Thursday 5 May 2016

I. ÀLAVIKÀ (S.i. 125)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) Female-stilts-ni Àlavikà, in the morning the medical relief, holding the bat, went into medicine to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried in Sàvatthi, after lunch, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui Male-stilts-and go to the forest to find the quiet far Andha cups.
3) want to do evil Female-stilts-ni Àlavikà tremble, panic, feather hair up backwards, she wants to abandon the quiet far, should go to Female-stilts-ni Àlavikà and speak up post racks:
No export,
Live the far glass do?
Please enjoy the full exercise,
Shalt not regret later on.
4) Male-stilts-ni Àlavikà thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? Person or not? "
5) Female-stilts-ni Àlavikà thoughts: "we want to make the evil Own run scared, panicked, feather hair sclera, like to do quiet abandon the far glass should have spoke up that shelf post."
6) Female-stilts-ni Àlavikà know: "that's the devil," said sailings up post racks:
In life there are exported,
Thanks for the wisdom, I.
With this launch, Yi
Know why is France?
Craving as engines,
Radio beheaded the aggregates.
What you call sexual contacts,
We call was lost.
7) Devil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Àlavikà we already know", so sad, disappointed, mainland disappear on the spot.
II. SOMÀ (S.i. 125)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
Then Male-stilts-ni Somà y offset, morning, go into the Bowl y Sàvatthi to qifu gangui.
2) Qifu Gangui in Sàvatthi, after meals, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui Male-stilts-and go to the forest to stay on board Andha. After going deep into the forest, she sat under a tree to rest during the day.
3) want to do evil Female-stilts-ni Somà tremble, panic, feather hair up backwards, she wants to give up meditation, sailings go to Female-stilts-ni Somà; After arriving, it comes up with shelves post-stilts-ni Somà:
Hard proof position reached,
Holy witness only reached,
Two female celebrities, entertainment
Stars hope to achieve certification?
4) Male-stilts-ni Somà thinking: "who said the article this shelves? Person or not? "
5) Female-stilts-ni Somà thinking: "this is the evil wants to make us scared, panicked, feather hair sclera, want us to abandon the meditation, should have spoke up that shelf post."
6) Female-stilts-ni Somà know: "this is evil", associated with the shelf post talking up the evil:
Leanne what barriers women,
When smart mind meditation,
When deployed, wisdom
The Chief French number-micro magic?
Who find themselves asking:
"We, female celebrities, male,
Or who else? "
Symmetry of Devil talk,
The evil truth.
7) Devil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Somà we already know", so sad, disappointed, mainland disappear on the spot.
III. GOTAMÌ (S.i. 125)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì, in the morning the medical relief, holding y Bowl goes to Sàvatthi to qifu gangui.
2) Qifu Gangui in Sàvatthi, after meals, on his way back to reality, qifu gangui Male-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì go to the forest to stay on board Andha; After going deep into the jungle, to sit under a Andha stumps to rest during the day.
3) want to make the evil Male-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì tremble, panic, feather hair sclera, like to make her renounce meditation, sailings go to Female-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì; After going to the Mainland, it comes up with shelves post-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì:
Why you take me,
Alone, the ứa.
Or alone into the Woods,
To find a man?
4) Male-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? Person or not? "
5) Female-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì thinking: "this is the evil wanted to make me tremble, panic, feather hair sclera, like to make me abandon the meditation should have say over that shelf post."
6) Female-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì know: "this is evil", associated with the shelf post talking up the evil:
The harm, gone,
Man has ended,
We don't cry, melancholy,
I fear what He?
All over Hy, craving,
Block haunted maze ragged tan,
Military victory of death,
Infinity pirated, we stay safe.
7) Devil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Kisà Gotamì already know I should" sorrows, frustrations, mainland disappear on the spot.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Vijavà in the morning up y ... and sat down under a tree to rest during the day.
2) want to make the evil Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Vijaya fear ... want to make her renounce meditation, soon to the Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Vijaya; After arriving, it comes up with shelves article Bhikkhu-stilts-ni Vijaya:
She just older, just beautiful,
We just older, moderate spring,
With bow in,
She we enjoy.
3) Male-stilts-ni Vijaya thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? Person or not? "
4) Male-stilts-ni Vijaya thinking: "this is evil ... it comes up that shelf post."
5) Female-stilts-ni Vijaya thinking: "this is evil", associated with the shelf post talking up the evil:
Colors, scents, tastes, feelings, language,
Make note of passion,
We favor the evil,
I didn't need them.
With this impure body,
Easy disintegrates fragility,
We're bothered messing, the bag Tiger,
Sexual craving is the paragraph.
They being entitled gender identity,
They are hopeless, identity
NET security credentials, meditation
Everywhere, haunted maze.
6) evil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Vijayà we already know", sorrows, frustrations, mainland disappear on the spot.
1) human Sàvatthi charm.
Then Male-stilts-ni Uppalavannà in the morning up y ... and stand under a tree tala are blossoming.
2 evil) want to make Male-stilts-Uppala-vannà run scared, panicked, feather hair sclera, like to make her renounce meditation, sailings go to Female-stilts-ni Uppalavannà.
3) after the evil to speak up this shelf with the national post-stilts-ni Uppalavannà:
For this she Male-stilts-ni,
Under a tree tala,
Are hundreds of flowers blooming buds,
Her to stand alone,
Her stunning beauty,
No one dare to compare!
Here she comes,
In such a posture,
Her other Jackass!
Not afraid of temptation?
4) Male-stilts-ni Uppalavannà thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? The person or not? "
5) Female-stilts-ni Uppalavannà thinking: "this is evil ... spoke up that shelf post."
6) Female-stilts-ni Uppalavannà know: "this is evil", replied with shelf:
Hundreds of thousands tempted,
Have come here as He,
Have no fur,
We do not fear anything.
The evil, we are not afraid,
I stand here alone,
We can disappear,
Or on the abdomen.
We stand between the lashes,
He didn't see me.
With the big fella,
Spirit student manual approved,
We escape all bondage,
I'm not afraid of Him?
This Gentleness of Devil fake!.
7) Devil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Uppalavannà we already know", sorrows, frustrations, mainland disappear on the spot.
VI. CÀLÀ (S.i. 147)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Càlà y offset morning ... sit under a tree to rest during the day.
2) go to the evil Male-stilts-ni Càlà; After arriving, told Female-stilts-ni Càlà:
This National-stilts-ni-, She doesn't have fun?
This Gentle, no-fun-like being.
-Why not have fun being?
-When did being, must enjoy life.
This National-stilts--ni, who teach her: "Ok have fun"?
3) engenders and then to die,
Have seen the suffering of birth,
Unlawful use tied his harm,
So do not like being.
The Buddha preaching to France,
Cause beyond reborn,
Paragraph except every brain gauge,
Help us stay honest.
Gender identity-oriented beings,
They are hopeless, identity
If don't know the paragraph removal,
They go to the reborn.
4) evil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Càlà we already know", sorrows, frustrations, mainland disappear on the spot.
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) And Female-stilts-ni Upacàlà, in the morning, up y ... and sit down a tree to break the daytime ... tell Bill-stilts-ni Upacàlà:
This National-stilts-ni-, She like to reborn in place?
3)-we don't want any seat at a reborn, this Sage.
4) Chu Thien thirty-three,
Yes-ma-heavenly power,,
Jesus Culture tribe of heaven,
THA turns himself in heaven,
She take this direction,
To the client, realm
And then She was reborn,
Enjoy the peaceful scene.
5) Chu Thien thirty-three,
Yes-ma-heavenly power,,
Jesus Culture tribe of heaven,
THA, in heaven,
Because the bondage craving,
It was ma's conquest.
The whole world on fire red,
The world at stake,
The world at present,
The whole world was shaken.
Do not shake, do not fluctuate,
No implications, chums,
Where ma not to,
Sure we have fun.
6) and then the evil know ... disappear on the spot.
1) In Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Sisupacàlà in the morning up y ... and then sit down on a stump to rest during the day.
2 evil) and then go to Female-stilts-ni Sisupacàlà; After arriving, told Female-stilts-ni Sisupacàlà:
This National-stilts-ni-, She like it's heresy?
3) This mock not, Sage-like heresy.
4) because who Her bare head,
Does a female General Sa-keeper?
She doesn't like heresy,
Then the tu for anyone,
This fools me?
5) these guys believe Ta comments,
In the pagan heresy.
I do not like the French they,
We're not very good at French.
There are lines they like.
.. .Like being irrational, Buddha
He conquered all,
He broke the University they ma,
In every place, everywhere,
No one WINS.
He freed completely,
What not be constant.
France ranks the label seen throughout;
All industry segments,
Freed, removal of birth y.
World Religion, direction,
I liked the Dhamma.
6) Already know ... the evil mainland disappear on the spot.
IX. SELÀ (S.i. 134)
1) in Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Selà y offset morning ... sit under a tree to rest during the day.
2 evil) and then wanted to do Female-stilts-ni Selà tremble. .. speak up articles with shelves-stilts-ni Selà:
Because of this, the bubbles
Be made out,
Who is the creator,
Bubble like this going?
From where the bubble of birth?
Go where the bubble?
3) And Female-stilts-ni Selà thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? Person or not? "
4) And Female-stilts-ni Selà thinking: "this is the evil, like to do we tremble, panic, feather hair sclera, like to make it give up meditation, should have spoken up shelf post".
5) And Female-stilts-ni Selà be said: "this is evil", evil should answer with shelf:
Bubble like this going,
Not self made,
Things this blessed silver,
Other people do not.
By Jesica together,
Things are formed,
By Jesica concur,
Things were destroyed.
The same seed sown on paddy fields,
Are sprouts, born loc,
When the contaminated absorbent both,
Locate land and wet gas.
Also aggregates and world,
Together with six of these,
By Jesica together,
They will be formed,
By Jesica concur,
They were ruined, destroy.
6) and then the evil knows: "Male-stilts-ni Selà we already know", so sad, disappointed, mainland disappear on the spot.
1) in Sàvatthi.
Female-stilts-ni Vajirà y offset, morning, go into the Bowl y Sàvatthi to qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried, after a meal, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui Male-stilts-ni Vajirà go to the forest to stay on board Andha, going into the Woods and sitting under a tree root Andha to stay on board.
2 evil) and then wanted to do Female-stilts-ni Vajirà tremble, panic, feather hair sclera, like to make her renounce meditation, soon to come, speak up with shelves post-stilts-ni Vajirà:
3) by anyone, this love,
Are being, are artifacts?
Who created this love,
Currently in?
Love from birth?
Go where love?
4) And Female-stilts-ni Vajirà thinking: "Somebody has to speak up this shelf article? Person or not? "
5) And Female-stilts-ni Vajirà thinking: "is the devil wanted to make me tremble, panic, feather hair sclera, like to make it give up meditation, should article this shelves spoke up".
6) And Female-stilts-ni Vajirà know: "this is evil", the evil replied with shelf:
Why do you say,
Up to two-digit beings?
This affordable, evil,
He fell into deviant comments?
This reformed,
Beings are formed,
As the parts together,
The name of the car are speaking up.
Also, aggregates together,
Colloquially known beings.
Only suffering is being,
Miserable existence, suffering,
In addition to suffering, not being,
In addition to suffering nothing.

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