Tuesday 25 March 2014

Historical Buddha Shakyamuni.
    Historical Buddha Shakyamuni (continued)
    Contents in motion the Wheel of Dharma.
    In this Sutta, the Buddha begins with advice monks should not get into two extremes: one extreme is passionate sensual pleasures of the world, is really just trivial ones, most times, preventing all spiritual progress. A second extreme asceticism, mortification because it makes mental fatigue, mental confusion, therefore harmful, useless. The Buddha advised to leave the two extremes, and follow a middle path leads to purity of life, so wise and ultimate liberation. That is the path of eight-known brands, often translated as the Chinese book Eightfold chief knowledge: Seeing rightly know. Right Thought: Thinking righteous, righteous wills. Speech: Speak true, ie do not lie, do not speak, do not speak divisive, not to say pointless. Right Action: Action righteous, ie not killing, not taking what is not given, no sexual misconduct, no alcohol. Right Livelihood: a living righteously, not by a dishonest profession, as trade fraud, drug trafficking and toxic weapons trafficking serfs ... Right effort: Diligent righteous, to destroy the real thing good, do good things. Mindfulness: Being mindful righteous, not because of what I think so, bad evil, deluded. Right Concentration: Focus righteous thoughts, no thoughts wandering to, run after pleasure. Eight branch path is the true spiritual path, leading to end all suffering, wisdom arose, leading to Nirvana, the permanent liberation from the cycle of rebirth of life and death, the absolute purity and safety absolute peanuts. In the first sermon, the Buddha described four noble truths, also known as the four Holy Truth, because they were discovered and expounded by the great saints is Buddha. That is the truth of suffering (dukkha book called Han Empire), the truth of the cause of suffering (The Emperor), the truth of cessation of suffering (Kill Empire), the path of truth about the cessation of suffering (True Path) . After hearing this sermon, and a second song titled "Anttalakkhana Sutta", discusses the theory of non-self (which I have not), five monks in the Deer Park enlightenment and soon became a Arhat. 
    12. Buddha's enlightenment to Yasa
    Yasa  and friends Near Benares, a son named Yasa millionaire, but to live the lavish life full, but soon tired of living situations mediocre tasteless world. Yasa find the Buddha, the Buddha expressed frustration his mood, and the Buddha preached the virtues of generosity, ethical lifestyle, about heaven, about the dangers of worldly pleasures, the St. happiness of life, petal, not involved before. And then, the Buddha preached to Yasa about the four noble truths: suffering, cause of suffering, nirvana peace and the path leading to Nirvana eight branches. Yasa's father, on his way to find his son, and also to hear the Deer Park Buddhist teachings, he applied for refuge in the Buddha and became the first lay disciples of the Buddha. Yasa, the Buddha also ask for ordained and soon attained Arhat. When the Buddha visited the Yasa's father according to his plea, then both the mother and the former wife of Yasa well as for refuge lay disciples of the Buddha. Four friends of Yasa is Vimala, Subaha, Tunnaji and Barampati, please also follow the example of Yasa ordained, and soon all evidence arahatship. In addition, more than fifty other friends of Yasa, from the family and various local, Yasa heard evidence Sainthood, are also gathered here please follow the Buddha ordained, and after a time, all both are certified arahatship. 
    13. Union monks first sermon 
    Then, the Buddha had sixty disciples are Arhat. Day they decided to go all over the place to spread the Dharma. Before they hit the road, the Buddha encouraged them with the following words: "O bhikkhus, I have been freed from all constraints of time and the world." "So you also, O Bhikkhus, has been freed from all constraints of the world and the world". "Let's go!, O Bhikkhus, for the sake of the many, for the happiness of the many, so feel free to wander down to the earth, for the sake, for the happiness of mankind God and man. Ye go , but the two do not go in the same direction. Help spread the religion, O Bhikkhus. Dharma perfection, at the beginning, middle and end, both in the quarter and the text, make statements about the Holy living, perfection and purity ... "(Mahavagga 19).
    Bhikkhu, translated from the Pali negative "Bhikkhu", meaning "The alms". Buddha, for the first time in world history, with 60 students who have attained Arhat, organized into a sangha of monks alms, do not have a fixed home, without any material possessions other than gold cloak covering the body and begging bowl to ... Lecture moral sufferings and happiness holy life, he set a shining example of the life of St. happiness and freedom, which is the cause, the internal What's Working primarily first Sangha, by the Buddha himself founded and directs. 
    14. Enlightenment for thirty youth 
    After the Buddha sent his disciples to a fall each person to spread the Dharma, he also hit the road to Uruvela. Along the way, he rested in a tree, in a small forest. At that time, thirty-rich youth, according to his wife brings entertainment in the woods. Of these, there is a young unmarried. bring a prostitute. While they were amusing, the courtesan who flee with many possessions and their jewelry. The youth hunt in the woods female century, met the Buddha and asked him, have seen the young woman over there? Buddha asked: "O young men, and women find good people skills, or find myself better?" They have found the answer myself better. Buddha said: "All right then! Young friends, sit back here, I will give the sermon." The young man bowed respectfully Buddhist attitude then sit down to hear the Buddha teachings. Through listening to the law, they may awaken and ask for ordination as Buddhist bhikkhus. 
    15. His three brothers Kassapa (Kasyapa)
    His three brothers Kassapa  Nearly Uruvela enlightenment, there are three ascetic Kassapa his three brothers: Uruvela Kassapa, Nadi Kassapa and Gaya Kassapa.  big brother, Kassapa Uruvela have 500 followers, I have two 300 and 200 followers. His three Kassapa brothers are these men have great fame in the land of Magadha, especially the elder brother Uruvela Kassapa, fire worship him, and claiming to have seen arahatship. Buddha met his first and ask permission to sleep through the night in his own room, the church here has a very poisonous snake heaven. He thought that the Buddha Kassapa how sacred snake bite was dead, the snake was any doubt Buddha conquered by His divine power. All three brothers with a large number of students are applying ordained under the Buddha. Then the whole group together to go to a place called Buddha Gaya is Sisa, not far from several Uruvela. Here, the Buddha Sutta Adittapariyaya teaching experience. After hearing this prayer, all monks were present evidence arahatship. 
    16. Sariputta (Sariputra) and Moggallàna (Moggallana) became the two leading disciples of the Buddha 
    Near Rajgir (Rajagaha), in the village of Upatissa, a very intelligent young man named Sariputla. His family kind of rich and famous in the village, so he also called Upatissa. While living in Port wealthy nobles, but he soon felt empty properties, tasteless of secular life. He and his friends are Moggallàna, in Kokita often as everywhere, seek the master. This is also the time of the Buddha sent his disciples on a mission. Sariputta met Arhat Assaji was walking in Rajgir pivot and strong emotional appearance before the solemn mood of the liberated arahant young. Sariputta approached and asked, "Lord honor! These apartments His true peace, true color of his skin in the morning. Under the guidance of masters that he ordained? His masters are? His teachings do? " Assaji Arhat replied with humility: "I was very young in the Sangha, sir, and I do not have the ability to be much preached to you." But because the venerable Shariputra pleading requirements, so Arhat Assaji verses read: "The material originates from causal Tathagata clearly predestined masters And it also made clear that killing the animals how ". He Sariputta very smart, just listen 2 the first stanza saw results immediately Admin. Then inform him about Moggallàna friend, and they both visited the Buddha at the monastery Veluvana. Buddha admitted him into the Sangha with two simple sentence: "Etha Bhikkhave!" (Come here! Bhikkhus). Fifteen days later, Sariputta attained Arhat, Buddha economic hear Vedanta Pariggha for Dighanakha pagan wanderer, there is evidence Maudgalyayana arahatship a week earlier. Even his afternoon Sariputta attained Arhat, Buddha summoned Sangha and declared that his two foremost two of the Sangha. 
    17. Buddha's father visited family
    Buddha, King Suddhodana now elderly, hearing Buddha's enlightenment and preached in the Rajagaha (Rajgir), kings were anxious to see my son. And immediately the king sent messengers to Rajagaha (Rajgir), requested Buddha to return capital and family visits. But the king's messenger, to remote areas, to hear the sermon Buddha, are pleased ordained as monks and evidence arahatship. The messenger is Kaludayi tenth, which is the old friend of the Buddha, when He is also Prince. He came Rajgir, Buddha Dharma talk, listen, and ask how long ordained and not certified as nine arahatship messenger before, Kaludayi not forget to turn the words of his father Buddha Buddha invited to visit family. Buddha accepted the invitation, on the road along with numerous disciples. 
    18. Buddha and The King Suddhodana 
    Buddha and his disciples were King Suddhodana, his officials and the people very solemn reception. Buddha heard the sermon, that even the king was so scared (completely from the skin). When listening to sermons second King St. attained second Sakkadagami (freezer function), and then witness her aunt Pajapati Gotami Profile results (Sotapana - Tu're done). The third time, the Buddha Jataka Dhammapala business for his father, and his father attained the third bar (Anagami - anagami). Book said that, after this, on her bed, his father visited the Buddha and teachings. Last heard this last approach, king arahatship evidence. And after seven days enjoy the pleasures of liberation, King Buddha died in round 40. 
    19. Buddha and Princess Yasodhara (Yasodhara) 
    Princess Yasodhara (Yasodhara) is the capital of the king's daughter Suppahuddha (Good Sense), head of the family Koliya. After Prince left the palace, ordained for direct, princess also remove all jewelry, wearing the yellow jersey of the nuns, and enthusiastically adopted son, Rahula to grow old. The second day of Kapilavastu Buddha to Buddha along with numerous disciples to eat lunch at the palace, at the invitation of his father. After dinner, the Buddha along with his father and two close disciples, Sariputta and Moggallàna to the princess room. After the Buddha into a room and arranged seats available, princess worship the Buddha with extremely reverent attitude. Buddha birth stories Candakinnara duty and said: "O Father, not only in this life, but in a previous life, the princess also had to protect me and my faithful". After recalling past life story, Buddha comforted the princess and royal farewell. After King Suddhodana died, her aunt is Pajapati ordained as nuns. Princess also ordained and soon attained Arhat. Among the nuns, the princess is the most good magic. 78 year old princess passed away. 
    20. Buddha and Rahula (Rahula) 
    Rahula (Chinese translation sounds: Rahula) is the only son of the Buddha, the Buddha was Prince. The first time the Buddha back to visit family capital and, after enlightenment, Rahula to 7-year-old aunt is Maha Pajapati be directly Gotami nurturing care. Although still young, but still Rahula was admitted to the Sangha, the Buddha and Sariputta delivered directly to his teaching. One of the texts famous Buddha himself preached to Rahula Rahula after renunciation, is doing Ambalatthika Rahulovada Sutta, the Buddha emphasized the importance of honest nature, reflective of the idea to eliminate all , words and evil deeds, Unjust. Through practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation allows, according to the instructions of the Buddha, and after my lectures Cula Rahulovada he attained Arhat Rahula. He died before the Buddha and Sariputta him. In "Presbyterian Increase Shelf", has the following two verses, Rahula, after his evidence arahatship: "Because we are a full two virtues Be nice place you call 'Rahula' lucky 'I to be legal persons and contraband or cessation, there is no rebirth we achieve Seeing his father was presented with 'immortal' ".
    21. Buddha and his aunt Pajapati Gotami form (Ma Ha Pajapati) 
    She is my aunt Gotami Queen Maya, and the second wife of King Suddhodana. After Queen Maya died, her responsibility to take care, nurture Sidacta Prince. First time visit to Kapilavastu Buddha, after his enlightenment, his aunt had directly ask the Buddha for ordination as nuns, but Buddha did not accept, but did not specify the reasons. She Gotami ask three times, the Buddha refused. After leaving Kapilavastu, Lord Buddha along with a large number of disciples to Vesali city, living in monasteries Kutagara. She Gotami along with many other women of the Sakya clan, shaved head, gold robed body, pulled together to Vesali and stood outside the door waiting Vihara, Buddha resting place. From Kapilavastu to Vesali, 150-mile long path. She and her Gotami Sakya clan, swollen legs, dirty clothes, and he looked sad but resolute, asking him to meet Ananda Buddha. His compassion Ananda, the Buddha allowed to ask women to be ordained as nuns. His two three times pleaded Ananda, the Buddha are not acceptable. Then He said to the Buddha, saying, "If women are ordained and according to the law and practice of the Buddha, they can experience the results first Holy, Holy effective Monday, Tuesday and passed into the final evidence arahatship not? " The Buddha replied that they have the ability to witness the Bible says on results. Transparent access Ananda: "If they could see the stars results aunt urban Gotami not be ordained to follow the law and of the Blessed, because her aunt has directly raised Exalted care, from day Exalted longer a child. " Buddha said: "If she accepted practice Gotami eight following strict rules, then I allow she and the women ordained under the law and practice of me." Then Buddha said that eight strict rules the relationship between monks and nuns (see nuns law). Mr. Ananda Buddha said laws provide little 8 with her ​​aunt and other Gotami. The accepted she rejoiced. Allow Gotami aunt ordained and established the Order of monks and nuns, the Buddha foresaw the consequences of their decisions. He said to the Venerable Ananda said, "Ananda, if women are not allowed to leave home and live in France and the Law of One, the life of the saint's disciple I can maintain long-term, high-dharma 's all I can maintain a thousand years, but because women are allowed to monastic life of the disciple St. I will not maintain long-term, and from this lofty dharma I only exist 500 years alone anymore. " "Also, this Ananda, which houses more women and fewer men, the houses that are vulnerable to theft. Paying ordained women, living in France and the Law of the Tathagata, the Holy Life practitioners will be difficult to sustain for long. well as a cover a dike to prevent a large water tank, do not let water flow through. Ta too, I set up mechanism 8 on the strict precepts to prevent contraceptives for nuns not to violate. " The Buddha's teachings, but may not be easy ear for women, but also to recognize that the Buddha was soon evident, for women in general, nature soft and easy emotions, monastic life not easy. Relations between men and women in the Sangha monks also happen to much trouble. Despite this, the Buddha was the first religious teacher in the history of mankind, the nuns established a full discipline and majesty. Brahmanism, and other contemporary religions in India have no religious organizations such women. Moreover, during the Buddha was alive, and after this, many nuns saw arahatship and fame in religious practice, as we can read in the book "Theri" of State Ministry of Economics.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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