Sunday 30 March 2014

Volume 2

Chapter 46

(The high-ly, record the Temple Thach Son "Stock Alerts)
Business. Buddha relics-waving, if the Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapping practice Bat-elegant three-la-bile. How are virtues, then the four Heavenly Kings are very happy, thinking that we would get four bowls rise Bodhisattva, as Uranus rising before the first bowl of the Buddha.
Thesis. Question: before said product were full, why do you say to this?
A: First of praise but Bat-elegant three-la-bile, the incomplete, the listener is not bored, so to say anymore.
Again, the first product only praise Bat-capacity three-la-elegant, now praise the merits practitioners do that, the four Heavenly Kings are starting joy.
Again, the Bodhisattva vows happy enough, so He said there are tons comforting advice that retribution, not full-frivolous claims.
Again, the Bat-elegant three-la-density two results: 1. The Buddha beings. 2. As a Buddhist, though not enjoying worldly retribution, or cakkavatti, God-like, on royal master three thousand world, offering a touch of worldly blessings, are full. Now get retribution for being only the world, so to say it.
Again, the world wants a large, mostly necrotic disorders, while the bodhisattva not so, the interior has to follow the foreign use. Because such causal, this product should say.
Q: When Bodhisattva gain six security Balaam, who lives gods sake how excited?
A: The gods who are ten good place, four meditation, four immeasurable that is born, but the virtues of the Buddha Bodhisattva by that. If Buddha was born the gods do we gain, loss dropped them A-tu-la, if not the Buddha was born, while their A-tu-la lot, we dropped little gods, because no pure merit. If the Buddhas of the world, can end room grid for the gods, could ambassador. Like-complete problem such as a network-they are about to die, embracing fear, for Buddhist study, looking around the place do not know, but see the mountains in the middle of the monastic dress, are the offerings, guests can not stop nets for them.
Then, Pi-sky-is-out procedure with little problem-completed Human-Like that king Thi-Pi (Sibi) any special austerity, life is very rare. The wise man says he will soon become a Buddha.
Full human-like subject-say, a work that hard, do you know? as caviar, mango blossom, and the release of Bodhi mind, three things when it's still in a lot, a little while, let's try this.
God made bird-like turn himself cut, Pi-player-turned-la fetters as doves, pigeons get into king, king cut his meat, to bring balance to the world body to pigeon network, university seismic action.
Then, completely private-Like-topic, very happy heart, spreading the heavenly flowers, unprecedented praise.
Eight such decisions, no longer a Buddhist.
Again, the human eye meat, no-brainer, find relatives of suffering, to feed, heard Bodhisattva gain six security Balaam, the Buddha is not long, but happy, let alone gods !
Q: The Kings of Heaven, heaven Thirty-three other injured A-tu-la, on which the gods also no accident that, therefore why rejoice?
A: The gods that although no casualty on A-tu-la, if Buddha is not born, they are born to the world's very little, assuming there were born, not of sensual beauty, because why? Because only religious blessing impure. Palace, light, life-Sac realm of the gods and so on.
Again, the gods, the wisdom to know the bias in education is impermanent, only the new born Buddha Nirvana that is often amusing. So glad earth, funny Nirvana, were due to the Bodhisattva Buddha that is, to be happy, such as juicy fruits, fresh plump fine achievements, he was very happy. Because of these benefits that trees, some of it because im ball with flowers users, some fruit. Bodhisattva same. Or take the ball im left immoral approach obscures the suffering of the three evil heat, or the sun flower rich happy , holy sages made ​​the results Tam redundant , so happy?
Q: The gods have many job offerings, therefore why are starting?
A: Four Heavenly Kings is on, the other heavenly offerings are certain measures, such as new born Buddha, Thich-complete problem-shirt who took the sky lift Buddha, Brahma king himself holding parasols, four Heavenly Kings four side protection. Net-migration gods want to make Bodhisattva consciousness left bored, she became as the elderly, sick, dying, and the monk body. Back when ordained and decreed the four Heavenly Kings messengers horse leg support stand, so help yourself Bodhisattva four sides. God God-like hair get hair removed towers lined up outside the east gate of heaven. He took up the treasures of the Bodhisattva Medicine tower at the south door, go to the Buddha under the tree while they are there good. Accept Bodhisattva Vajra, Vajra Guardians often held, sometimes Brahma Buddhist kingdom Zhuan Falun. Thus each have a certain permission. So should the four Heavenly Kings are starting. Meaning last four bowl as saying.
Q: Buddha alone four star territory bowl?
A: Four kings equal force, not in favor of a person can receive. Come see the force of the Buddha made, as one of four bowls, good heart, a pure faith, thinking that since the birth Bodhisattva, the Buddha far, we have donated, not frivolous merit.
Q: Four Heavenly Kings long live 500 years, the countless Bodhisattvas countless lives later became Buddha, the four current Uranus Uranus is not the latter four, why rejoice?
A: As a co-them, such as their line to offspring transmission hundred lives, but not so far to the other.
Or when saw yogi Bodhisattva gain six Balaam density, center vow: that when the Bodhisattva became Buddha, I will give the bowl, so the birth (four Heavenly Kings).
Again, the four Heavenly Kings live 500 years, the 50-year period by a day a night at the Four Heavenly Kings, and 30 days a month, 12 months a year. Taking the long life of 500 years was compared with 900 thousand years in the human Bodhisattvas do merit it, or near the Buddha, the four Heavenly Kings newborn, can fully meet the Buddha.
Q: As the Mahayana Sutra says: there are Buddha took pleasure doing dishes, do not eat food caught hold. Like Uranus, comfortable clothes no solution other than the Buddha's life, the bowl should not eat, how to say certain four Heavenly Kings are switched?
A: There is definitely a bowl for use, should not say not to use.
Again, many buddhas bowl used, not used at the bowl, so do take a lot of practice.
Business: Thirty-three God to Tha-chemical sun-self-in, also rejoiced, thinking that we will serve the Bodhisattva offerings, reduce costs them A-tu-la, we gain word disasters. Three thousand great worlds, four sky Uranus until A-ni-ca-identity, are very happy. The thought that we will appeal the Bodhisattva's Zhuan Falun.
Comments: The gods did, taking his floral touch, worship and reverence, listening approach, offering praise, think that the religious blessing purification, the A-tu-la they fell, Thirty-three heavens gain . The gods we also gain.
Q: On Sun said six class, why do you say the three thousand great worlds, until the sun A-ni-ca identity rejoiced offerings?
A: Previously said sixth heaven on a mountain in Tu-di, here said three thousand gods in modern natural world, before just saying realms Education, said this heavenly realms Education, Distinguished Visiting Buddhist realms Zhuan Falun. On cycle but said the divinity-populate these offerings promotion, this time to Zhuan Falun Buddha is the largest.
Q: In the three organs of Brahma's just say sometimes Zhuan Falun, this four star sky Uranus until A-ni-ca identity?
A: Mostly near Desire Realm, so come, first-Sac heaven realms are called on. If the king said Pham said the sky is sometimes different.
Again, the first door on the realms of Excellence, said first and said so later.
Again, there is no Buddha Buddha, Brahma beings generally know. Since Brahma is the father of the world, because people believe such life, so He said Brahma. French minister said rotation as before.
Economics: Hey Xa-profit-waving! Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapped out Bat-elegant three-la-bile, the gain of six security Balaam, the son-friendly, female friendly, rejoiced, thinking that we would because the He made ​​his parents, wife and children, kinship, knowledge?
Thesis. Question: Before doing the mentioned virtues, this star also said six gain Balaam secret?
A: First Minister said the general, said this particular minister.
Again, before saying something immeasurable merit there, bored listener fatigue, this strategy only heard six security Balaam, the collection of the photography merit.
Again, because it said doing the merits, because the speaker gain six Balaam secret, do you know? As later said: good son, good woman, so should know.
Q: Four Heavenly Kings until the sun A-ni-ca-identity, therefore why not say the disaster charity, but only to say that the good son, good woman?
A: The gods have labeled God, God's ear, Tha mind, offering Bodhisattva said, should not favor particular devas, and who do not know good meat for eyes, but knowing offerings, in particular less than friendly . Buddhist meditation is listening to the law, or disciple of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas hear method. Or listen to the Buddha prophesies will do, to hear the Buddha praised by themselves, so the charity said.
Q: Why do men say only death, good woman, but did not say who the two units (men and women), who are not friendly apartment?
A: No house is without foundation enlightened, so do not say in law for not ordained minister because he lost men and women, regardless of their mind, having had little causal angry, more fetters, infatuation that is, suspicion hug, not religion fun, but a little practice the blessings, wisdom shallow thin, impenetrable, nature changes, so do not say. It is spoken in such legal bar. Also in Mahayana measures, such as large sea, not what is not true, not base class when he or charity as well, not only because so little to say. Call that little, because of the men and women who do not base class was very little, in that class are not based charity, much less. For example, although the house hair, beard, black mole called without black people. The two units fetters structure more complex, as well as the male, female and working, the other evil mind bent, the hard reality, such as pulling tree in the jungle, the trees bent difficult. Again as A-tu-la, it does not mind the radical right, Senator Buddha, the Buddha Sun support. Buddha taught the five aggregates, they are six aggregates, aggregates also a Buddha not say, or teach four soles, they are there for years, no longer a Buddhist Emperor said. The two units is the same. So much evil mind bent, may not enlightened, so should only say good death for men and women workers.
General good is compassion or evil ring network errors, such as cyber-shot in Sutra says: Network error or evil ring, is above all; such as horses good healed, so the king could ride.
Again, the year wrong speech, whips, sticks, comedian, bondage ... not destroy the other center, he called the general good.
Again, three now no errors, happy with the improvement, not defame others friendly, unobtrusive its virtues, depending upon the people, who did not say sorry, not wrecked the fun world, not the name itself, Popular news the fun morality, purity his career, not being brain damage, mind you it's legal, that the vile contempt, just prefer candor, not according to people who lie, because the fun is all beings, please leave your self, make all-suffering living beings, should take her instead. As such a vast amount of work, known as the Protestant minister. Chess is much in men and women, so say good son, good woman.
Q: Good son, good woman, why the prayer he can play?
A: Good son, good woman, blessed know themselves thin, less intellectual, set near the Bodhisattva, who were overcome, such as severe depression quartz grill but boats are over.
Again good son, good woman heard "Bodhisattva not from life, two lives that are practice, which must go through the birth and death of countless lives, and he thought we would do the same causal Bodhisattva .
Again, the Bodhisattva contain virtue, so in that birth, beings to respect the Bodhisattva, to look through deep interests. If you see a life-discharge Bodhisattva, the prayer will do the same Bodhisattva parents, wife and children, dear, because why? So close to the charity said episode, the gain merit. For as rich in flavor, slightly fragrant as much: as the bodhisattva's previous life as Prince Sultan, saw the realms of Hell-poverty-line together, looking like the pearl, go into the great sea, go to the womb King, Prince dread dragon that tried virtue, stood up to welcome, invited to the front to make offerings and said: how to get remote?
The prince replied: I have mercy realms Yan-line-topic, As the pearl should be looking to help.
Dragon said: I go in life offerings to provide one month, then I will.
Prince mainland in a month, as Long King praises multiculturalism, net for the pearl. Jade like this idea, so can rain down a week (about 12 km).
Dragon said Minister Prince there, not long to do the Buddha, I would have most problems disciples.
Then the Prince went to a supply other dragon pearl, rain down by week two. Two months because dragons praise divine power. Dragon Prince did not say how long would the Buddha, I will make disciples First-sufficient spirit.
Go back to a second supply other dragon pearl, rain down three weeks due. Three months because dragons praise of wisdom. Dragon says Prince will soon become a Buddha, I will make disciples First intellectual.
The dragon pearl finish to say: when the end of their lifespan, bring back our jewel, the Bodhisattva promised word.
Prince pearl, go to the realms of Hell-line-problem, a wet bar pearl, a pearl rain costume, a pearl rain seven treasures, benefits beings.
Back as the Bodhisattva Tu-ma-topic, see Dipankara Buddha, Bodhisattva daughter went under the name of Tu-la-she asked for flowers year, the girl refused to sell, the Bodhisattva took it five hundred gold coins, to be buy five hundred flowers, the girl still not sold that the covenant that I vow eternal wife, and will sell for. Bodhisattva Buddhist flower offerings should take, should promise words.
Back Bodhisattva Quang Dieu, the girl he had seen the body bourgeois Bodhisattva has 28 generals, loving consciousness glasses, stood under the door. Go to the Bodhisattva, the girl took off jewel lapis neck, so in the bowl of the Bodhisattva, wish that my wife would do this forever. The girl in 250 lifetimes, group merit, after being in the middle of sex shower in the garden again Hy comments. Hy is adopted as a girl (named Hy virtue), the 14 year old female, that place, are adequate.
Then was the king of the realm Yan-line-topic, name all the assets, all German prince named, have compassion, often out of the gate in the garden trip, the female sex canopy pilot cases, all German Prince scattered treasures, clothing, food, for as rain dragon, not nowhere around. The girl saw Prince Hy virtue, self-praising lyrics that Prince shelves, attachment loving eyes never blinking hard look, spontaneous prayer that the world I know best, I personally would like to bring state-level rise element.
Prince asked: who belongs to whom? If there belong, should not receive the same time.
Then the answer is female sex Hy Prince: My daughter is year, month, day, hour, it engenders a contract with Prince. This girl is not born from my stomach. Early morning in the garden I saw in this girl lotus born, adopted me as his daughter, but do not because I despise this vile daughter. This girl is 64 good thing, not something incomplete, female, fine art, scriptures, remedies, all come through. Often ashamed heart, inner straightforward, no jealousy, no idea adultery. My daughter has such moral majesty, Prince should really take!
German prince replied with all the girls: she! I play center Supreme supreme Buddha, the Bodhisattva of spiritual, can not love anything more, international financial wives, seven golden horse, if anyone would like to, I do not oppose them. If the sons and daughters of the sire, and the main body, if people ask, I will tell them, do not regret being grieved. Or if I give you a monk, Buddhist disciple, mountains place in the net, ye also for later.
The girl who meet Hy virtue suppose to hell fire blowing apart my body, I never regret. I did not have sexual fun as that to make my body perfect for promotion only Supreme supreme Buddha, the chief officer should serve.
The girl told the Bodhisattva that last night I dreamed that Buddha sat under the great Japanese Yew life, should come together to contemplate.
Prince saw the radical right's daughter, heard the Buddha appeared. So perhaps it should come in a two car and went to the Buddha.
Buddha preached to hear Prince's left is immeasurable-la-ni, the girl was subdued minds.
Then he took five hundred golden flower offerings to Buddha, to bridge Supreme supreme Buddha.
The prince told his father that the Japanese Yew met Buddha that is big charity benefit.
The King heard, forsworn love for the prince in the night, and then, with internal supply agencies, local people, went to the Buddha.
Buddha preached to hear, witness king momentum-la-ni. Lamps not legal at all.
Then the King thought can not take legal secular governance of photography at the age of five desires that can enlightenment.
Thinking like that is done, all established German prince as king, to demand direct renunciation.
Then on the fifteenth day of the Prince, there are six things to retribution. His wife, Joy female virtues do turn golden. Such causal, in business there is inconceivable broadly.
So know good son, good woman, eternal vow parents, wife, children, relatives of the Bodhisattva.
Economics: Then the sun to the sky The Kings of A-ni-ca-identity, are very happy, everyone thought that we do means that the Bodhisattva away from sexual immorality, from the new center, usually an accomplice feet, do not let the lust General Assembly. If you enjoy sensual pleasures, and Brahma realms obstacles, let alone Supreme supreme Buddha. So Xa-profit-waving! Bodhisattva ma-ha-slap kill lewd Supreme ordained should be supreme Buddha, but not endless.
Thesis. Question: Why pray gods so?
A: In this world, sex is contingent First, no one does not like. In continental sex, sexual contact is First, it binds the mind, as people fell into deep mud, can hardly picked out, so that means gods Bodhisattva away from sexual immorality.
Again, if the sexual enjoyment of others, has not lost wisdom, even when convocation lewd, body and mind are completely in love, there is no awareness, self sunk deep. So the gods make shuns Bodhisattva.
Q: How far apart that?
A: As the Bodhisattva Shakyamuni in the king's Van Tinh-Sanskrit, wants out of direct view, gods old love, chemistry as the elderly, sick, dying, leaving the other center bored. Forcing midnight, that the supply route to celebrate the female form impure ugly, nose flow saliva, feces treated indiscriminately, then mainland Bodhisattva find seats being bored. Or the girl that gods born jealousy, malice, not knowing kindness, evil lies export, not the provincial administration said. Bodhisattva birth anniversary show and immediately thought, though relatives who stuffs it repulsive center, give it away immediately.
Want to make the Bodhisattva from the new center, often act as the feet, not the sexual opportunity, because why? Because adultery is original these fetters. Buddha:'d rather take a sharp knife to cut the body, should not the female social identity, though suffering knife, not rotten evil way, also predestined to suffer sexual hell for countless lifetimes number. The training at the age of five are not even Brahma realms, let alone the Supreme supreme Buddha.
Or someone said: Bodhisattva sensual pleasures while enjoying life, not wrecked before interest, direct unobstructed, so should Kinh said the age of five desires, there are no realms on that.
Vo Thi Pham world where beings are born to it, but who at the age of five desires, seats often do not even deserve to be born, let alone Supreme supreme Buddha, is a place which is not wanted.
So the Bodhisattva should cultivate an accomplice feet of dignity, will be supreme Buddha Supreme.
Bodhisattva virtues not infected before the world, the Bodhisattva should quickly directed. If sexual immorality as glue, can hardly be separated, because why? Since the age of sensual body, the more lewd deep roots. So the law ordained, lewd head, back and heavy.
Business: Xa-profit-waving white Buddha tooth: Exalted! Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapping need to have parents, wives and children, kinship, knowledge reasonable?
Buddha relics-waving: or Bodhisattva parents, wife and children, kinship, knowledge. Or Bodhisattva from the new center has stopped lewd, co virtues feet, until evidence is supreme Buddha Supreme, not sexual violation. Or Bodhisattva by means of force, army life and education, was ordained Supreme supreme Buddha.
Thesis. Question: Three Bodhisattva's ranking, ranking as the world first, then the new vernacular education forsaken monk, attained enlightenment. Ranks second great merit permanent, the new center has stopped lewd, until the Buddha. Rank this Bodhisattva or the law itself, or is a legal body, or flesh, or leave education or training has not departed. Ranks third Bodhisattva body purification method, the unborn legal persons residing in the six miracles, because teachers should beings with fellow beings to craft their photography. Or do cakkavatti, or king Yan-line-topic, Mannequin Head, Police-profit, depending on which site should benefit.
Business: For as legendary, legendary or disciples, cleverly knowing how illusory, illusory as the five desires, revel in it together, the people think? He for sensual pleasures, whether it's to enjoy?
-Waving relics said, no sir, venerable sir.
Buddha relics-waving, the Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapping force means taking turns doing the five desires, happy in that life, achievements beings, also the same. Bodhisattva ma-ha-slap where sex was not infected, but use enough to criticize the way the five desires, sex is on fire, sex is unclean evil, sex is destructive, sexual as guys resentment. So Xa-profit-waving, the Bodhisattva should know because contingent beings that enjoy sexual life.
Comments: Question: In the third grade Bodhisattva, yet only a single star rating to the Bodhisattva example?
Answer: First Class co usual people, lust endless. The second term often ends lewd, religious behaviors. Third class magnetic hard life sexual conduct that does. So people should understand not mentioned as an example.
Q: Why not get something romantic, evolution ... as an example?
Answer: not so thin edges in house knows, just remember how introspective born, who by year basis to see disappear impermanence can understand, transformation scene, but need to know the year, which saw the very little. Buddha beings as possible and the magical beings is believed to be mentioned as an example: as illusory magical use appears rare among the people, make them happy. Bodhisattva is so legendary, taking turns doing psychic arts in education among the contingent beings, have fun together, but of beings.
Beings have two classes: residential and renunciation. As part of the class should embody Sravakas, Bich-chi Buddhist and non-Buddhist monastic teacher. Ranks home or home person that people find salvation, or find people in vernacular education co-products that are high.
Bodhisattva usually take the karmic decry as sensual pleasures: sex is on fire. When it takes less then three toxic fire-fighting, when it took fire, the fire of impermanence. Two fire are burning, burning so called, not always fun.
Education is unclean evil: Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, A-la-han, who left the education, both for the vile filth. For such people see dogs eat feces, that cowardly contempt mercy, it is not good food, but eat impure. The training at the age of five and so on. Do not leave the inner sexual pleasure, but a fun place for sexual impurity.
Education is ruined: passion for sensual pleasures, heavenly king, the king, the rich countries to take the risk because there are relatives.
Education as guys resentment, loss of interest of the charity, as well as visitors enemies, superficially like that in mind, the friendly hug harm. Five such Education melt loss of goodwill, net Property rob people. Five sex born, is undermining the good, moral failure now canceled.
Lai said the five desires as fish hooks killed, seven hurt as deer, as ephemera lights burning, so sexual as guys said plaintively.
Family of man suffering injustice, no more than a lifetime, so passionate sensual pleasures, fall three evil paths, stand to suffer immeasurable.
Business: Xa-profit-waving white Buddha Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapped out how Bat-elegant three-la-bile?
Buddha relics-waving: Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapped out Bat-elegant three-la-bile, do not see the Bodhisattva, by themselves do not see the Bodhisattva, not seen Bat-elegant three-la- confidentiality, we do not find out Bat-elegant three-la-density, well not that we are not out Bat-elegant three-la-bile, because why? As the Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva name emptiness itself, in no, no form, feeling, perception, knowledge nor not. Ie no color, that is not sharp, ie not feeling, perception, knowledge, feeling, perception, knowledge that is not, because why? Health-benefits-waving only by themselves called Bodhi, just name calling is the Bodhisattva, only name calling is not, because why? Since the true nature of the law, not born, not kill, do not remember, not clean, the Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapping act as such, did not see the birth, did not see the killing, nor that memory, not that clean, because why? As the name itself is predestined harmony law making, differentiated only pretending to speak perfect memories.
So the Bodhisattva ma-ha-slapping, while operating Bat-elegant three-la-bile, not all by themselves, not that it is not wrecked.
Comments: Question: It was, on the other relics-waving asked, why even ask this?
A: Before the Buddha's "necessarily want to bring race necessarily know the law, should learn the Bat-elegant three-la-" to be asked, but not arbitrarily ask.
Again, Xa-profit-waving heard on merit praise other Bat-elegant, joy-elegant Bat respect to ask how can practice, as patients hear praise or drugs, asked how can drink.
Q: Before asking residents have no legal residence. Action-la-woman, who for the recipient, resources are not available, such as operating Bat-elegant, this star was asked out?
A: On the general question of Balaam secret, just ask here Bat-elegant, broad praise on the Bat-elegant home, where the monks asked straight Bat-elegant.
Again, the Bat-wide praise but elegant three-la-density, soft contemporary religious congregations want to be. So Xa-profit-waving as they should be asking how to practice birth Bat-elegant three-la-bile.
The merit Bat-elegant three-la-infinite endless, infinite wisdom and infinite Buddha, if Xa-profit-waving not ask the Buddha constantly praised, if Xa-profit-waving not ask, while not reason, should not be stopped.
Q: The Bat-elegant merit respect, if widely praised Buddha, what is not?
Answer: Praise Bat-elegant, respectful listeners rejoice merit increase, if heard the Bat-elegant intellectual growth. Not only do can merit a Buddhist, there must also be a new intellectual. So not only just praise, praise listeners mind was pure, soft threshold'd be Bat-elegant, like the thirst for praise that delicious drinks, no award was thirsty, he had to drink.
Because of conditions such relics-waving asked how far out Bat-elegant.
Q: As people have eyes to see, you know where to go to new, then so can go, the Bodhisattva too, before Buddhist concepts, know-Elegant Bowl, after the body so that it can do, this why not say that the Bodhisattva and Bat-elegant. If not that, then why practice it?
A: In speaking here not often that not, just clear the bar at the Bat-elegant, not to see the Bodhisattva and Bat-elegant three-la-bile. Bat-elegant three-la-known for making bogus beings should appear by themselves and Bodhisattva just assumed name due to the mix of conditions, as in the following product broadly. Noun Bat-elegant three-la-confidential and thus predestined harmony by pretending to be known as the Bat-elegant three-la-bile.
Bat-elegant three-la-bile, is false, but can break the Coliseum argument, because it is not nature that can not be said, as the fire from the charming harmony pretending to be a fire, but that may not be true combustion plants.
Q: If on the Bat-elegant three-la-not that immediately when found out, how incredible?
A: On the other Bat-elegant because it's said that the law appears to believe he is, out of the Bat-elegant three-la-bile is not true, should not be believed.
Q: If on the Bat-elegant not see, from the time that such should not normally know not, only because so elegant at the start-so no?
A: Because according to secular law practitioner should talk to the Bat-elegant three-la-secret, because of legal reasoning Coliseum stop shop, should not the target. If the holy sages of the words to say, the ordinary can not be reformed. Should receive meaningful, but not so accepted in English language.
Q: If your home in Bat-"not all the way," What's in here before saying "not being" to break down?
A: To the Bat-elegant at first listen is not to say not all. Self, not the year you want to be, just being distinguished by great memories down the idea, but not sure there. Back in the house, not a certain charming, distinguished only by inhibiting crazy idea for the aggregates so empty born the idea of self, if heard selflessness, while easy to understand.
The best way ... find the eye, if not outstanding at the beginning that says, no, time is hard to believe. Now break down first, followed by breaking the Soviet Union; break down, then head down, all the measures are not, so leave education, known as enlightenment.
Again, the Bat-elegant three-la-bile, no certain way, we should not find out Bat-elegant, not that we are not out Bat-elegant. Such byproducts are not Bat-elegant, the so-called non-practicing. Bodhisattva time not so, not only out Bat-elegant, so do not see no issue.
Again, the Buddha is king measures, see the Bodhisattva mind that very few others, mixed with fetters, not called out, such as the monarch but is a little animal, is not called. Buddha thus taught the bodhisattva not yet have little issue called out.
Again, the practice Bat-elegant three-la-bile, bears arrogance to say we have Bat-elegant three-la-density, prime minister took him. If no action is being lazy mind that hug brain heart benefits. So I do not see the issue with no action.
Again, we do not see out the Bat-elegant three-la-time break attachment is useful, not that we do not act Bat-elegant three-la-bile, the attachment broke no comments.
Again, we do not see out the Bat-elegant three-la-times the legal arguments Coliseum stop, do not stop the action that we not lazy mind, such as horse riding, lick the mound again, slow the whip. Such discrimination is not doing the same action.
Again, the Buddha himself said of conditions that, by themselves Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva emptiness, but only say the name of this Bodhisattva not self, not that the aggregates also. In no no identity, no identity apart no, no is no way, in no way, there is not a shred of legal, let alone have the raw color. Not left nor identity, because why? So there should be no sharp break, how to tell apart the best! Feeling, perception, volitional formations, too, because why? As the Buddha said to himself predestined that, only name calling is Bodhi, just name calling is the Bodhisattva, only name calling is not.
Q: In the past have said to him, why do you say to this?
A: In the past say that the Bodhisattva, by themselves do not see the Bodhisattva, not seen Bat-elegant three-la-security, said this was not found causal, that is to say only the name itself is called Bodhi , just name calling is the Bodhisattva, only name calling is not. Bodhisattva literally on the other and at the same Bodhisattva here. Noun as the Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva said.
Bat-elegant three-la-divided into two parts: the achievement called Bodhi, is not yet known achievements. It is the minister of being unable to obtain the so-called unborn, because why? Since or before "birth" after the "legal" or before "legal" after "birth", or legal birth and at the same time, are not able to get. As before stated, should not kill unborn, if not destroy method not being as vain, then how can the memory be cleaned, such as vanity, not rain forever wet, fire does not burn, the smoke does not stick, because Why? Because the unborn equity. Bodhisattva been so consistent, that no such leave not bear kill was legal, now has the arising and passing away, thanks to clean, because why? Buddhists say that all the causal measures are distinguished by great memories predestined harmony should force himself to say the name. Any possibility that the theory is true, there are theoretical possibilities by themselves.
Bodhisattva practice Bat-elegant three-la-secret, not that all by themselves, before just saying the name itself is brief, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves, Bat-elegant three-la-security, identity abandon -threads. Now, by extension, all by themselves, are not able to see, not that it is not sinking, not because they can not get wrecked. As in the eye, eye intellectual Junior. Bodhisattva of wisdom label uses not look around to see, so do not see a subtle way, so do not sunk.
Q: If the bodhisattva not wrecked all the way, why not get into Nirvana?
A: It's been said in many places, said today in this strategy: for compassion, for ten household Buddhist concept, because Primordial round yet, because power Diligent three-la-bile, as Bat-elegant three- la-security and harmony means two, is called not dare say not wrecked.
There's so charming, so said the Bodhisattva, though not legal without sinking into Nirvana.

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