Wednesday 26 March 2014

The University Tri thesis.
(Mahaprajnaparamitasatra) - Author: Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna) translation of the Chinese: Kumarajiva - Translation Chinese to Vietnam: Thich Thien Sieu.                                

Episode 5
Gone 82   Explanation: 69 Products First Media
(Business Ma Ha uncivil write: Great Products Media) (Beijing University Prajna Assembly two records: 68 Products Proceeds Xao)
Business: Now from that white Buddha Bodhi: Blessed Bodhisattva's play center back since how long ago that achievement means such power?
Buddha: From Bodhi, Bodhisattva means of achieving this force, from the past when the mind has undergone countless countless lives. 
Tu Bo said: Blessed Bodhisattva how much he donated the Buddha which means achievements such force?
Buddha: Bodhisattva means of achieving this capacity ever offered countless Buddhas.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Bodhisattva means such forces, what fresh planting grounds?
The Buddha: Buddhist Bodhisattva achievements such force, is due back from the development center here, Paramitayana For full until Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Bodhisattva human achievement means so very much.
The Buddha: Thus, as a result, force Bodhisattva achievement means so very much; candidates as the sun the moon around the earth four continents, to benefit a lot, Prajna Paramita is the same, reference Paramitayana year, benefiting greatly. Bodhi Monastery, for as cakkavatti, if no precious time car not called cakkavatti;; Paramitayana year too, if left Prajna Paramita not-call time from three dollars security, not leave Prajna Paramita should be called nouns Paramitayana. For example, unmarried woman, prone to aggression; Paramitayana year too, away from Prajna Paramita susceptible to sun damage ghost or phantom. For as the woman whose husband is hard to invade; Paramitayana year too, there are Prajna Paramita, ghost or phantom can not sun damage. For as general full body armor, military staff, neighboring countries, strengthen the enemy can not destroy; Paramitayana year too, not away from Prajna Paramita should ghost or phantom sun, or the rooftop Chronic, until war Bodhisattva is not vandalism. For as little water from time king tribute cakkavatti; Paramitayana year too, upon follow Prajna Paramita. For want as hundreds line the river Ganges flow into the sea and on; Paramitayana year too, the Prajna Paramita guardian Necessarily so depending upon the location. Such as the right arm, handy work, Prajna Paramita is the same;'s left arm, do not add the year Paramitayana same. For as big or wanted small rivers or seas are in a position of doing, Paramitayana year too, the Prajna Paramita guardian, according to the Prajna Paramita omniscience, is called Three perfections. For as four arms of cakkavatti, car navigation treasure, the king wanted to stop the car stopped immediately, making four arms are satisfied, the car did not leave the old place treasure; Prajna Paramita is the same , led the way in Paramitayana to omniscience often in it, does not exceed the old place. For as four arms of cakkavatti, precious car navigation, Prajna Paramita provide such guidance in Paramitayana to dwell omniscience. Prajna Paramita is no distinction: For collectively Paramitayana spleen, About Meditation Paramitayana until Paramitayana not depending on us. For Paramitayana not distinguish well: I depends on Prajna Paramita, remaining until Paramitayana About Meditation Paramitayana are not depending on. About Meditation Paramitayana to Paramitayana so well, why? Because of the power Paramitayana no effect, self-emptiness, nothingness lies, like the mirage.
Then that white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Blessed, if not all the features of self, how bodhisattva practice will be six Paramitayana Supreme supreme Buddha?
He tells us: this Bodhi, Bodhisattva when religious Paramitayana think six, center of the world are crazy, if not our collective strength means they can not escape the sentient beings from samsara, we will because we born Candidates should practice until Paramitayana Prajna Paramita. Bodhisattva was born because we should let go of possessions outside, when let go of thinking that we do not let go, because why? Because the material resources that would surely perish. Bodhisattva thought so too can Paramitayana For full. Because they do not break up the whole world, why? Bodhisattva think, because they're born that the mind has supreme Buddha Supreme, if killing is not so, because they're born until the Supreme Development Center supreme Buddha, if born wrong time or before taking office Thanh, Pratyekabuddhas address is not recommended. Bodhisattvas such thinking can be fully About Paramitayana. Bodhisattvas as beings should not anger, for the anger of the moment. Bodhisattva thought this: We should benefit sentient beings, therefore why anger starting center? Thus, the ring can fully Paramitayana. Bodhisattva because they were born so until the Supreme supreme Buddha is often not born lazy mind; practice can thus fully Diligent Paramitayana. Bodhisattva because they were born so until the Supreme supreme Buddha is not born a scattered mind; practice such meditation can fully Paramitayana. Bodhisattva because they were born so until the Supreme supreme Buddha did not leave full of wisdom, why? So unless the intellect can not escape the corner on what measures they are born. Such words can fully Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, if not the difference Paramitayana how different the Prajna Paramita is the easiest ultimate magic for Paramitayana year?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: So, so, although Paramitayana no difference, if there is no time Prajna Paramita year Paramitayana not called Paramitayana, the Prajna Paramita place but in other Paramitayana called Paramitayana. For as the colorful birds in the Mount Meru to agree to an identity; Paramitayana year too, people place Prajna Paramita reached omniscience in a kind of no other, irrespective For Paramitayana here is, here's About Paramitayana until this is Prajna Paramita, why? Because Paramitayana nonmagnetic, because so predestined Paramitayana no difference.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, according to the true meaning if there is no distinction, how Prajna Paramita is the ultimate magic for Paramitayana year?
Buddha: So, so, Bodhi Monastery, depending fact that there is no discrimination, just follow secular law should say Paramitayana For, About Paramitayana until Prajna Paramita. Wanting sentient beings from samsara, which beings born there was really no death, no start no retreat. Bodhi from, because we do not have birth itself, so all should know nothing of the law itself. By the coast so that Prajna Paramita supreme, dark magic to Paramitayana year. For women it's like in Jambudvipa, jade treasures the First Women, supreme, dark magic, Prajna Paramita, too, the First, supreme, dark magic to Paramitayana year.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, because of what the Buddha said that Prajna Paramita is paramount, dark magic?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Prajna Paramita So take all Necessary Evil comes in mind, not permanent residence place.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Prajna Paramita real pretty far pretty interesting way reasonable?
Buddha: None. Prajna Paramita bogus legal defense ability, the ability discharge, why? For all non-defense law does not discharge.
Blessed, Prajna Paramita not prime, not exhaust what law?
Buddhism teaches Prajna Paramita no defense, no discharge of identity; no defense, no discharge of sensation, perception, action, waking up to the Supreme supreme Buddha.
Blessed, not players how best to craft not Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha: If the bodhisattva not think of excellence not think until the Supreme supreme Buddha, he is not trying to charge for calls to non-prime Supreme supreme Buddha.
Tu Bo said: Blessed, if not excellent thought to not think Supreme supreme Buddha, how the gains of virtue? Shortsighted not gain sufficient time how Paramitayana? If not full time Paramitayana how the Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: If the bodhisattva not think of excellence not think until the Supreme supreme Buddha, then the gain of virtue, virtue should gain full Paramitayana, the full Paramitayana should be sufficient Supreme supreme Buddha, why? So do not think of identity as to not think about supreme Buddha Supreme, Supreme consecutive supreme Buddha.
Blessed, because of conditions during what should not think about not thinking about colors for the supreme Buddha Supreme Supreme consecutive supreme Buddha?
Buddha: So think before sinking to the Desire Realm, Sac realm, formless realm; do not think the time is not wrecked before. Thus, from Bodhi, Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita wreck before what should not.
O Buddha, Bodhisattvas cultivate Prajna Paramita so should stay in place?
Buddha: Bodhisattva practice so no permanent place where excellent place to reside not Necessarily strain.
Blessed, because of conditions that do not stay up until no permanent place where excellent location Necessarily race?
No attachments should not stay, why? As the Bodhisattva's way can not see the attachment, can craft, as such, do not stay Bodhisattva, no previous practice Prajna Paramita.
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva think if, if such action is, so is tu tu Prajna Paramita. We present Prajna Paramita practice, practice Prajna Paramita, if such approval prime time away from Prajna Paramita, if separated from the Prajna Paramita For Paramitayana shuns away from until Necessarily race position, why? So Prajna Paramita no shelter before, and no previous residence, because self-emptiness. If the bodhisattva still clinging to the interior minister to quit the Prajna Paramita; if quitting Prajna Paramita failure time regression impermanent supreme Buddha, Buddha's life is not signed. Bodhisattva thinks that Resident Prajna Paramita which may arise For Paramitayana to compassion. If you think that the loss of Prajna Paramita, lost Prajna Paramita For they can not arise until Paramitayana compassion. If the bodhisattva thought Buddhas know of no general law life should be supreme Buddha Supreme. If the bodhisattva presentation, open market, so teaching time lost Prajna Paramita, why? Because Buddhas for no preconceived approach, no possess, nor have the legal possibility theory, let alone what would have possessed, maybe not that time.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita how no faults?
Buddha: If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita means that none of the law itself, the attachment can not not have possessed. If doing so is cultivating Prajna Paramita. If Bodhisattva wrecked before where nothing approach itself away from the Prajna Paramita, why? Because of Prajna Paramita has no legal attachment.
It takes 16 pages from 49 to 64
cool is that? Paramitayana year but not at the same time have different Sutra, Sutra in time when there is no difference? As objects of different colors, but the last time Mount Meru to turn into a color, not to speak of the things are the same color, therefore why just call Mount Meru is the largest private? For three dollars ... and so secret, but there is no difference, but are not because of the private Prajna is said, therefore why Wisdom is justified only major? Tu Buddhist Bodhi forward to explain but which still do not understand, the other to bring the Buddha asked: If in fact there is no difference in meaning, the Prajna how the supreme Paramitayana year? Before the Noble said no no, this is the Noble said no, so say First real meaning. First noble truth that is very reliable, in that there is no difference. Buddha promises the ability to say that: So, so, I distinguish six Paramitayana vomiting are so secular that said, why? For people who can not life just because they say it's the law minister. They should listen and ignorant foreign suspicions. Therefore, taken in its highest sense as the center and the secular language used to say, so distinguished professor of chemistry Paramitayana beings. We really do not have the legal birth, are not, not born, not kill, do not quit will not start; colors so well. So Prajna Paramita but that can not only display such things; candidates as precious pearls the First female supremacy, female dark magic between them.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Buddha meant what often distinguish the supreme Bodhi Monastery hear each and every year Prajna said Paramitayana no other wrong, then Buddhism also promised the ability to distinguish the dark is upstream?
Buddha: Wisdom legal guardian gave charity to all residents of omniscience. But not all the way, without Prajna times were not all bad ones can reach omniscience. Dhamma Paramitayana year, thirty-seven aids direct, compassionate, the Bodhisattva's way ...
Q: If the legal practitioner to heal can also omniscience, why would only say thanks to the new Sutra.
A: Although the legal intervention can break the harmony afflictions, the Supreme supreme Buddha, the Sutra of the great effort he has; candidates as Army beat all enemy generals were career. Then there are people who say: the bad ones do not have time not to be Prajna omniscience. Wisdom can not be the only good time to approach omniscience. As Kinh said Lei Lion In Buddhist country music treasure stately trees, usually flush immeasurable negative talk about all the legal measures ultimately no, no birth and no death; country people born immediately hear that sound that way, should not start evil mind, be infertile legal entity. The time where such generosity has merit, morality ...? There is also the crazy, drunk people follow Buddhism immediate word to be directed? Those who do not have intelligence from other so well enlightened, maybe not that.
Bodhi Monastery Buddha asked: Uncivil ultimately no, not taking holy law, not give legal mundane, reason why the Buddha said that Wisdom can lead to omniscience reside in?
Buddha's words and promises the ability to say: So, as such, does not take Sutra, do not give up, but said Necessarily take place, but without attachment should take measures, such as mean residence. In this causal Buddhists say: All the general law without clinging. All the best solution is for the seawall; was frivolous legal, predestined from birth, not magnetic so do not get, not taken should not give up, because there is no concept of inhibitors prime minister.
Tu Bo said: If not inhibit identity concept, how healthy root growth? Based not healthy growth, how the Supreme supreme Buddha?
Buddha replied: If the bodhisattva kill memory for all legal concept, which is not, formless, infinite work of liberation, true liberation ie Minister of Justice. Yet there are grounds for attachment blessings prime minister should not grow crazy; experimental sowing of paddy, rice good drug, but because so much grass can not grow. In this causal said: Because they inhibit conception to birth in place, negative in the three worlds, if there is no memory not wrecked before conception, not birth not wrecked before. Tu Buddhist Bodhi, Buddhist listening, thinking, legal reserves that ultimately no, nothing of itself, if that executive can not get anything, no shelter, why? Because the same causal; How should ask Buddha Bodhisattva Sutra residents think that religious place, is what? Buddha replied: Not all legal residence in the non-resident to non-resident as well, not the prime minister should not wrecked before, not wrecked before should not stay. In this causal Buddhists say: Bodhisattva can not see the attachment method, may reside not see the attachment, the resident. In this so hard to break law should just say no attachment to the law, not legal residence, the residence without saying, the attachment.
This Bodhi, Bodhisattva stay where they are if not born, does not think that way: I was so sorry convent, is left, why? So Prajna Paramita is no attachment minister, that the Bodhisattva's mind to ego, not external front, party in the previous fall, not as religious truth Prajna, Prajna shuns should say, why? So Prajna Paramita is not pre Minister, because there are not so self. Above, for approval should not lose, because this should not be breaking Wisdom, but Wisdom attachments nonmagnetic, so sorry, so sorry life should not be signed. If you think that can stay in the Prajna Paramita, she was born ... and the same.
Q: By the grace both on said faulty as can be, and this excuse fails?
A: Both over faulty because no attachment, no self-attachment, can not word it ... but born Paramitayana wrong, consider that: If the law is not fully practice what? He does not because no attachment, no attachment to religious asexual For Paramitayana ... think: Can not attachments not, no attachment of asexual religious virtues, he is directing his feet, and is faulty, because there was no place center hopes. If they can not take Prajna corpse until Paramitayana compassion, why? As the Supreme supreme Buddha is the true law: Prajna Paramita was similar approach, the goodness of generosity ... not similar, because the prime minister also accepted. If memory Bodhisattva ideal self and all legal distinction can not cling minister, the Buddha said he was supreme Buddha Supreme. Prime minister is ultimately not approved, can not cling, because the generals killed, as well as open market, taking tell others should take Prajna. The bridge does not have a mind, so sorry, sorry also for asexual: I am the ordinary mortal, uncleaned afflictions, how to achieve? Just follow the Buddha's teachings, which distinguish themselves not to mind, as others say, not grasping all the generals are bogus. Each brings a karmic things open market, instructive, he also is an error, why? As for the legal Buddhas have not possessed, that nothing is so grasping. French prime minister can not, for the list of authors can not even speak, let alone have acquired legal? The law minister passed away, there is no argument Coliseum, all roads language ceases.
Bodhi Monastery think: If "no" has outdated the "no no" at fault? In no way is grasping at fault, but no religion can not? So now asked the Buddha: how to practice without faults?
Buddha replied: If the bodhisattva not know the law ultimately does by itself, can not cling, he can not know the law, not religious so the error. If the bodhisattva not the ultimate attachment, the attachment asexual, directed practice attachment; Buddha said all three are at fault. Bodhisattva quit listening to the attachment, this attachment also head of the Buddha, not quit: As head of the Buddhist religion is certainly feet, we just follow Buddhist practice, all measures nothing of itself, not accept the prime minister. So the error. This approach can be grasped in the mind as the Buddha, the Buddha measures such minister nor possessed the mind, so no you possess should not participate Buddha, not contemptible coward others. Other interested equality for all beings.
It asked: Uncivil so pure, no mistakes, apart from the wall, no attachment, no news has left ideological attachments. If separated from the wall, how can I practice.
Buddha replied: If the bodhisattva born for such measures, he called Prajna practice. Bodhisattva did not say excellent or very often or often, not to say the identity, of who is the best colors, hues, whose identity, break people. Necessarily identity to strain so well. If ultimately not legal, so can not be traced, he is not born, because why? Because the magnetic method can not be self-born legal, no legal order can not be calculated without self-born legal. Breaking the crazy truth is such discourse is provided by the Prajna Paramita, the other Paramitayana follow; cakkavatti candidates as to where, four army this article. Due to the blessing of the Holy King should have four arms to fly, due to legal Sutra are true to the computer, and the Buddhist religion.
* Again, for as smart riding four horses not go wrong. Horse traction vehicle but, if the operator does not have to be impossible. Giving merit ... but retribution, yet no Prajna unable to control the Buddhist religion. Each each such instance, Paramitayana year in Prajna Paramita, although there is no difference but that's because dark religious Sutra is dark magic.
Buddhist Bodhi Monastery hear each and every causal Prajna maximal said, are told not to practice is practice Prajna, so asked the Buddha: What is the Bodhisattva, not how the Bodhisattva? Buddha replied: Second Bodhisattva not admit, but there is the ordinary man and defilement, not the Bodhisattva, as crude should not say; Turkey excess stocking None fellow, and so say for Nirvana is not to the Bodhisattva. The rough, people do not think, in fact it is comfortable. Omniscience is the Bodhisattva, who said he is in effect. Tu Bodhi Prajna praise rejoice that Prajna Paramita arises because large, as in Beijing, by extension, because the law until permanent.
Bodhi Monastery cottage ask: If not born Uncivil not kill, how the practice of generosity, morality ...?
Buddha replied: Because not Uncivil ie born not ultimately destroy not, because ultimately no obstacles should not practice Friday Paramitayana. Bodhisattva hear each praised each causal omniscience, because omniscience should practice charity, because sentient beings should dedicate to the Supreme supreme Buddha. The merit of six security Paramitayana was founded in the true form of law that the Supreme dedication to supreme Buddha. As such, the six Bodhisattvas full Paramitayana compassion and merit, not crazy, have the happiness of virtue. 
Bodhi Monastery asked Bodhisattva should set out how six Paramitayana?
Buddha answered Bodhisattva phenomena ... not consistent with disapproval. Rupa negativity ... so crazy to the mix, so the observer should agree; Bodhisattva by the deep interest the observer has no legal case, even crazy afflictions should not frivolous case; as in the previous down pollution and pollution stated. So Bodhisattva not know the case law which should also not approved, the student center is not arrogant.
* Again, Bodhisattvas should not think, that we do make true wisdom ... pure phenomena that dwell in it, why? So ... without rupa shelter, as land where water boarding, water boarding place, the wind residence where no, no shelter, for which there is no shelter so all of them are not permanent. Bodhisattva should thus not legal permanent residence in which the Supreme supreme Buddha. In this prayer said for example: Seeds are Prajna Paramita, Supreme result is supreme Buddha planted the seed should go Sutra. The practitioners are, countries are Paramitayana year; such as watering the plants, but have not seen results but by the time the weather will be; weather harmony is fully legal. As in business Praise Wisdom: If the bodhisattva not want others to follow the true minister should understand the legal and if people go to the wrong destructive, it does not follow that they are awake, if you want to strictly pure Buddha realm , sitting ashrams, Zhuan Falun, should take Prajna School.
Bodhi Monastery Buddha asked: As the Buddha's teachings: Wisdom Bodhisattva should study?
Buddha: Wisdom school that I teach.
Bodhi Monastery think: All of the legal equality minister, teaching only excuse Sutra?
Buddha replied that Prajna School, to be free from all legal, so I taught venom Sutra. Prajna is maximal for all legal, as Buddhist religion is at the middle of all beings. Again like to live, the ocean is great. Again as in this prayer said for example archer. If the Bodhisattva can practice Prajna leisurely approach to the ghost or ghosts so people can not get over, let alone the increase of chronic upper and wrong? Bodhisattva's been deceased ten Buddhas. In doing this, the Buddha said: If the bodhisattva practice Paramitayana six, six bars also can not Paramitayana ultimately not; person so elaborately large Buddhas should be deceased. For as valiant in battle without breaking the enemy wounded, the deceased king; Bodhisattvas thus breaking the enemy afflictions, six fully immerse Paramitayana without prior six Paramitayana the deceased Buddha, not clinging to life, perception, understanding that Bodhisattva, should the deceased, why? Because of form, feeling, perception, consciousness is frivolous legal, not true; Buddhas, Bodhisattvas contemplating the body as it is general so that the deceased. Bodhi Monastery little joy: Bodhisattva learn more, legal and secular education, religion and education, as well Paramitayana school, and ultimately not learn as well start learning, learning also killed. The ordinary starting school, learning can not kill; Qing literary kill, can not start school; Bodhisattvas also start learning, learning also killed; said so many educational settings. France starts killing was as illusory, like a dream, not ultimate, so it can not learn anything. Buddha promised ability words, speak of conditions: Department of Bodhisattvas school can not be grasped.
Bodhi Monastery white Buddha that Blessed One, the Buddha said or wide approach or strategy, Bodhisattvas should study, learn why fear will not be possessed? The Bodhi Monastery is: As the Buddha said the practice eighty-four thousand, twelve broad categories or economic or strategic, is the legal basis of the three redundant school. In'd be here talking Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha should study Paramitayana six or comb or wide. Learning is a life to lead and close her law; recitation, thinking, observing correct, until in formless samadhi, the mind does not mind some current methods. Bodhisattva learned so wide the minister knows, minister of legal strategy. Width is from eighty-four thousand practice to countless bogus; strategy is to trade skits, a product of sub-texts, a passage in a product.
* Again, the strategy is not to know all the legal, formless, uncreated, infertility, no kill, broad is the way each and every minister as distinguished in the following knowledge Brahma will tell.
Bodhi Monastery ask: How is general combs Bodhisattva know, all the generals of the broad legal?
Buddha replied: If you know the law as, like generals, are not born mean, not killing, not subtract.
Q: If as a minister, minister for infertility, knowing how Bodhisattva as he should know the general minister, the law minister's own: general General ie general strategy, ie separate Minister Gen. wide?
A: Like, is the true form of legal permanent no damage, not in the way of observation. Bodhisattvas are "like" means that the crazy ignorance out wrong, because he should know the law is very clear general minister, minister's own all legal world. Every mortal eyes have mental illness, since ignorance obscures insanity should not be known as truth.
Q: Chess is not really legal, formless, uncreated, the place had not met, how the minister said as truth? Clear general minister, the law minister's own?
A: Before I respond that he had to "like" the prime minister should also back problems. If he said, "like" the problem is not so. As he ultimately formless should know unobstructed general minister, the law minister separately, because clearly the intellectual eye.
* Again, as the pilot has a large old knew his job when small are foolish, laughable. Bodhisattvas also, in true form from the start up and return measures, according to the six bases retribution crazy, think of the fun cessation freed knows what's popular six bases wrecked world is false wait, skip, he called the minister general. In which impurities can distinguish upper, middle, lower; distinguish impermanence, suffering and not, as is so selfless, to eighty-four thousand mistakes.
* Again, know as such, calculated, in fact so well known general minister, the law minister's own. Such as the difference between the means, calculated, in fact as stated in the first article. Here the Buddha is said not in fact marginal. There must be no marginal attachment minister could not have approved certain measures could advance, because the calculation should be aware of identity ... eighteen are calculated. Minister of calculation is not classified Buddha said, no such division. No assignment is not only described the other, this one, there is no discrimination, no minister, no number, no such distribution is not attachment was formless, infinite minister is breaking amount, calculated for the two compartment should not be afraid to see: One is that there is no volume minister, no minister two is that amount. There minister is the amount of crude is not the amount of health minister. So said Minister of calculation not assigned, no such division. Bodhisattvas into three liberation, is residing in three bogus as such, calculation, time may in fact reserves, known collectively Minister, Minister of separate legal entities. Buddhist Bodhi Monastery hear complete response, the Buddha wanted to ask about the other aspects of the Dharma immeasurable. Buddha replied: Knowing all measures not disagree with the general minister said, the law minister's own.
Q: Eyes that two fingers have agreed otherwise, why not say not agree with?
A: First we have to say, seeing the eyes of buffalo meat with goat that is not different, not credible. Again, three burn skin and meat called fingers, fingers no way certain. Again, assuming there could not finger the end, the only part, but not the other parts, so much part of the finger should not be speaking of.
Q: A little part of the so-called?
A: A little part of the finger is not known, how to say the finger? If more time is not part of the call is not, as some excuse that it called the? That should not be talking with two fingers.
* Again, not partial finger with the other, not one, ie no fingers, fingers should not be illegal. At a break in other subjects, with absolutely no time, as the Buddha said in this: All the way, there are not themselves; itself should not have counted no legal means; do not have the legal time how can there agree? Bodhi Monastery Buddha heard saying as such, calculation, not of disapproval in fact, said Minister of Strategy, Minister of accommodation, so Tu Bo said, Blessed One, he called comb photography Paramita Sutra. Combs photography is so peaceful path of the Bodhisattva should learn.

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