Friday 28 March 2014

BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 5: The Five Precepts (Thich Thien Hoa)
BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 5: The Five Precepts (Thich Thien Hoa) BUDDHIST SCHOOL INFORMATION: COURSE 1 - Lesson 5: The Five Precepts (Thich Thien Hoa)
A.-Open Thread
After taking refuge in the Three Jewels to live according to the law of the Buddha devised, to move forward on the path. The rule is that the Five Precepts. Confucianism followers to live according to Tam outline, usually five, the Buddhists can not only life without maintenance Three Refuges Five Precepts.
He has found refuge center that has stepped foot on the ladder of liberation, but if not kept in the world is just the first step a step and stopped, can not proceed to actually freed. Men are not the people who put up the progress on the path of liberation, but also to bring order and happiness, peace to the family, national, social again. The five precepts are precepts'm actually create happiness for individuals and groups, the teacher is preventing us do legal blundering in the desert. Thus, Shakyamuni Buddha had testament urgency following before he passed away:
- "After passing us, the people must be respected religious precepts as teachers, we are here on earth oil to teach thousands of people to life again, we also do more things outside the law." Discipline Buddha invented a lot, because of the need for a lot of people applied practice - Bhikkhu, - nuns, - Sa, Sa-ni. As for laypeople row, only 5 world only. But if they keep the 5 Precepts for their benefit, to the unspeakable.
B. - Parent Thread:
I. -  Definition  : The Five Precepts are five things that prohibition has crafted Buddha, the memorial to prevent evil, speak no good, nefarious actions. In that commandment is: - Do not murder, - not robbers, - Do not commit adultery, - Do not lie, - Do not drink alcohol. In this he kept on compassion, equality in terms of end personal sins and bring order to society that happily established. Buddha is not compulsory we have adhered to nor threatened if we do not obey Him, they must be punished. The keeping or not keeping our world is so completely self retrieve data. Buddhism differs from other major religions in point is the Buddha is not a judge of the Supreme reserves the right to award a penalty. A thought, a word, a good or bad action has brought with it a major payoff and sprouts. Buddha is only a guide very compassionate, and very wise. He shows us the path that light path and the path is not so dangerous path to go. But if we do not follow the path of light that wants to go into harm's way, then of course we will see a natural disaster, but the Buddha did not create disasters to punish us. Court is the law of cause and effect. I do bad, we bad consequences, we do good, we are too good. In the world's five bastions stop for us not stray into evil ways, as in fence blocking us from falling into the abyss, while we go on the path of liberation.
II. - In World
1. - Not murder .  prohibit the first thing that the Buddha advised us not to kill sentient life, from humans to animals. The life is a precious value, especially in the life of people, being killed other networks to pay for the life of this bowl is an evil, irrational faith.
Buddhism prohibits killing by a variety of reasons:
a) Respect for justice.  - We see their lives are precious, is an absolute treasure. If anyone advise harm, that I fought to protect the life radically. I have you in my life to know her, why people want to trample the life? By extension,
these animals also appreciate their network. As a cow or a pig about to be hit first, bleeds, we see strong resistance, the extreme grief of them, by the cries, those spared bestir! Righteous, what we do not want anyone to make me, and I do not do to others, or other species. He says: "Everyone was afraid of the sword, everyone is afraid of death. So grab your heart heart failure, do not kill! For how to kill. "
b) Respect for equality Buddhahood.  - We each species but different shape, which is a copper Buddha nature. Buddha nature was equally impossible to say what the excuse that the Buddha nature in value than in animals, in this class this color value than other caste another color. Killing an animal is being killed Buddhahood.
c) Cultivating compassion.  - Buddha's compassion as human beings see, so he did not agree to his disciples to kill living creatures, in any case. Because night killing center is the life of cruelty was prosperous, compassionate being smothered. Rings
mind unprovoked killing an animal, evil no less violent killing a man. Making others callously or other material must bestir, groans, optical squirmed in their blood, the heat rate before the final breath, is killing his compassion, is strangling the very germ of love quybau in our hearts. Thus, hard study to become a primary outcome was. Confucius taught: "Van installment is in fact cynically, is being cynically period is character." (Listen to the cry of an animal, it could not bear to eat meat, that it had not lived to see it die). So people have compassion and mercy are not the heart to kill people or animals.
d) Avoid causation retributive hatred . - When you kill a person or animal is their resentment extinguished overflowing difficult. They can, because we are weak should be killed. Meanwhile, they embrace hatred, vengeance awaiting the opportunity to meet, their relatives or their children
will avenge it. Just like every day we are sowing hatred for humans and animals, the cumulative long day, was home to more injustice blocks our strength, then we are killing it again. The more closely now, as his work in pain. He says: "People often murdered consciousness, as industrial growth suffering, spell rotation of birth and death forever, no days off" (Lankavatara Sutra).
The benefits of not killing.  - For the above reasons, the Buddha did not prohibit killing Buddhists. No killing, will have the following advantages:
a) On the personal side . - A person is not cruel murder, harmful organisms, not cruel bloodshed, not snake skin, butchered, beheaded, strangled, then no picture inside a guilty, remorseful, body and mind are gentle, poetic Thoi , sleep peacefully, his face was gentle, innocent.
b) On the social aspect.  - If all mankind in this world keep Buddha's first world here, it will not be war, but the rebirth now also be freed. So teach old team:
"All living beings are not lethal,
the Ten that has emerged at war.
every home, every place are charitable.
worry no peaceful galaxy. "
Limitations:  Still know who killed that create suffering, but householders are also vegetarians, and do other work and that, the police unavoidable transgression. Here we are not required to hold such radical, just keep the important part is not to kill people, and large animals such as buffalo, cow, horse, dog, pig, chicken, etc. ... And the children if how much you avoid much. we should go eat more slowly, perhaps. Especially not kill anything unreasonably, like kill kill for satisfaction. While police precept, we should have the following two precautions:
a) Do not let ill-will arise . Killing an animal so large that unintentionally or self-defense, then the results of it's lighter to kill a dragonfly with evil hand the desire to kill for fun.
b) Exercises should be avoided in the circumstances murder:  Babies to 3, to 5 meet appearances dragonflies, butterflies capture and break off, if the parents started complaining that without nagging, to 12.13 age, they linger shopping, Christmas shirts firing, to 20.25 years old, they pierced throat swine, kill dogs, was not prohibited by the latter, accustomed to atrocity, in anger, they can kill people ruthless. So we should not give children freedom to know what killed the creature, but they did not click item for killing scenes in the cinema or in the middle of life.
2. - Do not mix robbery .  Everybody knows that get them mixed rob animals owned by people, without consent, or consent forcing people by force or authority. Precious things like houses, farms, money, jewels ... so humble materials like betel leaves, chilli ... it is not for myself that thieves are taking. Robbery takes many forms: the strong transverse shock of the gang is stealing,; hope that money right to the weak dependence is robbery; catch of deaths during the severe deprivation for loan words, hold cheap sale mites are predatory; accrues speculators to sell on the black market price is robbery. Using a ruse, stalking, who surreptitiously took of the theft; small scales, measuring lack evasion strings, contraband, is the one that does not seek to return the thieves. It can be a word, a sentence is; any form, by greed get the main nguoibat are all thieves. If for the poor and needy, the sick wife pain, lack of medication rice shortage, forcing up to crafty, I also was delayed, but was rich, eat sung happy, horse boarding, but also to deceive people 's taking, hijacking public, to live a royal sweat tears on poverty guys, the crime is so hard!
For whatever reason the Buddha prohibited thieves? Buddhism prohibits robbery following reasons:
a) Respect for fairness:  We do not want anyone to take her, why I want to take care of the people who won? Individual ownership of me, I know t6o important, then why do we trample the property rights of the people? Doing so is contrary to justice
by. A society without justice can not be lasting.
b) Respect for equality . - Each person has the same Buddha nature, why we want to make others suffer for us is happy? Why do we want to enjoy the special nhunh nefarious while we also just how much a human as human beings
c) Cultivating compassion . - Once unintentionally lose something or some money, we distressing headache, loss of appetite, restless sleep, why we leave it to the attention of the people taken to weep, suffer because we? People often say: "Mammon is the blood
vessels. " Thus, the person who robbed the bones ie plunder the blood, thus killing human life. Only those who have no compassion, conscience canopy new dark do things like that. As for me, was a Buddhist, is trying to feed
harbor compassion, we can not someone be thieves.
d) Avoid karmic revenge . - In an organized society, respect for justice, the crime heist was never punished. Stealing is brought to court misdemeanor, robbery is a felony court. When not caught, thieves have to find hundreds of thousands of design methods
to evade. staying at the shadows of life. When caught, the thieves have bound, tortured, imprisoned, locked up examination. His department has had extremely difficult to treat themselves, to do for his family, his parents, wife and children also sad shame, and lost all hope in the future.
But if the law does not punish the world, the thief can not escape the karmic law of cause and effect. Burglary of thieves who will be back, which caused animosity suffering. He tells us: "The best resource attachment refused to leave, as well as a little kid nostalgia density on the blade, tongue licking, tongue must be a painter" (Sutra Chapter Twelve). Exactly because of the money involved, who really threw himself into the prison itself, into hell. Let's listen to the verse wake of King Tran Thai Tong:
Pierce carved wall where the wall of the press,
the pursuit hundred thousand for the amount of participation,
this life of the oil is,
the other team always lives buffalo horse.
above reasons should be banned from the Buddha to mail thieves.
Benefits of not steal.
a) On the personal side . - The living space is currently involved in peace, without being asked, detention, imprisonment, where to go and trust others, those entrusted to his important position. The space involved is life after enjoying
blessings of wealth, happiness, life and many children also inherit the sound quality thanks to the grandparents, the parents left the glory.
b) In terms of mass . - If someday in society who do not mind taking time, the thieves are not required to close, from the worry of keeping supplies dropped not lost, so there's nothing happier! It's difficult because there is not, but who
have a lot of still suffering, having to worry about keeping. People do not steal ie silently give others peace and stability. Ju has a saying: "Nhon means any non-delivery, non-animal means any procedure," How much are we going robber Buddhists or what?
3. - Do not commit adultery.  Adultery as wanting to talk about the non-holiday lewd, illegal. Ly taught the Law ordained to finalize procedures lewd, while the house is not sexual misconduct. When the couples wedding ceremony called primary; addition, promiscuity sneaky
illegal work with the opposite sex is called evil. But if the couple officially go again, which is not a place, close to each other to shake the extent not commit adultery, also belong to both. That is to say in terms of crude. To put it more subtle, the flesh of the release
identity of consciousness, thinking Unjust, flirting playboy, also belong to both types of sexual misconduct.
Buddhism prohibits adultery because of the following reasons:
a) Respect for righteousness . - Everybody wants their family harmony, peace and happiness, their wives radical right, so why go destroy the older, professional people do humiliating tone, putting her on the path of human sexual immorality.
b) Protect happy family . - What's not painful, more dark, when a husband or wife family that she has privacy, wrong livelihood. Happiness was where, when husband and wife do not trust each other! Once you fall into that family, then the children will shame, self-indulgent, orphaned, her
son not to go unheard, careers ruined, villages decry, tarnished honor. Essential to keep the family happy is fidelity of the couple. They say: "Pros wife upon the husband, the tank should also". Since the adultery
of a friend in two family lines that typically occurs in cases jealousy, quarrels, sometimes beaten to cause murder. Sometimes, revenge, people often see happening scene "He do not eat, she ate spring rolls". A husband and wife expressed an interest to interest
people, their wives and children, the main bar is poised to fence the other guys then. They broke happy family, happy family is the main they disbanded before.
So banning adultery is a necessary condition for building your family happiness and family.
c) Avoid hatred and vicious retribution . - He says: "The sexual embrace patriotism as well as those who go against the wind picked rehearsal, hand addressed fire victims" (Sutra Chapter Twelve). Indeed, one evil mind sensual passion, no sooner run victim decide if
the loss of water-insoluble, they also lose their lives broken leg by a gun, sword. Historically, the dark catastrophic results due to the sexual passion caused no shortage, we need only the bad husband or wife how history books daily, will see
abound in every page, every paragraph. In the animosity, hatred does not have the intense animosity by deception by sub-fields of erotic cause. the daily murder, largely as a result of adultery.
Benefits of sexual misconduct . should therefore keep the precepts adultery will have the following benefits:
a) On the personal side.
- The ThapThien said: "The world is not misconduct shall enjoy the following four benefits:
- Six units (ear, eye, nose, tongue, body and mind) are integrity.
- Lifetime is respected.
- get rid of all the annoying backward disturbances.
- The charming love life no one dares committed. "
b) In terms of mass.
- In a society where everyone is not misconduct, the family peace and happiness, the failure of the trade lus6n will dissipate, Rare scenes, Cop kills will not happen again, children are tricks, cosset and social
will and flourishing. In summary, samsara filth, misery will turn into a pure world, happily.
4. - Do not say untruthful . Speaking untruthful four ways: Telling lies, fabrications say, two-dimensional grid, say cruel.
a) lying or lying , is not telling the truth, tell no story, story not say yes, to say the left, the left must say, that heard not heard, not heard it hear, or false front compliment lies, damn desert behind, or when they say sweet favorite
sweet, the bitter hate it bitterly. In a nutshell, the idea behind words contradict previous work, the less different in any outside First, belong to the lie.
b) weaving words,  as the Nazis for much less, making the listener floating anger, the Tria improve speech, voice or broaching shrinkage, up slightly mellow tone down the rock face to tempt the listener, making the undertake charm; sometimes is said cartoonist, said press, said magnet, said injection for the audience to suffer. In short, how many words are not literally true, additions to the literature glitzy, glossy make guys listen to psychosis, birth afflictions, are known as the embroidered said.
c) two-dimensional grid,  or more prosaically, as saying "two heads blow sharp shock", that is to say, the place promised to speak ill of the other party, the other party says they played along side him to say bad side, making close friends are back against each other, guys favor, meaning the opposition, hatred together.
d) say cruel , to say the language is vulgar insults gruff, making listeners suffering, grief, fear.
Why ban the Buddha said untrue? Buddha said banning untrue because of the following reasons:
a) Respect for the truth . - It is the teaching as true; Buddhist practitioner must respect the truth. People familiar with lies, not necessarily to find the truth it's hard to get them through. We live in illusion, the main work of the practice is trying to break the illusion that he is a living, if you do not like that on the contrary, compounded with the delusion that lie disguise fooled again, then it is immoral.
b) Cultivate compassion.  - The main motive of falsehood is selfishness, evil, harmful people want to satisfying her dark desires. The deceived, chips suffer because their antlers, sometimes to revenge themselves plaintive eyes, sometimes failed to produce soluble part.
practice that people do like to have agreed to take conscience, was smothered in love heart them then. Once compassion is not, and that is the main motivation was lost, then the practice is just false, deceptive people, and of course the result never
c) Preserve fidelity in society.  - In a family, a community, a society in which no one believes anyone, then all of the small to large have failed. In Confucianism, one of five basic virtues is faith. "Nhon disbelieve any establishment", which is the teaching of
Confucius, happy family and society can not be in a lie. suspicion, envy.
d) Avoid suffering retribution . - The words but not the blade, but it's more dangerous than the sword, as it has two tops nose, a pierced nose into other people, a nose hit the person using it. Everyone must not forget the story the boy
shepherd fool the neighbors want, is by "Fire! Fire! ", But it was only once the chips, the next time it's a real fire, though it cried bitterly no one wants to treat well again. Here, lies the only cause for his painting. Therefore, the Buddha
taught: "Every man in my life, sharp-edged hammer lodged in the mouth, the reason is due to his cutting words evil". Estranged spent talking, talking is distorted to harm people, but they have hurt people, how the people who hurt themselves as well. "Future Evil evil" it is. To avoid hatred, prevent data now, we should not lie, exaggerating.
Benefits of not lying:
a) On the personal side . - To be honored, trusted, not plaintively hatred rare people where to go and be around for a trusted status, warm welcome> In business career, the truth is many clients, and assigned responsibility for more valuable.
b) In terms of mass . - Family and social solidarity in the trust. All the general public, has promoted cell results tot.Dong loving, understanding each other better.
Restrictions : Lying is a big disaster, for themselves and society. However, there are also cases should lie. That's when compassion that lie to save someone or something. Lying in criminal cases is due to greed, anger as motivation.
Conversely, if promoted by the compassion that lie, then no crime.
5. - Do not drink alcohol. All things drunk people do ferment, make sure people are not harmful to drink. Themselves drinking has not had, nor are others urged him to drink. Urged him to encourage others to drink, I was
heavier than himself drinking again. At Forest severe disease, oral medications do not heal, health food is sure to draw in the drug alcohol, is temporarily being used. But before taking to increase transparency for them to know. When all sick, not continue pills
have alcohol anymore.
For these reasons the Buddha ban alcohol? - Buddha ban alcohol because of the following reasons:
a) To preserve the intellectual seeds.  - Alcohol is more dangerous than poison. A jar of poison we drink to die immediately, but only one body now dead, but alcohol intake, losing just intellectual, had risen from the dead countless lives. So in order to preserve valuable intellectual seeds, Buddha ban alcohol.
b) Prevent the cause of sin . - Alcohol itself is not a sin as killing, steal, commit adultery, but it can make other people for the sins born. When you have drunk alcohol in, the crime can be committed. Here is a story to prove it: - A farmer he is plowing between the other, horns, suddenly appeared in front of him a great mental assault, bizarre, threats to kill him. He terrified, crying for mercy please. The teenagers said:
- If you do one of three things, we spared her life: either kill your father, or your mother is hit or drank liters of wine on the table for your house.
He thought tomb early farmers and replied:
- Thou child is drinking liters of wine.
Hung god seems happy listening and disappeared. At noon that day, the farmer back home, he saw liter wine purchase to entertain themselves, because the upcoming anniversary, hastily grabbed him, tossed down a bit shallow. His father noticed his son rude, rushed to beat Gay subnets. Ma soaked yeast, he no longer knew right from wrong, the father snatched sticks, beat him a good cheut tree! The mother ran to hug me scream. He's not mad, huh, mom hit the dust bag. Village to start his run up the lead for the murder of his father beat his mother. Regained consciousness he knows drinking is the most serious crime in which three teenagers caught his kite making.
In brief alcohol causes more guilt. Here are 10 of the harm that alcohol mentioned in Business: 1 - Wealth fall lost; 2 - Growth lap murder; 3 - Intellectual fades; 4 - not a career; 5 - Body care much suffering , 6 - Body or the illness; 7 - Mind anger
elated, Popular strife; 8 - worn merit; 9 - reduced life expectancy, 10 - general network fall into hell.
Benefits Of The Forbidden Drink
a) On the personal side.  - who do not drink alcohol are 10 things to avoid damage mentioned above.
b) In terms of mass.  - The family is still fun, children less sickness and disease, social harmony section, the mighty race.
C. - Conclusion
1. - Not Buddhist precepts are not Buddhists . - We have seen the practical use and benefit of the 5 world in terms of individuals and organizations. If the Three Refuges is the foundation, the precepts of the ladder is 5 laypeople to step down onto the cross bar. In the first step, if possible Buddhists vow to keep the five precepts, the better, if not as much bound to keep the whole world in the world that can keep their few practices that can be, like: No drink alcohol, do not lie. Then, with a perseverance and valor Bodhicitta, we vow to continue to keep more of the world like no stealing, no sexual misconduct has taken a vow ... But morality does keep faithful, do not be a step toward , two regression, and again, the user is never going anywhere. If Buddhists do not keep the world called a Buddhist? Ordinary people, not Buddhism but also hold true status as no alcohol, no lying, no stealing rather, let alone Buddhists? I want to Buddhism is beyond the ordinary life of the people. If we in the Act and still continues to float the old life, or worse thenhan regular life, it is that we want to tarnish the Act,
So the Buddhist precepts must try to deserve its own name, to bring happiness to yourself and all beings.
2 people should not follow the precepts Buddhism.  - In the world there is nothing to say on the sublime, mysterious. It is a lesson that ordinary citizens of any society, a prosperous nation wants, mighty and can not be overlooked. So this year's law to apply not only for Buddhists, but for all those who want to live a healthy life, happiness, meaning and progress ceremony.

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