to distinguish: France celebrated in warm water and the idea of the owner; three French wuwei wuwei.
Body decoration and Body of any real notion notion of possession is illegal has bitten; Dear anniversary of infinity and infinite contraband is no thing coming. Ganesh mantras of mind, of French origin, such concepts as well.
Three mantras from human being, made in memory of the French coast, the need to differentiate: the French notion of if is compounded of the personal charm of birth; If is infinite, then no human words because the French charm of birth.
Three concepts of aerial photography for three years, the French notion of the need to distinguish: the French notion of if is compounded of the NIE in three years; If French is the infinite because photography is not in three years.
Dear anniversary of aerial photography on the other three, the Anniversary of aerial photography on the list.
Understanding of photography in internal memory of Life, added the French notion of photography about imported; a Relative notion of the need to distinguish: Stem celebration of photography or internal type, or stock photography on foreign import. In this capacity, the label is internal, primary school, were killed, the body's internal photographers import, imported year is hue, aromas, tastes, tactile and part France enter the Regency of import; due to intellectual property.
French property counts is the opinion (as the tri variables); France loads smuggled isn't the opinion (as the tri variables). Compounded contraband is possible passages; France loads smuggled is impossible.
The need to distinguish: stem celebration of goodwill, should tu, real good and loads up should not. Tho, mind made so well. France anniversary of if is in good compounded vi should overhaul; If anything, loads up and Down the coast usually should not.
UE profile needed to discern the hidden Body of mantras: lost is the texture, not hidden away is no texture. Tho, Mind, France made in such concepts as well.
Three mantras of the result and also result; also a legal notion of the need to distinguish: the French notion of the result that no result; either outcome and also result; or wouldn't result doesn't have to have results. Often such results are the sole removal charm must have results. Possession of France is the fruit of mantras and also fruit. Nowhere and often favored Emperor removal is not the fruit doesn't have to have results.
Three mantras of a celebration of life, no need to differentiate: If Stem ballooning of falling in love dear of life there; don't fall in love body of life, isn't it
Three mantras of doesn't do the four great form; a relative notion of the need to distinguish: Stem celebration of nine is good, flavor, taste, tactile, label, the Atrium, the lost, and part of the French type, type is due to the four great created; also part of France's entry due to four Grand.
Three mantras of the compounded upper; a legal notion of the need to distinguish: the French notion of Dharma in the micro, nowhere and doesn't usually kill the coast stands is compounded, Nirvana was the French legions.
The four anniversary of if there is contraband is, if there is not is pirated.
The two concepts of mind and Life is made of the Samyutta. A Relative notion of not belonging to the Samyutta; the French also recite of it if in thought and action Samyutta UAN UAN's Samyutta; the French left is real Samyutta.
Four of the six photographers and friendly stools mantras, six French charity also classified NIE four anniversary. The real charity, the disabled signed as well as types of photography such as that.
Three counts of illicit sex is, possession of pirated black-market photographer ignorance, part celebration of; part of the celebration of the three photographers were also smuggled.
Possession of smuggled four anniversary photography section; the four anniversary of the radio aerial photography also smuggled.
The definition thus broadly in the accident.
Question: What is intra? What is a foreign body? If the foreign body such as internal bodies have had NIE everything; Why did you say a body exterior?
A: Cabinet is in themselves, was spared. Itself has two: one to The impure in the fuselage, 2-skin, hair, nails, hair out of relatives.
Then again, the body shop, the expansion or bulge. Get general order a family as well as Prime Minister. The alibi has been absent from the General. Uncovered die is a foreign body, stem practitioners as the fuselage. If the practitioners to see female celebrities who previous infections being that public decency, the linkage of a relative he is impure, is on the outside; self and self-knowledge as well as such, is in the inside.
Then again, in one label, Turkish etc. as the body; in death, lust, incenses are foreign. Four great earth, water, fire, wind is the internal fuselage; the four great departments created colors, scents, tastes, touch is a foreign body. Where is feeling miserable, cheer as the fuselage; where there is no sense of agony, is a foreign body. Themselves and the label etc. as the body; his wife and the objects to be used as member of their home as foreign body, because why? Because all colors are made in memory of relatives in France. Practitioners find a place he often, lost, falling, pure land? Search thoroughly review all could not have been. As said in one passage.
Restaurant inside was not able to get; It will either be inside? Why? Because of the outside is where all beings prior infection; but when a foreign body nor can there be. Re: I think that the one inside is impossible to get, so we go inside or is there? But inside also couldn't have been!. Self thinking that: or in one mistake, so now we're going to a common exterior. A restaurant also is General, consistent in addition at the same time called the General total. Of a distinct it. consistent may not get. The Consulate has full integrity.
Question: Dear anniversary made possible in addition to life, and there was the featured photographer on imported; why are distinguished internal foreign life expectancy?
A: The Buddha said there are two things the life and life itself is life. Life itself is outside, the life Center is in.
Have tho Samyutta with five formula is outer, Samyutta with consciousness is in. By twelve as human life should have the coast arises, being from the six Cabinet type called in; its birth from the six imported called out. Life expectancy, is beyond crude is in. The latter part is internal and Foreign Affairs. Internal suffering is dear agony and suffering. Dear agony is the fuselage being four hundred and four diseases like body pain, headache, etc.; He was miserable. Mind the agony is worried, sad, angry, scared, jealousy, suspicion, etc.; who's suffering. Two miserable he termed inner agony. Two gauge exception: A King over themselves, evil pirates, Lions, Tigers, riddles to persecute me. The two are hot, cold, wind, rain, Thunder, lightning, etc. Two things this gauge is called the outer part.
Life expectancy, not suffering so badly.
Then again, fate of French Cabinet as foreign as foreign French charm, life expectancy.
Then again, a hundred ghost life expectancy is eight, the rest is foreign.
Question: The mind was about to enter the foreign consulate say;?
A: Center for photography, however, internal type; song because foreign coast France should call foreign. Consciousness is inside, our formula is outer. Aerial photography into his inner mind, meditation is the disarray is the State of mind. The mind with the year Samyutta, seven sensations; He is introspective. Mind the slopes year Samyutta the outside, seven external sense; He is a foreign mind.
The distinction in the outside like that; He is introspective State of mind.
Question: France anniversary of Regency about imported French Cabinet number-say why;?
A: The life of the mind, But other French or French Cabinet charm heart of France, is the Cabinet of France; or foreign exchange heart charm French of France, wuwei, real's Foreign Exchange administrator; Samyutta.
Then again, France of consciousness known as the coast of France. As Buddha said: "Slash coast being conscious". In this life except the mind of the other is the French Cabinet, the real heart of French Onion and soy wuwei; He is foreign.
The four Chief needs to have two: 1-2 "soda Chanh Lam, Chief Justice-need. Before the Chief Justice needs is martyrdom so Abbey four minor effort, is essential to prevent attacks on two French real good and practice two to France. When a four anniversary, if the mind favors award; or the negativity as in the heart or shading when depart is based in friendly, tons, etc. the French real improve it, if already being the industrious effort ends except, if not contentious, the industrious effort not to give birth. Also, friendly self-catering units, tons, etc. If it is not contentious, the industrious effort making the birth, if birth was the industrious effort making an increase. The French effort for the four anniversary of many then called the Chief Justice needs.
Question: Stars of the seven types of concepts are the four French, Four Chief needs, Four as a student, five, Five, Seven, eight genera sense of legitimacy; only four almond is called the Chief Justice needs, and eight following so-called legitimacy, there are no known as Chief Justice?
A: The four effort, launching themselves into the mighty mind, fear mistakes should be called Chief Executive Director; towards France, fear of fallen French flaps, so called legitimacy.
The names of four names of effort. "The four names of human effort have legitimacy arises first coast. Or possession of pirated or illegally; or colors, or colors; as above mentioned.
When practicing the four Chief needs, if the mind a little disarray, took to photography collectors, it's called like that. Such good food, lack of salt, the salt is the full taste like Italy. again as people have two legs, back and get a good horse, a good car then go to places like Italy. such practitioners, be it wisdom about four anniversary, Chief Justice effort in four districts need, due to the effort so much that the increased intelligence force a weak reduction, which was intended to have four receivers who intended to make NIE, the intelligence to peer, which the Department will feature achievements; He called such as Italy.
Question: In memory of Four parishes, Four Chief needs to have had; why not called like that?
A: There are, however, that the intelligence effort force, weak force practitioners aren't. The four, whose mastery of gymnastics by the DAC output, due to the effort made by the owners to do entertainment, unrivaled charm arises; or possession of pirated or illegally. Because the mind master which DAC determined, by thinking the master that DAC output, due to human fate arises; or possession of pirated or illegally. "With friendly skandha called lemon as Italy, the four plan to do exercise mastery arises etc. called Before as Chief Justice Four. four, as needed, as in the names of mantras, mantras of breadth have distinguished said.
Hien is believe in moral and legal aid charity, called Signal units. When the practice of moral and legal Assistant Director; diligence requirements constantly, called the Effort was based. Remember thinking and legal aid, no longer think of anything else, called a radical Notion. For the mind to remember don't think mass approval which was based. Because of religious and customary leaders AIDS action sixteen French generals such as impermanence, suffering, etc. called the intelligence units. In root growth does not suffer the destructive negativity is In force. As noted in the year.
In one, in this powerful stock photography in General, are usually aggregates of Samyutta, according to the Center for action, is at the heart of France, in common with the being, with the mind, with removal. If this year is under the Chief Justice, if not this year is falling in your space plan.
The meaning of the seven of the sense, as before stated.
Question: Before but has said that seven of the sense, but not in France A-Bhikkhu-radio?
A: Now going to say next. As well as the meaning of the Four anniversary of this section are enlightened, seven colors, cannot see, not for shy; is smuggled, owner of human beings, charm, about three years, in terms of reputation, stock photography of import; due to intellectual property, not the variable tri, paragraph; is France the French tu, loads textures; is the result and also result; the French, not the life led by the four great created; is compounded, weren't there; the Samyutta. Two good pieces (bootleg, pirated radio friendly organic) NIE Seven sensations; The two photographers section of sensory friendly seven, no stock photography in France, any loads up and smuggled contraband. Two pieces of pirated radio (owners of pirated, conduct illicit conduct) NIE Seven sensations; The two photographers and seven pirated part visually.
Such uses, etc. as in the accident have said.
Eight of the Director's name as before said. The Chief Justice of the intellect, as talked in the four anniversary of, intellectual property, intellectual property, the French Scouts. The Chief Justice's thinking when a four care loads smuggled Samyutta, thinking, feeling to know measurements. Chief Justice means is as stated in the four Districts need, effort, effort, effort. Mindfulness is as was said in the Anniversary, Anniversary, Anniversary. The Chief Justice is as stated in the University, the radical, the force, planning. Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice now network will say. Except for the four minor flaps, guns used in network loads smuggled clear intellectual depart the deviant; He was the Chief speaker. The Chief industry. Endless wisdom uses smuggled clear discharge fifth Cup ties; known as the Chief Justice.
Question: What are five things your space online?
A: 1-if the practitioners for the good, lies there States General. 2-for the good maintenance of your merit saying. 3-Because benefit packages, see General cat hung to speak for the people. 4-for the good, to the we dread making awesome. 5-o 's, praised the German donation to provoke thought. Coast Guard personnel used to feed then ties, he called deviant network.
Eight legitimacy comprises three parts: three things is the World share, three things are defined, the latter is the Lily. The intelligence section, defined as distinguished said, private shares now will say. The best part is the names (infinity symbol), cannot see, not be afraid; in infinity pirated, vi, not human beings, charm, about three years, NIE about good photography isn't on the list, featured photographer on imported, due to intellectual property. There are snippets of opinion (should understand is the variable tri) can not fragment; is France the French tu, loads textures; is the result and also the fruit, not life generated by four, France; is compounded, France isn't there, Samyutta. A friendly piece (Thien, illicit ownership) aerial photography ba (languages, career, networking). the three Chief NIE a good part, not the photographers, pirated, pirated registered ownership. A Radio France smuggled photographic equipment in three districts; three French photographers are also a primary loads smuggled.
The distinction, as in A-Bhikkhu-talks said.
Thirty-seven Scouts of this product, in the First meditation where there is enough, in its original venue had thirty-six, except for the wedding. In the second meditation also has thirty-six; except for the Chief (the Chief Justice is needed). In the third meditation, intermediaries, fourth meditation has thirty-five; except for the wedding, the Chief Justice. Of the three loads colors to have thirty-two; except for the wedding, Chanh, speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network. In Friendship, wealthy girl with twenty-two; minus seven, eight joint sense of Scripture Scouts section. In the Education World, as well as such. This is to distinguish spoken in French in The text.
Question: In Mahayana says that thirty-seven relief supplies like?
A: Bo-slapped Ma-ha-slapping practice Four anniversary of, internal to the impermanent, suffering, as diseases such as prostate cancer, bone meat gathered ruined with impure, nine holes usually runs out, which is the bathroom. So a user gets far strings, not pitching a clean place, the meat filled up within the bone, tendons binding, leather upholstery. Do good karma organic's previous life and present life by the counts of bathing, dress, floral, catering, Crouching, medicines etc. form. Like the two-wheeled vehicles, cows pull may come to be. Due to the multiplication of two Coast Guard life made into car trunks, by the bull "formula" to pull back this Body winding. due to the four Scouts in harmony made up of foam like water, empty not solidly. This relative impermanence, so long must have. The General of this body cannot be found in the fuselage, nor outside of the fuselage, nor in the middle section. Relative unknown senseless, self working, like stone tile walls. In this incarnation has no certain general trunk, no one made this incarnation, nor has anyone dictate. This incarnation was born before, this life, this life are impossible to get. There are eight million households, the immeasurable ill and starving, cold and hot figure could decline, etc. often the brain stem.
United States-Ma-ha-slapped slapped a body as such, know not us, not other people, not in the doing and not doing. This body's general body blank, so damaged coast engenders hope. This body is fake there, in front of our coast guard personnel industry. Bo-slaps self thinking: one should not regret this incarnation; because how, because of this general hull does not concur, not to not go, no living being does not kill, do not cry. Follow the body, this body is the anatta, anatta Department for should not, not so not notable. Not notable so no wishes. Such bars were on his working place, knew not how, not fighting, just as the legal birth mix Jesica. The coast guard made out of this body also back from nowhere and expected insanity that has, in the human's charm has no general human fate. Human beings, nor had he favored General delivery. Such thinking know this stems from ancient to present no general being, know this body is General, cannot accept. Loads being very general, very general infinite being. Just lie lie to your chums wife should be called.
Australia's Consulate-General in the fuselage when slapped, apart the craving before exercise. The mind often forcing notion in itself, follow one incarnation, known as Bo-slapped a relative notion. A foreign body, a body exterior as well.
-Bo-slapped a Life like? A life inside. This is the second of three life or suffering, or funny, or suffering is no fun. The longevity is not from, kill don't go about it by broken hope Island sanh idea possessed; as result, in previous Karma people. Bo-slapped the bridge in such a life, not in the past, not in the future, not the present; the longevity is not, anatta, anatta, impermanence. The third life is not indefinite, General, working, being on his release. Also the longevity of birth, know well the longevity not insoluble, non-living being does not kill, so are on indefinite subjects being. Know the infinite life span being very general, very general infinite being. So then, forcing the mind at the charm, or gauge, have fun, non-miserable unhappy life leader not to not mind, craving, don't cry.
Due to the multiplication of such dyên the memory of Life called, life. A long-life exterior, exterior as well.
-Bo-slaps a understanding of how? Bo-slaps a inside. Inside there are three things being, head, kill. Thoughts that come from this: mind, crush also does not go on, according to coast guard personnel in addition to merge her mind being, not real certain general, not being, head, kill; also not in the past the future, at present. Her heart is not in, out, not in the middle section. The mind's infinite infinite before General, also no one living being, no one gave birth. Due to the charm of the character outside the six ceiling, within which the mind idea crazy Island sanh, kill the continuation should reluctantly called the mind. In the mind as such, it is the General of the mind can not get. The names of the heart mean immortal beings, usually the net General General, earthly defilements should customers previous infection known as impure mind.
The mind does not know the mind; because how, because the mind, who's not. The mind then the original unreal. French with repugnant. don't tan; also never before, life after life, Middle; not good, not pictured, not for shy; rotten Island sanh pretensions are just crazy. The mind is not, anatta, anatta, not often, not true; He called positive options consistently. Know who's invisible being, been on birth in France; because how, because the mind's infinite being, infinite Tanh, General, the Tri said. The position while a contentious General removal of mind also sees no real legal birth stigma kills, regardless of whether it's clean, that the mind is pure. Due to mind purity should not be bare guests negativity texture corruptions. As such, etc. kiosks inside. A State of mind, a mind exterior as well.
-United-slapped a legal notion of how? Shop all France not in, not in addition to, not in the section between; not in a past life, present; just as people expected harmony coast opinion engenders, not real certain general, there is no legal, no one was French. In France, the French General is unable to obtain, nor does France or merge or dissolve. All France does have as frivolous. All France damaged lied as Leanne, net capital going to the legal, non-contaminating each other. The French have no Shou; the French have nothing; the French did not know, because the mind of French fiction lies. When such a number, don't see France or a general, or General. Shop all France is not, egolessness, Leanne no self; was not, it should not have no general, no chess should not be created; no artifacts should not see France or delivery or removal. Head of the intellect, are on Indefinite subjects being France. Now, however, the French being destroyed also on myriad subjects in General; because how, since all French generals left, the position was unknown.
When such customs, forced into the restaurant, under the French General, don't remember the anniversary itself, tho, mind, France; know the four of France's no where possible; the French Cabinet's anniversary. French foreign notion of French origin concept exterior, as well as such.
The four Chief needs, four as a student also needs such a distinction, it is not, no place here.
-Bo-slapped Lao practice like? United States-Ma-ha-slapped slapped a Five unit, tu Hien.
Apartment Credit the French all news by Coast Guard being, due to the crazy hope Island sanh Ant heart; as fire spin, such as dream like going. Believe the French are impure, impermanence, egolessness, non-miserable; as diseases such as prostate cancer, such as sharp spikes, disaster ruined. News of the France nothing; as your hand does not lie with small children. The news is not in the past, not in the future, not in the present, the does not come from destruction does not go on. News of the French is not indefinite, general working, real living being immortal. Working loads that General procrastination, meditation, wisdom, liberation, freeing tri. Good one, no longer being rotten. Credit based, skilled maintenance, net head in the maintenance world who credit it does not move. For the mind is confident having a lady bitten, depart the deviant comments, don't believe the words, only the Inn hosted the Dharma, we increase the real live leadership in Space. the mind like nhuyến or ring, reaching deeply afraid, do not shake not turn destructive, self strong in; He called radical Trust.
Effort basis is day and night often refuse the austerities, except in article obscures, households in one, want to be, want to know, like to practice, like, want to read, so would like to hear the French capital intensive. If the evil French real good run up, causing it to instant kill; If it is not being run for not being run; While the France friendly yet contentious then make being, was being made for extensive growth. As well as the French don't hate real welfare don't like France, are the essential advances equality, advancing straight do not retreat, is the Chief essential advanced centering, so called effort.
Anniversary House flame-slaps are generally the most sought ideas like full Bell, maintenance, meditation, wisdom, freed, Italian imports, relative to the Translational most often sought in the position to know about the French being, removal, stay, allergic reactions. For understanding suffering, extermination, directed. For distinguishing mind, motivation, leadership, sense of meditation, liberation, being destroyed in place. For understanding the real French being immortal, not do not speak, to be intellectually disabled being so full of Dharma. For understanding not to mind the bar-writer, pratyekabuddha fray. Usually anniversary don't forget the French didn't even penetrating such a pure, happy achievements, are recited in that way; He called radical Notion.
To align is Bo-slapped diplomatic player taken, General or being the second meditation, clearly knows the subject, cleverly know on, cleverly know stay, cleverly know made; it won't soak up front, not fancy, no refuge; tremendous charm, charm known drone facility known destructive, self in stroll through the meditation; also known to funny, not in the words of others, do not specialize according to Hanh meditation, self in on infinitely concerned; He called the plan to align.
Intellectual property unit is Bo-slapped because to end misery, intellectual achievement levels. Her intelligence is due to depart the French, because Nirvana. Use wisdom pubs, all three realms of impermanence, suffering three minor impairment, three scorching sex fire. A complete, in the three realms, intellectual nor immerse all three realms, which are transformed into subjects Not Indefinite, General, working out. For mind bridge the Dharma as the oil fire rescue. Does Bo's intellectual-slap nobody vandalized it. No refuge in the three realms, the mind usually depart, exercise discretion, due to intellectual property units, contains immeasurable group merit, taking advantage of Japanese documents is general legal, no doubt not accident; for the world is not optimal for Nirvana not Hy, is wisdom itself; He called the intelligence unit
Bo-slapped into this Base Year is tremendous, said General House of being, knew of beings infected, knew of beings, the separatists knew of beings knew, ruicheng County Court of being absent from the terrace of the ruicheng County, knew of foolish beings, also knew of being absent from the foolish. Know basis of beings want an evil leader, knew of beings like to bring forth in the person, knew of beings like to being up the Sun; know basis of being padded, knew of beings, knew of beings of degree of upper, middle, lower; know basis of being guilty, knowing one of innocent beings; know basis of being reversible; know basis of beings will bring forth into the realm of sex, the Colors, the Infinitely good; know basis of beings based heal the deep, healthy root is thin; know basis of being Chief Justice, deviant plan, convergence; know basis of being despised, know the basis of being maintained, knew of beings San took part, knew of beings or inaction of beings knew respect, know one of beings do not respect; know basis net of beings, the impure world; know basis of beings ruicheng county courts or rings humiliation; know basis of beings effort or abuse; know one of the beings who, disorder, foolish or wisdom; know basis of being not afraid of fear; know one of the beings raises the upper beam or not increase the upper side; know basis of beings legitimacy or deviant; know basis of beings are constables or constables; know basis of beings Tsing-writer; know basis of beings-Buddha-sphere; know basis of being asked the Buddhist leader. For in the knew of beings, the self in; called knew.
Bo-slapping practice based, growth was suffering, the beings are Invisible beings France ring; He is the force. Back to natural ma layman can't ruin; He is the force.
Seven sight parts is Bo-slapped for all the French don't remember not to think; he called Visual mantras. In all France find French-friendly, real friendly France signed France couldn't have been; It is bordered by the sense of inclusion. Not in the three realms, wrecking three realms; He called the joint sense of effort. For all your favorite mind bring forth no artifact remains, because Gen. lo celebrates mutual disintegrates; This is the sense of the wedding. For the whole of France, Centre for coastal security balloon could not have been; He called the joint sense of exclusion. Know all the French generals are often designated, not disorder do not concur; He called to the triangle. For the whole of France do not immerse before, don't cry, don't see the rough-in; He called the joint sense of equanimity. Bo-slaps a seven-the sense of "not" as such.
Question: This section only, Seven Visual says Combs?
A: In seven sections, sensory, intellectual property, on the other, said three enlightened the rest will say: Bo-slapping practice Hy the sense, not because of the evidentiary facts, Hy? Because the wedding went by birth, coast is French artifacts, France, France, France, impermanence can your remains. If your favorite mind being wrecked, when Gen. impermanence--turn ruined the contentious worry, the divine lady who should be driven because delivery of mind immersed in advance. If you know the real France is not, then the mind being satisfied that, we have to bear the rotten lied; for as in, hungry thirsty encyclopedia shots, eat to things impure, on board a know, knows it is wrong. If such number is in truth the wisdom being glad; This is chon TAM Hy. Is this the wedding except for chon TAM is the rough body-weight, things to be crude, mind the following new French General all except the pleasure turned off in mind; then subtract the sensory (Visual security balloon). Was the wedding and except the sense of remove kiosks, is impermanent, suffering, no, egolessness, being kill a living being, immortal, invisible, organic, non-organic non-disabled. So the discharge hý conclusion; because how, because of the funny, carefree, working, infinitely hý, fishnets, President of killing is France's Prime Minister. If not, remove the discharge practices associated with controversy. If there is real, for not being frivolous lies; If that is not true, for there is nowhere a lie. For the truth is like immerse, for damaged, angry hate. It engenders such evidentiary concerns, why not celebrate the discharge?
Gets, subtraction, Visual discharge Hy parts so the seven parts are full of sensory fullness.
The eight Saints led the then Chief Justice, the Chief Justice means, mindfulness, the Chief Justice has said above.
Chief Justice present thinking would say: Bo-slapped for Prime property, not French. Stay in such a review, the Chief of the General staff of the Chief of thinking; all thinking is deviant thinking, thinking to Nirvana, the Buddha, were thinking as well, because why? Because the end to all differentiated thinking; He called the Chief Justice of thinking
The distinguished thinkers are the real damage lies insanity should be distinguished, not thinking. Bo-slaps head in Chief such thinking is no longer seen as the Chief Justice is deviant, pass any discriminating thinking; He called the Chief Justice. Differentiated thinking all are equal, are equal, so the heart does not soak up front; such was the Chief General of the thinking-slapped.
Speech is Bo-slapped know all languages do distinguish frivolous prime prospects real real insanity that engenders. Then Bo-slapped think: no language In general language, terminate all of the industry, said that the General language; He was the Chief speaker. The term where he again, kill nor go anywhere; He is Bo-slapped speech practice. Having said what are in fact in General, so the classics says: Dude-slaps head in Chief, or starting the career of purity; know the General vernacular full-heartedly chon TAM, however, says that not being deviant language.
Chief Justice career is Bo-slaps all of General railway industry knows, it's not broken, there is no general artifacts; because why, because there is a career would be that certain general.
Question: If all companies were not, why Buddha said alms etc is good karma, to bring forth any good cheerleading diligence; other endless business is doing?
A: In the industry didn't have a what case has three. Because why? As time went time no career to go (go), not yet to have no career, currently goes well with no career. So there is no career.
Question: Got to where the weather may not be less than, where the weather may not, also currently in place are going to be there?
A: It is currently going well there, because why? Because unless the industry is going, where we are going to get. If excluding career goes, there are currently, which may have gone, but they are not. Except where we are going as there is no industry, except for the industry come as no place we are going; because doing the same fate together should not only say where we're going to be there. Then again, if it's currently away have gone, while absent from the industry should go to there seats currently go, absent from the place we're going to have to have career going.
Question: If such an error?
A: Because in a time of two careers. If there are two career passing time have two riders; because why, deducted the time there. If excluding riders, it currently can not get; There is currently no people also go away.
Then again, people don't go out, so there are no career. If excluding riders and who do not go, no go.
Question: People don't go, don't go like that; why riders also said no go?
A: Except career, riders could not get. Except for the industry to go can not get. As such, all legal career are not; He called the Chief Justice.
The Bo-slapped import documents the career of equality, not for space industry is evil, not for the Chief Justice's career. No artifacts whatsoever, no work of the Chief Justice, is not harmful effects; He called that intelligence, i.e. the Chief Justice.
Then again, in the French equality, not the Chief Justice not deviant, as they really know the industry, know as truth, and then not artifacts, non-stop, so the position is usually the Chief Justice, no ties; He called the Chief Justice of the United States-slapped.
The Chief Justice's whole network map help pets alive network are Chief Justice rather than ties. Head out of position players, not the Chief treatise hý network, does not discharge flaps network and not in Chief of France, also not in space, which is usually in the position, equal justice works network entry certificate, do not see the network, do not see Africa network. Such intellectual practice, should be called the Chief Justice network.
If United--slapped a thirty-seven relief supplies then cross bar-writer, pratyekabuddha add that into the Portuguese position-slaps, eventually into being necessarily typical.

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