Thursday 5 May 2016

I.-(12.16 Magazine, 2, 85a) (s. ii, 1)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), at Jetavana (Wins), on the grounds he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts: "the Male-stilts". "Yes Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
What Religion says:
-The Male-stilts, We will persuade him of Pratītyasamutpāda. Take a listen and we will experience impaired judgement.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, how is Pratītyasamutpāda? The Male-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official birth charm; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; being dead old charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain is starting up. So the whole of this starting set. aggregates gauge The Male-stilts, so called in the initialization file.
4) but by a glass passageway, destroying ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol. Due to the excellent reputation should kill removal form. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of removal should be. Because six of removal should be exposed. Due to the exposed kill should kill life. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain removal. So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates The Male-stilts, so called sections.
5) That Religion says so. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.
II. DISCRIMINATION- (12.16 Magazine, 2, 85a) (s. ii, 2)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection).
2)-the Female-stilts, we in theoretical and analysis for management of Pratītyasamutpāda. Take a listen and we will experience impaired judgement.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, how is Pratītyasamutpāda? The Male-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official birth charm; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; old charm birth, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain is starting up. So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
4) And the Male-stilts, how old is dead? What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being elderly, weak, weakness, loss of teeth, silver hair, wrinkled skin, longevity wither, the ripe. This is called old. What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, the abandoned, ruined, loss, death, the aggregates disintegrates, dispose of the body. This is called death. So this is old, it is dead. The Male-stilts, here called the elder dies.
5) And the Male-stilts, what is birth? What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the kind of beings were beings, beings, beings, even contentious, the appearance of the aggregates, the achievements of the origin. The Male-stilts, this is called birth.
6) And the Male-stilts, what is property? The Male-stilts, had three owners: Education, Identity, identity property owners. The Male-stilts, this call was the owner.
7) And the Male-stilts, how is its capital? The Male-stilts, have four players: education, opinions, about banning the player, fell conclusion. The Male-stilts, here called capital.
8) And the Male-stilts, what is AI? The Male-stilts, this incarnation of charity: there are six colors, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, France. The Male-stilts, here called.
9) And the Male-stilts, how is life? The Male-stilts, have six this body: life expectancy by birth promotion label; contact Atrium birth tho; tho male birth promotion; tho lost contact of birth; tho the stem exposed birth; tho Italy birth promotion. The Male-stilts, here called tho.
10) And the Male-stilts, what are emotions? The Male-stilts, have six this contact: contact, contact the national Turkish label exposure, exposure, exposure, trunk Italy exposed. The Male-stilts, this call is exposed.
11) And the Male-stilts, how six made? Label of origin, Turkish origin, male, losses of, of, Italy. The Male-stilts, here called the six parishes.
12) And the Male-stilts, how is your identity? The life, ideas, emotions, Italy; This is called. The four great races and colors caused by four strains of creation; This is called. So here is the list, this is the identity. This is called.
13) And the Male-stilts, what is consciousness? The Female-this body conscious, there are six stilts: the label, the Atrium, male formula, formula, body awareness, consciousness. The Male-stilts, this is called consciousness.
14) And the Male-stilts, what is? The Male-stilts, three: stems, password, Italy. The Male-stilts, this call is issued.
15) this the Male-stilts, what is ignorance? The Male-stilts, unknown know, unknown, unknown episodes know Gauge known Suffering, known unknown roads lead to Suffering. The Male-stilts, this is called ignorance.
16) this so the Female-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official list the coast; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; old charm birth, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain is starting up. So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge But due to the Cup took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way completely, so the Act of killing. Because kill should kill the Protocol. Due to the excellent reputation should kill removal form. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of removal should be. Because six of removal should be exposed. Due to the exposed kill should kill life. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain are destroyed. So is the glass took part in the destruction of ignorance in a completely miserable the whole aggregates.
III. PATH. .. (S. ii, 4)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi. (as above).
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about your space and legitimacy. Take a listen and we will experience impaired judgement.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
What Religion says as follows:
3)-this And the Female-stilts, how is the deviant leader? The Male-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action ... (as above) ... so the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge The Male-stilts, here called deviant.
4) And the Male-stilts, what is legitimacy? By participating, the separatists kill ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates The Male-stilts, here called legitimacy.
IV. VIPASSÌ (Bhikkhu-she-contest) (15.2-3 Magazine, 2, 101a) (s. ii, 5)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, Religious Vipassì, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College, before He enlightened, yet Primary Sensory Class certification, also the Portuguese slaps, has kicked up the following thought: "this world is truly in jeopardy, was being, being old, death, the destruction and rebirth; and from this suffering, not knowing where to export, get rid of old and dead; from where this suffering, not knowing when to know to export glass, get rid of old and dead ".
3) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-Vipassì think slapping as follows: "as something present, old, death is present? Do what the coast, old, dead (being run)? ". After this, thinking the reason as Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "by being present, the elder died there. Birth, death and old charm by being run ".
4) And Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, being present? Do what the coast, birth of birth? ". After this, thinking the reason as Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "as Christians present should being present. Due to the charm, being being run ".
5) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something present, owners have to face? Do what the coast, owner of birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to its presence, so the owner is present. Due to its coast, possession being run ".
6) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, its present? Do what the coast, its birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the presence of charity should its present. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. "
7) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, the craving to be present? Do what the coast, Ireland being kicked? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "life should be there By AI. Due to the birth of charity, should start yanshou ".
8) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, at present? Do what the coast, being run? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to wisdom arises as follows: the ants "because coalition tactile presence should face life. Due to the exposed coast, being run ".
9) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, the exposure is present? Do what the charm, emotions of birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the presence of six should be exposed. Due to the charm of birth, six startups ".
10) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something present, six made available? Do what the coast, six of birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the excellent reputation the absence should six of is present. Due to the excellent reputation of birth, six coast run ".
11) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something is present, your colors are present? Do what the coast, excellent list of birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the present Protocol should list the colors are present. Due to the charm, excellent list being run ".
12) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something present, present? Do what the coast, officially being run? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "by present should form. Due to the charm, the formula being run ".
13) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something present, present? Do what the coast, being run? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to ignorance is present should face execution. Due to the charm of ignorance, being run ".
14) so, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official list the coast; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; being dead old charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain is being run. So is the gathering of the whole miserable aggregates.
15) "run, run", the Male-stilts, for France has never before heard, with Bo-slapped Vipassì, start up, starting position label up, start up wisdom, starting up, run up the optical.
16) And the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what's not so old, not dead? Do something, old, dead? " R i this the Male-stilts, after as logical thinking, bodhisattva Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the absence of birth should not die old. Due to being destroyed so the dead old removal ".
17) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what the absence of birth should not present? So what should the removal of birth? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the owner not present birth should not be present. Because the owner should removal of birth ".
18) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what's not so owners do not have to face? So what should kill Christians? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to its absence should not useful. Due to its removal should Christians kill ".
19) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what's not so its not present? So what should kill its destruction? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the AI not present so its not present. Due to the AI should kill its removal ".
20) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what's not so AI is not present? So what should kill AI? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: the life "by the absence of craving should not present. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity ".
21) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "something not present life should not have to face? So what kill should kill life? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Do not contact should not life. Due to the exposed kill should kill the life span ".
22) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "something not present should not be there? Do something kill should contact kill? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Because six of the absence should not be present. Because six of removal, should contact kill ".
23) And the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "what's not so six of absence? So what should the removal Friday of killing? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Do not present sharp should list six of the absence. Due to the excellent reputation of killing should six of removal ".
24) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something not present should list the colors not present? So what should list the best removal removal? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Do not form should list the colors are not present. Due to the excellent reputation should "removal form.
25) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something not present should not be there? So what should the removal of knowledge? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Do not present should not be present. Because kill should kill the Protocol ".
26) and then the Male-stilts, Bo-slapped Vipassì thinking: "Do something not present should not be there? So what should the removal Act of killing? " Then the Male-stilts, after as the logical thinking, Dude-slapped Vipassì thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the absence of ignorance should not be present. Due to ignorance of killing should act ".
27) so, due to ignorance of killing should act. Because kill should kill the Protocol. Due to the excellent reputation should kill removal form. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of removal should be. Because six of removal should be exposed. Due to the exposed kill should kill life. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain, kill. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
28) "kill, kill the piece," the Male-stilts, in France from before had not been heard, for the Bo-Vipassì, label should start slapping, kicked up, start up wisdom, starting up, run up the optical.
V. SIKHÌ (Contest-gas) (s. ii, 9)
-The Male-stilts, with Ton Sikhì, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. (as above).
VI. VESSABHU (Bhikkhu-XA-compatible) (s. ii, 9)
-And then the Male-stilts, with Ton Vessabhu, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. (as above).
VII. KAKUSANDHA (Sentence-save-religion) (s. ii, 9)
-And then the Male-stilts, with Ton Kakusandha, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. (as above).
VIII. KONÀGAMANA (Verse-function). (S. ii, 9)
-And then the Male-stilts, with Ton Konàgamana, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. (as above).
IX. KASSAPA (Ca-Romaine) (s. ii, 9)
-And then the Male-stilts, with Respect, steps A-la-Kassapa Han, Chief Dan. .. (as above).
X. MAHÀ SAKYAMUNI GOTAMA: great Love-ca-conflict Cu-ni-radio. (S. 10 ii)
1) At Savatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, before we're enlightened, yet Primary Sensory Class, and evidence is Bo-slaps, the following ideas are starting up: "truly this world suffers brain gauge, being contentious 1930s, being old, death, suffering and destruction phase was reborn; and from where this suffering, not knowing the old escape, dies; from where this suffering, not knowing when it would be known to the old glass dies ".
3) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "what's present, old, death is present? Do what the dead old sanh, coast run? " Then the Male-stilts, after as logical thinking, thanks to intelligence, We arise the following comments: "as intelligent beings are present should ground to the dead old. Due to the charm of birth should start being "dead old.
4) and then the Male-stilts, we thought as follows: "what is present, the new birth available..................... six lists......... so, what the coast Act of birth?"
Then the Male-stilts, after as l thinking on this issue, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises We are as follows: "due to ignorance is present should face execution. Due to the charm of ignorance should start being issued ".
14) such ignorance, coast coast action ... (as above) ... owner of birth birth dead old charm, charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
15) "run, run", the Male-stilts, for France has never before heard, where we're starting up, label position, start up, starting up the intelligence, kicked up, start up the optical.
16) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "something not present, did not die of old age? Do something, should die old? " Then the Male-stilts, after as logical thinking on this issue, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises We are as follows: "by being present should be dead old. Due to being destroyed so the dead old removal ".
17) and then the Male-stilts, I thought: "what is present, being not available..................... six lists......... What do kill, kill? "
Then the Male-stilts, after as logical thinking on this issue, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises We are as follows: "due to ignorance is present should face execution. Due to the charm of ignorance should act being run. " ...
27) so, ignorance removal removal action; released kill, kill ... so is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
28) "kill, kill the piece," the Male-stilts, for France has never before heard, where we're starting up, label position run up, start up wisdom, starting up, run up the optical.
XI. OTHER (Real 15.9 2 Magazine, 101 c) (s. ii, 11)
1) like me.
A world religion in Savatthi (Xa-protection) at Jetavana (win) in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika)
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four types of this food makes for contentious material types or kinds of beings exist or cause the type of contraction is the life beings. What are the four? A real group or rough, or is, the two are real emotions, three private anniversary reality is, four is the real knowledge. The Male-stilts, four kinds of food made for the kind of contentious material or cause the kind of beings exist or cause the type of contraction is the life beings.
3) And the Male-stilts, four types of this food because of something to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? Four types of food due to the AI do, due to the AI file run by the charity work, being, due to the AI do exist.
4) Ai, the Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? AI due tho do, due to the initialization file, because life expectancy by birth, making life work available.
5 this Life this, the National)-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? Tho made contact, due to the exposure episode run, due to the catalyst being, because exposure makes available.
6) this Promotion, the Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? Exposed by the six parishes as, by six of the initialization file, by birth, by the author of six six of making available.
7) Six of these, the Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? Six of the do list the colors do, due to the excellent reputation the initialization file, due to the excellent work of list being, due to existing makes excellent list.
8 this excellent List, the) Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? List the colors by the formula as, due to the initialization file protocol, by birth, by the cooperation protocol formula makes available.
9) formula, the Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? Knowledge by doing, by administrative action by birth, work, start by making available.
10 this), the Female-stilts, so what to do, do what episode run, do something partner Tejaswini, do something to make the present? This action caused by ignorance as by ignorance, the initialization file, due to the ignorance works being, due to ignorance makes available.
11) thus, the Male-stilts, ignorance, coast coast action ... (as above) ... so the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
12) But due to the Cup took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the Act of killing. Due to the destruction should form ... (as above) ... so the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
XII. MOLIYA PHAGGUNA (15.10. Junk the vast 2.102) (s. ii, 12).
1)... Stay In Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four types of this food makes for contentious material types or kinds of beings exist or cause the type of contraction is the life beings. What are the four? A real group or rough, or is, the two are real emotions, three private anniversary reality is, four is the real knowledge. The Male-stilts, four kinds of food made for the kind of contentious material or cause the kind of beings exist or cause the type of contraction is the life beings.
3) When spoken so, false Religious Moliya-Bach World Phagguna Ton:
-Transparency of world Religion, who eat food?
World Religion answers:
-The question is not appropriate. We do not say: "has anyone eaten". If I say "guys", the question: "has anyone eaten" is the appropriate question. But we can't say so. And because we don't say so, if anyone asks Me: "white World, real knowledge is for whom?", the question then. Here, the answer is as follows: "the real charm is the Conscious beings, for the reborn in the future. When the then existing, available six times of absence. Due to the charm of emotions present, six ".
4)-Bach World Religion, one emotion?
World Religion answers:
-The question is not appropriate. We do not say: "somebody". If I say "guys", the time of the question: "who" is the appropriate question. But we can't say so. And because we don't say so, if anyone asks Me: "white World, due to what the coast, being run?", the question then. Here the answer is as follows: "by the charm of exposed, six being kicked. Due to the exposed coast, being run ".
5)-White World who Respect life feel?
World Religion answers:
-The question is not appropriate. We do not say: "there are people who feel the life". If we have a saying: "there are people who feel the life", the question: "who feel the life?" is the question. But we can't say so. And because we don't say so, if anyone asks Me: "white World, due to what the coast, being run?", the question then. Here the proper answer is: "because of the life birth, contact coast run. By birth, AI yanshou run ".
6)-Bach World Religion, one thirsty craving?
World Religion answers:
-The question is not appropriate. We do not say: "someone's thirsty craving". If I say: "someone's thirsty craving", the question: "who's thirsty craving" is the appropriate question. But we can't say so. And because we don't say so, if anyone asks Me: "white World, so what, coast of Ireland being run", her appropriate questions. Here, the answers are as follows: appropriate "by birth, AI yanshou. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. "
7)-White World Religion, who accept the seat?
World Religion answers:
-The question is not appropriate. We do not say: "there are guys who accept its capital". If I say: "somebody accept the seat", the question: "who accept its capital" is a proper question. But we can't say so. And because we don't say so, if anyone asks Me: "white World, due to what the coast, its capital being run", her appropriate questions. Here, the answer is as follows: "by the charm, the seat being kicked. Due to its coast, possession being run ". So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
8) But this one fault, Phagguna took part, the removal in a completely exposed six of contact should kill. Due to the exposure, should destroy life. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain removal. So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
XIII. SA, BA-LA-MON (14.10.11 Junk 2, 99a) (s. ii, 14)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not know old, dead, unknown, unknown, set to die old, death, passage not known the path taken to the old, dying phase removal; unknown being.................. six of ... ... ... do not know, do not know the file originator, the piece is unknown, do not know the path taken to the paragraphs of removal; the Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon not accepted as Sa-Sa between the subjects, or is She-la-Mon between the Ba-la-Mon. And the Religious hierarchy, right in the present life can also not with the mind itself, and achieved enlightenment stay purpose Sa-happy subjects and purposes She-la-Mon.
3) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-keeper or is She-la-subjects would know old dead, unknown dead old episode run, unknown, unknown piece dead old path of putting to death the old paragraph removal ... unknown being.................. six of ... ... ... know, know the episode run, knows the removal phase , knows the path taken to the paragraphs of removal; the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects are accepted as Sa-Sa between the subjects, or is She-la-Mon between the Ba-la-Mon. And the Religious hierarchy, right in the present life can place himself with enlightenment, reach and stay the purpose and aim of Sa-Ba-la-Mon.
XIV. SA, BA-LA-MON (s. ii, Nov. 15)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-keeper or is She-la-keeper would not know this legislation, this legislation is unknown-episode run, don't know what this French paragraph, do not know the path taken to the this paragraph.
3) what legislation they unknown? What legislation they unknown episodes start? What legislation they unknown chunk removal? What legislation they do not know the path taken to the kill?
4) They do not know the elder dies. They don't know the episode dead old. They don't know that dead old paragraph removal. They do not know the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal. They do not know well being.................. six of ... ... ... They do not know. Do not know this. They do not know what this episode run. They don't know this French paragraph removal. They do not know the path taken to the this paragraph.
5) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon not accepted as Sa-Sa-row between the subjects, or she-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon. The Religious hierarchy, right in the present life, nor can the mind itself with food poisoning, and an aim to stay happy subjects and purpose of Sa-Ba-la-Mon.
6) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would know what this French, this legislation known episode run, knows what this passage, known to be the path taken to the this paragraph.
7) They know French? They clearly knew what the episode? They know what the paragraph? They know the path taken to the French what paragraph removal?
8) They know that dead old. They know that dead old episode run. They know that dead old paragraph removal. They know the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal ... being.................. six of ... ... ... They know. They know the episode run. They know the piece. They know the path taken to the paragraph. They know the France. They know what this episode run. They know what this paragraph. They know the route taken to this legislation's passage.
9) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects are accepted as Sa-Sa-row between the subjects, or is She-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon. And the Religious hierarchy, right in the present life, to win the position, itself, evidence, and an Sa-happy subjects aim to stay and purpose She-la-Mon.
XV. KACCÀYANAGOTTA: (Ca-fried-land) (12.19 2 Magazine, snäckblå) (s. ii, 16)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection).
2) and then the fake Religious Kaccàyanagotta go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Kaccàyanagotta of the White World Religion:
-"The Chief Justice, the Chief Justice", the White World Religion is mentioned. The White World, so how is the Chief comments?
4) This Kaccàyana, this world-the majority only on two of this extreme medical: Yes and no.
5 Kaccàyana, who with Chief Justice) this wisdom sees as chon TAM world episode run, he did not accept the world's no. Kaccàyana, this one with the Chief Justice that wisdom talking ingenue phase world, does not accept the world taste is there.
6) Kaccàyana, the media player dispute This and being bias binding, much of this world is. And one with the mind does not stay ahead, accept the media player, not its natural accept custom hypnosis, no previous, non-observance stay ahead, he did not think: "this is my ego". When the gauge being the time considered contentious, when suffering kill the time view is destroyed; no doubt the taste, no pause, no one else on the coast, here is the thing. Until this, so Kaccàyana is the Chief of voter opinion.
7) "all there is", Kaccàyana, this is an extreme. "All is not there" is a second extreme.
Depart two extremists, Kaccàyana, as this Hybrid theory under central leadership.
8) ignorance charm. Coast action ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge But by taking glass, the destruction of ignorance in a way completely, so the Act of killing. Due to the destruction should form ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
XVI. POSITIONING THEORY (14.23 Junk-4. Theory, 2, 100 c) (s. ii, 18)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"The sermon, sermon," the White World, so being told to.
4)-if the Male-stilts theory about cynical, glass took part, the removal of old and dead, so is enough to be called Male-stilts theory.
5) If Female-stilts practicing on bibs, glass took part, the removal of dead, such is the old enough to be called Male-stilts practice the French and France.
6) If Female-stilts freed, no longer accept any cynical cups, cups to take part, the removal of dead, such is the old enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana in the present life.
7) If Female-stilts sermon about the cynical ly, ly took part, the contentious removal..................... six lists......... (as above). If Female-stilts theory about cynical, glass took part, the kill ignorance, so is enough to be called Male-stilts theory.
8) If Female-stilts practicing on bibs, glass took part, the kill ignorance, so is enough to be called Male-stilts practice the French and France.
9) If Female-stilts freed, no longer accept the glass of overalls, all took part in the destruction of ignorance, so is enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana in the present life.
XVII. ACCOMPLICE ABLE (12.20 Magazine, 2, 86a 14.768 University) (s. ii, 18)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) And World Religion in the morning up y, y, go into the bowl to Ràjagaha qifu gangui.
3) could see Kassapa Accomplice Ton from far away to. After the show, can go to World Religious Kassapa accomplice; After arriving, said up to the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear visitors, raising questions of standing aside.
4) Stand on one side, can the White World Religion: Kassapa accomplice
-We would like to ask about a problem Gotama fake Religion. If the fake Religious Gotama allows, we will ask questions.
This isn't, Kassapa – time to ask. We've been on in the village.
5) second, the accomplice can Bach World Religion: Kassapa
-We would like to ask about a problem Gotama fake Religion. If the fake Religious Gotama allows, we will ask questions.
This isn't, Kassapa – time to ask. We've been on in the village.
6) last Tuesday, accomplice able Kassapa. (as above). We've been on in the village.
When it was said, could the White World Religion: Kassapa accomplice
-But not we like to ask fake Religious Gotama is plenty.
-So ask away, Kassapa, as he'd like this.
7)-Mr. Ton, have to gauge by Gotama mock yourself out?
World Religion answers:
-Not so this, Kassapa.
8)-Mr. Ton, have to gauge by Gotama fake the other person make?
World Religion answers:
-Not so this, Kassapa.
9)-Dear fake Religious right its gauge, Gotama made out and do other people do?
World Religion answers:
-Not so this, Kassapa.
10)-Dear fake Religion are not due to the gauge, Gotama yourself, do not do other people make out, suffering due to natural birth?
World Religion answers:
-Not so this, Kassapa.
11)-Dear fake Religion are no gauge, Gotama?
This must not, Kassapa – No. The gauge has this, Kassapa.
12)-so, don't know, don't see Gotama fake gauge.
– This is not unknown, Kassapa, don't see the gauge. In this framework, we know this, Kassapa Kassapa, we see suffering.
13)-was asked: "false Religion had to gauge, Gotama made out," He answered: "not this, Kassapa". Asked: "fake Religion Gotama, there must be other people make out?", He answered: "not this, Kassapa". Asked: "fake Religion Gotama, the gauge has to do it yourself out and do other people make out?", He answered: "not this, Kassapa". Asked: "false Religion are not due to the gauge, Gotama yourself out and not because others do, suffering due to natural birth?", He answered: "not this, Kassapa". Asked: "false Religion are no gauge, Gotama?", He answered: "not no gauge. The gauge has this, Kassapa ". Asked: "so false Religion, do not know, do not see Gotama?", He answered: "I do not not know, Kassapa, don't see the gauge. In this framework, we know this, Kassapa Kassapa, we see the suffering ". The White World, So please speak up for Respect of children suffering, Bach World Religion, So please Respect the theory about suffering.
14) – A person who makes her feel and how tho (results). This one Kassapa, as He calls the original "suffering caused by yourself out", so the meaning is often biased.
A person and another person feel tho. Kassapa, so for this person was feeling tho, are happening as: "Suffering because others make out", so the meaning is the comments.
15, renounce Kassapa) two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under the middle path. Ignorance, coast coast action ... So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge But by taking the Cup and the removal of complete ignorance, the Act of killing. Due to the destruction should form ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
16) When being heard so, could the White World Religion: Kassapa accomplice
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World micro, white magic Ton! The White World Religion, as the upright back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice share many Religious World are the media presentation, explained. And now I'm refuge World Religion, y France, qui y we Male-stilts. The White World Religion, I'm spice with Respect, I'm the great life.
17) – this is one, Kassapa layman now want to spice, great longevity in France and wanted this law, must live separate four-month stay; After living four months special stay, if they will agree to Increase production, for modern life about to locate Male-stilts. But I noticed the fish before people wrong.
18)-White World, if those ancient Pagan is now like to spice, great longevity in France and wanted this law, must live separate four-month stay; After living four months special stay, we Increase if agreed will give spice, great longevity, time I will ask for special living stay four years, especially after living four years if they stay Steady agreed, expecting them to Rise to the renunciation, for the modern world to life as Female-stilts.
19) And accomplice can be with Respect How Kassapa and modern life.
20 modern world not long life span), false Religious Kassapa alone, NET security, not launch fervent life, sheltered, crystallized the need. And this position was not long supreme purpose that Leung was the descendents, abandoned the family, not towards family life; There is loads of upper wing rescue happy Offense right now in the present life, yourself, food poisoning syndrome with symptoms, reaching and stay. This position: "take advantage of birth tri. Piracy has become, what should do did, no longer return this status. "
21) false Religion And Kassapa became an A-la-Han.
XVIII. TIMBARUKA (12.21 Era Magazine 2, 86b) (s. ii seselle 60)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) and singer Timbaruka go to That Religion; After arriving, said up to the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, white Timbaruka artists World Religious travel:
-Dear fake Religion, tribe of Gotama suffering yourself out?
World Religion answers:
-Not so, this Timbaruka.
4)-Dear fake Religion are so optimistic, Gotama suffering because others do?
World Religion answers:
-Not so, this Timbaruka.
5)-Dear fake Religion are so optimistic, Gotama suffering due to the do it yourself out and do other people do?
World Religion answers:
-Not so, this Timbaruka.
6)-Dear fake Religion, not gauge by Gotama yourself out, not because others do; so there are lost due to the contentious nature of suffering?
World Religion answers:
-Not so, this Timbaruka.
7)-Dear fake Religion, so there must be no Gotama tribe?
8)-Timbaruka, not without This tribe. Timbaruka, this has strayed.
-If so, false Religious Gotama does not know, do not see tribe.
9)-Timbaruka, This is not I don't know, not see tribe. Timbaruka communication agony, we know this. Timbaruka this, we see tribe.
10)-Be asked: "Mr. false Respect are lost due to the gauge, Gotama yourself out?", He answered: "not that this Timbaruka,". Asked: "Mr. false Respect are lost due to the gauge, Gotama others working out?", He answered: "not that this Timbaruka,". Asked: "Mr. false Respect are lost due to the gauge, Gotama yourself out and do other people make out?", He responded: "not so, this Timbaruka". Asked: "Mr. false Religious Gotama, not by yourself, do not do other people make out, are lost due to natural beings suffering?", He responded: "not so, this Timbaruka". Asked: "Mr. false Respect are lost, Gotama had no gauge?", He responded: "this Timbaruka, not without suffering this, Timbaruka Club, have lost the" gauge. Asked: "so false Religion not know, do not see Lac Gotama?", He responded: "this Timbaruka, not I don't know, not see tribe. Timbaruka communication agony, we know this. Timbaruka this, we see the framework communication ". So false Religion Gotama say up to the child about the tribe. So fake Religious theory about the Club please Gotama.
11)-really feel and life expectancy is the same person. Timbaruka this, as he says: "Lost due to gauge yourself out", I say not so.
life and Sensibility) feel this is different, Timbaruka life, so for people suffering life feelings, "lost due to gauge other people do", I say not so.
13) this Timbaruka, give up two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under the middle path.
Ignorance, coast coast action ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge Because glass parameter, the removal of complete ignorance, so the Act of killing. Due to the destruction should form ... (as above) ... so the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
14) when you say that, you Timbaruka That the White Knights to honor:
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton ... (as above). And now I'm refuge World Religion, y France, qui y them Female-stilts Rising. Please Respect the disciple Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.
XIX. GENTLE RANKS COMPARED with FOOLS (12.12 Magazine, 2, 83c) (s. ii, 23)
1)... Stay In Sàvatthi.
2)-for fools, the Female-stilts, been cloaking, ignorance was craving be system, this body was kicked up as follows: only this body and colors outside. So the two. The two Coast has exposed, there are six parishes. Emotions by them, or one of the two, stupid life feel lost.
3 Sage tier) for this, the Male-stilts, been cloaking, ignorance was craving be system, this body was kicked up as follows: only this body and colors outside. So the two. The two Coast has exposed, there are six parishes. Emotions by them, or either, the Gentle life feel lost.
4) here, the Male-stilts, had something to differentiate, what's wrong, what other differences between degrees of Gentleness and fools?
5)-Bach World Religion, for us, the French took That as the basis, taking the World as leaders, taking place as the world's only medical. The White World Religion, rather benign, if That Religion comes up for us the meaning of this word. After hearing That Religious instructors, the Female-stilts will tho.
6)-So the Female-stilts, listen and experience impaired judgement, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
7 Ton) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, been cloaking and ignorance was craving this body, be system of stupid was being run. Ignorance, stupid not to take advantage of the paragraph. She's craving, stupid not to take advantage of the exception. Why? The Male-stilts, stupid life happy not because chon TAM Pham Chanh paragraph except misery. So stupid, when body ruined the General network, go to a different body. Due to go to a different body, he is not freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. I said: "he did not escape the suffering".
8) And the Male-stilts, been cloaking, ignorance was craving be system, stem the Hien was being run. Ignorance, the Gentler sections take place. She's craving, the Gentler position except. Why? The Male-stilts, live guy Violates, because the Chief Justice except paragraph chon TAM suffering. Therefore, the Sage, when general networking, non destructive to the other body. Do not go to a different body, he freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. We say: "her escape from misery".
9) this the Male-stilts, this is segregation, here are the other wrong, here are the differences between degrees of Gentleness and stupid.
XX. CHARM (12.14 Magazine, 2, 84b) (s. ii,25)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to Him justice Pratītyasamutpāda and the charm of French birth. Take a listen and we will experience impaired judgement.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
What Religion says as follows:
3)-this And the Female-stilts, how is Pratītyasamutpāda? Due to the charm of this birth, the Female-stilts, old, dead run up. The oil As possible to appear or not appear, stay is about family identity, France stay, Leanne Leanne French, Leanne coast medical. As Hybrid food poisoning symptoms completely, totally reaching her theorem proof. After fully certified, fully certified hit, As Lai claimed, declared, the wall, the opening show, khai, distinguished, intelligent, clever marketing.
4) due to this being, the National Coast-stilts, old, should have died. Due to this, the National Coast-stilts, should have being. Due to this, the National Coast-stilts, so yes. Due to this, the National Coast-stilts, so yes. Due to this, the National yanshou-stilts, so yes. Due to this, the National Coast-stilts, should have tho. Because of this, the six National Coast-stilts, should be exposed. Due to this, the outstanding National reputation coast-stilts, so there are six parishes. Due to this, the National form coast-stilts, should have the list. Due to this, the charm the Female-stilts, so yes. Due to this ignorance, the National Coast-stilts, so yes. For oil As possible to appear or not appear, stay is about family identity, France stay, Leanne Leanne French, Leanne coast medical. As Hybrid food poisoning symptoms completely, totally proven reach Tanh. After fully certified, fully certified hit, As Lai claimed, declared, the wall, opening a show opening, distinguished, intelligent, clever marketing.
5) due to this ignorance, the National coast-on stilts, have. Thus, the Male-stilts, here are the names, real names, real prospects damaged heterosexual as Leanne, Leanne coast medical. The Male-stilts, this call is Pratītyasamutpāda.
6) And the Male-stilts, how is the birth of the French coast? Old, dead, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent, owner, charm birth, Leanne, kill destructive, Leanne Leanne Leanne removal phase, taking part.
7) birth, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent, owner, charm birth, Leanne, kill destructive, Leanne Leanne Leanne removal phase, taking part.
8), where the Male-stilts, is impermanent, owner, charm birth, Leanne, kill destructive, Leanne Leanne Leanne removal phase, taking part.
9)-16), the Female-stilts ... this, the Male-stilts. This, the National life-stilts. Exposed, the Male-stilts. Six of this, the Male-stilts. This mailing, the Female-stilts. This formula, the Female-stilts. This, the practice of Female-on stilts.
17) this ignorance, the Female-on stilts, is often a useful microbial, being, ruined the variables, variable names, Leanne Leanne reference removal, Leanne removal phase. This legislation, the Female-stilts, called the birth of the French coast.
18) due to this, because the Male-stilts, cleverly disciple Saints see as chon TAM with Chief Justice teaser Pratītyasamutpāda and the charm of French birth, should certainly not run unit according to the past (with questions): "We have to face in the past? We're not present not the past? What is in the past? We have to face in the past? Or what we had before, and now we're in the past? "
19) or not run according to the future (with questions): "We have to face in the future? We don't have to face in the future? We will do in the future? We have to face in the future? Or what is ahead of us, and now we're going in the future? "
20) or the date the will start up the doubts about himself in the present: "We now present? We do not currently have? What is current? We now present? " Such events do not occur.
21) why? Because of this, the disciples Saints that the Male-stilts, has cleverly found as chon TAM with the Chief of the intelligence, the theorem this Pratītyasamutpāda with the charm of French birth.
I. TEN POWER (increase of 46.3, 2, 776a) (s. ii, 27)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, As full Hybrid force ten, four full loads, identify the location facility Calf, the Dragons, dragons Kingdom of the lion between assemblies, Zhuan Falun and said: "this is good, this is a starting set of colors, this is the paragraph. This is the life, this is the initialization file, this is the life life passages. This is the idea, this is the ideal starter set, this is the idea of the paragraph. This is the episode that, run, here is the paragraph. Here is the recipe, this is a starting set of forms, this is the formula paragraph removal ".
So due to this presence, the other is present. Due to this being, the other being. Because this is not present, the other not. Due to this removal, the other.
3) means ignorance, coast coast action ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
4) by the Cup took part, the removal of complete ignorance should act. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
II. TEN POWER (Power, Cross 14.6 Junk 2, 98a) (s. ii 1,400.28)
1)... Stay In Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, As full Hybrid force ten, four infinity lt facility ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
5) thus, the Male-stilts, are We in theoretical, show, cited testimony, manifest, the forced clear cut.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, with France are We in theoretical, show, clever publicity, manifest, the legally binding is cut, it is enough for men by Charity spice trust can start the effort (and pray). Thus, the Male-stilts, with France are cited by Him, show, manifest the forced clear cut. Surely the only oil the skin, tendons and bones on the meat, oil, blood relatives become dry, looking forward to that effort, will be the Prime witness to the persistence of what is not yet a prime witness, thanks to thy wife, thanks to thy wife, thanks for thy wife needed the mighty.
7), the National Gauge-on stilts, is the living indolence, stick full of the evil French, real good and great purpose declined! Peace instead of this, the Male-stilts, was the essential need to live, the far glass the evil, real friendly, and great purpose are fullness!
8) this the Male-stilts, not with the lower House can achieve the noble. The Male-stilts, to achieve the new noble the noble. Value for the evening was approved, the Female-stilts, is it happy with the presence of the masters degree. Thus, the Male-stilts, make effort to reach up what has not reached, evidence to show what a prime prime evidence yet, to what food poisoning symptoms yet funny.
9) that, the arrival of this family of ours will not empty result, achievement (Sa-udrayà). And the widgets we use life as food, raiment, qifu gangui ready is located, pharmacology, oil for this is humility (vokàrà), for we will have great results, have great benefits.
10) so, the Male-stilts, you need to study. The Male-stilts, see self benefit is fit enough to launch not ample effort. Or the Male-stilts when he saw tha advantage is just enough to not launch, Yi. Or the Male-stilts, see benefits both, is just enough to not launch, Yi.
III. CHARM (s. ii, 29)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, for people to know this, the Male-stilts, for people to see, We said the contraband or the kill, not for people who do not know, not for people who do not see.
3) And the Male-stilts, how to know, with regard to the see, the counts of or the removal? This is good, this is a starting set of colors, this is the paragraph. This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is ... This is the recipe, this is a starting set of forms, this is the formula paragraph removal. Thus, the Male-stilts, for people who know, so for people to see, the pirated or the removal.
4 the National-stilts,) in the removal of the paragraph, said that position, he has charm, not without charm.
5) And the Male-stilts, charm of the location on the kill? The rescue is the answer. The Male-stilts, said freed had charm, not without charm.
6) And the Male-stilts, charm of liberation? LY took part as the answer. The Male-stilts, said glass took part in charming, not without charm.
7) And the Male-stilts, charm of glass take part? Cynical glass is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that there is not a charm, glass of overalls with no charm.
8) And the Male-stilts, charm of the cynical cups? Voter opinion as the foot is the answer. The Male-stilts, tri said comments like the legs have charm, not without charm.
9) And the Male-stilts, tri's opinion as to what is a foot? Is the answer. The Male-stilts, said that the plan to have charm, not without charm.
10) And the Male-stilts, fate determined? Tribe is the answer. The Male-stilts, said with charm, not without charm.
11) this the Male-stilts, charm of the tribe? Safe Horizon is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that an attractive contempt, not without charm.
12) And the Male-stilts, charm of an is contempt? Hy is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that the wedding has charm, not without charm.
13) And the Male-stilts, Hy's charm? Rejoice is the answer. The Male-stilts, said that the jubilation has charm, not without charm.
14) And the Male-stilts, charm of joyfully? Faith is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that the trust has charm, not without charm.
15) And the Male-stilts, charm of faith? Suffering is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that favored gauge, not without charm.
16) And the Male-stilts, charm of agony? Birth is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that being charming, not without charm.
This 17) and the Male-stilts, charm of the birth? Possession is the answer. The Male-stilts, said owners have charm, not without charm.
18) And the Male-stilts, charm of the property? Its capital is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that its favored, not without charm.
19) And the Male-stilts, charm of the seat? AI is the answer. The Male-stilts, we say that AI has charm, not without charm.
20-25) And the Male-stilts, coast of Ireland? Shou is the answer ... (as above).
Exposed is the answer ...
Six of the answer ...
List the colors is the answer ...
Formula is the answer ...
Onions is the answer. The Male-stilts, has said that the charm, not without charm.
26) And the Male-stilts, your charm? Ignorance is the answer.
Thus, the Male-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official list the coast; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; charm birth agony; coast signal gauge; coast signal rejoice; joyful wedding charm; Hy contempt coast security; disrespect the an Lac coast; lost coast; plan to charm voters opinion as the legs; Tri comments as the foot charm cynical cups; cynical charm cups cups took part; glass charm joins the rescue; the rescue phase of charm.
27) For this, as the Male-stilts, the top seed and heavy rain water flowing under the slopes of low, full of caves, ravines, valleys. When the mountain caves, ravines, valleys are filled, the small pond was filled; small ponds are filled with large ponds are full time; a large pond full of small river forecast was filled; the small river was full of big river forecast was filled; Big River was full of large marine forecast, the Ocean was full of.
28) also, the Male-stilts, ignorance charm; Coast action formula; official list the coast; list the colors charm six parishes; six of exposed coast; contact yanshou; charity charm life; AI player charm; its charm; Huu Duyen birth; charm birth agony; coast signal gauge; coast signal rejoice; joyful wedding charm; Hy contempt coast security; disrespect the an Lac coast; lost coast; plan to charm voters opinion as the legs; Tri comments as the foot charm cynical cups; cynical charm cups cups took part; glass charm joins the rescue; the rescue phase of charm.
IV. foreign MASTERS (s. ii,32)
1)... Stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), at Veluvana (Lisa).
2) false Religion Sàriputta in the morning up to y, y, go into the bowl holding property real qifu gangui to the United Kingdom.
3) And false Religious Sàriputta thinking: "it is too early to enter the United Kingdom qifu gangui real property. Let's go to the garden of the singer layman ".
4) and then the fake Religious Sàriputta go to the garden of the singer layman; After arriving, it comes up with the singer's pagan the word welcome. After talking up the words of welcome dear fake Religion, asking successively sat down one side.
The du Dr. layman told the fake Religious Sàriputta are sitting down at a party:
5 This fake Sàriputta, Sage) there are a number of Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subject advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself. Sudhakar Sàriputta, author of this has some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claims due to gauge other people do. Sudhakar Sàriputta, author of this has some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, the statement by the gauge yourself and do other people do. Sudhakar Sàriputta, author of this has some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, non-miserable statement by yourself, not because others do, suffering due to natural birth.
6) here, this fake Sàriputta, Sa-Sage Gotama how theory subjects, how the statement? And we answer as to how to properly Word Sa-keeper Gotama declare; We do not misrepresent Sa-keeper Gotama is not true. Our positive answer is French; and not a Council of France would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize.
7), Religious author J.l. Chu has said that the charm of birth by gauge. Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. Said such answers correct lyrics That Religion claims, does not distort World Religion not true, France was positive, and the answer is not a Council of France would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize.
8) here, this Gentle, Sa-Chu, She-la-band advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself; he exposed by Duyen gauge. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band advocates about miserable statement, because other people do; he exposed by Duyen gauge. The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would postulate about career, claimed by gauge yourself and do other people do; he exposed by Duyen gauge ... The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable statement by yourself, not because others do, suffering due to the contentious nature; he exposed by Duyen gauge.
9) here, this Gentle, Sa-Chu, She-la-band advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band advocates about miserable statement, because other people do. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur. And the Sa, Ba-la-band advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself and do other people do. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur. And the Sa, Ba-la-band advocates about miserable statement, don't do it yourself and not because others do, suffering due to natural birth. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur.
10 false Ànanda) hear the story between the fake Religious Sàriputta with you singer layman.
11) and then the fake Religious Ànanda, go to the real property in the United Kingdom, qifu gangui, after lunch, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religious Ànanda provide all of the story happens between false Religious Sàriputta and du pagan artists present up to world Religion.
Instead, fresh Wholesome 12)-instead of this, Ànanda! Sàriputta answers are so responded in a way chon TAM Chief. Hey Ànanda, I say that because s/he suffering beings. Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. The correct response is to say so I declared, don't misrepresent Me aren't true, and not a Council of France would want the kidneys, also did not find reason to criticize.
13) here, Ànanda, this the Sa, Ba-la-band advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself, then contact by charm. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable statement by yourself, and not because others do, suffering due to the contentious nature; he exposed by Duyen gauge.
14) here, this Ànanda, the Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, the statement by the gauge yourself, they certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact, such events do not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable statement by yourself, not because others do, suffering due to natural birth, they certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur.
15) this Ànanda, a resident in the United Kingdom, in Lisa, it nourishes the squirrel.
16) this morning, Ànanda Then We offset y, y Bowl goes to United Kingdom to qifu gangui real property.
17) and then Ànanda, we think of this as follows: "it is too early to go to the United Kingdom to qifu gangui real property. So let's go to the garden the du Dr. layman ".
18) and then we go to Ànanda this garden of the pagan artists travel; After to say up with the doctor does the pagan tourist welcome. After talking up the words of welcome dear ask, I sat down on one side.
The singer told Us Pagans are sitting on one side:
19) "This Sage Gotama, fake-there are some Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subject advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself. This Sage Gotama, author has some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claims due to gauge other people do. This Sage Gotama, author has some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, the statement by the gauge yourself and do other people do. Now Sage Gotama fake, some Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, non-miserable statement by yourself and not because others do, suffering due to natural birth.
20) here, fake how theory Gotama How we respond to his fake Religion declared Gotama; We do not misrepresent the fake Religious Gotama not true; France we answer is French and not a contract agreement that France would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize? "
21) When was this, say so Ànanda, I say to you: pagan musicians
"This Gentle, Chu Ta-has said that the charm by being miserable. Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. The correct response is to say so I declared, don't misrepresent Me aren't true; France are pros; and not a Council of France would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize ".
22) here, Chu Ja, take the Sa, Ba-la-band advocates about miserable statement, do it yourself; he exposed by Duyen gauge. Have the Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). Have the Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable statement by yourself and not because others do, suffering due to the contentious nature; he exposed by Duyen gauge.
23) here, Chu Ja, the Sa, Ba-la-band business advocates declared suffering do it yourself; They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact, such events do not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon. .. (as above). The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would postulate about career framework statement does not do it yourself, do not do other people make out, suffering due to natural birth. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur.
24)-Real World, Bach replaced the magic Ton vi! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! How all meaning is said in just one sentence. The White World, if this definition was broadly, this means going deep down and seems to be considered the deepest.
25)-so this Ànanda, He Let's her sense presented here.
26)-Bach World Religion, if they ask you: "this fake Ànanda Ja, old, dead, what do what episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?" asked so, How White, I will answer as follows: "old, dead, false Religion, taking the birth as taking birth episode run, taking the birth partner Tejaswini , retrieved birth do exist ". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
27) White World Religion, if they ask you: "this Gentle birth, what do Ànanda fake, what episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?". Be asked so, How White, I will answer: "Birth, distinguished Honor, taking the owners do, take ownership and exercise run, taking the owner being, take ownership and make available". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
28) of the White World Religion, if they ask you: "this fake Ànanda, organic Sage what's done, what took the episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?". Asked so, Bach World Religion, I will answer as follows: "Possession, ladies and false Religion, taking its doing, taking its starting assignments, taking its contentious partnership, taking the seat do exist". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
29-31) of the White World Religion, if they ask you: "this fake Ànanda, Sage took what do ... AI retrieved what to do ... what to do get life ... (as above) .... " The White World Religion, if they ask you: "Hey Buddy, what did Ànanda fake, what do the initialization file, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?". Asked so, Bach World Religion, I will answer as follows: "gentlemen, Sage, retrieved six of do, taking six of volume run, getting six of work being, taking six of the present work. Ladies and Gentle, so the Cup took part, the complete removal of the exposure, exposed the removal. Do contact kill, kill; due to the longevity of killing, craving removal; due to craving, its removal; due to its extermination, extermination; due to ownership, being destroyed; due to birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain removal. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates ". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
V. BHÙMIJA (14.1 Impurities in line di 2.95 Era, b) (s. ii, 37)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2 Ton Bhùmija, author), and then in the afternoon, from exclusive residential NET Meditation seat stand cover, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After to say up with the fake Religious Sàriputta the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the fake Bhùmija fake Sàriputta Respect Sir Ton:
3)-Sage Sàruputta, there are fake Sa, Ba-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claimed Lac gauge do it yourself. Sage Sàruputta fake, the Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claimed Lac gauge because others do. Sage Sàriputta fake, the Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claimed Lac gauge do it yourself and do other people do. Sage Sàriputta fake, the Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects of industrial undertakings, claimed Lac gauge don't do it yourself, not because others do, suffering lost due to natural birth.
4) here, J.l. Sàriputta, the author of this Religious dogma, claiming how? And we answer as to how to properly word World Religion claims; We do not misrepresent What Ton is not true; our positive answer is French; and not a Council of France would like to interrogate never found reason to criticize?
5) This fake World, Sage-Ton said that charm due to gauge birth Club? Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. Said such answers correct lyrics That Religion claims, does not distort World Religion not true; France was positive, and the answer is not a Council of France would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize.
6) here, this Gentle, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would postulate about career, claimed Lac suffering due to the do it yourself; Lac's main gauge due to the exposed coast. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would postulate about the career, the statement is not gauge Club do it yourself, not because others do, lost by natural birth gauge; Lac's main gauge due to the exposed coast.
7) here, this Gentle, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects would postulate about career, claimed Lac suffering due to yourself, they certainly can feelings tho not need exposure; such events do not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable Club statement by yourself, not because others do, lost due to natural birth, suffering and they certainly can feelings tho not need exposure; such events do not occur.
8) Ton Ànanda fake was heard this false Religion with Respect Sàriputta between false Bhùmija.
9) And false Religious Ànanda go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
Sit down one side, false Religious Ànanda provide all of the story happens between false Religious Sàriputta how to Honor author Bhùmija Bach up to world Religion.
10 Fresh, wholesome) instead! Ànanda, Sàriputta, this answer is so answer one way chon TAM Chief. Hey Ànanda, I say that suffering is because s/he sanh. Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. The correct response is to say so I declared, don't misrepresent Me aren't true; France answered is not a contract and agreement that France would interrogate one could find reason to criticize.
11) here, Ànanda, this the Sa, Ba-la-band of advocates, declared lost by the gauge it yourself, then exposed by Duyen gauge communication. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable Club statement by yourself, not because others do, suffering lost due to the contentious nature; major pit gauge due to the exposed coast.
12) here, Ànanda, this the Sa, Ba-la-band of advocates, declared lost by the gauge yourself, they certainly can feelings tho not need exposure; He event does not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-keeper, She-la-band of advocates, non-miserable Club statement by yourself, not because others do, lost due to natural birth, suffering and they certainly can feelings tho not need exposure; He event does not occur.
13, Ànanda) this would have, due to personal investment, civil body kicked up peanuts. Where has this speech, Ànanda, due to the demographics of investing, starting up civil body lost heart. The spot would make this Ànanda, by Italian workers, investors, civil body kicked up peanuts.
14) due to ignorance, coast or we, Ànanda, this makes the stems; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. Or others, this Ànanda, do the stems; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. Or with a clear sense of this, Ànanda, to do the stems; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. Or not with a clear sense of this, Ànanda, to do the stems; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
15) or this Ànanda, we, do the password; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. Or this Ànanda others do the password; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
16) Or with a clear sense of this, Ànanda ... (as above). Or not with a clear sense of this, Ànanda, to do the password; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
17) Or himself, Ànanda, doing this; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. Or others, Ànanda, doing this; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
18) Or with a clear sense of this, Ànanda ... (as above). Or not with a clear sense of this Ànanda, making the Italy; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
19) this, in six Ànanda This, is ignorance. Ànanda, with this Cup took part, the removal of complete ignorance, no body; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. No password; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. She had no idea; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe. They are not fields, they are not grounded, they are not made, they are not the conclusion; due to her charm, kicked up the tribe.
VI. UPAVÀNA (Pros-ba-ma-na) (s. ii,41)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) and then the fake Religious Upavàna go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religious Upavàna of the White World Religion:
3)-White World, has these Sa-Ba-la-Mon Mon, declared by the gauge it yourself. The White World Religion has the Sa, Ba-la-keeper claimed the gauge by others to do. The White World, the Sa-Ba-la-keeper, claimed by gauge yourself and do other people do. The White World, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects claimed not by gauge yourself, not because others do, suffering due to natural birth.
4) here, Bach World Religion, Religious dogma, claiming how? And we answer as to how to properly word World Religion claims; We do not misrepresent What Ton is not true; France we answer is French and a French fellow pros would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize?
5)-Upavàna, I said This because s/he suffering beings. Due to the charm? Due to the exposed coast. The correct response is to say so I declared, don't misrepresent Me not true; France answered is French and a French fellow pros would like to interrogate also did not find reason to criticize.
6) here, this Upavàna, the Sa-Ba-la-keeper, claimed by gauge yourself out; he exposed by Duyen gauge. The Sa-keeper, She-la-band ... (as above). The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects claimed his not making gauge, not because others do, miserable due to the contentious nature; he exposed by Duyen gauge.
7) here, this Upavàna, the Sa-Ba-la-keeper, claimed by gauge yourself, they certainly can feelings tho not need exposure; such events do not occur. The Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon. .. (as above). The Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects claimed not by gauge yourself, not because others do, suffering due to natural birth. They certainly can feelings tho do not need to contact; such events do not occur.
VII. CHARM (s. ii,42)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) this the Male-stilts, ignorance, coast coast action ... (as above). So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
3) this the Male-stilts, how is old, dead? What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being weak, weakness, loss of hair, silver, rice noodle, wrinkled skin, the longevity Hill, the ripe; This is called old. What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being a kill, ruin, loss, death, the aggregates lụn butts, body, throw away; This is called death. As such, this is old, it is dead. The Male-stilts, here called the elder dies.
4) due to being kicked, kicked the dead old. Due to birth, death and old. This is the Holy leader of eight majors put to death the old paragraph removal i.e. Chief tri comments, Chief, Chief, Chief, Chief of network language, Chief Justice, mindfulness, Chief Justice.
5) And the Male-stilts, what is birth? ....
6) And the Male-stilts, what is property?. ...
7) And the Male-stilts, how is its capital?. ...
8) And the Male-stilts, how is AI?. ...
9) And the Male-stilts, how tho?. ...
10) And the Male-stilts, how is exposure?. ...
11) And the Male-stilts, how six of? ....
12) And the Male-stilts, how is your color?. ...
13) And the Male-stilts, what is consciousness?. ... (viewed as A product, A chapter on, II. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
14) And the Male-stilts, what is? The Male-stilts, three: stems, password, Italy. The Male-stilts, this call is issued.
Due to ignorance run, run. Due to ignorance, kill kill. This is the Holy leader of eight sectors led to the removal of the paragraph. I.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
15) this the Male-stilts, by his disciple Saints know such charm, charm, so start episode paragraph removal as such; know your path to passage of such removal, the Female-stilts, saints known as the disciples reached the voters comments, reaching opinion, have reached this magic, see the magic of France, was full of property location, have full property, entered the French saved, Holy is to be intelligently reach wisdom, stood knocking on the door.
VIII. LOCATE MALE-STILTS (14.14 Junk, Lao Tzu, 2, 99c) (s. ii. 43)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) here ...
3) here, the Male-stilts, stilts-dead old understanding, understanding the dead old episode run, dead old understand paragraph removal, understood the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal ... (as above).
4)... Understanding the birth ...
5)... Understanding the property ...
6)... Clearly understand.
7)... Understand the Rea ...
8)... Understand tho ...
9)... Understanding exposure ...
10) ... Understood six of ...
11) ... Understanding the contacts ...
12) ... Understand the formula ...
13) ... Clear, clear, clear administrative start-up phase action.
14) And the Male-stilts, how old is dead? What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being weak, weakness, loss of teeth, silver hair, wrinkled skin, the longevity Hill, the ripe; This is called old. What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being a kill, ruin, loss, death, the aggregates lụn butts, body, throw away; This is called death. So this is old, it is dead. The Male-stilts, here called the elder dies.
15) due to being kicked, kicked the dead old. Due to birth, death and old. This is the Holy leader of eight majors put to death the old paragraph removal, i.e. Chief tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
16-24) And the Male-stilts, what is being ... (as above). The Male-stilts, how is the owner ... The Male-stilts, how is the ... The Male-stilts, how is the AI ... life is ... is exposed ... six of ... is ... is ... ...
25) And the Male-stilts, what is? There are three, the Female-stilts: stems, password, Italy. The three released this, the Male-stilts, called.
Due to ignorance should start the initialization action. Due to ignorance of killing should act. This is the Holy leader of eight action taken to industry segments. I.e. the Chief voter opinion. (as above) ... the Chief Justice.
26) this the Male-stilts, due to Male-stilts knows such dead old dead old starter set, knows as such, knows such removal piece dead old, knows the path taken to destroy the piece so dead old.
27-36) by unknown beings so.................. six of ... ... ... Do know of such action, knows such administrative start-up Executive, knows of such removal phase, so know your path to passage of such removal.
37) this the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts so called reaching voters, reaching opinion, went to this marvelous, marvelous to see France, was full of property location, have full property, entered the French saved, Holy is to be intelligently reach wisdom, stood knocking on the door.
IX. SA, BA-LA-MON in (14.12 Magazine-3, Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, 2, 99b) (s. ii,42)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2-12) here, the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not understand the elderly die, not understanding the dead old episode run, don't understand the old man dies, paragraph does not clearly understand the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal, do not clearly understand the birth ... (as above)..................... six lists...... don't understand, don't understand the administrative start-up, uninformed segment administrative removal, do not clearly understand the path taken to the baggage paragraph removal.
13) The Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon not accepted as Sa-Sa-row between the subjects, or she-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon. And the false Religion can not well right now in the present life, itself, with evidence of reaching enlightenment and an Sa-purpose happy subjects resident or Her purpose-la-Mon.
14-24) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would understand the elderly die, dead old understand the episode run, dead old understand paragraph removal, understood the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal, understood being.................. six of ... ... ... clear, clear administrative start-up, clear the baggage piece removal understand the path taken to the baggage paragraph removal;
25) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects are accepted as Sa-Sa-row between the subjects, or she-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon. And the fake Religious right in her present life, itself, with evidence of reaching enlightenment and an Sa-purpose happy subjects resident or Her purpose-la-Mon.
X. SA-BA-LA-SUBJECTS, ELECTIVES (as above) (s. ii,46)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) here ...
3) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not know an old death, do not know, do not know startup files dead old dead old paragraph removal, do not know the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal; They certainly pass the dead old and stay; such events do not occur.
4-12) didn't know being.................. six of ... ... ...
13) don't know, don't know, don't know start administrative act paragraph removal, do not know the path taken to the baggage paragraph removal, they certainly pass the Act and stay; such events do not occur.
14) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would know old man dead, dead old starter set, known know dead old paragraph removal, know the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal; They certainly pass the dead old and stay, such events have occurred.
15-23) Knowing being.................. six of ... ... ... know, know, know administrative start-up phase removal; They certainly pass the Act and stay; such events have occurred.
I. BIRTH (birth, Episode 2 14.3 Junk, 95b) (s. ii. 47)
1) A world Religion in Sàvatthi.
2) and then call the fake Religious Sàriputta Religious World:
-Sàriputta, Paràyana, in This passage Ajita's questions, there's post:
Mature French property,
Here many of the property,
The intellectual,
In their Majesty,
Please respond I asked,
This friendly, speak up!
Hey Sàriputta, this brief speech, meaning needs to be accepted widely understood?
Be said that the fake Religious Sàriputta, keep quiet.
3) second, World Religion called false Religious Sàriputta ... (as above). Second, fake Sàriputta Respect to remain silent.
4) last Tuesday, World Religion called Ton Sàriputta: false
-Sàriputta, Karàyana, in This passage Ajita's questions, there's post:
Mature French property,
Here many of the property,
The intellectual,
In their Majesty,
Please respond I asked,
This friendly, speak up!
Hey Sàriputta, this brief speech, meaning needs to be accepted widely understood?
Last Tuesday, the fake Sàriputta Respect to remain silent.
5 This you see, Sàriputta) this one is born into? Sàriputta this, He has seen this be born into?
6) this one is born into. The White World'd taste, with the Chief Justice that wisdom talking ingenue this was born into. After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief intellectual, the cynical practice of back glass, glass took part, the removal for what was born into, he saw with the Chief intellectual, the contentious procedure due to one type of food. After seeing as chon TAM with the Intelligence Chief Justice continue being due to a kind of sustenance, he practiced the cynical ly, ly took part, the kill the contentious procedure due to one type of food.
Due to the removal of a piece of food, the so-called born into has to suffer the removal phase, he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. Due to the removal of a piece of food, the type was born into her must be the paragraph. After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief Justice's position, practice wisdom tri the cynical ly, ly took part, the kill for the animals must be destroyed sections. As such, the White World Religion is friendship.
7) And the White World, how mature compounded micro? That's the position, white saw as chon TAM with the Chief Justice, this intelligence was born into. "This was born"; After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief Justice with the cynical wisdom glass, glass took part, the removal for what was born into, he was freed without accept. The position he saw as chon TAM with the Intelligence Chief Justice continue being due to one type of food. After seeing as chon TAM with the Intelligence Chief Justice continue being due to a food, glass of overalls, the Cup took part, the kill for the contentious procedure due to a kind of sustenance, he was freed, did not accept.
Due to the removal of a piece of food, the so-called born into has to be destroyed, the piece he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. Due to the removal of a piece of food, the type was born into is being destroyed piece; After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief Justice with the cynical wisdom glass, glass took part, the kill for the animals had to be destroyed, the piece he was freed, not accept. As such, the White World Religion, is the mature French property.
8) so, Bach World Religion, as was said in Paràyana, Ajita's questions segment, there's post:
Mature French property,
Here many of the property,
The intellectual,
In their Majesty,
Please respond I asked,
This friendly, speak up!
The White World, this brief speech, I understand the meaning of such widely.
9 Fresh wholesome, instead!) This one was born into this, Sàriputta, he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. This one was born into; After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief intellectual, the cynical practice of back glass, glass took part, paragraph removal, for that to be born into. The position he saw as chon TAM with the Chief intellectual, the contentious procedure due to one type of food. After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief intellectual, the contentious procedure due to one type of food, the cynical practice of back glass, glass took part, the kill for the contentious procedure due to one type of food.
Due to the removal of a piece of food, the so-called born into has to be destroyed, the piece he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. Due to my snippet kill with a kind of food, what was born into her must be destroyed segments; once seen as the intellectual, the smooth talking ingenue he practiced the cynical ly, ly took part, the kill for the animals must be destroyed sections.
As such, this Sàriputta, is property.
10) And Sàriputta, this is how mature compounded micro? Hey Sàriputta, this one is born into, he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. This one was born into; After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief Justice with the cynical wisdom glass, glass took part, the removal for what was born into, he was freed, not accept.
The position he saw as chon TAM with the Intelligence Chief Justice continue being due to one type of food. After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief intellectual, the contentious procedure due to one type of food, for the food by a contentious procedure, due to the cynical ly, ly took part, the removal, he was freed, did not accept.
Due to the removal of a piece of food, the type was born into has to be destroyed, the piece he saw as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence. Due to the removal of a piece of food, the type was born into is being destroyed piece; After seeing as chon TAM with the Chief Justice with the cynical wisdom glass, glass took part, the kill for the animals had to be destroyed, the piece he was freed with no mortgage.
As such, this Sàriputta, is the mature French property.
11) so, this Sàriputta, as was said in Paràyana, Ajita's questions segment, there's post:
Mature French property,
Here many of the property,
The intellectual,
In their Majesty,
Please respond I asked,
This friendly, speak up!
Hey Sàriputta, this summary need words to understand the meaning in a way, so widely.
II. KALÀRA (s. ii,50)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) And Female-stilts Khattiya Kalàra go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After coming up with false Religion, says Sàriputta the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, Female-stilts Khattiya Kalàra told the fake Religious Sàriputta:
This fake Sàriputta, Ja--Moliyap-hagguna on stilts have abandoned their studies and complete the procedure.
-So Religious taste, not find solace in France and this law?
4) So the fake Religious Sàriputta gained solace in France and this law?
-Fake, I'm no Gentleness This doubt!
5)-fake, and Gentleness of this for the future?
-I don't have to fret, this Sage.
6 billion-stilts Khattiya Kalàra) and from the seat to stand up, go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
7) sit down on one side, Female-stilts Khattiya Kalàra white World Religion:
-The known World, ton, Ton Sàriputta false claims to be the Chief Justice position as follows: "did take; Pham has finished, the work should have been done; no longer return this status. "
8) And World Religion called a Male-stilts:
-This Male-stilts, go and on behalf of Us, call Sàriputta: "Sàriputta, a fake masters degree Sage called Hien".
9)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Female-stilts she well meeting the World, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After arriving, said with mock Religious Sàriputta: "Masters Level for Gentle call fake".
10)-Sir, Sage.
False religion Sàriputta yeah, go on stilts billion-response to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
11) World Religion told the fake Religious Sàriputta are sitting on one side:
-Sàriputta, there is This true is He has claimed has been the Chief Justice position: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should do did, no longer back this state again"?
-White World, not with the sentence, with the words, meaning he was the comes to so.
12)-So with French band, this Sàriputta, Friendly male Prince comes to the privileged position, statements need to be viewed as a statement.
13)-White World, I said the following: "the White World, not with the sentence, with the words, meaning he was saying so".
14)-If they have this Sàriputta, asked him: "How do you know this Sàriputta, he saw how he claimed to have been a prime witness: ' we know birth take advantage, has become, what should do did, no longer come back this status again '?" Was asked, so, this Sàriputta, He answered like?
15)-If they have asked you, the White World Religion: "the Sage pundits know how this fake Sàriputta, Sage, Sage pundits see how that statement position was a prime witness: ' I know, being already make, have, what should do did, no longer return this status again '?" Was asked so, Bach World Religion , my reply is as follows:
16) "because of this false, of Gentleness that (noun) eradicated, I understand the destruction of human beings by human beings did, run. After you understand the meaning eradicated in (noun) eradicated, I said: ' Birth take advantage, has become, what should do did, no longer back this State anymore. ' "
Be asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
17) – this Sàriputta, if He was asked: "is this fake Sàriputta, Gentler birth, what do you grab the episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?" asked this, so Sàriputta, He answered like?
18)-Bach World Religion, if you were to ask: "is this fake Sàriputta Sage, being what to do ... (as above) ... What do present? "asked so, Bach World Religion, my reply is as follows:" taking possession as a useful starter set, get, get the owner being, take ownership and make available ". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
19) – this Sàriputta, if He was asked: "is this fake Sàruputta Sage, organic, what do what episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?" asked this so Sàriputta, He answered like?
20)-Bach World Religion, if you were to ask: "is this fake Sàriputta Ja, owners get nothing to do ... what to do there?" asked so, Bach World Religion, my reply is as follows: "the Owners take the seat as the initialization file, taking the capital, taking its contentious partnership, taking the seat do exist". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
21) – this Sàriputta, if He was asked: "is this fake Sàriputta, Sage took what do. .. (as above) ... "
22-23)-this And Sàriputta, if He was asked: "is this fake Sàriputta Ja, craving, what do you grab the episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious?" asked this, so Sàriputta, He answered like?
24)-Bach World Religion, if you were to ask: "is this fake Sàriputta Ja, craving, what do you grab the episode run, what adverse effects being, what present?". Asked so, Bach World Religion, I will answer as follows: "this Gentle, craving life as life, grab grab the episode run, taking birth, work life expectancy do existing grab". Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
This Sàriputta, 25)-If He was asked: "How did this fake Sàriputta, Sage, Sage pundits know how, false Sage see how marvelous life, pit does not exist?" asked this, so Sàriputta, He answered like?
26)-Bach World Religion, if you were to ask: "is this fake Sàriputta fake Buddy, Buddy know how fake Buddy see how life, magic touch doesn't exist?" asked so, Bach World Religion the answer as follows:
27) This fake, Sage has three "feel this life. What are the three? Life Club, life, non-miserable suffering Africa life Club. Fake, three life feel Gentleness this this impermanence, knowing something impermanent is suffering, time-life feel the magic touch he doesn't exist ".
Asked so, Bach World Religion the answer so.
28)-fresh, Wholesome this change Sàriputta! France (medium), Sàriputta, this can answer the summary like the following: what is life, feel that he is in pain.
This 29)-Sàriputta, if He is asked: "Sage is the rescue of how this fake Sàriputta, Sage, that Gentle mock declared position have been Prime evidence: ' we know: Birth take advantage, has become, the Offense should have done, no longer back this status again '?" Was asked, so, this Sàriputta, He answered like?
30)-Bach World Religion, if you were to ask: "Sage is the rescue of how this fake Sàriputta, Sage, that Gentle mock declared position have been Prime evidence: ' we know: Birth take advantage, has become, the Offense should have done, no longer back this status again '?" Was asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer is as follows :
31) "due to self release, Chu Ja, because paragraph kill all accept, I live an stay mindfulness as such. Thanks to live an stay such mindfulness, the pirated or not still continue to leak runs, and we do not accept the ego ".
Asked so, Bach World Religion, my answer so.
32) instead of this rather benign, Benign-Sàriputta! France (medium), Sàriputta, this can answer the summary like the following: what is The Sa-keeper called contraband or, we have no doubt, they were killing me. We're no longer wondering what else.
33) say so, That Honor from the seats get up into dormitories.
34) Then the fake Religious Sàriputta, after Religious workers not long to go, Like raising the Female-stilts:
35)-World, false Religion, this Gentle CHU asked him question that we've never known before, at her mind sluggish. But this fake, when World Religious Sage client customized Hy (answer) asked of me, I think the following:
36) "If we ask the Religious meaning That full-time with the wrong call, with those disciplines (the media) on the other, we can forecast wrong answers That he means Respect to full-time with the wrong call, with the different disciplines.
37) If we ask the whole World Religious meaning with the night owl, with different disciplines (the media) on the other, we can forecast wrong answers That he means Respect for the entire night with the other false call, with France (the means) false otherwise.
38) If we ask Respect for whole sense That night and full-time with the wrong call, with those disciplines (the media) on the other, we can forecast wrong answers That he means Respect for the entire night and full-time with the wrong call, with those disciplines (means) false otherwise.
39) If So I ask this sense Respect the full two-day two-night, we can answer That Religion does means the whole night two on two.
40) if we ask this sense Respect the world full three nights and three days, we can answer That Religion does means the whole three nights and three days.
41) If So I ask this sense Respect the full four night four days, we can reply That he means to honor the full four night four days.
42) If So I ask this sense Respect the full five nights in September, we can answer That this means full year Respect night in August.
43) If So I ask this sense Respect the whole six-night six days, we can answer That this means full Respect of six nights on Fridays.
44) If So I ask this sense Respect the full seven-night seven days with the other false call, with France (the media) other wrong, we can answer That this means Respect the full seven-night seven days with the other false call, with France (the media) other wrong ".
45) And Female-stilts Khattiya Kalàra from seats stood up, went to the Religious World, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side.
46) sit down on one side, Female-stilts Khattiya Kalàra white World Religion:
-White World, false Religion, the Dragons up dragons were Sàriputta the lion as follows: Gentle World, false Religion, this client asked me the first question, we have not known before, then mind sluggish. But this fake, when World Religious Sage client customized Hy (answer) asked of me, I think as follows: "If the World this means we ask Respect full-time with the wrong call, with the other false means, we can answer That does means Respect to full-time with the other false OWL , with the other false traditions. If So this means we ask Respect for the entire night ... until the whole night and full-time ... until a full three ... four ... full, until the whole year ... a full six ... the whole seven-night date with the wrong call, with the other false media ".
47)-the Female-stilts, France fiction (Dhammadhàtu) was cited by Sàriputta. Due to the success of the French judgement about it, if we ask Sàriputta this means full-time with the wrong call, with the other false means, time Sàriputta can answer me this means until full-time, with the wrong call, with the wrong media. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire night with the wrong call, with the other false means, time Sàriputta can answer me this means until the whole night with the wrong call, with the wrong media. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire night and full-time, Sàriputta can answer me this means until the whole night and full-time. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire night and two days, both Sàriputta can answer me this means until the full two-day two-night. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire three-night three-day, Sàriputta can answer me this means until all three nights and three days. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire four-day, four-night Sàriputta can answer me this means for four nights and four days. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire five-night five-day, Sàriputta can answer me this means until a full five nights in August. If we ask Sàriputta about this meaning for the entire six-day, six-night Sàriputta can answer me this means until a full six on six nights. If we ask Sàriputta this means the whole seven-night seven days with the wrong call, with the other false traditions, Sàriputta can answer me about the meaning he gives to the full seven-night seven days with the wrong call, with the different disciplines.
III. The BASICS of LOCATION (Location, 2 Strains 14.15 Magazine, 99c) (s. ii,56)
1)... In Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts. We're going on forty-four basics of position for Him. Please listen and experience, we will decline the affidavit says.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-This And the Female-stilts, what is forty-four basics of mind?
4 dead, dead old Old) file location, location, location removal of dead old path taken to kill the dead old.
5 place of birth, birth place episode), birth location, removal of the road brought to birth.
6) property, property set, property, removal of the path taken to the owner.
7) Its position, its volume, its removal, placement on the path taken to its removal.
8) Ai, AI, AI file removal position, position on the road taken to AI.
Life expectancy, Episode 9), position, location, removal of the path taken to destroy life.
10) Contact ...
11) Six of ...
12) the colors ...
13) Recipe ...
14) Act, administrative positions, destroy, position on the road taken to kill the action.
The Male-stilts, here called forty-four basics of position.
15) this the Male-stilts, how old is dead? What belongs to this beings or other beings, in the kind of beings or the type of other beings, being weak, weakness, loss of teeth, silver hair, wrinkled skin, the longevity Hill, the ripe; This is called old. What's in this or other beings beings, in the kind of beings or in the type of other beings, being a kill, ruin, loss, death, the aggregates lụn butts, hard, body dropped; This is called death. So are the greying, this is dead. The Male-stilts, here called the elder dies.
16) due to the contentious episode run dead old episodes should run. Due to being destroyed so the dead old. This is the Holy leader of eight majors put to death the old kill; i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
17) the Female-stilts, Saints disciples know such dead old, dead old episodes of such boots know, know of such removal, dead old know the path taken to kill the dead old.
18) this was the position of France. This was seen with her position, be aware, be immediate results, be reached, be able to enter (pariyogathena) Guide to the attitude towards (nayam) of the past and the future.
19) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would in the past have dead old understand, understand the initialization file, has dead old dead old understanding, have understood the path taken to the elderly die removal, all these are so savvy, so; as it is now.
20) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, would in the future will understand (abhijanissanti) old man dead, dead old boot file will understand, will understand the elderly die removal, will understand the path taken to the elderly die removal, all these will know so, so; as it is now. This news is customized (anvaye nànam) of the position.
21) this the Male-stilts, because that is pure disciple Saints and net, the two types of pure legal position and options; the Male-stilts, known as the Holy disciples reach voters comments, (dithisampanno), went to this marvelous, marvelous French saw this, was full of property location, have full property, entered the French saved, Holy is to be intelligently achieve wisdom (nibbedhi kapanno), was standing in the door knocking.
22) And the Male-stilts, what is birth? ....
23) And the Male-stilts, what is property?. ...
This 24) and the Male-stilts, how is its capital?. ...
25) And the Male-stilts, how is AI?. ...
This 26) and the Male-stilts, how tho?. ...
This 27) and the Male-stilts, how is exposure?. ...
28) And the Male-stilts, how six of? ....
29) And the Male-stilts, how is your color?. ...
30) And the Male-stilts, what is consciousness?. ...
This 31) and the Male-stilts, what is? There are three, the Female-stilts, bulbous, password, Italy. The Male-stilts, this call is issued.
32) due to ignorance, the initialization file initialization file. Due to ignorance, destroy removal starter set. This is the Holy leader of eight sectors, your path to destruction; i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
33) because of this that the Male-stilts, Saints disciples know such action, said such administrative start-up such removal action, know, know your path to such removal action. This is the position of France, with the French position is found, be aware, be immediate results, be reached, be able to enter, instruct his attitudes towards (nayam) the past, future.
34) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would in the past have clearly understood the action, have clear administrative start-up, have understood the Act of killing, have understood the path taken to kill; all these are so savvy, so; as it is now.
35) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, would in the future will understand, will understand the administrative start-up, will understand the practice killing, will understand the path taken to kill all the will, understanding as such; so, as at present. Here's the location of options IE.
36) this the Male-stilts, because that the disciples were saints, net, the two types of pure legal position and options; the Male-stilts, then known as Saint disciples of reaching voters, reaching opinion, went to this marvelous, marvelous to see France, full property location, have full property, entered the French saved, Holy is to be intelligently reach wisdom, stood knocking on the door.
IV. The BASICS of LOCATION (14.16, the Great Race Junk 2, 99c) (s. ii. 59)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to Him seventy-seven's basic position. Please listen and smart investment in. .. This and the Female-stilts, how is seventy-seven basics of mind?
3) Position to know that the old man died due to birth charm. Mind knowing that there is no birth time there. Position to know that in the past the dead old birth charm. Mind knowing that there is no birth time no dead old. Position to know that in the future also by dead old birth charm. Mind knowing that there is no birth time will not be dead old. That means that when the mind of stay place France also have the position of France, French, French, taking part in a top-secret killing France.
4) Position know that being due to organic coast ...
5) Position know that owners do charm.
6) Position knows that its charm by rea ...
7) Position knowing that AI due yanshou.
8) Position know that tho exposed coast.
9) Position know that exposed by the six coast of ...
10) Position know that six of the do list the charm ...
11) Position know that excellent list by charm ...
12) Position know that formula by charm ...
13) Position know that charm due to ignorance. Position to know that there is no ignorance. Position to know that in the past the onion as well due to the charm of ignorance. Position to know that there is no ignorance. Position to know that in the future act will also charm by ignorance. Position to know that there will be no period of ignorance. When voracious mind about stay France, also take place in France, French, French, taking part in a top-secret killing France.
14) this the Male-stilts, here called base of seventy-seven.
V. CHARM by IGNORANCE (14.17 Magazine-8 Ignorance Increase, 2, 100a) (s. ii,60
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, by the charm of ignorance there; do onion coast ... so is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
3)-Bach World Religion, how old is dead? And this dead old is?
World Religion answers:
-Inappropriate questions. This Female-stilts, he could say: "how old is dying, and the dead who's this old?", or this Male-stilts, He can say: "dead old is different and the elderly and death is different," two questions mean a, only the wrong text. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place without breaking the happy stay. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is different", it's no Offense to stay happy. This Female-stilts, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under central leadership (and say): "because the birth should be dead old charm".
4)-Bach World Religion, what is birth and this is contentious?
World Religion answers:
-Inappropriate questions. This Female-stilts, He can say: "what is the being, and this is contentious?", or this Male-stilts, He can say: "Birth is different and the delivery is different", two questions mean a, only the wrong text. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place without breaking the happy stay. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is different", it's no Offense to stay happy. This Female-stilts, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under central leadership (and say): "Do usefull coast should have".
5)-Bach World Religion, how is this a useful and helpful?
What Religion says:
-Inappropriate questions. This Female-stilts, He can ask: "How is the owner and owner of this?", or He may say: "other people have this property and others," two questions is a text-only, false otherwise. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place without breaking the happy stay. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is different", it's no Offense to stay happy. This Female-stilts, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under central leadership (and say): "due to its coast should have property".
6)-Bach World Religion, how is the seat and the seat of this? ... (as above). Due to the charm of Ireland should have its capital.
7)... By yanshou should have rea ...
8)... Due to the exposed coast should have tho ...
9)... Due to the charm of the six should be exposed.
10) ... Due to the excellent reputation coast should have six of ...
11) ... Due to the charm should have excellent list ...
12) ... Due to the charm should have ...
13)-Bach World Religion, how is the Administration, and this is the practice of ai?
World Religion answers:
-Inappropriate questions. This Female-stilts, He can say: "what is the and this is the action of anyone?", or this Male-stilts, He can say: "The other is and who the other is," two questions is a text-only, false otherwise. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place without breaking the happy stay. This Female-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is different", it's no Offense to stay happy. This Female-stilts, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory according to the middle and says: "due to ignorance should be the charm." This Female-stilts, due to the separation took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the magazine (hý comment), a horror novel, distort or contact of any kind would (will be dedicated. snippet).
14) As the question: "how old is dead and this is who's dead old?". Or "dead old is different and people have other death is old?" or "lives and this is a body", or "life and body is different", all of the take, severed from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, makes impossible existence, making the future can not being run. This Female-stilts, due to the separation took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the magazine, the theory of singularity, distort or contact of any kind would (will be dedicated. snippet).
15) As the question: "what is birth and this is contentious?". Or "Birth is birth and the other is the other", or "the lives and the body is a", or "life and body is different", all of the take, severed from the roots make like tree trunks-la, makes no express, render in the future can not being run. The Male-stilts, due to the separation took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the magazine, the theory of singularity, distort or contact of any kind would (will be dedicated. snippet).
16) how is the owner ...
17) how is the ...
18) what is AI ...
19) what is tho ...
20) what is exposed ...
21) how six of ...
22) how is. ..
23) what is ... The Male-stilts, due to the separation took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the magazine, the theory of singularity, distort or contact of any kind would (will be dedicated. snippet).
24) As the question: "what is the and this action is by whom?". Or "The other is and who the other is," or "life and the body is a", or "life and the other is"; all paragraphs make the cut from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, makes impossible existence, cause in the future can not being run.
VI. CHARM by IGNORANCE (s. ii Genova 43)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, due to ignorance should have the coast. Due to the charm should have ... such is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
3) this the Male-stilts, he could say: "how old is dead and this dead old?" Or the Male-stilts, He can say: "dead old dead old and other is the other" this two sentences a meaning, only the wrong text. The Male-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place without breaking the happy stay. The Male-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life is different, the body is different", it's no Offense to stay happy. The Male-stilts, abandoning two extremists like Hybrid theory under central leadership, saying: "as has the dead old birth charm...".
4) what is birth? ...
5) what is property? ...
6) what is capital? ...
7) what is AI? ...
8) what is the life? ...
9) what is exposed? ...
10) how six of? ...
11) how is the color? ...
12) what is consciousness? ...
13)-the Female-stilts, He can say: "what is the and this is the action of anyone?" Or the Male-stilts, He can say: "The people have this action and other", two questions he meant, only the wrong text. The Male-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is a" place, where the Male-stilts, no Offense to stay happy. The Male-stilts, it would have (TA) opinion: "life and the body is different", this, place the Male-stilts, no Offense to stay happy. The Male-stilts, waiver two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under central leadership said: "due to ignorance, there's the charm".
14) due to the passage, ly take ignorance in a way entirely, the magazine, the theory of singularity, distort or contact of any kind.
15) what is birth? ...
16) what is property? ...
17) what is capital? ...
18) what is AI? ...
19) what is the life? ...
20) what is exposed? ...
21) how six of? ...
22) how is the color? ...
23) what is consciousness? ...
24) "what is and what is this?" Or "The other is and does anyone have the other", or "this is your life and body as a", or "life and the other is"; all of these types of contacts are snippets, severed from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, makes impossible existence, cause in the future can not being run.
VII. NOT YOURS (12.13 Magazine, Africa Lure Property, 2, 84a) (s. ii, 64)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, this body is not yours, not someone else's.
3 this Body, the National)-stilts, must be considered by action, by ordering, due to the deliberate, due to the life feelings in the past.
4) here, the Male-stilts, Saints disciple multicultural primary foot dexterity impairment tests Pratītyasamutpāda theorem as follows:
5) "this one has the other side. Due to this being run, the other being run. This is not present, the other not. Due to this removal, the other. "That is because there is ignorance of the coast. Do onion coast ... so is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates. Due to the separation took part in the destruction of ignorance in a way entirely, the Act of killing. Because the kill should kill the Protocol ... so is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
VIII. CETANÀ of MIND: investment PROPERTY (14.19, Magazine Measurement. 2, 100a) (s. ii,65)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, we invest, investment measurement, has silently, that became the basis for an informal charm. When does the Department have an awareness of time absent Coast stay. Because she's an awareness, growth, should in the future, recycling possession being kicked. Due to being run re possession in the future, should die old, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
3) this the Male-stilts, if there is no investment, no investment in measurement but if there silently (canuseti), in Italy, that became the basis for an informal charm. When does the Department have an awareness of time absent Coast stay. Because she's an awareness, growth, should in the future, recycling possession being kicked. Due to being run re possession in the future, should die old, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
4 the National-on stilts), if we have no notion, no investment, no whispered, time has no charm for facility security protocol. When would the Department not to Altaf not forecast an stay. Do not form an stay and not grow, should in the future re-property not being run. Due to being run re possession not present in the future, should the old birth, death, anxiety, bi, pros, the brain removal. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
IX. the INVESTMENT CENTRE of the DEPARTMENT (14.20 Investment Magazine Measurement, 2, 100b) (s. ii,66)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, something we invest, we invest, we have silently, that becomes an (charm) to stay. By Jesica is present should have a safe stay. Due to her knowledge of growth and security should have the lower birth list.
3) due to the excellent reputation coast should have six parishes. Due to the charm of the six should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho ... love......... birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
4 the National-stilts), if we do not invest, not investment in measurement but have silently, that time becomes the basis for an informal charm. By Jesica is present should have a safe stay. Due to her knowledge of growth and security should have the lower birth list.
5) due to the excellent reputation coast should have six of ... such is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
6) this the Male-stilts, if we do not invest, no investment, no whispered, time has no charm for facility security protocol. By Jesica absence should an not stay. Do not stay and security conscious growth should list the colors not lower beings. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of destruction should ... so is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
X CENTER. The DEPARTMENT (14.21 Investment Magazine Measurement, 2, 100b) (s. ii,66)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, something we invest, something we invest, something we have silently, that became the basis for an informal charm. By Jesica is present should form an stay.
3) due to her knowledge of growth and security should be favoured, towards (the previous system: nati). Due to natural, should go towards to reborn. Due to go to the reborn should be abandoned and being kicked. Due to abandonment and should start in the future birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain, being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
4 billion-on stilts, this) if there is no investment, no investment in measurement, but only silently, that time is the charm for facility security protocol. Due to the presence of the coast should form an stay.
5) due to her knowledge of growth and security should be favoured, towards. Due to natural, should go towards to reborn. Due to go to the reborn should be abandoned and being kicked. Due to abandonment and being kicked, should in the future birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain being kicked. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
6) this the Male-stilts, without investment, investment measurement, no whispered, time has no charm for facility security protocol. By Jesica absence should not have a safe stay.
7) due to her knowledge, no security should not have favoured growth, towards. Because no natural about, towards should not have gone to reborn. Do not go to the reborn should not have abandoned and being kicked. Do not have a waiver and should launch in the future birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain sections. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
I. in FEARFUL HATRED (s. ii,68)
1) Stay in Savatthi.
2) and then go to the Anàthapindika home of world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
World Religion told His master Anàthapindika sitting down a party:
3) – when this owner, Saints, photography student was in fear, hatred, when it would be fully attended store four genera, when Holy Cross (nàya) thanks to wisdom was cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated, then, he may want to declare yourself to yourself: "I am the person who destroyed piece of hell the removal was being destroyed, the demon hungry daemons, the destroyed data realms, evil beast, fallen. Am Attend our no longer being saved, fallen, we have decided, the Chief Visual Class is the ultimate goal (of me) ".
4) what is the year of fear, hatred is stock photography?
5) this owner, fear, hatred because people kill, because police Coast born brought to the present; fear, hatred brought to in the future, including the mind, the mind of the pros feel him tho. For sheer observation passage being, such fear, hatred was photography.
6) this owner, fear, hatred by the people of not for because of coast not to take to the present; fear, hatred brought to in the future, including the mind, the mind of the pros feel him tho. For great piece of the not for, such fear, hatred was photography.
7) this owner, fear, hatred because people live happy, because in the pagan charm lives happy in the pagan sex taken to the present; fear, hatred brought to in the future, including the mind, the mind of the pros feel him tho. For sheer piece live happy in the deviant desire, such fear, hatred was ph photography c.
8) this owner, fear, hatred because people lie, and lie brought to the present; fear, hatred brought to in the future, including the mind, the mind of the pros feel him tho. Great piece for lying, such fear, hatred was photography.
9) this owner, fear, hatred because people soak up the cooking wine yeast, drunk, drunk men, soak up the coast and wine cooking brought to the present; fear hatred brought to in the future, including the mind, the mind of the pros feel him tho. For great clips wrecked drunk wine yeast BREW, so fearful hatred are stock photography.
In fear of this feud was resentment photography.
10)-what are the four Scheduled save full genus?
11) here, this one owner, full disciple Saints estate trust, for the Buddha: "this is a religious Response, Chief Justice Turns Voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, Worldly, Invisible Sergeant, Dwell, Lawyer, wife of Buddha Statue, World Religion".
12 fully trust her Taste) to real for France: "here's How subtly, Religious dogma, by France set to perform at, have instant results, come to that see, likely driven by location, feeling himself out".
13) full trust's Position property for them to increase: "They Raise disciples World Religion is happy, they increase the disciples World Religion is happy, they Directly increase the ranks of disciples That Religion was the Primary tier almond; they increase the ranks of world's Respect As disciples happy France; that is, the four pairs, eight of them. They increase the disciples of the World Religion worthy of donation, be devoted, be alms, worthy of the hand, filling endless Phuoc is accepted in the world ".
14 does the full Unit) in Germany, is endearing, not Holy ranks hot chips, not ruined, there is no Bhikkhu stain, with no stain, brought to freedom, was the place to scatter the exclamation, not infected before, brought to meditation, four Projections save the genus was full.
15) what is Holy Justice thanks to wisdom was cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated?
16) here, this one owner, cited Chief disciple Saints thinking Pratītyasamutpāda theorem as follows: "this presence, the other is present. Because this is not present, the other not. Due to this being, the other being. Due to this, the other ".
17) but due to the charm of ignorance there. Due to the charm which ... (as above). So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates. By participating, the separatists kill ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... (as above). So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
This is the reason thanks to wisdom was cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated.
18) this owner, when photography was his disciple Saints in fear of this hatred, when four full Projections to save this genus, when would this Holy thanks to wisdom is cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated, then locate him if wanted, can claim for themselves: "we're the destroyed sections of hell the removal was being destroyed, the demon hungry daemons, the destroyed data realms, evil beast, fallen. Am Attend our no longer being saved, fallen, we already decided; Chief Dan is our ultimate goal. "
II. In FEAR HATRED (s. ii,70)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) And some Eastern Male-stilts goes to world Religion. (as above). What Religion says as follows:
3)-the Female-stilts, when photography was his disciple Saints in fear hatred, four full Projections to save chi, and when it does physical Saints thanks to wisdom is cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated her taste, if desired, can free himself for his statement: "we're the destroyed sections of hell ... (as above). Chief Dan is our ultimate goal. "
What is the year of fear hatred is NIE?
The Male-stilts, fear hatred caused by the suicide of birth ... this the Male-stilts, fear, hatred because people take of not giving ...
The Male-stilts, fear, hatred because people live happy in the pagan education ...
The Male-stilts, fear, hatred because people lie ...
The Male-stilts, fear, hatred by drunken men, wine soak up cooking.
In fear of this hatred are stock photography.
4) how is the four Projected full genus saved?
Here, the Male-stilts, Saints for the disciples of Buddha ... for France ... for them ... The German border is full of endearing Holy ranks ...
The four attended the save the genus was full.
5) what is Holy Justice thanks to wisdom was cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated?
Here, the Male-stilts, cited Chief disciple Saints thinking Pratītyasamutpāda theorem as follows: ... it is the Scriptures justified thanks to wisdom was cleverly found, are cleverly infiltrated.
6) this the Male-stilts, when photography was his disciple Saints in fear hatred, is full of four Scheduled save Holy justice, thanks to the intelligence was cleverly found, Le's position if you want penetration, can claim for himself: "I'm the hell kills the paragraph, paragraph têwo County was being the kill was destroyed, the demon hungry daemons data realms, evil beast, fallen. Am Attend our no longer being saved, fallen, we have decided, Chief Dan is our ultimate goal. "
III. THE GAUGE. (S. ii,71)
1)... Stay In Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, We will start the lecture and the removal of the paragraph. Take a listen ...
3)-this And the Female-stilts, how is a starting set of gauge?
4) due to eye color and charm, the label officially kicked up. By gathering three should start contact. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. The Male-stilts, these are the initialization file gauge.
5) due to the ear, and coast ...
6) due to the nose and flavors of the coast ...
7) due to the tongue and the coast.
8) due to the exposed body and charm ...
9) by the French and Italian charm, the sense of starting up. Due to the three together, should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. The Male-stilts, these are the initialization file gauge.
10) And the Male-stilts, how miserable the paragraph?
11) due to the charm and eye colors, the label officially kicked up. Due to the three together, should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. By participating, the separatists kill AI he should kill the player entirely. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, pros, are brain sections. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates. The Male-stilts, this is suffering-paragraph removal.
12) due to the ear, and the coast, the Turkish form of birth ...
13) by the nose and the coast, so the male form of birth ...
14) due to the tongue and should coast lost consciousness being run ...
15) due to the impact and charm stems exposed being run ...
16) due to the Italian coast and France should start being aware. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the separation took part, the charity's removal in a completely so its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain sections. So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
17) the Female-stilts, this is suffering-paragraph removal.
IV. The WORLD (s. ii,73)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, I will lecture about the launch and the removal of passages in the world. Take a listen ...
3) And the Male-stilts, how is the world?
4) due to eye color and charm, the label officially kicked up. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the charm of Ireland should have its capital. Due to its coast should have owners. By Huu Duyen should have being. Due to the charm of birth, should be dead old, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. This is the world episode run.
5) due to the ear, and coast ...
6) due to the nostril and charm ...
7) due to the tongue and the coast.
8) due to the exposed body and charm ...
9) due to the Italian coast with France, the sense of starting up. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho ... Due to the charm of old, dead, so contentious, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain, being kicked. The Male-stilts, this is the start of the world.
10) And the Male-stilts, how is the world destroy the piece?
11) due to the charm and eye colors, the label officially kicked up. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the separation took part, the charity's removal in a completely so its removal. Due to its removal should Christians kill ... This is the removal of the entire segment this aggregates gauge. This is the world of the paragraph.
12) due to the ear, and coast ...
13) due to the nostril and charm ...
14) due to the tongue and the coast.
15) due to the emotions and charm ...
16) by the Italian coast and the French, the sense of being kicked. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the separation took part, the charity's removal in a completely so its removal. Due to its removal should Christians kill ... This is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
17) the Female-stilts, this is the world of the paragraph.
V. NÀTIKA (s. ii,84)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Nàtika, in the brick house.
2) Then respect when the exclusive residential Meditation courses theory claim is located:
3) due to the charm the eye and the colors should label formula being kicked. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the charm of Ireland should have. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
4) due to the ear, and coast ...
5) due to the nostrils and the coast ...
6) due to the tongue and the coast.
7) due to the exposed body and charm ...
8) by the Italian coast and France should sense kicked up. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the charm of Ireland should have. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
9) due to the charm the eye and the colors should label the formula being kicked. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the separation took part, the charity's removal in a completely so its removal. Due to its removal should Christians kill ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
10) due to the ear, and coast ...
11) due to the charm and flavor of the nostrils.
12) due to the tongue and the coast.
13) due to body contact and charm ...
14) due to the Italian coast and France should start being aware. Due to the three gatherings should be exposed. Due to the exposed coast should have tho. By yanshou should have. Due to the separation took part, the charity's removal in a completely so its removal. Due to its removal should Christians kill ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
15) at the time a Female-stilts are bugged World Religion.
16) World where National Religious-stilts are bugged.
17) after the show, World Religion with National-stilts she says:
This National-stilts-, He has heard this disciplines?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
18) This National-stilts, he-try this disciplines. This Female-stilts, He Let's memorize this disciplines. This Female-stilts, France (this), linked to the fundamental purpose and Violates.
VI. A (BA-LA-MON) (12.18 Magazine Tha, 2, snäckblå) (s. ii, 75)
1)... Stay In Sàvatthi.
2) and then a She-la-go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear ask them then sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the She-la-Bach's World Religious subjects:
-Dear fake Religious Action man, Gotama was the life feelings?
-She-la, who act as the person tho, he is an extremist.
4)-Dear fake Religious Action man, Gotama, feeling another life?
-The other actions, and the other feeling tho, he is a second extreme. She-la, abandoning two extremists, the Religious World theory under central leadership.
5) due to the charm of ignorance should be released. Due to the charm should have. Due to the charm should have excellent list ... So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
Due to the separation phase, destroy ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. By the Act of killing ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
6) when you say that, She-la-Bach's World Religious subjects:
-Truth is false Religion, Sir Trevor Gotama! Truth is, Mr. Suen fake Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules please.
VII. JÀNUSSONI (s. ii,76)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) Granny-la-Jànussoni subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome enquire ...
Sit down one side, She-la-Jànussoni subjects of the White World Religion:
3)-Dear fake Religious right, Gotama all have?
-She-la, all of which, he is an extremist.
4)-Dear fake Religion, are all Gotama does not have?
-She-la-subjects are all there, he is a second extreme. She-la, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under central leadership.
5) due to the charm of ignorance should be released. Due to the charm should have ... (as above). So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
Due to the separation took part, the destruction of ignorance she should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
6) when she says so-la-Jànussoni subjects of the White World Religion:
-Truth is false Religion, Sir Trevor Gotama! Truth is, Mr. Suen fake Gotama! ...
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a She-la-Positive than subjects That go to the World ...
Sit down on one side, the She-la-Positive World than subjects of the White World Religion:
3)-Dear fake Religious right, Gotama all have?
-She-la, all have, is accept the opinion of the world.
4)-Dear fake Religion, are all Gotama does not have?
-All were there, she-la, is to accept the second opinion of the world.
5)-Dear fake Religion, are all Gotama is a?
-All of this one, She-la, is accept the opinion of the third world.
6)-Dear fake Religion, are all Gotama is many?
-All of this and more, She-la, is accept the opinion of the world.
She-la, abandoning the two extremists, Like Hybrid theory under the middle path.
7) due to ignorance had charm. Due to the charm should have ... So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
Due to the separation phase, destroy ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
8) When I hear that, the She-la-Positive World than subjects of the White World Religion:
-Truth is false Religion, Sir Trevor Gotama! ... I'm lifetime threshold rules.
IX. The HOLY DISCIPLES (Holy disciple 14.8. Junk 2, 98b) (s. ii,77)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples don't have to think as follows: "Do what's available, what's available? Due to something being run, something being run? Because something is present, the current administration? Because something is present, your existing identity? Because something is present, six of the present? Because something is present, the existing contact? Because something is present, the current life span? Due to what's available, existing charity? Because something is present, existing player? Due to what's available, existing property? Because something is present, being present? Do something old, existing die? "
3) this the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples not charm others, here are as follows: "this presence, the other present. Due to this being run, the other being run. Due to the charm of ignorance should be released. Due to the charm should have. Due to the charm should have excellent list ... Due to the charm of birth should be dead old. The position he knows so. So is the birth of the world ".
4) stilts, the billion-the Most Holy disciple literature without thinking: "Do something not present, something not present? Do something, anything? Do something not present, does not exist? Do something not present, no existing knowledge? Do something not present, list the colors not available? Do something not present, six made unavailable? Do something not present, contact not available? Do something not present, tho not available? Do something not present, AI is not available? Do something not present, the does not exist? Do something not present, owners are not present? Do something not present, being not available? Do something not present, no existing die old? ".
5) this the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples not to follow Charm others, here are as follows: "as this is not present, the other does not exist. Due to this removal, the other. Because ignorance is not present, the does not exist. Due to the absence, not the present. Do not present, lists not existing colors. Due to the excellent reputation does not present, six made unavailable. Because six of the absence, not the present. Do not contact, do not exist. Due to the absence of life, AI is not present. Due to the AI was not present, the does not exist. Because of its absence, the owner is not present. Due to the owner not present, being not available. Due to the absence of birth, death and old unavailable ". The position he knows so. So is the removal phase of this world.
6) And the Male-stilts, so that the Saints as true disciples know the originator and the passage of such a world, the Male-stilts, this disciple Saints called comments ... (as above) ... stood knocking at the door.
X. ST. DISCIPLES (s. ii,79)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples don't have to think as follows: "There must be something, something existing? Due to something being run, something being run? Because something is present, the current administration? Because something is present, existing knowledge? Because something is present, your existing identity? Because something is present, six of the present? Because something is present, the existing contact? Because something is present, the current life span? Due to what's available, existing charity? Because something is present, existing player? Due to what's available, existing property? Because something is present, being present? Do something old, existing die? ".
3) and then the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples not charm others, here are as follows: "this presence, the other present. Due to this being run, the other being run. Due to ignorance, as the present administration. By presence, existing knowledge. Due to the present form, list the colors. Due to the excellent list, six of the present. Due to the presence of six, current exposure. Due to the exposure are present, the current life. Due to the absence of life, craving. Due to craving, its existence. Due to its presence, the current owner. By the owner to be present, being present. By being present, the current "dead old. The position he knows so. So is the birth of the world.
4) stilts, the billion-the Most Holy text disciples not to think as follows: "is, because something not present, something not present? Do something, anything? Do something not present, the does not exist? Do something not present, not available ... (as above). Do something not present, no existing die old? "
5) this the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples not charm others, here are as follows: "as this is not present, the other does not exist? Due to this removal, the other. Because ignorance is not present, the does not exist. Due to the absence, not the present. Do not present, lists not existing colors. Due to the excellent reputation the absence, six made unavailable. Because six of the absence, not the present. (as above). Due to the absence of birth, death and old unavailable ". The position he knows so. So is the removal phase of this world.
6) given that the Female-stilts, the Saints as true disciples know the originator and the removal phase of this world so this, the Male-stilts, the Saint's disciples are called opinion reached her position, see this marvelous, its full level of her friendship, her full of useful academic ranks , entered the French saved, Holy is to be intelligently reach wisdom, was stood knocking at the door.
I. INVESTMENT MEASUREMENT (12.10 Magazine, 2, 82 c) (s. ii,80)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (win), in the garden he Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) here That Religion calls the Female-stilts: "the Male-stilts". "Sir, How white World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, Female-stilts, private investment must be aware of how to kill the Chief chon TAM full gauge?
-White World Religion, the French took That as the basis, taking the World as the leader, taking the World as fulcrum. Instead of healing, the White World, if That Religion comes up the meaning of words. After hearing That Religious preaching, the Female-stilts will tho.
4)-So the Female-stilts, listen and experience impaired judgement, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
5)-here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts are investment measurement, the measurement is as follows: "the suffering many diverse type and start up on life as elderly and dying; this suffering what do, what episode run, what works, what's available, grab the contentious? Do something old, existing die? Do something not present, no existing die old? "
6) Investment measurement, so he said: "the suffering many diverse type and start up on life as elderly and dying, this suffering human beings do, grab grab being made of sanh do work, get the boot files of birth, taking birth do exist. By being present, existing dead old. Due to the absence of birth, death and old unavailable ".
7) and the dead old knows, know the initialization file, know the dead old dead old paragraph removal, and he knows the way to adapt old dead taken to destroy the piece. Due to such practices, he became administrative Options.
8) this the Male-stilts, then known as the Female-stilts have full practices to take advantage of the sufferings and paragraph Chief chon TAM paragraph kill dead old.
9) Investment Portfolio's position further measurement measurement as follows: "this longer, so what to do? This player also, so what to do? Also this AI, so what to do? Also this life, so what to do? Also this contact ... Six of this ... Also this list ... Also this recipe ... Also, because the practice is something to do, something the initialization file, something contentious work, what do we? Because something is present, the current administration? Due to the absence of something does not exist? "
10) Investment measurement, so he said: "The action taken as ignorance, ignorance do the initialization file, grab grab ignorance as being, taking existing do ignorance. Due to ignorance, the existing practice. Because ignorance is not present, the does not exist ".
11) and he said the Administration, said the episode run, know the piece, and he knew the way of adaptation brought to the piece. Due to such practices, he became administrative Options. The Male-stilts, then known as the Female-stilts have full practices to take advantage of the sufferings and paragraph Chief chon TAM paragraphs kill the passengers.
12) this the Male-stilts, if people would be ignorance, planned to do the blessing, (she's) going to the blessed. If he intended to do non-blessed, (she's) going to the blessed. If he intended to do real, (she's) going to the estate.
13) this the Male-stilts, when would locate Male-phase intelligent ignorance, capitalize on stilts are being run. The taste left by ignorance, capitalize segments being kicked, not contemplated largesse, not contemplated making Africa not expected, Phuoc immobilizing.
14) do not have contemplated, not knowingly, he does not accept a player nothing in life. Not accept the player's position, not fear. No fear, the complete comrad NET President. The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
15) if she tastes life Club feeling, he knows life's impermanence, the tribe she should not take part in wrecked, she should not be the wedding Festival. If she tastes life gauge, the feeling he knew the life gauge impermanence, she should not take part in wrecked, she should not be the wedding Festival. If her taste in any sense real-life Club, the framework knows her life knows, impermanence should not join the wrecked, she should not be the wedding Festival.
16) if the position he lost feeling tho, her life was the feeling with the anniversary of the escapist. If she tastes life gauge, feeling her life feeling with the anniversary of the escapist. If she's feeling the taste of real life, tho he lost any gauge the feeling with the escapist notion (visannutto).
17) when she's feeling a feeling tho end of the fuselage, he said: "I feel a sense of life". When he tastes a feeling tho end of life, he said: "we're feeling a feeling tho end of life". The position he said: "after the destructive incarnation of common network, here all the life does not make sense to have loving, will become the cold, empty, the body is ignored by one party".
18) this the Male-stilts, for such a person from within the furnace of the potters took out a ghè hot and put on some flat land to the heat there is cooled, and the pieces of glass chips are whisked to a party. Also, the Female-stilts, when feeling a feeling tho end of the fuselage, he said: "I feel a sense of life". When he tastes a feeling tho end of life, he said: "we're feeling a feeling tho end of life". The position he said: "after the destructive incarnation of common network, here all the life does not make sense to have loving, will become the cold, empty, the body is ignored by one party".
19) the National-stilts, This do you think? Locate Female-stilts have the paragraph except the smuggled or had planned to make the blessed, or are contemplating doing the blessed, or are scheduled to do the real?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
20)-Or if the passenger does not present a complete, due to the passage of time, the current method?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
21)-Or if not present a full, formal segment, due time list the colors are not current?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
22)-Or if your colors were not fully, due to the excellent reputation the paragraph removal, six times of the current available?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
23)-Or if six of the absence of a thorough, because six of the snippet, time exposure have not current?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
24)-Or if exposure did not fully, due to the exposed passages, the current life time?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
25)-Or if not the life complete, due to the time-life segment removal, AI has no current?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
26)-Or if the AI not fully, due to the AI, wartime passages are not current?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
27)-Or if its not full, by tricks, useful forecast current have?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
28)-Or if the owner does not have to face a severe, due to the owner at the time of birth have the removal phase current?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
29)-Or if the birth did not fully, due to the contentious paragraph, current dead old time?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
30)-fresh, Healthy change, the Female-stilts! Should this be so, the Male-stilts! Could not else. Trust me on this, the Male-stilts! Please decide, shalt not suspect, shalt not pause! This is the gauge.
II. CAPITAL (12.4, the Capital Magazine 2, 80b) (s. ii,84)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who lived, found sweetness in the France was the seat (upàdàniya dhammà), AI was growth. Due to the charm of Ireland should its present. Due to its coast should property be present. Do Huu Duyen should being present. Due to the charm of birth should die, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain being kicked. So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) this the Male-stilts, for as a large bonfire made of wood, cars ten or twenty or thirty vehicles, firewood car firewood, or forty cars burning firewood. There is the occasional throwing Hay on, and throwing dry firewood into. The Male-stilts, so large fire he was raised, supplies, can fire red in a long time.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm of Ireland should the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
5) this the Male-stilts, who lived to see the danger in the France was the seat, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain removal. So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
6) this the Male-stilts, for as a large bonfire made of wood, cars ten or twenty or thirty vehicles, firewood car firewood, or forty cars burning firewood. In that there the occasional throwing Hay on, or dry, or dry firewood into. So this, the Male-stilts, huge fire him because (fuel) supplies before the destruction, by the (fuel) other not deliver, not foster, is disabled.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the danger in the France was the seat, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
III. UNLAWFUL USE (12.3 Junk, Buddha Blessed, 2, 79 c) (s. ii,86)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, craving to be growth. Due to the charm of Ireland should its present. Due to its coast should property be present. Do Huu Duyen should being present. Due to the charm of birth should die, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, pros, the brain being kicked. So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, charm and heart charm by the oil, the oil lamp was burning Red. There are occasional people pouring more oil and off the heart. The Male-stilts, oil lamp he was raised like that, were the same, can fire red in a long time.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, craving to be growth. Due to the charm of Ireland should the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
5) this the Male-stilts, who lived to see the dangers in the French urban planner, craving the destruction. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to the contentious removal should die, old, melancholy, miserable, pros, the brain removal. So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
6) For this, as the Male-stilts, charm and heart charm by the oil, the oil lamp was burning Red. In it there is no more oil pouring into occasional and not off the heart. Thus, the Male-stilts, lamp left by (fuel) supplies before destroy and do other (fuel) cannot be brought more, not nurtured, will be turned off.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the dangers in the French urban planner, craving the destruction. By AI di t should destroy the player ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
IV. HISTORY of UNLAWFUL (s. ii,87)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, such as oil and heart charm charm, the oil lamp was burning Red. At the bottom, a man who occasionally pouring more oil and off the heart. The Male-stilts, oil lamp he was raised like that, were the same, can fire red in a long time. Also, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, craving to be growth. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) this the Male-stilts, such as oil and heart charm charm, the oil lamp was burning Red. In that no person occasionally pouring more oil and off the heart. Thus, the Male-stilts, lamp oil and then by the (fuel) supplies before the destruction, by the (fuel) other not to bring more, not nurtured, will be turned off. Also, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the dangers in the French urban planner, craving the destruction. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
V. BIG TREE (Great Tho, 12.2 Junk 2, 79b) (s. ii,87)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, a big tree, the roots of the tree he rammed deep down under and horizontal stab, all roots are giving up plastic for the tree of life. The Male-stilts, huge tree he was raised like that, were the same, can stand in for a long time. Also, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
4 the National-stilts,) who lived to see the danger in the France was the seat, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should Christians kill ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
5) this the Male-stilts, like a big tree, there is a people come out, hold a hoe and basket. Him off to the roots of the tree. After digging the trench, he spit the large roots to the roots, the roots. And then he's logging into each song. After logging into each song, fucking him, after fucking, he split into smaller pieces. After the split into smaller pieces, he exposed between the wind and the Sun. After the exposure between the wind and the Sun, he took fire. After taking fire, people piling into the ash heap. After piling into piles of ash, the ash's massive winds between or ready to pour the ashes into her powerful water flow for water. Thus, the Male-stilts, big tree, the roots were severed, as do the stems I-la, do not be reborn, in the future is not coming back.
6) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the danger in the France accept player, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
VI. The GREAT TREE (s. ii,88)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, for as there is a big tree, the roots of the tree he rammed deep down under and horizontal stab, all roots are giving up plastic for the tree of life. The Male-stilts, huge tree he was raised like that, were the same, can stand in for a long time.
3) also, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm of Ireland should the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
4 the National-on stilts), such as a large tree, people come, hold a hoe and basket. Him off to the roots of the tree. Once off the roots, he dug a ditch. After digging the trench, he spit the large roots. (as above) ... or pour the ashes into the water line to water. Also, the Female-stilts, big tree, the roots were severed, as do the stems I-la, he couldn't make the tree reborn, in the future is not coming back.
5) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the danger in the France was the seat, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
VII. SEEDLINGS (12.1 Life Strains, Junk 2, 79a) (s. ii. 89)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, craving to be growth. Due to the charm, the seat was being run. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) this the Male-stilts, for as a young trees, there are occasional vun digging the roots, sometimes removing more manure, irrigation is sometimes more water. The Male-stilts, young trees he was raised like that, were the same, can grow, grow, grow.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, craving to be growth. Due to the charm, the seat being kicked. (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
5) this the Male-stilts, who lived to see the dangers in the French urban planner, craving the destruction. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
6) this the Male-stilts, for as a young people come, hold a hoe and basket. Her off the tree's roots, after the off, he dug the ditch. After digging the trench, he spit up the large roots until the extra roots and rootlets. And then he's logging into each song. After the close of each song, the staff were very helpful. After fucking, the split into smaller pieces. After the split into smaller pieces, he exposed between the wind and the Sun. After exposure to Sun and wind, he retrieved the fire burning. After taking fire, people piling into the ash heap. After piling into piles of ash, the ash's massive winds between or ready to pour the ashes into her powerful water flow for water. Thus, the Male-stilts, young trees, the roots were severed, as do the stems I-la, do not be reborn, in the future is not coming back.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the dangers in the French urban planner, craving the destruction. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
VIII. LIST the COLORS (s. ii,90)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, list the colors are being run. Due to the excellent list, six coast of birth ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) this the Male-stilts, like a big tree, the roots of the tree he stabbed straight down the bottom and horizontal stab out, all her roots take up the plastic life. Thus, the Male-stilts, huge tree he was raised that way, were as such, can be standing in a long time.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, list the colors are being run. (as above).
5) this the Male-stilts, who lived to see the harm in France unlawful use, list the colors without being kicked. Due to the excellent reputation of killing should six of ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
6) this the Male-stilts, like a big tree, there is a people come out, hold a hoe and basket ... (as above). In the future are not coming back.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the harm in France unlawful use, list the colors without being kicked. Due to the excellent reputation of killing should six of ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
IX. FORM (s. ii,91)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, was being run. Due to the charm, should list the colors being run ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
3) this the Male-stilts, like a big tree, the roots of the tree. (as above).
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, who lived to see the sweetness in the French urban planner, was being run. Due to the excellent reputation should coast being run ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
5) this the Male-stilts, who lived to see the harm in France unlawful use, not birth. Due to the excellent reputation should destroy removal form ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
6) this the Male-stilts, like a big tree, people come, hold a hoe and basket ... (as above) ... in the future are not coming back.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, who lived to see the harm in France unlawful use, without being run. Due to the excellent reputation should destroy removal form ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
X MULTIPLY (s. ii,92)
1) One World Religion stay between people in a town, Kuru of Kuru's name is Kammàsadamma.
2) and then the fake Religious Ànanda go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, Bach changes That magic Ton! Real World, Bach changed owners hope to honor! The White World, far deeper instead of Pratītyasamutpāda theorem is this, and this definition is really deeply. But for the theorem seems obvious, transparent!
4)-Ok said this, Ànanda! Shalt not said this, Ànanda! Rather, this deeply Ànanda is Pratītyasamutpāda theorem, and this definition is really deeply. Hey Ànanda, it does not understand this, not enlightenment, do not enter credentials (France) that beings far confused ren as the only rolls, filled by the barren disease, such as the grass munjà, like Reed, did not escape the reincarnation of the evil, evil beast, fallen.
5) this Ànanda, who lived to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm of Ireland, owners are present. Due to the charm, being present. Due to birth, death and old charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain being kicked. So is all this initialization file aggregates gauge.
6) this Ànanda, for like a big tree, the roots of the tree then crashed and horizontal stab, all roots are-up plastic trees for life. Ànanda's big tree, this was so nourishing, replenishing as such, can stand in for a long time.
7) Likewise, Ànanda, this one will live to see the sweetness in the France was the seat, AI was growth. Due to the charm of Ireland, its presence. Due to its coast, owners have to face ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
8) this Ànanda, who lived to see the harm in France accept player, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
9) this Ànanda, for such a big tree and then have people go to, hold a hoe and basket. Her off the tree roots. Once off the roots, he dug a ditch. After digging ditches, he spit up the large roots until the rootlets, roots. He's logging out to each song. After the close out each song, the staff were very helpful. After fucking, he split off smaller pieces. After the exfoliation of small pieces, he exposed between the wind and the Sun. After the exposure between the wind and the Sun, he took fire. After taking fire, people piling into the ash heap. After piling into the ash heap, or people willing in the wind or poured into the runoff to water. As such, this Ànanda, large trees will be off, as do the trees-la, not be reborn, not being kicked again in the future.
10) so, this Ànanda, who lives in France, disastrous found acceptable player, AI is destroy the piece. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Due to its removal should natively. Because the owners kill should bring forth destruction. Due to birth, death, and old sorrows should, bi, suffering, favor, brain are destroyed. So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
I. LISTENING LITTLE ONES CLASS (Periodicals, Writing Countless 12.7 2, 81c)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2)-the Female-stilts, invisible text chums phu can be boring, far, freed the fuselage by four great form.
3) Because why? The Male-stilts, because they see his four great form is falling, is falling, its capital, was discharged.
So, here the text invisible divine phu can be boring, far, liberation.
4) And the Male-stilts, so-called, is, is, here, that means text invisible wife enough not to can be boring, not enough to can the far, not enough to be freed.
5) why? On this, the National long-stilts, invisible text chums wife wrecked before, my view is that, accept the seat: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego".
So, here, that means text invisible wife enough not to can be boring, not enough to can the far, not enough to be freed.
6) this the Male-stilts, it's better for the invisible writer chums go to with his wife four great form this is ego, than it is for the mind.
7) why? The Male-stilts, by four great form is seen to stand firm, stand two years, three years standing, stand four years, stand five years, stood for ten years, twenty years, stood for thirty years, stood for forty years, stood for fifty years, stood for a hundred years , stand more. Also called the mind, is the idea, this is, the Male-stilts, all night and day, run up is another, kill away is another.
8) this the Male-stilts, like a monkey while walking in the forest mountains, grabbed a tree, remove the tree then down, it holds a different branch. Also, the Female-stilts, so-called, is, is this all night and day, run up is another, kill away is another.
9) here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples cleverly chon TAM Chief Pratītyasamutpāda theorem thinking: "this presence, the other is present. Due to this being, the other being. Because this is not present, the other not. Due to this, the other ". For as due to ignorance, the coast being kicked. Due to the charm, the formula being run ... So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
10) Do paragraph removal, glasses take ignorance should act in a completely destroyed. Because kill should kill the Protocol ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
11 this case, the National) see-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples, boring for good, boring, mundane life with respect for ideas, for the mundane, boring for the formula. So boring so far cups; so far the cups should be freed. In the release, starting position up to know was: "We freed", he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should do did, no longer back this status."
II. The PERSON CLASS at LEAST LISTENING (12.8 Endless Junk Van, 2, 82a) (s. ii,95)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, invisible text chums phu can be boring, can the far, can deliver for the fuselage by four great form.
3) why? The Male-stilts, because they saw his four great form is falling, is falling, its capital, was discharged. So, here, since an infinite divine Lady writer can be boring, far, liberation.
4) And the Male-stilts, so-called, is, is, here, that means text invisible wife enough not to can be boring, not enough to can the far, not enough to be freed.
5) why? On this, the National long-stilts, invisible text chums wife wrecked before, my view is that, accept the seat: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego". So, here, the Male-stilts, invisible van phu means not enough to can be boring, not enough to can the far, not enough to be freed.
6) this the Male-stilts, it's better for the invisible writer chums go to with his wife four forms, see as ego, than it is for the mind.
7) why? the Male-stilts, by four great form is seen DD ng firmware a year, stand two years, three years standing, stand four years, stand five years, stood for ten years, twenty years, stood for thirty years, stood for forty years, stood for fifty years, stood for a hundred years , stand more. Also called the mind, is the idea, this is, the Male-stilts, all night and day, run up is another, kill away is another.
8) here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples cleverly chon TAM Chief Pratītyasamutpāda management thinking: "this presence, the other is present. Due to this being the other beings. Because this is not present, the other not. Due to this, the other ".
9) this the Male-stilts, so tactile sense led to lost coast tho, should life touch being kicked. Due to the exposed coast brought to life's Club feeling, should life touch be kicked up by the exposed coast brought to life's Club feeling, does life touch be terminated.
10) this the Male-stilts by the exposed coast brought to life gauge, should feel the life gauge is being run. Due to the exposed coast brought to life a miserable feeling her removal, should be started up life gauge by gauge her life taken to contact coast kills her shelf life, suffering ceases.
11) this the Male-stilts, so tactile sense led to charm any real-life communication framework, should any real-life communication framework being kicked. Due to exposure to any sense of real suffering brought to the tribe's life, so any gauge life Club was started up by the exposed coast brought to gauge any sense of real pit removal, real-life Club he terminated any gauge.
12) For this, as the Male-stilts, tree by two rubbed harmony should the heat was being, the fire was started up. Due to the two trees he depart separately, so does heat destroy the passages, the heat's termination.
13) this, too, the Male-stilts, so tactile charm brought to life Club feeling the life birth Club should run. Due to the exposed brought to life's Club feeling, should life touch be kicked up by the exposed coast brought to life's Club feeling, the life he lost.
14) due to the exposed coast brought to life a miserable feeling.
15) due to the exposed coast brought the feeling of real suffering real life Club, should any real-life communication framework being kicked. Due to the exposed coast put to any real-life communication gauge feeling her removal, should any real-life communication framework are run up by exposed coast brought to real feeling miserable life he lost, t b real life Club he terminated any gauge.
See this, so 16) the Female-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples of boring for exposure, boring, mundane life with respect for ideas, for boring. So boring so far cups; so far the cups should be freed. In the release position run up, know that "I have freed", he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should do did, no longer return this status."
III. MEAT BABY (15.11 Electronic Junk Humiliation, 2, 102b) (s. ii,97)
1)... In Sàvatthi.
2)... The Male-stilts, there are four types of meats brought to the existence, or its reborn for love or other beings.
3) what are the four? Real group or rough, or; the second is exposed; Tuesday was the fourth anniversary; the fourth is knowledge.
The Male-stilts, four types of meats brought to the existence, or its reborn for love species or species of beings.
4) And the Male-stilts, real Union need to comment?
5) For this, as the Male-stilts, the couple bring a little food go through a wild way, with a child stylishly, compassion.
6) and then the Male-stilts, while spouses are away on the wild food does little number, go to the wear and tear, doorstep unveiling. And a remaining wilderness-yet they pass.
7) and then the Male-stilts, he thought: "Map of the little food we have suffered wear and tear, doorstep unveiling; rest of this wilderness has not been overcome; so let's kill a child, this cute, stylishly, make the meat dry and marinated meat, meat-eating children and pass the rest of this, we recommend to all three of us were dying ".
8) and then the couple he killed a child, a stylishly UPO, cute, dried meat and marinated meat, meat-eating children and pass the rest. They just eat the meat, just beating the chest (weeping): "a child? A child? "
9) this the Male-stilts, He thought? They eat food there is to have fun? Or they eat to soak up the dishes? Or they eat food to jewelry? Or they eat fatty dish so good?
-Mr. not so, Bach World Religion.
10)-are they eat the food only for the purpose of crossing the wilderness?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
11)-this, too, the Male-stilts, I say the real group need to comment as such. The Male-stilts, when real group knows, the greed for years the Chief nursing education is understanding. When greed for years the Chief nursing education are knowing, time no longer use unlawful, due to unlawful use, a disciple Saints tied to this life again being right.
12) And the Male-stilts, real emotional need to comment?
13) this the Male-stilts, like a cow suffering from skin sores, if it stands against the wall, the living beings in the wall bites it. If it stands based on the tree, the time being living in a tree to bite it. If it stands in the country, the time being living creatures in the country to bite it. If it stands between the contentious times, nowhere between nowhere to bite it. The Male-stilts, cow's based on place, time of the birth in the place she's biting it. Thus, the Male-stilts, say real emotions need to be reviewed.
14) this the Male-stilts, when actual exposure was three times the life sense, knowledge is understanding. When the three-life feeling to be understanding, said that the forecast disciples Saints nothing more needed to be done.
15) And the Male-stilts, anniversary reality need to comment?
16) the Female-stilts, for as a coal pit of breaking dawn, a deeper body, filled with coal fire blazing red, breaking dawn fire without smoke. Then someone went to, like to live, do not want to die, like to touch, aversion. Then the two men go to, lishi clutching her two arms, pulling him to the pits than breaking dawn. The Male-stilts, decided he would like to recede, the essential need to want to recede, said volunteers would like to recede (coal pit did breaking dawn).
17) why? The Male-stilts, he just thought as follows: "if we fall into the pit of coal this charm by breaking dawn, we go to die, or go to the gauge almost dead". Thus, the Male-stilts, private anniversary reality is said to need comment.
18) this the Male-stilts, when investors real time understanding anniversary three AI is understanding. When the three AI is understanding, we say that the disciples had no need to do anything further.
19) And the Male-stilts, real knowledge need to comment?
20) For this, as the Male-stilts, people caught a thief, a criminal offense, leading to the King and my Lord: "ladies, this man who is a thief, a criminal offense. Please punish him if He wants to. " The King said the following about him: "You go and hit people with a percentage of hèo in the morning." And they struck him with a hundred hèo in the morning.
21) and then in the afternoon, the King said: "Hey, how's you?"-"Yes, he is still alive". Then the King said of him: "Hey, you go and hit people a hundred hèo in the afternoon". And they struck him a hundred hèo in the afternoon.
22) and then in the afternoon, King said: "Hey, how's you?"-"Yes, he is still alive". Then the King said of him: "Hey, you go and hit people a hundred hèo in the afternoon".
23) the Female-stilts, He thought? People of the day were up to three hundred hèo, so does life feel miserable charm favor?
-White World Religion, just hitting a hèo, so does life feel miserable charm favor, what was said up to three hundred hèo!
24)-thus, the Male-stilts, say real conscious need to comment.
25) this the Male-stilts, when real conscious be understood, the list is clear. When the list is clear, said that forecast the disciples not to do anything further.
IV. PARTICIPATING (15.12.-4 Graduate Magazine 2, 102 c) (S ii 101)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, there are four types of food brought to the existence or its reborn of the species love or the species of beings.
3) what are the four? Raw food group or real emotions, is second, the anniversary is Tuesday, is fourth.
The Male-stilts, four types of meats brought to existence or its reborn for love species or species of beings.
4) stilts, billion-this if for real Union, has participated, have had, had forecast, Hy was an stay, growth. Where was security, growth, excellent list place of birth. Where are contentious identity, place of growth. Where are the growth, a useful place to be reborn in the future. A useful place to be reborn in the future, place of birth, the elder died in the future. Place would be dead old being, in the future, I say with a sense of place, there is suffering, there is the brain.
5) this the Male-stilts, if for real emotions. (as above).
6) this the Male-stilts, if for anniversary reality ...
7) this the Male-stilts, if for real knowledge, take, there, there, there times xide County was an stay, growth. Where there is knowledge, growth, excellent list place of birth. Where are contentious identity, place of growth. Where are the growth, a useful place to be reborn in the future. A useful place to be reborn in the future, place of birth, the elder died in the future. Place would be dead old being, in the future, I say with a sense of place, there is suffering, there is the brain.
8) For this, as the Male-stilts, a dye or a draw. If the dye or paint, blue, or red, has a cleverly polished plate, a wall or fabric panels, can sketch the picture the woman or man are full of limbs.
9) this, too, the Male-stilts, if for real Union, participating, there are charity, had forecast Hy an stay, growth. Where there is an official residence, a place of birth identity list. Where are contentious identity, place of growth. Where are the growth, place owners reborn in the future. The seat would be reborn in the future ownership, place of birth, the elder died in the future. Place would be dead old being, in the future, I say with a sense of place, there is suffering, there is the brain.
10) this the Male-stilts, if for real emotions.
11) this the Male-stilts, if for anniversary reality ...
12) this the Male-stilts, if for real knowledge, take, there, there, there times xide County an stay, growth. Where there is an awareness, growth, place of birth identity list. Where are contentious identity, place of growth. Where are the growth, place owners reborn in the future. The seat would be reborn in the future ownership, place of birth, old age, death in the future. Place would be dead old being, in the future, I say with a sense of place, there is suffering, there is the brain.
13) this the Male-stilts, if for real Union without taking part, there is the wedding, no craving, no forecast an stay, growth. The seat would not have an official residence, a place, not being sharp. Where no birth, no spot colors the growth. Where there is no growth, the place does have a useful future rebirth. Where there is no property in the future, reborn no place of birth, old age, death in the future. No place of birth, old age, death in the future, We say that the place has no sense, no suffering, no brain.
14) this the Male-stilts, if for real emotions.
15) this the Male-stilts, if for anniversary reality real ...
16) the Female-stilts, if for real knowledge, no join, no Hy, no craving, no forecast an stay, growth. The seat would not have an official residence, a place, not being sharp. Where no birth, no spot colors the growth. Where there is no growth, the place does have a useful future rebirth. Where there is no property in the future, reborn no place of birth, death and old in the future. No place of birth, death and old in the future, We say that the place has no sense, no suffering, no brain.
17) For this, as the Male-stilts, a house roof or a roof, corridors have Windows to the North, South, or East. When the sun rises up, the light through the window into the projection, the projection on the spot?
-White World, premiered on the west wall.
18)-the Female-stilts, without the Western Wall, the forecast?
-White World, projection on the ground.
19)-the Female-stilts, if there is no ground, in time?
-White World, shining on the water.
20)-the Female-stilts, without water, the forecast?
-White World Religion, no passport anywhere.
21)-this, too, the Male-stilts, if for real Union without taking part, no wedding, no. ..
22) this the Male-stilts, if for real emotions.
23) the Female-stilts, if for anniversary reality ...
24) the Female-stilts, if for real knowledge, no join, no Hy, no craving, no security protocol. The seat would not have an official residence, place of birth identity no. Where no birth, no spot colors the growth. Where there is no growth, the place does have a useful future rebirth. Where there is no property in the future, reborn no place of birth, death and old in the future. No place of birth, death and old in the future, We say that the place has no sense, no suffering, no brain.
V. the HAMLET (12.5 Magazine, 2, 80b) (384, 2) (s. ii,104)
1)... In Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, before we're enlightened, yet Primary Sensory Class, and evidence is Bo-slaps, think thus: "truly this world suffers brain gauge, being contentious 1930s, being old, death, suffering, and paragraph being reborn; and from where this suffering, not knowing from export old and die; from where this suffering, not knowing when it would be known to export glass from old and die ".
3) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "So what's present, old existing die? Do something old, die being run? "
4) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "by being present should the current dead old. Due to the charm of birth, should start being "dead old.
5) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "Do something useful, credible? Existing player? Existing charity? the current life span? Existing contact? Six of the present? List the current identity? Due to the charm of something, your birth color? "
6) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the present Protocol should list the colors. Due to the excellent reputation should coast being run ".
7) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "Do what's available, existing knowledge. Due to the charm of something, formula of birth? "
8) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the excellent list there should face the existing knowledge. Due to the excellent form of birth mailing coast should run ".
9) and then the Male-stilts, think thus: "this way back, do not go beyond the list. So far, we were being, being old, death, being destroyed piece, was reborn, that is due to the conscious beings mailing, coast run. Due to the charm, excellent list being run. Due to the excellent list, six coast of being kicked. Due to the charm of birth, six start-up... ". So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge
10) "run, run". The Male-stilts, for France has never before heard, the label kicked up, start up, starting up the intelligence position, start up, starting up the optical.
11) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "Do something not present not present die old? Do something old, dead? "
12) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to being absent, should present no dead old. Due to being destroyed, so "dead old.
13) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "Do something not present, being not available? Property not available? Its not available? AI does not exist? Tho not available? Promotion not available? Six parishes not available? List the colors not available? Do something Honorable kill, kill the shades? "
14) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "Do not present, lists not existing colors. Due to the excellent reputation should "removal form.
15) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "Do something not present, no existing knowledge? Do something, should officially kill? "
16) and then the Male-stilts, after me as logical thinking, thanks to the intellectual, intelligent opinion arises as follows: "due to the excellent reputation the absence, not the present. Due to the excellent reputation of killing should form removal ".
17) and then the Male-stilts, I think: "We were privileged this road lead to enlightenment, that is due to the excellent reputation of killing should form. Due to the excellent reputation should kill removal form. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of removal should be. Because six of removal should contact ... (as above). So is the whole miserable this paragraph "aggregates.
18) "kill, the kill". The Male-stilts, for France since before I ever heard of birth, birth place, label, birth wisdom, intelligent beings, photosynthesis being.
19) For this, as the Male-stilts, a people when passing through a forest, a long mountain, see a road old, a leader of the old route due to old people has ever come across. People follow him, while down the road, he saw an old city, an ancient capital by the ancients in, filled with gardens, full of forests, full of outdoor pond with beautiful stronghold.
20) and then the Male-stilts, he reported to the King or great spirit: "religious Followers know, while walking a forest, a long mountain, I saw an old path, a leader of the old route due to old people has ever come across. I went by the road and see an old city, an ancient capital by the ancients in, filled with gardens, full of forests, full of outdoor ponds, with beautiful stronghold. Dear fake Religion, let's rebuild the throne ".
21) and then the Male-stilts, King or great spirit for the reconstruction of the throne. And overall, after a period of growing up and becoming a city prosperous, prosperous, crowded, full of people.
Also, the Female-stilts, We have seen an old path, a leader of the old route due to the Chief Sensory Class Oldtimer went through.
22) And the Male-stilts, how is the old way, the old route left by the Chief Sensory Class Oldtimer went through? This is the way the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice. This time, the National Road-on stilts, is the old way, the old route due to the Primary Sensory College ranks Oldtimer went through. I go my way. Down the road, We see clearly the elderly die; We see clearly the old, dead-episode run; We see clearly the dead old paragraph removal; We clearly see the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal.
23-31) I go my way. Follow the path; We see clearly the birth ... We see clearly the owner ... We clearly see. We see clearly the AI ... We clearly see tho ... We clearly see contact ... We clearly see six of ... We clearly see the list ... We clearly see ...
32) I go my way. Follow the path, We clearly see the; We clearly see the initialization file; We clearly see the snippet, We clearly see the path taken to the paragraph.
33) what is clearly known, We have stated for the Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South, renunciation renunciation is known. The Male-stilts, i.e. violations of this prosperous, happy, prosperous, generous, we, who are many and are lettered, species Who cleverly presented.
VI. CONTACT, KNOW (12.9, French Magazine. a 2.82 Era) (s. ii,107)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in between the people, in the town of Kuru Kuru named Kammàsadhamma.
2) here, the Respect to call the Male-stilts:-"this the Male-stilts". -"White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, he holds with internal exposure or not?
4) Was saying that, a Female-Like white stilts Ton:
-How are you, White holds, with internal exposure.
5)-the Female-stilts, but his inner emotions like?
6) Female-stilts she answered. With the answer, Male-not on stilts made of mind That Religion fulfills.
7) when saying that fake white Ànanda World Respect, Respect:
-White World Religion, now has come the time. Now, to Improve transparency in world Religion says about gizmos. After listening, the Female-stilts will tho.
8)-so this Ànanda, listen and experience impaired judgement, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
9 Religious) says the following:
-Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while holding the Cabinet, holds internal exposure as follows: "the suffering most diverse types, start up in life with elderly die; this suffering what to do, or what do the initialization file, grab something as being, get something done there? What's present, old existing die? Something not present, no existing die old? ". He holds the position of internal promotion, said: "The most painful kind, this variety kicked up in life with dead old. This suffering taking birth as birth, taking medical y do the initialization file, retrieved from the medical birth as being, get birth available. do y Due to birth, death and old medicine available. By sanh y not present, no existing "dead old. The position he knew dead old. The position he knew dead old episode run. The position he knew dead old paragraph removal. She tastes the way adaptation put to death the old paragraph removal. And thanks to such practice, he became a legal option.
The Male-stilts, here called Male-stilts have the practice to destroy take suffering, to destroy the old paragraph died completely.
10) Position he holds more tactile and holding Cabinet as follows: "what to do, take this medicine what do the initialization file, retrieved something as being, what do exist? What's available, existing medical birth? Something not present, no existing medical birth? ". He holds the position of internal emotions, know as follows: "y do charity, charity grab grab do the initialization file, taking birth, as AI retrieved AI do exist. Due to craving, beings existing medicine. Due to the absence of craving, beings existing non-medical ". The position he knew of birth y y start episode birth, know, know, know and paragraph y of birth the way of adaptation brought to birth y paragraph removal. Due to such practices, then known as the French option.
The Male-stilts, here called Male-stilts have chon TAM Chief Justice practice to take advantage of the removal of suffering and the removal of birth y a way completely.
11) Position he holds more tactile and holding Cabinet as follows: "But this charity, set up in place would be kicked up, stay in place would be an stay?". He holds the position of internal emotions, know as follows: "everything in his life, attractive, stylishly kicked up; in place, AI was being run; in place, AI is an stay. And something in life, stylishly appealing? The eye in life is fascinating, stylishly kicked up; in place, AI was being run; in place of charity was an stay ".
12) ... Ear in life is fascinating, stylishly ...
13) ... Nostrils in life is fascinating, stylishly ...
14) ... The blade in my life is fascinating, stylishly ...
15) ... In life is fascinating, stylishly ...
16) ... Italy is attractive, stylishly kicked up; in place, AI was being run; in place, AI is an stay.
17) the Female-stilts, who in the past, Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, what in life is attractive, stylishly usually longer, see is lost, see is the disease, see is an alright, saw the ego, who's craving growth.
18) who do AI growth, who's being y growth. Those who do, the growth of medical birth he tormented growth. Those who do suffer an increase, the people can not get rid of birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. It is said that they could not be freed from suffering.
19) the Female-stilts, who in the future is the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects see what in life attractive, stylishly is usually longer, see is lost, see the ego, see is the disease, see an OK, who would do the AI growth.
20) who made growing charity, who will do the birth y growth. Those who do bring forth growth, people's health will suffer an increase. Those who do suffer an increase, the people can not rid of birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. I said they could not release from suffering.
21) this the Male-stilts, who at present is the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects see what in life attractive, stylishly is usually longer, see is lost, see the ego, see is the disease, see an OK, who's craving growth.
22) who do AI growth, who's being y growth. Those who do, the growth of medical birth he tormented growth. Those who do suffer an increase, the people can not rid of birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. It is said that they could not be freed from suffering.
23) the Female-stilts, like a bronze vase, excellent drinking bowls, there is flavor, taste and drinking water he mixed the poison. Then someone went to, over-heated encyclopedia, being overwhelmingly hot, tired, shaky, thirsty and there who told him: "You, the average drinking bowls, copper has good, there are divisions, and the drinking water had mixed poison. If You want to, take a drink. While drinking, You will be fascinated about colors, about family, about the taste. After drinking, by her charm, You can go to die, or suffer almost dead ". Other people can drink water in the way she acted did not think, do not give up. The other characters, he can charm comes to death or suffering almost dead.
24) this, too, the Male-stilts, who in the past, Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon, that means that anything attractive stylishly in life ...
25) ... Those who in the future ...
26) this the Male-stilts, who at present is the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, what in life is attractive, stylishly usually longer, see is lost, see the ego, see is the disease, see an OK, who's craving growth.
27) who do AI growth, who's being y growth. Those who do, the growth of medical birth he tormented growth. Those who do suffer an increase, the people can not rid of birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain. I said they could not release from suffering.
28) And the Male-stilts, who in the past was the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects see what stylishly, attractively life is impermanent, seen as a gauge, see anatta, see is the disease, see is scary scared, who he abandoned.
Those who give up, who'd give up being those who abandon birth y y, who then quit suffering. Those who abandon suffering, those who have been freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. It is said that they have freed from suffering.
29) And the Male-stilts, who in the future is the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, see what the stylishly, attractively life is impermanent, seen as a gauge, see anatta, see is the disease, see is scary scared, who will give up.
30) who abandon, who relinquished her sire y. .. I say they can release from suffering.
31) Did this, who the Male-stilts, in the current Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, see what the stylishly, attractively life is impermanent, seen as a gauge, see anatta, see is the disease, see is scary scared, they give up.
32) who abandon, who relinquished her birth those who abandon birth y y, who then quit suffering. Those who abandon suffering who would rid of birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. They say they will release from suffering.
33) For this, as the Male-stilts, a bronze water jar there, there, there, but making the poison. And then there are people who go to over-heated, encyclopedia, gets hot, tired, shaky, thirsty. There are those who say to him: "You had water, bronze, there are divisions, there are, but the average drinking water was mixed the poison. If You want to, take a drink. While drinking, You will enjoy about identity, about family, about the taste. After drinking, by her charm You can go to die, or suffer almost dead ".
34) And the Male-stilts, he can think like this: "here, we can stock photography offers this thirst with drinking, or stock photography offers to eat curd (birth), or stock photography for your salt, or sour porridge for photographers. But I can not drink this stuff, it makes it to the long suffering, misfortune ". He once thought, do not drink and drinking water Thursday. So, he's not going to die, or suffer almost dead.
35) this, too, the Male-stilts, who in the past was the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, see what fascinating stylishly in life is impermanent, suffering is seen, seen as anatta, see is the disease, see is scary scared, they subtract sections.
36) who's who, except paragraph paragraph except being y. Those paragraphs except being y, the people suffering exclusion paragraph. Those sections except suffering, the people are freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. We say they are freed from suffering.
37-38) this the Male-stilts, who in the future ...
39) who in the current Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, see what the stylishly, attractively life is impermanent, seen as a gauge, see anatta, see is the disease, see is scary scared, they give up.
40) who abandon, who relinquished her birth those who abandon birth y y, who then quit suffering. Those who abandon suffering, the people are freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. We say that they are freed from suffering.
VII. BUNCH of LAU (12.6, the Batch Journal 2, 81a) (s. ii,112)
1) A time, fake Sàriputta fake Religion and Religious Mahàkotthita stay in Bàrànasi (Ba-la-complaint), at Isipatana (Chu First fallen of) in the Migàdàya (forest).
2 Ton Mahàkotthita, author), and then in the afternoon from possible toxic spread NET Meditation get up, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After coming up with false Religion, says Sàriputta the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and he sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Mahàkotthita told Sàriputta: false Religion
This fake Sàriputta, Gentler old-dead by his self created, old dead by other people created, old dead by himself and by others to create, or old died not because of his self created, not because someone else created, due to the nature of birth?
4)-fake Kotthita dead old, Gentleness, this does not by itself create dead old by others not, created, not by the dead old himself created and others create, nor dead old does not do himself created, not because someone else created, not by natural birth. Old charm birth death.
5 This fake Sàriputta Sage), is being led by yourself, being made by others, being by yourself out and do other people make, or birth are not caused by yourself, do not do other people make out, due to the nature of birth?
6) This fake Kotthita, Sage-don't do it yourself, being not because others do, by not being yourself out and others do, the birth is also not not do it yourself, not because others do, not by natural birth. Birth by charm.
7-18) This fake Sàriputta, organic Sage – have to do it yourself ... its got to do it yourself ... AI have to do it yourself ... tho there should do it yourself out ... have to do it yourself ... six of have to do it yourself.
19) ... List the colors have to do it yourself, list the colors are made by others, list the colors have to do it yourself out and do other people make, or list the colors didn't do it yourself, do not do other people make out, due to the nature of birth?
20) This fake Kotthita, Sage-colors not by yourself, list the colors not because others do, not because the colors yourself out and do other people make, or list the colors also not not do it yourself, not because others do, not by natural birth. List the colors do charm.
This fake Sàriputta Ja-21), have to do it yourself out, because other people do, so do it yourself out and do other people make, or does not do it yourself, do not do other people make out, due to the nature of birth?
22) This fake Kotthita, Sage-don't do it yourself, not because others do, not do it yourself and not because others do, or not do not wake yourself up, not because others do, not by natural birth. Formula due to list the best coast.
23)-now I understand the words of Sage author Sàriputta as follows: "this false identity of Ramírez, not due to Kotthita yourself out, list the colors not because others do, not by the best do it yourself out and not because others do, your identity is also not not do it yourself, do not do other people make , not natural birth. List the colors by the charm ".
24) And now we understand the words of Sage author Sàriputta as follows: "this fake Kotthita, Sage has not caused by yourself, not because others do it, don't do it yourself out and others do not, do not do it yourself, not because others do, not by natural birth. Recipe list "by the coast.
25 This fake Sàriputta, Ja) need to understand how the significance of this speech?
-So this Gentle, I will raise a for example. Thanks to for example, who has Tri understands the meaning of words.
26) For like two bunch lau rely on each other that stands. Also, fake, so Gentle charm to this list, the formula being kh i. Due to the charm, excellent list being run. Due to the excellent list, six coast of being kicked. Due to the charm of exposed, six being run ... (as above). So the whole of this episode. aggregates gauge This Gentle, if a bunch of lau are pulled through (one side), the other the falling of sailings wipe bunch. If the other was pulled through the MOP bundle (a party), lau was falling. bundle Also, due to the excellent list, false Sage this removal should form. Due to the excellent reputation should kill removal form. Due to the excellent reputation of killing six of removal should be. Because six of removal should contact ... (as above) ... so the whole miserable this paragraph. aggregates
27)-Truth, false Sage Sàriputta magic vi! Real hope rather gentler fake Sàriputta useful! The word affidavit said this of fake Sàriputta and Gentler words with thirty-six of the Sage pundits Sàriputta, we would like to customize the wedding.
This Gentler 28)-author, if a Female-stilts theory to boring, glass took part, the removal of dead, old enough to be called Male-stilts theory. This Gentle, if a Female-stilts practice to boring, glass took part, the removal, death, and old enough to be called France the French option. This Gentle, if a Male-on stilts due to boredom, glass took part, the kill, the ignorance was freed, not accept player, time enough to be called locate Female-stilts cur­rent achieved Nirvana.
VIII. KOSAMBI (14.9 Junk, plying his trade-Professor-la. 2, 98c) (s. ii,115)
1 a false Religion, Musìla) Ton Sàvittha Ton, Nàrada fake fake, fake Ànanda stay in Ghosità garden of Kosambi.
2) and then the fake Religious Sàvittha Religious Musìla fake told:
This false Musìla addition, Sage-confidence, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, outside General Administration Lu (àkàraparivitakkà), in addition to evaluation and acceptance of views (ditthinijjhànakhanti), author Musìla himself have mind knows: "birth, death and old charm By being run".
3 This fake Sàvittha, Sage)-in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, outside General Administration, Lu also appraised and accepted views, I have learned, I have found are: "birth, death and old charm By being run".
4 This fake Musìla, Md) – in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, external evaluators and accept the views, fake Musìla has his own Religious position knows: "Do usefull charm, so being born ... (as above).
5)... "Due to its coast should start being useful."
6)... "Due to the contentious players should start charity charm".
7)... "Due to the birth of Ireland should start yanshou".
8)... "Because of the life birth should contact coast run".
9)... "Due to the six coast of tactile beings should start".
10) ... "Due to the excellent list of six beings should coast run".
11) ... "Due to the excellent reputation should coast being run".
12) ... "Because the issued formal birth should coast run".
13) ... "Due to ignorance of birth issued coast run".
14 This fake Sàvittha, Md) – in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, external evaluators and accept the views, I know, I see: "due to ignorance, the coast being run".
This fake Musìla Ja 15)-, in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to external assessors, legends were uncertain conditions, in addition to the evaluation and acceptance of Religious perspectives, assuming Musìla himself have mind know as follows: "due to being destroyed, so the old death kill".
This fake Sàvittha Sage 16)-, in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, beyond evaluation and accepted views, I know like the back, I found the following: "due to being destroyed, so the old death kill".
17 This fake Musìla, Md) – in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, external evaluators and accept the views, Religious author Musìla himself have mind know as follows: "Do usefull, should bring forth".
18-24). "Due to its removal, should Christians kill ... Due to craving, so its removal ... Due to the longevity, so AI ... Due to the exposed kill should kill the life ... Because six of extermination, should contact ... Due to the excellent reputation of killing, so six of ... Due to the formula, should list the colors ... By the Act of killing, should officially kill ... Due to ignorance, should be released ".
This fake Sàvittha Ja 25)-, in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, beyond evaluation and accepted views, I know like the back, I found the following: "due to ignorance, should be released"
This fake Musìla Ja-26), in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside conditions were uncertain, apart from evaluation and acceptance of Religious perspectives, assuming Musìla himself have mind know as follows: "Do usefull removal is Nirvana".
This fake Sàvittha Sudhakar-27), in addition to trust, in addition to Favorites, in addition to the legend, the outside is uncertain, the conditions, external evaluators and accept the views, I know like the back, I found the following: "Do usefull removal is Nirvana".
28)-so, let's assume Musìla is A-la-Han sections take the contraband or?
29) When I hear that, the fake Musìla Respect to remain silent.
30) and then the fake Religious Nàrada Religious Sàvittha fake told:
This fake Sàvittha, fresh Sage-instead if I was asked this question. Ask me questions, and I will answer for this question fake Buddy.
31)-Ton fake Nàrada Let's take this question. I will ask this question to Nàrada fake Religion. And suppose Nàrada please answer me this question.
32-57) ...-Sudhakar Sàvittha, author of this beyond belief ... I know like the back, I found the following: "Do usefull removal is Nirvana".
58)-so, let's assume Nàrada is A-la-Han, has dedicated the piece to smuggle or?
59) – this Gentle, "Do usefull removal is Nirvana," I found the affidavit as chon TAM thanks to Chief of intelligence. But I was not the A-la-Han sections take the contraband or.
60) Such as on a deserted road has a water wells. In it there is no rope, no dandruff water. And then there are people who go to over-heated, encyclopedia, gets hot, tired, shaky, thirsty. People look down the well and knows: "Wells has water," but standing bear, the body is not touching the water.
61) Ja, this, too, "destroy the Friendship is Nirvana," I found the affidavit as chon TAM thanks to Chief of intelligence, but I was not the A-la-Han sections take the contraband or.
62) when you say that, assuming Ànanda told Sàvittha: false Religion
This fake Sàvittha, Sage-said such false Sage forecast saying about pseudo Religious Nàrada?
63) This fake Ànanda, Sage-say so, I do not say anything about the fake Religious Nàrada, also good, apart from the good.
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, at Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) here ...
3)-the Female-stilts, when large sea surges up the big river surges up; When the big river surges up the small river rising; When would the small river swelled during the Great Lakes rise; When the Great Lakes rise during the small lakes swelled.
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, when insurgent ignorance the forecast rise; When the rise time of the insurgent consciousness; When consciousness rises forecast sharp rise up the list; When would the list six times ascent of sharp ascent; When six of insurgent insurgent exposure time; When exposed to life time insurgent; When the insurgent life time craving insurgent; When craving insurgent wartime insurgent; when its rise time of possession insurgent; When owner ascent time of sanh insurgent; When sanh insurgent dead old forecast rise.
5) this the Male-stilts, big sea does not rise during the great river does not rise; Big River does not rise to the small river forecast not insurgent; the small river does not rise during the Great Lakes not insurgent; big Lake doesn't rise time of small lakes do not rise.
6) this, too, the Male-stilts, ignorance does not rise during the first ascent; the Act does not rise time not insurgent; not list the forecast sharp rise not insurgent; list the colors not rise forecast by six parishes not insurgent; six parishes not rise time not insurgent; exposure does not rise time tho not insurgent; tho not ascent time craving not insurgent; AI no wartime insurgent not insurgent; its not useful forecast rise not insurgent; owners don't rise time of birth is not insurgent; being not insurgent dead old forecast no rise.
X. SUSÌMA (14.5 2 Magazine, 96b) (s. ii,119)
1) so I hear.
A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), parenting care premises.
2) at the time That Religion is dear, respected, was homage, donation, was revered and he received the donation widgets such as y Austria, culinary, ready and pharmaceutical treatment is located.
3) Them Male-stilts is also glass, be respectful, be homage, donation, and claimants also received the donation as y Austria, culinary, ready and pharmaceutical treatment is located.
4) But the ANC not pagan artists c du respect, no respect, no homage, not donation, not fetish and also not get the donation widgets such as y Austria, culinary, ready and pharmaceutical treatment is located.
5) at the time, du Susìma artists stay in Ràjagaha along with mass tourism.
6) Then the assemblies you of Susìma told Susìma: doctor du
-Mr. Sudhakar Susìma fake, please go to and live happy Offense under the direction of Sa-keeper Gotama. After he finished the French school talk back to us. After we did the French we will talk again with the server. So we will be respected, respect, be homage, donation, and our claimants will receive the donation widgets such as y Austria, culinary, ready and pharmaceutical treatment is located.
7)-Dear well, the Sage.
Du Susìma artists listen to their assemblies, associated go to the fake Religious Ànanda; After the welcoming words talking up to enquire with the fake Religious Ànanda; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
8) sit down on one side, you tell the fake Religious Ànanda Susìma artists:
This fake Ànanda, Md-I want to live happy Offense in France and this law.
9) And false Religious Ànanda takes you away to the World Religious Susìma singer; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
10) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-Bach World Tour, singer Susìma says the following: "this fake Ànanda Ja, I want to live happy Offense in France and this law".
11)-So Ànanda, go to Susìma.
12) and singer Susìma was published under the direction of world Religion and modern life.
13) at the time, numerous Male-stilts in front of World Religion has declared the Chief Justice position as follows: "we know that: ' Birth take advantage, Pham has finished, the work should have done, no longer back this State. '
14) false Religion Susìma hearing: Many Female-stilts in front of world Religion has declared the Chief Justice position as follows: "we know that: ' Birth take advantage, Pham has finished, the work should have done, no longer back this State anymore. '"
15) And false Religious Susìma go to Female-stilts; After to speak up with the Female-stilts welcome words asking him; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
16) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Susìma told the Male-stilts:
-Have the true, the false Religious followers in front of World Religion has declared the Chief Justice position as follows: "we know that: ' Birth take advantage, Pham has finished, the work should have done, no longer back this status again '"?
-Ladies that this Gentler, assuming.
17)-But, Chu said, so see false Religion so be testifying are much different spirit type: A body appears more body, more appears a trunk to trunk; We transform the image passes over the precipice, through walls, through the mountain passes as unreal; padded Turks outcrops across the land as in the water; go on the water not sink as go on land; Urban Planner-seating older out of nowhere like a bird; with hand carved and overload on the Moon and the Sun, the dread, dread forces of spirit as such. Can use a body in until the Brahma?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
18)-So there are fake, so Religious followers see as so, the Atrium through the celestial purity was Superman, can hear two: human and divine, far and near?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
19)-So there are fake so Respect, Chu sees so, with his mind knows the mind of the other beings, other species are: mind know who is participating; the mind not knowing who is not participating; the mind has to know who is there; the mind does not know the pitch is not the center of the courtyard; the mind has who know there si si; the mind does not know who is not si si; the Center specializes in I know who is specialized in notes; mind the disarray know who is disarray. Great action knowing the great act of mind; administrative center of the University not to know is not great conduct. The mind hasn't upper know who is not yet an infinite upper; the center of the upper terrace of the unconscious mind knows is ridiculous. Mindful meditation meditation Center is known; the mind does not know who is not meditation meditation. The rescue Center said the Center is freed; the mind does not know who is not rescue the rescue?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
20)-So there are fake, so Religious followers see as such, remember many past life. As a lifetime, two years, three years, four years, five years, ten years, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand years, more destructive, a lot of, lot of sabotage and the next life. Her position remember that: "the other spot we have names like this, like this, like this class, suffering lost like this, life expectancy to levels like this. After the death in there, I was born on the spot. In place, we have the name like this, like this, life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in place, I was born here ". So, fake memory to many Religious schools of the life the past along with the general definition and the details?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
21)-So there are fake, so Religious followers see as such, with pure label, see life and death of beings. Chu knew that false Religious beings, who listed high to guys, beautiful rough guys who are bad, lucky guys happy by misfortune. These beings would do the happy about evil, do evil, evil words about almond almond about Italy, defamation of the Holy steps, according to TA, created the industrial ties. These people after body ruined the overall network must bring forth into the realm of evil, evil, fallen, hell. What about the beings would do the happy about yourself, do the happy about words, do the happy about Italy, do not defame the Holy steps, according to the Chief Justice, created the career as Chief Justice. Who's environmentally destructive common network after being being up the friendly beasts, the Sun, in this life. So, with the label pure Superman, you see the life and death of beings. You know that the beings who listed high to guys, beautiful rough guys who are bad luck, misfortune, guys are happy to do their business?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
22)-So there are fake, so Religious followers see as such, after beyond Gender Identity, gender identity, an Unconscious emotions stay on net President freed?
-Not that this Gentler, Sir.
23)-or here, there are Religious schools of fake just answered as such, has not proven to be legal?
24)-fake, no Gentleness This evidence.
-Mr. Sudhakar Susìma fake, we were liberating wisdom.
26)-I do not know the meaning of an extensive brief words of Chu fake Religion. Heal instead if being fake Religious followers speak up for me, so I can understand the meaning an extensive brief words of Chu to honor author!
27 This fake Susìma Sage), although He has said He does not know, or we were liberating wisdom.
28) And false Religious Susìma from seats stand up to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect and sit down on one side.
29) sat down on one side, the fake Religious Susìma the presentation up That Honor all stories with the Male-stilts.
30) – this is the first Susìma of France, the location of nirvana.
Bach 31)-World Religion, I don't understand the meaning of a speech widely this brief of world Religion. The White World, heal instead if That child to speak up for Respect I can understand an extensive meaning, this brief speech of That Religion!
32)-Susìma, though for This you know or you don't know, first is the position of the law, the position of nirvana. Hey Susìma, do you think? Identity is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Bach World Religion?
33)-something impermanent is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonably affordable when we drop bars is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
34)-Longevity is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
35) – the Idea is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
36) – the Act is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
37)-formula is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonably affordable if we drop bars is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
38)-so, this Susìma, what's best in France the past, the future or the present, or foreign or international crude, paralysis, or WINS, far or near, all French identity needs to be consistent as chon TAM as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
39) what life in the past, the present or the future. (as above).
40) something in the idea of the past, the present or the future. (as above).
41) what's in the past, the present or the future. (as above).
42) something in the consciousness of the past, the future or the present, or foreign or international crude, paralysis, or WINS, far or near, all formulas need to be consistent as chon TAM with Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
43) this Susìma, see so, the multicultural Holy disciples of boring for good, boring, mundane life with respect for ideas, for the mundane, boring for the formula. So boring, does taste Cup took part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting position up to know that: "We have freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status." Hey Susìma, did you see: "birth, death and old charm By being run"?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
44) ...
45)-"due to its charm, owner of birth?" Hey Susìma, did you see?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
46)-Susìma, you see This: "by the charm of Ireland, its capital being run"?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
47)-"by birth, AI yanshou. Due to the exposed coast, bring forth life. Due to the charm of the life birth, six startups. Due to the excellent list, six coast of being kicked. Due to the charm, excellent list being run. Due to the administrative contentious form Starter charm. Due to the charm of ignorance, being run ". Hey Susìma, did you see?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
48)-"due to being destroyed, old death kill", Susìma, did you see this?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
49)-"Do usefull, should bring forth", Susìma, did you see this?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
50)-"due to its removal, should be useful. Due to the AI should kill its removal. Life should be destroyed by removal of charity. Due to the exposed kill should kill life. Because six of removal should be exposed. Due to the excellent reputation of killing, so six of extermination. Due to the formula, should list the colors. Because kill should kill the Protocol. Due to ignorance, should conduct kill! ". Hey Susìma, did you see?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
51)-But this, so, seeing as such, He has proven to be the wrong variety of information: A body appears much of the fuselage; many stems out of a trunk; We figure, to transform passing through walls, cliffs, through the mountain passes as unreal; padded, outcrops across the land as in the water; go on the water not sink as go on land; Urban Planner-seating older out of nowhere like a bird; with hand carved and overload the Moon and the Sun, the greater the force, the dread of dread God. Can use a body in until the Brahma?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
52)-Susìma, This is known as such, seeing as such, with pure Turkish Superman, He could hear the two, the Natural and the divine, the human species, the far and the near?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
53)-Susìma, have to know This as such, seeing as such, with his mind knows the mind of the beings of other species, the wrong Person in the wrong. With the Center have participated, he knew who had been taking part ... with the mind not freed, He knows who is not rescue; with the rescue Center, He knows who is freed?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
54)-Susìma, have to know This as such, seeing as such, He can remember many past life wrong. As a lifetime ... (as above). He can remember many other false past life together with the general definition and the details?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
55)-Susìma, but know This as such, seeing as such, with the label pure Superman, he could see the beings die of birth. He may know the beings depending on their industry happy?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
56)-Susìma, but know This, so see so there are after the French identity, beyond sympathy with the unconscious life of the French identity he stay with net President freed?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
57)-Now here this, Susìma, with answers like that, with those not certified, Susìma, are you not this do this?
58) And false Religious Susìma bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and the White World Religion:
-A guilt for having violated, Bach World Religion, because fools, because delusion, because the real charity. The country exported as a French thieves in Law and French teaching manual. The White World, hope accepted the Religion of this sin is a sin to prevent in the future!
59) This Susìma, really – he sinned, because fools, because delusion, because real friendly, He came home as thieves in Law and French teaching manual.
60) such as this, Susìma, who we caught a thief, a criminal, people walking up to the King and my Lord: "ladies, this is the theft, the offenders. Your Majesty please join fined him according to the penalty would like your Majesty wish ". The King said: "You take this person, get it for sure this person arms tightly tied behind her head, shaved away, walking him around on a small car with a drum, go from this line to the other, from this to the other three reclining three reclining, Pimp her out the door into the South , and beheaded him in the South ".
The others well according to the word of the King, retrieved it make her arms tied tightly behind, shaved head, flicked he went around on a small car with a drum, go from this line to the other, from this to the other three reclining three reclining, Pimp her out the door into the South , and beheaded him in the South.
61) this Susìma, He thought? Her characters so sympathetic kavin miserable life advantages or not?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
62)-Susìma, although This the characters feel so miserable life charm favor, or not feeling miserable life favor, the renunciation as a thief in Law and French manual this theory, by her charm to fall in and endured a miserable report also vehemently over and result in more painful message.
63) this Susìma, he found guilty is guilty and as France revealed, so we accepted her guilt for Him. Susìma, so this law of the Holy steps, when growth was found to be guilty is guilty and as France revealed to hold in the future.
71. I. SA, BA-LA-MON in (14.12 Magazine-3, Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon, 2, 99b) (s. ii,129)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, at Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) here ...
3)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not know an old death, do not know, do not know startup files dead old dead old paragraph removal, do not know the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal. The Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between Sa-Sa not acceptable subjects-subjects, or between the Ba-la-unacceptable subjects is She-la-Mon; the author and he himself with the position achieved, and in the present purpose happy subjects and purpose of Sa-Ba-la-Mon.
4) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would know old man dead ... (as above) ... know your path to destroy the piece dead old. The Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between Sa-Sa-approved subjects, or between the Ba-la-accepted subjects is She-la-Mon; and the fake love with Respect WINS position achieved, be an existing right in residence and the purpose of happy subjects and purpose of Sa-Ba-la-Mon.
72-80. (II-X).
... Stay in Sàvatthi.
They do not know the birth ...
They do not know the owner ...
They do not know.
They don't know the AI ...
They don't know tho ...
They do not know the contact ...
They don't know six of ...
They do not know ...
They do not know ...
XI. (s. ii 4,504)
They do not know ... They don't know the episode run, they do not know the paragraph removal, they do not know the path taken to the baggage paragraph removal ... ... himself with the position achieved, be an existing right in residence and the purpose of happy subjects and purpose of Sa-Ba-la-Mon.
... Stay in Sàvatthi.
I. MASTERS ... (S. ii 4,504)
1)-the Female-stilts, for anyone not like real know and found him dead, and old need to search to masters level to take as true position with regard to the elder dies. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and see the initialization file, the dead old he needs to look to the direction to take steps like real position for a starting set of dead old. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and see paragraph removal, the dead old need to search to masters level to take as true position with regard to paragraph dead old. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and find your path to destruction, the piece dead old need to search to masters degree to have as location for the path taken to the dead old paragraph removal.
2) this the Male-stilts, for anyone not like real know and see the birth ...
3) this the Male-stilts, ... not as they really know and see property ...
4 the National-stilts) ... not as they really know and see.
5) this the Male-stilts ... not as they really know and see the AI ...
6) this the Male-stilts ... not like real know and see the life ...
7) this the Male-stilts ... not as true feelings known and ...
8) this the Male-stilts ... not as they really know and found six of ...
9) this the Male-stilts ... not as they really know and see the list ...
10) this the Male-stilts ... not as they really know and see ...
11) this the Male-stilts, for anyone not like real know and see, people need to look to the direction to take steps like real position with respect to the Act. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and see the launch episode, he need not look to the direction to take steps like real location for the episode run. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and see the piece, he need not look to the direction to take steps like real position with regard to the paragraph. For someone who doesn't like the truth know and see the path taken to the baggage paragraph removal, he need not look to the direction to take steps like real location for the path taken to the paragraph.
II. LEARNING (15.4 Magazine Practice, 2, 101b) (s. ii,131)
... The Male-stilts, for anyone not like real know and found him dead, and old need to be learning as true position for the old man to die ... (I)
III. PRACTICE (Yoga) (15.5 Junk, Tam-ma-, 2, 101b) (s. ii,131)
... The Male-stilts, for anyone not like real know and found him dead, and old need to practice to take as true position for the elderly to die ... (I)
IV. EDUCATION (s. ii,132)
... Education needs to practice ... (I)
V. ATTEMPT (s. ii,132)
... Efforts need to practice ... (I)
VI. ANY ROT SWITCH (s. ii,132)
... Any rot switch need to practice ... (I)
VII. ZEALOUS (s. ii,132)
... Zealous need to practice ... (I)
... Essential tons need to practice ... (I)
IX. PERSISTENCE (s. ii,132)
... Persistent need to practice ... (I)
X. MINDFULNESS (s. ii,132)
... Need to practice mindfulness. (I)
XI. FINANCES TRI (s. ii,132)
... Chanh tri need to practice ... (I)

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