Sunday 30 March 2014

Gone 43MAHAPRAJNAPARAMITA PADESA SASTRA.                              
Economics: Then that white Buddha Bodhi Monastery: Blessed! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap without skillful means that want to practice Prajna Paramita, if religious practice is outstanding under its minister, if religious feeling, perception, consciousness is general practice under it, if religious identity often, it is general practice follow, if religious feeling, perception, volitional formations, often, it is general practice follow, if religious identity is impermanent general practice under it, if religious feeling, perception ,, consciousness is impermanent general practice under it, if fun is the best practice according to the general practice it, if religious feeling, perception, action, fun formula is operating in accordance with general practice it, if the pain is sharp religious practice Minister under it, if religious feeling, perception, knowledge is suffering under the general practice it, if there is excellent practice general practice under it, if religious feeling, perception, there is a practice mode according minister it, if not best practice, it is general practice follow, if religious feeling, perception, not knowledge, is the general practice under it, if the practice is best practice falls under the Minister it, if practice sensation, perception, action, self knowledge is general practice under it, if religious identity is selfless Gen. practice it, if religious feeling, perception, knowledge is selflessness general practice under it, if practice identity is separated from general practice under it, if religious feeling, perception, knowledge is separated from general practicing it, if practice is best practice cessation according to its minister, if religious feeling, perception, action, cessation method is general practice under it.
Venerable sir! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap without skillful means that the four foundations of mindfulness practice is in accordance with general practice it; until eighteen legal practice is not common practice according to its minister.
Venerable sir! If the bodhisattva ma ha slap luctu Prajna Paramita practice which have a thought that I practice Prajna Paramita, because there should also be acquired according to general practice it.
Venerable sir! If the bodhisattva ma ha slapped a thought of that: I practice so practice Prajna Paramita, as well as general practice under it.
Be aware that ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, no skillful means (should not that practice Prajna Paramita - ND).
Bodhi Monastery told Sariputta: If the bodhisattva ma ha slapped during practice Prajna Paramita, to stay sharp conceptual expectations solution (distinction - Great Wisdom says: winner - ND) period for Excellent machining practice; practice by outsourcing should not be freed born, aging, illness, death, superiority, compassion, pain, and suffering brain after death notice. If the bodhisattva ma ha slap at practice Prajna Paramita, without skillful means for the eye to notice, until the legal identity, gender awareness to the conscious world, the label for the contact to the contact, an affinity label and make contact student life, and exposure to the work-life karmic birth, the four foundations of mindfulness for eighteen common law did not, if Resident promising solution concept, while not legal for eighteen common machining practice, that part of the bodhisattva's practice not liberate birth, aging, illness, death, giving, compassion, suffering, brain, and life after suffering reported. Bodhisattvas such evidence is no longer the status bar text, Pratyekabuddhas, let alone attained the supreme Buddha Supreme, maybe not that.
Sariputta! So know that the Bodhisattva ma ha slap, practice Prajna Paramita no skillful means. 
Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: How do I know ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom practice matco skillful means?
Bodhi Monastery told Sariputta: If the bodhisattva ma ha slapped practice Prajna Paramita not follow best practice, not out in life, perception, knowledge, not in accordance appearances, not out in life, perception, general knowledge, not out in form, feeling, perception, volition, often informal, not act according to form, feeling, perception, consciousness is impermanent; do not act according to form, feeling, perception, action, fun food, not act according to form, feeling, perception, consciousness of suffering; do not act according to form, feeling, perception, volition, way down, not out in form, feeling, perception, selfless way, do not act according to form, feeling, perception, not knowledge, not out in form, feeling, perception, formless form, do not act according to form, feeling, perception, consciousness ineffective. Do not act according to form, feeling, perception, consciousness away from, not practice according to form, feeling, perception, knowledge passed away, because why? Sariputta! Lust is not does not matter; leave no no identity, no identity apart no, that is not sharp, ie not sharp, feeling, perception, knowledge is not no way, not no way leave, leave there is not no way, no way that is, knowledge that is not, so no general law not eighteen, eighteen is not no common law; leave no no no general legal eighteen, eighteen leave no general law not have not, no news is no general legal eighteen, eighteen general approach that is not zero.
Thus, Sariputta! Be aware that the ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita have skillful means. Bodhisattva's practice Prajna Paramita such evidence may be supreme Buddha Supreme. If the bodhisattva's practice Prajna Paramita, operating life is not accepted, not accepted practice nor life, nor act shall not accept life, not to take such action must not accept nor life, nor disapproval life accept life.
Sariputta said to Bodhi Monastery: ma ha slapped Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, because of conditions should not accept what life?
Bodhi Monastery said Prajna Paramita's nature can not be, should not accept life, because why? Because what no essence, that is Prajna Paramita. Sariputta! That is why so ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice Prajna Paramita, shall not accept life, not practice nor accept sensation, not practice nor accept life, not to take such action must not accept nor life, not approve nor accept life expectancy, because why? For all legal nature does not follow the practice, not the life of the mortgage law minister, he called the wide use of eighty, did not accept the legal life of the Bodhisattva ma ha slap, not with Sravakas , Pratyekabuddhas.
Bodhisattva ma ha slapped her eighty's practice not to leave, quickly attained supreme Buddha Supreme.
Comments: Products before using subjects not break the law, this formless want out of legal subjects. If bodhisattvas no means consistent color, the fall in general. Since the fall of the minister should take Prajna Paramita well, because why? Because not all the way, so no minister can cling.
Q: Do we know good and evil retribution, retribution and accept the prime minister distinguish good from evil, then get good, evil is removed, so the new executive director, says minister excuse why things are impermanent?
A: Accept the prime minister is because every elementary speaking, there is formless because class practice, permanent liberation that said, should not be the grossest problems. Practitioners accept this good prime minister not healthy break, meaning the prime minister accept boys and girls born etc. .. is karmic defilements, so after taking down the general legal formless general good, if not healthy without breaking down general minister they become healthy fresh disaster, because student attachments. Get breaking the law minister healing formless, formless and self-clearing, because why? Because formless photography into fresh approach, such as hail damage rice, then hail and self dissipate.
Again, all general legal formless is true, such as the body, filled with impurities, usually tiny current nine holes, no general cleanliness, but it is because ignorance is forced to clean, defilement, create crimes, such as child where impure animals to accept the prime minister's clean fun, adults saw laughed, knowing that frivolous claims.
The prime minister accepted such errors, falsehoods are, like crystal jade, depending on which color treat discolored, itself does not have a certain color. The method is the same, there is no certain minister, according to the Center for the minister or often or very often etc. ..; such as mad mind that this person is bad, when all interested anger, lust birth center This is nice to see people, if they see arrogance born people are mean men, who had heard of the birth merit respectful attention. Hate injury rational, irrational hate merchants are also such great memories delusion, if delusion buttresses no minister, no minister Minister, Minister ineffective, because there's nothing to save.
Lust was predestined that harmony, such as bubbles, as illusory, like a dream, if a Bodhisattva for a prime minister outstanding mortgage, other, perish Prajna Paramita, because the general nature formless identity; accept her life and appearances, spread havoc that identity is ephemeral ghost kill for harmony if it exists it is the usually temporary.
Usually there are two: 1. Or exist a hundred years, a thousand thousand years of memories, or a life, or eight thousand lives, so after killing. 2. Resident not damaged. If the bodhisattva end border is wrong, it is no longer true that generally, if it is often so long that it usually cylindrical, but not true. If no end is wrong that sharp edge is usually true, think grass, fall down into the earth, it is only when it separated harmony alone, so he said bodhisattva practice Prajna not have the means skillful.
Bodhisattva or consistent identity impermanence. Impermanence also has two: 1. Anniversary anniversary kill, all compounded office no more than a concept. 2. France decay continuum called impermanence. As the network die, like fire grass, as dry cooking water. If the new bodhisattva practice to continue so, mind boring, stop being vulgar impermanence, even if bodhisattva practice, you can see the long chanting concept of impermanence. Both fall into this Bodhisattvas in the prime minister's approval, because why? Because the ephemeral appearances often are not able to obtain, as before said feeling, perception, knowledge and so on. Suffering, communication, self, non-self too.
Q: Five Aggregates can shop it often, very often, etc. .. therefore why speak five aggregates are separated from general cessation?
A: General Practitioners five aggregates do not see often, very often, should know the five aggregates separated from the wall, if you know the five aggregates separated from the wall ie cessation of the five aggregates as Nirvana.
Q: If you invest so there is no minister, why say because no means should fall in mortgage Minister?
A: Don Bodhisattva's not self centered, left clinging to the five aggregates back attachment renunciation of citizenship, the birth place attachment formless. Thirty-seven to eighteen leading products for common law should not distinguish such sense. If Bodhisattva measures are consistent foreign minister says, 'I can manage that, because there remains residual ego mind should also fall in general. If Bo can tatco away from the runway center's previous general practice that formless pure intellectual truth, we can think outside the practice in such purity, that is the practice Prajna Paramita, he or she also fall in general, because why? As before but could not accept before, players that can not cling. So he called the Bodhisattva practice without skillful means, for shifting where love and attachment method is that good. Bodhisattva's merit but there is also not leave old age, sickness, death, superiority, compassion, suffering brain. Perplexed practice, there is no evidence Theravada Mahayana case. Contrary to the above, have called the practice of skillful means. For all non-life measures did not before, because of legal harmony causal nature so students do not have.
Q: Before saying no expectancy of eighty, eighty here say no life, there is something else wrong?
A: A is not, this is formless.
There is usually separated from non-stop action, because compassion.
Is a Buddhist Mau is in her eighty unobstructed wisdom with similar Buddha. If you have gone through the newly eons, they either have to pass an eons, hundreds of lives, until sixty-one lives, as laid by Phat Buddha praised Van, which surpassed the nine lives (These two sentences mean the documents in opera investigation contrary, the original Buddha praised by Van Phat sa that passes nine lives. economic Below in office, said the Bodhi Monastery eighty 108 Ma ha along with articles in later, the Buddha himself says in the book ditthi 4 products 8 page says 108 co eighty different time, only two sentences of three words is slightly different, so comparing reading experience).
Business: Sariputta asked: Just do not leave eighty was made quickly attained Bodhisattva Supreme supreme Buddha or other eighty?
Bodhi Monastery Sariputta replied: there are eighty other, slapping bodhisattva ma ha under cultivation, the Supreme quickly attained supreme enlightenment.
Sariputta asked: What The Portuguese tatma eighty hectares under cultivation slapped quickly attained Supreme supreme Buddha?
Bodhi Monastery response: The Bodhisattva ma ha slap eighty-called serious Mausoleum, eighty monks did, that ma ha Bodhisattva Supreme slapped quickly attained supreme enlightenment. Security eighty, eighty playful lion, Three Ten moon, moon wall eighty, eighty Chu legal publications, Empowerments eighty, eighty-law Of nature, white socks Minister eighty, eighty Kim increasingly, legal publications At eighty, eighty-founded United Security, Optical Zoom eighty, eighty-force attack, eighty-born Export, Import Of eloquence eighty, eighty-On Self-identity, Eighty See line Tam Muoi ni la push, not falsehoods eighty, eighty publications Photography of customs law, boss around eighty nowhere, Round vajras eighty, eighty Protection segment, eighty dimension, for example eighty, eighty not place residence, heartless eighty, eighty-partisanship, eighty morning, boundless energy cooperation mimh eighty, eighty throughout the morning, the purified eighty eighty, eighty intelligent wives, eighty music, Tam Photovoltaic soot, Endlessly eighty, eighty virtue, all eighty Lia, Real eighty, eighty Dignified, optical eighty, eighty Yue pure, intelligent Pure eighty, eighty intelligent energy cooperation, Work out eighty, eighty Know minister, Kim Cang As eighty, eighty-eight residents, eighty variable projection, set eighty Security, Privacy eighty empowerment, legal eighty publications Dieu, eighty French class, eighty Born joy, empowerment Dharma eighty, eighty dissipation, the legal origin septic eighty, eighty equality minister, Ly self eighty, eighty Coast Section, indestructible eighty, eighty generals and their wives, eighty Unknown Made out, referring Ly eighty, eighty past Infinite, Unchanging eighty, eighty-conditioned, Group of merit eighty, eighty Resident heartless, flower Dieutinh eighty, eighty-Enlightenment mind, eighty Boundless boundary, eighty-class wife, attaching legal eighty, eighty legal literacy, comfort Subscriptions eighty, eighty Infinite abode, Minister eighty, eighty identity, Eighty Born out, eighty practice, most Real act eighty, eighty parade, eighty-Attain necessarily useful to spread, language Enter eighty, eighty words sound, Active Fuel eighty, eighty interoperability, Breaking Eighty Minister eighty Necessarily GENERAL sufficiency, not eighty preferred communication format, operating eighty Endless, ni la Da eighty, eighty Prime Minister the chief evil, hate ister Termination eighty, eighty reversible upon eighty Net Optical, Permanent eighty, eighty-circle Manchu clear light, the stately Royal eighty, eighty Hay mate change eighty, eighty Infinite avoid, not fun abode eighty, eighty As residents of eighty kidney damage, necrosis eighty languages ​​like nowhere, nowhere eighty Ly before any infection.
Sariputta! Ma ha Bodhisattva's practice of slapping him eighty Supreme quickly attained supreme enlightenment.
Has immeasurable number eighty subjects, ni la defenders. The bodhisattva ma ha slap studied eighty, ni la's defenders, quickly attained supreme Buddha Supreme.
Brain networks under the Bodhi Monastery Buddhist center that says: Be aware bodhisattva ma ha slapping him eighty monks, Buddhist past life had been signed, the current ten Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that prediction. Bodhisattva did not see her eighty, eighty concept was not well, and do not think I will on that eighty, eighty one today in which he will have in the eighty's. Bodhisattvas are slapped ha ma no distinction anniversary.
Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: Bodhisattva ma ha slapping him eighty residents of new and past Buddhas life sign it?
Bodhi Monastery replied Shariputra not: Why? So Prajna Paramita no other eighty, eighty-not the other Prajna Paramita, no other Bodhisattvas paramita Sutra, Prajna Paramita no other Bodhisattvas; Prajna Paramita ie eighty, eighty ie Prajna Paramita, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom that is confidential and eighty, Prajna Paramita and eighty ie Bodhisattva. 
Sariputta asked Bodhi Monastery: If no other eighty Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas no other eighty, eighty ie Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas Eighty ie, how bodhisattvas know all the legal eighty etc.. .?
Bodhi Monastery replied to the Bodhisattva's eighty, then do not think that I do that in eighty's legal. Because he's charming, Sariputta! Bodhisattva's for eighty concept not unknown.
Sariputta said, Wherefore not know no conception?
Bodhi Monastery response: The Eighty than nothing, so he does not know Bodhisattva concept.
Then, the Buddha praised: You instead, rather good! Bodhi Monastery, as I said: You practice avoids Unknown Eighty most, this corresponds to the mean.
Bodhisattva ma ha slapped learn Paramita Sutra says: Meditation paramita, perfections Tan, Rings paramita, perfections About, For paramita, the four foundations of mindfulness is not legal for eighteen common should learn it.
Thesis. Q: As the Buddha taught a path to nirvana is not, formless, uncreated, therefore why Sariputta also asked that the other eighty Buddhist Bodhisattva quickly into it?
A: When not close to nirvana, the more the other way, as near Nirvana, the road is not the only one, formless, uncreated, the other eighty three photography in her liberation, such as a large many doors, are in the city, as thousands of the river flowing into the sea lines would want.
What is the other eighty? This is the eighty Surangama etc. .. In Ma ha Products Forum, Buddha himself said: It is difficult to understand deeply, the Buddha teaches in here. If the bodhisattva practice is 108 and eighty dollars left ni, the Buddhas of the ten directions are up for life, because why? So although the Bodhisattva's eighty, because no self interest really great memories distinction should also not have a thought that I will in the eighty's, now on, have to, we'll head was eighty, eighty of us. Since the center was not approved before the pure magic, so the Buddhas life up for.
Then Sariputta get back to zero accidents intellectual convergence that Bodhi: Bodhisattva's residence eighty, eighty prime minister was taken, there was no sign life?
Bodhi Monastery replied: No, because why? Because three different failure: not another eighty Prajna, Prajna Eighty no other, no other Bodhisattva Sutra, eighty; Bodhisattva, no other eighty Prajna, Prajna, ie eighty Bodhisattva , ie Bodhisattva Sutra, eighty. Sutra, Bodhisattva and eighty different prediction for the Buddhas, but because no other life should not sign.
Sariputta asked: If so, the eighty and all other legal equality does not it?
Bodhi Monastery replied eighty Bodhisattva of law etc. .. in the eighty's, not the other way.
Again, as before said to inhibit eighty not start discriminating thoughts, no or do not know, because the essence of eighty nothing. Bodhisattva concept not know, because Buddha himself has not been abandoned in her eighty, eighty said that smart, ni la Da magic of the Bodhisattva, for Prajna Paramita no concept not before, so spread admiration: You instead! He is said to be no avoiding Eighty First, just as we praise not wrong.
Business: Sariputta white Buddha that Blessed One, Bodhisattva ma ha slapped learn so Prajna Paramita learn it?
Buddha asked Sariputta: ma ha bodhisattvas such as school education slapped Prajna Paramita, because he can not get legal; For three dollars to student confidentiality, because he can not have been legal, the four foundations of mindfulness practitioners for eighteen common law not because he can not get legal.
Sariputta clear that Blessed One! Thus, ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret school, that law can not stand?
Buddha said: Exactly! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom school security, he could not have been legal.
Sariputta said, Blessed! These measures may not have been what?
Buddha: Self can not be, until who knows, who can not be seen, because the ultimate purity.
Can not get warm year, twelve can not be imported, eighteen can not be, because ultimately pure. Ignorance can not be, because ultimately pure to the old mail can not be, because ultimately pure, can not wait to get, because ultimately pure; episode, Kill, Noble Truth can not be , for ultimate purity. Desire Realm can not be, because ultimately pure, formless realm realm Lust can not be, because the ultimate purity, the four foundations of mindfulness can not be, because ultimately pure, not legal for eighteen common can not be, because ultimately pure. Six Paramitayana can not be, because ultimately pure, Tu momentum can not be completed because no ultimate purity; Justice has completed, anagami, Arhat, Pratyekabuddhas can not be, because ultimate purity. Bodhisattvas can not get because ultimately pure. Buddha could not have been because the ultimate purity.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! What is the ultimate purification?
He says: There is not born out, do not be, then this is the ultimate purity.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped legal education such as what school?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Bodhisattva learned so ma ha slap to learn what not legal, why? This Sariputta! Minister General of the ordinary law not as attachments.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! It's the law minister has how?
Buddha: The law does, there is thus nothing as such, did not know called ignorance.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! No he does not know what the call is ignorance?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Matter, feeling, perception, volition, no way, not because the internal legal to own outlawry not. The four foundations of mindfulness for eighteen common law does not, because no internal legal to own outlawry not. In such mundane desire for ignorance should expect that distinction, called ignorance. Ordinary man is forced to both sides, not knowing that the law is not nothing but great memories sharp distinction wrecked, not until eighteen common law. Rank him for daring to approach before so no start up mode, tri, comments. This is no ordinary do not know that. Do not know nothing? Do not know what that identity is not legal for eighteen common to not know that. So should fall into some mundane, like a child. Rank him not out. Not from what? Not out of the realm of Education, not out of the realm Sac, not out of formless realm, not from legal bar text, Pratyekabuddhas. The credit was not feeling well. Do not believe what life? No news is not sharp, not until eighteen legal information is not shared. He did not stay. What's not permanent? Do not stay secret until she is not residing Prajna Paramita, not resident status retrogression until no general not legal residents eighteen. Because he predestined, so-called ordinary, as childish. Also known as the attachment. What attachments? Attached to the official colors, enter the label attached to the entry, the attachment perspective to the conscious world; attached sex, anger, delusion, attachment of misbelief, the four foundations of mindfulness attachment for attachment to Buddhism direction.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva school nor learned so Prajna Paramita, Chag Tri necessarily be evidence?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Bodhisattva learned so ma ha slapped nor Prajna Paramita school, not necessarily the Tri States.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! Why Bodhisattvas nor Prajna Paramita school, not necessarily the Tri race?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Bodhisattva ma ha slapped because no skillful means, should inhibit discriminatory thoughts attachments Prajna paramita, perfections attachment Meditation, Tan paramita, perfections Rings, About paramita, perfections For, until no general legal eighteen, Tri necessarily race, distinguishing themselves attached great memories. Because he's charming, Bodhisattvas should study such ma ha slapped nor Prajna Paramita school, not necessarily the Tri States.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! Or learn bodhisattva ma ha slapped so, no school Prajna Paramita, not necessarily the Tri evidence?
Buddha asked Sariputta: Bodhisattva learned so ma ha slap, not learning Prajna Paramita, there is general consensus position.
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! Bodhisattva ma ha slapped learn how this should Prajna Paramita, the Tri necessarily race?
Buddha asked Sariputta: If the bodhisattva ma ha slap, when school Prajna Paramita, not that Prajna Paramita. This Sariputta! Ma ha Bodhisattva of Wisdom School slap such security, the strain Tri necessarily, because there can not be. 
Sariputta white Buddha said, Blessed! What is called a prime impossibility?
Buddha: Because the internal law does not give legal to own outlawry not.
Comments: Sariputta asked only in the very life that quickly was eighty or eighty Buddha else? Bodhi Monastery response: There are eighty different colors of Buddha. Bodhisattvas no concept, no attachments should be eighty's current Buddhas past, prophesies. Buddha praised: You instead! Ma ha slap Bodhisattva of Wisdom learn this secret, until all the Dharma school.
Then Sariputta thought, Prajna Paramita is the minister, and the minister is the eighty-differentiated, learn how the school is eighty Prajna Paramita, so ask.
Buddha replied Sariputta: Learning Prajna Paramita thus obtained are as impossible, because the Minister of Wisdom bala gas density are in the eighty, such as school learning Prajna Paramita, for eighteen to study law not common. Buddha ability for instant publication.
Sariputta asked what France was not able to get?
In the Buddha himself said this: As living beings, because ultimately pure ego could not get up, so who knows, who found freezer until completely Buddha could not have been, because not legal, because the ultimate bar net, the five aggregates may not be legal for eighteen general not impossible to get.
Ultimate purity is not made not born, not made, etc. .. is not no human side is not made known to arise, arise in the grace not called not born. General student can not be certain, so called not made not born. Since there is no birth of call is not possible. Since we could not get the so-called do not start. France may start, as are frivolous; departed minister so called ultimate purity.
Sariputta asked Buddha: ma ha slap Bodhisattva practice is ultimately directed purification methods such as learning anything, because what is legal?
Buddha replied: Learning to be prolonged so as not to learn anything, not anything.
Q: Bodhisattva was not ultimately used, six school Paramitayana not legal for eighteen general, said there was no legal reason why nothing can be learned?
A: In the Buddhists say, the law is not the same as ordinary seat attachments. Mind ordinary ignorance, wrong fetters, things heard, seen, are different from the law minister said, listen to Buddhist teachings, to Noble and retribution are attached, leading to pollute.
Sariputta white Buddha that: If the place that ordinary people are not real, so how far does the law have?
Buddha: The Legal nothing, ordinary person and place to place nothing is there, because why? As he departed the mortal ignorance wrong place and they can not see that, so says the attachment of nothing so called ignorance. For as empty fist to push kids, kids attachment should be there.
Sariputta asked Buddha: The What measures should not be so attached called ignorance?
Buddha replied: Lust for eighteen common law did not, in that ignorance should inhibit craving discriminatory thoughts, things that are intelligent ignorance, fall into the infinite finite, loss of intellectual light. Having lost the light of wisdom should not know the identity ultimately found not no, no, that distinguish spontaneous thoughts and memories attached, to form aggregates, imported twelve, eighteen, twelve causes and conditions, or listen as six fresh approach Paramitayana not legal for eighteen general, as well as worldly; memories attached great saints legal distinction that way also fall into the so-called ordinary numbers, like children, are the contempt smiles. As the finger pointing to the moon, the fool only see fingers do not see the moon, the position contempt smiled and said, Why do not people just understand the finger is predestined for the moon, but watch your fingers Moon not know. Buddhas canonized said that legal for ordinary people who just accept ordinary language speech sounds, not grabbed the saint, not the real meaning. So it's not really meant to go back to that student attachment. Buddha of this error only ordinary person should say insurmountable three realms, can not leave two vehicles. Because not comprehend the saint heard the law should not believe not, because not believe should not really act, not for six Paramitayana, not until eighteen common law. Having lost the faith as so-called ordinary, kid. Year childish attachment aggregates, imported twelve, eighteen, three poisonous afflictions until no general legal eighteen; Supreme, chief equity, Chief equilateral attachment, the attachment should call guys.
Sariputta asked: If the bodhisattva practice as such, is not called Prajna Paramita practice, not practice Prajna Paramita should not necessarily be Tri evidence?
Buddha promises the possibility that Sariputta: So, so! Linked as saying predestined for the new bodhisattva practice, no health facilities, heard that Prajna Paramita, great memories discrimination, seek want to take, think that I give a funny world, is not the Prajna Paramita, he's lost both, professionals want to be sought. Or told to say no, the Prajna Paramita, or say no and no, the Prajna Paramita, or tell the truth as law minister is Prajna Paramita. Such use is sixty-two, ninety-eight fetters afflictions center, attached to the Prajna Paramita, Tri necessarily to accept such strains as well. Get attachment that he learned the law, can not necessarily be Tri strain. Along with this fruit can act together as Prajna Paramita, may also be necessary Tri strain, meaning that no Prajna Paramita, no practitioner, not that charming way, not that is not seen.
Sariputta asked predestined not see, Buddhist Bodhisattva's response to the eighteenth No, so do not see, not the irrational should not see. 

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