Thursday 27 March 2014

Question: Have to know the General of Competition. What is Thi-la-la-suite?
A: Someone said: Bo-slaps, maintenance free, no-body loss would rather cancel out small circles, then competition-la-la-suite ". As above, highlighted in da-kid's Ma-Wang said: "no regret life to all men. ' As the predecessor to United-slapped, once did Dragon monopolize power. If any beings in front of that body weak, then grab the eye looks at the death of sailings, and body spray, then power to the Mainland to be killed ". Poisonous Dragon life's about a date, renunciation requests silence, go into the middle of the Woods thinking, too tired to sleep. According to France's status as the Dragon-shaped Solid sleep, the body has seven colors, looks it.
Hunters see horror happy, self said: "get something rare skin problems are rising, this monarch to enough, something should?" Think of instant pick up sticks the override, retrieved a knife and repenting.
Free Dragon thoughts: "I do not, over this country like flip the hands. This person, what do you do? " But we are now because of maintenance, except for this body, so in the words of Buddha ".
That's why character rings, eyes do not look, do not breathe vapor entrapment, pity him. Because of maintenance about màmột please bear cut lumber, doesn't mind being punished. Have lost skin, red flesh lying on the ground, meet at Sun so hot, get rolled out to Earth, want to come to the big water, saw the minor overlap snuggle eat myself, but because Citadel world should not dare to. Free thinking: "this is my body Now, could give the species overlap, because the Buddha. Today the meat lab to do well for itself the following day, the Buddha will take France pilot to do benefits for the mind ". Swear vows so dear, dead, dried instant network being up the Sun Ðao-second advantage.
Poisonous Dragon's main lyrical Love-American Buddhist Writer. Hunter's main Subject-you-hit-and the Attorney General. The primary infection is eight thousand schools of Natural privileged direction when Germany Buddha van Zhuan Falun. Bo-slaps, life's not household, decided not to regret. Just like that, he called examination-la-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-slapped maintained about as big, Phat Buddha prayer becomes, the being, the bridge not happy life hereafter, not because of the reputation a favor, nor because the early bridges Nirvana for themselves, just because being in school, being bruised lied gotten ngu or I will make an enchanting until other shores. A Citadel about should be contentious in that heals, fresh place of birth should be met Thien Nhan, meet friendly people should bring forth in good position, being in good position should be issued six Three-la-suite, six Three-la-suite should be Buddha. Maintenance such as so called Contest-la-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-your favorite, who slapped the Tri for good, not evil for fear, not because of being up the Sun that was just pure goodness bridge, taking the world order of the mind, making your mind, then competition-la-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-slapped by the center ball that maintains, is to the Buddhist leader, he called examination-la-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-slapped maintained world can arise six Three-la-suite, then called examination-la-la-suite.
What is tri world can bring forth?Entertainment, which is Sa-di world, Sa-di which is suspected to Act. Entertainment Law International facilities that is meditation. Human meditation which was Loads smuggled, he called contentious.
-How to maintain world can bring forth alms? He had three: 1-member countries, 2-French pilot lt-pilot 3, Infinite. Maintenance shall automatically take over unrelated material of all beings, he is a contender. Beings meet, dear fan doing it, should back the theory that they are causing food poisoning. "I think again there will be persistent-net, to make their joy to all beings donation to beings are immeasurable joy. The second, called France. All beings are afraid of death, maintained an inoffensive, he is Captain of the contender.
Then again, Dude-slaps self thinking "I will maintain, due to result of maintenance for which the beings do Move rotating Seong, or King of the Match-fitness-deals, or King, makes the material fully beings, not deficiency, so new then sit under a tree, every Bodhi Devil costumes, the Ghost armythe Multitude of upper management, because the pure thyết beings, causing immeasurable beings crossing the sea, disease, death ". Then multiply the Terms birth sex Tutty Tri-la-suite.
-What is maintained about being patient humiliation? The gender centres maintained thought: "We now maintain an own mind, if maintained world without rings, will an inferno. While not out boundary, but because no patient should not from the evil. Why was let go of your anger without homemade care? Just do as the mind that fallen into the three villains. So, to subtly attempt, industrious tu rings.
Then again, want to be resilient, tu rings, why? Because of the large power ring, tu's strength, which results in lay. "I thought again now, renunciation of other body can't relax as the habit of mind. Should try, grab rings subduing the mind. Due to the oral body rings, but also medicinal rings, if the mind does not ring, so was mouth-body ". So practitioners should make the body, breath, mind both rings, end to end the anger.
Then again, about her brief said the eight great wall, said the wide immeasurable, we do keep sufficient world immeasurable France? Only have to ring the humiliation, the new self sufficient. For as someone piss King, King, freight charges on car donation, four of the most recent non-seat open xen, spearhead, rong run rush, go unchecked, if subtly, keeping himself from being a knife stab, kill without dying, who maintained as such. Is knife sharpening, the patient is kept, if the mind is unsteady ring knife about stabbing people. Back to such old people to go last night, not the sticks is falling. The ring is of sticks, to help people go to Phuoc Duyen, Director peanuts, do not lay correctly. The so called maintenance about being number one armed!-Ba-la-suite.
-What is maintained about contentious effort? The Citadel, but leave ample free, launch your diligence tu usages worldly pleasure left, unconscious, into the improvement, even for Nirvana to the whole big heart, not indolence, took the bridge's maintenance base, how about contentious effort.
Then again, who maintained the fed up tired of suffering in life and the old painter, diseases, death, birth, character, also to gauge an escape bridge. Such Wild Weasel in the middle of the Woods, come up on the Lions and Tigers, making the meat to feed off. Meet at lack of hunger, midnight climbs into, sneak into the House, making the meat there, sleeping cunt, don't know the night is out, panic not knowing what, ran out of fear of not forecast, at the back, the fear of death, self centering, the dead lying on the ground. People to see, one person said, "we need an weasels", successively cut to get the ears. The Fox thought to myself: "cut the ears while the pain, but the body is alive." The person said: "we need foxtail", successively cut tail grab. Weasel back thinking "Cut the tail but the pain, but also the little things". The person said: "we need teeth weasels". Weasel in the mind thoughts: "People need to take as much time as possible, Alternatively, take the way I survive". Sailings from the land stood up, tossing off position power, tried to jump over the gate, follow road rules that save. The mind of meditators bridge escape tribulation as well. Or when the old man came, did himself, not be considerate determined effort. When the disease came as well, and for that, yet is assertive. When death approached, self-knowledge is no longer expecting anything else, should try to brave, considerate, austerities are, from the death to Nirvana.
Then again, allowed to maintain the same as the shoot name, must be accommodated by land, be ground by then after the new Security Center, Center and pull the new supply, pull the power supply and then plugging the new arrow worms. Is ground by, to Italy's bow, pull the power supply is the effort, the arrow is wisdom. The enemy is ignorance. If agriculture were so strenuous effort, will reach the great relief to the beings.
Then again, the maintenance usually took the overall effort, self-control, radical, not in life. If the mind has run made stock photography is back. That is about or the constables. The constables time arises during meditation, meditation birth wisdom, intellectual beings are forecast to Buddha, he maintained about his contentious Chile-Bhikkhu Ba-la-suite.
-What is maintained about birth of meditation? He has three career doing the thing. If user password is good business, then your career is naturally on the donation. Such plants the same contentious among thorns, do not support that character up straight. Jewellery maintenance about the slimming or unlawful use.
How to make thin weak? If not keep, meets the roof close, contentious sailings to ruicheng County; If the lust to mind suggestive, mainland. If maintained about while having little pitch, not being mindful suicide, while reciting, not the sex. He maintained about making unlawful use of weak skinny. The unlawful use of weak skinny then meditation is easy. Such as elderly patients died, the dead easy to. Unlawful use of weak skinny then meditation is easy.
Then again, the thought has not yet ceased, usually for fun. Practitioners hold, throw away the happiness in his life, the mind does not magnify Yi, so easy to be meditation.
Then again, the Citadel were contentious in the people, next to the birth of the Sun is Green, next to the birth of up Brilliantly, breaking down Invisible beings, supporting General Excellence maintained the purity, the end to the unlawful use, shown to be direct results of A-la-Han. Has the Center hold, often thinking beings, he is Bo-slapped.
Then again, about to check out the rough ends or, meditation to end or.
Then again, the currency close photography, meditation to suspend the mind. As the people upstairs, no ladders, no medicine. Not ladder world, meditation nor stand.
Then again, who broke the world, wind blowing, history of unlawful disarray. The other centers have disarray while unable to meditation. The Citadel, the wind blows the mind, light affliction is not disarray many should meditate easily. Coast Guard personnel , he called maintenance about being Zen-la-suite.
-What is maintained about being intellectually? The Citadel, a survey about where's the General. Know from the crime of that birth. If no charges are also there. World Chess is so personal s/he has.
Why the mind being immersed? Examples include birth stigma from the mud shower, beautiful but sharp that it engenders, the impure, retrieved it to food poisoning, not being immersed in advance, which was then maintained about being uncivil Ba-la-suite.
Then again, the maintenance, self centered thinking: "If we're to maintain about you should deserve fair, the break is the aggressors should value for discharge".
If there's mind is not Baghdad. Taking place over, the mind does not accept the first boundary, not the seat does not discharge, which was then maintained about being uncivil Ba-la-suite.
Then again, who do not maintain, but are beneficial, but because the business life, the career stuff live, then the intelligence units gradually renders. For sharp knives brought cut mud, raising the flood map (thigh). If the renunciation maintained, non-trading career in life, often the real French General loads, the front is padded base that gradually the benefit was based. Due to the so called Tri-sex Tutty being uncivil Ba-la-suite.
As such, etc. called examination-la-la-suite being six Three-la-suite.
Then again, Dude-don't fear because border fortresses slapped, not foolish; ain't no doubt, not because the world leader not because demand their own Nirvana, that just because all beings, as are the Buddhist leader, as are all the Dharma. The Minister thus called examination-la-la-suite.
Then again, if Bo-slapped for the crime of not guilty can get, now called competition-la-la-suite.
Question: If people quit the evil done good, he maintained, why say there were not guilty of sin?
A: Not because of ties to raw ant the mind which says there was, that as a general practice, the French penetration Not t I, wisdom with a criminal can get, because the offence did not, so there's no guilt nor can there be.
Then again, beings that couldn't have been so charged with murder could not have been. Because crime never get should also never have been, why? Because the new forecast survey found guilty about suicide, if not guilty of suicide also don't have about suicide.
Question: Now existing beings, why say beings can't get?
A: Under his gracious direction the eye of meat that is not found. If one doesn't wear label wisdom beings. As in the above alms said no countries, no person tho, do not have an object. This is also the same.
Then again, if there are beings, while the five aggregates constitute or left outside the five aggregates. If the five aggregates, the five aggregates have five, while being a. So the five aggregates can do one, one can do. For as in fair exchange of value in the, which uses an Exchange is impossible, why? Because one cannot do in it. So should know the five aggregates can not do a beings.
Then again, the General of the five aggregates being kill impermanent, while being the predecessor to life life life Sin star Irene in the three realms. If the five aggregates is being, then as well as the plants themselves, being himself, so while not guilty of forcing nor freed. So should know there are five aggregates is being. If left in addition to the five aggregates is being forecast as the previous paragraph broke the theory that spirits turned around.
Then again, left out of the five aggregates as mind accept the ego not being. If left in addition to the five aggregates is being, as being generally biased. If the fall in non-contentious era often did not die, why? Because the living being is not dead, that is already being destroyed again. If beings often, probably before the year was over frequently, why far left still bring forth? If there is no living being cannot die.
Question: Certain beings, why? There are the five aggregates as human beings should have charm, as well as having five fingers as Coast Guard should be holding hands?
A: Say so not true! If the five aggregates as human beings should have charm, so except in addition to the five aggregates must have own beings, but can not get. The eye, ear, found himself hearing the smell, nose, tongue, body, taste Italian, French to know contact know not, egolessness, six apart this no beings. The layman because insanity should say excellent seeing eye, which was then being, until Italy said France, which was then being. Know remember thinking, knowing she was suffering, life beings. Just run up that saw it, should know to be real beings. For a German Australian Presbyterian Bhikkhu-stilts, people call it the A-la-Han, to donation. Then ill die, the disciples fear losing donation should night sneaks get figured out, and then the spot lies the Bhikkhu-stilts, arrange pillow blanket like feel are longer, seems like lies. People would come to visit sick asked: "master?" The disciples said: "You don't see blanket pillows on the bed?" Stupid not to look, as I'm sick is, just get donation and then go, so maybe once. After a person has to ask, the disciples also responded as before. American said: "We do not question the blanket pillows, mattresses, beds, we need to find people." He soon pulled out blanket search, well the no people anywhere. But in addition to the six General knew, saw etc. rather than having fallen workers anywhere. People know people find such well.
Then again, if beings from where s/he had personality, the five aggregates, aggregates the impermanence, impermanence to beings, why? Because cause and effect are the same way. If being impermanent, don't go to the hereafter.
Then again, if he says: "being ever have".
If you say that, being right engenders the five aggregates, the five aggregates can not sire beings. Now due to the five aggregates as Jesica engenders title being, the place runs according to the loads in order to find the truth, why? Because there is no real beings. If there is no being, also without sin. Because there is no crime of suicide should not be maintained.
Then again, the five aggregates, a profound observation, discernment knows it is not, as seen in dreams, shadows in the mirror. If the kill as seen in dreams, shadows in the mirror, not guilty of murder. Kill beings of the five aggregates is not so general.
Then again, if people don't like guilt, which like wrecked about not guilty, the person found guilty who broke the world, contempt, seeing people heal like maintained about the favorite. Maintained with the mind as such, is pratītyasamutpāda up crime. So should say "for the guilty, not guilty are never going to be".


INVESTMENT: Because the mind is not the full title should be number one armed!-Ba-la-suite.
Comment: question: So called number one armed!-theme?
A: Number one armed! -(Board room is the humiliation). Ring ring and two contentious is the humiliation of France. Bo- ring, a contentious practice of slapping Shirleyc comb lbeng phpreviousc in Germany. Practice Portuguese rings-slaps, mc comb lbeng wisdom. Phpreviousc Germany and wisdom are two full work should be oc nhresort facility. For nh? người have the eye with legs, discretion goes back as Mac. Bo-slapped if ngườevil i password nhiếc or yelled at the knife sticks his harm, associated thinking know career criminal phpreviousc multiply the coast of France in addition has it. No, anatta, anatta. Take the three Indian, French Indian war on France, but enough to respond without being evil, not evil, start-up time, mind stain France engenders called rings. Ðbec French ring he should place human strength, for nh" Illustrator, moc there adhesive the strength.
There is người say: "good mind to have two is: is rough, there. Rough called the international, called the ring of meditation ". When the mind ch?a mc the fun of meditation that can stop the villains, he called the ring. Who is the ring of France, tương lng with the Center, according to the Center for action, amazed, not career, according to the industrial action.
There is người said, "only humiliation bondage Ring nMatthewi Exercise, or hurtful. " Because of Gender Identity in no evil outside the ANCa to to ring. Ring the humiliation is also useful is also smuggled contraband, divine and Holy are both tu moc. it makes thpreviousng French concern, in his heart and mind any người, so called. Good for so or becauseit the only t-piece or not. The nh? so in Conclusion organs are wide.
Question: What called being patient?
A: There are two beings come to class with Bo-slaps: 1-respect, sweet dường, 2-Yard yelling at hitting. Now mind Bo-slaps or rings, no respect, cosy beings class dường, not angry, evil beings in class, he called being patient.
Question: How reverent worship dường that called ring?
A: There are two things unlawful use: 1-2, urban planner in the charity-In ruicheng County urban planner. Respect to intimate dường while not being pitch ruicheng County, nh?ng that it makes the mind "a wrecked, she was the aggressors, so for it himself, not immersed in love. How did the rings? Make a prettythường is nI ti arises unlawful use. Nhcovered Buddhas have taught: "Man boils benefit dưỡng very deeply, for nhnoticed her tummy to the meat, cut the meat up to xương, cut xương to the spinal cord. Người soaked up taking advantage of the break the skin, meat cutting maintenance supplies, meditation xương wisdom, take the bone marrow donation center for micro magic ". Nh, right when the new Buddha goes on npreviousc Ca-Bhikkhu-la-BA with 2500 Bhikkhu-stilts East enough, are brought Within the body-lice. Because the người worship the fire should imagine terrible, because of incompatible food, withered cheeks doused the black điu.
Net King-Sanskrit sighted in the mind that thought: "as most of the us, while pure pure heart, nh?ng are not available. We should choose to take the grandchildren in the home crowd would appreciate for aườing, disciple of Buddha ". Think nhit so complete, ordered inpreviousc selection in every child a warm welcome from people they like, age of the pupils make. At the time, Threads-she-hit-multi son of Koku-Sanskrit-vương, studied French, van tu, together six proceedings the planet tons enough mười two years. Then your dưỡng worship dường, Threads-BA-reach-to go to the Buddha for the God. Buddha Cafe radio-the five aggregates take talks Suri thường, can be oc, also known ac I, nh?ng did not clearly indicate how the retrieved mc I communications, he was new to the echo bridge benefits-your-House-hopea-for up to five hundred A-la-Han and no one to teach at all, saying only he let a five aggregates loads thường is can be oc Director, can also be oc I. Pray do not be oc, weeping not fun, come to A-nan xin studied Kabbalah. At the time A-nan Fula mc tha mind, thinks because he's British, so given to teach his nhl Buddha had taught.
Threads-Miss-hit life-studying Kabbalah, in mountain seclusion not long sailings the Animac team. Ðbec active information and thought to myself: "who will do your Terms-free for me?" Nhl Vương electronics A-beams-t,previousng the vương, Threads-BA-reach-most wanted withương electronics do intimate scenes, new to the Sun taking the food of heaven, back to the realms of wrath Trinidad-la-free take the rice grows naturally, to Match the fruit-garden tools-giving gifts Vương electronics A-snake-like. There when turn as Elephants, Horses to fascinate the mind Vương. There when turn the same comedic doing sitting on the kneeVương, Vương Zi clutching whimper, calling for closing phịp nhỗ. That said his name to the Crown Prince. Do enough how variations in order to shake the mindVương. TAM Vương suicide was wrong, setting the property of essential in vườ, sweet mango, n dường Quartet and others do not lack anything, to give Sight-she-hit. On the wrong day of complete linesa to five hundred is good we cI tm broth. Threads-Miss-hit-to be oc worship dường much of that map them then goc a little bit. Threads-Miss-hit-most thought to myself, "I have three mươi t's twoprevious, losing the Buddha not only because Sami ch?a set only. If there are mass surrounding it have what no other Buddha. " Think nhit so complete, the birth center broke Up, half mast is turnc five hundred disciples, nh?ng Xá-benefits-the ECHO, our educational theory-contact-qian'an County, Falling back to harmony.
Now she reaches Multiple Threads-birth-review-malevolence, the bucket of stones put Buddha, nh?ng validity singer Kim-Marie l y baseball Kim-Marie from far flung to the ice, crushed bay leaves, only to be thương toe Buddha. Bhikkhu-stilts-ni United Colors yelled at, Threads-she took her fist, she being convex eyes but dies. Threads-she caused three crimes is reported, back to work late with evil deviant sl layman Phu-lan-na etc., end up in good faith, the mind does not know disgrace.
Get the poison laced in the nails, like to multiply while the Buddhist ceremony for winning thương Buddha. wanted to go, but when ch?a to of the Vương-XA, it naturally chappy, fire vehicles run to catch, Threads-she is living that fallen to hell.
Threads-Miss-hit cross-body has three mươi two tpreviousng without rings who dress themselves, just because ham the Animac d benefit?ỡng, sweet dường that perpetrators are large, so sa to hell while living.
So say the pimples taking advantage of dưỡng very deeply, breaking the skin to the bone marrow. Please let the mind "a người worship dường. He is Bo-who slapped the rings, not "a người worship dường respect.
Then again, seemingly more dườthere are three types: 1-phpreviousGerman coast guard personnel c lifetime trpreviousc, 2-Do merit life far tu world, meditation, wisdom should the Animac người worship the dường, 3-h?hope lies in not real Germans that superficially nh?thanh bạch, to lie to người life the Animac offer dường. in three of the sweet dường, self centered thinking: "If by charm life trpreviousc diligence tu phứơc Germany, so far the Animac offer dường, that is because the body is self made that industrious the Animac, why so high tribute Center birth? Because nhresort spring sowing time in the fall harvesting, do self care changed andwhere is c, enough to self? " Think nh? Yes, rings, shall not serve as high and not lose heart.
If by today's life merit should the Animac offer dường, ask yourself "I thought due to the wisdom that knows truth tpreviousng the French, or stop to unlawful use, due to her merit should the Animac người worship the dường, also not for me ". Think nhright now, so no homemade who dress their high. Sweet dường which is due hima love of Germany rather than "a ta. For nh? T-organ Bhikkhu-stilts in npreviousc-Tan (Kasmia) A-Wi-lan Executive, going to a temple of the King. The temple is set Congress, người keep the door see Bhikkhu-stilts bad rough clothes, stop the door does not give in. Butit happened several times, just because the bad clothes that didn't goin. Bhikkhu-stilts and he phương handy mben wear a beautiful dress that goes to, người keep seeing doors let in not banned. When arrived at the sitting, the Animac the delicious cuisine,previousc ceases to get amendments passed ina toilet. Any người asked: "why nh, right ?" A: "I hardly ever go to, are not to be oc, now thanks to this shirt that changed andc sit here. Ðbec the good food, it is thanks to Austria that served toc, so get theSaudi invitation to Austria ". Meditators do merit austerities, maintained that wisdom, Tue morning hec worship dường, self thinking it is by merit rather than not do it. Think nh, right , could offer homemade, then known as rings.
If by h?hope lies that lie the Animac offer dường, what is harming, not near the Animac. ask yourself to think: "If I do hl hope that be oc worship dường then does what no other evil aggressors stole cpreviousp mc sustenance, he is being charged with lying cheating". Nh? ng for threeười worship dường, the mind does not exista wrecked nor naïve, he is being patient.
Question: Người ch?a privileged direction, Austria cMatthewm is the urgent thing, how do I can ring the Animac, to the heart not immersed in love người level give yourself?
A: Use your intellect a tpreviousng radio thường, tpreviousng, tpreviousng egolessness, thường boring. For nh? người sin, about to be killed, but tasting trpreviousc the, his very special example, nh?ng as lo dying to eat tasty drink, though still not know t? . Practitioners also nhresort , thường a t thepreviousradio th ngường, tpreviousng agony, but the goc worship dường, the mind does not soak up thpreviousc.
Back to nh?the chương, h?u but when Tigger Chase, run by not leaving, but complete linesmostly grass, npreviousc clean drink eat that isn't infected with p.previousc. practitioners also nhresort , thường being invisibly Tigger thường Chase, not leave the brief. If you think aversion, but as Mac tastes nor infected trpreviousc. so practitioners for người worship dường, mc auto ring.
Then again, if there is người want to have fun, go to women, lied or Bo-slapped. Then Bo-homemade go slapping offers mind, an engagement ring doesn't mind the run. Nh? caVăn Buddha-bodhi tree, maple tree at ni, Ma vương lo melancholy, wrong three female turquoise, one called hima Saw, two names are Funny, three names are Thirsty, come to embody the picture, doing everything a guy wants to undermine Dude-slapped. United-who was slapped not waggle, the eyes do not look. Ba ngườwomen i think: "Crush người disagree, ?a likes, or youa young, or "a middle-aged, or "a long "a, "a white "a black. The the righta nh, right , has a hobby ".
Now three người turned every woman do pretty nice girls every 500--appear infinitely lbeng metamorphosis, from the forest to come out. More like nh, right black cloud, a Flash of light moments, moments, or nhpreviousng eyebrow raised eyebrows, the young bride take look, doing cabaret, beating tươi nice to rpreviousc Bo-slaps, want to take the State of the body to touch the Bo-slapped. Now Kim-force-cang Suite-major general eye area: "this is người would, that the ngươi love camp dare to contact interference!?" The Suite-area of said leave yelled at:
"Ng ươi don't know heavenly,
Take that golden beard,
Npreviousc big sea of green,
Today the entire salty bitterness.
Ngươi don't know the Moon rising,
Ba-pipe ch?fallen angel,
The fire which was word of mouth,
Which now eat all ".
-Ngươi don't know whether he dare disrespect the Church ranks? " Meanwhile, the female Ghost rón rén back, telling Bo-slaps that: "now this respectable women n none using, can do it please, rather than sitting upright?" Bo-slaps says: "The ngươi impure, the Privy Council cleaner worth the terrible, go away, don't lie!" Bo-slaps mainland said the shelves:
"The body is the stigma of drive,
Contains map the stigma of corruption,
It really is an objective,
You see enough to please! "
The women listen to the shelf, thought to myself: "Người don't know we have Sun, should say "shelves. Free instant turn itself back to the old body, dazzling brilliance, projecting between the trees, the music and dance, telling Bo-slaps that: "Dear me nh, right here, there is more value for yelling at?" Bo-slaps a that: "Time to know themselves". Question: "what is the word?". Say in response that the shelves:
"In the garden jungle lettered,
Lotus pond United seven treasures,
Chu Tian and have fun,
When you lose, you know.
At the time see impermanence,
Have fun on the solar gauge,
You're so bored of sex, tribe,
Your fun primary Director chon TAM ".
The women listen to the shelves is complete, the mind thinks: "Ngườthis great place i disabled thbeng, the pleasures of pure heaven but also knows it's bad, then we cannot đương ", the Mainland disappear. Bo-slaps a lustful pleasure one nh? so, can initiate recovery center, an engagement ring is not sexual orientation.
Then again, Dude-slaps a sex everything impure. in the women's heaviest decline, decline. The type of knife, fire, Thunder, lightning, lightning, poisonous Snakes, matter, also can temporarily close, rather than người American San took part, challenged the quiz, si, flatter, pretty, defile, struggling, unable to close, why? Because of the shallow mentality, minor daughter of thin position, just is yourself, do not consider the German position, wealth, fame, evil charity dedicated to education, one of the người. the cangue, locking pins, confine, jail, despite being difficult to open but also easy to open, OK ngường tie key female inoticed herlife, sharp durable deep roots, invisible mind drowned in it, could hardly escape the Animac. of the death, serious illness, most womendid leave says:
"We'd rather take the iron red,
Rotate the roller in the eyes,
Do not bring disorder,
Ta see females.
Smiling autograph,
His side put to shame,
Face, raised eyebrows, eye
Say pretty jealous, angry.
They step out of my house reply,
To fascinate people,
John wanton nets throughout,
People are burying loved ones.
Sitting, lying, standing, walking,
Come hit him pretty fine
Stupid thin position,
Heart charm.
Hold the mirror hit the enemy,
Can win,
Female pirates, villains,
Is not prohibited.
Riddles entrapment,
Also grab the hand begins.
Love women who,
Is not to be touched.
Who has Tri,
Determination should not see,
Must like her mother.
If you want to see it.
A review as possible,
Filled with impure,
Fire porn except,
Be it the fire goal. "

Then again, tpreviousng người is if the Animac-weight favors the making of mind người love my husband and very high critical UN favors; d. the making of mind người fear her husband. Người female nhresort , thường brought negativity to fear for người, how near is served toc? Make the left against depart between ngườperfect body i was guilty of người female, good at finding bad things of ngường of i isười. The fire người can almost invisible bars, wind, can also capture, riddles entrapment can also poison, touching, heart of the người women can't know truth, why? Because tpreviousng NG người don't need women see wealth, reputation, public decency, intellect, from them, occupation, financial mismanagement, late, craving, not to mind, just lustful mind is to see to. For nh, right the Thuồng stream, the Dragon, don't choose good bad, just want to kill người. If người do not see to the terrible sorrows, if served toc level dưỡng trong favors, lovely not.

Then again, if in the middle of người heal, while supporting the high and mighty who, in between người detached position while watching them nh?matter, in between người went to the rich, then take the respect thươlove, in between người see they forecast a poor nh?dogs, Thường in the mind, and not according to merit.
Nh?story: national vương has the người daughter named The new baby-first-ười fishing worker named art-his-BA, go along, saw vương girls on high floor, looked through the window to see the instant, tưởng tbeng who temporary aren't infected, wrecked, spent on food dropped. I asked the reason, bring real love answer me that: ' the saw vương female, do not forget to mind floating! " Người I recommend that: ' the instance is minor, class vương is now respected, cannot be oc! " Người I say: "mind you expect the ANCto come along and hedonistic, cannot be temporarily forgotten, if not be oc nh? , I can't live be oc". The mother because thương kids, goes to court, thường brought the meat fat sunk to donate to Vương girls that don't take the money. Vương American delight that asked: "would like to wish what?" Th mothershima: "Please evicted người on either side, I will give for real love th?a clarification: I have only one son, the glass Tomb Vương male, love affair of wrath to the sick, the network took vows, love thương, save for its life". Vương female said: "she walks away. Onườm toldi-five mid-January, to drizzle in the temple, hiding behind tbeng Sun ". Người I return to say to me: "Previousc looking forward of having beenreachable", and recounts the nhright on. Người my bathing instead of Austria, to hide behind tbeng Sun.
Sees the day, Vương females th?a with his father: "I have no job, right up to the temple to pray blessing". King said: "well done!" Vương female mainland shopping fix 500 vehicle, off the bow and went to the temple. Sees it, ordering the ngường Entourage i?ng back door, alone goes to the temple.
The angels thinking "this can't nh?so. The King is home of the lifetime, minor character guys do cancel humiliation Vương females ", pinned to the sailings on người'd make me sleep. When Vương girls come in, see ngresortlife sleeps delights, lay them in the instant you hold, not lost the value of mườvan i lbeng gold to back it up. After going, người'd wake up to see the British chain, asked người either side knew Vương women had arrived. Love vows not satisfied, "melancholy of wrath Austria brain, coming close in itself suggestive fire, burn that died.
Due to the evidence, knowing the mind of người choose not to give to women, just mesmerizing as lewd.
Then again, x?a babyười v of daughterương, going by the Fry-da-la, together ran the impure. Again there is the daughter of the forerunner, take the S? . The nh? ng's mind, soười American no choice whatsoever. Coast Guard personnel, for người must give up sex, patient rape does not exista wrecked.
How to rank người pitch that damage brain si rings humiliation the Animac? Should self thinking: "all human beings are sinful charm, so mutual assault, we now get digital brain characters to your old career coast, though there are artifacts in the present life, which is eviltr life quotepreviousc; We are now the temple charged, be so enduring, it can be left as Mac, for nhyou debt, creditors to insist, should the wedding Festival repayment, cannot get angry be oc.
Then again, thường practice from the mind, but have suffered a brain disorder, the bearing should be. For nh" forerunner-number one armed! in the forest seclusion from the ring, the King could take advantage Ca-female, into forest GAMatthewi. eating done, makeshift sleeping King, to the female flower picking between forests, see the immortals he, homage, and then stood aside. Now speaking first compliments from women's ring for the humiliation of the marbles. Speech or cough, don't sound bored so long without it. King of Qatar could not get up, benefit women, draw your sword looking Tong area, saw standingbeforepreviousc forerunner, the haughty King crush ganh hate, flashes flashes eye hươ , ask first that: "Ngươi is người do?" First multiply the answer: "I in nI ti austerities graciously patient humiliation". King said: "Today we tryngươi, will take the gươm sharp ear, nose cut ngươi, dismemberment ngươIf ngươi don't know is ngươi tu rings humiliation". Forerunner says: "even Italy!" King of swords shortly cropped ears noses, dismemberment forerunner, which asked: "mindươngi have?" A: "I don't mind, rings from". King said: "Ngươi a relative here, no stamina, while their mouths saying such movement, who believe proc?" The forerunner of instant play oath, saying, "If I'm tu from the ring, the blood going into the milk". Instant blood turned into milk, King's awe-inspiring, excited, get the girl.
At the time, Devil in the Woods, as the forerunner, but Thunder, lightning Abruption, King was toxic, die not return bows the Animac. therefore should say in where the brain disorder or austerities rings.
Then again, Dude-slapped austerities from mind. All beings thường has the suffering, butit 's in thai bear the suffering, birth picture encyclopedia, xương meat torn, wind-cold touch, the hI tn knife. So Buddha said: "In all suffering, being a first-rate framework". Nh, right , old, sick, dead, everything how ACE gauge người austerities and the more miserable for them? What is the pimples are also retrieved the knife broke.
Then again, Dude-slaps self thinking "we shouldn't nh?the người, thường n series guidepreviousc living being, we have to partbec line to look to the source, the moral Nirvana. All người, whoever touched to be angry, who givena benefit to the excited, afraid, afraid, did we do Bo-slaps, could not butresort to them. While ch?a stop to unlawful use, inhibit, austerities, the ring having the brain damage is not angry, mc respect worship dường not thrilled the toilsome gauge should not panic, because the beings, h?ng starting center.
Then again, Dude-slapped saw beings to do the brain disorder, ask yourself to think: "such is the người loved the scenes, as well as the master, the more pleased cordially, bow respectfully treated, why? Because if the other does not bring the brain disorder to me not into humiliation ring ". Due to that reason, should say there is người loved the scenes, as well as the teacher.
Then again, Dude-who slapped the unknown nh?the word Buddha said: "invisible beings only I could, boundless world, back in, endless reincarnation l?long term objectives . We also do your parents you beings; beings have parents, my brothers DDương lai. Take that which follows clutching malevolence, not so happy to pitch hurt. "
Again, think of every being, there are many Buddha seed, if we take your angry beings, as angry Buddha. If we are angry, time is finished! Nhl series says: "Dove will be raidedreachable vexed", while the birds can not disrespect the Anima.
Then again, in the negativity, anger is the most severe, in the real thing coming in good, thing coming wrath is greatest, the unlawful use no other felonies. Nhyou Prefer-theme-she-na-people ask Buddha by shelving items that:
"Kill anything, all right?
Kill anything, not quotes?
Object the root of poison?
Swallow losing every thing in good faith?
Kill anything, be commended?
Kill anything, not sad? ".
The Buddha answers:
"Kill the angry, right Center,
Kill wrath, the mind does not.
Anger is the root of poison
Angry kill every thing
Killing rage, headless Buddha's praise.
Killing rage, not sad ".
Bo-slapped thoughts: "I now practice balls, wish for beings the Animac fun. Wrath is the swallow lost every thing, all harmful, why do felony? If there is anger, himself lose useful, then how may cause being changed andc fun? "
Then again, ch?Buddha, Dude-get slapped bi principals due to bi that, angry that poison do destroy marbles, particularly repugnant. If the original tanks are bi, stars called Bo-slaps? Bo-slaps from going out? For that reason should tu rings. If being given more substance in the brain yard, consider their merit. Does this beings but there is a crime, but also has the merit of other good. Because the Germans, should not anger.
Then again, người'd or yelled at or hitting, he is in us. For nhresort themed gold, grimy under fire is gone, the remaining net gold. It alsonoticed her Bank that, if one is guilty, he is so charming lifetime tr, right, holds now charged, should not anger, should tu rings.
Then again, Dude-slapped thường anniversary beings just like nh?the red. Người in the Match-fitness-many of the "melancholy, less on the fun, if there comes that persecute, nhiếc yelling at them funny ones hard fornication, that served toc, ngươi yelled at freedom, why? Because we had played the mind wants to being proc wedding Festival.
Then again, being in the world, suffering from the diseases the brain, were the aggressors killed gumshoes, for nh?oan gia thường stalking what, how người better not thương for mercy but also wants his agony for them the Animac? Ch gaugehima to oười opreviousc himself was tho. Think nh, right then, not to be angry with the other, should tu rings.
Then again, should the Consulate courtyard ruicheng County, it's very deep. In three things, not anything heavy with it. In 98, it is hard to make, in the Centre of the disease, it is difficult to treat. Người have no idea, ruicheng county courts don't know Africa, not a sin phpreviousc, do not know sin, don't remember thinking, is an evil leader, forget the saying, did not list the xitng, ngườother afflictions, not counting the tired mind, negativity, anger as obscures wisdom eye, dedicated to brain damagingườngi. Nhcovered a whole media forerunner, ruicheng County, a yard for overhaul, a killing that net npreviousc nh? Frying-da-la.
Then again, người have the mind, just like in ruicheng County yard nh?Tiger, could hardly in common. Back to nh, right man , easy to play easy. Người like ruicheng County yard nhhim snakes, no one noticed hera notice. Người contains names of angry, evil mind grows, to the inability to,you killed my father, regicide, inimical to the Buddha. Nhcovered them on stilts-Bhikkhu in n thepreviousSentence c-Jesica-diem staff because little movement, anger grew, divided into two groups, wanted to treat the full, guess takes three months but also could not done! Buddha arrived between them, gain access toa rotating arm tpreviousng to prevent that that: "Bhikkhu-stilts the ngươi, never fight each other. Malevolence tương, suffering very heavy. The bridge is because Nirvana-, dispose of interests in life, in good faith, why did you fight each other? Người lifetime resentment are also struggling to forgive the Animac, rather than người made man can fight? In the Centre of renunciation but also embrace, only harming, nhcovered in clouds cold jealous fire himself! " The Bhikkhu Buddha Buddha "-Bach on stilts is France vương, I beg you to temporarily rest. We'd violate us, we can't help but respond! ".
Buddha thought ng classười can't speed the Animac, right between them increases, He boarded the air that goes, in the middle of the Woods, quiet romantic triangle. Criminal Courthim ardently , even won't listen Buddha. because he should be excluded, set of austerities rings.
Then again, thường tu's easy manner rings the Animac compassionate. Người mc Xu forecast to Buddha.
Question: Patient humiliation are as well, but one cannot the Animac is the primary human contempt for the side's fears. Because she probably should not ring them all?
A: If lest sub-personalities port balloon for the fear of death that do not want to ring, but the offense didn't ring so hMatthewn, why? Because người do not ring with người Hien human Holy contempt cooking, người ring with sub-personalities contempt on her starboard side. In the latter, the balloon would rather be invisible mind contempt, not would rather be His Holiness people disrespect cooking, why? Sinceường i despise this balloon decorating comb, while the Holy Sage demerit said. Because probably it should . rings order
Then again, người ring the humiliation, but not alms, meditation that thường complete linesthe marvelous micro đứùc to come along. Ðbec being in the Sun, the người, mc Buddha, why? Because the mind needs nhuyến.
Then again, Dude-slapped thinking "In which người stripped down the brain, destroying cuớp humiliation, contempt yelled at, forcing the tie, we should do. If we don't, will land an iron into the hot hell, subject to suffering lbeng, Burns, npreviousng, drying, cooking, cannot speak out, why? Because despite being minor guys horizon that spot as you clone, did not ring user dread, but the pleasure that is despicable. That's why Bo-ring should be slapped.
Then again, Dude-slapped "I think original mind swear because beings, who cures the disease to them. Now being sick, unlawful ruicheng County Court let curing it, why his illness took? Should be patient. For nh" physician heal the sick, if having the disease Demon, draw knife yelled at nhiếc, irrespective of the good bad. Haunted hospital physician said, because medical treatment rather than pitch ruicheng County. " Bo-slapped if were being yelled at brain to nhiếc, know it's sick mind makes affliction ruicheng County yard drives, then needed treatment, not responsible for maternity expenses, alsostart at the nh .
Then again, Dude-slapped raised full-heartedly, thươlove th?children, if beings to Portuguese brain-slapped, Bo-slapped just thương without brains, not blame. For nh" healthy father Pat foster grandchildren, descendants childish ch?a has known, or when nhiếc yelled at, beaten, no glass, no fear, the father still thương it jackass, as thươlove more. While there is sin, not angry, not sad. Bo-slaps humiliation rings also nhresort .
Then again, Dude-slapped thoughts: "If beings take the brain to pitch to me, I will ring. If we don't, then the lifetime who now regret, life after life into hell, suffering lbeng. If being on cattle being poisonous snake, Dragon, evil, sit , Tiger ... If made demonic hungry daemons, the fire from your mouth, for nh? người suffered a mild pain-burning fire, when, after serious burning.
Then again, Dude-slapped thinking "I made Bo-slaps, want to benefit beings, if we're not patient humiliation the Animac, is not called a Bo-slaps, which called người wicked.
Then again, Dude-slapped thinking "In two categories: 1-2, number of beings-beings not numbers. I originally played the mind, perhaps because all beings. If there are not beings of nhit rocks, vegetation, wind proofing agents for cold, hot, npreviousc, mla, invasive, then just take a little tame, ruicheng county courts. Now this is being changed andc me because they and their evil, we should let the patient suffered, why angry? "
Then again, Dude-slaps so far, far long known human Hoa hiep coast, pretending to be người, rather than the truth which France người, then there's nobody to angry? Of which only xương, blood, skin, flesh, for nh, right edge, tile entry. Back to nh? người wood, due to mechanical movements that reciprocity. Knowit so ardently, not so angry, angry pitch if we pitch, we were foolish, take charge. For that reason should tu rings.
Then again, Dude-slapped thoughts: "infinite lbeng Hang HA loads of ch?Buddha in the past when Bo-slaps, were trpreviousc all practice "ring", then after the new practice of the French "ring". I now pray for Buddha's life, somethingprevioustrc ceases to practice "Being patient", so the nhl ch's" Buddha, should not mind starting pitch ruicheng County, nh, right of the ghost realm. Why then, should tu rings.
By lbeng human fate nh?so, should or Did Sanh called ring. ring.

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