Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). In That Respect it calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, will preach for the Depth He Felt Gentle (Bhaddekaratta), general theory and theoretical differences. Please listen and carefully test failure, I will preach.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. World Religion instructors are as follows:
The past is not traced
No future ambition.
The past has dedicated sections,
The future has arrived,
Only the current French
Wisdom shop here.
No, don't shake
Know that, should practice,
Zealous do today,
Anyone know dies tomorrow?
No one that is,
Army of death,
Stay so zealous,
The night tirelessly,
Commensurate call Depth Evening Sage,
NET security level, quiet.
This and the Female-stilts, how is the search of the past? The position he thought: "so are my shades in the past", v the tracing rejoice in him; "So is my life in the past", and find joy in him; "Such ideas in the past", and find joy in him; "So my past baggage", and find joy in him, "so, is the sense of the past", and find joy in it. Thus, the Male-stilts, is in search of the past.
This and the Female-stilts, what is not in search of the past? The position he thought: "so are my shades in the past", and do not find joy in him; "So is my life in the past," and not find joy in him; "So is the idea of ... So is my action ... Such is the sense of the past "; and do not find joy in it. Thus, the Male-stilts, is not in search of the past.
This and the Female-stilts, how future hopes? The position he thought: "hoping that so will be my best in the future", and find joy in him; "Hoping that so will be my life in the future", and find joy in him; "Expect that such ideas ... is my action ... Such is the sense of the future ", and find joy in it. Thus, the Male-stilts, ambition in the future.
This and the Female-stilts, how is not hoped in the future? The position he thought: "hoping that so will be my best in the future," and not find rejoice therein; "Hoping that so will be my life in the future", and not in search of rejoice therein; "Hoping that so will the idea ... will be ... will be the sense of the future," and not find rejoice in him. Thus, the Male-stilts, ambition in the future.
This and the Female-stilts, how to be attractive in the current French? Here, the Male-stilts, have invisible text chums wife does not go to the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Bible; do not go to the Legs, not the human Foot French mature, not French practice the human Legs; consistent excellence is ego, ego is consistent or have colors, or shades pub is in the ego, or the ego is consistent in color, or the position her life bars is the ego, or the ego is consistent there tho; or the life Café is in the ego, or the ego is consistent in taste, or her life visualizations is in ego, ego is consistent or have ideas, or does taste visualizations is ego, ego is consistent or have her taste or customary practice, the ego, or her ego is consistent position has , he is consistent in taste, or ego, or her ego is consistent in taste; the Inn's location or the ego, or the ego is consistent has form, or the Inn is in the ego, or the ego is consistent in form. Thus, the Male-stilts, is embroiled in France at present.
This and the Female-stilts, what is not being embroiled in the current French? Here, the Male-stilts, multicultural Holy disciple went to the Saints, the Holy French mature, French practiced the Holy steps, go to the human Legs, mature human Legs, the French practice of France the human Foot. This position is not consistent is the ego, the ego is the pub had no colors, no consistent excellence is in the ego, not consistent ego; not life ... not pubs visualizations ... not pubs ... not pubs is the ego, the ego is the pub had no consciousness, no consistent form in the ego, not consistent ego in consciousness. Thus, the Male-stilts, is not being embroiled in the current French.
The past is not traced
No future ambition,
... (as above).
Commensurate call Depth Evening Sage,
NET security level, quiet.
When we say: "the Male-stilts, I will preach to the Evening Sage, Wherefore He of dogma and doctrine", the charm here that says so.

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