Thursday 27 March 2014

Gone 7MAHAPRAJNAPARAMITA PADESA SASTRA.                                                                                                  chapter 11
BUSINESS: May the boundless territory of the Buddhas world. "Seeing three sun appeared, Silver Mountain is listed, put the water in the cave as big." Professor Crew said: "Fishing-Ma-old monarch-la's opened its mouth, is a real sun, there are two sun fish eyes, teeth mountain of silver fish, water flowing into the fold to the fish's mouth. We I'm finished! So everyone must pray for the angel rescued ". When everyone was worried that the bridge has not found anything useful. Then there Pros-she-rules precepts life, telling people: "Let us confess expression" Namo Buddha ", who is the supreme Buddha, or save the yoke of suffering." "Seeing three sun appeared, Silver Mountain is listed, put the water in the cave as big." Professor Crew said: "Fishing-Ma-old monarch-la's opened its mouth, is a real sun, there are two sun fish eyes, teeth mountain of silver fish, water flowing into the fold to the fish's mouth. We I'm finished! So everyone must pray for the angel rescued ". When everyone was worried that the bridge has not found anything useful. Then there Pros-she-rules precepts life, telling people: "Let us confess expression" Namo Buddha ", who is the supreme Buddha, or save the yoke of suffering."

Immediately everyone was most interested confess "Namo Buddha." It's about fish, before it is born out world of Buddhist disciples, are sufficient network location, known as the Buddha heard proclaimed, self-interested reunion, immediately shut , who are out on the boat. Only by Buddhist concept that unless the felony, escape from the yoke of suffering, let alone Samadhi Buddhist concept.
Again, the French King Buddha, the Bodhisattva is the French minister, only Bhagavan Buddha is respected, so, Buddhist concept so often.
Again, typically Buddha, are these benefits merit, as well as courtiers, especially looking forward concepts which usually grace to all. Bodhisattva too, know the merit order and infinite wisdom that comes from where Buddha was, and knew very severe punishment should often recite the Buddha.
often asked why Mr. Buddha, but not practicing samadhi other? This concept is often said, is not to say that no other samadhi practice, because practice Samadhi Buddhist concept so much for talking is often thought.
Again, however it says no, mindless, harmless, not to say that eighty Samadhi Buddhist concept, so today said.
BUSINESS: Or recommends visiting countless Buddhas.
DISCUSSION: Encourage sometimes have two: One is at the new Buddha attained enlightenment, the Bodhisattva six day holiday from time to time, shown on the right shoulder shirt , his hands said: "Boundless Buddha Buddhas in the ten directions, while new enlightenment, not Zhuan Falun, I invited all the names ... glass Buddhas, because legal transfers beings, all of escape" .. Two are Buddhas want to let go at infinite life span to enter Nirvana, the Bodhisattva is night three times, three times day, expressed shirt right shoulder, his hands said: "Boundless Buddha Buddhas in the ten directions , I am visiting Buddhist name ... long cylindrical earth immeasurable fate, to escape the lives and interests ichung birth ", she called often recommends visiting countless Buddhas.
Question: According to the rules of the Buddhas, would is to preach wide beings. Maybe it's self so therefore why the need to appeal, if the Buddhas in the front can sometimes be, this also like Buddha in Buddhist immeasurable ten degrees, the eye does not see, how does that appeal?
A: The Buddhas teachings but must not wait for the recommendations sometimes, but sometimes also be blessed who, as General monarch, but a lot of good food, that people make is invited blessing, in recognition of the other center that. Back mind from thoughts like beings, that is pleasure, but not being anything, but thought the concept was a huge blessing. Some Buddhist teachings so well.
Again, the Buddha, no one is visiting, he entered Nirvana without the sermon. As in the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha Da Bao, because no appeal, went into Nirvana. The next incarnation Buddha and the seven golden tower, because the witness said to the Lotus Sutra, which appeared at the same time. Like Buddhists multi-blade, because the behavior of the student has not mastered, should give that to Nirvana, save a life turned to Buddhism beings.
Nay Van Shakyamuni Buddha after his enlightenment in twenty-seven days, not silent sermon, say to yourself: "France's profoundly confusing I hardly know. whole beings bound under the world can not understand, I am not using silenced Nirvana is happy. "
Then the Bodhisattva Thich-and-done-multiplication problem (Sun God-like), on-heavenly king gods, hands in time to the ceremony, because the Buddha visiting beings, beginning Zhuan Falun. Buddha silently accepted. Then he went to the forest in Nai belonging to Balaam complaints Zhuan Falun. So, why not tell sometimes useful Buddha spent?
Also, see the Dharma beings are equal, no means no quarter, no contempt, no matter. He invited people because that's plea for their sermon. Still living beings see the Buddha, that Buddha of beings that often, and listen to them sometimes. Assuming no hear no see Buddhas, the Buddha sometimes has merit, let alone what the Buddha are hear, but sometimes not helpful Buddhist stars? 
Question: Given that the Buddha is sometimes useful, sometimes why only two things?
A: The other things without appeal, two new things essential to appeal, if no appeal that Buddhist doctrine, infidels will say: "Can the director often, excuse charity before the star, the most multilingual? " So it will take some time to a new theory.
Either someone said: "If you know the law minister should not wish to live, long cylindrical earth so soon into Nirvana." So there should be an appeal.
Either no extra visiting the theory, you will be told before the Buddha's compassion, we want to know, should have to wait one extra visiting New Zhuan Falun. The front row steeped in pagan law, or sometimes sparse, sometimes sparse or not, people still speak French, while the penalty for not loving way before, but because of mercy beings should have invited Buddhist theory, the new Buddha because their theory. Buddhas do not start no extra visiting that Zhuan Falun, such as shelves said:
"Buddha said something true,
What is the real truth,
real truth, truth,
truth not both.
Chan true form as such,
no Coliseum of legal reasoning,
For mercy beings,
Vehicles Zhuan Falun. "
Again, if no extra visiting the Buddhist teachings, he is self-revealing self-acceptance before the place, all questions must be answered fourteen. Visiting Buddhist gods that this sermon, because the period of suffering, old age, sickness, death, not because the Coliseum is not argument so He answered fourteen questions, without error, because of conditions that, there should be a new appeal Transfer moral law.
Again, arise in humans, according to the legal use of private higher education, but have compassion, but not the time to say no. If the appeal is not to say that will damn heathen, so there should be initial appeal.
Again, every pagan worship Brahma, Brahma himself this time to the Buddha, the time will be infidel recovery center.
Again, allow three times the Bodhisattva day, three night time, often out three things: 1 - Early morning presentation right shoulder shirt, his hands ten Buddhist ceremony said: "I name this ... or life, or life in countless past lives body, speech and mind created crime now, please repent before the Buddha present in the ten directions, may be eradicated, do not come back, afternoon, evening and night three times and so on. 2 - Thinking out merit basis Buddhas of the ten directions in three generations, and the merit of Buddhist disciples, rejoice promotion. 3 - Encourage the Buddha sometimes present in the ten directions, starting Zhuan Falun and sometimes long cylindrical Buddhas in the world countless eons of time, to get all the.
Bodhisattva practice three things, great merit, Buddhism gradually close, so sometimes it is necessary recommendations. Bodhisattva allowed three days time, night three times, usually out three things: 1 - Early morning presentation right shoulder shirt, his hands ten Buddhist ceremony said: "I name this ... or life, or in countless past lives dear life, speech, and mind creates crime now, please repent before the Buddha present in ten, voluntary eradication, do not come back, afternoon, evening and night three times and so on. 2 - Think merit basis Buddhas of the ten directions in three generations, and their merits disciple of the Buddha, rejoice promotion. 3 - Encourage the present time to the Buddha in the ten directions, Zhuan Falun and started visiting Buddha in office long countless worldly life, to escape all the. Bodhisattva practice three things, great merit, Buddhism gradually close, so sometimes it is necessary recommendations. Bodhisattva allowed three days time, night three times, usually out three things: 1 - Early morning presentation right shoulder shirt, his hands ten Buddhist ceremony said: "I name this ... or life, or in countless past lives dear life, speech, and mind creates crime now, please repent before the Buddha present in ten, voluntary eradication, do not come back, afternoon, evening and night three times and so on. 2 - Think merit basis Buddhas of the ten directions in three generations, and their merits disciple of the Buddha, rejoice promotion. 3 - Encourage the present time to the Buddha in the ten directions, Zhuan Falun and started visiting Buddha in office long countless worldly life, to escape all the. Bodhisattva practice three things, great merit, Buddhism gradually close, so sometimes it is necessary recommendations.
BUSINESS: Guess these comments, the slopes and the afflictions.
CONCLUSION: Knowledge has two: One is usually, two is the. Often reviews are usually found in warm, message center, enjoy. paragraph is paragraph is found in warm, message center, enjoy. All of us birth, most of which fall into two reviews. Bodhisattva which is two stops by itself, is well except for two whole beings, made ​​in China directed at.
Again there are two reviews: Friends Forever reviews and comments.
Again there are three reviews: All the measures are approved, all measures are not accepted, all is not well accepted accepted.
Lai has approved four of the world is that often, very often worldly, worldly and often impermanent phenomenal world is impermanent and non. Or worldly ego and finite, infinite, finite and infinite well, finite and non-pilot also infinite. Or accept someone as go after death, there are those who do not like to go after death, after death, as someone not like to go there after death those who did not go as well as not go there.
Again there is year is body reviews, written reviews, wrong, is prime, prime precepts. So ... the thing is so accepted, up to sixty-two finish is all off.
comments or so, due to the causal order of birth, place these subjects to observe, or hear the masters. The Prime Minister thus may account for the fetters, bringing things褐open to all suffering, he called these comments. The following text is meant broadly.
Jiaxuan ten slopes: Golf, my head, sleeping, asleep, trifle, agitated, bath, do not you, avarice, jealousy. Again, all the negativity bound center, is called the slope.
Negativity is something that can cause heart troubles, because the brain can be called disturbing psychosis. Negativity has two: As before sinking inside and outside the wrecked before. Masturbation in the year before in the comments, comfort, romance etc. ... masturbation is sex outside front, court etc. ... general ignorance both internally and externally.
Again there fetters year, one of love and belonging is.
Again There are three things, one of sex, a courtyard and an attached under the delusion, she called the affliction.
development, some say ten slopes, some say five hundred slopes.
Negativity is all fetters. Kiet has nine, using seven, ninety-eight union into fetters (in thirty-sphere, in Lust thirty, thirty-one in the world Formless). As performed in Ca-fried-in A-Pi-talk that theory: Ten slopes and ninety-eight one hundred and eight afflictions afflictions. In A-Pi-negotiation of reading from the fetters number also, but the slopes of five percent.
afflictions such, the Bodhisattva used every means to an end itself, also means an end to the negativity wise for others. As the Buddha at that time, had three brothers in the water it sounds Pi-home-ly have courtesan named Mrs Yem-la-Xa-l  in a person-she-topic courtesan named Tu-romance-na , in the United-person Amnesty Pros geisha name-bowl-ban-na-la. All three people after hearing it praised three daughters who are not radical right in, then specialized memory clock, amorously interested not leave, he stayed out in the same dream that, when you wake up thinking: "The children not to the other girls, I did not go, but how was the sex? " That's awakening: "All the measures are so reasonable?" Place went to Baghdad Bodhisattva-ba-la question it. Bat-da-ba-la said: "The legal truth as such, are born from the mind." Thus, the second, because three of them, but said the law means not smart. Then, three consecutive A-pad controls were tent-site.
Bodhisattva's the same way, because the beings that cleverly used the sermon, the end is, slopes, for their afflictions.
Yet or the period is called, hindrances and defilements.
BUSINESS: Du Coliseum and delivery of hundred eighty thousand.
CONCLUSION: The Bodhisattva Meditation Center conditioning, pure wisdom and the means of delivery should or the eightieth.
eighty What? A place of good offices is not agitated, he called eighty.
Again eighty three things: There are visual shop, shop no sense, no sense not consistent.
Again eighty four things: Eighty-sphere system eighty generation of Lust, Lust Eighty system of eighty arūpa system, no system of eighty. In her used to the Bodhisattva Samadhi. As said before, for Samadhi Buddha has not been fulfilled, diligent practice hard to cultivate, or to say that arise.
Question: why Bodhisattva of birth and walking in her eighty-five thousand?
Answer: infinite beings, not happy at the same center, there should devise predators padded base, for the fetters that have thin thickness. So the Bodhisattva practices hundred eighty thousand workers to end their ceiling, as well as want to do for the poor to become rich, they have to prepare these possessions, all that follows is full can save picked up the poor. Again as people want to treat people, they must prepare the new drug after so treated. Bodhisattva too, want to replicate beings should practice the eightieth.
Question: Should only the birth of her eightieth, excuse to walk in it?
Answer: Bodhisattva Mind the birth of Tam soot, in order to enjoy the game in so called, not kidding whom shall play fetters.
sacrifice (in their play) that is liberated, like a lion among the deer herd, not afraid to call himself at the Coliseum. The Bodhisattva's samadhi to be very self in, or out, or in the same way. The other person to eighty, which can not be in on itself in residence, and in the self, can stay active, can not now on, in order to, in the can, can not in residence, in order to, in order to be able to self at residence, not in the self, can now reside, in order to, in order not to. Bodhisattva he can in all three ways, so that's saying Coliseum and hundreds of thousands of eighty birth.
BUSINESS: The Bodhisattva countless achievements merit such things.
CONCLUSION: The Bodhisattva's success Achievement of merit such as the Bodhisattva residing with Buddhist community.
Want other merit praise, experiencing life countless memories, and can not take, so to speak achievement of merit.
BUSINESS: The His name Gandhara is the Bodhisattva (Chinese translation Thien Thu), Lat-na-na-la-old Bodhisattva (Train Protection Integration Services), the Bodhisattva masters, Na Bo-la-achieve- slapping, Crystal-elect Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Water God, the God Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva-University, Ich-Italian Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva-Increase, Real-damage-is the Bodhisattva , the Bodhisattva of Compassion ton, The Thang Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva usually need, Real-discharge-crystal-ton Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Japanese-organ, Real-extension-the Bodhisattva, Mini-World -Yin Bodhisattva, Van-enemy-master-profit Bodhisattva (Tau Yew-German translation), Accept-sure-press Bodhisattva, usually-election-prime Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva ... Cheers hundreds of thousands of thousands of breast volume due-na-tha the Bodhisattva Ma-ha-slapping refute such origin are inheriting the Sun.
CONCLUSION: The Bodhisattva Buddha so in the same residence with mountain-soap-USA excavation of King-residence. 
Question :: The Bodhisattva so very much, why only twenty two named Bodhisattva?
Answer: The Bodhisattva has countless hundred thousand thousand memories, not to exaggerate, if say all the scripts are not written enough. In this Bodhisattva are two classes of residential and renunciation. Sixteen Thousand Hands Bodhisattva as Bodhisattva etc ... is residential. Baghdad is-she-la Bodhisattva homes, old people in the United-residence. Wang Bao-element analysis Bodhisattva is Pi-water-glass residence. Characteristics bourgeois elements who Bodhisattva Zhan-three countries. Professor Dr. guru Bodhisattva who Xa-she-topic. From the market, merit-Dieu Bodhisattva Bodhisattva etc ... is ordained. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva etc ... from Buddha to the migrant. If say homes are almost all residential Bodhisattva. Speaking ordained Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva tha same. 
Question: Benevolence Prime Bodhisattva nothing but wins since the first of all? If for large should mention before, it should include variable-sand Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara, Dac Mahasthamaprapta etc. ... If small as told before, they should tell the Bodhisattva's body is discovered the profile (center) ?
Answer: Not so big, not so small, that for the first meditation is the Bodhisattva of the United-old amnesty, greater than in Bach y Bodhisattva goods. Buddhism in the United-amnesty, wanted Bat-elegant theory Balaam security, so should speak firstly to Thien Thu. Again, the Bodhisattva of Compassion Prime have loads of things merit, as the Board of eighty-continent, the Buddha himself out in front of the other merit praise.
Question: If Maitreya Bodhisattva called worthy processor , is the Bodhisattva of other stars also say that the religious inheritance?
Answer: The Buddhist Bodhisattva's in the ten directions, all the Buddhas processor. 
Chapter 12
BUSINESS: From left Exalted Then Lion Court, sitting miserably-old, her straight, forcing concept before, in United eighty eighty, eighty are all entered into it.
Q: Buddha attendant and the Bodhisattva, why he himself experienced the throne?
Answer: The Buddha's into, want to make it suitable for mass; Ananda thus should not be spread. 
Again, Buddhist cultural center make is from left to say. 
Question: Why is building called Lions? He is the Buddha himself as the Lions turned or is there truth to the lions, or stone gold lion tree? Re not the same Lions Premiers, Buddhism does not need to, nor predestined, so it should not come?
Answer: This effect is not Lion Lion truth. Buddhist lion among men, the Buddha sitting room, or bed, or on the ground, are called the Lions building. Like this place King Lion sat well known buildings. 
Again, the king called claimant's also known as the Lion, the King of address also known as the Lion's. Back as the Lion, between four leg animals, not afraid to go alone, are extracted for all. Buddha also, in the ninety-six secondary pagan, surrender all without fear, so-called Lion of people.
Question: There are many ways to sit, why only sitting Buddha-old fetters?
Answer: In the the sitting, sitting-old fetters most peaceful, not tired. He is the person sitting meditation limbs resident photographer, not a scattered mind.
again is the most peaceful way in four postures of the body. He is sitting meditation to manually direct, saw Mara, center it fear. Such is the way of sitting home person, sitting miserably-old wife is under the trees, we saw people were very happy, so that's definitely directing the director, as the shelf said:
"If the wife is the lotus position ,
Body Security at eighty, 
Oai respect the faith,
like the sun shining galaxy.
Except sleep, lazy, interest cover,
lightweight body is not tired,
enlightenment is easy,
Yen as dragon roll song,
Seeing sitting and dysentery aging,
grief and fear Mara,
proselyte matter, 
Sit still not shaken. "
So not sit miserably-giaphu.
Again the Buddha's disciples should sit like that. There infidels, or to demand direct legs often, or often stand or carry the feet, so frantic mess, seabirds evil mind, no peace situation, so the Buddha's disciple-giathan fetters sit straight. Why straighter? So easy to district center, the center itself straightened not idleness, the primary radical center, forcing a souvenir before, if the mind ran wild, photography it back, because he wanted to be eighty thoughts are also fleeing photography it again. Forcing such a concept into eighty eighty kingdom.
Sao known as King eighty eighty? Eighty herself in the middle of the eighty-first order, can be immeasurable grace the general law, as the king is most between people, cakkavatti the most between the king, the Buddha is the most among all the heavenly under the sun. This eighty too, is among the eighty most.
Question: If so, then all the Buddha's power should have most of eighty, eighty known only reason why United is the most?
Answer: Although the force is said by Buddha, but the Buddha's eighty practice most are, but in the wrong way to have the other. As the storm of cakkavatti, but over the king's treasures, but in it's own storm different, you are different means.
eighty eighty kingdom's regent to the public? What chess? Someone said: eighty eighty-called King Similarly, the five aggregates of photography in Meditation Wednesday, why? Because Buddhas in Meditation Wednesday directed practice recommendations, the A-na-proof function, ie spending time in eighteen Zen Buddhist center that is certified, in the fourth Meditation discharge their lifespan, and since in Meditation Wednesday arise that enter Nirvana Infinite-balance. In the fourth Meditation born August abode, triploid discharge, eight months origin, October necessarily enter, share more in Meditation Wednesday. Meditation Wednesday called motionless meditation di.nh unobstructed. Inside the sphere, the education of obstacles to meditation. Among meditation, the mind makes sense. In the Second Meditation, the big celebration as the centromere. In Moral great fun doing the centromere. In the Charity is not. 
Again, the fire burning in Jhana, Second Jhana was flooded in; Tam meditation in the wind, in the charity were three things that trouble. There is no longer exhalation, exhaust pure thoughts, so should United Samadhi Meditation if in the fourth period as well treasured jewels good.
Again it is said: Eighty of the Buddha, who knows Hero? All the Dhamma, the most general formless, infinite innumerable, inconceivable. The other eighty still can not measure, can not count, inconceivable, let alone eighty eighty kingdom? Eighty such, only Buddha knows. As sufficient spirit, the Buddha's precepts can not know, how much is eighty eighty kingdom?
Then again, King eighty eighty, eighty all of which are on so-called King eighty eighty. As in Yan-line-threads, thousands of rivers flow into the sea to close, and all people belong to the King.
Question: Buddha omniscience, not knowing what not, therefore why on the United eighty eight This soot, so later learns?
Answer: Because they want to specify human intelligence from origination, to prevent the infidels say that our intellect in all the time is usually often known, so says the Buddha should enter Eighty to eighty times the king said, not at the time did not know.
Question: If so, the Buddha's power weakness?
Answer: At King wants to enter eighty eighty, not hard, thought to be associated, not Checkout as-text, Bich-chi Buddha, the Bodhisattva urine, straining to enter.
Again, enter into the kingdom eighty eighty's, made ​​six thhong miracles throughout the ten directions, not unlimited quantity.
Again Also, Buddhist kingdom into eighty eighty, the first fully transformed, the force modernization. If not enter the kingdom eighty eighty god but force, the human mind can think: "That's the Buddha uses the illusory power, technical notes, or is mainland angels, or the sun is not the" why? As the output shows an immeasurable body itself, these should be transformed for clarity, not all, for that comfortable place to stage, so He entered eighty eighty kingdom.
Again, if in the Samadhi Buddha others the gods, Bar-Dispatch, Bich-chi Buddhist measurement may know. But Buddha said the force is large, but also said, reverently not mind the heavy, so be on the United eighty eighty, to all of us Holy Cross office until the Bodhisattva unimaginable know, not know where Slash center, where charming, so be Buddhist kingdom into eighty eighty.
Again, the Buddha is the largest launch light, god great force, such as birth, the enlightenment, the beginning Zhuan Falun, the gods, harmonious saint large assembly, or as directors are bad break mgoai large halo. Now want to show it to reporters wins big light, making ten in all weather, people, beings, and the A-la-han, Bich-chi Buddha, Bodhisattvas are seen, known, and should Eighty Buddhist kingdom into samadhi.
Again, light, the force has lowered, middle, upper. Note arts, made ​​magical splendor, evolution is lower. The gods, angels retribution light, the force is central. In the Samadhi, by mind power and merit of this life, which launched great light, big power is god venerable Buddha so be eighty to eighty kingdom.
Question: As the eighty per every minister has, so What are all samadhi in it?
Answer: When the United eighty eighty, eighty they all are, to say all in there. Due to the strength of the eighty's, all of which are eighty, countless immeasurable, inconceivable, therefore called on.
Again, in her eighty eighty kingdom, all eighty times, everyone wants in on the mainland.
Again, in her eighty eighty kingdom can shop all the time eighty minister, as the mountain looking down.
Again, Buddhism, in her eighty eighty realm, can the shop all ten world, may also be whole beings, so be Buddhist kingdom into eighty eighty.
BUSINESS: Then the Exalted from the start Eighty peace, meditation vision of the world , smiling the whole body.
Q: Why King Exalted to eighty eighty, not what poetry, but from the start up, consistent view of the world?
Answer: Buddhist kingdom into eighty eighty times all dharma museums are open, are seen. In the United eighty eighty watching him, thought "my gut France countless immeasurable, inconceivable", so after an eighty new report from the start, taking vision of being God, knew poor beings, predestined from France organs that are, well hey beings can be, just because of ignorance, not knowing seek; whole body so should smile.
Question: Buddha Buddha label , Hue individual or legal mark than God, how God uses vision of the world?
Answer: Because he saw no hardship throughout. AI know the true form of the law, 
the French label that means what he used, what law enforcement enlightenment. Buddha dharma label all the money they know well, even God, the label and see the world being unimpeded, other labels not so. Tue legal entities, Buddha label but not to win but to see them born. Want to see living beings, only two labels are labels humiliation and God, for that humiliation is not over because there are obstacles, use God label that look.
Question: Now where Buddha's eyes, God called a label?
Answers : Eyes that many of the gods. Third eye sees unobstructed mountain cliffs, trees. If due to diligent practice, morality, meditation that is, not part have been since birth, so the so-called God label.
Again, the sun much honor, for heaven lord . According to the Buddha's heart, for so-called third eye.
Again, it is three things: List disasters, natural birth, natural-Net. List bias (in the name of God) as Uranus, genius. Natural Born (God according to place of birth) is to prefer, on royal gods. Pure-natural (in the sense of God chastity) is Buddha, Buddha Bich-chi, A-la-drought. Most precious in every Pure-Natural Buddha, God label should say this, not sorry.
Thien vision of the world, as being generally happy for that to be suffering, self interest before sinking heart that was so not self. They often fear born out of suffering pain that often, like the blind to find a good way to get laid deep hole. Consistency of such things but, the whole body smiled.
Question: Laughter emitted from the mouth, eyes or smile, this smile star said body?
Answer: Buddhism is self-tier honor in the world, can make body like the mouth, such as eye, so can all laugh. 
Again, all the pores are open, so called laughter. Due happy smile to all your pores are open.
Question: Buddha is a venerable one key press, why laugh?
Answer: As great place, not because of a multitude of conditions that the primary and vibration. Buddha also, if harmless and not laugh primary causal time. So far so great causal body laugh. What is modern? Great Buddhist theory Bat-elegant wanted Balaam security, national wealth would connect innumerable beings like Buddha, he was great karmic.
Again, the Buddha said: "I used to sub coincide eternal, evil people, gradually group of virtue, is great wisdom, the Buddha himself this, the force of infinite, supreme maximal. whole beings can be so, why beds bear hardships that threaten small place? "; so should laugh.
Again, it's small but big ones, small but charming Buddhist newspaper, bridges, just a verse of praise, confess once Namo Buddha, burn a stick of incense, which are sure to make Buddha , let alone listen to understand the true measures being immortal, not being immortal, that karmic does not take action now, because he should laugh.
Again, Bat-elegant Minister Balaam density as pure nothingness not, can not, can not be obtained, the Buddha used the moral means of mental clarity, to teachers of all beings, things that need attention, then so can life Bat-signal elegant Balaam confidential because So, should that person laugh and optical zoom.
Laugh has karmic: Is the joy that smile, that laugh Nhue have the courts, who have contempt laugh, some people see a strange laugh, some people see the shameful that laugh, someone else found the strange customs that laugh, some people see the difficulty is that rare smile. This is the hardest rare: The general legal capital being immortal, not impartial anonymous feet, very very theoretical discourse, which always wants to name himself to speak up for them being, that being freed, he is a hard most. Like hundreds of large fire by the week, the team have hay, go through the fire without burning a leaf tip, that is very difficult. Buddhas and thus gives the noun of things, in the way in true form without prior infection flame burning, go straight through the myriad problems: it is very difficult. Because of the difficulty was to laugh. Thus, the rare work hard, so the whole body smiled. 

Chapter 13
EXPLANATION: optical zoom
BUSINESS: From the general prohibition wheels under your feet, six hundred thousand memories emit light.
CONCLUSION: Q: why Buddha first release where light itself?
Answer: Have a response in the section about laughs on karmic the other, this will be added: There are countless people who find themselves reporter Buddha big light, pure heart being respectful, know that is not the ordinary people.
Again, Buddhist minister wants to start up before the light of wisdom First rays emitted body, Buddha beings known ore bodies appeared, the intellectual rays will appear.
Again, whole beings often sensual wrecked before, in sensual pleasures, is the first identity. When you see this mystical light, fancy'm interested, but let go of the old fun, making gradual ly education center, said that after the intelligence.
Question: The other disasters can also optical zoom, optical zoom that Buddha Nothing else wrong?
Answer: The heavenly optical zoom but can, but limited quantity. The sun shines the moon in a galaxy, while the projection optical zoom Buddha Three great Christian around the world, from Three great Christian around the world to lower export projection method. The light of others just makes people happy alone, even Buddha optical zoom, which can cause all who hear the law elect, so the other should.
Question: As a body, beginning at the end, why from the foot of the first optical zoom?
Answer: Body is cylindrical legs are due. Again, in a body, but the first quarter of that foot, launching your self not light, not so avaricious, so that means optical zoom.
Again, the Dragon, the great serpent, spirits poured from his mouth light, front hazardous materials. If the Buddha from the mouth releases the light beings will fear: What great light, the fear of being hurt? So the Buddha from the foot of the optical zoom.
Question: At the base there are six hundred thousand light memories, until protuberance, as were counted, and not slide around Three great Christian world, let alone ten?
A. Body that is the root of the optical light from the base of the countless countless tributaries. Like insects Ca-la-la-demand, itself tiny, but having to wind it down, to devour all. Light and thus can be of beings, increasing to infinity.
BUSINESS: ten toes, two ankles, two calves, two knees, two thighs, back, spine, stomach, navel , the heart, the swastika on the chest, shoulders, arms, ten fingers, neck, mouth, teeth, forty, two nostrils, two eyes, two ears, white fur minister, protuberance, each released every six hundred thousand light inhibition.
CONCLUSION: Q: The light can be projected to the foot of the great Christian Tam vamuoi the world, each body part every six hundred thousand memories emit more light to do?
Answer: First I have to say light shines down the foot, not the other way slide, so the light would cast where each body part. Someone said: Of all the body parts, the foot stand, so great, other parts not so, so Buddha from the foot of the first six hundred thousand memories reporters to reveal the light beings. As in thirty two generals, the first to be planted beneath abiding, they are all part of the force itself.
Question: What eighty Bake, grill something divine, meditation slash what's emitted light ?
Answer: Bake in eighty eighty kingdom, the light was emitted, Princess As the information in Luc information, and To Charity charity launched in that light. In To Charity, originating from Mars won, necessarily Martian origin emit light.
Again, at birth the Buddha, the Buddha at last, at the start of Zhuan Falun, have launched countless luminous projectors around ten , let alone at the Great Bat-elegant theory Balaam secret that no optical zoom? Like jewels cakkavatti, usually light infantry troops of the king, the four parties a week due. Buddha also, because of being charming, if not to eighty, then slipped the light often, why? Because of the security measures of achievement so Buddha.
BUSINESS: From the light's, large light output, over the projection Three great Christian world. From Three great Christian world, projectors around the world as much as the sand of the Ganges in the East, South, West, North, four directions as well as so on. If you can see light beings that, surely is a multi-la-magnate-Tam-Tam Bodhi shrines. The light emitted multitude Eastern world, until ten so well.
CONCLUSION: Q: As the fire rises Minister, Minister infiltration down, sideways wind minister, his light a little fire under should go up, how to turn around the world's great Christian Tam vamuoi the world?
Answer: The light has two things: a bit of fire, one of water vapor. Sunlight of a little fire under the moon light steam. Minister of fire but the fire rises, but heat in the body, around the turn around. Solar flares as well, so the summer months are hot both land and water, therefore, should not have said the fire rises. 
Again, he is Buddha's power light should turn around ten. As well as the strong supply control arrows, depending on which target.
Question: Why Eastern projector first, then slide the new South, West, North?
Answer: Because the East before sunrise, so a Buddha under of being the first projector in the East.
Again, the same facilities as other victims. If the first screening of the South, it will first ask why not reference the East, West, North? If the first projection West, North and that's it.
Question: How long will kill light?
Answer: Buddha used his powers, while the other wants, then destroy the force of the discharge. As luminescent lamp, his powers as oil, if the Buddha did not discharge his powers do not kill the light.
Question: What is the Three great Christian world?
Answer: In the Magazine A-levels, distinguishing Buddha said: Thousand sun, moon thousands, thousands Yan-line-threads, thousands Cu-momentum-ni, thousands Hebei-toe-la-Vietnam, thousands Phat-her-topic, Tu-di-paint a thousand, thousand Four-natural-king disasters, the Three-decade-eight thousand calamities, disasters-ma freezer, first short-track power-disaster, thousands turned-self-in disaster, thousands Tha-turned-self-in bias, bias-thousand discounts, discounts on thousands of University disasters. He called the State natural world, namely Asia l  span style = "mso-spacerun: yes"> Chau l  hug thousand natural world as a world State. From a mention thousand, two thousand Chinese called the natural world. Get two thousand Chinese natural world as one, regardless of a thousand, called the three thousand worlds University. 's First State Natural thousands, thousands of Chinese natural second, third, great thousand calamities. Number thousand thousand overlap, so-called observatory. Back more than two thousand thousand, so-called natural Tam, that is collective noun. Percent inhibition percentage inhibition eclipses to Brahma, known as Tam great Christian world, once born, one kill.
Someone said: Time is a life office, killing time is a life, go back to birth is a life time, that is great Christian Tam world. University life can also destroy three things (eight ears) are water, fire, wind. State life has also destroyed three things (three primary ear) is the executioner, war, pestilence, body care.
Tam great Christian world was in the middle of nowhere, the wind on the water, on the ground water, the soil is .
Mountains Tu-di two places: heaven-kingdom Where in the Four-and Three-decade-third place in heaven, where excess sun ... all da-ma. Due karmic merit, the whole seven golden land, wind floating in mid-air, until heaven and Great discounts, which are the seven golden land, are in the wind.
Tam light projectors around the world's great Christian. Excessive light, the constant reference to the oriental world sa, South, West, North, four directions up, down and so on.
Question: The light projectors around, why not kill?
Answers: Lighting the spirit Buddha's power as the original, so the original was not killed. Like Dragon stream, so that the water does not dry very Dragon. The light was from the mind of the Buddha should force projection around ten, not mediated killing.
Question: As the largest river in Yan-line-to strengthen over the Ganges river too big, usually just saying why the multitude?
A: The Cat in the Ganges much, other than by river. Again, the Ganges where Buddha was born, where Buddhism traveled, saw firsthand the disciple should take as an example.
Again, the Buddha was born in Point-line-topic, Yan-line-threads have four major rivers, originated in the north, which flows into the sea in the four age. In northern alpine pond A-na-she-Baghdad, have seven golden lotus metallic colors, such as car museum. A naga-women-canvas-modern multi Bodhisattva was filed in the office furniture. Four side's shirt, there are four water line. Oriental head shape elephant, buffalo Southern's head, horse's head West, the North-lion form. Oriental elephant's head, the Ganga emanates, golden sandy river bottom. The first form male buffalo, New-river comes first; golden sandy river bed also. Western horse's head, rub-derived Ba river, also golden sandy river bottom. North the lion's head, Tu-momentum derived river, also golden sandy river bottom.
was all four rivers originated in North paint. Ganga comes in the paint flows into the North Sea. Tan-derived river started flowing into the paint in the North Sea. River Ba-rubbed paint comes flowing into the sea in the North West. Song Tu-momentum of paint flowing into the North Sea in the North. In her four rivers, the Ganges largest. Scriptures of the people in the four equally distant river Ganges is good merit, if one is to wash the evil which I pray are clean but because it was worshiped river, everyone says so Buddha Ganges taken as an example.
Again, another popular name of the river changes, the name of the eternal Ganga not change; therefore should take as an example the Ganges river sand, not taking other rivers.
Question: Cat how much of the Ganges?
Answer: All the numerical may not know, only Buddha and Bodhisattva new law itself knows them. Dharmakaya Buddha and Bodhisattvas, all mote-line-key kid, kill, more, less, can count to know, let alone the Ganges sand? As Buddha once sat under a tree in the garden of his residence outside the United-Complete, a Ba-la-keeper went to the Buddha asked: "How many forest tree leaves?" Buddha replied immediately: "It leaves this much." Ba-la-consciousness subjects think: "Get someone to testify?" Ba-la-keeper went to the tree, taking a few leaves on the tree and then go back to check carefully asked the Buddha: "Forest tree leaves certain how much?" Buddha replied immediately: "Now this much is missing leaf". Buddha was right as the number of leaves of his Brahmin She took that answer. She said his Brahmin then, interest credits are glass, begging for monastic Buddhism, later proven effectiveness-la-han, therefore, should know the Buddha might know some sand Ganges.
Question: How many people see the light of the Buddha, is surely a multi-la-magnate-Tam-Tam Comment Bodhi? If you have light went enlightenment, Buddha mind of great, why do not usually release the light for all to enlightenment, what needs to morality, meditation, wisdom, after this new enlightenment?
A. beings by variety of conditions such prime contract level, there are people that salvation by meditation, others by preaching morality but salvation, light touch someone so dear that salvation. Like much of the gate, that's the place to go to every door is no different. There's so light touch that salvation itself, but also see the light or touch the body without salvation.
BUSINESS: Now, from the pores of the body are also Bhagavan smiled that emit light bright, open around Three great Christian world, the multitude reference to the world of the ten directions, see if there are beings that light recruiter surely be A-la-multi-Tam-Tam Bodhi shrines.
COMMENTS : Q: On the other, the body said smiling, why say this all the pores are laughing?
Answer: The whole body is smiling crude, this all laughed pores is the fact.
Again , before smiling throughout the whole body, the amount of light, this all pores are immeasurable light laugh.
Again, before the full body meets light without salvation, but now see the light of holes pores instant salvation. Fruit trees as well as vibration, before ripening fruits, if not fall, followed next time it rings. Come as fishing, not catching nets before the end, after the grid will begin. 's Charming smile as mentioned above. 

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