Monday 16 May 2016

1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One Family; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the world means nothing good, no benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, the world mean good no regrets, it benefits no regrets.
 - But venerable sir, no regrets mean, what benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, there is no sense of regret rejoice, rejoice benefits.
 - Buddha, but rejoice mean, what benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, joy joy meaningful, joyful benefits.
 - But lord, happy mean, what benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, happy mean calm, calm benefits.
 - But venerable sir, calm mean, what benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, calm sense of peace and bliss benefit.
 - But lord, peace means nothing, no benefits?
- Hey Ananda, meaningful peace and have the benefit of.
 - But venerable sir, to make sense, the benefits of it?
 - Hey Ananda, it's meant to knowledge, with real benefits such as knowledge.
 - But lord, as true knowledge means nothing, no benefits?
 - Hey Ananda, as true knowledge mean boring, dispassion, can benefit boring, dispassion.
 - But lord, boring, dispassion mean, what benefits?
- Hey Ananda, boring, dispassion liberation meaningful knowledge, have the benefit of liberation by knowledge.
2. Thus, the Ananda, the world mean good no regrets, no regrets benefits; No regrets mean joyful, jubilant benefits; Jubilant mean happy, joyful benefits; Happy mean calm, calm benefits; Calm sense of peace and happiness benefits; Sense of peace, with the benefit regulations; It's meant to knowledge, with real benefits such as knowledge; As true knowledge mean boring, dispassion, can benefit boring, dispassion; Boring dispassion liberation meaningful knowledge, have the benefit of liberation by knowledge. Thus, this Ananda, the second conductive layer to improve gender supremacy. Thus, this Ananda, the second world class charity ultimate result.
1 - Hey, monks, people with gender, with full instructions, do not have to do with the intention that: "Hopefully no regrets will arise in me". France atrium is so, this, monks, people with gender, with full instructions, no regrets arise.
This, monks, with no regrets, no need to do with the intention that: "We hope that joy will arise in me". France atrium is so, this, monks, the people have no regrets, joy arises.
This, monks, the people rejoice, do not have to do with the intention that: "We hope that joy will arise in me", French atrium is so, the monks, the people rejoice, joy arises.
This, monks, the people with joy, not with the intent to do that: "We hope that our body is calm", French atrium is so, the monks, the people rejoice, be yourself when recieve.
This, monks, who have relatives with equanimity, no need to do with the intention that: "We hope that our peaceful feeling." France atrium is so, this, monks, who have relatives with equanimity, peace be feeling.
This, monks, the people have peace and not have to do with the intention: "We hope that our mind is meditation." France atrium is so, this, monks, who are at peace with the mind is meditation.
This, monks, people with meditation, do not have to do with the user in mind: "We hope that we know, we see the truth". France atrium is so, this, monks, who are interested meditation, know and see the truth ". France atrium is so, this, monks, who are interested meditation, know and see as truth.
This, monks, and seeing as it's known, did not have to do with the intention: "We hope that we will be boring, we will dispassion." France's ear is so, the monks, who saw realistic, boring and dispassion.
This, monks, the boredom, detachment does not need to do with the intention: "We hope that we will realize the liberating knowledge". France atrium is so, this, monks, boring, dispassion, realization liberated by knowledge.
2. Thus, the monks, boring dispassion liberation meaningful knowledge, have the benefit of liberation by knowledge; realistic knowledge mean boring, dispassion, can benefit boring, dispassion; realistic sense of knowledge, knowledge is beneficial as real; sense of peace, with the benefit regulations; calm peacefulness meaningful peace benefits; Hy mean calm, calm benefits; meaningful joyful rapture, rapture benefits; regrets not mean rejoice, rejoice benefits, the significant gender Compassion does not regret, no regrets benefits. Thus, the monks, the law makes the law (other) increased prosperity; other legal entities that the fullness, brought from this shore to the other side.
 § (III) (3) Health DEPARTMENT
1. - This, monks, the evil world, to break the precepts, no regrets, clinics are destroyed. With no no regrets, no regrets for not fully, joyfully clinics are destroyed. With no joy, with incomplete joy, joy clinics are destroyed. With no joy, the joy is not complete, contempt clinics are destroyed. With no contempt, with incomplete calm, peace and clinics were destroyed. With no peace, for peace is incomplete, district clinics to be destroyed. With no right concentration, the concentration is not complete, as they really care centers are destroyed by knowledge. With no knowledge as true, as true with incomplete knowledge, boring, dispassion clinics are destroyed. With boredom, detachment no, the boring, incomplete dispassion, liberating knowledge clinics are destroyed. For example, insufficient tree branches and leaves, the kindergarten (also means casing) of the tree did not come to perfection. Also, the monks, the evil world, to break the precepts, no regrets clinics are destroyed. With no regrets no, with no regrets incomplete. ... Liberating knowledge clinics are destroyed.
This, monks, with the present, the world is full, do not regret with clinics. With no regrets there, with no regrets is full, happy to have the clinic. With joyful presence, with full joy, joy with clinics. With joyful presence, with full joy, equanimity with clinics. With calm presence, with full calm, peace has clinics. With peace there, for peace are full, there are clinics concentration. With the right concentration to be present, with full concentration, as true knowledge with clinics. With lifelike present knowledge, with knowledge as the full truth, boring, dispassion have clinics. With boredom, detachment is present, with boring, full dispassion, liberating knowledge with clinics. This example, monks, a full tree branches and leaves, the plant nursery went to perfection, in the shell, sensory trees, tree cores come to perfection. Also, the monks, with the present, with the full, have no regrets clinics. With no regrets there, with no regrets is full ... liberating knowledge with clinics.
 § (IV) (4) Basis of Medicine (DO Sariputta NOTES)
(As of 3, the only difference here is that venerable Sariputta theory).
 § (V) (5) Basis of Medicine (DO Venerable Ananda NOTES)
(As of 3, the only difference here is that Venerable Ananda theory).
 § (VI) (6) NOTES TO THE DO masters
1. Then go to the Venerable Ananda Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, there may be reasonable when monks a meditation such evidence, he can not think of the land in the soil; domestic utopia to water; impossible to fire with fire; Wind impossible to wind; in the land of boundless, boundless utopia to origin; in the land of boundless, boundless utopia to origin; Made in naught, naught not think of origin; the ideal non-perception Africa, to Africa utopian ideal non-perception; in the present world can not think of the present world; world in the next life can not think of the world hereafter. However, he still thought?
 - Hey Ananda, can thus monks as a meditation such evidence, he can not think of the land in the soil; domestic utopia to water; Wind impossible to wind; in the land of boundless, boundless utopia to origin; in the land of boundless, boundless utopia to origin; in the land of utopia is naught to naught origin; the ideal non-perception Africa, to Africa utopian ideal non-perception; in the current world, utopia to the current world; world in the next life, the world does not think of the next life. However, he still thought.
2. - But venerable sir, how a monks as meditation such evidence, he can in the land, to the land ... utopian world in the next life, utopian world to the next life . However, he still thought?
 - Here, Ananda, a great monks as follows: "This is peace, this is the enemy wins, that is the only all operating net, giving up all birth care, the destruction of craving, dispassion , cessation, Nibbana ". Thus, this Ananda, monks when such evidence is meditation, he can in the ground, not to the land; Domestic utopian world water ... in the next life, utopian world to the next. However, he still thought.
1. Then go to the Venerable Ananda Venerable Sariputta, after arrival, speak with the venerable Sariputta words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda told Venerable Sariputta:
Dear Sage Sariputta, there may be reasonable when a witness monks meditation so, he may be in great place, great location ... not think of the world in the next life, utopian world to the next. However, he still thought?
 - Hey Ananda, maybe so. Some monks as meditation such evidence, he can not think of the land in the land ... in the afterlife world, utopian world to the next. However, he still thought.
2. - Sage But Sariputta said, how a monks as meditation such evidence, he can in the land, to the land ... utopian world in the next life, utopian world to life six. However, he still thought?
 - Hey Sage Ananda, a time here, I stay at Savatthi, in Andha forest. Here, I witness is meditation as follows: In the land, the land ... I do not think of the world in the next life, the world does not think of the next life. However, I still think.
3 - But in the meantime, Venerable Sariputta thought to what?
 - One other thought arises in me: "Being killed is Nirvana". One other thought in my Destroy: "Being killed is Nirvana." For example, the sage, the fire was burning from the small stone pieces, another arises a fire, another fire destroyed a go. Also, the Sage, a start-up in my other idea, Sage said: "Being killed is Nirvana." One other thought in my Destroy: "Being killed is Nirvana". However, at that time, I still think.
 § (VIII) (8) man of faith
1. - The monks who believe, this, monks, but no instructions. Thus, he spent part of this is not perfection. He needs to make expenditures for the fullness of it, thinking, "How do we have faith and have sex again?". This, monks, when the monks have faith and have sex, so that part of expenditure, monks have fullness.
2. And this, monks, monks have faith, have sex but no hearing has heard many more ... but ... there's no law says law says but does not usually participate in the assembly .. . often join with the congregation, but not fearless sermon to the congregation ... fearless sermon to the congregation but not maintain law ... can maintain law, but not the people in the forest, far away in the abode , but for four of increase epicardial Zen, stay optimistic now, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have been confirmed, but not due to cessation of defilements, right now, himself position with wins, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight. Thus, he spent part of this is not perfection. He needs to make expenditures for the fullness of it, thinking, "How, I have faith, have sex, have heard many, there sermon, usually involved with the assembly, fearless sermon to the congregation , maintenance law, the people in the forest, far away from the residence, for four Zen of epicardial increase, stay optimistic now, there are no problems, there is no fatigue, no charges have been confirmed, and by taints cessation, even in the current, position yourself to win, we can attain and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight? "and this, monks, when the monks have heart believe, have sex, hear more, with the sermon, the congregation usually involved with, fearless sermon to the congregation, maintenance laws, the people in the forest, far away from the residence, for four Zen of increased epicardial , currently located residence, have no health fee, due to cessation of defilements, even in the current, position yourself to win and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight; Such spending part of this, he is the fullness.
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, monks commonly net credit, and perfect in every way.
§ (IX) (9) CHAIRMAN liberationist
(As of the previous 8 to ... the people in the forest in the desert abode ...)
. ... Was the prime law, but not the people in the forest, far away from the residence ... the people in the forest, far away from the residence, but for the first President liberating beyond shades, belongs formless, he does not feel the body and dwell .... For the first President of liberation, beyond the identity, belonging formless, he can sense the body and dwell, but not due to cessation of defilements, right in the present position themselves to attain victory and mind dwell outflow liberation, liberating insight; so, in expenditure this section is not fulfilled. He needs to make expenditures for the fullness of it, thinking, "How, I have faith, have sex, have heard many, have preached, often join with the congregation, fearless sermon to the congregation , maintenance law, the people in the forest, far away from the residence, for the first President of liberation, beyond the identity, belonging formless, I have the feeling to the body and dwell; due to cessation of defilements, even in the current, position yourself to win, we attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight? "And this, monks, when the monks have faith , have sex, have heard many, have preached, often join with the congregation, fearless sermon to the congregation, is the prime law, is the forest, far away from the residence, for the first President exit, beyond the identity, belonging formless, he can sense the body and dwell; due to cessation of defilements, right in the present position yourself to win, attainment and residing heartless liberation, liberating insight; Such spending part of this, he is the fullness.
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, monks commonly net credit, and perfect in every way.
 § (X) (10) NOTES TO
(As of prior to. ... He maintenance law)  was instrumental in keeping the law, but not a lot to remember previous lives, one life, two lives ... he remembered many previous lives with the details and characteristics, remember a lot of life before, like a life, two lives ... he remembered many previous lives with the details and features, but not with superhuman divine eye ... he clearly said the well-being depending on their industry, he with the third eye ... clearly superhuman beings know well depending on their career, but not due to the cessation of illegal or, even in the current, position themselves to win attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight; thus, the expenditure of this section, he may not fullness. He needs to make expenditures for the fullness of it, thinking, "How can I trust, have sex, have heard many, have preached, often join with the congregation, fearless sermon to the congregation, was the prime law, can remember the many lives before such a life, two lives ... can remember the many lives before, with the details and features, ... with pure divine eye, super who may know according to the well being of their careers, by taints ... cessation realized, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows, liberating insight? "this, monks, when monks do have faith, have sex, have heard many, was the sermon, the congregation often involved with, fearless sermon to the congregation, is the prime law, remembered life before, like a lifetime , two lives ... can remember the many lives before, with the details and features. ... With superhuman pure divine eye can tell, depending on the well-being of their careers, by cessation of illegal or ... enlightenment, attained and dwell; Such spending part of this, he is the fullness.
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, monks commonly net credit, which is complete in all respects.
 § (I) (11) abode
1 - Hey, monks, monks achievements detailed in part, close, share achievements abode five factors, not how long, by cessation of defilements, right in themselves present to win enlightened place, attaining and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
And this, monks, are the monks accomplished five factors?
  1.  Here, the monks, without pretentious faith, trusting in the enlightenment of the Tathagata: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, World Good time, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx, Bhagavan Buddha ". He less disease, less brain, digestion is regulated, not too cold, not too hot, medium, with diligence. He is not deceptive, fraudulent, stating his legs for masters, for you or for wise of dignity. He lived ardent effort, abandon the immoral methods, achievements and good behavior, effort, perseverance, diligence, do not give up the burden of good behavior. He has wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed (by the law), can enter all property brought to St. decide right feet, cessation of suffering.
Thus, the monks, monks achievements five factors. This, monks, how is the abode accomplishment five factors?
3. Here, the monks, the abode is not too far, not too close, convenient for travel, daytime not crowded, not noisy at night, not hoopla, at the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, and all kinds of snakes. Residing in that abode, find effortless items like robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. At his residence, the elders, monks came in as the Career heard, which transmitted the texts, the French prime grade, prime Law, maintenance compendium, he often to find out, asking: " Venerable sir, this is how? Meaning what is this? "The venerable expand what was not extended, presenting what not to present, for the start-up of the issues in question, he was cleared of suspicion. This, monks, such achievements abode five factors.
This, monks, monks accomplishments and expenditures for the year, close to share achievements abode five factors, not long, so taints cessation, even in the current, position themselves to be able to win attained enlightenment and mind dwell outflow liberation, liberating insight.
1 - Hey, monks, monks annihilation five factors, achievement five factors known in France and this is the perfect Law, had wonderful success, is the ultimate level.
And this, monks, the monks how to make an end five factors?
2. Here, the monks, monks make an end to sexual desire, the total extinction of the field, the total extinction of more deep torpor, the total extinction of foreign exchange, total annihilation of features. Thus, the monks, the monks make an end to five factors.
And this, monks, are the monks accomplished five factors?
3. Here, the monks, monks achievements aggregates gender uneducated, illiterate achievements of aggregates, aggregates intellectual achievements uneducated, illiterate achievements aggregates liberation, liberation uneducated achievements tri is aggregates. Thus, the monks, monks achievements five factors.
This, monks, monks make an end to five factors, achievement five factors, known in France and this Law, is the perfect location, has wonderful success, is the ultimate level.
Not lust, not courts,
No more deep torpor
No agitation, no doubt,
Monks completely
With uneducated world aggregates,
With the aggregates uneducated,
Complete with deliverance,
With such knowledge.
Such monks,
Full five factors,
Paragraph take five factors,
In France and this Law,
You fully known
Absolutely every respect.
 § (III) (13) THE fetters
1 - Hey, monks, there are ten fetters. What are the ten?
2. In the lower part of fetters, in the upper part of fetters.
What are five lower fetters?
3. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, lust, anger. This is five lower fetters.
What is in the upper part fetters?
4. Lust love, formless love, romance, agitation, delusions. This is in the upper part of fetters.
This, monks, here are ten fetters.
 § (IV) (14) TAM HOANG VU
1. - This, monks, the monks or nuns, monks-not yet deserted in mind to make an end, in the mind bondage is not cut off, with he, night or day to come, the wait is harm reduction in the dhamma, not growth.
How wild is in the mind is not annihilation?
2. Hey, monks, here monks gurus doubt, indecision, indecisive, no net credit. Chu, monks, nuns, monks-gurus suspicious, hesitant, indecisive, no net credit, when his mind is not oriented zeal, devoted, patient, diligent. If someone does not mind toward earnestness, focused, persistent, diligent, such as wilderness first center is not annihilation.
3. Again, monks, monks are suspected to France ... no net credit (as above), there is no doubt ... Net Increase credit, legal doubt the School, hesitation, not assertive, no net credit. This, monks, monks no doubt the law ... no net Learning credit, you do not mind the heat toward the center, focused, persistent, diligent. If someone does not mind toward earnestness, focused, persistent, diligent, so Wednesday desolate heart is not annihilation. Again, monks, monks was indignant for of dignity, no joy, opposing thoughts, tough. Chu, monks, nuns, monks-public outrage against the dignity, the same, there is no joy, opposing thoughts, tough, this time you do not mind the heat toward the center, focused, persistent , solubility. If someone does not mind toward earnestness, focused, persistent, diligent, so Thursday desolate heart is not annihilation. Such is the desolation in mind is not annihilation.
How is the mind in bondage not cut off?
4. Hey, monks, here monks, for sex, not greed, not greed, not attachment, not without yearning, not heat the brain, not must not desire. This, monks, monks have toward education, not greed .... not without desire, his mind not toward zealous, devoted, patient, diligent. If someone does not mind toward earnestness, focused, persistent, diligent, so is the mind first bondage has not been severed.
5. Again, monks, monks do for itself is not without craving ... (as above) ... so is the mind Monday bondage is not cut off. Again, monks, monks whatsoever for any material not without craving ... (as above) ... so is the mind Tuesday bondage has not been severed. Again, monks, monks who eats until lease agreement, until the belly is full function, severe natural living for pleasure eating couch, sleeping pleasure, pleasure torpor. This, monks, monks who had eaten the lease agreement, until the belly is full function ... (as above) ... so is the mind bondage has not been cut off Wednesday. Again, monks, monks celibate with any expectation of being Heaven, meaning: "I am with this world, with this well, with this ascetic, or with virtue will be this being made gods or other heavenly beings ". This, monks, monks do celibate (as above) ... so is Thursday bondage center has not been severed.
Such is the interest in bondage has not been severed.
This, monks, monks or nuns, monks-how, years of wilderness center not make an end, interest in this bondage not cut off, with he, night or day to come, waiting is the harm reduction of good behavior, not growth.
6. Hey, monks, monks or nuns, monks-yet desolate heart had front clip, five severed bondage center, with he, night or day to come, waiting is the growth in good behavior, not harm reduction. What is the year desolate heart was total annihilation?
7. Hey, monks, here, no doubt, monks masters, without hesitation, decisively, net credit. This, monks, monks do not doubt gurus, not hesitant, indecisive, net credit, his mind toward the fervent, attentive, patient and diligent. If one direction of the center of zeal, perseverance attentive, diligent, so is the first wild heart was total annihilation.
8. Again, monks, monks, monks are not legal doubt ... (as above) ... no doubt Increase ... (as above) ...., No doubt the French School, without hesitation, assertive, net credit. This, monks, monks do not doubt Learning methods, without hesitation, determined, net of credits, his mind toward the enthusiastic, attentive, patient and diligent. If one direction of the center of zeal, devoted, patient, diligent so desolate Center Wednesday was total annihilation. Again, monks, monks do not resent for co Pham happy, joy, heart is not opposed, not tough. This, monks, monks do not resent for co Pham happy, joy, heart is not opposed, not rigid, his mind toward the zealous, devoted, persistent, fine new. If one direction of the center of zeal, devoted, patient, diligent, so Thursday desolate heart was total annihilation.
Such is the desolation in mind was to make an end.
How is the mind in bondage has been cut off?
9. Hey, monks, here, monks for no craving sex, no desire, no craving attachment, no hunger, no heat, no thirst. This, monks, monks do not have sex for those craving, no desire, no attachment, no hunger, no heat, no thirst, heat toward his mind attention, attentive, patient, diligent. If one direction of the center of zeal, devoted, patient, diligent, so is the mind first bondage has been cut off.
10. Again, monks, monks do for themselves without craving ... (as above) ... so Monday bondage center was cut off. Again, monks, monks whatsoever for any material without craving ... (as above) ... so is Tuesday bondage center was cut off. Again, monks, monks do not eat until the lease agreement, until the belly is full function, impartial weighing of pleasures couch, sleeping pleasure, pleasure torpor ... (as above ) ... so is Wednesday bondage center was cut off. Again, monks, monks do celibate, with no expectation of being Empyrean with meaning: "I am with this world, with this well, with this ascetic, or for discounts on this well, will this is being made gods or other heavenly beings ". This, monks, monks do celibate, with no expectation of being Heaven, with the thought: "I am with this world, with this well, with this austerity, or the virtues of this, would be born make this devas or other gods, "his mind towards zealous, devoted, patient, diligent. If one direction of the center of zeal, devoted, patient, diligent, so Thursday bondage center was cut off.
Such is the interest in bondage had been cut off.
This, monks, the monks or nuns, monks-how, years of wilderness mind was to make an end, interest in this bondage has been cut off, for he, night or day to come, the wait is the growth in goodness, not harm reduction. Just as, monks, in the full moon night or day to come, the moon was sharp growth in capacity, growth of pie, growth in lighting, growth in height, surface wide orbit. Also, the monks, with monks or nuns, monks-yet, in desolate heart was annihilation, in bondage center was cut off, with he, night or day to come, wait wait is the growth in the dhamma, not harm reduction.
 § (V) (15) undistracted
1. Hey, monks, until the beings no legs, or legs, or four legs, or multiple legs, or identity, or identity, or perception, or utopian, or non-ideal non wall. Tathagata called supreme among them, steps Arhat, Enlightenment. Also, the monks, there are good legal philistine public, all her legal distractions do not get the basic, no distractions do take place to gather, no distractions called his supreme legal tong .
2. Just as, monks, that everyone has the footprint of the sentient pedestrians, all set in a vacuum opportunity elephant and the elephant foot is called the ultimate in all types of feet, ie is the great part. Also, the monks, there are good legal philistine public, all of them took no distractions as the basis, taking no distractions as gathering place, no distractions are called supreme in all dhamma. For example, the rafters of a house with a peaked, they all go to the pointy roof, pointed toward the roof, curly hair gathered into. Pointy roof over them are called supreme. Also, the monks, there are good legal philistine public, all of them took no distractions as the basis, taking no distractions as gathering place, no distractions are called supreme in all dhamma.
Just as, monks, that everyone has the kind of husband any flavor, kind of black latex adhesive called supreme. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh has yet .. in all dhamma. Just as, monks, that everyone has the kind of core public taste, kind of sheep-herd called the ultimate red. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh have any ... in all dhamma. Just as, monks, that everyone has certain types of incense, flowers dance called you is paramount. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh have any ... in all dhamma. Just as, monks, that everyone has certain emirates, all depending King Dharmaraja. Dharmaraja for them called supreme. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh have any ... in all dhamma. Just as, monks, ordinary light of any stars yet, all is not equal to one-sixteenth the light of the moon. Moon light puzzle with them called supreme. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh have any ... in all dhamma. Just as, monks, in the fall, when the expansion of nowhere, no haze, the sun rose straight up into the sky, do not wipe out all the darkness in the sky, shining, glow, glowing. Also, this, monks, dhamma flesh have any ... in all dhamma. Just as, monks, that everyone has that major rivers, such as the Ganges, Aciravati, Sarabhu River, River Maihi, all river he went to sea, towards the sea, swept through the sea, direction into the sea, large ocean called the ultimate for us. Also, the monks, there are good legal philistine public, all the measures taken did not do basic distractions, distractions do not take the place of gathering, no distractions are called supreme in his legal .
 § (VI) (16) CAUSE offerings
1 - Hey, monks, ten classes this person deserves respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life. What are the ten?
2. Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, Single sensory level, steps Liberation both parts, steps liberating insight, level certification body, even ranks Knowledge, Career Tin liberation, practice Career Options, Executive Career Options credits and grades Switch nature.
This, monks, ten classes this person deserves respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life.
 § (VII) (17) holder (1)
1 - Hey, monks, please stay with the holder, do not stay without holders. This, monks, who lived suffering no holder. This, monks, ten This provides the holder. What are the ten?
2. Hey, monks, where monks have sex, with the tame life of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty, right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, accept and practice in law school. This, monks, monks are presented, the monastic life of Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, seeing danger in the slightest fault, accepted and legal practice in the school; Here is the holder legal effect.
3. Again, monks, monks heard many, life over what was heard, contained what was heard. These measures do good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text, highlight the holy life fulfilled purity, the law was, he had heard, was life over, was reciting verbal , was observed with attention, was sworn in with the right view; Here is the holder legal effect.
4. Again, monks, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with. This, monks, monks do what you do in good faith, with good friends, good faith communication; Here is the holder legal effect.
5.Lai again, this, monks, monks easy to say, the legal achievements of people working is easy to say, patience and skillful teachers accept the words presented. This, monks, monks are vulnerable to say, the legal achievements of people working is easy to say, patience, and skill to accept the words of the world; Here is the holder legal effect.
6. Again, monks, monks have work that needs to be done, or large, or small, for the co Pham Hanh; here, he skillfully and ardent, accomplished observation means, just enough to do, just enough to hold. This, monks, monks do, that every job has nothing ... just enough to hold; Here is the holder legal effect.
7. Again, monks, monks preferred method, the talk in a cute way, rejoice in the French victory, the victory of Law. This, monks, ordinary monks preferred legal yet, the talk in a cute way, rejoice in the French victory, the victory Law; Here is the holder legal effect.
8. Again, monks, monks lived ardent effort, rid of evil, full make up good behavior, effort, perseverance, not leaving the burden for charity measures. This, monks, ordinary monks who live ardent effort, get rid of evil, full make up good behavior, persistent effort not to lose the burden of good behavior; Here is the holder legal effect.
9. Again, monks, monks know enough for items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This, monks, ordinary monks know enough yet for items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment; Here is the holder legal effect.
10. Again, monks, monks mindfulness, wisdom supreme achievements recollection anniversary, custom made concepts for a long time, talked a long time. This, monks, ordinary monks do mindfulness ... said long; Here is the holder legal effect.
11. Again, monks, monks have wisdom, intellectual achievement with the birth and death, wisdom of sages, may enter and towards an end to suffering right feet. This, monks, the monks no brainer ... an end to suffering; Here is the holder legal effect.
This, monks, let's stay with the holder, do not stay without holders. This, monks, was the residence suffering no holder.
This, monks, here are ten methods work the holder.
 § (VIII) (18) holders (2)
1 - Hey, monks, please stay with the holder, do not stay without holders. Suffering, this, monks, who reside without holder. This, monks, there are ten measures to this effect the holder. How are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, monks who have accepted and presented ... in hoc legal academic, think: "Actually there is, monks of this world. This position residence, protected with the protection of the monastic rule Patimokkha, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in the law school. " The elders, monks, monks think that is worth mentioning, worthy world ... middle-aged teachers, monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be talking about, worth been teaching internationally. For they, being the great commercial elders, are the ideal middle-aged injured, is the phenomenon new trade school, waiting is the growth of good behavior, not the harm reduction. This is the holder legal effect.
3. Again, monks, monks are heard ... you clever communicate through the right view, think: "Really this is the monks heard many, life over what was heard, contained what was heard. The law does, good profile, medium-good, good logistics, meaning that text, highlight the holy life fulfilled purity. The law does, he has heard a lot, have life over, was reciting verbal, was observed with standard, well-communicated by right view ". The elders, monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be talked about, deserves Catholic world. For they, being the great commercial elders, are the ideal middle-aged injured, is the ideal new trade school, waiting is the growth of good behavior, not the harm reduction. This is the work of the legal holder.
4. Again, monks, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with, think: "This really makes your monks in good faith, with good friends, communicate faith card ". The elder monks ... The middle position monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be talked about, deserves Catholic world. With the work he ... the holder.
5. Again, monks, monks easy to say, the legal achievements of people working is easy to say, patience and smart to accept the words Catholic world think: "Really this, monks, is easy to say , the achievements of the people easier said legal work, patience and skillful teachers accept the words world ". The elder monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be talked about, deserves Catholic world. With the work he ... the holder.
6. Again, monks, monks, that everyone has what it takes to do the job, or large or small, for the class at the same discounts, where he skillfully and ardent, accomplished reflections to the means to do just enough, just enough to hold. The elders, monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be talked about, deserves legal teachers working world ... This is the holder .
7. Again, the monks, the monks preferred method, said the specialist, in a cute way, rejoice in the French victory, winning Law thought: "Actually this your favorite French monks, together speak in a cute way, rejoice in the French win, win Law ". The elders, monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be mentioned, Catholic world ... deserve the holder works.
8. Again, monks, monks preferred to live ardent, diligent, rid of evil, full make up good behavior, effort, perseverance, not leaving the burden to good behavior, thought: "Actually, monks lived ardent, diligent, rid of evil, full make up good behavior, effort, perseverance, not leaving the burden to the dhamma ". The elders, monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be mentioned, Catholic world ... deserve the holder works.
9. Again, monks, monks know enough for items such as medicine, food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, and think: "Actually monks knew enough with widgets such as medicine, food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. " The elder monks ... think that monks should be mentioned, Catholic world ... deserve the holder works.
10. Again, monks, monks mindfulness, wisdom supreme achievements recollection, depending concept work done, talked a long time, thinking, "This really mindful, monks, Property achievement supreme concept ... did, said long ". The elder monks ... The middle-aged monks ... The monks Modern Studies think that monks should be mentioned, Catholic world ... deserve the holder works.
11. Again, monks, monks have wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, St. decide scouts can enter, leading to cessation of suffering right feet, thought: "Actually, monks this wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, could enter the Holy decide right feet scouts led to the destruction of suffering ". The elder monks thought he billion- worth mentioning monks, teachers deserve world. The middle-aged monks think that monks should be talked about, deserves Catholic world. The new study, monks think that monks should be talked about, deserves Catholic world. With the elders he was a great trade, trade ideas are the middle-aged, is the ideal new trade school, waiting is the growth of good behavior, not the harm reduction. This is the holder legal effect.
This, monks, let's stay with holder, do not stay without holders. Suffering, this, monks, who reside without holder.
This, monks, here are ten methods work the holder.
 § (IX) (19) HOLY APARTMENT (1)
1 - Hey, monks, this apartment has ten Holy, Holy settled with this, the saint had lived, lives and will live. What are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, monks spend part annihilation year, spending six parts achievements, upholding a fully four foundations themselves, eliminate personal truth, has completely annihilation to seek, without thinking of defilements, corms are calm, clever mind is liberated, liberating wisdom is smart.
This, monks, residents here are ten Holy, Holy settled with this, the saint had lived, lives and will live.
 § (X) (20) HOLY APARTMENT (2)
1. One time, Bhagavan Kuru among the people residing in the town of Kuru called Kammasadhama nation. Here, Bhagavan called the monks ... Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, this apartment has ten Holy, Holy settled with this, the saint had lived, lives and will live. What are the ten?
3. Here, the monks, monks spend part annihilation year, spending six parts achievements, upholding a fully four foundations themselves, eliminate personal truth, has completely annihilation to seek, without thinking of defilements, corms are calm, clever mind is liberated, liberating wisdom is smart.
And this, monks, are the monks had to take five factors section?
4. Here, the monks, monks make an end to sexual desire, the total extinction of the field, the total extinction of more deep torpor, Tan Trao exchange segment, the total extinction of features. Thus, the monks, monks take five factors sections.
And this, monks, are the achievements of six monks spend part?
5. Here, the monks, monks when sharp eyes saw no joy, no frustration, mindfulness-awareness discharge residence; ears hear when ... when ... when the blade nose smelling incense taste ... the emotional body, known as the law, there is no joy, no frustration, discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness. Thus, the monks, the monks spent six parts achievements.
And this, monks, the monks how a holder?
6. Here, the monks, monks achievement for upholding the concept of mind. Thus, the monks, monks upholding a. And this, monks, the monks how full four foundations themselves?
7. Here, the monks, monks have a close deliberation, have an endurance hesitated, hesitated avoided with a, with a deliberation elimination. Thus the monks, monks full four foundations themselves.
And this, monks, the monks how to eliminate personal truth?
8. Here, the monks, for the common discrepancies are the recluses, Brahmin universal acceptance, such as: "The world is permanent, the world is not permanent ; limited world, the world is not limited to, the life of the body is one, lives with another's body; Tathagata does not exist after death; Tathagata exists and does not exist after death; Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, "All the trust is to eradicate, except give up, let go, dropped clearance, annihilation, renunciation So this, monks, is Billion -kheo eliminate personal truths.
And this, monks, like the monks were completely annihilation of reach for?
9. Here, the monks, monks had to seek sexual annihilation, were useful to seek total annihilation, Pham almond range to be calm. Thus, the monks, the monks had to make an end altogether to seek.
And this, monks, how the monks of thinking no defilements?
10. Here, the monks, monks were thinking sexual annihilation, was thinking annihilation field, has caused the total extinction of thinking. So, this, monks, is the thinking no defilements.
And this, monks, the monks how is mental equanimity?
11. Here, the monks, monks suffering paragraph, paragraph joy optimistic termination benefits were feeling before, attainment and residing Meditation Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. Thus, the monks, the monks are mental equanimity.
And this, monks, how the monks were liberated mind?
12. Here, the monks, monks mind is freed from greed, the mind is freed from the pitch, the mind is freed from ignorance. Thus, the monks, the monks were liberated mind well.
And this, monks, how clever monks with liberating wisdom?
13. Here, the monks, monks said that: "Craving was to make an end of me, being cut off from the roots, stems make as Tala, makes it impossible to be reborn, making can not arise in the future, "clearly knew:" Golf was to make an end of me ... in the future, "clearly knew:" Si was to make an end of me, being cut off from the roots, making Tala as trunk, making impossible rebirth, makes it impossible to arise in the future. "Thus, the monks, the monks with clever intellectual liberation.
14. Hey, monks, all the saints in the past had to live according to residents, all he has to live up to this apartment ten Bible. This, monks, all the saints in the future will live up to St. apartment, all he will live up to ten St. condo. This, monks, all those saints in Catholic life settled now, all these persons are living under ten St. condo.
This, monks, St. residents here are ten that are living saint lived, and will live.
 § (I) (21) lion
1 - Hey, monks, lion, king of beasts, in the afternoon, from the cave to go out. After the cave came out, it legroom; after stretching the legs, he looked around the four winds, after looking around the four winds, it roared three lions roar; roared three times after the lion roar, it goes looking for prey. Why? It served with the thought: "I hope that we do not devouring small mammals lost." This, monks, the lion is synonymous with Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. "This, monks, the Tathagata preached in their breath, this is only for the lion roar. This, monks, there's ten Tathagata Tathagata forces, these forces achievements, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar between the rotating assembly and transfer discounts. What are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, the Tathagata as clearly known as the land of origin, are non-originating non-originating. Such is the power of the Tathagata Tathagata. Thus, it is by this force Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar in the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
3. Again, monks, the Tathagata said as clearly as retribution depending basis, depending on the cruise industry's past, future, present. The monks of this, as clearly Tathagata knows ... (as above) ... and turning Falun.
4. Again, monks, the Tathagata as clearly know the path to all sentient animals. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
5. Again, monks, the Tathagata clearly knows the world like the real world with many, many discrepancies. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
6. Again, monks, the Tathagata as clearly know the difference minded beings. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
7. Again, monks, the Tathagata as clearly knows the upper and lower units of the sentient species him. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
8. Again, monks, the Tathagata as true awareness of the contamination, the purity, the production launch of the Zen Meditation evidence, about liberation, about to. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
9. Again, monks, the Tathagata lives remembered the past, such a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty life, death fifty, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, many lives havoc. Tathagata remember that: "At the other place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, life expectancy to levels like this. Died on the spot after the other, and there I was born. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after another, I was born here. " Thus, Tathagata several generations remember the past life with the outline and details. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
10. And again, monks, the Tathagata with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. Tathagata know that person inferior beings, who topping ... beautiful person, rough guys bad luck, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. This being the evil deeds of the body, the word and the attention, vilified the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network must be born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell. This being the good deeds of the body, words and thoughts, not defame the saint, in the right view, create now follow the right view. These people, after the body damage the public network, is born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus, as with the pure divine eye, superhuman, seeing life and death of beings. Tathagata know that the sentient beings who inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, who fortunately, are so unfortunate wretch their careers. The monks of this, as it's known Tathagata ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
11. And again, monks, the Tathagata due rid of cankers, position yourself to win, enlightenment, attain dwell patch right now, ways of the mind liberated, liberating insight. This, monks, the Tathagata due rid of cankers, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing within the current ways of freeing the mind, liberating insight. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar in the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
This, monks, this is the power of the Tathagata Tathagata is through achievement of this force, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar between the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
1. Now there Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda, sitting down on one side;
2. - Hey Ananda, the legal qualities that lead to the realization of the winning position, the statement of the doctrine, this Ananda, here, I am fearless self sermon about us, about us like that, like What makes him so human, so real force; if there is, will know that there is; if no, will know that there is no; if is inferior, will know is inferior; if the wins will know that wins; if it is, will know that there are over; if the supreme, supreme will know. Because of that, what can he know, can see, can be realized, he will know, will see, will realize, this event has occurred. This Ananda, this is supreme for location, location is as true for this problem or other problems. This and Ananda, so I announced that in addition to this position, there is no other place more noble, more wins. This Ananda, these ten Tathagata's Tathagata force, the main achievements by these forces, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar between the rotating assembly and transfer discounts. What are the ten?
3. Here, Ananda, Tathagata said as truth is the country of origin, as the non-originating non-originating. Such is the power of the Tathagata Tathagata. Thus, it is by this force Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar in the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
4. Again, Ananda, Tathagata said as clearly as retribution depending basis, depending on the cruise industry's past, future, present. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
5. Again, Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know the path to all sentient animals. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
6. Again, Ananda, the Tathagata clearly knows the world like the real world with many, many discrepancies. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
7. Again, Ananda, the Tathagata clearly knows the difference minded beings. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
8. Again, Ananda, Tathagata as clearly knows the base of the upper and lower beings, and humanity. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
9. Again, Ananda, Tathagata realistic awareness of the contamination, the purity, the production launch of the Zen Meditation evidence, about liberation, about to. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
10. And again, Ananda, Tathagata remember the past life, like a life, two lives, three generations ... so Tathagata remembers many past lives with the outline and detailed information. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
11. And again, Ananda, Tathagata with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings. He knew that all beings, the inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, the luck, the unfortunate, are due to conduct their business. This Ananda, Tathagata as clearly know ... (as above) ... and moved Pham rotation.
12. And again, Ananda, Tathagata thanks rid of cankers, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing within the current ways of freeing the mind, liberating insight. This Ananda, Tathagata thanks rid of cankers, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing within the current ways of freeing the mind, liberating insight. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar in the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
 - Hey Ananda, this is the power of the Tathagata Tathagata is through achievement of this force, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status Niu kingdom, roaring lion roar between the rotating assembly and transfer discounts.
 § (III) (23) TO CLOSE
1 - Hey, monks, there are measures need to make an end to itself, not the words. This, monks, have the legal need to make an end with words, not with themselves. This, monks, have the legal need not to make an end to itself, not with words, but after seeing the need to make an end to the intellectual.
And this, monks, is how the law should make an end to itself, not with words?
2. Here, the monks, monks have committed immoral thing about yourself, about the problems. After consideration of that issue, the position of dignity have been telling him: "Illustration has committed immoral thing about yourself, about this issue. It was good that it replaced, if he came to abandon themselves from evil and do good practice itself. " He is the co-location discounts may well say after such consideration, the total extinction of the body that do evil, do good to practice themselves.
This, monks, the law is called the law should make an end to itself, not the words.
And this, monks, is how the law should make an end with words, not with the body?
3. Here, the monks, monks commit immoral things with words, on a matter. After consideration of that issue, the position of dignity has said he: "Illustration has committed immoral thing about words, about this issue. It's rather good, if he came to abandon evil speech, practice good words. " He is the co-location discounts may well say after such consideration, the total extinction of evil speech. Practice good words.
This, monks, the law is called the law must make an end of words, not of the body.
And this, monks, what is the legal need not to make an end to itself, not with words, but also after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end?
4. To participate, the monks, need to make an end not with themselves, not with words, but also after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end. Golf, this ... Si monks, the monks ... Wrath, this rare, monks ... hatred, the monks ... slur, the monks .... brain damage, the monks ... Avarice, the monks need to make an end, not with themselves, not with words, but after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end. Evil jealousy, the monks need to make an end, not with themselves, not with words, but after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end.
And this, monks, what is evil jealousy?
5. Here, the monks, someone Homeowners, or human Homeowners, abundantly rich in assets, of rice, of silver or gold. Here, a slave or servant spleen arise following thought: "Oh, the abundance of assets, of rice, of silver or gold really did not belong to the owner or person Date this all ". "Or a recluse, Brahmin get items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. Here, a recluse, or other Brahmin arise following thought: "Oh, hope that this venerable're not getting items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical the cure ".
This, monks, is called evil jealousy.
Evil jealousy, the monks, should make an end not with themselves, not with words, but also after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end.
6. Hey, monks, evil education should make an end, not with themselves, not with words, but also after, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end.
And this, monks, how education is evil?
7. Here, the monks, someone who did not believe, would want that: "We hope that they know that I have faith"; evil world wants that: "We hope that they know that I am who have sex"; wanted to hear at that: "I hope that they know that I am listening to a lot of people"; is preferred congregation, wanted that: "We hope that they know that I am the living renunciation"; Be the lazy kind of wish that: "We hope that they know that I am ardent diligent person"; who wanted forgetfulness that: "We hope that they know that I am the person is residing concept"; who do not have to, would want that: "We hope that they know that I am bigot"; Property is evil people, would want that: "We hope that they know that I am wise people"; had yet to make an end to the illegal or wish: "I hope that they know that I was the one who taints annihilation".
This, monks, is called sexual evil.
This sexual evil, this, monks, should make an end, not with themselves, not with words, but also after the show, after seeing with wisdom, need to make an end.
8. Hey, monks, if involved conquest, monks and development, if the field si ... if ... if ... if ethnical hatred indignation ... if ... if brain damage detractors ... if ... if evil avarice jealousy ... if evil monks sexual conquest and development, he needs to be understood as follows: "this unknown venerable know how to take no present. Thus he participated conquest and development, this venerable know how unknown to the field is not present ... this unknown venerable know how to si ... outrage absence absence ... ethnical hatred are not present ... disparaging ... brain damage is not present is not present ... avarice is not present ... evil ... jealousy is not present known as Venerable unknown How, for evil has no face education. Thus, evil conquering venerable education and development. "
9. But, this, monks, if participation is not conquered, monks and development, if the field si ... if ... if ... if ethnical hatred indignation ... if detractors .. . if brain damage ... if avarice ... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy does not conquer you, monks and development, he needs to be said as follows: "this venerable clearly know How to take no sides. Thus, participation is not conquered this venerable and undeveloped. This venerable clearly knows how to pitch absent ... si ... outraged ... hate ... disparaging ... hiềm brain damage ... avarice ... evil jealousy .. . evil is not present sex. Thus, no evil conquer your fitness venerable and not development. "
 § (IV) (24) MAHA Cunda
1. One time, he came to reside among the people Mahacunda at Sahajati Ceti. There, venerable monks Mahacunda call.
 - Hey Sage monks.
 - Ladies and Sage.
 - The monks replied that yes venerable Mahacunda. Venerable Mahacunda says the following:
2 - Ladies and sage, if a theory of mind, monks said: "I know this method, I find this approach". If taking his monks conquer and survive, if the field si ... if ... if ... if ethnical hatred indignation ... if ... if the brain detractors back ... if avarice. .. if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy he conquer and survive, he needs to be understood as follows: "this unknown venerable know how to take no sides. So take her venerable conquer and survive. This venerable unknown knew how to pitch absent ... absent si ... indignation absent ... absent ... ethnical hatred detractors brain damage is not present ... absent ... absent avarice ... evil ... jealousy is not present is not present sexual evil. Thus, the evil of this venerable sexual conquest and survival. "
3. Dear Sage, if monks theory of practice, said: "I was practicing on the body, is practiced in the world, is the practice of the mind, is the practice of wisdom." Dear reverences, if taking his monks conquer and survive, if the field si ... if ... if ... if ethnical hatred indignation ... if ... if brain damage detractors ... if avarice ... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy conquered his monks and survive, he needs to be understood as follows: "the Venerable said it is not clear how to participate are not presence, so that he participated conquer and survive. The venerable status is uncertain to know how the courts are not co ... si no ... disgusted face ... ethnical hatred absent absent ... absent detractors ... brain ... harm absent absent avarice ... evil ... jealousy is not present is not present sexual evil. Thus, the evil of this venerable sexual conquest and survival. "
4. And this reverences, where monks theory and practice theory, saying: "I know this method, I find this approach, I was practicing on the body, I was practicing on the world, I was practicing mental training, I was practicing the skill. " Reverences, if taking his monks conquer and survive, if the courts ... if si ... if indignation. Ethnical hatred ... if ... if ... if brain damage detractors .... if avarice .... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy conquered his monks and survive, that monks should be understood as follows: "This clearly does not know this venerable how to participate are not present ... not pitch presence ... si no face ... Thus, evil monks sexual conquest and survival ".
5. Just as, reverences, with poor people have to say about wealth; no property can be said about the property; no owner can talk about possession, but when the opportunity to create wealth, he can not constitute property, rice, silver or gold. People may know about him as follows: "He, however poor, speak of riches; This position, though no property, said property; This position, though no property, said property. Wherefore? Whereas this position, to have the opportunity to create wealth, he can not constitute property, rice, silver or gold. " Also, this reverences, the monks theory of theory of mind and practice, said: "I know this method, I find this approach, I was practicing on the body, I was practicing on gender, I was cultivation of the mind, I was practicing the skill. " Reverences, if taking his monks conquer and survive; if the courts ... if ... if indignation si ... if ... if detractors dislike hate brain damage ... if ... if ... if evil avarice ... if evil sexual jealousy he conquered monks and survive, that monks should be understood as follows: "this clearly does not know how to participate are not present ... golf is not present ... si no face. .. Thus, evil monks sexual conquest and survival ".
6. reverences, theory of mind, monks said: "I know this method, I find this approach". Reverences, if participation does not conquer his monks and survive, if the field si ... if ... if ... if ethnical hatred indignation ... if ... if brain damage detractors ... if avarice ... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy is not he conquer and survive, the time he needs to be said as follows: "this person clearly knows how to participate are not present ... so, take he does not conquer and survive ... golf is not present ... si no ... disgusted face ... ethnical hatred absent absent ... absent detractors ... no brain damage avarice presence ... no face ... evil ... jealousy is not present is not present sexual evil. Thus, evil is not sexual conquest and survival status. "
7. reverences, monks theory of practice, said: "I have practiced on the body, I can practice on gender, I can practice on my mind, I have the knowledge to practice." Reverences, if participation does not conquer his monks and courts exist ... if ... if ... if indignation si ... if ... if detractors ethnical hatred ... if brain damage .. . if avarice ... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy did not conquer his monks and survive, he needs to be said as follows: "this person clearly knows how to take no sides . So take this position not conquer and survive ... the field is not present ... si ... ethnical hatred is not present is not present ... disparaging ... brain damage is not present is not present. .. avarice no jealousy face ... evil ... evil is not present is not present fitness ... Thus, evil is not sexual conquest and survival of this position. "
8. reverences, where monks theory and practice theory, saying: "I know this method, I find this approach. I have a physical practice, I practice on gender, I have to practice on my mind, I have the knowledge to practice. "Reverences, if participation does not conquer his monks and courts exist ... if ... if ... if indignation si ... if ... if detractors ethnical hatred ... if the brain damage ... if avarice ... if ... if evil evil sexual jealousy did not conquer his monks and survival, time he needs to be said as follows: "this venerable know how to be involved not present. Thus he participated not conquer and survive. Golf is not present ... si no ... disgusted face ... ethnical hatred is not present is not present ... disparaging ... brain damage is not present is not present ... no avarice jealousy face ... evil ... evil sexual absent absent. Thus, evil is not sexual conquest and venerable position does not exist. "
9. Hey Hien, such as a rich person can speak of riches; a property owners have to say about the property; a person can talk about property ownership. When given the opportunity to create wealth, he can create assets, rice, silver or gold. And one can know about him as follows: "There are wealthy, you speak of riches; property, the said property; with wealth, the wealth is about. Why? Whereas this position, to have the opportunity to create wealth, he can create assets, rice, silver or gold. " Also, this reverences, monks and theory of mind theory to practice, said: "I know this method, I find this approach. I have a physical practice, I practice on gender, I have to practice on my mind, I have the knowledge to practice. " Reverences, if he participated not conquer and survive ... if the courts ... if ... if indignation si ... if ... if evil sexual jealousy is not he conquer and survive , he needs to be said as follows: "the venerable know how this clearly to take no sides. So take this position not conquer and survive. This venerable position clearly knows how to pitch absent ... si ... outraged ... hate ... disparaging ... hiềm brain damage ... ... evil jealousy avarice. .. sex is not present evil. Such evil is not sexual conquest venerable position and survive this. "
1 - Hey, monks, meditation has ten projects this country. What are the ten?
2. A tri Zen idea of ​​land project, top, bottom, width, incomparable, immeasurable. Some people think meditation tri ... a great project tri water Meditation fire ... a great project Meditation tri wind project ... a tri Zen idea ... a great green project Meditation tri gold project ... a tri Zen idea ... a great Indian meditation tri white ... a great project meditation tri ... sentenced a great vanity project tri Zen consciousness, top, bottom, width, not two, wealth measure.
This, monks, meditation has ten projects this country.
 § (VI) (26) Potassium
1. One time, he came to reside among the people Mahakaccana Avanti, in Kuraraghara, in a high mountain area. Then there Female lay potassium, residing in Kuraraghara, go to the venerable Mahakaccana, after arriving venerable bowed and sat down on one side Mahakaccana. Sat to one side, lay potassium Women residing in Kuraraghara said to Venerable Mahakaccana:
2. - Venerable Sir, Bhagavan has said the following in the woman question;
"We achieve the purpose,
My mind is calm,
After the victory,
Excellent endearing army,
Meditation me alone,
Peace right enlightenment.
Therefore, I do not have,
Making friends with the masses,
Make friends with someone,
Not that I do. "
Venerable Sir, this brief words of Bhagavan to be interpreted broadly meaning like?
3. - Hey Female layman, with some recluses, Brahmin supremacy in the attainment skillful Zen land project, can accomplish their goals. This laywomen, but Bhagavan has won the supreme knowledge of the attainment skillful Zen land project, having won such voters, Bhagavan saw the launch episode, saw the danger, saw the renunciation, saw the knowledge of religion and non-religion. Do people see the launch episode, so people can see the danger, due to see the renunciation, by the knowledge of the directors see the runway and he clearly knew the purpose has been achieved, the mind was calm . Female lay this, there are some recluses, Brahmin supremacy in the attainment skillful Zen Meditation court sentenced water ... fire ... wind ... Meditation Meditation Project Green plan ... Zen project gold project ... red ... Meditation Meditation Meditation project white ... nowhere ... Zen court judgment formula, can accomplish their goals. This Female layman, but Bhagavan has won the ultimate tri skillful in the attainment of project Zen consciousness, after winning such a spiritual friend, Bhagavan saw the launch episode, saw the danger, saw the arrival cup , has found that the direct knowledge and airstrip. Do people see the launch episode, so people see the dangers, because people see the renunciation, by the knowledge of the directors see the runway and he clearly knew the purpose has been achieved, the mind was calm. hence, this lay Women. Bhagavan has said the following, in the question of girls;
"We achieve the purpose,
My mind is calm,
After the victory,
Excellent endearing army,
Meditation me alone,
Peace right enlightenment.
Therefore, I do not have
Making friends with the masses
Make friends with someone,
Not that I do. "
Female lay this, a brief word of Bhagavan this needs to be seen broadly meaningful way.
 § (VII) (27) But the big question (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. Now there is a lot in the morning, monks robes, holding the bowl y, into Savatthi for alms. Then the monks was thinking as follows: "It is too early to go into Savatthi for alms. Let's go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic. " Then the monks went to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic; after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. The Du pagan officer told the monks were sitting on one side;
2 - Dear Sage, recluse Gotama following sermon to his disciples: "Come, this, monks, go win all legal voters; after winning the tri, tri latest legal victory, let's dwell. "Dear Sage, we are also following sermon to his disciples:" Come, O friends this, go win all legal voters; after winning the tri, tri latest legal victory, let dwell "flatten here, the reverences, there is nothing specific, what the enemy wins, there are discrepancies between the recluse Gotama nothing and we, the sermon and the sermon, or about gender and religious teachings gender?
3. Then his monks, not happy words of his pagan wandering ascetic, nor defamatory, not joy, not vilified, and he got up and left, thinking: "We will understand the meaning of this word from Bhagavan ". Then his monks, after posing for alms in Savatthi finished, after meals, begging for food on the way back, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
4 - Here, venerable sir, our robes in the morning, took care to bowl went into Savatthi for alms. Then we thought as follows: "It is too early for alms in Savatthi, so let's go to the wandering ascetic garden heathen". Then venerable sir, we go to the garden of the pagan wandering ascetic, after arrival, we are with the pagan Du greetings officer inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, we I sat down on one side. Buddha, the pagan officer Du told us sitting down on one side: "Dear Sage, recluse Gotama following sermon to his disciples:" Come, this, monks, please tri all legal victory; after winning the tri, tri latest legal victory, let's dwell ". Dear Sage, we are also following sermon to his disciples: "Come, O friends, just won all the legal knowledge; after winning the tri, tri latest legal victory, let's dwell ". Here, the reverences, there is nothing specific, what the enemy wins, there are discrepancies between the recluse Gotama what we do and about the sermon and the sermon, or about gender and religious teachings world? "Then prospectus Bhagavan, we are not happy words of his pagan wandering ascetic, nor defamatory, not joy, not vilified, we got up and left, thinking: "we will understand the meaning of this word from Bhagavan ".
5 - this, monks, so to speak, the pagan wandering ascetic that needs to be said as follows: "reverences, a question, a statement, an answer; Two questions, two-sentence statement, the two answers, three questions, three-sentence statement, the three responses; four questions, four-sentence statement, four answers; five questions, five-sentence statement, in answer; six questions, six-sentence statement, six answers; seven questions, seven-sentence statement, seven answers; eight questions, eight-sentence statement, eight answers; Nine questions, Nine statement, nine answers; Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers ". Asked this, this, monks, that the heathen wandering ascetic, will not be answered, even more will fall into confusion. Why? This, monks, because the problem was beyond their realm. This, monks, I do not see anyone in the world of the gods, the Devas, Makai, Brahma world, with masses recluses, Brahmin with gods and men who, with proper attention interesting answer these questions, except the Tathagata, or who are from these two.
6. A question, a statement, an answer is mentioned as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In one method, the monks, monks boring right feet, right feet dispassion, right feet freed, right feet to see the end, after winning tri meaning right feet right now, is end suffering people. What is in a legal?
All beings exist because of food.
In this method, the monks, monks boring right feet, right feet dispassion, right feet freed, right feet to see the end, after winning tri meaning right feet, even in the current , was the cessation of suffering.
A question, a statement, an answer is mentioned as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
7. Two questions, two-sentence statement, the two answers are mentioned as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
Of the two methods, the monks, monks boring right feet, right feet dispassion, freed right feet, right feet to see the end, after winning tri meaning right feet, even in the present, be the cessation of suffering. How are the two methods?
In the list, and in color.
In this second method, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Two questions, two-sentence statement, the two answers, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
8. Three questions, three statements, three answers are mentioned as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
Of the three measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. What are the three methods?
In three life.
In this third method, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Three questions, three-sentence statement, the three answers, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
9. The four questions, four-sentence statement, the four answers, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
Of the four measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. What are the four legal?
Of the four dishes.
In this method four, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Four questions, four statement, the four answers, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
10. Five questions, five-sentence statement, in response, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In France, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. How is the legal year?
In aggregates.
In this method, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Five questions, five-sentence statement, in response, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk?
11. The six questions, six statement, six answers, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In the six measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. What are the six measures?
In six internal origin.
In June of this approach, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Six questions, six statement, six answers, referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
12. The seven questions, seven-sentence statement, seven answers, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In seven measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. What are the seven measures?
In seven official residence.
In seven this, this, monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Seven questions, seven statement, seven answers referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
13. The eight questions, eight statement, eight answers, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In eight measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering. What is the eight measures?
In eight legal world.
In August of this approach, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Eight questions, eight statement, eight answers referred to as such. This is conditioned by such talk.
14. Nine questions, Nine statement, nine answers, referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
In nine measures, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the cessation of suffering ... What are the nine legal?
Nine residential charming.
In nine this technique, the monks, monks boring right feet ... was the end of suffering.
15. Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
This ten monks, monks right feet, boring, right feet dispassion, freed right feet, right feet to see the end, after winning tri meaning right feet, even in the present, be the cessation of suffering. How is the tenth legal?
In ten wholesome religion.
In ten This, this, monks, monks boring right feet, right feet dispassion, right feet freed, right feet to see the end, after winning tri meaning right feet, even in the current , was the cessation of suffering.
Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers, so to speak. Due to this coast, is mentioned as such.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Kajangala, at Truc Lam. Now there are so many laymen in Kajangala go to monks residing in Kajangala Sydney, after arrival, bowed monks-ni and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the laymen in Kajangala told monks-ni in Kjangala;
2 - Dear Great Rate, Exalted has declared in the big question: "A question, a statement, an answer; Two questions, two-sentence statement, the two answers; Three questions, three-sentence statement, the three responses; four questions, four-sentence statement, four answers; five questions. Year statement, in answer; six questions, six-sentence statement, six answers; seven questions, seven-sentence statement, seven answers; eight questions, eight-sentence statement, eight answers; Nine questions, Nine statement, nine answers; Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers. "Dear Great Rate, briefly ignored the significance of widely Exalted need to understand how?
3. - Sage Hey, I was not present in person to hear and take territory from Bhagavan. I'm also not present in person to hear and take territory from the monks have practiced for attention. However, here, the issue is presented to me how, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Great billion
The laymen in Kajangala yes meet monks-ni in Kajangala, monks-ni in Kajangala said as follows:
4-5. - A question, a statement, an answer is mentioned as such. Conditioned by what is said so? (In  this, like the head of the previous question).
6. The four questions, four-sentence statement, four answers to such Bhagavan said. Conditioned by what is said so?
Of the four measures, the reverences, clever monks practice center right feet, right feet found to be finality, after winning right feet tri purposes, right now is the end of suffering people. What are the four legal?
In the four foundations of mindfulness.
In this method four, this reverences, clever monks practicing right feet, right feet ... was the end of suffering.
Four questions, four statement, the four answers, Bhagavan has said. This is conditioned by such talk.
7-8. Five questions, five-sentence statement, in answer, Bhagavan has said. Conditioned by what is said so?
In law, this reverences, clever monks practice center right feet ... was the end of suffering. In what law?
In the year ...
What of the six measures?
In the six world cup ...
In seven measures what?
In seven enlightenment ...
In eight What measures? ...
In the road sector, eight Holy ...
What legal in nine?
In nine residential charming ...
9. Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers, Bhagavan has said. Conditioned by what is said so?
In the ten measures, the reverences, clever monks practice center right feet, right feet found to be finality, after winning right feet tri purposes, right now is the end of suffering people. What are the ten measures?
In ten charity director
It ten, this reverences, monks practice center right feet, right feet found to be finality, right feet wins tri purposes, even in the present, as the cessation of suffering.
Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers, Bhagavan has said. This is conditioned by saying so.
10. Thus, the reverences, Bhagavan was talking about in the big question: "A question, a statement, an answer ...; Ten questions, ten statement, ten answers ". Reverences, Bhagavan said a brief statement declaring this, I understand the meaning so widely. Reverences, if you want to go to Bhagavan and asked the meaning. Bhagavan answer how Sage, so please maintain life.
 - Ladies and yes, Great billion.
The laymen in credit Kajangala happy life after the monks-ni words in Kajangala said, standing up from his seat, bowed monks-ni in Kajangala, the organic body towards the monks-ni and go to Bhagavan, after arrival, and bowed down to one side. Sat to one side, the laymen in Kajangala, bringing the story told monks and nuns in Kajangala-how, all over Exalted art clearly.
11. - You instead, heal rather, the Homeowners this. Homeowners Hey, there are monks intellectual-ni in Kajangala! Homeowners Hey, there are monks intellectual-ni in Kajangala! Homeowners Hey, if they come to me, and he has asked this sense, I will answer that, as monks-ni in Kajangala answered
This is the meaning of his words, so take a life over.
 § (IX) (29) PERSONS Kosala
1 - Hey, monks, look how far Kasi Kosala country, how far and wide, is the reign of King Kosala pasanadi, within such a king of Kosala Pasenadi is considered supreme ! However, the monks, the King Pasena di, Kosala with a difference, with the damage variable. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many boring in § (problem) that; so boring in § (problem) was, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to inferior.
2. Hey, monks, far to the moon, the sun moves, rotate, shining the way, for such is the world of thousands. In that world of thousands, 1000 the moon, the sun 1000, 1000 King Mountain Sineru, 1000 Jambudvipa, 1000 West African ox Chemistry, 1000, North-cu-Lot-European, won the 1000 East Asian Spirit, 4000 large sea, 4000 Dai Vuong, 1000 Four college Uranus, 1000 Three decades triangle disasters, labor ma 1000 disasters, 1000 Top-made disasters, natural peanut 1000 Chemistry, 1000, at the natural alienation, 1000 Brahma world. This, monks, far and wide for the world to 1000, the Great Brahma there is considered paramount. However, this, monks, for the Great Brahma a difference, have turned septic. Seeing this, this, monks, saints boring disciples heard in (the Great Brahma) that, due boring in the (Great Brahma) that, to give up the ultimate, but said nothing to the inferior.
3. This, monks, there was a time, until that time, the world go septic, the monks, the majority of sentient beings through the realms Abhassara (Optical natural sound). Stay at it, this being due to the birth, nourishing joy, self-halo projector, astronauts in space, it lives in the glory, and live such a long time. This, monks, while the world moved tanks-the natural sound Optics is considered paramount. But the monks, to men Quang natural sound, with a difference, with the turn septic. Seeing this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring in (celestial beings Quang sound) does; so boring in (Optical natural sound) that, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to the inferior.
4. Hey, monks, meditation has ten projects this country. What are the ten?
Some people think meditation tri land sentence, top, bottom, width, incomparable, immeasurable. Some people think meditation tri ... a great project tri water Meditation fire ... a great project Meditation tri wind project, a tri Zen idea ... a great green project Meditation tri gold project ... a Meditation great Indian tri ... a tri Zen idea ... a concept plan tri white Zen nothingness project ... a project idea Zen tri mode, top, bottom, width, not two, wealth measure.
This, monks, meditation has ten projects this country.
5. This is the ultimate, the monks, in this land of the project ten Zen, Zen ie informal court. Some voters thought the top, bottom, width, incomparable, immeasurable. This, monks, there are such beings are great. For these beings have thought so, the monks, there is another change, with the damage variable. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard him boring; so boring in that, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to inferior.
6. Hey, monks, with eight wins this country. What are the eight?
An internal identity visualize, comprehend the limited amount of foreign identity, pretty bad. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see." It was the first win of origin.
An internal color visualization, see the countless foreign identity, pretty bad. After winning their photographic knowledge he thought as follows: "I know, I see." That is the origin of a second victory.
A visualization of the inner formless, that the limited amount of foreign identity, pretty bad. He perceived that: After winning their photographic knowledge he thought as follows: "I know, I see." It's win Tuesday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless, see the countless foreign identity, pretty bad. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see." That victory Wednesday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless, that the identity of foreign blue, blue color, green ideas, green image, light blue - as blue cotton thorns, sharp blue, green minister, every form blue, light blue - like silk Balaam complaints, both sides covered with smooth, blue, green colors, green minister, the green, blue light. Thus, this position visualize in inner formless, that the identity of foreign blue, light green color. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I think that, you know." It's win Thursday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless, colorful show of foreign gold and yellow colors, golden generals, every form of gold, the yellow light - like cotton kannikara yellow, gold color, golden generals, every form yellow, light yellow - like silk Balaam complaints both sides smooth glossy yellow, gold color, golden generals, every form of gold, golden light. Thus, this position visualize in inner formless, see all kinds of colors in addition to gold, gold color, golden color concept, every form of gold, golden light. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see." That victory Friday origin.
A visualization of the inner formless, that the foreign red color, red color, generals red, form red, light red - red bandhujivaka like cotton, like silk Balaam complaints, all who smooth glossy surface, red, color red, red generals, the red, red light. Thus, this position visualize in inner formless, that the identity of foreign red, color red, red generals, red light. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see." It's a land of seven wins.
A visualization of the inner formless, see the foreign white colors, white color, white minister, the white, white light - such as Daystar Osadhi white, white color, a white minister, picture white, white light - such as silk Balaam complaints, both sides covered with smooth, white, white color, a white minister, the white, white light. Thus, this position visualize in inner formless, see the foreign white colors, white color, white minister, the white, white light. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see." It was the eighth victory
This, monks, with eight wins this country.
7. This is the ultimate, the monks, in this land of eight wins, ie people in the inner formless idea, see the foreign white colors, a white minister, the colors of white, light Page. After winning their photography, he thought voters as follows: "I know, I see. This, monks, there are such beings are great. For such a great beings, the monks, there is another change, with the damage variable. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring for him. Because of his boredom, he abandoned the ultimate, it's also something for the inferior.
8. Hey, monks, have four roads. Which four?
Win voters suffering slow path; tri suffering road win quickly; tri winning touch slow path; mau win tri communication path.
This, monks, have four roads.
9. This is the ultimate, the monks, the four roads, ie road win tri quick touch. This, monks, there are such beings practice. For being such practices, the monks have a difference, have turned septic. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring for him. Because of his boredom, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to the inferior.
10. Hey, monks, there are four ideas. Which four?
There is limited knowledge of human thought. Some voters thought great practitioner. There are countless people who thought voters. Countless people owning land of great intellectual, thought: "There is something"
This, monks, there are four ideas.
11. This is the ultimate, the monks, in four thought that meant that someone thought tri naught, thought: "There is something". This, monks have thought such beings have. For these beings have thought so, the monks, there is another change, the dialog variable. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring for him. Because of his boredom, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to the inferior.
12. This is the ultimate, the monks, in the cause of the allergic learning, ie: "If we do not have at that time, this time did not have mine. If we would not have, would not have my time. " With such knowledge people have, the monks, can wait as follows: The not this boring for property will not be for him. This boredom for no mortal would for him. This, monks, there are beings with such knowledge. For beings with such knowledge, the monks, there is another change, with the damage variable. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring for him. So boring in it, he abandoned the ultimate, but said nothing to the inferior.
13. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin ... statement is pure supreme purpose.
14. This is the ultimate, the monks, in the position statement is pure supreme purpose, ie the pass safely Forever owns the land, and dwell attainment Africa heresies non-perception. They preach to win tri penis, penis to enlightenment. This, monks, there are such beings have said. This, monks, for such beings are saying, there is a difference, there is a turn septic. Seeing this, this, monks, saints disciples heard many, boring for him. Because of his boredom, he abandoned what the ultimate say with the inferior.
15. Hey, monks, there are some recluses, Brahmin ... current statement Nirvana is supreme purpose.
16. This is the ultimate, the monks, in the current position statement Nirvana is supreme purpose, ie after the episode known as the real start, the cessation of sweetness, the hazardous and the renunciation of the six emotional origin, was freed without clinging. This, monks I had said so, declared as such. And some recluses, Brahmin not misrepresent me with what is actually non-existence, nothingness, liar, saying: "recluse Gotama does not declare the full understanding of sex, do not declare the full understanding of identity, not declared the full understanding of life. "
17. And this, monks, I declare the full understanding of sex, I declare the full understanding of identity, we announced the full understanding of life, I said right in the very sexual current, passed away, bar wages are not grasping, PARINIRVANA.
 § (X) (30) Kosala (2)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. At that time, King Pasenadi Kosala, returning from a battle, win the game, the goal has been achieved. Then King Pasenadi Kosala went to the garden. Distant land to be able to ride, ride kings, then get off and walk into the garden.
2. At that time, a large number of monks are walking outdoors. Then King Pasenadi Kosala went to his monks, after arriving, told the monks;
 - Ladies and venerable, this Exalted Arhat level, where resident Enlightenment? The Venerable sir, we want an audience with Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment.
O Lord, this was the monastery, with the door closed. You go to his house, do not have the noise, do not be hasty, entered the porch, cleared his throat, and then type where the latch. Bhagavan will open the door to the Great King.
Then King Pasenadi Kosala, went to his home monastery door closed, go to no noise no haste, entered the porch, cleared his throat, then knocked on the door jambs. Bhagavan opened. Then King Pasenadi, Kosala went on Vihara, the first leg bow down in front of Bhagavan, Bhagavan mouth kiss leg, hand massage, and says to his name;
 - Buddha, you are the king of Kosala Pasnadi. Buddha, I was king Pasenadi Kosala.
 - Sire, by the Great King saw significant benefits to doing what the Great kingdom inferior gestures such excessive and homage to the grave of this body?
4. Buddha, to clearly state my gratitude, to express my gratitude to Bhagavan, but I do excessive gestures such inferior and manifesting compassion for Exalted . Buddha, Bhagavan have done is happy for the majority, peace for the majority, the Holy district have an established base for the majority, Chief feet ie legal nature, nature friendly France. Buddha, because Bhagavan have done is happy for the majority, peace for the majority, Chief feet ie legal nature, nature friendly France; because I see significant benefits so I made gestures such excessive inferior, and manifest grave reverence for Bhagavan.
5. Again, Buddha, Bhagavan had sex, with the Buddhist world, there the Holy gender, have good sex, good sex is full. Buddha, because that Bhagavan has presented, with Buddhist world, there the Holy gender, have good sex, good sex is full; Venerable sir, because I see significant benefits, which I have done but inferior excessive celebration so and pay tribute to Bhagavan grave.
6. Again, Buddha, Bhagavan was a long day as you live in the forest, living in the jungle abode, the remote highlands wilderness backcountry. Buddha, because that was a long day Bhagavan is live in the forest, living in the jungle abode, the remote highlands far away; Buddha, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
7. Again, Buddha, Bhagavan is enough to know any items that are offered, such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. Buddha, because you know that Bhagavan is enough for any items of public offerings, such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment; Buddha, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
8. Again, the Buddha, the Blessed One is worthy of your respect, deserve respect, worthy of worship road, hands deserve the unsurpassed field of merit in the world. Because of that, Buddha, Bhagavan is the worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, as in life unsurpassed field of merit; Buddha, because you see ... grave reverence for Bhagavan.
9. Again, venerable sir, the story belongs in the upper direction, adaptive open mind, such as the story about the little training and know enough about the story, the story of renunciation, the story does not converge , the story of ardent effort, the story of the world, the story of the story about the wisdom, the story of liberation, stories of liberation, the story of the liberation of knowledge, the same story, Bhagavan has been no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard. As that venerable sir, the story of upward ... get no power charge; venerable sir, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
10. Again, venerable sir, the Blessed One to four Zen, under increased epicardial, currently residing optimistic, there is no difficulty, there is no fatigue, no charges have been hard. As that venerable sir, the Blessed One for four Zen ... get no power charge; venerable sir, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
11. Again, venerable sir, Exalted depending recite many past lives, such as a birth, death ... recalls two generations with the outline and details. As that venerable sir, Bhagavan remembers many past lives, such as a birth, death ... recalls two more lives with the outline and details; venerable sir, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
12. Again, venerable sir, Exalted with superhuman purity third eye ... are now due to their unfortunate § (See School of Volume I, page 82). Buddha, because that Bhagavan with pure cerulean labels are so happy superhero ... their career. Buddha, because you see ... reverence for Bhagavan grave.
13. Again, venerable sir, Exalted by the end of a long paragraph or, even in the present position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. As that venerable sir, Exalted by the total extinction of cankers, even in the present position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight; because I see significant benefits to human gestures made inferior excessively so, and tomb tribute to Bhagavan.
14. Buddha, now we have to go, we have more work, there is much work to be done.
 - Sire, this Dai Vuong Dai Vuong do what is right time to think.
Then the king of Kosala Pasanadi, stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
IV. FOOD AND Upali Ananda
 § (I) (31) Upali DUTY AND GENDER
1. Then the Venerable Upali have come to Bhagavan, having bowed to one side and then down. Sat to one side, Venerable Upali venerable sir:
2. - Buddha, conditioned by how many goals, the School established for legal practitioners and the responsibility Patimokkha Tathagata be proclaimed?
 - Hey Upali, conditioned by ten goals, the School is set for legal practitioners and the responsibility Patimokkha Tathagata be proclaimed. What are the ten?
3. To increase they are extremely friendly, to be secure Sangha, to stop the stubborn problems of friendly monks live in peace, to tame the contraband or even in the present, to stop the illegal or in the future, to provide for a net credit of unbelievers, to grow net credit to those who have faith, to the true Dhamma exist, so the law is approved.
Conditioned by ten goals, this Upali, the School is set for legal practitioners Tathagata, and the monastic rule Patimokkha be proclaimed.
4. - Buddha, how many cases, the monastic rule proclaimed Patimokkha suspended?
 - Hey Upali, there are ten cases, the monastic rule proclaimed Patimokkha suspended. What are the ten?
5. When a person commits a crime Balaam portable sat in his congregation, when discussing who commit crimes Balaam di not ended, when someone ordained him to sit in the assembly, as discussed about people not ordained yet over, when a legal waiver School sat in the congregation, when discussions about the legal person not abandon School ended, when people lack male sitting in the assembly base then, when discussions about the lack of men based not ended, when someone "disgrace monks-ni" was sitting in his congregation, when discussions about the disgrace monks have not been put Sydney stop.
Upali this, here are ten cases of the monastic rule proclaimed Patimokkha suspended.
 § (II) (32) THE PERIOD OF
1. - Buddha, the monks how many legal achievements for the segment as a member?
 - Hey Upali, a ten monks achievements as a way to get the members section. What are the ten?
2. Here, the Upali, the monks kept tame with the living world of the monastic rule Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in the School Justice, who listened more, life over what was heard, stored thing heard. These public measures, improving primary, secondary improvement, good defender, which means, there are cultural, praised Pham happy fulfilled purity, the same approach, he heard many, is life over, to be recited orally , observed with attention, is cleverly able to enter with the right view. Both sexes are cleverly obligation Patimokkha widely communicated, is skillfully analyze, understand smart smart economic decisions under, according to the details. He was smart to dwell on the law, not to fluctuate; have the ability to make both the opposition understand, conquer them, make them see, make them reconciled. He is skilled in the arising and to avoid termination, said the avoidance of, know to avoid the arising, know to avoid the destruction, said the way to avoid being annihilated.
This ten achievements, this Upali, monks are considered the passage to your ability to park.
 § (III) (33) Bhikshus
1. - Buddha, how many legal achievements, the monks have given ability to ordain?
 - Achievement of ten measures, this Upali, the monks have given ability to ordain. What are the ten?
2. Here, the Upali, monks have sex, life is tame with the monastic rule of Patimokkha tame, full majesty scared right action in the minor error, accepting and learning in the School Justice, who listened more, life over what was heard, store things have been heard ... clever understanding, smart decisions, longitude, according to the details. He has the capacity to feed patients or carers make, likely to make only pure discontent or dissatisfaction that only pure, capable of working except the lawful evil arises, have the ability to distinguish criticism wrong view arises, have the ability to encourage the increase of the upper world, capable of encouraging the increased epicardial, capable of encouraging the increased upper Property.
This ten achievements, this Upali, a potentially monks handed ordain coast.
1 - How many legal achievements, venerable sir, a monks can transmit only medical, ... capable of nurturing novice?
 - Achievement of ten measures, this Upali, this Upali, a bhikkhu can communicate only pure y ... capable of nurturing novice. What are the ten?
2. Here, the Upali, the monks have sex ... accepted and legal study in the School. As you can hear a lot of ... smart in with the right view. Both sexes obligation Patimokkha, cleverly communicated widely, smart analysis, understanding clever, smart decisions, longitude, according to the details. He has the ability to nurture the patient or carer making; capable of making the net only makes others unhappy or disgruntled net only; capable of working except the lawful evil arises; capable of analyzing criticism arises wrong; likely increase incentives in the upper world; capable of encouraging the increased epicardial; capable of encouraging the increased upper Property.
This ten achievements, this Upali., A potentially monks novice nurturing.
1. - Breaking increased harmony, harmony breaking increased, lord spoken of as such. So how, venerable sir is out harmony Increase?
2. - Here, this Upali, monks legal theory is unlawful, illegal sermon; Non-law is the law theory, theory of law is non-law; theory does not say that the Tathagata, not theory, is that the Tathagata said, Tathagata theory; Nhu Lai said that theory, the theory is that the Tathagata does not speak, not theory; Theory is often not what Tathagata Tathagata facility is operating normally the office; theoretical basis of operating conditions normally Tathagata Tathagata is not usually the office; no theory that Tathagata Tathagata institutional mechanism set is placed; institutional theory put things Tathagata Tathagata is no mechanism set.
This is due to the ten main, they destroy, they divide, their estate executive Bill Rom, they proclaimed four Patimokkha gender differences. Until such, this Upali, we Increase ruined.
 § (VI) (36) INCREASE harmony
1. - Increase harmony, harmony Increase. Buddha, referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is the harmony Increase?
2. - Here, this Upali, the monks theory is illegal unlawful, the sermon is a legal, non-legal theory is non-law, the law is the law theory, the theory does not say that the Tathagata, not theory, is something As Lai did not say no theory, the theory that the Tathagata has said, there is the theory that the Tathagata has said there are theories, theories that are often not the office Tathagata Tathagata is often not the office; theoretical basis of operating conditions normally Tathagata Tathagata is often the office; institutional theory does not put things Tathagata Tathagata is no mechanism set; institutional presentations Tathagata it is placed with institutional Tathagata set.
With ten of this, the monks do not destroy, the monks do not divide, the monks do not take any Public Bill Rom, the monks do not proclaimed gender differences Patimokkha duty. Until such, this Upali, the Sangha is harmony.
 § (VII) (37) destroy the harmony of UP
(Venerable Ananda asked similar questions and similar answers as of 25)
1. - Vandalism Increased harmony, bringing what results?
2. - Hey Ananda, bring crime extends to a lifetime.
3. - Buddha, what crimes lasts a lifetime?
4. - Ananda, is cooked in a life of hell.
Spoilers harmony Increase
Falling into deprivation,
Thrown into hell
Extends to a lifetime;
Preferred dissonance,
Dwelling on illegal,
An archive stabilize the yoke,
Back away from, abandon;
Who broke the harmony,
The Sangha, monks,
In a lifetime, the person,
Hell was simmering.
 § (XI) (39) INCREASE harmony
(Ananda asked the same questions as in 36 and similar responses)
1. - Buddha, with us Increase broke, make harmony again, bringing what results?
2. - Hey Ananda, bring merit ticket!
3. - Buddha, how merit is committed?
4. - Hey Ananda, in a lifetime, to live happy in Heaven.
Who live peacefully,
Increased harmony they do;
Who live peacefully,
Help us Raise harmony;
Preferred harmony,
Dwelling on the Dharma.
Who makes them Increases,
To live in harmony,
In a lifetime, he
Empyrean happy lives.
V. FOOD reviled
 § (I) (41) DEBATE
1. Then the Venerable Upali have come to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Upali venerable sir:
2. - What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, Rising competition they arise, debate, conflict, struggle and monks do not live in peace?
3. - Here, this Upali, monks legal theory is illegal ... (like 35) ...
 § (II - III) (42-43) the root of the DEBATE
1. - Buddha, how much the root of the debate?
2. - Hey Upali, ten root of the argument. What are the ten?
3. Here, the Upali, monks legal theory is illegal ... (like 35) ...
 § (IV) (44) IN Kusinara
1. One time, Bhagavan Kusanara residing in forest clump Baliharana. There, Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, monks accuse others want to force me after observing the body of legal residency, after making the internal body residing in France, and then let other people charged. How is the need to observe the law in the internal body?
3. Hey, monks, monks forced me, while the others forced me, to observe as follows: "I have personally pure or not? I have personally accomplished pure or not? I have personally pure accomplishment, no chipping, no defiled or not? I have this legal or not? "This, monks, if the monks have no pure personally, not all mental accomplishments body, has chipped, have defiled, someone will tell him as follows: "the venerable keep learning about yourself go". Thus, monks told him.
4. Again, monks, monks accused, wanted to force me to others, should be observed as follows: "We export pure act or not? We export achievements pure act, no chipping, no defiled or not, we have this legal or not? "This, monks, if monks, no export pure act, no export achievements pure act, no chipping, no defiled? Some people will say about him as follows: "The venerable keep learning about words." Thus, the monks it with him.
5. Again, monks, monks accused, wanted to accuse others, need to contemplate as follows: "We have an established compassion, not hatred for fellow Pham happy or not? In him we have legal or not? "This, monks, if not an established monks compassion, anger for co Pham happy, some people would say about him as follows:" The venerable let police compassion for the establishment of dignity ". Thus, the monks told him.
6. Again, monks, monks accused wanted to force me to others, should be observed as follows: "We have to be more listeners, life over what was heard, keep things heard or not? These measures improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, meaning that text, highlight the holy life fulfilled purity, those that I have heard, there is life over there by reciting the words, there thinking with attention, is cleverly not be entered with the right view? France had in me or not? "This, monks, if the monks are not you heard, heard that maintain life and storage conditions have heard. These measures improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, meaning that text, highlight the holy life fulfilled purity; legal entities that, he does not hear much, no life over, no verbal recitation, without thinking with attention, not smart to enter the following: "The venerable keep learning about Agama (a-levels) go". Thus, some people will say about him.
7. Again, monks, monks accused wanted accused persons, be observed as follows: "Both of the monastic rule Patimokkha, we have well-communicated widely, difficult to analyze, smart understanding, smart trading decisions under, according to the details or not? France had in me or not? "This, monks, if not clever monks communicated extensively on international duty two Patimokkha, artless analysis, understanding clever, cleverly decided to follow the business, according to details are: "Venerable Sir, this problem is Exalted says in place?" asked so, he can not answer. People will talk about him as follows: "We hope that venerable keep learning about the law." Thus, some people will say about him.
This year, need to observe the internal body
8. In any legal inner need to dwell?
9. "I tell the right time, not the non-time; I say true, not true; I say gentle, not to say brutal; I say in relation to the purpose, not words unrelated to the purpose; It is said with compassion, not anger tell. "
This year should dwell within.
This, monks, monks want to accuse others, after observing the interior of the legal year, after years of residing interior of this approach, let's accuse others.
 § (V) (45) goes to the harem
1 - Hey, monks, in the king's harem has ten such hazardous. What are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, the king was sitting with the Queen. When you see the monks, raging post-smile; or to see the queen, smiling monks. Here, the king arises thought: "Maybe these people have done or will do (sin) what?" This, monks, this is the first hazardous when in the king's harem.
3. Again, monks, kings busy with work, busy with work to do, go to a court lady and forget. The women that are pregnant. Here, the king arises thought: "There's nobody here, except monks. There's monks have done so ". This, monks, this is hazardous Monday when the king's harem.
4. Again, the monks, in the king's harem has a stolen treasure. Here, the king arises thought: "There's nobody here, except monks. It is possible that monks have done so ". This, monks, is the danger here Tuesday, while on the supply harem.
5. Again, the monks, in the king's harem, there are privy to leaked out. Here, the king arises thought: "There's nobody here, except monks. It is possible that monks have done so ". This, monks, is the danger here Wednesday, when the palace of the king.
6. Again, monks, in the harem of the king, his father killed son, or son to kill his father. They start up the thought: "There's nobody here, except monks. Maybe monks have done so. "This, monks, is the danger here Thursday, when the palace of the king.
7. Again, the monks, the king put the lower status to high status. This does not make pleasant for some people. The start-up of this person thought: "King close to the monks. Maybe monks have done so ". This, monks, is the danger here Friday, when the palace the king.
8. Again, monks, kings placed high status people down to low status. This is not to please some people. The start-up of this person thought: "King close to the monks. It is possible that monks have done so ". Monks This is the danger here Saturday, when the palace of the king.
9. Again, the monks, the king ordered the army not the right time. This is not to please some people. The start-up of this person thought: "King close to the monks. Maybe monks have done so ". This monk of the harm this is the eighth, when the palace of the king.
10. And again, monks, kings after the army ordered the wrong time, from halfway troops retreated. This job is not to please some people. The start-up of this person thought: "King close to the monks. It is possible that monks have done so ". This, monks, this is the ninth harmful, when in the harem of the palace.
11. Again, the monks, the king's harem, crowding with elephants, horses crowding, crowding the vehicle, with the color, sound, smell, taste, touch attractive, inappropriate with home people. Thus, the monks, this is the tenth harm, while at the king's harem.
This, monks, here are ten of hazardous when in the king's harem.
 § (VI) (46) THE POSITION Sakka (favorite son)
1. One time, stay in the middle of the Exalted in Kapilavatthu Like death, Nigrodha garden. Now there are many South lay Like death, the world uposatha younger days, went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Thich men sat in death;
2. - This, Like death, the boy he had practiced day world, full of eight it?
 - Buddha, there are days when we practice sex son, full of eight, when we do not practice.
 - This, Like death, so do not be in favor of Mr! So hard to be in favor of Mr! Since that life-related fear of sorrow, in life related to fear of death, sometimes the younger days he practiced full world of eight, when he had not practiced, the He What do you think, is the Interest-mail, here, there are people in some jobs, not having an unlucky day yet, earn more gold coins. Thus, there is enough to get people talking about him as follows: "It was intelligent, full of resourceful"?
 - Ladies and yes, lord!
 - The What do you think, is the Interest-mail, here, there are people in some jobs, not having an unlucky day yet, earn a gold coin ... earn two gold coins ... earn three gold coins ... earn four gold coins ... earn five gold coins ... earn six gold coins ... gold coins seven leaders ... leaders are eight coins earn nine gold ... gold coins ... gold coins earn ten ... twenty ... consular consular consular thirty ... forty ... fifty earn gold coins . Thus, there is just enough for people to speak to him as follows: "This person is intelligent, full of resourceful"?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - The What do you think, is the Interest-mail, if the person, every day earn 100 gold coins, 1,000 gold coins, stashed the money has been leading, to 100 years of age, lived to 100 years, there have he gathered a large number of property assets?
 - Ladies and yes, lord!
 - The What do you think, is the Love and death, that person's wealth by owning, wealth conditioned by ownership, as a result of property improvements for one night or one day, or only during the night, or in just half a day, optimistic life is not entitled to most user?
 - Ladies and not so, venerable sir.
 - Why?
 - Education, lord is impermanent, is empty, false, false nature.
3. Here, the death of Love, My disciples, in 10 years of living without distractions, zealous, ardent like teaching my word, so, he practiced, he can live 100 years, 100 hundred years, 100 thousand years, 100 thousand years are feeling the most optimistic direction. He could see the First hybrid fruits, fruit or fruit Any future flow project, no wrong run. Like this the death, where is 10 years! Here, my disciples in 9 years, 8 years, 7 years, 6 years, 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, in the first years of life are not spontaneous, enthusiastic, My word spirit as taught, he practiced, he can live 100 years, 100 hundred years, 100 thousand, 100 thousand and five hundred Nhut was feeling towards peace. He can experience the results First hybrid, hybrid fruits No, or incorrect results without running a Stream. Like this the death, where is one year. Here, My disciples in the 10 months to live without distractions, zeal, spirit like teaching my word; so he practices, he can live 100 years, 100 hundred years, 100 thousand years, 100 hundred thousand years are feeling optimistic Nhut direction. He can experience the results First hybrid, hybrid fruits No, or incorrect results without running a Stream. Like this the death, where is 10 months. Here, my disciples in 9 months, 8 months, 7 months, 6 months, 5 months, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, in another month living without distractions , zealous, ardent like teaching my word; he practices, he can live 100 years, 100 hundred years, 100 thousand years, 100 hundred thousand years are feeling the most optimistic direction. He can experience the results First hybrid, hybrid fruits No, or incorrect results without running a Stream. Like this the death, where is another month. Here, my disciples for 10 nights 10 days 9 days 9 nights ... in ... in ... in 7 days 7 nights 6 nights 5 nights 6 days ... in ... in 4 nights 5 days 3 nights 4 days ... in 3 days ... for 2 days ... for 1 night 2 nights 1 day ... living without distractions, zealous, ardent like teaching my word; he practiced. He can live 100 years, 100 hundred years, 100 thousand years, 100 hundred thousand years are feeling the most optimistic direction. He can experience the results First hybrid, or hybrid fruits No results expected no wrong note runs.
Like this the death, so there are benefits to Mr.! So hard to be beneficial for the Mr.! Since that life-related fear of suffering, of life related to fear of death, sometimes the younger days he practiced full world of eight, when he had not practiced.
 - Buddha, so starting today we will practice full gender younger days of eight.
 § (VII) (47) MAHALI
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, in a peaked house. Then Mahali who Licchavi, went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Mahali who Licchavis lord:
2. - Buddha, so what's so what fate, karma is done, continue to do evil?
 - O Mahāli, by human greed, conditioned by greed, evil is done, do evil continues. O Mahāli, by the courts, so charming courtyard, now made evil, evil continue to do. Do's si, si conditioned, evil is done, do evil continues. O Mahāli, by the management fees as volition, as conditioned by the non-volitional reason, evil is done, do evil continues. O Mahāli, so heartless evil direction, wrong direction conditioned mind, evil is done, do evil continues. O Mahāli, this is the person, this is fate, karma is done, continue to do evil deeds.
3. - Buddha, so what's so what fate, karma is doing, continue doing good karma?
 - O Mahāli, by cloning involved, alobha conditioned, made good karma, karma is continuing to do. O Mahāli, so dot pitch, the pitch ... so conditioned by countless dot si, si ... by cloning such as management's attention, such as by conditions of human volition ... by district center direction, so coast district center direction, made good karma, karma is continuing to do. O Mahāli, this is the person, this is fate, karma is doing, continue doing good deeds.
And o Mahāli, if 10 this law does not exist in life, when there is no statement about the illegal practice, inequality operator, or the practice of acts of equality. Whereas o Mahāli, ten existing law in this life, here the statement of operating illegally operating inequality, or practice, practice equality.
 § (VIII) (48) OF FRANCE
1 - Hey, monks, there are ten measures, the monks have always observed. What are the ten?
2. The renunciation must always observe: "I now go to the state was no caste" (lose caste). Home people should always observe: "Our life depends on others." The renunciation must always observe: "Now our majestic gesture needs to change!" The renunciation must always observe: "do not know my self have criticized the morality of it?" the renunciation should always observe: "do not know the co-location discounts may, after learning that just like me about morality no? "the renunciation must always observe:" All the characters endearing, our ability to be changing the other, being turned septic. " Monks need to contemplate: "I am now home, the heirs of now, is the womb of the industry, is now her children, now is the seat of the orient; What will I do now that everyone, good or bad I will admit themselves that now. " Monks should always observe: "Night and day passes by me and now we have the people like? Monks should always observe: "I try to rejoice in the house was empty or not?" The renunciation must always observe: "We have Shanghai's legal evidence, knowledge worthy wins Noble does not, so to the last day, the Council has asked Pham happy, we will not be ashamed? "
This, monks, ten This, monks should always observe.
 § (IX) (49) STAY CLOSE
1 - Hey, monks, ten This relates to the body. What are the ten?
2. Cold, heat, hunger, thirst, defecation, urination, body tame, tame words, tame life, rebirth, organic onions.
This, monks, have ten This relates to the body.
 § (X) (50) FIGHT
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. At that time, a large number of monks after meals, after going back to begging, sitting together in the assembly hall, competition, competition argument, fight, live together with weapons were injured mouth, tongue . Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from where Meditation stood up, went to the hall, after arriving. Sit down on the seat was drafted. After sitting down, Bhagavan told the monks;
2. - Hey, monks, now the teacher meeting, discuss what issues? What's the story between the teacher was interrupted?
 - Here, venerable sir, we are after meals, after going begging to return, we sat in the hall meetings, competition, competition argument, fight, living together was injured with a weapon tongue.
 - Hey, monks, it is not worthy to me, the good men and women, because of the confidence-home, abandoned the family, not family life, to live competition, competitive struggle conclusion, several wounded with weapons tongue. This, monks, there are ten of this law, must remember to create a mutual love, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony and consensus. What are the ten?
3. Here, the monks, monks have sex, life is tame with the monastic rule of Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, sees the danger in the slightest fault, accept and school learning in the law. Qualities that your gender monks, living in the School tame ... Justice; It is legal to keep in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect constitute harmony, unanimously
4. Again, the monks have heard many, life over what has been heard to store things heard. What these measures, improve primary, secondary good, good logistics, meaning that text, praising virtues fulfilled purity, of such measures, he heard many, life over, were recited orally, were observed with attention, thanks to cleverly communicate the right view. This, monks, monks scope that has heard many, life over what has been heard ... skillfully communicate through the right view. This is a legal form should remember the principle of mutual respect form ... harmony and consensus.
5. Again, monks, monks make friends with good, friendly with good, friendly relationship with. This, monks, the monks do you communicate in good faith ... faith. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
6. Again, monks, monks easy to say, the legal achievements of people working is easy to say, patience and skillful teachers accept the words presented. This, monks, so that the monks say ... yet easy to accept the words of well-presented. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
7. Again, monks, monks that everyone has jobs to do, or larger, or smaller for copper Pham happy. Here, he skillfully and ardent, accomplished reflection on the means, just enough to do, just enough to hold. This, monks, monks do the work that everyone has what ... just enough to hold. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
8. Again, monks, monks preferred method, the talk in a cute way, extremely joyful in the French victory, the victory of Law. This, monks, certain preferred ordinary French monks ... in winning Law. It is legal to keep in mind, creating harmony and mutual love .., agreed.
9. Again, monks, monks lived ardent, diligent, rid of evil, full make up good behavior, persistent efforts, not to lose the burden for charity measures. This, monks, ordinary monks who live ardent, diligent ... for good behavior. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
10. Again, monks, monks know enough for items such as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment. This, monks, ordinary monks who know enough ... pharmaceutical treatment. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
11. Again, the Billion-breeze, monks mindfulness supreme intellectual achievement anniversary recollection custom made concepts for a long, long ... have said this, monks, ordinary monks public awareness ... have said all along. It is legal to keep in mind, creating a mutual love ... harmony and consensus.
12. Again, monks, monks have wisdom, intellectual achievement with the birth and death, wisdom of sages, may enter and towards an end to suffering right feet. This, monks, monks that ordinary intellect, the intellectual achievements of birth and death, wisdom of sages, may enter and feet towards the end to suffering is to remember the legal form solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony and consensus.
 § (I) (51) MY MIND
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Here, Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks.
 - Buddha.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Hey, monks, if the monks, not skillful in operating general interest others, the need to pray, saying, "I will act Minister skillful in our mind." Thus, monks, the need to learn and master this, monks, how skillful monks in general practice their mind?
3. Just as, monks, a woman or a man, still young, in their teens, popular character makeup, observe the image of him in the mirror in the morning purity, or in a bowl of water. If you see dust on the surface has alarmed or sign anything filthy, he tried his filthy piece of dust or marks. If you do not see the grain of dust or sticky point, the person happy, satisfied: "It gives us a prime benefit! We really clean! "Likewise, the monks, monks observe such, the benefits of good behavior. "Are we to take more lives? Does not take much to live? Are we living many centered golf? Are many fish live without golf center? Are we living more dullness with dominant torpor, or dullness to live more with torpor be abandoned? Are we living more with agitation, or we live a lot with no agitation? Are we living more with suspicion, or to live much beyond doubt? Are we living much with indignation, or do not live more indignation? Are we living more with stained mind, or do not live much with polluted mind? Are we living with the body heat more, or we do not live much with body heat? Are we living more with idleness, or to live more with diligent, ardent? Are we not going to live much with static, or more lives with calm? "
4. Hey, monks, monks observe if so, said that: "We live much with greed; I lived much with aversion; I live much more deep hypnotic mind is dominant; I lived much with agitation; I lived many with suspicion; I lived much with indignation; I lived much with polluted mind; I lived much with the hot temperature; I lived much with idleness; It is not going to live much with static ", the monks decided that need, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful to make an end to the evil evil was legal. Just as, monks, when the towel on fire, or when the first fire, need to decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful that difficult to extinguish or was too early, the Billion-showing this, his brethren need to decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful to make an end to the immoral approach it.
5. Hey, monks, if the monks know that this observation: "I lived much with the heart not the mind does not take more deep torpor; I do not mind living much with agitation; I lived much with suspected heart was overcome; I do not mind living much with indignation; I lived many with heart unstained; I do not live much with the body heat; I lived much with diligent attention, ardent; I lived much with calm mind ", the monks did, after dwelling in her good behavior, and then more should pay attention cessation of defilements.
 § (II) (52) MY HEART (2)
1. Then the Venerable Sariputta said to the monks;
 - Reverences fake!
 - Venerable Sir yes.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows: (much like the previous, except that this venerable Sariputta said to the monks).
 § (III) (53) exactly the same place
1 - Hey, monks, I did not stand a place in praising good behavior, also say harm reduction. This, monks, I praised the growth of good behavior, not a place to stand, not harm reduction. And this, monks, are the reduced costs of the dhamma, ranked one place, not to grow?
2. Here, the monks, the monks are trying to achieve faith, virtue, hear more, generosity, eloquence with wisdom. The law does this stand for a seat position, not growth. This, monks, so I called harm reduction in friendly France, ranked one place, not growth. Thus the monks, is the reduction in the dhamma losses, stood a place without growth. And this how monks are standing a good place in the law, not harm reduction, not growth.
3. - Here, the monks, monks trying to gain trust, morality, hear more, generosity and eloquence with wisdom. The law does this for you, not harm reduction, not growth. This, monks, is called that I stood a good place in the law, not harm reduction, not growth. Thus, this is the Billion-standing boast a place in the dhamma not harm reduction, not growth. And this, monks, how is the growth in the measure, not a place to stand, not harm reduction.
4. Here, the monks, monks trying to gain trust, morality, hear more, generosity and eloquence with wisdom. The law does not stand for a seat position, not harm reduction. This, monks, I call such as growth in the dhamma, not a place to stand, not harm reduction. So, this, monks, is the growth of good behavior, not in place, not harm reduction.
5. Hey, monks, oil skillful monks not mind other people in general practice, the need to compromise, saying, "I will act Minister skillful in our mind." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning. And this, monks, is how skillful monks in general practice his mind? (As of 51, from number 3, 4, 5).
 § (VI) (54) NET ONLY
1 - Hey, monks, if the monks are not skillful in executive minister of others, must also prayed: "I will act Minister skillful in our mind." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning. And this, monks, is how skillful monks in general practice his mind?
2. Just as, monks, a woman or a man, still young, in their teens, lust makeup, observe the image of him in the mirror in the morning purity, or in a bowl of water. If you see dust on the surface of a grain or sign anything filthy, he tried to rid her diamond dust or sticky seal it. If you do not see the grain of dust or sticky point, satisfied him happy: "It's beneficial for our prime! We really clean! ". Also, this, monks, monks observe so many benefits of good behavior: "Are we benefiting only attain inner purification, or do not benefit only attain inner purification? Do we gain wisdom rooftop bar legal, mental or legal rooftop bar is rising?
3. Hey, monks, if the monks while observing, said as follows: "We have only inner purification, but do not increase legal rooftop bar Property", this time the monks, billion- after dwell pretentious inner purification only, should endeavor to attain the higher wisdom that French restaurant; after some time, achieve inner upper net gain insight only legal and consistent.
 4. Hey, monks, if the monks while observing, said as follows: "We have been increasing legal rooftop bar wisdom, but no inner purification only", this time the monks, billion- after dwell pretentious intellectual increase legal rooftop bar, should endeavor to attain inner purification only. He after a while, gain increased insight legal upper inner contemplation and pure evidence only.
5. Hey, monks, if the monks while observing, said as follows: "I do not get inner purification only. I do not have to be increased legal rooftop bar Property ", this time the monks, monks decided that need, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful to reach for be good behavior. Just as, monks, when the head scarf when burnt or burning, need to decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful to he or head scarf extinguish it. Also, the monks, monks must decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot, mindfulness, mindful to attain the he friendly France. the other time was in one, achieving inner purification and achieve increased only legal rooftop bar Property.
6. But this, monks, if the monks while observers said the following: "We have only inner purification, have been increasing legal rooftop bar Property", this time the monks, monks after he abides in him good behavior, efforts should be made, attention to the extinction of contraband or more.
7. Hey, monks, it is said, there are two kinds of Medicine; should be used and should not be used. This, monks, I say, begging food there are two types; should be used and should not be used. This, monks, I say, is there are two types of screening: should use and should not be used, this, monks have also said the village, the town has two types; should be used and should not be used .. This, monks, I say, there are two kinds of states: to use and not use. This, monks, I say, there are two kinds of people; should be used and should not be used.
8. Hey, monks, I say, He has two types; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if the public knows robes: "Y this shirt, which we use, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage friendly", the robes so should not be used. Here, if the public knows robes: this shirt is my Y use, the reduction measures exist evil, good behavior growth ", robes such time should be used.
Hey Pi - pretentious, I say, he has two types; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk.
9. Hey, monks, I say, begging food there are two types; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if you know what alms food: "Food is begging us to use, the unwholesome growth measures, the improved survival reduction measures", the alms so food should not be used. Here, if you know what alms food: "Food is begging us to use, the harm reduction measures immoral, good behavior growth", the alms such food should be used.
Hey Pi - pretentious, I said, begging food there are two types; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk.
10. Hey Pi - Pretentious, I say, there are two kinds couch; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if the public is willing to know: "This is my sieve use and immoral methods of growth, the improvement damage reduction measures," the time is not so ready to use. Here, if the public is willing to know: "This is my sieve use and immoral damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures," the time is so ready to use.
Hey Pi - pretentious, I say, there are two kinds couch; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk?
11.Nay monks said that villages and towns there are two types: use and should not be used, such a question. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if you know the village or township: "Villages and towns are to use, the unwholesome growth measures, the improvement suffers reduction measures", the villages and towns such should not be used. Here, if you know the village or township: "Villages and towns are to use, the harm reduction measures improved, the growth-friendly approach", the villages and towns such use.
This, monks, I say, villages, towns, there are two types; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk.
12. Hey Pi - pretentious, I say, there are two kinds of states; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if you know of any country: "This is the National level we use, the unwholesome growth measures, harm reduction measures for improvement", states the same time should not use. Here, if you know of any country: "This is the National level we use, the harm reduction measures immoral, good behavior growth", the country should use the same ".
This, monks, I say, there are two kinds of states; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk.
13. Hey, monks, I say, there are two kinds of people; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. Conditioned by what is said so?
Here, if you know who: "This person is to use, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage friendly", so the person should not be used. Here, if you know who: "This person is to use, the harm reduction measures immoral, the good growth", when such people should use this, monks, I say, who has two species; should be used and should not be used, such is mentioned. This is conditioned by such talk.
1. Here, the venerable Sariputta, monks call;
 - Reverences monks.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
2. - Some reduce damage nature, there is no harm human nature fell, it reverences, referred to as such. Until this how reverences, the nature of the injury to reduce Bhagavan said? So how this reverences, the nature is no harm comes to reducing Bhagavan?
 - Dear Sage, we come from far away to understand the meaning of this word from the Venerable Sariputta. You instead, if the meaning of this word is venerable Sariputta says. After hearing the venerable Sariputta, monks will maintain life.
 - So this reverences, hear and smart volition, I would say:
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
 - So how is reverences, the nature of the injury to reduce Bhagavan said?
3. Here, the reverences, monks do not hear has not been heard, and the law was going to hear is forgotten; the previous law had emotional center, the current law does not, and does not form the legal knowledge is not intellectual knowledge. Until such, this reverences, the nature of the injury to reduce Bhagavan said. But this reverences, to how this reverences, the nature is no harm comes to reducing Bhagavan?
4. Here, the reverences, monks hearing has not been heard, and heard good behavior can not forget. And yet the former method has emotional heart, the law that was in force, and the formula has not been tri tri mode. Until such, this reverences, was the nature, not against it comes to reducing the Exalted.
5. reverences, if not skillful monks, the executive minister of others, and also to pray, saying, "I will act Minister skillful in our mind." Thus, this reverences, reverences should be learning. And this reverences, is skillful, monks in general practice his mind?
6. For example, the reverences, a woman or a man, still young, in their teens, popular makeup nature, observe its image in the mirror in the morning purity, or in a water bowl, if found on the sticky granular dust or sign anything, he tried to get rid of that filthy grain dust or raised. If you do not see the grain of dust or sticky marks correspond him happy: "It's beneficial for our prime! In fact we are clean! ". Also, this reverences, monks have observed that, the benefits of good behavior: "Does not take much to live, we do not know in this legal or not? Are not we living many centered pitch? We can not know in this legal or not? Do we live with more deep torpor many have given up? We can not know in this legal or not? Are we not living much with agitation? We can not know in this legal or not? Are we to doubt lives have been overcome? We can not know in this legal or not? Are we not living much with indignation? We can not know in this legal or not? Are we living more with unstained mind? We can not know in this legal or not? There must have been interior of bliss? We can not know in this legal or not? There must have been only inner peace? We can not know in this legal or not? Does one have to be consistent legal supreme wisdom? We can not know in this legal or not? "
7. reverences, if the monks while you observe, there was no improvement in the self all these measures, the monks decided he should desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot and mindfulness, awareness, to get all this dhamma. Just as, reverences, when burnt or when the head scarf burnt, need to decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot and mindfulness, awareness, to extinguish it or head scarf Hey. Also, this reverences, that monks should decide, desire, effort, endeavor, mighty, no rot, mindfulness, awareness, to get all this dhamma.
8. reverences, if the monks while to observe, that in self had some good measures and not see some friendly France, this time reverences, for any good behavior he saw in himself down, he abides in him good behavior. For what good behavior, he did not see in the self, he must decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot and mindful awareness to get all friendly France present. Just as, reverences, when burnt or when the head scarf burnt, need to decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot and mindfulness, mindful to extinguish it or head scarf that . Also, this reverences, if monks, while observing, that in self had some good behavior, dwell time in her good behavior. And for good behavior he did not see in the self, he must decide, desire, effort, endeavor, powerful, no rot and mindful awareness to get her good behavior.
9. reverences, if the monks while observing, seeing all these measures are on the self, this time reverences, monks take refuge in him after all this dhamma, must endeavor attention to cessation of defilements.
 § (VI) (56) IDEA (1)
1 - Hey, monks, ten thought this was practice, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage. What are the ten?
2. Chiang impure, thought dead, boring idea in the food, not a great joy for all the world, perception is impermanent, perception is impermanent suffering on, selfless thoughts on suffering and annihilation idea, concept ly take, thought eradicated.
This, monks, ten thought this was practice, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage.
 § (VII) (57) IDEA (2)
1 - Hey, monks, ten thought this was practice, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage. What are the ten?
2. Perception is impermanent, selfless thoughts, thoughts of death, boring idea in the food, not a great joy for all the world, great bones, insect eating great, great blue bruises, fractured thoughts, ideas intumescent .
This, monks, ten ideas are gathered, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefits, may enter into immortality, for immortality as salvage.
1 - Hey, monks, if the wandering ascetic outsider might ask the following: "reverences, all measures taken as a basis what? All measures taken what do arise? What do all collective measures taken start? All measures taken as the place of gathering what? All measures taken as foremost what? All measures taken to increase the upper What? All measures taken as the ultimate what? All core measures get any trees? All methods can get any place in? All measures taken as a salvage what? "Asked so, the monks, the teacher replied that the pagan wandering ascetic like?
 - Buddha, for us, Bhagavan took as a basis the legal responsibility, taking leadership Bhagavan, Bhagavan took refuge ... It's good to do instead, venerable sir, if the meaning of this word is World Religion speaks! After hearing the Exalted said, the monks will maintain life.
 - So this, monks, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, if the pagan wandering ascetic asked the following: "reverences, all measures taken as a basis what? All measures taken what do arise? What do all collective measures taken start? All measures taken as the place of gathering what? All measures taken as foremost what? All measures taken to increase the upper What? All measures taken as the ultimate what? All core measures get any trees? All methods can get any place in? All measures taken as a salvage what? "Asked so, the monks, the teacher can respond as follows:" All measures taken as basic education, all taken out volition do arise. All files starting out do get in contact. All breaking sensation as gathering place. All the new break foremost grab. All conception increases take the upper break. All taken out as the ultimate wisdom. All liberation as cores taken out of trees. All work on site clearance can take immortality in. All get passing out - the salvage work. "
This, monks, are asked this, the teacher can answer the pagan wandering ascetic did so.
1. - As a result, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows:
2. "Our mind will be practiced as ordained accumulate; the immoral law was born without conquering the mind and existence; our hearts will be accumulated with great practice impermanence; our hearts will be accumulated with great practice selflessness; our hearts will be practiced accumulated with impure thoughts; our hearts will be great practice for hazardous accumulations; after learning about the world of balance and equilibrium, our minds will be accumulated with great practice it. After learning about the world arising and cessation, our minds will be accumulated with great practice it. After learning about the world set start and end, our minds will be accumulated with great practice it; our hearts will be accumulated with a great practice to make an end; our hearts will be accumulated with great practice dispassion, and our mind will be accumulated with great practice eradicated. "
Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
3. When, this, monks, monks practiced mind as ordained accumulate, and the unwholesome law arises not conquer the heart and dwell, and the mind is a great practice to accumulate wealth generally, and the mind is accumulated with great practice selflessness, and accumulated interest are practiced with great harm; after learning the world of balance and equilibrium, center practice was accumulated with great; after knowing the world arising and cessation, the mind is a great practice to accumulate it. After learning the world set start and end, practiced mind accumulated with such ideas; Breakfast is a great practice to make an end to accumulate; practiced mind accumulated with great glasses of disintegration involved; Consciousness accumulated with great practice eradicated.
To him, this was one of those waiting, right knowledge right now or if any medical opinion, evidence Any refund.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, Venerable Girimananda sick, the suffering, is mortally ill. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
2. - The venerable Girimananda, venerable sir, is sick, the suffering, the disease is important. You instead, if the Blessed One went to the venerable Girimananda, because kindness introspection.
 - Hey Ananda, if I go to the monks and recited ten Girimananda idea, the event can occur; Monks Girimananda after hearing ten he thought of the disease can be relieved immediately! What are the ten?
3. Perception is impermanent, selfless thoughts, impure thoughts, ideas hazardous, take a great idea to abandon piece, thought eradicated, boring idea for all the world, great impermanence of all operating, relatively little concept breathe in exhaled breath. And this Ananda, how is relatively impermanent?
4. Here, Ananda, monks went to a forest, or to the tree, or go to the empty house, observed as follows: "Matter is impermanent, feeling is impermanent, is impermanence practice, formula is impermanent. "Thus he stay, depending shop impermanent, this aggregates in animals. This Ananda, is called impermanence idea. And this Ananda, how selfless thoughts?
5. Here, Ananda, monks went to the woods or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, observed as follows: "The eye is not-self, the identity is selflessness; ears are selfless, selfless à languages; nose is selfless, the flavor is selflessness; tongue is selfless, the taste is selflessness; body is selfless, selfless promotion is; is that selflessness, the law is selfless. "Hey Ananda, is called selfless thought. And this was how impure thoughts?
6. Here, Ananda, monks observe this body from the feet upwards, the hair from the top on down, is leather wrapped, full of impurities such difference: "In this body hair, fur, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinew, bone, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, bile, phlegm (mucus), latex, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease the skin, saliva, nasal secretions, water in joints, bones, urine ". Thus, he reside in this body shop impure. This Ananda, is called impure thoughts. And this Ananda, how is hazardous?
7. Here, Ananda, monks went to the forest, go to the tree, or go to the empty house, observed as follows: "Many are suffering this body, a lot of harm. Thus, in this body, many benefits arise disease. Such as eye pain, ear pain, nasal pain, tongue pain, body pain, headaches, ear pain, sore mouth, toothache, cough, asthma, runny nose, fever, elderly patients, patients sick, stomach illness, unconsciousness, dysentery, abdominal pain, disease cholera, leprosy, ulcer disease, scabies, tuberculosis, apoplexy disease, illness skin, pruritus, skin crusting, rustic dark disease vitiligo, scabies, blood make (bile in the blood), diabetes, hemorrhoids, boils disease, cancer, ulcers, diseases arise due bile, phlegm diseases arise from diseases arising from wind; Diseases can blend the generated service; weather conditions born, the disease caused by overwork birth, diseases caused by coincidence of events, the mature industrial diseases, cold, heat, hunger and thirst, defecation, urination ". Thus, he lived, in the body shop this harm. This Ananda, is called the dangerous idea. And this Ananda, how is thought to make an end?
8. Here, Ananda, monks, there is no acceptable level education was born, abandoned, cleansed, terminated, go to the not born; no acceptable level golf was born, abandoned, cleansed, terminated, go to the not born; no harmful acceptable range ... was born ...; can not accept the continuing legal evil evil arises, quit, clean, terminate, go not born. This Ananda, this concept is called annihilation. And this Ananda, how is abandoned?
9. Here, Ananda, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, consider the following: "This is peace, this is the enemy wins, ie the absorption all acts, the abandoned all care delivery, affinity kill, dispassion, Nirvana. And this Ananda, how is thought eradicated?
10. Here, Ananda, monks went to the forest, or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, consider the following: "This is peace, this is the enemy wins, ie the absorption all acts, the abandoned all care delivery, affinity kill, dispassion, Nirvana ". And this Ananda, how great is not preferred in all the world?
11. Here, Ananda, that everyone in the world has the means of attachment, the mind decides, bias, depending on certain newspapers, monks abandon them, not fancy, not clinging. This Ananda, is called not a great joy for all the world. And this, monks, how is the idea of ​​impermanence in all operating?
12. Here, Ananda, monks bothered troubling, embarrassing, boring for all operating. This Ananda, is called impermanence in all operating. And this Ananda, how is the memorial breathing in and breathing out?
13. Here, Ananda, monks went to the woods or go to a tree, or go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old, back straight, to recite in front of. Mindfulness, he inhale; mindfulness, he exhaled. Long inhalation, he clearly said: "I breathe in long '. Long exhalation, he clearly said: "I am breathing out long," or short exhalation he clearly said: "I breathe in short '; or breathing out short, he clearly said: "I am breathing out short". "The feeling of the whole body, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling in my body would exhale," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe in," he set. "Tranquillity personally, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of joy life, I will breathe out, he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling of pleasures, I will breathe out, he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe in," he set. "The feeling of mental formations, I shall breathe out," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe in," he set. "An meditation practice, I will breathe out", he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe in," he set. "The feeling in mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With a joyful heart, I will breathe in," he set. "With a joyful heart, I shall breathe out," he set ". "With a calm mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With a calm mind, I will breathe out", he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe in," he set. "With freedom of mind, I will breathe out", he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan impermanence, I will breathe out", he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe in," he set. "Dispassion shop, I will breathe out", he set. "Corps damn, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe in," he set. "Quan abandoned, I will breathe out", he set. This Ananda, is the notion that breathing, breath out.
14. Ananda, if I go to the monks and recited ten Girimananda this idea, this event has occurred; Girimananda monks, after listening to ten this idea, the disease is in remission he immediately ".
15. Then the Venerable Ananda, after reciting from Bhagavan ten this idea, go to the venerable Girimananda, after arriving, he came to speak with this great Girimananda ten. And venerable Girimananda, after hearing ten this idea, the disease he was relieved immediately. Venerable Girimananda, get rid of his disease. Is the total extinction of the disease so that the venerable Girimananda.
 § (I) (61) IGNORANCE
1. - This, monks, the first beginning of ignorance can not be said to have stated: "Before this, ignorance is not there, then new." So this, monks, this word is mentioned. However, this fact is stated: "Because of this affinity, ignorance (present)". This, monks, I say ignorance have food, do not have no food. And what is the food for ignorance? Five hindrances, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that the five hindrances have food, do not have no food. And what is the food for the five hindrances? The three evil acts, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that the three evil acts have food, do not have no food. And what is the food for the three evil acts? The grounds are not tame, need to answer that. This, monks, I say, these units can not overpower the food, not without food. And what is the food for the senses not conquer? Not mindful awareness, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that mindful awareness not have food, do not have no food. And what is the food for not mindful awareness? Africa as of volition, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that as for non-food volition, not without food. And what is the food for reasonable fees as volition? No trust, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that without faith there is food, not without food for their unbelief? Do not listen to Dhamma, need to answer that. This, monks, I say, do not hear the true Dhamma food, not without food. And what is the food for not listening to the true Dhamma? No dealings with Chan's level, need to answer that.
2. Thus, the monks, not dealing with Chan's rank is fullness, the fullness do not have to hear the true Dhamma; hear the true Dhamma is no fullness, as the fullness of time had no faith; unbelief is the fullness of the time such as the non-fulfillment of volition; such non-fulfillment of volition is, the fullness do not mindful awareness; mindfulness and awareness is not fullness, fullness churches do not overpower the senses; the base does not tame the fullness, the fullness third do evil acts; three evil acts are fullness, as the fullness of the hindrances, the five hindrances are fullness, as the fullness of ignorance.
Thus, here is feed for this ignorance, and so is the fullness.
3. Just as, monks, on a mountain of heavy rain, the rain water was flowing down the slopes; filling the cave, the interstitial mountains, the valleys; after filling the cave, the interstitial mountains, the valleys, they filled the small lake. After filling the small lakes, large reservoirs filling them; after filling the big lakes, small rivers filling them; after filling the small river, they filled the big river; after filling the big rivers, they filled sea. Such is the great sea food, ocean and so are fulfilled. Also, this, monks, is not dealing with Chan's rank is fullness, the fullness do not have to hear the true Dhamma; hear the true Dhamma is no fullness, as the fullness of time had no faith; unbelief is the fullness of the time such as the non-fulfillment of volition; such non-fulfillment of volition is, the fullness do not mindful awareness; mindfulness and awareness are not fulfilled, the fullness of the senses do not dominate; the base does not tame the fullness, the fullness third do evil acts; three evil acts are fullness, as the fullness of the hindrances, the five hindrances is fullness, the fullness of time ignorance.
Thus, this is the food of ignorance, and so is the fullness.
4. And this, monks, I say intelligent freed food, not without food. And what is the food for the liberated intelligence? Seven enlightenment, so need to be answered. This, monks, I say that enlightenment Seven food, not without food. And what is the food for the seven factors of enlightenment? The four foundations of mindfulness, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that the four foundations of mindfulness as food, not without food. What to feed the four foundations of mindfulness? Three good practice need to be answered so. This monks said that three acts have good food, not without food. What is food for three good practice? The grounds are prepared speech, need to answer that. This, monks, I say that the grounds are tame food not without food. What is food for the units that are tame? Mindful awareness, need to be so. This, monks, mindfulness and awareness have food, do not have no food. What is food for mindful awareness? As of volition, need to answer that. This, monks, I say, as food of volition, not without food. What is the food like the volition? Trust, need to answer that. This, monks, I say trust there is food, not without food. What is food for faith? Listen to Dhamma, need to answer that. This, monks, I say hear the true Dhamma food, not without food. What is fed to hear the true Dhamma? Chan's dealings with Job, need to answer that.
5. Thus, the monks, tier Chan's dealings with the fullness make fullness hear the true Dhamma; Dhamma is heard as the fullness of faith fullness; trust is fullness, as the fullness of time to do the work; as was the intention of fullness, as the fullness of mindfulness and awareness; mindful awareness is fullness, the fullness of the units that make tame; the grounds are tame fullness, three times as good fullness thereof; improved operating three fullness. the fullness make four foundations of mindfulness; Four mindfulness is fullness, as the fullness of enlightenment Seven; Seven Enlightenment is the fullness of time making intelligent fullness of liberation.
Thus, this is the food of deliverance proving food, and so is the fullness.
Just as, monks, on a mountain of heavy rain, the rain water flowing down the slopes, filling the cave, the interstitial mountains, the valleys. After filling the cave, the interstitial mountains, the valleys, they filled the small lake. After filling the small lakes, large reservoirs filling them. After filling the big lakes, small rivers filling them. After filling the small river, they filled the big river. After filling the big rivers, they filled sea. Thus, the food of the sea, the ocean, and so is the fullness.
Also, this, monks, Chan's dealings with fullness levels, making the fullness hear the true Dhamma; Dhamma is heard fullness, as the fullness of faith; fullness of faith as such fullness of volition; as was the intention of fullness, as the fullness of mindfulness and awareness; mindful awareness is fullness, the fullness of the units that make tame; the fullness tame base, three times as good fullness thereof; improved operating three fullness, as the fullness of four foundations of mindfulness; Four mindfulness is fullness, as the fullness of enlightenment Seven; Seven Enlightenment is the fullness of time making intelligent fullness of liberation.
So is the food of the invention liberated, and so is the fullness.
1 - Hey, monks, first starting bhava can not specify to say: "Before this, no bhava, then new." Thus, the monks, this word is mentioned. However, this fact is stated: "Because of this affinity, bhava is present". This, monks, I say that organic food craving, not without food. And what is organic food craving? Ignorance, need to answer that. This, monks, I say ignorance have food, do not have no food. And what is the food for ignorance? Five hindrances, need to be answered so ... (as of the previous 61, only added to the last paragraph 3, the following sentence: "In the fullness of time hindrances are doing fullness ignorance. Ignorance is fullness , the organic fullness of charity work. "
So. Organic food is love, and so is the fullness. (No. 4, 5, 6 remaining business like before).
 § (III) (63) Salvage
1 - Hey, monks, who put an end where I did complete all the right view that, with the right view his full, five categories of people achieve the ultimate right here. Five categories of people, after quitting this life to achieve finality. And in person classes, achieving cure right here?
2. Grade callbacks many as seven times, Gia Family Rating, Rating Circuit race, First Class hybrid, and the public is the Arhat right now. Five classes this person achieve ultimate right here. And in some other categories of people, after quitting this life, reach finality?
3. Intermediate Class Nirvana, Nirvana Damage Class, Executive Class Unknown Nirvana, Nirvana Eternal operator, Upper Class is the ultimate identity. With five classes of people, after quitting this life, achieve finality.
This, monks, who achieved the ultimate in my place, everyone was full of right. In the full right view, the year this category was achieved right here salvage. Grade five people, after quitting this life, achieve finality.
 § (IV) (64) REAL ESTATE
1. _ Hey, monks, who have unwavering loyalty where I work, all he is a Stream. With a Stream that, in achieving finality of people right here. Five categories of people, after quitting this life, achieve finality. And in person classes, achieve finality, right here?
2.Hang date back as much as seven times, Gia Family Rating, Rating Circuit race, First Class hybrid, and the public is the Arhat right now. Five classes this person achieve ultimate right here. And in some other categories of people, after quitting this life, reach finality?
3. intermediate class Nirvana, Nirvana Damage Class, Executive Class Unknown Nirvana, Nirvana Eternal practice, achieving excellent grades upstream end. With five classes of people, after quitting this life, achieve finality.
This, monks, who have unwavering loyalty where I work, all these persons are expected to save. With his grades Pre saved, in this category was achieved right here salvage. Grade five people, after quitting this life, achieve finality.
 § (V) (65) happiness and unhappiness (1)
1. One time, Venerable Sariputta between the people residing in Magadha, Nalaka village. Then the wandering ascetic went to venerable Sariputta Samandakani, after arrival, speak with the venerable Sariputta words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Du told officers Samandakani venerable Sariputta;
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, how optimistic, how is suffering?
2. - Hey Sage, born is suffering, rebirth is not optimistic. When there is rebirth, this sage, this waiting is suffering; Cold, hot, hungry, thirsty, expensive, urination, touched with fire, touching the wand, touched the sword. Until her children and friends, when met, gathering together also brain damage.
This sage, rebirth is suffering, when there is rebirth, this waiting is hard.
3. When there is no rebirth, this sage, waiting for this optimistic; Not cold, not hot, not hungry, not thirsty, not defecation, urination not, no-contact with fire, no-contact with the staff, without touching the sword. Until her children friends, when met, when the reunion together no brain damage.
This sage, when there is no rebirth, the wait is this optimism.
 § (VI) (66) happiness and unhappiness (2)
1. One time, Venerable Sariputta between the people residing in Magadha, at Nalalagamaka. Then the wandering ascetic went to venerable Sariputta Samandakani after to speak with the venerable Sariputta's words welcome friends to inquire and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Du told officers Samandakani venerable Sariputta;
 - Dear Sage Sariputta, in France, and this law is lost, what is suffering?
2. - Do not like the, the Sage, in France, and this law is suffering; like the peanuts.
When does not like the present, this sage, this waiting is suffering; When travel is not pleasure, as he stood ... sitting ... lying ... going to go to the forest ... when you go to a tree ... empty house ... when come to ... when it comes to open-pit between the monks, not pleasure.
When does not like the present, this sage, this waiting is hard.
3. When will like the present, this sage, waiting for this optimistic; When going to be pleasure; while standing ... sitting ... when is ... going to go to the forest village ... when ... when ... when the tree went to go to the empty house ... you go to the site ... when it comes to open-pit between the monks, there are pleasures.
When like the present, this sage, this wait is pleasure.
§ (VII) (67) IN NALAKAPANA (1)
1. One time, Bhagavan Kosala pedestrians between the people, the masses, monks, went to at a public town named Nala-kapana Kosala. There, in the forest resident Bhagavan Palasa, at Nalakapana. At that time, Bhagavan's younger days uposatha world, Bhagavan was sitting, there we monks are bound. Then at the end of the night most, preaching, encouraging, making excited, make happy the legal position with phone monks; after looking around we monks are quiet, very quiet, told Venerable Sariputta;
 - Hey Sariputta, we monks no more deep torpor. This Sariputta, go preach to them monks. My back discomfort, I will lie back.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The venerable Sariputta Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan then underwent quadruple shirt Increase - old - pear, located behind the right friends as designs are lions, two feet on the other, mindful awareness, a great intention to sit up.
2. Here, the venerable Sariputta, monks call;
 - Reverences monks.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks replied that yes venerable Sariputta, Venerable Sariputta said as follows:
3. - reverences, with whom is no faith in the good law, there is no shame ... no fear ... no ... no intellectual effort in charity law, with her, regardless of day or night, the wait is harm reduction in the dhamma, not growth.
Just as, reverences, when the moon to the dark moon; regardless of day or night, the moon fell on sharp losses, losses fell on the circle, reducing the light loss, harm reduction trajectory in breadth. Also, this reverences, with whom no confidence in the dhamma, without shame ... no fear ... no effort ... no brainer in the friendly, with him, regardless of the day or night, the wait is harm reduction in the dhamma, not growth. Of people do not have faith, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Of people without shame, reverences, ie reducing costs. No fear of people, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Sluggards classes, ie this reverences reduce damage. Property Rating evil people, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Indignation of people, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Ethnical hatred of people, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Fitness classes evil people, this reverences, ie reducing costs. Friendship category was evil, it reverences, ie reducing costs. Of people wrong, this reverences, ie reducing costs.
4. reverences, and who believe in good behavior, with heart shame ... with the fear ... there ... there intellectual effort of good behavior, to him, no matter night or day, waiting for the growth of good behavior, not harm reduction. Just as, reverences, when the moon to the moon light, regardless of day or night, moon sharp growth, growth of pie, growth in lighting, growth trajectory in breadth. Also, this reverences, with who believe in good behavior, have no fear of shame ... ... with ... with intellectual effort of good behavior, the night no matter what he or day, waiting for the growth of good behavior, not harm reduction. Of people who believe, the reverences, ie no damage reduction. Ashamed of people have heart, this reverences, ie no damage reduction. Of people have the fear, it reverences, ie no damage reduction. Ardent category was diligent, this reverences, ie no damage reduction. People with intellectual classes, the reverences, ie no damage reduction. Of people without indignation, the reverences, ie no damage reduction. Ethnical hatred of people do not, this reverences, ie no damage reduction. Friendship class devotees, this reverences, ie no damage reduction. Secretarial knowledge of people, this reverences, ie no damage reduction.
5. Then the Blessed One, after sitting up, told Venerable Sariputta;
 - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! Who does not have faith in the good behavior, no shame ... no fear ... no effort ... no brainer for good behavior, for they, whether night or day, waiting for the harm reduction in the dhamma, not growth. Just as, Sariputta, when the moon to moon the night, regardless of day or night, the moon fell on sharp losses, losses fell on the circle, reducing the light loss, harm reduction trajectory in breadth. Also, this Sariputta, with whom is no faith in the dhamma, without shame ... no fear ... no effort ... no brainer for good behavior, with him , whether night or day, waiting for the harm reduction in the dhamma, not growth. Of people do not have faith, this Sariputta, ie reducing costs. Of people no shame, this Sariputta, ie reducing costs. Of people no shame, this Sariputta, ie reducing costs. Of people have no fear ... ... Class Class sluggards ... intellectual evil people who resent ... Grade Grade Grade people who dislike evil hate ... ... Class sexual sadists friendship ... Rank wrong person, this damage reduction ie Sariputta, with whom, this Sariputta, who believe in good behavior, be pleased to shame ... with the fear ... with diligence .... brainer for good behavior, for he, no matter day or night, the wait is growing, not harm reduction. Of people who believe, this Sariputta, ie no damage reduction. Shy person ... Grade Grade Grade fear ... people who have diligently ... class ... class intellectual who has no outrage ... people who do not have a problem class hatred ... Ranks of people at fitness ... friends ... good people person primary class knowledge, this Sariputta, ie no damage reduction.
 § (VIII) (68) NALAKAPANA (2)
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Nalakapana, at Palasavana. At that time, the Exalted in younger days uposatha world, was sitting with us, monks are bound ... (This prayer-like experience before 67, except that the various measures mentioned there. In the first, the legal mentioned that there is no good faith in the law, there is no shame ... no fear ... no effort, no brainer, anger, hostility and hatred sexual evil, evil friends, TA. in doing this, the law in question is; do not have faith in the good behavior, no shame, no fear, no effort, no wisdom, no ear, no dharma, meaning no reflection, no proper legal practice, no distractions during good behavior) ...
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana Anathapindika in his garden. At that time, many monks, after the meal, after seeking alms returning, sitting in the hall gatherings. The focus of this position is frivolous stories the following differences: The Story of the King, the story of the theft, the story of the great god, the story of the military, the story of fear, stories of war games, stories about the food, the story of the beverage, the story of the fabric wear, the story of the map is, the story of a wreath, the story of incense, the story of her son, the story of the vehicles, the stories about the village, the story of the town, the story of the city, the story of the national level, the story of a woman, the story of the hero, the story roadside spot for water story, the story of the devil, the other false stories about the world, about the great sea, the story of the organic and non-organic.
2. Then in the afternoon Bhagavan from Meditation stood up, went to the hall, on arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. After sitting down, Bhagavan told the monks;
 - Hey, monks, brothers assembly sitting here today, talking about the problem? What is the story between the teacher desk desk not finished?
 - Buddha, here, we are after meals, after going begging to return, we sat gathered in the hall, and we're focused in frivolous stories the following differences: The Story the king, the story of the theft ... the story of organic and non-organic.
 - Hey, monks, it is not worthy to me, is the electronic Good men, for faith-home, abandoned the family, not family life, to be able to live much attention to frivolous story wrong others, like the story of the king ... the story of the organic and non-organic. This, monks, there are ten topics to talk about this. What are the ten?
3. The story of little education, know enough about the story, the story of renunciation, the story does not converge, the story of the effort, the story of the world, the story of the story of wisdom, stories about liberation, the story of the liberation of knowledge.
This, monks, there are ten topics to talk about this.
4. Hey, monks, if I continue to say the story relates to the ten topics to talk about this, I can time the light (his) Catching the light of the moon, sun , things have great powers, had the power, but said nothing of the pagan wandering ascetic.
 § (X) (70) THE STORY THEMES (2)
1 - Hey, monks, have been praised ten this incident. What are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, monks themselves less education, and who makes fewer topics mentioned education among monks. Monks at making education and are less subject mentioned education among monks, is worthy of praise, and the monks themselves ... know enough to live on their own self-renunciation ... ... I do not gather themselves diligently ... full themselves on their own world ... full of ... wisdom ... full themselves fully extricate themselves ... full of himself sufficient knowledge of liberation, and who makes the liberating knowledge topics mentioned among monks, is the work deserves praise.
This, monks, have been praised ten this incident.
 § (I) (71) wishes
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika garden. Here, Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Hey, monks, live full instructions, full responsibility Patimokkha world. Live conquer the world with the responsibility Patimokkha tame, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning the law School.
This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we are well-loved fellow discounts, love, reverence and imitate". Monks had to discipline wonderful success, perseverance, inner calm, uninterrupted meditation, consistent achievement unfortunate, prefer not to live in the land of the pure. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we are items such as clothes, begging food, pharmaceutical couch and treatment", monks had to staff achievements chronic discipline, perseverance, inner calm, uninterrupted meditation, consistent achievement unfortunate, prefer not to live in the pure abode. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we lived items such as robes, alms food, couch and pharmaceutical treatment. We hope that the actions of these persons create items that are greater retribution, are major benefits ", monks had to discipline wonderful success ... (as above) ... not pure abode. This, monks, If there are monks wish: "I hope that my relatives by blood, they die and shared destiny thought (to do) with joy, § (And so) was retribution huge, huge benefit. " Monks had to discipline wonderful success ... (as above) ... not pure abode. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we know enough to do any items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment," his monks to live full instructions ... not pure abode. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "Hopefully, patiently enduring the cold, heat, hunger and thirst, the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, reptile, endurance the vilification defamation parlance, endurance physical sensations, feelings anguish, intense, throbbing, aching, not happy, not amused, was dumbfounded, "the monks had to full living world ... not pure abode. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we touch and non touch convince, not to touch, no touch convince us. We hope that we live always convince touch, no touch is started up ", monks had to discipline wonderful success ... (as above). ... Abode not pure. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that we convince frightened and scared, not frightened and scared for my photography. We hope that we live always convince frightened and fear is starting up ". Monks had to discipline wonderful success ... (as above) ... not pure abode. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "We hope that discretion, no difficulty, no tired, no energy cost, we witness four Zen, under increased epicardial, present stay optimistic. " Monks had to discipline wonderful success ... (as above) ... just do not stay pure. This, monks, if the monks have aspirations: "With the cessation of the taints, position yourself to win enlightenment, attainment and residing within the current ways of freeing the mind, liberating insight ". Monks had to discipline wonderful success, perseverance inner quietness, meditation uninterrupted, consistent achievement unfortunate, prefer not to live in the pure abode.
This, monks, fully live happier, full international duty, with the tame life of the monastic rule tame, full majesty right action, sees the danger in the slightest fault, accept and cultivate school of legal Studies. Such is mentioned, it is conditioned by such talk.
 § (II) (72) Hemp
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, in the house with it sharp, with many of Ven has a reputation, a reputation as venerable Cala, venerable Upacala, venerable Kakkata, Venerable Kalimbha, venerable Nikata, venerable Katissaha, and many other venerable reputation.
2. At that time, there are many reputable Licchavi, has a great reputation is riding on the gorgeous carriage, high-known competition, go to Dai Lam aloud to an audience Bhagavan. Then the elders he thought: "There are many reputable Licchavi, has a great reputation is riding on the gorgeous carriage, competitive, high voice, loudly went into the Great Forest to an audience Bhagavan, Bhagavan has taught "noise is a boon for Meditation." So let's go to Gosinga, Sala grove of trees. Here, we can live in peace, not noisy, no crowded. "
3. Then he went to the venerable Gosinga, a forest of Sala trees. Here, the venerable peace he lived, not noisy, not crowded. Then Bhagavan told the monks;
 - Hey, monks, Cala where? Upacala where? Kakkata where? Kalimbha where? Nikata where? Katissaha where? This, monks, the disciples elders that go?
 - Here venerable sir, the venerable atrium was thinking as follows: "There are many reputable Licchavi has a great reputation is riding on the gorgeous carriage, competitive, high voice, loudly, into the Great Forest to go up is Bhagavan, Bhagavan has taught: "noise is a boon for Meditation". So let's go to Sala Gosinga wooded area. Here, we can live in peace, not noisy, not crowded. " Buddha, the Venerable went to Gosinga, Sala grove of trees. Here, the venerable rank him live in peace, not noisy, not crowded.
4. - Protestants rather, rather benign, these monks. Answer as the disciples answered, that answer right feet. This, monks, "Noise is a boon for Meditation," was I said so. This, monks, there are ten types of flax this. What are the ten?
5. With renunciation favorite, is preferred flax congregation. With attentive impure practice, general practice is pure flax. For the protection of the base, went to see the musical performances flax. With celibate, close to the woman is flax. Meditation with the first witnesses, the noise is flax. Meditation Monday with witnesses, reach the quarterfinals as flax. Meditation Tuesday with witnesses, the wedding is flax. With witnesses Wednesday Meditation, breathing and breathing out as flax. With Extinction who gained the life thought, life is great and flax. Join the flax. Golf is flax. Si is flax.
This, monks, live not flax. This, monks, live out of flax. This, monks, live not flax and hemp leaves. This, monks, no grade flax is Arhat. This, monks, leaving grade flax is Arhat. This, monks, have no flax and hemp is leaving the ranks Arhat
1. - This Ten pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, difficult to find in life. What are the ten?
2. Assets pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, hard look at his life, solution ... Excellent ... no disease ... the moral virtues ... the friends ... many place .. . intellectual ... the law ... heavenly, pleasurable, capable joy, possibility is hard to find in the life standard.
This, monks, ten measures pleasurable, capable rapture, this ability is difficult to find in life standard.
3. Hey, monks, for ten measures pleasurable, capable joy, possibility is hard to find in this standard, ten are legal obstacles.
4. Passive and enthusiasm are the obstacles to property. No jewelry, no obstacle to adorn the identity space. No adaptation actions are not obstacles for the disease. Friendship is evil for moral obstacles. Do not overpower the senses an obstacle to virtue. Deception are the obstacles to a friend. No learning is hampered for many place. Do not listen, do not ask an obstacle to wisdom. No attention, no observation is for the legal obstacles. Misbehaviour is obstacle to Heaven.
This, monks, for ten pleasurable approach, ability rapture, likely the hard to find in this life, this is the tenth legal obstacles.
5. Hey, monks, for ten measures pleasurable, capable happy, satisfied by this is hard to find in life, ten measures are food.
6. Do not passive, eager as food for assets. Jewelry, adorn the dishes for excellent content. Adaptation actions are not food for patients. friends with good food for morality. Overpower the senses as well food discounts. No deception is food for friends. Learning as much food for the mind. Ingenious is heard asking for intellectual food. Focus observation for legal food. Chanh Thien food is well presented.
This, monks, for ten pleasurable approach, ability rapture, likely the hard to find in this world, ten are the food law.
 § (VI) (74) GROWTH
1 - Hey, monks, by growing at ten growth, growth Saints Holy disciples grow, understand and grasp the essence of the supreme body. What are the ten growth?
2. agrarian growth, asset growth of rice, wife and child growth, growth slaves, workmen, growing four-legged species, growing confidence, international growth, growth listen much experimental growth, intellectual growth.
This, monks, by growing at ten this growth, growth Saints Holy disciples grow, understand and grasp the essence of the supreme body.
Who is this life to grow,
Assets and rice,
Growth wife and children,
Along the four-legged species,
A name, respected,
As many assets,
From relatives or friends,
And those in authority,
Who in the world growth,
Faith and morality,
Both intellectual and,
Giving and heard many,
Such people are people,
Human foot and eye,
Even in this life,
Growth in both parts.
 § (V) (75) MIGASALA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then Venerable Ananda in the morning, robes, holding a bowl y Women go to the abode of lay Migasala; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Female lay Migasala go to venerable Ananda, after arrival, Venerable Ananda bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, lay Migasala white Female venerable Ananda;
2 - Dear Venerable Ananda, how to understand legal Exalted be preached, that people live lives of dignity and human dignity, both will not contract a place of birth in the next life expectancy? Venerable Sir, father son holy living Purana, renunciation life, despicable lewd abandon. He, the Exalted common destiny replied: "As First rank in Tusita hybrid born with the body." And Isidatta, my boy, sir venerable, not discounts happy life, is satisfied with his wife, after a common destiny, is Bhagavan replied: "As First rank hybrid, living with relatives in Tusita". How, how, venerable Ananda said, need to understand this legal doctrine by the Exalted says (saying): "Both, live lives of dignity and dignity are not born peers about interesting future"?
 - Hey Sister, so the answer Bhagavan.
3. Then Venerable Ananda, after receiving alms at the map of the Female lay Migasala, from the seat up and go. Venerable Ananda and after meals, begging for food on the way back, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, in the morning, the robes, holding a bowl y Women go to the abode of lay Migasala, after arriving, I sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Female lay Migasala go to children, after arrival, you sit down to pay homage to one side. Sat to one side, venerable sir, Female lay Migasala said to me;
 - "How, how, venerable Ananda said, need to understand this legal theory by Bhagavan (saying):" Both live lives of dignity and dignity are not being interesting to peer into the future. "Purana child's father, venerable sir, the holy life, renunciation of life, away from inferior lewd, when common destiny, is Bhagavan replied:" As First rank hybrid, living with relatives in Tusita ". And Isidatta, my boy, sir venerable, not to live in dignity, self-satisfied with his wife, after a common destiny, is Bhagavan replied: "As First rank hybrid, living with relatives in Tusita". How, how, a venerable Ananda, need to understand this legal doctrine by the Exalted says (saying): "Both life of dignity and virtues are not about being interesting peer in the future?" Asked Thus, venerable sir, I told Female lay Migasala;
 - "Hey Sister, so the answer Bhagavan".
 - But this Ananda, who is Female lay Migasala, the dense, opaque, with ourselves as mothers, with mothers like her, to be able to understand the wins list among the people.
This Ananda, there are ten categories of people, there exists in the world. What are the ten?
4. Here, Ananda, with world-class evil people, not as clearly known the mind liberated, liberating insight that; Here, the evil of his conduct Precepts eradicate, no residue remains. He has no legal hearing, no more school, can not enter with the right view, no evidence was temporarily freed. He sharply after the general body damage, rot toward fall, not about wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go for wins.
5. But here is Ananda, with world-class evil people, as clearly know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; Here, the evil of the world that is to eradicate, no residue remains. He could hear French, more educated, have cleverly able to enter with the right view, evidence of liberation. He shared network damage after the body, toward the enemy wins, not rotten rotten instruction page, just go to the island to win, do not go to rot rotten.
Here, Ananda, who is the measurement, measure the following: "The measures that are present in person, the law was also present in the other. Somehow, between the two of them, one is inferior, the enemy is winning? ". Such comments bring them long-term suffering. Here is Ananda, this man is evil world and clearly knows the mind as liberated, liberating insight that, key here, he's evil world he is to eradicate, no residue remains. Enjoy it, have heard legal, have learned a lot, had cleverly able to enter with the right view, evidence is temporary relief. This Ananda, this sort of person, compared with the former group is for more magic. As more wins. Why? Since this line of sending people out front. But nobody outside the Tathagata can know the difference. Therefore, this Ananda, do not have as a measure of people. Do not have the measure of people. Self digging holes for themselves as working class people the measure. Only I, the Ananda, can make the measurement of people. Who can be like me?
6. Here, Ananda, who are world-class, but not as clearly known the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here, he's the world he was annihilated, no residue remains. He has no legal hearing, without learning much, can not enter with the right view, should not be a temporary certificate of liberation. He shared network damage after the body, toward the rotten rotten, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go to the enemy wins.
7. But in this wire Ananda, who are world-class and very well known as the center of liberation, liberating insight that; here, that world of his conduct eradication, no residue remains. He can hear French, have learned a lot, and be smart in with the right view, he was temporarily freed evidence. He shared network damage after the body, toward the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten. Here, the Ananda ... only I, Ananda, can make the measurement of people. Who can be like me?
8. But here is Ananda, with participation of people with very sharp as he did not clearly know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here, he's the person involved is to eradicate, no residue remains. This person does not have legal hearing, without learning much, can not enter with the right view, no evidence was temporarily freed. He shared network damage after the body, toward the rotten rotten, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go to the enemy wins.
9. But here is Ananda, with participation of people with very sharp, as he clearly knows the mind liberated, liberating insight that, here, that the greed of his conduct eradication, there is not enough disabled . He heard the law, learn, smart can enter with the right view, evidence of liberation. After he shared network itself, towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the island to win, do not go to rot rotten.
Here, the Ananda ... only I, this Ananda can do the measurement of people. Who can be like me.
10. But here, there is Ananda indignation of people, not as clearly known the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here, his resentment of his conduct but no remnants eradicate. He has no legal hearing, without learning much, can not enter with the right view, no evidence of liberation. He, after the body damage the public network, towards rotten rotten, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go to the enemy wins.
11. But here, this Ananda, who are ranked as outrage and clearly know the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here, her resentment of him was to eradicate, no residue remains. He heard the law, learn more, and be entered with right smart, evidence is temporary relief. He shared network damage after the body towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the island to win, do not go to rot rotten. Here, the Ananda ... only I, Ananda, can make the measurement of people. Who can be like me?
12. But here is Ananda, with agitation of people there, but not as clearly known the mind liberated, liberating insight that; here, he's agitation was no balance to eradicate remnants. He does not listen much, do not have to learn a lot, not be able to enter with the right view, no evidence was temporarily freed. He shared network damage after the body, toward the rotten rotten, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go to the enemy wins.
13. But here, this Ananda, who ranked with agitation, and so clearly know the heart of the aura, her liberating insight; here, he's agitation was no remnants eradication. And you can hear French, had learned much, cleverly able to enter with the right view, evidence is temporary relief. He shared network damage after the body towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten. Here, Ananda, who is the measurement, measure the following: "The measures that are present in person, the law was also present in the other. Why did the two people, one is inferior, a foe magic? "Comments like that, giving them long-term suffering. Here, Ananda, who is in agitation, and so clearly know the mind liberated, liberating insight that the key here, agitation of his conduct does not eliminate residual remnants. And he was listening to the French, have learned a lot, had cleverly able to enter with the right view, evidence is temporary relief. This Ananda, this category was compared with the former group, is more subtle, the more wins. Why? Since this line of sending people out front. But nobody outside the Tathagata can know the difference. Therefore, this Ananda, do not have as a measure of people. Do not have the measure of people. Self digging holes for themselves as do the measurement of people. Only I, the Ananda, can make the measurement of people. Who can be like me?
But this Ananda, who is Female lay Migasala foolish again, less intelligent, with ourselves as mothers, with mothers like her, to be able to understand the wins list among the people?
This Ananda, there are ten categories of people are present, exist in life.
About how this Ananda, Purana achievement, not achievement Isidatta Precepts. Therefore, here, other interesting Purana born with birth there to stay Isidatta. Tue how this Ananda, Isidatta achievement, intellectual achievement was not Purana. Therefore, here, other interesting Isidatta born with birth there to stay Purana. Thus, this Ananda, both of these may be part of a limb deficiencies.
1 - Hey, monks, if not there three French life, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment does not appear in the world and France, were the Tathagata Law preaching were not specified in life. What are the three?
2 Birth, old age and death. This, monks, if this law did not exist three in the world, the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment does not appear in the world, and France, the Law preached by the Tathagata is not specified in team. Because of that, this, monks, is available in three measures of life, so the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment appears in the world, therefore, France, the Law preached by the Tathagata yet well in life.
3. Hey, monks, did not make an end to the three measures can not make an end time being, can not make an end of aging, the time could not make an end to death. What are the three?
4. Do not make an end to greed, not the total extinction of the field, did not make an end to ignorance. Do not make an end to this three French, can not make an end of life, can not make an end to the old, can not make an end to death.
5. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, the time could not make an end to greed, can not make an end to the field, could not make an end to ignorance. What are the three?
6. No body is annihilation, not annihilation of features, not annihilation prime precepts. Do not take third paragraph This, this, monks, can not make an end to greed, can not make an end to the field, could not make an end to ignorance.
7. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, the body can not make an end is, can not make an end to doubt, no player can make an end precepts. What are the three?
8. Do not take fees as reasonable clip volition, not annihilation pagan practice, does not make an end to the passive nature. failure to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, the body can not make an end is, can not make an end to gender suspected, no player can make an end precepts.
9. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, there is no reason to make an end to such non volition, can not make an end of practice pagan, can not make an end to the passive nature. What are the three?
10. Do not make an end to wandering thoughts, not the total extinction of awareness, no dedicated section chaotic. Do not take third paragraph This, this, monks, can not make an end to such reasonable fees volition, can not make an end to pagan practices, can not make an end to the passive nature.
11. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, can not make an end to wandering, can not not aware paragraph, can not conscientiously chaotic passage. What are the three?
12. Do not take do not want an audience segment the sages, not total annihilation not want to hear the Holy Justice, not annihilation pick holes. failure to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, can not make an end to wandering, can not make an end is not aware, can not conscientiously chaotic passage.
13. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, can not make an end do not want an audience with the saints, can not hear Scripture passage do not want to take legal, can not make an end to pick holes. What are the three?
14. Do not make an end to agitation, not to make an end is not tame, not evil world annihilation. Do not take third paragraph This, this, monks, can not make an end do not want an audience with the saints, can not hear Scripture passage do not want to take legal, dedicated segment can not pick holes.
15. Hey, monks, devoted three paragraphs by not legal, can not make an end to agitation, can not take no tame paragraph, can not make an end to the evil world. What are the three?
16. Do not make an end to their unbelief, not the total extinction of avarice, do not make an end to lazy, so this method does not make an end of three, the individual monks, can not make an end to agitation, could not make an end is not tame, can not make an end to the evil world.
17. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, can not make an end to their unbelief, can not make an end to avarice, could not make an end to idleness. What are the three?
18. Do not make an end is not respect, not annihilation hard to say, do not make an end to evil brotherhood. Do not take third paragraph This, this, monks can not make an end to their unbelief, can not make an end to avarice, could not make an end to idleness.
19. Hey, monks, so do not make an end to the three measures, can not make an end is not respect, not be able to make an end is difficult to say, no friendship can make an end to evil. What are the three?
20. Do not make an end not ashamed, not total annihilation not fear, do not make an end to distractions, so it does not make an end of three, the monks, can not make an end is not respect, not be able to make an end hard to say, no friendship can make an end to evil.
21. This man has no shame, this, monks, there is no fear, there are distractions. He by distractions, can not make an end is not respect, not be able to make an end is difficult to say, no evil can make friends. Friendship he so evil, can not make an end to their unbelief, can not make an end to avarice, no idleness annihilation. He so lazy, can not make an end to agitation, can not take no tame paragraph, can not make an end to the evil world. He presented by evil, can not make an end to the pop audience loathe Holy, can not listen to the Holy annihilation legal loathe, can not make an end to dig hairy looking up. He so pick holes, could not make an end to wandering, can not take no awareness section, dedicated segment can not chaotic. He caused by heart attacks, can not make an end to such reasonable fees volition, can not make an end to pagan practices, can not make an end to the passive nature. He passively by the mind, not the body is able to make an end, not be able to make an end to doubt, no player can make an end precepts. He by suspicion, can not make an end to greed, can not make an end to the field, can not make an end to ignorance. He did not make an end by greed, not the total extinction of the field, did not make an end to ignorance, can not make an end of life, can not take the old group, can not make an end to death.
22. Due to the total extinction of the three measures, the monks, could make an end of life, can make an end to the old, can make an end to death. What are the three?
23. Due to the total extinction of greed, because the total extinction of the field, due to the total extinction of ignorance, due to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, could make an end of life, can make an end to the old, can make an end to death.
24. Hey, monks, by three measures is to make an end, could make an end to greed, can make an end to the field, could make an end to ignorance. What are the three?
25. Due to the total extinction of the body is due to make an end to the total extinction precepts suspected incidents, due to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, could make an end to greed, can make an end to the field, could make an end to ignorance.
26. Hey, monks, by three measures is to make an end, the body is able to make an end, can take advantage of features sections, can take precepts prime segment. What are the three?
27. Due to such non-annihilation of volition, so the total extinction of pagan practices, due to the total extinction of the passive nature, due to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, the body is able to make an end, may make an end guests can take precepts prime segment.
28. Hey, monks, by three legal annihilation, could make an end to such reasonable fees volition, can make an end to pagan practices, can make an end to the passive nature. What are the three?
29. Due to the total extinction of wandering, not by the total extinction of awareness, so dedicated section chaotic, due to the total extinction of the three measures, the monks, could make an end to fees as of volition, not the province may make an end sense, can make an end to the passive nature.
30. Hey, monks, by three legal annihilation, could make an end to wandering, can make an end is not aware, can make an end to chaotic mind. What are the three?
31. Do not want an audience to make an end of the sages, by the Holy annihilation measures would not listen, so make an end to pick holes, due to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, could make an end to wandering, can not make an end-awareness, can segment dedicated chaotic.
32. Hey, monks, take three measures by paragraph, by three legal annihilation, can not want an audience to make an end of the sages, could make an end do not want to hear Chief Justice, may make an end to pick holes . What are the three?
33. Due to the total extinction of agitation, due to make an end is not tame, atrocities by gender, so this piece take three measures, the monks, did not want to listen to the Holy annihilation measures, could make an end to pick holes .
34. Hey, monks, by three legal annihilation, could make an end to agitation, can not tame annihilation, could make an end to the evil world. What are the three?
35. Due to the total extinction of no confidence, so the total extinction of avarice, laziness due to make an end, due to take third paragraph of this law, the monks, could make an end to agitation, can not tame the total extinction, can make an end to the evil world.
36. Hey, monks, by three legal annihilation, could make an end to their unbelief, may make an end to avarice, could make an end to idleness. What are the three?
37. Do not make an end reverently, so hard to say annihilation, atrocities by friendship, by three measures the total extinction of this, this, monks, could make an end to their unbelief, may make an end to avarice , may make an end to idleness.
38. Hey, monks, take three measures by paragraph, can not supply the total extinction of glass, could make an end to hard to say, could make an end to evil brotherhood. What are the three?
39. Do not make an end to shame, so do not fear annihilation, due to the total extinction of distractions, so this piece take three measures, the monks, could make an end is not respect, can make an end to hard to say, can make an end to evil brotherhood.
40. Hey, monks, who had no fear of shame, with distractions. He by no distractions, can make an end is not respect, can make an end to hard to say, could make an end to evil brotherhood. He as good friends, can make an end to their unbelief, may make an end to avarice, could make an end to idleness. He so ardent effort, can make an end to agitation, can not tame annihilation, could make an end to the evil world. Him by virtue, can not want an audience to make an end of sages, may not want to hear the Holy annihilation measures, could make an end to pick holes. He so did not pick holes, can make an end to wandering, can not make an end-awareness, can make an end to the mind is. Him because the mind is, can make an end to the non-like glass volition, can make an end to pagan practices, can clip dedicated passive. He does not mind sales due east, the body is able to make an end, can take advantage of features sections, can take precepts prime segment. He by no doubt, be able to make an end to greed, can make an end to the field, could make an end to ignorance. He participated by annihilation, so make an end field, due to the total extinction of ignorance, may make an end of life, can make an end to the old, can make an end to death.
§ (VII) (77) crow
1 - Hey, monks, crow achievements with the ten measures. What are the ten?
2. arrogant, aggressive, intense training and eating large, cruel, without compassion, cowardice, the last voice ears, wandering and stored assets.
Rate this all - pretentious, crow achievements with this immoral ten.
3. Likewise, the monks, the monks achievements evil with ten immoral. What are the ten?
4. arrogant, aggressive, intense training and eating large, cruel, without compassion, cowardice, shrill voice, wandering and stored assets.
This, monks, the monks achievements evil with evil ten this approach.
§ (VIII) (78) NI - Events from
1. - This, monks, the ten evil Nigantha with legal achievements. What are the ten?
2. There is no trust, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Evil world, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. No shame, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. No fear, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Truth does not make you the human level, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Praise yourself belittle people, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Clinging current issues. Do not abandon what has attachments, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Cunning, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. Evil sex, this, monks, is the Ni-event from. According wrong, this, monks, is the Ni-event from.
This, monks, with ten immoral achievement is the death Ni-devout.
 § (IX) (79) rare cases SHAME
1 - Hey, monks, there are ten cases ethnical hatred. What are the ten?
2. Rare anger is associated to, to think: "It has hurt us." Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It is harm us". Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It would harm us." Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It has caused people love, people love ..." "It is harmful to people we love, hurt people dear ..." "It will hurt the people we love, people I love ". Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It has to benefit the people do not love, it is not love." Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It is to benefit the people do not love, it is not love." Ethnical hatred is the city, when the thought: "It will benefit people who do not love, it is not love." Makes he angry for no reason.
This, monks, there are ten cases of this hateful hostility.
 § (X) (80) rare convince SHAME
1 - Hey, monks, have ten convince hiềm this hatred, how are the ten?
2. hatred are rare convince the thought: "It has hurt me, but where benefits come to think so?" Hatred are rare convince, to think: "It is harm us, but benefit where you from thinking that way. "Rare is hatred convince to think:" It would harm us, but the benefits come from when we think so? "Rare is hatred convince, to think:" It has hurt the people we love, we love .. It is harming people we love ... love ... It will hurt the people we love, people I love, but the benefits come from thinking that way? He does not make angry for no reason.
This, monks, there were ten cases convince ethnical hatred.
IX. PRODUCT elders
 § (I) (81) BAHUNA
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Campa, on the shores of Lake Gaggara. Then venerable Bahuna go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Bahuna:
 - From how many legal, Tathagata live renunciation, isolation systems, liberated with the infinite mind.
2. - Of the ten measures, this Bahuna, Tathagata live renunciation, isolation systems. freed with the infinite mind. What are the ten?
3. From the color, this Bahuna, Tathagata live renunciation, isolation systems, liberated with the infinite mind. From life, this Bahuna ... From idea, this ... From the operating Bahuna, Bahuna ... From this knowledge, this Bahuna ... From birth, Bahuna ... From this old ... From this Bahuna death, this Bahuna ... From the suffering, this Bahuna ... From the negativity, this Bahuna, Tathagata live renunciation, isolation systems, liberation with the heart unlimited.
4. For example, this Bahuna, blue shower, or shower, pink or white lotus, born in the country, grew up in the country, rising and standing water, no water stick. Also, this Bahuna, from ten This, Tathagata live renunciation, isolation systems, liberation with the heart unlimited.
 § (II) (82) ANADA
1. Then go to the Venerable Ananda Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Exalted with Venerable Ananda was sitting on one side;
2. - Hey Ananda, monks do not have faith, there will be growth, grow, grow wide in this legislation, this event does not occur. This Ananda, evil monks do not hear the legal world ... ... hard to say ... do you with evil ... lazy ... forgetfulness ... do not know enough ... evil sex .. this Ananda, that monks would be wrong stronger growth, greater width of this law, the event does not occur.
This Ananda, monks do ten legal achievements, which will be growing, growing, growing widely in France and this Law, this event has occurred.
3. Hey Ananda, monks do have faith, there will be growth, grow, grow wide in France and this Law, this event has occurred, this ANADA, monks listening to the French public limited ... , life over what is easy to say ... listen ... do you ... the spirit of good faith, diligent ... residence ... know enough ... little idea ... Hey ANADA education, monks knowledge that district, will be growing, growing, growing widely in France and this Law, this event has occurred.
This ANADA, monks do ten This achievement will be to grow, grow, grow wide in France and this Law, this event has occurred.
 § (III) (83) PUNNIYA
1. Then venerable Punniya go to Bhagavan, after arrival, and bowed down to one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Punniya:
 - Buddha, so what's so what grace, with the sermon Bhagavan, Bhagavan sometimes not preach?
2. - Hey Punniya, monks who believe, do not go to the audience, the Tathagata has no sermon. When, this Punniya, monks have heart, go to the audience, so Bhagavan sermon. And this Punniya, monks have faith, have come to audience, but there are no menial servant ... but do not ask .. have asked but no slang slang headset with headphones legal ... legal , but after, not legal life over ... after hearing that the legal life over, but do not think the meaning of life over ... Justice has been thinking of the legal implications have been life over, but no after knowing the meaning, after knowing the legal, lawful practice ... after knowing the meaning, after learning approach, with the right legal practice, but did not say good, charity spokesperson, achievements of words elegant, speak clearly differentiate meaningful ... cleverly said, cleverly spokesman, achievements elegant words, speak clearly distinguishable meaning, but no presentations, no encouragement, no make catharsis, no make happy all of dignity, so that, the Tathagata does not preach.
3. And this Punniya, monks have faith, have come to an audience that servant, have asked, with slang headset; after hearing that the legal life over there thinking the legal sense was life over; after knowing the meaning, after learning approach, with the right legal practice, clever saying, cleverly spokesman, achievements elegant words, speak clearly differentiate meaningful and presentations, with encouragement, with makes elated, happy to have made of dignity, until such Tathagata has preached.
This accomplishment ten, this is how Punniya Tathagata sermon.
 § (VI) (84) SPEAK UP politics
1. Here, venerable monks Mahamoggallana call;
 - Hey Sage monks.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did meet venerable Mahamoggallana yes. Venerable Mahamoggallana says the following:
2 - Here is the sage, monks say right knowledge: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, what to do have done, no more callbacks this state " . "Then the Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, was the meditation, Zen skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in operating general interest others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussions. he was Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, those for meditation, Zen skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, questioning, clarifying questions, discussion, fall into empty (desert), falls into confusion (jungle), falls into the deadlock, fell into misfortune, fall into deadlock and misfortune. Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, those for meditation, meditation stock skilful, skilful in human heart other, Executive Minister skillful in his heart mind other people, the focus of attention to him as follows: "How did this venerable say right knowledge:" I clearly know that "took advantage Sanh Pham well have success, what to do have done, no more callbacks this state. "?" Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, even the meditation, Zen skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in General operating interest others, with his mind clear his mind as follows: "There is outrage this venerable, live more with the mind is imbued with indignation. With attention being instilled indignation, meaning reduced costs in the Law preached by the Tathagata. There is a venerable hiềm hate this ... there are detractors of this venerable ... have brain damage ... there is this venerable venerable jealousy is this ... there is avarice this venerable ... there is the venerable fraud with fraudulent this ... this ... is there evil venerable venerable education is this ... there is forgetfulness of this venerable ... Oil for much longer (nobler ) need to do more, but there is evidence wins but only a fraction was standing halfway; standing between this road means reduced costs in the Law preached by the Tathagata. "
3. monks did, reverences, because this approach does not make an end ten, going to be growing, growing, growing widely in France and this Law, this event does not occur. Monks did, it reverences, so take ten This section, go to the strong growth, large and wide in France this law, this event has occurred.
 § (V) (85) boast
1. One time, he came to reside among the people Mahacunda Ceti, at Sahajati. Here, venerable monks Mahacunda protection;
 - Reverences monks;
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did meet venerable Mahacunda yes. Venerable Mahacunda says the following:
2. - Here, this reverences, classes, monks are bragging, amplify the attainment of his: "I just realized, I renunciation meditation. I just realized, I meditate Monday renunciation. I just realized, I renunciation third meditation. I just realized, I renunciation fourth meditation. I just realized, I do not infinitude of renunciation. I just realized, I boundless land of renunciation. I just realized I owned Origin Unknown renunciation. I just realized I made a great ideal non cups African origin. I just realized, my life thought of renunciation Extinction. "Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples sage, skillful in meditation stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in operating general interest others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussions. He being Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples meditate beings, meditation skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in operating general interest others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussion, fall into empty, fell into confusion, stalled, fell into misfortune, stalled and unhappiness. Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, even the skillful meditation ... the general practice of others, with their own volition to mind his or her mind as follows: "How did this venerable boast, amplify the attainment of his: "I just realized I made the first glass of Zen ... I just realized I made a great cup to exterminate life." Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, those for meditation ... Minister skillful in mind another issue, with his mind clearly knew his mind as follows: "Already long ago, this venerable dilapidated actions, actions become moldy, black dots action, there defiled actions, actions inconsistent with the inappropriate practices in the discipline. This is a venerable international break, and break the precepts means reduced costs in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Unbelief is this venerable, and there is no trust, meaning reduced costs in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Listen at the venerable, according misconduct, meaning less damage reduction study in Law preached by the Tathagata. Hard to say that this venerable, and nature is difficult to say ... because Tathagata preaches. Friendship with the Venerable this evil, and evil nature friends ... This idleness is venerable, and forgetfulness buried lazy ... this is so venerable, and nature by Tathagata forgetfulness ... preach. This is a venerable shifty, cunning ... and nature is difficult to nurture this venerable and hard nature is nurtured ... The venerable wisdom of this evil, and evil mental nature means reduced costs in France and the Law by As Lai preached ".
3. For example, the reverences, a friend told his friend: "Hey you, when you need to property, ask me and I will give property asset you." The other friend when needed assets associated with the friend says as follows: "Hey you, I need this property, please give me the property". He replied as follows: "So this You, please dig here". The other position in that dug up and nothing was found. You said the other: "Hey, You, You were lying to me. Hey You, You've said those words to me empty. "" Dig here. "He said," Hey you, do not lie to you. I do not speak empty words to you. So this You, dig here. "the other at that dug up and nothing was found. the other says," Hey You, You lied to me. Hey You, You've said those words to me empty. "" dig here. "he said," Hey you, do not lie to you. I do not speak empty words. So it you, dig here. "the other at that dug up and nothing was found. the the other said, "Hey You, You lied to me. You have said those words to me empty." "dig here." the other says, "Hey you, do not lie to you. I'm not saying empty words to you, but I was mad, my mind turned upside down. Also, this reverences, classes, monks are bragging, amplify the attainment of his: "I just realized, I renunciation Profile ... meditation. meditation meditation Monday ... Tuesday ... Wednesday ... meditation boundless boundless land of origin ... ... ... African origin owns numerous non chief captain Made ... I witness in, I thought the life renunciation Extinction ". Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples Career Meditation, Zen skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in operating general interest others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussions. He, being the Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples Meditation ... Career Executive Minister skillful in mind others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussion, fall into nothingness, fell into confusion, falls into deadlock, fell into misfortune, stalled and unhappiness. Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, the skillful grade Meditation ... others interested in general practice, with his heart, the center of attention to him as follows: "How did this venerable rhetoric, bragging, the attainment of his: "I certify entry and exit for the Zen ... I just realized renunciation and life thought to kill." Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, even the skillful meditation ... others interested in general practice with his mind, clearly knew of him as follows: "It has been a long time ago, this venerable dilapidated actions , chipping action, action black dot, have defiled actions, actions inconsistent with the practice does not fit in the world. This is a venerable international break, and break the precepts means reduced costs in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Unbelief is venerable and emptiness ... hard to say is heard at this venerable .... and venerable nature is hard to say this, and nature is difficult to say ... friends with this evil is venerable and befriend evil nature ... the venerable idleness and sloth ... This forgetfulness is the venerable and cunning nature is forgetfulness ... this venerable and cunning nature ... is difficult to nurture this venerable and nurturing nature ... evil Property difficult is this venerable wisdom and evil nature is harm reduction in France and Law preached by the Tathagata. "
4. monks did, this reverences not take ten This section will grow, grow, grow wide in France and this Law, this event does not occur, monks did, it reverences, after paragraph it take ten, will be growing, growing, growing widely in France and this Law, this event has occurred.
1. One time, Venerable § Mahakassapa at Rajagaha (Rajgir), Truc Lam, in the garden nourishes the squirrel. There, Venerable Kassapa called monks;
 - Reverences monks
 - Ladies and yes Sage.
The monks did meet venerable Mahakassapa yes. Venerable Mahakassapa says the following:
2. - Here, the monks said reverences up right view, saying: "I know the following:" Birth was seeking, Virtue has, what to do have done, no status callbacks this again "". Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, even the meditation, charity skillful in stock, others skillful in mind, skillful in operating general interest others, questioning, clarifying questions, discussions. the when the Tathagata or his disciples Tathagata, is even the skillful meditation ... others interested in general practice, questioning, clarifying questions, discussion, fall into nothingness, fell into confusion, falls on closing switches, fell into misfortune, stalled and unhappiness. Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, are you ... Zen meditation practice wall effects in other people's mind, with his mind, volition to heart him as follows: "How, you say the district this venerable place, saying:" I clearly said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, have done what they can do, not the status callbacks this again "". Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, are steps skillful meditation ... others interested in general practice, with his mind, knew his mind as follows: "Increasing this venerable roof is romantic, rose rooftop view his poetic as the truth, not a great attainment that were attained, did not do great, not a great attainment that was attained, with the increase announced on chronic upper right knowledge ", said:" I clearly said: "the birth took advantage, Pham well succeeded, it should have done, no more callbacks this state" ". Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples even the skillful meditation ... in general practice center the others, with his heart, his mind working notice: "Based on what, venerable rooftop rose chronic, chronic upper increased his view as the truth, not a great attainment that have attained ... not a great attainment that was attained, with increased chronic upper, declared the right knowledge ", said:" I clearly said: "Sanh took advantage ... no callbacks this state anymore", "?". Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, are you ... meditation practice skillful in mind another minister, with his mind, knowing his or her mind: "Hear this much is venerable, life over what was heard , stored thing heard. What the primary measures improve, Mid-friendly, good logistics, meaning that text, praising the holy life fulfilled clean, the same approach, he heard many, life over what is heard, read life over oral proceedings, with the well-observed, cleverly able to enter, with the right understanding. Therefore, this venerable, increased upstream chronic, chronic upper increased his view as the truth, not a great attainment that was attained, do not think that has to do, not a great attainment that was attained, with increased upstream romantic, declared the right knowledge, saying: "I clearly said:" Sanh took advantage ... no more callbacks this state "". Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples meditation position ... Executive Minister skillful in mind other people, so with his heart, he knew the mind: "Greed is this venerable, live more with the dominant interest was involved, and is taking the dominant means reduced costs in France and Law preached by the Tathagata. golf this is the venerable, live more with the dominant center and golf equipment golf equipment ... dullness torpor was the venerable and life was much more deep hypnotic mind dominates, and sloth dullness was dominant means harm reduction ... this agitation is venerable, and he lives with agitation mind is dominant, and dominant mind is agitation means damage is reduced ... Nghi this venerable status, live more with suspected or dominant center ... is your favorite work of this venerable, interesting work, focused interest in the job, and preferred job losses mean decrease in French and Law preached by the Tathagata. Fancy talk is this venerable, excited talk, focused interest in talk, exciting talk that reduce damage in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Sleeping favorite is this venerable, enjoy sleeping, and sleeping enjoy nature means reduced costs in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Preferred congregation, this is the venerable, amused the congregation, preferred attentive congregation, the congregation preferred means reduced costs in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata. Ton forgetfulness is the author of this, for the French nobility had only small parts, oil certified by wins but only a fraction, again stopped halfway; stopped halfway, which means reduced costs in the Law preached by the Tathagata. "
3. monks did, it reverences, this law does not make an end to ten, will be growing, growing, growing widely in France and the Law preached by the Tathagata, this event does not occur. Monks did, it reverences, take ten This paragraph, will be strong growth, large and wide in French Law preached by the Tathagata, the event has occurred.
 § (VII) (87) - bhikkhus Kalaka
1. There, the workers of the monks Kalaka Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks.
 - Yes lord.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Here, the monks, monks prefer litigation, not praised to defuse the litigation. This, monks, monks prefer litigation, not to defuse praised the litigation, this approach does not lead to cordially, not to respect, not to imitate (be familiar lane), does not lead to harmony, not to agree.
3. Again, this distaste monks learning, not praises legal acceptance of Learning. This, monks, monks not like learning, do not accept the School praised measures, measures not taken to kindly ... does not lead to consensus.
4. Again, monks, monks sexual evil, not evil sexual humiliation praise photography. This, monks, monks sexual evil, not evil sexual praised convince, it does not take to kindly ... does not lead to consensus.
5. Again, monks, monks were furious indignation praise photography humiliation. This, monks, monks outrage, not praised convince outrage, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
6. Again, monks, monks detractors praised not convince detractors. This, monks, monks detractors, does not convince detractors praised, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
7. Again, monks, monks scams, not deceptive praise photography humiliation. This, monks, monks scams, not deceptive praise photography humiliation, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
8. Again, monks, monks do not praise photography fraudulent falsification humiliation. This, monks, monks fraudulent, not praise photography fraudulent humiliation, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
9. Again, monks, monks obey Dharma emptiness, emptiness praise obey Dharma. This, monks, monks obey Dharma emptiness, emptiness praise obey Dhamma, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
10. Again, monks, monks are not Meditation, not praise Meditation. This, monks, monks are not Meditation, not praise Meditation, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
11. Again, monks, monks do not have good reception and of dignity, not praise the good reception. This, monks, monks do not have good reception the of dignity, not praise the good reception, this approach does not lead to cordially ... does not lead to consensus.
12. This, monks, the monks so, if there is any desire arises: "Oh hope that the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings to me", but the co dignity, no respect, no respect, no road he bowed offerings. Why? This, monks, so that the position of dignity with that customary law is not evil evil make an end of him.
13. Just as, monks, there is no kind of tamed horses, oil may arise following wish: "I hope that people will put our species in the position of the horse has been mastered, to eat with food for mature horses, subduing us to be subdued for mature horses. " What kind of people do not put it in the position of mature horses, not to feed him in the position of mature horses, not to subdue it to be subdued for mature horses. Why? As those who have seen clearly the inferior nature, fraud, deceit, cunning, crafty. Also, the monks, the monks so, if there is any desire arises: "Oh hope that the respect of dignity, respect, worship, worship our path", but the taste Council Pham happy no respect, no respect, no worship, no offerings to him. Why? This, monks, so that the position of dignity with that customary law is not evil evil make an end of him.
14. But here, the monks, monks do not fancy suits, praised the calm of the litigation. This, monks, monks do not fancy suits, praised the calm of the litigation. This led to cordial, taken to respect, brought to want to be familiar, brought to harmony, lead to consensus.
15. Again, monks, monks prefer learning, Learning praised legal approval. This, monks, monks prefer learning, Learning praised legal approval. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
16. Again, monks, monks at training and convince the fitness praise. This, monks, monks at sex, humiliation praise for the Education regent. It leads to consensus.
17. Again, monks, monks are not outraged, indignant convince praise. This, monks, monks are not outraged, indignant convince praise. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
18. Again, monks, monks do not denigrate, convince detractors praised. This, monks, monks do not denigrate, convince detractors praised. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
19. Again, monks, monks are not fraudulent, deceptive praise convince. This, monks, monks are not fraudulent, deceptive praise convince. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
20. Again, monks, monks are not fraudulent, deceptive praise convince. This, monks, monks are not fraudulent, deceptive praise convince. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
21. Again, monks, monks obey the Dharma, Dharma praising obey. This, monks, monks obey the Dharma, Dharma praising obey. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
22. Again, monks, monks Meditation, Meditation praise. This, monks, monks Meditation, Meditation praise. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
23. Again, monks, monks welcomed the good of dignity, praising the good reception the of dignity. This, monks, monks welcomed the good of dignity, praising the good reception the of dignity. This lead to ... lead to cordially agreed.
24. Hey, monks, monks so, without any desire arises: "Oh hope that the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings," he said, but the co still reverently dignity, respect, worship, offerings to him. Why? This, monks, so that the position of dignity with that customary law was evil evil where he annihilation.
25. Just as, monks, a mature horse, the oil will not start up the will as follows: "We hope that people will put our species in the position of mature horses, to eat with the food for mature horses, subduing us to be subdued for mature horses. " What kind of people still put it in the position of the mature horse, feeding it with food items for mature horses, subduing it to be subdued for mature horses. Why? As those who have seen clearly the inferior nature, fraud, deceit, cunning, insidious of it was total annihilation. Also, the monks with monks so, if there is no desire to provoke, "Oh hope that the respect of dignity, respect, worship, offerings," he said, but the co still reverently dignity, respect, worship, offerings to him. Why? Because of that, the monks, the position of dignity has found that the law was evil evil he was to take place.
1 - Hey, monks, if any monks plated glass, reprimand, berating the saints and of dignity, really could not happen, could not he have time to off must meet one of ten accidents. What are the ten?
2. Do not attained it yet to be attained, it has attained interior rot, do not be wise for the Dhamma, chronic upper increase in Dhamma, celibate is not joy, violating a UE guilty feeling emotional ill, reached frenzied psychosis, death is unconscious (coma), or general network damage after the body, born into deprivation, beast, deprivation, in hell.
This, monks, monks do slandering, making responsible, berating the saints and of dignity, really could not happen, could not he have had time to see one from ten this accident.
 § (IX) (89) - bhikkhus KOKALIKA
1. There were monks Kokalika go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed sat to one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Kokalika:
 - Buddha, Sariputta and fitness Mahamoggallana evil, evil was conquered education.
 - Kokalika Hey, do not say that! Kokalika this, do not say that. This Kokalika, just pure heart and Mahamoggallana Sariputta credit for. Hien is friendly and Mahamoggallana Sariputta.
Second, monks Kokalika lord: "Buddha, Bhagavan oil have faith and trust, for the evil Mahamoggallana Sariputta and fitness, fitness equipment conquer evil."
 - Kokalika Hey, do not say that! Kokalika this, do not say that. This Kokalika, just pure heart and Mahamoggallana Sariputta credit for. Hien is friendly and Mahamoggallana Sariputta.
 - Kokalika Hey, do not say that! Kokalika this, do not say that. This Kokalikaa, just pure heart and Mahamoggallana Saripuuta credit for. Hien is friendly and Mahamoggallana Sariputta.
The third time, monks Kokalika lord: ... Hien is friendly and Mahamoggallana Sariputta.
2. Then, monks Kokalika from the seat up, bowed, right hand itself towards Bhagavan and went out. Monks Kokalika gone in no time, the whole body of monks emerged Kokalika to a mustard seed of new lesions; after big as a mustard seed, they grow up with beans; after growing up with beans, they grow up with large beans; after growing by large beans, they grow up with pebbles; after Kolatthi large pebbles, they grow up with apple seeds; after growing up with apple seeds, they grow up with Amala left, after growing up in the left Amala they grow up with melon (A-ma-Lac); after growing up in the left Amala, we grew up with melon (left vilva), after growing up with melons vilva, they grow up with the left Billa (melon was ripe); after growing up in the left Billa, they are broken, pus and bleeding. Here, it is located on a banana leaf, like stand-eating fish.
3. Then there Tudu unicorn Brahma go to monks Kokalika, after arriving, standing out of nowhere and told monks Kokalika;
 - Hey Kokalika, put credit where net interest and Mahamoggallana Sariputta! Hien is friendly and Mahamoggallana Sariputta.
 - Who are you?
 - I am Brahma Tudu unicorn.
 - Dear Sage, Sage have been Bhagavan had replied that saw Real Life? Why have you come here? Let's see how the people were misled in this matter.
Then unicorn discounts Tudu speaks friendly with monks Kokalika this verse;
Humans are born,
Born with a hammer in his mouth,
Stupid people say bad things,
As his self-slashing.
People who merit demerit,
Praiseworthy people who criticized,
Are contained misfortune,
Because from the mouth to form,
And it is so unfortunate,
Should not be at peace.
Rather small, this misfortune,
The main gambling by birth,
Making consumable assets,
Greater misfortune,
Not the loss of all,
Lose yourself again,
As the originator malice
For Auspicious monks.
Who criticized saint,
With words, with malice,
Experiencing hundred thousand times,
With ni-rab-Barbuda,
And another thirty six,
With a year-Barbuda,
And another thirty six,
With a year-Barbuda,
To be born into hell
Suffering there.
4. Then, monks Kokalika, so that diseases common destiny. After his death, monks Kokalika pink lotus birth to hell because starting center malice to Sariputta and Mahamoggallana. Then Brahma Sahampati, after the night near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and stood aside, stand aside, Sahampati lord Brahma: "Buddha, monks Kokalika have shared destiny. Buddha, monks Kokalika common destiny, to be born into hell pink lotus, because starting center malice to Sariputta and Mahamoggallana ". Brahma Sahampati said. Said so done, bowed, organic body toward the Exalted and disappeared on the spot.
5. Then the Blessed One, after the night was over, told the monks;
 - Hey, monks, Brahma Sahampati tonight when nights were near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region, come to Me; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside, stand aside, this, monks, Brahma said to my Sahampati: "Buddha, monks Kokalika common destiny to be born into hell pink lotus, because the mind launch and malice to Saripuuta Mahamoggallana ". This, monks, Brahma Sahampati said. Said so done, I bowed, organic body towards my side and disappeared in place.
6. When they heard that, a lord monks:
 - Buddha, how much long-term, is life in hell pink lotus?
 - Hey monks, life in hell pink lotus, very difficult to calculate. There are so many years, or there was some hundred years, or a thousand years until then, or there was some hundred thousand years.
 - Buddha, can for example be reasonable?
 - May be, these monks, the Exalted says:
For example, the monks a wagon load balanced Kosala loaded twenty fresh seeds. Then one of them every one hundred years, a hundred years of taking up a sesame seed. This faster, monks are carrying twenty carts loaded with grain weight Kosala sesame, by this method, go to make clean, nothing more, is not enough to be a hell abbuda. Just as, monks, twenty abbuda hell is a hell of a Ababa Nirabbuda hell. Just as, monks, twenty Ababa hell hell by a ahaha. Just as, monks, twenty ahaha by a atato hell is hell. Just as, monks, twenty atato hell by a kumodo hell. For as the monks, twenty kumodo by a sogandhika hell is hell. Just as, monks, twenty sogandhika hell by a uppalako hell. Just as, monks twenty uppalako hell by a Pundarika hell. Just as, monks, twenty Pundarika hell by a paduma hell. This, monks, monks must be born into hell Kokalika paduma (lotus), because arise malice to Sariputta and Mahamoggallana.
Bhagavan said. Auspicious said so done, gurus say more;
Humans are born
Born with a hammer in his mouth,
Stupid people say bad things,
As his self-slashing.
People who merit demerit,
Praiseworthy people who criticized,
Are contained misfortune,
Because from the mouth to form,
And it is so unfortunate,
Should not be at peace
This small rather unfortunate,
The main gambling by birth,
Making consumable assets,
Greater misfortune,
Not the loss of all,
Lose yourself again.
As the originator malice,
For celestial beings.
Who criticized saint,
With words, with malice,
Experiencing hundred thousand times,
With Ni-rab-bu-da,
And another thirty six,
With a year-Barbuda,
To be born into hell,
Suffering there.
 § (X) (90) THE STRENGTH
1. There were venerable Sariputta went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Sariputta was sitting down on one side;
 - Hey Sariputta, monks had to make an end of cankers, how much power? Achievements with his strength. Monks have gonorrhea or annihilation of self-awareness or the destruction of the contraband: "The site was pirated or do"
 - Buddha, monks had to take the contraband or paragraph, with ten power. Achievements with his strength, monks taints annihilation, self-awareness the destruction of pirated or: "The cankers was annihilation of me". What are the ten?
2. Here, venerable sir, monks make an end to the illegal or, as it's cleverly found the intellectual district, the issue is impermanent. Buddha, monks taints annihilation, were seen as real smart with intellectual district, all acts are impermanent. Buddha, monks had to make an end of illegal or has cleverly found as truth with wisdom district, all acts are impermanent. Venerable sir, this is the power of the monks annihilation of defilements. Based on this strength, monks smuggled or annihilation of self-awareness or the destruction of the contraband: "The site was pirated or us."
3. Again, venerable sir, monks make an end to the illegal or has cleverly found as truth with wisdom district, the sex is like a flaming coal pits. Buddha, monks taints annihilation, were seen as real smart with intellectual district, the sex is like a flaming coal pits. Venerable sir, this is the strength of monks smuggled or annihilation of this power, the monks self-annihilation of contraband or recognize the destruction of pirated or: "These cankers were our site sections . "
4. Again, venerable sir, monks, monks make an end to the illegal or, with mind towards renunciation, in favor of renunciation, the renunciation down, stay on renunciation, renunciation fancy, dots completely made legal residence for the defilements. Buddha, ... this is the power of the monks take the defilements paragraph ... "... was to make an end of me."
5. Again, venerable sir, monks make an end to the illegal or practice, practice smart four foundations of mindfulness. Buddha, monks make an end to the illegal or practice, practice smart four foundations of mindfulness. Lord is the strength of the Billion-breeze taints annihilation ... "... was to make an end of me."
6. Again, venerable sir, monks, monks make an end to the practice of illegal or four primary needs smart ... smart practice as standard Four-sufficient practice ... practice, practice smart base year ... practice, practice smart power ... In practice, practice smart enlightenment Seven ... practice, practice smart Noble eight branches. Buddha, monks make an end to the practice of illegal or Noble cleverly eight industry practice. Venerable sir, this is the power of the monks annihilation of defilements. Because of this power, the monks self-annihilation perception taints the destruction of pirated or: "These cankers was total annihilation of me."
Buddha, this power ten of monks annihilation of defilements. Achievement of this force, the monks make an end to contraband or recognize the cessation of illegal or paragraph: "The clip was pirated or take our place."
PRODUCT laymen X.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, he Anahapindika garden. Then South layman Anathapindika went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and then to a party. Bhagavan told Anathapindika was sitting on one side;
2. - Homeowners Hey, there are ten recipients of this education existing presence in my life. What are the ten?
3. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek illegal assets with the power. After the illegal assets to seek power, he himself was not at peace, joy, no sharing, do not merit.
4. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek illegal assets with the power. After the illegal assets to seek power, he himself is peace, joy, no sharing, do not merit.
5. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek illegal assets with the power, after illegal to seek assets with the strength, peace itself, joy, sharing, doing the merits.
6. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful to the power and strength. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful power and no strength, he not himself be peace, joy, no sharing, do not merit.
7. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful to the power and strength. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful power and no strength, peace itself is joyful, but do not share, do not merit.
8. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful to the power and strength. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful power and no strength, he himself is peace, joy, sharing, have made the merit.
9. Here, the Homeowners, with fitness classes beneficiaries, to seek legal property right is not the power; after lawful to seek assets with no power, he not himself be peace, joy, do not share, do not merit.
10. Here, the Homeowners, beneficiaries have the right education to seek legal downloads with no power. After the legal right to seek assets with no strength, he himself is peace, joy, do not share, do not merit.
11. Here, the Homeowners, some people enjoy sex, to seek lawful property with no strength. After the legal right to seek assets with no strength, he himself peace, joy, sharing, doing merit. And this position was enjoying the property with prior greed, passionate, frenzy, do not see the harm, not with wisdom renunciation.
12. Here, the Homeowners, fitness instructor, seek the lawful property with no strength. After the legal right to seek assets with no strength, he himself peace, joy, sharing, doing merit. And this position was to enjoy the property, not the greed before, not passionate, not frenzy, seeing the danger, with renunciation wisdom.
13. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, to seek illegal assets and use the power; After the illegal assets to seek and use power, he is not himself at peace, joy, do not share, do not merit. Homeowners this, the effect of this education is rebuked by three things: "Range assets demand illegal, the power is used first, a reprimand; not pleasurable bliss itself is the second one, a reprimand; not to share, not to merit is the third, a reprimand.
Homeowners this, you can enjoy three things sexual are reproved.
14. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, to seek illegal assets, use the power. After the illegal assets to seek and use power, he himself pleasurable bliss, not to share, not to the merits. Homeowners this, the effect of this education is rebuked two things, and one thing is to be praised. He asset to seek illegal and strength by using this first thing, was reprimanded. he himself peacefully, joyfully, because this is a praise. He does not share, do not merit, because this second thing, was criticized.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, two things were criticized, and this one is praised.
15. There, the Homeowners, you enjoy this education, to seek illegal assets and use the power. After the illegal assets to seek and use power, he himself peace, joy, sharing and making merit. You enjoy this education, this Homeowners, which was criticized by one, by two things are praised. He seek the assets illegally and used the power, because this one, has been criticized. He himself peacefully, joyfully, so the first thing is praise. He shared the merits and, due to this second thing is praise.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, one thing has been criticized, and two things are praised.
16. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of power. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of strength, he is not himself at peace, joy, do not share, do not merit. You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, one thing is to be praised, there are three things to be criticized. He seek the lawful property no power solution, so this is a praise. He to seek illegal assets and use the power, because the first thing is being criticized. He is not himself at peace, joy, because the second one was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, because this third thing being criticized.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, one thing is praised, and these three were criticized.
17. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of power. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of strength, he himself peace, joy, do not share, do not merit. Beneficiaries of this education, this The homeowner, there are two things to be praised, and two things were criticized. He views the property on the legal requirements and do not need power, so the first thing is, to be praised. He to seek illegal assets and use the power, because the first thing is being criticized. He himself pleasurable bliss, by the second one to be praised. He does not share, do not merit, because this second thing, was criticized.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, two things are praised, and these two things were criticized.
17. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of power. After the property to seek lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of strength, he himself peace, joy, do not share, do not merit. Beneficiaries of this education, this The homeowner, there are two things to be praised, and two things were criticized.
He views the property on legal requirements and power capacity, so the first thing is, be praised. He right to seek illegal assets and use the power of this first because it was criticized. He himself peace and joy, because the second one is praised. He does not share, do not merit, because the second one was criticized.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, two things are praised, and these two things were criticized.
18. Here, this Homeowners who enjoy this sexual humiliation, to seek the assets lawful and unlawful, and not use the power of power. After, to seek lawful property and illegal, and not use force strength, he himself peace, joy, sharing, and making merit. You enjoy this education, this The homeowner, there are three things to be praise, and something to be criticized. He views the property on the legal requirements and do not need power, so the first thing is praise. He first class assets and using power illegally, so the first thing, was criticized. He himself peace and joy, because the second one, which was praised. He shared the merits and, due to this third thing, which was praised.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, three things are praised, and criticized it.
19. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, the right to seek legal assets and non-physical. After the right to seek legal assets and non-physical, he is not himself at peace, joy, and do not share the faith. You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, one thing is to be praised, and two things were criticized. He views the property on the legal requirements and do not need power, so this is praise. He is not himself at peace, joy, and this first thing, was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, because this second thing, was criticized.
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, one thing is praised, and these two things were criticized.
20. Here, the Homeowners and beneficiaries of this education, the right to seek legal assets and non-physical. After the right to seek legal assets and non-physical, he himself peace, joy, do not share, do not merit. You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, two things are praised, and a criticism. He views the property on the legal requirements and do not need power, so the first thing is praise. He himself peace and joy, because the second one, which was praised. he does not share, do not merit, so the first thing is, being criticized.
You enjoy this, Homeowners this, two things are praised, and a criticism.
21. Here, the Homeowners and beneficiaries of this education level lawful assets and non-physical. After the right to seek legal assets and non-physical, he himself peace, joy, sharing, and making merit. And he enjoys life assets that passion, passionate, frenzy, no harm, no renunciation with wisdom. Beneficiaries of this education, this The homeowner, there are three things to be praised, and a criticism. He views the property on the legal requirements and do not need power, so the first thing is, to be praised. He himself peace and joy, because the second one, which was praised. He shared the merits, so that third thing, is praised. He enjoyed life assets that passion, passionate, frenzy, no harm, no renunciation with wisdom, because this one was criticized
You enjoy this educational, Homeowners this, three things are praised, and criticized it.
22. Here, this The homeowner, you enjoy this education, the right to seek legal assets and non-physical. After the right to seek legal assets and non-physical, he himself peace, joy, sharing, and making merit. He lived his assets, no passion, no passionate, without distraction, to see the dangers, there is renunciation to intelligence. You enjoy this education, this The homeowner, there are four things to be praise. He views the correct legal requirements and do not need power, so the first thing is, to be praised. He himself peace and joy, because the second one, which was praised. He shared the merits and, due to this third thing, which was praised. life he enjoyed his assets, no attachment, no passionate, without distraction, to see the dangers, there is renunciation to intelligence, due Wednesday, is praised
You enjoy this education, this The homeowner, there are four things are praised.
Homeowners this, ten classes who enjoy this sexual presence, existence in life.
23. In the ten categories of people entitled to this education, this housing, education beneficiaries to seek the lawful property, not the power, After seek the lawful property, not for power, he himself peacefully, joy, sharing, doing the merits, that the age of the property, not greedy, not passionate, not frenzy saw the dangers, there is renunciation to intelligence. Grade ten recipients of this education, this person is the ultimate class, is supreme, is foremost, is supreme, is at religion.
Just as, Homeowners, from cow milk, dairy peanuts, peanut bowl is birth, from birth has mastered bowl bowl, from independent automakers have mastered the essence of the bowl, to the lake, is considered the quintessential bowl humiliation as supreme here. Also, the Homeowners, in ten classes who enjoy this education, you enjoy this educational asset to seek lawful and non-physical. After the right to seek legal assets and not use force, he himself peace, joy, sharing and making merit, enjoying life assets that, no attachment, not passionate, not love disorder, saw the dangers, there is renunciation to intelligence. This class of people is paramount, supreme, foremost, the supreme religious and evening.
 § (II) (32) Fear and Hatred
1. The homeowner then has Anathapindika went to Bhagavan, ... Bhagavan told Anathapindika Homeowners sitting down one side.
2. - Hey Homeowners, when Saints make disciples fear subsided in hatred, accomplishments and expenditures for the project saved four, clever show, cleverly able to enter the Holy of wisdom; if he wants, can answer told her: "I make an end to hell; I have to make an end animalzxy; preta was total annihilation; I have to make an end of the data plane, the Beast of deprivation; The note we have seen, no longer oppressed and lost, decided to make the ultimate enlightenment. "What is in fear of hatred is making calm?
3. Homeowners Hey, killing, killing conditioned fear generated within the existing hatred, fear creates hatred in the future, causing pain sensations priority attention. People give up killing, not create fear in the current hatred, fear not create hatred even in the future, not causing pain sensations priority attention. Police who abandoned him, to defuse this fear hatred.
4. Homeowners Hey, do not get your ... sexual misconduct ... lying in the ... passionate in yeast, cooking wine; captivated by the charm of wine yeast, cooking wine, created fear within the existing hatred, fear creates hatred in the future, causing pain sensations mental superiority. People give not captivated in yeast, cooking wine, do not create fear within the existing hatred, not fear creates hatred in the future, do not cause pain sensations mental superiority. With passionate abandon yeast, cooking wine, so this hatred is fear subsided.
Years this hatred is fear subsided. What are the achievements of four save the project?
5. - Here, the Homeowners, Saints accomplished disciples unwavering to the Buddha.
This is Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World award, Supreme Master, The Phu Truong Ngu Thien Sphinx, Buddha, Bhagavan. He unwavering achievements for France: "France is Exalted clever theory, practical in the present, do not have the time, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened intellect to understand". He unwavering achievement for us up: "operator is Exalted disciples; Direct disciples well as Bhagavan; Application of the well is Exalted disciples; Chon right action is Exalted disciples. Ie four pairs of eight of them. Exalted disciples worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of celebration party, deserves his hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. "He accomplished the charity world the glass saints, not destroyed, not moldy, no dots, not defiled to liberation, praised by the wise, do not be attached, taken to meditation.
These are the four factors of project achievements this note. St. Secretarial how clever reasons were found, can enter with intellectual skill?
6. - Here, the Homeowners, Saints disciples observed as follows: "Because this is so, the other has. Due to this being, the other being. Because this is not available, the other one can not. Due to this the kill, kill the other. That is conditioned by ignorance, with the operator. Conditioned by the executive with knowledge. Conditioned by mentality informal. Conditioned by mentality has six entry. Conditioned by six entering with contact. conditioned by contact with life. Conditioned by feeling is craving. Conditioned by affinity with players. Players have conditioned existence. conditioned property is birth. Because the old charm of birth with death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief brain. So, is the originator of the entire collective suffering aggregates. Due to ignorance brutal killing has no balance, so the operator. Because the practice should kill kill mode. Due formula should kill kill mentality. Due mentality should kill six death. Due to the death should contact killing six. Do contact should destroy destroy life. Because loving life should kill kill. Due to kill mortal. Death and extinction due to old pros sorrow suffering brain death. So is this entire mass of ill kill. This is seen St. clever and smart management can be imported with wisdom. "
Homeowners this, when the Saints disciples, in fear of hatred was calm, save four project components were accomplished, and this reason is smart Holy see and be entered to intellectual skill, time, if desired, himself he can answer for himself, saying, "I make an end to hell; I have to make an end animalzxy; preta was total annihilation; It was total annihilation of deprivation, the Beast of deprivation; The securities have already been saved, no longer oppressed and lost, decided to make the ultimate attainment of enlightenment. "
 § (III) (93) COMMENTS
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in the garden. The homeowner then has Anathapindika, very early in the morning to go out to an audience Savatthi asked Bhagavan. Then Anathapindika Homeowners thinking: "Now is not the time for an audience with Bhagavan. Exalted is Meditation. Nor is it the time to swallow is the monks were practicing in mind, the monks practice of what is Meditation. So let's go to the wandering ascetic garden heathen ". The homeowner then went to the garden of Anathapindika Du pagan officers.
2. At that time, the wandering ascetic sat pagan meetings, gatherings are noisy, high voice, loudly discussing frivolous issues. the pagan wandering ascetic sees Homeowners remote Anathapindika went to, to see so closely together and told told: "Be less noisy, the venerable Do not be making noise, the Venerable. This Anathapindika homeowners are coming, a disciple of the recluse Gotama, the disciple of recluse Gotama with family dressed in white in Savatthi, Anathapindika Homeowners are one of him. He preferred the less noisy, are trained in less noisy, less noisy praise. If he sees little noisy congregation, he can think to visit here. " Then the pagan wandering ascetic was kept quiet.
3. Then go to the Homeowners Anathapinidika wandering ascetic religion that, after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends, sat down aside. The pagan Du told officers Homeowners Anathapidika sat in:
 - Homeowners Hey, let's say there is recluse Gotama what?
 - Ladies and venerable, I do not know all the opinions of Bhagavan.
 - Hey Homeowners, Homeowners may not know all of the recluse Gotama is. Homeowners But, say the monks there is nothing?
 - Ladies and venerable, I do not know all of the monks is.
 - Hey Homeowners, Homeowners may not know all of the recluse Gotama is, Homeowners may not know all of the monks is. The owner is so, let's talk about is the Homeowners.
 - Ladies and venerable, it's not difficult for us to respond to our opinion. But the Sun is the answer to the venerable ago. Then it's not difficult for us to respond to our opinion.
4. When is say, a pagan officer Du told Homeowners Anathapindika: "Standing still is the world. This is true. Else is a delusion. The owner of this, so is my opinion. " One other pagan wandering ascetic The homeowner told Anathapindika: "Impermanence is the world. This is true. This is another delusion. Such is my opinion. "Then a wandering ascetic other pagan The homeowner told Anathapindika:" Impermanence is the world. This is true. Else is a delusion. Such is my opinion. " Then one other pagan wandering ascetic householder Anathapindika told: "There is marginal world ... no margin is the world ... life and body is a body ... and life is different ... the Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist after death ... the Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and is not does not exist after death. This is true. Else is a delusion. The owner of this, so is my opinion. "
5. When they heard that, Anathapindika The homeowner told her pagan wandering ascetic;
 - Ladies and venerable, Venerable speaks as follows: "Often there is the world. This is true. Else is a delusion. The owner of this, so is my opinion. " This is the Venerable was, himself human volition or unreasonable, or conditioned heard other people say. So is he was born into effect (compounded) by the thinking mind, conditioned to. And what is born, the effects of, by thinking mind, conditioned up, it is impermanent; something impermanent, that is suffering; one (format) it, venerable attachment (stick); one (format) it, venerable accepted. Ladies and venerable, Venerable speaks as follows: "Impermanence is this world ... there is this world marginal ... not marginal as this world ... The life and body is one ... The life and body be different ... Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. This is true. Else is a delusion. The owner of this, so is my opinion. " This is the Venerable was, himself human volition or unreasonable, or heard others say grace. Such is born, the effects of, by thinking mind, conditioned to. And what is born, the effects of, by thinking mind, conditioned up, it is impermanent; something impermanent, that is suffering; one (format) it, venerable attachments; that venerable suffering accepted.
6. When you are told that, the wandering ascetic pagan Homeowners told Anathapindika;
 - Homeowners Hey, all of us have is to speak. Homeowners this, let's say that what is of Homeowners?
 - Ladies and venerable, philistine something is born, is a mind-reflection effect, so charming is started up, it is impermanent. What is impermanent, that is suffering. What is suffering, what he is, "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self. 'I have the same, said the Venerable.
 - Homeowners Hey, what mortal is born, the effects of, by thinking mind, so charming is started up, it is impermanent. What is impermanent, that is suffering. What is suffering, so that, this Householders, the attachment Homeowners, penis, this Homeowners, Homeowners to accept.
The Venerable sir, what is human being, the effects of, by thinking mind, so charming is started up, it is impermanent. What is impermanent, that is suffering. What suffering, what he is: "This is not mine, this is not me, this is not my self." Such is very smart as seen with right wisdom. And private places of suffering, I like to know the truth clearly more renunciation. When I heard this, that the heathen wandering ascetic sat silent, bewildered, indented shoulders, lowered his head, dumbfounded, not voicing.
Homeowners Anathapinika 7. Then, after learning the pagan wandering ascetic was silent, bewildered, indenting the shoulder, bowed, stunned, not voicing, stood up from his seat, went to the Blessed One, after arriving , bowed and then down one side. Sat to one side, Homeowners Anathapindika, the story with the pagan wandering ascetic how he narrated all the Exalted clear;
 - "You instead, heal rather, the Homeowners. Thus, this The homeowner, who was often foolish should be dismissed with the cleverly denied by the Dharma ". Then Bhagavan with a sermon preached, encouraging, making excited, makes joyful Homeowners Anathapindika. The homeowner then Anathapindika, after Bhagavan to preach sermons, encouraging, making excited, make happy, from the seat up bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
8. Then Bhagavan, after Homeowners Anathapindika gone soon, told the monks;
 - Monks no oil has been full 100 years rainy season retreat in France and this law, he should thus generally rejected the pagan wandering ascetic, with the rejection by the Dharma skillfully, as Gia Anahtapindika owners have cleverly dismissed.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing on the banks of the pond Gaggara Campa. Homeowners Vajjiyamahita Then, early in the morning to go out Campa, Exalted audience insole. The homeowner then Vajjiyamahita thinking: "Now is not the time for an audience with Bhagavan, Bhagavan is Meditation. Nor is it the time to an audience of monks were practicing in mind, the monks were practicing the standard is Meditation. So let's go to the garden of pagan wandering ascetic. "Then the owner went to the garden Vajjiyamahita the pagan wandering ascetic.
2. At that time, the wandering ascetic sat Meeting pagan gathering, noisy, high voice, loudly discussing frivolous issues. the pagan wandering ascetic sees Vajjiyamahita remote Homeowners go, when I saw that, immediately advised him to tell each other: "Be less noisy, the venerable, not make noise, the venerable, this Vajjiyamahita Homeowners are coming , a disciple of the recluse Gotama, the disciple of the recluse Gotama, a family dressed in white at the Campa. Homeowners Vajjiyamahita he is one, he preferred the less noisy, are trained in less noisy, less noisy praise. If he sees little noisy congregation, he can think of visiting here. "Then the doctor pagan Du was kept quiet.
3. Then go to the owner of Du Vajjiyamahita pagan officers did; after arrival, speak with the pagan wandering ascetic words of welcome he inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. The cell pagan officer told Homeowners Vajjiyamahita sitting a party;
 - Is this true Homeowners affordable, recluse Gotama every ascetic criticism, especially towards refuting, oppose all austerity, all the life of austerity?
 - Ladies and venerable, Bhagavan does not criticize any ascetic, not least towards refuting against all austerity, all the life of austerity. The Venerable sir, Exalted criticize something worth criticizing, praising something worthy of praise. The Venerable sir, Exalted criticize something worth criticizing, praising something worthy of praise, such as the analysis Exalted argument, not the least towards conclusion (say one way).
4. To say so, an officer tells Homeowners Du Vajjiyamahita: "Well wait here, the Homeowners, Homeowners recluse Gotama praised recluse Gotama and had nothing, a man who never had to meaning clear.
 - Here, the venerable sir, I told venerable lawful: "This is good, the Venerable sir, Bhagavan was defined. This is immoral, the Venerable sir, Bhagavan was defined. This is good, this is immoral, Bhagavan was defined. Bhagavan who is clearly defined. Bhagavan is not the policy of nothingness, not a person has no clearly defined ". When saying this, the wandering ascetic was silent, bewildered, indented shoulders, bowed, stunned, speechless.
5. Homeowners Vajjiyamahita Then, after learning the pagan wandering ascetic was silent, bewildered, indenting the shoulder, bowed, stunned speechless, stood up from his seat, went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Homeowners Vajjiyamahita, stories with pagan wandering ascetic was like, all of which clearly relates to Bhagavan.
6. - Healthy replaced, rather benign, this The homeowner, who usually foolish to be dismissed with the cleverly dismissed by Dharma. Homeowners this, I did not say that, all need to practice austerity. Homeowners this, I will not say that all should practice asceticism. Homeowners this, I do not say that all the maintenance needs to be approved approve maintenance. Homeowners this, I will not say that all of the mortgage should not accept prime responsibility for maintenance. Homeowners this, I will not say that all the crystals have essential need. Homeowners this, I did not say that, all the fine crystal should not be required. Homeowners this, I will not say that all waiver should be abandoned. Homeowners this, I will not say that all waiver should not give up. Homeowners this, I will not say that all should be liberated liberation. Homeowners this, I did not say that, all liberation should not freed.
7. Homeowners Hey, what ordinary ascetic practice, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage charity, asceticism that, I say, do not practice. But this The homeowner, yet ordinary ascetic practice, the unwholesome damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures, should I tell her ascetic practice. The owner of this that everyone abide accept any maintenance, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage friendly, accepting his prime, I say, do not wedge the Executive. Executive accept any maintenance whatsoever, the unwholesome damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures, the observance of that, I say should accept maintenance. Homeowners this, what qualities should be diligent, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage friendly, the essential need that, I say, not so diligent. What qualities should be diligent, the unwholesome damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures, the essential need that, I say so diligent. The owner of this that everyone abandon waiver, the unwholesome growth measures, these measures reduce damage friendly, time to abandon that, I say, not to give up. Qualities waiver waiver, the unwholesome damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures, the time to abandon him, I said, should be abandoned. This Homeowners, human liberation deliverance, growth of evil, harm reduction good behavior, time freed him, I say, not liberation. Qualities liberation liberation, the unwholesome damage reduction measures, the growth-friendly measures, the time freed him, I say so liberating.
The homeowner then Vajjiyamahita after Bhagavan with a Dharma lecture, encourage, make exciting, make happy, standing up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
8, Bhagavan Then, after Homeowners Vajjiyamahita gone soon, told the monks;
 - What Qualities monks, has long day with little structure in France and the ceiling of this Law, he just so lampoons pagan wandering ascetic with cleverly lampoons by Dharma, as Homeowners Vajjiyamahita did.
 § (V) (95) Uttiya
1 Then there Du pagan officers went to the Bhagavan Uttiya; after to speak with words of welcome Bhagavan inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Du told officers Uttiya Bhagavan;
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, is venerable advocate impermanent world. This is true, another is a delusion?
 - Hey Uttiya. I do not have to say the following: "The world is impermanent. This is true, another is a delusion ".
 - This venerable Gotama, is the world is marginal ... the world is not marginal ... life and body is a body ... and life is another ... Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist after death ... the Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and is not beyond death. This is true, another is a delusion?
 - Uttiya Hey, I do not have to say as follows: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. This is true, another is a delusion ".
2 - Dear Venerable Gotama, is the world is impermanent, this is true, other is a delusion? Asked that, Bhagavan replied: "Hey Uttiya, I do not have to say:" The world is impermanent. This is true, another is a delusion. "
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, is the world is impermanent? .. Is the world is marginal? .. There must be no marginal world? .. May have life and body are one? .. to sing with the body's network and others? .. does the Tathagata exist after death? .. is Tathagata not exist after death? .. is Tathagata exists and does not exist in after death? .. Is Tathagata does not exist and do not exist so they die? This is true, another is a delusion? Asked that, Bhagavan replied: "Hey Uttiya, I do not have to say:" The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. This is true. Else is a delusion. "
 - So what is Venerable Gotama say?
 - With the win position, this Uttiya, I preach to their disciples to be pure, to be overcome sorrow, suffering advantages to being terminated, the sole chief justice is attained, to Nibbana is realized.
 - "If the venerable Gotama preach to their disciples to be pure ... to Nirvana is realized", so the whole world will come out, or only half, or just there is a third? Heard that, silence Bhagavan.
3. Then Venerable Ananda thought as follows: "Do not let the evil wandering ascetic Uttiya wrong with that" recluse Gotama hear Optimizer asks important questions to dodge, no answers, did not answer, and so is unfortunate, as the long-term suffering for Du Uttiya officer. "Then the Venerable Ananda said to the wandering ascetic Uttiya;
4. - This Uttiya So, I will use an example, it is by example, here some wise people can understand the meaning of words. For example, this Uttiya Sage, the throne of King recorded address with a solid foundation, with the solid rampart towers, and only one doorway. Here, concierge are clever, intelligent, location, preventing strangers, acquaintances entered. While on patrol on the road running around his stronghold, he can not find a loophole in the city or in a big hole for a cat can go through. He may not know is: "Every sentient being that has come into or go out of this, but this he said:" The large crude beings go in or out of this ", all of them must go into or come out through the gates. Also, this Uttiya Sage, for the Tathagata, is not an important issue (this question of me) is going to be worldwide thus escape or half of the world, or as part father? Things Tathagata says is as follows: "Those who have been released from the world, or being released, or will escape, all that he, after the total extinction of five hindrances, the making pollution measures mind, intellectual weakness, with a clever mind to dwell on the four foundations of mindfulness; after practice Saturday realistic enlightenment, so he got rid of, exiting, will rid the world. Sage Uttiya this, the question that I have asked the Buddha standing on a different stance. That is why Bhagavan did not answer that question for me?
 § (VI) (96) KOKANUDA
1. One time, Venerable Ananda residing in Rajagaha, at Tapodarama hot springs. Then Venerable Ananda morning just when the night, woke up to go to Tapodarama to wash hands and feet. Wash hands and feet done, in Tapodarama, after out, standing up for a medical venerable to dry hands and feet dry. There were monks Kokanuda, just as night light, to wake up to go to Tapodarama to wash hands and feet. Wanderer Kokanuda see remote Venerable Ananda went to, after the show, told Venerable Ananda;
 - Sage is?
 - Dear Sage, I'm monks.
 - Reverence, belongs to the monks do?
 - As Salmone Like death.
 - Hey Sage, Sage Sage we would like to ask a few problems.
 - If Sage gave me the opportunity to answer questions, but now Sage, ask away. After the hearing, we will be known.
2 - Dear Sage, is: "The world is permanent. This is true, another is a delusion, is the same. "Is not Sage?
 - Dear Sage, I do not have is so: "The world is permanent. This is true, another is a delusion. "
 - So there must be: "The world is impermanent. This is true, another is a delusion "? Is is so, does not sage?
 - Dear Sage, I do not have is thus: "The world is impermanent, this is true, other is a delusion;
 - Are Sage said: "The world is marginal ..." The world is not marginal ... "The life and body is one ..." The life and body is different ... " Tathagata exists after death ... "the Tathagata does not exist after death ..." Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ... "the Tathagata does not exist and does not exist ants in after death ... this is true, another is a delusion "? Is is so, does not sage?
 - Dear Sage, I do not have is thus: "The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. This is true, another is a delusion ".
 - Well, folks Sage, Sage did not know, Sage not see.
 - Dear Sage, not me not all, are not I do not see. Dear Sage, I have said, I have found.
3. - Is Sage said, "The world is permanent. This is true, another is a delusion "? Asked that, Sage said: "Dear Sage, I do not have is so:" The world is permanent. This is true, what is different is a delusion ". Are Sage said: "The world is impermanent. This is true, another is a delusion "? .." The world is marginal ... The world is boundless ... "The life and body is one ... The life and body the other is ... "the Tathagata exists after death ..." the Tathagata does not exist after death ... "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ..." as not not exist and not exist after death. This is true, another is a delusion "? Asked that, Sage said: "Dear Sage, I do not have is thus:" The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. This is true, another is a delusion? "" Well, folks Sage: "Sage did not know, Sage did not see?" Asked so, Sage said: "Dear Sage, is not I do not know not I do not see. Ladies and sage; I know, I have seen ". So said Sage," need to understand how this word mean? "
4. - "The world is permanent. This is true, another is a delusion ". Dear Sage, this is wrong. "The world is impermanent. This is true, another is a delusion ". Dear Sage, this is wrong. "The world has marginal ..." The world is not marginal ... "The life and body is one ..." The life and other's body ... "The Tathagata exists after death. .. "the Tathagata does not exist after death ..." Tathagata exists and does not exist after death ... "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. This is true, another is a delusion ". Dear Sage, this is wrong. Dear Sage, is so far to the TA. So far so is the land, is permanent, is bondage, is expected to start, is killed, I know that, I can see it. Because I know that, I can see it, how can I answer: "I do not know, I do not see"! Dear Sage: "I have said, I have seen".
 - Sage What is the name? And how the well-known co-Sage discounts?
 - Dear Sage, Ananda is my name. And the well-known co Pham I was Ananda.
 - Oh, I'm talking to Venerable Grand Master, but I do not know the Venerable Ananda. If we know the Venerable Ananda, I did not say that much, Venerable Ananda desire forgive me.
 § (VII) (97) are hitting CEREMONY.
1. - Legal Achievement ten, this, monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of worship, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. How is ten?
2. Here, the monks, monks have lived gender tame tame with the monastic rule Patimokkha door, full majesty right action, scared of the slightest error, accepting and learning in legal practitioners.
3. As you heard, listened life over it, stored it heard. The profile yet friendly approach, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text, praising the holy life fulfilled purity and heard many such measures, which maintain life, was reciting verbal, be consistent close to the standard, can be entered with right smart.
4. Being friends with the friendly, friendship is essential to good faith.
5. Have the right view, right view is accomplished.
6. Certificates are many types of Kabbalah, a body out many bodies, many bodies out one body; current form, passing by the wall transforms, through the wall, through the mountains, as the passing of nowhere; burrowed, rising through the land as in the water; Domestic travel is not sinking like walking on land; fetters-old sitting traveled out of nowhere like a bird; with hands touching and touched the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate era, can fly itself to Brahma World.
7. natural pure atrial superman, can hear two kinds of gods and Humans known, far and near.
8. After going into the heart of all beings, beings who with his heart, he is known as: "The mind has involved know is interested is engaged; Center said the center does not take not take. "" Tam said golf is golf center; Center field is the mind does not know the field is not. "" The mind has known the mind si si; si no known heart knows no si mind. "" Mind focused attention focused known; wandering heart wandering heart knew: "The Executive Centre is great practitioner knows about, not reaching operating interest, is not a great practitioner know about." "Mind supreme not know is not the supreme interest; supreme interest known to the supreme mind. '' "Mind Meditation Meditation Center know; Meditation does not mind, know that the mind is not meditation '' "Tim said liberating is the freedom of mind; not freed mind is the mind knows not liberation. "
9. He remembered past life, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty died, fifty-life, a hundred lives , two hundred died, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, and the lives much damage. He remembered that: "At the other place have names like this, line
they like this, like this class, bar like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, and there I was born. At that place, I like this name, family like this, like this class, food like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here. " Thus, we remembered many past lives with the outline and details.
10. He with superhuman pure divine eye, intellectual know about birth and death of beings, that life and death of beings. He knew that people inferior beings, who noble, beautiful people, ugly rough guys, lucky, unfortunate wretch because their careers are. Sage Hey, these people, doing evil deeds of body, speech and mind, defamed the sages, according to TA, TA create now follow. These men, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. Hey Sage, there are certain beings to do the deeds of body, speech and mind, do not defame the saint, according to create the right view of right now follow. These people share the network after damage itself, is born to the animal charity, heaven, on earth. Thus, he with superhuman pure divine eye, saw the death of living beings. He knows that we sang, people inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, who fortunately, are so unfortunate wretch their careers.
11. Due to the total extinction of the defilements, he even in the current, position yourself to win, attained enlightenment, and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
This, monks, this legal achievements ten monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of worship, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world.
 § (VIII) (98) Elders
1. Achievement ten this method, the monks, the Elder local resident he does, he stay in peace. What are the ten?
2. The elders have long known, has a long monastic limited ... accept and learn in the School law; as you heard. ... Smart can enter with the right view; Patimokkha both sexes obligation is cleverly conveyed widely, be smart analysis, understanding clever, cleverly decided to follow the business, according to the details, he is skilled in the arising and to avoid termination, fancy Justice; use loving speech, very joyful in legal win, win law; Know enough with any items received as medicine, food begging, couch, pharmaceutical treatment; nice, well-tamed while pacing, as he sat in the house; evidence is not hard, not hard evidence, no evidence of increased charge capacity four rooftop Zen Center, currently located residence; due to cessation of defilements, he even in the present, to win enlightenment mind, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
This ten achievements, the monks, elders, monks residing in any locality, at local, live in peace.
 § (IX) (99) Upali
1. Then there Ton Family Upali go to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Upali venerable sir:
 - Buddha, I want to live in highland jungle, far away at the residence.
2. Upali Hey, is not easy to live in the mountainous highlands, the abode far away, difficult renunciation is life, life is difficult preferred solitude. I thought: "The forest house the monks rebel Meditation is not ''. This Upali, who said the following: '' Though I have not been meditating, I will live in the mountainous plateau, at the abode far away ", when he is expected as follows:" He will sink (bottom) or emerging (the water). "
3. Just as, Upali, a large lake, with big elephants go, seven or eight meters high size. The elephant was thinking: "Let's dive into this lake, then play games ear wash, then wash back games; after playing the ear wash, wash after playing the game back, after a shower, after drinking water from the lake after the step up, we go where we want. " Then he dives into the lake elephants this water, can play games ear wash, can wash back games, after games ear wash, wash after playing back, after a shower, after drinking water, after the step up from the lake, it goes where it wants. Why? Because tremendous ego stand in the place to find water. Then there came a rabbit or a cat, it's thought: "Who am I, big elephants are? So after we dive into this lake, can play games ear wash, can wash back games; after playing games ear wash, wash after playing the game back, after a shower, after drinking water from the lake after a step up, I will go where I want. " Then he jumped into the lake was not scheduled immediately. It is expected that: "It will sink or float on the water," Why? Upali this, because small ego does not find true standing in deep water. Also, this Upali, who said: "Though I did not get to, I will live in the highland jungle, far away in the residence". With he, was waiting, saying, "It will sink or float on the water."
4. For example; This Upali, a child, was young, weak, lying on his back, played with his feces and urine. What do you think, this Upali, this game has lost a child is not fully comprehensive?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Upali Hey, kid then, after a while, after growing up, after the base is mature, there are the toys of the kids, like kids playing, opinionated, playing somersault, play pinwheel, playing with freezing the leaves, play cars, play small bow, and it was playing with the toys. What do you think, this Upali, this game compared to the previous game, there are going to try more, wins more?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Then this Upali, that child, after a while, after growing up, after the bite is mature, fully enjoy life pleasures in food, with the eye color due to awareness, joy pleasurable possibilities, possibilities reviews, endearing, stimulating indulgence, attractive, with sound by ear ... with the flavor perception due to nose with your awareness ... awareness ... by blade in contact with the body by feeling , pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, stimulating indulgence, attractive. What do you think, this Upali, this game, compared to the previous game with more enemies magic, with wins over not?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
5. Here, the Upali, Tathagata appears in the world, is the Arhat level, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Sphinx , Buddha, Bhagavan. Tathagata after self-realization with the winning position, the statement said about this world, the gods, the ghosts, the Brahma, with them recluses, Brahmin, gods and men. He teaches good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text, stating fulfilled holy purity. Homeowners person, or people, or a person Homeowners reborn in another family heard that the French, after listening to the French, he born of faith in the Tathagata. He accomplished that with confidence, consider the following: "Life is full of family bondage, the road is full of street, liberal monastic life as nowhere. It's very difficult for a family to live in dignity, to live according fulfilled, completely pure, white transparent as shells. So let's shaved, covered robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. Some time later he left the property a small or large property, leaving her small children or relatives of the relatives of her big, shaved, covering robe-sa, renunciation, abandoning the family, no home life nail. He was ordained as such, a full life of learning leaders and lifestyle of the monks. After annihilation killing, killing living waiver, ministers, aside the knife, is compassionate, merciful life to the happiness of all beings and beings. After taking advantage of the air passage does not, he's not alive to abandon get to, just take things were for, just wish things were for, living on their own have no thieves pure. After paragraph avail discounts on the well, he celibate, living renunciation life, despicable lewd abandon. After annihilation lie, he lived abandon lying, speak truth, to say in relation to the true, solid reliability, not deception promise for life. After annihilation said two blades, he said the two lived abandon tongue, heard something in this place, do not go talking to the other place for delivery split in these people, listen to what's in there, do not go telling these people living in the other divisions. Thus, he combined those who live divided, those who grow in harmony, harmony prefer, enjoy the harmony, joy in harmony. Speaking words of reconciliation work. After annihilation cruel words, he lived abandon evil speech; words no mistake, good ears, cute, sympathetic to the heart, elegant and pleasing to many people, like the people, he said such words. After annihilation say frivolous, he lived abandon frivolous to say, say time, say true, meaningful word, a word about dharma, to say the law, saying good words be preserved, trendy words rational, coherent systems, benefit. He lived to abandon harming the seeds and herbs; Using one meal a day, eat at night give up, abandon eating at the same time; give up going to the dance, singing, music, theater, abandoned wreath jewelry, perfume, lotions and fashion, to give users high beds and large beds, abandoning received gold and silver, to give to receive lived particles, waive receipt of raw meat, leaving receives woman, daughter; waive receipt of housemaids girls and boys; waive receipt of sheep and goats; waive receipt of poultry and pigs; waive receipt of elephants, cows, horses and mares; abandon get tilled land; abandon the sect who act as brokers, broker or do it yourself, abandon trade; abandon the fraud by weight, money and measurement; abandonment of misconduct, such as bribery, fraud, fraud; abandon hurting, killing, bondage, winning pen, theft, looting. He, knew enough, be content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed the belly, going to carry everywhere. Like birds flying everywhere to bring the flanks; also, he content with robes to cover their bodies, with alms food to feed the stomach, go to everywhere carry. He presented the achievements accomplished with this group, inner peace feeling no foul.
6. He, when the eyes see color, do not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What causes because eyesense not be tamed, that craving offers compassion, evil evil arises approach, he causes his self-control, the label holder base, it acts the label holder base. When the ear heard ... the nose ... the tongue tasting smelling incense ... emotions ... the body of legal awareness, he does not hold the general minister, who does not hold its own minister. What the root causes are not tame, that craving, offers compassion, evil evil arises approach, he tamed his reasons, upholding the base, it acts the holder base. He accomplished this St. holder units, should hedonic inner life, no intermingled.
7. He in going forward, you go backward are aware; looking ahead, looking around are aware; when bending; the stretch are aware; when carrying double y, bowl, upper y are aware; eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing are aware; when defecation, urination are aware; when walking, standing, sitting, lying down, awake, talking, quietly are aware. He accomplished this with aggregates gender Holy, Holy achievements with this holder units, achievement with mindfulness and awareness St., select a quiet abode as forests, trees, mountains, rocks, caves, graveyard, far away forest, outdoor, haystack. He went to go to the forest or a tree, or go to the empty house, sitting fetters-old, back straight and mindfulness front. He, after the total extinction of craving in life, to live with the mind craving escapism, washed start craving attention. After the total extinction of the field, he does not mind living with anger, contentment mercy all sentient beings, and all hatred wash mind. After the total extinction of more deep hypnotic, soulful live with escapist mind hypnotic bass, with great attention towards the light, mindful awareness, he washed off drowsiness hypnotic mind. After annihilation Trao exchange, exchange Trao not live, with inner quiet, he washed off agitation regret heart. After annihilation doubts, he lived escape suspicion, not hesitating wondering, doubting washed out to center dhamma.
8. He, after this annihilation five hindrances, these measures do defiled mind, intellectual weakness, sexual cup, cup of evil, and dwell attained first meditation, a blissful state because sexual ly born, has a range, with the quarterfinals. Why, this Upali, this residence has to peace, compared with the previous dwell, is more magic revenge, revenge win over?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Hey Upali, my disciples, France see this in the self, living in the mountainous highlands, the abode far away, until their goals are not achieved, the time they stay (in the place then), (or as not achieve its purpose, which is to not reached; time does not live in the mountainous plateau in the abode far away).
9. Again, Upali, monks make translational and quad ... just reach attainment and residing Monday Meditation. What do you think, this Upali, this residence has to peace, compared with the previous reside, be more magical enemies, be more wins?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Hey Upali, My disciples, when the French saw this bar on self, they arrived at the highland mountain forest, the abode far away. They will not stay if their purpose is not achieved.
10. Again, Upali, monks cup joy ... Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. What do you think, this Upali, this residence has to peace, compared with the previous reside, be more magical enemies, be more wins?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Hey Upali, My disciples, when the French saw this bar on self, they arrived in the mountain forests, plateaus, the abode far away. They will not stay if their purpose is not achieved.
11. Again, Upali, monks communications segment ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. What do you think, this is not achieved ... Upali ...? ..
12. Again, Upali, monks crossed the great identity completely, ending the idea to be afraid, do not work great attention to the difference, think: "Nowhere is boundless", attained and boundless origin reside. What do you think, this Upali ...? .. Its purpose is not achieved.
13. Again, Upali, monks pass completely not boundless origin, thought: "Consciousness is infinite", attainment and boundless origin reside. What do you think, this Upali ...? .. Its purpose is not achieved.
Again, Upali, monks pass completely boundless origin, thought: "No property", attainment and origin residing naught. What do you think, this Upali ...? .. Its purpose is not achieved.
Again, Upali, monks pass completely Forever owns the land, thought: "This is the first President, this is the magic revenge", and dwell attaining ideal non-perception Africa. What do you think, this Upali, this residence have security comparable to dwell before, is more magic enemy, be more wins?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir ... our goal is not achieved.
14. Again, Upali, monks after overcoming a completely African ideal non-perception, attainment and life thought to reside Extinction, after he saw the intelligence, the contraband or paragraph new. What do you think, this Upali, this residence have security comparable to dwell before, is more magic enemy, be more wins?
 - Ladies that, venerable sir.
 - Hey Upali, my disciples, after France saw this shop on the ego has to be in the highland jungle, far away at the residence, they do not stay if their purpose is not achieved.
This so Upali, I live among us Increase. Increased living among us, he will be secure.
1. Hey, monks, this law does not make an end to the ten, can not realize Arhat fruit. What are the ten?
2. Greed, hatred and delusion, anger, hostility hatred, vilification, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, pride.
This paragraph does not take ten, this, monks, is not able to realize results Arhat.
3. The advantage of this approach ten, this, monks, can realize Arhat fruit. What are the ten?
4. greed, hatred and delusion, anger, hostility hatred, vilification, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, pride.
This measures the total extinction of ten, this, monks, can realize Arhat fruit.
 § (I) (101) CONCEPT
1. There are three great recluses, the monks, were gathered, made for fullness, making full seven measures. What are the three?
2. We now have to loss of identity; our lives are dependent on others; our behavior needs to change.
Three recluses this idea, this, monks, were gathered, made for fullness, making full seven measures. What is seven?
3. Always be who makes continuous, continuous implementation of the Rule of Law; no craving; unavailable; there are not too romantic, fancy learning; for the essential things of life, he thought: "This is a fine purpose in life should be diligent".
This, monks, three recluses this great practice, made for fullness, making full seven measures.
 § (II) (102) OUT COSTS
1. Seven this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, making full three intelligent. What is seven?
2. Mindfulness enlightenment, enlightenment scout law, diligent enlightenment, joy enlightenment, equanimity enlightenment, for enlightenment, enlightenment discharge.
Seven of this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, making full three intelligent. What are the three?
3. Here, the monks, monks remembered past life, such a life, two lives, three generations ... remember past lives to outline and detail. With pure divine eye ... well known superhuman beings, depending conduct their business. Due to the cessation of illegal or ... after realization, attainment, he abides.
Seven of this enlightenment, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, making the full third of this invention.
 § (III) (103) TA TANH
1. Do evil nature, the monks, should fail, fail. And this, monks, how evil is due to nature, should fail, not succeed?
2. With the wrong people, the monks, have deviant thinking. To the wrong application, wrong speech there. For the wrong speech, with professional misconduct. With professional misconduct, have deviant network. With a network of people wrong, wrong effort there. For the wrong effort, have evil thoughts. With one concept, with the evil. With the wrong people, with wrong location. Hotel with evil, with evil liberation.
Thus, the monks, because the evil nature led to failure, no success.
3. Due to the nature district, the monks, the success, not failure. And this, monks, are the chief qualities due to the success, not failure?
4. To the right view, the monks, there is right thinking. To the right thought, right speech there. With people right speech, right action there. To the right action, right livelihood there. To the right livelihood, right effort there. To the right effort, mindfulness. With mindfulness, right concentration there. With concentration, with right knowledge. With right knowledge, there is right liberation.
Thus, the monks, by nature leads to successful district, not to fail.
 § (IV) (104) vouchers
1. Hey, monks, with men, with the wrong man, she thought, had wrong speech, with professional misconduct, there is evil network that wrong effort, have evil thoughts, with the evil, her rule, she freed; Friendly flesh what is done now complete, is accepted under it; What can flesh ... human verbal mean what is now fully implemented, is acceptable under him; that everyone has the status of any mental states that everyone has decided to do, that everyone can do and that everyone wishes there any actions, all measures that lead to impossible optimism, joy impossible, impossible standard, misery, misery. Why? This, monks, as is the evil. Just as, monks, Nimba tree seeds, or seeds of plants kosataki (a creeper), or bitter gourd plant seeds are sown in moist soil. What it takes to range from land, what it takes to range from water, all were taken to the emptiness he bitter, spicy character, its nature is not optimistic. Why? Since it is the evil nature of the seeds, the monks. Also, the monks, the man, the man with the wrong view that wrong application, wrong speech there, she now, with evil network that wrong effort, have evil thoughts, with evil on , where there is evil, there is evil liberation, philistine Friendly what is now fully implemented, is acceptable under him, that everyone has human verbal mean what ... what is now fully implemented, and is approved is getting under it; that everyone has the status of any mental states that everyone has decided to do, that everyone has certain aspirations that everyone has the public act, all measures that lead to impossible optimism, joy impossible, impossible standard, misery, misery. Why? This, monks, because evil is evil.
3. This, monks, the man, the man with the right view, right thought with, with right speech, right action there, with right livelihood, right effort there, mindfully, with concentration, have the right knowledge, there is right liberation; Friendly flesh what is done now complete, is accepted under it; What can flesh ... human verbal mean what is now fully implemented, is acceptable under him; that everyone has the status of any mental states that everyone has decided to do, that everyone has certain desires, and that everyone has the issue yet, all the legal possibilities that leads to optimism, possibility joy, capable mind, happiness, peace. Why? This, monks, because right view is gentle charity. Just as, monks, seeds of sugarcane, rice or seeds, or grape seeds are sown in moist soil. What it takes to range from land, what it takes to range from water, all he brought to the character are delicious, sweet nature, its pure nature. Why? Because the seed is an excellent charity. Also, this, monks, for there is right, this, monks, ordinary people ... personally because of the friendly nature is gentle.
 § (V) (105) NOTES TO
1. When does ignorance led, this, monks, leading to the achievement of legal immoral, heartless time, numerous connectors next quarter. With ignorance who are dominant, no mind, this, monks, wrong delivery. With those who have wrong view, thinking being. With guys wrong application, wrong speech delivery. With guys wrong speech, wrong delivery now. With professional thugs, evil sentient network. With network thugs, wrong effort birth. With diligent thugs, evil thoughts birth. With those evil thoughts, evil of birth. With the thugs, evil place of birth. With location thugs, evil being freed.
2. When intelligence led, this, monks, leading to the achievement of dhamma, the disabled and connecting next quarter. With intelligent guys are dominant, with position, this, monks, right view of life. To have the right view, right thought birth. When you are with right thought, right speech delivery. To have the right speech, right action born. To have the right action, right livelihood birth. When you are there right livelihood, right effort birth. When you are there right effort, mindfulness born. Discover mindfulness, right concentration birth. To have concentration, right knowledge delivery. With the right knowledge you have, the district being freed.
 § (VI) (106) that causes REDUCE COSTS
1. Hey, monks, with ten losses reduce this. What are the ten?
2. For people with primary knowledge, the monks, wrong suffered reduced, the evil law, wicked evil is conditioned birth, she suffered legal entities decreased. The primary method is being improved by conditions, these measures went to perfection in practice. With right thinking person, this, monks, wrong thinking suffer reduced, and the evil law, wicked evil thinking conditioned by birth, he suffered the reduction measures. The improvement measures being conditioned by right thinking, the fullness of his legal practice. Persons have right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... there have right effort ... mindfulness ... right concentration ... there is right there where ... there is right liberation, this, monks, wrong liberation suffered reduced, and the evil law, wicked evil freed by grace of birth, legal entities that suffered reduced. Secretarial conditioned liberation, good behavior goes to perfection in practice.
This, monks, with ten losses reduce this.
 § (VII) (107) bare hands
1. Hey, monks, in the Southern states, probably bleached ceiling. It offers dishes with drinks, foods, hard type, the kind of soft food, toys tasting, drinks, dancing, singing, music. This, monks, this is bleached ceiling ceremony, I stated that there should be no. And this, monks, bleached ceiling ceremony was inferior, vulgar, ordinary, not the church, not contact purposes, not to boring, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana. This, monks, I will speak on the ceiling of saint bleach, bleach This leads to most ceiling boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana. Conditioned by this cap purge, the sentient beings are liberated from birth; aging beings liberated from the old; how beings are dead is freed from death; these beings were sorrow, lamentation pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. And this, monks, how is St. ceiling bleach, bleach by St. This leads to most ceiling boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana? Baptism conditioned this ceiling, the living beings are liberated from birth and older; the dead are being liberated from the dead; these beings were sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
3. For people with the right view, the monks, be washed out wrong, and the law does evil evil arises conditioned wrong, that's the approach he was cleansed. Improving legal and conditioned right view, go to fullness in practice. To the right thinking, this, monks, wrong thinking people were cleansed ... With right speech, this evil monks cleansed language ... with right action, the monks, evil is now cleansed ... to the right effort, this, monks, wrong network ... With people be cleansed right effort, this, monks, wrong effort cleansed ... With people mindful of this, monks, evil thoughts cleansed ... With concentration, the monks, to be cleansed of evil ... to the right knowledge, the monks, wrong placements ... for the primary cleansing liberation, this, monks, wrong liberation be cleansed and conditioned approach evil evil evil liberation arises, the law of the person he was cleansed. And the chief legal conditioned liberation charity, go to perfection in practice.
4. Hey, monks, this was taken to Holy purge this ceiling most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. This ceiling should conditioned purge these beings are born to be liberated from birth; aging beings liberated from old, dying beings are freed from death; these beings were sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
 § (VIII) (108) Y ARTS
1. Health Professor, this, monks, for the enema to stop the disease arises from bile, to stop the disease arises from negotiations, to stop the disease arises from the wind. This, monks, this is only the enema. I declare that this is not a no, and the monks, this enema success and also failure. And this, monks, I will lecture and the sages enema, the enema is successful, no failures. Because human enema should be living beings are liberated from birth; aging beings liberated from old, dying beings are freed from death; these beings were sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. This, monks, is how saint enema, the enema is successful without fail. Conditioned by this saint enema should be sentient beings be liberated from these beings are born ... sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, the brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and the brain?
3. For people with the right view, the monks, the lottery was wrong. Evil evil evil is causally should arise that are legal entities and the legal lottery conditioned with right good go to perfection in practice. With right thinking person, this, monks, wrong thinking is out ... With people lottery right speech, this, monks, wrong speech was a pop- up ... For people with right action, this of monks, evil is now out ... with people lottery right livelihood, this, monks, wrong network ... with people lottery out there right effort, this, monks, wrong effort was lottery out ... with mindfulness, this, monks, is the drop out evil thoughts ... for people with concentration, this, monks, wrong to be drop out ... for people with right knowledge, this, monks, wrong place to be ... with people lottery chief freed, the monks, was freed raffle off evil ... the evil evil approach, conditioned by evil liberation arises, the lottery was legal and that the improvement measures, conditions for freeing district go to perfection in practice.
4. Hey, monks, this is the saint enema, the enema only succeed, not fail. Because human enema should be living beings are liberated from birth; aging beings liberated from old, dying beings are freed from death; these beings were sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain is freed from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
 § (IX) (109) Purchase of
(As of 108, before using the word lottery business, this business uses the word vomit).
 § (X) (110) MORE ARTICLES
1. There are ten This, this, monks, should be excreted. What are the ten?
2. For people with the right view, this, monks, wrong and is excreted, ... (like the two previous trade, just word for word lottery excretion).
 § (XI) (111) martial arts (1)
1. Then there is a monks went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Countless school, uneducated, venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, is the One Infinite monks learn?
2. Here, the monks, monks achievements Infinite knowledge school, school achievements Infinite Thinking, Language school achievements Wuxi, Wuxi school career achievements, accomplishments Countless school network, Countless achievements diligent school, school achievements mindfulness Unknown, Unknown achievements of the school, where the school achievements Forever, Forever school achievements liberation.
Thus, the monks, the monks Countless school.
 § (XII) (112) martial arts (2)
1. Hey, monks, this school has ten measures Infinite. What are the ten?
2. The school is Forever, Forever thinking school, language school Wuxi, Wuxi Industrial District, Wuxi school network, school diligent Infinite, Infinite school office, the district Wuxi, Wuxi Hotel District, Wuxi school liberation.
This, monks, this school has ten measures Infinite.
 § (I) (113) NON-FRENCH
1. African and non-legal purposes, the monks, need to know; and purposes legal need to know. After learning of the illegal and non-purpose, after learning methods and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. This, monks, what is illegal and non purposes?
2. Wrong, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong now, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness, wrong set, wrong place, wrong liberation.
This, monks, is called illegal and informal purposes. And this, monks, what is legal and purpose?
3. Right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge, pastor freed.
This, monks, is called method and purpose.
4. And this, monks, illegal and non-goals need to know; and purposes legal need to know. After understanding the illegal and non-legal purposes with understanding and purpose, how legal, how purposes, like her, need to practice. Such are said to be conditioned by this question.
 § (II) (114) NOT PURPOSE
1. Legal and regulatory Africa, the monks, need to understand, non-purpose and intent need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice. And this, monks, what is illegal? How is France, how are non-purpose and how is the purpose?
2. Ta is, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right view. These measures do evil evil evil is conditioned by being born, this is non purposes. The primary method is good conditioned to go to the full in practice, this is the purpose. Deviant thinking, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right thought. These measures do evil evil evil thinking is conditioned by birth, this is non purposes. These measures conditioned by right thinking charity to go to the full in practice, this is the purpose. Wrong speech, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right speech. The law does evil evil evil by conditions arise terminology, this is non purposes. These measures go right speech friendly conditioned to perfection in practice, this is the purpose. Ta now, this, monks, is illegal; right action is legal. legal and public evil evil evil by conditions arise now, this is non purposes. And now good causally go to full district in practice, this is the purpose. Ta network, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right livelihood. Legal and public evil evil evil by conditions arising network, which is non purposes. And livelihood improvement causally go to the full in practice, this is the purpose. Wrong effort, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right effort. These measures conditioned by evil evil evil diligent arise, these are non purposes. The causally good right effort go to full in practice, this is the purpose. Evil thoughts, this, monks, is illegal; Mindfulness is legal. These measures do evil evil evil thoughts arise conditioned, non-purpose here is. And the righteous good causally go to the full in practice, this is the purpose. Ta for, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right concentration. These measures do evil evil evil by conditions to arise, it is non-commercial. The chief legal conditioned charity to go to the full in practice, this is the purpose. Ta position, this, monks, is illegal; is a legal right knowledge. These measures do evil evil evil by conditions arise where, this is non purposes. And the chief good causally adequate place to go to practice, this is the purpose. Ta liberation, this, monks, is illegal; Secretarial liberation is legal. These measures conditioned by evil evil evil liberation is being run, this is non purposes. And the chief good causally go to the full liberation in practice, this is the purpose.
3. Legal and regulatory Africa, the monks, need to know; Non-purpose and objectives need to know. After the illegal and legal understanding, after understanding the purpose and non-purpose, measures how, how purposes, like he needs to practice. Is say so, this is conditioned by such talk.
 § (III) (115) NON-FRENCH
1. Legal and regulatory Africa, the monks, need to know; Non-purpose and objectives need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice.
Exalted such theory. Such theory is complete, steps from the seat Auspicious got up and walked into his residence.
2. Then his monks, after Bhagavan go soon, thinking as follows: "reverences, Bhagavan spoke up briefly this statement, no meaningful analysis broadly spacious, got up from his seat, went to the Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, the monks, need to know, non-purpose and intent need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice. "With this statement is Exalted speaks volumes about briefly, no meaningful analysis extensively, who can analyze a broad? "then his monks the following thoughts:" Venerable Ananda Exalted be praised, was the location co-location discounts may well imitate. Venerable Ananda, with this statement is Exalted speak briefly, not analyzed widely meaning, can be analyzed extensively. So let's go to the Venerable Ananda, after arrival, Venerable Ananda asks about the meaning. Venerable Ananda replied to us how we will thus maintain life. "
3. Then the monks went to the Venerable Ananda, after coming up with the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the monks told Venerable Ananda;
 - Dear Sage Ananda. Bhagavan after talking briefly to this statement, no meaningful analysis broadly, stood up from his seat, went to the Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, the monks, should to understand, non-purpose and objectives need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice. "Hey Sage, after Bhagavan go soon we thought as follows: "reverences, Bhagavan after talking briefly to this statement, regardless of widespread significance, stood up from his seat, went to the Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, the monks, need to understand, non-purpose and intent, the monks need to know. After the illegal and legal understanding, after understanding the purpose and non-purpose, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. " "With this statement is Exalted speak briefly, irrespective broadly meaning", who can analyze extensively? Then the sage said, we think as follows: "Venerable Ananda Exalted be praised, is the location of dignity with imitation. Venerable Ananda, with this statement is Exalted speak briefly, not analyzed widely meaning, can be analyzed extensively. So let's go to the Venerable Ananda, after arrival, Venerable Ananda asks about the meaning. Venerable Ananda replied to us how we will thus maintain life. " Ananda Venerable Sir, please analysts.
4. Chu Hien, also necessary for such a core tree, find the tree cores, go everywhere looking for wood pulp, to a large tree, the tree upright and core. The man ignored the roots, ignoring the trunk, thought: "Must find trees where leaves core". Likewise, the act of venerable monks, standing in front of Bhagavan, you ignore the Exalted, think: "Need to ask me about the meaning of this." Chu Hien, Exalted knows what needs to know, see what needs to be seen. He became the eyes, has become the place, becoming Chief Justice, becomes Brahma, the novelist, the speaker, giving you goals, you give immortality, the French master. Bhagavan explains how you, so you just maintain life.
5. Sage Ananda, Bhagavan certainly know what needs to know, see what needs to be seen. He became the eyes, has become the place, becoming Chief Justice, becomes Brahma, the false theory, the speaker, giving you goals, you give immortality, the French owner, Tathagata . We must adapt to this significant asked Bhagavan. What Bhagavan explained to us, so we will maintain life. but Sage is Exalted praised Ananda, is the location of dignity with imitation. Sage Ananda widely can explain the meaning teaching is Exalted speak briefly and does not clearly explain the meaning. Sage Ananda Mong explain, without anything worries.
6. So reverences, hear and ponder carefully, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes Sage.
The monks did Venerable Ananda replied yes. Venerable Ananda lecture as follows:
 - Ladies and reverences, Bhagavan after talking to a statement briefly without meaningful analysis extensively, had stood up from his seat and went to Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, this the monks, need to understand, non-purpose and objectives need to know. After learning of the legal and illegal, after knowing the purpose and non-purpose, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice ''. And this reverences, is illegal, what is legal, what is non-purpose and how is the purpose?
7. Wrong view, this reverences, is illegal; is a legal right view, those evil evil evil is what arises conditioned, non-purpose here is. What legal and charity come to fullness in practice, this is the purpose. Wrong application, the reverences, is illegal; is a legal right thought ... Ta language is illegal; ... Ta legal right speech is now illegal; ... Ta legal right action is illegal networks; is a legal right livelihood ... Ta illegal diligently; is a legal right effort ... Ta concept is illegal; Mindfulness is legal ... Ta to be unlawful; Ta concentration is legal ... where is illegal; ... Ta legal right knowledge is liberating to be unlawful; Secretarial liberation is legal. Legal and public evil evil evil conditioned liberation arises here is non-purpose, and the main improvement causally liberated go to perfection in practice, this is the purpose. Ladies and sage, Bhagavan after talking to this statement briefly without meaningful analysis broadly, stood up from his seat, went to the Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, this the monks, need to understand, non-purpose and objectives need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, so he needs to practice. "Ladies and Sage, this brief statement of Bhagavan without meaningful analysis extensively, I understood the meaning so widely. Dear reverences, if reverences want, go to Bhagavan and asked the meaning. Bhagavan answered how, so please maintain life.
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks said that happy life Venerable Ananda credit, stood up from his seat, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
8. Buddha, Bhagavan after talking to a statement briefly without meaningful analysis broadly, stood up from his seat and went to Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures, this the monks, need to understand, non-purpose and objectives need to know. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, just like that that have to practice. " Buddha, after Bhagavan go soon, we thought as follows: "reverences, Bhagavan after talking to a statement briefly without meaningful analysis broadly, got up from his seat to go to Crystal amnesty: "Africa and the legal measures necessary to understand ... that was just like practice." With a brief statement of the Exalted, does not analyze the meaning broadly, who can analyze a broad sense? "Then, venerable sir, we are thinking as follows:" Illustration Ananda is Exalted praise, was the place of dignity with imitation. Venerable Ananda with this statement is Exalted speak briefly, not analyzed widely meaning, can be analyzed extensively. So let's go to the Venerable Ananda and asked the meaning of this. " Buddha, their meaning is Venerable Ananda clever analysis for reasons like this, with words like these, with the sentence like this.
9. You instead, heal rather, this, monks, is the Sage Hotel Ananda Hien! Great wisdom is sage Ananda! This, monks, if the teacher to ask me about the meaning of this, I will answer that, as has been Ananda replied. This is the meaning of the words, so take a life over § (IV)
 § (IV) (116) Ajita
1. Dr. Ajita now have enough to go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Du Dr. Ajita told Bhagavan;
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, we are happy that your counterpart Pham Hien location, you can think of five hundred parish center. With the heart of Egypt, the pagans hard being victims, said that: "We are hard victims". Then Bhagavan called monks;
 - Hey, monks, brothers with local life over the basics of location wise not?
 - Buddha, now to the time, platinum Auspicious, Bhagavan now to the theory. After hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life!
 - So this, monks, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Here, the monks, someone with illegal words, all chains, illegal offensive words. With this statement, he stimulated an illegal assembly language to high la loud voice, saying, "The truth is an Hien venerable place! Area Hien Ton author is actually a place! ".
3. But here, this, monks, someone with illegal proscription words, the correct answer to legal attack. With this statement, he stimulated an illegal assembly language to high la loud voice, saying, "The truth is an Hien venerable place! Area Hien Ton author is actually a place! ".
4. But here, this, monks, someone with illegal proscription words, offensive words and lyrics unlawful lawful. With this statement, he stimulated an illegal assembly language to high la, loud voice, saying, "The truth is an Hien venerable place! Area Hien Ton author is actually a place! ".
5. But here, this, monks, someone with the correct answer to all chains of law, illegal offensive words. With this statement, he stimulated a lawful assembly language to high la, loud voice, saying, "The truth is an Hien venerable place! Area Hien Ton author is actually a place! ".
6. African and legal measures, this, monks, need to know; Non-purpose and goals, need to understand biet.Sau illegal and legal know, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. And this, monks, what is illegal, what is legal, what is non-purpose, what is the purpose?
7. Ta is, this, monks, is illegal, is a legal right view, wrong conditioned, the law does evil evil arises, this is non purposes; conditioned by the right view, these measures go to the fullness of good practice, this is the purpose. Deviant thinking, this, monks, is illegal, is a legal right thought ... Ta terms, this, monks, is illegal, is a legal right speech ... Ta is now illegal, right action is legal, illegal network Ta, Ta livelihood is diligent legal ... is illegal, is a legal right effort ... Ta concept is illegal, mindfulness is legal ... Ta to be unlawful, ... Ta concentration is the legal position is illegal, is a legal right knowledge ... Ta liberation, this, monks, is illegal, is chief legal liberation. Conditioned by deviant liberation, the law does evil evil arises, this is non purposes. Secretarial conditioned liberation, these measures go to the fullness of good practice, this is the purpose.
Illegal and legal, the monks, need to understand. Africa aims and purposes, should be understood. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. Referred to as such, this is conditioned by such talk.
 § (V) (117) SANGARAVA
1. Then there Brahmin Sangarava go to Bhagavan, after arriving, told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Sangarava venerable sir:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, how is this side? How is the other side?
2. Wrong view, this Brahmin, is this side, the other side is the right view. Ta thinking is this shore, right thought is the other side. Ta Ta language ... now ... right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... Ta Ta networks ... diligently ... right effort ... Ta ... mindfulness concepts. .. Ta ... the ... right concentration ... right knowledge ... Hotel Ta Ta liberation, this Brahmin, is this shore, pastor freed the other side.
This Brahmin, this is this shore, this is the other side;
Few among mankind,
To the other side,
As for the rest,
Running up and down this coast.
Those who practice the law,
According to well-taught Dharma,
Will the other side,
Overcoming difficult to escape drug world.
Who give the legal position of black,
White practicing law,
No house to live away from home,
Renunciation of suffering lived optimism.
Pray happy Nirvana,
Give up sex, not obstacles,
Who the self-clean,
From inner defilements.
Those with primary care,
Ingenious enlightenment practice,
Abandoning all attachment
Happy not clinging,
No contraband or brilliance,
The first President to live in life.
 - And this, monks, I will preach this shore and the other shore. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Hey, monks, how is this shore, and what is the other side?
Wrong, this, monks, is this shore, the other side is right view ... Ta liberation is this shore, pastor freed the other side. This, monks, is this shore, this is the other side.
Few among mankind,
To the other side.
No contraband or brilliance.
The first President to live in life.
1. At the time, Brahmin Janussoni, uposatha world's younger days, after shampooing, and wearing a new pair of silk shirt, wet grip Kusa grass, standing not far from how much Bhagavan. Bhagavan saw Brahmin Janussoni, uposatha world's younger days, after shampooing, and wearing a new pair of silk shirt, wet grip Kusa grass, standing not far from the side, saw it immediately told She-la Janussoni jelly;
 - Hey Brahmin, world's brother uposatha day, Mr. shampooing, wearing a new pair of silk shirt, wet grip Kusa grass, standing aside to do? Is today the day of the family Brahmin?
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, today is the day of the family's isolation Brahmin.
 - Hey Brahmin, how is the date of renunciation of the Brahmin?
 - Here, sir Venerable Gotama, the Brahmin's son presented uposatha day shampooing, wearing a new pair of silk, rub the floor with wet cow dung, spread with Kusa grass green, and lay down between the sand and house fire. That night they got up three times, palms bowed to the fire and said: "We went down to the Venerable. We went down to the Venerable. "Then they mastered fire to many automakers, automotive and birth, and after the night was over, they offered the Brahmin with typical dishes magic, kind of hard and soft types. Thus, said Venerable Gotama downward ceremony of the Brahmin.
 - Difference, this Brahmin, is the ceremony going down of Brahmin. Difference is the renunciation of Noble Law.
 - How, sir Venerable Gotama, is the renunciation of Noble Law? You instead, if Venerable Gotama preach to us what is in the law of the saints!
 - Hey Brahmin, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Brahmin replied yes Janussoni Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Here, the Brahmin, the saint disciples judgment as follows: "Ta evil is brought to maturity passes right in the present and in the future". After such consideration, he abandoned wrong, wrong ... Ta out of thinking leads to bad effects independent horror right now and in the future ... Ta simple language leads to bad effects independent right present and future ... Ta evil now brought to maturity results in allergic right in the present and future ... put to evil fruit Ta simple network independent right in the present and future ... Ta crystals allergic attack mature fruits taken to evil right now and in the future ... the ... Ta Ta Ta anniversary ... location ... Ta liberation brought to the independent horror evil fruit even in the present and future . After such consideration, he abandoned the evil liberation, liberation from evil. Thus, the Brahmin, is the renunciation of the saint's Law.
3. Difference, said Venerable Gotama, is going down ceremony of the Brahmin. Difference is the renunciation of the Law of the saint. Dear Venerable Gotama, the renunciation of the Brahmin is not equal to one-tenth the value of six, compared to the renunciation of Noble Law. It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! .. Hope Venerable Gotama starting to adopt this as a lay disciple, from now until the general network I take refuge in religion.
1. Hey, monks, I will lecture for the Master of the renunciation of the saint. Listen ... and this, monks, how is the renunciation of the saint?
2. Here, the monks, saints disciples judgment as follows: 'Ta evil is brought to maturity results in the current horror and in the future ". After such consideration, he abandoned viewpoints out wrong ... ... thinking Ta Ta Ta ... language ... now ... Ta Ta diligent networks ... Ta anniversary Ta Ta ... location ... to ... Ta liberation, leading to allergic evil mature fruit in this life and the next life ". After such consideration, he abandoned the evil liberation, liberation from evil.
This, monks, is called the renunciation of the saint.
 § (IX) (121) foreshadowed
1. When the sun rises, the monks, this go ahead, this is a general warning, ie the dawn. Also, this, monks, for good behavior, this one is ahead, this is the previous Minister, ie chief knowledge.
2. From the main knowledge, the monks, there is right thinking. From right thought, right speech there. From right speech, right action there. From right action, right livelihood there. From right livelihood, right effort there. From right effort, mindfulness. Since mindfulness, right concentration there. From concentration, with right knowledge. From the right knowledge, there is right liberation.
 § (X) (122) taints
1. There are ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the contraband or be annihilated. What are the ten?
2. Right view, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge, pastor freed.
Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the contraband or be annihilated.
1. Ten This, this, monks, pure, pure, only in the level of Auspicious Law. What are the ten?
2. The chief knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge, pastor freed.
Ten This, this, monks, pure, pure, only in the Law, the Auspicious level.
 § (II) (124) FRANCE cured
1. Ten this method, the monks, not starting, just starting up in the ranks of Auspicious Law. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, not starting, just starting up in the Law of the saint.
1. Ten this method, the monks, with great results, with great benefits, only the level of Auspicious Law. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, have great results, with great benefits, only the level of Auspicious Law.
1. Ten This, this, monks, is convince participate salvage, salvage yard is convince, convince si finality is, only in the level of Auspicious Law. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, is convince participate salvage, salvage yard is convince, convince si finality is, only in the level of Auspicious Law.
 § (V) (127) BEST DIRECTION boring
1. Ten this method, the monks, led to the most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana, only in the level of Auspicious Law. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, led to the most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana, only in the level of Auspicious Law.
 § (VI) (128) practiced (1)
1. Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, not start up, only arises in the level of Auspicious Law.
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks practiced, is made up of fullness has not been started, only arises in the level of Auspicious law.
 § (VII) (129) practiced (2)
1. Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, only in the level of Auspicious Law. How is ten;
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
3. Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, only in the level of Auspicious Law.
 § (VIII) (130) practiced (3)
1. Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, convince finality is involved, as regent for a salvage yard, salvage is convince si, just get the Auspicious Career Law. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, convince finality is involved, as regent for a salvage yard, salvage is convince si, just get the Auspicious Career Law.
 § (IX) (131) practiced (4)
1. Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana, only Career in Law of the Auspicious. What are the ten?
2. Chief ... Chief liberating knowledge.
Ten This, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to the most boring direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, nirvana, only in Auspicious of Career Law.
 § (X) (132) TA TANH
1. There are ten evil this nature, the monks. What are the ten?
2. Ta ... evil is freed.
This, monks, have ten evil this nature.
 § (XI) (133) CHIEF TANH
1. There are ten primary this nature, the monks. What are the ten?
2. Right ... Secretarial liberation.
There are ten primary this nature, the monks.
 1. Hey, monks, I will lecture for me to heal and not healing. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Hey, monks, how is unfair?
Wrong ... wrong liberation.
This, monks, is so unfair.
3. And this, monks, what is good?
Chief is ... Secretarial liberation.
This, monks, is called good.
1. Hey, monks, I will preach on the Holy Bible and non-legal measures. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. And this, monks, are the legal fees Bible?
Wrong ... wrong liberation. Thus, the monks, called Holy legal fees.
3. And this, monks, how legal is Bible?
4. Right ... Secretarial liberation.
This, monks, is called Holy Justice.
 § (III) (136) good and evil
(Like the previous economic, moral and immoral only change)
(Like doing before, just change the purpose and non-purpose)
(Like doing before, just change the legal and illegal)
 § (VI) (139) PROPERTY AND WON Illegal Illegal
(Like doing before, just change ownership illegal and outflows )
 § (VII) (140) YES My wife and I
(Like doing before, just change guilty and innocent)
 § (VIII) (141) remorseful and no regrets
(Like doing before, just change remorse and no regret)
(Like doing before, just do not go changing to accumulate and accumulate)
(Like doing before, only suffering and no change has led communications lead)
 § (XI) (144) AND COMMUNICATION LINE acclimatized acclimatized
(Like doing before, just change format and peanut allergic allergic Independent Independent)
(As of before, just change direction and non Noble St.)
 § (II) (146) BACH DAO DAO HẮC
(As of before, just change direction and black white religion)
(As of before, only non-African exchange Dhamma and Dhamma)
(As of before, only personnel change Chan Chan's legal and non-legal )
(As of before, only letters need arises and no need arises)
(As of before, only need to implement the letter and do not need to make)
 §  (VII) (151) NEED NOT NEED practice and practice
(As the economic front, the other just needs to practice letters and do not need to practice)
§ (VIII) (152) NEED TO DO vigorous and prolific DO NOT NEED
(As the economic front, the other just as prolific letters need to be done and not prolific)
(As of before, only to remember the letter and do not have to remember)
 § (X) (154) NEED NOT NEED realization and enlightenment
(As the economic front, the other just needs to realize and letters do not need to enlightenment)
1. This ten achievements, the monks, who are not so close. What are the ten?
2. People with wrong view, thinking ... deviant liberation.
This accomplishment ten people, the monks, who are not so close.
3. The achievements of ten this technique, the monks, who make up close. What are the ten?
4. The district has the right view ... liberating.
This accomplishment ten people, the monks, who make up close.
 § (II) (156-166) OTHER PERSONS SAI
1. Achievement with ten This, this, monks, a person should not ... should communicate communication ... should not ... so menial servant ... should not pay homage ... should pay homage ... should not ... should praise praise ... not respecting ... should respect ... do not show the respect ... should show the respect ... not success ... success ... impure ... with pure ... no ... can conquer chronic chronic conquer ... not with intellectual growth ... growth with ... create more non-intellectual merit ... create more merit. What are the ten?
2. Right ... Secretarial liberation.
This achievement with ten, who created many merits.
1. § (See Business 119, No. 1, from: At that time ... to say the following Exalted).
2. Here, the Brahmin, the saint disciples judgment as follows: "Killing Evil horror brought to maturity in this life and the next life". After such consideration, he abandoned killing, killing off ... "Take not the result of evil horror of mature ... not give up taking, out of not taking the Ta .. in the sexual conduct, leading to allergic independent evil in this life and the next life ... abandoned in sexual misconduct, out of sexual misconduct ... lying leads to evil horror abandon independent ... lie, lie ... speaking out two blades taken to bring to maturity ... abandon evil talk straight double-edged, double edged out said ... speaking evil horror evil brought to maturity gate ... abandoned say harsh, harsh talk out ... say frivolous evil horror brought to maturity ... abandon say frivolous, frivolous word out ... Greed leads to evil independent horror ... abandon greed, lust ... Patio out evil horror brought to abandon the field ... mature ... Ta is taken to the independent horror evil in this life and in this life and the next life ". He, after such consideration, abandon wrong, out wrong. Thus, the Brahmin, is the renunciation of the saint's Law.
3. Venerable Sir, this difference is the renunciation of the Brahmin, the difference is the level of renunciation in the Holy Law. Dear Venerable Gotama, the renunciation of the Brahmin does not evaluate the part sixteen of the renunciation of Noble Law. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama ...! Please Venerable Gotama starting to adopt this as a lay disciple. From this to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
1. Hey, monks, I will preach on the renunciation of the saint ...
Bhagavan said as follows:
 - And this, monks, how is the renunciation of the saint?
2. Here, the monks, saints disciples judgment as follows: "Killing Evil horror brought to maturity right now and in the future". After such consideration, he abandoned killing, killing off ... Ta evil horror is brought to maturity right now and in the future. After such consideration, he abandoned viewpoints out wrong.
This, monks, is the renunciation of the saint.
 § (III) (169) SANGARAVA
1, then Brahmin Sangarava go to Bhagavan. Upon arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire ... sat to one side, Brahmin Sangarava venerable sir:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, how is this shore, how is the other side?
2. Hey Brahmin, is killing this shore, leaving the other side killing. Taking what is not given, the Brahmin, is this shore, abandoning taking what is not for the other side. Sexual misconduct is in this shore, abandoned sexual misconduct in the other side. Lying is this shore, leaving the other side lie. Said two blades is this shore, said two blades abandon the other side. Harsh speech is this shore, abandoned harsh speech is the other side. Speaking frivolous is this shore, say frivolous abandon the other side. Greed is this shore, not take the other side. This is the side of the pitch, the pitch is not the other side. This is the wrong side, the other side is the right view.
This, monks, is this shore, this is the other side.
Few among mankind,
To the other side,
As for the rest,
Running up and down this coast,
Those who practice the law,
According to well-taught Dharma,
Will the other side,
Overcoming difficult to escape drug world.
Abandon black legal position,
White practicing law,
No house to live away from home,
Renunciation of suffering lived optimism,
Pray happy Nirvana,
Skip unobstructed education.
Intellectual who washed,
UE from internal demand,
Those with primary care,
Ingenious enlightenment practice,
Abandoning all attachment,
Happy not clinging,
No contraband or brilliance,
The first President to live in life.
1. Hey, monks, I will speak on this side and the other side, listen ... and this, monks, how is this shore, and what is the other side?
2. Killing, this, monks, is this side ...
(As the economic front, including the verse).
 §  (V) (171) LEGAL AND NON-LEGAL (1)
1. Non-legal and non-purpose, this, monks, need to understand. France and purpose need to know. After learning of the illegal and non-purpose, after learning methods and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. And this, monks, what is illegal and non purposes?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, saying vanity, greed, wrong.
This, monks, is called illegal and informal purposes. And this, monks, what is legal and purpose?
3. Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up ... to abandon frivolous word, no greed, no courts, the right view.
This, monks, this is the law and purpose.
Illegal and non-purpose, this, monks, need to understand. France and purpose need to know. After learning of the illegal and non-purpose, after learning methods and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. I had said that, the main coast, has said so.
 § (VI) (172) LEGAL AND NON-LEGAL (2)
(As of the 115, there are two differences. One is in the business before it comes to Venerable Ananda, in this business comes to venerable Mahakaccana. Two are in the business before it comes to illegal is just wrong to wrong address escape, comes only solution is for the right view to the alpha release. In this business, it comes to illegal and only for the killing until greed, hatred and wrong, is the only legal speaking to abandon killing until no greed, no yard, right view).
 § (VII) (173) LEGAL AND NON-LEGAL (3)
1. Legal and regulatory Africa, the monks, need to understand. Africa aims and purposes, should be understood. After learning of illegal and legal, after understanding the purpose and non-purpose, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice. And this, monks, what is illegal, what is legal, what is non-purpose, what is the purpose?
2. Killing, this, monks, is illegal, killing is a legal waiver. The evil evil methods of killing arises conditioned, non-purpose here is. The improved method of killing conditioned abandon, go to perfection in practice, this is the purpose. Get's not for ... sexual misconduct ... lying in ... say ... say two wicked tongue ... say frivolous ... take ... golf ... wrong, monks this is illegal, is that the legal waiver. The legal evil evil, wrong view arises conditioned, non-purpose here is. The friendly approach, conditioned by the right view come to fullness in practice, this is the purpose.
3. Legal and regulatory Africa, the monks, need to understand. Africa aims and purposes, the monks, need to understand. After learning of illegal and legal, after learning non purpose and objectives, measures how, how purposes, like him, need to practice.
 § (VIII) (174) DO floor mats, SI
1. Hey, monks, I say killing three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say do not take the three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion.
This, monks, I say in sexual misconduct with three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion.
This, monks, I say, lie three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, said two blades have three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, harsh speech has three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, I say frivolous has three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, I say greed has three; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, I say there are three courts; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion. This, monks, I say, I say there are three viewpoints; participation by workers, by the courts, by the delusion.
2. Thus, the monks, taking the conditions for being run now, golf is predestined for now arises, is predestined for industrial si arise, by taking annihilation, is predestined for cessation now so si cessation, is predestined for now annihilated, because si cessation, is predestined for now eradicated.
 § (IX) (175) escapism
1. This France, the monks, have a path out of isolation, this is not no escape route. And this, monks, how this legal escape route, this is not no escape route?
2. Abandoning killing, this, monks, is the escape road kill. Abandoning taking what is not given, this, monks, is the way to escape from taking what is not. Renunciation of sexual misconduct, this, monks, is the escape route in sexual misconduct. Abandoning lie, this, monks, is the escape route lie. Abandoning said two blades, this, monks, is the escape route said two blades. Abandoning harsh speech, this, monks, is the way to escape from harsh speech. Abandoning say frivolous, this, monks, is the way to say frivolous escapism. No greed, this, monks, is the path craving escapism. No yard, this, monks, is the escape route field. Right view, this, monks, is the path of right escapism.
So, this, monks, is the escape route.
Thus, the monks, this legal escape route, this is not no escape route.
 § (X) (176) Cunda, the blacksmith
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Pava, the mango orchards of Cunda, the blacksmith. Then Cunda, the blacksmith's son went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Cunda, the blacksmith was sitting on one side;
 - Hey Cunda, one of the Net's happy, he excited?
 - Buddha, the Brahmin in the West, people have to carry water bottles with rings the lily, the church fire, who went into the water bath, these people have held the ceremony pure happiness. Favorite Son of moral purification ceremonies of these people.
 - Hey Cunda, the Brahmin residing in the West, people have to carry water bottles, those with rings lily, who worship fire, who went into the water bath, how, these people organized the moral purification ceremony?
 - Here, venerable sir, the Brahmin who reside in the West, who have brought pitcher, who is wearing a lily, who worship fire, who went into the water bath, these people encouraging disciples as follows: "come, behold You. Let's get up early and hit the ground from where the bed. If you do not touch the ground, then touch wet cow dung; if You do not touch wet cow dung when you touch the green grass; if you do not touch the green grass Please fire offerings; if you do not fire offerings, the hands prostrate Please sun, if you do not pay homage to the sun his hands, the water you go down for the third time in the afternoon. " Thus, venerable sir, the Brahmin residing in the West, people have to carry water bottles, those with rings lily, who worship fire, who went into the water bath, these people did held the moral purification ceremony. Children enjoy practicing chastity feast of him.
 - Other Sai This Cunda, are the moral purification ceremony by the Brahmin residing in the West, who have brought pitcher, who is wearing a lily, who worship fire, who went into the water bath organization. Difference of moral purification ceremony in the Noble Law.
 - How, venerable sir, is the moral purification ceremony in the saint's Law? You instead, venerable sir, if the Blessed One preach to me about moral purification ceremony in the Noble Law.
 - So this Cunda, listen and skillful attention, I will say:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The blacksmith Cunda Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Hey Cunda, not pure almond body has three, four words are not pure happiness, pure attention not happy with three. And this Cunda, how pure is not happy with third body?
3. Here, Cunda, there are people killing, violence, hand modeling, specialized heart murder, assault, no compassionate heart for all kinds of beings. (This person) taking what is not given, any property of another object, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him; he stole his material resources. He lived for sexual misconduct, sexual misconduct with a woman whose mother grades sheltered, protective father, mother protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, sheltered with her children, has protective measures, married, be protected penalty sticks, until the woman is decked with garlands (wedding).
Thus, this Cunda, impure physical conduct three. And this Cunda, how happy is impure in four words?
4. Here, Cunda, there are people who tell lies, to the assembly site, or to place them opportunity, or to between kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to the middle of the royalty, being derived as evidence and asked: "Hey man, tell what he knows." Oil for he does not know, he said, "I know". Oil for he knows it, he said: "I do not know". Or he did not find oil, he said, "I see". Or oil for he saw, he said: "I do not see". Such words he becomes deliberately lying, or his reason, or reasons for people, for some reason or rights. And he is a double-edged speakers, hear anything in this place, to say the other place, for those born in this division; heard something in there, go talk to these people for being divided, in the others. Thus, he indirectly those glasses harmony, or indirectly instigated separatists, preferred divisive, divisive fun, exciting division, said these words led to divisions. And he had harsh speech, what any violent, vulgar, causing pain, make people angry, related to outrage, not to meditation. He said such words. And he said the word frivolous, said non-time, non-chon said these words, saying words do not benefit, said the illegal profit, non-law said these words, saying words is not worth preserving. As said non-time, so there is no rational words, there is no coherent, system, no benefits.
Thus, this Cunda, net not happy about four words. And this Cunda, how pure is not happy about the three?
5. Here, Cunda, someone with lust, greed, material resources of others, think: "Oh, hope that all other material resources to become his people." Someone has a golf center, the damage arises, harmful concept as follows: "We hope that these beings were killed, or were massacred, or killed, or be detrimental, or wish they did not exist! ". Some people have the wrong view, with crazy ideas, like: "no handouts, no offering, no sacrifice, no good and evil acts have mastered simple result, neither this world, no life later, no mother, no father, no chemicals being, in life there are no recluse, Brahmin practice righteousness, true accomplishment, after self-knowledge, self-certification, the declared for this life and for life after ".
Thus, this Cunda, net not happy about the three.
6. Hey Cunda, there are ten unwholesome this direction. This Cunda, to whom ten unwholesome achievements of this religion, can get up early and from the bed if he touched the ground, he is still impure. Oil for he did not touch the ground, he is still impure. If he touches wet cow dung, he is still impure. If he does not touch wet cow dung, he is still impure. If he hit the green grass, he is still impure. If he does not hit the green grass, he is still impure. If he offered the fire, he is still impure. If he does not make offerings to the fire, he is still impure. If he hands the sun bowed, he is still impure. If he does not pay homage to the sun his hands, he is still impure. If he in the afternoon into the water for the third time, he is still impure. If he is not in the water in the afternoon for the third time, he is still impure. Why? This Cunda, ten unwholesome this director is impure, do not create a net. This Cunda, by the ten unwholesome achievements this, hell is presented, animalzxy is presented, peta is presented or other beast.
7. Hey Cunda, moral purification of the body have three, four, practicing chastity in word, pure happiness of the three. This Cunda, how well the body is purified with three?
8. Here, Cunda, there are people who make an end to killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is compassionate, merciful life to the welfare of all beings, and beings. Taking advantage of the non-passage, abandoning taking what is not given; anything of others, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him, he did not take to the idea of ​​theft. Paragraph tonnes of sexual misconduct, sexual misconduct abandoned in education, with a woman whose mother-class protection, has protected and sheltered with him, which she protected, sheltered with her children, have legal protection , who is married, is protected penalty sticks, until the woman is decked with garlands (wedding).
Thus, this Cunda, moral purification of the body has three. And this Cunda, how is pure happiness on four words?
9. Here, this Cunda someone annihilation lie, lie abandoned, came to the assembly or to us, or to the middle of kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to the middle of the royalty, being derived witness and asked: "Hey man, tell what people know." If you do not know, he said: "I do not know". If known, he said, "I know". Or if you do not see, he said: "I do not see". If found, he said, "I see". Such words he does not become prospects language knowingly, or his reason, or reasons for people, for some reason or rights. Annihilation said two blades, two blades give up say, hear anything in this place, do not go to the other place said, for those born in this division; heard something in there, do not go talk to these people, for the people living in the other divisions. Such a person lives in harmony cockroach separatists, those who grow in harmony, enjoying harmony, saying the words brought to harmony. Annihilation cruel words, abandon the cruel words, words gentle, mellow, lovely, sympathetic to the heart, elegant and pleasing to many people, the more people happy, he said these words dress. Clips make frivolous words, abandon frivolous speech, said timely, honest, says make sense, say France, says Law, said the appearance was preserved. Because of the time said, should word rational, coherent, system, benefits.
Thus, this Cunda, practicing chastity in four words. And this Cunda, are the moral purification of the three?
10. Here, this Cunda, there are people who are not craving, not greedy of material resources of others, do not think: "Oh! We hope that all other material resources to become his people. " No pitch, not start up bad reviews, bad idea, but thought: "I hope that these living beings worried self, no hatred, no anger, no confusion infection, be at peace." There is right, no crazy thought: "There alms, have all, with sacrifices, acts of good and evil, horror independent results, there is life, there is afterlife, mother, father, there are all kinds of chemical birth, in life there are recluses, Brahmin practice righteousness, true accomplishment, after self-knowledge, self-certification, the claims for this life and the next life ".
Thus, this Cunda, moral purification of the three.
11. Hey Cunda, there are ten good karma this direction. This Cunda, who accomplished the ten unwholesome this direction, if you can get up early and from the bed touched the ground, he is still pure. If he does not touch the ground, he is still pure. If he touches wet cow dung, he is still pure. If he does not touch wet cow dung, he is still pure. If he hit the green grass, he is still pure. If he does not hit the green grass, he is still pure. If he should worship fire, he is still pure. If the church did not fire, he is still pure. If he hands the sun bowed, he remained clean. If he does not pay homage to the sun his hands, he is still pure. If in the afternoon, he into the water for the third time, he remains clean, if in the afternoon, he did not water down the third time, he remains clean. Why? This Cunda, because this religion is karma ten clean, a clean operation. Because karma's achievements ten this religion, gods be declared The species was declared, or any other animal friendly.
12. To say that, Cunda, the blacksmith said to Bhagavan;
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir ...! Blessed One receive me as a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
 § (XI) (177) JANUSSONI
1. Then Brahmin Janussoni go to Bhagavan, after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side, Ms. -la-lord Janussoni subjects:
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, we Brahmin, give alms, do the rituals for the dead. Hopefully, this alms for deceased relatives by blood benefits! We hope that the deceased relatives by blood, giving life to this effect! Dear Venerable Gotama, giving no benefit for blood relatives have died? The bloodline relatives have died can be enjoyed giving her life or not?
 - Hey Brahmin, if the respective origin, time with benefits, no benefits, otherwise corresponds origin.
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, what is the appropriate origin, how is not the appropriate origin?
2. Here, the Brahmin, someone killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, double-edged word, harsh speech, say frivolous, with craving , courts, have wrong views. He, after the body damage the public network, being in hell. Dishes of food being in hell, in it, he was fed with food; in it, he did survive with food. This Brahmin, this is not the appropriate parish, stay here, he does not get the benefit of his generosity.
3. Here, the Brahmin, someone killing ... has wrong view. After the body damage the public network, he was born in the animalzxy species. Dishes of food animalzxy beings, in that, he was fed with food; in it, he did survive with food. This Brahmin, this is not the appropriate origin; Stay here, he does not get the benefit of his generosity.
4. Here, the Brahmin, someone abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning say toxic evil, to give a word frivolous, no greed, no anger, there is right. He, after the body damage the public network, with species being resident who stalks. The cuisine of how species, in that, he was fed with food; in it, he did survive with food. This Brahmin, this is not the appropriate parish, stay here, he does not get the benefit of his generosity.
5. Here, the Brahmin, someone abandon killing ... there is right. He, after the body damage the public network is being stemmed stay with Devas. Food of the gods like, in it, he was fed with food; in it, he did survive with food. Dish, friends, or friends, or relatives or people from the same blood that wants to offer direction for him, in that, he lived with his food; in it, he did survive with food. This Brahmin, this is the origin corresponds; Stay here, he was giving her the benefit of.
6. Here is Brahmin, someone killing ... has wrong view, he shared network damage after the body, born in the hungry ghost realm. Our dishes he preta how, in that he was fed with food; in that he did exist with food. Dish or friends of friends, or relatives, or people from the same blood that he also wants to direct, in that, he lived with his food; There, he exists for her dishes. This Brahmin, this is the origin corresponds, stay here, he is the benefit of his generosity.
7. Dear Venerable Gotama, if blood relatives had died, not being in that place, who enjoys giving her time?
 - Hey Brahmin, the other blood relatives who died, was born in that place, who was enjoying his generosity.
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, if the blood relatives have died, not being in that place, and other blood relatives nor born in that place, who enjoys giving her time?
 - There are no such cases, there is no chance that, this Brahmin, that he can empty seats in a long time, no blood relatives died. But the Brahmin, the alms not have awarded.
 - Is Religion Gotama said one theory that not happen?
 - Hey Brahmin, I say an improbable hypothesis. Here, the Brahmin, someone killing, taking what is not given, in the sexual life sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous, there is greed, there is golf heart, has wrong view. He alms to recluses or Brahmin, food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, incense, wax chalk, the bed, abode, torch lights. He shared network damage after the body, which was born with the elephants residing stalks. Here, he was food, drinks, wreaths, other types of jewelry. Because of that, here, the Brahmin, with killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous, so he, General network damage after the body, was born stalks stay with elephants. Because that he had and give to recluse or Brahmin food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, incense, wax chalk, the bed, abode, lamps; therefore, in that he was the food, the drinks, wreaths and other ornaments. Here, the Brahmin, someone killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, say frivolous, there is greed, there is golf center , has wrong view. He may give to recluse or Brahmin, food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, sleepers, abode, torch lights. After the body damage the public network, he stalks stay with the horses ... birth stalks with bovine stay ... Cong Tru with birds. He in there, the food, the drinks, wreaths and other ornaments. Because of that, this Brahmin, with killing, there's not taken, there is misconduct in education, have lied, have said the two blades, with harsh speech, have to say frivolous, has involved Sincerely, golf center, with TA. Therefore, after the body damage the public network, he was born in the stalks stay with birds. Because that he had and give to recluse or Brahmin with food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, the bed, abode, torch lights, should he be there in the food, beverage, wreaths, other types of jewelry. Here, the Brahmin, who had to abandon classes killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning harsh speech , abandoning say frivolous, abandon greed, abandon the field of mind, there is right. He may give to recluse or Brahmin food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, the bed, abode, torch lights. He shared network damage after the body, is being stemmed species residing with him. There, he was in the wrong kind of sex other merits, belongs to mankind. Because of that, this Brahmin, he abandoned killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, waive say frivolous, no craving, no yard care, there is right; After the body damage the public network, he was born with man stalks residence. Because that he had and give to recluse or Brahmin of food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, the bed, the abode, lamps ; therefore, there he was in training and human merit. Here, the Brahmin, someone abandon killing ... has right view, and give that person recluse or Brahmin with food, beverages, fabric wear, vehicles , wreaths, aromatherapy, wax chalk, sleepers, abode, torch lights. He shared network damage after the body, which was born with the gods reside stalks. He now there are five kinds of gods educational merit. Because of that there are abandoned killing ... there is right, so after the body damage the public network, he was born with the gods reside stalks. Because that he had and give to recluse or Brahmin with food, beverages, fabric clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, sleepers, abode, torch lights. Therefore, in that he was in the merit of gods education. However, the Brahmin, the generosity is not without results.
8. It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, Venerable Gotama! So like this, sir Venerable Gotama, is enough to give alms, was just enough to hold the pilot signal. Because of that, there, the generosity is not without results (as has been said).
 - Thus, the Brahmin, who are not giving no results.
 - It miraculously Ton ... Please Venerable Gotama Gotama please get me to do a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
 § (I) (178) positive, negative
1. Hey, monks, I will speak on the fresh and healthy. Listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. Hey, monks, how is unfair? Killing, taking what is not given ... wrong. Following this, monks called unfair.
3. And this, monks, what is good? Abandoning killing ... has right view.
This, monks, is called good.
 § (II - XI) (179-188)
 - Sacred Scripture and informal. Moral and immoral. Purpose, non purposes. Legal and illegal. With cankers or not with cankers. Sin, not a crime. Repentance and repentance. Growth and reduce costs. Led to suffering and lead to optimism. Oversize touch.
 § (I - X) (189-198)
(As of on. The economic problems are as follows: Noble and non Noble, Black and white director director. Noble, non Dhamma. Chan's legal, Chan's legal fees. It should make arise, not to do to arise. It should be close. It should be practiced. It should be made abundantly. It should be recollection ... Need to enlightenment (§ 191, Noble).
§ 192. § 198. Chan's legal ... necessary to realize ...
(Like the XVI, § 155, § 156 - § 166 should not close ...).
1. Achievement of ten measures, proportionate so, thus falling into hell. What are the ten?
2. Here, the monks, some killing, violence, blood covered hand, specializes in killing wounded heart, not the mind of compassion for all living beings. (This person) taking what is not given, any property of another object, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him, he stole his material resources. He lived in the sexual misconduct, sexual misconduct with a woman whose mother grades sheltered, has protected and sheltered brothers, there she sheltered, sheltered with her children, with protection measures, has husband, be protected penalty sticks, until the woman was clothed with garland (wedding). He lied, to where to place their assembly or association, or to between kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to the middle of the royalty, being derived witness and asked: "Hey man , say what you know "; Oil does not know, he said, "I know"; Oil knew, he said: "I do not know"; or oil not see, he said, "I see"; or oil shows, he said: "I do not see". Such words he becomes deliberately lying, or his reason, or reasons for people, for some reason or rights. He is a double-edged speakers, hear anything in this place, to say the other place, for being divisive in these individuals. Heard something in there, go talk to these people, for the people living in the other divisions. Thus, the person who indirectly harmony glass or indirectly instigated separatists, preferred divisive, divisive fun, exciting division, said these words led to divisions. And he had harsh speech. What any violent, vulgar, causing pain, make people angry, related to anger, not given to meditation, he said such words. And he said the word frivolous, said non-time, non-chon said these words, saying words do not benefit, said the illegal profit, non-law said these words, saying words is not worth preserving. As said non-time, so there is no rational words, there is no coherent, system, no benefits. He has craving, greed material resources of others, think: "Oh, hope that all other material resources to become his people." A golf center, the damage arises, harmful concept as follows: "We hope that these beings were killed, or were massacred, or killed, or incapacitated, or wish they did not exist!". He has wrong view, with crazy ideas, like: "There is no generosity, no experimental offerings; no goodwill; good and evil acts have no independent horror result, neither this world, there is no afterlife, no mother, no father, no chemicals being, in life there are no recluse, Ba-La- practice the true goal, the true achievement; when he himself realized the winning position, the declaration for this life and the next life ".
This ten achievements, so he commensurate fall into hell.
3. Achievements ten measures, the monks, so adequate, be born to heaven. What are the ten?
4. Here, the monks, have people make an end to killing, renounce killing, Minister, Ministry for; said knife, is merciful, and compassionate for the happy life of all beings and creatures and beings; taking advantage of the non-passage, abandoning taking what is not given, anything of others, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him, he did not steal the thing; annihilation of sexual misconduct, abandoning sexual misconduct in, do not take sexual misconduct with female class, protective mother, has protected and sheltered with him, which she sheltered with her children cover transport, have legal protection, married, be protected penalty sticks, until the woman was clothed with a wreath (the wedding). He annihilation lie, lie abandoned, came to the assembly or to the assembly site, or to the middle of kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to the middle of the royalty, being a witness and derivatives asked: "Hey, that man, tell what he knows." If known, he said, "I know". If you do not know, he said: "I do not know"; or if not found, he said: "I do not see"; if found, he said, "I see". Such words he does not become prospects language knowingly, or his reason, or reasons for people, for some reason or rights. Annihilation said two blades, two blades give up say, hear anything in this place, do not go to the other place said, for those born in this division; heard something in there, do not go to say to these people, for the people living in the other divisions. Thus, he lived in harmony cockroach separatists, who grew harmony, harmony enjoy, say these words brought to harmony. Paragraph take harsh words, harsh words abandon. The words gentle, mellow, cute, sympathetic to the heart, elegant and pleasing to many people, please people, he said such words. Clips make frivolous words, abandon frivolous speech, said time, said the word of truth, speak the words mean, strictly speaking French, said compliance with the Law, said the words should be preserved. Because of the time said, should word rational, coherent, system, with benefits. There are people who are not craving, not greedy of material resources of others, do not think: "Oh! We hope that all other material resources to become his people. " Some people do not have courts, not start up bad reviews, bad idea, but thought: "I hope that these living beings is not hatred, not hatred, not infectious disorders, peaceful, worry themselves ! ". There is right, no crazy ideas, think: "There alms, have all, with sacrifices, acts of good and evil, horror independent results, there is life, there is life after, whose mother, father, with all kinds of goods being, in life there are recluses, Brahmin practice righteousness, true accomplishment, after self-knowledge, self-certification, the claims for this life and the afterlife ".
"This achievement ten, this, monks, such proportionate been born to Heaven.
(Like the previous trading)
1. Hey, monks, ten legal achievements, such proportionate woman crashed into hell. What are the ten?
2. Killing ... taking what is not given ... sexual misconduct ... lying in ... say ... two blades harsh speech ... frivolous say ... craving. Center field .. ... wrong ...
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, such proportionate woman crashed into hell.
3. Achievements ten This, this, monks, such proportionate woman is born to Heaven. What are the ten?
4. killing ... The advantage of not taking for annihilation ... the annihilation of sexual misconduct ... lying ... annihilation annihilation said two blades ... take harsh speech segment. .. annihilation say frivolous ... ... annihilation craving yard annihilation of right mind ... ...
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, such proportionate woman born Heaven.
 § (IV) (203) laywoman
(As of on, only that for women Women's lay).
 § (V) (204) Fear and fearlessness
1. Achievement of ten measures, the monks, lay people Women living in families without fearlessness. What are the ten?
2. Killing ... there is wrong ...
Ten legal achievements, the monks, lay people Women living in families without fearlessness.
3. Achievements ten This, this, monks, lay people Women living in the family, there is no fear.
4. The main advantage with killing ... knowledge.
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, lay people Women living in families without fear.
 § (VI) (205) winding FRANCE
1. Hey, monks, I will speak on the winding method and practice Dharma. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2. What is the tortuous method, this, monks, is how the Dharma teachings?
This, monks, is the owner of the industrial beings, are heirs of now, the birth of the industrial base, is now her son, now a refuge of. All that they do nothing now, good or evil, they are the heirs of that now.
3. Here, the monks, some killing, tyranny, hands covered with blood, killing wounded heart specialist, heart no compassion for all living beings, organisms. He crooked body, crooked with words, with standard winding. Than he tortuous career, he language of winding career, the career he crooked, winding being interesting, being a crooked. Interesting persons born crooked, this, monks, is birth into the winding. It is said that there is one interesting birth following two: The most hell or suffering direction animalzxy species which are the cows. And this, monks, what is the kind of school animalzxy species cow? Snakes, scorpions, centipedes, children eat snakes, cats, mice, owls, and any animal species, yet, when you see people, the cattle that go. Thus, the monks are the creatures, the arising of the organism. Because how, so are born and are born, how times have such feelings. This, monks, I say that the beings that are now his heirs.
4. Here, the monks, someone's not taking ... have ... sexual misconduct in the two blades lie ... say ... say ... Say harsh line Crap ... there craving ... A golf center ... has wrong view, it is crazy that: "there is no generosity, no all, no sacrifices; no results acclimatization of good and evil now; This is no life, no afterlife; no mother; no father; no chemical species born; in life no recluse, Brahmin practice righteousness, righteousness achievements, these people, after winning position themselves to realize this life, afterlife and the claims. He crooked body, crooked with words, with standard winding. Now winding body, speech now winding, the winding career, interesting being crooked, winding birth. Interesting persons born crooked, the monks, there being a crooked, I say that ... Thus the monks, I say that the beings that are now his heirs.
This, monks, is the owner of the industrial beings, are heirs of now, the birth of the industrial base, is now her son, now a refuge of. What is mortal now, good or bad, that now they heir.
5. Here, the monks, have after the total extinction of killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is compassionate, merciful life to the happiness of all beings and other living beings. He did not crooked body, not crooked with words, not with a devious mind, body upright, he's now, now upright language, attention now upright, upright animals born, born to be upright. Interesting people with justice delivery, this, monks, is birth of justice, I say that there is one interesting birth following two: The best paradise lost direction, or the noble family, the Sat-soles -ly giants, the Brahmin giants, the homeowners giants, major asset rich, life large household objects, gold, silver and much, much material resources and assets more rice. Because how, so are born and are born, how times have such feelings. This, monks, I say that the beings that are now his heirs.
6. Here, the monks, have taken advantage of people do not give passage. do not give up ... grab the annihilation of sexual misconduct, abandoned in the sexual misconduct ... annihilation lie, lie abandoned ... take say two blade sections, said two blades give up ... make an end to harsh speech, abandoning harsh speech ... annihilation say frivolous, frivolous abandon say ... no desires ... no golf center, with the right view , no is crazy. There alms, have all, with sacrifices; Results have now acclimatization of good and evil; there is life, there is life after; mother; father; had turned sentient species. In life there are recluses, Brahmin practice righteousness, righteousness achievements, these people, after the victory himself with enlightened mind this life, afterlife and the claims. He did not crooked body, not crooked with words, not with the intention crooked. He now upright body, speech upright now, the now upright, upright animals born, born to be upright. Interesting people with justice delivery, this, monks, is birth of justice, I say that one of the two animals born following: The best paradise lost direction, or the noble family, the Sat-De, capital giants, the Brahmin giants, the homeowners giants, major asset rich, life large household objects, gold, silver and much, much material resources and assets more rice. Because how, so are born and are born, how times have such feelings. This, monks, I say that the beings that are now his heirs.
This, monks, is the owner of the industrial beings, are heirs of now, the birth of the industrial base, is now her son, now a refuge of. Qualities do anything now, good or evil, they are the heirs of that now.
 § (VII) (206) MA-NI NGOC
1. I declare that the monks, the concept now has investments, did, have accumulated, without feeling (result) does not have an end date, oil results in life that arises now is now or in the next life. I declare that the monks, the industry has volition, did, have accumulated, if not feeling (the result), the time of suffering can not be terminated.
Here, the monks, three parts is a mistake, guilty of professional bodies have unwholesome volition, leading to suffering allergic suffering brought to maturity. Four sections are mistakes, guilty of professional language, was unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity. Three sections are mistakes, guilty of the industry, was unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity. And this, monks, are the three mistakes, guilty of professional bodies have unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity?
2. Here, this is the monks, killing violent person, hands covered with blood, killing wounded heart specialist, heart no compassion for all living beings, organisms. Taking what is not given, any property of another object, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him, he stole his material resources. Live misconduct in desire, sexual misconduct with a woman whose mother-class protection, protective father, mother protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, sheltered with her children, have legal protection , who is married, is protected penalty sticks, until the woman is decked with garlands (wedding).
Thus, the monks, three mistakes are guilty of professional bodies, was unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity. Like, this, monks, four sections are mistakes, guilty of professional language, was unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity?
3. He lied, to the assembly site, or to place them opportunity, or to between kinship, or to the middle of the complex, or to the middle of the royalty, being derived witness and asked: " this other person, say what people know "; Oil for he does not know, he said, "I know"; Oil for he knows it, he said: "I do not know". Or he did not find oil, he said: "I feel"; or oil for he saw, he said: "I do not see". Such words he becomes deliberately lying, or his reason, or reasons for people, or causes for some benefits. He is a double-edged speakers, hear anything in this place, to say the other place, for those born in this division; heard something in there, go talk to these people, for the people living in the other divisions. Thus, he indirectly those glasses harmony, or indirectly instigated separatists, preferred divisive, divisive fun, exciting division, said these words led to divisions. And he said a rough word, what any violent, vulgar, causing pain, make people angry, related to outrage, not to meditation. He said such words. And he said the word frivolous, said non-time, non-chon said these words, saying words do not benefit, said the illegal profit, non-law said these words, saying words is not worth preserving. As said non-time, so there is no rational words, there is no coherent, system, no benefits.
Thus, the monks, four sections are mistakes, guilty of professional language, was unwholesome volition, leading to pain, suffering allergic brought to maturity. Like, this, monks, three parts is a mistake, and now criminal standard, was unwholesome volition, have led to suffering and lead to suffering allergic maturity.
4. Here, the monks, someone with lust, greed, material resources of others, think: "Oh, hope that all other material resources to become his people." A golf center, the damage arises, harmful concept as follows: "We hope that these beings were killed, or were massacred, or killed, or incapacitated, or wish they did not exist!". He has wrong view, with crazy ideas, like: "There is no generosity, no all, no sacrifices, no good and evil acts have mastered simple result, neither this world, no next life , no mother, no father, no chemicals being, in life there are no recluse, Brahmin practice righteousness, true achievement after winning yourself with knowledge, to enlightenment this life and the next life, and stated ". Thus, the monks, three parts is a mistake, the career criminal, was unwholesome volition, led to suffering, suffering allergic brought to maturity.
5. This, this, monks, by the unwholesome volition, the offender's guilt and now has three parts body, beings, body damage after birth in the realms general data networks, the Beast of deprivation , hell. Or is this, monks, by the unwholesome volition, mistakes of language offenders now have four sections, beings, body damage after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell . Or is this, monks, by the unwholesome volition, mistakes of the crime now has three parts, the beings, the public network after damage itself, being in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell .
6. Just as, monks, a ni ma pearl fullness, was thrown up and fall down somewhere, in that location, police established it was clever. Also, this, monks, by the unwholesome volition, mistakes offenders now have three parts of the body, these beings, body damage after public network, born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in place chest. Or is this, monks, by the unwholesome volition, mistakes of language offenders now have four sections, beings, body damage after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell . Or is this, monks,
immoral because human volition, mistakes of the crime now has three parts, the beings, the public network after damage itself, being in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
7. I declare that, to this, monks, is now on from the concept, is made, accumulated, without feeling (result) does not have an end date, the oil that results of the present life, or in the next life. I declare that the monks, the notion now privatized, is made, accumulated, without feeling (result) does not have an end date. Here, the monks, three parts of the body is successful volition now has improved, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity, the four components of language is successful concept now has good investment, leading to optimism, given peanut allergic to independent, third part of the successful investment business was good concept, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity. And how, this, monks, is the achievement of three parts has been improved bodily volition, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity?
8. Here, the monks, have people make an end to killing, renounce killing, ministers, aside the knife, is compassionate, merciful life to the happiness of all beings and the beings. Taking advantage of the non-passage, abandoning taking what is not given, anything of others, or in the village, or in the jungle, not for him, he did not steal material. Annihilation live in sexual misconduct, do not take sexual misconduct with female class with protective mother, protective father, mother protected and sheltered with him, with her sheltered, sheltered with her children, has protective measures, married, be protected penalty sticks, until the woman is decked with garlands (wedding). Thus, the monks, three parts of the body is successful now, investment has now improved, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity. And this, monks, are the four components of language is successful now, has led to improved communication volition, put peanut allergic to maturity?
9. Here, the monks have annihilation lie, lie abandoned, came to the assembly or to the assembly site, or to the middle of kinship, or to the combination, or to the middle of the kingdom ethnic, being derivatives witness and asked: "Hey man, tell what people know", if known, he said, "I know", if not known, he said: "I do not know" ; or if not found, he said: "I do not see"; if found, he said, "I see". Such words he does not become prospects language knowingly, or his reason, or reasons for people, for some reason or rights. Annihilation said two blades, two blades give up say, hear anything in this place, do not go to the other place said, for those born in this division; heard something in there, do not go talk to these people, for the people living in the other divisions. Thus, he lived in harmony cockroach separatists, who grew harmony, harmony enjoy, say these words brought to harmony. Paragraph take harsh words, harsh words give up, words gentle, mellow, lovely, sympathetic to the heart, elegant and pleasing to many people, please people, he said these words dress. Clips make frivolous words, abandon frivolous speech, said time, said the word of truth, speak the words mean, says the words of Dharma, said the words of the Law, said the words should be maintenance keep. Because of the time said, should word rational, coherent, system, benefits. Thus, the monks, four part is the success of language has improved now volition, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity. And this, monks, are the three parts is the success of the concept now has good investment, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity?
10. Here, the monks, who do not have the craving, not greedy of material resources of others, do not think: "Oh! Hopefully other people's mortgages became objects of his! ". Some people do not have courts, not start up bad reviews, bad idea, but thought: "I hope that these living beings did not hate, no animosity, no infectious disorders, peaceful, worry themselves ! ". There is right, no crazy thought: "There alms, have all, with sacrifices; evil acts, heterosexual independent results, there is life, there is afterlife, mother, father, have the kind of goods being, in life there are recluses, Brahmin practice righteousness, the true achievement after winning himself realized with this life and the next position, and then declared ".
Thus, the monks, three parts of the business is successful, have good volition, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity.
11. Hey, monks, by the three parts of the body is successful now, has good volition, leading to optimism, leading to allergic thuc.cac beings lost after corrupt body corporate networks, improving animal was born, God world, this life. This, monks, by the four parts of the language is successful now, has good volition, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity, the body, after being corrupt public network, improve animal was born, Heaven, this world. This, monks, by the three parts of the business is successful, have good volition, resulting in peanuts, peanut allergic brought to maturity, the body, after being corrupt public network, improve animal was born, Heaven, this world.
12. Just as, monks, pearl Romanian fullness, was thrown up and fall down somewhere, in that location, police established it was clever. Also, this, monks, by the volition friendly, professional achievement itself has three parts, the beings, body, after being on the good general havoc interesting network, paradise this world. Or by human volition friendly, professional achievement has four sections language, beings, body, after being on the good general havoc interesting network, Heaven, this world. Or by human volition friendly, professional achievement standard has three parts, the beings, body damage after public network, improve animal is born, Heaven, this world.
13. Hey, monks, I declare that the concept now has investments, did, have accumulated, if not the territory (the result) is not an end time, oil was the fruit of the present life, or in life later, and the monks, I declare that the concept now has invested, has been done, has been accumulated, if not the territory (the result) is not an end of suffering.
(Doing business quite like this before § 206)
 § (IX) (208) Brahma RESIDENCE
1. I declare that, to this, monks, is now on from the concept, is made, accumulated, without feeling (result) does not have an end date, the oil that results of the present life, or in the next life. I declare that the monks, the notion now privatized, is made, accumulated, if not feeling (the result) the suffering does not end. His disciple saints, this, monks, such abandon, abandon the field to abandon si, awareness, mindfulness, with the mind with the word organic, chronic an variable dwell; so the Monday, Tuesday, too acute, so the Wednesday, so the top, bottom, width, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides turn complacent with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He knew as follows: "In the past, this center was small, not practice. But now, my mind is this immeasurable, smart practice. Again, what is made flesh now limited, now it will not live within the limits anymore, it would not stand in the limits anymore. " What do you think of, this, monks, if this child, from youth upwards from the center liberation practice, it can do no evil now?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - Do not do evil, it feels suffering?
 - No, venerable sir. Do not do evil, venerable sir, from where it will be hard feelings?
2. Hey, monks, freed from this center should be practiced by women's or men's. This, monks, this body is not a male or female human being picked up and carried away. This, monks, have died this path in between thoughts. He clearly knew as follows: "In every evil yet do so prior to the body made by this industry, all have the feeling here, it can not keep our existing and future". Thus, the monks, from the mind freed of practice leading to no callbacks, for monks brainer, there are in this life, but he can not enter the liberated more .
3. With the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... mostly with organic mind with the discharge, he meets a local variable and dwell, so the second, the third such method, as so the fourth. Thus the top, bottom, width, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides variation with organic content with the heart flush, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He knew as follows: "In the past, this center was small, not practice. But now, my mind is this immeasurable, smart practice. Again, what is made flesh now limited, now it will not live within the limits anymore, it would not stand in the limits anymore. " What do you think of, this, monks, if this child, from youth upwards discharge practice freedom of mind, it can do no evil now?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - Do not do evil, it feels suffering?
 - No, venerable sir. Do not do evil, venerable sir, from where it will be hard feelings.
4. Hey, monks, freedom of mind that this discharge should practice by women's or men's. This, monks, this body is not a male or female human being grabbed and led away. This, monks, this man must die in between thoughts. He clearly knew as follows: "In every evil yet do so prior to the body made by this industry, all have the feeling here, it is not possible under existing and future". Thus, the monks, discharge is practiced mind, leads to no callbacks, for monks brainer, there are in this life, but he can not enter the liberated more .
 § (X) (209) AFTER DEATH
1. Then a Brahmin went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the Brahmin was lord:
 - Do what's, what conditioned, class of beings here have body damage after being born in the realm of general network data, the Beast, deprivation, in hell?
 - Do people operating illegal act and inequality, this Brahmin, so here, some body damage after being general network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
 - Dear Venerable Gotama, so what's so what grace, class of beings here, common network damage after the body is born to good fun, Heaven, earth?
 - Do private equity practice and practice, this Brahmin, so here, some after being corrupt public network itself, was born on Good fun, Heaven, this world.
 - A brief statement of the recluse Gotama this, I do not understand the meaning broadly. You instead, if Venerable Gotama, so preach to me, so that I may understand the implications so widely brief words of recluse Gotama this.
 - So this Brahmin, listen and smart volition, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
Area Brahmin replied that yes venerable Gotama. Venerable Gotama say the following:
2. Hey Brahmin, unlawful acts, inequality has three physical acts; unlawful acts, unequal operating in four words; unlawful acts, unequal standard operating on three. And this, monks, how are illegal acts, unequal physical act three? .. § (See § 206 the previous trading, 2).
Thus, the Brahmin, unlawful acts, inequality has three physical acts. How, this Brahmin, unlawful acts, unequal operating on four words? .. § (See § 206 previous trading, 3).
Thus, the Brahmin, unlawful acts, inequality has four operating on words. And how, this Brahmin, unlawful acts, unequal standard operating on three? .. § (See previous trading §206, 4).
Thus, the Brahmin, unlawful acts, unequal standard operating on three.
Thus, due to non-executive staff, inequality issue, this Brahmin so here are the beings, body damage after being born in the realm of general network data, the Beast, deprivation, in hell .
3. This Brahmin, practice, practice physical equality with three; practice, practice equality of words there are four; practice, equality of the three acts. How, this Brahmin, practice, practice physical equal three? .. (As of the previous § 206, 8) ...
Thus, the Brahmin, practice, practice physical equal three. And the Brahmin, how practice, practice equality of words has four? .. § (See § 206 of the previous, 9).
Thus, the Brahmin, practice, practice equality of words has four. And the Brahmin, how practice, equality of the three acts? .. § (See § 206 of the previous, 10).
Thus, the Brahmin, practice, practice equality of the three.
Thus, the Brahmin, by the practice, equality, thus, some body damage after being general network, is born to good fun, Heaven, this world.
 - It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! .. Hope Venerable Gotama adoption as a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the lifetime devotion!
XXII. No heading
1. Achievement of ten measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into ten What the hell?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, saying vanity, covetousness, heart, TA.
This accomplishment ten, this, monks, such proportionate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements ten measures, the monks, so adequate is born to Heaven. What are the ten?
4. Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, renunciation say frivolous, does not participate, no yard, center right view.
This ten achievements, the monks, so adequate is born to Heaven.
1. Achievement of twenty measures, such proportionate crashed into hell. How is twenty?
2. killing themselves, encouraging others to kill; of not taking for themselves and encourage others to take what is not given; themselves in sexual misconduct; encourage others in sexual misconduct; himself said two blades and said encouraging double-edged carving; harsh speech themselves and encourage others to harsh speech; themselves say frivolous, and encourage others to say frivolous; themselves participate and encourage others to participate; A golf center yourself and encourage others with the field center; wrong view themselves and encourage others to have the wrong view.
This twenty achievements, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements twenty This, this, monks, such proportionate been born to Heaven. How is twenty?
4. give up killing themselves and encourage others to give up killing; taken by themselves do not give up, encourage others not to give up take of; rid ourselves of sexual misconduct in; encourage people to give up sexual misconduct in; himself abandoned liar and encourage others to give up lying; rid ourselves of said two blades and encourage others to give up speaking two blades; himself abandoned harsh speech, and encourage others to give up harsh speech; abandon yourself to say frivolous and encourage others to abandon frivolous word; himself out and encourage others not to participate; no interest on their own field and encourage others without center field; yourself there is right and encourages others to have the right view.
This twenty achievements, the monks, so inadequate was born to Heaven.
1. Achievement thirty-law, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. How is thirty?
2. killing themselves, encouraging others to kill, and depending upon killing; of not taking for themselves and encourage others to take what is not given, and depending upon the not taken; themselves in sexual misconduct; encourage others in sexual misconduct, and depending upon misconduct in sexual; himself lying; encouraging others to lie, and depending upon lie; said two blades themselves; encourage others said two blades, and depending upon said two blades; harsh speech itself; encourage others to harsh speech, and depending upon harsh speech; themselves say frivolous; and encourage others say frivolous, and depending upon word frivolous; himself has participated, encouraged others to participate, and depending upon have participated; A golf center yourself and encourage others with the field center, and depending upon the field center; wrong view themselves and encourage others to have the wrong view, and depending upon TA.
Achievements for thirty This, this, monks, such proportionate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements with thirty this technique, the monks, so adequate is born to Heaven. How is thirty?
4. killing themselves abandoned, encouraging people to give up killing, and not depending upon killing; taken by themselves do not give up, encourage others to give up taking what is not given, and not depending upon taking what is not given; rid ourselves of sexual misconduct in; encourage people to give up sexual misconduct in, and not depending upon misconduct in sexual; himself abandoned liar; encourage others to abandon lying, and not depending upon lie; rid ourselves of said double-edged; encourage people to give up speaking two blades, and not depending upon said two blades; himself abandoned harsh speech; encourage others abandoned harsh speech, and not depending upon harsh speech; Say rid ourselves of vanity; and encourage others to abandon frivolous word, and not depending upon word frivolous; themselves abandoned, encouraging others to abandon, and not depending upon taking leave; courts themselves waive interest and encourage others to abandon the field of mind, and not depending upon the field center; yourself there is right and encourages others to have the right view, and depending upon the right view.
Achievements for thirty This, this, monks, such proportionate been born to Heaven.
 § (IV) (213) FORTY FRANCE
1. Achievement with forty measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. How is forty?
2. killing themselves, encouraging others to kill, depending upon killing, and praised the killing; of not taking for themselves and encourage others to take what is not given, depending upon taking what is not given, and praise for taking what is not; themselves in sexual misconduct; encourage others in sexual misconduct, depending upon misconduct in the education, and praised in sexual misconduct; himself lying; encouraging others to lie, depending upon lie, lie and praise; said two blades themselves; encourage others said two blades, depending upon said two tongues, and say double-edged praise; harsh speech itself; encourage others say harsh words, depending upon harsh speech, and praised harsh speech; themselves say frivolous; and encourage others say frivolous, depending upon word frivolous, and praised say frivolous; himself has participated, encouraged others to participate, depending upon have participated, and praise is engaged; A golf center yourself and encourage others with yard care, depending upon the field of mind, and praised the center courtyard; wrong view themselves and encourage others to have the wrong view, depending upon wrong view, wrong view and praise.
This forty achievements, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements to forty measures, such proportionate been born to Heaven. How is forty?
4. renounce killing yourself, does not encourage others to kill, not depending upon killing, and killing tons of coal; taken by themselves do not give up, do not encourage others to take what is not given, not depending upon taking what is not given, and no praise for taking what is not; rid ourselves of sexual misconduct in; does not encourage others in sexual misconduct, not depending upon misconduct in education, and not praise sexual misconduct in; themselves do not lie; does not encourage others to lie, not depending upon lie, and lie not praised; rid ourselves of said double-edged; discourage others say two blades, not depending upon said two blades, and said two-edged praise; himself abandoned harsh speech; does not encourage others to speak harsh words, not depending upon harsh speech, and not harsh speech of praise; himself without speaking vanity; does not encourage others to say frivolous, not depending upon word frivolous, and not a word of praise frivolous; himself abandoned, not encourage others to participate, not depending upon participation, and not praise participate; courts themselves waive interest and does not encourage others to golf center, not depending upon the field, and is not interested praised pitch; yourself there is right and encourages others to have the right view, depending upon there is right and there is right praise.
This forty achievements, the monks, so adequate is born to Heaven.
 § (V) (214) DAMAGES
 - Achievements with ten measures, the monks, took him a self harmed, ruined ... bring your ego a harmless ... not destroyed ... the with twenty legal achievements, the monks ... thirty legal achievements, the monks ... with forty legal achievements, the monks, carrying his ego suffered a damage, ruined ... do not bring your ego a damaged or destroyed.
 § (VI) (215) AFTER DEATH (1)
 - Achievements with ten measures, the monks, here are the general network damage after the body, being born into deprivation, Beast, deprivation, in hell ... here are the network after damage body common good is born to animals, Heaven, this world ... With twenty measures, the monks ... With thirty-law, the monks ... With forty measures, it the Billion -kheo, here are the general network damage after the body, being born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell ... here are people, after the damage itself is born to improve overall network mammals, Empyrean , this world ...
 § (VII) (216) AFTER DEATH (2)
 - Achievements with ten measures, the monks, the source must be known ... the sage needs to be said ... With twenty measures, the monks ... With thirty-law, this, monks ... With forty measures, the monks, the source must be known ... the sage needs to be said.
This achievement with ten, the monks, the sage should be known ...
 § (VIII) (217) Craving (1)
1. To win voters craving, the monks, ten measures need to practice. What are the ten?
2. Impure thoughts, thought dead, boring idea in the food, not a great joy for all the world, perception of impermanence, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering, thought to make an end, a great cup take, thought eradicated.
To win voters participated, the monks, ten factors that must be practiced.
3. To win voters participated, the monks, ten measures need to practice. What are the ten?
4. Perception is impermanent, selfless thoughts, ideas boring in the dish, not a great joy for all the world, great skeleton, symbolizing food, green idea stasis, pus great country, a great crack , great swelling up.
To win voters participated, the monks, ten factors that must be practiced.
 § (IX) (218) craving (2)
1. To win voters craving, the monks, ten measures need to practice. What are the ten?
2. The chief knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration, right knowledge, pastor freed.
To win voters craving, the monks, ten measures need to practice.
 § (X) (219) covetousness,
1. Hey, monks, to turn knowledge, to turn away, to make an end, to eliminate, to destroy, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to leave, to abandon, ten it needs to practice ...
2. To turn voters, to turn away, to make an end, to eliminate, to destroy, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to leave, to abandon hatred, anger, hostility anger , disparaging, brain damage, jealousy, avarice, enchanting, deceitful, stubborn, spirited, romantic, too romantic, passionate, spontaneous, ten factors that must be practiced.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/5/2016.MHDT.

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