Wednesday 5 March 2014

Spring in Buddhism.
            In the traditions of the East Vietnam as well as us, ie the first day of Lunar New Year is chosen according to the lunar calendar, usually around February, which is when the spring began to germinate in cold air also of winter. therefore, said to be talking to the spring festival, with a lot of its meaning.
            Spring to show for the natural renewal of things after a long winter sleep, arid plants are wilting becomes beautiful beautiful, colorful blooming vitality. while spring each flushing it, people excited and hoping for a better new year. centuries from now, Buddha temples, pray for peace, for blessing in the early days has become an indispensable practice in Tet of Vietnam Nam. Buddhism went into the sticky feel of life of ethnic culture, as in the verse of the late Venerable Man Giac:
            The roof shelter peoples hearts
            forever lifestyle of their ancestors
 TET on holiday
            Speaking of the New Year rituals, sacrifices have to say to the first Eve.   's Eve is what? Transportation is delivered, the excess is to receive, ie assigned to the old, the new receiver. late date is called Eve day, put the old year, welcome to the new year, or "extort former nghinh new. " is the most important moment at midnight, at the right time of two days of each other. Often evening it has also invited rice grandparents, ancestors spend the holidays with her ​​family. By the middle of the night to make a tray of offerings Eve, then for firecrackers dispel evil spirits, evil can harm air into the house. But many people also come to the temple for New Year's Eve ceremony more solemn, especially overseas, busy lives less time preparing Tet accordance with customary rites for the family, so people come to the temple has been enjoy the special atmosphere on New Year, just cultivate spiritual roots. During the night, to the soul deposition under wooden bell ringing and prayer, gentle feel like just shift the burden of sorrow for sin obstacles melt under pure incense smoke. It looks like the scented air and downs of the temple, people feel something sacred in moments of harmony of heaven and earth, of the operation of the universe,
            Almost time for New Year's Eve, the Buddhists were sitting under the main hall where the order. After three drumbeat Prajna, the increasing religious faith ni started to gather and the police. 's Eve last time point, a boisterous round of firecrackers in the yard, and holidays are New Year's Eve celebration begins. After offering incense worshiping Buddha, chanting for peace for the Buddhists and the world peace, peace, there can be a happy New Year's sermon and Abbot with the religious faith and Buddhist monks.
            Through the first day, celebrating peace pagoda to pay homage and gratitude to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, as well as the level Patriarchs, honorable led, inspired the course for the Buddhists.
            Not only in Vietnam, but other countries in Asia such as Japan, China also attend temple in customary New Year's Day. In Japan, New Year's Eve people squeezed shoulder like wings go into the temple to pray for faith dream of a new year, the mighty bass bells 108 times to rush right at midnight.
            In addition, the Vietnamese Nam also has a habit of picking buds in early spring. Pagoda is a pure place, not only in Buddhist temples, but also where the campus, with lush scenery harmonious combination meaningful. Date Tet visiting a branch leaf, a flower home, who are believed to bring happiness and fortune from the temple. Nowadays to trees against loss, often to the temple and envelopes available fruits such as oranges, tangerines for to appeal to Buddhists.  
 MEANING Maitreya
            First day of the festival also has a special significance in Buddhism. It is a holiday chickened Maitreya Buddha. So Tết Buddha temple, not only for safety but also to bless found to follow the wishes of his vow to one day be enlightened as well, away from negativity.
            In Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya is the Buddha Bodhisattva prediction will be a future Buddha manifested Saha place to bring light illuminates Buddhist, was born to the time when we rotten to the end and world no one knows the Dharma. , but also the time that future is for us to think. If Buddhist center in the center of being available, the Maitreya can appear at any time. Persons China he believes that the current incarnation as a monk known as the Great in the 10th century life of about five great, formless chubby, happy, always wear a burlap sack on his back and play with the child or child. Many miraculous stories that happened to this monk, and until he passed has left a verse as Maitreya. So the statue of Maitreya worship today we have made ​​in the image of a fat-bellied monk with smiling faces despite playing six kids climb down on themselves. Six children six bases represents the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind always harassed , inviting us in front of the object. But Maitreya Buddha is smiling happily, an estate course because he had to subdue him six bases, moving "force" a hindrance "record information " penetrated very afraid.
            In Sanskrit, Maitreya called Metteya, translated into Chinese is From Market, meaning the center of it. kindness is one of "four immeasurable", ie petal Compassion. From the love which are from nature, and Bi is sympathetic to share the suffering of the people, Hy is happy with the fun with people, not strange attachment does not hold. This tub streams cool as sweet lapse obstacles, grief, anger, brings peace for everyone happy. In the early days people often abstain tools, food preserving voice said, avoiding aggressive anger, there is also a way to practice the Four Immeasurable Mind. If practice can be so throughout the year, the though not for the Buddha, also blessed to still own. Holidays chickened Maitreya Buddha on New Year's Day to affordable reminds us to follow his virtues compassionate petal done in my life, so every now karma will neutralize, transform negativity into Bodhi, mental peace, full of happiness.
          Everything is impermanent, changing world, the universe and human operators are constantly monitoring each moment in a cycle of reincarnation without beginning and without end.  Xuan come, come spring, then spring back. Which is no spring The first spring, nor spring is finally spring. During the student's passing away, there is something eternal unborn, a living germ has infinite continues. Germ's potential life in the legal world immense, in this world all start because of conditions, and under what conditions and also according to the grace that the damage that tan, but in the case where the root of the melt is a platform that does not perish unchanged, permanent, permanent, covering all the vast karmic birth and death. symbolize spring to life full potential capacity. Realizing that the birth and death are not in themselves be seen the true face of Lord Spring, and there is also an endless spring of Maitreya, full of joy and hope in the future.
            It pentagon Hoang Tran Nhan Tong, Truc Lam meditation sect held preliminary Vietnam, has been identified that spring, so do the following poem:
            Identity unknown childhood not
            busy Spring flowers bloom in fruit
            God this spring was discovered and
mats Zen garden roses sight.
            Flowers bloom and fade to come and go, life goes by like clouds flowing water, as fleeting dream, but the dream of his life that set meditators often right place impermanence, that birth and death are not the right place birth and death, so leisurely before the birth of his own death. Zen master Man Giac had passed before the verse that: 
            Spring to dissolve hundred
            hundred flowers bloom spring to
          go through The immediate
         On the auction and
         for how wreak spring flowers have fallen off
the field before a spike through the night tomorrow.
            Spike bloom tomorrow eternal infinite mind forever in the land, despite any variations in the time line continuation not stop flowing. Hopefully one day we'll see tomorrow branches of her endless spring.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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