Monday 16 May 2016

 § (I) (1) CHIEF OUT
1. - Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan Sāvatthi residing at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks,". - "Revered sir". The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, if the pagan wandering ascetic asked as follows: "Dear reverences, the chief legal Spoiler get any medical facility to practice?"
Asked this, this, monks, brothers answer to the pagan wandering ascetic like?
 - Buddha, for us, the Exalted measures taken as a basis, take Bhagavan as leaders, take Bhagavan as shelters. It's rather good, venerable sir, Bhagavan speak to the meaning of this word. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
 - So this, monks, listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3. Hey, monks, if the pagan wandering ascetic asked as follows: "Dear reverences, the enlightenment approach section, get any medical facility to practice?" Asked so, the monks, the teachers need to respond to the pagan wandering ascetic was as follows: "here, sir reverences, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with. Reverences, this is the first medical facility to cultivate the enlightenment part legal. "
4. Again, this reverences, monks have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in the legal Studies. Reverences, this is the second clinic of legal practice enlightenment section.
5. Again, this reverences, monks have set, this story likely reduce upward passage leading to an open mind about little as education, about know enough about renunciation, about not gather, discuss diligent ardent, about sex, about the argument, reasoning about knowledge, about liberation, about liberating knowledge, the story so there are no problems, there are not tired hard, there is no power charge. Reverences, this is the third clinic practice of enlightenment measures section.
6. Again, monks, monks lived ardent effort to make an end to the immoral law, in order to accomplish the improvement measures, effort, perseverance, not giving up the burden of good behavior. Reverences, this is the fourth clinic of legal practice enlightenment section.
7. Again, monks, monks have wisdom, intellectual achievements of arising and passing, with the Eucharist entered (decision Trach) go to the road end to suffering. Reverences ... this is the Thursday clinic to practice the methods section enlightenment.
8. This, monks, the monks do you in good faith, friendship and charity, with good communication, wait times are as follows: will hold the world, will live to be protected with the protection of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepted and legal study in the school.
This, monks, the monks do you in good faith, friendship and charity, with good communication, time is expected as follows: This story potentially segment fell, leading to an open mind, as about less sex ... the story so there are no problems, there is not effortless, there are no health fee. This, monks, the monks do you in good faith, friendship and charity, with good communication, wait times are as follows: will live ardent effort to make an end to the evil ... in the legal dhamma. This, monks, the monks do you in good faith, friendship and charity, with good communication, wait times are as follows: there will be mental, intellectual achievements of arising and passing, with the Eucharist entered go to the path of right feet end to suffering. And this, monks, the monks had legal residence this year, four more measures need to practice. Need to cultivate impure thoughts to the total extinction of craving, need to cultivate compassion for the total extinction of the field, need to practice breathing concept and breathing out to cut off level, need to practice impermanence idea to break septic conceit. This, monks, the monks have thought impermanent, selfless thoughts are residing; the monks have great self, ego destroyed, even in the present, achieving Nirvana.
 § (II) (2) Y ONLY
1. Then the monks went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Adequate care only, full health only, venerable sir, so to speak. Lord to how the monks only full health?
2 - If he only monks confidence, make an end to evil good practice, so, for they, evil is annihilation. If monks y § Lead Sheet (Shame) ... if he only monks fear ... if he only monks diligently ... if he only monks intellectual, total annihilation unwholesome , good practice, so with he, evil is annihilation. Thus, monks had to make an end, has cleverly immoral annihilation, when evil was seen with St. intellectual and annihilation. This, monks, after the monks he abides in this law, there are four legal again he must care only. Which four?
3. Here, the monks, monks, after consideration (estimate), a practice, after consideration, an endurance, after consideration, to give an after consider, unless cleaned a. Thus, the monks, monks only full health.
 § (III) (3) venerable MEGHIYA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Calika, at Mount Calika. At that time, he came to be the attendant Meghiya Bhagavan. Then venerable Meghiya go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, venerable lord Meghiya:
 - Buddha, I want to go into the village for alms Jantu.
 - Hey Meghiya, now I do what I think is trendy.
2. Then in the morning he came to Meghiya robes, holding a bowl y Jantu go into the village for alms. After finishing Jantu begging in the village, after the meal, on the way back to begging, Kimikala go to the riverbank, while pedestrians, take a walk by the river crossing Kimikala, venerable Meghiya find a nice mango forests to endearing. Seeing this, he reflected that: "The forest is really beautiful mango endearing. So it was just enough to give Good men preferred death to ardent ardent, and if approved Bhagavan, I will go to a globular mango forests ".
3. Then go to the venerable Meghiya Exalted, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side. Meghiya venerable lord:
 - Buddha, here in the morning the robes, he took the bowl and went into the village for alms Jantu. To beg finished, after meals, begging for food on the way back, I went to the river bank Kimikala. Buddha, when the pedestrian, take a walk by the river crossing Kimikala, I saw a beautiful mango forests endearing. Seeing this, I thought as follows: "This is a beautiful mango forests, endearing. So it was just enough for Good men preferred death to ardent ardent, and if approved Bhagavan, I will go to him to ardent mango forests ".
 - Let's wait until this Meghiya an other monks present, because we are alone.
4. The second time, Venerable Meghiya venerable sir:
 - Buddha, for Bhagavan nothing more needs to be done more, nothing needs to be done in addition to the work already done. As for me, venerable sir, there is more work to be done, there is work to be done in addition to the work already done. If Bhagavan accepted me, I will go to him to ardent mango forest.
 - Take this Meghiya wait until other monks a presence, because we are alone.
5. The third time, Venerable Meghiya venerable sir:
 - Buddha, Bhagavan no longer need to do more, nothing should be added to the work done. If Bhagavan accepted me, I will go to him to ardent mango forest.
 - Hey Meghia, as I have said essential need, the same time we can also say something else? This Meghiya So, now I do what I think is trendy.
6. Then the Venerable Meghiya stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body, leaving him to the mango forest, after the arrival into the forest of mango, then sit under a tree day . While residing in the forest Meghiya venerable mango, largely three evil evil ie the current range-range fitness, golf range and reach harmful. Then venerable Meghiya thinking as follows: "It's rather wonderful, really rare replacement. I was ordained as faith, abandoned the family, no family life. But three evil evil this range ie sexual penetration range, golf range, damage range ".
7. Then venerable Meghiya go to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sit down on one side venerable lord Meghiya:
 - Here, venerable sir, when I was living in a mango forest, the three evil evil current range, ie the range fitness, golf range, damage range. Buddha, the following thoughts: "It's rather wonderful! It's rather rare! I left home because of faith, abandoning the family, no family life. But this three evil evil intrusion range, ie the range fitness, golf range, damage range ".
 - Hey Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, to mature years of consignment. What is the year?
8. Here, this Meghiya, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with. This Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, this is the first approach taken to mature.
9. Again, this Meghiya, monks have sex, life is protected with the protection of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accept and practice in the law school. This Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, it is the latter brought to maturity.
10. Again, this Meghiya, this story is capable of reducing paragraph (upward?) Brought to mind is wide open, as little argument about sex, about know enough about renunciation, about not converge, diligent about ardent, about gender, about regulations, about wisdom, about liberation, about liberating knowledge. Such stories are not difficult, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard. This Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, it is the third approach brought to maturity.
11. Again, this Meghiya, monks lived ardent effort to make an end to the immoral law, to be full of charity law, endeavor, perseverance not to give up the burden of good behavior. This Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, this is the fourth approach brought to maturity.
12. Again, this Meghiya, wisdom, intellectual achievements of arising and passing away, with St can enter the path to go to make an end to suffering. This Meghiya, with freedom of mind is not mature, this is taken to legal maturity Thursday.
13. Hey Meghiya, the monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with, is expected as follows: will live with gender, are protected with the protection of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full authority Comfort right action, scared of the slightest error, accepted and legal study in the school.
This Meghiya, the monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with, is expected as follows: This story is capable of reducing paragraph (upward?) As little review about sex ... The such stories are not difficult, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard. This Meghiya, the monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with, is expected as follows: He will live ardent effort ... not to give up responsibility for good behavior. This Meghiya, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with, is expected as follows: He would have the wisdom ... right feet end to suffering. And this Meghiya, when monks was to stay in this method, four more measures need to practice: practice impure thoughts to the total extinction of craving, practice compassion to the total extinction of golf, practice breathing anniversary breathing out to cut off range, practice impermanence idea to sabotage conceit. This Meghiya, the monks have no reward great, selfless thought to exist. There is a great self, the ego destroyed, even in the present to achieve Nirvana.
 § (IV) (4) The venerable NANDAKA
1. A residence time in Sāvatthi Exalted, in Jetavana, in the garden he Anathapindika. At that time, Venerable Nandaka was preaching to the monks in the hall, preaching, encouraging, making excited, make happy.
2. Then in the afternoon Bhagavan from Meditation stood up, went to the hall, after arriving, standing outside the door of the school, waiting for the lecture ended. Knowing the lecture was over, Bhagavan coughed and type hasp. Monks was open to Bhagavan. Then Bhagavan entered the hall and sat down on the seat was drafted. Sit down, Bhagavan told venerable Nandaka:
 - Long instead, this is Nandaka this method, I have preached to the monks! I was tired when standing back at the door, waiting for the lecture ended.
3. When is say so, Venerable Nandaka was puzzled lord:
 - Buddha, we do not know Bhagavan standing at the door. If we know Bhagavan standing at the door, when we did not say so long.
Bhagavan said after the agitation of the venerable instant Nandaka told venerable Nandaka:
 - You instead, heal rather, it Nandaka! It is worthy for the death of Master Good men ordained as faith, abandon their families, living without family, brothers sit together to hear the law. This Nandaka, when the teacher meetings together, this Nandaka, there are two things to do: speak or remain silent approach of the saint. This Nandaka, monks have faith but has no gender, so he does not share his comprehensive spending. Therefore, the need to make full expenditure part was: "How can we trust and the world anymore?". And when, this Nandaka, monks have faith and have sex, so he spent part of his extensive. And this Nandaka, monks have faith and gender, but the interior is not only pure; so he does not share his extensive spending. Therefore, the need to make sufficient spending part was: "How can we trust and both the inner and only pure?". And when, this Nandaka, monks have faith and inner world and get just pure; so he spent part of his extensive. And this Nandaka, monks have faith, have sex, there is only pure inner being, but knowledge is not increased legal rooftop bars, so, he is not part of his comprehensive spending. Therefore, the need to make sufficient spending part was: "How can we trust, have sex, get inner purification only, and can be increased wisdom rooftop French restaurant?" And when, this Nandaka, monks have faith, have sex, get inner purification only, and can be increased wisdom rooftop French restaurant, so he spent part of his extensive.
Exalted such preaching. Said so done, Auspicious stood up from his seat, walked into his residence.
4. Then the venerable Nandaka when Bhagavan went not long called monks:
 - Now, this reverences, Exalted with four sentences, after the presentation Pham happy fulfilled purity, stood up from his seat, went to his residence. "Hey Nandaka, monks have faith ... so, he spent part was full with him."
Reverences, there are five benefits, due to time and listen to legal arguments on legal negotiations on time. What is the year?
5. Here, the reverences, monks sermon for the monks, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, which means there are documents, presentations full of dignity completely clean. Reverences, how much, how, the monks preach to the monks, improve primary, secondary facilities ... Full post-clean-friendly, so much so, he esteemed gurus, like attention, respect, and imitate follow. Dear reverences, this is the first benefit, due to legal time listening, conversation about the legal right time.
6. Again, this reverences, monks sermon for the monks, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, which means that documents ... are clean. Reverences, how much, how, monks preach to the monks full profile ... pure charity, so much so, he maintain life of meaning, of life over measures. Dear reverences, this is the second benefit, due to legal time listening, conversation about the legal right time.
7. Again, this reverences, monks sermon for the monks, full profile ... pure charity. Reverences, how much, how, he preached to the monks full profile ... good clean, this reverences much so, that way, they, after be entered profound meaning in legal strike him, he was found. Reverences, this is a benefit third time by listening to legal and legislative discourse on time.
8. Again, this reverences, monks preach to the monks full profile ... pure charity. Reverences, how much, how, he preached to the monks full profile ... pure charity, so much so, the respect of dignity further imitate , thought: "he has seen or will see." Reverences, following Wednesday's benefits, time and method by listening to conversations about the legal right time.
9. Again, this reverences, monks preach to charity, monks preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means that documents, presentations full of dignity completely clean. Reverences, how much, how, monks preach to charity, monks preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means that documents, presentations full of dignity completely clean. Here, here is how monks Friends School, the center has not accomplished, is living to demand the supreme peace, from suffering, they heard him approach, arises diligently to achieve what evidence yet to be attained, to attain what has not been attained, to realize what has not yet been realized. And the monks here are the steps Arhat, the contraband or annihilation, the chronic practice, the thing to do was to do, laid down the burden, has accomplished the ideal, took advantage except organic fetters, right knowledge liberation. The legal position after hearing that, the current live focus on permanent touch. Reverences, this is the first benefit year, the timely hearing and legal discourse on the legal due time.
Reverences, which is due to hear the legal interests of time, and because of the legal discourse on time.
 § (V) (5) OF STRENGTH
1 - Hey, monks, this power four. Which four?
2. Tue force, attacking force, its innocence, its ability photographers. And this, monks, how is mental capacity?
3. What measures are considered evil unwholesome; What these measures are wholesome good; What these measures are considered to be guilty of the crime; innocent of any measures considered innocent, yet these measures are considered dark black; What these measures are considered white white; yet these measures should not be considered to be implemented should not be implemented; the implementation of measures should be considered as should be done; the law does not deserve saint is considered unworthy of saints; these measures deserve any saint is considered worthy saint. The measures that need to be clever observation, evaluation smart watches with wisdom. This, monks, is called mental capacity. And this, monks, are the tons of force?
4. What measures are considered evil unwholesome; What these measures are considered to be guilty of the crime; What these measures are considered dark black; yet these measures should not be considered to be implemented should not be implemented; the law does not deserve saint is considered unworthy saint. For that approach, arises desire, effort, diligence, of the mind, the mind lead to the total extinction. These measures are wholesome good yet; innocent of any measures considered innocent, yet these measures are considered white white; the implementation of measures should be considered as should be done; these measures deserve any saint is considered worthy saint. For that approach, arises desire, effort, diligence, of the mind, heart to lead evidence. This, monks, is called attacking force. And this, monks, how innocent is force?
5. Here, the monks, St. accomplished disciples bodily innocent, innocent verbal achievements, professional accomplishments the innocent. This, monks, is called its innocence. And this, monks, how is the force power regent?
6. Hey, monks, this method has four Photography: giving, loving, operating profit, colleagues. Supreme in all kinds of giving, this, monks, is the experimental method. Ultimate in loving types, this is the monks continue to preach to those who hope for and slang headset. The ultimate in operating profit, this, monks, is for people who do not have faith, encouragement, put on, to dwell in full confidence; for non precepts, incentives, put in, dwell fully in the world; towards encouraging avarice, placed dwell on alms; Property for evil people, incentives, put in, dwell fully in mind. This, monks, is paramount in the contract between a Stream colleagues with a Stream, Best Career Best hybrid with hybrid tier, level with Real hybrid tier Real hybrid tier Arhat with grade A-la -hate. This, monks, this is the strength photographic performance.
This, monks, it is the power of four.
7. Achievement of four power that, this, monks, holy disciples to overcome years of fear. What is the year?
8. Fear of living, fear of bad rumors, fear of shame of the congregation, fear of death, fear of the Beast. This, monks, that massacred St. disciples as follows:
9. "I do not fear the fear of living. Why should we fear the fear of living? We have four forces: human wisdom, human effort, innocent energy, power energy photographers. Property wicked might fear the fear of living. Sluggard may fear the fear of living. Friendly guys now, verbal, the guilty could now fear the fear of living. Ke photographic performance can not fear the fear of living. I have no fear of fear of bad rumors ... I have no fear of the fear of shame of the congregation ... I have no fear of the fear of death ... I have no fear the fear of the beast. Why I have no fear of fear of the Beast? We have four forces: human wisdom, human effort, innocent energy, power energy photographers. Property wicked might fear the fear of the Beast; sluggard may fear the fear of the Beast; Friendly guys now, verbal, the guilty could now fear the fear of the Beast; feature photography guys can not fear the fear of the Beast. "
Achievements four powers, the monks, the year St. disciples overcome this fear.
1. Here, the venerable Sariputta, monks call "reverences". - "Dear Sage". The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
2. - reverences, people need to be explored on two aspects: the need to close or not need to close. Y shirt, this reverences, need to learn in two ways: to be used or should be used. Alms food, this reverences, need to be explored on two fronts: to use or not to be used. Couch, this reverences, need to be explored on two fronts: to use or not to use. Villages and towns, the reverences, need to be explored on two fronts: to seek or not to seek. National level, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to be or not to be looking to find.
3. Man, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: need to close or not need to be told to close it. Conditioned by anything, is mentioned so?
Here, when they learned about a person as follows: "This man, if we close, the growth of evil, the improvement measures were reduced segment. The requisites for the monastic life that we must have as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, items that have been hard way. And for what purpose we left home, abandoned the family, no family life. The purpose of the well was recluses, do not go to practice perfection ". For such a person, this reverences, whether night or day, no questions asked, it should be discarded, not under him.
Here, the knowledge that a person is as follows: "This man, if we close, the growth of evil, the improvement measures were reduced segment. The requisites for the monastic life that we must have as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, things did get a way no difficulties. And for what purpose we left home, abandoned the family, no family life. The purpose of the well was recluses, do not go to practice perfection ". For such a person, this reverences, after calculation, do not ask anything, it should be discarded, not under him.
Here, the knowledge that a person is as follows: "This man, if we close, when the evil mitigation measures, the growth-friendly measures, the requisites for the monastic life that we must have as y shirt, begging food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, items that have been hard way. And for what purpose we left home, abandoned the family, no family life. The purpose of the well was recluses, go to practice perfection ". Reverences, for such a person, after calculation, need to follow him, not to leave.
Here, after learning about a person as follows: "This man, if we close, when the evil mitigation measures, the growth-friendly measures, the requisites for the monastic life that we must have as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, things did get a way no difficulties. And for what purpose we left home, abandoned the family, no family life. The purpose of the well was recluses, go to practice perfection ". Reverences, for such a person, have to follow for the rest of his life, not to be discarded, oil has been rejected.
Reverences, one needs to be understood in two ways: to be close and do not need to be close to the same has been said, it is conditioned by this question.
4. Y shirt, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to be used or should not be used has been talked about so. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, after learning about the robes as follows: "If we use this medicine, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce the segment improved; Such medicine should not be used ". Here, after learning about him as follows: "If we use this medicine, the law immoral reduced segment, the growth-friendly measures; Such medicine should be used ".
Reverences, robes need to be understood in two ways: to be used or not used to so much has been said, it is mentioned by conditions.
5. Food alms, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to be used or should not be used has been talked about so. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, after learning about the food alms as follows: "If we use this alms food, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce the segment improved; Such alms food should not be used ". Here, after learning about the food alms as follows: "If we use this alms food, reduce segments of evil, the growth-friendly measures; Such alms food use ".
Reverences, begging food needs to be understood in two ways: to be used or not used to so much has been said, it is mentioned by conditions.
6. Screening is, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to be used or should not be used has been talked about so. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, after learning about the screening is as follows: "If we use this is ready, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce the segment improved; Such screening is not recommended to use ". Here, after learning about the screening is as follows: "If we use this is ready, the law immoral reduced segment, the growth-friendly measures; Such is ready to use ".
Reverences, couch needs to be understood in two ways: to be used or not used to so much has been said, it is mentioned by conditions.
7. Village, town, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to seek and do not need to be looking to have spoken so. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, after learning about the villages and towns as follows: "If we go to the village, the town, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce the segment improved; Such villages and towns should not be looking to. " Here, after learning about the villages and towns as follows: "If we go to villages and towns, the law immoral reduced segment, the growth-friendly measures; Such should be looking to. "
Reverences, villages and towns need to be understood in two ways: to be or not to be looking to find so much has been said, it is mentioned by conditions.
8. National level, this reverences, need to be understood in two ways: to seek and do not need to be found to have been talking about it. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, after learning of the following states: "If we look to the national level, the growth of evil, these measures reduce the segment improved; Such national level should not be looking to. " Here, after learning of the following states: "If we look to the national level, the legal unwholesome reduced segment, the growth-friendly measures; Such national level should be looking to. "
Reverences and national level need to be understood in two ways: to be or not to be looking to find so much has been said, it is mentioned by conditions.
1. Thus I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha, at Mount Gijjhakuta. Then Du Sutava officers went to Bhagavan, after arriving told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side. Sat to one side, wandering ascetic Sutava and lord:
2. - Buddha, with a residence time in Rajagaha Exalted, in Giribbaja. Here, venerable sir, I have heard from the mouth of the Blessed One, I have accepted from Bhagavan's mouth:
"Hey Sutava, monks level is Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, had wonderful success, it should have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been achieved, organic fetters was annihilation, right feet liberation; he can not do in the: monks did not make an end to the illegal or may mean winning the lives of living beings; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can be obtained by not called stealing; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can act lewd; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or could know that lie; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can enjoy the sexual life by giving toys stored, as before also Homeowners ". Buddha, so do not know me have heard clever, cleverly holding, smart volition, Exalted cleverly teaches life over words or not?
3. - Indeed, this Sutava, so I have heard clever, cleverly holding, smart volition, smart life over. In the past, and now again, this Sutava, I have said as follows: "What is the degree monks Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, had wonderful success, it should have done, had put the burden down, the goal has been achieved, fetters were useful to make an end, right feet freed, he can not violate the year: monks did not make an end to the illegal or can willfully dispose lives of beings; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or not be obtained by called stealing; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can act lewd; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or could know that lie; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can enjoy the sexual life by giving food stored, as before also Homeowners; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or could go to education; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can go to the courts; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can go to Si; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or may come to fear. " In the past and now again, I say the following: "Monks had wonderful success, it should have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been achieved, fetters were useful to make an end, the right feet exit; he can not violate the year. "
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Mount Gijjhakuta. Then Du Sajjha officers went to Bhagavan, after arriving, told Bhagavan words courtesy welcome questions, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, wandering ascetic Sajjha lord:
2. - Buddha, with a residence time in Rajagaha Exalted, in Giribaja. Here, venerable sir, I have heard from the mouth of the Blessed One, I have accepted from Bhagavan's mouth.
"Hey Sajjha, monks level is Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, Pham well succeeded, it should have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been achieved, has organic fetters annihilation, freed right feet; he can not violate the year: monks had to make an end of illegal or may not intentionally dispose of beings life; Monks were taints annihilation, can not take what is not given, is called stealing; Monks were taints annihilation, can not practice sexual immorality; Monks were taints annihilation, not be able to know that lie; Monks were taints annihilation, can not sex by the age of stored items provides, as before also Homeowners ". Buddha, so do not know me have heard clever, cleverly holding, smart volition, Exalted cleverly teaches life over words or not?
3. - It objects, this Sajjha, so I have heard clever, cleverly holding, smart volition, smart life over. In the past and now again, this Sajjha, I have said as follows:
"Monks does is level Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, had wonderful success, it should have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been achieved, fetters were useful to make an end , freed right feet; he can not violate the ninth: monks had to make an end of illegal or may not intentionally dispose of beings life; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can be obtained by not called stealing; Monks were taints annihilation, can not practice sexual immorality; Monks were taints annihilation, not be able to know that lie; Monks were taints annihilation, can not sex by the age of stored items provides, as before The homeowner also. Monks did not make an end to the illegal or can deny the Buddha; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or could deny France; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or could deny them Increases; Monks did not make an end to the illegal or legal to deny Learning ".
 - In the past and now again, I made the following statement:
"Monks does is level Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, had wonderful success, it should have done, laid down the burden, the goal has been achieved, fetters were useful to make an end , freed right feet; he can not violate the ninth. "
 § (IX) (9) OF THE CLASS
1 - Hey, monks, there are nine categories of people are present, exist in life. What is nine?
2. Tier Arhat, steps were directed to attain Arhat fruit; Any steps forward, steps have attained towards Real hybrid; First steps forward, steps have attained First toward hybrid; a Stream, steps have attained towards a Stream; ordinary man.
This, monks, there are nine categories of people are present, exist in life.
 § (X) (10) are providing GLASS
1 - Hey, monks, there are nine classes who deserves respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. What is nine?
2. Tier Arhat, steps were towards attained Arhat; Any steps forward, steps have attained towards Real hybrid; First steps forward, steps have attained First toward hybrid; Excess flow levels and grades were attained towards a Stream; Career transforming nature.
II. PRODUCT lion roar
               § (I) (11) AFTER AN APARTMENT
1. Thus I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden, then Venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
 - Buddha, I was living at home in the rainy season in Savatthi. Buddha, now I want to travel out of the country.
 - Hey Sariputta, now I do what I think is trendy.
Then venerable Sariputta stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
2. Then the monks, after the venerable Sariputta gone soon, venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the Venerable Sariputta infringement, spent traveling can not apologize.
Exalted to call a monks:
 - Hey, monks, come in My name, told Sariputta: "Dear Sage, called gurus for Sage".
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Monks did, yes answer Bhagavan, go to venerable Sariputta, after arriving, told Venerable Sariputta:
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, called gurus for Sage.
 - Ladies and yes, this sage.
The venerable Sariputta, monks replied that yes. At that time, Venerable Ananda Venerable Maha Mahamoggallana and holding the key, to go from this amnesty Tinh Tinh other Amnesty says
 - Chu venerable come! The venerable monks come! The venerable Sariputta will now roaring lion roar in front of Bhagavan.
3. Then go to the venerable Sariputta Bhagavan, having bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting down on one side:
 - Here, this Sariputta, a co Pham unfortunate thing discontent with him: "Buddha, the Venerable Sariputta infringement gone no sorry figure."
4 - Indeed, venerable sir, with relatives who do not dwell on the anniversary itself, him, here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, on the land, people throwing net, throwing impure, unclean portion toss, toss urine, spit, blood and toss toss pus; however land without anxiety, without shame, or not boring. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with interest as land, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, in one washing utensils purified water, washing utensils impure, unclean portion washed, washed urine, saliva wash, cleanse the blood, washed latex; however water is not anxious, not ashamed, not boring. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with the mind like water, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, supplies purified by fire, burning the furniture impure, unclean burning dung, burning urine, saliva burning, burning pus, blood gas; however reckless fire, not ashamed, not boring. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with fiery center, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, the wind blew the net graph, blowing the map impure, unclean portion blowing, blowing urine, saliva blowing, blowing pus, blood blow; however the wind is not worried, not ashamed, not boring. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with the mind like the wind, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, a cleaning cloth, wipe the net graph, wipe the map impure, unclean portion mop, mop the urine, saliva wipes, latex wipe, wipe the blood; however wiping cloth not anxious, not ashamed, not boring. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with interest as cleaning cloth, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, lord, son of a Candala (Chien-da-la: inferior), or the daughter of a Candala, with begging bowls, ragged clothes, go to the village or go to the market town, with an inferior mood. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with the Lamb-like mind-la-da, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, a bull, with horns amputated, Virtue, cleverly subdued, well-trained, wandering from street to street the other, from this intersection to another intersection, not harm a anyone with legs or with horns. Likewise, venerable sir, I dwell with the mind like a bull with horns amputated, spacious, vast, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, a female or a male young, young, fancy makeup, after shampooing, to anxiety, shame, if verified solid boring, or determine the dog, or exact who was swept into his neck. Likewise, venerable sir, the anxiety, shame, boredom with the full body of this impure. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
For example, venerable sir, someone brought a bowl full of fat, with many holes perforation, perforation multiple lines, leak, leak. Likewise, venerable sir, I bring this body, with multiple holes riddled with holes much sugar, melted, rusted. Buddha, who does not reside with the concept itself, who's here, after violating one of dignity, can travel away, no apology.
5. Then the monks he stood up from his seat, covering upper robe on one shoulder, his head bowed, and said pins Exalted:
 - Buddha, you have committed a felony. Because of ignorance, because ignorance, because evil has distorted the venerable Sariputta, not conscious, empty, disappointed expression, not really. Blessed One accepted for the crime was a crime for children to prevent future pick.
This, monks, it is a felony. Because of ignorance, because ignorance, as immoral, I have perverted venerable Sariputta, not conscious, empty, disappointed expression, not really. This, monks, because I have seen such crimes is a crime, has revealed lawful, I accept such crimes to me. This is an improvement, the monks, the Law of the saints, those who see sin as sin, reveals lawful, and prevent future pick.
6. Then, the Exalted, told Venerable Sariputta:
 - Hey Sariputta, or forgive this fool, before here, it breaks my top seven pieces.
 - Buddha, the venerable forgive him, if he came to told me: "Forgive", and also hope that venerable forgive me.
 § (II) (12) does not have enough Medicine
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden, then Venerable Sariputta morning robes, holding a bowl care went into Savatthi for alms. The venerable Sariputta thought as follows: "Now it is too early for alms in Savatthi. So let's go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic. " Venerable Sariputta went to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic, after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, sat down to a sharp.
2. At that time, while the wandering ascetic sat her pagan gatherings, this story arises: "Ladies and reverences, who died with medical opinion, all is not freed from hell, is not freed eagle from birth, not freed ghosts, not freedom from deprivation, the beast of deprivation ".
3. Then venerable Sariputta not joy, not only quoted as saying that the pagan wandering ascetic; no joy, no criticism, Venerable stood up from his seat and gone, with the thought: "I will know the meaning of this word from Bhagavan". Then Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi for alms finished, after dinner, on the way back to begging, go to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable Sariputta venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, in the morning, the robes, took care to bowl went into Savatthi for alms. Buddha, then I think as follows: "Now it is too early for alms in Savatthi. So let's go to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic, after arriving, I speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome, inquiries, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, you sit down aside. At that time, while the wandering ascetic sat pagan gatherings, this story arises: "Ladies and reverences, who died with medical opinion, he was not all not all be freed from hell, not students are freed from the bladder, is not freed ghosts, not freedom from deprivation, the beast of deprivation ". Then venerable sir, I do not joy, not only quoted as saying that the pagan wandering ascetic. No joy, no criticism, I got up from his seat and gone, with the thought: "I will know the meaning of this word from Bhagavan".
4. - Hey Sariputta, some of the heathen are wandering ascetic fool, not clever, some will know: "The person who has excess surplus medical care", or should know: "Those who have no medical opinion he had no balance. " This Sariputta, who has nine grades, he died with medical opinion, are freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation. What is nine?
5. Here, the Sariputta, who ranked in the world fullness, in the fullness, but not the fullness of wisdom. He, after the cessation of five lower fetters, was the Intermediary PARINIRVANA. This Sariputta, this is the first-class people, they die with medical opinion, are freed from hell, are liberated from birth eagle species are liberated from the hungry ghost realm ... be freed from evil, evil beasts, fall coin.
6. Again, Sariputta, there is fulfillment in the category was presented, in the fullness, but not the fullness of wisdom. He, after the cessation of five lower fetters, is the Detriment PARINIRVANA ... is the Supreme Executive PARINIRVANA ... is the act Huu PARINIRVANA ... is Upstream you, go to Sac natural cure, this Sariputta, this is fifth grade, when he died surplus, was freed from hell, are freed from animalzxy species ... are freed from evil realms , beast deprivation.
7. Again, Sariputta, there is fulfillment in the category was presented, not in the fullness, not the fullness of wisdom. He, after the cessation of the three fetters, alleviate greed, hatred and delusion, is the Best Hybrid, also came to this world again, and an end to suffering. This Sariputta, this is the sixth grade, when he died surplus, to be liberated from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
8. Again, Sariputta, there is fulfillment in the category was presented, not in the fullness, not the fullness of wisdom. He, after the cessation of the three fetters, is the least we, human existence was born again and an end to suffering. This Sariputta, this is at the seventh when he died surplus, to be liberated from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
9. Again, Sariputta, there is fulfillment in the category was presented, in the moderate achievements, moderate intellectual achievements. He, after the cessation of the three fetters, is the Family Family, after sailing on board, after circulation for two or three families, and an end to suffering. This Sariputta, this is at the eighth, when he died surplus, to be liberated from hell ... to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
10. Again, Sariputta, there is fulfillment in the category was presented, in the moderate achievements, moderate intellectual achievements. He, after the cessation of the three fetters, is the closed back up to seven times, after sailing on board, after circulation, a maximum of seven times between gods and men, and an end to suffering. This Sariputta, this is at the ninth, when he died surplus, being freed from hell, to be liberated from being indifferent, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation.
This Sariputta, some pagan wandering ascetic is foolish, unintelligent, some people will said: "There is a surplus balance of medical care" or some people will said: "There is no balance surplus medical care" .
This Sariputta, this category was nine when he died surplus, being freed from hell, eagle species are liberated from birth, are freed from ghosts, to be liberated from the data plane, the Beast of deprivation. But this Sariputta, so far, this method has not been telling the monks, nuns, monks-and South layman, the layman Women. Wherefore? We hope that upon hearing this method, they do not bring distractions. Again, Sariputta, and that it was I talking about because I was asked to.
 § (III) (13) The venerable MAHAKOTTHITA
1. Then venerable Sariputta Mahakotthita to venerable, after arrival, welcome to ask Venerable Sariputta, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Mahakotthita:
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "What is now feeling discounts now, now that we are hoping that in the future feelings"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "What is now feeling discounts the future, hope that now, we are feeling in the present"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now feeling optimistic life, hope that we are now feeling is unpleasant?"
 - Not so, said Sage. Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now the feeling is unpleasant, I hope that he was now feeling optimistic life"?
 - Not so, said Sage. Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now the feeling is mature, we hope that feeling now is not mature"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now feeling is not mature, I hope that feeling is now mature"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now the feeling is much hope that my feeling now is at"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is now the feeling is little hope that my feeling now is more"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All that does is feeling now, hoping that I was now feeling"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, there are required to be celibate as Bhagavan with hope: "All what is feeling now, hoping that he would not now be feeling"?
 - Not so, said Sage.
2 - Dear Sage Sariputta, why, when asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now the current feelings, hope that now, we are feeling in the future? "Sage replied:" No, sir Sage? "Dear Sage Sariputta, why, when asked:" are celibate under Exalted with hope: "All what is now feeling the future, hope that we are now feeling now? "Sage replied:" No, sir Sage ". Dear Sage Sariputta, why, when asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now feeling optimistic life, hope that we are now feeling is unpleasant "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Dear Sage Sariputta, why, when asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now the feeling is unpleasant, I hope that he was now feeling optimistic life "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now mature feelings, hope that we are feeling now is not mature "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now feeling is not mature, I hope he is feeling now is tame "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now feeling much, that I hope that feeling is now less "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now feeling is little hope that my feeling now is more "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All what is now feeling, hoping that he would not now be feeling "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". Why were asked: "Are celibate under Exalted with hope:" All that does is feeling now, hoping that we are feeling that now "? Sage replied: "No, sir Sage". For what purpose under Exalted celibate?
3 - Dear Sage, with what do not know, do not see, do not hit, do not realize, is not consistent with the purpose to get to know, to see, to be achieved, are realized, is that virtue is consistency Bhagavan was living under.
 - But, Sage, so ignorant, did not see anything, did not achieve anything, not realizing anything, not what is customary, in order to be known, seen or reached, be enlightened, is now customary, that discounts are living well below the Exalted?
 - "This is suffering," the Sage, is not known, not seen, not up, do not realize, is not consistent with the purpose to be known, was found ... that virtue is living below Bhagavan. "It is the collective suffering" ... "This is the Cessation of Suffering" ... "This is the way to destroy suffering," the Sage, is not known, not seen, not be achieved, not proven enlightenment, is not currently consistent with the purpose to know, to see, to be achieved, are enlightened, is now consistent, that discounts are living well below the Exalted. Dear Sage, this is not known, not seen, not up, not enlightenment, not now customary, with the aim to get to know, to see, to be achieved, are enlightened, is now consistent, that dignity, to live under Bhagavan.
 § (IV) (14) The venerable SAMIDDHI
1. Then venerable Samiddhi go to venerable Sariputta and, on arrival, welcome to ask Venerable Sariputta, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Then venerable Sariputta told venerable Samiddhi sitting down on one side:
 - Do nothing charming establishment, this Samiddhi, a thought arises the Games?
 - Do list as base colors charming, venerable sir.
 - But this Samiddhi, what makes them go to other wrong?
 - The world, venerable sir.
 - But this Samiddhi, what do we get set start?
 - Get in contact as collective boots, venerable sir.
 - Hey Samiddhi, where we gather?
 - They gathered in the sensations, venerable sir.
 - But this Samiddhi, what do we get foremost?
 - We get to do foremost, venerable sir.
 - But this Samiddhi, we take what increases the rooftop?
 - We take the idea raises roof, venerable sir.
 - Hey Samiddhi, they take something as supreme?
 - We get to do the ultimate wisdom, venerable sir.
 - Hey Samiddhi, what do we get the tree cores?
 - We take the core of liberation as trees, venerable sir.
 - Hey Samiddhi, we can enter into what?
 - We can enter into immortality, venerable sir.
2. - When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, so what a charming head start on thinking Games?" Sage replied: "Do as head mentality charming, venerable sir." This Samiddhi, when asked: "What makes us go to the other wrong?" Sage said, "In the world, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, what do we get set start?" Sage said, "Get in contact as collective boots, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, gathered their place is what?" Sage said, "It is the life of their gathering, venerable sir." when asked: "Hey Samiddhi, foremost we get any?" Sage said, "We get to do foremost, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, we take what increases the rooftop?" Sage said: "We take the idea raises roof, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, what do we get the ultimate?" Sage said, "We get to do the ultimate wisdom, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, what do we get core tree?" Sage said: "We take the core of liberation as trees, venerable sir." When asked: "Hey Samiddhi, we can enter into what?" Sage said, "We may enter into immortality, venerable sir." You instead, heal rather, it Samiddhi! This rather benign Samiddhi! Sage answered the questions. But do not be arrogant Sage on this issue.
 § (V) (15) as a boil
1. - as, reverences, an experienced ulcers for many years. It had nine wounds, cracked nine mouths. From there there is something spilled, certainly impure leakage, leakage foulness definitely, definitely boring leakage; something cracked flowing, flowing sure impure cracking, cracking fetid flows certainly, certainly crack flowing boring.
5. furuncle, this, monks, is synonymous with this body of work by four contemporary, born to parents who, because rice contains nourishing gruel, impermanent, transformer damage, broken, ruined, damage kill, wound nine, with nine mouth cracked. From there there is something spilled, certainly impure leakage, leakage foulness definitely, definitely boring leakage; something cracked flowing, flowing sure impure cracking, cracking fetid flows certainly, certainly crack flowing boring.
Thus, the monks, the monks go boring this body.
 § (VI) (16) CONCEPT
1 - Hey, monks, there are nine ideas to practice, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage. What is nine?
2. Chiang impure, thought dead, great disgust of food, not fancy idea for all the world, perception is impermanent, perception is impermanent suffering on, selfless thoughts on suffering and annihilation thoughts, ideas dispassion.
This, monks, nine thought this was practice, is making prolific, with great results, with great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage.
 § (VII) (17) FAMILY
1 - Hey, monks, nine families spent parts achievements, if not to the same time should not come, if the time should not have to sit down. What is nine?
2. Do not fun to stand up; not fun to pay homage; not happily sit; if so, they hide; there are many, they give little, there a good map, they give bad; they are not careful; they give no thoughtful; they do not have to sit around to hear the law, do not enjoy saying.
This, monks, nine families who spent part of this achievement, if not to the same time should not come, if the time should not have to sit down.
3. Hey, monks, nine families spent parts achievements, if not the time to come, if you have the time to sit down. What is nine?
4. They happily got up; they happily pay homage; they happily sit; if so, they did not hide; there are many, they give a lot, have a good map, they give a good map; they carefully; they give a thoughtful manner; they sit around to hear French, they enjoy words.
This, monks, nine families who spent part of this achievement, if not the time to come, if you have the time to sit down.
 § (VIII) (18) Compassion
1 - Hey, monks, nine days younger achievements detailed instructions are practical part, with great results, with major benefits, with a large brilliant, with great complacency variables. How was practice, this, monks, younger days spent parts of nine international achievements, with great results, with great benefits, there are large variations complacent?
2. Here, the monks, St. disciples thinking as follows: "For the rest of his life, the Arhat position to make an end of killing, renounce killing, Minister of the knife quarter, with kindness, mercy to the happy life of all beings as beings. Today, this night and this day, we also make an end to killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings as beings. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example you Arhat, boys will practice day world. " It is spending the first part was accomplished.
3. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat's not taken for annihilation, taking what is not to give up, just keep the items were for, just wish things were for self chastity, no thieves. Today, this night and this day, we also did not make an end of the take, abandoning taking what is not given, only keep the items were for, just wish things were for self chastity, no thieves. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". It is spending the second part was accomplished.
4. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat non Pham annihilation happy, practice virtue, to live away from, abandon the vile lust. Today, this night and this day, we also non Pham unfortunate segment, operating Pham happy, living away from, abandon the vile lust. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the third part is spent achievements.
5. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat lie annihilation, away lying, speak the word of truth, he just where the truth, surely, reliably, no deception, no response the promise of life. Today, this night and this day, we also make an end to lying, away lying, speak the word of truth, he just where the truth, sure, trustworthy, not cheat, do not betray the promise of with life. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the fourth installment was spent achievements.
6. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat captivated annihilation yeast, cooking wine. Today, this night and this day we also make an end to passionate wine yeast, cooking wine. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the fifth factors of achievement.
7. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat day a meal, do not eat at night, not eating at the time. Today, this night and this day, we also used every day a meal, do not eat at night, not eating at the time. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the sixth installment was spent achievements.
8. "For the rest of his life, the taste Arhat from discarded watch dancing, singing, music, acting, no wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion. Today, this night and day, I gave up going to the dance, singing, music, acting, no wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the seventh part was spent achievements.
9. "For the rest of his life, the Arhat position to make an end bedding, large beds, abandoned high beds, big beds, the lower he lay in bed, small bed, on the grass. Today, this night and this day, we also make an end to high beds, big beds, abandoned high beds, big beds, low lying abed, small bed, on the grass. With expenditure of this section, we follow the example of Arhat status, gender boys will practice ". This is the eighth part is spent achievements.
10. Here, the monks, saints disciples to mind the word organic, local variables and dwell chronic one, so the same Monday ... Tuesday ... so the way things ... such investments around the world and, on the bottom, width, and all the parish, with the boundless world around, he centered the word organic, chronic and variable dwell, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger.
So, this, monks, practiced younger days spent parts of nine international achievements, with great results, there are benefits, there are huge brilliant, with great complacency variables.
 § (IX) (16) gods
1. - Tonight, the monks, a large number of gods, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance wins, shining Jetavana region, come to me, after we arrived, I bowed before stand aside. This, monks, stood to one side, that's the God said to me: "Buddha, when we live among men who, in the past, the monks do not have a family to us. Buddha, we have to stand up, but we did not worship. Buddha, by not doing full duty, born of our remorse, sorrow, being born with inferior body ".
2. Hey, monks, there are many other gods came to me and said the following: "Buddha, when we live among men who, in the past, the monks do not have family to us alcohol. We got up, we were bowed, but did not you invite seats. Buddha, by not doing full duty, born of our remorse, sorrow, are born with the body inferior ".
3. Hey, monks, there are many other gods came to me and said the following: "Buddha, when we live among men who, in the past, the monks do not have family to us alcohol. We got up, we had to pay homage, we invited seats but we do not share the (food) depending on ability and our strength ... We share (the food), depending on ability and our strength, but we do not sit around to hear the law ... we can sit around to hear the law, but we do not slang ... our legal headset with ear slang listening to the French, but after hearing us no law ... our life over after hearing, with legal life over, but there is no sense of legal thought has been ... our life over there thinking reviews the legal definition was life over, but we know that after, know the legal, do not practice law and custom. Buddha, by not doing full duty, born of our remorse, sorrow, being born with inferior body ".
4. Hey, monks, there are many other gods came to me and said the following: "Buddha, when we live among men who, in time past, the monks do not have families to we. Venerable sir, we got up, we had to pay homage, we invited the chairs, we shared (food) depending on ability and our strength, we have to sit around for listening to the French, we slang legal headphones, our after hearing legal life over, we have to reflect the legal meaning was life over, we know that after, know the legal, legal practice and custom. Buddha, because we do full duty, we do not birth remorse, sorrow, because wins are born with the body. "
This, monks, this is the tree, this is the house empty. This, monks, meditate, do not have distractions, do not have regrets later on, as the God who has been mentioned before.
 § (X) (20) VELAMA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then he came to Anathapindika went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down on one side:
 - Hey Homeowners, he has family alms He not?
 - Buddha, my family had to give, but only raw foods as a grain of rice currency pool, and sour soup.
2. - Hey Homeowners, giving the dish of oil gross or subtle, if not careful alms, giving no attention, not giving his own hands, giving Slingshot objects, giving no thought to future; nowhere, nowhere, he becomes the effect alms heterosexual maturity, when the mind is not inclined to enjoy outstanding cuisine enemy, the mind is not inclined to indulge robes, the mind is not inclined to enjoy the unique magic chariot, mind not inclined to indulge in revenge outstanding merit sex. And the son, or wife, or those who serve, or the messenger, or employees, they do not have well-heard, they have no slang ears, they do not have to dwell understanding heart. Why? Homeowners this, such as the results of the independent horror do not have to be careful now.
3. Homeowners Hey, oil alms gross and subtle dishes, if Bell has carefully, with attention generosity, giving his hand, not giving things thrown away, had thought of giving relatively again; nowhere, nowhere, he becomes the effect alms independent horror, psycho minded foe enjoy outstanding cuisine, enjoy heart robes in favor of enemy magic, mind inclined to enjoy the unique magic chariot, disaster center enjoy the unique magic of sexual merit. And the son, or wife, or those who serve, or the messenger, or employees, they have cleverly heard, they have ears slang, they dwell understanding heart. Why? This Homeowners, such as allergic mature fruit of careful work.
4. In ancient times, this The homeowner, there was a Brahmin named Velama. He large alms as follows: He alms 84,000 gold bowl filled with silver. He alms 84,000 silver bowl filled with gold. He brass alms bowl filled 84,000 jewels. He alms 84,000 elephants with gold jewelry, with gold banner, covered with gold and 84,000 goal with only carriage, is undergoing a lion skin, is spread with tiger skin, be gone with skin newspaper, was spread with yellow blanket, with gold jewelry, with gold banner, covered with netting with gold. He alms 84,000 cows, tied with ropes fine linen with silver milk crates. He alms 84,000 girls, jewelry earrings with jewels. He alms 84,000 mattress bed with embroidered cotton wool, the chamois leather cushions called kadali, covered the mosaic with the upper floor, with red knee sides. He alms 84,000 meters of fabric, linen best film, best smooth silk, wool fabric most smooth, the most smooth cotton. And one can say about the food, beverage, hard type, soft type, the type of food and drinks tasting sugar. "We think we flow like rivers".
5. Maybe this Homeowners, he thought: "Maybe Velama Brahmin is someone else, have alms so broadly." Homeowners this, do not you think so. It is then that I am Brahmin Velama, I myself was huge generosity. But this Homeowners, when Bell was given, no one deserves to receive alms. No one who makes him pure generosity. The owner of this oil Velama Brahmin has vast generosity, if anyone alms to a right understanding, giving great results is greater than the other. The owner of this oil Velama Brahmin alms with one large and Bell for 100 people right understanding, and give to somebody a hybrid First, this generosity is greater than the other alms. The owner of this oil for Brahmin Velama large alms, and have 100 people who give alms for Reload, and one Bell for a Real hybrid, this generosity is greater than the other alms. The owner of this oil Velama Brahmin has large alms, and who give alms to 100 location-enabled, and can anyone give to an Arhat, these alms giving greater results other. The owner of this oil Velama Brahmin has large alms, and who give alms to 100 Arhat position, and no one give to a Pratyeka Buddha, giving it greater results announced the other contestants. The owner of this oil for Brahmin Velama large and generosity can have your alms to 100 Single Giac Buddhist, anyone Bell for Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, alms this results in greater than other alms. The owner of this oil for Brahmin Velama have large alms, and no one giving them monks with the Buddha is the foremost, and if anyone build an amnesty for them Tang Tinh in four directions ... and anyone with a net credit interest refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, and no one with a pure heart accepts credit legal Studies, renounce killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandon lying, abandon not captivated yeast, cooking wine ... and anyone with a net credit interest, legal ... Learn accept no passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, and who practice compassion liberation, until the moment when milking cows, this generosity is greater than the other alms. The owner of this oil for Brahmin Velama has vast generosity, giving one right view a full ... and no one giving a full hundred right view ... and who announced First pilot a hybrid ... and one hundred First hybrid alms ... and no one giving a hybrid ... and anyone Any alms hundred Real hybrid, and no one giving an a-la welding ... and giving one hundred Arhat ... and no one giving a sense Single Buddha, and no one giving a Single hundred Buddhist sense, and no one giving Tathagata and grades Arhat, Enlightenment ... and no one giving them monks with the Buddha is the leader, and someone to build a residence for them Tang Tinh in four directions ... and net interest credit anyone with refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and we Boost ... and no one accepts Learning Center credits the legal net, abandon ... to abandon killing captivated yeast, cooking wine ... and no one oil just for a moment to milk the cows, cultivate compassion, and no one even for a moment snapped his fingers, great practice impermanence, this generosity is greater than the other alms.
1 - Hey, monks, in three ways people Uttarakuruka (Bac Cu-luzhou) wins over gods and men realms Thirty-three people in Jambudipa (Yan-line-threads). What are the three?
2. No head down, no attachment, life is defined as the enemy wins.
This, monks, in these three aspects, the more wins Uttarakuruka realms Thirty-three gods and men in Jambudipa.
3. Hey, monks, in three dimensions, the gods of heaven Thirty-three more wins in Uttarakuruka species and species The person in Jambudipa. What are the three?
4. natural life span, the natural color space, the optimism bias. This, monks, in three dimensions, the gods of heaven Thirty-three more wins in Uttarakuruka species and species The person in Jambudipa.
5. Hey, monks, in three dimensions, species at Jambudipa The more wins in the realm species Uttarakuruka The gods in heaven and Thirty-three. What are the three?
They are heroes, there are concepts and stay celibate in this life.
This, monks, in three dimensions, the species in the realm Jambudipa The more wins in the realm species Uttarakuruka The gods in heaven and Thirty-three.
 § (II) (22) HORSE untamed
1 - Hey, monks, I will preach about the three types of untamed horses and three strata untamed; three types of horses are tame, and three categories of people is subdued; three kinds of gentle horses and three grades improve net salary net salary humble charity. Listen and smart volition. I will say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, are the three kinds of an untamed horse?
Here, the monks, have kind of an untamed horse with full speed but no beauty, no balance of height, circumference outwardly. Here, the monks, have kind of an untamed horse, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance. Here, the monks, have kind of an untamed horse, there's speed, there is beauty and balance. Three types of this, this, monks, are the three kinds of an untamed horse.
3. And this, monks, are the three categories of people untamed?
Here, the monks, who ranked an untamed, with full speed but no beauty, no balance. Here, the monks, who ranked an untamed, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance. Here, the monks, who ranked an untamed, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance. Three classes this person, this, monks, are the three categories of people untamed.
4. Why, this, monks, is at the untamed, with full speed but no beauty, no balance?
Here, the monks, monks realistic insight: "This is suffering," as true insight: "This is Suffering", as true insight: "This is the Cessation of Suffering", as true wisdom prophet: "This is the path leading to the Cessation of Suffering." This means I say in there full speed. But when asked about the legal victory, winning laws, he hesitated again, no reply. This means I say in no beauty. He does not get the user belongings, such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. Thus, the monks, who have not yet subdued, with full speed, but no beauty, no balance.
5. How did the monks, was the sort who can not yet available, there's speed, there is beauty, but there is no balance?
Here, the monks, monks realistic insight: "This is suffering," as true insight: "This is Suffering", as true insight: "This is the Cessation of Suffering", as true wisdom prophet: "This is the path leading to the Cessation of Suffering." This means I say in there full speed. But when asked about the legal victory, won the law, he immediately replied, without hesitation. This means I say in there beauty. But he does not get the user belongings, such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. So, this, monks, is at the untamed, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance.
6. And how the monks, who have not been subdued, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance?
Here, the monks, monks realistic insight: "This is suffering" ..., as true insight: "This is the way to destroy suffering". This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, won the law, he immediately replied, without hesitation. This means I say in there beauty. He received the application belongings, such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This I say in the weighted mean. So, this, monks, is at the untamed, there's speed, there is beauty there is balance.
These classes of people, the monks, the three categories of people untamed.
7. Hey, monks, how are three types of horses are tame?
Here, the monks, have kind of horses are tame, there's speed, but no beauty, no balance. Here, the monks, have kind of horses are tame, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance. Here, the monks, have kind of horses are tame, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance. These categories, this, monks, are the three categories was tame horses.
8. And this, monks, are the three categories of people is subdued?
Here, the monks, who are ranked tame, there's speed, but no beauty, no balance. Here, the monks, who are ranked tame, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance. Here, the monks, who are ranked tame, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance.
And this, monks, how was the sort of man is subdued, there's speed, there is no beauty, no balance?
Here, the monks, monks from annihilation five lower fetters, are goods being, at that, is to enter Nirvana, no longer have to come back to this life again. This means I say in there full speed. But asked about the legal victory, winning laws, he hesitated, no reply. This means I say in no beauty. He did not get the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. Thus, the monks, was the sort of man is subdued, there's speed, but no beauty, no balance.
And how, this, monks, is the person class is subdued, there's speed, there is beauty, but there is no balance?
Here, the monks, monks from annihilation five lower fetters, are goods being, at it is to enter Nirvana, not this life anymore callbacks. This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, winning law, he replied, without hesitation. This means I say in there beauty. But you do not get the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. Thus, the monks, was the sort of man is subdued, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance.
9. And how, this, monks, is the class who is subdued, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance?
Here, the monks, monks from annihilation five lower fetters, are goods being, at it is to enter Nirvana, not this life anymore callbacks. This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, won the law, he immediately replied, without hesitation. This means I say in there beauty. And he received the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This I say in the weighted mean. Thus, the monks, was the sort of man is subdued, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance. These classes of people, the monks, the three categories of people is subdued.
10. And this, monks, are the three types of horse domestication good salary sage?
Here, the monks, others gentle horse domestication good salary with full speed but no beauty, no balance. Here, the monks, gentle kind of horse domestication good salary, there's speed, there is beauty, but there is no balance. Here, the monks, gentle kind of horse domestication good salary, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance.
These go, this, monks, are the three kinds of pure good salary gentle horse.
11. And this, monks, are the three kinds of pure good salary sage?
Here, the monks, have good grades sage net salary, with full speed but no beauty, no balance. Here, the monks, there is a net improvement classes humble salary, there's speed, there is beauty, but there is no balance. Here, the monks, there is a net improvement classes humble salary, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance. These classes of people, the monks, the three classes of net salaries that are quiet good.
Like, this, monks, is the gentle grade pure good salary, there's speed, but no beauty, no balance?
Here, the monks by the cessation of the taints, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, winning laws, he hesitated, did not answer. This means I say in no beauty. He did not get the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. Thus, the monks, the net improvement classes humble salary, with full speed but no beauty, no balance.
Like, this, monks, is the gentle grade pure good salary, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance?
Here, the monks by the cessation of the taints, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, won the law, he immediately replied, without hesitation. This means I say in there beauty. He did not get the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This means I say in no balance. Thus, the monks, the net improvement classes humble salary, there's speed, there is beauty but no balance.
And how, this, monks, is the gentle grade pure good salary, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance?
Here, the monks by the cessation of the taints, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. This means I say in there full speed. When asked about the legal victory, won the law, he immediately answered. This means I say in there beauty. He received the personal belongings such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This I say in the weighted mean. Thus, the monks, the net improvement classes humble salary, there's speed, there is beauty, there is balance.
Three classes this person, this, monks, are the three classes of net salaries that are quiet good.
 § (III) (23) AI
1 - Hey, monks, I will speak on the nine measures taken root charity work. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach. And this, monks, are the nine measures taken roots charity work?
2. Conditioned by craving should seek; conditioned seek should have been; Should there be conditioned by the decision; decision should be conditioned by lust; conditioned by lust should immerse before; by conditions should be attached to immerse before; attachments should be conditioned by avarice; conditioned by avarice should be guardian, serving staff, approval for, fight, avoid competition, anti-competitive, indirect ly terms, promising language, a lot of evil, immoral law arises.
This, monks, this is the approach taken nine charity as root.
1 - Hey, monks, nine of habitat for living beings. What is nine?
2. Hey, monks, there are living beings, relatives difference, a great difference, as men, some gods, some in the deprivation. It is the first charming abode.
3. Hey, monks, there are living beings, relatives difference, uniform idea, lettered discounts We disasters, when a new rebirth. It's Monday charming abode.
4. Hey, monks, have kind of charming, homogeneous body, such as Quang sound great natural variations. It is a charming residence Tuesday.
5. Hey, monks, sentient species, homogeneous body, homogeneous concept, as Pure natural migration. It's Wednesday charming abode.
6. Hey, monks, there are no ideal type of beings, no life as a great natural Infinite. It was Thursday charming abode.
7. Hey, monks, there are beings beyond excellent idea completely, eliminate the constraints of thought, no great difference volition, thought: "Nowhere is boundless", evidence no origin boundless. It's Friday charming abode.
8. Hey, monks, there are living beings, beyond the land of boundless vanity completely, thinking: "Consciousness is infinite", certificates of origin are boundless. It was Saturday charming abode.
9. Hey, monks, there are beings beyond the infinitude of consciousness completely, think: "Nothing is all," is naught origin certificates. It was the eighth charming abode.
10. Hey, monks, there are beings beyond Unknown Origin ownership completely, proving ideal non-perception Africa. It was the ninth charming abode.
This, monks, this is the residence of the nine seats beings.
1 - Hey, monks, when the mind is clever monks accumulated with wisdom, a reasonable time for the monks spoke as follows: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage, discounts happy succeeded , what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again. " And this, monks, is how clever mind, monks are accumulating?
2. "Glass is the heart of our participation", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Glass is the center of our field", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Separated si is my heart", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature does not take as my heart", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature is no pitch my heart", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature has no delusion that my heart", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature does not divert the attention of our education is useful", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature does not divert the attention of our shareholder's identity", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill. "Nature does not move toward organic formless is my heart", so his mind is accumulated with intellectual skill.
This, monks, when the mind is clever monks accumulated with wisdom, a reasonable time for the monks spoke as follows: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, things should have done, no more callbacks this state "".
 § (VI) (26) HEAD STONE
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Candikaputta § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir) at Truc Lam, nurturing place the squirrel. There, venerable monks Candikaputta call, saying:
 - Hey Sage, Devadatta sermon for the monks as follows: "Dear Sage, when monks were cardia accumulated with intellectual smart, very reasonable time for the monks was answered as follows: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, that should be made, no more callbacks this state "".
2. To say so, Venerable Sariputta told venerable Candikaputta:
 - Hey Sage Candikaputta, Devadatta no sermon for the monks as follows: "Dear Sage, when the mind is cleverly integrated monks created with real time intelligence affordable for monks was answered as follows: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no more callbacks this state "". Sage Candikaputta this. Devadatta sermon for the monks as follows: "Dear Sage, when monks were cardia clever mind accumulated with a reasonable time for the monks was answered as follows:" I clearly know: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, it should have done, no longer come back to this state again."
3. The second time ... A third time, Venerable monks Candikaputta told said:
 - Ladies and Sage, Devadatta sermon for the monks as follows: "When the mind is clever monks wisdom accumulated with a reasonable time for the monks was answered as follows:" I clearly know "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, it should have done, no more callbacks this state" ".
The third time, Venerable Sariputta told venerable Candikaputta:
 - Hey Sage Candikaputta, Devadatta no sermon for the monks as follows: "Dear Sage, when the mind is clever monks wisdom accumulated with a reasonable time for the monks was answered as follows: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state "". Sage Candikaputta this. Devadatta sermon for the monks as follows: "Dear Sage, when monks were cardia clever mind accumulated with a reasonable time for the monks was answered as follows:" I clearly know: "Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state."
4. - And how, this sage, monks were cardia cleverly accumulated with the mind?
 - "Separated involved is my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Glass is the center of our field", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Separated si is my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature does not take as my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature is no pitch my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature has no delusion that my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature does not divert the attention of our education is useful", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature does not divert the attention of our shareholder's identity", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind. "Nature does not move toward organic formless is my heart", so his mind was cleverly accumulated with the mind.
 5. Thus, the sage, the monks have liberated the district center as such, if the eyes perceive color by strong going into the horizons of the eye, the color does not conquer his mind, peace of mind residence, without contamination, not shaken. He customized the cessation of their shop; if the language by ear strong awareness going into horizons of ears ... if the taste perception due to strong nose went into the horizons of your nostrils ... if the perception by the powerful blade enters World covered by the tongue ... if the contact by the body strong awareness of attention goes to the horizons. The law does not conquer, his mind, the mind is to dwell, without contamination, not shaken. He customized the cessation of their shop. For example, the Sage, a tall stone pillar sixteen elbows, eight elbows buried deep into the ground, eight float above your elbow, if from the East, heavy rain came, did not move, do not move action, not as a strong pillar that motion; if from the West ... if ... if from the north from the south, heavy rain came, did not move, do not move, do not move him strong pillar. Why? This sage, because pillar deepens, is buried. Also, the sage, the chief monks freed mind as such, if the eye color due to strong awareness going into the horizons of the eye, the color does not conquer his mind, mind dwell without contamination, not shaken. He customized the cessation of their shop. If the language by ear ... if the legal awareness by the strong awareness of attention goes to the horizons, the law does not conquer his mind, the mind is to dwell, without contamination, not shaken. He customized the cessation of their shop.
 § (VII) (27) FEAR hatred (1)
1. The homeowner Then Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down on one side:
2. - Homeowners Hey, when in fear of hatred of the saint disciples only once, when he achieved a Stream section four. If he wants, can declare of self to self: "Hell to us is the total extinction of the species we are animalzxy for annihilation, the hungry ghost realm for us is to make an end, deprivation, ill fun deprivation for us is total annihilation. For example we are saved, not rotten rotten, certainly reaches right enlightenment ".
3. What is in fear of hatred is just news?
The owner of this fear, hatred by killing, because killing coast, leading to the present; hate leads to fear in the future, including heart pain, entitle him sensation. Abandoning killing, fear does not lead to hatred in the present, fear of hatred does not lead to in the future, including without suffering heart, entitle him feeling ... For you to abandon killing , such fear is hatred convince.
The owner of this fear by taking what is not hatred for, because of not to give grace to take in the present; hate leads to fear in the future, including heart pain, entitle him feeling ... For you do not give up your retrieve, so the fear is hate convince.
The owner of this fear, hatred because of sexual misconduct life, because coastal living in sexual misconduct brought to the present; hate leads to fear in the future, including heart pain, entitle him feeling ... For you to abandon life in sexual misconduct, such fear is hatred convince.
The owner of this fear, hatred by telling lies, for lying leads to grace in the present; Fear leads to hate in the future, including heart pain, heart offers him ... For your feelings lie abandoned, so fear is hatred convince.
The owner of this fear, hatred captivated by yeast, cooking wine, because wine yeast charm captivated, cooking wine brought to the present; Fear leads to hate in the future, including heart pain, heart offers him ... For your feeling passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, so fear is hatred convince.
Years this fear is hatred convince.
4. What are the four project components are fully saved?
Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples, full of absolute confidence with the Buddha: "This is the Exalted, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Officers Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Bhagavan Buddha ".
He fully absolute confidence with France: "This is a clever French Exalted by theory, practical in the present, with immediate effect, to come and see, able to raise up, position yourself by feeling out" .
He fully absolute confidence towards them up: "We Increase disciples Exalted is the One Good conduct; we Increased student grades online Exalted is unfortunate; we Increased disciple who is the chief virtues Bhagavan; we Increased levels disciples As Exalted is unfortunate approach, ie four pairs of eight of them. We Increased disciple of Bhagavan, worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. He fully the moral being loved saint, not moldy, not destroyed, there is no defect, no stain, lead to freedom, are the wise words of praise, not infected before, taken to meditation. Four Project achievements save this part.
 § (VIII) (28) FEAR hatred (2)
(Exalted to economic theory 27 for the monks).
 § (IX) (29) CONFLICT OF
1. - This, monks, the nine conflicts. What is nine?
2. "He has hurt me", conflicts arise. "He is hurt me", conflicts arise. "He'll hurt me", conflicts arise. "He has hurt people I love, my dear." "He was hurt ... He will hurt people I love, I love", conflicts arise. "He did good for my body does not hurt, do not love" ... He is doing favor ... "He will do good for people I do not hurt, do not love", a conflict arises.
This, monks, this is the ninth conflict.
1 - Hey, monks, nine subdue the conflict. What is nine?
"He has hurt me; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. "He is hurt me; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. "He'll hurt me; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued.
"He has loved me hurt people I love; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. "He is hurt people I love I love; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. "He'll hurt someone I love me love; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued.
"He did good for my body does not hurt, do not love"; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. "He is doing good for people who do not love, not love"; What benefits have to think so ", so conflict is subdued. He will do good for people I do not hurt, do not love, what benefits that think so ", so conflict is subdued
This, monks, this is the ninth conflict is subdued.
 § (XI) (31) FIRST NINE to kill
1 - Hey, monks, have nine minutes to kill. What is nine?
2. Achievement Profile Zen, the idea being annihilated education. Zen Innovations II, the compassion cessation. Zen Innovations third party, the wedding was annihilated. Achievement Fourth Meditation, breathing in and breathing out is eradicated. Origin boundless achievements, thought to be eradicated identity. Achievements Made boundless, boundless origin No thought was eradicated. Countless achievements owns the land, the land of boundless been eradicated. African achievements ideal non-perception, Unknown Origin ownership was annihilated. Cessation of the great achievements life, thoughts and feelings of being annihilated.
This, monks, here are nine things to kill.
 § (I) (32) things to RESIDENCE (1)
1 - Hey, monks, this residence has filed nine minutes. What is nine?
2. Hey Sage, here are education, monks glasses, cups immoral law, abides first meditation, a blissful state of being has a range of fitness due to isolation and extremities. Removal Games and Zen II quarterfinals ... ... third Meditation Meditation ... Wednesday residence certificate. After passing completely excellent idea, after the termination of the great concerns, not the great difference volition, said that: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate of origin. After crossing the land of boundless Not completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin. After crossing the infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "There is nothing," Infinite owned residence certificate of origin. After passing Unknown Origin ownership completely, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. After crossing Africa ideal non-perception completely, residence certificate to exterminate life thought.
This, monks, here are nine things to stay.
 § (II) (33) things to STAY (2)
1 - Hey, monks, I will speak on nine minutes Meditation evidence filed this residence. Listen ... Hey, monks, are the nine things stay Zen practitioner certification?
2. Where does the cessation education, and who after the cessation of training and residing life, I say: "Surely he has no sexual venerable charity, was the first President, has passed, went to shore the other with his goodwill. " Where the education is eradicated? Who after the cessation of training and living dwell: "I do not know that, I do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, monks ly the sex ... it abides first Meditation. Here, the cessation of sex education is, live dwell ". Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". After the joy, rejoicing in the words "You instead" will pay homage to him, clasped his hands and servant.
3. Where does the range and quarter-being eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation and reach the quarterfinals, live not dwell, I said: "Surely the venerable had no sexual love, was the first President , has passed, it's the other side with the government's good. " Where does the range and quarter-being annihilated? Who after cessation Games and quad dwell live? "I do not know that, I do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. Here, the range and the quartet was annihilated, and he after cessation, and cessation reach the quarterfinals, live dwell ". Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, rejoice with the words "You instead". After the joy, rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
4. Where does the wedding was eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation of joy, live dwell, I said: "Surely the venerable had no sexual love, was the first President, has passed, has to the other side with the government's good. " Where the wedding was eradicated? Who after cessation, cessation of joy, live dwell? "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, wedding cup monks discharge residence, residence certificate Tuesday Meditation. Here, the wedding was annihilated. The after he annihilated, eradicated the wedding, live dwell ". Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
5. Where does discharge cessation of reach, and who after the annihilation, cessation optimistic discharge, abides living, I say: "Surely the venerable had no sexual love, was the first President, has passed , went to the other side with the government's good. " Where discharge is located annihilation? Who after cessation, discharge cessation optimistic, live dwell. "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, monks optimistic discharge, discharge size, ... secondary residence certificate Meditation from. Here, the discharge is located cessation. The after he annihilated, lost cessation discharge, abides living ". Certainly, the monks, who does not lie, no deception will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
6. Where does the idea of ​​being annihilated identity, and who after the annihilation, cessation great identity, reside live, I say: "Surely the venerable had no sexual love, was the first President, has passed , went to the other side with the government's good. " A great place to be eradicated identity? Who after cessation, cessation excellent idea, live dwell. "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, excellent monks great pass completely, ending the obstacles Ideally, the difference is not volition idea, know that: "Nowhere is boundless", attainment and residing "not infinite origin". Here, the idea is excellent cessation. The after he annihilated, eradicated the wedding, live dwell ". Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
7. It does not infinitude of thought is eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation Not infinitude of ideas, live dwell, I said: "Surely the venerable had no sensual desires, be the first President, has passed, it's the other side with the government's good. " Infinitude of nowhere No idea is eradicated? Who after cessation, infinitude of cessation No idea, life dwell. "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, monks after crossing the land of boundless idea completely, said that: "consciousness is infinite" residence certificate "boundless origin". Here, the idea is not infinitude of annihilation. The after he infinitude of cessation No idea, life abides. " Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
8. Where does the great land of boundless been eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation great land of boundless, live dwell, I said: "Surely the venerable had no sensual desires, be the first President, has passed, it's the other side with the government's good. " Boundless place of origin was thought eradicated? Who after cessation, cessation origin boundless ideas, live dwell. "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, monks overcome great land of boundless completely, knowing that "there is something," residence certificate "origin Unknown property." Here is a great land of boundless annihilation. They, after the cessation of a great land of boundless, live dwell ". Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
9. Where does the idea Unknown Origin property is eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation Unknown Origin possesses great, live dwell, I said: "Surely the venerable had no sensual desires, be the first President, has passed, it's the other side with the government's good. " Parish where naught idea is eradicated? Who after cessation, cessation of ownership Origin Unknown Soul, live dwell? "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, monks reached naught completely origin, residence certificate Africa ideal non-perception. " Here, the idea is naught to be eradicated origin. They, after the annihilation, cessation Unknown Origin possesses great, live dwell. Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
10. Where does the ideal non-perception Africa was thought eradicated, and who after the annihilation, cessation African origin idea ideal non idea, reside live, I say: "Surely the venerable had no sexual love, was the first President, has passed, went to the other side with the government's good. " Africa where great ideal non-perception is eradicated? Who after cessation, cessation African origin idea ideal non idea, live dwell. "I do not know, we do not see it," one said so, he should be told as follows: "Here, this sage, beyond Africa, monks ideal non-perception in a completely ... Killing residence certificate for life thought ". Here, the ideal non-perception Africa thought to be eradicated. They, after the annihilation, cessation African origin idea ideal non idea, live dwell. Certainly, the monks, who does not deceive, no fraud will rejoice, will rejoice with the words "You instead". Once happy, after rejoicing in the words "You instead" will prostrate, hands and servant.
This, monks, here are nine things stay Zen practitioner certification.
 § (III) (34) Nirvana
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Venerable Sariputta residing in Rajagaha, at Veluvana, nurturing place the squirrel. There, venerable Sariputta told the monks:
 - Hey Sage, this optimism is Nirvana; This the sage, this optimism is Nirvana.
2. When they heard that, Venerable told Venerable Sariputta Udayi:
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, so here is optimistic, while here there is nothing to be feeling?
3. - Hey Sage, this one here is peanuts, peanut oil that's here is not feeling. This sage, Chief Nursing Education has this year. What is the year?
The eye color due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. The sound perception by ear ... The flavor perception by nose ... The taste perceived by the tongue ... The body contact due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to education , interesting.
This sage, Chief Nursing Education has this year. Sage is nurtured by conditions in the start up training and communication rapture, the sage, is called sensual.
4. Here, the Sage, monks cup of Education, glass evil, immoral law ... and dwell attained Zen application. This sage, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with sexual volition question remains current; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the great attention, the still current fitness friendly; so, for the monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
5. Again, this reverences, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals ... achieve second and dwell Meditation. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with the intention question remains current range; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with the intention question remains current range; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
6. Again, this reverences, monks ly achieve Zen joy ... Tuesday. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with joy volition question remains current; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with joy volition question remains current; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
7. Again, this reverences, monks paragraph Zen touch ... order of residence certificate. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with the intention question remains current discharge; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with the intention question remains current discharge; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
8. Again, this reverences, monks beyond the idea of ​​a completely sharp, ending the great obstacles, do not work great attention to the difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless" attainment and boundless origin reside. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with excellent volition question remains current; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with excellent volition question remains current; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
9. Again, this reverences, monks beyond the land of boundless Not completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite" abides boundless land. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with the intention boundless question remains current origin; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with the intention boundless question remains current origin; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
10. Again, this reverences, monks beyond the infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "There is something" abides Infinite owned land. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with the intention boundless question remains current origin; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with the intention boundless question remains current origin; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
11. Again, this reverences, monks beyond Unknown Origin ownership completely, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. Reverences, if while that resident monks reside with this, the organic idea with Infinite volition question remains current parish property; so, for the monks was a disease. Just as, reverences, with a happy, pain can arise as a disease. Also, with his monks, the organic idea with Infinite volition question remains current parish property; so for monks was a disease. Reverences, Exalted disease is called suffering. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
12. reverences, beyond Africa, monks ideal non-perception completely, ideal residence certificate to exterminate life. He, after seeing with wisdom, the contraband or annihilation. With this method, the reverences, need to understand Nirvana is located.
 § (IV) (35) cows
1 - Just as, monks, a cow lives in mountain forests, stupid, not smart, do not know the field, do not go to the skilful rugged mountains. He thought: "Let's go to the previous direction to go yet, do not eat grass before eating, I will not be drinking water before drinking," and he raised his cows hind legs up, before it cleverly put in a good way forefeet, and it can not go to the previous direction to go yet, not be able to graze previously not been eating, and drinking water may not previously have not been drinking. At the spot where it landed before, he thought: "Let's go to the previous direction to go yet, do not eat grass before eating would not drink water before drinking", it can not come back that place In a safe way. Why? Here, the monks, because cows living in the jungle, stupid, not smart, do not know where the field, do not go to the mountain skilful and dangerous children. Also, this, monks, here there are some ignorant monks, not smart, do not know where the field, not skillful, fitness glasses, cups evil Zen approach ... first residence certificate. He did not practice, not practice generals did not make the fullness, not permanent residence in a smart, he would think: "Let's kill and reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate". He can not reach and kill the Quartet ... is not possible Monday Meditation residence certificate. Oil for he thought: "Let's glasses ... abides Fitness First Meditation", he can not attain sexual ly ... and dwell First Meditation. This, monks, is called monks fell on both sides, fall into both sides, such as cows living in the jungle, stupid, not smart, do not know where the field, not charity Magic went to the rugged mountains.
2. Just as, monks, a cow lives in mountain forests, excellent location, smart, know the field, go to the skilful know rugged mountains. He thought: "Let's go to the previous direction to go yet, do not eat grass before eating, I will not be drinking water before drinking," and his cows, after it cleverly placed a nice front paws and hind legs raised up, and it can go to the previous direction to go yet, graze previously not been eating, and drinking water has not been drinking before. At the spot where it landed before, he thought: "Let's go to the previous direction to go yet, do not eat grass before eating would not drink water before drinking", it could come back seat was a safely. Why? Here, the monks, because cows that live in the mountain forests, excellent location, smart, knows where the fields, go to the mountains skilful and dangerous children. Also, this, monks, here there are some monks sage, smart, knows where the field, know skillful, fitness glasses, cups evil ... can legal residence certificate First Meditation. He practiced, practiced making his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He left thinking: "Let's kill and reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate". He did not confused Meditation Monday, killing the Games and quad ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. He practiced, practiced, makes his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let the wedding cup ... and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation". He practiced, practiced, makes his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let communications segment, segment size ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation". He did not confused Meditation Wednesday, optimistic paragraph, paragraph abides suffering ... Wednesday Meditation. He practiced, practiced, makes his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let's overcome the idea identity completely, ending the great obstacles, do not work great attention to the difference, said that:" Nowhere is boundless ", attainment and residing no origin boundless. He did not confused not infinite origin, pass completely excellent idea ... no idea volition to the difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless," and dwell attain boundless coin. He practiced, practiced, makes his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let's overcome the land of boundless Not completely, said that:" Consciousness is infinite ", and dwell attained infinitude of consciousness." He did not confused the land of boundless, boundless origin overcome completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell attain boundless land. He practiced, practiced making his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let's overcome the land of boundless completely", said that "no object", attainment and origin residing naught. He did not confused Forever owns the land, the land of boundless overcome completely, said that: "There is something," and dwell attained origin naught. He practiced, practiced making his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let's overcome Unknown Origin owns completely", and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. He did not confused ideal non-perception Africa, crossed Unknown Origin ownership completely, and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. He practiced, practiced making his prolific minister, permanent residence a smart way. He thought: "Let's overcome a great ideal non African origin completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction. He did not confused life thought to exterminate, pass ideal non African origin idea completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction.
3. Hey, monks, when the monks entered and exported out of Zen testimony, his mind became as highly skilful, tolerate taking. With highly skilful afford taking interest, to be well-practiced, become immeasurable. He with immeasurable skill to practice, according to what law, what measures need to be enlightened with the winning position, he radial realization of the winning position. There, in that, he has the ability to achieve certification, the oil of the type and ancestry. If desired, he can attain the variety of Kabbalah, a body can become more body ... the body can reach the realms of Brahma. There, in that, he has the potential to achieve and oil on any kind of origin. If desired, he can attain God atrial communication ... There, in that, he has the potential to achieve, oil of any kind of origin. If desired, he can witness Tha clearinghouse, with his heart knows the heart of the sentient beings and types: Tam said the center has participated involved, the mind does not know the heart opt ​​to participate ... freedom of mind to know that freedom of mind. There, in that, he has the potential to achieve and oil on any kind of origin. If desired, he can: "I will remember the many lives past, such a life, two lives ... can remember many past lives, with the outline and details". There, in that he has the potential to achieve, oil of any kind of origin. If he wants, he with pure label superhuman God ... "We can clearly know the beings according to their karma." There, in that, he has the potential to achieve and oil on any kind of origin. If desired, he can, due to the total extinction of cankers ... after realization, attainment, he abides. There, in that, he has the potential to achieve and oil on any kind of origin.
 § (V) (36) Meditation
1 - Hey, monks, I said: "He just where preliminary Zen, the contraband or cessation". This, monks, I say: "Zen Medicine on Monday only, the contraband or cessation". This, monks, I say: "Zen Medicine on Tuesday only, the contraband or cessation". This, monks, I say: "Zen Medicine on Wednesday only, the contraband or cessation". This, monks, I say: "He is not only in the land of boundless ... y only in the land of boundless ... y origin only to naught ... I said:" He pointed to Africa ideal non-perception, the contraband or annihilation ".
2. Hey, monks, I say: "He pointed to the Zen page, the illegal or make an end", such is mentioned. Conditioned by anything, is mentioned so?
Here, the monks, the monks ... sexual ly Zen primary residence certificate. He, here for what belongs to identity, belonging feelings, thoughts belong, belong to act, belongs to form, the law was, he custom shop is impermanent, is suffering, the sick, the boil , the arrows, the collisions, the disease, a stranger, was turned septic, is empty, is selfless. He avoided the legal mind of his, after eluding the legal mind of him, he was directed to the immortal world: "This is the first President, this is the enemy wins, that is the only issue ie all , renunciation of all birth care, the cessation of craving, dispassion, cessation Nirvana ". Stay here he reached the cessation of pirated or otherwise illegal, or cessation of, with his compassionate approach, with that of bliss, due to cessation of five lower fetters, is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no longer come back to this world again. You as the seller offers, or disciples archer shooting an effigy on grass or on clay contract, then he can become a far shot, quick shot, penetrate through thick material.
Also, the monks, the monks attaining sexual ly ... and dwell Zen Profile. He here, for what belongs to identity, belonging feelings, thoughts belong, belong to act, belongs to form, the law was, he custom shop is impermanent, is suffering, the sick, the boil , the arrows, the collisions, the disease, which is strange, is turning septic, is empty, is selfless. He avoided the legal mind of his, after eluding the legal interest from him, he was directed to the immortal world: "This is the first President, this is the enemy wins, that is the only ie all acts, renunciation of all birth care, the cessation of craving, dispassion, cessation, Nibbana ". He stay here, reached the cessation of defilements. Without cessation of defilements, with her loving approach, with that of bliss, due to the total extinction of five lower fetters, he is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no callbacks this world anymore .
This, monks, I say only in primary care Zen, the taints is annihilation, such a question. Due to this coast, is mentioned.
3. Hey, monks, I say that he just ... he just Monday Meditation Meditation Meditation only Tuesday ... Wednesday medicine, the gonorrhea or annihilation, such a question. Conditioned by what is said?
Here, the monks, monks from annihilation optimistic, the total extinction of suffering, joy termination benefits were feeling before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, exhaust concept, bar the provincial. He here, for what belongs to identity, belonging feelings, thoughts belong, belong to act, belongs to form, the law was, he custom shop is impermanent, is suffering, the sick, the boil , the arrows, the collisions, the disease, a stranger, was turned septic, is empty, is selfless. He avoided the legal mind of his, after eluding the legal mind of him, he was directed to the immortal world: "This is the first President, this is the enemy wins, that is the only issue ie all , renunciation of all birth care, the cessation of craving, dispassion, cessation Nirvana ". He stay here, reached the cessation of defilements. Without cessation of defilements, with her loving approach, with that of bliss, due to cessation of five lower fetters, he is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no callbacks this world anymore . For as the archery, or disciples archer shooting an effigy on grass or on clay contract, then he can become a far shot, quick shot, penetrate through thick material. Also, this, monks, monks from annihilation optimistic ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He here, for what belongs to identity, belonging feelings, thoughts belong, belong to act, belongs to form, the law was, he custom shop is impermanent, is suffering, the sick, the boil , the arrows, the collisions, the disease, which is strange, is turning septic, is empty, is selfless. He avoided the legal mind of his. After ducking out of the legal mind him, he was directed to the immortal world: "This is the first President, this is the enemy wins, that is the only issue ie all, renouncing all care delivery, the cessation craving, dispassion, cessation, Nibbana ". He stay here, reached the cessation of defilements. Without cessation of defilements, with her loving approach, with that of bliss, due to the total extinction of five lower fetters, he is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no callbacks this world anymore .
This, monks, I say only in primary care Meditation, Monday ... Wednesday, taints is annihilation, such a question. Due to this coast, is mentioned.
4. Hey, monks, I say: "He pointed to the boundless land of Zen, the taints is annihilation, is referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, the monks, beyond the idea of ​​a completely sharp, ending the great obstacle, not a great attention to the difference operation, said that: "Nowhere is boundless", attainment and residing no origin boundless. He here, for what belongs to the life, ideas belong, belong to act ... he ... due to the total extinction of five lower fetters, is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no longer come back to this world again.
This, monks, it is said that: "He pointed to the land of boundless, the contraband or to make an end", such is mentioned. Due to this coast, is mentioned.
5. Hey, monks, I say: "He pointed to the land of boundless ... y only to naught ... the illicit origin or be annihilated", referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, the monks, monks pass infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "There is not anything", attainment and origin residing naught. He here, for what belongs to sensation, perception ... he belongs ... so the total extinction of five lower fetters, is the chemistry of life, where they are Nirvana, no callbacks this world anymore.
This, monks, I say: "Y origin points to naught, the contraband or be annihilated", referred to as such. Conditioned by this question.
Thus, far from the ideal to the Zen stock, until such, need to take place to be in. Again, monks, of this parish, as a great African Zen ideal non certified and is the origin of life thought Extinction, Meditation monks, the entries cleverly, skillfully start exporting countries have need be made clear right feet. "
 § (VI) (37) Venerable Ananda
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Venerable Ananda residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. There, Gijjhakuta Ananda told the monks:
 - Reverences monks.
 - Yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Ananda replied yes. Venerable Ananda said as follows:
2. - It's rather wonderful, Sage folks! It's rather rare, said the sage, how is the way escapism, escape from bondage, is Exalted, Wise, author rank Ants, level Arhat, depending Enlightenment sense to these beings are pure, beyond the sorrow, suffering termination benefits, the district achieve justice, enlightenment Nirvana. This will only have eyes, do not have feelings for her identity and her origin; This is only natural, do not have feelings for her voice and her origin; Here only the nose and not have feelings for her taste, and her origin; Here only the tongue, do not have the feeling that he and the parish; Here only themselves, and not have the feeling that emotion and the origin of it.
3. When is say so, Venerable Venerable Ananda Udayi told:
 - Hey Sage Ananda, who was not feeling his origin, he had a great idea or no?
 - Hey Sage, who was not feeling his origin, he had thought, not without thought.
But, Sage, who was not feeling his origin, what he thought?
4 - Here, this sage, monks crossed the great identity completely, ending the great obstacle, not a great attention to the effects difference, know that: "Nowhere is boundless" attainment and boundless origin reside. This sage, he had thought so, but not feeling her origin.
5. Again, this sage, monks beyond the land of boundless Not completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell attain boundless land. This sage, he had thought so, but not feeling her origin.
6. Again, this sage, monks beyond the infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "There is something," and dwell attained origin naught. This sage, he had thought so, but not feeling her origin.
7. Hey Sage, a time I lived in Saketa, Anjanavana forest deer in the garden. This then Sage, a monks-ni in Jatilagaha to me, I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, this the Sage, monks-ni in Jatilagaha said to me:
 - Dear Venerable Ananda, this meditation unbiased sexual misconduct, not nurse hatred not mind; in it, the not so tame convince organic act, thanks to liberation, to be solid, so solid, is tri-sufficiency; thanks to basics, no worries. Dear Venerable Ananda, this is Exalted Meditation teaches, what fruit? "
That being said, this Sage, I told monks-ni in Jatilagaha as follows: "- Dear Sister, are not natural meditation sexual misconduct, not hatred center support; in it, the not so tame convince organic act, because liberation is solid; thanks to a solid, is this motto; thanks to basics, no worries ... Hey Sister, this is right knowledge meditation is effective. "
Bhagavan said so, the sage, he had the same idea, but not the land of his feelings.
 § (VII) (38) THE Brahmin
1. Then Thuan's two Brahmin went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side . Sat to one side, the Brahmin was said to Bhagavan:
2 - Dear Venerable Gotama, Purana Kassapa, omniscience level, the whole is, claiming to have knowledge is not the entire balance, says: "When I go, I stand, I sleep, I wake, knowledge is an ongoing permanent residence. " He said as follows: "With infinite mind, we live, know and see the world is finite". Dear Venerable Gotama, Nigantha Nataputta, steps omniscience, is whole, claiming to have knowledge is not the entire balance, says: "When I go, I stand, I sleep, I wake, knowledge abides by venture permanent procedure ". He said as follows: "With finite mind, we live, know and see the world is finite". Dear Venerable Gotama, between two orders announced on this site, between two contradictory statements, who are telling the truth, who is lying?
3. - Well, just then, this the Brahmin, let's stop here: "Between the two places declared on this site, between two contradictory statements, who are telling the truth, who lied? "
This, Brahmin, I will preach to the Mr., listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
The Brahmin replied that yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
4. - This, Brahmin, such as the four men stood four directions, complete with walking, with wins at full speed, with long strides up wins. They full speed was as follows: For example, a man with a bow, trained skilled virtuosity with skillful hands, cypress cypress-winning play, can shoot an arrow gently past a tree shadow of Tala. Such is their full speed. Their longer-term steps, the following: from the east coast to the west coast. Then he stood in the East say: "I will go and reach to the ends of the world". Oil for this person's life is a hundred years - except when he eats, he drinks, he chewing, tasting him, unless he defecation urination, unless one is sleeping to regain health, he would die before he reached the end of the world ". Then he stood in the West ... and the leader in the North ... and the head of the South said the following: "I will go and reach to the ends of the world". Oil for life ... he will die before he reached the end of the world ". Wherefore? This, Brahmin, I say that, not with the power to run such, can know, can see, can achieve the ends of the world. This, Brahmin, I say that without achieving the ends of the world, the time could not end suffering in life.
5. This, Brahmin, in education this positive growth in the world known as the Law of the saint. What is the year?
6. The eye color perception so pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. The sound perception by ear ... aromas perceived by the nose ... the tongue due to your emotional awareness ... the awareness by itself pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, related to education, interesting.
This Brahmin, cultivate education this year is called the world of the Law of the saint.
7. Here is the Brahmin, monks cup of education attained and dwell ... Zen application. This, Brahmin, these monks have called the world to the end, and the end of the world to live in. But the others said about him as follows: "This person is still restricted in the world, this position is not to escape from the world." This, Brahmin, I say the following: "This person is still restricted in the world, this position not escape from the world."
8. Again, the Brahmin, monks destroyed the Games and quad ... and dwell attained Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Meditation. This, Brahmin, is called monks after the ends of the world, stay in the ends of the world. But the others said about him as follows: "This person has been limited in the world, the production has not separated from the world." This, Brahmin, I say the following: "This person has been limited in the world, has not made you out of the world cup."
9. Again, the Brahmin, monks pass off the idea completely excellent, a great ending to be afraid, do not work great attention to the difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless ", attainment and boundless origin reside. This, Brahmin, is called monks after the ends of the world, stay in the ends of the world. But the others, talking about him as follows: "This person is still restricted in the world, has not made you out of the world cup." This, Brahmin, I say the following: "This person is still restricted in the world, has not made you out of the world cup."
10. Again, the Brahmin, monks beyond boundless origin completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell attained infinitude of consciousness ... Once beyond the infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "there is something," and dwell attained naught ... after passing origin Unknown origin ownership completely, attaining and an ideal non resident African origin idea. This, Brahmin, is called monks after the ends of the world, stay in the ends of the world. But the others, talking about him as follows: "This person is still restricted in the world, has not made you out of the world cup." This, Brahmin, I say the following: "This person is still restricted in the world, has not made you out of the world cup."
11. Again the Brahmin, overcome Africa Monks ideal non-perception completely, attainment and life thought to reside Kills, time after seeing with wisdom, the contraband or annihilation . This, Brahmin, is called monks after the ends of the world, stay in the ends of the world. You have passed from bondage of the world.
 § (VIII) (39) gods
1. - In ancient times, the monks, have vehemently battle between gods and Asura species. In this battle, the monks, the Asura win, Devas were defeated. Devas defeated fled, the other facing north Asura chase. This then, monks, gods thinking as follows: "The Asura are chasing. So let's hit a second battle with the Asura. "
2. The second time, the monks, the devas beat the Asura. The second time, the monks, the Asura the victors, vanquished gods. This, monks, the devas defeat fear fled, the other facing north Asura chase. This then, monks, gods thinking as follows: "The Asura are chasing. So let's hit a third game with the Asura. "
3. The third time, the monks, the gods fight with the Asura. The third time, the monks, the Asura the victors, the vanquished Devas. This, monks, the devas defeat fear fled to the city of the gods. And this, monks, the devas go into the city of the gods thought as follows: Now let's go to the shelter of those fears. Currently we live with us, nothing to do with the Asura. " This, monks, the Asura also think like this: "Now the Devas went to the shelter of those fears. Currently we live with them, nothing to do with us. "
4. In ancient times, the monks, have vehemently battle occurs between Asura gods and species. In this battle, the monks, the devas win, the Asura was defeated. The defeat Asura fled, Devas south facing chase. This then, monks, the Asura think as follows: "Gods are chasing. So let's hit the second game with the gods ".
5. The second time, the monks, the Asura battle with the gods. The second time, the monks, the devas victorious, defeated the Asura. This, monks, the fear defeat Asura fled, Devas south facing chase. This then, monks, the Asura think as follows: "Gods are chasing. So let's hit a third game with Devas ".
6. The third time, the monks, the Asura fighting gods. The third time, the monks, the gods won the battle, the defeated Asura. This, monks, the fear defeat Asura fled into the city of Asura. This then, monks, the Asura go into the city of Asura thought as follows: "Now we have to go to the shelter of those fears. Currently we live with us, nothing to do with the gods ". This, monks, the devas also thought as follows: "Now, the Asura went to the shelter of those fears. Currently we live with them, nothing to do with us. "
7. Also, the monks, while monks attaining sexual ly ... and dwell Profile Zen, in the meanwhile, the monks, monks thought as follows: "With the go to the shelter of fear, I am alive to self, do not have anything to do with Mara ". And this, monks, the Devil also thought as follows: "To go to the shelter of fear, monks lived with the self, do not have anything to do with me".
8. Hey, monks, while the monks kill and reach the quarterfinals ... and dwell attained Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday Meditation, while this was the billion- monks, the monks thought as follows: "to go to the shelter of fear, I am alive to self, do not have anything to do with Mara". And this, monks, the Devil also thought as follows: "To go to the shelter of fear, monks lived with the self, do not have anything to do with me".
9. Hey, monks, while monks beyond the idea completely sharp, ending the great obstacle, not a great attention to the effect difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless" attainment and boundless origin reside. This, monks, the so-called monks makes Devil blindness, eye rupture of Mara, no evidence, that Devil did not see the entrance walkway.
10. Hey, monks, while monks beyond boundless origin completely, said that: "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell attain boundless wealth origin ... Beyond Consciousness Made completely marginal, said that: "there is something" attained and dwell naught ... Beyond Unknown origin origin ownership completely, and dwell Africa attain ideal non-perception . While monks exceed ideal non African origin idea completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction; he sees with wisdom, the contraband or annihilation. This, monks, the so-called monks makes Devil blindness, eye rupture of Mara, no evidence, that Devil did not see the entrance walkway. He passed away in bondage.
1 - Hey, monks, when the elephant, the elephant females, the young elephant, the elephant went to the front, to the front room and the large elephant in the forest to cut grass, the this, monks, forest elephants anxiety, shame, boredom. When, the monks, the elephant, the elephant female, young elephant, the foal chewing food bundles fallen tree, the tree in place of the elephants eat large forest, this time the Rate -kheo, forest elephant, anxiety, shame, boredom. When, the monks, the elephant, the elephant females, the young elephant, the foal go ahead, go ahead, down the valley of the forest elephant water, stirred hoses, this time the Rate -kheo, forest elephant, anxiety, shame, boredom. When, this, monks, elephants walking down the country's low-lying forest elephant, the elephant's body rubbed woods, this time, monks, forest elephants anxiety, shame, boredom.
2. Meanwhile, the monks, the forest elephant thinking as follows: "Now we live confused with the elephant, the elephant females, the young elephant, the foal. I started eating the grass tops cut off, they chew and eat the fallen tree bundle our branches, we drink water tainted; when we went down to the valley of water, the elephant rubbing the body to do. So let us live alone, away from the herd of elephants ". Then after a while, the elephant was living alone, away from the elephants, eating grass is not cut off the tip, it does not eat the fallen tree bundles, and the trees, it's not muddy water, while water walking down the valley, the elephant did not go rubbing the body. Meanwhile, the monks, the forest elephant thinking as follows: "Before, we lived confused with the elephant, the elephant females, the young elephant, the foal. I started eating the grass tops cut off, they eat the fallen tree and bundle our branches, we drink water tainted. When we walked down the valley of the water, the female elephant to our body rubbing. Now I live alone, away from the elephants, we started eating grass tops were cut off, they do not eat the fallen tree bundles, and our branches. I do not drink muddy water. When we walked down the valley of the water, the female elephant is not going to rub my body. That forest elephant with broken tree trunk, grab yourself rubbing branches, and happy to relieve itch. "
3. Likewise, the monks, while monks live confused with the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen, with kings and courtiers of the king, with foreign guru and disciple of pagan, in the meanwhile, the monks, monks thought as follows: "I live now mixed with the monks and nuns, monks-and lay south and laywomen, kings and courtiers of the king, the foreign masters and disciples of the heathen. So let us live alone, away from them, "he lived in residence far away, a forest, tree, mountain cliffs, caves, graveyard, forest plateau, outdoor, haystack. He went to the forest, go to the tree, go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old, back straight, dwell front anniversary. He participated in the annihilation after death, live with heart dispassion, decanting from participating center. After the total extinction of the field, he lives with psychological field, has great compassion for all beings and beings, filtered off center. After the total extinction of more deep torpor, he lived with depression divorce hypnotic mind, think of the light, mindfulness, awareness, clarify the mind from depression soul torpor. After the annihilation of foreign agitation, he has no oscillations, inner calm, refined attention from foreign agitation too. After the annihilation of features, he lived to overcome doubt, no doubt hesitation doubts clarified from the center of the dhamma. He after annihilation five hindrances do defiled mind, this intellectual weakness, isolation of education attained and dwell ... Profile Meditation; happy because he has to cure itching. After killing Games and quad ... and dwell attained Zen Meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation; happy because he has to cure itching. He after a great pass identity completely, after the end of the great concerns, not the intention to great difference, know that: "Nowhere is boundless", attainment and residing Not very of origin; happy because he has to cure itching. After crossing the land of boundless Not completely, he said that: "Consciousness is infinite", and dwell attained infinitude of consciousness ... after crossing the infinitude of consciousness completely, he said that: "there is something," and dwell attained Made ... naught after crossing Unknown origin ownership completely, and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa .. . after passing the ideal non-perception Africa completely, he attained and life thought to reside Extinction, after seeing with wisdom, the contraband or to make an end, he was happy that the treatment is itching.
 § (X) (41) Tapussa
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan among the people residing in Malla, in a town of the people named Uruvelakappa Malla. Then Bhagavan, in the morning, robes, holding the bowl y, go to Uruvelakappa for alms. Alms in Uruvelakappa finished, after dinner, on the way back to begging, Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda, saying:
 - Hey Ananda, I go here, wait for me to stay in the forest for the day Dai Lam.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Exalted to the woods Dai Lam sit in a tree during the day.
2. Then go to Homeowners Venerable Ananda Tapussa, after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Homeowners said to Venerable Ananda Tapussa:
 - Ananda Venerable Sir, we are the Homeowners, enjoyment of sex, the sexual pleasure, sexual fancy, joy of sex. For us, venerable sir, is the beneficiary of sexual Homeowners, the sexual pleasure, joy of sex, it's like an abyss for us is the emergence of this cup. However, venerable sir, we heard that in France and this Law, the mind of the young monks in the renunciation excited, translational signals, dwell, liberation, seeing that this is the calm. It is here, venerable sir, is the difference in France and this law between monks and the majority of the masses, that is, the arrival of this glass.
 - Homeowners Hey, this is an issue to talk. Homeowners this, let's go to the audience with Bhagavan, let's go to the Blessed One, after arriving, ask Bhagavan about this sense. Bhagavan answered how, so we will maintain life.
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Homeowners Venerable Ananda replied yes Tapussa.
3. Then Venerable Ananda Homeowners with Tapussa go to Bhagavan, after arriving ... lord:
 - Buddha, Homeowners Tapussa said as follows: "Dear Venerable Ananda, we are the beneficiaries of sexual Homeowners, the sexual pleasure, sexual fancy, joy of sex. For us, venerable sir, is the Homeowners, enjoy sexual life, enjoying the training and education fancy, joy of sex, it's like an abyss for us is the emergence of this cup. However, venerable sir, we heard that in France and this Law, the mind of the young monks in the renunciation excited, translational signals, dwell, liberation, they saw that this was the calm . It is here, venerable sir, is the difference in France and this law between monks and the majority of the masses, that is, the arrival of this cup. "
4. - That's right, this Ananda! So is right, this Ananda! This Ananda, before I awakened, no evidence was Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, I thought as follows: "You instead, the renunciation! You instead, live renunciation ". But my mind there is no excitement in his renunciation, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have found oil "This is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "What's Due, conditioned by what, I do not mind the excitement in his renunciation, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, oil I have seen: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in the fitness, because I do not make the fullness of the dangers and benefits of renunciation has not been attained, I have not been enjoying the benefits Hey. So I do not mind elation in his renunciation, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following: If after seeing the dangers of sex, I made her prolific danger. After seeing the benefits of the renunciation, I did enjoy the benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire in renunciation, purification followers, dwell, liberation, for I have seen "This is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in the education, I made her prolific danger. After seeing the benefits of the renunciation, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, I inspiration in mind renunciation, purification followers, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a period of sexual ly ... I dwell attained primary and Meditation. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with sexual volition question remains current. Thus, for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise, such as a disease. Also, the organic idea with the intention sentence remains in force in education in Me. So for me, this is a disease.
5. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So I take only the quarterfinals ... ie the range and residing attainment and Meditation Monday". But my mind there is no inspiration for her no range, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "What's Due, conditioned by what, I do not mind no enthusiasm for his views, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, We have seen oil: "This is the peace?" then, Ananda, I thought as follows: "for I do not see the danger in the Games, because I do not make the danger was prolific, has a range of benefits not yet be attained, I have not been enjoying the benefits that ". Therefore, I do not mind excited for no games, no net credit, do not dwell, not liberation. This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If, after the danger of the range, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits do not have a range, I enjoy his benefits ", the time the event occurred: My mind could not have excited the range, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I see: "This is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in the Games. I made him dangerous fullness; after witnessing the benefits do not have a range, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, inspired in mind I have no range, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a while I kill and reach the quarterfinals ... and dwell attained Monday Meditation. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention question remains current range. Thus, for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise, such as a disease. Also, the organic idea with the intention question remains current range where Ta. So for me, this is a disease.
6. This Then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So let's cup joy ... and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. But this Ananda, my mind is not excited for her there is no joy, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind excited for her there is no joy, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation oil We have found: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in joy, because I do not make the fullness of the dangers, no rapture benefits have not been realized. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind excited for him no joy, not a net credit, no dwell, there is no escape ". This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If, after the danger of the wedding, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of no joy, I enjoy his benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire in no joy, pure followers, dwell, liberation, for I have that: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in the wedding, I made her prolific danger; after witnessing the benefits of no joy, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, inspired in mind I have no joy, pure credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a while, I cup joy ... and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with joy volition question remains current. This for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question remains current friendship with joy in my place. So for me, this is a disease.
7. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "Let's talk communications segment, segment size ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation". But my mind there is no excitement for no suffering, no touch, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind excited for no suffering, no touch, no net credit, no dwell, no solution drainage, oil I have seen: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in discharging optimistic, because I do not make the danger was prolific. Benefits are not suffering, not optimism has not been realized. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind not enthusiastic about suffering, he is not optimistic, not a net credit, no dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If, after the danger of discharge communications, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of not suffering, not optimistic, I did enjoy the benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire in not suffering, not optimistic, net credit, dwell, the escape, for I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in discharging optimistic, I made her prolific danger; after seeing the benefits in neutral, I was enjoying the benefits. And this Ananda, do not mind me inspiration in suffering, not optimistic, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after some time, I am optimistic discharge, discharge of suffering ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention question remains optimistic discharge current. Thus, for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question remained useful with the current discharge where I am. So for me, this is a disease.
8. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So I thought let's pass the identity completely, ending the great concern, not a great attention to the effect difference, and dwell attain boundless coin. But my mind there is no inspiration for Origin boundless, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind to inspire boundless origin, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation oil We have found: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger of identity, I do not make that abundantly dangerous, boundless benefits of origin has not yet been attained. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind to inspire boundless origin, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If, after the danger of identity, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of the land of boundless No, I did enjoy the benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire boundless in origin, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in color, I made him dangerous fullness; after witnessing the benefits of the land of boundless, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, I mind boundless enthusiasm in origin, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a while, I thought ... pass the attainment of excellence and boundless origin reside. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention question remains current identity. This for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question remained useful with the current color where I am. So for me, this is a disease.
9. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So I let pass boundless origin completely, said that:" Consciousness is infinite ", and dwell attain boundless land. But my mind there is no inspiration for the infinitude of consciousness, no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind to inspire boundless origin, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation oil We have found: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in the land of boundless, because I do not make that abundantly dangerous, boundless benefits of origin has not yet been attained. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind to inspire boundless origin, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If after seeing the immense dangers of origin No, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of the infinitude of consciousness, I was enjoying the benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire boundless in origin, net of credits, dwell, liberation, because I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in the land of boundless No, I made that abundantly dangerous; after witnessing the benefits of the infinitude of consciousness, I was enjoying the benefits. And this Ananda, I mind boundless enthusiasm in origin, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after some time, I crossed the land of boundless ... and dwell attain boundless land. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention boundless question remains current origin. This for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question boundless friendship with the current parish where I was. So for me, this is a disease.
10. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So I let pass infinitude of consciousness completely, said that:" There is something, "and dwell attained origin naught. But my mind there is no inspiration for naught origin, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind excited for naught origin, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation oil We have found: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in the land of boundless, because I do not make prolific dangers, the benefits of owning Origin Unknown yet to be realized. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind for the Forever inspired owns the land, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If, after the danger of the infinitude of consciousness, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of owning Origin Unknown, I enjoy his benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire in Wuxi owns the land, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in the infinitude of consciousness, I made him dangerous fullness; after witnessing the benefits of owning Origin Unknown, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, I inspired in Wuxi center owns the land, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a while, I pass the infinitude of consciousness ... and dwell attained origin naught. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention of the infinitude of consciousness is still current, so for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question boundless friendship with the current parish where I was. So for me, this is a disease.
11. Ananda And this, I think as follows: "So I let pass Unknown Origin ownership completely, and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. But my mind there is no inspiration for African ideal non-perception, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I have no heart for Africa inspired ideal non-perception, there is no net credit, abides no, no liberation, I have seen oil: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in Wuxi owns the land, for I am not making dangerous prolific them the benefit of the African ideal non-perception has not been realized. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind for Africa inspired ideal non-perception, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If after seeing danger in Wuxi owns the land, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of the ideal non-perception Africa, I was enjoying the benefits ", the time the event occurred: My Heart in Africa can inspire ideal non-perception, a net credit, dwell, liberation, for I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing danger in Wuxi owns the land, I made him dangerous fullness; after witnessing the benefits of the ideal non-perception Africa, I was enjoying the benefits. And this Ananda, interest in Africa inspired me ideal non-perception, a net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after a while, I pass ownership Origin Unknown completely ... and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. Do I stay with this dwell, the organic idea with the intention sentence Unknown origin still existing property, so for me, this is a disease. Just as, Ananda, for the joy, pain can arise as a disease. Likewise, perception, volition question with Infinite property ownership in force in the place of origin is still Me. So for me, this is a disease.
12. This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "So I let pass a great ideal non African origin completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction. But my heart can not exterminate life inspiration for the idea, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation, I have seen oil: "It is peace". This Ananda, for that matter, I think the following way: "Do what's what by grace, I do not mind to exterminate life inspired the idea, there is no net credit, no dwell, no liberation oil We have found: "This is the peace?". This then Ananda, I thought as follows: "For I do not see the danger in Africa ideal non-perception, because I did not make him dangerous fullness, a great benefit of the Cessation of life has not been realized. I have not been enjoying her benefits. So I do not mind to exterminate life inspired the idea, not a net credit, does not dwell, not liberation. " This Ananda, for that matter, I think as follows: "If after seeing the danger in Africa ideal non-perception, I made that abundantly dangerous. After seeing the benefits of the idea to exterminate life, I enjoy his benefits ", the time the event occurred: my mind can inspire the idea to exterminate life, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I have seen: "It is peace".
This Ananda Then, after a while, after seeing the danger in Africa ideal non-perception, I made him dangerous fullness; after witnessing the benefits of the idea to exterminate life, I enjoy that benefit. And this Ananda, inspired in mind I thought to exterminate life, net credit, dwell, liberation, because I saw: "It is peace". This Ananda, after some time, I crossed Africa ... ideal non-perception and dwell attained the Cessation of life thought, I saw the wisdom and the contraband or go to cessation.
13. Until such time, this Ananda, nine minutes resident Zen practitioner certificate upon things I have not been attained and produce negative things start, this time Ananda, in the world, with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with mass recluses and Brahmin, gods and men, I do not have a witness that saw Awakened. Until such time, this Ananda, Zen residence certificate filed nine minutes have been played against me things upon attaining and starting out, this time Ananda, in this world, with Heaven, Makai, Brahma world, with pants we recluses and Brahmin, gods and men who, until then, I testify that I have a new determination to attain Supreme Awakened. Tri and Kien arises in me. We know that: "Real is freed my mind. This is life in the end, this is no longer reborn ".
1. Thus have I heard:
A time Venerable Ananda residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden. Then Venerable Ananda Venerable Udayi go, after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Venerable Ananda Udayi told:
 - Dear Sage, words were Emperor e Pancalacanda says the following:
"Wise to find,
Liberation from the bondage,
Provinces with Zen taste,
Conflict-ni fake masters,
Tier renounce, refuse
Heroes hermit. "
Dear Sage, what is bondage? How is freedom from bondage is Exalted mentioning?
2. - Hey Sage, head of nursing education this year is Exalted called bondage. What is the year?
The eye color due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive; the language by ear awareness ... awareness of incense by the nose ... the tongue due to your emotional awareness ... the awareness by itself, pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, relate to education , interesting.
This sage, chief nursing education this year is bondage, Bhagavan was talking about.
3. Here, the sage, the monks are the primary sexual ... Zen residence certificate. Until such, the Sage, is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The so here is level and not destroy quarterfinals. The main one is that here bondage.
4. Again, this sage, killing monks and reach the quarterfinals ... and dwell attained Monday Meditation. Until such, the Sage, is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here is what he bondage?
The so here is a joy not kill. The main one is that here bondage.
5. Again, this sage, resident monks wedding cup discharge ... and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. Until such, the Sage, is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here is what he bondage?
The here is not optimistic kill discharge. The main one is that here bondage.
6. Again, the sage, the monks paragraph Zen touch ... Wednesday residence certificate. Until such, this sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The one here is excellent not kill ideas. The main one is that here bondage.
7. Again, this sage, monks crossed the great identity completely, ending the great concern, not attending to the great difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless, attainment and boundless origin reside. Until such, this sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The one here is not infinitude of not killing. The main one is that here bondage.
8. Again, this sage, Monks said that: "Consciousness is infinite", the land of boundless overcome completely, and dwell attain boundless land. Until such, Mr. Sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The so here is a land of boundless not kill. The main one is that here bondage.
9. Again, Mr. Sage, monks reached the infinitude of consciousness completely, said that: "There is something," and dwell attained origin naught. Until such, Mr. Sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The so here is naught not kill origin. The main one is that here bondage.
10. Again, this sage, monks pass Unknown Origin ownership completely, and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. Until such, Mr. Sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan comes with practice. But here still bondage. And here, bondage What is that?
The one here is the ideal non-perception Africa not kill. The main one is that here bondage.
11. Again, Mr. Sage, overcome Africa Monks ideal non-perception, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction. After seeing the wisdom, the contraband or be annihilated. Until such, this sage is freed from bondage by Bhagavan said to illegal goal.
 § (II) (43) common deities
1. - "My evidence, evidence itself," the Sage, is referred to as such. So how, this sage, Bhagavan said relatives are witness to?
2. - Here, this sage, monks residence certificate sexual ly ... First Meditation. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode. Until such, this sage, Bhagavan said relatives are witness to the practice.
3. - Again, the Sage, killing monks and quad ... Zen Games Monday ... Tuesday ... Stock achieve Zen and Zen dwell fourth. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode. Until such, this sage, Bhagavan said relatives are witness to the practice.
4 - Again, the Sage, monks, after overcoming the idea identity completely, ending the idea to be afraid, do not work great attention to the difference, said that: "Nowhere is boundless ", attainment and boundless origin reside. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode. Until such, this sage, Bhagavan said relatives are witness to the practice ... (as above) ...
5. - Again, the Sage, monks, after passing the ideal non-perception Africa completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode. Until such, this sage, Bhagavan said relatives are witness to the illegal goal.
 § (III) (44) PROPERTY Liberation
1. - "Wisdom liberation, liberating insight," the Sage, is referred to as such. So how, this sage, Bhagavan liberating insight is talking about?
2. Here, the Sage, monks ly ... attaining fitness and Meditation preliminary dwell; intellectual with clear he knew. Until such, this of Sage, liberating insight is Exalted says to practice ... (as above).
3. Again, this sage, overcome Africa Monks ideal non-perception, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction; after seeing with wisdom, the contraband or annihilation. With wisdom, he clearly knew. Until such, this sage, Bhagavan liberating insight is illegal to subject said.
 § (IV) (45) Liberation BOTH PART
1. - "Freeing both parts, freeing both parts," the Sage, is mentioned. So how, this sage, freeing both parts is Exalted mentioning?
2. - Here, this sage, monks attaining sexual ly ... and dwell Zen Profile. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode; with wisdom, he clearly knew. Until such, the Sage, is liberation Bhagavan both parts are said to practice ... (as above) ...
3. Again, this sage, overcome Africa Monks ideal non-perception, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction; after seeing with wisdom, the defilements are eradicated. How, how, after the emotion to the body, he so, so that an abode; with wisdom, he clearly knew. Until such, the Sage, is liberating insight Exalted both parts is illegal to subject said.
 - "France is really his own show, the current approach is practical," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 - "Nirvana is really his own show, Nirvana is really his own show," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (VII) (48) Nirvana
 - "Nirvana, Nirvana," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (VIII) (49) PERFECT MAN Nirvana
 - "Nirvana Complete contentment, fulfillment Nirvana", the sage, is referred to as such.
 § (IX) (50) SPEND PART Nirvana
 - "Sub-section Nirvana, spent part of Nirvana," the Sage, is referred to as such.
1. - "Setting done in Nirvana, Forum conducted at Nirvana," the Sage, is referred to as such. So how, this sage, the current practical Exalted Nirvana was talking about?
2. - Here, this sage, monks attaining sexual ly ... and dwell Zen Profile. Until such, the sage, the current practical Exalted Nirvana is said to practice.
3. Again, this sage, monks after passing the ideal non African origin idea completely, and dwell attained the Cessation of life thought, after seeing with wisdom, the cankers are endless. Until such, the sage, the current practical Exalted Nirvana is illegal to subject said.
 § (I) (52) AN STABLE
 - "An stable, peaceful," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 - "The reach peace, the peace achieved," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (III) (53) REAL DEATH
 - "Immortal, immortal," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 - "People achieve immortality, who achieved immortality," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (V) (56) Fearless
 - "Fearless, fearless," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (VI) (57) WINNERS fearless
 - "The achieved fearless, fearless people achieve," this sage, referred to as such.
 § (VII) (58) calm
 - "Of calm, calm", the sage, is referred to as such.
 § (VIII) (59) things to calm
"First filed contempt, contempt filed thing," this sage, referred to as such.
 § (IX) (60) annihilation
 - "The killing, annihilation," the Sage, is referred to as such.
 § (X) (61) things to annihilation
1. - "First filed eradicated, filed thing eradicated," the Sage, referred to as such. So how, this sage, which filed Exalted eradicated mentioning?
2. - Here, this sage, monks attaining sexual ly ... first and dwell Meditation, until such, the Sage, which filed Exalted eradicated comes with practice.
3. Again, this sage, monks pass ideal non African origin idea completely, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction; after seeing with wisdom, the contraband or annihilation. Until such, this is the disciple Sage Exalted says eradicated illegal to goal.
 § (XI) (62) LIKELY
1 - Hey, monks, not the exception nine measures are not able to realize results Arhat. What is nine?
2. Take anger, ignorance, anger, hostility and hatred lie, brain damage, jealousy, avarice.
This ripe, the monks, not the exception, it is not possible realizations Arhat fruit.
3. Nine This, this, monks, is the exception, they may realize Arhat fruit. What is nine?
4. greed, hatred and delusion, anger, hostility and hatred lie, brain damage, jealousy, avarice.
VII. Mindfulness PRODUCTS
 § (I) (63) LEARNING
1 - Hey, monks, there are five methods to weaken this study. What is the year?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, passionate wine yeast, cooking wine.
This, monks, this is the law impairs learning.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end to years of legal weaken this study, four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four?
4. Here, the monks, monks residing custom body in the body shop, zealous awareness, mindfulness, to convince covetousness life. He contemplates feeling residence depending on the sensations. ... Resident legal depending on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to convince covetousness life.
This, monks, to make an end to years of legal weaken this study, four have practiced mindfulness
 § (II) (64) hindrances
1 - Hey, monks, these five hindrances. What is the year?
2. Education participated hindrances, golf hindrances, hindrances sloth dullness, exchange Trao hindrances, hindrances facilities.
This, monks, these five hindrances.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end to five hindrances, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four?
4. Here, the monks, monks residing body in the body ... legal residence on the legal consistency, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness to convince covetousness life. This, monks, to make an end to five hindrances, four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced.
1 - Hey, monks, have nurtured education this year. What is the year?
2. The eye color due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive, the hours lost due to natural cognitive ability ... the emotional body awareness so pleasurable .. . interesting.
This, monks, have nurtured education this year.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end this year cultivate education, four must practice mindfulness.
 § (IV) (66) Aggregates
1. - This year, monks have this aggregates. What is the year?
2. Sac aggregates, aggregates life, perception aggregates, aggregates act, aggregates form.
This, monks, this five aggregates.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end to the five aggregates, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four? ... The four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced.
 § (V) (67) five lower fetters
1 - Hey, monks have five lower fetters. What is the year?
2. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, lust, anger.
This, monks, has five lower fetters.
3. Hey, monks, dedicated to the lower part segment fetters, the four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Which four? ... Four mindfulness practice this need.
 § (VI) (68) HAVING FUN
1 - Hey, monks, have fun living this year. What is the year?
2. Hell, eagle species being, hungry ghost realm, humans, gods. This, monks, have fun living this year.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end to this interesting birth year, four have practiced mindfulness ... Four mindfulness practice this need.
 § (VII) (69) avarice
1 - Hey, monks, have this year avarice. What is the year?
2. Avarice abode, family avarice, avaricious avarice, avarice identity solutions, legal avarice.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end of this avarice, four foundations of mindfulness should be practiced ... Four mindfulness practice this need.
1 - Hey, monks, five upper part fetters. What is the year?
2. Lust love, formless love, romance, agitation, delusions.
This, monks, with the upper section of this fetter.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end of the upper section of this fetter, need to practice mindfulness Four ... Four mindfulness practice this need.
1. - There in the wilderness center. What is the year?
This, monks, monks here you doubt, indecision, indecisive, no net credit to the gurus. This, monks, monks no doubt, indecision, indecisive, no net credit to the gurus, monks did not toward the effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. When his mind not toward the effort, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence, so-called desolate heart first.
2. Hey, monks, again, the monks suspected of France ... (as above ...) to Increase ... (as above ..) for Legal Studies ... News anger towards the dignity, the same, not happy, fluctuating mind, become desolate. This, monks, when an outraged monks for co Pham happy, not happy, fluctuating mind, become desolate, monks did not toward the effort, enthusiasm, persistence and solubility. So-called desolate front Thursday.
3. Hey, monks, to make an end of this desolate heart ... Four mindfulness need to practice.
 § (X) (72) FOCUS previous session
1 - Hey, monks, have this year bondage center. What is the year?
2. Here, the monks, monks do not mind dispassion, not sexual ly, not loving cups, not glasses thirst, not cup enthusiastic, no cup for sexual attachment. This, monks, monks do not mind dispassion, not sexual ly, not loving cups, not glasses thirst, not cup enthusiastic, no cup attachment for sex, his mind not toward efforts , enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. You do not mind the direction of ... (as above) ... so is the mind first bondage.
3. Hey, monks, again, monks do not mind dispassion for the body ... not excellent ... dispassion to eat too much stomach can stand it, lived happily in bed and pleasures of torpor ... Hey, monks, again, monks celibate life in the hope of looking forward to a kind of gods, "with this world, with this law, with this ascetic , or the virtues of this, I will become this kind of gods or other kinds of gods. " This, monks, the monks live celibate lives with hope into a kind of gods, "With this world, with this law, with this austerity or the virtues of this, we will become a kind of monks this natural or other types of gods ", one does not mind towards the efforts, enthusiasm, perseverance and diligence. Mind you ... so what is the mind bondage Thursday.
4. Hey, monks, this is the bondage of the mind, the mind wants to make an end to years of bondage, the four foundations of mindfulness practice this need.
 § (I - X) (73-81) FOUR CHIEF NEEDS
(Like the previous four foundations of mindfulness, the other detailed here for Four Four's primary needs above mindfulness, and four primary needs are described as follows). Which four?
 - Here, the monks, with the aim of making the evil, unwholesome unborn measures previously not arise, arise the will try, effort, of center, maintenance center. With the aim of making the evil, evil was born measures are starting to eliminate unwanted ... maintenance center. With the aim of making good behavior prior to the date of birth not arise, arise desire ... maintenance center. With the aim of making good behavior was being able to maintain, no obscure, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, desire arises attempt, effort, of the mind, maintenance center.
 § (I - X) (82-92) FOUR AS Italy TUC
(Like the four foundations of mindfulness before, only here for four as the four foundations of mindfulness-sufficient so on. And as the standard four-sufficiency is expressed as follows). Which four?
 - Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... the friendly against the ardent diligent practice, practice as the sufficient statement of friendship with the mind. .. with the ardent thinking practice.
 § (I) (93) WIN TRI THAM (1)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participated, nine measures need to practice. What is nine?
2. Chiang impure, thoughts of death, cover glass for great food, great fun not for all the world, perception is impermanent, perception is impermanent suffering on, selfless thoughts on suffering and annihilation thoughts, ideas dispassion.
This, monks, to win voters participated, nine factors that must be practiced.
 § (II) (94) WIN TRI THAM (2)
1 - Hey, monks, to win voters participated, nine measures need to practice. What is nine?
2. Private Meditation, Meditation Monday, Tuesday Meditation, Zen Wednesday, Origin boundless, boundless origin, Radio owns the land, relatively non-African non-perception, thought to exterminate life.
This, monks, to win voters participated, nine factors that must be practiced.
1 - Hey, monks, to participate in another tri ... for extinction ... to make an end to ... to ... to eradicate eradicated ... to dispassion ... to cessation ... to eliminate ... to renounce, nine factors that must be practiced.
2. For full understanding yard ... si, indignation, hostility hatred, falsehood, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, fraud, treachery, stubbornness, elated, chronic, chronic upper increase, arrogant, reporter riches ... to win ... to put his knowledge to cessation tri ... ... to ... to eradicate eradicated ... to dispassion ... to ... to eliminate cessation. .. to abandon, nine factors that must be practiced.

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