Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). At the time, the fake Religious Lomasakangiya in the middle of the Sakya lineage (Like-ca), at Kapilavatthu (Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection), in Essential Nigrodha (Ni Law Sentences) property. And then God Candana after night just got complacent, with sharp foes win brilliance both Essential Nigrodha, go to the fake Religious dormitory Lomasakangiya, after coming to stand aside. Stand on one side, God with false Lomasakangiya Respect Sir Candana:
This National-stilts-, he has maintained the life of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Fake Gentleness?
-Fake life, I no Gentleness This Citadel of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Sage. False, false Sage Sage this has maintained the life of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Fake Gentleness?
This National-stilts-, I also do not maintain life of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Sage. But, Sir, stilts, this National-article maintain shelf life of Depth Felt Fake Gentleness?
-Fake life, I no Gentleness This maintenance on shelves post Depth Evening Sage. False, false Sage Sage this life has maintained the post of shelf Depth Yes Fake Gentleness?
This National-stilts-, I have article about shelf-life maintenance Depth Evening Sage.
This fake, false Sage Sage-tho how maintenance of shelf Depth article Yes Fake Gentleness?
This National forecast-stilts-a, World Religion stay between Chu Thien Tam tam Thien, cross under the Paricchattaka tree (Stay-life level), on the rocks Pandukambala (Invisible texture transparent jelly). In that World and theory of reading up Religious theories about the Depth in the Stomach for Gentler Thien Chu Tam tam Thien cross:
The past is not traced
No future ambition,
The past has dedicated sections,
The future has arrived,
Only current, France
Wisdom shop here.
No, don't shake,
Know and should practice
Today the zealous do
Anyone know dies tomorrow?
No one that was
Army of death,
Stay so zealous
The night tirelessly,
Commensurate call Depth Evening Sage,
NET security level, quiet.
This Female-stilts, tho I maintained on the shelf Depth, felt so Fake Mds. This Female-stilts, learn the theory and general theory about Depth, felt Sage. This Female-stilts, learn to maturity of theory and theoretical distinction of Depth Felt Sage. This Female-stilts, be maintained and theory of life theory Depth Evening Sage. Because of this National-stilts, that of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Gentler contact Author to aim, is the basis of the Violation.
Then the false Religion, Lomasakangiya after night, clean ready health and coat, grab the coordinates to Savatthi. Sequentially to travel, (false Religion) go to Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika, he goes to the Essential property of world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religious Lomasakangiya of the White World Religion:
-White World, a time to honor the stay between the Sakya lineage, at Kapilavatthu, fine residences he Anathapindika. And then the White World Religion, a God, after the night has just complacency, with sharp foes win brilliance both the property and the Essential Nigrodha, stand aside. Stand on one side, the White World, God's dear son: "this Female-stilts, He has maintained the life of theory and theoretical difference of Depth Felt Fake Buddy?" Is says so, Bach World Religion, the God told him: "this Gentle, I don't separate theory and general theory of maintenance life of Depth Felt Fake Gentleness". False, false Sage Sage had this tho ... (as above) ... is the basis of the Violation.
How does God, white said. Saying so, he disappeared at the position. Heals instead of the White World Religion, if That teaching Respect for the General and special theories about the shelf Depth Evening Sage.
This National-stilts-, do you know God? The White World, you do not know God.
This National-stilts-God, he called Candana. This Female-stilts, Candana, after God's attention, after Italy, after the focus inside, headset French slang. So this Male-stilts, listen and experience digital I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion, the false Religious Lomasakangiya Yes answers to world Religion. What Religion says as follows:
The past is not traced
No future ambition,
... (as above).
Commensurate call Depth Evening Sage,
NET security level, quiet.
This Female-stilts, how is the search of the past?
The position he thought: "so is my identity in the past, and it traced the rejoice therein. Life is so ... (as above) ...; so is the idea ... (as above) ...; is so ... so is the sense of the past. And he traced the rejoice therein. As such, this Male-on stilts, is in search of the past.
This Female-stilts, how is not tracing the past? " So is my best ... (as above). So is not in search of the past.
This National-stilts and, what is the estimated future? ... (131, number 338 page experience line 6 to line 21 339). As such, this Male-on stilts, is not being embroiled in the current French.
The past is not traced
No future ambition,
... (as above).
Commensurate call Depth Evening Sage,
NET security level, quiet.
World Religious preaching. False religion sakangiya Hy Festival life credits-Loma answer That Religion teaches.

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