Tuesday 10 May 2016

1. I. PURIFICATION  (26.3 Journal, University 2,182c) (Sv, 193)
1-2) At Savatthi ... Exalted theory:
3) - this, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base. This, monks, this is the base year approach.
2. II. PROJECT FLOW  (1) (26.3 Journal, University 2,182b) (Sv, 193)
1-2) ...
3) - this, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base.
4) When Saints disciples, the monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger, the renunciation of the five senses; Meanwhile, the monks, his disciples Saints called a Stream taste, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
3. III. PROJECT FLOW  (2) (Sv, 193)
1-2) ...
3) - this, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit.
4) When Saints disciples, the monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses; Meanwhile, the monks, his disciples Saints called a Stream taste, no rot fall, decides to make attained enlightenment.
4. IV. Arhat  (1) (26.4 Journal, University 2,182b) (Sv, 194)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit.
3) When Saints disciples, the monks, said after the episode as a clear departure, the destruction, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses, been liberated without approval letter; Meanwhile, the monks, the saint was known disciple is the Arhat, contraband or was annihilation, Pham well succeeded, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, has to achieve the purpose, possession fetter was annihilation, right knowledge, liberation.
5. V. Arhat  (2) (Sv, 194)
2) Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Property Apartments based credit ... ...
3) When monks, the monks, said after the episode as a clear start, the end, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses, been liberated without grasping ; Meanwhile, the monks, monks that called you Arhat, the contraband or annihilation, Pham well succeeded, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, reached the purpose, possession fetter was annihilation, right knowledge, liberation.
6. VI. SA-MON, Brahmin  (1) (26.9 Journal, University 2,182c) (Sv, 194)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Property Apartments based credit ... ...
3) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of this apartment; the recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not accepted as recluse among recluses goods, or not accepted as Brahmin between rows Ba-la -nose; and his venerable beings, even in the present, nor themselves enlightened with the upper position, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
4) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of this apartment; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is accepted as standard Salmone Salmone goods, or is accepted as Brahmin between rows Ba-La- nose; and his venerable beings, even in the present, themselves also realized the upper position, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
7. VII. SA-MON OR Brahmin  (2) (Sv, 195)
1-2) ...
3) - The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not clearly known as credit basis, not as clearly known based collective credit origination, credit is not as clearly known based cessation, not as clearly know the path to credit basis ... not as true cessation of awareness ton basis ... not as clearly known as conception based ... not clearly know the ... not as a clear base Property know basis, not as clearly known collective knowledge base start, not as clearly know cessation knowledge base, not as clearly know the path to knowledge based cessation; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not acceptable is between goods Salmone Salmone, or not accepted as Brahmin between rows three- please; and his venerable beings, even in the present, nor themselves enlightened with the upper position, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the Brahmin happy.
4) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, as clearly said credit unit, known as a clear signal launch base set, known as a clear signal based cessation, as clearly know credit based path to annihilation; as clearly know basis ... as a clear attack known as a clear concept based ... know ... the base known as knowledge base clearly, as clearly know initiate collective knowledge base, knowledge base as clearly knows paragraph Removal, as clearly know the path to cessation knowledge base; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is accepted as standard Salmone Salmone goods, or is accepted as Brahmin between rows Ba-La- nose; and his venerable beings, even in the present, themselves also realized the upper position, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the Brahmin happy.
8. VIII. NEED TO RESTAURANT  (26.5 Journal, University 2,182b) (Sv, 196)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Property Apartments based credit ... ...
3) And this, monks, believers need to shop anywhere basis? Here, the credit should shop based in the four primary needs.
4) And this, monks, need to shop anywhere ton basis? Here, the need to attack the basis of four main shops need.
5) And this, monks, should be based anywhere contemplation? Here, the need to meditate on the basis of the four foundations of mindfulness.
6) And this, monks, need to shop anywhere in the apartment? Here, the base should be consistent for four Zen.
7) And this, monks, need to shop anywhere knowledge base? Here, the knowledge base must be consistent in the Four Noble Truths.
8) What this law, this, monks, is the base year.
9. IX. DISCRIMINATION  (26.6 Journal, University 2,182b (Sv, 182b) (Sv, 196)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit.
3) And this, monks, how are credit units? Here, monks, saints disciples have faith, trust in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, EARTH League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan. "this, monks, is called credit spread.
4) And this, monks, how are tons Apartments? Here, monks, saints live ardent disciple, Diligent rid of evil, full make-friendly France, with persistent effort, diligent, no waiver burden of dhamma (anikkhittadhuro). This, monks, is called ton basis.
5) And this, monks, how is the root concept? Here, monks, saints mindfulness practitioners, intellectual achievement anniversary, the exalted (satinepakkena) recollection, depending on the job long anniversary, the words long. This, monks, is called base concept.
6) And this, monks, how is the basis? Here, monks, saints disciples after abandoning the legal basis of grace, are intended, are Nhut mind. This, monks, is called the base.
7) And this, monks, how is knowledge base? Here, monks, saints intellectual disciple, intellectual achievements of the legal kill, wisdom of sages can enter (the law), leading to an end to suffering right feet. This, monks, is called knowledge base.
10. X. ANALYSIS  (26.14 Journal, University 2,183b) (Sv, 197)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Property Apartments based credit ... ...
3) And this, monks, how are credit units?
Here, monks, saints disciples have faith, trust in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri ... Buddha, Bhagavan". This, monks, is called the credit spread.
4) And this, monks, how are tons Apartments?
Here, monks, saints live ardent disciple, Diligent, rid of evil, full make-friendly France, with persistent effort, diligent, no waiver burden for dhamma. He for the unborn legal immoral, arising desire, ardent, diligent, determined, trying to make does not arise; for immoral law was born, arising desire, ardent, diligent, determined, try to make the total extinction; for good behavior unborn, arising desire, ardent, diligent, determined, try to make arise; for good behavior were born, arising desire, ardent, diligent, determined, try to make an accommodation, no anesthesia renders, growth, generosity, be cultivated, made for members screen. This, monks, is called ton basis.
5) And this, monks, how is the root concept?
Here, monks, saints mindfulness practitioners, intellectual achievement concept, supreme recollection, depending on the job long thoughts, and words long. He reside, shop-life body in the body ... shop ... shop on feelings ... mind in mind customary law on the legal, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, is called base concept.
6) And this, monks, how is the basis?
Here, monks, saints disciples, after abandoning the legal basis of grace, are intended, are Nhut mind. Exercise He cups, glasses immoral law, evidence and dwell reached first meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals ... Meditation Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... from tribal, abandon suffering, joy termination benefits were feeling before, attainment and residence fourth Meditation, neutral, exhaust purification concept. This, monks, is called the base.
7) And this, monks, how is knowledge base?
Here, monks, saints intellectual disciple, full of wisdom and extinction of legal, intellectual belonging to saints in (the law), leading to an end to suffering right feet. He said this as clearly as suffering, as clearly know this is samudaya start, as it's clear that this is the cessation of suffering, as clearly know this is the path leading to cessation of suffering.
8) This, monks, is called knowledge base. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
11. I. They are  (Sv, 199)
2) - Hey, monks, has five apartments. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit.
3) And this, monks, how are credit units?
Here, monks, saints disciples have faith, trust in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Tathagata, Arhat, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Additional ... Buddha, World Ton ". This, monks, is called credit units?
4) And this, monks, how are tons Apartments?
This, monks, when practicing the four primary needs, admitted diligently; This, monks, is called ton basis.
5) And this, monks, how is the root concept? This, monks, the four foundations of mindfulness practice, admitted anniversary; This, monks, is called base concept.
6) And this, monks, how is the basis?
Here, monks, saints disciples, after abandoning the legal basis of grace, is Nhut mind. This, monks, is called the base.
7) And this, monks, how is knowledge base?
Here, monks, saints intellectual disciple, intellectual achievement of being destroyed (the law), with the wisdom of sages can enter (the law), leading to an end to suffering right feet . This, monks, is called knowledge base.
8) This, monks, this is the base year approach.
12. II. SUMMARY  (1) (Review 26, 7, University 2, 182c, 196c) (Sv, 200)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive (samatta), the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level. Any lighter weaker level is completed. Slightly weaker than most hybrids. Slightly weaker than a Stream. Slightly more weak practice Career Options. Slightly more weak signals Executive Career Options.
13. III. SUMMARY  (2) (Journal of 26, 11, University 2,182a) (Sv, 200)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level ... is the executive ranks Depending credit.
4) Thus, the monks, there are discrepancies about the apartment, there is a difference in results, there is a difference in power, there is a difference in people.
14. IV. SUMMARY  (3) (Sv, 201)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year?
Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level ... is the executive ranks Depending credit.
4) Thus, the monks, who make fullness, fullness fruits. Who do piecemeal, partial fruits. This, monks, I say that the base year should not be empty.
15. V. NOTES TO WIDTH  (1) (Sv, 201)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the destruction, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level. Career slightly weaker than Intermediary PARINIRVANA. Career slightly weaker than Detriment PARINIRVANA (Upahacca parinibhavi). Countless lighter weaker operating level is Nirvana. Being slightly weaker than the executive ranks Nirvana. Career slightly weaker than upstream, reached Sac natural cure. Slightly weaker than most hybrids. Slightly weaker than a Stream. Career Options slightly weaker than the practice. Career Options slightly weaker than the signal operator.
16. VI. NOTES WIDTH  (2) (Sv, 201)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. This legal entities, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level. Career slightly weaker than Intermediary PARINIRVANA ... Career Options Credit is operating.
4) So, this, monks, is the difference in the basis, the difference in results, the difference in force, differences in people.
17. VII. WIDE NOTES  (3) (Sv, 202)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level. Career slightly weaker than Real Nirvana ... Career Options Weak credit lighter is operating.
4) Thus, the monks, who make fullness, fullness fruits; Who do piecemeal, partial fruits. This, monks, I say that the base year should not be empty.
18. VIII. PRACTICE  (Direction: Patipanno) (26.11 Journal, University 2,183a) (Sv, 202)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this base, the Arhat level. Slightly weaker than are practical to realize results Arhat (Arhat direction). No lighter is weak hybrid tier. Slightly weaker than are practical to realize Any future results (A-na-oriented content). Slightly weaker than most hybrids. Slightly weaker than are practical to realize future results Nhat (First hybrid direction). Slightly weaker than a Stream. Slightly weaker than are practical to realize expected results saved (The store instruction).
4) For one, the monks, the whole base year and comprehensive without, the time I said that he was standing on the outside, the ordinary of ingredients.
19. IX. Calm  (Upasanno) (Sv, 202)
2) - Then one monks went to the Blessed One ... On one side, his monks venerable sir:
3) - "Based complete, full root", venerable sir, is called so. So how, venerable sir, is the full base?
4) - Here, the monks, believers, monks practice grounds, leading to the first President, to enlightenment ... Property practice grounds, leading to the first President, to enlightenment.
5) Until such, the monks, monks have full root.
SECTION X. 20. TAKING taints  (26.8 Journal, University 2,182c) (Sv, 203)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) Due to the practice, by making this prolific base year, the monks, monks make an end to the illegal or, right now, to win themselves enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow heart liberation, liberating insight.
21. I. NO REGENERATES, OR PERSONS WITH  TRI  (26.9 Journal, University 2,182c) (Sv, 203)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit.
3) Until such time, the monks, as clearly I do not know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses, until then, is the Billion -kheo, I do not know the meaning of supreme enlightenment enlightenment to the world as heaven, Makai, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, Devas and men.
4) Until such time, the monks, I know the episode as a clear start, the end, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation of the five senses, until then, is the billion- pretentious, I fully understand the meaning of supreme enlightenment enlightenment to the world, as heaven, Makai, Brahma world, along with them recluses, Brahmin, Devas and men ..
22. II. NETWORK  (Sv, 204)
2) - Hey, monks, these three units. What are the three? Female apartments, south-base, base network.
3) This, this, monks, is three units.
23. III. CHIEF MANAGEMENT  (26.1 Journal, University 2,182a) (Sv, 204)
2) - Hey, monks, these three units. What are the three? Location or tri-base, base course tri, tri based instruments.
3) This, this, monks, is three units.
24. IV. WIN TRI Nhut, or overly vouchers  (Journal 26. 12, University 1,183) (Sv, 204)
2) - There are five senses, the monks. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. These phenomena, this, monks, is the base year.
3) With the comprehensive, the monks, with the fullness of this apartment is the Arhat level. Career slightly weaker than Intermediary PARINIRVANA. Career slightly weaker than Detriment PARINIRVANA. Countless lighter weaker operating level is Nirvana. Being slightly weaker than the executive ranks Nirvana. Career slightly weaker than the upstream reaches Sac natural cure. Slightly weaker than most hybrids. Career Circuit weak strain is milder. Gia lighter weak household level (kolankolo). Career slightly weaker than be reborn seven times at most. Career Options slightly weaker than the practice. Career Options slightly weaker than the signal operator.
25. V. PURIFICATION  (Sv, 205)
2) - Hey, monks, there are these six bases. What is six? Eyesense, ear-base, base rate, root damage, body-base, base.
3) This, this, monks, is six apartments.
2) - Hey, monks, there are these six bases. What is six? Eyesense ... base.
3) When Saints disciples, the monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from six bases this base; Meanwhile, Saints disciple is called a Stream, no rot fall, decided to reach Enlightenment.
27. VII. Arhat  (1) (Sv, 205)
2) - Hey, monks, there are these six bases. What is six? Eyesense ... base.
3) When monks, the monks, said after the episode as a clear start, the end, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the six senses, been liberated, no mortgage letter; Meanwhile, the monks, monks was called Arhat level, the cankers was annihilation, Pham well succeeded, the work should have done, was reaping the burden down, was to achieve the purpose, possession fetters were annihilated, right knowledge, liberation.
28. VIII. Arhat OR BUDDHA  (2) (Sv, 205)
2) - Hey, monks, there are these six bases. What is six? Eyesense ... base.
3) Until such time, the monks, I have not actually certified as the collective intellectual origination, termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the six bases, until then, is the Billion -kheo, I do not know the meaning of supreme enlightenment enlightenment to the world, as heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, Vassal The natural and species. Until such time, the monks, I like the real evidence of the collective intellectual origination, termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the six bases, until then, the monks, new're aware meaning supreme realization of enlightenment to the world, as heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, gods and human.
29. IX. SA-MON, Brahmin  (1) (Sv, 206)
2) - Hey, monks, there are these six bases. What is six? Eyesense ... base.
3) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the six senses; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not acceptable is between goods Salmone Salmone, or not accepted as Brahmin between rows three- please; and the venerable rank was, this, monks, even in the present, not the goal itself enlightened mind, and dwell attainment of recluses purpose well, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy .
4) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the six senses; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is accepted as standard Salmone Salmone goods, or is accepted as Brahmin between rows Ba-La- nose; and his venerable beings, even in the present, to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
30. X. SA-MON OR Brahmin  (2) (Sv, 206)
1-2) ...
3) - The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not as clearly known eyesense, not as clearly known eyesense start training, not as clearly known eyesense cessation, not as clearly know the path to eyesense annihilation ... the atrium ... billion units ... damage ... bodysense base ... not as clearly know the root, not as well know the truth Apartments start training, not as clearly know cessation of consciousness, not as clearly know the path to cessation of consciousness; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not acceptable is between goods Salmone Salmone, or not accepted as Brahmin between rows three- please; and the venerable rank was, this, monks, even in the present, not the goal itself enlightened mind, and dwell attainment of recluses purpose well, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy .
4) But the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, as clearly know eyesense, as clearly know eyesense collective boots, as clearly know eyesense cessation, as clearly know the path to mark the atrium Apartments annihilation ... ... billion units ... damage ... body-base basis ... as clearly know the base, known as a clear departure collective consciousness, as real clearly know cessation of consciousness, as clearly know the path to cessation of consciousness; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is accepted as standard Salmone Salmone goods, or is accepted as Brahmin between rows Ba-La- nose; and the venerable rank was, this, monks, even in the present, to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attainment of recluses purpose well, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
IV. PRODUCT Lac Apartment
31. I. PURIFICATION  (Sv, 207)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Lac apartment, apartment size, the wedding grounds, offers apartments, discharge units.
3) This, this, monks, is the base year.
32. II. WATER LINES  (Sv, 207)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) When Saints disciples, the monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the base year; his disciple saints, this, monks, is called a Stream, no rot rotten, decisions reached Enlightenment.
33. III. Arhat  (Sv, 208)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Lac apartment, apartment size, the wedding grounds, offers apartments, discharge units.
3) When, this, monks, the monks said after the episode as a clear start, the end, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the base year, was freed without serving letter; Meanwhile, the monks, monks was called Arhat level, the cankers was annihilation, Pham well succeeded, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, has to achieve the purpose, possession fetter was annihilation, right knowledge, liberation.
34. IV. SA-MON, Brahmin  (1) (Sv, 208)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the base year; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not accepted as recluses in rows recluses, or not accepted as Brahmin in every three- please; and his venerable beings, even in the present, not the goal itself enlightened mind, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
4) The monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, as clearly know the starting set, the termination, the sweetness, the danger and the renunciation from the base year; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is accepted as recluses in rows recluses, or is accepted as Brahmin in every Ba-La- nose; and his venerable beings, even in the present, and to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attaining the purpose of the unfortunate recluse, or the purpose of the Brahmin happy.
35. V. SA-MON, Brahmin  (2) (Sv, 208)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) The recluse or Brahmin does not clearly know base touch, touch base said unknown starting set, it is unclear based communications cessation know, not clearly know the way to touch base ... not annihilated clearly knew discharge unit, said unknown starting discharge based collective, based discharge known unknown cessation, unknown path to discharge said base cessation; the monk or Brahmin does, this, monks, is not accepted as recluses in rows recluses, or not accepted as Brahmin in every three- please; and his venerable beings, even in the present, not the goal itself enlightened mind, and dwell attainment of recluses purposes or the purpose of the well-Brahmin happy.
4) The recluse or Brahmin does, this, monks, well known communication units, well known communication training base launch, clearly know cessation touch base, clearly know the way to touch base cessation. .. well said discharge units, clearly based collective known discharge start, clearly know cessation discharge units, clearly know the path to cessation discharge units; the monk or Brahmin was accepted as recluses in rows recluses, or is accepted as Brahmin in every Brahmin; and his venerable beings, even in the present, to win themselves enlightened mind, and dwell attainment of recluses purposes or the purpose of the well-Brahmin happy.
36. VI. ANALYSIS  (1) (Sv, 209)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) And this, monks, is located apartment How? This, monks, what optimism of the body, something interesting of the body, what is being lost because of body contact, something interesting is feeling; This, monks, is called the communication unit.
4) And this, monks, are the root of suffering? This, monks, what size of the body, what does not belong to the body enjoy, something born of suffering because of body contact, something unpleasant was feeling; This, monks, is called the root of suffering.
5) And this, monks, how was the wedding Apartments (somanassa)? This, monks, what optimism of the mind, enjoy what belongs to mind, something lost contact due to the birth, something interesting is feeling; This, monks, is called the rapture base.
6) And this, monks, how is priority basis? This, monks, what suffering of the mind, what is not interested belong to the mind, something emotional suffering caused by the birth, something unpleasant was feeling; This, monks, is called the base priority.
7) And this, monks, are the basis for discharge? This, monks, what is not interested and does not belong to the body are not interested or are feeling heart belongs; This, monks, is called the discharge unit.
8) This, this, monks, is the base year.
37. VII. ANALYSIS  (2) (Sv, 209)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) And this, monks, is located apartment How? ... (As No. 3, trading in advance).
4-7) ... (As of 4 to 7 of the previous experience) ...
8) Here, the monks, what belongs and what communications base units of joy, pleasures should be considered. Here, the monks, the basis for what are suffering, and what is the basis of priority, should be considered unpleasant. Here, nothing from the exhaust unit, need to see the real-life suffering unpleasant.
9) This, this, monks, is the base year.
38. VIII. ANALYSIS  (3) (Sv, 210)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? ... Touch base discharge unit.
3) And this, monks, is located apartment How? ... (As above) ...
4-8) ... (as above) ...
9) Thus, the monks, the basis of this, the following year became the third front, after becoming three years ago, according to the practice.
39. IX. PLANT FIRE GO OUT  (Arani) (Sv, 211)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Lac apartment, apartment size, the wedding grounds, offers apartments, discharge units.
3) This, monks, is conditioned by emotional feelings are peanuts, peanut root arises. When feeling is optimistic, he clearly said: "I feel optimistic life." Due to the cessation of touch he is optimistic his feelings, optimism arises grounds are conditioned to adapt contact (tajjam) are feeling optimistic, he clearly knew that peanut base destroyed, only to be purified.
4) This, monks, is conditioned by contact feeling is suffering, suffering arises apartment. When feeling is suffering, he clearly said: "I feel unpleasant". Due to the cessation of contact is the person feeling that is suffering, suffering arises grounds are conditioned to adapt contact feeling is suffering, he clearly knew that anti-arid, only purified.
5) This, monks, is conditioned by contact feeling is joy, joy arises apartment. When feelings are joy, he clearly said: "I feel joy." Due to the cessation of contact is the joy he was feeling, joy arises grounds are conditioned to adapt contact feeling is joy, joy he clearly knows his apartment destroyed, only to be purified.
6) This, monks, is conditioned by emotional feelings is essential, priority based start-up. When feelings are pros, he clearly said: "I feel life offers." Due to the cessation of contact is the person feeling that his strengths, advantages arise grounds are conditioned to be feeling emotional adaptation is essential, he clearly knows his priority basis destroyed, only to be purified.
7) This, monks, is conditioned by contact sensation is discharged, start up the discharge unit. When feeling is discharged, he clearly said: "I'm feeling flush Life". Due to the cessation of contact is the person feeling that his discharge, discharge units was started up by the coast to adapt contact sensation is discharged, he clearly knew that anti-discharge basis, is net only.
8) Just as, monks, touching and rubbing two sticks, heat arises, the fire was present. When two sticks that are removed, is secession, heat was being eradicated adaptation, only purified. Also, this, monks, is conditioned by emotional feelings are peanuts, peanut root arises. When feeling is optimistic, he clearly said: "I feel optimistic life." Due to the cessation of touch he is optimistic his feelings, optimism arises grounds are conditioned to adapt contact feeling is optimistic, he clearly knew that peanut base destroyed, only to be purified. Conditioned by touch sensation is suffering, suffering arises ... Conditioned by contact base is feeling is joy, joy arises apartment ... Conditioned by touch sensations are advantages, advantages arise ... Due charming apartment touch sensation is discharged, start up the discharge unit. When feeling is discharged, he clearly said: "I'm feeling flush Life". Due to the cessation of contact is the person feeling that his discharge, discharge units was started up by the coast to adapt contact sensation is discharged, he clearly knew that anti-discharge basis, is net only.
40. X. BIRTH  (Sv, 213)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Arid, priority based, touch base, wedding apartment, discharge units.
3) Here, the monks, the monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, suffering arises apartment, said he clearly says: "Suffering arises where this apartment," he said. And there was arid Minister, there's that issue, with grace. And did not minister arid, no people, no onions, no grace will arise; Such events do not occur. And he clearly knows arid, arid episode clearly know start, clearly know the cessation of suffering based. From nowhere, suffering arises apartment is no balance remains eradicated, he clearly knows his apartment suffering. And at the root of suffering arises where, no balance was brutal annihilation? Here, the monks, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law, and dwell attained first Meditation, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Here, the root of suffering arises, be eradicated no residue remains. This, monks, is called monks know the cessation of suffering based, focused attention (upasamhasi) to achieve these conditions.
4) Here, the monks, the monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, arose priority basis, he clearly said something like this: "In this one starts on priority basis". And offers apartments that have generals, there's that issue, with grace. And offers apartments that can arise, no minister, no person, no onions, no charm; Such events do not occur. And he clearly knows priority basis, starting well known pros collective basis, clearly know the advantages based cessation. From nowhere, giving root arises, be eradicated no residue remains, he clearly knows his priority basis. And at the apartment where superiority arises, no balance was brutal annihilation? Here, the monks, monks make translational and only reach the quarterfinals, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state due to birth, no games, no quad, provincial, circuit mind. And here arises priority basis, no balance was brutal annihilation. This, monks, is called monks knew the destruction of superiority based, focused attention to achieve these conditions.
5) Here, the monks, with no distractions, monks, zealous, ardent, arose based communications; he clearly knew something like this: "This arises Lac apartment where I". Lac apartment had generals, there's that issue, with grace. And did not touch base minister, no person, no onions, no grace may arise; Such events do not occur. And he clearly knew touch base, clearly know initiate communication based training, clearly know cessation touch base. From nowhere, touch base arises, be eradicated no residue remains, he clearly knew that peanut base. And at the base located somewhere arises, no balance was brutal annihilation? Here, the monks, monks cup joy, discharge residence, mindfulness, awareness, body feel the pleasures that the saint called discharged resident optimistic notion, and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. Here, touch base arises, be eradicated without residue remains. This, monks, is called monks knew the destruction of the communications unit, focused attention to achieve these conditions.
6) Here, the monks, the monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, joy arises based; he clearly knows as follows: "Joy arises where this apartment," he said. And there was joy base minister, there's that issue, with grace. And did not minister wedding apartment, no workers, no onions, no grace may arise; Such events do not occur. He clearly knows the wedding grounds, well known wedding collection starting base, clearly knows rapture based cessation. From where does arise, the wedding grounds are no residual brutal annihilation, he clearly knows his joy base. And at the apartment where joy arises, no balance was brutal annihilation? Here, the monks, monks communications segment, segment size, termination benefits were feeling joy before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, exhaust neutral pure thoughts. Here arises the wedding apartment, no balance was brutal annihilation. This, monks, is called the monks knew the destruction of the wedding grounds, training centers to achieve these conditions.
7) Here, the monks, the monks live without distractions, zealous, ardent, start up the discharge unit, he clearly knows as follows: "Discharge this basis arises in me." And discharge units had generals, there's that issue, with grace. And the Minister did not discharge units, no human, no onions, no grace may arise; Such events do not occur. He clearly knew discharge unit, said discharge clearly set starting units, discharge units clearly know cessation. From start-up place, discharge units are no residual remains eradicated, he clearly knows his discharge units. And yet in place for discharge based start-up, no balance was brutal annihilation? Here, the monks, monks pass completely ideal non-perception Africa, attainment and destroy life thought to reside. Here, discharge units arises, be eradicated without residue remains. This, monks, is called the monks know the cessation of discharge units, focusing the mind to achieve these conditions.
41. I. OLD  (Sv, 216)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Pubbarama, castle in Migara mother.
2) At that time, the Blessed One, in the afternoon, from where solitude stand up, sit back in the sun heating the West.
3) Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed with hands to massage the limbs to Bhagavan, saying,
- It's rather horrifying, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Buddha, Bhagavan skin color is no longer pure, pure, weary limbs (sithilani), wrinkled, wasted body was found on the front, and the apartments are being changed, eyesense, the Atrium, rate basis, damages based, body-base.
4) The can is so, this Ananda, old character in youth; nature of health diseases; dead in the living nature. Thus, color is no longer pure, pure, weary limbs, shriveled, meager body forward, and the base is being changed, eyesense, ear-base, base rate, the damage root, stem base.
5) Exalted such theory. Auspicious said so done, gurus say more:
- Unfortunately old age! Awesome life! Old age weakened skin complexion. Silhouette before possible standard, this old smashed! Who lived hundreds of years, finally had to die, are not left out, all collapsed.
42. II. Brahmin UNNABHA  (Sv, 217)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) Then Brahmin Unnabha go to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. On one side, Brahmin Unnabha Exalted said:
3) There is in this apartment, said Venerable Gotama, for different situations (nanavisayani), operating different scenes (Nana - gocarani), we can not tolerate (paccanubhoniti) operating on the scene of another scene. What is the year? Eyesense, ear-base, base rate, root damage, body-base. Dear venerable Gotama, in this apartment, for different situations, different operating situation, we can not tolerate acts of each scene to scene, when something causes you entitled to them? And what scene to scene tolerate their acts?
4) - This Brahmin, there are five senses, to different situations, different operating situation, we can not tolerate acts of each scene to scene. What is the year? Eyesense ... bodysense. This Brahmin, in this apartment, for different situations, different operating situation, we can not tolerate acts of each scene to scene, the title for their work place regulations, standard operating tolerated their scene for scene.
5) - But, Venerable Gotama, what do space provided for the title?
- Hey Brahmin, leaning notion is provided for standard seats.
6) - But, Venerable Gotama, what make you lean to the idea?
- Hey Brahmin, freeing the space provided for the anniversary titles.
7) - But, Venerable Gotama, what make you lean for liberation?
- Hey Brahmin, Nirvana is the place provided the title for liberation.
8) - But, Venerable Gotama, what is the place provided the title for Nirvana?
- Hey Brahmin, the question went too far (ajjhaparam) can not grasp the seat bottom of the question. This Brahmin, discounts may well live to enter Nirvana, Nirvana discounts do well taken goals, taking Nirvana as salvage.
9) Then Brahmin Unnabha happy, credit life theory Bhagavan said, standing up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
10) After Brahmin gone soon, Bhagavan told the monks:
11) - Just as, monks, a house with a peaked, or an amphitheater with a peaked, with windows facing east, when the sun rises and the sun's rays through a window into the projector, where we rely on?
- They are based on the western wall, venerable sir.
12) - Similarly, the monks, the confidence of Brahmin Unnabha oriented, bases, is to dwell on the Tathagata. Trust him solidly, not recluses, Brahmin, God, Ma, Brahma or anyone in the world can usurp. If during this time, the monks, Brahmin Unnabha be shared destiny, no one can fetter column to pull Brahmin Unnabha's returned to this life.
43. III. SAKETA  (Sv, 219)
1) Thus have I heard.
A residence time in Saketa Exalted, in forests Anjana, Deer Park.
2) At that time, Bhagavan called the monks:
- Hey, monks, there is no practice, just follow that practice, which is in its base year, and the year became five senses forces?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
3) - this, monks, with practice, practice under his care, which is in its base year, and the year became five senses forces. And this, monks, what are these disciplines, the disciplines under her care, which is in its base year, and the year became five senses forces?
4) What are credit units, the monks, the force that is credit. What is the signal power, the credit was based. What is the base attack, the force was attacked. Something is attacking forces, the base was attacked ... What is IP based, the force that is wisdom. What is intellectual power, the knowledge that is the basis.
5) Just as, monks, a disaster on the East River, eastward and down to the East, and across rivers with islands. This, monks, with practice, practice medicine under him, that river flow is counted as one. But the monks, have practice, practice medicine under him, that river flow is counted as two.
6) And this, monks, what are these disciplines, according method was, is counted as one? This the monks, and domestic water east end of the island to the west end that is counted as one line. This, monks, this is practice, practice medicine according to him, that river flow is counted as one.
7) And this, monks, what are these disciplines, according his teachings, that river flow is calculated as two? This, monks, the last country to the north and south end of the country that are the island's two lines. This, monks, this is practice, practice medicine according to him, the river that is counted as two.
8) Also, this, monks, what is credit based, so that the signal power. What is the signal power, the signal that is ... What is the skill base unit, the power that is knowledge. What is intellectual power, the knowledge that is the basis.
9) This, monks, by practice, by making prolific in this apartment, Monks cessation of defilements, right now, to win on their own position and dwell attaining freedom of mind, wisdom liberation, no defilements.
44. IV. PUBBAKOTTHAKA  (East House) (Sv, 220)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Pubbakotthaka.
2) There, Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta:
3) - Do you believe not, this Sariputta, credit base is practiced, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as a salvage ...? He did not believe it, this Sariputta, practiced skill base, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as a salvage?
4) - Here, venerable sir, I do not go with the confidence of Bhagavan, that the grounds are practicing believers, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as ... Property salvage units are practiced, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as salvage. For those who, lord, no stock position, do not see, do not understand, do not realize, do not reach for wisdom; they need to go with the other guys' trust (believe): "... Property Trust units were based practice, is making fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as rescue soup". As for those who, lord, prophet saw, saw, understood, realized, was reached with wisdom; these people, here, no doubt, no wonder (believe): "... Property Trust units are based practice, is making prolific, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as item landing, take immortality as salvage. " And you, lord, prophet saw, saw, understood, realized, was reached with wisdom; children here, no doubt, no wonder (believe): "... Property Trust units were based practice, is making fullness, can enter into immortality, for immortality as the purpose, taken immortalized as salvage. "
5) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! For those who do, this Sariputta, no evidence prophet, do not see, do not understand, do not realize, do not reach for wisdom; here, they need to go with the other guys' trust (believe): "... Property Trust units are practice base, made for fullness, can enter into immortality, for immortality as the purpose, take any death as an end. " And also with those who, this Sariputta, saw tri, saw, understood, realized, was reached with wisdom; these people, here there is no doubt, no wonder (believe): "... Property Trust units were based practice, is making fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as purpose , obtain immortality as salvage. "
45. V. PARK EAST  (1) (Sv, 222)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted One time in Savatthi, at East Park, in the palaces of Migara mother.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks:
- How many units are practiced, made for fullness, the monks, monks have led to the total extinction of cankers can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... no return this status back again "?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
3) - Due to the practice, by making only one base fullness, the monks, monks have led to the total extinction of cankers, can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... no longer come back to this state again. " What was a home base?
4) With an intellectual disciple St., this, monks, of course (tadanvaya) credits are residing, of course, be diligent to dwell, reside of course conceivable, of course, is to dwell.
5) Due to the practice, by making only one base prolific this, this, monks, making monks were taints annihilation, can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... no longer come back to this state again. "
46. ​​VI. PARK EAST  (2) (Sv, 222)
1) Personal charm above.
2) - How many units are practiced, made for fullness, the monks, monks have led to the total extinction of cankers can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... not callbacks longer this state anymore "?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
3) - Two units were practicing, made for fullness, the monks, monks have led to the total extinction of cankers, can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... not this status was further callbacks. " how is two?
4) Sacred Scripture wisdom and liberation. Something in her position, this, monks, is the Noble wisdom, the wisdom that is the basis. Something in her position, this, monks, is the Noble liberation, what was the basis.
5) The two apartments are practiced, made for fullness, the monks, making monks were taints annihilation, can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... not this status was further callbacks. "
47. VII. PARK EAST  (3). (Sv, 223)
1) Personal charm above.
2) - How many units are practiced, made for fullness, the monks, monks have led to the total extinction of cankers can answer with right knowledge, saying, "Sanh took advantage ... no callbacks this state anymore "?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
3-5) ... (as above, except that this experience comes to four-unit apartment instant attack, base concept, the base, knowledge base ...)
48. VIII. EAST PARK  (4) (Napoli, s.IV, 223)
... (As of before, only this year only ie credit base units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base ...)
49. IX. PINDOLO  (Ke searching the garbage heaps) (Napoli, s.IV, 224)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden.
2) At that time, he came to the right knowledge Pindolabharadvaja statement as follows: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no more callbacks this state. I know so well. "
3) Then a large number of monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Venerable Pindolabharadvaja told the right knowledge as follows: "We clearly know that: Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state." Do see the reason (althavasam), venerable sir, venerable Pindolabharadvaja declared the right knowledge, "I clearly know: Sanh took advantage ... no callbacks this state anymore"?
4) - Do practice, by making prolific three units, the monks, making monks with the right knowledge Pindolabharadvaja statement: "I clearly know: Sanh took advantage ... no callbacks status this anymore. " What is his third base?
5) Cast base, the base, knowledge base.
6) It is by practice, by making this prolific three units, the monks, making monks Pindolabharadvaja told the right knowledge, "I clearly know: Sanh took advantage ... no return this status back again ".
7) And this, monks, third base, we go to the end where? End come to cessation. Go to the cessation of what? Go to the cessation of what? - Birth, aging and death. As seen born old and die cessation, the monks, monks Pindolabharadvaja should have declared the right knowledge, "I clearly know: Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, have done what they can do, not this status was further callbacks. "
50. X. CREDIT, just sit  (Sv, 225)
1) Thus have I heard.
A residence in the middle of Bhagavan Anga people, the people in the town of Anga called Apana.
2) There, Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta:
- Hey Sariputta, there are certain disciple saints go to Nhut heart and full confidence in the Tathagata; he may have confused or skeptical towards the Tathagata, or to the teachings of the Tathagata?
3) - Saint disciples do, venerable sir, go to Nhut heart and full confidence in the Tathagata; he no doubt be wondering or to the Tathagata, or to the teaching of the Tathagata. With disciple saints have faith, are waiting for that: He will stay ardent, diligent to make an end to the immoral law, to make the dhamma arise, effort, perseverance, diligence, no throw away the burden of dhamma.
4) The effort of he, venerable sir, is the root of the attack him. With Saints disciples and ardent faith, diligent, venerable sir, is waiting for that: He can recite, recite intellectual achievement supreme recollection, depending notion what to do for a long time, say for a long time right.
5) The concept of he, venerable sir, is the root idea of ​​him. With disciple saints have faith, ardent, diligent, with dwell conceive, venerable sir, is expected that the legal basis Having renounced fate, he will be specified, be Nhut mind.
6) The of the he, venerable sir, is the base of him. With disciple saints have faith, mindfulness, meditation centered, venerable sir, is expected as follows: He clearly knew that without beginning is reincarnation, the first starting not specify. Beings are ignorant, craving is bound, flow reincarnation. Dispassion, cessation of ignorance is no residue remains, dens was overcast, the first President of this position, is this your revenge win, that is the only all operating net, giving up all birth care, the cessation of craving, dispassion, cessation, Nibbana.
7) Wisdom of he, venerable sir, is the knowledge base of him. Saints disciples that faith, diligent, so ardent; recollection, memories such concept; calm, so calm; clearly said, clearly said so; heart following conviction arises: "What this law that I have ever heard before, we now reside, the law itself was attained. Now with wisdom, we can import them, we see them clearly. "
8) confidence they, venerable sir, is the basis of your credit them.
9) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! Saints followers yet, this Sariputta, go to Nhut heart and full confidence in the Tathagata; he no wonder, no doubt for the Tathagata, or to the teachings of the Tathagata. Saints disciples that faith, this Sariputta, is expected as follows: He would stay ardent, diligent, to make an end to the immoral law, for good behavior arise, effort, perseverance crystal tons, not throw away the burden of dhamma.
10-13) The effort of he, this Sariputta, he is attacking the base. With Saints disciples and ardent faith, diligence, this disciple Sariputta ... Saints did have faith, ardent, diligent so; clearly said, clearly said so; heart following conviction arises: "What this law before we heard, we now reside, the law itself was attained. Now with wisdom, we can import them, we see them clearly. "
14) confidence they, ie the credit based Sariputta of him.
51. I. Sala  (Sv, 227)
1) Thus have I heard.
Exalted a residence time between Kosala people, at a Brahmin village called Sala.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks ...
3) - Just as, monks, in animalzxy species, lion, king of beasts, is considered the ultimate, which is the power, the speed, or the powerful. Also, the monks, in the measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment. And this, monks, how are the measures of the Enlightenment?
4) Trust units, the monks, are measures of the enlightenment, because to enlightenment. Tan is a legal basis under the enlightened part, because to enlightenment. Apartments are measures of the concept of enlightenment, because to enlightenment. Based on the measures of the enlightenment, because to enlightenment. Property is a legal basis under the enlightened part, because to enlightenment.
5) Just as, monks, in animalzxy species, lion, king of beasts, is considered the ultimate, which is the power, the speed, or the powerful. Also, the monks, in the measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment.
52. II. Mallika  (26.13 Journal, University 2,183b) (Sv, 228)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan among the people residing in Mallika, in a town called Uruvelakappa Mallika people.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks ...
3) - Until not arise where St. location disciple saints, the monks, until then, was not a class four residential units (santhiti), until then, four units have not been residing (avatthiti). And until the Holy place where St. disciple arises, this, monks, until then, four residential units are equal, until then, four units are residing.
4) Just as, monks, until the bar of a pointy roofs are not hung over, until then, the agreement has not been a permanent class, until then, the truss home yet is to dwell. And this, monks, until the bar of a roof with pointy roofs are hung over, until then, the agreement is a residential college, until then, the house was residing truss. Also, the monks, until the position has not arise where the Holy Saints disciples, until then, was not a class four residential units, until then, four units have not been residing. And until the Holy Saints position arises where disciples, the monks, until then, four residential units are equal, until then, four units are residing. Which four? Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base.
5) With the Saints disciples brainer, this, monks, of course trust is resident college, college course be diligent residence, residential college course conceivable, of course, is the resident class.
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden.
2) There, Bhagavan called the monks:
- There are certain disciplines, the monks, he kept his practice, school property, monks standing on school property can address clearly said: "I am learning Career organic" uneducated monks (asekha) stand on local uneducated can clearly said: "I was uneducated Career"?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
3) - There is a training method, the monks, he kept his practice, school property, monks standing on school property can address clearly said: "I am learning Career organic" uneducated monks standing on the very local school, can clearly said: "I was uneducated level".
4) And this, monks, what are these teachings, he kept his practice, school property, monks residing on local school property clearly said: "I am learning Career property". Here, the monks, monks school property as clearly said: "This is suffering", as clearly said: "This is the start file format", as clearly said: "This is the cessation of suffering" , as clearly said: "This is the path to the cessation of suffering." This is the practice, he kept his practice, school property, monks standing on school property clearly address said: "I am learning Career property".
5) Again, monks, monks thought school property as follows: "In addition to this Sangha, a recluse or Brahmin else can perform such sermon, legs like Thus, such as marketing, as Bhagavan or not? "And he clearly knows as follows:" In addition to this Sangha, without a recluse or Brahmin else can perform such sermon, such pins, such as marketing, as Bhagavan ". This is the practice, the monks, he kept his practice, school property, monks standing on school property clearly address said: "I am learning Career property".
6) Again, monks, monks well known in organic based learning: Apartments ... Property Credit unit. But on being interesting, the supreme, the results, the purpose of them, he could not stay, self-communication is, and can not with wisdom, smooth them and see them clearly. This is the practice, the monks ... clearly said: "I am learning Career property".
7) And this, monks, what are these teachings, he kept his practice, uneducated monks stand on local uneducated clearly said: "I am uneducated Career"? Here, the monks, clearly uneducated monks said five units: apartments ... IP based credit to our sentient animal, with up our victory, with their results, with their purpose. And he was residing, to achieve self-communication, and seamlessly with their wisdom and see them clearly. This is the practice, the monks, he kept his practice, uneducated monks stand on local uneducated clearly said: "I was uneducated level".
8) Again, monks, monks uneducated clearly knew six bases: eyesense, ear-base, base rate, root damage, body-base, base. He clearly said: "Six apartments are eradicated, no residue remains, whole and comprehensive. And there will not be another six faculties arise, in a public place and how ". He clearly said so. This is the practice, the monks, so he disciplines. Monks uneducated uneducated standing on earth, clearly stated, "I was uneducated level".
54. IV. Footprint  (Sv, 234)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the feet of pedestrians beings (jangalanam pananam), all fit in his foot elephant feet. Elephant foot is considered paramount, in the kind of feet, ie about tremendous. Also, the monks, in all public foot (padani) to enlightenment, knowledge base is considered the ultimate in terms of enlightenment.
3) And this, monks, those feet that lead to enlightenment? Tin base, this, monks, is the foot to enlightenment. Tan base ... ... concept based on knowledge base is based ... feet to enlightenment.
4) Just as, monks, in any leg of the pedestrian species, all kinds of pins are enclosed in an elephant's foot. Elephant feet are considered the ultimate in foot types, ie about tremendous. Also, this, monks, human foot has yet to enlightenment, knowledge is seen as the ultimate basis of all of the foot, which is about enlightenment.
55. V. CORE PLANT  (Sv, 231)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the core public taste, sheep-herd trees red is considered paramount in all core fragrance. Also, the monks, there are ordinary measures of the enlightenment, the ultimate wisdom is a legal basis in all his measures, ie the part of enlightenment.
3) And this, monks, how are the measures of the Enlightenment? Tin base, this, monks, are measures of the Enlightenment, that approach to enlightenment ... is a legal basis under section Tue enlightenment, that approach to enlightenment.
4) Just as, monks, that everyone has the core public taste, sheep-herd trees red is considered the ultimate in fragrance cores. Also, this, monks, intellectual property is considered as the ultimate basis of that law, which is about enlightenment.
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - y monks only one method, the monks, five units were practicing, be smart practice. What was a law? No distractions.
3) And this, monks, what is legal is not heedless? Here, the monks, monks holder for heart and compounded contraband or pirated. Because he upholding the Centre for cankers and tangible worldliness, credit should go to the practice grounds are ... Property fullness grounds are going to practice to perfection.
4) Medical monks such measures only one, the monks, five units were practicing, go to perfection.
57. VII. Brahma  (Sv, 232)
1) Thus have I heard.
A residence time in Uruvela Exalted, on the waterfront Neranjara, under trees eagle Ajapala, just as enlightenment.
2) Then Bhagavan during meditation in solitude, thinking thoughts arise following: "Five apartments are practiced, made of fullness, can enter into immortality, for immortality as the purpose, taking immortality as salvage. What is the year? Apartments are practicing believers, are making fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as salvage. Mindfulness based tonnes apartment ... ... ... The apartment units practiced Tue, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as salvage. This base year of practice, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as salvage. "
3) Then Brahma Sahampati with your mind knows the mind thoughts of Bhagavan, such as stretching hands athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched hands, too, Brahma disappeared in Pham heaven and appeared before Bhagavan.
4) Then Brahma Sahampati, covering upper robe on one shoulder, palms bowed in greeting, and said Bhagavan:
- Ladies and so is right, venerable sir. Dear is right, Auspicious prospectus. Five apartments are practiced, made for fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as salvage. What is the year? Apartments are practicing believers, are making fullness, can enter the immortal, immortal taken as aim, take immortality as a salvage ... Tue apartments is practiced, made for fullness, can enter into any death, immortality taken as aim, take immortality as salvage.
5) Long ago, venerable sir, the celibate while he Kassapa Enlightenment. At that people know me as: "Sahaka monks, monks Sahaka". And you, lord, thanks to practice, thanks to prolific year makes this apartment, after giving up lust for sex, body damage after public network, you are born to good fun, Brahma world. There, they call me "Sahampati Brahma, Brahma Sahampati".
6) So yes, lord. Such transparency should be Auspicious. You know like, I see the following: "In practice this apartment, made for fullness, can enter into immortality, for immortality as the purpose, grab salvage immortal work".
58. VIII. HANG BEAR  (Sv, 233)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), in Gijjhakuta (Mount Vulture) in Cave Bear (sukarakhata).
2) There, Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta:
- Due to what the reason, this Sariputta, monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or the teachings of the Tathagata?
- As seen supreme peace from suffering, venerable sir, so monks were smuggled or annihilation of the supreme expressed reverence for the Tathagata, or the teachings of the Tathagata.
3) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! Do find supreme peace from suffering, this Sariputta, monks should make an end to the illegal or have expressed supreme reverence for the Tathagata, or the teachings of the Tathagata.
4) What is the supreme peace from suffering, this Sariputta, because I saw that, monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata or the Tathagata's teachings?
5) - Here, venerable sir, monks had to make an end the practice of illegal or credit basis, to tranquility, to enlightenment ... tons based ... based ... on the basis anniversary .. . cultivate knowledge base, to tranquility, to enlightenment. This is the supreme peace from suffering, venerable sir, because I saw that, monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or the teachings of the Tathagata.
6) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This is the supreme peace from suffering, this Sariputta, because I saw that, monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or to the teachings of the Tathagata.
7) And this Sariputta, how is the supreme reverence that monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or to the teaching of the Tathagata?
8) - Here, venerable sir, monks have lived annihilation taints respect, reverence gurus; respect for life, respect the French; respect for life, respect them Increases; respect for life, respect gender study; respect for life, respect Meditation. This is the ultimate homage, venerable sir, that monks were taints annihilation; ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or the teachings of the Tathagata.
9) - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This is paramount reverence that monks had to make an end of illegal or ultimate express reverence for the Tathagata, or to the teaching of the Tathagata.
59. IX. HAVING  (1) (Sv, 235)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - In this apartment, this, monks, is practice, is making prolific, if not arise, will be arising, but not without the existence of the Tathagata, grade A-La- drought, Enlightenment.
3) What is the year? Credit units, attack units, base concept, the base, knowledge base. This base year, this, monks, is practice, is making prolific, if not arise, will be arising, but not without the existence of the Tathagata, Arhat level, the Chief Equiangular.
HAVING X. 60.  (2) (Sv, 235)
1-2) At Savatthi. There, the Exalted says the following:
3-4) - (As of on, only, here is impossible without the existence of Career Auspicious rules) ...
61. I. fetter  (Sv, 236)
1) At Savatthi ...
2) - There are five senses, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of the fetters.
62. II. DEPENDING MIEN  (Sv, 236)
1-2) ... leads to spit free cleaning option.
1-2) ... give full understanding to the way out.
64. IV. Cessation taints  (Sv, 236)
2) ... led to the destruction of the cankers.
3) - What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. This base year, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the total extinction of the fetters, brought to spit free cleaning option, give full understanding to the way out, to cessation of cankers.
65. V. TWO RESULTS  (27.23,27 Journal, University 2,196b) (Sv, 236)
2) - There are five senses, the monks. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. This, monks, have five senses.
3) Due to practice, make this apartment prolific years, the monks, one of two results are expected as follows: Right now is right knowledge; or if any surplus remains, Real hybrid fruits.
66. VI. SEVEN BENEFITS  (Sv, 237)
2) - Hey, monks, have five senses. What is the year? Apartment apartment ... Property Credit. This, monks, have five senses.
3) Due to practice, make this apartment prolific year, seven fruits, seven are awaiting benefits. How effective is seven, seven benefits?
4) Even now, immediately (patihacca) right knowledge achievements. If even in the present main achievements not immediately place, time to death, accomplishing right knowledge. If even in the present achievements not immediately right knowledge, time after cessation of five lower fetters, Intermediary evidence PARINIRVANA, Damage evidence PARINIRVANA (Upahacca), evidence is Unknown Nirvana practice, evidence Nirvana Organic onions, evidence is upstream, gain Sac natural cure.
Due to practice, make this apartment prolific years, the monks, this fruit is waiting seven, seven benefits.
67. VII. PLANTS  (1) (Sv, 237)
2) - Just as, monks, of all living trees in Jambudipa (Yan-line-threads), Jambu tree (Yan-line) is considered paramount. Also, the monks, there are ordinary measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment.
3) And this, monks, how are the measures of the Enlightenment? Tin base, this, monks, are measures of the enlightenment, because that approach to enlightenment ... ... Mindfulness based Tan base ... The apartment is based ... Tue measures of the enlightened, for that approach to enlightenment. Just as, monks, living trees on earth Yan-line-problem, Jambu tree is considered paramount. Also, the monks, there are ordinary measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment.
68. VIII. PLANT  (2) (Sv, 238)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the realms of gods tree Thirty-three, tree Paricchattaka is considered paramount. Also, the monks, there are ordinary measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment.
3) And this, monks, how are the measures of the Enlightenment? Tin base, this, monks, are measures of the wisdom of enlightenment ... is a legal basis under the enlightened part, because his approach to enlightenment. Just as, monks, that everyone has the realms of gods what plants Thirty-three, tree Paricchattaka is considered paramount. Also, the monks, there are ordinary measures of the enlightenment, knowledge base is considered paramount, which is about enlightenment.
69. IX. PLANT  (3) (Sv, 238)
1-2-3) ... (as of 68, only, here is the tree of the species Asura and Cittapatali tree is considered paramount, with the necessary changes).
70. X. TREE  (4) (Sv, 238)
1-2-3) ... (as of 68, only, here is the tree of the Supanna (Garuda) and Kutasimbali tree is considered paramount, with the necessary changes) ...
71. I. argues  (Sv, 239)
2) - Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Likewise, the monks practice base year, in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. And how ... down about Nirvana?
3) Here, the monks, monks practice based credit related to renunciation, in relation to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... tons based ... based concept ... based on knowledge base .... .... towards abandon.
4) Also, the monks, monks ... in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
72-82. II-XII.  (Sv, 240)
... (Like program director, respectively) ...
IX. PRODUCT undistracted
83-92. IX  (Sv, 240) argues
Including business:
 Tathagata, Truth, rooftops, Root, Core, Lower Birth States, King, Moon, Sun, Y; all ten.
 (To be as wide as the base theory).
93-104. I-XII  (Sv, 240) argues
Including business:
Luc, Death Race, Dragon, Tree, Chair, Sun, Void, two of May, Boat, Hotel, River.
 (To Theory Based Samyutta wide).
105-117. I-XII.  (Sv, 240) argues
Including business:
Games Bridges, Maggie, Gonorrhea Or, Friends Suffering (third period), Obstacles, defilements, Oscillator, feeling, desire.
 (To Theory Based Samyutta wide)
118-127. I-IX.  (Sv, 241) argues
SECTION X. 128. SHANGHAI  (Sv, 241)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper section of this fetter. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, this is in the upper part of fetters. To win, tri, tri to kill, to cessation, to make an end to the upper part of this fetter, five units must practice. What is the year?
3) Here, the monks, monks practice based credit related to intellectual renunciation ... based practice related to renunciation ... towards abandon. This, monks, to win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, five senses the need to practice.
 (Broad Based Theory as Samyutta, the BoC Save)
129. I  (Sv, 241) VISIT
2) - Just as, monks, Ganges ...
3) Here, the monks, monks practicing believers convince a salvage basis with greed, with finality convince courts, with finality convince si ... practice mental faculties with finality .. . regent for si. Likewise, monks ... in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
130-140. II-XII.  (Sv, 242)
 (Abstract economic problem:
Six in favor of the East, six in favor of the sea.
Ganges into twelve, so named product).
XIV. PRODUCT undistracted (THAM)
141-150. IX.  (Sv, 242) VISIT
151-162. I-XII.  (Sv, 212) VISIT
163-175. I-XII.  (Sv, 242) VISIT
176-184. I-IX.  (Sv, 242) VISIT
SECTION X. 185. fetters SHANGHAI  (Sv, 242)
2) - There are five upper part fetters. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, this is in the upper part of fetters. This, monks, to win voters, to full understanding, to cessation, to make an end of the upper section of this fetter, five senses the need to practice.

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