Sunday 30 March 2014

(Doing Great Wisdom note: Part 2, Brahma 6th time)
Economics: Then Buddha Bodhi Monastery network knowledge: He just teaches Prajna Paramita for ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva as ma ha slap worthy achievements Prajna Paramita majority.
Linked to that, ma ha Bodhisattvas and disciples slapped Sravakas, gods, etc. ... have a thought that: network Tue forcibly abandoned in his wisdom would say Prajna Paramita for ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva it? Or is the strength which the Buddha?
Brain networks abandoned in the heart of the Bodhisattva know ma ha slap, practitioners, gods, said to Sariputta knowledge network that Buddha's disciples dared sermon that teachers, both by Buddha's power. Buddha's teachings are not inconsistent with general law. The law school's good son, is proof that law. Buddhist teachings such as traditional projection lamps. Sariputta! All bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, so there is no capacity Prajna Paramita theory for the bodhisattva ma ha slap.
Then the knowledge network that white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Exalted said Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas by themselves. What the French call a Bodhisattva? Venerable sir! We see no way called Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas taught how Prajna Paramita?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Prajna Paramita title will also only called Prajna Paramita. Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas name itself is just the name itself. List does not in itself, not outside. Not in the middle stages.
Bodhi Monastery! For example, say the name down so that there is harmony. The name was not born not fall away, only to tell the world by themselves, as the name itself beings, life span, fake birth, upbringing, number them, people who do, who do that, who starts teaching, who that start teaching, life man, who makes life, who knows, who saw etc. ... that should be taken by harmony. The name was not born not kill himself, only to tell the world by themselves. Prajna Paramita majority, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas also list themselves as such, are due to be in harmony, is also not born not kill, only to tell the world by themselves.
Bodhi Monastery! For as the body so there should be harmony, is also not born not kill, only to tell the world by themselves.
Bodhi Monastery! For as form, feeling, perception, consciousness, and so should be in harmony, is also not being not kill, only to tell the world by themselves.
Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas also list themselves as such, so there are so harmonious, is not born does not kill, only to tell the world by themselves.
Bodhi Monastery! For as the eyes, so there should be harmony, is also not born not kill, only to tell the world by themselves. He is not in the eye, not outside, not in the middle stages. Ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, so there should be harmony, is also not born not kill, only to tell the world by themselves, as well as the legal identity to that. Labels should be presented by harmony, is also not born not kill, only to tell the world by themselves, so likewise conscious world. Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas also list themselves as such, are due to be in harmony, birth and death are not only used by themselves to say. List does not in itself, not outside, not in the middle stages.
Bodhi Monastery! For as internal body, known as the first, only the name itself, known as the neck, shoulders, arms back, ribs, thigh, femur, lower leg, are due to be in harmony. France was not born and does not kill by themselves, by themselves only to say, that list is not in order, not outside, not in the middle stages. Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas also list themselves as such, so there are so harmonious, so only the name itself says, that approach is not born not kill, not in, not outside, not on stage between.
Bodhi Monastery! Foreign objects such as grass, trees, branches, leaves, stems, with all of the words that he is only to say, that law and order lists, not born nor kill, nor in not outside, not stages in between. Bodhi Monastery! Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas also list themselves as such, are due to be in harmony, and the name itself was legal, not born nor kill, nor in not outside, not in the middle.
Bodhi Monastery! For example, the past Buddhas, so there should be harmony, is also not born not kill, only to say the name itself; her legal nor in not outside, not in the middle. Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves so well.
Bodhi Monastery! For as a dream, echo, shadow, illusion, mirage, the evolution of Buddhism, there are so harmonious, so only the name itself says, that law and order lists, not born not kill, do not be in, not outside, not in the middle. Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves so well. 
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, author coined the name, fake life poses, author pose legal, so should school.
Thesis. Q: Buddha told the Bodhisattva had ghost ha slap merit, wisdom, favor more apartment sravakas therefore why the Bodhi Monastery theory wrong?
A: In the General said tongue in advance, so there should be two causal Buddha Bodhi Monastery inducement theory. 
Again, majestic Buddhist moral respect, not because of fear center to ask Buddha, himself not afraid to ask out.
 Again, the Buddha said we are doubtful mind, because they fear the Buddha's birth, not projecting a dare ask, why? Because they see themselves as Mount Sumeru Buddha, tongue covered three thousand great worlds, the body of a multitude of light, which would have social, economic interest are afraid to ask emit words, each a self- thought I would hear how Buddhism legal? So Buddha Bodhi Monastery wrong preach to them and say: He preached by the Buddha's power are, as in Beijing said. 
Again, Prajna Paramita two things: One is for the whole bar text, Bodhisattva, is only two legal body Bodhisattva theory. Because complex theory should abandon the wrong problem first, and then to Maitreya, Sariputta, like to complete mercy.
Then, we hear the Buddha false Social abandoned in theory, all business center facilities. Bodhi Monastery interested to know everyone, so tell Sariputta etc. ... all Sravakas theory is, knows, all thanks to Buddha's power. We'll admit dread force Buddhist teachings, such as the communication language, because why? Because Buddhism does not preach contrary to law minister. The law school's disciples were enlightened, have dared to say thanks to all Buddha's power. What we say, that is, the Buddha said, because why? So now in front of the Buddha that theory, but rather we have the intellectual eye, if not met the Dharma, the time did not see anything, such as night road insurance, no lantern, time does not pass. Buddha is the same, if not take the intellectual light that enlightens us, while we did not see anything.
Said to Sariputta: And all Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas no power can also Prajna Paramita said the Bodhisattva, let alone me, a person, because why? So very deep wisdom bodhisattva, deep inquiry, the other myopic approach, prior to the Bodhisattva's also hard to say, let alone profound way, as a person can eat rice that comes in the glove compartment can only please one person except rice to fight hunger, time can not be deducted. So to say Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas power can not be said for the Bodhisattva Sutra. Clearly abandoned in honor Bodhisattva, the Buddha also recognized as such. Bodhi from want generals sermon really should say: In search foremost legal Bodhisattva can not be, because the Bodhisattva can not get up by themselves bodhisattvas can not get. Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas by themselves can not be so Prajna Paramita can not get. Three things can not be, teach us how to Prajna Paramita Bodhisattva?
Q: Buddha Bodhi Monastery wrong theory for the Bodhisattva Sutra, which says there is no Bodhi Monastery Bodhisattva, is contrary to the Buddha, the Buddha agreed stars?
A: There are two ways: One is the attachment that said, the two are not interested attachment that saying. Using this bodhi mind attachment that saying No, Buddha is not rebuked.
Again, abandoned in practice often not eighty, said the law is not so sure Monastery Buddha Bodhi Prajna Paramita theory for Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas, but ultimately it does not, that should be abandoned in favor of economic said pleasantly: How is Bodhisattva? Buddhist art instant success: Bodhisattva so since the last release until center of Buddhist, ultimately are not, should not have been. If such teaching, ie teaching Prajna Paramita for bodhisattvas.
Again, there are two methods flesh: 1. Noun, 2. The meaning of the name itself. As can fire lighting, that can be burned by it. Is creating excellent lighting, fire is fire element (earth, water, wind, fire are the four elements to create, color, aroma, taste, touch is the four departments created - ND). Two of the measures he called fire. If there is a fire that left two measures, it is useful to be Tuesday. But except for the light burning except no use third harmony should know two methods called false fire missiles at two law does not, why? Because there are two methods, which is a fire, one not two, not two as one. This means that two incompatible nomenclature, because why? So if one combines the two methods, when it comes time to fire probably burned mouth, if two different measures apart, the fire probably worth finding water. There is such an affinity for, said the fire is not in the two measures. But if left outside fire two missiles hear the law, should not be legal where two student firewall. But if the fire in between two legal routes, while there is no refuge. All compounded, have no refuge, if the intermediary can not know the time! So do not fire in three places, only assumed names. Bodhisattvas also, by the two methods is the name, and should blend method called Bodhisattvas. The other colors, the other name, if the decision Bodhisattva should have the third but did not have the so-called Bodhisattva known author. Giving List likewise not in, not outside, not in the middle stages. In this example, the Buddha said, as the five aggregates harmony called ego, but really can not get down. They give birth to men who know the law that are disguised by the five aggregates born predestined harmony. The law does not destroy real name, only the name of the world in order to speak. Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas by themselves, Prajna Paramita and thus are legal pretending predestined harmony. In this example the Buddha said.
Some people say, because there is harmony in aggregate beings, sentient beings should not, but there are measures in aggregate, not sentient beings, the Buddha said, the five aggregates as well as harmony is so fake call. Twelve bases, the eighteen origin so well. 
Again, there are two kinds of Bodhisattvas: 1. Zazen, 2. Chanting. Rank meditation contemplating the body usually due to the bone so ... harmony authors called themselves, took away her sight consistent basis, for example, knows that the first bone harmony should be the first call, the call leg harmony prolonged foot, leg bone pain, bone etc. ... so-called relative harmony, each tracing each, have no basis, because why? Since this is usually collective, often customary to take it as an example.
Rank is not meditation take trees, grass, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruit, for example. Buddhas of the past as well just by themselves, can use their title was preaching. Ten examples only have their title. Bodhisattva means the same. This means for example, ten said before.
Bodhisattvas should study photography third is three threads like this: 1. France's five aggregates etc ... She is photography legal problems. 2. In aggregate causal harmony so-called living beings, the so-called harmony bone bone head, as root, stem, branches, leaves harmony so-called tree; photographer's life is three threads. 3. He used the name itself, the prime minister approved two measures, say two things: it is the name of photographic subject is self-Three.
Again, the mote harmony crude measures should be born, as mote color harmony should be rough, photography la Three's legal problems, as judicial law. France's crude mix that is called, as due to lighting or burning or should have known that fire and matter should have by the people, and matter is legal, the name is fake, that is life photography tricuspid threads. Because identity attachment, attachment name so called life. Besides the abundance of self has many self; like next column name, rafter, tile etc. ... have the title itself, as the name itself beside branches, tree leaves by themselves, that is their title is Three photographers threads . 
Meditators first three are self-clearing photography topic title, breaking her poetry to photography topic is, after breaking her poetry photography la la threads to break three measures photography threads. Bankruptcy law is subject to three dollars in real photography Minister of Justice. It is the minister of law and legal noun Prajna Paramita.
Economics: Again, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita not see the name itself is usually excellent, no sensation, perception, self-identity is often informal, not that self-identity identity impermanence, life is not that great act by themselves form impermanence, no title will be fun to see identity; do not see color name from the repository, not the name that best self, not that selfless self identity name, not by themselves show no color, no color name formless self, no identity ineffective by themselves, do not see the name of self-identity passed away; do not see color name from grapes, clean title will not see color, do not see themselves living color name, not the name itself that killed excellent; title will not see in color, not seen external identity by themselves, not by themselves at that stage between identity, feeling, perception, knowledge and so on. Brand and identity, consciousness, contact mark, an affinity label and generate emotional life, and to the legal, sense, the exposure, the causal and generate emotional life so well, because why? Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, the name itself Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas self-identity, where identity is compounded not see where nature is not that ridiculous. Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, will not initiate legal distinction that. Bodhisattva's practice Prajna Paramita, residing in an indestructible, the four foundations of mindfulness practice, not that secret Wisdom, not the master list Prajna Paramita self, not that Bodhisattva, that title will not Bodhisattvas. Until the law is not common practice eighteen, not that Prajna Paramita, not the name itself that Prajna Paramita; do not see Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas do not see the name itself. As such, when slapping bodhisattva ma ha practice Prajna Paramita, just know it's the law minister, the law minister is not really remember not clean. 
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should know that the author set out by themselves; know their title and author, best not attached, not attachment to life, perception, consciousness; immediate disapproval for the attention, not attached to legal excellence, not attached to the official label attached no sense, no emotional attachment label is not attached to the contact, not emotional attachment as an affinity label and student life or pain or pleasure, or pain not pleasure, not attached to the human and emotional as interdependent life or suffering or pleasure, or pain not pleasure, not organic nature of the attachment, the attachment is not the unconditioned nature; do not accept For previous paramita, perfections About forbearance paramita, perfections Tan, meditation paramita, Prajna Paramita, no attachments thirty two generals, not attachments Bodhisattva body, not attachments Bodhisattva humiliating label, not the label attached Buddha, not Tri paramita attachments, attachments not unseen perfections, not attached to the cabinet not to property not attached outlawry not legal, they are not attached achievement born, not strictly charging a penalty attached, not attachment to legal means, because why? Because of that law, no attachments, no legal attachment, the attachment does not have a place, because there are not.
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not attached all the way, he gains For paramita, perfections About forbearance paramita, perfections Tan, meditation paramita, Bat Elegant three perfections, to the bodhisattva, the status any time and fully divine bodhisattva, a stroll through a Buddhist country to a Buddhist country, achievements beings, respectful reverence, praise Buddha, because seriously charging a penalty, because to see the Buddhas offerings, offerings of virtue achievements, are arbitrary. Just listen to the Buddha preach, hear evidence and until the Supreme supreme Buddha, full not forget, are the defenders la ni, eighty subjects.
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, so know the law is set up fake names.
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Lust is reasonable Bodhisattva; feeling, perception, consciousness is reasonable Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are reasonable Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust, sound, smell, taste, reasonable legal Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Conscious awareness of the Bodhisattva is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Bodhisattva Mass is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Water, fire, wind, no race is the bodhisattva way reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Bodhisattva Ignorance is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Until the bodhisattva old died reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Lia affordable excellence is Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Thought Italy do you think is the bodhisattva identity as reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lao Tzu So far as the generals Bodhisattva reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lia Minister to leave for general excellence as old as the Bodhisattva e reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Mr. introspection say how that identity means not Bodhisattva, to bodhisattva not old mail? Identity not leave bodhisattva, until death separated not old Bodhisattva? General identity as the bodhisattva not, until death as senior minister bodhisattva not? Minister not leave sharp Bodhisattva until death separated the old minister as the bodhisattva not?
Bodhi Monastery said, revered sir! Ultimately beings can not be, let alone what will be the Bodhisattva! Lust can not be, what is the best scenario, leave sharp, sharp, sharp as a bodhisattva leave! Until the electronic age can not be, let alone what is Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu left, as Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu left as tank slap!
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: You instead, rather good! Thus, dyke! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva should learn that, because we can not get students should Prajna Paramita can not get.
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Lust is the Bodhisattva that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, ie affordable method is bodhisattvas?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Sac Bodhisattva usually means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir! 
- Life, perception, knowledge is often Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust is impermanent Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, impermanence is the bodhisattva way that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust is optimistic that reasonable Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Sensation, perception, action, fun way that is affordable Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir! 
- Lust is suffering Bodhisattva that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Sensation, perception, action, suffering is the bodhisattva way that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Sac Bodhisattva means fall is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, self is the bodhisattva way that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Sac Bodhisattva means non-self is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, non-self is the bodhisattva way that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Bodhi Monastery! Italy do you think? Bodhisattva means identity is not reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, means the Bodhisattva way is not reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust is not non Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, non-food is not affordable Bodhisattva means?
- No, the venerable sir!
- The form is meant Bodhisattva reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, knowledge means Minister reasonable Bodhisattva?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust is formless Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, formless method is bodhisattvas that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Sac Bodhisattva means work is reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, creation is the Bodhisattva that reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Lust is ineffective Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir!
- Life, perception, knowledge is ineffective Bodhisattva means reasonable?
- No, the venerable sir! Until the electronic age so well.
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Mr. introspection that how that saying bodhisattva not mean identity, feeling, perception, knowledge not mean Bodhisattva, to form, feeling, perception, knowledge not ineffective Portugal Balloon, until death aged so well?
Bodhi Monastery said, revered sir! Sac ultimately can not be, let alone what is formless Bodhisattva means, sensation, perception, action, knowledge and so on.
Venerable sir! Lust often ultimately can not be, let alone what is impermanent identity Bodhisattva means, for the formula is the same.
Venerable sir! Excellent communication ultimately can not be, let alone what size is best Bodhisattva means, for the formula is the same.
Venerable sir! Sharp falls ultimately can not be, let alone non-self identity is Bodhisattva means, for the formula is the same.
Venerable sir! Sac have ultimately can not be, let alone bodhisattva is not sharp sense; until such knowledge also.
Venerable sir! The form ultimately can not be, let alone what is formless identity Bodhisattva means, for the formula is the same.
Venerable sir! Lust is the ultimate effect can not be, let alone what color is ineffective means Bodhisattva, as well as to form such 
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: You instead, rather good! Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, can not get that color, sensation, perception, knowledge meant to be harmless, meaning there is not, should learn Prajna Paramita so.
Bodhi Monastery! He said that no law called the Bodhisattva. Bodhi Monastery! The law does not see the law, the legal nature that are not legal, the legal measures that emptiness, emptiness measures that address race, they do not address the nature that, until not that legal positivism emptiness, emptiness that legal positivism legal nature not seen eye identity, identity, consciousness, identity eye color, do not see the legal nature of consciousness, until the emptiness that measures the nature, methods, consciousness, identity Italy, France, aware that no legal identity .
Bodhi Monastery! Nature compounded not see the unconditioned nature, nature does not show unconditioned nature compounded, because why? Because compounded left unconditioned can not tell, can not tell apart inaction compounded.
Thus, dyke! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, for the law does not see anything, then no trade, no fear, no fear, no heart sunk, no regrets, because why? Bodhisattva did not see ma ha slapped form, feeling, perception, consciousness, do not see eye to notice, not seen until the legal identity, no sex, anger, ignorance, ignorance is not that old to death, falling for guys that do not know who to see, not see the Desire Realm, Sac realm, formless realm; do not see Sravakas center, center Pratyekabuddhas; do not see Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas do not see law; do not see a Buddha. Bodhisattva's because not all legal, should not business, not afraid, not afraid, not sunk, no regrets.
Bodhi Monastery Buddha said that, revered sir! What karmic center bodhisattva not sunk, no remorse?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: All of the legal mind of the Bodhisattva mind some slap ma ha can not get, can not see, the heart does not slap bodhisattva ma ha sunk, no regrets.
Venerable sir! How bodhisattva not mind doing, not afraid, not afraid?
Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva's, mind and the world can not be, can not see, because not doing so, not afraid, not afraid. Thus, dyke! Bodhisattva ma ha slap for all legal, can not get to practice Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery! Bodhisattva ma ha slap in all the land not acquired operating Prajna Paramita, not self-acquired title Bodhisattva, nor acquire center Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva ie teaching ma ha slap. 
CONCLUSION: Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, consistent phenomena not usually name themselves not very often, until the emptiness compounded where there were no unconditioned Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves. As said before, for all the great memories will not start legal distinction. Bodhisattva in the legal office indestructible, six practice Paramitayana not legal for eighteen general, use wisdom to know the true form of law, in the legal finding that certain measures not called Prajna Paramita, nor that name Prajna Paramita themselves, not by themselves show bodhisattvas and bodhisattvas. Using the wisdom he broke the afflictions of ignorance, etc. .. do not use wisdom to see that he did not break the attachment Prajna Paramita, the name itself Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves, communicate He is very pure form of the law. Bodhisattvas such wisdom, or see, or hear, or think are as illusory, or hear, see, think, are frivolous, so should not attachments, etc. .. color of wisdom Resident's concerns , six Paramitayana gain, on the Bodhisattva, the benefits are the same.
This chapter, the Buddhist Bodhisattva such observations.
Next chapters later someone said that much of the legal Buddhism should not be abandoned in return asked: If the law did not, while there may be a certain method is reasonable Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva means that identity is reasonable to such as the bodhisattva is reasonable?
Bodhi Monastery think: The law should be in harmony Bodhisattva, how we say there is a certain method is bodhisattvas? So to say: No, the venerable sir.
So clever dyke beings attain not, so He tells us: You instead, rather good! Bodhisattva beings do not know, can not be, need to practice Prajna Paramita. Lust is the Bodhisattva means, until ultimately ineffective not the same.
Bodhi Monastery in legal No deep, no doubt could be beneficial to the Bodhisattva. So praise Buddha: You instead, rather good! Bodhisattvas are allowed to learn of Prajna Paramita, not all the way, could not have been.
As Bodhi Monastery said: I do not see that law and order is the name of Bodhisattva.
He tells us: Not only can not see the Bodhisattva is absolutely no way that law; countless legal nature can not see, so the legal nature that are not legal. The law student predestined harmony, no essence, no ultimate, so that the legal measures emptiness, emptiness legal identity that emptiness, emptiness that excellent legal nature, so nature is the same way. In aggregate nature of the legal nature of the same name should be called nature. Twelve origin, eighteen, compounded, that nothing of the same. Combs said of conditions: from emptiness, emptiness is compounded not to say ridiculous, ridiculous from emptiness, emptiness does not say is compounded because the two measures that include all legal.
Bodhisattva did not see all the way though, fear not, because why? For a place that has not seen the place no fear, if not quite see what the fearless. It is the aggregate of eighteen years is not common law.
Q: If the Buddha had said karmic fear not, why even ask the dyke?
A: Bodhi Monastery if not entirely legal protection, fear no fall in the wrong time, because why? As the chief disciple of the Buddha is so called because the practice is, how to say absolutely nothing? Bodhi Monastery Buddhist center known to all interested should say some legal interest can not be, can not see, so do not be afraid. Ordinary person wants to empty the mind that some legal interest may be, while foreign law can not be so scared. And Bodhisattva mind some legal interest is not so frivolous, crazy retribution, not only for people who really should not fear. Due to various means so that to even ask.
Q: If so, there is reason why the third question?
A: Mind center number can be seen in measures of awareness, attention, and consciousness is the root of some interest law center, because why? So in a sense more discrimination, fear alive, even in informal moments too short not distinguish anything. Want to root out fear, so also ask, no errors. If the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita be so, but the work is not seen four: Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva by themselves, Prajna Paramita, the name itself Prajna Paramita, which may be due to three causes and conditions should not fear, ie teach the Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret, or just general explanation of Prajna Paramita Sutra that is operating perfections. None of the ten bridges, and no one, nor as gold, silver, jewels, a new demand.
(Doing Great Wisdom note: Products Enter biophysical 7) 
BUSINESS: Tue Then white Buddha Bodhi Monastery network that revered sir! Bodhisattva ma ha slap wanted For full perfections, learn Prajna Paramita; want full About paramita, perfections Rings, Tan paramita, perfections Meditation, Prajna Paramita, Learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva ma ha sharp slap to know, learn Prajna Paramita; want to know the way, learn Prajna Paramita; want to know the label, wanted to know the legal identity, consciousness wants to know to conscious, want to know the brand exposure to contact, want to know the label and make causal contact until the student life and student life contact as causal, learn Prajna Paramita; would like the sex, anger, delusion, Learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva ma ha slap would like the body is, world, players, facilities, lust, anger a well excellent charity, charity formless, exchange, romance, ignorance etc. .. all fetters and hindrances, learn Wisdom perfections. Want blessed paragraph four, four up, four crazy, learn Prajna Paramita. For good ten directors, four meditation want to know, want to know the four immeasurable mind, the four formless, the four foundations of mindfulness, not legal for eighteen general, learn Prajna Paramita. 
Ma ha Bodhisattva want to slap the eighty sense, learn Prajna Paramita. Want to six miracles, the first class of nine, eighty super Vietnamese, learn Prajna Paramita. Want eighty du Lion Coliseum, learn Prajna Paramita. Lion Wants to be scattered all want to be left ni la learn Prajna Paramita.
Bodhisattva ma ha slapped want Surangama eighty, eighty Security, Tam Ten moon, moon wall eighty, eighty French All of publication, eighty bars, legal eighty Of identity, Eighty Tat office minister Kim Cang As eighty, eighty In all disciplines, eighty eighty Kingdom, United eighty publications, Calculated at eighty, eighty high of eighty ultimately eloquence in all, eighty In all legal name, Quan ten eighty, eighty ni la cuisine Da, eighty not forget All the way, all the photography and eighty Indian legal convergence, office Nowhere eighty, eighty-three pieces of pure , No rotten miracles eighty, eighty dishes Export, Minister of eighty eighty colon ... Want to be eighty such subjects, learn Prajna Paramita.
Again, venerable sir! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped want to satisfying all beings, learn Prajna Paramita.
CONCLUSION. Q: In the first article said there'd be something, learn Prajna Paramita, why say this again?
A: First just want to praise the virtues, learn Prajna Paramita, which is not to say Prajna Paramita. Now hear the Prajna Paramita, who wants to be the other virtues, is six Paramitayana etc. .. learn Prajna Paramita.
Again, the use of karmic law says no. Someone said that the Buddha taught cessation methods, no longer do. Since the end of the suspicion that, should say want to be the merit of generosity etc. .. should practice Prajna Paramita. Prajna Paramita If it is not, nothing, cessation, it should not say should practice the virtue of generosity location etc. .. Tier have said, there is nothing left after each other before?
Again, before broadly speaking strategies here. Kia is the Buddha said, this is abandoned in favor say.
Again, Prajna Paramita profound, so say lai.Vi as good merit praise should say: You instead, rather good! Means of six Paramitayana as said before.
Know is that it aggregates in impermanent, suffering, not, common ideas, etc. .. own generals, six bases, six ceiling, six-way, six exposed, six life so well. All worldly bondage, the feeling is all, life should be born by the fetters, living life happy craving, unpleasant business students a well life does not suffer foolish not happy living. Three stand-up is the origination of sorrow and now, so should just say life. The center window method is not mentioned ideas, knowledge, concepts etc. .., three poisons, ten fetters, the history, the slopes for eighteen common law does not, as has been said before.
Sense the eighty, eighty Super Vietnam, Lion's eighty eighty Coliseum ... he's the Bodhisattva, would say later. Want to make satisfying all beings, has said before.
Economics: To be so full of virtue, does not fall thuog beast, do not want to be a mean home birth, residence not want to be in the status bar text in, Bich-Buddha, bodhisattvas fall'd be no empowerment (Beijing University Uncivil note: For Bodhisattva empowerment, not rotten full fall - ND) learn Prajna Paramita.
Then Sariputta knowledge network convergence Bodhi: What Bodhisattva called ma ha empowerment vicious slap?
Bodhi Monastery said Sariputta! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap not use skillful means six Paramitayana practice, to not, formless, infinite eighty works, nor oppressed status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, nor on the Bodhisattva, he Bodhisattva called ma ha slap charity law student, should fall empowerment.
Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: What is called the Bodhisattva born?
Bodhi Monastery Sariputta replied that legal charity called Birth.
Sariputta said: What is the legal naogoi love?
Bodhi Monastery said ma ha slap bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, color is not that loving Australian territory before conception, feeling, perception, consciousness is not the territory, memories mindfulness, compassion ago. Sariputta! He called upon students charity religion before.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slap, that identity is formless territory, memories mindfulness, compassion before; life, perception, consciousness is formless, that territory, memories mindfulness, compassion ago. Lust is harmless, that territory, memories mindfulness, compassion before; feeling, perception, consciousness is harmless, that territory, memories mindfulness, compassion ago. Lust is a territory that passed away, memories mindfulness, compassion ago, sensation, perception, action, knowledge is passed away that territory, memories mindfulness, compassion ago. Lust is to the knowledge of impermanence, suffering through food is excellent, colors are so selfless in which territory, memories mindfulness, compassion ago, he was born Bodhisattva compassion upon religion before.
He is hard to know, practice should stop, should destroy evidence, should direct the practitioner; was a little French, she cleaned law, he should close, was not so close, that should do the Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas did not do; He bodhisattva, Bodhisattva's school, not that bodhisattva, bodhisattva does not learn, he Bodhisattva perfections, for the Prajna Paramita: it means Bodhisattva, he not Bo Bodhisattva means; her mature Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva not that mature.
Sariputta! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, territory and memory concept, before the law's love: it is the bodhisattva ma ha loving slap before birth through religion.
CONCLUSION. Q: Do nothing without good roots realms fall, and poor bar text, Pratyekabuddhas nor fall empowerment?
A: Some people say, the practice of virtue should not join the fetters love etc. .. thinking slim, in deep meditation, the practice of virtue not angry, so angry etc. .. failure fetters thin, deep in the heart of compassion; practice of virtue not foolish, so the fetters of ignorance etc. .. thinking thin, deep Prajna Paramita. Due to the power of meditation, compassion, Prajna Paramita such, should not be something that fails, let alone four things (not fall into evil ways, means your home, office and bar Pratyekabuddhas, not fall empowerment) .
Q: What's in only four of the fall initiation ask?
A: Three of the previous mentioned, the name of the Lord say so rotten asked.
Q: List the legal position, that he had said before, so say this again?
A: But did say that, but different names. No vehicles, in three subjects and rescue vehicles, the front said.
France affinity, for abiotic legal entity, should not be called living benefits, such as eating more indigestible, if no treatment is perfect for yourself. Bodhisattvas also, when the new center, the Dharma food craving, it is not expedient means of improving legal practice, where heart sunk infertility legal force ring, he was born, was sick. So before the wreck should charity for not killing method is not born craving, such as dead sure, but taking more medicines, the disease returned. Bodhisattva ultimately not for legal, non-legal entity which does not kill love before birth, also returned fire accident. * For people who love France, it is the miracle, which for infertility rings are legal implications.
For all methods, memory marketing ideas restaurant bar non-discrimination, according to the charity, he called birth; country can not develop true form of law, as opposed to birth (live) called Bodhisattva mature (ripe).
Q: One reason why he called the initiation, known as the call is not born?
 A: France between demand and infertility ring upon ring, called initiation. Infamy's residence, on Buddhist straight, no longer afraid to fall, such as the Qing legal documents, legal and ring in the middle of the ovule called legal nomenclature.
Q: If you were not afraid to fall empowerment, famous stars this fall?
A: Order that took almost be called a fall. Are reserved and intellectual peace, while not afraid to fall, such as the mountains, has been to the top, not the fear of falling; amid less, fear of falling cliff moment. List any permanent growth, known as the Bodhisattva. In that position, all fetters, not all the people that move drugs are also known as legal persons infertility, because why? As with the other students. The fetters love etc. .. and the mixed goodness, called the birth.
Again, no real fire intelligence minister knew about the law, so-called birth (live), fire wisdom to know the true form of so-called legal maturity (nine). He credits the intellectual life of the law minister said so, so-called master. For example, can mean water storage burnt, damaged while firing live apart.
Again, relying intellectual birth and death should be separated from insanity, separation from birth and death should not wisdom born not kill, he called the law of infertility. Or information, or life, or maintenance called rings.
Again, the approach is consistent spit all about impermanence etc. .. known as the, if not more so, he was born loving religion upon before.
Business: Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: What Bodhisattva called ma ha slap infertility?
Bodhi Monastery said ma ha slapped bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not internal, not external not seen, not in external, not internal not seen, in exchange no, no no exterior, interior and exterior in no, not that foreign, interior and exterior in no, no no no, no no in, no internal not external, in no no, not that great, not in college, not not not see, not in college, not First that means no, not in its highest sense, not that college is not, in the highest sense no, no that is not compounded, in possession of no, no means no first lady, in possession of no, not that ridiculous not, in unconditioned no, no not compounded, in unconditioned no, not all scenes not seen, in every scene no, no not that ridiculous, not in every scene, not spouses was not found, the spouses was not , not all scenes not seen, in the lid, they do not, do not see no canopy, no canopy, no no do not, no canopy, no emptiness, the emptiness, saw no avail, of emptiness, not that the law does not, in no way, not that emptiness, in no way, not that ideology is not, in general not self, not that the law does not, in itself no minister, no elected not impossible, in elect not impossible, not that ideology does not, in any elected not possible, do not see no outlawry, in outlawry no, not that elect not impossible, in outlawry no, not that useful not legal, not legal in organic , do not see no outlawry, in no way useful, not very important tool that is not legal, not legal in organic outlawry, not that property is not legal.
Sariputta! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice bile into the Bodhisattva.
Again, Sariputta! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped want to learn Prajna Paramita, learn this: No concept of form, feeling, perception, consciousness, no eyes to the concept, not to the legal concept of identity, no idea she is confidential , About paramita, perfections Rings, Tan paramita, perfections Meditation, Prajna Paramita, not until eighteen common law.
Thus, Sariputta! Tu ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret, should not recite the Bodhi mind, not so high: no class center class should not concept, not so high, not so large center concept, not so high, because why? Because he did not have the heart center, purification center so rewarding.
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: How often referred to as net interest generals?
Bodhi Monastery said: If the bodhisattva mind minister said that along with sex, anger, delusion, not inappropriate to leave, and the fetters slopes, saved, blessed ... all afflictions, not inappropriate to leave, the center bar documents, improper Pratyekabuddhas not leave.
Sariputta! He called the reward center net Bodhisattva.
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: There wall plate not mind that reasonable?
Bodhi Monastery Sariputta replied that: In the heart not the mind minister minister may not be affordable general interest?
Sariputta said: Can not be.
Bodhi Monastery said: If you can not be, it should not be asked if you mind not mind.
Shariputra asked: What is the Minister not interested?
Bodhi Monastery said: The law is not damaged, no discrimination, no attention was called minister.
Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: Only non-destructive mind regardless, no sharp distinction is not corrupt, so corrupt Buddhist nor not distinguish it?
Bodhi Monastery said: If the Minister does not damage the heart knows no distinction, he is also known Bodhisattvas best to not passing Buddhist regardless.
Then Sariputta network Tue praise Bodhi Monastery: You instead, rather good! He really is the Buddha, the Buddha was born from his mouth, born of that law, from biochemical methods, the procedure is not part of the legal resources section. For special legal body confidence, as the Buddha said in the multitude of people avoid, He is the First, it was appointed as the Buddha.
Bodhi Monastery! Ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva should study Prajna Paramita so, in that distinction should also know bodhisattva practice as you say, do not leave the Prajna Paramita.
Bodhi Monastery! E good men, good women who want to learn how local bar text should also listen Prajna Paramita, maintain life, chant, read, recite primary memory, as strictly speaking. Want to learn Pratyekabuddhas address should also listen Prajna Paramita, maintain life, chant, read, recite primary memory, as strictly speaking. Want local bodhisattvas must also learn to listen Prajna Paramita, maintain life, recite, recite primary memory, as strictly speaking, because why? Because of Prajna Paramita was broadly succession, in which Bodhisattva ma ha slap, bar text, Pratyekabuddhas should learn.
CONCLUSION: Within no, no not that foreign, not in external, not internal not found.
Someone said: The four great eating something outside themselves included in the so-called internal, if the dead body back to outside, for all legal no minister to go. Foreign did not not in cabinet. Seventeen other not so well, not born no kill, no other minister, for failing to come up in each new resident.
Again, the minister of the Bodhisattva is the idea not all colors are available, until the eighteenth anniversary of measures is not common nor co.Nghia not conceive as said before.
Q: Bodhi Mind, Wudang class center, university center nothing else wrong?
A: The new Bodhisattva mind when directing supreme grace, we will do the Buddha's Bodhi mind. Innumerable Buddhas class is class, because stars Because all beings, and all measures are no match. Mind of the Buddha's similar, because of the factors why So indeed, he called the very center college class. He did not mind not doing anything, not for grace, strength deep'm sure.
Again, experiment, About three perfections called bodhicitta, because stars
Because urban rich perfections should be big, not lack anything; do About three out of three is the secret to evil ways, enshrined in the sky every person, based on two Paramitayana retribution should be an established, accomplished big deal, he called the Bodhi mind.
General of the Rings, Tan perfections, to show the strange beings, that is to cut the meat, all the options, look like tree felling, falsely thinking that injured part, blood into milk. Tam was as big as the Buddha mind, for all beings in the ten directions six lines, each will bring a world of mind. Come to know the ultimate solution is not, which brings out the compassion happiness, that is strange, because as people want to plant trees in mid-air, that is rare.
The power of Diligent such perfections, along with numerous peer (Buddha) similar, then this class is no class.
In meditation, practicing four immeasurable heart, and the ten directions, with great compassion and means, save all beings from suffering. Again it's the law minister, killing all contemplate an end to that language not fall into annihilation, he called the University Center.
Again, the new center called the Bodhi mind; Paramitayana six practices, known as Wudang class center, media center called on the university center, with such discrepancies.
Again, the great Bodhisattva as such, did not mind because the mind to reward high purity, as generals often pure nothingness; cloud of smoke, dust mask temporarily to make impure. The mind so often self purification, was the guest negativity to hide ignorance, so to be impure, but give negativity, back as ancient purity. Since small thin out meticulously, the purity that you do not, should not high, should not inhibit conception, why? Because ultimately not?
Q: Sariputta commonly known pure mind minister therefore why even ask?
Response: Supreme Bodhisattva Development Center supreme Buddha, in deep deep stick. But ultimately interested not heard, usually pure, perfect breasts still distinguish, indifferent prime minister's approval. So ask her mind no minister is interested or not? If yes, how to say no general interest? If not, why praise him will center Wudang Buddhist Circuit?
Bodhi Monastery said: In general no ultimate pure mind, there can not and will not and should not be asked victims.
Sariputta asked: What is the Minister not mind?
Bodhi Monastery replied ultimately not, regardless of all the methods, no attention was called minister.
Sariputta asked: The Minister is not corrupt mind does not distinguish, or such other method?
Bodhi Monastery response: The law is the same. If so, the Supreme supreme Buddha and nowhere, not damage regardless.
The Bodhisattva deeply immersed Supreme supreme Buddha should think that the ordinary law can say is frivolous, because not true, because not all contraband or bodhisattva, it can be said is not pure, but how Supreme is the supreme Buddha frivolous? Then fear not happy heart.
For other interested abandon it, thoughts reserves: this I should say to their true form reasonable approach? Thinking is done, thought, today in front of the Buddha, should bring real minister replied that, if we have faults, Buddha will say. Much thought is complete, so says the Supreme supreme Buddha's First though, also from frivolous legal birth place, is not so well, not damage, regardless. So, one should follow impermanence supreme Buddha that practice should not accept the prime minister to pride.
Then Sariputta praised Bodhi Monastery: You instead, rather good! And Buddha Bodhi Monastery hear silence meet, also praises the ability publications Sariputta.
Buddha was born from the mouth, it is said: Brahmins from mouth Brahma born king, Junior class in four beings. So that Sariputta praised: He actually arise from the mouth, why? Because he found legal, legal know that!
The less enlightened, grill offerings studying Buddhism, he called the financial part. Back son currency as evil, not in the words father, portion only accounts. Taking part is taking the meditation methods, base year, five forces, Spoiler seven, eight noble part, the improved method, called the measures taken part.
Four things certain called for legal self-confidence, the Kabbalah, etc. .. cessation of clinging to the body, he called a special body. As Sariputta First intellectual, psychic Maudgalyayana First, early momentum Mahakasyapa First, avoid dyke wife filed eighty nhat.Vi Arhat is usually to avoid introspection Countless human mind , not that people from controversy. This eighty photographers into four basic meditation, also used in the Desire Realm.
Q: Prajna Paramita is the Bodhisattva's, said people want to excuse succession should be learning?
A: In the Prajna Paramita, the law minister said that is true parinibbana. The three are redundant for parinibbana so diligently to Sutra collective action.
Again, the predestined in Prajna, talking about subjects that are not freed. As in Beijing said: If left unreleased subjects, while no religion no Nirvana. So people should learn three redundant Sutra.
Again, Sariputta speak predestined: The Prajna Paramita, said Minister of accommodation including three redundant. People should learn to admit three achievements.
(Doing Great Wisdom note: Products Wins 8th Army)
Economics: Tue Then white Buddha Bodhi Monastery network that Blessed One! I know he does not understand the bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita goods, time will tell anyone because Prajna Paramita?
Blessed! I do not know or understand all the legal set or scattered, if you set up an auto Bodhisattva Bodhisattva said, come on, or I would have regretted.
Venerable sir! List order was not based, also have offices, because why? As the name itself does not have anything, so he did not name himself nor did head office (Beijing Great Wisdom says: Blessed! Con for ma ha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Wisdom and perfections are not knew not understand, how to make you take legal Prajna Paramita sex education teacher corresponds to the Bodhisattva slap ma ha? revered sir! Con for legal or increase or decrease did not know not grasp, if you take the sex education teacher approach for Bodhisattva ma ha slapped, the child will have regrets .. ND etc.)
Venerable sir! Con did not understand or collective identity or spread, to spread knowledge or training or, if unable to understand, how to set up an order?
Venerable sir! Because of conditions that, by themselves did not head, nor no head, because why? As the name itself does nothing.
Venerable sir! I do not understand or practice, or scattering eyes, give or agree to accept or practice, if you can not understand, how to set up an order called Bodhisattva? Venerable sir! List the name itself arbitrarily eyes, no office nor the office did, because why? As the name itself does nothing. So he did not name himself head, did not cylindrical.
Venerable sir! I do not understand or collective identity or approval, until the law or practice or spread, how to set up an order called Bodhisattva? Venerable sir! List itself to judicial excellence him, nor did not head office, because why? As the name itself does nothing. So he did not name himself head office nor there. To conscious awareness, brand exposure to the contact; labeled as causal contact until the birth life interdependent human contact makes life so well.
Venerable sir! I do not understand or collective ignorance or approval, until not understand or practice the old dead or scattered. Venerable sir! I do not understand the ignorance or collective advantage, or spread, to not understand or take set old dead or scattered.
Venerable sir! I do not understand sex, anger, delusion or collective or canopy, the canopy or wrong or collective, are also the same.
Venerable sir! I do not understand or practice Paramitayana six or canopy, the four foundations of mindfulness or set or spread, leading to eight parts or assembled or scattered, no, no minister, no work or training, or spread, the four meditation, four very center volume, the four formless or set or scattered; Buddha, dhamma, Increase anniversary, anniversary World, Giving concept, concept of God, good idea, concept exhalation, body concept, concept or Dead or set apart. Also, do understand the power of the Buddha ten to eighteen common law or practice or not approved.
Venerable sir! If you do not understand Paramitayana six to eighteen common law or practice or not approved, how to set up the call name is Bodhisattva? Venerable sir! He did not name himself head office nor there, because why? As the name itself does nothing. So he did not name himself head office nor there.
Venerable sir! I do not understand the five aggregates as a dream or set or scattered, you do not understand the five aggregates as echo, like a shadow, like that she, as illusory or set or scattered, well said.
Venerable sir! I do not understand either set or scattered away from, I do not understand cessation, no birth and no-kill, no display, no dirty or collective memory or canopy. Venerable sir! I do not understand such as, legal nature, in fact, law minister, law or practice, or scattering, well said.
I do not understand the legal good, not good law, or practice, or scattering; do not grasp the unconditioned compounded, compounded illicit outflows or set or scattered; legal past, future, present or set or scattered; such legal past, not the future, not the present or set or scattered. What is the law not the past, not the future, not the present? That is ridiculous measures.
Venerable sir! Con did not understand the law or collective inaction or approval.
Venerable sir! Con did not understand or practice Buddhism or canopy. Venerable sir! Con did not understand the world as the multitude Buddhas in the ten directions and Bodhisattvas, or raising bar set or scattered.
Venerable sir! If you do not understand or agree Buddhas or training, while teaching how to Prajna Paramita bodhisattva ma ha slap?
Venerable sir! Her nouns such Bodhisattva head, nor no head, because why? As the name itself does nothing. So he did not name himself head office nor there.
Venerable sir! I do not grasp the true form of law or practice or spread, how the scheduling order to call them Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas!
Venerable sir! List the legal order does not really minister office, nor did head, because why? As the name itself does nothing Kong. So he did not name himself head office nor there.
Thesis. Q: In the previous articles that have said no bodhisattva, Prajna Paramita, not all the way in the outer, middle, etc. .. why not say this again?
A: There are four things that craving for love, friendship love, non-organic kindness, charity law. Conspicuous charity, bugs etc. .. it is impure; friendship love, not impure control etc. .. unless economic difficulty urinating. Africa friendship love, friendship broke, so broke up in opera intellectual property, minus hard drive. French charity, charity director before the benefits goodness. In charity law, sin is hard to see, so to speak, such as small trees, less easily processed unless, while large trees, heavy machining difficult except.
Again, this is legal on copper and other measures, on the other says not see Giving name, plead ignorance here does not know the name of the Bodhisattva himself. Not knowing not understand that should not, not because little brainpower should not see.
Q: As set out Prajna Paramita is reasonable Bodhisattva? Why not say that this bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita practice?
A: From the very remarketing, beings which can not be obtained, but not because collective action Prajna Paramita should not have been. Just because frivolous crazy, chasing ordinary person pretending to be. This collective action Prajna Paramita kill crazy frivolous, clearly it is not, not now not inherent; capital this time not fall into annihilation.
Again, Tu bodhichitta remorse, fear of breaking gender expectations word, because why? As in all legal dharma is selfless decision, that Bodhisattvas that we have to say Prajna Paramita them, the oppressed and expectations in terms guilt, remorse so interested.
Again, do have an affinity for heart regret, because all is not legal, could not have been so do not, because why? Because no collective disapproval. For as sharp eye and consciousness as causal born, three harmony (Three of the eyes, color, label, ND method) should contact birth mark, an affinity label in the center contact numbers associated legal student life, thoughts, private etc. .. In here, because of wrong memory should recite the afflictions born poor, because the concept of primary memory should produce goodness. Due to bad karma retribution that life in six lines. From this place the body causing bad karma, so incredibly roll, he called the episode. The base ear, nose etc. .. and so on.
Subscriptions, etc. .. concept is consciousness anniversary kill, because the causal separated. The legal consciousness etc. .. when born from nothing, I did not have as transporting grain gathered on the field, while the killing is not going anywhere, not like the people scattered rice; minister said he called the collective strategy approved of the law, when born not from, not where to go when the kill, the measures are as illusory, or just for the eyes.
Q: If so, general practice has spread, therefore why speak not know Bodhi Monastery not understand?
A: Because not come from a similar set up could not have been, for going where no minister should not have been distributed.
Again, no student should general practice can not be, can not kill, so generals can not be distributed, because ultimately not so general practice can not be, because now no loss of conditions should Minister can not be dispersed. 
Again, the card management processing time should kill generals could not have been gathered, the administration of the world should gather minister can not be dispersed. There is the sense that, should gather dispersed minister said could not have been, how self-scheduling is Bodhisattva? If forced to say there's name, the name does not head, nor no head.
Q: Why does not the noun head?
A: The head noun in law, because law does not, by themselves should not have office space, such as car wheels, rims, a hand car flower, car gourd, harmony should have named the car, if the harmony He took the name cars scattered. The name was not in the car wheels etc. .. would not be in the left seat wheels etc. .. aside from the car, looking in one, the other can not be, because the loss of the car by themselves, not by themselves have office space. When karmic no longer distributed, let alone the killing of conditions? Beings as such, because the aggregates form, feeling, etc. .. in harmony, they should be born by themselves, if the aggregates are separated, the title will not have office space, and when the five aggregates no longer separated, let alone not have five aggregates? 
Q: If the dispersion, the name itself may not have been, even when dispersed harmony not have time by themselves, therefore why can not there be said?
A: The Bodhisattva's name itself is only one, that of the five aggregates, not made in a year, do not be a year, if year one, can not be, as in animals not be used as a child, or one in five, can not be, as an animal is not used in children. So the title will not be based Bodhisattva in the aggregates. There should not be without a head noun, according predestined harmony, the language, the secular has entirely lost. So to not have to be filed no means least, two to the law should not have the disorder.
Again, if there is an affinity in the title will surely burn like fire said mouth, said mouth has surely been filled stockings. If the name is not in the law itself says the fire should not the idea of ​​the fire, the fire can also find water. Since ancient past, transfer your self together by themselves but should know about. So to say that the title will not not not head office.
Again, in this dyke speak of conditions: Because nothing should not name himself head office did not have to. Like the name itself Bodhisattva, the legal title will be five aggregates, twelve in, eighteen same.
Q: Earlier I said the law or practice or take five aggregates are not going to be, why do you say this in aggregates? 
A: In the said right of aggregates, the aggregates would say this dreamlike, as illusory.
Again, some say five aggregates of ordinary people not so frivolous, like a dream, and the aggregates of saints not frivolous, so as to give title says as illusory dreams, are not the same office.
Q: In ten examples (see Chapter Ten 11th instance) therefore why it only refers to the year?
A: If you do not have to tell ten in the present, just follow our hearts say born in the year of discernment enough example, should not exaggerate. Or because the aggregates should say in example, the other likewise.
Lia have two: 1. Body left. 2. Left center. Body left is removed so the family intimacy, that humanity, left center is separated from all fetters.
Back Lia have two things: 1. The legal title will leave. 2. The method per each left ideology. In saying two things here remains left behind, because why? Because of colonnades break by themselves, and departed away from the wall says. In Theravada approach much left to say two things before (dear departed, center left).
Also passed away two: 1. Pure evil generals kill the president. 2. Nirvana emulsion passed away. Shop the world as well as such measures, saying only things in here after cessation.
No student has two: 1. France and unconditioned future. 2. It's all legal infertility. As the Minister who can not get in here should just say things without birth later.
Immortal three: 1. Tri dependent killing (killing scouts). 2. African coastal location kill (kill non-scout). 3. Impermanence kill. In saying this reinforced anti impermanent, as opposed to this so-called immortal.
Real marketing is kill all the shops, street language end, no law can only present, he thought such a law, or whether or not, or often or very often, do not remember unclean. That is, as such, legal nature, in fact, law minister, the law, as has been said before.
Q: In aggregates have set canopy, as opposed to say here should not set disapproval, even as such, legal nature, etc. .. in fact not left together, therefore why not set disapproval?
List: Acts as fake as legal character sets etc. .. so called, because the so-called scattering loss. Like as not disagree but not set, called a door carved walls, filling sealed called scattering. The mean positive, negative to the multitude ten Buddhas, as previously mentioned.
The legal name was spontaneous and not rely spot, so are not, not not not head office.
Business: Bach Exalted! The legal predestined harmony, pretending staged called Bodhisattvas. Her nouns, can not say it's in the aggregates, can not enter said in December, eighteen, eighteen until no general law, saying it could not be in harmony approach. Venerable sir! For like a dream, can not say it's in the law, echo, shadow, that she, illusory, can not say it's in the law, such as the name of nothing, can not say it in any way ( Great Wisdom Trading record: Infinite possibilities origin theory - can not say it in public places - ND), revered sir! As the name itself earth, water, fire and wind can not speak in any way of the list presented itself, eighty, wisdom, liberation, liberation of knowledge can not be said in any way, as the name suicide completed, for the name itself Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas, also could not say in any way, as their title Buddha, judicial and can not say in any way, as the name itself or good or evil, or often or very often, 
or pain or pleasure, or self or non-self, or passed away or departed, or whether or not he could not say in any way.
Venerable sir! Con because that was so remorseful mind (if I say Prajna Paramita majority of the Bodhisattva - ND). Episode All the measures minister, could not have been thorough, how bodhisattva called up by themselves Bodhisattva?
Venerable sir! Noun does not head office did not have to, because why? Because nothing by themselves. So he did not name himself head office nor not.
Venerable sir! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap heard Prajna Paramita such minister, so that means no sunken center, no exchange, no experience, no fear, no fear, so he definitely knows Bodhisattva nature retrogression office , because the office is not legal office.
Comments: no license no office nor the office formerly used by themselves to break the law and Bodhisattvas, the other half used to break this self Bodhisattva name, what methods can not be called a Bodhisattva, because why? Bodhisattva is not the aggregates, the aggregates are not bodhisattvas, of the five aggregates no Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas in the aggregates can not, in aggregate non-Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas do not belong in aggregates; leave the aggregates no Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas leave no five aggregates. Giving such lists can not be, should know it is not, not until the eighteenth general approach is the same; pilot as seen in dreams, are not frivolous to say. In the dream there was no way certain minister called the five aggregates, twelve in, eighteen, just crazy mind. Ball, echo, that she, likewise illusory, only eyes and ears deceive; like nowhere, can not say in the law, because formless. Because nowhere left to excellence, should not be said to be excellent, excellent place nor spent nowhere, because there is no separate law. If you tell yourself out in the Minister of nowhere, did not work properly. It is not the general bodily nowhere without no legal generals. So not only damaged their title. Giving List likewise.
Q: As a dream, unreal etc. .. the list can only order so how land, water, fire, wind bogus but also just by themselves?
A: The no mind to the soil etc. .. is true, by the saint saw the entire wisdom label is frivolous. For children as objects in mirror losses for the truth, want to get excited, adults see it just lying or human eye. The ordinary person that mote harmony to the land, for the land is real, who can scatter the sun's land, only to see the mote, AI was used to distinguish the land was destroyed completely impossible to get.
Again, in the first article of argument, use the form out, as the body out, and break ground.
Again, if the land is so, why the shops are all fire the fire? Or shop for meditation is true, but the Buddha said all falsehoods is not legal, but that's not true, water, fire, wind and so on. As the four bodies of work, which was so, what chance do the business by themselves without morality etc. .. no? As crude morality is not even now, let alone meditation, wisdom, liberation, liberation without knowledge etc. .. no? If the five aggregates presented method, etc. .. also not to, let alone what the results by Noble precepts, meditation etc. .. do predestined to attain that did not? If still no results Noble, let alone complete the vouchers but did not give to Buddhism? Therefore, renounces name but is goodness, to be exported out of the way, no, no call is good, so there is no call, no, because the episode and can not get approved.
Bodhi Monastery has said no such minister, called a true bodhisattva, to say the Prajna Paramita Bodhisattva? If this sounds like a Bodhisattva, not afraid, not afraid, time retrogression based in nature, as any law office so that office.
Emptiness Bodhisattva retrogression is that infertility is not a legal entity, the Buddhas life has not been signed, only the strength of intellectual merit, the good news may ultimately not legal, in nature's office called retrogression, as part retrogression when, as a child born in your family, but have not done so, which do you do your family.
Economics: Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place sharp cylindrical, cylindrical should not place feeling, perception, consciousness. Do not head where the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind; office should not place the label should not be exposed to the office where the exposure; office should not place labels and emotional life by making people dependent arising, for the office should not where life and touched by the work born of conditions, where the local office should not strain, water, fire, wind, no, positivism; office should not place old infertile until death, because why? Venerable sir! Lust, not appearances, feeling, perception, consciousness, not general knowledge. Venerable sir! Not sharp, not sharp call, leave no identity was not called; identity that is not, that is not sharp; sensation, perception, knowledge, not knowledge, knowledge is not known, nor called leave no wake; ie there is no way, no way that is, until the electronic age, the old Confucian thought. Venerable sir! Not prison, not death call elders, leave no man nor death; old self is not, ie no lao tzu.
Venerable sir! Because he's so charming ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place sharp office to office should not place electronic age.
Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not office where four foundations of mindfulness, because why? Because the four foundations of mindfulness, the four foundations of mindfulness minister. Venerable sir! The four foundations of mindfulness no, not known as the four foundations of mindfulness, not left nor the four foundations of mindfulness, the four foundations of mindfulness that is not, that is not the four foundations of mindfulness, for eighteen common law is not so.
Venerable sir! Because he's so charming bodhisattva ma ha slap wanted to practice Prajna Paramita practice, should not place the four foundations of mindfulness office for eighteen common law no.
Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not where she is based security, should not place About three perfections office, where the office should not place Patience paramita, perfections, effort, meditation perfections, Prajna Paramita, because why? Because she is dead, paramita minister until Paramita Sutra, Prajna Paramita minister. Venerable sir! For paramita no, she is not called bile not leave nor Candidates perfections; For three dollars that is no secret, that is, she is not confidential until Prajna Paramita is the same . 
Venerable sir! Because he's so charming ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place six Paramitayana office.
Comment: In other Bodhi Monastery by "humble" but said Prajna, but says not say, but the truth was as Bodhisattva said Prajna Paramita. This dyke by the subjects' head no, "said the Bodhisattva straight because Prajna Paramita. Prajna Paramita has the name itself; shop, tu, respectively, integrated, integration, training, etc. ..'s office were called to practice Prajna Paramita, just say the name itself, the listener happy.
Again, there is a little difference in practice by themselves: Listen, recite, write copy, pastor anniversary memories, preaching, thinking, reserves, discrimination, the Supreme practice for supreme Buddha, general it called practice. So from that distinguishes the practice: Start bar called, as supplies begin to see everyday, gradually learning called collective, can the corresponding called Uncivil Union; depending upon Prajna Paramita called relative applications; scrutinizes called Prajna Paramita is imported; distinguish accept that the prime minister has called the concept; usually not set out to make an end to similar called school, but learned, skillful means knowing what to observe, harassment, is, lost, call thinking; using meditation practice, called general practitioners' directed Prajna Paramita was not lost, called the office, the office is not left office.
Q: Before the law says no, that is not cylindrical, why should not this say where all the legal office?
A: First, though has said, but before the loving attention cloud difficult to control except to say this.
Again, there are eighty formless, in her eighty, did not accept the prime minister but not to destroy the law. Wisdom Bodhisattva inconceivable, but not all legal attachment minister, but could practice their religion, as the birds in the middle of nowhere, but not shelters that can fly high. Bodhisattvas also, not where the legal office that can bodhisattva practice.
Question: Mind the starting conditions are met, not how Bodhisattva office where all the measures that are not in the kill?
A: Bodhi Monastery itself says: Lust, similar color, no color is not sharp, nor leave no identity; identity that is not, that is not sharp. This means in said second volume, for the office should not place six Paramitayana too, because there should not be room for office.
Economics: Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place deed office, where the office should not subject a word, two letters subjects, subjects such letters, because why? As the word, not the word minister, as mentioned above.
Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place the divine office, because why? Because of the divine, not the divine generals, not divine, not the divine call, leave no message and no god, that is not divine, that is not divine.
Venerable sir! Because he's charming, ma ha slapped want bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place the divine office.
Comments: There are two kinds of Bodhisattvas: 1. Meditation. 2. Learn proceedings. Kabbalah meditation is born, time to start school texts discrimination.
Mon a word is a word a word, such as land called Phu.
Subjects two words are two words one word, like water called commune. 
List three words like self-water called Ba ni lam. Thus the subjects themselves.
Again, Bodhisattvas hear a word, that in general it's all legal, as hear the letter "A" that knows the law is not born from the ancient past. Such as hear the word, etc. .. "Head pat" living law minister said all the suffering, compassion instantaneous birth; like to hear the words "A ni" know it all legal impermanence, directed that immediate action bar. Also as in deed Da ni la broadly.
Kabbalah means, said before. Two work ultimately did not, Bodhisattvas should not head there.
Economics: Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, identity is not based impermanence, life is impermanent thought out method should not head, because why? Because the ephemeral, impermanent minister. Venerable sir! Impermanence no, no call is impermanent, not separated nor impermanence, impermanence that is not, that is not very often.
Venerable sir! Because he's charming, ma ha slapped want bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, identity is impermanent, not head, life is impermanent thought out method should not cylindrical; identity is not based format, ideal operating life form Head pain is not so; identity is not so selfless office, feeling, perception, consciousness is not so selfless office; identity is not, should not head, feeling, perception, consciousness is not, should not cylindrical; identity is not based cessation, feeling, perception, consciousness is not based cessation; identity should not be left office, feeling, perception, knowledge should not be left office, as above said.
Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita should not place such as office, why? So as such, not as general as. Venerable sir! General such as no, not called as such, can not leave well not as such; such as that is not, that is not as such.
Venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, where the legal nature should not be based, general law, the law, in fact, why? So in fact, it's not reality. Venerable sir! It's not called a fact not very realistic, nor departed not very realistic, which is not very realistic, which is not very realistic.
Again, venerable sir! Ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not all defenders office where ni la, not all offices where eighty subjects, why? As defenders la ni, ni la Mon minister; subjects eighty, eighty subjects minister. Venerable sir! Mon Da ni la, not eighty subjects, not known as la ni left, eighty subjects; departed not no ni la Mon, eighty subjects, ni la Mon, eighty subjects ie not, not instant is left ni la, eighty subjects.
Venerable sir! Because he's so charming ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, should not place As such office until the skin is subject ni, eighty subjects.
Venerable sir! As ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because no means, take my heart, do, that office where identity, part Bodhisattva's unfortunate for excellence, take my heart, I thought that life offices where operating mode, the Bodhisattva was happy for the way home. If happiness is not part Bodhisattva of Wisdom photography secret life, nor fully paramita Sutra, because incomplete Paramita Sutra can not be accomplished three Tat
Venerable sir! As ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because no means, take my heart, I entered the office where twelve dollars left to ni, eighty, Bodhisattva's home for twelve virtues entry so happy for the left part ni la eighty. If Bodhisattva happy home life is not mhiep Prajna Paramita, is not fully Prajna Paramita. Because of incomplete Prajna Paramita should not be Slapping Her accomplishments are elegant, why? Since color photography is not life, life is not thought out way life photography. Lust no photography was not the best life, the life expectancy thought out the official photographer did not have knowledge, because this emptiness. 
Twelve photographers entered is not life, until the skin is subject ni, is eighty-life photography, photography not enter life twelve times twelve not enter, until the skin is subject ni, not eighty-life photography, while not The skin is subject to ni, eighty, because this emptiness.
Prajna Paramita, nor life photography, Prajna Paramita not feeling the photographer not Prajna Paramita, because nature is not so.
Thus, ma ha slapped want Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita should reflect the legal emptiness. When the mind is not consistent place so charming, he called ma ha bodhisattva not slap eighty-life photography, wonderful wins, extensive work very afraid, not with bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. Wisdom Bodhisattva three (Necessarily location) photography was not feeling well, because in no outside no, not in external, not not, not great, not in its highest sense, not compounded, not inaction, not all scenes, no do not, do not agree, not nature, not ideological, not legal, not impossible to attain, not very legal, not legal ownership, no legal measures are not so useful, because why? Because Tat's three, can not get similar, so get out there similar defilements (negativity). What is general defilements? General identity for the minister left ni la, eighty subjects, called the minister's defilements.
Comments: The Saints marched impermanent, as such, legal nature, in fact, ni la Mon, eighty, as previously mentioned.
Q: In the law office defilements should not, because of sin, even in meditation, neutral, therefore why should not head?
A: It's not the crime, though, which makes karmic sinful, as the Buddha said in the Hood: Yes Bodhisattva mind to me, I practice Prajna Paramita, front office where excellence, because excellence should be born of industrial artifacts , front office where sensation, perception, action, knowledge and so on. Because the five aggregates arise should practice, that is not photography Prajna Paramita players. He said although we practice Prajna Paramita, that's the way the world practice, not fully Prajna Paramita, can not reach the place omniscience. Until ni la Mon, eighty likewise. 
In here say dyke itself not causal office, which is excellent Photographers no life, if not outstanding life time photography was not sharp, because nature is often not so.
Q: Lust for sin's impermanence, suffering, not, should not selfless life photography; pilot as the fire department hot gold, but gold can participate, but can not take the heat, even here there are errors, which forced the aggregates break?
A: There are two things wrecked before: 1. Education ago. 2. Ants before. Some shops impermanence, suffering and break that sex before being freed, or have a shop but impermanent etc. .. but also before the wreck, hope is born. Because the class does not distinguish appearances, so time is separated from the previous until la ni left, eighty too.
Q: bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, no photographer should approach life taints all end all, therefore why not in here saying Eighty photography with Second Life is not redundant?
A: Second eighty but not excessive life photography, but no effect on large, agile, not deep nor permanent.
Again, the bar text, Pratyekabuddhas when contraband or all, new life photography is not the law, and far longer Bodhisattva not know the legal life photography, all as parinibbana ultimately not so should say not with excessive sensitivity.
Again, there are complex II excess gas, bloating should be afraid but not eighty-life photography, but not pure, as Mahakasyapa we beat Portugal hear music, can not secure the seat. The Bodhisattva asked: Do you conduct most goatskin head, why still shaken like dancing? Kassapa said: I for sex in human beings in the heavens would not shake apart, and this is transformed by the power of the Bodhisattva merit now, I can not get. As Princess mountain Meru, four floating wind side, will endure well, if exposed to wind is blowing hard working time can not be quiet. Journal of the gas bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, for bodhisattvas, it is negativity. 
Again, no photography Eighty her life, only Buddha knows around. Buddhist Bodhisattva because he should but do not know which is more around Nhhi excess, so to speak not with excess II. Because you do not eighty-life photography that was wrecked before birth center, so says Bodhi Monastery: Not only does not eighty-life photography, but the best place to race are not necessarily life photography, but for the most outstanding design States of mind are not life photography, because why? Waive speak karmic threads: For eighteen should not life photography.
Q: Why not use the eighteenth to the law are not consistent?
A: In it, speak dyke predestined: As approved before the prime minister should immerse the fetters of birth. Minister is the Minister for the outstanding defenders la ni, eighty subjects, are the root defilements. If the dharma is so subtle no general law can cling.
Business: If the prime minister was that religious observance achieve all three, the Tien Pham Chi ni (Thang Pham military press) never trust born of omniscience. What is news? News Prajna Paramita, differentiated knowledge, number, think (Necessarily location - ND) not equal in general, not equal to the formless. So Mr. Pham Tien ni not accept the prime minister, depending on the category of credit at issue. Do not place identity, misunderstanding the true form of legal entry, identity not accept the prime minister, the prime minister did not accept feeling, perception, consciousness, why? As the Minister not so self can not be acquired.
Ni Tien Pham was not even seen by the insight that wisdom, not by intellectual bonded seen him, not by insight intellectual bonded seen him, nor have not seen that top spot position precarious, why? Did not violate that law even, who knows, knows law, said (not even that violate Slapped her location tastefully pessimistic, not that consistent power Sutra, do not see the bar, not relying shop and see space at start shop - ND). Pham did not even see where the inner wisdom that identity, not where internal sensation, perception, action, intellectual knowledge that he, not the best place to see foreign intelligence was, not where foreign sensation, perception, knowledge He found wisdom; exterior colors not see where that wisdom, not where paternal feeling, perception, intelligence official was found, neither leave form, feeling, perception, intellectual knowledge that he, are not such as exterior.
Mr. Pham Tien ni Necessarily center position signal in this place. So even on very general legal information, not legal because all possible. Signal thus can not be legal attachment, because the law formless, not estimated that concept.
Mr. Pham was also not legal to possess, or take or leave, because there can not be removed.
Mr. Pham was also no concept of intellectual inhibition, because the very notion that law minister.
Venerable sir! He called the Bodhisattva tu ma ha slap Paramita Sutra so this can from shore to shore. Bodhisattva was not clinging form, feeling, perception, consciousness, not all legal attachment, not clinging to the left ni la eighty. So not all legal attachment to the Bodhisattva's Nirvana is not grasping, but because obligation atomic four foundations of mindfulness, the Noble eight sections are incomplete, and for the ten Primordial evidence, no general legal eighteen Buddha was not a success, because why? Because the four foundations of mindfulness four foundations of mindfulness did not, not until eighteen common law, not eighteen general not legal, because the law was illegal, was not illegal. He called the Bodhisattva tu ma ha slap Paramita Sutra not accept Prime Minister identity until no general legal eighteen.
Thesis. Q: In what karmic here because it comes Pham Tien Chi ni?
A: Doing the use of karmic law is not about, until no one can afford prime minister little. The heart no doubt astonished information, see Management's difficult, because ultimately formless, so abandoned in evidence in legal Theravada no longer speak, let alone practice the Mahayana approach is not without legal information .
Again, as a Brahmin to house, good to know the Necessarily minister, that the Bodhisattva milk porridge, which would become a Buddha Bodhisattva said today. Ni is the first of a Brahmin boy was old age, location virtuous and great reputation, extensive read all of the books, meditating, meditation, study director. Then wish for intellectual discourse should go to roads. Here Mr. Pham said Friday pagan teachers are claiming omniscience. Real orchid Ca lettuce (lettuce Phu Ca na lan: Ruruna Kasapa) has great reputation, is the mass of the master, his disciples died, either large or small will not say where they were born to, and direct disciple of five teachers the other, dead or small or large, are talking to their birthplace. Buddha is also teachers, have great reputation, his disciples die, they said that they born small to large, not to say that they are born to. Ni heard it first and then, at another time come to Buddha, asking finished, sat to one side, white Buddha:
- Buddha allows me sir.
Buddha said:
- Arbitrary he asked.
Ni Tien said: 
- Before I had time to go to the conference line argument, the argument of the Conference, and it brings back old enough to have heard the Buddha said: Then I think, of the Buddha tell the disciples still small dead renewable, non-renewable great disciple, take sure what to do?
Korean Buddhist nuns said:
- France My profound, wonderful, incomprehensible, long sunk the night before so he found another, different desires, different teachings, on my way, he can not immediately see!
Mr. Pham Tien ni white Buddha that:
- Mind the scriptures, pray mercy say the law makes sits the eye spot light, not to stand empty.
Buddha asked on release:
- Italy he think? He saw past color that is as reasonable? (Translated Chinese Tathagata Tathagata or As past - ND).
- Ladies are not.
- Life, perception, consciousness is like the past (like hybrids) reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- In the past identity is as reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- In life, ideas, goods, such as the food is reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- As Lia's past identity beyond reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- Lia outside expectancy, perception, such as the food is reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- He saw no color, no life, perception, such as the food is reasonable?
- Ladies are not.
- If you follow the "means not" see the past as it should have suspected that the Dharma born center-so sure?
- Ladies should not.
Korean Buddhist nuns said:
- If the student does not understand the way I did the time I said they were reborn after death, because this old conceit leftover remnants. If the disciples understood that I was, I did not say that they are regenerated, because this old conceit no remnants remaining.
Ni first heard of such instant enlightenment. Enlightened and stood up from the seat white Buddha that I ask to be ordained religious practices. Instant hair shed Sa went into the post, soon attained Arhat, because from where Buddha was not frivolous so bright eyes.
Doing this conference conclusion, Korea believes nuns, the Buddha is believed he could make his enlightenment, he started a private call. So after listening to Buddhist attachments break me, I, from the ancient past, often selfless, selflessness should the law not belong anywhere, as illusory as a dream, not real crazy damage, can not get the player. Believed that power and, in the true form of law, not attachment is excellent as the past, is to form as the past.
Q: Why does not Mr. Pham will meet with Buddha?
A: The Minister General Pham Chi capital as falling grab, this Buddha per each question separately, so should all meet the Buddha is not.
Again, on even hear people talking down two ways: Either someone said five aggregates ie fall, or leave someone says there fell apart in separate aggregates. If the aggregates are falling away, while there is no separate self, why? Since fall is an aggregate of the year, a year not to do, not do a year.
Again, the five aggregates of impermanence birth and death, if the aggregates are falling, falling birth and death are also good reasons, if kill time my eyes fell blessed birth. In aggregates from birth predestined harmony, not in order; fall if so, use the down time to do, because it's not in that order.
There are mistakes that should not be said as best as parks, Past Life As thought out way.
Leave outside the five aggregates, it should not be falling, because formless. Or know, see, territory etc. .. which are the five aggregates minister, minister not fall; leave the place saying how that would fall outside the five aggregates? So should not meet.
If someone says there own ego, not five aggregates, that's not right, are shown to be crazy distinction.
There should be aware of conditions such as selflessness, ie As past fall (Tathagata). The method is the same, are the same as the past, as well as legal derelict should not belong anywhere.
Again, even discounts for intellectual enlightenment thinking, according to which the four foundations of mindfulness for, are not there to minister, that is consistent in itself is where the internal aggregates, the aggregates restaurant where the foreign body, the other is called the outside. Three things that are not enlightened wisdom, not wisdom nor enlightenment.
Again, the interior is imported within six, six foreign import outside.
Again, internal consistency is intellectual power, called seat base exchange shops. Ni know first kiosks are guilty, why? Because due to the intellectual side of the law should be outside often, very often, have, etc. .. but did not have the legal foreign minister. If there is no place for the generals. Back from the foreign intelligence law that makes causal arising not certain legal foreign minister, should also not certain intellectual. As the need for materials and supplies for the balance, entertained the other two, if the animal is left with no weight, balance, there is no material left. Including unexpected place called enlightenment, known as the preferred means Noble result. 
Again, the strategy says that true wisdom, which is not found in aggregates inside it, not see it outside where the aggregates, it is not that the aggregates apart, that's true wisdom.
Grab bars in intellectual impermanent aggregates impermanence, wisdom was predestined harmony that should not really. The attachment bar is wrong, the attachment is not enlightened, if impermanence is true, then why the attachment to impermanent not enlightened? So in addition to not see all the specific intellectual. If you leave the shop, enlightened impermanence, then all should be well enlightened mortal, so to speak departed wisdom, what she is not.
Then even get discounts on all intellectual beings be free from legal mind, for the mind also shuns. All the false view of self is prime etc. .. are clean finish, nor from very prime location.
Then, press rejoice discounts, restaurant general nature countless legal, real Buddha ambassador!
Do not give up because the power assistance measures are directed.
Do not take the law minister because ultimately it's not, not possessed.
Again, because of the crazy negativity fetters frivolous claims should be nothing left, just as truly know the law minister, no minister not inhibit conception; was called Bodhisattva perfections not take no leave, called Prajna perfections, not through the banks of the other side. General General ie worldly nirvana, nirvana Minister Gen. world ie, the most general formlessness. If so should know passed away because of insufficient merit should not kill, because compassion Primordial force should not kill. But that in place for Buddhist law minister does not have good and bad generals removed. So also unlawful non-illegal, he called the Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, not grasping all the generals.

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