Saturday 14 May 2016

§ (I) (1) SUMMARY
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, have the power in this, the Friends school level. What is the year? Tin force, mind power, your power, energy resources, intellectual capacity. This, monks, with this year's strength Huu school level.
Thus, the monks, should be learning as follows:
3. "I will credit its achievements, academic called Friends. I'll achievements mind power, known as Huu academic. I will force your achievements, academic called Friends. I will diligently human achievement, academic called Friends. I will achieve its wisdom, called Academic Friends ". Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
§ (II) (2) PUBLIC
1 - Hey, monks, have this power in the Friends School level. What is the year? Tin force, mind power, your power, energy resources, intellectual capacity.
And this, monks, how power is credit?
2. Here, the monks, saints disciples have faith, believe the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc Thien The, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Bhagavan Buddha ". Thus, the monks, called credit capacity.
And this, monks, is the mind power?
3. Here, the monks, saints practitioners who persist ashamed of themselves as evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, shame for the French evil, evil is done. So, this, monks, is called mind power.
And this, monks, how are you human?
4. Here, the monks, saints practitioners who persist fear, fear for themselves as evil, saying evil, evil thoughts, fear for the legal evil, evil is done. So, this, monks, is called precious resources.
And this, monks, is how human effort?
5. Here, the monks, saints live ardent disciple diligently, abandon the immoral methods, achievements and good behavior, effort, perseverance, diligent, and not give up the burden for charity measures. So, this, monks, is called human effort.
And this, monks, how is mental capacity?
6. Here, the monks, saints disciples wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the saint can enter into the path of an end to suffering. This, monks, is called mental capacity.
These phenomena, this, monks, is in the power of learning Career Friends. Thus, the monks, should be learning as follows:
7. "I will credit its achievements, academic called Friends ... your mind power ... power ... power ... I will diligently intellectual achievements force, called Academic Friends". Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
§ (III) (3) LINE
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks now live in the present suffering with brain injury, the brain benefits, to heat the brain, after necrosis body corporate networks, is expected to be evil letter. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks had no faith, no heart shame, without the fear, laziness, evil Property. Achievements This year, the monks, even in the present miserable life, with brain damage, the brain benefits, the brain temperature; General network damage after the body, is expected to be the Beast.
2. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks now live peacefully in the present, there is no brain damage, no brain benefits, no brain temperature; General network damage after the body, is expected to be good realms. What is the year? Here, the monks, monks have faith, be pleased to shame, there is the fear, ardent effort, wisdom. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks now live peacefully in the present, there is no brain damage, no brain benefits, no brain temperature; General network damage after the body, is expected to be good realms.
§ (IV) (4) adequate
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks proportionate thus thrown into hell. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks had no faith, no heart shame, without the fear, lazy, malicious Property. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks proportionate thus thrown into hell.
2. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks proportionate thus be born in heaven. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks have faith, be pleased to shame, there is the fear, ardent effort, wisdom. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks proportionate so be born in heaven.
1. - monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, abandoned Learning methods, callbacks worldly life, in legal matters to blame and criticism get hold of him right in the present in. What is the year?
2. "In § Master (He thought) no beliefs for good behavior; He did not have the heart of shame for good behavior; the teacher does not have the fear for good behavior; in me without effort for good behavior; in me a no-brainer for good behavior. "Monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, abandoned Learning methods, callbacks established secular, legal issues this year to blame and criticism to the right in the current he .
3. monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, oils with suffering, with anxiety, with a face full of tears, mourning, still life completely celibate chastity, in consultation subject to legitimate self-praise get hold of him right now. What is the year? "In § Master (He thought) have faith for good behavior; I have the heart of shame for good behavior; in me with the fear for good behavior; diligent heart in me for good behavior; brainer for me for good behavior; Monks or nuns, monks do, this oil monks with suffering, with anxiety, with a face full of tears, crying remain celibate life completely pure, in legal problems for themselves this praise get hold of him right now.
§ (VI) (6) ENTRY
1. - There is no evil entered, the monks, until I have faith dwell on good behavior. When trust disappears, the monks, misbelief arise and exist, when there is a step into the unwholesome.
2 - 5. No evil entered, the monks, until I have the heart of shame ... the fear ... ... intellectual effort dwell on good behavior. When hearts shame ... the fear ... ... intellectual effort disappears, the monks, not without fear of shame ... ... ... evil slothful start Property up and survive, when there is a step into immoral.
§ (VII) (7) Desire
1. - The majority, this, monks, charming types found in the sexual pleasures. Good men to death, the monks, gave up one side and pole crescent, renunciation, abandoning the family, not family life, he has enough to be called: "The Good men to death because of faith ordained". Wherefore?
2. Exercise, this, monks, is found among the young, and this education or other education. And this, monks, the inferior sex, class of secondary education, and the supreme fitness, all that will be accepted sex as sex.
3. Just as, monks, have kids, young children, lying innocently, unintentionally by the breast, the baby picked up a stick or a rock star into his mouth. Breast most people had to quickly volition. After quickly volition, to quickly hook for that. Without being able to quickly hook up, the first time with his left hand holding it back, with his right hand, fingers do the hook, off the hook for that object, oil must bleed. Wherefore? This, monks, to do so, be harmful to the child. I say that not harmless. However, the monks, the breast almost have to do so, because they want the benefits, for happiness, out of compassion, because compassion introspection (the child). But the monks, when that child has grown up, and have the wisdom, most people did not care for the breast itself, and thought: "Now the child has to know to protect themselves, no more distractions" .
Also, the monks, until the monks not cause the trust for good behavior, not cause to be pleased ashamed for good behavior, not caused by the fear for charity Justice, not caused by diligently for good behavior, causing no wisdom for good behavior; until then, the monks, I need to hedge his monks. When, this, monks, monks caused the trust to good behavior, caused by heart ashamed for good behavior, caused by the fear for good behavior, caused by heart diligently for good behavior, causing wisdom for good behavior, the time when he, the monks, I no longer care for his monks, think: "Now, monks had to know to protect yourself, no more distractions. "
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks to abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. What is the year?
2. There is no trust, the monks, monks abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. No heart shame, this, monks, monks abandon not dwell in Dhamma. No heart fear, this, monks, the monks to abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. Idleness, the monks, monks abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. No brainer, this, monks, monks abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks abandon, do not take refuge in the Dhamma.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma. What is the year? Have faith, this, monks, monks do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma. There pleased with heart shame ... fear ... there ... there intellectual effort, the monks, monks do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma.
§ (IX) (9) does not honor (1)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, give up, do not take refuge in the Dhamma. What is the year?
2. There is no trust, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, abandon, not dwelling in the Dhamma. No shame ... no heart the fear ... lazy ... a no-brainer, this, monks, monks do not respect, no respect, abandon, not dwelling in Dhamma. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, give up, do not take refuge in the Dhamma.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks with reverence, respect, do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma. What is the year?
4. Have faith, this, monks, monks with reverence, respect, do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma. There pleased with heart shame ... fear ... there ... there intellectual effort, the monks, monks with reverence, respect, do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma . Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks with reverence, respect, do not give up, take refuge in the Dhamma.
§ (X) (10) does not honor (2)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, can not grow, grow, grow in France and this Law. What is the year?
2. There is no trust, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, can not grow, grow, grow in France and this Law. No shame ... no heart the fear ... idleness ... have intellectual evil, this, monks, monks do not respect, no respect, can not grow, increase growth, growth in France and this Law. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not respect, no respect, can not grow, grow, grow in France and this Law.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks reverence, respect, can grow, grow, grow in France and this Law. What is the year?
4. Have faith, this, monks, monks with reverence, respect, can grow, grow, grow in France and this Law. Heart shame ... there ... the fear ... there ardent intellectual effort, the monks, monks with reverence, respect, can grow, growth, growth in France and this Law. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks with reverence, respect, can grow, grow, grow in France and this Law.
1 - Hey, monks, I claim to have achieved the ultimate goal for the legal position before I ever heard. This, monks, have this power in the Tathagata. The strength of his achievements, the monks, the Tathagata has gained self-view location Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar among the congregation, as transport wheels Brahma. What is the year?
2. Tin force, mind power, your power, energy resources, intellectual capacity. There's five forces Tathagata Tathagata, the monks. The strength of her achievements, Tathagata has achieved self-view location Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar among the congregation, as transport wheels Brahma.
§ (II) (12) peaked
1 - Hey, monks, have this power in the Friends School level. What is the year?
2. Tin force, mind power, your power, energy resources, intellectual capacity. This, monks, with this year's strength Huu school level. In the strength of this study Career Friends, this, monks, this is paramount, this is the general photography, this is a total takeover, ie intellectual force.
3. Just as, monks, with a peaked house, this is paramount, this is the general photography, this is the sum of acquisition, ie the roof. Also, the monks, in this power of Being school level, this is paramount, this is the general photography, this is a total takeover, ie intellectual force. Thus, the monks, should be learning as follows:
4. "I will credit its achievements, academic called Friends. I'll achievements mind power, known as Huu academic. I will force your achievements ... ... intellectual force diligent force, known as the Academic Friends. "Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
 - Hey, monks, have this power years. What is the year? Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power. This, monks, there are five forces.
1 - Hey, monks, have this power years. What is the year?
2. Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power.
This, monks, how power is credit?
3. Here, the monks, saints disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, The Phu Truong Ngu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Thus, the monks, called credit capacity.
And this, monks, are the tons of force?
4. Here, the monks, saints live ardent disciple diligently, abandon the immoral methods, achievement of dhamma, diligent efforts to persevere, not give up the legal burden to charity . Thus, the monks, called the attack force.
And this, monks, how is the concept of power?
5. Here, the monks, saints mindfulness practitioners, supreme achievement and intellectual concept. He remember and recall the memory of what was said and done long ago. So, this, monks, is called the force concept.
And this, monks, what is the capacity?
6. Here, the monks, saints disciple of sexual isolation, isolating the causes of evil, and dwell attained first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Net Games and only make the quarterfinals, and dwell attained Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not class, not the quarterfinals, most static inner mind. Ly Hy, discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness, body sense pleasures, is the anniversary of saint called discharged resident communications, and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. Communications segment size segments, termination benefits were feeling joy before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. So, this, monks, is called samadhi.
And this, monks, how is mental capacity?
7. Here, the monks, saints disciples wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the saint can enter into the path of an end to suffering. This, monks, is called mental capacity.
This, monks, the method is in force.
§ (V) (15) MUST SEE
 - Hey, monks, have this power years. What is the year? Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power.
And this, monks, believers need to see where power? The note detailed in four parts; there, believers need to find resources. And this, monks, attacked forces need to see where? Of the four primary needs; there, attacking forces must see. And this, monks, concepts that need to be found where? In the four foundations of mindfulness; there, must find its anniversary. And this, monks, the forces need to see where? In the four Zen; there, the need to find resources. And this, monks, intellectual property need to see where power? In the Four Noble Truths; there, should see its wisdom. This, monks, have the power in this.
§ (VI) (16) peaked AGAIN
§ (See Business 12)
§ (VII) (17) HAPPY TO WHOM (1)
 - Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks bring happiness to yourself, do not bring happiness to others. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks morality itself fully, without encouraging others to complete virtue; Meditation yourself fully, without encouraging others to complete meditation; intellectual himself fully, without encouraging others to complete wisdom; Full liberate themselves; encourage others without full liberation; freed himself full knowledge, no full encourage others liberated by knowledge. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks bring happiness to yourself, do not bring happiness to others.
§ (VIII) (18) HAPPY TO WHOM (2)
 - Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks bring happiness to others, do not bring happiness for themselves. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks are not sufficient on their own morality, encouraging others to complete virtue; not by themselves sufficient meditation ... not yourself full intellect ... not fully freed himself ... not fully freed himself by knowledge, encourage others to fully liberate knowledge . This full year, the monks, monks bring happiness to others, do not bring happiness for themselves.
§ (IX) (19) HAPPY TO WHOM (3)
 - Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks did not bring happiness to yourself, do not bring happiness to people. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks are not sufficient on their own morality, not encourage others to complete virtue; not by themselves sufficient meditation ... not yourself full intellect ... not fully freed himself ... not fully freed himself by knowledge, not encourage others to complete liberation tri is. Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks did not bring happiness to yourself, do not bring happiness to people.
§ (X) (20) HAPPY TO AI (4)
 - Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks bring happiness to himself and to bring happiness to people. What is the year?
Here, the monks, monks themselves sufficient virtue and encourages others to complete virtue; Meditation yourself full ... full intellectual yourself ... yourself full liberation ... liberate yourself full knowledge, and encourage others to fully liberated by knowledge. This full year, the monks, monks bring happiness to himself and to bring happiness to people.
§ (I) (21) PROVIDE NO GLASS (1)
1. - monks, the monks, no reverence, no caution, no living relative peace with the of dignity, will make happy fullness legal victory, this event does not occur. After not making happy fullness legal victory, he would make the approach fullness Friends School, this event does not occur. Do not make legal fullness Friends School, he will make the fulfillment of the precepts, this event does not occur. After failing to make the fulfillment of the precepts, he will make the right view is fullness, this event does not occur. After failing to make the district fullness knowledge, he will make the right concentration fullness, this event does not occur.
2. monks, the monks, have reverently with caution, air relative to live with dignity, the same will make the happy consummation legal victory, this event has occurred. After making the winning fullness well as legal, he would make the approach fullness Friends School, this event has occurred. After making legal fullness Friends School, he will make the fulfillment of the precepts, this event has occurred. After making the fulfillment of the precepts, he will make the right view is fullness, this event has occurred. After making the primary consummation knowledge, he will make the right concentration fullness, this event has occurred.
1. - monks, the monks, no reverence, no caution, no living relative peace with dignity, the same, will do well to win the legal consummation, this event does not occur. After not making happy fullness legal victory, he would approach the fullness Friends School, this event does not occur. After failing to make the law fullness Friends School, he will make the world the fullness of aggregates, this event does not occur. After failing to make the world fullness aggregates, he will make the fulfillment of aggregates, this event does not occur. After not making the aggregates fullness he will make mental fullness aggregates, this event does not occur.
2. monks, the monks, with reverence, with caution, air relative to live with dignity, the same, he will make the happy consummation legal victory, this event has occurred. After making the happy consummation legal victory, he would make the approach fullness Friends School, this event has occurred. After legal fullness Friends School, he will make the world the fullness of aggregates, this event has occurred. After making the world fullness aggregates, he will make the fulfillment of aggregates, this event has occurred. After making the fullness of aggregates, he will make mental fullness aggregates, this event has occurred.
§ (III) (23) THE defiled
1. - There's gold in this defiled, the monks, defiled by them, gold is not defiled highly skilful, not easy to use, not bright, not be moldy and right feet under the effects of. What is the year?
2. Iron, copper, tin, lead and silver. There's gold in this defiled, the monks, defiled by them, gold is not defiled highly skilful, not easy to use, not brilliance was moldy and right feet are not influenced it.
3. And when, this, monks, gold is freed from defiled this year, when he was yellow was highly skilful, easy to use, bright, not moldy, and influenced the right feet. And any jewelry such as rings people want, such as earrings, necklaces such as gold chains, gold that can be used depending on the desire.
Also, the monks, with this year's defiled mind, because he defiled, defiled mind, not skilful, not easy to use, not dazzling, was moldy, not calm right feet to cessation of defilements. What is the year?
4. Greed, anger, sloth dullness, giving foreign, guests. There are five of mind defiled, the monks, was defiled by year, defiled mind is not highly skilful, not easy to use, not dazzling, was moldy, not right feet, calm to paragraph Removal of cankers.
5. And when, the monks, the mind is freed from years was defiled; Meanwhile, his mind is highly skilful, easy to use, bright, not moldy, calm right feet to cessation of defilements. Depending according to what needs to be enlightened with the winning position, to his mind towards enlightenment with the winning location. Here, in that he has the ability, with the legal capacity to reach it, though he does kind of origin.
6. If he wishes: "I will see the kind of Kabbalah, a body out many bodies, many bodies out one body; transfiguration is shaped wall passing through the wall, passing through the mountain like nowhere; burrowed, rising across the land as in the water; walk on water does not sink, as on land; fetters-old sit or walk out of nowhere like a bird; with hands, touch and touch the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate era; can itself fly to Brahma World. "In it, in it, he has the ability, with the capacity to reach that state, the oil of the type and ancestry.
7. If he wants: "With the pure natural atrium, superman, can hear two types of known gods and men who, far and near." There, in that, he is capable and qualified to reach this state, the oil under any kind of origin.
8. If he wishes: "We hope that with your mind can know the heart of all kinds of other beings, various human mind as follows:" The mind has participated, said the center has participated. Mind is not involved, said the center does not participate. Center said the center courtyard terrace. Courts do not mind, the mind does not know the game. Tam said the center has si si. Tim does not know is that the mind is not si si. Focused mind knows the mind focused. Know the mind wandering mind wandering. General practice is the great center operator know about. Not great practitioner is not a great center operator know about. Center said the center has not yet supreme supreme. Mind supreme supreme interest known. Mind Meditation Meditation Center know. Meditation is mind does not know the mind is not meditation. Freedom of mind to know that freedom of mind. Mind unreleased know is mind unreleased "". There, in that, he is capable and qualified to reach this state, the oil under any kind of origin.
9. If he wishes: "I will remember many past lives, such a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty life, life fifty, a hundred lives, two hundred died, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. "he remembered that:" in other places, we have names like this, like this family, like this class, food like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born in and there. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, food like this, life is like that. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here. "At that, he has the ability, with the capacity to reach that state, the oil under any kind of origin.
10. If he wishes: "With superhuman pure divine eye, and we see the abandonment of beings arise. I knew beings, inferior people, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. The position being that doing evil deeds of the body, the word evil deeds, evil deeds of attention, vilified the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network must be born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. The status of these beings do the deeds of body, speech and mind, not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view. The damage to your body after public network, was born to the realm of healing, heaven, on earth. Thus, with pure natural superhuman label, we can see the life and death of beings. We can clearly know that beings inferior person, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. " There, in that, he is capable and qualified to reach this state, the oil under any kind of origin.
11. If he wishes: "Due to cessation of defilements, right now, to win our minds enlightened, attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight." There, in that, he is capable and qualified to reach this state, the oil under any kind of origin.
§ (IV) (24) EVIL SEX
1. - With the wicked world, the monks, the people who break the precepts, concentration thus ruined. When the concentration is not present, the concentration of people destroyed, like real knowledge thus ruined. As real as absence of knowledge, with knowledge of people as they really ruined, boring, dispassion so ruined. When boring is not present dispassion, dispassion boring people destroyed, liberating knowledge therefore ruined.
2. Just as, monks, a tree, with branches and leaves ruined, the trees bud did not go to the fullness, the bark does not come to the fullness of the tree is not going to sense fullness, tree core do not go to perfection. Also, the monks, with the wicked world, with people who break the precepts, concentration thus ruined. When the concentration is not present, with the ruined district, such as real human knowledge being destroyed. As real as absence of knowledge, with knowledge of people as they really ruined, boring, dispassion so ruined. When boring, dispassion is not present, with dispassion boring destroyed, liberating knowledge therefore ruined.
3. With the world who have, this, monks, with the keepers world, so concentration is sufficient. Due to the present concentration, with concentration is achieved, such true knowledge is thus achieved. Due lifelike present knowledge, with knowledge of people as they really are present, boring, dispassion thus be achieved. Because boring, dispassion presence, with dispassion boring achievements, thus liberating knowledge is attained.
4. Just as, monks, a tree, with branches and leaves are full, the trees sprout went to go to the fullness of perfection bark, tree come to sense fullness tree cores come to fullness. Also, the monks, who have sex with, with people keeping gender, so concentration is fully human. Due to the present concentration, with concentration is achieved, such true knowledge is thus achieved. Due lifelike present knowledge, with knowledge of people as they really are achievements, boring, dispassion thus be achieved. Because boring, dispassion presence, with boring, dispassion achievements, thus liberating knowledge is attained.
§ (V) (25) Photography LIFE
1. - Because Life photography five factors, this, monks, is right view is mature with freedom of mind and with the results of the mind liberated benefits and results for the benefit of the freedom of mind with wisdom award results escape with the results and benefits of fruit liberating insight.
2. What measures With years? Here, the monks, chief knowledge are limited-life photography, photography is writing life, as discussed recommendations expectancy photography, photography is just life, life is photography shop. This is due to five factors photographic life, this, monks, is right view is attained with freedom of mind and performance benefits of fruit freed mind, the freed mind fruit, with fruit liberating insight and benefit Additional results of liberating insight.
§ (VI) (26) Liberation ORIGIN
1. - There are five liberated this country, the monks, where monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, the center has not been freed or liberated taints not been completely eradicated full, go to completely eradicated, or supreme peace from suffering yet achieved, is reached.
2. What is the year? Here, the monks, gurus or an act of dignity guru sermon for the monks. Depending on the masters, or a co Pham unfortunate role guru sermon for the monks how, how, depending on the case, so, the monks credit and credit-life of meaning legally in his life measures. Because he credits the mean life, credit life legally, so joyful birth. Therefore rejoice, so rapture born. Because of the joy, the body is calm. Because the body is calm, he feels optimistic life. Do pleasures, the mind is calm. This is the origin of the first liberation; there, the monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, yet liberating the mind is freed, or the illegal or not eradicated completely, go to completely eradicated, or supreme peace from suffering yet achieved, is reached.
3. Again, monks, gurus or an act of dignity not master that sermon for the monks. And the monks was widely preached for the others to have been heard, as has been memorized. You monks was widely preached to others as was heard, as has been memorized, how, how, depending on the case, so, he credits the means and credit life expectancy the legal measures in it. Because he credits the mean life, credit life so joyful about being legal. Due Hy born babies should be glad ... the mind is calm. This is the origin freed Monday, here monks live without distractions, enthusiasm ... is reached.
4. Again, monks, gurus or an act of dignity not master that sermon for the monks. You monks did not lecture extensively for the others to have been heard, as has been memorized. He read widely legal proceedings to have been heard, as has been memorized. You monks did, the monks recite such measures, as has been heard, as has been memorized, broadly how, how, depending on the case, so you Billion -kheo means that credit life and credit life on the law in her approach. Because he credits the mean life, credit life so joyful about being legal. Therefore rejoice, joy born ... should be calm mind. This is the origin freed Tuesday, here monks live without distractions, enthusiasm ... is reached.
5. Again, monks, masters of dignity or a role guru, no sermon for the monks. You monks did not like was hearing the sermon, as has been memorized widely to others. He did not recite a broad approach as has been heard, as has been memorized. But he and centered depending range, depending quarterfinals, with the intention to observe such measures have been heard, as was recited. You monks did, this, monks, due to heart custom range, depending quarterfinals, with the intention to observe such measures were heard, as were recited how, how, depending on the case, as Thus, the monks of meaning that credit life, credit life on the legal measures it. Because he credits the mean life, credit life legally, so joyful birth. Therefore rejoice, joy born ... should be calm mind. This is the origin freed Wednesday, here monks live without distractions, enthusiasm ... is reached.
6. Again, monks, gurus or an act of dignity not master that sermon for the monks. You monks was not widely preached to others, as has been heard, as has been memorized. He did not recite a broad approach, as has been heard, as has been memorized. He is not the center depending range, depending quarterfinals, with the intention to observe such measures were heard, as were memorized. But he skillfully holds a minister to, volition clever, cleverly life over, cleverly communicated with how intellectual, how, depending on the case, so, he credits the meaning life, credit life on in that legal measures. Because of that life he credits, credits for legal life should rejoice. Therefore rejoice, joy born ... should be calm mind. This is the origin freed Thursday, here, the monks live without distractions, enthusiasm ... is reached.
7. There are five liberated this country, the monks, where monks live without distractions, zeal, as required, when the mind is not liberation, or the illegal or not eradicated completely, go to completely eradicated, or supreme peace from suffering yet achieved, is reached.
§ (VII) (27) No.
1 - Hey, monks, intelligent, often recite, make countless practice provisions. With smart one often recite, countless practice of self that arises in each location. What is the year?
2. This current and future communications with mature fruit peanut allergic, in every person, place (so) arises. This set of saint, not on the material, in every person, place (so) arises. This is not done by evil people, in every person, place (so) arises. This calm, try bringing calm, achieve the most attention, is not the tamed constraints often, in every person, place (so) arises: "Tranquillity, we enter this. Calm, do this out ", in each place (so) arises.
This, monks, intelligent, often recite, make the practice immeasurable. With one intelligent, often recite, make countless practice of self every person, starting up in this position.
1 - Hey, monks, I will preach the Bible practice concentration includes five factors. Listen and heuristic techniques. I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Hey, monks, how is the Holy practice concentration includes five factors?
2. Here, the monks, monks attaining sexual ly ... First Meditation and dwell with range, with the quarterfinals. He instilled, macerated, make fullness, filled himself with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere on the body is not being sexual bliss was so imbued glass.
3. Just as, monks, as a maid servant disciple shower or bath after bath powder in Brass brass, kneading it with water immediately. Department bath powder that is water wet instilled, mixed with water movement wet, wet both inside and outside the country, but does not flow into droplets. Also, the monks, the monks imbued, macerated, make fullness, body filled with joy by being sexual ly, not somewhere on the body are not due to sexual ly bliss he instilled birth.
This is the first practice of the Holy district includes five factors.
4. Again, the monks, the monks make translational and quad ... just reach attainment and residing Monday Meditation. He instilled, macerated, make prolific, this body was filled with joy by the birth, not somewhere on the body is not bliss because of his being instilled.
5. Just as, monks, a lake, itself in rising water, the East is no outflow hole, the West has no outflow hole, the hole is no water flowing north, the southern no outflow hole, and occasionally large raining. Cool springs that gush from the lake water, instill, macerated, makes abundantly filled with water lake was cool, not one of the lakes where the water does not cool instilled. Also, this, monks, monks imbued, macerated, makes itself abundantly filled with joy by the birth, not somewhere on the body is not bliss because of his being imbued .
This is the second practice of the Holy district includes five factors.
6. Again, the monks, the monks cup discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, it abides Tuesday Meditation. You monks was instilled, macerated, makes this abundantly filled with relatives, with no joy that pleasant feeling, not somewhere on the body is not optimistic that life without joy permeates.
7. Just as, monks, in the lotus lake blue, pink or white lotus lotus ponds, the lotus flower was born in the country, grew up in the water, beyond the water, aquatic farming, from tip to to root were imbued, macerated, full of cool water penetrated by him, not a place of whole blue lotus, white lotus pink lotus or water cooling is not that instill. Also, this, monks, monks imbued, macerated, makes itself abundantly filled with optimism that life without joy, not somewhere on the body is not optimistic that life without joy repellent leap.
This, monks, this is the third practice of the Holy district includes five factors.
8. Again, monks, monks optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, Zen residence certificate Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, exhaust concept, pure. Monks was sitting permeated his whole body with pure pure heart, not somewhere on the body are not pure in heart that instill morning.
9. Just as, monks, a man used white cloth hooded, not somewhere on the body are not white cloth that covered. Also, this, monks, monks sit this body imbued with pure pure heart, not somewhere on the body are not pure in heart that instill morning.
This, monks, this is the practice of Holy Wednesday concentration includes five factors.
10. Again, this, monks, is your general observation clever monks holding, smart volition, smart life over, can enter with intellectual skill.
11. Just as, monks, one who observes another person, who stood to observe passengers, or passengers who are observed. Also, this, monks, observed Minister clever monks were held, smart volition, habitually clever, clever with intellectual deficit.
This, monks, this is the practice of Holy Thursday concentration consists of five factors.
Such practice, the monks, monks with Saint concentration consists of five factors are making so prolific, depending according to what needs to be enlightened with the winning position, his mind toward to be enlightened with the winning location. There, in that he has the ability, with the legal capacity that the oil reaches land of any kind.
12. Just as, monks, a chair placed on a shelf water, flaking was filled with water, so full of crow drinkable. And a person has the power to shaking his chair, so the water has poured out reasonable?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the monks, the monks practice this, the Holy district includes five factors are making so prolific, depending according to what needs to be enlightened with the winning position, center he aims to win in order to be enlightened with the location. There, in that he has the ability, with the legal capacity to reach it, though he does kind of origin.
13. Just as, monks, a lake on a plot of land by the four corners have started overflowing causeway embankment that crow water drinkable. Then someone had the power to remove the embankment and there, so the water has poured out reasonable?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the monks, the monks practice so ... Made any kind of oil.
14. Just as, monks, on the plains, spot the intersection, there is a parked car, won with thoroughbred horses, which sticks ready end Horizontal chest. There skillful horse trainer, who drove the horse overcoming horse deserves it, he climbed into the car, grabbed the reins left hand holding his right hand with the rod end of the horse, he can coachman paced in where and how discretion wanted. Also, this, monks, monks practiced it, St. concentration includes five factors are making so prolific, depending according to what needs to be enlightened with the winning position, his mind to be enlightened towards the goal location. There, in that he has the ability, with the legal capacity to reach it, though he does kind of origin.
15. If he wishes: "I will see the kind of Kabbalah, a body out many relatives ..." § (Preview, No. 23, item 6) ... Made any kind of oil.
16. If he wishes: "God atrial superhuman purity ..." § (Preview, No. 23, item 7)
17. If he wishes: "We hope that with your mind can know the mind of all kinds of other beings ..." § (Preview, No. 23, item 8) ...
18. If he wishes: "I will remember many past lives, like a lifetime ..." § (Preview, No. 23, item 9) ...
19. If he wishes: "With superhuman pure divine eye, we see the life and death of beings ..." § (Preview, No. 23, item 10)
20. If he wishes: "Due to cessation of defilements, right now, to win our minds enlightened, attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight." There, in that, he is capable and qualified to reach this state, the oil under any kind of origin.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five benefits of meditation. What is the year?
2. Kham rings are cruising; patience is essential need; less disease; put to good digestion items are food, drink, chew, be tasted; while the evidence of long-lived operating. These phenomena, this year, monks are the benefits of meditation.
§ (X) (30) The venerable NAGITA
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan Kosala pedestrians between people, along with mass, monks went to a Brahmin village called Icchanangalam. There, Exalted Icchanangalam residing in forest clump Icchanangalam.
The Brahmin Householders in Icchanangalam to hear: "The venerable recluse Gotama is Like-home from their favorite family, came Icchanangalam, Icchananagalam residing in forest clump Icchanangalam. Venerable Gotama about him, good rumors following transmissions: "This is the Buddha, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, celestial, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Phu Truong Ngu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. Position with wins, he enlightened the world itself, along with Heaven, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin species of heaven and man. After enlightenment, he claimed that he had discovered the theory. He teaches good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text. He taught the virtues quite enough clean. Rather nice, the admire an Arhat so! ""
Then the Brahmin Householders in Icchanangalam, after you have accomplished night, and took in a lot of hard food types and kinds of software, go to the forest clump Icchanangalam, after arriving, standing outside the entrance, and loudly caterwaul.
2. At that time, the venerable Nagita Bhagavan's attendant. Then Bhagavan told Nagita old Sun:
 - Hey Nagita, those who have come, and make noise as the big fish with the fish?
 - The person, venerable sir, is the Brahmin Householders in Icchanangalam, was standing outside the entrance, carrying a lot of food types and kinds of hardware and software for our Exalted Increases.
 - Nagita Hey, I do not have nothing to do with fame and prestige not have any contact with me. This Nagita, who found no difficulty, find no weariness, found no health fee, find peace, renunciation optimism optimistic, calm optimism, enlightenment lost, but I have found no difficulties or find no weariness, found no power charge. Let them enjoy life was lost as feces, hypnotic touch, avaricious, reverently, list communication documents.
3. - Buddha, Bhagavan accept this! Auspicious accept! Bhagavan would come to this place, the spot that the Brahmin, Homeowners in the town and at the national level will also come to mind towards offering. For example, heavy rain, and rain water is flowing in the direction depending on the slope. Likewise, venerable sir, the Blessed One will go to this place, the spot that the Brahmin, Homeowners in the town and in the country they will go to, to worship the road towards the center. Wherefore? Buddha, due to the virtues and wisdom of Bhagavan.
4. - Nagita Hey, I do not have nothing to do with fame, and fame do not have nothing to do with me. This Nagita, who found no difficulty, find no weariness, found no health fee, find peace peanuts, peanut renunciation, tranquility optimism, enlightenment lost, but I have found no difficulties or find no fatigue, no fee found strength. Let them enjoy life was lost as feces, hypnotic touch, avaricious, reverently, list communication documents. This Nagita, with one eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, time defecation, urination, the result of course for him. For those who lost heavily to charity, this Nagita, the damage variable, different, sorrow arises suffering brain benefits. That is the result of course for him. Those who specialize in focusing on impure, this Nagita, time for pure boredom dwell minister. That is the result of course for him. Custom shop who live impermanence of the six emotional origin, this Nagita, the boredom to dwell touch. That is the result of course for him. Custom shop who lives being destroyed for years aggregates, this Nagita, the boredom was clinging to dwell. That is the result of course for him.
§ (I) (31) Sumana, KINGS DAUGHTERS
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, in the garden of Anathapindika. Then Sumana, the daughter of King, with five hundred girls escort five hundred antique car, go to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Sumana, daughter lord king:
2. - Here, venerable sir, two disciples of Bhagavan peer of credit, gender peer, peer of wisdom, one has to give, not a handout. After relatives septic joint network, both were born to heal Heaven realm. Between the two disasters that, there is nothing special, what difference there?
Bhagavan replied:
 - There is a difference, it Sumana.
3. Those who give alms, when God made you, pass your God is not giving on five fronts. About natural life span, the chromosphere, the optimistic bias, the bias name, the natural increase of the upper. Persons giving, this Sumana, when God made you, pass your God is not giving out in this regard.
4. - Buddha, if they are after from this public network, back to this state, when they get back to people, venerable sir, there is nothing special, what difference there?
Bhagavan replied:
 - There is a difference, it Sumana.
5. Those who give alms, as was made man, who did not pass you do alms on five aspects: On the network life, about human identity, the human touch, on behalf of the profession, the roof's rise. Persons giving, this Sumana, when do people do who do not pass your generosity in this regard on.
6. - Buddha, if they both left home, abandoned the family, no family life. Between the two was ordained, lord may have nothing specific, what the difference?
Bhagavan replied:
 - There is a difference, it Sumana.
7. Those who give alms, to be ordained, monks pass without giving in five ways: Normal or health claim, rarely is not required; often be asked to receive alms food, rarely unsolicited; often claim one couch, rarely is not required; often are required to receive drug treatment, rarely unsolicited. He lived with dignity, the same public, they have to they, themselves now behave with more endearing, with less endearing itself not now, with many endearing verbal, non-verbal with less endearing , with the most endearing now, with less attention now not endearing, help with her loving help, with little help not endearing. This Sumana, who have been ordained alms to monks pass without giving out in this regard.
8. - But venerable sir, if they both attained Arhat. With two attained Arhat does, lord have certain characteristics, there is no difference?
9. - Here, this Sumana, I said no any differences, ie comparing liberation with liberation.
10 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! So far so just enough to give alms, is enough to make merit. Because of that they are helping, the merits for the gods, they are helping, the merits unto Him, we are helping, the merits for the home person.
 - The fact is that, this Sumana, is sufficient, this Sumana, to give alms, is enough to make the merit. They are helpful, the merits for the gods. They are helpful, the merits for mankind. They are helpful, the merits for the home person.
11. Exalted such theory. Auspicious one said so done, gurus say more:
As the moon is not unclean,
Going nowhere between gender,
With bright flashes of light,
Between stars in the world population.
Likewise, the world enough,
Of people who believe,
With generosity, bright flashes,
Between avarice in life.
As rain clouds thunder,
Wreath tip top hundred,
Filled the valley,
Spread both by land.
Likewise, full of knowledge,
Disciple Career Enlightenment
Wise beyond avarice,
On five aspects,
Life network and the name,
Excellent and peaceful solution,
With assets of fullness,
Enjoy the blissful natural death.
1. One time, Exalted in § Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), it nourishes the squirrel. Then Cundi, daughter king, with five hundred girls escort in five hundred carts go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Cundi daughter lord king:
2. - He's us, lord, Prince Cunda said as follows: "If the woman or man refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the refuge we Boost, renounce killing, abandoned grab is not given, from misconduct in sexual abandon, abandon lying, abandon passionately yeast, cooking wine, who, after the body damage the public network, given birth to the Protestant realm, not in the realm of evil. " But lord, I ask Bhagavan: With confidence how gurus, dear lord after public network damage, certain realms were born to heal, not to the realm of evil? With confidence in how the French, after relatives shared network damage, certain realms were born to heal, not to the realm of evil? Increase confidence with them how, after the general body network damage, certain realms were born to heal, not to the realm of evil? Make the world full of how, after the body type of public network, was born in the realm certain fresh, not in the realm of evil?
3. - Oil for certain types of beings, this Cundi, no feet or legs, four legs or multiple legs, with sharp or not sharp, with a great idea or not, or non-ideal non idea, Bhagavan, grade A -la-drought, Enlightenment is considered paramount. Those who put faith in the Buddha, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
4. Oil for certain types of measures, this Cundi, conditioned or unconditioned, dispassion is considered paramount in all measures, (ie) the index for pride, the thirst for photography, loving sexual avulsion , cut off the rebirth, the destruction of craving, dispassion, cessation, Nibbana. Those who put their trust in France, dispassion, this Cundi, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
5. Increase Oil for their type or any congregation, this Cundi We Increase disciple of the Tathagata, is considered paramount in all that congregation, ie four double eight. We Increased disciple of the Tathagata worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of worship road worthy hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life. Those who put their faith in the Sangha, this Cundi, they put their trust in the ultimate. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
6. Oil for gender categories, this Cundi, the world is loving saint known as the ultimate glass in his world, the world that is not moldy, intact, no spots, not to be defiled , to bring liberation, praise be wise, not clinging, taken to concentration. For those who make the rules in full, glass is the compassionate saint, they make what the ultimate full. For those who put faith in the ultimate, they are independent horror ultimate outcome.
Believe in the ultimate,
Knowing the supreme law,
Believing supreme Buddha,
Respectable, supreme.
French supreme trust,
Dispassion, calm optimism,
Increase supreme trust,
Is the supreme blessing fields,
Giving the ultimate level,
Ultimate blessing growth,
Ultimate of life span,
User identity and cultural space,
The ultimate in peace
The ultimate in strength.
Tier ultimate testing ground,
French supreme concentration,
The Devas or species
Achieve ultimate joy.
1. One time, Exalted in Bhaddiya residence in Jati forest. Then Uggaha, Mendaka nephew went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Uggaha nephew lord Mendaka:
2. - Buddha, Bhagavan just received my invitation, tomorrow morning meal, the Exalted is the fourth person.
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Uggaha nephew Mendaka know Bhagavan said yes, got up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
3. Then Bhagavan, after you have accomplished night, morning robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode of Uggaha, Mendaka nephew; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Uggaha, Mendaka nephew, with his hand to invite and make satisfying snacks Exalted with epigastric hard type and soft type. Then Uggaha, Mendaka nephew, Bhagavan after eating a meal, leaving the bowl hand, sat down to one side. Sat to one side, Uggaha nephew lord Mendaka:
 - The daughter's son, lord, will go to the husband. Buddha, Bhagavan let teachers presented them. Buddha, Bhagavan take counsel with them, so they are long-term happiness.
4. Then Bhagavan told the girl:
 - Hey girls, the children just learning as follows: "For those who do husband, mother or father to the child, because he wanted to benefit, because finding happiness, out of compassion, because compassion introspection arises, for they, we will wake up before us, we will go to bed finally, please get to do all the work, conduct pleasing, nice words. "so, this the girl, the child needs to learning.
5. Thus, this the girl, the child should be learning as follows: "Those who, respected my husband, mother, father, recluses, Brahmin, we will respect, empowerment ceremonies, offerings and when they come, we will be offering them a seat and water. "so, this the girl, the child needs to learn.
6. Therefore, this the girl, the child should be learning as follows: "In every industry there are in-house, or belongs or cotton wool fabrics, here, we will be fluent, not be lazy lazy, self-learning method, just enough to do it yourself, just enough to ordering people to do. "so, this the girl, the child needs to learn.
7. Therefore, this the girl, the child should be learning as follows: "In the house of her husband that everyone had housemaids do, or the informant, or the workers, we will have to know their job with work already done; we would have to know the shortcomings of the work they have not done. We will not know the strength or power of those who are sick strong. We will divide the food, kind of hard and soft types, each according to his part. " Thus, this the girl, the child needs to learn.
8. Therefore, this the girl, the child should be learning as follows: "All have the money, grain, silver and gold to bring her husband back, we need protection, protect them, and will preserve to keep from stealing, steal, who drink, vandals ". Thus, this the girl, the child needs to learn. Achievement of this technique, this the girl, the woman, after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed residence with her loving gods Friendly.
Be loving husband often,
Always efforts,
Who brought pleasure,
Do not despise the husband,
Do not make her husband unhappy,
Do not bear irritated husband,
With these words jealousy.
Reverently husband who,
Let's pay homage to all,
Because of her, a location.
Very quick operations,
Among working people,
Handling the truth lovable,
Knowing her husband hold assets.
Wife treated as such,
Satisfy the desire,
Husband's favorite,
Will be born on the spot,
The Devas endearing.
§ (IV) (34) AGENCY Siha
1. One time, Bhagavan at Vesali, in the Great Forest in a peaked amphitheater. Siha then generals go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, General Siha venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the Exalted can present to children about current practical results of alms?
Bhagavan replied:
2. - May be, this Siha! Who give alms, this Siha, who are public benefactors and fan favorite. This Siha, the generosity, the benefactors are masses fan favorite and services, this current practical generosity.
3. Again, this Siha! Tier good, Chan's level, giving people a close, the benefactor. This Siha, steps Compassion, Truthfulness's level, people close to Bell, the generosity, the benefactor. This Siha, this is giving practical effect at present.
4. Again, this Siha! Who give alms, the benefactors are nice spread rumors. This Siha, the generosity, the benefactors are nice spread rumors. This Siha, this is giving practical effect at present.
5. Again, Siha, the generosity, the benefactors go to public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners congregation, or the congregation Sa nose. He went to the self-confidence, no hesitation bewildered. This Siha, the generosity, the benefactors go to public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners congregation, or the congregation of Salmone; he went to with confidence, without hesitation bewildered. This Siha, this is giving practical effect at present.
6. Again, this Siha! Who give alms, the benefactor, the public network after damage itself is born to the realm of healing, Empyrean. Who give alms, the benefactor, the Siha, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of healing, Empyrean. This Siha, this is giving practical effect at present.
7. To say so, General Siha venerable sir:
 - Four giving practical effect of this current, venerable sir, Bhagavan was talking about, I do not ask them to trust Bhagavan. I know them. Buddha, you are giving, as are public benefactors fan favorite. Buddha, you are giving, benefactors who are good steps, steps close to the child's Legs. Buddha, you are giving, who benefactor. The word nice is transmitted to children: "Shogun Siha was giving, was the work, are upholding them Sangha." Buddha, I was giving, was the benefactor. Children go to public assembly, or congregation, Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners congregation, or the congregation of monks. You go to the self-esteem, do not hesitate to panic. Four current result of this generosity, venerable sir, Bhagavan was talking about, I do not trust them because of Bhagavan. I know them. But lord, when Bhagavan told me: "The generosity, this Siha, the benefactor after corrupt public network itself is born to Protestant realm, Heaven." This figure is not known, here you go to trust Bhagavan.
 - The fact is that, this Siha! The fact is that, this Siha! Who give alms, the benefactor, after the general network itself is born to damage animal charity, the Empyrean.
People to be admirers,
Many people close,
Rumors are nice,
The name is growing.
Not confused hesitation,
Going into their congregation,
With a heart full of self-confidence,
Who is not avarice.
Thus a location,
Usually do alms,
Photography for UE, avarice,
Seek peace feet.
Long days are residing,
Three Cross on heaven
They live happy happy,
Fellow with the gods.
Occurrence done
Good deeds are done,
Devas being shared destiny,
Live and enjoy life,
At Nan forest - da - na
They rejoice in it,
They are fun, comfortable,
Enjoy the pleasures of life,
For preaching
Infinite Career before Bhagavan,
Auspicious disciples,
Empyrean happy lives.
 - Hey, monks, there are five benefits of giving. What is the year? A lot of fans, prefer; Compassion is human grade, Chan's neighbor; nice buzz transmissions; no deviation from Homeowners measures; body damage when the public network is born to Protestant realm, Heaven. These phenomena, this, monks, is the benefit of giving.
People are craving for glass,
Friendly administration that is gentle,
Hien often close ranks,
Celibate tame.
Giving the sermon people,
Leading to cessation of suffering,
He knows law,
Gonorrhea or the first President.
 - Hey, monks, giving time there this year. What is the year?
To give to people, giving riders, giving alms to the sick, hungry alms during that everyone has something new fruits reaped, devoted to offering them first precept levels. This, monks, in this approach is the right time in alms.
There location, for the right time,
Word of love, not greed,
Time, for saints,
Chief Career Direct, Exalted.
So great offerings,
Give credit to the pure heart,
Here the people rejoice,
Professional people to do the same.
Nobody lack of offerings,
They share the faith,
So let's generosity,
With unlimited attention.
Where does the giving,
Lead to big results,
For tangible,
Merit is an established,
Until the next life.
 - The alms meal, the monks, who benefactor giving consular life in it. What is the year?
For Life network, excellent solutions, for peace, for strength, for eloquence. For the life span, he is divided life-gods or mankind. For sharp text, he is divided color space gods or mankind. For peace, the peace that is divided gods or mankind. For power, he divided the power gods or mankind. For eloquence, he is divided eloquence The Devas or species. Giving people a meal, this, monks, benefactors who bring the leaders in this life.
Hien Tier life span,
Strength, excellent, eloquence,
Wise for peace,
Peace is divided section.
Life for life, strength,
Excellence, peace, eloquence,
May be long, the name,
In place of rebirth.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five benefits for Prince Good men have faith. What is the year?
The Shan people, the Truth's, first of all there is a great mercy to have confidence, no such to have no faith; while visiting, they first visited have confidence, no such to have no faith; I accept, they accept (the dishes) primarily from people who believe, not from those who had no faith; their first sermon for those who believe, not for those who have no faith; who have faith, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of healing, heaven. These phenomena, this, monks, is in the death benefit for Good men have faith.
2. Just as, monks, on the good land plots, at the crossroads, with huge almond tree a refuge for birds around. Also, this, monks, faith-mail Good men a refuge for the masses, for the monks, monks-ni, South laymen and laywomen.
As huge almond tree,
With branches, leaves, fruit,
With stems, roots, full of fruit,
Making bird shelter.
In comfortable abode,
The birds nest,
Need shade, inspired cool,
Need fruits, fruit.
Likewise, the morality,
Net credit people with heart,
Humble and acquiescent,
Gentle, humble words,
Very gentle temperament,
Area participating paragraph, paragraph pitch,
Paragraph si, no contraband or,
As the field blessing in my life.
They came to such people,
They preach, he
Rid of all suffering,
He in here,
Knowing his Dhamma,
Perfection enter Nirvana,
Absolutely no defilements.
§ (IX) (39) SONS
 - See in this point, the monks or mother or father wants the son born in the family. What is the year? Help, will help us; or will do the job for us; will sustain family traditions; will continue the legacy inherited; will offerings for the deceased donor animals were common destiny.
Do see this year, the monks or mother or father wants the son born in the family.
Do that in the matter,
Wise wants a son.
Help, help me;
Will work for us,
Will sustain
The tradition of the family,
Will continue to maintain,
Patrimony inherited,
Or for the deceased,
Dedication of offerings.
Do see the things,
Wise wants sons,
Hien ranks friendly, Chan's,
Grateful, known repay,
Remember the old job,
They taste nursing mother or father,
They do all the work,
As before making them.
Perform teaching,
For help, hospitality back support,
With a family tradition,
Maintain long-term,
Full credit and gender,
Son be praised.
§ (X) (40) Sala LARGE TREES
 - Based on the Snow King Mountain Paint the monks, the large sala trees are raised on five fronts. What is the year?
We grew up on a tree, the leaves, the whole leaf; they grow on trees sprout, they grow on the bark; they grow on trees senses; they grow on tree cores. Based on a painting Snow Mountain, the monks, the large sala trees, which grow on the year in this regard. Also, this, monks, based on electronic Good men have faith, the family grew up on five fronts. What is the year? Raised on faith; growing up gender; grew up on learning; Bell grew up in; grow intellectually. Good men to death based on faith, the family members were raised about enlargement this year.
As the rock in the mountains,
In the forest, in the big mountains,
The plants rely on it,
The older forest owners.
Likewise, the world enough,
Male death with confidence,
Based this position they grow,
Wives, children and relatives,
Friends and relatives,
Along the entourage.
Anyone with good practice,
With eye has seen,
Mimicking world this position,
Mimicking Bell Centre,
After this administration,
Find the path healing realm,
In Heaven rejoice,
They are joy,
Enjoy the pleasures of life.
§ (I) (41) BECOME RICH
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. The homeowner then Anathapindika went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side:
2. - Homeowners Hey, there are five reasons to build assets. What is the year?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples asset due diligence efforts, gather strength hand, earned by the sweat out, collectors are legally; makes himself at peace, happy and right feet to maintain peace; mother father make peace, joy and right feet to maintain peace; wife and children, servants, employees of peace, joy and right feet to maintain the peace. This is the first reason to build wealth.
3. Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples asset due diligence efforts, gather strength hand, earned by the sweat out, rip legally. He makes peace dear friends, happy and right feet to maintain the peace. This is the second reason to build assets.
4. Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples asset due diligence efforts, gather strength hand, earned by the sweat out, rip legally. The disasters from fire, from water, from the king, from stealing, from enemies or from the heirs were stopped, and he kept the property is safe for him. This is the third reason to build assets.
5. Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples asset due diligence efforts, gather strength hand, earned by the sweat out, collectors are legally, can do in constitutional hard. Donated for her children, donated to guests, donated to the deceased died (peta), donated to the king, donated to the gods. This is why Wednesday to build assets.
6. Again, the Homeowners, Saints disciples asset due diligence efforts, gather strength hand, earned by the sweat out, collectors are legally, for the Sa subjects, does Brahmin pride, cup distractions, dwell patience, gentleness, convince yourself, calm yourself, calm yourself, for those recluses, Ba-La- such subjects he held the ultimate offering, brought to the realm of the gods, is allergic fruit maturity, taken to heaven. This is why Thursday to build assets.
Homeowners this, there are five reasons to build assets.
7. Hey Homeowners, for disciples Saints build assets for the year this reason, when the assets go to perish, he thought as follows: "The proceeds of the reasons to build, we have to build them. Now that our assets go to perish ", he has no regrets. This Homeowners, for disciples Saints build assets for the year this reason, if the property goes to the growth, he thought as follows: "The proceeds of the reasons to build, we have build them. Now that our assets go to growth. " Thus, both aspects, he has no regrets.
Assets are enjoying life,
Servants are nurtured,
Thanks to these properties,
Do we avoid disaster.
Is the ultimate offering,
Five types of constitution making things,
Career for morality
Career self, discounts happy.
Career Tri purpose,
Stay home, property requirements,
We achieve that purpose,
Made without regret.
Those who think so remember,
Dwelling on the Holy Justice,
This life of praise,
Next life is joy,
On the realm of the gods.
1. - Tier Chan's, the monks, was born in the family, bring benefits, happiness and peace to the people; bring benefits, happiness and peace to the mother or father; bring benefits, happiness and peace to his wife and children; bring benefits, happiness and peace for the human servant, employee; bring benefits, happiness and peace to friends, friends; bring benefits, happiness and peace for the recluses, Brahmin.
2. Hey, monks, such as heavy rain brought the harvest to be more mature, take benefit, happiness and peace to many. Also, this, monks, Chan's rank in the family was born, brought benefits, happiness and peace to the people; bring benefits, happiness and peace to the mother or father; bring benefits, happiness and peace to his wife and children; bring benefits, happiness for the man servant, employee; bring benefits, happiness and peace to friends, friends; bring benefits, happiness and peace for the recluses, Brahmin.
Because many people happy,
Let's build assets,
Devas protection
Knowing proper legal protection,
Well known not to give up,
People learn, listen much,
Full of forbidden sex,
Dwelling on the Dharma.
Who can criticize,
Career legal residence, morality,
Tier honest, the knife,
As pure gold jewelry?
Devas compliment him,
Brahma also praised.
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting on one side:
2. - There This year, the Homeowners, pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, difficult to find in life. What is the year?
Life expectancy pleasurable, capable joy, possibility is hard to find in the life; Excellent communication solution possibilities, possibilities wedding, likely the hard to find in life; pleasurable bliss, rapture possibilities, possibilities in life the hard to find; good rumors pleasurable, capable joy, possibility is hard to find in the life; peanut heaven possibilities, possibilities wedding, likely the hard to find in life.
Homeowners this, in this law, communication ability, the ability of reviews is hard to find in life. Homeowners this year pleasurable approach, capable joy, possibility to be in this life the difficulty, I declare unlikely due to beg, not by human desires, but there are.
3. Homeowners Hey, if five pleasurable approach, ability rapture, likely the hard to find in this life, by the pleading, by the desire that there be, when anyone in this world to wither because of what perhaps? This Homeowners, Saints disciples wanted life span, can not by begging or praising life-giving to human life span. Saints want to have life-disciple should practice the path to life span. Because he practiced the path to life span, the practice that he received is given life span, he received was life-or the Gods, or humanity.
4. Homeowners Hey, Saints disciples wanted color space, can not by begging or praising excellent solution to bring human color space. Saints disciples wanted color space should practice the path to excellence solutions. Because he practiced the path to excellence content, the practice was taken he received was excellent capacity, he received was excellent or Devas solution, or humanity.
5. Homeowners Hey, Saints disciples want peace, no peace can pray or praise for bringing peace workers. Saints disciples want peace need to practice the path to peace. Because he practiced the path to peace, the practice was brought to he received the peace, he received the peace or the gods, or humanity.
6. The homeowner Hey, Saints wanted a good disciple, can not by begging or praising good reputation for hospitality workers good reputation. Saints wanted a good disciple should practice the path to well-known. Because he practiced the path to well-known, the practice was taken he received good reputation, he received good reputation or the gods, or humanity.
7. Homeowners Hey, Saints disciples want to get Heaven, no gender or by begging God's praises for bringing Heaven. Saints want Heaven disciple should practice the path to Heaven. Because he practiced the path to Heaven, the practice was given by God he received instructions, he received was Heaven.
Excellent life span and capacity,
The reputation and fame,
Empyrean and nobles,
Being who lives day and night,
Always and vast,
Pray and pray.
Hien also praised steps,
No distractions blessed act,
Hien ranks no distractions,
Certifications are two benefits,
Benefits right now,
And benefits the next life,
You done yet,
Benefits and purposes,
He deserves to be called,
Wise, Sage.
1. One time, stay in Vesali Exalted, the Great Forest and Forestry, in a peaked amphitheater. Then Bhagavan, morning robes, holding a bowl y go to the abode of Ugga Homeowners who Vesali, after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. The homeowner then Ugga, who went to the Bhagavan Vesali, on arrival, having bowed, then sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Ugga Homeowners who Vesali venerable sir:
2. - Buddha, I heard the following from the mouth Bhagavan, I have received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Buddha, I have porridge cooked from Sala flower is likely the truth, is edible. Blessed One take his porridge, because compassion!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
 - Buddha, I heard the following from Bhagavan's mouth, I received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Buddha, I had pork cooked with apples, it is possible standard. Blessed One take, for compassion (us)!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
 - Buddha, I heard the following from the mouth Bhagavan, I have received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Venerable sir, I have a long tube vegetable oil is likely the truth. Blessed One take, because compassion!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
 - Buddha, I heard the following from Bhagavan's mouth, I received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Buddha, I have rice porridge, black particles are used to remove the soup, eat a variety of items, it is possible standard. Blessed One take, because compassion!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
 - Buddha, I heard the following from the mouth Bhagavan, I have received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Buddha, I have the fabric made Kasi it's likely standard. Blessed One take, because compassion!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
 - Buddha, I heard the following from the mouth Bhagavan, I have received the following from Bhagavan's mouth: "Who gave the material available, get it possible standard". Buddha, I have the couch with mattress bedding wool, cotton embroidered woolen blankets, mattresses, leather chamois son called kadalimigapavarapaccat - tharanam, rug with parasols above, couch with two red knee . Buddha, oil that we know: The material does not fit the Exalted, but lord, reflectors located this sandal wood worth more than a hundred thousand, expect Receive the Exalted, because heart sensitive!
And Bhagavan take, because compassion.
Then Bhagavan makes rejoicing Homeowners who Ugga Vesali origin, rejoicing with this verse:
Who gave the material available,
Getting things possible standard,
For Chief Career Direct,
Please bring alms,
Clothing and bed fabrics,
Dining items.
Knowing Career La - drought,
Is such that complete blessing,
Legs should the human level,
Candidates are difficult experimental animals,
Is abandoned, liberation,
Do not immerse before interest,
Who pilot the material available,
Get it by them.
Then at the end when rejoicing Homeowners rejoice Ugga with this verse, stood up and left. The homeowner then Ugga Vesali who, after a period of being shared destiny. Be shared destiny, Ugga Homeowners who are born with a body Vesali very positive reviews.
At that time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. Then God Ugga death, after the night was almost brutal, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and stood aside. Bhagavan told Emperor e Ugga standing aside:
 - Hey Ugga, things have not been as expected?
 - Buddha, the work has been as the child wants.
Then Bhagavan with verses telling God Ugga mail:
Who gave the material available,
Getting things possible standard,
Giving the ultimate object,
Will be the ultimate result.
People for revenge magic objects,
Receive individualized wonderful thing,
Who for the exalted character,
Get it up to win.
Man would give alms
Ultimate objects, enemies magic,
And the supreme object,
He long life span,
And both names,
The spot he born.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five sources of being blessed, being good sources of this, peacefulness dish, of Heaven, is the independent horror optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, possibility standard, class-being, peace. What is the year?
2. Hey, monks, the monks while he lived someone, reach and dwell immeasurable concentration, such as being the source for his countless blessings, is a source of good birth, is food peacefulness, of Heaven, the mobile communications independent results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, class-being, peace.
This, monks, monks while alms food at the age of one ...
This, monks, monks in remote provinces of the age when anyone ... who at the age of ... chairs at the age of one pharmaceutical treatment, and dwell reached immeasurable concentration, so a source of countless blessings birth to him, a source of good birth, are dishes peacefulness, of Heaven, is the independent horror of peanuts leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, security shake.
This, monks, being the source of blessing, being good sources of food are at peace, under Heaven, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace.
3. And this, monks, saints accomplished disciples of resources being blessed, being good sources of this, the time is not easy to embrace a number of good deeds, and says: "It was about being blessed source, being good sources, peaceful dishes, of Heaven, the fruits mature peanut allergic bring heaven, brought to the pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, bliss ". Because the mass of merit that are considered countless large, immeasurable.
Just as, monks, the great ocean, it is not easy to grasp the amount of water and said: "There was some water barrels, or there was some hundred barrels of water, or water until then thousand barrels, or hundreds of thousands of barrels of water until then. "So that even large volumes of water are considered innumerable, immeasurable. Also, this, monks, saints accomplished disciples of resources being blessed, being good sources of this, the time is not easy to embrace a number of good deeds and says: "It was about being blessed source, source being friendly, peaceful dishes, of Heaven, is the independent horror brings passion fruit heaven, brought to the pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, bliss ". Because the mass of merit that are considered countless large, immeasurable.
Large sea unlimited amount,
Many fear a large lake,
As storage warehouses,
Countless number of jewels,
Also the shelter;
Countless fish,
Is where the big river,
Gathering flowing into the sea.
Also who give alms,
Food and beverages,
Clothing and bed fabrics,
Seat cushions, rugs,
Such display rank,
Merit rushed influent,
As river water diversion,
Rushed to flow into the sea.
§ (VI) (46) SU
 - Hey, monks, have sufficient tools this year. What is the year? Credit ordination, gender ordination, documents ordination, for ordination, skill ordination.
These phenomena, this year's monks ordination.
1 - Hey, monks, has five properties. What is the year? Financial credit, financial world, writing talent, for talent, intellectual property. And this, monks, how is the financial credit?
2. Here, the monks, saints disciples have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, ... Thien sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". This, monks, is called credit financing. And this, monks, how is the financial world?
3. Here, the monks, saints disciples abandon ... to abandon killing captivated yeast, cooking wine. This, monks, is called international finance. And this, monks, how is writing talent?
4. Here, the monks, saints disciple ... clever can hear many enter with knowledge. This, monks, is called Transport. And this, monks, are the property contestants?
5. Here, the monks, saints disciples lived in the family, not the mind defilements dominant avarice, almsgiving spacious, with an open hand, preferred to give up, ready to be requirements, preferred materials distributed alms. This, monks, is called experimental talent. And this, monks, how is intellectual property?
6. Here, the monks, saints disciples wisdom, intellectual achievement to kill and can enter the saint brought to an end to suffering. This, monks, is called intellectual property.
This legal entities, this year, monks are assets.
Who believes the Tathagata,
Estate, well-dwell,
Who preserve gender friendly,
St. admirers praise.
Who pure devotees Increase,
District level seen directly,
He referred to the non-poor,
Life is not empty.
Therefore, credit and gender,
Pure see Dharma followers,
Wise focused mind,
Remember the teachings of the Buddha.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five events can not be obtained by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life. What is the year?
2. Must be old, wanted out of old, is an event that can not be obtained by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life.
3. For the ordinary man does not learn, this, monks, old and older must be to; when elderly come, who was not thinking: "Not alone have to be old and older, but for living beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings must old and older to be. And if I had been older and older until when we left sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to the unconscious, the dining does not fancy me, my body became ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " But he must be old, old age comes, sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness.
This, monks, is called the ordinary man does not learn the arrow was poisoned melancholy hit, who was herself given brain.
4. Again, the monks, the ordinary man, not learn to sick and dying patients to ... must ... have been and death to perish and disappear to ... must be objective to kill and destroy; when to kill, who was not thinking: "Not alone had been to destroy and kill, but for the living beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there is birth, all beings situation must be destroyed and to destroy. And if I had to be destroyed, and when to kill, we again sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconscious eating time we prefer not to do; our body becomes ugly; no promotion work, enemies will rejoice, your friends will be grieved. " But he had to be destroyed, killing comes, sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness.
This, monks, is called the ordinary man does not learn, arrows were poisoned melancholy hit, who was herself given brain.
5. With Saints disciples have learned, this, monks, old and older must be to; when elderly come, he thought as follows: "Not alone have to be old and older. But for all living beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings have to be old, and old come. And if I had been older and older until we left sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to the unconscious, the food does not make us popular, our body becomes ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " He must be old, old age comes, no sorrow, no compassion, no mourning, no chest beating, do not go to the unconscious.
This, monks, is called the Saint disciples have learned, is uprooted as melancholy arrows laced with poison, but the ordinary man does not learn is hit, the brain makes himself pros. No sorrow, no arrows, Saints make their own disciples were absolutely first President.
6. Again, the monks, the saint disciples have learned, to sick and dying patients to ... must ... have been and death to perish and disappear to ... must be to kill and destroy; when to kill, he thought as follows: "Not alone have been destroyed and to destroy. But for all living beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings must be destroyed and to destroy. And if I had to be destroyed, and when to kill, we again sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to the unconscious, the dining does not fancy me, my body became ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " He must be destroyed, killing up to, no sorrow, no compassion, no mourning, no chest beating, do not go to the unconscious.
This, monks, is called the Saint disciples have learned, is uprooted as melancholy arrows laced with poison which the ordinary man does not learn is hit, do it yourself pros brain. No sorrow, no names had been shot, Saints make their own disciples were absolutely first President.
This legal entities, the monks, the year the event could not have been by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life.
Do not be sad, do not mourn,
Benefits are very few,
Knowing it sad, it suffering,
Enemy self-delight.
Therefore, location wise,
Between the misfortune,
Do not panic trembling,
Knowing benefit analysis.
Enemies are suffering,
Seeing constant countenance,
With text notes chanting,
With very smart words to say,
With true generosity,
Well-kept tradition.
Nowhere are the benefits,
It was not really need to master.
If benefits are not known,
Both myself and others,
No sorrow, knew endure,
Looking forward he thought:
Now what should I do?
How to persist?
§ (IX) (49) PERSONS Kosala
1. One time, residing in Savatthi § Exalted (Xa - defense), at Jetavana (Thang Lam), Anathapindika his garden. Then King Pasenadi Kosala went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
At that time Queen Mallika shared destiny. Then go to the king a Pasenadi Kosala; after arrival, adjacent informed King Pasenadi Kosala ear: "O King, Queen Mallika has shared destiny". Heard that the king of Kosala Pasenadi suffering, anxiety, indented shoulders, lowered his head, dumbfounded, speechless. Then King Pasenadi Exalted knows Kosala are suffering, anxiety, indented shoulders, lowered his head, dumbfounded, speechless, then said to the king of Kosala Pasenadi:
2. - Sire, there is in this event can not be obtained by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma or by anyone in his life. What is the year?
... (It is almost like doing prior to the sentence: "... Must persevere How", with the necessary changes, if any ...)
§ (X) (50) Venerable Narada
1. One time, Venerable Narada Pataliputta residing in gardens Kukkuta (Liner). At that time, the queen of King Munda Bhadda common destiny, love is loving attachment. Because too love Queen Bhadda king not bathing, not anointed, not eating, not take care of things, melancholy day, hugging the body of Queen Bhadda. Then King Munda told Piyaka, depositories:
 - Hey Piyaka, put the body into a queen Bhadda iron box filled with oil, and cover with a different iron box; so we can see the Queen Bhadda body longer.
 - Ladies and yes, O Lord.
Piyaka, yes depositories meet Munda king, queen placed themselves in an iron case Bhadda are full of oil, and cover with a different iron coffin. Then Piyaka, the depositories for kings Munda thought as follows: "The queen of King Bhadda Munda has shared destiny, love is loving attachment, because the Queen loves Bhadda king not bathing, not anointed, not eating, negligent work, melancholy day, hugging the body of Queen Bhadda. Let King Munda visited the a monk or Brahmin, after hearing from law he can give up the arrow melancholy ". Then Piyaka, depositories thought as follows: "Yes Venerable Narada Pataliputta residing in this, at Kukkuta garden. Nice following rumors transmissions of Venerable Narada: "Location wise, intelligent, wise, be heard, clever saying, eloquence good, Elders, steps Arhat". Let King Munda visited the Venerable Narada. After he heard from the law, the king can dismiss the arrow melancholy ". Then Piyaka, depositories Munda went to the king, after arrival, Munda told the king:
 - O Lord, have Venerable Narada Pataliputta now residing at Kukkuta garden. Nice following rumors transmissions of Venerable Narada: "Location wise, intelligent, wise, be heard, clever saying, eloquence good, Elders, steps Arhat". If the Great King Venerable Narada audience, most likely, after hearing from Venerable Narada legal, Great King can dismiss the arrow melancholy.
 - So this Piyaka, believe the Venerable Narada known.
The king thought: "How is it possible to think, someone like me, like to visit a recluse or Brahmin living in the country, previously not been anybody know?"
 - Ladies and yes, O Lord.
Pijaka depositories King Munda replied yes; go to Venerable Narada, after arrival, Venerable Narada bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Piyaka, the venerable white depositories Narada:
 - The queen of King Bhadda Munda, Venerable sir, have shared destiny, be loving attachment, love. Because too love Queen Bhadda so he did not bathe, not anointed, not eating, not take care of things, melancholy day, embracing Empress Bhadda body. You instead, venerable sir, if the venerable King sermon Narada how to Munda Munda king after hearing from Venerable Narada law, can dismiss the arrow melancholy.
 - Hey Piyaka, now is the time to do what the king Munda to the king thought.
Then Piyaka, depositories, stood up from his seat, bowed Venerable Narada, right hand toward his body and go, and go to the king Munda; after arrival, Munda said to him:
 - O Lord, the opportunity has been arranged with the Venerable Narada. This Dai Vuong Dai Vuong do what is right time to think.
 - This Piyaka So, let the wagon nice win.
 - Ladies and yes, O Lord.
Pikaka, depositories King Munda replied yes, to win the good carriage, then said to him, Munda:
 - O Lord, the good chariot won over. Nay Dai Vuong Dai Vuong do what is right time to think.
2. Then the king Munda nice climb the chariot, along with other good runners go to majestic gardens with stately Kukkuta king's power to Venerable Narada audience. King ride away dirt road until the car can go, and then get off the bus, walk in the garden. Then the king went to the Venerable Narada Munda, after arrival, Venerable Narada bowed and sat down on one side. Venerable Narada then said to the king sitting on one side.
 - Sire, there is in this event can not be obtained by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life. What is the year?
3. Being older and do not want old, is an event that can not be obtained by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life. Sick and not sick ... want to die and wanted to die ... not being destroyed and would not pass away ... destroyed and would not destroy, an event can not be obtained by a Sa subjects or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life.
4. With no ordinary school, Sire, to be old and older to; and when old age comes, this person was not thinking: "Not alone have to be old and older. But for beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings must be aged and elderly to. And if I had been older and older until when we left sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness, time to eat, do not we prefer; our body becomes ugly; jobs without promotion, enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " But he must be old, old age comes, sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness.
Sire, is called ordinary people do not learn, arrows were poisoned melancholy hit, who was herself given brain.
5. Again, Sire, with the ordinary man does not learn, to sick and dying patients to ... must ... have been and death to perish and disappear to ... must be destroyed and to destroy; when to kill, who was not thinking: "not alone have been destroyed and to destroy. But for all beings have come, have come, there is death, there being, all living beings must be destroyed and to destroy. And if I had been killed, while killing comes, we again sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness, when we eat do not fancy; our body becomes ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice, your friends will be grieved. " But he had to be destroyed, killing comes, sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness.
Sire, this is no ordinary man called Arrow School was poisoned melancholy hit, he makes himself pros brain.
6. With Saints disciples have learned, Sire, to be old and older to; he had thought: "Not alone have to be old and older. But for all beings have come, have come; there is death, there being, all living beings must be aged and elderly to. And if I had been older and older until when we left sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to unconsciousness, when we eat do not fancy; our body becomes ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " He must be old, old age comes, no sorrow, no compassion, no mourning, no chest beating, do not go to the unconscious.
Sire, here called educated disciple saints, were uprooted as melancholy arrows laced with poison, but the ordinary man does not learn is hit, the brain makes himself pros. No sorrow, no arrows, saint herself disciples were absolutely first President.
7. Again, Sire, with Saints disciples have learned to be patient, and the disease came to die, and death ... to ... to being destroyed and disappear to ... must be destroyed and to destroy; when to kill, he had thought: "Not alone have been destroyed and to destroy. But for all living beings, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings must be destroyed and to destroy. And if I had to be destroyed and when to kill, we again sorrow, lamentation, mourning, beating his chest, go to the unconscious, the dining does not fancy me, my body became ugly; jobs without promotion; enemies will rejoice; Friends will be grieved. " He must be destroyed, killing up to, no sorrow, no compassion, no mourning, no chest beating, do not go to the unconscious.
Sire, here called educated disciple saints, were uprooted as melancholy arrows laced with poison which the ordinary man does not learn is hit, the brain makes himself pros. No sorrow, no arrows, saint herself disciples were absolutely first President.
The This, Sire, is the year the event could not have been by a recluse or Brahmin, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life.
No grief, no mourning,
Benefits are very few,
Knowing it sad, it suffering,
Enemy self-delight.
Therefore, location wise,
Between the misfortune,
Do not panic trembling,
Knowing benefit analysis.
Enemies are suffering,
Seeing constant countenance,
With text notes chanting,
With very smart words to say,
With alms right feet,
Well-kept tradition,
Nowhere are the benefits,
It was not really need to master.
If benefits are not known,
Both myself and others,
No sorrow, knew endure,
Looking forward he thought:
Now what should I do?
How to persist?
8. After hearing this, the king said to the Venerable Narada Munda:
 - Venerable Sir, What is the name of this Dharma?
 - Sire, this Dharma called "Pluck up arrow melancholy".
 - Indeed, venerable sir, is uprooted as arrows melancholy! When I heard this Dharma, arrows melancholy was total annihilation.
Then the king told Piyaka Munda, the Treasury kept:
 - Piyaka Hey, let's burned body Empress Bhadda, then build the tower for the Queen. Starting the next day, we will wash, will be anointed, will eat, will take care of doing the job.
FOR. PRODUCT hindrances
§ (I) (51) PREVENT
1. Thus have I heard:
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - There are five obstacles, hindrances to this, this, monks, covering the mind, intellectual weakness. What is the year?
3. Sexual desire, this, monks, is covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. Field, this, monks, is covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. Sloth dullness, this, monks, is covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. Trao exchange, this, monks, is covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. Comfort, this, monks, is covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness.
These phenomena, the monks, the year covered obstacles hindrances mind, intellectual weakness.
4. Hey, monks, monks did not make an end of this barrier covered hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. There is no power, and intellectual weakness, will know their interests, or the interests of the people will know, or can know the benefit of both, or will realize Shanghai's legal, good knowledge wins Noble appearance; this event does not occur.
Just as, monks, a river flowing from the mountains down, melt away, fast flowing water, swept away everything. Then someone took the plow to open the river banks. Thus, the monks, the river was hampered in the middle stages, large spill, was diverted, no longer running away, no longer flowing fast, not washed away everything.
Also, this, monks, monks did not make an end of this barrier covered hindrances mind, intellectual weakness. No intellectual strength and weaknesses, will know their interests, of both, will realize Shanghai's approach, knowledge wins, worthy saint; this event does not occur.
5. Hey, monks, the monks did, after the annihilation of this obstacle covered slopes of the center, as intellectual weakness. There is strength and wisdom, will know their interests, or will know the benefit of people, will know the benefits or both, will realize Rooftop's approach, knowledge wins, deserves Career St; this event has occurred.
Just as, monks, a river that flows down from the mountains, flows away, fast flowing water, swept away everything. Someone closed the door stopped two river mouths. Thus, the monks, the river was in the middle leg is unencumbered, no spills, no navigation, is flowing away, fast flowing water, swept away everything. Also, this, monks, monks that after the total extinction of obstacles hindrances covers the mind, intellectual weakness, strength, wisdom, will know their interests or will know interests, or may know benefit both, will realize rooftop's approach, knowledge wins, worthy saint; this event has occurred.
§ (II) (52) DONG
1. - A pile of evil, the monks, speaking right feet is mentioned five hindrances. Indeed, the monks, the whole heap of unwholesome ie five hindrances. What is the year?
2. Education participated hindrances, golf hindrances, hindrances sloth dullness, exchange Trao hindrances, hindrances facilities.
A pile of evil, the monks, speaking right feet is mentioned five hindrances. Indeed, the monks, the entire pile of this evil, this, monks, ie five hindrances.
1 - Hey, monks, have five factors need this crystal. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks have faith, believe in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell macho, Buddha, Bhagavan. His less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, with average effort. He did not cheat, lie, stating his legs for masters, for you or for wisdom of dignity. He lived ardent effort, abandon the immoral methods, achievement of dhamma, perseverance, effort, not ducking for good behavior. His wisdom, intellectual achievements towards being destroyed (by the law), Holy achievements can enter, leading to cessation of suffering right feet. "
This legal entities, this, monks, is five factors essential need.
1. - There are five non-time to ardent, the monks. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks elderly, the elderly were conquered. This, monks, this is the first time to non-essential need.
3. Again, monks, monks sick, being sick conquest. This, monks, this is the second non-essential need.
4. Again, monks, when there is famine, crop failure, food begging difficult, not easy to support efforts by alms. This, monks, this is the time to fine non-Tuesday time required.
5. Again, monks, there is fear of wars to rob the forest, local people climbed into the car flee. This, monks, this is the fourth non-time ardent.
6. Again, monks, we Increase divided. When we Increase divided, the monks, have taunted each other with mutual altercation, with mutual accusations, with the frequency of each other. Who does not have a net credit, can not find a net credit, and the credit can net one other change. This, monks, this is Thursday to fine non-time need.
This legal entities, this, monks, is the time to fine-required pilot year.
7. Hey, monks, have this year to fine-needed time. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, monks are young, adolescent, and young, black hair, in my youth, in the early ages. This, monks, this is the first time so ardent.
9. Again, monks, monks less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. This, monks, this is the second time ardent.
10. And again, monks, when eating is full, harvest, begging food is easy to earn a living by begging raising efforts. This, monks, this is the third time ardent.
11. And again, monks, when eating is full, harvest, begging food is easy to earn a living by begging raising efforts. This, monks, this is the third time ardent.
12. And again, monks, we Increasing harmony, harmony together, not debate each other, share a comfortable living teaching. This, monks, among them Increased harmony, no taunted each other, there is no mutual sparring, no mutual conviction, there is no mutual frequency. Here, those who do not have a net credit, found a net credit, those with a net credit, is growing even more. This, monks, this is the right time to ardent Thursday.
These phenomena, this, monks, is the right time to ardent years.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, at Savatthi, both mother and baby are settled in the rainy season, in the name of monks and nuns, monks-they want to see each other regularly. Mother often want to see you, and you also want to see the mother regularly. Because they always see each other, so there is a relationship. Due to the contact, so there is intimacy. Due to the intimate, should have fallen. With the fallen mind, let go of the study, revealing the weakness, they fall into adultery together.
2. Then a large number of monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, at Savatthi, both mother and daughter settled in the rainy season, in the name of monks and nuns, monks-they often want to see each other, she often wants to see the child and I also want to see the mother regularly. Because they often see each other, so there is a relationship. Due to the contact, so there is intimacy. Due to the intimate, should have fallen. With the fallen mind, let go of the study, revealing the weakness, they fall into adultery together.
3 - Why, this, monks, is this fool thinks: "I'm not greedy child, or children have no attachment parent"? This, monks, I did not see any other color so endearing, so beautiful, so ecstatic, so bound, so intoxicated, such obstacles to the attainment of peace from the suffering, ie, the monks, women's beauty. And this, monks, sentient attachment, attachment, passion, passion, passion, female beauty, we will sorrow permanent priority, as women caught in powerful colors.
This, monks, I did not see one another ... a native language other ... other ... a certain one other contact so endearing, so beautiful, so ecstatic, such binding, so intoxicated, such obstacles to the attainment of peace from suffering, ie, the monks, women's emotions. And this, monks, sentient attachment, attachment, passion, passionate, passionate female feelings, they will be given permanent melancholy, of falling into the power of the female contact. Women's, when traveling, will stand again to conquer the heart of man; while standing, sitting, lying, smile, speaking, singing, crying, while unconscious, she died, would stand still to conquer the heart of man.
This, monks, if someone says: "As a comprehensive primer seven Mara", the way he talked about women's right feet, it is "an entirely new presentation of Mara".
Talk to people,
Have earned in the hand,
Talk to the devil,
Or sit very close by.
Venomous snake,
Instant bitten common destiny,
But do not be alone,
Talk to the woman.
Forgetfulness, they bound him,
With look, with a smile,
With Siamese revealing clothes,
With sweet words,
He is still not satisfactory,
Unconsciousness is shared destiny.
Academic year of virtues,
Seen in female identity
Color, sound, smell, taste, touch,
Attractive and pleasing.
Waterfall was lust,
Flooded and washed away,
Fool no mind,
No full understanding of sex.
Humans are the public network,
Animals born organic, non-organic,
They must be led,
In many reincarnations.
Who put his knowledge of fitness,
Department shall not fear,
They came to the other side,
Achieve contraband or take.
1. Then the monks went to his teachers, after arrival, the teacher said to her as follows:
 - Venerable Bach, now my body feels like being drunk fresh, I do not see clearly the direction, not the recall measures. Sloth dullness conquer your mind and dwell. No joy, the celibate. Do you doubt for Dharma.
2. Then he brought monks, monks stalks a resident, went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, monks said as follows: "Buddha, my body felt almost intoxicated sweet, my eyes do not see clearly the direction, not the recall measures. Sloth dullness conquer your mind and dwell. No joy, the celibate. Do you doubt for dharma ".
3. - The fact is that, these monks, as a person living with unprotected basis, with no self-control eating, no vigilant attention, there is no consistent look good behavior, no night after night before and focused legal practice of enlightenment. Therefore, dear me feel almost intoxicated sweet, eyes I do not see clearly the direction, I remember not legal. Sloth dullness conquer and dwell Teacher Center. No joy, I celibate. Do you have any doubts on the Dhamma. Thus, the monks, I have to study as follows: "I will defend the base, be sober in eating, attentive vigilance, consistent look good behavior, after the night before the night and we will live specialist notes enlightenment legal practice ".
Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
4. Then, monks World Religion that was presented to the words of this world, from the seat up, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving. Then the monks that live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent, soon attained the purpose for which the right feet Good men ordained death, abandoned the family, not family life, the main Pham is supreme finality happy, even in the current, position yourself to win, and dwell attained. He completely full understanding, "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no more callbacks this state." Monks did become a Arhat.
Then the monks had attained Arhat went to his master teachers, after arrival, the teacher said to his master:
5. - Bach Ven, this human body does not feel as drunk sweet, eyes clear directions. France is the clear memory. With joy, the celibate. I do not doubt thanks to good behavior.
6. Then the monks did bring a resident monks stalks; go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the monks said the following: "Buddha, this human body does not feel as drunk sweet, I see clearly the direction. France is the clear memory. With joy, the celibate. I do not doubt for good behavior. "
7. - That's right, the monks, as a person living with the protected base, to be sober dining, with vigilant attention, have looked at the friendly French restaurant, after the night before and the night life legal practice devoted to enlightenment. Therefore, the body does not feel as drunk fresh, the direction is evident, and he remembered clearly was legal. Sloth dullness not conquer his mind. With joy, he celibate. He no doubt for good behavior. This so, monks, brothers need to study as follows: "I will defend the base, be sober in eating, diligent vigilance, consistent look good behavior, before the night and after night, we will life devoted to legal practice enlightenment ".
Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
§ (VII) (57) need to observe EVENTS
1. - There are five events, this, monks, have regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained. What is the year?
2. "I must be old, do not get rid of old" are events have often observed by a male or female, by now or ordained. "We must be patient, not get rid of the disease," the event must regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained. "We have to die, did not escape death" is an event should regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained. "All legal lovable, capable of going to the other change, will have to turn away", as events have often observed by a male or female, by now or ordained. "I am the owner of the business, is the heir of the now, now is the womb, the relatives now, now is the fulcrum. Qualities yet now we will do, good or bad, I will admit that self now "is the event should regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained. Conditioned and benefits like, this, monks, "I must be old, do not get rid of old", the event should be regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained.
3. There are beings, this, monks, is a young, arrogant in youth, passionate in his arrogance, was doing evil, saying evil, evil thoughts. Because he often observe this event, the youthful arrogance of youth are completely make an end or be reduced.
Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, "I must be old, do not get rid of the old" need to regularly observe this by a male or female, by now or ordained. Conditioned by benefits like, this, monks, "I have to get sick, do not get rid of the disease," the facts have often observed by a male or female, or ordained by now?
4. There are healthy beings, this, monks, healthy pride in. Due to his passion of pride, as evil itself, saying evil, evil thoughts. Because he often observes the event, a healthy pride in being completely healthy or annihilation is minimized.
Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, "We must be patient, not get rid of the disease" should be regularly observed as such by a male or female, by now or ordained. Conditioned by benefits like, this, monks, "I have to die, we can not escape death", as events have often observed by a male or female, or ordained by now?
5. There are living beings, this, monks, pride of life. Due to his passion of pride, as evil itself, saying evil, evil thoughts. Because he often observe this event, the pride of life in life is absolutely annihilation or is minimized.
Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, "I have to die, did not escape death," the need to observe so often by women's or men's, by now or ordained. Conditioned by benefits like, this, monks, "All those accusations measures, possibilities for joy and I will have another change, will have to turn away" is the event should regularly observed by female or male workers, by now or ordained?
6. Is there any sentient species, this, monks, have greed for characters endearing. Because greed infatuated with him, relatives wrongdoing, saying evil, evil thoughts. Because he frequently observed events that, should desire to be lovable animals completely make an end or be reduced.
Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, "All those accusations measures, possibilities for joy and I will have another change, will have to turn away" is the event should regularly observed by female or male, by lay or ordained. Conditioned and benefits like, this, monks, "now I am the master of, the heirs of now, now is the womb, the relatives now, now is the fulcrum. Qualities yet now we will do, good or bad, I will admit that self now "is the event should regularly observed by a male or female, or ordained by now?
7. There are beings, this, monks, relatives wrongdoing, saying evil, evil thoughts. Because he so frequently observed, are completely evil deeds make an end or be reduced. Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, "now I am the master of, the heirs of now, now is the womb, the relatives now, now is the fulcrum. Qualities yet now we will do, good or bad, I will admit that self now "is the event should regularly observed by women's or men's, by now or ordained.
8. If the Saints disciples, this, monks, thinking as follows: "Not alone we grow old, do not get rid of old, but there are human beings there yet, there goes, there is death , there being, all her beings must be old, do not get rid of old. " Because he frequently observed events that, roads are being run. He uses this path, practice, makes abundantly. Because he uses that road, practice, make the fetters fullness should be total annihilation, the free option is terminated. "Not alone we are sick, do not get rid of the disease, but there are human beings there yet, there goes, there is death, there being, all living beings had to be patient, not get rid of the disease" . Because he frequently observed events that, roads are being run. He uses this path, practice, makes abundantly. Because he uses that road, practicing, making fullness, the fetters should be total annihilation, the free option is terminated. "Not only to die alone, not escape death, but human beings have any, have to, have to go, there is death, there being, all living beings had to die, not exit die ... "..." not only the endearing approach, the own ability alone would have changed, will have to turn away. Qualities with the sentient being has come, has come, there is death, there is birth, the endearing approach, capable of all the living beings would have changed, will have to turn away ... ". "Not alone is the master of us now, is the heir of the now, now is the womb, the relatives now, now is the fulcrum. Qualities yet now we will do, good or bad, I will admit themselves that now. " Qualities with the sentient being has come, has come, there is death, there being, all living beings is the owner of the business that, as heirs of now, now is the womb, is now relatives, is now fulcrum. All that now they will do good or evil, they will admit themselves that now.
Because he frequently observed events that, should the road is being run. He uses this path, practice, makes abundantly. Because he uses that road, practicing, making fullness, the fetters should be total annihilation, the free option is terminated.
Sick and elderly,
More to die again,
France is so weak,
Is so charming.
Mortal being boring,
It's not for me,
If I too boring,
For these beings,
Along the same fate.
While my life,
Not unlike their lives,
I can live it,
Knowing unproductive legal medicine,
Pride in not sick,
In the youth lives,
All I convince
Comes from peace,
I saw happy renunciation,
We found strong interest,
See the Nirvana scene.
Now I can not,
At the age of desires,
I will not rot rotten,
Pham conduct salvage certificate.
§ (VIII) (58) YOUTH Licchavis
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, in a peaked amphitheater. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding a bowl care went into Vesali for alms. After alms in Vesali finished, after dinner, on the way back to begging, he went deep into the Great Forest, and sat down on a stump to rest during the day.
At that time, a large number of young people holding the bow Licchavis be prepared with dogs surround, are walking around in Dai Lam, see Bhagavan sitting under a tree. Seeing that they immediately left the palace to be prepared down, pull the dogs on one side and went to the Blessed One, after arriving bowed, then quietly, quietly standing almost Exalted hands. At that time, Mahanama who Licchavis pedestrians walking around in the woods Dai Lin, see the Licchavi youth quietly, quietly standing almost Exalted hands. Seeing this, he approached Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Mahanama who speaks words of inspiration Licchavis Language:
 - They will become which served! They will become which served!
 - Hey Mahanama, so why He said: "They will become which served! They will become which served "?
 - Buddha, the Licchavi youth are violent, harsh, arrogant. The objects are the families send as sugar cane, apples, cakes, sweets, candy sugar, they snatch and eat; after they beat the women's side, the family maid; but now they stood silently, quietly folded hands stood before Bhagavan.
 - For any element Good men, the Mahanama, in this method is found, oil is king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, or a bucolic life on his father's farm land, or the generals in military or village is the village chief, or is the leader of the consortium, or is the position of power in the family, time is expected to be growth, not reduced. What is the year?
2. Here, the Mahanama, Good men to death, with assets recoverable due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop, reverently, respect, worship, offerings to parents. Parents get him reverence, respect, worship, offerings in good faith, start up his love for him: "I hope that (my son) to live longer! Hopefully sheltered life-long! "And this Mahanama, with an electronic Good men were injured ideal parents, waiting is the growth, not reduced.
3. Again, this Mahanama, Good men to death with assets gained by being so diligent effort ... right legal, lawful crop, reverence, respect, worship, offerings to his wife and children, who serve services, workers and their wives and children who serve, workers. Wives, children, servants, employees, and their wives and children who serve, workers get him reverence, respect, worship, offerings in good faith, compassion arises he thought: "I hope that is Long live! Hopefully sheltered life-long! "And this Mahanama, an electronic Good men are wife and children, servants, employees, and their wives and children who serve, who do a great trade, waiting is the growth, is not minimized.
4. Again, this Mahanama, the Good men to death with assets gained by being so diligent effort ... right legal, lawful crop, reverence, respect, worship, offerings to the farmer , the dignitaries at the frontier. Those working in the fields; Dignitaries at the frontier was him reverence, respect, worship, offerings ... wait is growth, there is no mitigation.
5. Again, this Mahanama, Good men to death with the crop load is due diligent effort ... right legal, lawful crop, reverence, respect, worship, offerings to the gods received the special prayers. Devas received the prayers were him reverence, respect, worship, offerings ... wait is growth, there is no mitigation.
6. Again, Mahanama, Good men to death with the assets recoverable due diligence effort, the power accumulated by the arm, due to sweat out the right legal, lawful crop, respect, bow glass, worship, offerings to the recluses, Brahmin. The recluse, Brahmin was him reverence, respect, worship, offerings in good faith, a great compassion arose in him: "I hope that a long life! Hopefully sheltered life-long. "And this Mahanama, with a Good men are the recluses death, injury Brahmin idea, is expected to be growth, not reduced.
For your mail Good men do, this Mahanama, in this method is found, oil is Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, or a bucolic life on his father's farm land, or military generals team, or in the village is the village head, or is the leader of the consortium, or a position of power within the family, time is expected to be growth, not reduced.
Mother worried father served,
Injured his wife and children often thought,
Because internal human happiness,
Along with the spare man,
As happy both,
Gentle words, morality,
Because happy people,
Since the deceased go ahead,
Since the present life,
Because recluses, Pham,
As gods, rulers,
Members who bestow happiness.
Family and lawful,
He made the charity,
Is offered praise,
This life they are commended,
After living happy lives,
In the realm of the gods.
§ (IX) (59) difficult to find (1)
1 - Hey, monks, it's hard to find an older home person achievement in this method. What is the year?
2. It is hard to find, this, monks, an elderly back home people subtle; it's hard to find a nice person with majesty; it's hard to find a more listeners; it's hard to find a preacher; it's hard to find a prime law.
This, monks, it's hard to find an older home person achievement in this method.
§ (X) (60) difficult to find (2)
1. Hey, monks, it's hard to find an older home person achievement in this method. What is the year?
2. It is hard to find, this, monks, an elderly home people were good at talking; it's hard to find a person capable of holding something clever to hold; it's hard to find a nice gesture; it's hard to find a preacher; it's hard to find a prime law.
This, monks, it's hard to find an older home person achievement in this method.
§ (I) (61) THE CONCEPT (1)
1. - There is a great year, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal brought to finality. What is the year?
2. Chiang uncertainty, thought dead, dangerous ideas, thoughts disgusting food, no great joy to all the world.
This great year, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to large fruit, great benefit, can enter the immortal, immortal brought to finality.
§ (II) (62) THE CONCEPT (2)
1. - There is a great year, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal brought to finality. What is the year?
2. Perception is impermanent, selfless thoughts, thoughts of death, great food disgusting, no great joy to all the world.
It is thought the year, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to large fruit, great benefit, can enter the immortal, immortal brought to finality.
§ (III) (63) GROWTH (1)
1 - Hey, monks, growing at a year of growth, growth disciple saint St. growth, bring permanent, brought wins for itself. What is the year?
2. Growth with confidence, with world growth, growth to learn, grow with generosity, with intellectual growth.
Growth for growth this year, this, monks, saints disciple St. growth growth, providing permanent, brought wins for itself.
With credit growth, gender,
With wisdom, generosity, listen much,
Chan's position to observe,
Itself is solid.
§ (IV) (64) GROWTH (2)
1 - Hey, monks, growing at a year of growth, the growth of female disciples with the Holy Scripture growth, providing permanent, brought wins for itself. What is the year?
2. Growth with confidence, with world growth, growth to learn, grow with generosity, with intellectual growth.
Growth for growth this year, the monks, the Holy female disciple St. growth growth, providing permanent, brought wins for itself.
With credit growth, gender,
With wisdom, generosity, listen much,
You morality as such,
St. female disciples,
Itself is solid,
View immediately in this life.
§ (V) (65) TALK
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks able to talk to the of dignity. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks themselves full instructions, answer the question referred to the story of the world ordination; full of yourself, answer the question referred to the story of the ordination; Property fully yourself, answer the question referred to the story of the Property; Full liberate yourself, answer the question referred to the story of the liberation; freed himself full knowledge, answer the question referred to the story of the liberation of knowledge.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks able to talk to the of dignity.
§ (VI) (66) LIFE
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks for life (his) example for co Pham happy. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks themselves full instructions, answer the question referred to the story of the world ordination ... (as above) ... the story of the liberation of knowledge.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks afford, with their lives, for example of dignity.
1. - monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, in legal practice, law making prolific years, he's been waiting for is one of those; The current in-chief position, or if any medical opinion, evidence was recaptured. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks practiced the property with sufficient spirit of ardent sex acts, the organic cultivation with sufficient spirit of ardent diligent practice, the organic cultivation sufficient spirit with mind operating ardent, practicing the property with sufficient spirit of ardent practice thinking, and increased upper fifth is diligent.
Monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, in legal practice, law making prolific years, he's been waiting for is one of two results: within the existing right knowledge, or if there is residual reviews, evidence was recaptured.
§ (VIII) (68) Kabbalah (2)
1. - Before I enlightened to this, monks, when I have not Awakened, also a Bodhisattva, I have years of legal practice, making legal prolific year. What is the year?
2. We have the organic cultivation with sufficient spirit of ardent sex acts, have sufficient spirit cultivate friendship with the fixed stars should act diligently, who practice organic sufficient spirit with mind crystal sentence should act, who practice magic soccer friendly against the ardent thinking executive, and increased upper fifth is diligent. This, monks, because I practice and make the fullness of diligent measures to increase upstream was fifth, according to the legal centripetal We need to be enlightened with the winning position, to be able to realize the winning position , We can reach that approach, any oil on the issue of origin. If I want, I can show many kinds of miracles ... itself can achieve world Brahma; here I was able to approach, oil of any origin issue. If I wanted to ... make an end to the illegal or because, even in the present position with victory, I myself realized, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight, in there, I can reach law that, under the operating oil ancestry.
§ (IX) (69) boring (1)
1. - There This year, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks residing impure body, with great disgust of food, with no great joy to all the world, impermanent shop for all both act, and the idea of ​​death, residing smart interior.
This, monks, is the practice of this method, is to make prolific, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
§ (X) (70) boring (2)
1. - In this method, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to cessation of defilements. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks residing impure body, with great disgust of food, with no great joy to all the world, impermanent shop for all the operator, with the idea of ​​death, residing smart interior.
This year, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to cessation of defilements.
VIII. PRODUCT soldiers
§ (I) (71) CENTER liberation by (1)
1. - In this method, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to freedom of mind work, freedom of mind benefits, effective intellectual liberation, liberating insight benefits. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks residing impurities depending on the body shop, with great disgust of food, with no great joy to all the world, subject to all customary impermanence the operator, with the idea of ​​death. He abides smart interior.
This year, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to freedom of mind results, benefits the mind liberated, liberating insight and performance benefits liberating insight.
3. Hey, monks, when the monks have freedom of mind and intellectual liberation, the monks, he called the monks have taken away the obstacles, already filling the trenches , has uprooted pillars, has flung open the locks, the saint has lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences. And how is the monks were taken away the obstacles?
4. Here, the monks, monks had cut through ignorance, was cut off at the root, making the trunk as Tala, make can not exist, can not arise in the future. This, monks, such as monks have taken away the barricades. And this, monks, are the monks had to fill the trenches?
5. Here, the monks, the monks were rid of rebirth and the rotation of birth and death, had cut off the root, making the trunk as Tala, make can not exist, can not reborn in the future. This, monks, such as monks were filling the trenches. And this, monks, how was the monks were uprooted pillars?
6. Here, the monks, monks were rid of craving, severed the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not arise in the future . This, monks, such as monks were uprooted pillars. And this, monks, how is the monks had flung open the locks?
7. Here, the monks, monks had cut through five lower fetters, has cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not be reborn Future. This, monks, such as monks had flung open the locks. And this, monks, how to call saint monks lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences?
8. Here, the monks, monks were rid of conceit, had cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not arise in the future . This, monks, the so-called saint monks lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, nothing implications.
§ (II) (72) CENTER liberation by (2)
1. - In this method, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to freedom of mind results, benefits the mind liberated, liberating insight and performance benefits liberating insight. What is the year?
2. Chiang impermanence, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering and annihilation thoughts, ideas dispassion.
This year, the monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to freedom of mind results, benefits the mind liberated, liberating insight and performance benefits liberating insight.
3. When you monks, the monks, there is freedom of mind and intellectual liberation, the monks he called the monks have taken away the obstacles, already filling the trenches , has uprooted pillars, has flung open the locks, the saint has lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences. And how is the monks were taken away the obstacles?
4. Here, the monks, monks had cut through ignorance, have cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not be reborn in the future . This, monks, such as monks have taken away the barricades. And this, monks, are the monks had to fill the trenches?
5. Here, the monks, the monks were rid of rebirth and the rotation of birth and death, had cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made it impossible to exist, can not arise in the future. This, monks, such as monks were filling the trenches. And this, monks, are the monks were uprooted pillars?
6. Here, the monks, the monks had cut through craving, severed the roots, trunk made as Tala, make can not exist, can not arise in the future . This, monks, such as monks were uprooted pillars. And this, monks, are the monks had flung open the locks?
7. Here, the monks, monks had cut through five lower fetters, has cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not arise Future. This, monks, such as monks had flung open the locks. And this, monks, how to call saint monks lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, without consequences?
8. Here, the monks, monks were rid of conceit, had cut off the roots, trunk made as Tala, has made can not exist, can not arise in the future . This, monks, such as saints, monks lowered the flag down trees, laid down the burden, no consequences.
1. Then the monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - "Living under the law, according to the legal life", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, monks that live under the law?
2. - Here, the monks, monks thorough study scriptures ie legal, procedural application, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, Tri the solutions or ad. He used the whole day to memorize legal, living in solitude abandoned peace, no effort focused only on internal security. This, monks, is called monks communicated many classics, but do not live according to the law.
3. Again, monks, monks preach to others generously as were heard, as were school smoothly. He used the whole day to present measures for other people, living in solitude abandoned peace, no effort focused only on internal security. This, monks, is called monks presentations much, but do not live according to the law.
4. Again, monks, monks chanting broadly legal to have been heard, as has been memorized. He used to recite all day, living in solitude abandoned peace, no effort focused only on internal security. This, monks, is called monks reciting many, but not in the law.
5. Again, monks, monks and centered depending on range depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option to have been heard, as has been memorized. He used the whole day thinking about the legal level, living in solitude abandoned peace, no effort focused only on internal security. This, monks, is called monks failure much range, but do not live according to the law.
6. Here, the monks, monks memorized measures, ie the scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, Tri the solutions or ad. He do not take all day to memorize the legal, do not live in solitude abandoned peace, efforts focused only on internal security. This, monks, so monks live by the law.
7. Hey monks, such a theory I have memorized many, many spoke about the presentation, spoke about the recitation of many, many views prevailed about failure, had lived under the legal theory. This, monks, what gurus need to make disciples for happiness, out of compassion, because compassion arises, these things, I have done for the Master. This, monks, this is the tree, this is the empty house. This, monks, be Zen, do not have distractions, do not have to regret later will have. That's the words of my world for me.
§ (IV) (74) LIVING IN FRANCE (2)
1. Then the monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the monks that venerable sir:
 - "Living under the law, according to the legal life", venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is the monks living under the law?
2. - Here, the monks, monks memorized measures, ie the scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law Tri Phuong prize or advertising, but does not clearly know the ultimate goal with wisdom. This, monks, is called monks memorized many, but not in the law.
3. Again, monks, monks preach to the other person as was widely heard, as has been memorized, but not clearly know the ultimate goal with wisdom. This, monks, is called monks, many presentations, but do not live according to the law.
4. Again, monks, monks chanting broadly legal to have been heard, as has been memorized, but not clearly know the ultimate goal with wisdom. This, monks, is called monks reciting many, but not in the law.
5. Again, the monks, the monks and centered depending range, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option as has been heard, as has been memorized, but not clearly know the ultimate goal to position Property. This, monks, is called monks failure much range but do not live according to the law.
6. Here, the monks, monks memorized measures, ie the scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, the solutions or ad position, and clearly know the ultimate goal with wisdom. This, monks, is called monks live according to the law.
7. Hey, monks, so I had memorized many theories, spoke about the many presentations, spoke about reciting many, spoke about the failure to reach live multiple legal prevailed. This, monks, gurus what needs to be done for the disciples, so happy, because great compassion, because compassion arises, these things, I have done for the Master. This, monks, this is the tree, this is the empty house. This, monks, be Zen, do not have distractions, do not have to later going to regret. This is the world my teacher for me.
§ (V) (75) soldier (1)
1 - Hey, monks, there are five classes of soldiers present, exist in life. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, soldiers can only see dust raised has backed legs, shivering even, no courage, no battle can participate. So here, this, monks, is a soldier classes. This, monks, this is the first soldier existing presence in my life.
3. Again, monks, soldiers here can withstand dust raised, but when you see flags erected, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, not to take in combat. So here, this, monks, is a soldier in the world ranking. This, monks, this is rank second soldier present, exist in life.
4. Again, monks, soldiers here can withstand dust raised, bear flags went up, but when I heard the screaming, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no longer can sure, can not participate in the battle. So here, this, monks, is a soldier classes. This, monks, is ranking third soldier present, exist in life.
5. Again, monks, here comes the soldier class can withstand dust raised, erected flags endure, endure screams, but when wounded in battle, consecutive losses economic, discouraged. So here, this, monks, is a soldier classes. This, monks, this is Wednesday soldier classes are present, exist in life.
6. Again, monks, here comes the soldier class can withstand dust raised, erected flags endure, endure screams, jumped by enduring the war. He, after victory, to take part in the victory, led in triumph. So here, this, monks, is a warrior class. This was the sort of soldier Thursday, the monks, present, present at birth.
Five classes this soldier, this, monks, present, present at birth.
7. Also, this, monks, is an example for soldiers in this class, there are five classes of people present, that exists between the monks. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, saw dust raised when, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, no life can continue celibate, after expressing weaknesses in learning , immediately left Learning method, revert back to secular life. How is dust he raised for? Here, the monks, monks are heard: "In a village or a town there, with a woman or young girl beautiful, lovable, pleasing countenance beautiful person with wins like flowers lotus ". When hearing this, he immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, life can not continue celibate, after expressing weakness in academic, legal immediately left Studies, revert back to the life that continue. This means dust is raised against him.
Just as, monks, soldiers grade, when he saw dust raised new, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, no battle can attend. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. So here, this, monks, is a class of people. This is the man, this, monks, is the example with the first-class soldier present, exists between the monks.
9. Again, monks, monks can withstand dust raised, but when you see flags erected, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, no life can continue of dignity, after expressing weakness in academic, legal immediately left Studies, revert back to secular life. How are flags he erected for? Here, the monks, monks do not have to hear: "In one village or another town, with a woman or a beautiful young woman, lovable, pleasing people with beautiful countenance such wins lotus ", but he himself saw a woman or a beautiful young woman, lovable, pleasing people with beautiful countenance as shower wins. He, after seeing the woman or girl who was, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, no life can continue celibate, after expressing the weakness in the study, immediately left school law, revert back to secular life. This is meant to erect banners him.
Just as, monks, soldiers Rating withstand dust was raised, but when you see flags erected, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, no able to close combat. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. So here, this, monks, is a class of people. This is the man, this, monks, is the example with the second class surface combatants, exists between the monks.
10. Again, monks, monks withstand dust raised, banner stand erect, but when I heard the screaming, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, no can continue celibate life, after expressing weakness in academic, legal immediately left Studies, revert back to secular life. How is screaming for you too? Here, monks, a woman goes to the monks in a forest, under a tree or in the empty house, laughing at monks, said caressing, laughing loudly, trifled. Female monks were laughing at, say fondling, laughing loudly, trifled, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, no life can continue celibate, after lowly expressed academic, legal immediately left Studies, revert back to secular life. This is the meaning of the yelling for him.
For as his soldiers, the monks, withstand dust raised, banner stand erect, but when I heard the screaming, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, no can a close combat. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. So here, this, monks, is a class of people. This, monks, this was the sort of person to be an example to the third soldier present, exists between the monks.
11. Again, monks, monks withstand dust raised, banner stand erect, bear screaming, but was injured in the battle, immediately jumped by war appalled Furniture dare. How is the battle, fighting to get jumped he? Here, the monks, the monks go to a forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, a woman to her monks, sat on one side, adjacent to one side, caress caress. His monks were sitting female side, adjacent to one side, was caressing his, not give up learning, not demonstrated the weakness of the study, the harlot § (The woman was). This is the fight that battle, get jumped on him.
For as his soldiers, the monks, withstand dust raised, banner stand up, stand the screaming, but when forest close combat, injury, economic loss, loss dare. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. So here, this, monks, is a class of people. This, monks, this was the sort of person to be an example to the fourth soldier present, exists between the monks.
12. Again, monks, monks withstand dust rise up, stand erect flags, screaming endure, tolerate war battle, get jumped. He after winning her battle, victory in battle, he is still ranked first in her battle. How is the winner in the battle for his position? Here, monks, when the monks went to a forest, go to the tree, or go to the empty house, there he went to the woman, sat down to one side, adjacent to one side, caress caress. He, being a woman sitting inside, lying on one side, caressing his, immediately disentangled himself, taken out, and go anywhere you want. And he went to a deserted place, forests, trees, mountains, rocks, caves, cemeteries, plateau, outdoor, haystack. Then he went to the forest, go to the tree or go home empty-old fetters sitting, back straight and to recite in front of. He, after the total extinction of desire, dwell with dispassion heart, cleanse the mind from greed, after the total extinction of the field, to dwell with the psychological field, with great compassion to all beings and all beings, heels clean heart from hatred; after the total extinction of more deep torpor, dwell with hypnotic psychological darkness, with a great light, mindfulness, awareness, cleanse the mind from dullness torpor; after the total extinction of repentance agitation, agitation dwell not, interior quietness, cleanse the mind from foreign agitation; after the annihilation of features, to dwell with the mind beyond doubt for good behavior. He, after this annihilation five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, do weak intellectual, sexual cup, cup of evil ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He and centered calm, pure, innocent, non defilements, negativity glass options, highly skilful, patience, perseverance, estate, location radially about the total extinction of defilements. He as clearly said: "This is suffering; as clearly said: "This is Suffering"; as clearly said: "This is a hard kill"; as clearly said: "This is the way to destroy suffering"; as clearly said: "These measures are the cankers"; as clearly said: "This is illegal or set start"; as clearly said: "This is illegal or cessation"; as clearly said: "This is the path to pirated or annihilation". Because he said so, that as a result, the mind is freed from illegal sex, the mind is freed from illegal possession, the mind is freed from ignorance. In salvation, wisdom arises: "I have been liberated." He clearly said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, the work should have been done, no longer come back to this state again." This is the victory in the battle for him.
Just as, monks, soldiers withstand dust raised, banner stand erect, bear the screams, a strategic rapprochement tolerate. He, after winning her battle, victory in battle, he is still ranked first in her battle. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. So, this, monks, is a class of people. This, monks, it was the sort of person to be an example to the fifth soldier present, exist in life.
These people, this, monks, is an example with five soldiers are present, being in the middle of the monks.
§ (VI) (76) soldier (2)
 - There were five soldiers, the monks, present, present at birth. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, soldiers with swords and contradictions, wearing a bow and arrow, engaged in fierce battle. He did battle ardent efforts. But the others, while he attempts and so energetically, beat him and overwhelm him. Thus, here the monks, soldiers with such class. This is a first-class soldier present, exist in life.
3. Again, monks, here are holding classes for soldiers and contradictions, bows and arrows, engage in fierce battle. He, in his battle, effort, enthusiasm. But the others make him wounded, carried him away, carrying him to the cousin. When carrying him away and not to the people, one common destiny in the middle of the road. Here, monks, soldiers have such a category. This was the sort of soldiers Monday, the monks, present, present at birth.
4. Again, monks, here are holding classes for soldiers and contradictions, wearing a bow and arrow, engaged in fierce battle. He, in his fight, to actively. But the others make him wounded and carried him away, carrying him to the cousin. And relatives and foster care for him. He, while the relatives and foster care, was shared destiny for her wounds. Here, monks, a soldier such classes. This is called a third-class surface combatants, present in life.
5. Again, monks, soldiers here with swords and contradictions, bows and arrows, engage in fierce battle. He, in his fight, to actively. But the others make him wounded, and carried him away, carrying him to the cousin. And relatives and foster care for him. He, while the relatives and foster care, was healed of his wounds. Here, monks, soldiers with such class. This, monks, this is the fourth class surface combatants, present in life.
6. Again, monks, soldiers here with swords and class contradictions, wearing a bow and arrow, he participated in battle, victory in battle, he is still ranked first in the battle that . Here, monks, soldiers with such class. This, monks, this is the fifth class surface combatants, present in life.
Grade five soldiers, the monks, present, present at birth.
7. Also, the monks, there are examples of people with grade five soldiers are present, existing between the monks. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, the monks live on the village or town. He, in the morning robes, holding a bowl care went into the village or town for alms, do not hedge itself, not hedge words, not hedge about, not dwell anniversary, the units are not protected. There he saw a woman dressed perfectly dressed, dress is not discreet. Women's dress is found not perfectly dressed, not dressed discreetly, greed attacked his mind. Heart attacks are craving, do not give up learning, not demonstrated the weakness of the legal School, he fell into lust.
For as his soldiers, the monks, swords and contradictions, wearing bows and arrows engage in fierce battle. He did battle ardent efforts. But the others, while he attempts such enthusiastic, beat him and overwhelm him. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. Here, the monks, there is a category of person. This, monks, this was the sort of person to be an example to the first-class soldiers are present, existing between the monks.
9. Again, monks, monks living on a village or town. He, in the morning, robes, holding the bowl y, go to the village or town that does for alms, with the body not protected, the words do not hedge, with no protection center, the concept does not dwell , with the non-protected basis. Here, he saw a woman dressed neatly, discreetly dressed. Women's dress is found not neatly, discreetly dressed, greed attacked his mind. He, with heart attacks should be craving body burned, burned mind. He thought: "Let's go to the garden (in place Increase) informed the monks:" Hey Sage, I was craving overwhelming, obsessive desire to be, I can not continue life celibate, I demonstrated the weakness in academic, legal waiver school, I return to secular life. " He, on the way to the garden, while in the middle of the road, demonstrated the weakness in academic, legal waiver School, returned to secular life.
Just as, monks, soldiers and contradictions sword, wearing a bow and arrow, engaged in fierce battle. He, in his fight, to actively. But the others, while he attempts such enthusiasm, make him hurt, carried him away, carrying him, and brought him to the cousin. When carrying him away and not brought to the people, he shared destiny between the lines. This, monks, I declare this person similar to his example. Here, the monks, there is a category of person. This, monks, this was the sort of person to be an example to the second soldier present, exists between the monks.
10. Again, the monks, the monks living on a village or a town. He morning robes, holding a bowl care went into that village or town for alms, do not hedge itself, saying no hedge, no hedge interest, not dwell anniversary, the units are not protected. There he saw no women's dress perfectly dressed or not dressed discreetly. After seeing the woman's dress is not perfectly dressed, dress is not discreet, greed attacked him. He was craving for heart attack, should the body be burned, burned mind. He thought as follows: "Let us go to the garden notify the monks:" Hey Sage, I was craving overwhelming, obsessive been craving. I can not continue my celibate, I declare the weakness in academic, legal waiver School, I return to secular life. " He went to the garden, the news to the monks: "Hey Sage, I was craving overwhelming, obsessive been craving. I was not able to continue the holy life; after expression of the weakness in the study, I quit law School, will return to secular life. " The religious world of dignity, the following advice: "Hey Sage, Bhagavan said:" The sweet little education, more suffering, more brain, the more dangerous here. The sex is Exalted such as a bone, suffering much, much brain, the more dangerous here. The sex is Exalted such as meat, suffering much, much brain, dangerous here again more. The sex is Exalted eg grass torch, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted eg a flaming charcoal pit, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted such as a gadfly, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted eg borrowed items, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted such as fruit of the tree, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted eg slaughterhouse, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted eg sharp stick, suffering much, much brain, the danger here again more. The sex is Exalted eg solid head, suffering much, much brain, the danger here the better. " Venerable find comfort in morals! Venerable not demonstrated the weakness of the study, to abandon legal and callbacks School worldly life. "
He is the co-world virtues such teachings, such admonition and said as follows: "Hey Sage, oil for Bhagavan has said the sweet little education, more suffering, more brains, the danger here back more, but I can not continue celibate. After demonstrated the weakness of learning, Learning legal waiver, I will return to secular life. " After demonstrated the weakness of the study, after abandoning Legal Studies, he retraced his worldly life.
Just as, monks, soldiers did, after holding a sword and contradictions, wearing a bow and arrow, engaged in fierce battle. He, in his battle, effort, enthusiasm. But the others, while he attempts, such enthusiasm, make him hurt, carried him away, carrying him, and brought him to the cousin. The relative foster care person. He, however is the relative foster care but because the wound was shared destiny. This, monks, I declare this man is such as his example. Here, the monks, with such people. This, monks, this was the sort of person to be an example to the third soldier present, exists between the monks.
11. Again, monks, monks live on the village or town. He morning, robes, holding the bowl y, entering his village or town for alms, with the body not protected, with no hedge words, with no protection center, the concept does not dwell, with the unprotected base. He was there, saw woman dressed neatly, discreetly dressed. After seeing the woman does not dress neatly, discreetly dressed, taking his mind is sexual assault. He was craving for heart attack, should the body be burned, heart burn. He thought as follows: "Let us go to the garden, notify the monks:" Hey Sage, I was craving overwhelming, obsessive been craving. I was not able to continue the holy life. I declare the weakness in academic, legal waiver School, returned to secular life. " He went to the garden, the news to the monks: "Hey Sage, I was craving overwhelming, obsessive been craving. I can not continue the holy life; after expressing weakness in academic, legal waiver School, I return to secular life. " The religious world of dignity, the following advice: "Hey Sage, Bhagavan said:" The sweet little education, more bitter, more brains, the danger here again more ... The World Education is Ton eg solid head, suffering much, much brain, the danger here the better. " Venerable find comfort in morals. Sage has not demonstrated the weakness of the study, to abandon legal and callbacks School worldly life. "
He is the co-world virtues such teachings, such counsel, said thus: "Dear Sage, I'll endeavor. Dear Sage, I'll try. Dear Sage, I will live comfortably. Now I do not show weakness in academic, legal waiver School, closed back worldly life. "
Just as, monks, soldiers and contradictions that sword, bows and arrows, engage in fierce battle. He was in battle, trying eagerly look. But the others, while he attempts such enthusiasm, make him hurt, carried him away, carrying him and brought him to the cousin. The relatives who care for him, nurture him. Who, thanks to the relative foster care, the wounds are healed. I declare that, to this, monks, people like her example. Here, the monks, with such people. This person, this, monks, is an example for Wednesday soldier present, exists between the monks.
12. Again, monks, monks living on a village or a town. He morning robes, holding the bowl y, in that village or town for alms, with the body being protected, with replies being protective, with interest to be protected, with the idea being to dwell, with the units that are protect. He saw sharp eyes, not holding general minister, who does not hold its own minister. These cause, because eyesense not be tamed, that craving offers compassion, evil evil arises approach, he himself was the cause tame, label holder base, practice the label holder base. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotions ... the body of legal awareness, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. The cause, that basis is not tame, that craving offers compassion, evil, immoral law arise, the monks did overpower reason, upholding consciousness, practice the holder of consciousness . He, after meals, begging on the road back, ready to go to a place is empty, forest, trees, mountains, ravines, caves, graveyard, highlands, outdoor, pile straw. He went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old, back straight, to recite in front of. He participated in the total extinction of life, dwell with dispassion mind ... § (See § 125 pages) ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He with the mind calm, clear, no defilements and afflictions are the exception, highly skilful, patience, perseverance, estate, located radially about the total extinction of the defilements. He as clearly said: "This is suffering", as clearly said: "This is Suffering", as clearly said: "This is the Cessation of Suffering", as clearly said: "This is the way to suffering kill "... § (See § 125 pages) ... no longer come back to this state again."
Just as, monks, soldiers and contradictions that sword, bows and arrows, engage in fierce battle. He, after winning her battle, victory in battle, he has his head in battle. This, monks, I declare this person like her example. Here, the monks, there is a category of person. This was the sort of person to be an example to the soldiers Thursday, existed between the monks.
This, monks, there are examples of people with five soldiers are present, existing between the monks.
§ (VIII) (77) FEAR FUTURE (1)
1 - Hey, monks, so consistent that in fear of the future, and it is enough for you to live in the forest monks undistracted, zealous, ardent to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what is not yet realized. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks lived in the forest to observe as follows: "Now I live alone in the woods. When I lived alone in the woods, a snake might bite me, scorpion may bite us, centipedes can bite us. Therefore, we can face together. Such an obstacle for us. So we try diligently to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what is not realized. "
This, monks, so consistent this first fear about the future, it is enough for you, monks living in the forests are not distractions, zealous, ardent to attain what is not attained, to attain what not attained, to realize what is not yet realized.
3. Again, monks, monks live in the forest to observe as follows: "Now I live alone in the woods. When I lived alone in the woods, one can stumble and fall down, we eat rice can make us sick when eating, or honey can make you stir, or mucus (phlegm) can make you stir , the wind can make me stir, so we can face together. Such an obstacle for us. Let's talk enthusiastically, trying to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what has not realized ".
This, monks, so consistent this second fear about the future, it is enough for you to live in the forest monks undistracted, zealous, ardent to attain what is not attained, to witness attain what contains attained, to realize what is not yet realized.
4. Again, monks, monks lived in the forest to observe as follows: "Now I live alone in the woods. Living alone in the woods, we live with the dangerous animals, such as lions, tigers, leopards, bears, wild courage. We can dispose of our lives, we can make common destiny. Such is an obstacle for us. So let's ardent enthusiasm to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what is not realized. "
This, monks, by customary third scared about the future, it is enough for you to live in the forest monks undistracted, zealous, ardent, to attain what is not attained, to attain what not attained, to realize what is not yet realized.
5. Again, monks, monks lived in the forest to observe as follows: "Now I live alone in the woods. While I live alone in the woods, living with the species we stole, steal was practicing. We can dispose of our lives, we can share the network and so we are a hindrance to me. So let's ardent enthusiasm, to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what is not realized. "
This, monks, frightened by the shop this Wednesday about the future, it is enough for you to live in the forest monks undistracted, zealous, ardent, to attain what is not attained, to attain what not attained, to realize what is not yet realized.
6. Again, monks, monks lived in the forest to observe as follows: "Now I live alone in the woods. In the woods there are non-dangerous species, we can dispose of our lives as we shared destiny, such as an obstacle for us. So let's ardent enthusiasm to attain what is not attained, what have not attained enlightenment, the realization of what is not yet realized. "
This, monks, so shop Thursday scared about the future, it is just enough to live in the forest monks ... realize what not realized.
This, monks, so consistent that in fear of the future, and it was just enough to live in the forest monks attaining what is not attained, what have not attained enlightenment, the realization that no evidence look.
§§ (VIII) (78) FEAR THE FUTURE (2)
1 - Hey, monks, so consistent that in the fear of the future, and it was just enough to monks living without distractions, zealous, ardent, to attain what is not attained, stock what has not attained enlightenment, the realization of what is not yet realized. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks observed as follows: "Now we are young, adolescent, and young, black hair, in my youth, in the early ages. But then when the old will touch this body. When the elderly, and the elderly were conquered, it's not easy to work attention to the teachings of the Buddha, it is not easy to live in the highland jungle abode far away. Before he came to my state, undesirable, not worth like, unavailable mind, let's ardent enthusiasm before the time comes, to attain what is not attained, to attain what has not attained, not realizing what enlightenment. And if that state achievements, there are old, I will live comfortably. "
This, monks, so consistent this first fear about the future, so is enough to monks living without distractions, zealous, ardent, to reach ... to realize what not realization.
3. Again, the monks, the monks observed as follows: "Now there is less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with fine tons, but by the time the disease will touch this body. When was ill and sick conquest, it is not easy to work attention to the teachings of the Buddha, it is not easy to live in the highland jungle abode far away. Before he came to my state, undesirable, not worth like, unavailable mind, let's ardent enthusiasm before the time comes, to attain what is not attained, to attain what has not attained, not realizing what enlightenment. And if the state achievement Then if sick, and I will live comfortably. "
This, monks, so consistent this second fear about the future, so is enough for you, monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, to reach ... to realize what not yet realized.
4. Again, the monks, the monks observed as follows: "Now there is no famine, harvest, food begging to be chosen for, it's easy to support efforts by alms. But then came the famine, crop failure, food begging difficult, not easy to support efforts by alms. And the famine will be moved to where a lot of food; in it, to live with the people, have to live with heterogeneity. When masses have to live with, to live with heterogeneous, it is not easy to work attention to the teachings of the Buddha, it is not easy to live in the highland jungle abode far away. Before he came to my state, undesirable, not worth like, unavailable mind, let's ardent enthusiasm before the time comes, to attain what has not attained ... to realize what not realization. And if that state achievements, there was famine, and I will live comfortably. "
This, monks, by customary third scared about the future, so is enough for you, monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, reached ... to realize what not realization.
5. Again, monks, monks observed as follows: "Now the species The harmonious living together, happy together, do not quarrel together, blend with milk like water, live at each other glass with loving eyes. But then when there is fear of piracy forests, local people climb to flee in cars where there is fear, mobile people to have a peaceful place. There, must live with the masses, have to live with heterogeneity. While living with the masses, with heterogeneous life, it's not easy to work attention to the teachings of the Buddha, it is not easy to live in the highland jungle abode far away. Before he came to my state, undesirable, not worth like, unavailable reviews, we must energetically ardent before the time comes, to attain what has not attained ... to realize what not realization. And if that state achievements, have met the fear, and I will live comfortably. "
This, monks, frightened by the shop this Wednesday about the future, so is enough to monks living without distractions, zealous, ardent, to reach ... to realize what not realization.
6. Again, monks, monks observed as follows: "Now we Increasing harmony, together joy, not debate each other, share a comfortable living teaching ... but then Increase the time they split. When we Increasing divisions, it is not easy to work attention to the teachings of the Buddha. It's not easy to live in the jungle abode, remote highland wilderness. Before he came to my state, undesirable, not worth like, unavailable mind, let's ardent enthusiasm before the time comes, to attain what has not attained ... to realize what not realization. And if that state achievements, we have divided Boost, I will live comfortably. "
This, monks, so shop Thursday scared about the future, so is enough for you, monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, to reach ... to realize what not yet realized.
This, monks, by the fear that in this shop in the future, it is enough for you, monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, to attain what is not attained, realized what not attained, not realizing what enlightenment.
§§ (IX) (79) FEAR FUTURE (3)
1. - There are fears for the future in this, the monks, now not arise, but will arise in the future. The teacher needs to know them quite well, having clearly known, need to get rid of them diligently. What is the year?
2. Hey, monks, will have even the monks in the future, not the practice itself, sex is not practiced, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Because the body does not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, not understanding the practice, if they are ordained for the others, they will not be able to train in the upper world rising, in the epicardial increase in increase rooftop Property. The person will become the ones not practicing, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Because the body does not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, not understanding the practice, they will be ordained for the others, they can not increase the upper training in gender, in the epicardial increase, the increase of upstream Property. The person will become the ones not practicing, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Thus, the monks, polluted by France, should the Law on pollution; Pollution by law, should France be contaminated.
This, monks, this is the first fear about the future, not now arise, but will arise in the future; the teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to get rid of them.
3. Again, the monks, the monks of the future will become the ones not practicing, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. With no practice itself, sex is not practiced, the mind does not practice, not understanding the practice, they did the only professor for others. They can not increase the upper training in gender, in the epicardial increase in the higher wisdom. Those who would become the ones not practicing, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. The person, by themselves do not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate knowledge, to do the masters only for others, they can not train in the upper world rising, the increase epicardial , in the upper increased insight. Thus, the monks, polluted by France, should the Law on pollution. Due to pollution law, should France be contaminated.
This, monks, is the fear of the future Monday, has not arise, but will arise in the future, all I need to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to get rid of them.
4. Again, the monks, the monks of the future will become the ones not practicing, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Because the body does not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, not understanding the practice, when they win the legal theory or the theory Square (Tri Comment resolution), they fall into the black law, can not clearly enlightened . This, monks, this is the pollution caused by the French, so being polluted Law; Pollution Act, so being polluted France.
This, monks, it is fear of the future Tuesday, has not arise, but will arise in the future, all I need to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to them.
5. Again, the monks, the monks will be in the future, untrained body, gender is not the practice, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Because the body does not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, not understanding the practice, for economic organs uttered by the Tathagata, deep, deep meaning, superpower, relate to not, when the he was lecturing experience, they do not hear, they do not have ears, they do not dwell in another center solutions, they do not think of doing that need to learn, need to memorize. Those texts by poets do, the exam, with ornate letters, with the ornate, classic exchange of presentations by practitioners, while the business was being preached, they would listen, they will slang ear, they reside in another center solutions. The law does, they think need to learn, need to memorize. This, monks, this is the pollution caused by France, should the Law on pollution; Pollution by law, should France pollution.
This, monks, this Wednesday is scared about the future, not now arise, but in the future will arise, the teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to fear him.
6. Again, the monks, the monks will be in the future, not the practice itself, sex is not practiced, the mind does not practice, does not cultivate wisdom. Because the body does not practice, do not practice gender, the mind does not practice, intellectual property should not practice the elders, monks will live full, lazy rot leading in fall, from the burden of renunciation, no pungent picking diligently to attain what is not attained, to attain what is not attained, to realize what is not yet realized. And later the masses will follow their wrong views. They will become fully alive, lazy, rotten leaders in fall, leaving the burden, renunciation, would not ardent effort to attain what is not attained, to attain what has not attained , to realize what is not yet realized. Thus, the monks, polluted by France, led to defilement of the Law; defiled by the Law, brought to France polluted.
This, monks, is fear for the future Thursday, now not arise, but will arise in the future, all I need to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, need to be diligent to make an end to fear him.
This, monks, in fear of the future, and this is not being run, but will arise in the future. The teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to his fear.
§§ (X) (80) FEAR THE FUTURE (4)
1. - There are fears for the future in this, not now arise, but will arise in the future, all I need to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to fear him.
2. This, monks, the monks of the future will take care want the good. Because of their desire for good health, they will abandon the place he picked up the rubbish, they will abandon the jungle, the highlands, the abode far away, they will go to the villages and towns, economic capital kings and live in that place. Because human robes, they will fall into the act to seek inappropriate.
This, monks, this is the first fear about the future, not now arise, but will arise in the future. The teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, need to be diligent to get rid of his fear.
3. Again, the monks, the monks of the future will covet the delicious food alms. Do they covet the delicious food alms, they will give up begging lifestyle, abandoning the forests, the highlands, the abode far away. They will go into the villages and towns, the capital of the king and live in it, quest epigastric dishes, such as the tongue. Do's alms food, they will fall into more action to seek inappropriate.
This, monks, this is the second fear the future, not now arise, but will arise in the future ... to get rid of his fear.
4. Again, the monks, the monks of the future will covet nice couch. Do they desire the nice couch, they would give up life under the tree, they will abandon the jungle, the highlands, the abode far away. They will go into the villages and towns, the capital of the king and living in it. Because personnel is ready, they will fall into more action to seek inappropriate.
This, monks, this is the third fear the future, not now arise, but will arise in the future ... to get rid of his fear.
5. Again, the monks, the monks will have in the future will live contact, monks-ni, the female school district, the novice - ni. When live contact, monks-ni, female school district, Sa-di - nuns, monks this, is expected to be: They will not enjoy celibate, or they will fall into one of these offenses errors pollution, will abandon legal and revert back Learning worldly life.
This, monks, this Wednesday is scared about the future, not now arise ... to get rid of his fear.
6. Again, the monks, the monks will have future contact with the people living there are consequences to the garden, to the novice. When contacting the people who live there are consequences to the garden and to the novice, this, monks, is expected that they will live and enjoy the material stored, and they will do the rough Minister for land and for horticultural products.
This, monks, is fear for the future Thursday, now not arise, but will arise in the future. The teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to his fear.
Five of fear about the future, and the monks, now not arise, but will arise in the future. The teacher needs to know them quite well. After quite clearly said, the teacher should be diligent to make an end to the fear that.
IX. PRODUCT elders
§§ (I) (81) endearing
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice. What is the year?
2. Was craving by what endearing, ethnical hatred by what was worth ethnical hatred, ignorance by what was worth delusion, was outraged by what is worth outrage, was captivated by what captivated appearance . Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
4. Not being involved by what endearing, not by what ethnical hatred worth hostility and hatred are not worth what delusion by ignorance, not by what is rightfully outraged indignation, being captivated by the what's so passionate. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice.
§ (II) (82) LY THAM
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice. What is the year?
2. No dispassion, not glass field, not isolation si, brain damage and harm puppet.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
4. Separated involved, field glasses, cups si, unspoilt camouflage, no brain damage. Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice.
§§ (III) (83) fraud
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice . What is the year?
2. Phishing, Flattering (vain talk), appearances (suggestions), detractors, took advantage needs benefit. Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
4. No scam, no Flattering, not appearances, disparaging, not taking advantage interests demand. Achievement of this law, a Presbyterian monks for dignity, the same auspicious, preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice.
§§ (IV) (84) TRUST
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice. What is the year?
2. No credit, no shame, no fear, laziness and evil Property. Achievement of this law, a Presbyterian monks for not co-esteemed virtues, not fancy, not respected, not to be an example to practice.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
4. Have faith, have shame, you know fear, ardent, diligent and understanding. Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice.
§§ (V) (85) NON-endurance
(1-4) ...  (As of on, only about five measures,  namely: no patience for excellence, no patience for hours, no patience for flavor, not endurance for with you, not for emotional endurance.  and about five dhamma  is for outstanding endurance ... the voice ... the taste ... the taste and touch).
§ (VI) (86) his wife RESOLUTION
 - Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
Achieve award means very afraid, very afraid the legal reach, achieve from the very afraid, very afraid achieve eloquence award, for the work, the dignity, the same needs to be done, or how big or small, you he is skilled, no laziness, achievements vehicle location. Here just enough to do, just enough to make it work.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are available and to be respected, to be an example to practice.
§§ (VII) (87) GENDER
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice. What is the year?
2. Have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, show fear of liability for minor offenses, accepting and learning the law School, heard many, life over what is hear, hear things accumulate. The profile yet friendly approach, intermediate good, good logistics, which means, with text, enhanced entirely celibate life full purity, the law was, he had heard, was held, was remembered by readers repeatedly, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right view; good language, good language use words, words elegant, meaningful transparency, not babbling voice, weary, explained meaning verifiability, evidence is not hard, not hard evidence, evidence is not charged power four Zen, under increased epicardial, brings optimism currently reside. Due to the total extinction of the defilements, he won himself with enlightened mind, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders for co-esteemed virtues, are preferred, be respectful, be an example to practice.
§§ (VIII) (88) Elders
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders bring misfortune for the majority, did not bring peace to the majority, gives no benefit, unhappiness, suffering for monks The natural and species. What is the year?
2. The elder, who is the veteran, had left home a long time, are well known, have fame, are a large number of people at home, are bound ordained, received essential items such as medicine, food alms, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. Tier heard many, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulate. The primary legal charity, Mid-friendly, good defender, which means, with text, enhanced entirely celibate life full purity, those that, he had heard, was held, was remembered by reading more once, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right view. He has wrong view, there is knowledge crazy. He makes many people abandon the Dhamma, accept non-Dhamma. Because monks are senior level, was ordained a long day, many people follow your knowledge does. Since the Elder is well known, have fame, are a large number of people at home, are bound renunciation, knowledge many people follow him. Because of that, monks elders received the necessary supplies such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, many people follow your knowledge does. Because that's Presbyterian monks heard steps, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulation, knowledge many people follow him.
Achievement of this law, Elder monks bring misfortune for the majority, did not bring peace to the majority, gives no benefit, unhappiness, suffering for gods and men.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks elders bring happiness for the majority, bringing peace for the majority, benefit, happiness, peace for the gods and human. What is the year?
4. Elder is the One veteran, had left home a long time, are well known, have fame, are a large number of people at home, are bound ordained, received essential items such as medicine, food alms, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. Tier heard many, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulate. The primary legal charity, Mid-friendly, good defender, which means, with text, enhanced life celibate, totally full purity, those that, he had heard, was held, was remembered by readers repeatedly, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right view. He has right view, no knowledge crazy. He makes many people abandon non Dhamma, Dhamma accepted. Area Elder monks are ordained veteran ranks long day, many people follow your knowledge does. Area Elder monks were well known, have fame, are a large number of people at home are bound renunciation, knowledge many people follow him. Since that monks elders received the necessary supplies such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, many people follow your knowledge does. Because that's Presbyterian monks heard steps, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulation, knowledge many people follow him.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks elders bring happiness for the majority, bringing peace for the majority, benefit, happiness, happiness for gods and men.
§§ (IX) (89) POSITION - bhikkhus SCHOOL PROPERTY (1)
1. - In this method, the monks, making monks retrogression Friends School. What is the year?
2. Popular career, good conversation, good sleep, popular with the masses, not observed as has been liberated mind.
This year, the monks, making monks retrogression Friends School.
3. In this method, the monks, monks do not cause retrogression Friends School. What is the year?
4. Not recommended career, not like conversation, not like sleep, not like with the masses, as was observed liberated mind.
This year, the monks, monks do not cause retrogression Friends School.
§§ (X) (90) - bhikkhus SCHOOL PROPERTY (2)
1. - In this method, the monks, making monks retrogression Friends School. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks work Huu learn more, have more work to do, skillful work to do, abandon solitude Meditation, not focused on the inner net lead. This is the first approach makes learning monks Huu retrogression.
3. Again, monks, monks Huu all day studying small jobs, give up solitude Meditation, no inner focused on translational only. This is the second method that you learned monks Huu retrogression.
4. Again, monks, monks Huu learn more live contact with the lay and ordained you, the implications for the improper home, in solitude abandon Meditation, amateur net pay only inwards. This is the third approach makes learning monks Huu retrogression.
5. Again, the monks, the monks went to the village school Being too early, too late to retire from the village, abandoned in solitude Meditation, focused not only on the inner net. This is the fourth approach that you learned monks Huu retrogression.
6. Again, the monks, the monks Friends School for serious story, initiation as less sex stories, the story of this motto, the story of renunciation, the story of no meetings, stories of ardent, diligent, gender story, the story of the story about the wisdom, the story of the rescue, the story of the liberation of knowledge. The story was, he had been with difficulty, get there tired, get health fees. He abandoned Meditation solitude, focused not only on the inner net. This was made law Thursday, monks Friends School location retrogression.
7. In this method, the monks, not that you learned monks Huu retrogression. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, the monks Huu learn no more work, no more work to do, not skillful in the work to be done, not in solitude abandon Meditation, focused on only inner purification. This is the first approach does not make you learn monks Huu retrogression.
9. Again, the monks, the monks do not study all day Huu doing the little things, do not abandon solitude Meditation, focused only on the inner net. This is the second approach does not make you learn monks Huu retrogression.
10. Again, the monks, the monks do not live contact Huu learn more with the laity and ordained you, no implications for the improper home, do not give up solitude Meditation , focused only on the inner net. This is the third approach that you learned monks Huu retrogression.
11. Again, the monks, the monks do not go to the village school Being too early, not too late goodbye, not abandon solitude Meditation, focused only on the inner net. This is the fourth approach does not make you learn monks Huu retrogression.
12. Again, the monks, the monks Friends School for serious story, initiation, like the story of little education, the story of this motto, the story of renunciation, the story of no meetings, the story of the planet should be diligent, the story of the world, the story of the story about the wisdom, the story of the rescue, the story of the liberation of knowledge. The story does not have to be difficult, there is no fatigue, no charges have power, do not give up solitude Meditation, focused only on the inner net. This is the law Thursday, the monks, not to retrogression for the school Huu monks.
This year, the monks, not that you learned monks Huu retrogression.
§§ (I) (91) FULL (1)
1 - Hey, monks, complete with this year. What is the year?
2. Tin full, full instructions, listen to the full, for the full, complete knowledge.
This, monks, this is a full year.
§§ (II) (92) FULL (2)
1 - Hey, monks, complete with this year. What is the year?
2. About the full, the full and complete understanding, complete liberation, liberation full knowledge.
This, monks, this is a full year.
§§ (III) (93) ANSWERS
1 - Hey, monks, there are five main ways to answer this location. What is the year?
2. Because dumb, because ignorance, answered the right knowledge; because evil sex, because sex is dominant, position of right answer, because pride, because the mind wandering mind of right answers; For chronic upper increase, answered the right knowledge; because absolutely right feet, answered the right knowledge.
This, monks, there are five main ways to answer this location.
§§ (IV) (94) Lac RESIDENCE
1 - Hey, monks, this residence has five touch. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained Zen application, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals, making the net Games and quad ... just attained and dwell Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday ... Zen annihilation by taints, even in the current, position themselves to win realizations, attainment, and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
This, monks, the communication method is in residence.
§§ (V) (95) REAL ESTATE
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks could soon enter the estate. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks achieved award means very afraid, very afraid the legal reach, achieve from the very afraid, very afraid achieve the eloquence, was observed as the center exit.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks could soon enter the estate.
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the monks practice mindfulness breathing exhalation, could soon enter the estate. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks want no more, no more work, feed easily, skillfully contentment with life necessities in, eat less, not dedicated to your stomach ; less hypnotic, focused in the provinces sense; heard many, life over many, cumulative thing heard; What the primary measures improve, Mid-friendly, good defender, which means, there are cultural, praised Pham happy fulfilled purity, that legal entities, monks have heard, was held, was remembered by reading more once, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right view; observation as has been liberated mind.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks practiced mindfulness breathing exhalation, could soon enter the estate.
§§ (VII) (97) TALK
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks practicing mindfulness breathing exhalation, could soon enter the estate. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks want no more, no more jobs, feed easily, smart basics necessities of life with; eating less, not dedicated to your stomach; less hypnotic, focused on the provincial sense; for the solemn story, initiation, like the story of little education, the story of this motto, the story of renunciation, the story of not meeting, the story of the planet should be diligent, the story of the world, the story of the story of wisdom, the story of the liberation, the story of the liberation of knowledge, the same story, he had been without difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have power; he observed as has been liberated mind.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks practicing mindfulness breathing exhalation, could soon enter the estate.
§§ (VIII) (98) FOREST
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks make Niem prolific exhalation breathing, how long can not enter the estate. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks want no more, no more jobs, feed easily, smart basics necessities of life with; eating less, not dedicated to your stomach, little hypnotic, focused on the provincial sense; live in the forest, living in the remote wilderness couch; observation as has been liberated mind.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks make Niem prolific exhalation breathing, how long can not enter the estate.
§§ (IX) (99) lion.
1. - The lion, the monks, in the afternoon, from the cave to go out, go out after the cave, it legroom; after it legroom, it looked around the four winds; after it looked around the four winds, three times it roared lion roar; after three times roar roaring lion, it goes looking for prey. If it pounced catch the elephant, it maul began very careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. If it pounced catch fishery ox, it maul began very careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. If it caught the leopard pounced, snatching caught it very carefully, carefully, not careful, thoughtful. If it pounced catch small animals such as rabbits or cats other, it maul began very careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. Wherefore? "We hope that our power can not fail".
2. The lion, the monks, is synonymous with Arhat Career Enlightenment. When Tathagata preached to the congregation, which was roaring lion roar. This, monks, if the Tathagata preached to you, monks, the Tathagata preached careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. If Tathagata sermon-nuns, monks, the Tathagata preached careful, thoughtful, careful not hip, thoughtful. If Tathagata preached to the South line lay, Tathagata sermon careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. If Tathagata sermon for every Female layman, Tathagata sermon careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. If Tathagata preached to every human being, for the people caught bird or begging, Tathagata sermon careful, thoughtful, not careful, thoughtful. Wherefore? Since the Tathagata is respected French ranks, the monks, the revered French ranks.
§§ (X) (100) KAKUDHA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Kakudha At that time, people Koliya, the venerable Mahamoggallana attendant has shared destiny and born with a body created by the will, the body was to be able to get themselves (broad) such as two or three fields in the village of Magadha. He, with itself as such, do not make yourself or make others sick. Then God went to the venerable death Mahamoggallana Kakudha; after arrival, bowed and stood venerable Mahamoggallana side. Thien said to the venerable Prince Kakudha Mahamoggallana:
 - Venerable Sir, Devadatta there arises the will as follows: "I will lead them increases". With such interest arises, venerable sir, Devadatta miracles of interior rot.
Kakudha natural death say so, say so finished, bowed venerable Mahamoggallana, the organic body towards him and then disappeared in place. Then venerable Mahamoggallana go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Mahamoggallana:
 - Buddha, Kakudha, the origin Koliya, as my attendant, shared destiny soon, was born with the body due to the form, the body itself was to get (broad) such as two or three plots village in Magadha. He with such self, do not make yourself or make others sick. Then go to the Emperor e Kakudha; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside. After standing aside, venerable sir, God said to the child Kakudha death: "Venerable Sir, Devadatta there arises the will as follows:" I will lead them increases ". With such interest arises. Venerable Sir, Devadatta miracles of interior rot ". Kakudha natural death, lord, say so. Said so done, bowed figure, then the organic body toward you and then disappear.
 - Mahamoggallana Hey, did I with my heart to know that the mind of God Kakudha death: "What God speaks Kakudha death, all the same, the other can not be"?
 - Buddha, the heart of me, I know the heart of God Kakudha death, saying, "What God speaks Kakudha death, all the same, can not be otherwise."
 - Hey Mahamoggallana, make this speech protection! This Mahamoggallana, make this speech protection. This fool yourself that will clear on their own. This Mahamoggallana, five masters are present, exist in life. What is the year?
2. Here, the Mahamoggallana, with the master, impure world himself that: "We have the world pure. My world pure, luminous, no defiled ". But the disciples knew about him as follows: "This venerable masters impure world, to himself, saying," We have the world pure. My world pure, pure, not defiled. " If we believe for the layman knows it, the guru will not be content. And if he is not satisfied, we will behave the same time how the newly ". And he received the basic necessities such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. What the ego will do, the ego will be known by his job. Thus, this Mahamoggallana, sheltered world disciples to gurus, and masters waited so sheltered disciples for their gender.
3. Again, this here Mahamoggallana gurus impure lives, himself that: "We have the pure life. Lives were pure brilliance, no defiled ". But the disciples knew about him as follows: "The venerable masters have impure life, back himself, saying," We have the pure life. Lives were pure, pure, not defiled. " If we believe for the layman to know that, when the master was not satisfied, and if he is not happy when we will hear how the newly ". And he received the basic necessities such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. What the ego will do, the ego will be known by his job. Thus, this Mahamoggallana, practitioners sheltered life for masters and gurus such waiting disciples for their sheltered lives.
4. Again, this Mahamoggallana, here comes the sermon masters impure, himself that: "We preach chastity. My sermon purity, brilliance, no defiled ". But the disciples knew about him as follows: "This venerable guru preaching impure, to himself, saying," I preach chastity. My sermon pure, pure, not defiled. " If we believe for the layman knows it, the guru will not be content. And if he is not satisfied, we will behave the same time how the newly ". And he received the basic necessities such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. What the ego will do, the ego will be known by his job. Thus, this Mahamoggallana, the disciples preach to hedge the masters, and masters waited so sheltered disciples for his sermon.
5. Again, this Mahamoggallana, here are answers gurus impure, himself that, "I answered purity. My reply purity, brilliance, no defiled ". But the disciples knew about him as follows: "This venerable masters impure answer, stop and think," I answered purity. My reply pure, luminous, not defiled. " If we believe for the layman knows it, the guru would not consent, and if he is not satisfied, we will behave the same time how the newly ". And he received the basic necessities such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. What the ego will do, the ego will be known by his job. Thus, this Mahamoggallana, sheltered disciples answered for masters, and masters waited so sheltered disciples answered for her.
6. Again, this Mahamoggallana, here are masters not pure knowledge, the order said: "We have pure knowledge. Our knowledge pure, luminous, no defiled ". But the disciples knew about him as follows: "This venerable masters are not pure knowledge, to himself, saying," I have pure knowledge. Our knowledge pure, clear, no defiled ". If we believe for the layman knows it, the guru would not consent, and if he does not consent, the time we must behave like new. " And he received the basic necessities such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. What the ego will do, the ego will be known by his job. Thus, this Mahamoggallana, practitioners of knowledge for their protection.
7. Mahamoggallana Hey, I have presented pure, straightforward, and I said: "About My pure, clear, no defiled". The disciples no gender sheltered me, and I can not wait for my sheltered practitioners on gender. My life pure. Ourselves clearly said: "My soul is pure, clear, no defiled". The disciples did not have sheltered me about life, and I can not wait for my followers to protect lives. My sermon pure, straightforward I said: "My sermon pure, clear, no defiled". The disciples did not have sheltered me about the sermon, and I can not wait for my sheltered practitioners about the sermon. My answer to the first bar, I order clearly said: "The answer I pure, clear, no defiled". The disciples did not have sheltered me for the answers, and I can not wait for my sheltered practitioners about the answers. My knowledge pure, straightforward I said: "My Prophet is pure, clear, no defiled". The disciples have no knowledge about my shield, and I can not wait for my sheltered practitioners of knowledge.
§§ (I) (101) are scared
1 - Hey, monks, there are five steps Huu It makes learning without fear. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks have faith, have sex, have heard many, have ardent effort, wisdom. What makes those who had no faith fear, this, monks, that does not make people have confidence in fear. Therefore, this law is making the grade Huu law school without fear. What makes the wicked world of fear, the monks, the people did not make the world scared. Therefore, this law is making the grade Huu law school without fear. What makes the little guys hear fear, the monks, the listener does not make a lot of fear. Therefore, this law is making the grade Huu law school without fear. What makes sluggard fear, the monks, the guys did not make diligent ardent fear. Therefore, this law is making the grade Huu law school without fear. What makes wicked wisdom fear, the monks, the people did not make fear brainer. Therefore, this law is making the grade Huu law school without fear.
This year, this, monks, is the Organic law makes school level fearless.
§§ (II) (102) suspicious
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks lost trust and suspected of being "evil monks", oil gained for him immobile. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks come to the female sex, go to the widow, whose daughter went to the elderly, or go to the eunuchs, or come to the billion- parade-ni.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks lost trust and suspected of evil monks, oil gained for him immobile.
§§ (III) (103) thief
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, a great thief enters the house, carrying away food theft, burglary of individual persons, who robbed a road block. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, thieves relied on rugged large (of the road), based on dense (of the mountains), based on power, who bribes, who eat theft alone. And this, monks, thieves How large is based on the rugged?
3. Here, monks, thieves rely on the larger rivers or difficult to wade through the rugged mountains. Thus, the monks, the great thieves rely on rugged. And this, monks, thieves How large is based on the dense?
4. Here, monks, thieves rely on the big bushy grass, trees, bushes and wild jungle. Thus, the monks, the great thieves rely on dense. And this, monks, thieves How large is based on the powerful?
5. Here, monks, thieves big rely on the king or the king's courtiers. He thought as follows: "If anyone says something about us, the king or the king's courtiers would speak the words protect us". If someone says something about him, the king and his courtiers told him shelter. So, this, monks, thieves rely on powerful large. And this, monks, thieves How large is based on asset bribery?
6. Here, monks, thieves great wealth, there's a lot of money, there are major assets. He thought as follows: "If anyone says anything to me, since I will bribe him with property." If someone says something to him, he immediately bribery assets. So, this, monks, thieves big bribe assets. And this, monks, is how big a thief as a thief separately?
7. Here, the monks, have won the big thieves material resources alone. Wherefore? He thought: "I hope that no one discuss with my hiding place and then we pulled". So, this, monks, thieves big into individual thieves.
Achievements in this spending, big thieves from entering their homes, carrying away food theft, stealing a single person, the robbers blocked the road people.
8. Also, the monks, achievements in law, wicked monks who themselves behave like uprooting, hurt, guilt, being the wise rebuke, and do many things very blessed. What is the year?
9. Here, the monks, evil monks rely on rugged, based on dense, based on power, bribery property and acting alone. And this, monks, what is evil monks rely on rugged?
10. Here, the monks, evil monks bodily achievements casualty insurance, casualty insurance industry term achievements, accomplishments the casualty insurance industry. Thus, the monks, evil monks based on casualty insurance. And this, monks, are the monks based in the jungle?
11. Here, the monks, evil monks have wrong views and achievements extremist viewpoints. Thus, the monks, evil monks relied on the forests. And this, monks, what is evil monks rely on power?
12. Here, the monks, evil monks rely on the king and the king's courtiers. He thought: "If anyone says anything about me, that the king and his courtiers to say for the purpose of protecting us." If anyone said anything about him, the prince or the king's courtiers say for the purpose of protection. Thus, the monks, evil monks rely on power. And this, monks, what is evil monks asset bribery?
13. Here, the monks, evil monks receive items such as medical supplies, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. He thought as follows: "If anyone says anything about me, I'll bribe him to collect items to be!" And if someone says anything about him, he bribes to procure supplies. Thus, the monks, evil monks assets bribery. And this, monks, what is evil monks acted alone?
14. Here, the monks, evil monks lived alone in localities ie marginal field. There, he came to the family and get the avaricious. Thus, the monks, the monks evil act alone.
Achievements in France, the monks, evil monks who themselves behave like the original lost, hurt, guilty, was the rebuke a wise man, do things very blessed.
§§ (IV) (104) bringing peace
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks are bringing peace of recluses for recluses. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks are required to enjoy many robes, not at the request; is required to enjoy plenty of food alms, not at the request; is required to enjoy many couch, not at the request; is required to enjoy many pharmaceutical treatments, not less requirements. You live with dignity, the same, and this taste treat for the body he likely standard practice, not less likely standard; dealing with the border issue most likely, not less likely standard; dealing with the issue the more likely, not less likely standard. These men help he most likely with the help of reviews, not less likely standard. And the sensation arises due to bile, phlegm arises because, due to start-up wind, or by the combination (of three events), or due to changes in the weather, or due to careless care, or due to the entry of some events (such as some disease), or as a result of now, the events start up no more. He little sick and for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, § (He) is not hard evidence, not hard evidence, witness fees are not power. Due to the cessation of the taints, he even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks who brings peace of recluses, for every recluses.
3. Hey, monks, if anyone says to you in a righteous way of bringing peace to Salmone Salmone, this time the monks, he would say in a righteous way of Me is who brought peace of recluses for recluses. This, monks, I had requested robes lived many, not the few requirements; lived much requested alms food, not less requirements; are required, at the age of many couch, not at the request; enjoy life more is required of pharmaceutical treatment, not less requirements. I live with dignity, the same treatment and this position is for me personally more likely to notice, not less likely standard; dealing with the border issue most likely, not less likely standard; dealing with the issue the more likely, not less likely standard. These men helped me with the help of many possibilities attention, not less likely standard. And these feelings arise due to bile, phlegm arises because, due to the wind kicked up, or by a combination of three events, or due to changes in the weather, or due to careless care, or by invasion of some events, or as a result of now, the events start up where I did not have much. I have less sickness, and for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, I was not hard evidence, not hard evidence, evidence is not waste energy. Due to the cessation of illegal or even in the present, I position myself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
This, monks, if anyone says to you in a righteous way of bringing peace to Salmone Salmone, this time the monks, he would say in a righteous way about who I am bringing peace of monks for monks.
§ (V) (105) STAY AN STABLE
1 - Hey, monks, have permanent peace in this, What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks take refuge from professional bodies to co virtue, both in front and behind; dwell from now for the export of dignity, in front and behind; now residing from the well for copper discounts, front and back; for the world is not moldy, intact, not stained, not defiled, bringing liberation, are the wise words of praise, not clinging, leading to meditation, he lived achievements the same for the world of dignity, front and back, and for this knowledge, leading to production of glass saints, who practice righteousness is the destruction of suffering, he lived the achievements of knowledge so for the unfortunate contract discounts, front and back.
This year, the monks, the five permanent peace.
§ (VI) (106) Venerable Ananda
1. One time, Exalted in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - So how, venerable sir, we monks live in peace Increase residence?
 - Hey Ananda, when the monks themselves do not fully gender and other troubles with the upper world rising. Until such, this Ananda, we monks live in peace Increase residence.
 - Buddha, with other disciplines, so we monks live in peace Increase residence?
 - There may be, this Ananda!
Exalted says:
 - Hey Ananda, when monks full instructions and not an inconvenience others with increased upper world, his self-observation does not observe others. Until such, this Ananda, we monks live in peace Increase residence.
 - Buddha, with other disciplines, so we monks live in peace Increase residence?
 - There may be, this Ananda!
Exalted says:
 - Hey Ananda, when you complete monks do not troublesome world and others with increased upper world, his self-observation, not to observe others, not to become a reputation, and not frustrated bother not reputation. Until such, this Ananda, we monks live in peace Increase residence.
 - Buddha, with other disciplines, so we monks live in peace Increase residence?
 - There may be, this Ananda!
Exalted says:
 - Hey Ananda, when monks full instructions and not an inconvenience others with increased upper world, his self-observation, not to observe others, not to become a reputation, and not frustrated because not disturb be illustrious, for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently located residence, proof is not hard, not hard evidence, evidence is not waste energy. Until such, this Ananda, we monks live in peace Increase residence.
 - Buddha, with other disciplines, so we monks live in peace Increase residence?
 - There may be, this Ananda!
Exalted says:
 - Hey Ananda, when monks full instructions and not an inconvenience others with increased upper world, his self-observation, not to observe others, not to become a reputation, and not frustrated because not disturb be illustrious, for four Zen of epicardial increase, stay optimistic now, evidence is not hard, not hard evidence, evidence is not waste energy. Due to the total extinction of the defilements, he won himself the right place in the present and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight. Until so, the monks, we monks live in peace Increase residence.
In addition to this permanent peace, this Ananda, I claim no other permanent peace a nobler, more magic revenge.
§§ (VII) (107) About
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks full instructions, full on, full of wisdom, full liberation, complete liberation by knowledge.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
§§ (VIII) (108) martial arts
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
2. Here, the monks, monks studying gender achievement aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi learning achievements of aggregates, aggregates intellectual achievements Wuxi school, school achievements freed aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi school achievements freed tri is aggregates.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks worthy of reverence ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks are the four winds. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of responsibility for minor offenses, accepting and learning Studies in France, is the degree to hear more, life over what was heard, it was heard accumulate. For improving legal documents, Mid-friendly, good logistics, meaning that text, praising the holy life fulfilled purity, of such measures, he heard many, many maintain life, was remembered by read many times, specialized attention to observe, cleverly accomplished by right understanding, know enough of the essentials items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. For four of increase epicardial Meditation, touch current residence, he attained without difficulty, effortless attain, no fee attain power. Due to the cessation of the taints, he immediately present themselves to the enlightened mind won, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks is the four orientations.
§§ (X) (110) FORESTS
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks used couch (abode) of the remote mountainous desert plateau. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks have sex ... § (See § 109) accepted and legal study in the School, is the order heard ... specialized reviews observes, cleverly achievements by right view, live ardent effort ... effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior, for four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, not difficult to attain, effortless attain, no fee attain power, by cessation of defilements, right now, to win themselves enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks are enough for clinical use of the mountainous plateau is far away.
§§ (I) (111) GO TO THE FAMILY
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks close to the family, the family is not admirers, likes attention, respect, emulate practice. What is the year?
2. He did not intimate confidant, did not interfere with the authority, the elements in the opposition, in particular one ear, ask too much.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks close to the family, the family is not admirers, likes attention, respect, emulate practice.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, monks close to the family, the family is the fan, likes attention, respect, emulate practice. What is the year?
He did not intimate with relatives who are not believers, do not interfere with no authority, not out to the opposition elements, in particular not in one ear, do not ask for too much.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks close to the family, the family is the fan, likes attention, respect, emulate practice.
§§ (II) (112) SA-MON entourage
1 - Hey, monks, achievements in law, a monks do not deserve to Satan entourage. What is the year?
2. Going too far or go too close, do not take the bowl was filled, not words taken to prevent crime, interrupt other people's words, the evil wisdom dumb, deaf and dumb.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks do not deserve to Satan entourage.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, the monks deserve to Satan entourage. What is the year?
4. Do not go too far or not go too close and took the bowl was filled, words taken to prevent crime, not interrupt other people's words, wisdom, not stupid, not deaf.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks deserve to Satan entourage.
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks can not reach the right concentration and dwell. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not the excellent endurance, endurance is not the language, not the flavor endurance, patience is not the taste, not the emotional endurance.
Achievements in France, the monks, monks can not reach the right concentration and dwell.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, monks can reach the right concentration and dwell. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, the monks outstanding endurance, endurance of the language, the native endurance, patience and taste, the contact endurance.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks can reach the right concentration and dwell.
1. One time, Bhagavan among the people residing in Magadha, at Andhakavinda. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda was sitting on one side:
 - The monks do, this Ananda, was ordained the new school soon, arrived in France and this Act, the monks did, this Ananda, really need encouragement, need to do to enter and make legal dwell in. How is the legal year?
2. "Come, behold the Sage, the teacher need to keep gender, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of small errors for, accept and learn School of legal practice ". Thus, they should be encouraged, should make entering and residing in the making of international protection obligations.
3. "Come, is the sage, the Master must live with the doors must be tamed, achievements to be protective concept, the concept of wise caution, be smart with the protection, the heart is protection awareness. " Thus, they should be encouraged, it should be made into, should make the protection reside in the apartment.
4. "Come, behold the Sage, talk less, please restrict speech." Thus they should be encouraged, it should be made into, should make the dwelling in limited words.
5. "Come, behold the Sage, be the people who live in the forest, use the highland jungle abode far away". Thus, they need to be encouraged, to make input, should make lifestyle relatives residing in renunciation.
6. "Come, behold the Sage, have primary knowledge, achievement of right". Thus, they need to be encouraged, to make input, to do with the right to reside.
This Ananda, yet modern monks school, left home soon, arrived in France this law, this Ananda, that monks should be the incentive I need to do to enter, to make dwell in this approach.
§ (V) (115) bright
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell. What is the year?
2. Housing Avarice, avarice on the help of family and avarice of the widgets are offered, avarice of praise, legislative avarice.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so be born to heaven. What is the year?
4. Housing avarice, not avarice on the help of family, not avarice of the widgets are offered, not avarice of praise, not of legal avarice.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so be born to heaven.
§§ (VI) (116) tons of coal
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell. What is the year?
2. No judgment, no inspection, he was not worthy of praise is praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, put faith in places where credit net worth; non-discrimination, not inspection, do not put faith in the credit space net worth; Credit reject experimental items.
Due to achievements in this approach, monks-ni so commensurate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, this, monks, nuns, monks-matched so be born to heaven. What is the year?
There are considerations, police authorities, not praise people who do not deserve praise; have speculated, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; have speculated, police authorities, do not put faith in places where credit net worth; have speculated, police authorities, put faith in the credit space net worth; not reject the candidates credit items.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, nuns, monks-matched so be born to heaven.
§§ (VII) (117) jealousy
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell. What is the year?
2. No judgment, no inspection, he was not worthy of praise is praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; jealously; avarice; Credit reject experimental items.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks-ni so commensurate be born to heaven.
4. to consider, with inspection, not praise people do not deserve praise; have speculated, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; no jealousy; no avarice; no credit applicants rejected items.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks-ni so commensurate be born to heaven.
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell. What is the year?
2. No judgment, no inspection, he was not worthy of praise is praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; wrong view; have evil thoughts; Credit reject experimental animals.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the nuns, monks-matched so fell into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks-ni so commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
There are considerations, police authorities, not praise people who do not deserve praise; have speculated, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; there is right knowledge; have the right thought; no credit applicants rejected items.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks-ni so commensurate be born to heaven.
§§ (IX) (119) VERBAL
... (As of the § 118) above, except for this one: wrong speech, wrong knowledge now that the evil, evil thoughts; right speech, right action for the district's knowledge, right thought of doing before).
§§ (X) (120) Solubility
... (As of the § 118) above, except for this one: wrong effort, wrong for wrong notion that knowledge, wrong thinking and right effort, mindful that the primary knowledge, right livelihood the economic front only).
§§ (I) (121) people sick
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, the auditorium has peaked. Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up, went to the hallway patients. Bhagavan saw a sickly monks sick, saw it, sat down on the seat was drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One told the monks:
 - Hey, monks, if it does not leave in a sick sick man, when he is expected as follows: Very soon, due to cessation of defilements, right now, the place will win realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks lived impurities in the body shop, with terrible idea for the dish, with the unpleasant thought for all the world, in all impermanent shop onions, and dwell in inner smart idea of ​​death.
This, monks, if it does not leave in the sick man sick, when he is expected as follows: Very soon, due to cessation of defilements, right now, the place will win realizations , attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
§§ (II) (122) Mindfulness
1. - monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, practice makes prolific in France, one of the two following results were waiting for him: Even in the present, be right knowledge , or if any medical opinion, attained Any refund. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks were clever interior concept with wisdom dwell on the birth and death of the law; live impure body shop, with great disgust of food, with no great interest to all the world, impermanent shop for all operating.
Monks or nuns, monks-how, this, monks, practiced in this technique, make this legal prolific year, one of the two following results were waiting for him: Even in the present, be right knowledge, or if any medical opinion, attained Any refund.
§§ (III) (123) Health Care (1)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, who take care of sick patients are not good. What is the year?
2. Do not adequate; unknown moderate during treatment; not using drugs; with patients who want to benefit care (for himself, for patients); no clear lifelike sickness: When progressive such as incremental, while minimizing minimizing such as when stopped is stopped so; for the life of the body suffering arises, fierce, intensified, fierce, not interested, do not like attention, winning networking, hardly life ring.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, who are sick do not take care of yourself to be nice disease.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, an infected person who is their patient care is good. What is the year?
4. Do things properly; Know when to treat moderate; drug use; with patients who want to benefit care (for themselves); as stated morbid truth: When the progressive incremental so, while minimizing minimizing such as when stopped is stopped so; for the life of the body suffering arises fierce, intensified, fierce, not interested, do not like attention, won the network, can endure.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, an infected person who is their patient care is good.
§§ (IV) (124) Health Care (2)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, who take care of patients can not afford to care for patients. What is the year?
2. There is no capacity to infusion; do not know what is appropriate, what is not appropriate; put something inappropriate, do not put something appropriate; because they want material benefit, patient care, not because of kindness, felt disgust when to remove the faeces, urine, vomit map, or sputum; no legal capacity to dialogue occasionally presented, encouraging, making excited, making the patient happy.
Achievement of this law, a medical caregiver can not afford to care for patients.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, a medical caregiver can afford to care for patients. What is the year?
4. Capacity to infusion; Know something relevant, something inappropriate; put something adequate, do not take what is not appropriate; compassionate care for patients, not for material gain, not disgusted when to remove the faeces, urine, vomit map, or sputum; capable occasionally presented with Dharma, encourage, make excited, making the patient happy.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, a medical caregiver can afford to care for patients.
§§ (V) (125) SHELF LIFE (1)
1. - In this method, the monks, not to increase longevity. What is the year?
2. Work inappropriate, do not know the proper moderate, non-digestible food items, non-time traveling, and living without virtue.
This year, the monks, not to increase longevity.
3. In this method, the monks, increased longevity. What is the year?
4. Work properly, know the proper moderately, eat the food digestion, and traveled to the celibate.
This year, the monks, increased longevity.
§§ (VI) (126) SHELF LIFE (2)
(... As of on, only the last two French non-time traveling and living with dignity, to be replaced by evil men and evil friends. And two traveled to the friendly France and celibate are replaced with limited and good friends ...)
§§ (VII) (127) isolated
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks are not eligible to Increase isolated them. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not self-sufficient with care received here and there; not self-sufficient with food alms received here and there; not self-sufficient to get ready is here and there; not self-sufficient with pharmaceutical treatment received here and there; and live with thinking about sex.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks are not eligible to Increase isolated them.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, the monks are eligible to live independently of them Sangha. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, monks self-y enough to get here and there; self-sufficient with food alms received this place, here and there; is self-sufficient to get this place ready, here and there; Pharmaceutical self sufficient with treatment received here and there; lives thinking about renunciation.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks qualify to live independently of them Sangha.
1. - There are five things this suffering for recluses. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not self-sufficient with him getting this place, here and there; not self-sufficient with food alms received this place, here and there; not self-sufficient to get ready is here and there; not self-sufficient with pharmaceutical receive treatment here, here and there; no fun to live in virtue.
This, monks, there are five things this suffering for recluses.
3. There is peace in this, the monks, the monks. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, monks self-y enough to get this place, here and there; self-sufficient with food alms received this place, here and there; is self-sufficient to get this place ready, here and there; Pharmaceutical self sufficient with receiving treatment here, here and there; and life delights in virtue.
This, monks, there is peace in this for the monks.
1. - There are five against this crime, this, monks, leads to deprivation, leading to hell, can not cure. What is the year?
2. Won the mother network, the network won the father, the network won the position Arhat, with malice as Tathagata bleeding, destroy the harmony of the Sangha.
This, monks, against French team this year, leading to deprivation, leading to hell, can not cure.
§§ (X) (130) Achievements
1 - Hey, monks, have years of losses. What is the year?
2. The relative loss, loss of property, loss of illness, loss of sex, knowledge loss. This, monks, not because of loss of relatives, or not because of the loss of assets, whether or not due to the loss of sick human beings of body damage after birth into the realm of common data network, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, the world due to human loss, or loss of knowledge that the body beings after birth in the realms havoc common data network, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, have five losses.
3. Hey, monks, have accomplished this year. What is the year?
4. Achievement relatives, asset achievements, accomplishments myriad diseases, gender achievements, accomplishments knowledge. This, monks, not because of her children's accomplishments, not by human achievements or assets, whether or not due to the disease's numerous achievements, which the beings common network damage after the body is born to the realm of healing, God world, this life. This, monks, the world due to human achievements or accomplishments by knowledge workers, whose relatives beings after birth havoc on corporate networks are fresh realms, Heaven, this world.
This, monks, have accomplished this year.
§§ (I) (131) Dharmaraja (1)
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, kings Switch Rotation wheel with law; Wheel was not a hand one can go backwards, oil is the enemy of the people. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, Dharmaraja said means, said Justice, said just right, to know the time and know the congregation.
Achievements five factors, the monks, kings Switch Rotation wheel with law; his wheels, not a hand one can go backwards, oil is the enemy of the people.
3. Likewise, the monks, achievements in law, Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment turning Falun Supreme with law; his wheels, not by anybody in the world can move backwards, oil is recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or anyone in my life. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment knows that, knows law, said just right, to know the time and know the congregation.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment turning Falun Supreme with law; Wheel him, no one can move backwards, oil is recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or anyone in my life.
§§ (II) (132) Dharmaraja (2)
1. - Achievements five factors, the Monks, the head of the King Who Turns the Wheel continue transporting wheel was taken by his father transported; his wheels, not a hand one can go backwards, oil is the enemy of the people. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the Minister said that the King Who Turns the Wheel, said Justice, said just right, to know the time and know the congregation.
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the Monks, the head of the King Who Turns the Wheel continue transporting wheel was taken by his father transported; his wheels, not a hand one can go backwards, oil is the enemy of the people.
3. Likewise, the monks, Sariputta achievements in continuing legal right feet Falun Supreme transported by Tathagata was transported; his wheel, so one can not move backwards, oil is recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or anyone in my life. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks Sariputta knew that benefit, said Justice, know enough, know the time and know the congregation.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, Sariputta continued right feet Falun Supreme transported by Tathagata was transported; his wheel, so one can not move backwards, oil is recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or anyone in my life.
§§ (III) (133) Dharmaraja (3)
1 - Hey, monks, who the lawful King Who Turns the Wheel dharma, he transported the wheel is not not part of the king.
When they heard that, a lord monks:
 - Buddha, who is the true king of the King Who Turns the Wheel dharma legal?
 - It is legal, these monks.
Bhagavan said.
2. - Here, the monks, the King Who Turns the Wheel lawful dharma, he kept legal, legal reverence, respect law, respect for law, taking measures as chalky, take measures as flag, taking measures to do rooftop. This're ordering a protective, protection, overpower lawful for local people.
3. Again, the monks, the King Who Turns the Wheel lawful dharma, he kept legal, legal reverence, respect law, respect for law, taking measures as chalky, take measures as flag, taking measures to increase often. This're ordering a protective, protection, overpower lawful for Sat-insole-seat, depending on operating, for the army, for the Brahmin Homeowners, for the people of the town and country, for recluses, Brahmin, for the animals and birds.
Thus, the monks, the King Who Turns the Wheel lawful her dharma, he kept legal, legal reverence, respect law, respect for law, taking measures as chalky, take measures as flag, taking measures to increase the upper after ordering a protective, protection, overpower lawful for local people. After ordering a protective, protection, overpower lawful for Sat-imperial-town, entourage, for the army, for the Brahmin Homeowners, for the people of the town and country, for recluses, Brahmin, for the animals and birds, he transported the legal wheels; his wheels, not a hand one can go backwards, oil is the enemy of the people. Also, the monks, the Tathagata, Arhat level, lawful Enlightenment dharma, he kept legal, legal revered, respected legal, legal respect, taking measures as chalky, take measures as flag, taking measures to increase upstream and arranged a protective, protection, and control of the correct legal standard goods monks: Body so now need to practice, so professional bodies should not practice; Such verbal need to practice, so now should not export practices; Such reviews should now practice, so the industry should not practice; Such life need to practice, so life should not practice; villages, towns, so need to go to; villages, towns, so should not go to.
4. Again, the monks, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment and lawful dharma, he kept legal, legal reverence, respect law, respect for law, taking measures to do colon phan , take measures as flag, taking measures to increase upstream and arranged a protective, protection, and control of the correct legal standard, monks, between the monks-ni, South layperson standard, standard Female lay: My career is really important to practice, professional bodies such practice should not; Such verbal need to practice, so now should not export practices; Such reviews should now practice, so the industry should not practice; Such life need to practice, so life should not practice; villages, towns, so need to go to; villages, towns, so should not go to.
Thus, the monks, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment and lawful dharma, he kept legal, legal reverence, respect law, respect for law, taking measures as chalky, taking do flag law, taking measures to increase the upper, after ordering a protective, protection, and control of the correct legal standard, monks, after ordering a protective, protection, and control of lawful between monks and nuns, after ordering a protective hedge, lawful tame between South layman, after ordering a protective, protection, and control of the correct legal standard Female lay, as Lai makes transporting Supreme rotation with legal measures, the wheel was not a recluse or Brahmin, God, Ma, or Brahma, or anyone in the world can move backwards.
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, kings Sat-imperial-town life did empowerment in any direction, he lived in his appropriated. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the King-Emperor-town Police did empowerment, being both friendly matriarchal and patriarchal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, not a stain upon it, a disparaging about life birth blood problems; is a rich, of great wealth, affluence assets, treasury, barns fullness; Powerful, full four types of army loyal and willing to obey. Hien commander who is the location, refined, wise and reflect on past problems, future, present. And it gave the name of four he was ripe. Achievements with legal title this Thursday, in what direction he stay in, he lived in the area his appropriated. Why? As this is the realm of the victors. Also, this, monks, achievements in law, monks living in any direction, he lived with freedom of mind. What is the year?
3. Here, the monks, monks have sex, live holder with upholding of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of small errors responsibilities, accepting and learning in the legal Studies. So like the king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, full of sentient life. He is the One heard many, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulate, for improving primary law, secondary good, good logistics, meaning that text, praising virtues fulfilled purity, respect with such measures is heard, is life over, be remembered by many readers, specialized attention to observe, cleverly able to enter through the right view. Like King Sat-imperial-town did empowerments, rich, of great wealth, affluence assets, treasury, barns prolific, live ardent effort to get rid of evil, achievement of dhamma , effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior. Like King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, full power, wisdom, intellectual achievements to kill, with the possible entry of saints on the way to an end to suffering. Like King Sat-imperial-town did empowerments, complete with commanders. This makes four deliverance he is ripe. With legal achievements freed this Thursday, he residing in any direction, he reside with freedom of mind. Why? As such, the monks, this is the (district) of the rescue center.
§§ (V) (135) PURPOSE (1)
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment with high hopes for the country. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, being both friendly matriarchal and patriarchal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, not a trace remember how, a disparaging about life birth blood problems; handsome, lovable, pleasing everyone with excellent wins space as shower, loving parents prefer, is people loving country town of fancy; for occupation under King Sat-imperial-town did empowerments, such as vocational elephants, horses, cars, supply and hilt, he is fully trained. He thought as follows: "We are both good delivery from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a problem disparaging about the life blood of birth; why we do not set hopes on national level? I handsome, lovable, pleasing everyone with excellent wins space as shower, why we do not set hopes on national level? We are loving parents prefer, why we do not set hopes on national level? We are the people we love the town favorite country, why do not we put high hopes on the country? For the career of King Sat-imperial-town did vocational empowerment as elephants, horses and chariots, bows and hilt, we fully trained, why we do not put high hopes about the country? "
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment hoping national level. Also, this, monks, achievements in law, monks placed hope in the destruction of the cankers. What is the year?
3. Here, the monks, monks have faith in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, World Good time, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". Monks was less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. Monks did not cheat, lie, stating himself as legs for masters, for the discerning taste, or for the dignity, the same. Monks that live ardent effort, abandon the immoral methods, achievements and good behavior. Monks had intellectual achievements. He thought as follows: "I have faith in the enlightenment of the Tathagata:" This is the Exalted, level Arhat, ... Buddha, Bhagavan ". Why do not we put hope in the destruction of the cankers? Ta less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. I do not cheat, lie, stating himself as legs for masters, for the discerning taste, or for the dignity, the same, why do not we put hope in the destruction of the contraband or? I live ardent effort, abandon the immoral methods, achievements and good behavior, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior, why we do not put hope in the destruction of cankers? We have wisdom, intellectual achievements towards being destroyed by the French, the achievements of the saint can enter, leading to cessation of suffering right feet, why do not we put hope in the destruction of pirated or ? "
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks placed hope in the destruction of the cankers.
§ (VI) (136) Purpose (2)
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment hopes of viceroy. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, being both friendly matriarchal and patriarchal words, pure blood for life and seven fathers, not a trace remember how, a disparaging about life birth blood problems; handsome, lovable, pleasing everyone with excellent capacity as shower wins; loving parents, prefer; Army is loved, preferred; brainer, skillful, intelligent, able to think past problems, future, present. He thought as follows: "We are both good delivery from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a problem disparaging about the life blood of birth; why do not we just hope the local viceroy realm? I handsome, lovable, pleasing everyone with excellent wins space as shower, why do not we just hope the local viceroy? We are loving parents, like, why do not we just hope the local viceroy? We are loving the army, prefer; why do not we just hope the local viceroy? Career wise, I am, skillful, clever, capable of thinking past problems, future, present; why do not we just hope the local viceroy? ".
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the monks, the eldest son of King Sat-imperial-town did empowerment status hoping viceroy. Also, this, monks, monks in legal achievements hoping for the destruction of the cankers. What is the year?
3. Here, the monks, monks have sex, live holder with upholding of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of small errors responsibility, acceptance, and learning Studies in law; Career is heard, keep what is heard, what is heard accumulate, for improving primary law, secondary good, good logistics, meaning that text, praising virtues pure fulfilled, for such measures, be heard, be life over, has been remembered by reciting, specializing in the observer, can enter by right understanding clever; for four foundations of mindfulness, mind well dwell; he lived ardent effort to get rid of evil, to make achievement of good behavior, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior; wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the possible entry of saints on the way to an end to suffering. He thought as follows: "We have sex, live holder with upholding of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of small errors responsibility, we accept and learn good behavior; why we do not set hopes on cessation of defilements? I had heard many, preserving what is heard, what is heard accumulate. For improving legal documents, Mid-friendly, good defender, which means, there are cultural, praised Pham happy fulfilled purity, for such measures, we hear so much, is life over, be remembered thanks recitation, specializing in the observer, can enter by right understanding clever; why we do not set hopes on cessation of defilements? I dwell clever mind on four foundations of mindfulness; why we do not set hopes on cessation of defilements? I live ardent effort, rid of evil, making achievement of dhamma, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden for good behavior; why we do not set hopes on cessation of defilements? Career wise, I am, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the possible entry of saints on the way to an end to suffering; why we do not set hopes on cessation of defilements? "
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks placed hopes on cessation of defilements.
§ (VII) (137) very little sleep
1. - In this sort of person, this, monks, sleep at night, waking a lot. What is the year?
2. The woman, this, monks, to men awake at night, much less sleep mode. Man, this, monks, awake to the woman, nighttime sleep much less knowledge. Who steal, this, monks, thieves awake to food, less sleep at night much knowledge. The king, the monks, worried the king's work, less sleep at night much knowledge. You monks, the monks, to glass knots awake, awake much less sleep at night.
Five classes this person, this, monks, sleeping at night more informal.
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, a king's elephant eat food more, occupy more space occupied, scattered defecation, holding food card is called the king's elephant. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the king's elephant not the identity endurance, patience is not the language, not the flavor endurance, patience is not the taste, not the emotional endurance.
Achievements five factors, the monks, a king's elephant eat food more, occupy more space occupied, scattered defecation, holding food card is called the king's elephant. Also, this, monks, achievements in law, monks eat more food, occupy occupy much space, spilling bed and holding food card, is considered only a monks. What is the year?
3. Here, the monks, monks are not the excellent endurance, endurance is not the language, not the flavor endurance, patience is not the taste, not the emotional endurance.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks eat more food, occupy occupy much space, spilling bed and holding food note, he called just a monks.
§ (IX) (139) CAN NOT endurance
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, the elephant of the king does not deserve the king, not the property of the king is not seen as a symbol of the king. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the king's elephant not the identity endurance, patience is not the language, not the flavor endurance, patience is not the taste, not the emotional endurance. And this, monks, what is the elephant king's patience is not the color?
3. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, when to go to war, see the group of elephants or horses see, or saw the convoy, or see Infantry Regiment was backed legs, shivering even, no longer can sure, can not participate in the battle. Thus, the monks, the elephant of the king no patience for excellence. And this, monks, what is the elephant king's patience is not the language?
4. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, going to war, and when he heard the elephants, horses hear, hear the car, heard the infantry, or heard the big drums, cymbals, horns and, small drums, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, can not participate in the battle. Thus, the monks, the elephant of the king no patience for hours. And this, monks, what is the elephant king's patience is not the flavor?
5. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king to go to war, while the smell of feces and urine of the elephant of the king of precious familiar strains of battle, immediately backed legs, shivering even, no courage, can not participate in the battle. So, this, monks, is the elephant king's patience is not the flavor. And this, monks, what is the elephant of the king is not your endurance?
6. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king when it comes to war, fed up with a manger and water, or fed up of two, three, four or five manger and water, instant hesitate in, Run Releases , no courage, can not participate in the battle. So, this, monks, is the elephant of the king is not your patience. And this, monks, are the king's elephant not the emotional endurance?
7. Here is the
 Monks, the elephant of the king went to the battle, being hit by an arrow, or two, or three, or four, or five arrows, instant shrink feet, shivering even, no courage, can not participate battle. Thus, the monks, the king's elephant not the contact endurance.
Achievements five factors, the monks, a king's elephant not worthy of the king, not the property of the king, not be seen as a symbol of the king. Also, this, monks, an accomplished monks in France unworthy of respect, not worthy of respect, not worth offering, unworthy hands, no longer the unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, monks are not the excellent endurance, endurance is not the language, not the flavor endurance, patience is not the taste, not the emotional endurance. And this, monks, how is the monks do not endurance of identity?
9. Here, the monks, monks instant when the eye sees color tones endearing attachment, the mind can not be static. Thus, the monks, monks are not the excellent endurance. And this, monks, are the monks no patience for hours?
10. Here, the monks, monks when ears hear the sound instant craving endearing, calm mind can not. Thus, the monks, monks no patience for hours. And this, monks, are the monks are not endurance of incense?
11. Here, the monks, monks when the nose smell the aroma flavor craving immediately endearing, calm mind can not. Thus, the monks, the monks do not endurance of incense. And this, monks, are the monks not to your patience?
12. Here, the monks, monks when tongue tasted the taste of instant craving endearing, heart can not be static. Thus, the monks, the monks not to your patience. And this, monks, how was the monks not to contact endurance?
13. Here, the monks, the monks themselves instant emotional attachment to her loving touch, the mind can not be static. Thus, the monks, the monks not the emotional endurance.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks are not worthy of respect, do not deserve respect, not worthy of offerings, is not worthy of hands, no longer is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
14. Achievements five factors, the monks, the elephant king of kings deserve to use, are the property of the king, and is considered a symbol of the king. What is the year?
15. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king of the outstanding endurance, endurance of the language, the native endurance, patience and taste, the contact endurance. And this, monks, are the king's elephant endurance of identity?
16. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, going to war, to see groups of elephants or horses to see, or to see the convoy, or seeing Infantry Regiment, immediately not hesitate in, Run will and courage, can join the battle. Thus, the monks, the king's elephant endurance of identity. And how, this, monks, elephants of the English king endurance?
17. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, going to war, and when he heard the elephants, or when he heard the horse, and when he heard the car, and when he heard the infantry, or to hear the drums large, cymbals, horns and drums small, not discourage, not Run will, the courage, can join the battle. So, this, monks, is the elephant king's patience languages. And this, monks, what is the elephant king's patience and taste?
18. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king to go to war, for the elephant of the king of precious species, familiar battle, as it smelled of urine and faeces that elephants , it does not hesitate in, not Run will, the courage, can join the battle. Thus, the monks, the king's elephant endurance of incense. And this, monks, what is the elephant of the king of your endurance?
19. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king to go to war, scorned a manger and water, or two, or three, or four or five manger and water, not discourage, not Run Releases , courage, can join the battle. Thus, the monks, the king's elephant of your endurance. And this, monks, are the king's elephant endurance of contact?
20. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king to go to war, and he was hit by an arrow, or two, or three, or four, or five, not discourage, not Run will, with enough courage, can join the battle. Thus, the monks, the king's elephant endurance of contact.
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the monks, the elephant king worthy of kings, are the property of the king, and is known as a symbol of the king. Also, this, monks, achievements in law, the monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life. What is the year?
21. Here, the monks, the monks outstanding endurance, endurance of the language, the native endurance, patience and taste, the contact endurance. And this, monks, are the monks endurance of identity?
22. Here, the monks, monks when the eye sees color, no attachment of identity endearing, can keep your mind calm. Thus, the monks, the monks excellent endurance. And this, monks, are the monks endurance of hours?
23. Here, the monks, monks when the ear heard, no attachment of sound endearing, can keep your mind calm. Thus, the monks, monks endurance of hours. And this, monks, are the monks endurance of incense?
24. Here, the monks, monks when the nose smell the incense, no attachment of incense endearing, can keep your mind calm. Thus, the monks, monks endurance of incense. And this, monks, the monks how predicates patience?
25. Here, the monks, monks when tongue tasting the taste, no attachment of your endearing, can keep your mind calm. Thus, the monks, monks patience the position. And how, this, monks, as monks endurance of contact?
26. Here, the monks, the monks feel the touch itself, not the emotional attachment to yours, can keep your mind calm. Thus, the monks, monks and emotional endurance.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the elephant king worthy of the king, are the property of the king, and is considered a symbol of the king. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, said the king's elephant heard, know murdered, said hedge, knows patience, knows to go to. And this, monks, is the elephant's how he learned to hear?
3. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, when the urge to do a work wrong or have done before, or have not done before, zealous attention, totally focused, slang ear and hearing . Thus, the monks, the king said that the elephant heard. And this, monks, is the elephant's how he learned to kill?
4. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king to go to war, killing elephants, kill the elephant, killed a horse, kill the horse riding, breaking car, riding kill, kill the infantry. So, this, monks, is the elephant of King knows murdered. And this, monks, is the elephant's how he learned hedge?
5. Here, the monks, went to war, and the king's elephant protection forequarters, hindquarters protection, head protection, ear protection, protective ivory, protection hose, protection tails, who elephant protection. Thus, the monks, said the king's elephant protection. And this, monks, is the elephant's how he learned patience?
6. Here, the monks, the king of the forest elephant game, injured crashing endurance, patience was for stabbing, hit names endurance, patience these languages, like big drums, the sound la, horns, small drums. Thus, the monks, said the king's elephant patience. This, monks, is the elephant's how he learned to go to?
7. Here, the monks, the elephant of the king, when he pleaded (elephant trainer) wrong headed, or previously had to go, or did not previously have to go, quickly went to the site immediately Hey. Thus, the monks, said the king's elephants go.
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the monks, the king's elephant is worthy of the king, are the property of the king, and called a symbol of the king. Also, this, monks, achievements in law, the monks deserve respect, deserve respect, deserve offerings, worthy of being folded hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, monks are people who know how to listen, know murdered, said hedge, knows patience, knows to go to. And this, monks, are the monks know how to listen?
9. Here, the monks, monks when French and Law theory by Tathagata preached, enthusiasm, attention, totally attentive ear to the law. Thus, the monks, the monks know how to listen. And this, monks, are the murdered monks know?
10. Here, the monks, monks for the Games have started up education, no preservation, but to give up, cleanse, make passes away, making travel to non-existence; Games for yard was born ... for the Games were born ... harmful to the legal evil, evil has been born or not born, no preservation, but to give up, cleanse, make perishes, as to go to does not exist. Thus, the monks, the monks know murdered. And how, this, monks, as monks know hedge?
11. Here, the monks, monks when the eyes see color, do not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because eyesense unprotected, causing craving, offers compassion, evil evil arises legal, monks self-control that causes the label holder base, practice the label holder base. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue smelling incense tasting ... when ... when the relative emotional awareness of the law, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because the apartment is not tame, making craving, offers compassion, evil evil arises legal, monks tame her reasons, upholding consciousness, practice the holder base. Thus, the monks, the monks know hedge. And this, monks, are the monks know patience?
12. Here, the monks, monks patience cold, hot, hungry, insult of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, reptiles, saying the vilification, libel ascites, physical sensations, feelings anguish, intense, throbbing pain, dazzling pain, no joy, no excitement, was dumbfounded. Thus, the monks, the monks patience. And this, monks, how are you going to know, monks?
13. Here, the monks, the other direction has never come before, where every action is just pure, every care is being abandoned, charity is eradicated, dispassion, cessation, Nirvana, he went to that place fastly. Thus, the monks, the monks know what you go to.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
§ (I) (141) ALLEGEDLY contempt
1. - In this sort of person, this, monks, present, present at birth. What is the year?
2. After the contempt and turn; after living together, contempt; mouth to swallow all; insecure people; padded renders foolish person. And this, monks, how are people after him, scorned?
3. Here, the monks, who ranked others necessities like furniture robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. He thought: "I am the people, this person is the recipient". After, he despised turn (the recipient).
Thus, the monks, the people after class, despised. And this, monks, how was the sort who, after living together, turn contempt?
4. Here, the monks, who have lived together with classes, two or three years. Due to live with him, he despised him.
Thus, the monks, was the sort of person after living, contempt turn. And this, monks, is at the mouth how to swallow them all?
5. Here, the monks, someone to hear people praising or criticizing others, enjoy instant bingo.
So, this, monks, is at the mouth and swallowed it all. And this, monks, how strong was the sort who does not?
6. Here, the monks, some people have little faith, little faith in heart, small heart admirers, with little net credit.
Thus, the monks, are men who are not solid. And this, monks, how foolish of people referring padded?
7. Here, the monks, who did not know the French have positive, negative, do not know the legal guilty, not guilty, not knowing the inferior legal, wins, do not know the law partake of black and white.
So, this, monks, is the ignorance of people referring padded.
Five classes this person, this, monks, present, present at birth.
§ (II) (142) misleading
1. - There are five classes of people, the monks, present, present at birth. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, some people do breach and regret, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the law that arises evil evil is eradicated, no residue remains. Here, the monks, who do have violations, but no regrets, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the law that arises evil evil is eradicated, no residue remains. Here, the monks, who do not have the class of violations, with regret, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the law that arises evil evil is eradicated, no residue remains. Here, the monks, who do not have class violation, no remorse, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the law that arises evil evil is eradicated, no residue remains. Here, the monks, who do not have class violation, no remorse, and as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the law that arises evil evil is eradicated, no residue remains.
3. Here, the monks, this sort of person do regret the violations and not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; the key here, the evil evil law that arises is no residue remains eradicated. Rank this person needs to be said as follows: "The cankers are being violated by doing was in the Venerable. The cankers are born by remorse is growing. You instead, if he came to after the total extinction of contraband or are being violated due to do, after the removal of the contraband or be born by remorse, let's practice of mind and wisdom! Thus, he came to become peer with his fifth grade. "
Here, the monks, who do violate classes, but no regrets, and do not clearly know the mind as liberated, liberating insight that; here the legal main evil evil was born, is no residue remains eradicated. This person needs to be said as follows: "The cankers are being violated by doing was in the Venerable. The contraband was born by remorse or no growth. You instead, if he came to after the total extinction of contraband or are being violated so doing, make the practice of mind and wisdom! Thus, he came to become peer with his fifth grade. "
Here, the monks, such people do breach, with regret, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here the legal main evil evil was born, is no residue remains eradicated. This person needs to be said as follows: "The cankers are being violated so do not present among venerable. The cankers are born by remorse growth. You instead, if he came to after the removal of the contraband or be born by remorse, let's develop the mind liberated, liberating insight! Thus, he came to become peer with his fifth grade. "
Here, the monks, such people do breach, no remorse, not as they really know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; The main legal here was born evil evil be eradicated without residual remains. This person needs to be said as follows: "The cankers are being violated so do not present among venerable. The contraband was born by remorse or no growth. You instead, he came to make the practice of mind and wisdom! Thus, he came to become peer with his fifth grade. "
Thus, the monks, four classes of people, the fifth grade teacher who presented thus be counseled so, gradually reaching the extinction of defilements.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, a peaked seat amphitheater. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding the bowl y, went into Vesali for alms.
At that time, about 500 people gathered at Licchavis sitting Sarandada temple, and the following story is started up:
2. "The existence of five jewels difficult to find in life. What is the year?
The existence of elephants is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of the horse is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of the jewel is hard to find in life; The existence of women is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of hard to find treasures lay in life.
The existence of this year is hard to find treasures in life.
3. Then the Licchavi people that put a person on the street and say:
 - Hey you, when you go to see the Blessed One, please let us know.
He saw from afar come to Bhagavan, saw it, went to the Licchavi people and said:
 - Ladies and gentlemen, the Exalted, Arhat level, he has to Enlightenment. Now you do what you think is trendy!
Then the man went to the Bhagavan Licchavi, after arriving bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, the lord who was Licchavis:
 - You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One went to the temple of compassion Sarandada us!
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then go to the temple Sarandada Bhagavan, after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One said to the Licchavi that:
 - Hey Licchavi, today the gatherings he sat, talking about what? And what s issues between the He was interrupted?
 - Here, venerable sir, we're sitting gathered, this problem arises is: "The existence of five jewels difficult to find in life. What is the year? The existence of elephants is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of the horse is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of the jewel is hard to find in life; The existence of women is hard to find treasure in life; The existence of hard to find treasures lay in life. The existence of five treasures in life are hard to find! "
4. - For He, who weighs about sex Licchavis is natural, the conversation he started to carve themselves out. The Licchavi this, the existence of this year is hard to find treasures in life. And how is the year?
The existence of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment is difficult to find in life. Rank France who can preach and so I proclaim Law difficult to find in life. Who understands the teachings of French law declared by the Tathagata is difficult to find in life. Who put into practice the Dhamma in legal and understood from the teachings of French and Law declared by the Tathagata is difficult to find in life. People thankful, and grateful difficult to find in life.
The existence of this treasure year, the Licchavi this, difficult to find in life.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Saketa, at Tikandaki forest. Then Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks!
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - You instead, the monks, if monks occasionally lived with great disgust of things not disgusting! You instead, the monks, if the monks sometimes did not live with great disgust of abomination! You instead, the monks, if monks occasionally lived with great disgust of objects not odious and disgusting! You instead, the monks, if the monks, if the monks sometimes ideas do not live with disgust! You instead, the monks, if the monks after abandoning both objects not odious and disgusting, discharge residence, mindfulness-awareness! And this, monks, conditioned benefits, the monks, monks can stay with great disgust of animals not disgusting?
3. "We hope that, for the endearing approach, taking up where we do not have boots." Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, monks should live with great disgust of objects not odious. And this, monks, how conditioned benefits. Monks should not live with the idea for the character disgust disgusting?
4. "I hope that for the good measures of anger, anger can not arise in me". Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, monks should live with no thought for the disgusting abomination. And this, monks, how conditioned benefits. Monks should live with great disgust of abomination and disgust?
5. "I hope that for the endearing approach, greed can not arise in me. Hopefully for good measures of anger, anger can not arise in me ". Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, monks should live with great disgust of objects not odious and disgusting. And this, monks, how conditioned benefits. Monks should not live with the idea for the character disgust disgust and loathing?
6. "I hope that for the good law is anger, anger arises not from me." Conditioned by this benefit, the monks, monks should live with no thought for the animal disgust disgust and loathing. And this, monks, how conditioned benefits, monks after abandoning both objects not odious and disgusting, discharge residence, mindfulness-awareness?
7. "We hope that the oil is something, at where and how to approach those accusations, greed can not boot up from me! We hope that the oil is something, at any place is like, for legal deserves anger, anger can not arise in me! We hope that the oil is something, at any place, for legal ignorance could make, please do not arise in me si! "Conditioned benefits, the monks, monks after quitting both objects not odious and disgusting, discharge residence, mindfulness-awareness?
§ (V) (145) ROAD TO HELL
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, so adequate to be cast into hell. What is the year?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, captivated in yeast, this wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, so adequate to be cast into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, so inadequate was born to Heaven. What is the year?
4. Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning captivated yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, so inadequate was born to Heaven.
§ (VI) (146) FRIENDS
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not deserve you. What is the year?
2. To work in the fields; litigation preferred; opposition leaders, monks; live life without purpose, such prolongation of life; inability to sometimes present, encouraging, making excited, make happy with a sermon.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks do not deserve you.
3. - Achievements This year, the monks, monks should be made a friend. What is the year?
4. Failing to work in the fields; preferred not litigation; not opposition leaders, monks; do not live a life without purpose, life does not last so long; capable of occasional presentations, incentives, making excited, make happy with a sermon.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks worthy friend.
1. - There are five types of this generosity, this, monks, is not Chan's value level. What is the year?
2. Giving no reverence, giving no thought, not giving his hand, dropped his generosity map, giving no thought to the future.
This legal entities, this, monks, are the five types of alms not rank Chan's value.
3. In this kind of generosity, this, monks, is the kind of human generosity Legs fold symmetry. What is the year?
4. Giving with reverent, thoughtful generosity, giving his own hands, do not throw away toys alms, alms can think about the future.
This legal entities, this, monks, is five fold symmetry types Chan's generosity.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five types of this generosity Chan's value level. What is the year?
2. Giving faith, generosity with respect, giving time, giving the mind is not strained, not giving injure themselves and people.
This, monks, after giving the trust somewhere, anywhere, independent of the result of generosity horror that result: He was rich, of great wealth and assets mature, handsome, easy looking, with good faith and achievement as content wins shower excellent.
And this, monks, after Bell had reverently, nowhere, nowhere, mature fruits of almsgiving horror that result: He was rich, of great wealth and assets of fullness; and his sons, their wives, who enslave the spleen, the messenger, the workers, these people are willing to obey him, and serve them slang ear with understanding heart.
And this, monks, after giving time, any place, anywhere, independent of the result of generosity horror that result: He was rich, of great wealth and assets of fullness; and widgets to him time and affluence.
And this, monks, after giving the mind is not strained, nowhere, nowhere, mature fruits of almsgiving horror that result: He was rich, of great wealth and assets of fullness, and full enjoyment radial merit in education.
And this, monks, after giving himself and injure no man, nowhere, nowhere, mature fruits of almsgiving horror that result: He was rich, of great wealth, asset forfeiture screen; and not an accident where they come from, to the assets of the person, or from fire, from water, from the king, from stealing, from hostile people or from the heirs.
This, monks, there are five types of human generosity this Legs fold symmetry.
§ (IX) (149) TIME Liberation (1)
1. - There This year, the monks, leading to rot fall for monks proved to be the time of liberation. What is the year?
§ 2. Working Interest (About yourself), preferred talking, sleeping fancy, fancy congregation, not observed as has been liberated mind.
This year, the monks, leading to rot fall for monks witnessed the liberation.
3. In this method, the monks, not to fall for the rotten taste monks proved to be the time of liberation. What is the year?
4. Do not fancy working § (About yourself), preferred not to talk, not fancy sleeping, not fancy congregation, which was observed as liberated mind.
This year, the monks, not to fall for the rotten monks witnessed the liberation.
§ (X) (150) TIME Liberation (2)
1. - In this method, the monks, leading to rot fall for monks witnessed the liberation. What is the year?
§ 2. Working Interest (About yourself), preferred to talk, preferred to sleep, do not overpower the senses, do not know moderation in eating.
This year, the monks, leading to rot fall for monks proved to be the time of liberation.
3. - In this method, the monks, not to fall for the rotten monks witnessed the liberation. What is the year?
4. Do not fancy working § (About yourself), preferred not to talk, not fancy sleeping, overpower the senses, knows moderation in eating.
This year, the monks, not to fall for the rotten monks proved to be the time of liberation.
1. Achievements in France, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma does not enter into the decisive nature, the nature of the friendly French district. What is the year?
2. Contempt preaching, preacher contempt, despise yourself, listen to France with a scattered mind, and not as whimsical heart of volition.
Achievements in France, the monks, who hear the true Dhamma can not enter into decisions emptiness, emptiness in the friendly France district.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma. What is the year?
4. Do not despise preaching, preaching is not disdainful, not despise yourself, listen to France with a scattered mind, and as justice Nhut volition mind.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the Dhamma can listen in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma.
1. Achievements in France, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma does not enter into the decisive nature, the nature of the friendly French district. What is the year?
2. Contempt preaching, preacher contempt, contempt itself, evil Property; dumb, deaf and dumb, is not volition knowledge for understanding the problem.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma. What is the year?
4. Do not despise preaching, preaching is not disdainful, not despise yourself, have wisdom; not dumb, not deaf, volition understanding for not understanding the issues.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the Dhamma can listen in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma.
1. Achievement of this approach, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma does not enter into the decisive nature, the nature of the friendly French district. What is the year?
2. Listen with heart decry law, the obsessive attention be disparaging; victim centered approach hard listening, inquiring cons; while law faculty, the mind was stunned, were calloused; evil Property; dumb, deaf and dumb, is not volition knowledge for understanding the problem.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma does not enter into the decisive nature, the nature of the friendly French district.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, one can hear the true Dhamma in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma. What is the year?
4. Listen with interest law does not disparage, decry not obsessed; not hard to hear victim centered approach, not inquiring cons; while law faculty, the mind is not shocked, not calloused; brainer; not dumb, not deaf, volition understanding for not understanding the issues.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the Dhamma can listen in to decide the nature, main character in the dhamma.
§ (IV) (154) FRANCE DIEU chaos (1)
1. - In this method, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks do not carefully listen to Justice; careful not memorized Justice; legal careful not maintain life; not carefully observe the legal sense is life over; careful not practice Dhamma and after the legal meaning and understanding.
This year, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear.
3. - In this method, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, monks carefully listening to the French; legal carefully memorized; life over legal prudence; carefully observe the legal sense is life over; prudent and Dhamma practice after legal meaning and understanding.
This year, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
§ (V) (155) FRANCE DIEU chaos (2)
1. - In this method, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks do not memorize the scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, Tri award or The commercials. This is the first approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
3. Again, monks, monks are not widely sermon as has been heard, as has been memorized. This is the second approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
4. Again, the monks, the monks do not let the others say such measures were widely heard, as has been memorized. This is the third approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
5. Again, the monks, the monks do not have legal recitation broadly as was heard, as has been memorized. This is the fourth approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
6. Again, monks, monks and centered depending not reach, not depending quarterfinals, with the option not to have been heard customary law, as has been memorized. This is the law Thursday, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
This year, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear.
7. In this method, the monks, not to dwell Dhamma, not chaos, not disappear. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, the monks memorize the scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will recite, no respondents said, as market theory, Bon birth, because of the increased property law, Tri award or advertising methods. This is the first approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
9. Again, monks, monks preached extensively as was heard, as has been memorized. This is the second approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos and not disappear.
10. Again, the monks, the monks let the others say such measures were widely heard, as has been memorized. This is the third approach, the monks, were taken to the Dhamma abides, not chaos and not disappear.
11. Again, monks, monks are reciting broadly legal to have been heard, as has been memorized. This is the fourth approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos and not disappear.
6. Again, monks, monks with customizable range, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option to have been heard, as has been memorized. This is the law Thursday, the monks, brought to Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
This year, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
§ (VI) (156) MAGIC chaos FRANCE (3)
1. - In this method, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the monks memorized scriptures were holding false, with the shot put false documents. This, monks, the writer went wrong, the meaning is misguided. This is the first approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
3. Again, monks, monks who are hard to say, full of nature makes them difficult it difficult endurance, do not receive the respect they are teaching. This is the second approach, the monks, causing chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
4. Again, monks, for the monks heard many Bible teachers was passed, the French prime grade, prime Law Compendium maintenance. The careful he does not let the other person says France. This conditioned their original scriptures as broken, no longer a refuge. This is the third approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
5. Again, the monks, the monks live elders are full, lazy, rotten leader in the fall, from the burden of renunciation, no ardent effort to attain the what has not attained, what have not attained enlightenment, the realization of what is not yet realized. And later the masses will follow their knowledge. They will also become fully alive, lazy, rotten leaders in fall, from the burden of renunciation, would not ardent effort to attain what is not attained, to attain what has not attained, not realizing what enlightenment. This is the fourth approach, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
6. Again, monks, we Increase divided. When we Increase divided, the monks, have taunted each other with mutual altercation, with the frequency of each other. Who does not have a net credit not find the net credit, and the credit can net one other change. This is the law Thursday, the monks, leading to chaos Dhamma and disappeared.
This year, the monks, Dhamma leads to chaos, disappear.
7. In this method, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, the monks memorized scriptures nice being held, with the coordination office was shot and meaningful right feet are guided right feet. This is the first approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
9. Again, the monks, the monks were the easy to say, easy endurance, reverently received when being taught. This is the second approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
10. And again, monks, for the monks heard many Bible teachers was passed, the French prime grade, prime Law Compendium maintenance. The caution he let the others say legal. This conditioned their classic original is not broken, a refuge. This is the third approach, the monks, brought to Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
11. And again, monks, elders, monks do not live full, not lazy, the burden fall from optimism, leading the renunciation life, eagerly diligent to attain what not attained, what have not attained enlightenment, the realization of what is not yet realized. And later the masses will follow their knowledge. They will also become not live fully, not slothful, leading the renunciation of life, from the burden fall optimistic, enthusiastic effort to attain what is not attained, not yet attained what evidence prime, not realizing what enlightenment. This is the fourth approach, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
12. And again, monks, we Increasing harmony, joy, not debate, the same doctrine, live in peace. When we Increasing harmony, the monks, there is no mutual reviled, no mutual altercation, no mutual purges without mutual frequency. Who does not find the net net credit credit, and those who have no other changes Net credit. This is the law Thursday, the monks, brought to Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
This year, the monks, brought to the Dhamma abides, not chaos, not disappear.
1. - The words of the five classes of people, this, monks, is evil theory, when there is a reference between people. What is the year?
2. Talk about the credit with unbelievers, this, monks, is evil theory; talking about sex with men are evil evil theory; heard many people talk about the evil little heard presentations; talk about giving to people is evil theory avarice; talking about Intellectual Property with evil is evil theories. And this, monks, is talking about how believers with unbelievers is evil theory?
3. People do not believe this, monks, they are talking about instant confidence angry, disgust, dislike, lost his temper, expressed outrage, anger, sorrow. Why? Because of that he does not see himself full of confidence, he predestined, no joy and bliss. Therefore, talking about credit for people who did not believe the theory is evil. And this, monks, why talk about sex with men are evil evil theory?
4. The evil world, the monks, speaking for the instant when irritated, indignant ... Why? Because of that he does not see himself with full instructions, he predestined, no joy and bliss. Therefore, talking about sex is evil world with evil theories. And this, monks, why talk about listening more to the listener at the evil theory?
5. The hearing at, this, monks, listen more when it comes to instant resentment, indignation ... Why? Because of that he does not see himself fully heard, he predestined, no joy and bliss. Therefore, talking about listening more to the listener at the evil theories. And this, monks, why talk about giving to people is evil theory avarice?
6. The avarice, the monks, they are constantly talking about giving up, disgusted ... Why? Because of that he does not see himself full of generosity, he predestined, no joy and bliss. Therefore, talking about giving people the evil theory avarice. And this, monks, why talk about Property Property with evil is evil theory?
7. The evil wisdom, this, monks, when it comes to instant wisdom irritated, indignant ... Why? Because of that he does not see himself full intellectual, was predestined, no joy and bliss. Therefore, talking about intellectual knowledge with evil is evil theories.
The words of this people are evil in theory classes, where there is a reference between people.
8. The words of this person is good in theory classes, where there is a reference between people. What is the year?
9. Notes on credit for him who believes, this, monks, is good doctrine; gender theory to the theory of morality is good; Theory of many listeners heard the theory is good; theory of giving alms to the theory is good; intellectual theory for theory of mind is good. And this, monks, how is the concept of trust to the doctrine of faith is charity?
10. People who believe, this, monks, when it comes to trust, no resentment, no anger, no dislike, not impatient, not expressing outrage, anger, sorrow. Why? Because that he found himself full of confidence, because of conditions that, with joy and delight. Therefore, talking about credit with the good faith doctrine. And this, monks, why do people keep talking about sex for sex is good theory?
11. The precepts, the monks, when it comes to gender, no resentment, no anger, no dislike, do not lose your temper, does not express anger, not anger, not sorrow. Why? Because that he found himself with full instructions, because of conditions that, with joy and delight. Therefore, talking about sex with people there are good theoretical precepts. And this, monks, why talk about many listeners heard is good theory?
12. Persons heard, this, monks, when it comes to listen, not angry, not outrage, not dislike ... no worries. Why? Because that he should have heard yourself, because of conditions that, with joy and delight. Therefore, talking about hear many people have heard the theory is good. And this, monks, why talk about giving alms to the theory is good?
13. Bell, the monks, when it comes to giving is not angry, not outrage, not dislike ... no worries. Why? Because that he found himself with generosity, because of conditions that, with joy and delight. Therefore, talking about giving alms persons are moral theory. And this, monks, why speak of wisdom for wisdom is good theory?
14. The wisdom of this, monks, when it comes to wisdom, not angry ... no worries. Why? Because that he found himself with wisdom, because of conditions that, with joy and delight. Therefore, talking about people with intellectual intelligence is good doctrine.
Narrations of the five classes of people, this, monks, is good when there is a control theory between people.
§§ (VIII) (158) FEAR
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks fell into fear. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks do not have faith, keep evil world, heard little, intellectual laziness and evil.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks fell into fear.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks have no fear. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, monks have faith, have sex, have heard many, ardent effort, wisdom.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks have no fear.
§§ (IX) (159) The venerable UDAYI
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. At that time, he came to lay Udayi have large congregations are bound sitting sermon. Venerable Ananda saw venerable Udayi have large congregations are bound sitting sermon, after the show, go to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, venerable Udayi have large congregations are bound layman sitting sermon.
 - Hey Ananda, it is not easy to preach to others. To preach to the others, this Ananda, after the inner peacefully reside in France, should preach to new people. What is the year?
2. "I will preach sequentially", preaching to other people must think so. "I will look at the theory with the practice eyes," preach to others must think so. "I will argue for compassion introspection", preaching to other people must think so. "I will preach, not because of material resources", preaching to other people must think so. "I will preach, do not hurt yourself and for the people". Preach to other people must think so.
 - Hey Ananda, it is not easy to preach to others. To preach to the others, this Ananda, after the inner peacefully reside in France, should preach to new people.
§§ (X) (160) DIFFICULT elimination
1. - In this method arises, this, monks, it is difficult to eliminate. What is the year?
2. To start up, it is difficult to eliminate; golf arises, it is difficult to eliminate; si arises, it is difficult to eliminate; loquacious arises, it is difficult to eliminate; wandering mind is hard to eliminate.
This year has started up, the monks, it is difficult to eliminate.
XVII. SHAME rarities
§§ (I) (161) eliminate rare SHAME (1)
1. - There are five ethnical hatred eliminate this, this, monks, here, the monks have a problem arises hatred must be eradicated completely. What is the year?
2. In person, this, monks, ethnical hatred was born, in him, the need to cultivate. Thus in him, ethnical hatred must be eradicated.
3. In person, ethnical hatred was born, in him, should cultivate compassion. Thus in him, ethnical hatred must be eradicated.
4. In person, ethnical hatred was born, in him, the discharge should be practiced. Thus in him ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
5. In person, this, monks, ethnical hatred was born, in him, no idea, no volition need be done. Thus in him ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
6. In person, this, monks, ethnical hatred was born, in person, the event should now create yourself an establishment is: "Illustration is home now, are heirs of now, the origin by now, is her son now, a refuge of karma. All that is good or bad now as venerable industrial heir would be it. " Thus, in him, ethnical hatred must be eradicated.
This, monks, have ethnical hatred eradicated this year, here, ethnical hatred arises for monks need to eliminate completely.
§§ (II) (162) eliminate SHAME insurance (2)
1. Here, the venerable Sariputta, monks call:
 - Hey Sage monks.
 - Ladies and Sage.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
2. - Hey Sage, ethnical hatred have eradicated this year, here, ethnical hatred arises for the monks should be completely eradicated. What is the year?
3. Here is the sage, whose relatives are not pure act, pure and export operator, in such people, is the Sage, ethnical hatred must be eradicated.
4. Here is the Sage, have not import onions pure, pure personally, in such people, this the Sage, ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
5. Here is the sage, whose relatives are not pure act, speech act is not pure, but sometimes the mind is expanded, the mind is purified believers, in such people, is the Sage, ethnical hatred should must be eradicated.
6. Here, the Sage, whose relatives are not pure act, speech act impure, and occasionally not open mind, not a net credit interest, in such people, this the Sage, hostility need to eliminate hatred.
7. Here is the sage, someone personally pure, pure import onions, and sometimes the mind is wide open, the mind is purified believers, in such people, is the Sage, ethnical hatred needs to be destroy.
8. Here is the sage, this person did not personally pure, pure export issue. How, in him ethnical hatred must be eradicated?
9. Just as, the Sage, wearing monks gathered from piles of trash, find a fabric (tossed in a garbage dump) on the way to the car, and he took his left leg stopped, took his right foot to pull the sheet by extension, what is the main piece, makes possible to use and took take. Also, this the sage who, with impure personally, to import pure act; What the act does not belong to the body pure; then he should not volition; operating under the border also what pure, then he should volition. Thus, the hostility he should suppress anger.
10. Here is the sage, the border issue with impure, with purity personally. How, in anger he needs to eliminate hostility?
11. Just as, the Sage, a lake full of mud and reed. Then one of them went to the brain temperature was hot, hot pressing, fatigue, craving a drink, thirsty. He was immersed in the lake, take two hands left out of mud and leaves, grab hands handful of water to drink and then went away. Also, this the sage who, with impure border issue, the pure act itself; the import nothing from the impure act, then, he should not volition; also what belongs personally pure, then, he should volition. Thus in him ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
12. Here is the sage, the person operating the impure body, with export impure acts, sometimes the mind is wide open, the mind is purified credit. How, in anger he needs to eliminate hostility?
13 - Just as, the Sage, less water in the footprints of the bull. Then a man comes, brain temperature was hot, hot pressing, fatigue, craving a drink, thirsty. He thought as follows: "A little water in the footprints cow, if I drink with knob or with the cup, I will do this water oscillations and mobile, making the water undrinkable. So let's throw myself down with all four body parts water and then leave ". Then he threw himself down with all four body parts, drink and go. Also, this the sage, this person personally impure, the border issue is not pure, with an open mind and sometimes pure credit; what belongs personally to the impure, then he should not volition; the import nothing from the impure act, then he should not volition; the center for what are sometimes open and enlightened, then he should volition. Thus in him sage need to eliminate hatred.
14. Here is the sage, this person personally impure, the border issue is not pure, and sometimes the mind is not open and the net credit. How, in him ethnical hatred must be eradicated?
15. - Just as, the sage, someone sick, suffering, fatally ill, walking between the lines, there are far in front of the village, with the village far behind, it does not get the proper food, it does not get the proper treatment pharmaceuticals, do not get proper help, no instructions given to the end of the village.
Another man is on the road also saw him. This person against that person arises compassion, great compassion arises, arises from introspection heart: "Oh, this person is the desire that adequate food, is the appropriate pharmaceutical treatment, is the the help adequate support, is a guide to go to the end of the village ". Why? In the hope that people here do not suffer damage, death. Also, this the sage who, with impure personally, with the border issue is not pure, not occasionally open mind and a net credit, so people need to start up from the heart, should start up great compassion, should arise from introspection heart: "Oh, hope that this venerable, after the total extinction of the evil act itself should act friendly practices, after the total extinction of evil import-export onions should practice charity operating after operating segment should take the evil practice of the good practice ". Why? Since his hope that venerable body damage after public network, not born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Thus in him ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
16. Here is the sage, this person personally pure, pure export onion, occasionally expanded and net interest credits. How, in anger he needs to eliminate hostility?
17. Just as, the Sage, a lotus pond with clear water, fresh water, cooling water, water in the morning, have cleverly arranged lakeside beauty and variety of shade trees. Then one of them went to the brain temperature was hot, hot pressing, fatigue, craving a drink, thirsty. Him after he dived in the lotus pond, after bathing, drinking water, it's out of the lake, went through sitting or lying under a tree. Also, this the sage, this person personally pure, pure with onion export, re-open occasionally been net credit interest. What belongs personally pure, then need to volition; what operating under pure export, need to work at that time and what the mind is sometimes open and net credits, at that time need to be volition. Thus in him ethnical hatred need to eliminate.
Hey Sage, ethnical hatred have eradicated this year, where monks have ethnical hatred arises a need to eliminate completely.
§§ (III) (163) THE TALK
1. There, venerable Sariputta, monks call:
 - Hey Sage monks.
 - Ladies and Sage.
The monks did you answer yes venerable Sariputta. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
2. .... (Like in the previous trading §65)
§ (IV) (164) AN EXAMPLE
(Venerable Sariputta said the experience in the previous §66).
§ (V) (165) QUESTIONS
1. There, venerable Sariputta, monks call ...  (as above) ...
2. Hey Sage, who asked one another questions, all located in this case, or one of the five cases. What is the year?
3. Do stupid ignorance, others ask questions; Exercise by evil, greed, others ask questions; contempt, others ask questions; the mind wants to understand, ask others questions; the mind baffling, others ask questions, because I think that if asked, he answered correctly, such a nice time, but if so asked, he answered not true, I will answer time true for him.
Hey Sage, who asked a question what others are situated in this case, or one of the five cases. Hey Sage, so we ask people to mind another question. If so we asked, he answered in a righteous way, so it's good time.
If we asked and he replied no right feet, the time I will answer right feet.
1. There, venerable Sariputta told the monks: ...  (as above) ...
2. Here is the sage, monks full instructions, full on, full of wisdom can enter completely and thought out to exterminate life; this event has occurred. If even in the present, he did not achieve right knowledge, the time he certainly beyond the stalks stay with Devas, eat the food real union, is born with the body due to the make, § (Provided) You he can enter and exterminate life thought out regulations; this event has occurred.
When saying this, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Udayi:
 - No event, Sage said Sariputta, no such cases: "That you, monks certainly stems beyond the gods reside, eat the food real union, is born with the body because of the make, he can input and ideas out to exterminate life "; this event does not occur.
The second time ... A third time, Venerable Sariputta told the monks:
 - Here is the sage, monks full instructions, full set, full of wisdom can input and ideas out to exterminate life; this event has occurred. If even in the present, he did not achieve right knowledge, the time he certainly beyond the stalks stay with Devas, eat the food real union, is born with the body due to the make, § (Provided) You he can enter and exterminate life thought out regulations; this event has occurred.
The third time, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Udayi:
 - No event, Sage Sariputta said: "No such cases, that the monks certainly stems beyond the gods reside, eat real food, and was born with a delegation from the work itself out, § (Provided) he can enter into the life and thought out to Extinction "; this event does not occur.
3. Then venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "For the third time, he came to me and not Udayi protest a public rejoicing monks do, so let's go to Bhagavan". Then Venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed, then sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable monks Sariputta told:
 - Here, this reverences, monks full instructions, full on, full of wisdom ... § (Provided) he can enter into the life and thought out to exterminate; this event has happened ...
The third time, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Udayi:
 - No event, Sage said Sariputta, without this case, that "monks certainly stems beyond the gods reside, eat real food, and was born with the union because the body makes, § (Provided) he can enter into the life and thought out to Extinction "; this event does not occur.
4. Then the venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "In front of the Blessed One, venerable Udayi to three times our protest and not a public rejoicing monks do. So let's silence ". Then venerable Sariputta remained silent. Then Bhagavan told venerable Udayi:
 - Hey Udayi, I came to the conclusion by the relatives who have made?
 - Buddha, there is formless gods, so do the ideas.
 - Udayi Hey, how do you think that speaks words of fools, not cleverness?
5. Then Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
 - Hey Ananda, the teacher can look factly when an Elder monks were making such afflictions. This Ananda, compassion can not arise when an Elder monks brains to be bothered! (Which I did not respond).
Then Bhagavan told the monks:
 - Here, the monks, monks full instructions, full on, full of wisdom can input and ideas out to exterminate life; this event has occurred. If even in the present, can not be achieved right knowledge, he undoubtedly stems beyond the gods reside, eat the food real union, is born with the body due to the make, § (Provided) he has checked in and out to exterminate life thought; this event has occurred.
Bhagavan said. After saying so, steps Auspicious from the seat up, go to remote provinces.
6. Then the Venerable Ananda, after Bhagavan go soon, go to the venerable Upavana, after arriving, told Venerable Upavana:
 - Here, this Upavana Sage, some monks that afflict our elders and no one questioned. Therefore, it is nothing strange, Sage said, that the Blessed One, in the afternoon, after the place Meditation stood up, raised this issue and the matter of how, tell venerable Upavana heard all. Now we feel fear.
7. Then the Blessed One, in the afternoon, got up from his seat, went to the throne hall, after arriving on the site has sat drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One told the venerable Upanava:
 - Hey Upavana, how many legal achievements, monks elders is well esteemed colleagues discounts, like attention, respect and emulate the practice?
 - Buddha, achievements in law, monks elders is well esteemed colleagues discounts, like attention, respect and emulate the practice. What is the year?
8. Here, venerable sir, the monks Presbyterian morality, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule ...  § (§87 No. IX Product Preview Elder)  and currently residing within outflows in mind liberated, liberating insight.
Achievements This year, venerable sir, monks elders for co virtues esteemed, favorite, respected and practiced imitation.
9. - You instead, heal rather, it Upavana! Achievement of this law, Elder monks for admirers of dignity, interest, respect and emulate the practice. If monks elders do not get in this law, the Council has had the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings he for tooth loss, gray hair and wrinkles. Therefore, this Upavana, so in this method, exist in monks elders, so the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings to him.
§§ (VII) (167) Accusing
1. There, venerable Sariputta told the monks:
 - Hey Sage, the monks accused wanted to accuse others, reside in France and take inner accused. What is the year?
2. "I will tell the right time, not the non-time"; "I will speak truth, not non-feet"; "I would say gentle, not violent"; "I will say in relation to the benefits, not the words unrelated to the interests"; "I will say to the heart, not the mind field".
Hey Sage, when the monks accused wanted accused others, dwell inner This year, then go accusing others.
3. Here is the sage, I saw someone accused of non-time, but the response is not timely; has accused non-feet and the feet do not really react; brazenly accused, and not gentle reaction; accused unrelated to the interests and reactions unrelated to benefits; was charged with pitch reaction center and do not have compassion.
4. monks accused of illegal, there are five reasons for ordering without repentance; "Illustration accused of non-time, no time, so just enough to Venerable not repent"; "Illustration accused of non-feet, not feet actually, so just enough to Venerable not repent"; "Illustration accused of brutal, no gentleness, so just enough to Venerable not repent"; "Illustration accused unrelated to benefits, not related to benefits, so just enough to Venerable not repent"; "Illustration accused the courts of mind, not with the heart, so just enough to Venerable not repent."
Monks accused of illegally, there are five reasons for this arrangement need not penance.
5. monks accused of illegal, there are five reasons, installation should repent; "Sage has charged non-time, not on time, so just enough to Sage repentance"; "Sage has charged non-feet, not feet actually, so just enough to Sage repentance"; "Sage has accused rudely, no gentleness, so just enough to Sage repentance"; "Sage has been charged in relation to the non-interest, non-related benefits, so just enough to Sage repentance"; "Sage has accused the courts of mind, not with the heart, so just enough to Sage penitence".
Monks accused of illegal, the sage of this, because of this reason, arrangements need to repent. Why? Because of that so no one else monks accused thought possible non-feet.
6. Here is the sage, I saw the accused the right time, not non-time response; accused feet actually, not react non-feet; accused of gentle, non-violent response; was charged in relation to the benefits, not the reaction is not related benefits; was charged with the heart, not the mind reacts to the pitch.
7. monks, is the Sage, was charged with five reasons lawful arrangements need to repent: "Illustration accused the right time, not the non-time, such a venerable enough to repent "; "Illustration accused feet actually, not non-feet, so just enough to venerable repentance"; "Illustration accused of gentleness is not rude, so just enough to venerable repentance"; "Illustration been charged in relation to the benefits, not unrelated to the interests, so just enough to venerable repentance"; "Illustration accused with compassion, not with golf mind, so venerable enough to repent."
Monks accused lawful five reasons, installation should repent.
8. monks, is the Sage, lawful charged with five reasons for not ordering penance: "Sage accuses the right time, not the non-time, so just enough to Sage does not repent "; "Sage accused feet actually, not non-feet, so just enough to Sage does not repent"; "Sage accuses gentle, not violent, so just enough to Sage does not repent"; "Sage accuses related benefits, not unrelated to the interests, so just enough to Sage does not repent"; "Sage charged with the heart, not the mind field, so just enough to Sage did not repent."
Hey Sage, monks accused lawful, by reason of this arrangement need not penance. Why? As so, the other monks accused should think lawful.
9. The accused, said the sage, must reside in two measures: real estate feet. Sage Hey, if other people accuse me, time or non-time, non-real or feet feet, gentle or rough, related or unrelated interests interests, with compassion and with pitch mind, it is necessary to take refuge in the two measures: Chon real estate. If I said: "France has in me", if I think is 'yes', I would say: "France has in me." If I said: "France is not in me", if I thought there was "no", I would say: "France is not in me."
10. Exalted says:
 - So this Sariputta, when I say so, here are some stupid people who do not have the ability to understand the problem?
11. - Buddha, who does not have faith, for the purpose of staff live, not because of faith to abandon the family left home; no family life; the cunning, deception, disguise damage, loss of balance, high chronic, fluctuating, loquacious, talking junk cheese, not upholding the grounds, eating not sober, not attentive vigilance, indifferent to Salmone well, not respected academic, life is too full and sluggish, at the forefront of degenerate, leaving the burden, renunciation, laziness, poor ardent, forgetfulness, not awareness, not to heart, mind wandering, mental paralysis, dumb lisp; when I say so, they do not have the ability to grasp the issues. But the electronic Good men, venerable sir, because faith ordained abandon family, no family life, no cunning, deception, disguise unspoilt, not off balance, not arrogant, does not waver, does not loquacious, do not say cheese junk, upholding the grounds, eating be sober, vigilant attention, not indifferent to recluse happy, respected academic, do not live too full, not lazily, from touch the burden fall, at the forefront of renunciation life, ardent effort, diligence, mindfulness-awareness, the static, single-mindedly, with wisdom, not dumb lisp. When you say so, you have the ability to hold the issue.
12. - Hey Sariputta, not because I trust the monastic life did not abandon the family home ... Property paralyzed, mute lisp, leave them aside. But this Sariputta, the electronic Good men, for faith to abandon the family left home, no family life ... not dumb lisp, go talk to them. Take the Catholic world of dignity, be taught, this Sariputta, the dignity, the same thought: "After helping out the non Dhamma, I take refuge of dignity in the Dhamma."
Sariputta this, so let's learn.
§ (VIII) (168) About
(Back of the venerable Sariputta said Tang Chi III §24)
§ (IX) (169) GIVEN TO KNOW
1. Then go to the Venerable Ananda Venerable Sariputta; after arriving, said to the Venerable Sariputta's words welcome to inquire. After talking to the words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda said to the venerable Sariputta:
2. - So how, sir Sage Sariputta, monks soon come to know for good behavior, the holdings of smart he is holding, holding and do not forget that many were held.
 - Venerable Ananda heard many of you who, wish Venerable Ananda speak up.
 - Well, folks Sage Sariputta, be smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The venerable Sariputta Venerable Ananda replied yes. Venerable Ananda said as follows:
3. - Here, sir Sage Sariputta, with skillful monks of meaning, legally skilful, skilful diplomacy owl, the local dialect skilful, skilful to contact the following. Until such, Sage said Sariputta, monks soon come to know for good behavior, the holdings of smart he is holding, holding more, and do not forget it was held.
 - It's wonderful, sir Sage! It is rare, said Sage! Hard to say instead, this is Venerable Ananda speak. We believe that the Venerable Ananda achievements in this approach. Venerable Ananda of skillful means, legally skilful, skilful diplomacy owl, the local dialect skilful, skilful to contact the following.
§§ (X) (170) BHADDAJI
1. One time, Venerable Ananda residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Then Venerable Ananda Venerable Bhaddaji go, after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Venerable Ananda told venerable Bhaddaji sitting on one side:
2 - Dear Sage Bhaddaji, what is paramount in what is seen? What is paramount in what you hear? What is paramount in touch? What is paramount in what is thought? What is paramount in the property?
 - Dear Sage, with Brahma, the supreme level (Self wins), who is the champion, ranks variable labels, self in for all kinds of beings. Seeing Brahma is paramount in what is seen. Dear Sage, with Devas Quang Music full peace and contentment variables. When and where they uttered inspired words spoken: "Oh happy instead! Oh happy instead! "Everyone heard it, that's the ultimate listening. Dear Sage, with Devas denatured, they live comfortably in first President, they sense pleasures. This is the ultimate touch. Dear Sage, have achieved Countless gods owned the land. This is the supreme idea. Dear Sage, with African deities achieve ideal non-perception. This is the ultimate property.
3. - The words of the Venerable Bhaddaji this, this is the word of the masses.
 - Venerable Ananda was the much heard. Venerable Ananda speak up.
 - So this Bhaddaji Sage, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
Venerable Venerable Ananda replied yes Bhaddaji. Venerable Ananda said as follows:
 - When people look, the sage, without interruption, the defilements are the exception, such as the ultimate show. When people listen without interruption, the defilements are the exception, such as the ultimate listening. When people sense pleasures without interruption, or be rid of contraband, such as supreme bliss. When people felt no interruption, the defilements are the exception, such as the ultimate ideal. When people existed without interruption, the defilements are the exception, such as the ultimate property.
§§ (I) (171) FEAR
1. One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks:
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Achievements This year, the monks, lay south fall into fear. What is the year?
Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, passionate wine yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, lay Men fall into fear.
3. - Achievements in France, the monks, lay Men without fear. What is the year?
Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning captivated yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, lay Men have no fear.
§§ (II) (172) NO FEAR
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, laymen Southern family living in fear. What is the year?
... Captivated killing yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, laymen South family lived in fear.
2. - Achievements in France, the monks, laymen Southern family lived in fear. What is the year?
Abandoning killing ... abandon captivated yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, living in the South lay families without fear.
§§ (III) (173) HELL
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, laymen such Male commensurate crashed into hell. What is the year?
... Captivated killing yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, laymen such Male commensurate crashed into hell.
2. - Achievements in France, the monks, laymen such Nam commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
Abandoning killing ... abandon captivated yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, laymen such Nam commensurate be born to heaven.
§§ (IV) (174) FEAR hatred
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down on one side:
2. - Hey Homeowners, who do not fear annihilation in hatred, called evil world and being in hell. What is the year?
Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, passionate wine yeast, cooking wine.
This Homeowners, who do not make an end to this hatred in fear, called evil world and being in hell.
3. Hey Homeowners, who fear annihilation in hatred, is said to be born in the world and heaven. What is the year?
Killing, taking what is not given ... passionate wine yeast, cooking wine.
This Homeowners, who fear annihilation in hatred, known as limited and born to heaven.
4. Homeowners Hey, conditioned by killing, killing people now fear arises hatred, fear life after being run hatred, pain sensations priority attention. Abandoning killing, the current does not arise fear hatred, born after not arise fear hatred, not feeling pain center offers. People give up killing, so, that fear is pure hatred only.
This 5. The homeowner, who did not get the ... Hey Homeowners who have sexual misconduct in the ... Hey Homeowners, who lie ... Hey Homeowners, who captivated yeast, cooking wine , captivated by the charm of wine yeast, cooking wine, now being run scared hatred, fear life after being run hatred, pain sensations priority attention. Abandoning captivated yeast, cooking wine, the current does not arise fear hatred, born after not arise fear hatred, not feeling pain center offers. Drunk who abandoned wrecked yeast, cooking wine so, that fear is pure hatred only.
Who is killing living creatures,
And lie in his life,
Take not for wealth,
Go to another man's wife,
And people always passionate,
Ceramic drinking, cooking wine,
No segment of hatred,
Called evil world,
Public network, being evil Property,
Thrown into hell.
Who does not harm living creatures,
Do not lie in his life,
Not taking what is not given,
Do not go to his wife;
Those who are not passionate,
Cooking wine and wine yeast,
Annihilation in hatred,
Called limited,
Public network, being intellectual,
Was born in the realm of healing.
§§ (V) (175) KẺ abandoned
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, laymen Men who abandoned off the South lay world, the South lay defilements, is inferior to the south at laymen. What is the year?
Do not believe; evil men; futurist, with special rituals; confidence bode well, does not believe the action; looking outside (Sangha) who deserve respect and now it served.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, laymen Men who abandoned off the South lay world, the South lay defilements, is inferior to the south at laymen.
2. Achievements in France, the monks, a South lay the pearl among South layman, pink lotus in South layman world, is among the Southern white lotus layman. What is the year?
Have faith; motor; not predict the future with special rituals; not bode well believe, believe in action; not looking outside the Sangha who deserve respect and now it served.
Achievements This year, the South lay the pearl among South layman, pink lotus in South layman world, is among the Southern white lotus layman.
§§ (VI) (176) happy
1. Then Anathapindika Homeowners with about five hundred South layman go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down on one side:
2. - Hey Homeowners, He has provided for us, monks of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. But he can not be content with the thought: "We have given them monks of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment." Therefore, the Homeowners, he needs to learn the following:
3. "With the means we sometimes dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth." Thus, the Homeowners, he needs to learn.
4. Be heard so, Venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Ingenious This speaks words of Bhagavan: "Hey Homeowners, He has provided the necessary facilities for them monks as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. But this Homeowners, he can not be content with the thought: "We have given them monks of essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment." Therefore, he should be learning as follows: "With the means, we will occasionally dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth!" Thus, the Homeowners, he needs to learn ". Buddha, when St. disciples reached and dwell joy renunciation by birth, while he, in the failure to occur: Suffering and offers related to fitness in time does not arise for him. Optimism and joy related to fitness in time does not arise for him. Related pain and displeasure while evil does not arise for him. Hy-related communications and immoral in that time did not arise for him. Suffering and offers related facilities in the meantime do not arise for him. Buddha, when St. disciples reached and dwell joy renunciation by birth, in the meantime, in this incident did not happen.
 - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta, while St. disciple dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth, in the meantime, in the event does not occur to him: Suffering and offers related to fitness in time space does not happen to him. And wedding-related communications during sex does not happen to him. Related pain and displeasure while evil does not happen to him. Hy-related communications and immoral in that time did not occur to him. Related pain and displeasure charity, while he did not happen to him. This Sariputta, while the Saints disciples dwell achieve joy and renunciation by birth, during these years, this event does not occur to him.
1. - There are five trade this job, this, monks, a layman Men should not do. What is the year?
Swords trafficking, human trafficking, trafficking of meat, alcohol trafficking, trafficking in poisons.
There are five career this trade, this, monks, a South layman should not do.
§§ (VIII) (178) KINGS
1. - The What do you think, this, monks, brothers have seen or have not heard the following: "Does this person make an end to killing, abandon killing. And because people give up killing, the murdered king captured him or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: "The killing of this annihilation, abandon killing. Then the kings began to abandon him because people kill, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion! "But if someone is talking about his or her karma as follows:" this person murdered or the lives of men and women workers ". Then the king arrested him, because human life murder, murder or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". The teacher can see that, or heard so reasonable?
 - Buddha, we have seen and heard. And such will be heard again.
2. - Hey, monks, and how you think, and I have seen or have not heard the following: "This person does not make an end of the take, abandoning taking what is not given. Then the king arrested him, because people do not give up your take, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks, I also do not see, nor hear the following: "This person does not make an end of the take, abandoning taking what is not given. Then the king arrested him, because people do not give up your take, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". But if a person talks about his or her karma as follows: "This person does not take the theft called, from the village or from the forest. Then the king captured him, taking what is not conditioned for, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "; the teacher can see it or hear so reasonable?
 - Buddha, we have seen and heard so on, and so will be heard again.
3. - this, monks, and how do you think? The teacher can see or hear the following is not: "The advantage of this segment in sexual misconduct, abandoning sexual misconduct in. Then the king captured him, by the renunciation of sexual misconduct, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: "This person make an end in sexual misconduct, abandoning sexual misconduct in. Then the king captured him, by the renunciation of sexual misconduct, murder, or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". But if a person talks about his or her karma as follows: "This person has sexual misconduct with the women of others, with the others girls. Then the king captured him, by the sexual misconduct of, murder or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "; Do you see the same, or have heard so reasonable?
 - Buddha, we have seen and heard so on, and so will be heard again.
4. - Hey, monks and how you think, and I have seen and have not heard the following: "The annihilation of this lie, lie abandoned. Then the king arrested him, because people abandon lying, murder, or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: "The annihilation of this lie, lie abandoned. Then the kings caught him, because people abandon lying, murder, or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". But if a person talks about his or her karma as follows: "This person by lying, destroying the happiness of man or human Homeowners Homeowners". Then the king captured him, and because lying, murder or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". The teacher can see it or hear so reasonable?
 - Buddha, we have seen and heard so on, and so will be heard again.
5. - Hey, monks and how do you think, the teacher can see or not to hear the following: "This man wrecked the total extinction of drunken men, cooking wine. Then the king captured him, by the passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, kill, imprison, or frequency, make him discretion "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks, I also do not see, nor hear the following: "This man wrecked the total extinction of drunken men, cooking wine. Then the kings caught him, by the passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, murdered, or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". But if a person talks about his or her karma as follows: "This man wrecked by drunken men, cooking wine, taking what is not given, called the theft from the village or from forests; This person's captivated by yeast, cooking wine, with sexual misconduct against female of the others, for the young women of the others; This person's captivated by yeast, cooking wine, lying, destructive human happiness or human Homeowners Homeowners. Then the king captured him, captivated by the wine's yeast, cooking wine, kill or imprison, or frequency, make him discretion ". The teacher can see, it sounds so reasonable?
 - Buddha, we have seen, has heard such and such will be heard again.
§§ (IX) (179) FAMILY HOME
1. Then Anathapindika Homeowners with about 500 South laymen are bound, go to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta:
2. - Hey Sariputta, do you know who wear white Homeowners that protected operating basis during the school year presented, and there were no difficulties, there is no fatigue, no charges have been increasing capacity four existing epicardial stay in touch, if he wants, can satisfy himself as follows: "I will make an end to hell, animalzxy species annihilation, annihilation hungry ghost realm annihilation data, the beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rotten rotten, decided to make to achieve right enlightenment "? The office is protected in any school year world?
3. Here, the Sariputta, St. disciples abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning captivated yeast, cooking wine.
The office is protected during the school year this world.
He has been without difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been increasing capacity four existing epicardial any residence located?
4. Here, the Sariputta, Saints disciple dynamic unwavering loyalty to the Buddha: "Bhagavan is the Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Unknown Sgt, ​​Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan ". This is to increase the current epicardial first touch proved to be permanent by making pure heart is not pure, pure heart makes not been clear.
5. Again, Sariputta, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to the French animated: "France is Exalted clever theory, practical in the present, do not have the time, to come and see, likely direction rooftop, is the wise man himself awakened understand ". This is to increase the current epicardial second residence located attained by making pure heart is not pure, pure heart makes not been clear.
6. Again, Sariputta, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering loyalty to them Boost dynamic "operating as disciples Exalted! Direct disciples well as The Sun! Application of the well is Exalted disciples! Chon disciples right action is Exalted! Ie four pairs of eight of them. Exalted disciples worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. ' This is the current increase communication epicardial third residence certificate is due to make pure heart is not pure, pure heart makes not been clear.
7. Again, Sariputta, Saints accomplished disciples loving saint gender glasses, no moldy, intact, spotless, no pollution, bring liberation, are the wise words of praise, make peace, towards meditation. This is to increase the current epicardial showed optimism Wednesday residence is, by making pure heart is not pure, pure heart makes not been clear.
Four existing epicardial increase this residence is located not difficult to attain, attain effortless, no fee attain power.
8. Hey Sariputta, who Homeowners white robe that I know the office is protected sex during the school year, and there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have been increasing capacity four existing epicardial optimistic minus; if he wants, can satisfy himself as follows: "I have to make an end to hell, animalzxy species annihilation, annihilation hungry ghost realm annihilation data, the Beast of deprivation. I am a Stream, no rotten rotten, decided to make to achieve right enlightenment ".
Fear of hell,
Stay away from evil,
Ingenious accept Dharma,
Hien rank position away,
No harm beings,
These organisms efforts,
Said there is no liar,
Not taking what is not given,
His wife is satisfied,
Stay away from other people's wife,
He knows not to drink,
Making frenzy mind,
Make custom to recite the Buddha,
Make custom concept to France,
Keep in mind not practicing golf,
Keep in mind many useful tu,
To deserve to be born,
The realm of the gods,
Merit bridge benefit,
Please provide such material,
Previous rank Chi-friendly candidates,
And to get a great result,
This Sariputta,
I will say to me,
The Chi-friendly steps that,
Master listen to me.
As in a herd,
There the black, white, red,
Tawny or spotted,
Have children color pigeons,
What cow oil color,
Net earned cow,
Animals pulling power,
Beautiful, flax and energetically,
Despite what its color,
Immediately caught in the burden,
Similarly, among men,
Birth place of oil,
Royal, Brahmin,
Merchant or serf,
Who have no caste,
Or downgrade poured feces,
Between such people,
Who subdued, mature,
Upright, moral enough,
Frankly, the knife,
Birth and death was total annihilation,
Dignity is integrity,
The burden was lowered,
No longer caught,
ToDo did,
No longer cankers,
Came to the other side,
No attachment of the first President,
Phuoc was no structural fill,
Large fruit worthy offerings.
These fools do not know,
Missing location, less heard,
Bell just outside,
Good guys do not come close.
Those close to good guys,
Yes Property, religion wise,
They believe Auspicious Career,
Dwelling roots,
Thien Sanh or here,
Are born good family,
Wise sequential process,
Nirvana scene evidence.
1. One time, Bhagavan was traveling between people with mass Kosala monks. While going on the road, find a place Exalted woods Sala huge pineapple; saw it, he walked down the street, go to the woods clump that Sala, Sala was going into the forest, and in one place, he smiled. Then Venerable Ananda thought: "What's Due, conditioned by anything, Exalted revealed smiling? Not without cause, the Tathagata revealed smiled ". Then Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, so what's, what conditioned, Exalted revealed smiling? Not without cause, the Tathagata revealed smiled.
2. - In ancient times, this Ananda, at this point, the city has a thriving, wealthy and populous. In that city, the Ananda, the Blessed One Kassapa, Arhat level, in recent Enlightenment. This Ananda, is a South Gavesi of Bhagavan lay Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, but morality is not fulfilled. This then Ananda, there are about 500 South laymen are laymen Gavesi teaching and encouragement, these people keep precepts are not fulfilled. This then Ananda, South lay Gavesi thinking as follows: "I help a lot of 500 South this layman. I go ahead, I encourage them, but we keep the precepts are not fulfilled. Thus the same peer, nothing exceptional, more. So let's make something superior, more ". This then Ananda, lay Gavesi go South to 500 South lay her; after arrival, 500 South layman told him as follows: "Behold the venerable, starting today, we will maintain life in the fullness of the precepts".
This then Ananda, five hundred South layman thinks as follows: "Illustration Gavesi helped us a lot, went ahead, we are encouraged. Venerable Gavesi shall keep the commandments of fullness. Why are not we like that? ". This then Ananda, 500 Nam went to South layman layman Gavesi; after arriving, told the South lay Gavesi: "Starting today, sir venerable Gavesi, we will maintain life in the fullness of the precepts".
This then Ananda, South lay Gavesi thinking as follows: "I help a lot for this lay 500 south, we go ahead, we encourage them. And five hundred South lay the fullness of keeping the commandments, such as peer same, nothing exceptional, more. So let's make something superior, more ". This then Ananda, South lay Gavesi go to five hundred South lay her; after arriving, told the South lay his 500 as follows: "Starting today, the venerable this, we will maintain life of dignity, renunciation life, lewd abandon inferior".
This then Ananda, 500 South layman thinks as follows: "Illustration Gavesi help us a lot, went ahead and encourage us. And venerable Gavesi will act Pham happy, live renunciation, inferior lewd abandon. Why are not we like that? ". This then Ananda, 500 Nam went to South layman layman Gavesi; after arriving, told the South lay Gavesi: "Starting today, sir venerable Gavesi, we will maintain life of dignity, renunciation life, lewd abandon despicable".
Then South lay Gavesi thinking as follows: "I help a lot for this lay 500 South. I go ahead, I encourage them. We preserve in the world the fullness of the law, 500 South lay the fullness of keeping the commandments. And we practice virtue, renunciation life, lewd abandon inferior. And 500 Nam Pham lay this issue well, renunciation life, lewd abandon inferior. Thus the same peer, nothing exceptional, more ". This then Ananda, lay Gavesi go South to 500 South lay her; after arriving, told the South lay his 500 as follows: "Starting today, the venerable this, I will eat one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up."
This then Ananda, 500 South layman thinks as follows: "Illustration Gavesi help us a lot, went ahead and encourage us. Venerable Gavesi will eat one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up. Why are not we like that? ". This then Ananda, 500 Nam went to South layman layman Gavesi; after arriving, told the South lay Gavesi: "Starting today, sir Gavesi venerable, 500 South layman would habitually eat one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up."
This then Ananda, South lay Gavesi thinking as follows: "I am helping to lay 500 South this lot. I went ahead and encourage them. Now we keep the commandments of fullness, I practice virtue, renunciation life, lewd abandon cowardly, 500 Nam Pham lay this issue well, renunciation life, despicable lewd abandon. We ate one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up. 500 South layman also ate one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up. Such is the same peer, nothing exceptional, more. So let's make something superior, more ". This then Ananda, Venerable Kassapa Gavesi go to Bhagavan; Arhat level, Enlightenment, after arriving, lord Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment:
 - Buddha, let the Exalted ordained, let the ordained ".
This then Ananda, South layman Gavesi Exalted be ordained with Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. Ordained this soon Ananda, Gavesi monks lived alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent and soon, this position is evidence that the Supreme purposes of-home southern Shan , abandoning family, no family life towards. It is the ultimate supreme virtue, even in this current position themselves to win position of realization, attainment and residing. And he testimonials: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, did the right thing to do, no more callbacks this state." And this Ananda, 500 South layman thinks as follows: "Monks Gavesi help us a lot, went ahead and encourage us. This venerable Gavesi was shaved, covering robe-sa, will renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. Why should we not so? "Then this Ananda, 500 South layman Bhagavan went to Kassapa, steps Arhat, Enlightenment, after arriving, lord Kassapa, steps A-La- drought, Enlightenment:
 - "Buddha, let the Exalted ordained, ordained for us."
And this Ananda, five hundred South was to be ordained lay with Bhagavan Kassapa, level Arhat, Enlightenment, was ordained. This then Ananda, monks Gavesi thinking as follows: "I have attained supreme liberation is not hard, not hard evidence, evidence is not waste energy. We hope that 500 monks that can be attained supreme liberation is not hard, not hard evidence, witness fees are not very ". This then Ananda, his 500 monks live peacefully, without distractions, ardent zeal, soon, he attained the supreme purpose that the male Compassion-home, abandon their families, live not family oriented. It is the ultimate supreme virtue, he even in the current, self-realization to win his place, and dwell attained. And he determined the evidence: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, to be done was done, no longer come back to this state again."
3. Thus, this Ananda, five hundred monks did, led by Gavesi, while diligently reached what further, what more supreme, supreme enlightened liberation. Therefore, this Ananda, should be learning as follows:
4. "Be diligent to reach what is higher, up more wins, we will realize the supreme liberation".
Thus, this Ananda, the teacher should be learning.
§§ (I) (181) FOREST
1. - There are five categories of people that live in the forest. What is the year?
2. Grade foolish stupidity live in the forest; evil evil nature education classes live in the forest; psychosis arrogance class living in the forest; For classes in the forest to hear Bhagavan Buddha and his disciples praise; Exercise classes for less, because we know enough, because segments decreased, because renunciation, because this issue needs to live in the forest improvement;
This, monks, there are five categories of people living in this forest.
3. In this year of people living in the forest, this, monks, living in the forests because less class education, because you know enough, because segments decreased, because renunciation, because this issue needs to live in the forest friendly. This sort of person he is in the First Class, is supreme, is foremost, is paramount, as dark magic.
This example, monks, from cow milk, dairy peanuts, peanut bowl is birth, from birth has mastered bowl bowl, the bowl has recommended independent clock. This is known as the First. Also, the monks, who lived in the forest classes, living in the forest for classes at fitness, knowing enough, because segments decreased, because renunciation, because this issue needs to live in the forest friendly. This sort of person he is in the First Class, is supreme, is foremost, is paramount, as dark magic.
§§ (II - IX) (182-189) GRADE OF OTHERS
1 - Hey, monks, five categories of people dressed picks from this dump ...
2. Hey, monks, five classes of people living under the tree this ...
3. Hey, monks, five classes of people live in this cemetery ...
4. Hey, monks, who lived in the outdoor classes this ...
5. Hey, monks, refused to sit in class is this ...
6. Hey, monks, five categories of people located anywhere are invited to this ...
7. Hey, monks, who only ate in a class this time ...
8. Hey, monks, followers of the well-class meal, then do not eat anymore ...
§§ (X) (190) EAT POW.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five categories of people eating from this bowl. What is the year?
2. Grade foolish stupidity eat from a bowl; evil evil nature education classes eat from the bowl; psychosis arrogance class food from the bowl; eat from the bowl for Rating heard Bhagavan Buddha and his disciples praise; Exercise classes for less, because we know enough, because segments decreased, because renunciation, because this issue needs improvement, eating from a bowl.
This, monks, there are five categories of people eating from this bowl.
3. In the bowl of people eat this, this, monks, eating from a bowl because classes at fitness, knowing enough, because the reduction segment, because renunciation, because this issue needs good food from a bowl. This sort of person he is in the First Class, is supreme, is foremost, is paramount, as dark magic.
This example, monks, from cow milk, dairy peanuts, peanut bowl is birth, from birth has mastered bowl bowl, the bowl has recommended independent clock. This is known as the First. Also, the monks, in this category was eating from a bowl, eat from the bowl because classes at fitness, knowing enough, because segment fell, because renunciation, because good practice requirements. This sort of person he is in the First Class, is supreme, is foremost, is paramount, as dark magic.
§§ (I) (191) EXAMPLE dog
1. There are five former Brahmin This, this, monks, has been found between the dogs, not seen among the Brahmin. What is the year?
2. In ancient times, the monks, the male Brahmin women only go to the Brahmin, not to non-Brahmin women. Today, the monks, the male Brahmin went to the Brahmin women, women also go to the non-Brahmin. Today, the monks, the only male dog going to bitch, do not go to not bitch. This is a former Brahmin first approach, this, monks, is now only found between the dogs, unseen among Brahmin.
3. In ancient times, the monks, the male Brahmin come only Brahmin woman during pregnancy may not have to go in the period can not conceive. Today, the monks, the male Brahmin went to the Brahmin women during pregnancy and also may not be able to conceive while. Today, the monks, the only male dog going to bitch during pregnancy may not come in time can not conceive. This is a former Brahmin second approach, the monks, this was only seen among dogs, unseen among Brahmin.
4. In ancient times, the monks and Brahmin men do not buy, not sell Brahmin women, were residing in a mutual love, continuing in harmony. Today, the monks and Brahmin men buy and sell Brahmin women, were residing in a mutual love, continuing in harmony. Today, the monks, the male dog do not buy, not sell bitch, were residing in a mutual love, continuing in harmony. This is a former Brahmin third approach, the monks, has only been seen in dogs, unseen among Brahmin.
5. In ancient times, the monks, the Brahmin not stored assets, grain, silver and gold. Today, the monks, the Brahmin stored assets, grain, silver and gold. Today, the monks, the dogs are not stored assets, grain, silver and gold. This is a former Brahmin fourth approach, the monks, has only been seen in dogs, is not found among the Brahmin.
6. In ancient times, the monks and Brahmin find food in the afternoon afternoon, in the morning looking for food in the morning. Today, the monks and Brahmin agreement eat until satiated belly, then take the remaining food and carried away. Today, the monks, the dog, looking for food in the afternoon afternoon, in the morning looking for food in the morning. This is former legal Brahmin fifth this, monks, is now only found between the dogs, not seen among the Brahmin.
Five former Brahmin This, this, monks, has been found between the dogs, not seen among the Brahmin.
§§ (II) (192) Brahmin DONA
1. Then the Brahmin Dona go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Dona venerable sir:
2 - Dear Venerable Gotama, I have heard the following: "recluse Gotama did not worship, or not standing up, or not invited to chair the Brahmin're old, big, Presbyterians, life has been experiencing, was to end his life. "Venerable Sir Gotama, the can is so; Venerable Gotama did not worship, or not standing up, or not invited to chair the Brahmin're old, big, Presbyterians, life has been spent, has to end his life. Thus, said Venerable Gotama, it is not nice.
 - Dona Hey, he can claim to be non-Brahmin?
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, if anyone says in a righteous way, he had said: "The good Brahmin born even from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not What a stain, a disparaging about life birth blood problems; was the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is Thursday, understand grammar and grammar, speaking about the agreement that (self school course) and Minister of the University's position. " Dear Venerable Gotama, talking about me, to put it is to say something like this right feet. Dear Venerable Gotama, I was Brahmin, being both friendly from matriarchy to patriarchy, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a disparaging about the life blood problems Hall; was the chant's wake, the mantras, understanding three sets with nominal Veda, ritual, etymology, historical exegesis and tradition is the fifth, grammar and understanding of grammar, eloquence on that agreement and minister the University's position.
 - Hey Dona, is the Brahmin status in ancient times, the hermit among the Brahmin, the author of a technical note, the chant spread the uncle sang arts, spoke up, has collection of owls that this Holy Brahmin those present and sing, speak, read more like you did before? The hermit was named Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamadaggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu. The statement he has five Brahmin class this: "Peer to Brahma, equals Devas, know the limits, beyond the position limits and fifth is Brahmin was jettison". Dona Hey, Who are among he?
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, we did not know five this Brahmin. But we knew we were Brahmin. You instead, if Venerable Gotama preach to me so I know five of this Brahmin.
 - So this Brahmin, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Brahmin Dona Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3. - What, this Dona, is Brahmin peer with Brahma?
Here, the Dona, the good Brahmin born both from matrilineal to patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a problem disparaging about the life blood of birth . He celibate for 48 years virgin, language learning feet (Note arts). After living 48 years virtues of virginity, after learning mantra, he searched for property masters masters a lawful way, is not illegal. Here, the Dona, what is legal? Not for plowing, not for trafficking, not for cowboys, not by bow and arrow, not the person of the king by doing, not by profession else, purely because alms, do not despise mendicant's bowl. Once the asset allocation guru gurus, after shaved, covered robes Asa, he left home, abandoned the family, no family life. He ordained as such, meets a local variable with the organic mind and words, too, the second too, so the Tuesday, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. With the organic mind with compassion ... with joy ... to discharge. Likewise the second Tuesday so acute, so the fourth. Thus the same around the world, up, down, across, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides variation with organic content with the heart flush, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He, after gathering four categories, while corrupt public network itself, are born Brahma world wide charity. Thus, this Dona, is the Brahmin equals Brahma.
4. And this Dona, how is Brahmin gods equals?
Here, the Dona, good Brahmin born both matrilineal and patrilineal death, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a disparaging about life birth blood problems. He celibate for 48 years virgin, language learning legs. After living 48 years virtues of virginity, after learning mantra, he searched for property guru guru a lawful way, is not illegal. Here, the Dona, what is legal? Not for plowing, not for trafficking, not for cowboys, not by bow and arrow, not the person of the king by doing, not by profession else, purely because alms, do not despise mendicant's bowl. After allocation of assets masters for masters, he went looking for his wife in a lawful, not unlawful. This and Dona, here, what is legal? Not by purchase, not by the sale, but only for a Brahmin woman was watering up, he went to the Brahmin women, do not go to Sat-imperial-town women, female billion- amnesty, female Prime-momentum, momentum-la-Frying women, female hunter, bamboo knitting women, female car, Aboriginal women, do not go to the pregnant woman, do not go to the lactating woman, not go to a woman during pregnancy can not. This and Dona, why Brahmin who does not go to pregnant women? Dona Hey, if the Brahmin went to the pregnant woman, at the same time children are born male or female co utterly unclean; therefore, this Dona, the Brahmin did not go to the pregnant woman. And why, this Dona, Brahmin woman is not going to breastfeed? Dona Hey, if Brahmin went to the woman to breastfeed, this time Dona, children of men or women breastfeeding contract not pure; therefore, this Dona, the Brahmin did not go to the lactating woman. And why, this Dona, Brahmin not go to a woman during pregnancy can not? Dona Hey, if you Brahmin went to the woman during pregnancy can not, the Brahmin woman she became a vehicle for sexual satisfaction, for fun, for delight. Brahmin women for male Brahmin offspring purposes only. He from lust (lawful) a baby then, closely shaved, covered robes Asa ordained leave home, no family life. He ordained as such, education glasses, cups ... legal immoral and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He, after four Zen practice, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of healing, God world, this world. Thus, this Dona, is Brahmin gods equals.
5. And how, this Dona, is a Brahmin limits?
Here, the Dona, good Brahmin born both from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a stain upon it, a disparaging about life birth blood problems. He celibate for 48 years virgin, language learning legs. After living 48 years virtues of virginity, after learning mantra, he searched for property guru guru a lawful way, is not illegal. Here, the Dona, what is legal? Not for plowing, not for trafficking, not for cowboys, not by bow and arrow, not the person of the king by doing, not by profession else, purely because alms, do not despise mendicant's bowl. After allocation of assets masters for masters, he went looking for his wife in a lawful, not unlawful. This and Dona, here, what is legal? Not by purchase, not by the sale, but only for a Brahmin woman was watering up. He went to the Brahmin women, do not go to female-imperial-town Sat, Pi-amnesty female, female Prime-momentum, momentum-la-Frying women, female hunter, bamboo knitting women, female car, Aboriginal women, do not go to the pregnant woman, do not go to the lactating woman, do not go to a woman during pregnancy can not. This and Dona, why The Brahmin did not go to the pregnant woman? Dona Hey, if you Brahmin went to the woman carrying ...  (as above) ... Female Brahmin for male Brahmin offspring purposes only. He from lust (lawful) before birth, preferred by kids, living in the family, do not abandon the family left home, no family life. Until the limit of the Brahmin of old, he stood in there, do not go beyond that. Until the limit of the Brahmin of old, he stood there, not beyond it. This Dona, thus Brahmin called limited. Thus, this Dona, is Brahmin limited.
6. And this Dona, what a Brahmin beyond?
Here, the Dona, the good Brahmin born both from matrilineal and patrilineal descent ... on the issue of birth life. He celibate for 48 years virgin, language learning legs. After living 48 years virtues of virginity, after learning mantra, he searched for property guru guru a lawful way, is not illegal. Here, the Dona, what is legal? Not for plowing, not for trafficking, not for cowboys, not by bow and arrow, not the person of the king by doing, not by profession else, purely because alms, do not despise mendicant's bowl. After allocation of assets masters for masters, he went looking for his wife and unlawful lawful. Because buying, selling due to the Brahmin women were watering up. He went to the Brahmin women, women also go to the Sat-imperial-town, also went to Pi-amnesty female, women also go to Prime-momentum, women also go to Chien-da-la, also go to female hunting, also went to the nuns bamboo, as well as the car went to women, Aboriginal women also went to, also go to the pregnant woman, and went to the woman is lactating, also went to the man during her pregnancy can not. Brahmin women for he is the means of sexual satisfaction, for fun, for delight. Brahmin women for male Brahmin offspring purpose. Until the limit of the Brahmin of old, he does not stand in there, he crossed his limits. Until the limit of the Brahmin of old, he did not stand there, he crossed his limits. This Dona, thus Brahmin called have crossed the limit. Thus, this Dona, the Brahmin beyond.
7. And this Dona, how is Brahmin Chien-da-la?
Here, the Dona, good Brahmin born both from matrilineal and patrilineal, blood purification to seventh fathers, not a detraction who, without a stain of blood on the issue of birth Life . He in 48 years, celibate virgin, language learning legs. After 48 years living in the virtues of virginity, after learning mantra, he searched for property guru guru in a lawful and unlawful. Here, the Dona, what is legal? Not because of plowing, through trade, by Cowherd, thanks bows, made by the king's person, because what else to do a job, solely by alms, not contempt of the mendicant bowl. After allocation of assets masters for masters, he went looking for his wife and unlawful lawful. Because buying, selling due to the Brahmin women were watering up. He went to the Brahmin women, women also go to the Sat-imperial-town, also went to Pi-amnesty female, women also go to Prime-momentum, women also go to Chien-da-la, also go to female hunting, also went to the nuns bamboo, as well as the car went to women, Aboriginal women also went to, also go to the pregnant woman, and went to the woman is lactating, also went to the man during her pregnancy can not. Brahmin women for he is the means of sexual satisfaction, for fun, for delight. Brahmin women for male Brahmin offspring purpose. He lives to feed, do all occupations. Then the Brahmin told him as follows: "How self venerable Brahmin, to do all the farming profession for life?" He replied as follows: "As fire clean material, burning material also filthy, but not so that the flame is defiled. " Also, this the venerable, if Brahmin farming profession to do all your life, but not so that the Brahmin was defiled. As do all the farming profession for life, this Dona, should Brahmin called Brahmin Chien-da-la. Thus, this Dona, is Brahmin Chien-da-la.
8. Hey Dona, is the Brahmin ancient times, the hermit among the Brahmin, the author of a technical note, the chant spread the uncle sang arts, spoke up, has Holy collecting owls that date, the Brahmin current and sing, read more like you did before. These he named Atthaka, Vamaka, Vamadeva, Vessamitta, Yamadaggi, Angirasa, Bharadvaja, Vasettha, Kassapa, Bhagu. The statement he has five Brahmin class this: "The peer with Brahma, the peer with Devas, the position limits, the limits and you took the fifth is Ba-La- Fry half-la-da ". Dona Hey, Who are among he?
 - So, dear venerable Gotama, we do not yet fully accomplished Brahmin Chien-da-la. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Gotama! .. Hope Venerable Gotama adoption as lay disciples. From now until the overall network lifetime devotion.
§ (III) (193) Brahmin SANGARAVA
1. Then Brahmin Sangarava go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan said with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Sangarava said to Bhagavan:
2. - What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, sometimes the term pay day memorizing Arts (recitation) can not remember to be, but says nothing of note not memorized arts? What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, sometimes the arts do not pay long-term memorization (recitation) to be remembered, and said nothing of note has been memorized arts!
3. - This Brahmin, while staying with the mind being invaded lust, lust is the dominant, and not as clearly known from the arrival cup began to lust; meanwhile, said he does not like the real thing and see their benefits, meanwhile, said he does not like the real thing and see the benefit of persons; in the meantime, do not really know and see as benefits both, so the notes memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and say what the arts do not pay memorized!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water mixed with gum Lac dyes, or magenta, or blue or yellow, and here, one person wants to watch eye shadow his face, could not as they really know, see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the mind being invaded lust, lust is dominated, not as clearly known from the arrival cup began to lust; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the benefits of both, so the technical notes memorized long remember not to be, but says nothing of note not memorized arts!
4. Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the pitch being invaded center, golf was dominated, not as they really know the renunciation from the game has started up; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and do not see the benefits of both, so the notes memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and say what the arts do not pay memorized!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of boiled water is fire, boiling, rolling boil. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the pitch being invaded ... center for arts notes should be memorized can not remember to be, but says nothing of note not memorized arts!
5. Again, this Brahmin, while residing with hypnotic mind being invaded dullness, dullness torpor was dominant, not as they really know the dullness renunciation from torpor, has started up; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and do not see the benefits both, so the notes memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and say what the arts do not pay memorized!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of moss covered water. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with hypnotic mind dullness was invaded ... also say the arts are not paying memorized!
6. Again, this Brahmin, when the mind is Trao resident foreign invasion, were the dominant foreign Trao, not as they really know the renunciation out foreign Trao has arisen; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as benefits both, so the notes memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and say what the arts do not pay memorized!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water before the wind, oscillations, vibrations, churn. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as they really know and can not see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with foreign interest Trao been invaded ... also say the comments are not memorized arts!
7. Again, this Brahmin, while residing with suspected heart or invaded, suspected or dominant, and not as they really know the arrival marginalized began to doubt; in the meantime, he does not really know and see as their interests; in the meantime, do not really know and see as the interests of the people; in the meantime, do not really know and see as benefits both, so the notes memorized arts can not remember a long time to get, and say what the arts do not pay memorized!
For example, the Brahmin, a water bowl stir, stir the turbid, muddied, set in the dark. Here, a person may want to watch the eyes of his face, as the truth can not be known and seen. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with suspected heart or suspected invaded or dominated ... also say the comments are not memorized arts!
8. Hey Brahmin, while staying with the center being invaded lust, lust is not dominant, the realistic awareness of the renunciation began to lust; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see its benefits; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefit of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefits both, so the pay is not a technical term memorization to remember the date, but said nothing of note has been memorized arts!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water is not mixed with gum Lac dyes, or magenta, or blue, or yellow, and here, one person wants to watch eye shadow his face, may as truly know and see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the center being invaded lust ... also say the note was memorized arts!
9. Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the pitch being invaded mind ... also say the note was memorized arts!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of boiling water boil without fire, without boiling, not emerging billowing. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, might like to know and see the truth. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with center field being invaded, not being the dominant pitch ... also say the note was memorized arts!
10. Again, this Brahmin, while staying with the center being invaded sloth dullness, dullness torpor being dominated ... also say the note was memorized arts!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water is not covered moss. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with the center being invaded torpor dullness, dullness torpor being dominated ... also say the note was memorized arts!
11. Again, this Brahmin, while residing with foreign Trao mind being invaded, not being the dominant foreign Trao ... also say the note was memorized arts!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of water is not the wind, not wavering, not shaken, not rage. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, might like to know and see the truth. Also, this Brahmin, while residing with free mind being invaded foreign Trao, no dominant foreign Trao ... also say the note was memorized arts!
12. Again, this Brahmin, while non-resident with suspected heart or conquest, no doubt dominate ... also say the note was memorized arts!
For example, the Brahmin, a bowl of pure water, pure, undisturbed, placed between the light. Here, a person may want to contemplate eye shadow his face, as they really know and can see. Also, this Brahmin, while not residing with suspected heart or invaded, not suspected or dominant and lifelike know the renunciation out doubts have arisen; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see its benefits; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefit of the people; in the meanwhile, as they really know and see the benefits of both. So the arts are not paying memorized long be remembered more, also said nothing of note has been memorized arts!
This is the, this is the charm, this Brahmin, when the uncle had not memorized arts long days, do remember to be, but says nothing of note has been memorized arts!
13. When this was said, Brahmin Sangarava venerable sir:
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir ... this word to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
§§ (IV) (194) Brahmin KARANAPALI
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, at Mahavana, peaked seat amphitheater. At that time, Brahmin Karanapali is building for Licchavis. Karanapali Brahmin Brahmin see Pingiyani from long distance to go to, after the show and said the Brahmin Pingiyani:
 - Venerable Pingiyani where to go so early?
 - Venerable Sir, I went from recluse Gotama about.
 - Venerable Pingiyani think about lucid intellectual recluse Gotama's? Do you think he's a reasonable position wise?
 - Who am I, sir, venerable, could be said to be so wise recluse Gotama's. Only one such as he, can know so wise recluse Gotama's.
It is the noble words of praise Pingiyani venerable recluse Gotama. "Who am I, sir, venerable, could speak praises recluse Gotama." Be praised by those steps is praised as Venerable Gotama, the exalted rank between gods and men. Venerable Pingiyani see what benefits back strongly believe such recluse Gotama?
 - Venerable Sir, for such a person was satisfied with the ultimate sweetness will no longer crave the sweet taste other inferior. Likewise, Venerable sir, you've heard of the venerable Gotama measures, such as the scriptures, I will chant, Ky theory, legal ... organic monk, no longer crave the theories of others, of the Sa jelly, Brahmin inferior. For example, venerable sir, a person is starving and tired, find a honey cake, every piece he was tasting, every piece he is enjoying pure sweetness. Likewise, Venerable sir, you've heard of the venerable Gotama measures, such as the scriptures, I will chant, Ky theory, because of the increased property law ... he is happy, the mind is purified credit. For example, venerable sir, a person found a tree-herd sheep, sheep-herd sheep-herd yellow or red, where he sniffed or from where the roots, or from the middle stage, or from the flame, the he was pure magic fragrance. Likewise, Venerable sir, you've heard of the venerable Gotama measures, such as the scriptures, I will chant, Ky theory, because of the increased property law ... he is enjoying the joy, happy to enjoy. For example, venerable sir, a person is sick, the suffering, the disease is important, then the physician can immediately heal from illness. Likewise, Venerable sir, you've heard of the venerable Gotama measures, such as the scriptures, I will chant, Ky theory, because of the increased property law ... Meanwhile, suffering sorrow pros come to destroy the brain. For example, Venerable sir, a lotus pond, with water, fresh water, cooling water, cooling water in that well-arranged lake shore, beautiful, and then someone comes along, the brain gets hot heat, be hot pressing, fatigue, craving a drink, thirsty. The man, after he dived in the lotus pond, after bathing, drinking, all suffering fatigue, brain temperature are calm. Likewise, Venerable sir, while the law has been heard of the venerable Gotama, as the scriptures, I will chant, Ky theory, because of the increased property law ... then all hardships, fatigue, brain temperature are just ie.
2. Upon being told this, Brahmin Karanapali from the seat up, covering upper robe over one shoulder, right knee kneeling on the ground, his hands toward the Exalted, and uttered three times thanks inspired following:
 - Bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment! Bowed, steps Arhat, Enlightenment!
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable Pingiyani! It's rather wonderful, venerable Pingiyani! Pingiyani Venerable Sir, as the steep back what was thrown down, expose what was concealed, direction to those who go astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see sharp. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan explained presentation. Pingiyani Venerable Sir, this child Venerable Gotama for refuge, refuge in France, and we monks. Venerable Pingyani accept me as a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
§§ (V) (195) Brahmin PINGIYANI
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, at Mahavana, peaked at the lecture, there are about 500 people Licchavis servant Exalted. Some full Licchavis blue, green, wear green cloth, carrying blue jewelry. Some Licchavis full of gold, gold color, wearing yellow cloth, bearing yellow jewelry. Some full Licchavis red, color red, wearing red cloth, carrying red ornaments. Some people Licchavis pure white, the color white, wearing white cloth, carrying a white jewelry. But really Bhagavan was brilliant with color and splendor capacity. Then Brahmin Pingiyani from the seat up, covering upper robe on one shoulder, palms together toward the Blessed One, and said:
 - This was said to me, venerable sir! This was said to me, venerable sir!
 - Speak up, this Pingiyani!
Bhagavan said. Then Brahmin Pingiyani before Bhagavan, in verse appropriately:
As pink lotus flowers,
Morning sweet flavor asphyxia,
As more and blooming flowers,
The more fragrant aroma.
See Angirasa,
Glamorous projection,
Shining brilliantly,
As the sun overhead.
Then he brought the people Licchavis upper 500 y rise up for Pingiyani Brahmin. And Brahmin upper 500 y Pingiyani bring him rise up for Bhagavan. Bhagavan told he:
2. - Hey Licchavi, the appearance of the five jewels difficult to find in life. What is the year?
3. The appearance of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment is difficult to find in life. Speaker is Law declared by the Tathagata is difficult to find in life. Who understand French and so I proclaim Law difficult to find in life. Legal practitioners and the Dhamma, having understood teachings of French and Law uttered by the Tathagata, is difficult to find in life. People grateful, grateful difficult to find in life.
The Licchavi this, the appearance of jewels in this kind of difficult to find in life.
§§ (VI) (196) MONG
1. - Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment is enlightenment, the monks, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, there are five big dreams out. What is the year?
2. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva big dream that this land is the big bed, snow painting, king of the mountain species is the knee, his left hand placed on the eastern sea, his right hand, lying on the western sea, two legs in the Southern ocean. Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, big dreams are displayed first.
3. Again, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, from the navel tenon saw, grass tiriya grow, grow until it touches the sky and then stopped. Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, the second biggest dreams are displayed.
4. Again, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, dream that the white worm, beginning black, crawling out from the foot to the knee and conceal them. Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, the third biggest dreams are displayed.
5. Again, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva dream that four birds in different colors , from the fly to the four winds, fell to his feet and become white. Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, the fourth big dreams are displayed.
6. Again, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva dream that his walking back and forth on mountain full of feces, but not filthy as fertilizer. Before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, the fifth largest dreams are displayed.
7. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva big dream that this earth as large beds, mountain paint snow king mountain species as the knee, the left hand is placed on the eastern sea, his right hand placed on the West sea, the legs are located on the southern sea. This, monks, for the Tathagata Arhat level, Enlightenment, he attained enlightenment Supreme Chief, Enlightenment. While his chief enlightenment, big dreams are displayed first.
8. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva dream that from the navel, titiya grass grow, grow until reaching the sky and then stopped. This, monks, for the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Noble eight branches were fully enlightened and clever statement for gods and men. While his enlightened district, the second biggest dreams are displayed.
9. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, dream that the worm white, black heads, cow from foot to knee, and conceal them. This, monks, many busy Homeowners refuge Tathagata white shirt for the rest of my life. While his enlightened district, the third biggest dreams are displayed.
10. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, tenon saw four birds of different colors, from fly to the four winds, fell to his feet and become white. This class four, the monks, Sat-imperial-town, Brahmin, Pi-amnesty, Prime-momentum, after renunciation, abandoning the family, the family live in France and not by the Law presentations Tathagata said, he realized the supreme liberation. While his enlightened district, the fourth largest dreams are displayed.
11. Hey, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, tenon saw him walking back and forth on the mountain full of feces, but not filthy as fertilizer. This, monks, Exalted are the essential items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. And here, Tathagata enjoy unfettered life without passion, not a passion, saw the dangers and renunciation brainer. While his enlightened district, the fifth largest dreams are displayed.
This, monks, before the Tathagata, Arhat level, enlightenment Enlightenment, before the Enlightenment, was Bodhisattva big dream this year is out.
§§ (VII) (197) RAIN
1. - There are five obstacles to this rain, the minister does not know who to guess, here, the eyes of the minister can not guess patience. What is the year?
2. On nowhere, this, monks, fire outraged world, so the clouds began to be scattered. This, monks, this is the first obstacle for the rain, the minister does not know who to guess, where the eyes of the minister can not guess patience.
3. Again, monks, out of nowhere, world outrage style, so the clouds began to be scattered. This, monks, this is the second obstacle rain, the minister does not know who to guess, guess the eyes of the minister can not endurance.
4. Again, monks, Rahu, the king of Asura hands collectors collect water and then pour into a large sea. This, monks, this is the third obstacle rain, these people can not guess the minister knows, the eyes of the minister can not guess patience.
5. Again, the monks, the devas of these clouds bring rain to become lazy. This is the fourth obstacle rain, these people can not guess the minister knows, the eyes of the minister can not guess patience.
6. Again, monks, when the species became illegal person, the monks, this is the fifth obstacle rain, the minister does not know who to guess, guess the eyes of those who thought impossible endurance.
This, monks, there is an obstacle in this rain, these people can not guess the minister knows, the eyes of those who can not guess great endurance.
§§ (VIII) (198) VERBAL
1. - Achievements five factors, the monks, the word theory is good, not evil theory, there is no crime, and not those who have been criticized. What is the year?
2. Speaking time, telling the truth, saying gentle, say in relation to benefits, to say with compassion.
Achievement of expenditure of this section, the monks, the word is good theory, theory is not evil, no sin and those who have not been criticized.
§§ (IX) (199) FAMILY
1. - When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, in that the people from the five cases, a lot of merit. What is the year?
2. When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the families, who after seeing their credit mind is pure. This, monks, so is taken to heaven, and that in the meantime the family has been on this path step.
3. When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, the people stood up and bowed to them, inviting them to sit. This, monks, so taken to be born into the noble family, and that in the meantime the family has been on this path step.
4. When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, the people abandoned the defilements of avarice. This, monks, thus leading to higher power, and his family in the meantime, have gradually been on that road.
5. When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, depending on the ability of people, depending on capacity, sharing material giving. This, monks, thus leading to major asset, and that in the meantime the family has been on this path step.
6. When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, the people ask questions, ask questions, listen to France. This, monks, thus leading to great wisdom, and that in the meantime the family has been on this path step.
When, the monks, the monastic precepts people go to the family, in that the person in this case is due to merit.
§§ (X) (200) EXPORT LY
1 - Hey, monks, have taken to the renunciation of this world. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks volition about sex does not rekindle interest in sex, not a net credit, does not dwell, not decisions. But when the intention to renunciation, instant catharsis in mind renunciation, are pure believers, is to dwell, are decided. That's mind as he is clever, cleverly assembled, smart growth, smart liberation, smart unrelated to sex. And conditioned with training and start-up of the cankers, brain damage, brain temperature, he liberated from them, not feeling his life. This is called renunciation from sex.
3. Again, monks, monks volition on the pitch, not rekindle interest in the field, not a net credit, does not dwell, not decisions. But when the intention to infinity field, center field in a multitude of instant catharsis, are pure believers, is to dwell, are decided. That's mind as he is clever, cleverly assembled, smart growth, smart liberation, unrelated to golf skill. And conditioned by the pitch, start up the cankers, brain damage, brain temperature, he liberated from them, not feeling his life. This is called renunciation from the game.
4. Again, monks, monks intention to harm, not elated in heart damage, but not a net credit, does not dwell, not decisions. But when the intention to harmless, instant catharsis in mind harmless, are pure believers, is to dwell, are decided. That's mind as he is clever, cleverly assembled, smart growth, smart liberation, cleverly not related harm. And conditioned to harm, arises taints brain damage, brain temperature, he liberated from them, not feeling his life. This is called renunciation out of harm.
5. Again, monks, monks volition about identity, not elated in mind sharp, not a net credit, does not dwell, not decisions. But when the intention to formless, instant catharsis in mind formless, is pure followers, was to dwell, are decided. That's mind as he is clever, cleverly assembled, smart growth, smart liberation, smart unrelated to identity. And conditioned with color, start up the defilements, brain damage, brain temperature, he liberated from them, not feeling his life. This is called renunciation from excellence.
6. Again, monks, monks have volition on the body, the mind is not excited in Friendly, not a net credit, does not dwell, not decisions. But when the intention to cessation Friendly, instant catharsis in mind Friendly cessation, are pure believers, is to dwell, are decided. That's mind as he is clever, cleverly assembled, smart growth, smart liberation, smart unrelated to Friendly. Friendly and conditioned with, start up the contraband or brain damage, brain temperature, he liberated from them, not feeling his life. This is called renunciation itself out there.
To him, there is no option newspapers sexual rapture, rapture golf hypnosis no option, no option harmful free wedding, custom color wedding no newspapers, no close friends wedding custom charm. He does not have the option of hypnosis for sexual pleasure, no rapture depending Hypnosis for golf, there is no option for harmful free wedding, there is no option to color wedding hypnosis, hypnosis has no option to close friends wedding. This, monks, is called monks get rid depending newspapers, has cut off craving, relieve fetters, as chief photographer for arrogance, an end to suffering.
This, monks, have taken to the renunciation of this world.
§§ (I) (201) KIMBILA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Kimbila, at Veluvana. Then venerable Kimbila go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord kimbila:
2. - What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, after the death Tathagata, the Dharma not dwell long day?
 - Here, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen live disrespect, disobedience gurus, life disrespect, disobedience French words, live disrespect, disobedience we Boost, live disrespect, disobedience legal Studies, lives disrespect, disobedience each other. Because this person, because this grace, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the Dhamma not dwell long day.
3. What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, after the death Tathagata, the Dharma is to dwell long day?
 - Here, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen live with respect and obey masters, respectful and obedient lives France, live respect and obey them Boost, respectful and obedient life legal Studies, live with respect and mutual obedience. This is the, this is the charm, this Kimbila, when death Tathagata Dhamma is lasting.
1 - Hey, monks, listen to France has five benefits. What is the year?
2. To hear it yet, make clear what is heard, except the guests, make knowledge upright, making a net credit interest.
This, monks, listen to France has five benefits.
§§ (III) (203) NET HORSE
1. Achievement five factors, the monks, a thoroughbred horse's friendly sage king is worthy of the king, are the property of the king and is called the symbol of the king. What is the year?
2. Direct operating, fast, nimble highly skilful, patience, meekness. Achievement of expenditure of this section, this, monks, a thoroughbred horse's friendly sage king is worthy of the king, are the property of the king and is called the symbol of the king.
3. Likewise, the monks, achievements in law, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of worship road worthy hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life. What is the year?
4. Direct operating, fast, skilful, patience, meekness.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
§§ (IV) (204) THE STRENGTH
1 - Hey, monks, have this power years. What is the year?
2. Tin force, mind power, your power, energy resources, intellectual capacity.
This, monks, have the power in this.
§§ (V) (205) TAM HOANG VU
1 - Hey, monks, have deserted mind this year. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks gurus doubt, indecision, indecisive, no net credit. This, monks, monks gurus suspicious, hesitant, indecisive, no net credit, the focus of this position towards the efforts, diligence, perseverance, diligence. Such is the first wilderness center.
3. Again, monks, monks suspect the French ... ... doubt doubt Increase Legal Studies ... outrage against the dignity, the same, there is no joy, mind tough opposition. This, monks, the monks do outrage to the dignity, the same, there is no joy, mind tough opposition, the focus of this position towards the efforts, diligence, perseverance, solubility. If someone's heart toward the effort, diligence, perseverance, diligence, such as Thursday desolate heart.
This, monks, have in mind this wilderness.
§§ (VI) (206) TAM bondage
1. Hey, monks, there is bondage center this year. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks for education, not greed, not demand sex, not loving attachment, not without yearning, not heat the brain, not must not desire. This, monks, monks do for education, not greed ... not without desire, his mind not toward the effort, diligence, perseverance, diligence. If someone does not mind towards efforts, diligence, perseverance, diligence, such as first bondage center.
3. Again, the monks, the monks of the body is not craving ... not for any form ... Monks eat until satisfactory way somehow to belly full, natural life heavy couch pleasures, pleasures of sleeping, the hypnotic pleasure, yet monks celibate with expectation of being Heaven, with the thought: "I am with this world, with this well, with suffering this well, with dignity, will be born as gods or other gods! "this, monks, monks do celibate ... so is Thursday bondage center.
This, monks, have in mind this bondage.
§§ (VII) (207) Offering
1 - Hey, monks, there are five benefits of porridge. What is the year?
2. Tri hunger, thirst except, conditioning room, clean bladder (or theory of governance) and digest the food remaining life.
This, monks, there are five benefits of porridge.
§§ (VII) (208) toothpicks
1 - Hey, monks, five hazardous conditions due to not use toothpicks. What is the year?
2. The eye is affected, foul mouth, nerves are not clean, bile and phlegm countries stick to food, loss of appetite.
This, monks, five hazardous conditions by not using toothpicks.
3. Hey, monks, have years of benefits by using toothpicks. What is the year?
4. The eye was not affected, no foul mouth, nerves were clean, the water does not get into the bile and phlegm food, eating appetite.
This, monks, have years of benefits by using toothpicks.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five things harmful to people with vocal sermon lasted. What is the year?
2. Do your own passionate in her tone; others passionate in her tone; the critic who Homeowners: "As we sang, too, the particles Salmone Like singing. As he tried to train up the sound virtuosity interrupted; followed generations to imitate. "
This, monks, there are five such hazardous for people with vocal sermon lasted.
1 - Hey, monks, there are five such hazardous to human forgetfulness, do not fall asleep awakening. What is the year?
2. Sleep miserably; wake up a miserable way; nightmares; Devas did not hedge; impure discharge, dream crystal, crystal cell.
This, monks, there are five such hazardous to the forgetfulness, do not fall asleep awakening.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits for people residing anniversary, awareness fall asleep. What is the year?
4. Sleep soundly all; wake up a delectable; no nightmares; protective deities; impurities does not flow out.
This, monks, there are five benefits for people residing mindfulness, mindful fall asleep.
§§ (I) (211) upbraided
1. - certain monks, the monks, reviled, defamed, the monk Pham unfortunate, libelous saint, he was waiting in the hazard. What is the year?
2. Committing the crime hacked out, cutting off the path upward; or commit a crime infection; or serious emotional illness; when the public network intoxicated heart disorder; General network damage after the body, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
Monks do, this, monks, reviled, defamed, the monk Pham unfortunate, libelous saint, he was waiting for the danger this year.
§§ (II) (212) FIGHT
1. - certain monks, the monks, he caused the altercation, who caused controversy, he caused the fight, was the cause of sparring, was the cause of litigation the Sangha. He was waiting in the hazard. What is the year?
2. No evidence that no evidence; ataxia proved to be rotten; English evil gossip around; when the public network, intoxicated heart disorder; General network damage after the body, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
Monks do, this, monks, causing an argument, causing debate, caused the fight, causing the sparring, cause of litigation in the Sangha, he was waiting in the hazardous present.
1 - Hey, monks, there harm in this wicked world, break the precepts. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, the wicked world, breaking the world, by the distractions, large property losses. This, monks, this is the first hazardous for the wicked world, break the precepts.
3. Again, monks, for the wicked world, breaking the world, evil voice remote station. This, monks, this is the second hazardous wicked world, break the precepts.
4. Again, monks, wicked world, breaking the world, comes to the congregation, or the congregation Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or Homeowners assembly, or association we recluses, he went to his congregation, there is fear, there is confusion. This, monks, this is the third hazardous wicked world, break the precepts.
5. Again, the monks, the wicked world, breaking the world when the public network, attention is distraction. This, monks, is the danger here Wednesday for the wicked world, break the precepts.
6. Again, monks, wicked world, breaking the world, after the body damage the public network, the Beast born in deprivation, deprivation, in hell. This, monks, this is hazardous for the wicked world Thursday, breaking the world.
This, monks, there is the danger in this wicked world, break the precepts.
7. Hey, monks, there are five benefits to have sex, full instructions. What is the year?
8. Here, the monks, who hold the world, full of sex, undistracted by people, collectors are major assets. This, monks, this is the first benefit for the precept, full instructions.
9. Again, the monks, with morality, full instructions, known heal remote station. This, monks, this is the second benefit to those precepts, the full instructions.
10. Again, the monks, who hold the world, full instructions, can go to the assembly, or congregation Sat-imperial-town, or congregation, Brahmin, or congregation Homeowners, or assembly of recluses, he came no fear, no panic. This, monks, this is the third interest holder of world and full instructions.
11. Again, the monks, who hold the world, full instructions, when the public network, do not mind frenzy. This, monks, this is the fourth benefit gender holder, full instructions.
12. Again, the monks, who hold the world, full, while addressing the general body born to the realm of network damage healed, Heaven, this world. This, monks, is the benefit here Thursday for the precept, full instructions.
This, monks, have the benefit of this for the precept, full instructions.
1. - There are five hazardous for talkative. What is the year?
2. Lying; Say two blades; harsh speech; Say frivolous; body damage after the general ranking, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
This, monks, there are five such hazardous to those who say much.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits for moderate speakers. What is the year?
4. Do not lie; not talking double-edged; say no evil; without speaking vanity; General network damage after the body, being in good fun, Heaven, this world.
This, monks, there are five benefits to those who speak moderately.
§ (V) (215) NON-endurance (1)
1. - There are five non-hazardous for endurance. What is the year?
2. The masses are not admirers, not fancy; many of hatred; many people avoid; when the public network, intoxicated heart disorder; body damage after the public network; born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
This, monks, this is the year for non-hazardous endurance.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits for people with patience. What is the year?
4. Mass admirers and fancy; not many people hate; not many people avoided; when the public network, do not mind frenzy; General network damage after the body, was born in good fun, Heaven, this world.
This, monks, there are five benefits for people with patience.
§§ (VI) (216) NON-endurance (2)
(As trading on just how to §215 Section 2, replace the hatred many, many people avoid, by saying that the violent man, who did not exchange too.)
§§ (VII) (217) NET NON CREDIT (1)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, for non-believers net. What is the year?
2. Do your own his criticism; Career place after judgment has, rebuke; hours away evil gossip; when the public network, intoxicated heart disorder; General network damage after the body, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
This, monks, have years of pernicious, for people with no credit net.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits, net credit to have. What is the year?
4. Self-criticism is not his alone; Career place after judgment has, praising; of good reputation; when the public network, do not mind frenzy; General network damage after the body, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world.
This, monks, there are five benefits, for people who have a net credit.
§§ (VIII) (218) NET CREDIT NO (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are five such hazardous, for believers who are not pure. What is the year?
2. The thought of no confidence is not a net credit; some have pure thoughts can change other credits; do not follow the teachings of the masters; next generation imitate wrong; Net credit not mind.
This, monks, have years of pernicious, for those who do not have a net credit.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits, for those with a net credit. What is the year?
4. The thought of no confidence was a net credit; pure thoughts credit growth; teachings of the gurus is to follow; next generation imitate knowledge; Net credit mind.
This, monks, there are five benefits, for people who have a net credit.
§§ (IX) (219) FIRE
1 - Hey, monks, have this year in a fire hazard. What is the year?
2. Harmful to the eyes; Excellent solution damage; damage power; Mass gatherings growth; animalzxy stories be told.
This, monks, have this year in a fire hazard.
§§ (X) (220) IN MADHURA
1. - There are five hazardous at Madhura. What is the year?
2. Do not flat; dusty; Data dogs; have the kind of tyranny that ball; begging for food difficult.
This, monks, have this year in Madhura hazardous.
§§ (I) (221) LONG JOURNEY (1)
1. - There are five such hazardous conditions, the monks, travel for people living a long, aimless travel. What is the year?
2. No hearing has not been heard: do not make pure things have been heard: fear part of it has been heard: serious emotional illness; no friends.
There are five dangerous this is, monks, for the life long journey, traveling without purpose.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits for people living with purpose. What is the year?
4. Listen to what has not been heard: make pure things have been heard: fear no part of it has been heard: not a serious emotional illness; with friends.
There are five benefits, the monks, for people living with purpose.
§§ (II) (222) LONG JOURNEY (2)
(Like doing over 221, only different is rather  because: "Do not listen to things that have not been heard, does not make pure things have been heard, there is fear that has been part heard",  the time was that  the "No it has not been attained attained, does not make pure things have been attained, there is no fear of a part that has been attained ... "  with the necessary changes)
§§ (III) (223) Living too long (1)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, if they live too long in one place. What is the year?
2. Utensils many, many stored items; many pharmaceuticals, many pharmaceutical stored; more jobs, a lot of work to do, no ingenuity of the work that must be done; Homeowners living mixed with and renunciation, depending upon in connection with The homeowner; and when he left his abode away, gone with nostalgia.
This, monks, which is in the hazardous if living too long in one place.
3. There are five benefits, the monks, if uneven every place to live. What is the year?
4. Supplies are not many, not many utensils stored; pharmaceuticals are not many, not many pharmaceutical stored; not many jobs, not much work to be done, skillfully in the work to be done; do not live confused with Homeowners and ordained, not depending upon in connection with The homeowner; and when he left his abode away, leaving not with nostalgia.
This, monks, it is in the benefit if you live in a place evenly.
§§ (IV) (224) Living too long (2)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, if they live too long in one place. What is the year?
2. Avarice of abode; avarice for families; avarice for objects offerings; avarice on merit; for legal avarice.
There are five dangerous this is, monks, if they live too long in one place.
3. There are five benefits, the monks, if you live in a place evenly. What is the year?
4. No avarice of abode; not for family avarice; not avarice for furniture are offered; not for merit avarice; not for legal avarice.
There are five benefits, the monks, if they live in every place evenly.
§§ (V) (225) Family Visit (1)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, for family visits. What is the year?
2. Committing errors unwelcome; Foul sitting alone; Foul discreet seat; Foul women's sermon than five or six words; living with multiple reflections on education.
This, monks, five hazardous for family visits.
§§ (VI) (226) Family Visit (2)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, for your contact, monks lived too much with the family. What is the year?
2. Always find woman; as seen, should be involved; due to contact should have intimacy; intimacy due to chance (to private information); when the mind has private information, waiting times are as follows: There will not be happy celibate; or will fall into a crime of defilement; or from international dropout; revert back to secular life.
This, monks, this is hazardous for your five monks living too much contact with families.
§§ (VII) (227) ASSETS
1 - Hey, monks, five hazardous in assets. What is the year?
2. Assets danger of fire; danger of water; danger of the king; danger of thieves; danger of the heirs are not endearing.
This, monks, five hazardous in assets.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits of the asset. What is the year?
4. Thanks to the property, manually make peace, joy and right feet that maintain peace; mother father make peace, joy and right feet that maintain peace; wife and children, the servants, the employees are at peace, happy and right feet that maintain peace; dear friends make peace, joy and right feet that maintain peace; for the monks, Brahmin, providing donations upward, leading to peace, field trips related to the heavens and led to Heaven.
This, monks, there are five benefits of the asset.
§§ (VIII) (228) MEALS
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, non-eating family time, after noon. What is the year?
2. For the visitors, not offering the right time; Devas territory for the offerings, not offering the right time; for recluses, Brahmin, eating only one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time do not give up, not offering the right time; the waiters, workers, work is not comfortable; again, when we were eating at the same time, the lack of nutritious food.
This, monks, here are five household hazardous eat too afternoon, after noon.
3. There are five benefits, the monks, the family dinner time. What is the year?
4. For the visitors, offering the right time; Devas territory for the offerings, offering on time; for recluses, Brahmin, eating only one meal a day, do not eat at night, eating at the same time give up, offering the right time; the waiters, workers, jobs are comfortable; again, when to eat on time, full time food nutrients.
There are five benefits, the monks, the family dinner time.
§§ (IX) (229) SOLID BLACK (1)
1 - Hey, monks, there are five dangerous snake in black. What is the year?
2. Do not stick vogue, fetid, timid fear, worthy of fear, hurt you.
This, monks, this is the year of the snake hazardous black.
3. Likewise, the monks, have this year in women's hazardous. What is the year?
4. Not pure, stinking, timid fear, worthy of fear, hurt you.
This, monks, have this year in the women's hazardous.
§§ (X) (230) SOLID BLACK (2)
1 - Hey, monks, there are five dangerous snake in black. What is the year?
2. Wrath, hostility and hatred with venom, forked tongue, harming you.
This, monks, there are five dangerous snake in black.
3. Likewise, the monks, have this year in women's hazardous. What is the year?
4. Wrath, ethnical hatred, venomous, forked tongue, harming you.
5. Here, the monks, women's venom is as follows: This, monks, mostly female workers or craving. Here, the monks, women's forked tongue is as follows: This, monks, the majority said the two women's tongues. Here, the monks, woman hurt you as follows: This, monks, mostly female infidelity!
This, monks, have this year in the women's hazardous.
§§ (I) (231) STAY IN PLACE
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks stay in place does not deserve to become an example to gather. What is the year?
2. No full majesty, not full of responsibility; not heard, not life over what is heard: Unknown life segment fell, not fancy living Meditation; Sage words no good, no good who speak kind words; Property evil, dumb, deaf and dumb.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks stay in place do not deserve to become an example to gather.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks residing at the place becomes an example worthy to gather. What is the year?
4. Full of majesty, full of responsibility; heard many, life over what is heard: how to live segment fell, preferred Meditation; friendly gentle words, as the sages say good; brainer, not stupid, not deaf.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks stay in place become an example worthy to gather.
§§ (II) (232) esteemed
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks stay in place is the dignity, the same admiration, interest, respect, and should be an example to imitate. What is the year?
2. Have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule, the full majesty right action, fear of responsibility for minor offenses, accepting and learning the law School; heard many, life over what is heard, what is heard accumulation: the law does good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means, with text, enhanced entirely celibate life full purity, those that, he had heard, was held, was remembered by repeatedly reading, specialized observation, cleverly accomplished by right view; good language, good language use words, saying elegant, meaningful transparency, not babbling voice weary, explained meaning verifiability; no hard evidence, no hard evidence, evidence is no power charge four Zen, under increased epicardial, bring peanut current residence; due to the total extinction of the defilements he won himself with enlightened mind, attainment and residing within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks stay in place is the dignity, the same admiration, interest, respect, and should be an example to practice.
§§ (III) (233) MAKE brilliance
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing at work place was brilliant. What is the year?
2. Have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule ... and learning in the School law; ... clever achievement heard by the right view; good speech, good speech ... use words meaning verifiable explanation; Dharma qualified to specify, encouragement, making excited, happy people make to an audience; evidence is not hard, not hard evidence, witness fees are not very Zen obligation, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing at work place was brilliant.
§§ (IV) (234) HELP MORE
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in places of great help to her abode. What is the year?
2. ... and the academic world in the Legal Studies; ... clever achievement heard by the right view; he repair what is broken, ruined. When mass, monks come from many different locations, he told The homeowner went to the following: "Nay mass, monks have come from many different locations. You do all the blessings. Now is the time to do the merit "; evidence is not hard, not hard evidence, evidence is not very four Zen charges, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in places of great help to her abode.
§§ (V) (235) YES contentment
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks stay in place have compassion for Homeowners introspection. What is the year?
2. Encourage increased upper world; causing them to live in imitation Justice; visiting the sick, the anniversary for patients residing as follows: "The concept you just dwell on towards results Arhat"; mass when monks went to many different local, he told The homeowner went to the following: "Nay mass, monks have come from many different locations. You do all the blessings. Now is the time to do the merit "; they have offered nothing dishes, or crude or international, himself habitually use, does not make the pilot signal dropped.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks stay in place have compassion for Homeowners introspection.
§§ (VI) (236) tons of carbon NOT commensurate
1. - Achievements in legal, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell. What is the year?
2. No judgment, no inspection, he was not worthy of praise is praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, trust (made clear) on the spot is not worth a net credit; non-discrimination, not inspection, do not put faith in the credit space net worth; Falling credit as experimental objects.
Due to achievements in this approach, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
4. to consider, with inspection, not praise people do not deserve praise; have speculated, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; have speculated, police authorities, do not put faith in places where credit is worth not being cleansed; have speculated, police authorities, put faith in the credit space net worth; Falling objects do not believe it.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven.
§§ (VII) (237) avarice (1)
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell. What is the year?
2. No judgment, no inspection, he was not worthy of praise is praise; non-discrimination, no inspection, no person deserves praise praise; abode avarice, attachment abode; avarice family, family attachment; make credit applicants falling objects.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
4. to consider, with inspection, not praise people do not deserve praise; have speculated, police authorities, who deserves praise praise; not avarice abode, no attachment abode; not avarice family, no family attachment; falling objects do not make credit applicants.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven.
§§ (VIII) (238) avarice (2)
(As of before §237,  left "craving abode",  give up  "family passion",  replace  "making such material falling" by "avarice avaricious."  The following changes are necessary. )
§§ (IX) (239) avarice (3)
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell. What is the year?
2. Avarice accommodation, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice praise, making the pilot signal falling objects.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
4. No abode avarice, avarice is not family, not avarice avaricious, not avarice praise, not making experimental animals falling credit.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks residing in such places commensurate be born to heaven.
§§ (X) (240) avarice (4)
(It is almost like doing §239, only fifth law  "legal avarice", how to "make the pilot signal falling objects")
§§ (I) (241) THE EVIL OF (1)
1 - Hey, monks, have this year for the evil hazardous practice. What is the year?
2. Do your own his criticism; after consideration, the wise rebuke; English evil gossip around; when the public network, intoxicated heart disorder; General network damage after the body, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell.
This, monks, these are evil people in harm to the operator.
3. Hey, monks, there are five benefits for people of good practice. What is the year?
4. Self-criticism is not his alone; after consideration, the wise praise; well-known around the station; when the public network, do not mind frenzy; General network damage after the body, being in good fun, heavenly world, this world.
This, monks, here are five benefits for people of good practice.
§§ (II - IV) (242-244) THE EVIL OF (2)
1 - Hey, monks, have this year to relatives hazardous evil evil act ... for export to the evil act ... act (like §241 with the necessary modifications).
§§ (V) (245) THE EVIL OF (3)
(As of §241 only replace two paragraphs later: "Abandoning Dhamma, non Dhamma abides", with the necessary changes).
§§ (VI - VIII) (246-248) THE EVIL OF (4)
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, for the evil ones for the friendly act ... act ... to the import and export evil to good practice ... practice ... the evil people ... good practice for the operator.
2. Since I do not criticize him; after consideration, the wise praise; good reputation all over; abandon non Dhamma; Dhamma abides.
There are five benefits, the monks, to improve operating reviews.
§§ (IX) (249) Cemeteries
1 - Hey, monks, have this year in the graveyard hazardous. What is the year?
2. Impure, fetid, considerable fear, abode of non-violence, making public mourning.
This, monks, have this year in the graveyard hazardous.
3. Likewise, the monks, five hazardous in person is like a cemetery. What is the year?
4. Here, the monks, some impure bodily accomplishments, achievements impure industrial exports, the industrial achievements impure. It is said that this is the person's impurity. Just as, monks, the impure that's graveyard. It is said that the monks, who like his example.
5. Who achievements bodily impurity, impure verbal achievements, professional accomplishments the impure, evil is known around the station. It is said that this is a stench to it. Just as, monks, that stench of graveyards. It is said that the monks, who like his example.
6. With an impure bodily accomplishments, achievements impure industrial exports, the industrial achievements impure and pure taste of dignity, standing far avoided. It is said that this is an excellent choice for fear of him. Just as, monks, was an excellent choice for fear of cemeteries. It is said that the monks, who like his example.
7. Who achievements bodily impurity, impure verbal achievements, professional accomplishments the impure, of people living with the lifestyle also with him. It is said that this is the abode of the person violence. Just as, monks, abode of non-violence of the cemetery, I say this, monks, people like her example.
8. With an impure bodily accomplishments, achievements impure industrial exports, the industrial achievements of this impure and pure taste of dignity saw it become disgruntled and said: "Oh, it was hard for us we have to live with such people. " It is said that this is done for the masses of people who mourn him. This example, monks, a cemetery is a place makes people weep, I say this, monks, people like her example.
This is a dangerous year, the monks, the people are likened to the cemetery.
1. - There are five dangerous this is, monks, inside net credit to one person. What is the year?
2. In person, this, monks, a net credit of heart, and he fell into a crime, and according to his crime, we Increase suspend him. This person thought: "Whom do fan favorite, he was our suspenders Increase", and she is no longer much of a net credit of monks, who had no contact with other monks . Do not contact the other monks, who did not hear the true Dhamma. Do not listen to Dhamma, rotten rotten people from Dharma. This is the most dangerous thing, this, monks, in the net credit to one person.
3. Again, monks, in person, a man of pure heart signal, and he fell into a crime, and according to his crime, he sat us Increase start to the end. This person thought: "Whom do fan favorite, he was sitting behind them Increased catch the end", and she is no longer a net credit for many monks. Do not net much credit for monks, who are not related to the other monks. Do not contact the other monks, who did not hear the true Dhamma. Do not listen to Dhamma, rotten rotten people from Dharma. This is hazardous Monday, the monks, in the net credit to one person.
4. Again, monks, in person, a man of pure heart signal, and then he went a different local ... he was ... he psychosis common network. This person thought: "Whom do fan favorite, he shared network". This person does not relate to other monks. Do not contact the other monks, who did not hear the true Dhamma. Do not listen to Dhamma, rotten rotten people from Dharma. This is hazardous fifth this, monks, in the net credit to one person.
§ (251) Bhikshus
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks should be given Bhikshus. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks studying gender achievement aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi learning achievements of aggregates, aggregates intellectual achievements Wuxi school, school achievements freed aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi school achievements freed tri is aggregates.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks should be given Bhikshus.
§ (252-253) protect and SERVE
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks need for health services ... should only be a novice as attendant. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks studying gender achievement aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi learning achievements of aggregates, aggregates intellectual achievements Wuxi school, school achievements freed aggregates Wuxi, Wuxi school achievements freed tri is aggregates.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks should be a novice as attendant.
§ (254) avarice
1 - Hey, monks, have this year avarice. What is the year?
2. Avarice abode, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice praise, legal avarice.
This, monks, have this year avarice. In this avarice, the monks, this is the dark inferior, ie legal avarice.
§ (255) Virtue
1. - Due to the total extinction, cut off in avarice, the monks, discounts are made virtues. What is the year?
2. Due to the total extinction, cut off abode avarice, discounts are made virtues. Due to the total extinction, cut off the family ... avarice avarice avarice avaricious ... praise ... the legal avarice, discounts are made virtues.
Due to the total extinction, cut off in this avarice, the monks, discounts are made virtues.
1 - Do not make an end of this method, the monks, can not attain dwell and Zen Profile. What is the year?
2. Avarice abode, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice praise, legal avarice.
Do not make an end of this method, the monks, can not dwell attained primary and Meditation.
3. Due to the total extinction of this approach, the monks, can be attained and dwell Zen application. What is the year?
4. Avarice abode, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice praise, legal avarice.
Due to the total extinction of this approach, the monks, can attain and dwell Zen application.
§ (257-263) Meditation and results (1)
1 - Do not make an end of this method, the monks, can not attain and dwell ... Meditation Meditation Monday Tuesday ... Wednesday ... Zen enlightenment project can not save ... The most effective strategy ... No hybrid hybrid fruit ... Arhat fruit. What is the year?
2. Avarice abode, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice praise, legal avarice.
Do not make an end of this method, this, monks, is not able to realize Arhat fruit.
3. Due to the total extinction of this approach, the monks, can be attained and dwell Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday ... Zen enlightenment project can save the results ... lai lai ... No ... most Arhat fruit. What is the year?
Due to the total extinction of this law ... Arhat fruit.
§ (264-271) Meditation and accomplishments (2)
(As the business on to replace only Thursday methods  legal avarice by not grateful, not gratitude) ...
§ (272) THE Zifan (See meal)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, monks are not selected as the tri Sanskrit. What is the year?
2. Go to the training and go to the field, go to si, go to fear, do not know and do not specify specify.
Achievements in France, the monks, monks are not selected as the tri Sanskrit.
3. Achievements in this method, the monks, monks are selected as the tri Sanskrit. What is the year?
4. Do not go to fitness, do not go to the field, do not go to ignorance, fear not go to, know and do not specify specify.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks are selected as the tri Sanskrit.
§ (273-277) Zifan
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, if the monks have been selected as tri Sanskrit, the outgoing ... should not be selected, should be sent ... to know that a person stupid ... need to know that the wise ... behave yourself as the lost original, injury ... not themselves behave like the original lost, injured ... so adequate crashed into hell ... so adequately be born to Heaven ... What is the year?
2. Do not go to fitness, do not go to the field, do not go to ignorance, fear not go to, know and do not specify specify.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the corresponding tri such Sanskrit is born to Heaven.
§ (278-342) THE OTHERS
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, monks should not be the only option to distribute couch, so choose a distributor couch ... do not know the distribution and distribution ... do not know the distribution and the distribution ... should not be selected as depositories ... so choice is ... unknown depositories protected and not protected ... protected and not know protect ... not to choose the recipient should choose y ... y ... is the recipient did not know and are not taken and not taken ... to know ... do not get selected to be the divide so the choice is y ... y ... the dealer should not choose who divided up the option of porridge ... porridge ... the dealer is not selected as the dealer should the choice be left ... who divided the left ... not to share your food choices ... who should choose who split cake ... do not know and do not divide ... divide divided and undivided know ... should not choose the people distribute small items ... should choose who distribute small items ... do not know to serve and not serve ... know serving and not serving ... not to choose be the territory where y ... should be the leading choice of lingerie ... life should not be the choice of taking a bowl ... so the choice was taking bowls ... do not know take and do not take ... know take and not take ... not to choose is the foreman gardener ... should choose is the foreman gardener ... should not choose the people Sa-cell monitoring ... should choose is the supervisor Sarah di ... are selected should not be selected to proceed ... so outgoing ... need to know is a fool ... need to know is a position ... self Hien behave like the original lost, injured ... self behave like the original is not lost, not injured ... so adequate fall into hell. .. so adequately be born to Heaven ... What is the year?
2. Do not go to fitness, do not go to the field, do not go to si, do not go to fear, said sending and not sending it.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, who oversaw such novice commensurate crashed into hell.
§ (343) IN FRANCE (1)
1. - The achievement of this approach, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. What is the year?
2. Killing; taking what is not given; no discounts happy life; lie; captivated yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, monks such proportionate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements in France, the monks, monks so commensurate be born to heaven. What is the year?
4. Abandoning killing; taking what is not to give up; abandon not virtue; lie abandoned; passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, the monks so commensurate be born to Heaven.
§ (344-350) IN FRANCE (2)
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the monks and nuns ... your ... your primary school male female ... female novice novice, the South layman, Female such proportionate lay crashed into hell. What is the year?
Monks (2-4) (as above ... §343, with the necessary changes ").
§ (351-360) IN FRANCE (3)
1. - Achievements in France, the monks, the network evil pagan practitioners cup system ... bald ... hair braiding ... the artist ... Du Magandika disciples ... three men with pointing bird sect ... sect followers do not object ... followers sect followers Gotama ... dhamma, so adequate crashed into hell. What is the year?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, no morals, lying, passionate wine yeast, cooking wine.
Achievement of this approach, the monks, who follow such measures commensurate improvement crashed into hell.
§ (361) VISIT (1)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, five practicing law need. What is the year?
2. Impure thoughts, ideas, dangerous ideas, ideas for food cup overalls, who thought there was nothing lost in life.
Want to win voters participated, the monks, the year that must be practiced.
§ (362-363) VISIT (2)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, five practicing law need. What is the year?
2. Impermanence thought, selfless thoughts, ideas, ideas for food cup overalls, who thought there was nothing in life ... Impermanence communicate ideas, thoughts of impermanence suffering, selfless concept of suffering, a great renunciation, dispassion idea.
Want to win voters participated, the monks, the year that must be practiced.
§ (364-365) VISIT (3)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, five practicing law need. What is the year?
2. Trust basis, attacking root, root concept, the base, knowledge base ... Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power.
Want to win voters participated, the monks, the year that must be practiced.
§ (366-400) VISIT (4)
1 - Hey, monks, want to turn voters participated ... wanted ... wanted to make an end annihilation ... want to destroy ... want to pass away ... wanted ... wanted cessation dispassion. .. want to let go ... want to abandon, in this method need to practice ...
Want to turn completely cut tri ... ... want to make an end to ... want to destroy ... want to pass away ... wanted ... wanted cessation dispassion ... want to let go ... want from left field ... si ... outrage ... hate ... false ... hiềm brain damage ... jealousy ... avarice ... fraudulent ... betrayal ... hard head ... crazy ... so romantic ... romantic ... arrogant ... distraction ... five factors that must be practiced.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/5/2016.MHDT.

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