Thursday 5 May 2016

I. REQUEST (S.i. 136)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Uruvelà on the Bank of Neranjarà River, under a tree, when the new Sir Nigrodha Ajapàla.
2) Then ton, while net exclusive residential Meditation, thought here was started up:
3 this testimony by Me) "was, it is hard to see, hard, deep, noble, President, reasoning, marvelous micro, who only has a new feel! Did your favorite mass craving, craving orgasm, sexual desire like the craving, it's hard to see this theorem, i.e. y Leanne pratītyasamutpāda French charm. It's hard to see this theorem, i.e. all is President, all being y is abandoning, AI, chunk, glass, Nirvana. If We present the sermon that the others don't understand Me, so really tired for Me, so give me trouble "bothered really.
4) Then the shelves this marvelous, from micro have never been heard before, is That Religion says:
France We prove difficult,
Why do we speak up?
Tham, who governed,
Hard evidence of the French enlightenment.
France goes upstream,
Micro magic and profound,
Hard to find, very subtle.
Who is your favorite craving,
Being covered by ignorance,
It is difficult to see this.
5) World Religion with such thinking, the mind towards passive, does not want the sermon.
Brahma Sahampati 6) and know the mind Religious posture thanks to his Center, adjacent to think: "truly the world destroyed, the world truly died, if the mind As Future, steps A-la-Han, Chief of College Buds towards the passive, does not want the sermon".
Then Brahma Sahampati), such as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the forearm are extensor straight; Likewise, he disappeared in the Brahma world and realized That Religion.
Then Brahma Sahampati offset 8) upper y on a side role, right knee kneeling on the ground, hand-pieced together towards World Religion and World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, make the sermon! Improve transparency, take the sermon! There are little beings will bare dirt contamination risks, if not to hear Chief Justice of France. (If you hear) these can be bundled out of the French Chief Justice.
9 Brahma Sahampati) says so. Say so, he said, adding the following:
In of Magadha,
Erstwhile have appeared,
Non-wooden railway,
Do UE deductive mind.
Open this immortal,
For them to be heard in France,
Due to the myriad Holy ranks UE,
Chơn thành District Chief were enlightened.
Like standing on the rock,
At the Summit of a high mountain,
Put the eyes looking around,
The masses (his feet).
Also, He Was a friendly,
Climbing upstairs Chief of France,
The variable label, not melancholy,
Look down the hordes of pants being
Concerns were melancholy,
Was being oppressive and old.
Hero, please stand up,
Battlefield victories, ranks
Chief caravans,
Who escape the debt,
So please Respect the sermon,
From all over the world,
Someone thanks to be heard,
Will understand the deep magic.
10) Then Ton know the request of Brahma, as the mercy for beings, look at life with Buddha brand.
11) That respect when looking at life with Buddha brand, has found little beings life infection class, many infected dust; There are apartments, apartment implant benefits class; have positive, inverse Tanh Tanh class; There are easy to teach class, hard to teach; Some see the danger is reborn on the other world and the dangers of the mistake.
12) such as in the Blue Lotus, pink Lotus White Lotus, there are a number of green Lotus, Lotus pink or White Lotus engenders under water, grew up under water, do not pass out of the water, was raised under water. There are a number of green Lotus, pink Lotus White Lotus engenders under water, grew up under water, living rose to the surface. There are a number of green Lotus, pink Lotus White Lotus engenders under water, grew up under water, rise out of the water, not water to wet to the bone. Also, World Religion while with the label Buddha looked around the world, see little beings life infection class, many infected dust; There are apartments, apartment implant benefits class; have positive, inverse Tanh Tanh class; There are easy to teach class, hard to teach; Some see the danger is reborn on the other world, and the dangers of the action errors.
13) Saw that, He answered for Brahma Sahampati with shelf:
Take a wide open for them,
The door of the school being immortal,
O those who have ears,
Please free the deviant beliefs,
Conscious of the harmful,
I'll be preaching
France Nice micro magic,
Between mankind, beings,
Oh Brahma Sahampati!
Brahma Sahampati) and 14 knows: "We have created the opportunity for That Suen theory", so That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl body on towards him and disappear on the spot.
1) like me.
A world Religion in at Uruvelà on the banks of the river Neranjarà, under a tree, when the new Sir Nigrodha Ajapàla.
2) and world Religion while net Meditation, toxic thought here was started up: "Truth is hard, life has no respect, no obedience. So let's respect, respect and live only on a Medical Marijuana-subject or she-la-Mon ".
3) And World Religion, thinking: "with the aim of making full world aggregates are not yet complete, let's respect, respect and live only in a medical Sa-Ba-la-or subject to other subjects. But I don't see a place in the world of the evil Genius Chu and Brahma, between Sa, among the masses of mankind or species, not a Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-other subjects, with the student tools better, aggregates We can respect, respect and live y only ".
4) "for the purpose of making the fixed full aggregates are not yet complete, let's respect, respect and live only in a medical Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects other..."
5) "with the aim of making full wisdom aggregates are not yet full..."
6) "with the aim of making full release aggregates are not yet full..."
7) "with the aim of making full tri-liberating comments aggregates are not yet complete, let's respect, respect and live only in a medical Sa-Ba-la-or subject to other subjects. But I don't see a place in the world of the evil Genius Chu and Brahma, between the masses and the Sa-Ba-la-Mon, between species or humans, do not have a Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-other subjects, with the RID tri opinion better Ta aggregates that one can respect, respect and live y only ".
8) "With this, We have the Chief sensory class, let's respect, respect and live this only medicine".
9 Brahma Sahampati) and then with his Center knew of World Religious Center, as an artist, stretching arms force is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; Likewise, he disappeared in the Brahma world and realized That Religion.
10) and then the upper extension Sahamapati Brahma y into a side role, accept That Religious instruction to the White World and Religion:
11)-so yes, the White World Religion! So as to Improve transparency, Was White, while Religious World! to the past, the A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice Class, Chu's respect Religious World, respect and live only on the y (Chief Justice) of France. The White World Religion, in the future, the taste will be the A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice Class, Chu's Religious World respect, respect and will live on only medical (Chief Justice) of France. The White World Religion, hoping that in the current era, World Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds also respect, respect and live only on the y (Chief Justice) of France.
Brahma Sahampati) say so, after saying so, say add as follows:
Buddhist schools of the past,
Lettered Buddhist hybrid position,
And the current Buddha,
Many melancholy passages.
All the,
Was, is and will be living,
Respect and respect,
France chon TAM Chief micro magic,
France is thus
For headless Buddha-da.
So, want to benefit,
Desire to do,
Please respect, respect
France chon TAM Chief micro magic,
Make a note of the Dhamma,
Chu The Chief Buddhist College.
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in Essential Anàthapindika his property.
2) at the time the a she-la, named Brahmadeva exported, abandoned the family, living with family Honor.
3) And false Religious Brahmadeva living alone, far, not fired, ample, essential need, not how long the certificate was the purpose that the friendly South Prince chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning the family life not family, is the main upper wing research Violations. Her taste right with the current location itself, and achieved an unbeatable stay. The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, should have done, no longer back this status." And suppose Brahmadeva became a A-la-Han.
4) and then the fake Religious Brahmadeva on the morning up y, y, go into the bowl to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. While the second class from qifu gangui in Sàvatthi, false Religious Brahmadeva go to his mother's House.
5) at the time, she-la-Brahmadeva fake mother, subjects usually do donation ceremony of Brahma.
6) Then Brahma Sahampati thoughts: "She-la-fake mother, Brahmadeva subjects usually do donation ceremony of Brahma. So I come to her and make her shaken ".
Then Brahma Sahampati), as an artist, stretching arms force is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; also, Brahma disappeared in the Brahma world and appears in fake Brahmadeva mother house.
Brahma Sahampati) and 8 standing the middle of nowhere, talking up the article this shelves with she-la-Brahmadeva fake mother disciplines:
Oh! She-la,
Brahma world very far,
Her usually donation,
For Brahma,
Homemade donation as such,
No dish Brahma.
The babbling,
Not yet know the Brahma.
This she-la,
This Brahmadeva
Is her son,
Him every piece being y,
Certified Super Natural sex, France
Qifu gangui, does not own,
Do not foster a one.
The position he now has to,
Her home to qifu gangui,
Worthy of donation,
Deep understanding of the Scriptures,
The manual cultivation,
Nhon, Libra donation.
External hard all the evil,
Escape all the infected cells.
You go, search speed,
Appeased all sorrow,
After him there,
Earlier, he also does.
Calm, not blindly,
Brain mind, not passionate.
He left simple,
For weak, powerful people.
Hoping you are enjoying life,
The upper, the dishes She surges,
The evil force not break,
Plain Center appeased.
Like elephants, you go,
Escapist every craving.
Locate Female-stilts, maintenance
Manual Center release,
Let's invite him enjoy life
Epigastric She donation.
She donation offer.
Up to him, She believes,
With real confidence,
Worthy She donation.
Do Phuoc in Germany,
Spend a peaceful hereafter.
This she-la,
Now She has to find Him.
Ranks Holy hermit,
Steps beyond the BOC.
9) She donation offer
Up to him, She believes,
With real confidence,
Worthy She donation.
She was working in Germany,
Spend a peaceful life after,
This She-la,
Now she has found him,
Ranks Holy hermit,
Steps beyond the BOC.
IV. BAKA BRAHMA (S.i. 147)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) at the time, Brahma Baka kicked up evil deviant opinion as follows: "this is often. This is usually constant. This is permanent. This is the fullness. This is real. This is not contentious, not old, not dead, not to kill, not starting. And in addition to this, there is not a liberation of the other ".
3) Then, with her mind, knowing the heart of Baka Brahma. As an artist, stretching arms force is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; also, He disappeared in Jetavana (win) and appear in the Brahma world.
Baka Brahma) see 4 Ton from far away to see, so That white Religious sailings:
-Come here, false Religion! Welcome to honor author! Mr. Suen, have long Venerated author created this opportunity, i.e. to come here. Dear fake Religion, this is often. This is usually constant. This is permanent. This is the fullness. This is real. This is no being, no elderly, no death, no kill, no run. In addition to this, no one other than the liberation of France.
5) Be heard so, Suen told Baka Brahma:
-He really is this ignorance, Baka Brahma! He really is this ignorance, Baka Brahma! Here, the impermanence that often. Something not commonly hang back and say is often constant. The non-permanent resident is speaking again. The no fullness that fullness. What does real talk is real. And here there is birth, there are old, have died, have, have run, say here not being, not old, not dead, not to kill, not starting. And there are other more liberating France say there is no other free French.
6) this Mr Gotama,
Seven German and two colleagues,
We dwell in the world,
Conquest of birth and old age,
This last, life
Deep understand Vedic Scriptures,
Gain Violates bias,
Many cult ceremonies.
7) this life change, Short
The network's long life span,
Only he, Baka,
Think long network, life
We know His network, life
This Brahma as such,
About hundred thousand years,
8) if he is So Religious,
See the endless,
Him overcome, conquer,
Being old and melancholy,
Happy world Oldtimer,
Would be useful for you,
Please speak up for children,
Do you know obviously.
9) Have quite many,
Thirst and heat the brain,
The past he drank,
And saved many people.
Her politics, her almond
In time immemorial,
As the sleep formula
We have to remember that.
At the River,
When the masses get caught,
He freed them,
He flicked away an attacker in prison.
She's happy, she, politics
In time immemorial,
As the sleep formula,
We have to remember that.
When the middle of the River Ganges,
There were boats the siege,
By solid type tyranny
Like to swallow human life,
With the strength of the force,
He conquered, rescue,
She's happy, she, politics
In time immemorial,
As the sleep formula,
We have to remember that.
With the name Kappa,
A the time of His disciples,
I was confirmed,
The smart intellectual, ranks
She's happy, she, politics
In time immemorial,
As the sleep formula,
We have to remember that.
sure You know),
Expectancy birth,
He also knew the others,
Because of Him, steps of enlightenment.
So his dread,
Brilliance is the same,
Coronal Mr brilliance,
An stay Brahma.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, a Brahma started up a different evil deviant comments such as the following: "Not a Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would be able to come here".
3) Then, with her mind, knowing the mind of Brahma. As people power singer ..., ... appears in the natural world.
4) Then Ton sitting Fang-old middle of nowhere, on the top of Brahma, and body spray.
5 Ton Mahà Moggallàna imitation), and then run up the thought: "Now That Religion is where?".
6) Mahà Moggallàna, with the label, superheroes, see Ton sitting Fang-old middle of nowhere, on the top of Brahma, and body spray. Thus, as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; also, he disappeared in Jetavana and appear in the Brahma world.
7 Ton Mahà Moggallàna imitation) and Fang-old middle of nowhere sitting East, on top of the Brahma's taste, the bottom of the World body, spitting fire.
8 Ton Mahà Kasspa false) and (Ca-Romaine) run up the thought: "Now That Religion is where?". With pure label, see Kassapa Mahà Ton sitting Fang-old middle of nowhere ..., ... found so as to force the House...,..., too, disappeared in Jetavana, appears in the Brahma world. And then the fake Religious Mahà Kassapa sit Fang-the middle of nowhere and old South, located on the top of Brahma, the bottom World, body spray.
9) Then Mahà Kappina (Shit-Tan-na) run up the thought: "Now That Religion is where?"
10) with the label, superheroes, Kappina see Mahà ..., ... whole body spray. Thus, as the power house..., ... also disappeared in Jetavana and appear in the Brahma world. And then the fake Religious Mahà Kappina sit Fang-the middle of nowhere and old West, on top of the Brahma's taste, the bottom World, body spray.
11) and then the fake Religious Anuruddha (A-na-law-da) run up the thought: "That Religion currently stay in?". With the label, superheroes, Religion author Anuruddha found ..., ... appears in the Brahma world. And then the fake Religious Anuraddha sit Fang-old middle of nowhere in the North, on top of the Brahma's taste, the bottom of the World body, spitting fire.
12 Ton Mahà Moggallàna imitation), and then speak with Brahma's shelves post:
This Gentleness, today,
People also keep deviant comments
As his comments,
Already at that time-keeping.
He has seen the aura
Brahma transcendent sex?
13) this friendly, now I
No longer hold Ta comments,
As opinion,
Already at that time-keeping.
I have seen the glory,
Brahma, transcendental
How do I accept:
"I'm often, is the constant"?
14) Then Ton after making Brahma's range, such as a power house singer stretching the arm is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; also, He disappeared in the Brahma world and appears in Jetavana.
15), and then he called Brahma a Brahma them:
This false Religion, go-to fake Moggallàna Mahà Respect; After arriving, with fake Moggallàna Mahà Respect: "Dear author Moggallàna Respect, steps That he had the Respect of the other disciples, to also have the force, also known in Germany as the fake Religious Moggallàna, Kassapa, and Anuruddha Kappina?"
16)-Sir, false Religion.
Brahma's Brahma responded well to them and go to the fake Religious Mahà Moggallàna.
17) after coming to her with false Religion, Sir, Mahà Moggallàna:
-Mr. Moggallàna, fake World ranks Religious Religion other disciples did, also has the force, also known in Germany as the fake Religious Moggallàna, Kassapa, Kappina, Anuruddha?
18 Ton Mahà Moggallàna imitation), and then speak with Brahma shelf post them:
Testifying three coalition force,
The affidavit read to understand the mind of people,
Pirated ranks make La-Han,
Many Buddhist disciples.
19) and then Brahma's wedding Festival, we credit the fake Religious Moggallàna Mahà lyrics-life says, go to the great Brahma; After arriving, said Brahma with her:
-Fake fake Mahà Respect, Respect Sir Moggallàna says the following:
"Evidence of the three coalition force,
The affidavit read to understand the mind of people,
Pirated ranks make La-Han,
Buddhist disciples a lot ".
20) Brahma they'd say so. Locate the other Brahma Festival of Hy, Brahma told them life.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, the dominant religion is poison NET residential Meditation in the afternoon.
3) And two Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà and Suddhavàsa go to world Religion. After arriving, they each stand based on a column.
4) And Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà said with Flanges-Brahma Suddhavàsa:
This false Religion today-not time to visit most of world Religion, That Religion is net Meditation in the afternoon. And there's a natural world prosperity and prosperity, at bottom, a Brahma an stay, live secluded Launcher. In this Respect, please go to the Brahma world; After to make Brahma's range.
5)-Yes, dear Sir.
Bich Pham Thien Suddhavàsa-chi-chi Thien Pham Bich landing well Subrahmà.
6) And Flanges-Flange and Subrahmà Brahma-Suddhavàsa, Brahma as an artist ..., ..., it disappears in front of world Religion and appear in the Brahma world.
7) this Brahma saw the Brahma there from far away to see, thus, associated with the other Brahma says:
In this Respect, Chu Chu-Ton fake come from?
8 This false Religion), we arrived, after being an opinion That Respect, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College. Fake fake Religion, Respect this should go to the most visited World Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
9) When was this bias, not to say that attention to her words, himself formed a thousand, and then said with Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà:
This false Religion, the false Religious – has seen the force, Norway Germany of us so?
10 This false Religion, ta)-see the force, Norway Germany of false Religion as such.
This false Religion 11)-power and prestige, my German so I have to go most of the time, visit a Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-other subjects to do?
12) And Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà themselves to transform into two thousand of the fuselage and then say to the other: Brahma
This false Religion, the false Religious – has seen the force, Norway Germany of us so?
13) This fake, I have Respect-seen force, Norway Germany of false Religion as such.
14 This false World, Religious)-Religion has great force and Norway Germany wins over him and me again. Fake fake Religion, Respect this please go to the most visited World Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
15) Then the other Brahma comes up with Flange shelf post-Brahma Subrahmà:
Three rows of needles, ostrich sí
And four rows,
Five hundred of the Tiger
Brilliant and bright,
This marvelous Palace,
Both North light flashes.
(Flanges-Brahma Subrahma):
16) oil for palaces,
Brilliance and brilliance,
Slide show magic both canopy,
Both North light flashes.
Charity ranks Was lucid,
See danger in colors,
Always have to turn destructive,
Should not craving tribe.
17)-And Mural-genus Subrahmà Brahma and Brahma-Suddhavàsa Flange; After Brahma's taste varies, the Mainland disappear on the spot.
18) And Brahma, after some time away to visit most of the Religious World, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
VII. KOKÀLIKA (s. i.,148)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time That the independent NET residential Meditation Religion at noon.
3-Flange) and the genus Subrahmà Brahma and Brahma-Suddhavàsa Flange comes to world Religion; After arriving, stand each based on a head shop.
4) And Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà because Female-stilts Kokàlika says up front shelf post Religious World:
Who is who has Tri,
Know the comment analysis,
Want to bring the estimate,
Transcend ranks the estimate?
I think that means that guys,
Confined enclosure,
How do estimate,
Transcend ranks the estimate?
VIII. TISSAKA (s. i.,148)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, the dominant religion is poison NET residential meditation in the afternoon.
3-Flange) and the genus Subrahmà Brahma and Brahma-Suddhavàsa Flange comes to world Religion; After arriving, who each stand based on a door pillar.
4) And Flanges-Brahma Subrahmà because Katamodaka Tissaka speak up on stilts-main article this shelves in front of world Religion:
Who is who has Tri,
Know the comment analysis,
Want to bring the estimate,
Transcend ranks the estimate?
I think the unconscious mind,
Confined enclosure,
How do estimate,
Transcend ranks the estimate?
IX. BRAHMÀ TUDU (S. i, 149)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2 Billion at the time)-stilts Kokàlika sick, hurt, seriously ill.
3) And Flanges-lchi Brahma Tudu when the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance all Jetavana, go to Female-Kokàlika on stilts.
4) after coming to her, standing on the frivolous, and told the Female-stilts Kokàlika:
-Kokàlika, please put This trust in Sàriputta and Moggallàna. Sàriputta and Moggallàna it was amiable.
5)-who he is, this Sage?
6)-Ta-chi Thien Pham Bich is Tudu.
This Gentle, 7)-affordable He was That Religion says is has Any results. So He comes in this life do? He has seen his mistake?
That means that people have being,
Being with the hammer in the mouth,
Stupid when talking nonsense,
Self taken off.
One compliment guys shit,
Anyone who makes or cooking,
Spider self pinch of misfortune,
By his mouth;
Due to her unhappiness, principal
Should not be at peace,
This misfortune rather small,
In Gamble (risk may),
Been destroyed property,
In the moment of Red Black!
Greater than, the unhappiness,
More than any other misfortune,
Due to his own cause,
For his ego!
Anyone dealing with evil,
With Chu, Friendly,
Through time,
Hundreds of thousands, many more,
Thirty-six and five,
Spread the true time.
Anyone with the word and,
The Holy Sage ranks libel,
Users who oppose evil,
Will sa fallen hell.
X. KOKÀLIKA (s. i.,119)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) And Female-stilts Kokàlika go to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, then sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Kokàlika white stilts That Honor:
-White World, Sàriputta and Moggallàna are evil class. They were the dominant sexual evil.
4) When was heard so, Suen told Female-stilts Kokàlika:
-Kokàlika, a clerk at this have said so. Kokàlika this, it has said so. Hey Kokàlika, please put trust in Sàriputta and Moggallàna. Sàriputta and Moggallàna are the real draw.
5) second, Female-Kokàlika white stilts That Honor:
-White World World oil Ton ton, trusted, reliable; but Sàriputta and Moggallàna are evil class. They were the dominant sexual evil.
6) second, World Religion told Female-stilts Kokàlika:
-Kokàlika, a clerk at this have said so. Kokàlika this, it has said so. Hey Kokàlika, please put trust in Sàriputta and Moggallàna. Sàriputta and Moggallàna are the real draw.
7) last Tuesday, Male-the white Kokàlika stilts That Honor:
–... They were the dominant sexual evil.
8) last Tuesday, That said the National-Religious Kokàlika on stilts:
–... Sàriputta and Moggallàna are the real draw.
9) And Female-Kokàlika on stilts from the seat stood up, wealthy girl World, Religious ceremony right toward him, then leave.
10) Female-stilts out Kokàlika not how long the body, grows up the pimple boils big pit. From the pit, they grow up with green bean seed (mugga). From the granular green beans, they grow up with big pisiform (kalàya). From pisiform big, they grew up by rolatthi (jujube tree, Apple tree seed?). From granular rolatthi, they grow up with granular kolama. From granular kolama, they grow up with granular amala (a-ma-la). From results of amala, they grew up by beluva results. From the fruit, unripe beluva raised by the results of billa. From the big picture by results of billa, they cracked, bleeding and pus.
11) And Female-on stilts due to Kokàlika being the common destiny. Gets the common destiny, Female-stilts Kokàlika being in hell, pink Lotus with hatred for fake Sàriputta and Religious Moggallàna.
Brahma Sahampati) and 12, after the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance Jetavana, the entire region away to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect and stand aside.
13) Stand on one side, breaking the natural Sahàmpati of the White World Religion:
-Transparency of world Religion, Male-Kokàlika on stilts was destined. The White World Religion, after the common National destiny-Kokàlika on stilts to birth to hell Red Lotus with hatred for fake Sàriputta and Religious Moggallàna.
14) Brahma Sahampati says so. After the ceremony, wealthy girl, speaking of world Religion, on the direction of Him and then disappear on the spot.
15) Then, after the night was over, raising the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, Brahma Sahampati, when the minutes, the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, the entire region went to Jetavana brilliance; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, We stand to one side. Stand on one side, the Male-stilts, Brahma Sahampati Bach with Me: "white World Religion, Bhikkhu-Kokàlika on stilts was destined. And the White World, Female-Kokàlika stilts after the mission took birth in hell Sen Hong with hatred for fake Sàriputta and Religious Moggattàna ". The Male-stilts, Brahma Sahampati says so. After the ceremony, wealthy girl, He said, the owner towards Us, then disappear.
16) Was heard, a Female-Like white stilts Ton:
-White World, how much longer is longevity in hell Sen Hong?
17)-this long National Truth-stilts, life in hell i was tu Sen Hong. Not easy to calculate how many years, how many hundred years, how many thousands of years, how many hundreds of thousands of years.
18)-Bach World Religion, can be affordable by one example?
19) That Religion answers:
-Can be, this Male-stilts. This Female-stilts, like having a bag of Sesame pisiform, weighs twenty khàrika, according to measurements in Kosala. For example, after a hundred years, a person removed once a sesame seed. This Female-stilts, also more sesame seed mau, heavy khàrika, twenty according to the measure of Kosala country, go to the drain, go to the wear and tear caused by the media, comparing (lifetime) in hell Abhuda. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Abhuda hell in hell Nirabbuda. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Nirabbuda hell in hell. This-Female-stilts, twenty years in the life of hell with a lifespan in Ababa hell Atata. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Atata hell in hell Ahaha. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Ahaha hell in hell Kumuda. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Kumuda hell in hell Sogandhika. This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Sogandhika hell in hell Uppala (Blue Lotus). This Female-stilts, twenty years in life expectancy by a Uppala hell in hell Pundarika (Lotus white). This Female-stilts, twenty longevity in hell by White Lotus a lifetime in hell pink Shower. This Female-stilts, stilts-Kokàlika birth Rate in Lotus pink hell with hatred for fake Sàriputta and religious Moggallàna.
20) What Religion says so. After saying so, steps Charity Was again stated:
That means that people have being,
Being with the hammer in the mouth,
Stupid when talking nonsense,
Self taken off.
One compliment guys do b y,
Anyone who makes or cooking,
Spider self pinch of misfortune,
Because of where his mouth,
Due to her unhappiness, principal
Should not be at peace.
This misfortune rather small,
Risk gamble in may,
Been destroyed property,
In the moment of red black.
The greater the unhappiness,
More than any other misfortune,
Due to his own cause,
For his ego.
Anyone dealing with evil,
With Chu, Friendly,
Through time,
Hundreds of thousands more,
Thirty-six and five,
Spread the true time.
Anyone with the word and,
The Holy Sage ranks libel,
Users who oppose evil,
Will sa fallen hell.
I. SANAMKUMÀRA. Often pupils (S. i,153)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), on the banks of the river Sappini.
2) and then Brahma Sanamkumàra, when the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance the entire region of the river Sappini, go to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, and then stand on one side.
3) Stand on one side, the Brahma Sanamkumàra said article this shelves up in front of the World Religion:
Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat win, evening
Among the working class.
Full flavor, Germany,
Max WINS between Nhon, genius.
4) Brahma Sanamkumàra said so, and masters degrees.
5) Then Brahma Sanamkumàra said was: "What Religion has accepted us," World Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl on towards him and disappeared.
II. DEVADATTA (S. i,153)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha, thứu Ling mountain, when Devadatta left not long.
Then Brahma Sahampati), when the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance all Spiritual mountains thứu, go to world Religion, after arriving, wealthy girl That ceremony to honor and stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, Brahma Sahampati article this shelves talking up front That Ton of Devadatta:
Banana plants were left to kill,
Likewise, bamboo wipes.
Fame kills the evil guys,
As thai killing Mule.
1) One World Religion stay in the middle of Magadha, at Andhakavinda.
2) at the time of world Religion sit outdoors, in the darkness, while the rain each granular one.
3 Brahma Sahampati) and then, while the night was almost complacent, with sharp foes win, brilliance Andhakavinda region-wide, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside.
4) Stand on one side, Brahma Sahampati comes up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
Take in the mountains,
Far away the neighbor villages,
Let's live life freed,
Abandon the unlawful use!
If in that does not meet the
He preferred, He likes,
Let's live between them increases,
Households maintained, keep mindfulness,
And pedestrians, qifu gangui
This home to other homes,
The grounds were maintained,
Caution, keep mindfulness.
Take in the mountains,
Far away the neighbor villages,
Lost all fear,
Infinity Lt, live release.
The snake,
There the night lightning, Thunder,
In blackened black night
Locate Female – silent sitting on stilts,
Don't run, don't panic,
Hair not fur sclera,
So you see, my own eyes
Not just rumor.
In a happy,
Thousands of people escaped death.
More than five hundred property,
Ten times ten, a hundred,
All of them attend the save,
From the shock of birth type beings.
Did the rest,
The are entitled blessed,
The count,
Fear of falling in expectation language.
IV. ARUNAVATI (S. i,155)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi..., ...
2) in That Respect, the National call-stilts:
-The Male-stilts.
3)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
4 Ton) says the following:
5)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, King named Arunavà. The Male-stilts, capital of King Arunavà named Arunavati. The Male-stilts, near the capital, the Arunavati Ton Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice an Enlightened Class stay.
6) this the Male-stilts, Religious Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class has two outstanding disciples, student, named Abhibhu and Sambhava.
7) and then the Male-stilts, the A-tier Sikhì la Religion-Han, the Chief Justice referred to the national sense of College-Abhibhu on stilts:
"-She-la, let's go to a heaven for the meal."
8) "-Sir, of the White World Religion".
The Male-stilts, Female-stilts Abhibhu well Sikhì, A tier of world Religious meeting-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
9) and then the Male-stilts, Religious Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice and the Chief of the National College-stilts Abhibhu, such as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the arms are straightening, too (two) disappeared in the capital and in the Arunavati Brahma about her.
10) and then the Male-stilts, Religious Sikhì, steps A-la-Chinese Chief Justice Chief Justice told the national sense of College-Abhibhu on stilts:
"-She-la, let's say the French post for Brahma, for violations of the heavenly side and for us favoritism".
11) "-Sir, of the White World Religion".
Male-Abhibhu World Sikhì Ton landing well stilts, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, declared the French article theory Class for Brahma, for violations of the heavenly side and for us, encouraging, do they excited, making them the wedding Festival.
12) here, the Male-stilts, Brahma extra and us bias, the celestial feel offended, resentful, angry and said: "it is the hope, the truth is that micro magic, how a disciple leave the sermon before the masters level?".
13) and then the Male-stilts, Religious Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice said the national sense of College-Abhibhu on stilts:
"-She-la, Brahma, Pham Thien Thu Thien Pham, and they'd feel offended, resentful, angry, said: ' the truth is, it was a useful microbial magical hope, how a disciple leave the sermon before the masters level? ' So she-la, please make the Brahma, the heavenly side and Breaking them as celestial vibrations bumper part over again. "
14) "-Sir, of the White World Religion".
The Male-stilts, Female-stilts Abhibhu well Sikhì, A tier of world Religious meeting-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, embody the sermon, stems, Museum does not appear under the fuselage half torso, torso does not show half of the fuselage between the sermon.
15) here, the Male-stilts, Brahma extra and us bias, date, start up Center Hellenic, magic said: "it is the hope, it's magic, the force and the power of the Sa-Mon".
16) And Female-white Abhibhu on stilts That Ton Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class:
"-The White World Religion, I confirmed with this words between them, female-stilts Rising: standing in the Brahma world, you could make the world hear thousands of children".
17) "-She-la, now is the time for the job. She-la, now is the time for the job. She-la, He let stand in the Brahma world and make thousand of the world hear his voice ".
18) "-Sir, of the White World Religion".
The Male-stilts, Female-stilts Abhibhu well Sikhì, A tier of world Religious meeting-la-Han, Chief Justice, Equal standing in the Brahma World article this shelves and speak up:
Please stand up, line up,
Let's embarks Buddhism,
Let's defeat the Ghost army,
As the elephants destroy the leaf hut.
One of this law,
An ample magnification, not stay
Take advantage of the living dead, the round piece
Will end the suffering.
19) the National-stilts, then This World Religion Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, and the National Diploma-Abhibhu on stilts, after making the Brahma, the heavenly side and Breaking them to natural fluctuations, such doctor force ..., people ... disappear in the Brahma world and appear in the Arunavati.
20) and then the Male-stilts, Religious Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice referred to the sense of National College-stilts:
"-The Female-stilts, He has heard the shelves due to Male-Abhibhu on stilts stood at Brahma, speak up?".
21) "-the White World, we have heard the shelves due to Male-Abhibhu on stilts stood in the Brahma world was talking up".
22) "-the Female-stilts, how does he listen to the shelves due to Male-Abhibhu on stilts standing up in the Brahma world comes up?"
23) "-the White World, we listen to the shelves due to Male-Abhibhu on stilts stood in the Brahma world spoke up as follows:
Please stand up, line up,
Let's embarks Buddhism.
Let's defeat the Ghost army,
As the elephants destroy the leaf hut.
One of this law,
Who stay are not ample, reporter
Take advantage of the living dead, the round piece
Will end the suffering.
24) so That we Respect, Bach has heard on stilts by the national-Abhibhu shelf stand in the Brahma world was talking up ".
25) "-fresh, Healthy change, the Female-stilts. Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts! He was heard by the shelf post billion-Abhibhu on stilts stood at Brahma, spoke up ".
26) That Religion has to say so. The Male's wedding Festival, stilts-life lyrics That teach Religious beliefs.
V. PARINIBHÀNA: Bowl-Nirvana (S. i, 157)
1) A world Religion in Kusinàrà, at Upavattana, in forest-la Mallà, between people, between two trees-la song in life when You enter Nirvana.
2) Then the Billion-Ton told stilts:
-The Male-stilts, now We strongly recommend Him, please, do not ignore ample magnification. Compounded vi is impermanent. These are the final words of the Tathāgata.
3) Then to Respect beginner Meditation. Come into the second Meditation, Meditation. Out of the second Meditation, Meditation on Tuesday. Out of the third Meditation, Meditation on the Saturday mail. The fourth Meditation, out on Not boundless. Boundless, He not on boundless Knowledge of. Out of boundless Knowledge, Writes in Invisible property. Off Loads of possession, He thought the idea of phi.
4) out of Africa thought phi phi, He thought on Loads of possession. Off Loads of possession, He on boundless Knowledge of. Out of boundless Knowledge, He was boundless. Boundless, not Him in the fourth Meditation. Out the fourth Meditation, Meditation on Tuesday. Out of the third Meditation, Writes on the second Meditation. Out of the second Meditation, Him on Meditation records. Come into the second Meditation, Meditation. Out of the second Meditation, Meditation on Tuesday. Out of the third Meditation, Meditation on Wednesday. Fourth, the Religious Meditation out sailings added.
5) when the removal, human Respect this removal, Brahma Brahmà said the post racks:
Every creature in his life,
Left in aggregates,
Masters degree, too,
Great God Almighty on his life,
As Lai, who Hung,
Enlightenment tier added.
6) When That Religion kills, this removal personnel, Sakha said owners post racks:
The Act is impermanent,
Has the birth must be destroyed,
After birth, they kill,
Only net them, peace.
7) When That Religion kills, this removal personnel, false Religious Ànada post talking up the shelves:
Horrible dazed,
Real feather hair sclera,
Win a full General rank,
Enlightenment tier added.
8) When That Religion kills, this false Religion destroyed personnel Anumddha speak up post racks:
Do not breathe out, breathe in,
The mind stay on the Chief Justice,
No craving, President,
Variable hierarchy Label removal.
With Center, real estate,
You feel, life
As the light suddenly turned off,

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