Friday 28 March 2014

A- Open Thread :
Buddha was born as a major causal: Opening enlightened beings enter the Buddhist knowledge.
The words everyday for the past superficial things, "Truth always good." That statement, or as a courtesy to please customers, or because of unknown surface in how the different islands, so like new. Indeed, the purpose of any religion is well worth it, nothing more than another step higher on low only. But no matter how well-intentioned, is not enough. The important thing is how to accomplish that goal, and bring large benefits for life. Try asking if any director has equal value, then why 2500 years ago, in the land at 94 th Indian had directed it, that Shakyamuni Buddha was spending Christmas as well?
 Nothing much but the Truth, that is not the whole "feet, good, fine", so the new Buddha manifested itself, being taught religion Supreme supreme Buddha, so that liberation from suffering rebirth , be very afraid as the Buddha himself. The Lotus Sutra says, "As a major causal, Buddha was born emergent".
What's great karmic? It is: "Opening the enlightened beings enter Buddhist knowledge", to be beings so that waiting until she realized that nature silk, beyond life from death, be fun-suffering.
1. What is mainstream ? Thoughtful has three meanings: Truth is the way; Path duty; Truth is absolute nature, as nature.
a) Path is the path,  as it is often used in the text: humanitarian, disaster director, director of hell, hungry ghosts director, directed the animal. In every way it can be good, bad, be good, evil, etc. ... According to Buddhism, also in the dualistic h, it can not ultimately call entirely.
b) Path is the duty , as people often use the words: I directed king, leading teachers, spouses etc. ... Every religion is a duty often influenced by customs or practices. Customs and traditions of this country unlike other countries. So mainstream is also not true to duty means that the Buddha thoughtful to say.
c) * Path is the absolute reason,  is the the A, it left speaking, inconceivable. Lord Lao Zi said: "Truth that comes out, not the director." Once upon a Patriarchs who asked: "What is Truth?". Sensei replied: "First of Buddha Dread Music United, not named Buddha and sentient beings, then is Truth".
Mainstream of Buddhism is synonymous with being so.
2. The word Buddha mean?  Buddhas, strictly speaking Sanskrit is Bouddha (of the Buddha). The Chinese translation means enlightened, (annoyed enlightened, wise entirely). Sensory three angry:
a) Self-awareness:  That is entirely self enlightened by the grace of wisdom and meticulous practice, is different from ordinary people still confused, is reincarnation of mundane labor, customs suffering.
B) Sensory excuse:  That is his enlightened approach to bring enlightenment he taught religious people as his enlightenment. The practice of Theravada can not be forgiven sense, because the only worry for their deliverance. Only people who practice the Mahayana newly acquired sense of forgiveness, meaning enlightenment for all sentient beings are immersed.
C) Sensory happy consummation:  That is absolutely full enlightenment for themselves and others. The Bodhisattvas, enlightened but for ourselves and others, but not the fullness of happiness, should not be referred to as "Man Giac Vien Giac Hanh". * Only new Buddha called Sensory Perfection Hanh.
The word Buddha is a generic term to call these steps voluntarily, feeling eager and happy feeling fullness, rather than a proper noun to call a certain person. Who is certified to practice as mentioned above results are known as the Buddha.
3. What is Buddhism?  According to the definition of the word Buddha thoughtful and above, we can literal interpretation Buddhism as follows: Buddhism is a path right feet, completely lucid taken to the essence of material, is the absolute, all departed distinguish falsehoods, that the enlightened entirely invented.  Buddhism includes all self-interest and the benefit of others, self-discipline, sense of forgiveness and his deeds , the person is fully accomplished, the ultimate consummation.
B-  lemon
Buddhism from when?  has two meanings:  standpoint of Buddhism, that should be there from Vo Thi (meaning no clue, not limited in time). Because Buddhism is wise nature of beings, beings should have is Buddhism, which has myriad beings Exam Buddhism from Vo Thi also.  historical standpoint and the term in the world This says that, then Buddhism has had since 2501  (1)  this year (as of 1957), 544 years before Christianity.
Who is the Buddha's enlightenment?
Buddhists need to know the history of their pontiff.
Below, please mention briefly the main points of life pontiff, who was the Buddha's enlightenment, ie Buddha Shakyamuni
Buddha Shakyamuni, former prince of Kapilavastu (Kapilavastu) Central Indian origin, His father King Suddhodana name beginning has Na (Sudhodana); Form prince named Maya (Maya). They are Qiao His dam, old punch translated, his name laTat Prince (Shidartha). As word Sakyamuni (Sakya), Ship Power Nhon translated as: Energy is the capacity, Nhon is compassion. Muni (Muni) means Even President: President's silence, please do not be suffering the mind; Even as quietly, not disturbing disturbances, their level of human, fully merit.
As a child he had the intellectual clarity and extraordinary talent. Growing up seeing human suffering, the impermanent world, so he determined to export from, find a way to extricate ourselves and others, in order to bring ashore all enlightened beings.
After six years of asceticism in Snow Mountains (Himalayas), he saw the ascetic mortification such, can not reach the truth, so he went over the mountain Koda, sitting under the Bodhi tree (Of Bat La, negative translation the voice of India) and swear that: "If the directors do not, then crushed down to whether meat, we also decided not to get up from this place." With even mighty determined that, after 49 days of thinking, he saw clearly the truth of the universe's birth and witness Bodhi. After enlightenment, he traveled all over the land, preaching the birth, to turn passion into enlightened beings, be happy-suffering. During his 49 years as a physician virtuouso look sick for medicine, he has guided happy being on the road and pointed to the way people enlightenment.
By age 80, he entered into Nirvana at Kushinagar, in the forest of sala (life span). At that time, the full moon day in February to the lunar calendar.
Buddhist teachings like?
Buddhist teachings in 3 organs including the classic Economics, Law, Luan.
1. Economics: Economics is the words of Shakyamuni Buddha had said during their lifetimes, to teach sentient beings end defilements and achieve performance nirvana.
2. Law: Law is the Buddhist precepts that have been devised for the disciples, to the disciples commandments of evil, cultivate the good, to cultivate a pure mind and body.
3. Comment: Comment is largely due to the policies of the Buddha's disciples made clear resolution desktop mystery in economic sense, law or assertive nature, minister of France, perhaps to distinguish * cuam path and not evil direction, making the life out of our mistakes have left, primary evil.
Tripitaka is divided into two kinds of Mahayana and Theravada.
Signature TT means transport, have also called premium seats, meaning that stock car. Excess or premium has implied meaning: Teachings of Buddha as a performance car, being taken from the mundane afflictions to work happily pure realm, from the sea of ​​samsara to nirvana size, resolution escape.
Mahayana as large carriage, can carry more persons at one time; contrary Hinayana as a lesser vehicle, carrying only a few people at a time only.
The reason for their doctrines divided into Mahayana and Theravada that, as radical and heterogeneous expectations beings together. The class who find themselves just enough to release his own share only, as small car carrying several people, then according to Theravada doctrine.
The class who has seen himself can both liberate ourselves and others out of existence, and who voluntarily his degree and went to Nirvana, as a large wagon, and transported in a time much man, according to Mahayana. Rank this person clearly knew sorrow, birth and death as illusory, should not bear fruition soon happily in his last, which often born of fatigue never know, and as noticed also suffering beings, then alone can not be happy.
The Spread of Buddhism:
After the passing away of Buddha, two disciples of the Buddha Kassapa and his rather Ananda Buddha Dhamma preacher in India. It was the first time. Second period by the Patriarch Nagarjuna, Asanga Ma Ming and leadership. Third period by the Patriarch Long Tri, Compassion and Fearless Padmasambhava charge.
From India, Buddhism spread into neighboring countries, and the whole of East Asia, and eventually throughout the world. The spread goes in two directions: one towards the north and the south direction. (See History of Buddhism spread lock 5)
On the north, it is called the Northern Sun North Local or Buddhism, or Mahayana Buddhism, including the country: Tibet, China, Mongolia, Manchuria, Goryeo, Japan, Vietnam and so on.
To the south, the Southern or South-called religion of Buddhism, or Theravada Buddhism, or Theravada Buddhism, including countries: Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc. ...
But thanks to the convenient transportation and abundant classic * awarded throughout the country, should the religious divide between North and South is no longer respected as clear as before: in Mahayana and Theravada still remain in Theravada There Mahayana.
The Benefits of Buddhism:
The goal of Buddhism is to bring beautiful results later beings:
1. Chon often: propelled beings, fellow human rebirth in the sea; beings live in impermanent, as young as age, when the sick healed, the dead live ... Buddhism bring an effective practice 'll never be above the law of impermanence dominant.
2. Chon touch: beings who live in the realm of darkness, sorrow, suffering, if fun is only fun for a while, as the soft, salty water, refreshment stand for a moment, and then later the more thirsty than at the beginning. Buddhism is intended to give guys a joyful practice integrity and unending.
3. Self: We are not born knowing how much adversity around dominant binding, as the prisoner guilty of prison confinement, freedom never operate according to their own. Buddhism aims to make religious people are freed entirely beyond the above bound, making full human capacity to carry out their good wishes, and live a life of peace and liberation at.
4. Select Province: living beings in the realm of filth, covered with mud up in the realm of procedure, from the soul to the physical outside. Buddhism aims to make people practice decanting how much filth realms of life, to live a pure life, pure, do not you remember the little problems of the mundane.
Not just in the future, the new Buddhism benefit for life, even in the current society, Buddhism also brought many valuable benefits:
- Buddhism, thanks to the spirit of compassion, for the society, humanity than to love one another.
- Buddhism, by the light of wisdom, making society less ignorant human error, that is where the true value, where is deceptive, false.
- Buddhism, thanks to the spirit of absolute equality, the leveling of social injustice, humanity, and makes this realm Saha is brighter, more joyful.
These are the benefits that Buddhism brought to glory.
C -  Conclusion
The benefits speak on such precious, but will never come to us, if not to learn and practice Buddhism.
1. Buddhist Studies: The Buddha from whom despite being a mortal, how clever production, but also when he left home to study day and night, wasting so much energy, promoting the new doctrine is a mystery left we. So we want to be a true Buddhist, the first is to learn as Buddha. We do not just learn in his teachings but also learn through life, virtue, acts of his life anymore.
2. Under Buddha: But learning without practice, no practice, no different then what propels the book, the letter contained a lot of books, but do not have anything useful. So learn to go along with practice. We have been trying to practice what they have learned, what they do for to be seen is or is to be. Buddha did, we will have to get back; Buddha has the qualities kindness, compassion, Joy, Equanimity, joy, Diligence, Purity ... we are trying to accomplish for the qualities it.

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