Saturday 14 May 2016

§ (I) (1) is being afforded GLASS (1)
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks". - "Yes, venerable sir."
The monks replied that yes Bhagavan, Bhagavan said as follows:
2. - Achievements six measures, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is six?
3. Here, the monks, monks when the eye sees color, no favorites, no hate, discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness; ears hear when ... when ... when the blade nose smelling incense tasting ... when ... when the body feelings known method, no interest, no hate, discharge residence, mindfulness and awareness .
This achievement six, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
Exalted such theory. The position was happy monks, believers teach life Bhagavan said.
§ (II) (2) is being afforded GLASS (2)
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks worthy of reverence ... is unsurpassed field of merit in life. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks witness the kind of miracles; a body out many bodies, many relatives out a body, is shaped, morphing, passing through the wall, through the wall, through the mountain passes like nowhere, rising burrowed across the land, as in the country, submersible not walk on water as on land, sitting fetters-old or go out of nowhere like a bird, with hands touching and touched the moon and the sun, the power plants have great dread, so compassionate era, can fly to Brahma itself.
3. With pure natural atrial superheroes, heard two kinds of languages, gods and men who are far and near.
4. After going into the heart of all beings, beings who with his mind, he clearly knows as follows: "The mind has participated, clearly knew there take heart, or mind or heart dispassion ... golf ... or golf ... psychological or mental or psychological has si ... si ... or ... or mind focused mind wandering ... or something ... or not operating university center operator heart heart ... or not ... or supreme supreme mind ... or heart or mind Meditation ... Meditation ... or not freedom of mind ... or not liberated mind, clearly knew mind unreleased ".
5. Remembering the past life, like a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty-life, life thirty, forty died, fifty-life, a hundred lives, two life hundred, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand generations; many corrupt lives, many lives, and the lives much damage; he remembered that: "In other places, we called like this, like this family, class like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After dying in there, we were born in and there. In that place we like this name, family like this, like this class, like this painful feeling optimistic, life expectancy to levels like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here. " Thus he remembers many past lives with the outline and details.
6. He with superhuman pure divine eye, see life and death of beings. He knew that ... § (See A. iii, 16; D. i, 83) ... so with pure natural superhuman label, see life and death of beings. He knew human beings inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, who fortunately, are so unfortunate wretch their careers. Due to the total extinction of the defilements, he even in the current, position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
This achievement six, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks worthy of reverence ... is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is six?
2. With credit units, with tons of units, with apartment concept, with the base, with the knowledge base, due to the total extinction of cankers, position yourself to win, even in the current realization, attainment and residing outflow Center liberation, liberating insight.
This achievement six, the monks, monks worthy of respect ... is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
§ (IV) (4) OF FORCE
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks worthy of reverence ... is unsurpassed field of merit in life. What is six?
2. Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental energy, due to the total extinction of cankers, position yourself to win, even in the present, realization, attainment and residing outflow freedom of mind, wisdom rescue.
This achievement six, the monks, monks worthy of respect ... is unsurpassed field of merit in life.
§ (V) (5) CON thoroughbred (1)
1. - Achievement spent six parts, this, monks, a gentle horse charity, purity of the king, the king deserved for use, are the property of the king, and is considered a symbol of the king. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, thoroughbred horse's gentle king friendly shades patience, endurance and language, the native endurance, patience and taste, endurance of contact, and complete identity solution.
Six factors of this achievement, the monks, a gentle horse charity, purity of the king, the king deserved for use, are the property of the king, and is considered a symbol of the king. Also, this, monks, six legal achievements, monks worthy offerings ... is unsurpassed in the world blessed land. What is six?
3. Here, the monks, the monks outstanding endurance, endurance of the language, the native endurance, patience and taste, the contact endurance, endurance of Justice.
This achievement six, the monks, monks worthy of respect ... the supreme field blessing in my life.
§ (VI - VII) (6-7) HORSE pure (2)
(As of 5, the full capacity only change color, with full power for 6, and with sufficient speed to force 7).
§ (VIII) (8) Supreme
1. - There are six this supreme, this, monks, how are the six?
2. Knowledge supreme, supreme document, obtained supreme interests, learn supreme, supreme executive, customizable supreme concept. This, monks, is the supreme six.
§ (IX) (9) OPTIONAL mindfulness
1. - this, monks, is mindfulness of six customizable. What is six?
2. Depending Buddha, depending anniversary France, depending anniversary Increase, depending anniversary Gender, depending anniversary Candidates, depending anniversary Thien.
 This, monks, this concept has six option.
§ (X) (10) Mahanama
1. One time, Bhagavan residing among you Liked - ca, in Kapilavatthu, Nigrodha garden. Then they went to the Bhagavan Mahanama Interest; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, their favorite lord Mahanama:
 - Saints disciples, venerable sir, went to work, has put his teachings solution, what he lived life in its fullness?
 - Hey Mahanama, St. certain disciples went to work, has put his teachings prize, with this lifestyle, living a fullness.
2. Here, the Mahanama, St. customized concept Tathagata disciples: "... This is Bhagavan Buddha, Bhagavan". When, this Mahanama, St. notion Tathagata disciples, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant center, center field is not dominant, not si dominant center; meanwhile, his mind is upright, thanks to rely on the Tathagata. And this Mahanama, a disciple St., with upright mind, is that credit life, credit is life measures, are related to legal rejoice. People with joy, so rapture born. People with joy, should itself be calm. With relative calm, he feels optimistic life. Who have lost life, the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples, was saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practiced Buddhist concept ".
3. Again, this Mahanama, St. disciple depending anniversary France: "France is Exalted clever theory, practical in the present, do not have the time, to come and see, able to raise up, get yourself Wise feeling out! "Hey Mahanama, while Saints disciples depending anniversary France, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant center, the pitch was not dominant, not dominated si; meanwhile, his mind is upright, thanks to rely on France. And this Mahanama, St. disciples with upright mind, is that credit life, credit is life measures, are related to legal rejoice. People with joy, so rapture born. People with joy, should itself be calm. With relative calm, he feels optimistic life. Who have lost life, the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples were saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practices French concept ".
4. Again, this Mahanama, St. disciple depending anniversary Boost "operating as Bhagavan disciples. Direct disciples well as Bhagavan. Application of the well is Exalted disciples. Right action is Exalted disciples. Ie four double eight. This Bhagavan disciples deserve respect, deserve respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. ' This Mahanama, while they recite the Holy option Increase disciples, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant mind ... the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples, was saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practiced concept Increase ".
5. Again, this Mahanama, St. disciple option About his concept of "Gender is not moldy, intact, no spots, no impure, to liberation, praised by the wise , not grasping, leading to Meditation ". This Mahanama, St. disciples while depending anniversary Gender, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant mind ... the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples, was saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practiced concept About ".
6. Again, monks, his disciple St. For their anniversary: ​​"It's been good for us! It is smart to be beneficial to us, as that the masses were dominant defilements avarice, we live in a family, with no mind of defilements dominant avarice, almsgiving spacious with clean hands, Popularity prefer to give up, ready to be required, preferred materials distributed alms ". This Mahanama, while Saints alms anniversary disciples option, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant mind ... the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples, was saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practiced almsgiving concept ".
7. Again, Mahanama, St. disciple depending anniversary practice God: "There are four gods Uranus God, with heavenly gods Thirty-three, with Yama Devas, there Tusita Devas (Top-rate), Thien Hoa communicate with gods, the gods have turned myself in Tha, with discounts on their gods, with higher Devas. Complete with such confidence, gods that, after death in this place, was born there. Such trust in me also full. Complete with such world, gods that after death in this place, was born there. Such instructions are also full of me. Full to hear such measures, gods that after death in this place, was born there. Such measures can also hear full in me. For such full, her gods after death in this place, was born there. Such experiments are also fully in our place. Complete with such wisdom, that the gods after death in this place, was born there. Such insight is also full of me ". When he belief, gender, hear French, Competitors and Wisdom of himself and his gods; in the meanwhile, take heart from being dominant, dominant center courtyard is not, is not the dominant delusion; in that no, his mind is upright thanks to rely on the gods. And this Mahanama, St. disciples with upright mind is that credit life, credit is life measures, are related to legal rejoice. People with joy, so rapture born. Relatives who have the wedding should be calm. With relative calm, he feels optimistic life. Who have lost life, the mind is calm.
This Mahanama, the Saints disciples, was saying as follows: "The masses are not sedated, he lives quietly. With masses have brain damage, brain damage he does not live. Enter the store was legal, he practiced God concept ".
This Mahanama, yet Saints disciples went to work, has put his teachings prize, he lived a life of fullness with this.
§ (I) (11) NEED TO REMEMBER (1)
1 - Hey, monks, there are six measures need to remember this. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks dwell made for relatives of dignity, in front and behind. It is legal to keep in mind.
3. Again, monks, monks dwell on words from fellow virtues, in front and behind. It is legal to keep in mind.
4. Again, monks, monks dwell on thoughts from fellow virtues, in front and behind. It is legal to keep in mind.
5. Again, monks, monks for lawful avaricious, getting lawful, until things get just a bowl, not a person he did not share the map receive such material, must be shared with colleagues shared with moral virtue. It is legal to keep in mind.
6. Again, monks, monks against the Precepts are not moldy, intact, no spots, not to be defiled, liberating, praised by the wise, do not be attachment, go to meditation, monks lived achievements in the Vinaya Precepts for co Pham was happy before and behind.
7. Again, monks, for the knowledge of sages, capable of upward, causing people to practice right feet cessation of suffering, monks live with the knowledge achievements such knowledge so happy for both copper Pham front and back.
 This, monks, here are the six measures need to remember.
§ (II) (12) NEED TO REMEMBER (2)
1. - There are six measures need to remember this, this, monks, forming mutual love, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony and consensus. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks dwell made for relatives of dignity, in front and behind. It is legal to keep in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, do not argue, harmony and consensus.
3. Again, monks, monks dwell ... words from the word for the idea of ​​dignity both in front and behind. It is legal to keep in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, do not argue, harmony and consensus.
4. Again, the monks, the monks for lawful avaricious, getting lawful, until things get just a bowl, not a person he does not share the receive such items, must be shared with co-shared with moral virtue. It is legal to keep in mind, creating solidarity, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, do not argue, harmony and consensus.
5. Again, the monks, the monks of the Vinaya is not moldy, intact, no spots, not to be defiled, liberating, praised by the wise, do not was clinging, go to meditation, monks lived achievements in the Vinaya Vinaya line for dignity, the same, both in front and behind.
6. Again, monks, monks against the knowledge of sages, capable of upward, causing people to practice right feet cessation of suffering, monks live with the knowledge achievements such knowledge for the dignity, the same, both in front and behind?
Here are the six measures have to remember, this, monks, forming mutual love, mutual respect form, brought to harmony, which leads to not argue, harmony and consensus.
1 - Hey, monks, there are six legal renunciation of this world. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks say: "I have the mind of liberation rhetoric, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contained ardent, however, the field is still dominated center our minds. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be so, Sage can not say so. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Bhagavan thus distorting not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so, the case is not so. Who practice deliverance from the center, making the fullness, as a chariot, forming bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship should, however, still reigns center field, dwell; Such events not happened, this sage, this potentially liberating the mind field, namely the freedom of mind ".
3. Again, monks, here, monks say: "I have to practice, compassionate detachment, makes fullness, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, contained and craftsmanship should, however, still reigns heart damage our mind. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be so, Sage can not say so. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Bhagavan thus distorting not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so. Such was not the case. Who practice compassion freed, make prolific, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship should, however, still reigns heart damage, dwell; Events do not happen like that. This sage, this potentially harmful liberation of mind, freedom of mind that is compassionate. "
4. Hey, monks, monks here you say: "I have the freedom of mind to practice the wedding, make prolific, as the chariot, made into bases, dwell, and cleverly contained fine craftsmanship should, however, still reigns unpleasant mind our mind. " He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be so. Sage do not say so. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Such distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If the wedding practice freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship should, however, still reigns unpleasant mind, dwell; Events do not happen like that. This sage, this potentially unpleasant liberation of mind, freedom of mind that is joy. "
5. Hey, monks, here, monks say: "I've practiced discharge liberated mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, and cleverly contained fine craftsmanship should, however, take heart still dominate our minds. " He should be saying: "Do not be like that, not to say that Sage. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Such distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If the discharge practice freedom of mind, make prolific, made into the carriage, made into bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship should, however, take heart still reigns dwell; Events do not happen like that. This sage, this likely take center liberation, freedom of mind that is discharged. "
6. Here, the monks, monks say: "I was practicing formless freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, contained and craftsmanship required, however, our knowledge is still depending anniversary minister ". He needs to be said as follows: "Do not be so, Sage can not say so. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Such distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so. Such was not the case. If formless practice freedom of mind, make prolific, as the chariot, forming bases, dwell, filled and craftsmanship required, depending anniversary formula will still minister, dwell; Events do not happen like that. This sage, this one has the ability to liberate all generals, ie formless mind liberation ".
7. Here, the monks, monks who says as follows: "I gave up the idea of" I am ". I do not have the option to shop, "This is me", however, the arrow of doubt, hesitation invaded my mind and dwell ". He should be told as follows: "Do not be so, Sage can not say so. Do not be distorted Bhagavan. Such distorting Bhagavan is not good. Bhagavan does not say so. This sage, events not so. Such was not the case. Who gave up the idea of ​​"I am", with whom there is no custom shop, "This is me", however, the arrow of doubt, hesitation and invaded his mind dwell; Events do not happen like that. This sage, this one has the power to deliver superior arrows or hesitation, that is avulsion conceit "I am" ".
This, monks, here are six international legal renunciation.
1. Here, the venerable Sariputta, monks call: "Hey Sage monks" - "Dear Sage".
The monks did Venerable Sariputta replied yes. The venerable Sariputta said as follows:
2. - Hey Sage, the monks if they live life so, so, so live life like that, so, when the gentle death is not good, if not excellent good common destiny! And how is the sage, monks lived life so, so, when the gentle death is not good, if not excellent good common destiny?
3. Here is the sage, popular monks work, enjoy the work, dedicated work preferred; Popular talk, exciting talk, dedicated fancy talk; Popular sleep, enjoy sleeping, sleeping preferred concentrate; Popular congregation, the congregation interest, preferred concentrate congregation; Popularity contact communication, contact enjoy communication, specializing in contact center communication preferred; Comments Popular Coliseum, Coliseum enjoy reasoning, reasoning concentrate Coliseum preferred. Thus, this the Sage, monks lived life so, so, when death is not good gentle when gentleness common destiny is not good. Sage Hey, this is called loving monks optimistic Friendly, Friendly did not give up to the true cessation of suffering.
4. Hey Sage, monks if they live life so, so, so live life like that, so, the good death is gentle, gentle as good common destiny. And how is the sage, monks lived life so, so, the good death is gentle, gentle as good common network?
5. Here is the sage, monks disliked the work, not interested in the job, not the job preferred concentrate; reluctant to talk, do not enjoy talking, not talking fancy concentrate; not like to sleep, do not enjoy sleeping, not sleeping preferred concentrate; loathe congregation, the congregation is not interested, do not fancy the congregation dedicated; contact communication loathe, not interested in touch communication, amateur preferred contact center communication; Comments loathe Coliseum, Coliseum unpleasant conclusion, no argument concentrate Coliseum preferred. Thus, this the Sage, monks lived life so, so, when death is good sage, sage when par was good overall. Sage Hey, this is called loving monks optimistic Nirvana, abandoned Friendly to true cessation of suffering.
Who specializes in popular argument Coliseum,
As conclusion Coliseum enjoy,
Going against Nirvana,
Where supreme peace.
Who abandoned Coliseum speech,
Coliseum preferred not comment.
Thuan towards Nirvana,
Where supreme peace.
§ (V) (15) no regrets
1. In this place, called Venerable Sariputta, monks:
 - Reverences, monks if they live life so, so, so life like that, when death has remorse, regret the public face. And how is the sage, monks lived life so, so, when death has remorse, regret the public face?
2. ... (As of No. 14, the only other alternative is not good with regret sage, sage-friendly alternative with no remorse) ...
1. One time, Bhagavan Bhagga people residing in the middle, at the Crocodile mountains, forests Bhesakala, Deer Park. At that time, Homeowners, Nakula's father is sick, the suffering, the disease is important. The homeowner then women, the mother of Nakula Nakula's father told the following:
2 - Dear Homeowners, do not have common network with other aspiring mind loving attachment. Dear Homeowners, who suffer the fate generally expecting interest also loving attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general clause also seek loving attachment. Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother, after our common destiny, can not nourish you and sustain their homes." Dear Homeowners, do not you think so! Dear Homeowners, I deftly weaving and carding wool. Dear Homeowners, after Homeowners common destiny, I can nourish you and sustain their homes. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, the Homeowners, who are interested to seek common destiny loving attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think as follows: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother, after I shared destiny, will go to another family." Dear Homeowners, do not have to think so! Dear Homeowners, Homeowners already know, for sixteen years we live as a Family Home, I have lived practice virtues like. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, sir The homeowner, who is also the common destiny seek attention loving attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think as follows: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother, after I shared destiny, will not want an audience Exalted, will no longer want our audience Increase". Dear Homeowners, do not have to think so! After Homeowners common destiny, I would want more audience Exalted, will want their audience more Increase. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, the Homeowners, who when shared destiny, loving heart also seek attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think as follows: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother, after I shared destiny, will not hold a full world". Dear Homeowners, do not have to think so! Dear Homeowners, until when, the female students wearing white Homeowners of Bhagavan also keep fully Vinaya, I'm one of these people. If anyone had doubts or wonder, today, are in the midst Bhagavan Bhagga people, at Mount Crocodile, Bhesakala forest, Deer Park, who did go to Bhagavan and asked. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, sir The homeowner, who is also the common destiny seek attention loving attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think as follows: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother was no evidence of inner purification only". Dear Homeowners, do not have to think so! Dear Homeowners, until when, the female students wearing white Homeowners Bhagavan is also evidence of inner purification only, I will be one of these persons. If anyone had doubts or wonder, now Bhagavan Bhagga people are in the middle, at the Crocodile mountain, forest Bhesakala, Deer Park, who did go to Bhagavan and asked. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, sir The homeowner, who when shared destiny, loving heart also seek attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
Dear Homeowners, Homeowners may think as follows: "Female Homeowners, Nakula's mother, in France and this law could not achieve in, dwell not achieved, not achieved comfortably, not beyond doubt , do not be hesitant to leave, do not achieve fearless, and had to ask other people living in the Master's teachings. " Dear Homeowners, do not have to think so! Dear Homeowners, until, the Homeowners female disciples of Bhagavan dressed in white, in France and this law can achieve in, dwell achieve, achieve comfort, beyond doubt, is due to leave estimates, achieve fearless, not because others live in moral teachings Duty Counsel, I will be one of these people. If anyone had doubts or wonder, now Bhagavan Bhagga people are in the middle, at the Crocodile mountains, forests Bhesakala, Deer Park, who did go to Bhagavan and asked. Therefore, sir Homeowners, do not have common destiny with longer seek heart loving attachment! Suffering, sir The homeowner, who when shared destiny, loving heart also seek attachment. Bhagavan who rebuked the general interest par loving attachment was expecting.
3. Then Nakula's father Homeowners are female, the mother of Nakula Catholic world with words of this world, when he was sick immediately calm and Homeowners, Nakula's father escaped his illness. Such is the total extinction of the Homeowners that disease, Nakula's father. Then Homeowners, Nakula's father is healing, healing after not long, cane went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told The homeowner, Nakula's father sat down on one side:
4. - It benefits instead of him, the Homeowners! It cleverly interests instead of him, the Homeowners! Homeowners are female, Nakula's mother with kindness hard, because I want happiness, was Catholic world, he counseled. Until such time, the Homeowners, I still have disciples wearing white Homeowners keep Vinaya fullness, female Homeowners, Nakula's mother was one of these persons. Until such time, the Homeowners, I still have disciples Homeowners wearing white interior purification evidence only, female Homeowners, Nakula's mother was one of him. Until such time, the Homeowners, I also Homeowners followers dressed in white, in France and this law can achieve in, dwell achieve, achieve comfort, beyond doubt, leave was hesitant , achieved fearless, no longer have to ask someone else to live in teaching professor faith, female Homeowners, Nakula's mother was one of these persons. It benefits instead of him, the Homeowners! It cleverly interests instead of him, the Homeowners, being female Homeowners, Nakula's mother with kindness and introspection, for want of happiness, were Catholic world, he counseled.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Bhagavan Then, in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up, went to the auditorium; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Then Venerable Sariputta in the afternoon, after the Meditation got up, went to the auditorium; after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Venerable Mahamoggallana, venerable Mahakassapa, venerable Mahakaccana, venerable Mahakotthita, venerable Mahacunda, venerable Mahakappina, Venerable Anuruddha, venerable Revata, Venerable Ananda in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up to go to the auditorium; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Then Bhagavan, after sitting so to the majority of the night, got up from his seat to go to remote provinces. The venerable that, after Bhagavan went not long, stood up from his seat, went to his residence around. But in it, the new monks ordained soon learned, went to France and this law is not much time, snoring and sleep on site until the morning. Then Bhagavan with superhuman pure divine eye, monks found that snoring and sleep on site until the morning, so went to see the amphitheater; after arrival, sat down on the seat was drafted. Sit down, Exalted monks called him:
2. - Hey, monks, Sariputta where? Mahamoggallana where? Mahakassapa where? Mahakaccana where? Mahakotthita where? Mahacunda where? Mahakappina where? Anuruddha where? Revata where? Ananda where? This, monks, elders disciples had to go?
 - Buddha, the Venerable was, after Bhagavan go soon, have stood up from his seat, went to his residence around.
 - Thus, the monks, the Master no elders, monks, the monks learn new snoring and sleep until dawn!
What do you think of? This, monks! The teacher can see and hear the following: "A king Sat-imperial-town did empowerment, dedicated live until the age of delight optimistic about the beds, located about lying, optimistic about sleeping, can ruled the country for the rest of his life, is the national fan favorite and "?
 - Ladies and not so, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: Hey, monks, a king-imperial-town Police did empowerment, dedicated live until the age of delight optimistic about the beds, located about lying, optimistic about sleeping, can rule the country for the rest of his life, was the esteemed national interest.
What do you think of, this, monks, brothers have seen or heard the following: "The rural life on his father's farm land, military general in the army, the village chief in the village, the team leader the consortium dedicated to live until the age of delight optimistic about the beds, located about lying, optimistic about sleeping, making life possible combinations leader and the group members were admirers prefer "?
 - Ladies and not so, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following, the monks: A bucolic life on his father's farm land, lived military general in the army, the village chief in the village, the leader of the consortium lived enjoy pleasant concentrate on beds, located on the sprawling, optimism about life can sleep as leader of the consortium and the esteemed members preferred.
What do you think of, this, monks, brothers have seen or heard the following: "The recluse or Brahmin dedicated live until the age of delight optimistic about the beds, is located on long, optimistic about sleeping, do not hedge the doors, no moderation in eating, not focused alert, not consistent good behavior, early last night night life dedicated legal practice enlightenment, by segment take the cankers, can position yourself to win realizations, and dwell attaining freedom of mind, mental liberation "?
 - Ladies and not so, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks, I also do not see, nor hear the following, the monks: A monk or Brahmin dedicated live until the age of delight optimistic about Bed lies, lies optimistic about the long, optimistic about sleeping, do not hedge the doors, no moderation in eating, not focused alert, not consistent good behavior, early last night night life dedicated legal practice enlightenment, so the total extinction of cankers, can position themselves to win realizations, and dwell attained liberation mind, liberating insight. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows:
3. The doors are protected, eating sober, diligent vigilance, consistent good behavior, early last night night life dedicated to the legal practice of the Enlightenment, so the total extinction of cankers, himself with won realizations position, and dwell attaining freedom of mind, mental liberation. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
1. One time, Bhagavan was traveling between the population with mass Kosala monks. While going halfway, Bhagavan found in one place and that, a fisherman, after fishing, kill fish, the fish are sold. Seeing this, he walked down the street and sat down on the seat prepared under a tree. Once seated, the Blessed One told the monks:
2. - Hey, monks, brothers have seen other fishermen, after fishing, kill fish, the fish are sold?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - The What do you think, this, monks, brothers have seen or heard the following: "A fisherman, after fishing, kill fish, the fish are sold; so that now, because of his life, was riding an elephant, horse riding, riding, carriage rides, be entitled to the asset life, or to live among major asset or assets piled up "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: "A fisherman, after fishing, kill fish, the fish are sold; so that now, because of his life, was riding an elephant, horse riding, riding, carriage rides, be entitled to the asset life, or to live among major asset or assets piled up "? Why? This, monks, fishermen did with malice looked at the fish killed, taken away to kill, so he will not be riding the elephant, horse riding, riding, or riding the chariot, not life enjoy the property, or the property is not large and live among assets piled up.
What do you think of, this, monks, brothers have seen or heard the following: "A butcher, after killing animals, killing animals and selling; so that now, as he was riding an elephant lives, horseback riding, riding, or riding carriage, be entitled to the asset life, or to live among the major asset or assets piled up "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear the following: "A butcher, after killing cattle, slaughter cows and sell; so that now, because of his life, was riding an elephant, horse riding, riding, or riding a chariot, or be entitled to the asset life, or to live among major asset or assets piled up "? Why? Beef butcher him with malice kill the cow looked killed, taken away and killed. So he will not be riding the elephant, horse riding, riding, or riding a chariot, is not entitled to the asset life, or not to live among large property and assets piled up.
What do you think of, this, monks, brothers have seen or heard the following: "One who kills a man kills goats ... pigs ... a bird ... or a man kill kill species wild animals, after killing the wild animals, killing the wild animals and sell; so that now, because he was riding on an elephant's life ... or to live among the major assets and assets piled up "?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - You instead, the monks! I also do not see, nor hear ... Why? Who killed the wildlife species that, with malice looked forest animals being killed, taken away to kill; so he will not be riding the elephant, not riding, not riding, not riding the chariot, is not entitled to the asset life, or not to live among major asset or assets piled up.
Indeed, the monks, who with malice look animalzxy species killed, taken killing; Therefore, he will not be riding the elephant, not riding, not riding, not riding the chariot, is not entitled to the asset life, or not to live among major asset or assets piled up. And what to say about the person with malice looked at the men killed, taken away to kill! Indeed, this, monks, is so unfortunate, long-term suffering for him, after the birth itself into realms havoc general data networks, the Beast, deprivation, in hell.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Nadika, at Ginjakavasattha. There, Bhagavan called the monks: "Hey, monks" - "Yes, venerable sir."
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
2 - Reciting dead, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefits, enter the immortal, immortal finality. This, monks, the death anniversary I just practice.
3. To say so, a venerable sir monks:
 - Buddha, I have practiced death anniversary.
 - Hey, monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "We hope that we live day and night attending to the teachings of Bhagavan". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
4. One other monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the death anniversary also practiced.
 - Hey monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "We hope that we spend all day attending to the teachings of Bhagavan". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
5. One other monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the death anniversary also practiced.
 - Hey monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "We hope that until the food people eat alms, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
6. One other monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the death anniversary also practiced.
 - Hey monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "We hope that for as long as people eat, and eat four or five pieces of food, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
7. One other monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the death anniversary also practiced.
 - Hey monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "We hope that for as long as people eat a piece of food, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
8. One other monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, the death anniversary also practiced.
 - Hey monks, death anniversary You practice like?
 - Here, venerable sir, I thought as follows: "Until when, after breathing in, we breathe out, or after exhalation, breathing in, until then, we volition to teaching of Bhagavan ". You have done so much. Thus, venerable sir, the death anniversary of practice.
9. To hear that, Bhagavan told his monks:
 - Hey, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that we live day and night attending to the teachings of Bhagavan. I have done so much. " This, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that we spend all day attending to the teachings of Bhagavan. I have done so much. " This, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that until the food people eat alms, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan. I have done so much. " This, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that for as long as people eat, and eat four or five pieces of food, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan I have done so much. " This, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that for as long as people eat a piece of food, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan, we did more so ". This, monks, monks practice this dead concept as follows: "We hope that until after breathing in, we breathe out or exhale when we breathe in, until then, we volition to the teachings of Bhagavan, I have done so much. " This, monks, the monks became known as the live no distractions, very sharp practice death anniversary to cessation of defilements. Thus, the monks, the monks, the teacher needs to practice as follows:
10. "Live no distractions! I will practice keenly death anniversary to cessation of defilements. "
Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Nadika, at Ginjakavasatha. There, the Exalted taught the monks:
2 - Reciting dead, this, monks, is the practice, are making large fruit prolific time, with great benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal finality. Practice how death anniversary, makes abundantly, how the concept of death leading to large fruit, great benefit, can enter the immortal, immortal finality?
3. Here, the monks, monks when cleaning day and night has just dwell, thinking as follows: "The predestined to cause death gives us a lot:" The snake might bite me, scorpion may bite us, or centipedes can bite us. Therefore, we can face together. So will interfere with us. We can stumble and fall down. Rice we eat can make us sick when eating, or honey can stir us, can stir our talks. The wind can stir up for us. And so we can make common destiny. That would be an obstacle for us. " This, monks, monks he should consider the following: "If we still have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss tonight common destiny, they can be a hindrance to me." This, monks, if the monks while such considerations, the following is said: "I have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss tonight common destiny, that can be an obstacle to I ", this time the monks, monks did, to make an end to the evil evil law was necessary to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, there is no retrogression, mindfulness and awareness. Just as, monks, top coat or fire-fighting equipment, the time to quell her shirt or her head, need to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, there is no retrogression, mindfulness and awareness. Also, this, monks, monks did, to make an end to his evil evil law, need to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, no retrogression, mindfulness and wake up. If the monks did, while the judgment, said the following: "I have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss tonight common destiny, they can be a hindrance to me." This, monks, the monks did not have to live happy, joy, day and night should be learning in the dhamma.
Here, the monks, monks when both night and day just dwell disabled, the following thoughts: "The predestined to cause death gives us a lot:" The snake may bite us, cow Leggings may bite us, or centipedes can bite us. Therefore, we can face together. That would be an obstacle for us. We can stumble and fall down. Rice we eat can make us sick when eating, or honey can stir us, or talk can stir us. The wind can stir up for us. And so we can make common destiny. That would be an obstacle for us. " This, monks, monks he should consider the following: "If we still have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss the shared destiny of the day, they can be a hindrance to us ". This, monks, if the monks while such considerations, the following is said: "I have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss today's common destiny, that can be an obstacle for us ", this time the monks, monks did, to make an end to the evil evil law was necessary to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, no retrogression, Secretarial mindfulness and awareness. Just as, monks, top coat or fire-fighting equipment, the time to quell her shirt or her head, need to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, there is no retrogression, mindfulness and awareness. Also, this, monks, monks did, to make an end to his evil evil law, need to take force desire, diligent, ardent, effort, no retrogression, mindfulness and wake up. If the monks did, while the judgment, said the following: "I have not been evil evil law to make an end, if we miss today's common destiny, they can be a hindrance to me." This, monks, the monks did not have to live happy, joy, day and night should be learning in the dhamma.
This, monks, death anniversary, so practice, making such prolific period was a huge success, greater benefits, can enter the immortal, immortal finality.
§ (I) (21) IN SAMAGAMA
1. One time, Bhagavan among the people residing in Sakka, in Samagama, near a lotus pond. Then a God who, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance region wins luminous lotus pond, go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he's your lord God:
 - There are three methods, the lord, lead to rot rotten monks. What are the three? Fancy work, fancy talking, sleeping preferred. This three, lord, leading to rot rotten monks.
The God's say so. Accepted guru. God's position that, with the thought: "guru has accepted us," bowed, right hand toward his body and disappeared on the spot.
2. Exalted Then, after you have accomplished night, calling the monks:
 - Hey, monks, tonight, a God who, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance region wins luminous lotus pond, go to Me; after arrival, he bowed to me and stood aside. Stand aside, God's told me: "Buddha, there are three methods, the lord, lead to rot rotten monks. What are the three? Fancy work, fancy talking, sleeping preferred. This three, lord, give to monks rot rotten ". This, monks, God's say so. Say so finished, he bowed to me, toward my right hand body and disappeared on the spot. This, monks, it is not nothing to me, it's not smart to be nothing for me, because he knows that God's law is the rotten teacher led the fall in the dhamma. This, monks, I will preach three other measures taken to rot rotten, listen and think carefully experience, I would say.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3. - this, monks, how are the three methods lead to rot rotten? Popular congregation, bad language, bad friends. This third, the monks put to rot rotten.
4. Hey, monks, who in the past have rotten rotten in good behavior, all for six this approach, rot rotten in the dhamma.
This, monks, who in the future will rot rotten in good behavior, all for six this law, will rot rotten in the dhamma. This, monks, who in the present rot rotten in good behavior, all for six this approach, rot rotten in the dhamma.
               § (II) (22) does not blow DOA
1 - Hey, monks, there are six measures not rot this fall, I will argue, listen.
2. And this, monks, are the six measures are not rotten rotten?
Not like the job, do not like to speak, not like sleeping, not like assembly, good language, good friends.
This, monks, there are six measures not rot this fall.
3. Hey, monks, who in the past does not rot rotten, in dhamma, all thanks to six this procedure, does not rot rotten in the dhamma. This, monks, who in the future will not rot rotten in good behavior, all this thanks to the six measures, will not rot rotten in the dhamma. This, monks, who in the present age not rot rotten in good behavior, all this thanks to the six measures, does not rot rotten in the dhamma.
§ (III) (23) FEAR
1. - Fear, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness. Suffering, this, monks, is with education colleagues. Disease, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness. Tumors, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness. Join stick, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness. Mud, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness.
2. And this, monks, why fear is synonymous with sex?
This, monks, captivated by greed, bound by the desire to participate, even in the present do not get rid of fear, the next life will not escape the fear. Thus, fear is synonymous with fitness.
3. Hey, monks, why ... sick ... suffering ... participate sticky lump ... mud is synonymous with sex?
This, monks, captivated by greed, bound by lust, even in the present not escape the mud, the next life will not escape the mud. Therefore mud is synonymous with fitness.
Fear and suffering,
Disease and tumors,
Both participated sticky mud,
Known as the education,
At that ordinary man,
Craving and attachment,
Afraid of clinging,
The origin of death and birth,
No attachment, liberated,
Annihilation is birth and death,
Certificate achieve peace,
Tranquility is present,
Overcoming fear is hatred,
Overcome all suffering.
§ (IV) (24) mountain,
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks can break painting Snow Mountain King, also said nothing inferior ignorance. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, the monks were skilful enter meditation, residence is skillful meditation, meditation out skilful, skilful in peace meditation, skillful in the realm meditation, skillful in the start guide to meditation.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can break painting Snow Mountain King, also said nothing inferior ignorance.
§ (V) (25) OPTIONAL mindfulness
1 - Hey, monks, this six Depending mindfulness. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, Holy depending anniversary Tathagata disciples: "This is the Exalted, steps Arhat ... Buddha, Bhagavan". When, this, monks, Holy depending anniversary Tathagata disciples, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant center, center field is not dominant, not si dominant center, in the meanwhile, the mind is upright , out, rescue, out of participating. Join, this, monks, is synonymous with fitness nourish year. Do take this as an object, the monks, here some of these beings are purified.
3. Again, monks, depending recite Holy disciples France: "France is Bhagavan ... cleverly theory was himself awakened intellect to understand". When, this, monks, saints disciples depending anniversary France, meanwhile, is not taking the dominant center, center field is not dominant, not si dominant center, in the meanwhile, the mind is upright ... all beings are purified.
4. Again, monks, disciples of St. conception Boost "operating as disciples of the Blessed One ... is the supreme blessing fields in the world. ' When, this, monks, holy disciples ... the concept Increase beings are purified.
5. Again, monks, St. disciple depending anniversary gender: "Gender is not moldy ... brought to Meditation". When, this, monks, saints disciples option gender concept, while he is not taking the dominant center ... these beings are purified.
6. Again, monks, his disciple St. For your custom concept: "It's been good for us! It is beneficial to our well-being ... in the meantime, take heart from being dominated ... the living beings are pure ".
7. Again, monks, depending recite Holy God disciples: "Four Heavenly Kings, with Devas heaven Thirty-three, with Yama Devas, there Tusita Devas (Top-rate), with monks Thien Hoa Lac Thien, have turned myself in Tha gods, gods discounts with them, have even higher gods. Complete with such confidence, gods that, after death in this place, was born there. Such confidence is also full with myself. Complete with instructions, to hear the law, with generosity, with such wisdom, gods that, after death in this place, was born there. Such insight also fully in place, "he said. When he belief, gender, legal hearing, generosity and wisdom of the gods themselves and that, in the meanwhile, take heart from being dominant, dominant center field not mind not being the dominant delusion, while he , his mind is upright, out, rescue, out of participating. Join, this Monks in education is synonymous with cultivate. Do take this as an object, the monks, here, some of these beings are purified.
This, monks, this is after Depending mindfulness.
§ (VI) (26) KACCANA
1. There, venerable monks Mahakaccana call:
 - Chu Sage monks!
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The monks did you meet venerable Mahakaccana yes. Venerable Mahakaccana says the following:
2. - It's rather wonderful, lettered Sage! It's rather bizarre, lettered Sage! Exalted, Wise, author rank Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightened and achieve the expansion from being tied up, so, these beings are pure, beyond grief compassionate, end suffering superiority, achieved primary reason, enlightenment Nirvana, ie six Depending mindfulness. What is six?
3. Here is the sage, St. notion Tathagata disciples: "This is the Exalted, steps Arhat ... Buddha, the Exalted." Reverences, while St. notion Tathagata disciples , in the meanwhile, take heart from being dominant, dominant center field being, not si distribution center, in the meanwhile, the mind is upright, out, rescue, out of participating. Join, it reverences, is synonymous with fitness nourish year. His disciple St., this reverences, in all the time, live with their equals nowhere Center, generously large, immeasurable, not hatred, not golf. Reverences, take this as an object, here some beings are purified.
4. Again, this reverences, French conception Saints disciples: "France is Exalted clever theory ... is the person understand himself awakened mind." Reverences, while St. disciple French conception, in the meanwhile, take heart from being dominant, dominant center field being, not si distribution center, in the meanwhile, the mind is upright, out, freed , out of participating. Join, it reverences, is synonymous with fitness nourish year. Holy disciples that, in all the time, live with their equals nowhere mind, vast, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. Reverences, take this as an object, here some beings are purified.
5-8. Again, this reverences, anniversary Increase Saints disciples: "operator is Exalted disciples ... is the supreme blessing fields in the world ... life ... anniversary anniversary anniversary Devas pilot ... ... "St. disciples, this reverences, while reciting the gods, in the meanwhile, take heart from being dominant, dominant center field being, not si dominant center, meanwhile, is the district center live, out, rescue, out of participating. Join, it reverences, is synonymous with nursing education policy. Holy disciples that, in all the time, live with their equals nowhere mind, vast, generous, boundless, no hatred, no anger. Reverences, take this as an object of thought, here, some are pure beings.
It's rather wonderful, this reverences! It's rather rare, this reverences, Exalted, Wise, author rank Ants, level Arhat, Enlightenment, enlightened and achieve the expansion from being tied up, so that the organic species is pure love beyond sorrow, suffering termination benefits, for attaining enlightenment, enlightenment Nirvana, ie six Depending mindfulness.
§ (VII) (27) THE PERIOD (1)
1. Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - How many times to go to the audience with the monks has been standard practice for?
2. - There are six time, the monks, to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice. What is six?
3. Here, the monks, while monks were living with lust dominates the mind, being obsessive lust, as he did not know lust is clearly arises, in the meanwhile, after arrival monks have been the standard practice, he should be told as follows: "Dear Sage, I was living with lust dominates the mind, being obsessive lust, I'm not as clearly known from sexual renunciation involved . You instead, if he came to preach to me to make an end to lust ". And monks have been practicing for the sermon to participate paragraph. This, monks, this is the first time to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
4. Again, the monks, while the monks live with golf being the dominant center, golf was haunted, not as clearly known from the game renunciation is started up, in the meanwhile, after arriving billion- parade was standard practice on, he should be told as follows: "Dear Sage, I live with fitness center courtyard was dominant, being obsessed fitness field, I do not like very well known renunciation from the game. You instead, if he came to preach to me to make an end to the field. " And monks have been practicing for the sermon to paragraph yard. This, monks, this is the second to go to the audience with the monks have been practicing on the.
5 - 7. Again, the monks, while monks are living with heart torpor dominant dullness, dullness torpor was obsessed ... Trao was dominant currency, exchange Trao was haunted. .. suspected dominant, obsessive suspicion, not as clearly known from Comfort renunciation is started up, in the meanwhile, after arriving, monks have been the standard practice, he should be told as follows "Dear Sage, I live with suspected dominant center, was suspected of obsessive attention. I do not know as clearly separated from production facilities. You instead, if he came to preach to me to make an end to suspected ". And monks have been practicing for the sermon to the total extinction of features. This, monks, it is time to go Thursday visited the monks were the standard practice.
8. Again, the monks, while monks every where general public health, the minister was due, the defilements are eradicated, without interruption, he did not know, did not see the minister, in then, after going to the monks were the standard practice, he should be told as follows: "Dear Sage, public health minister every place, so that the illegal volition minister or eradicated, no interruption, I do not see the minister did not know. You instead, if he came to preach to me to cessation of defilements. " And monks have been practicing for the sermon to cessation of defilements. This, monks, it is time to go Friday visited the monks were the standard practice.
This is six times, the monks, to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
§ (VIII) (28) TIME (2)
1. One time, many monks residing in Baranasi, place Devas deprivation, in Deer Park. After eating, begging for food on the way back, the monks sat in the house gathered round, and the following story is started up:
 - Reverences, time to go to your audience with the monks were the standard practice?
2. To say so, a prospectus with the monks, monks elders:
 - Ladies and reverences, when monks were the standard practice, after lunch, on the way back to begging, after washing the feet, was sitting down, dysentery-old, back straight, dwell anniversary in front, it was time to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
3. To say so, one other monks, monks told him:
 - Dear Sage, this is not the time to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice. This sage, while the monks were the standard practice, after the meal, on the streets begging to return, after the washing of the feet, sat-old fetters, back straight, to recite in front, being tired from travel Ministry, meanwhile, do not feel calm, being tired of eating, in the meantime, do not feel calm. Therefore, not the time to go to the audience with the monks are the standard practice. This sage, while the monks were the standard practice, in the afternoon, from Meditation stood, under the shade of the Wihan, dysentery-old sitting, back straight, to recite in front, that time is the time to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
4. To say so, one other monks told the monks that:
 - Time was not the time to go up is, monks have been practicing the standard. Dear Sage, while the monks were the standard practice, in the afternoon from Meditation stood up, the shadow Vihara, dysentery-old sitting, back straight, to recite in front, the minister what he volition daytime, while he was the minister are current. Therefore, this is not the time to go up is, monks have been practicing the standard. This sage, monks are the standard practice, A retiring after night, wake up, sit-old fetters, back straight, to recite in front of. Then is the time to go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
5. To say so, one other monks, monks told him:
 - When he's not time to go to the audience with the monks are the standard practice. This sage, while the monks were the standard practice, after the night has elapsed, wake up, sit-old fetters, back straight, to recite in front, in the meanwhile, sappy body, he felt comfort, the attention to the teachings of the Buddha. Therefore, when he is not the time to get an audience with the monks about the practice.
6. To say so, Venerable Maha Kaccana monks told her elders:
 - Ladies and sage, I heard from Bhagavan itself, itself the following territory: There are six this time, monks should go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice. What is six?
7 - 8. Mahakaccana (repetition of 27, Business Ministry Increase in volume II).
 - Ladies and reverences, I myself heard from Bhagavan itself, itself the following territory: There are six this time, monks should go to the audience with the monks were the standard practice.
§ (IX) (29) UDAYI
1. Then Bhagavan called Venerable Udayi:
 - Hey Udayi, depending on how many seats to recite?
So to speak, Venerable Udayi remain silent. Second, Bhagavan told venerable Udayi:
 - How many seats to customize concept?
The second time, Venerable Udayi remain silent. The third time, Bhagavan told venerable Udayi:
 - How many seats to customize concept? The third time, Venerable Udayi remain silent. Then Venerable Ananda told venerable Udayi:
 - Hey Sage Udayi, Bhagavan called Sage!
 - Dear Sage Ananda, I have heard Bhagavan called. Buddha, the monks remembered his previous life in the past as a life, two lives ... he remembered former lives with the outline and details. Venerable sir, this is the place to customize concept.
Then Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
 - I've said this Ananda, this Udayi fools not live epicardial concentrate on increasing. This Ananda, depending on how many seats to recite?
 - Buddha, there is room to customize anniversary year. What is the year?
2. Here, venerable sir, monks sexual ly, ly immoral law ... and dwell attained Tuesday Meditation. Venerable sir, this is the place to customized concepts, such practice, so make fullness, leading to the current communication status.
3. Again, venerable sir, monks volition with a great light, a great stay in the daytime. On how the night so. Night how the day so. So, with an open mind, with no restrictions, he practiced with a light heart, lighting. Venerable sir, this is the place to customized concepts, such practice, make fullness, leading to attainment of knowledge.
4. Again, venerable sir, monks observe this body from the feet upwards, from hair or fewer initiations, are leather and filled with impure material difference. In this body, this is hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease the skin, saliva, pus, water joints, urine. Venerable sir, this is the place to customized concepts, such practice, as prolific as such, lead to the total extinction of craving.
5. Again, venerable sir, for like the monks saw a corpse thrown away in the graveyard, a day or two days, three days, the body was swelling up, blue retention, rot into pus. Monks was compared with this body as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his qualities". For example, he saw a corpse thrown away in the cemetery, the rooks were eating; or eating hawk species; or is the vulture to eat; or dogs eat; or wild species can eat; or eating insects. Monks was compared with this body as follows: "This body is such nature, nature is thus not beyond his qualities". For example, he saw a corpse thrown away in the cemetery, the bones are linked together, and sticky flesh and blood, the veins are tied; with the skeletons are linked together, the meat is no longer sticky, but sticky blood, the veins are tied; with the skeletons are bonded together, not flesh and blood, the veins are tied; not only bone sticking together, scattered here and there. Here, the hand bones, foot bones here is, here is the bone pipe, here's thigh bone, here is the butt bone, here is the backbone, here is the first. Monks was compared with this body as follows: "This body is essentially the same, nature is thus not beyond his qualities". Or for as he dropped his body found in a cemetery, only white bones whole shells, only a pile of bones longer than a year, only a rotten bone becomes powder. Monks was compared with this body as follows :: "This body is essentially the same, nature is thus not beyond his qualities". This is the place to customize conception, venerable sir, is to practice as such, are making such fullness, taken to eradicate the conceit "I am".
6. Again, venerable sir, monks tribes, leaving suffering ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. This is the place to customize conception, venerable sir, is this practice, be made so prolific, can lead to incorrect import completely different world.
Venerable sir, this is the place to customize anniversary year.
 - You instead, heal rather, this Ananda! This is the place depending anniversary Friday, let life over here, this Ananda, mindful, monks go out, go into mindfulness, mindful sitting, mindful located, mindful while working. This Ananda, this is the place to customized concepts, such practice, so make fullness, is brought to mindful awareness.
§ (X) (30) ABOVE ALL
1 - Hey, monks, there are six this supreme law. What is six?
2. Seeing supreme, supreme listening, attained supreme interests, learning supreme, supreme served, depending supreme concept. And this, monks, are the supreme see?
3. Here, the monks, some people went to see the elephant treasures, treasures go to the horse, went to see the jewels, or go see the large and small animals, or go to the recluse, or Brahmin has TA, with misconduct. This, monks, is this that? I say: This is not seen. " The show was, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, who went up or disciple is Exalted Exalted, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal, this time the monks, this is the supreme see, given purification for the beings, to overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, for attaining enlightenment, enlightenment Nirvana, that is going up or is Tathagata Tathagata disciples, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called the supreme see, this is the supreme see. What is the supreme hear?
4. Here, the monks, have people come to hear the drums, come hear the flute, go hear the anthem, or go through different heard, or go listen to the recluses legal or Ba-La- wrong subjects, misconduct. This, monks, this is not listening? I said: "This is unheard of." The hearing was, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, who come to hear the law of the Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal this time, the monks, this is heard supreme, bringing purification to beings, to overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, for attaining enlightenment, enlightenment Nirvana, that is going to hear the law of the Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, with abides faith, with hearts dwell fan, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called supreme heard, this is the supreme see, hear supreme. And what benefit is attained supreme?
5. Here, the monks, some were children, a wife, wealth, is through different objects, the trust in the recluse or Brahmin has wrong view, well. This, monks, this acquisition is beneficial or not? I said: "This is not a prime benefit". Loi was elected, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, who are of faith in the Tathagata or the Tathagata's disciples, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal this time, monks, this is attained supreme interests , taken to purify for beings, overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, the district achieved justice, enlightenment Nirvana, that is faith in the Tathagata or a disciple of the Tathagata, with confidence dwell, reside with heart fan, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called prime interest supreme, supreme is seen, heard supreme, supreme worshiped. And supreme learning about?
6. Here, the monks, someone learning about elephants, learning about horses, learning the car, learning to provide legal, method for learning about, learning about the difference low skilled or learning under the recluse or Brahmin has wrong view, unchaste. This, monks, this is learning or not? I said: "This is not learning." Learning that, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, who study the upper world rising, increasing learning Summit, learning Property in France increased upper and Law uttered by the Tathagata, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction credit, the monks, this is the supreme learning, leading to pure beings to overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, for attaining enlightenment, enlightenment Nirvana, ie learning upper world rising, increasing learning Summit, learning Property in France increased upper and Law uttered by the Tathagata, the trust was to dwell, the fan was pleased to dwell, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called supreme learning, this is the supreme see, hear supreme, attained supreme interests, learning supreme. Also serves as supreme like?
7. Here, the monks, Valet Sat-imperial-town, serving Brahmin, serving Homeowners, who serve the high and low difference in service or recluses or Ms. -la-wrong subjects, misconduct. This, monks, is there to serve or not? I said: "This is not served". Serve it, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, who served Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal, the monks, this is the supreme serve, leading to purity for beings, overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, the district achieved justice, enlightenment Nirvana, ie serving disciple Tathagata or the Tathagata, dwell with confidence, with love of dwell grave, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called to serve the supreme, supreme is seen, heard supreme, attained supreme interests, learning supreme, supreme serve. And how is the concept of supreme option?
8. Here, the monks, have people depending conceive children, depending anniversary wife, customized property concept, high and low, depending conceivable difference or serving recluse or Brahmin with misconduct is, misconduct. This, monks, this is a good idea does not have the option? I said: "This is not depending anniversary". Depending on his anniversary, this, monks, is inferior, is despicable, is a human being, does not deserve St. unfortunate, unrelated to the purpose, does not lead to disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win location, enlightenment, Nirvana. This, monks, whomever or anniversary Tathagata Tathagata disciples, dwell with confidence, with heart dwell fan, circuit net direction signal, the monks, this is the supreme serve, leading to purity for beings, overcome sorrow, suffering termination benefits, the district achieved justice, enlightenment Nirvana, ie depending anniversary Tathagata or the Tathagata disciples, dwell with confidence, with love of dwell grave, circuit net direction signal. This, monks, is called custom supreme concept.
This, monks, this concept has six option:
Who shows up to win,
And to hear supreme,
Attained supreme benefit,
Fun learning supreme,
Dwelling in serving,
Specialized custom practice mindfulness,
Contact to renunciation,
Achieving peace, immortality,
Joy, not distractions,
Caution, upholding gender,
When the time is ripe
Suffering is total annihilation.
1. - This Friday, the monks, monks put to rot rotten Friends School. What is six?
2. Popular jobs, chatty, good sleep, good assembly, the units do not hedge, meals not sober.
This Friday, the monks, monks put to rot rotten Friends School.
3. This Friday, the monks, monks are not put to rot rotten Friends School. What is six?
4. Not recommended job, loathe to talk, not like sleeping, not like assembly, the units can hedge, eating with moderation.
This Friday, the monks, monks are not put to rot rotten Friends School.
§ (II) (32) does not blow DOA (1)
1. Then, a God who, after the night was almost brutal, with excellent capacitance wins, dazzling the whole region go to Bhagavan Jetavana; after arrival, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he's lord God: "There are six of this law, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten. What is six? Regards masters, respected French Increase respect them, respect Learning legal, undistracted respectful, respectful reception. This Friday, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten.
Thien's say so, accept guru. Thien's then thinks: "guru has accepted us," bowed, right hand toward his body and disappeared on the spot.
2. Then Bhagavan, after the night had passed, called the monks:
 - Tonight, the monks, there's a God, after the night was almost brutal, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region, come to Me; after arriving, I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, this, monks, God's told me: "There are six of this law, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten. What is six? Regards masters, respected French Increase respect them, respect Learning legal, undistracted respectful, respectful reception. This Friday, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten ". This, monks, God's say so. Say so finished, he bowed to me, toward my right hand body and disappeared on the spot.
Glass masters, monks,
Reverently Dharma and Sangha,
Undistracted study law,
Reverently welcome procession,
Unable to rot rotten,
Nirvana nearly certain.
§ (III) (33) does not blow DOA (2)
1. - Tonight, the monks, a God who, after the night was almost brutal, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region, come to Me; after arriving I bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, this, monks, God's with me he said, "There are six of this law, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten. What is six? Regards masters, respected French Increase respect them, respect Learning approach, revered shame, respectful fear. This Friday, venerable sir, do not put monks to rot rotten ". This, monks, God's say so. Say so finished, he bowed to me, toward my right hand body and disappeared on the spot.
Reverently gurus,
Large glass French bow Increase,
Full bathroom and you
Glasses made and reverently,
Unable to rot rotten,
Nirvana nearly certain.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika place his garden. Then the venerable Maha Mahamoggallana solitude while Meditation, the following are the thoughts arise: "How many gods have the following position:" I am a Stream, no longer oppressed and lost, decided to make to attain look"?
At that time, monks soon Tissa common destiny, was born to a world of Brahma. There, they said he was, "Brahma Tissa, has great ability, has great power."
2. Then the Venerable Maha Mahamoggallana, such as stretching hands athlete is shrinking or contraction hands outstretched, too disappear in Jetavana and Brahma appeared in that world. Brahma saw Venerable Maha Tissa remote Mahamoggallana go to; after the show, told the Venerable Maha Mahamoggallana:
 - Come, you Mahamoggallana! Compassion hybrid, you Mahamoggallana! For many years, you Mahamoggallana, this new opportunity, which is to come here. You Mahamoggallana, sit on this place already prepared! "
Venerable Maha sat down on the seat Moggalana was drafted. Brahma Tissa Maha venerable Mahamoggallana bowed, then sat down on one side. Venerable Maha Brahma told Mahamoggallana sat in:
 - How many of God's, this Tissa, has the following position: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment"?
 - Hey you Mahamoggallana, four Uranus has the following position: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment."
 - Hey Tissa, if all four Uranus are located as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment"?
 - Hey you Mahamoggallana, not all Four Heavenly Kings are located as follows: "We are a Stream, no longer oppressed and lost, decided to make to achieve enlightenment." You Moggallana, Four Heavenly Kings achievements does not work unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, not achievements unwavering loyalty to the French action, not achievements unwavering loyalty to Increase action, not achievement of Gender Law is the glass loving saint, Four Heavenly kings had no position as follows: "We are no longer a Stream rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment." And you Mahamoggallana, Four Heavenly Kings achievements yet unwavering loyalty to Buddhism activities, achievements unwavering loyalty to the French action; achievements unwavering loyalty to Boost dynamic, unwavering loyalty achievement for action to be wise loving About glass, Four Heavenly Kings had the following position: "We are a Stream, no rot rotten , decided to make to achieve enlightenment. "
 - Hey Tissa, there have only Four Heavenly Kings are located as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment," or the gods in heaven Thirty-three. .. or the Devas Da - ma ... or the gods in the Tusita realm (Top-rate) ... or gods or deities Chemistry alienation touch myself ... also in place as follows: "We It is a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment "?
 - Hey you Mahamoggallana, Tha gods have turned myself in position as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment."
 - Hey Tissa, are all gods alienation in place are as follows: "We are a Stream, no longer oppressed and lost, decided to make to achieve enlightenment"?
 - Hey you Mahamoggallana, not all Tha gods have turned myself in position as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment." You Mahamoggallana, Devas alienation achievements in any action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, not achievements unwavering loyalty to the French action, not achievements unwavering loyalty with Boost, not achievements hearts unwavering for charity About the glass saints, the gods did not have the position as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment." And you Mahamoggallana, Devas alienation achievements in any action unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, achievements unwavering loyalty to the French action, achievements unwavering loyalty to Increase action, achievements pure heart estate credit for loving About the glass saints, only the gods that are located as follows: "We are a Stream, no rot fall, decided to make to achieve enlightenment."
3. Then the venerable Maha credit Moggalana happy after-life of Brahma Tissa words, like a stretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm, too, disappeared in Brahma world current and Jetavana.
1. - There are six sections This invention belongs. What is six?
2. Chiang impermanence, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering and annihilation thoughts, ideas dispassion, cessation idea.
This Friday, the monks, is of the intelligent part.
§ (VI) (36) roots of FIGHT
1. - There are six roots of this struggle, this, monks. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, the monks indignation and hostility hatred.
This, monks, here, the monks indignation, hostility hatred. This, monks, who indignation, hostility and hatred he lives not reverent, not depending upon gurus, life is not respect, not depending upon the French, do not respect life, not depending upon Increase, no achievements a full range of legal School. This, monks, monks live without reverence, without depending upon masters, not reverent, not depending upon the French, not depending upon Increase, not fulfillment of legal School, he kicked up debate between monks. Such debate makes people unhappy, that many people are not at peace, that many people do not benefit, that gods and men who are not happy and miserable. This, monks, if I see that evil root avoided between or outside the Master Teacher, the monks, the teacher must try to get rid of the evil avoided her apartment. This, monks, if the teacher does not see the evil avoided apartment between or outside the Master Teacher, the monks, the monks do not take effect for the evil he has the chance to avoid root damage in the future. Such is the evil take root avoid it. Thus evil is to stop avoiding harm her future apartment.
3. Hey, monks, again, the monks lie and brain damage ... jealousy and avarice ... deceit and falsehoods ... evil and wrong education ... attachment base is, keep persevering, very difficult to leave. Hey Sage, monks attachment base is, perseverance kept very difficult to leave, he lived not reverent, not depending upon masters, not reverent, not depending upon the French, not reverent, not depending upon Increase, not full of Academic achievement measures. Hey Sage, monks are not reverent, not depending upon gurus ... France ... Increase ... do not achieve full legal School, he kicked up debate among the monks. Such debate makes people unhappy, that many people are not at peace, that many people do not benefit, that gods and men who are not happy and miserable. This, monks, if I see evil root avoid that between Master or outside the teacher, the teacher must try to get rid of the evil avoided her apartment. This, monks, if the teacher does not see the evil avoided between the master base or outside of me, brothers, keep not for evil gets a chance to avoid root damage in the future. Such is the cessation evil root avoid it. So as to prevent hazardous evil root avoid it in the future.
This, monks, avoid these six senses.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavata, Anathapindika his garden. At that time, Nanda's mother, female Homeowners who do an experimental animal Velukandaki consists of six parts for them monks Sangha, led by Sariputta and Mahamoggallana. Exalted with pure divine eye, superhuman, see Nanda's mother, female Homeowners who do an experimental animal Velukandaki consists of six parts for them monks Sangha, led by Sariputta and Mahamoggallana. After seeing so Bhagavan immediately told the monks:
 - There Nanda's mother, female Homeowners who do an experimental animal Velukandaki consists of six parts for them monks Sangha, led by Sariputta and Mahamoggallana. And this, monks, are the experimental animals consists of six parts for them monks Increase?
2. Here, the monks, there are three sections of people and has three parts giving of alms recipients. What are the three parts belonged to the generosity? Here, the monks, who give alms, before giving, attention is kindly; while giving the mind is purified credit; after giving, feel happy. This is the third part of the alms. What are the three parts of the recipients of generosity? Here, the monks, the character of generosity, was dispassion or are practiced dispassion; was glass is practicing golf or golf cup; was cup or are practiced si si ly. This is the third part of the character of generosity. Such is the generosity of the three parts and three parts of those animals receiving alms. So, this, monks, is composed of six sections experimental animals.
3. Thus, the monks, really not easy to grasp the merits of a number of experimental animals such consists of six parts: "It was about being blessed source, the source being friendly, peaceful dishes, belonging Heaven, the independent horror optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable mind, happiness, peace "; so that both large archives are considered merit countless, innumerable. Just as, monks, the great ocean, it is not easy to grasp the amount of water and said: "There was some water barrels, or there was some hundred barrels of water, or water until then thousand barrels, or there was some hundred thousand barrels of water "; For that, the large volume of water is considered innumerable, immeasurable. Also, this, monks, it is not easy to grasp the amount of merit of an experimental six-part such objects: "It was about being blessed source, the source being friendly, peanut dish of Heaven, independent horror is optimistic results, leading to heaven, leading to pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, happiness "; so that the mass of merit is considered countless large, immeasurable.
Before giving, the pleasure,
When giving, credit center,
After giving, joy,
This ceremony full trial.
Dispassion and glass field,
Separated si, no contraband or,
Violations tame
As experimental field blessing ceremony.
If your self-purification,
Bell handedly,
Himself to the next life,
Le Thi So big results.
Le Thi So Wise,
With credit, freedom of mind,
No hatred, peace,
Hien ranks being in life.
1. Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to ask friends, sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his Brahmin venerable sir:
2 - Dear Venerable Gotama, I say the following, with knowledge as follows: "No do it yourself, not someone else do it."
 - Hey Brahmin, I never seen, never heard such words, such knowledge. Why people can themselves step forward, or step back yourself, to be able to say: "No do it yourself, no other people do"? What do you think, this Brahmin, there arises whether world? (There was a problem starting the start it?)
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
If there has been a start, the sentient beings have been stated to be starting it?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, had begun, the beings have been stated to be starting, this is the time to do it yourself, this is another of these beings do. What do you think, this Brahmin, and recommends the start ... there is ... there is gender initiate efforts with perseverance world ... world ... world have the cash flow or not?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, if there was a world coins, the sentient beings have stated there is no world coins?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, there was a world coins, these beings have stated that there is a world coins, this is the time to do it yourself, this is another of these beings do. This Brahmin, I never seen, never heard of such, such knowledge. Why can we again stepped forward himself, stepped back himself can say: "No do it yourself, not someone else do it."
 - It's rather wonderful, Venerable Sir Gotama! It's rather rare, said Venerable Gotama ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
§ (IX) (39) karmic
1. - There are three karmic this, this, monks, making the start up now. What are the three?
2. Join the karmic cause arises now. Golf is karmic cause arises now. Si is predestined that the start up now. This, monks, not from greed, not taking arises. This, monks, the words involved, only taking arises. This, monks, not from the field, the field does not arise. This, monks, the main from the field, only the courts arise. This, monks, not from ignorance, delusion does not arise. This, monks, the word si, si only arises. This, monks, is not due to take delivery from the industry, not by birth and now from the field, not by now from the delusion of birth, the gods are indicated, species specified person, or other species are in friendly letter. This, monks, the participation by the industry from birth, the birth by now from the field, from the delusion born by now, hell stated, animalzxy species specified, all kinds of ghosts are indicated, and other species are in the beast.
Here are three of conditions, this, monks, led now arises.
3. There are three karmic this, this, monks, making the start up now. What are the three?
4. Do not take the karmic cause arises now, is not that the pitch is predestined arises now, is not predestined led si arise now. Not from not participating, visiting arise. This, monks, the word is not involved, only not involved arises. This, monks, not from non-golf, golf arises. This, monks, the main from the field not only golf not arise. This, monks, not from non-si, si arises. This, monks, was from non si, si not only start up. This, monks, not by birth and now from not participating, not by the courts now from not being, not by birth and now from non-si, hell stated, animalzxy species specified, the hungry ghost realm are stated, and other species are in the beast. But the monks, the participation by non-professional from birth, major field by now from not being, the non-si karma from birth, the gods are clearly stated, The specified species, and other species are in animal friendly.
Here are three of conditions, this, monks, led now arises.
§ (X) (40) The venerable KIMBILA
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan residing in Kimbila, at Bamboo forest. Then venerable Kimbila go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable lord Kimbila:
2. - Buddha, so what's so what fate after death Tathagata, Dhamma long defunct?
3. - Here, this Kimbila, when the Tathagata passed away the monks, monks-ni, South laymen, laywomen live without reverence, without depending upon gurus; live it reverently, not depending upon France; live it reverently, not depending upon us Increase; live it reverently, not depending upon Hoc Justice; live it reverently, not depending upon no distractions; live it reverently, not depending upon reception. Kimbila this, this is the person, this is caused when the Tathagata coast death Noble did not survive long.
4. - Do What's, what conditioned the Tathagata's killing Noble is lasting?
5. Here, this Kimbila, when Bhagavan death, monks, nuns, monks-South laymen, laywomen live reverently depending upon gurus; live reverently depending upon France; depending upon their lives respectfully Increase; Learning to live reverently upon legal option; depending upon live reverently no distractions; depending upon live reverently welcomed. This is the, this is the charm, as Tathagata death Noble is lasting.
§ (XI) (41) WOOD PILE
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Venerable Sariputta residing in Rajagaha, at Mount Gijjhakuta. Then venerable Sariputta, morning robes, holding the bowl along with the majority y monks, went down the mountain Gijjhakuta. The venerable found in one place and that, an enormous pile of wood, saw it immediately said to the monks:
 - Hey Sage, the Sage has seen huge piles of wood that do not?
 - Dear Sage, you see.
2 - If you like, this the Sage, a clairvoyance monks, achieve self-interest can shop at (File No. Sallakkheyya; Winner, inclined, toward) the place was great woodpile. Wherefore? Because that has boundaries in his large wood pile, which he titled, clairvoyance, monks, achieve self-interest can shop at the local university was woodpile.
3. If desired, this the Sage, clairvoyance, monks, achieve self in mind, can shop big pile of wood that the water ... the fire ... the wind ... the net ... the impure. Wherefore? Because of that there is impure in his large wood pile, which he titled, clairvoyance, monks, achieve self in mind, he can shop the impure woodpile.
§ (XII) (42) The venerable NAGITA
1. Thus I heard:
One time Bhagavan are among the Kosala pedestrians, along with mass, monks went to a Brahmin village called Icchanangala. There, Exalted Icchanangala residing in forest clump Icchanangala. The Brahmin Householders in Icchanangala to hear: "The venerable Gotama is Like death, renunciation of their favorite family, came Icchanangala, Icchanangaka residing in forest clump Icchanagala. Venerable Gotama about him, good rumors following transmissions: "This is the Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment, Minh Hanh Tuc, celestial, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Truong Phu, Thien Sphinx, Bhagavan. Position with wins, he enlightened the world itself, along with Heaven, Brahma world, with us recluses, Brahmin, heaven and man species. After enlightenment, he claimed that he had discovered the theory, he preached what he had discovered. He teaches good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text. He taught the virtues perfectly adequate clean ". Rather nice, the admire an Arhat so! "Then the Brahmin Householders in Icchanangala, after you have accomplished night, carrying a lot of food types and kinds of soft hard, go to clump Icchanangala forest, after arriving, standing outside the entrance, and a loud high voice.
2. At that time, the venerable Nagita Bhagavan's attendant. Then Bhagavan told venerable Nagita:
 - Hey Nagita, who was high and loud sound as the fishermen are killing the fish?
 - The person, venerable sir, is the Brahmin Homeowners residing in Icchanangala standing outside the gate in the park, bring a lot of food types and kinds of hardware and software for our Exalted Increases.
 - Nagita Hey, I do not have nothing to do with fame and prestige not have any contact with me. This Nagita, who find difficulties or found with fatigue, find tranquility fees lost power, communications renunciation, tranquility optimism, enlightenment lost, but I have found no problems, found no fatigue, found no health fee, let them enjoy life was lost as feces, hypnotic touch, avaricious, reverently, identity documents lost.
 - Buddha, Bhagavan accept this! Auspicious accept! Bhagavan would come to this place, the spot that the Brahmin Householders in the town and at the national level will also come to mind towards offering. For example, the heavy rain had, and depending on the direction the water is flowing slope; too, venerable sir, the Blessed One will go to this place, the spot that the Brahmin Householders in the town and in the country will go to the well, the mind towards offering. Wherefore? Lord due because morality and wisdom of The Sun!
 - Nagita Hey, I do not have nothing to do with fame and prestige not have any contact with me. This Nagita, who find difficulties or found with fatigue, find tranquility fees lost power, communications renunciation, tranquility optimism, enlightenment optimism that I have found no problems, found no fatigue hard, find no health fee, let them enjoy life was lost as feces, hypnotic touch, avaricious, reverently, list communication documents.
3. Here, this Nagita, I saw a seated meditation monks in residence at the end of the village. This Nagita, about him, I thought as follows: "Now Valet garden or disruptive to your novice monks, making this taste out of Meditation". Therefore, this Nagita, I have no joy with the abode of him.
4. Here, this Nagita, I saw a sleeping monks sitting in the forest inferno. Nagita this, I thought about him as follows: "Now this, monks position, after the except sleep and fatigue, will work to achieve the idea of ​​single-mindedly forests". Therefore, this Nagita, we rejoice with forest abode of monks in it.
5. Here, this Nagita, I saw monks live in the forest, sitting meditation in the woods. This Nagita, for they, I thought: "Now, monks would not mind Meditation Meditation, or will protect Meditation Center has been." Therefore, this Nagita. I rejoice in the forest abode of monks in it.
6. Here, this Nagita, I saw monks living in forest sitting in the forest meditation center. This Nagita, for they, I thought: "Now, monks will escape". Therefore, this Nagita, I rejoice in the forest at the abode of his monks.
7. Here, this Nagita, I saw monks live at the end of the village, received items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, enjoy the avaricious, reverently, list her office, abandoned Meditation, abandoned the mountainous plateau abode far away, go down to the village, the town, the capital to care. Therefore, this Nagita, I can not rejoice in the end of the village abode of his monks.
8. Here, this Nagita, I saw monks living in the forests receive the essential items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatment, but stopped the avaricious, reverently, her identity document, not abandoned Meditation, not abandoned the mountainous plateau abode far away. Therefore, this Nagita, I rejoice in the forest at the abode of his monks.
But when I am walking on the road, in front of, I do not see anybody; back, I do not see anybody; in the meanwhile, I feel secure, this Nagita, until the issue goes to the toilet.
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden. Then Bhagavan morning robes, holding medicine bowl, went into Savatthi for alms. Alms in Savatthi finished, after meals, begging for food on the way back, he called the Venerable Ananda;
 - Hey Ananda, let us go to East Park, amphitheater Migara mother to lunch.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Then Bhagavan with Venerable Ananda went to East Park, seat amphitheater Migara mother. Bhagavan Then, in the afternoon, from Meditation stood up, called Venerable Ananda:
 - Hey Ananda, let us go to wash your hands to wash the feet Pubbakotthaka.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Then Bhagavan with Venerable Ananda went to wash the feet Pubbkotthaka to wash their hands. After washing hands washing feet in Pubbakotthaka finished, Bhagavan up standing on the shore, up a medical panel, exposed arms and legs dry.
2. At that time, Seta, the elephant of King Pasenadi Kosala, from Pubbokatthaka go out, with many hours of drums and loud music, people saw it then said: "Oh beautiful rather, his folks, children elephant of the king! Are seeing, His Excellencies, the elephant of the king! Comfortable rather, his folks, the elephant of the king! Full body instead, his folks, is the elephant of the king! Elephants, His Excellencies, the elephant was worth it! "When they heard that, venerable lord Udayi:
 - Buddha, the masses, because the elephant huge, massive, thick-skinned body says as follows: "The elephant, His Excellencies, the elephant was worth it!". Or find something else big, bulky, momentum should push their body says so: "The elephant, his folks, it deserves to be an elephant!"?
 - Hey Udayi, the elephant population so huge, massive, momentum ottoman body should say: "The elephant, he said the elephant was worth it!"
This Udayi, see ... Hey Udayi horses, cows ... Hey Udayi see, see ... Hey Udayi snake, found this tree ... Udayi, find great people, massive, with body push the momentum should say the following: "the elephant, his folks, it deserves to be an elephant!" But I declare that this Udayi, in this world with Makai gods, Brahma world, and the world this of recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, who have not committed a dear me, the words, the thoughts, the person I say: "he is an elephant."
 - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir. Bhagavan has cleverly say: "Hey Udayi, the gods of this world, the Makai, Brahma world, and this world with recluses, Brahmin, gods and men, who did not commit a major crime itself, the words, the mind, the person I say: "he is the elephant" ".
Buddha, this nice words of Bhagavan, I am rejoicing in the following verses:
Being self-conscious man,
Convince themselves, are intended,
Brahma is traveling,
Net credit mind, joy,
Along make all France,
He, humanity glass,
He, major gods.
He, I heard,
Level is Arhat.
All fetters pass,
Escape the woods, to Nirvana,
Happy to live in peace,
Leaving the desire,
As yellow drainage gravel.
Elephant was shining brightly,
Shone all,
As mountain snow painting,
Higher every rock.
Reach legs, supreme,
Overcoming all elephants,
I will compliment you elephant,
Do not do the crime,
Gentle and failures,
Two front paws,
Austerity and virtues,
Following two feet.
Trust is the heliotrope,
Double discharge residence white ivory,
Mindfulness is the elephant's neck.
Wisdom is the head of an elephant.
What if there thinking
Dharma is thinking
The abdomen is the legal capacity,
The tail is the renunciation of life,
He tu Meditation,
Rejoice in the breath,
With inner calm,
Meditation clever centering.
Elephant goes as meditation,
Elephant standing as meditation,
Elephant is the meditation,
Elephant is sitting meditation,
Elephant upholding all,
This fullness of elephants.
Elephants eat, no foul,
Having not eaten foul.
Get rice and clothing,
Decided to abandon contained,
The large and small fetters,
Sever all ties.
Where does he go,
He went no demand
Like the lotus flower,
Born and grew in the country,
No water was defiled,
Aroma pleasing people.
Likewise is the Buddha,
Ingenious birth, beyond death,
Life is not defiled,
Such as non-stick lotus water,
As large fire blazed,
No fuel itself off,
Who defuse the issue,
Called Career Net Naturalization.
This example multiple meanings,
Due to preach wise.
Tier dispassion, field glasses,
Separated si, no contraband or,
This elephant abandon yourself,
Death, not illegal either.
§ (II) (44) MIGASALA
1. Then in the morning Venerable Ananda robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode of Female lay Migasala; after arrival, were prepared to sit on the chair. sat to one side, lay Women said to Venerable Ananda Migasala:
2. - How, How, sir Venerable Ananda, need to understand this legal doctrine by the Exalted says (saying): "Both celibate and live without peer discounts are happy about being interesting in the future ? "Purana, the father of the child, venerable sir, celibate, living in isolation, away from inferior lewd, when common destiny Bhagavan replied:" as a Stream living with relatives in Tusita (head- interest) ". And Isidatta, my boy, sir venerable, not discounts happy life, is satisfied with his wife, after the joint par Bhagavan replied: "As a Stream, living with relatives in Tusita". How, how, venerable Ananda said, need to understand this legal doctrine by the Exalted says (saying): "Both celibate and live without peer discounts are happy about being interesting in the future"?
 - Hey Sister, so is the answer of Bhagavan.
3. Venerable Ananda after receiving alms food at home Female lay Migasala, from the seat up and go. Then Venerable Ananda, after meals, begging for food on the way back, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, in the morning the robes, holding the bowl y, go to the abode of Female lay Migasala, after arriving, I sat down on the seat was drafted. Migasala laywomen go to you, on arrival, bowed and sat down beside me. Sat to one side, venerable sir, Female lay Migasala said to me: "How, how, venerable Ananda said, need to understand this legal doctrine by the Exalted says (saying):" Both live Pham almond and almond discounts are living without peer on being interesting in the future. " Purana child's father, venerable sir, celibate, living in isolation, away from inferior lewd, when common destiny, is Bhagavan replied: "As a Stream, living with relatives in Tusita". And Isidatta, my boy, sir venerable, not discounts happy life, is satisfied with his wife, after a common destiny, is Bhagavan replied: "As a Stream, living with relatives in Tusita". How, how, venerable Ananda said, need to understand this law and live by the virtues are not virtues of being interesting peer in the future "? Asked so, venerable sir, I told Female lay Migasala: "Hey Sister, so is the answer of Bhagavan".
 - But this Ananda, who is Female lay Migasala foolish again, less intelligent, with ourselves as mothers, with mothers like her, to be able to understand the wins list among the people? This Ananda, there are six categories of people are present, exist in life. What is six?
4 - Here, Ananda, someone clever self-control, easy living, the Council Pham happy joyful living. He heard the French have an impact, more school work, can enter into knowledge, have attained the liberation. He shared network damage after the body rots toward fall, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go for wins.
5. Here, Ananda, someone clever self-control, easy living, the Council Pham happy joyful living. He heard the French have an impact, prime time learning more liberated. He shared network damage after the body towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the island to win, do not go rotten rotten. Here, Ananda, who measure measurement as follows: "The legal position is that's so, that's the law there is such a position; how in this sort of person, someone inferior, someone is winning magic? And by that measure, this Ananda, for the measure is not happy, is long suffering. Here, Ananda, this sort of person, smart self-control, easy living, the Council Pham happy joyful living. Legal status impact sounds, learn more impact, can enter into knowledge, evidence is the liberation. The former is more advanced, the more outstanding wins. Wherefore? Since this line of sending people out front. But nobody outside the Tathagata can know the difference? Therefore, this Ananda, do not have the people who measure the grades. Do not have taken the measure of the person class. This Ananda, dug holes for themselves as riders took the measure of the person class. Only I, the Ananda, can take the measure of the person or class of person I am.
6. Here, Ananda, who ranked conquer anger and pride, but occasionally take measures arises; with people, listening to the French no impact, no impact study much, can not enter knowledge, no evidence of liberation. This category was shared network damage after the body rots toward fall, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go for wins.
7. Here, Ananda, who ranked conquer anger and pride, but occasionally take measures arises; with people, listening to legal work, many have an impact study, may import knowledge, there is evidence of liberation. He shared network damage after the body towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the island to win, do not go to rot rotten ...
8. But here, this Ananda, who ranked conquer anger and pride, but sometimes border issue arises; with people, listening to the French no impact, no impact study much, can not enter knowledge, no evidence of liberation. This category was shared network damage after the body rots toward fall, not toward the enemy wins, just go to rot rotten, do not go to the enemy wins.
9. Here, Ananda, who ranked conquer anger and pride, but sometimes arise gate operator. With this person, listen impact measures, impact learning more, can import knowledge, evidence is the liberation. This category was shared network damage after the body towards the enemy wins, not towards rotten rotten, just go to the island to win, do not go to rot rotten. Here, Ananda, those who measure, measure as follows: "The legal position is that's so; the other is the legal position that's so. How do the people of this class of people is inferior, someone is winning magic? "And the measure does, this Ananda, for those who are not happy measurable, long-term suffering.
Here, Ananda, this category was cleverly self-control, easy living, the Council Pham happy joyful living. Legal status impact sounds, learn more impact, can enter into knowledge, evidence is the liberation. Rank this person, this Ananda, compared with the former group is more advanced, is winning more magic. Wherefore? Since this line of sending people out front. But nobody outside the Tathagata can know the difference? Therefore, this Ananda, do not have as a measure of people. Do not have taken the measure of the person class. This Ananda, dug holes for themselves as riders took the measure of the person class. Only I, the Ananda, can take the measure of this sort of person, or people like me.
And this Ananda, who is Female lay Migasala, the dense, opaque, with ourselves as mothers, with mothers like her, to be able to know the wins list among the people? This Ananda, there are six categories of people are present, exist in life. About how this Ananda, Purana achievement, not achievement Isidatta Precepts. So here, Purana has other interesting birth to birth of Isidatta interesting. Tue how this Ananda, Isidatta achievement, intellectual achievement was not Purana. So here, there Isidatta other animals born with birth of Purana interesting. Thus, this Ananda, both of whom have had a limb portion shortcomings.
§ (III) (45) POOR
1. - The poor, the monks, there must be a pain for people with desire in life?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - When a person does not have to own impoverished, living in need, to owe, owe him, this, monks, there must be a pain for people with desire in life?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - When a person does not have to own impoverished, destitute life after debt, to accept interest. Interest, this, monks, there must be a pain for people with lust in their life?
 - Ladies and yes, lord!
 - When a person is poor, the monks, no property, living destitute to accept interest, and when the deadline comes, do not pay interest, they urge, urge him. The urge, urge, the monks, there must be a pain for people with desire in life?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - When a person is poor, the monks, no property, living destitute, are urged, unable to pay, it follows on the heels tracing him. Being on the heels, being traced, this, monks, there must be a pain for people with desire in life?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - When a person is poor, the monks, no property, living in need, being under the heels, being traced, no repayment is, people began to tie him. The catch tied, the monks, there must be a pain for people with lust in their life?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - Hey, monks, thus poverty is a pain for people with desire in life; debtor is also a pain for people with lust in life; interest as well as the suffering of people with greed in life; being urged, urging also a pain for people with lust in life; was on the heels, being traced is also a pain for people with lust in life; arrested bound is also a pain for people with desire in life.
Also, the monks, who had no faith in the good behavior, no shame in the heart of dhamma, without the fear of good behavior, no effort for good behavior, no wisdom of good behavior; This person, this, monks, is called the poor, without property, living destitute in the Law of the saint.
2. Now the person, this, monks, poverty, no property, living destitute, had no faith in the good behavior, there is no shame in the heart of dhamma, without the fear of good behavior, no effort for good behavior, no wisdom in the friendly France, doing evil deeds of the body, doing evil deeds to words, doing evil deeds of thought. I called him as the debtor. He's hiding themselves by evil deeds, evil arises sex, want that: "We hope that no one knows we do", thinking: "I hope that no one knows we do", said: "We hope that no one I do know, "trying to influence the body, thought:" I hope that no one knows I do. " He, by the evil deeds of concealment ... word about the evil deeds, evil arises sex, want that: "We hope that no one knows we do", thinking: "I hope that no one knows we do" , trying to impact the body, thought: "I hope that no one knows I do." Here we call that: "Interest-added". And devout fellow virtues speak to him as follows: "Illustration has done so, with operating such facilities." This I say, he was urging, urging, and then went to go to the forest or a tree, or go to the house empty, evil evil-range, the current ownership with repentance. Here I called was on the heels, being traced.
3. Now the person, this, monks, poverty, no property, living destitute, after doing evil deeds of the body, after doing evil deeds to words, after doing evil deeds of what, when General network corrupt body, bound in bonds of hell, trapped in the bondage of birth eagle species. And this, monks, I do not see any ties other so harsh, so fierce back, the obstacles so as to attain the supreme peace from suffering, is the billion- pretentious, like bondage or bondage hell animalzxy species.
Poverty and debt,
Called suffering in life!
Ke impoverished debtors,
Its life, compromised,
Then people were hunted,
Until bound.
Thus binding is dukkha,
People to be sexual.
Thus the Holy Law,
Who live without faith,
No shame, fear,
The decision to choose evil.
After doing evil deeds,
Of body, words and thoughts.
Re looking forward to that:
"Do not anyone know that I do."
He cleverly concealed,
With the body, words and thoughts,
Doing evil growth,
Here, then, as well.
Property evil people, evil,
Knowing their evil doing,
As the poor in debt,
Its life, compromised.
The thought of suffering
Born from regret
Still tracing them,
In the village or in the forest.
Evil people, evil Property,
Knowing their evil doing,
Or fall into animalzxy,
Or hell bound.
This binding is dukkha
The wise are freed,
Who generosity of mind,
With widgets lawful,
Sow two lines for good luck,
Seek home credit,
The time now is happy,
Peaceful afterlife.
Such pilot house,
Growth of merit.
Thus the Holy Law
Dwell devotee.
There is shame, fear,
There location, protected sex,
His rank, the Holy Law,
Called "Live at peace".
Being optimistic does not matter,
Dwelling on the nature discharge.
Abandon the five hindrances,
Usually diligent, ardent,
Meditation evidence, Nhut mind,
Cautious, mindful.
It was known as such,
Eradicated all fetters,
Completely non-attachment,
Right feet, freedom of mind,
With his chief freed,
If such starting position;
"Real liberated us,
Organic cessation fetters ".
This position, the ultimate location,
This optimism, optimism supreme,
No sorrow, no ceiling structure,
Be secure, (liberation),
This state debt,
Is considered paramount.
1. Thus I heard:
One time, he came to stay at the CETI Mahacunda, at Sahajati. There, venerable monks Mahacunda call:
 - Hey Sage monks!
 - Dear Sage!
The monks did meet venerable Mahacunda yes. Venerable Mahacunda says the following:
2. - Here, this reverences, some monks dedicated to non-preferred method of Zen monks, said as follows: "The man said:" We meditation, our meditation " . They meditation, meditation them. Meditation What these people? These people benefit Meditation? Meditation These people look like? "Here, the monks dedicated legislative no joy, and Zen monks do not rejoice; Such actions do not bring happiness to many people, at peace for many people, do not give benefits, happiness, happiness for gods and men.
3. Here, the reverences, some Zen monks do not fancy the monks dedicated to Justice, said as follows: "The man said:" We specialize in legal mind, we dedicated legislative ". They removed and arrogance, oscillators, talkative, very mouth, talkative, forgetfulness, not awareness, not calm, wandering mind, relax the senses. These people concentrate on what measures? These people concentrate on what measures have benefits? These people concentrate on how the law? "Here, the Zen monks have no joy, and special training monks also not happy about the law; Such actions do not bring happiness to many people, at peace for many people, do not give benefits, happiness, happiness for gods and men.
4. But here, this reverences, with the monks dedicated to law, only praise the monks dedicated to the legal, do not praise Zen monks. And here, the monks dedicated to the law are not happy; Zen monks are not happy. Such actions do not bring happiness to many people, at peace for many people, do not give benefits, happiness, happiness for gods and men.
5. But here, this reverences, with the Zen monks praise only Zen monks, not praised monks for legal diligence. And here, the Zen monks are not happy; Monks dedicated to the law are not happy. So the office does not give happiness to many people, at peace for many people, do not give benefits, happiness, happiness for gods and men. Therefore, this reverences, need to study as follows:
6. "We are dedicated to the legal person, we'll praise Zen monks."
Reverences, reverences need to study it. Wherefore? Indeed, this reverences, the wonderful person that is hard to find in life, who feel immortal and dwell world body. Therefore, this reverences, need to study as follows:
7. "We are the meditation, we will praise the monks dedicated to law".
Hey reverences, reverences need to study it. Wherefore? Indeed, this reverences, the wonderful people in the world that is hard to find, people with intellectual path can enter and see the profound guide to the destination.
§ (V) (47) FOR THIS LIFE (1)
1. Then Du pagan officers went to the Bhagavan Moliyasivaka; after arriving, told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Du pagan officers Moliyasivaka lord:
 - France is the current practical, France is the current practical, venerable sir, is referred to as such. So how, venerable sir, the current approach is practical, no time, to come and see, able to raise up, was himself awakened intellect understand?
2. - This Sivaka So, here I will ask Mr; He stated endurance time can answer. What do you think, this Sivaka? Interior has participated, he has said: "I have participated Inner"? Introspective without arguments, he has said: "I do not have to participate Inner"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Sivaka, interior has participated, he has said: "I have participated Inner". Introspective without arguments, he has said: "I do not have to participate Inner". This Sivaka Thus, the present method is practical ... What do you think, this Sivaka? Inner courtyard ... (Ibid) ... What do you think, this Sivaka? Interior has si, He said: "Inner si we"? Or inner si no, He had said: "Inner si do not"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Sivaka, inner si, he had said: "Inner we si", or inner si no, He had said: "I do not mind si Noi". Thus, this Sivaka, the current solution is practical ... What do you think, this Sivaka? May take legal inner, inner courtyard ... or ... legal, legal or interior has si ..., He said: "I have si Inner measures"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hay si no legal introspective. He said: "Inner si have no legal"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Sivaka, inner si legal there, he had said: "I have si Inner measures", or inner si no law, he has said: "Inner measures have no delusion. "So this Sivaka, the current solution is practical, no time, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened wise people understand.
 - It's rather wonderful! .. Blessed One receive me as a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
§ (VI) (48) FOR THIS LIFE (2)
1. Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the Brahmin was lord:
 - France is the current practical, practical measures is proceeding, said Venerable Gotama, is referred to as such. So how, sir Venerable Gotama, the current approach is practical, no time, to come and see, able to raise up, was himself awakened wise people understand?
2. - So this Brahmin, here I will ask Mr. If he can answer endurance time; What do you think, this Brahmin? Introspective with craving, he has said: "Inner craving we"? Inner or no craving. He said: "The cabinet had no craving mind"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, inner craving there, he had said: "Inner craving we have." Or inner craving no, He had said: "The cabinet had no craving attention. "Thus, the Brahmin, the current approach is practical ... What do you think, this Brahmin? Interior have si "? Or inner si no, He had said: "Inner had no si"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, there si interior, He said: "I have si Inner. "Or inner si no, He had said:" I have no delusion Inner. "Thus, the Brahmin, the current approach is practical ... What do you think, this Brahmin? Friendly ... unclean inner, or inner with unclean ... or inner gate meant unclean, he had said: "I intend Inner unclean"? Or do not mean unclean interior, He said: "Inner UE did not mean ..."?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Hey Brahmin, inner meant unclean, he had said: "I intend Inner unclean". Or do not mean unclean interior, He said: "I had no intention Inner unclean". Thus the Brahmin, the current approach is practical, no time, to come and see, able to raise up, is a wise man understands himself awakened.
 - It's rather wonderful, sir ... Mong Ton Ton Gotama Gotama adoption as a lay disciple, from now to the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
§ (VII) (49) Khema
1. One time, Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. At that time, Venerable Sumana residing in Savatthi, at Andha forest. Then Venerable Khema and Venerable Sumana went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Khema venerable sir:
 - Buddha, monks are Arhat level, has the total extinction of cankers, Pham well succeeded, did the work to be done, laid down the burden, reached the purpose, possession fetters was annihilation, right knowledge liberation. He did not think: "There is a better person we" or "Someone like me" or "Someone inferior than us".
Venerable Khema said so, accept guru. Then Venerable Khema thought: "Bhagavan has accepted me." Venerable stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving. Venerable Sumana, when Venerable Khema gone soon, instant venerable sir:
 - Buddha, monks are Arhat level, has the total extinction of cankers, Pham well succeeded, did the work to be done, laid down the burden, reached the purpose, possession fetters was annihilation, right knowledge liberation. He did not think: "Some people do better," or "Someone like me," or "Someone inferior than us".
Venerable Sumana said so, gurus accepted. Then Venerable Sumana thought: "Bhagavan has accepted me." Venerable stood up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
2. Then Bhagavan, after Venerable Khema and Venerable Sumana gone in no time, immediately told the monks;
 - Thus, the monks, the voice-mail Good men right knowledge, it comes to the purpose, but does not mention self. However, in life some fools say arrogantly right knowledge triumphant. They later fell into hazardous.
No win, not inferior,
No one peer Me,
Such thoughts
Do not dominate the taste.
Being run over,
Be a member of dignity,
They abandoned the fetter,
Completely liberated.
1. - With no protection units, the monks, with hedge defective units went to the ruined world; with no gender, gender defect anyone, pastor to go to ruin. With no concentration, with one defect concentration, as true knowledge go to ruin. With no knowledge as truth, with one defective knowledge as truth, boring dispassion go to ruin. With boredom, detachment no, the boring one defect, dispassion, liberating knowledge go to ruin.
2. Just as, monks, a tree, with branches and leaves defective, the shoots did not come to the fullness, the bark does not come to the fullness of the tree is not going to sense fullness, not wood pulp go to perfection. Also, the monks, with no protection units, with protection of defect ... liberating knowledge base to go to ruin.
3. With the base is protected, the monks, with a full range of apartments are protected, go to the full instructions. To the present, with full instructions, go to the full concentration. With the right concentration to be present, with full concentration, such knowledge go to the full truth. With such knowledge actually available, with full knowledge as truth, boring complete dispassion come. With boredom, detachment is present, complete with boring dispassion, liberated to go to full knowledge.
4. Just as, monks, a tree with full branches and leaves, when the buds come to fullness, go to the fullness bark, tree come to sense fullness, tree cores come to perfection. Also, the monks, with base protection measures, with full protection of the base, go to the full world ... freed to go to full knowledge.
§ (IX) (51) Ananda
1. Then go to the Venerable Ananda Venerable Sariputta; after arriving, said to the Venerable Sariputta's words welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda said to the venerable Sariputta:
2. - So how, sir Sage Sariputta, monks heard previously unheard law, the law has been heard, do not go to the disorder, and for the previous method had been emotional center, they are still current, and he knew it did not previously know?
 - Venerable Ananda was the heard, he came to speak up!
 - Sage Sariputta, folks, listen and smart volition, I would say!
 - Ladies and yes, Sage.
The venerable Sariputta Venerable Ananda replied yes. Venerable Ananda said as follows:
3. - Here, sir Sage Sariputta, monks smoothly legal practitioners, ie scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will chant, inept self theory, as market theory, The birth, because of the increased property law, the ad location or address. He preached to others generously as were heard, as were school smoothly. He makes the others say such measures were widely heard, as were school smoothly. He chants broadly measures as were heard, as were school smoothly. He and centered depending range, depending quarterfinals, with the customary legal option as was heard, as has been memorized. At any abode elders, monks residing in, the more you hear, the file is transmitted Agama, Legal Career Tri, Tri law, Tri compendium, in that place, he settled in the rainy season, sometimes Rarely does the Venerable; after arriving, interviews, ask questions: "Venerable Sir, this is how? Meaning what is this? "The venerable expand what he has not been extended, exposing what has not been revealed, and for stretches difference, also the suspicion, the Venerable he explained the suspicion. Until such, Sage said Sariputta, monks hearing has not been heard, the law has been heard, do not go to the disorder, and for the previous method had been emotional mind, they are still current, and he knew it did not previously know.
4. - It's rather wonderful, sir Sage! Sage sir! It's rather rare, said Sage! Such clever to say, exactly what was Venerable Ananda speak. And our life over that venerable Ananda was accomplished six measures:
5. Venerable Ananda smoothly legal practitioners, ie scriptures, application procedure, Ky theory, I will chant, inept self theory, as market theory, The birth, because of the increased property law, or Phuong Tri advertising solutions. Venerable Ananda preach to others as widely heard, as were school smoothly. Venerable Ananda makes the other person speaks extensively measures as were heard, as were school smoothly. Venerable Ananda recited broadly legal, as were heard, as were school smoothly. Venerable Ananda range centered option, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option to have been heard, as has been memorized. Venerable Ananda, at any abode elders, monks residing in, the more you hear, the file is transmitted Agama, Legal Career Tri, Tri law, Tri compendium, in that place, Venerable Ananda settled in the rainy season, sometimes until they, after arriving, interviews, questioning: "Venerable Sir, this is how? Meaning what is this? "The venerable expand what he has not been extended, exposing what has not been revealed, and for stretches difference, also the suspicion, and he explained the doubt.
§ (X) (52) Since iron - EMPIRE - Separated
1. Then Brahmin Janussoni go to Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Brahmin Janussoni venerable sir:
2. - For Sat-insole-seat, sir Venerable Gotama, he wants something, something close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something, salvage something?
 - For Sat-imperial-town, the Brahmin, the property is desired, the access issue of intellectual power is the fulcrum, the trend is the earth, is an end in itself.
 - But for the Brahmin, said Venerable Gotama, wants something, something close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something, salvage something?
 - For the Brahmin, the Brahmin, the property is desired, the access issue of intellectual, technical note is the fulcrum, the trend sacrifices, end world is Brahma.
 - But for Homeowners, said Venerable Gotama, wants something, something close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something?
 - For Homeowners, the Brahmin, the property is desired, the access act of intellectual and professional is the fulcrum, job trends, achievements as a salvage job.
 - But for the woman, said to Venerable Gotama, wants something, something close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something, salvage something?
 - For women workers, the Brahmin, man is desired, operating makeup is accessible, the fulcrum is the children, the enemy is no trend, liberation is teleological.
 - But for the theft, said Venerable Gotama, hoping that something, anything close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something, salvage something?
 - For theft, the Brahmin, get the desired map, jungle (?) Is the access issue, chiefs as the fulcrum, darkness is the trend, do not see an end.
 - But for recluses, said Venerable Gotama, wants something, something close onions, fulcrum something, tend to something, salvage something?
 - For recluses, the Brahmin, patience is desired gentleness, wisdom is the access act, morality is the fulcrum, no property is the trend, Nirvana is the cure.
3. - It's rather wonderful, venerable Gotama said. It's rather bizarre, sir venerable Gotama! Venerable Gotama clear desire to know, access operator, fulcrum, trends and finality of the Sat-imperial-town, Venerable Gotama clear desire to know, access operator, fulcrum, trends, end of the three- la-subject ... the owner of ... of ... of the woman who stole ... of the recluses. It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! .. Hope Venerable Gotama adoption as a lay disciple, from now until the overall network lifetime devotion please!
§ (XI) (53) undistracted
1. Then a Brahmin went to Bhagavan; after arriving, told Bhagavan words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his Brahmin venerable sir:
2. - There is a certain method, said Venerable Gotama, is practiced, made for fullness, that covers legal and dwell two benefits; current benefits and future benefits?
 - There is a law, this Brahmin, is the practice, are making cover and fullness dwell two benefits; current benefits and future benefits.
 - A law that is what, sir venerable Gotama is practiced, made for fullness, that covers legal and dwell two benefits; current benefits and future benefits?
3. - No distractions, this Brahmin is a legal practice, is making prolific, and dwell spanning two benefits; current benefits and future benefits. For example, the Brahmin, that everyone has the footprint of certain types of pedestrians, all footprints that are recorded in the footprints of elephants photography. Elephant footprint called up her win in the footprints, too, this Brahmin, no distractions is a practiced approach, made for fullness, and dwell spanning two benefits; current benefits and future benefits. For as the Brahmin, in a house with a peaked, truss rafters are all pointed toward the roof, in favor of a peaked, gathered on a peaked, peaked called up her win in the material. Also, this Brahmin, no distractions ... For example, this Brahmin, who cut the grass while mowing the lawn, after grabbing the grass sign, immediately sliding back and forth grass, DAC up and down, beating the grass. Also, this Brahmin ... For example, this Brahmin, tufted branches severed mango, mango all branches that were sticking with the same fate with the other arm. Also, this Brahmin ... For example, this Brahmin that everyone has certain emirates, all depending King Who Turns the Wheel. Dharmaraja called up her win in the Kings. Also, this Brahmin ... For example, this Brahmin, the light of the stars, all the light the stars are not worth a tenth with six light of the moon. The light of the moon is called up wins in all light. Also, this Brahmin, no distractions is a practiced approach, made for fullness, and dwell spanning two benefits: benefits current and future benefits. This is a law, this Brahmin, is practiced, made for fullness, embraces and peace are two benefits; current benefits and future benefits.
 - It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! ... Please Venerable Gotama adoption as his disciples, now and for the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
1. One time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir) at Mount Gijihakuta (Vulture).
At that time, Venerable Dhammika born residing in his place and had seven abode spot was born. There, Venerable Dhammika for guests, monks, reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making them angry with those words. And the guests, monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making them angry and went away, without dwell and abandoned abode. Then the site lay-born, thinking as follows: "We have given them monks Increase requisites like robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, but the guests, monks walked away, no dwell and abandoned abode. Because what's, what conditioned, guests, monks walked away, no dwell, abandoned abode? "Then lay in place born thinking:" Yes Venerable Dhammika reviled guests Rate this -kheo, rebuke, brain damage, satire, making them angry with those words. Hotels monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making angry with the words, throw it away, no dwell, abandoned abode. So let's invite Venerable Dhammika away. "Then the spot lay born Venerable Dhammika go; after arriving, said to Venerable Dhammika: "Venerable Sir, Venerable Dhammika abandon this abode. Venerable stay here was just enough. "
2. Then the Venerable Dhammika abandon his abode, go to a different residence. There, Venerable Dhammika reviled guests, monks, rebuke, brain damage, satire, making angry with the words. And the guests, monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making angry with the words, immediately leave, not to dwell, and abandoned abode. Then lay in place born thinking as follows: "We have given them monks of essential items, like robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, but the visitors monks to leave, do not dwell, abandoned abode. Because what's, what conditioned, guests, monks walked away, no dwell, abandoned abode? "Then lay in place born thinking:" Yes Venerable Dhammika reviled guests Rate this -kheo, rebuke, brain damage, satire, making them angry with those words. Hotels monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, should leave, no dwell, abandoned abode. So let's invite Venerable Dhammika go to another place. " Then lay on the spot went to venerable born Dhammika; after arriving, said to Venerable Dhammika: "Venerable Sir, Venerable Dhammika abandon this abode. Venerable stay here was just enough. "
3. Then Venerable Dhammika abandon his abode, go to another country. There, Venerable Dhammika reviled guests, monks, rebuke, brain damage, sarcastic, angry with speech. And the guests, monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making angry with words, immediately leave, no dwell and abandoned abode. Then lay in place born thinking as follows: "We have given them monks of essential items such as robes, alms food, couch, pharmaceutical treatments, but the visitors Billion -kheo to leave, do not dwell, abandoned abode. Because what's, what conditioned, guests, monks walked away, no dwell, abandoned abode? ". Then lay in place born thinking: "Yes Venerable Dhammika This reviled, rebuked, brain damage, satire, making them angry with those words. Hotels monks were Venerable Dhammika was reviled, rebuked, brain damage, sarcastic, angry with the words, throw it away, no dwell, abandoned abode. So let's invite Venerable Dhammika left entirely at ground abode seven born ". Then lay the ground born Venerable Dhammika go; after arriving, told Venerable Dhammika: "Venerable Sir, Venerable Dhammika please leave entirely at ground abode seven born".
4. Then Venerable Dhammika thinking: "I was born lay people invited to leave the land altogether seven spot abode born land. I will go in place yet? Let us go to Bhagavan ". Then Venerable Dhammika took care bowl, left, navigate to § Rajagaha (Rajgir), gradually go to Mount Gijihakuta (Vulture) at Rajagaha; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told Venerable Dhammika sitting down on one side:
 - Hey Brahmin Dhammika, He came from?
 - Buddha, lay the site was born invited to leave the land altogether seven land site abode born!
 - Well, just then, the Brahmin Dhammika! This event, for He unharmed! Although they have invited Mr. abandoned in public places, where, after having abandoned that place, that place, he went to near me!
5. In the past, this Brahmin Dhammika, sea traders bring a bird to the shore, when they take the train to the sea. When the ship away, did not see the shore, they released birds to seek the shore. Birds fly eastward, westward flight, flying north, flying toward the south, flying toward On, flying toward the corner. If it sees the banks around, it flew well. If it does not see the shore around, it's returned to the ship flying. Also, this Brahmin Dhammika, though they have invited Mr. abandoned in public places, where, after having abandoned that place, that place, he went to near me.
6. In ancient times, this Dhammika Brahmin king Koravya a princess named Suppatittha eagle tree, this tree has five branches, shaded calm, very positive reviews. This Brahmin Dhammika, princess tree Suppatittha eagle spreading out due to twelve weeks, the roots spread till by week. This Brahmin Dhammika, tropical almond tree with fruits Suppatittha Princess big, as big as the pot; the fruit so sweet, innocent and sweet as honey. This Dhammika Brahmin king with the women's enjoyment of an almond tree branches Suppatittha princess; Army enjoyed a spike; the recluses, Brahmin enjoying a spike; mammals, birds enjoying a spike. This Brahmin Dhammika, no one left the plant protection Suppatittha Princess eagle, and no one is hurt because the fruit together. Then the Brahmin Dhammika, a person having eaten to the delight of the fruit of the tree eagle Suppatittha princess, immediately breaking the branches and leaves. Then the Brahmin Dhammika, the lord God residing in eagle tree Suppatittha thinking as follows: "It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is rare, venerable sir, humans until such evil! After eating to delight the fruit of the tree eagle Suppatittha lord, the breaking of a branch and walked off! So let there be no trees eagle Princess Suppatittha more fruit in the future! "Then the Brahmin Dhammika, tree fruit eagle Princess Suppatittha not anymore in the future. This then Dhammika Brahmin king Sakka all Koravya go to God; after arrival, all Sakka said to God: "Venerable you know? Princess eagle tree fruit Suppatittha not anymore! "Then the Brahmin Dhammika, God performed miracles all Sakka, causing heavy rain kicked up, making eagle tree and pop princess Suppatittha down roots. This Brahmin Dhammika, the lord God residing in eagle tree Suppatittha suffering, sorrow, tears filled his face, weeping, stood aside. This Brahmin Dhammika, then God all Sakka, after arriving, said to the Lord God residing in eagle tree Suppatittha as follows:
"- Why, God is the other position, Mr. back pain, sorrow, tears filled his face, weeping, stood to one side?
"- Venerable Sir, with rain starting to wind up, and make my abode seat falls down and roots up.
"- Hey you there God, is he being kept legal crops, but the rain was starting up big, as the abode of the fallen and he turned up the roots?
"- How, venerable sir, a tree ... a tree to be preserved as legal?
"- Here is your God there, who needs to take root roots go, who needs to take the bark peel off. Those who need to take leaves off leaves. Those who need to get cotton cotton go. Those who need to take the left to go left. Thus, there is nothing to make a God is not happy, not happy. Thus, as a tree as a tree preservation measures.
"- Venerable Sir, I have not kept a legal tree, when her big rains start up, make my abode place down roots and turn up!
"- Hey you there God, if He kept legal crops, the abode of He will be as it was.
"- Venerable Sir, the law will preserve the tree, hoping that my abode be as it was.
Then God performed miracles all Sakka caused heavy rain to erect the tree eagle god and heal the roots.
Also, this Brahmin Dhammika, He has kept legal recluses, when the spot layman born inviting abode He went from seventh spot not born?
 - How, venerable sir, is a recluse preserve legal recluses?
 - Like this, the Brahmin Dhammika, here, a recluse without lashing out again who upbraided her, no anger angered his people, who do not have rebuked his rebuke . Thus, this Brahmin Dhammika, the monks preserve legal recluses.
 - Venerable Sir, I do not keep the legal recluses who lay on the spot invites children born completely away from the spot seven abode was born.
7. - In ancient times, this Brahmin Dhammika, a foreign teacher named Sunettto (Dieu Label) was renunciation of sex. This Brahmin Dhammika, foreign teachers have hundreds of disciples Sunetto. Foreign teachers lecture on stem Sunetto residing in Brahma world for the disciple. Those who listen to foreign masters lectured on stalks Sunetto reside in Brahma world, the Brahmin Dhammika, the mind is not happy, the body damage after he was born in the realm of general network data, the Beast, fall origin, hell. And those who, this Brahmin Dhammika, foreign masters Sunetto heard a lecture about stem residing in Brahma world, happy mind, the body, after he was born into the general network septic animal charity, Heaven, this world. In ancient times, this Brahmin Dhammika, have foreign masters ... named Mugapakkha have foreign masters ... named Aranemi have foreign masters ... with foreign Kuddalaka called guru named Hatthipala .. . having foreign masters were named Jotipala renunciation of sex ... is born in good fun, Heaven, this world. What do you think, this Brahmin Dhammika for six foreign masters had the sexual renunciation, or for hundreds of disciples of the congregation, he, who with defiled mind, reviled and rebuked charge, so there arises no more unfortunate?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
8. - Indeed, this Brahmin Dhammika, for six foreign masters had the sexual renunciation, or for hundreds of disciples of the congregation he, who with defiled mind, reviled , rebuked, there arise many very blessed. And who, for the full taste right view, the defiled mind, reviled, rebuked, so many countless blessings arising out more. Wherefore? We declare that this Brahmin Dhammika, the harm to such foreign masters by damage if not treated with dignity, the same. Therefore, this the Brahmin Dhammika, need to learn the following:
9. "We will not have to mind defiled of dignity". This Brahmin Dhammika, the He needs to learn the same.
The Brahmin status,
As Master Sunetto,
Master Mugapakkha,
And Aranemi,
Master Kuddalaka,
And Hatthipala,
Master Jotipala,
And Master Govinda,
Saturday is international lawyers.
After you taste this,
As even the reputation,
The past does not harm anyone,
Exit stinking, compassion,
Fetters sexual liberation,
Sexual craving escapism,
Achieving gender Brahma.
And the disciples,
The number to act hundred,
Exit stinking, compassion,
Fetters sexual liberation,
Sexual craving escapism,
Achieving gender Brahma.
Her pagan hermit,
Dispassion, Meditation Center,
If the defiled mind,
Does anyone upbraided them,
Such people create,
A lot of the countless blessings.
For a disciple of the Buddha,
Monks have the right view,
If the defiled mind,
Does anyone he yelled,
Such people create,
Many more infelicitous
Do not offend good grades,
Abandon is originating,
St. ultimate in them,
He called that.
Who has not isolate sexual,
Five units are soft,
Tin, conception and diligence,
With only and with consistency,
If he miffed,
First to hurt yourself,
After self-defeating,
Back harm to others,
Who protect themselves,
Appearance is also protected,
Therefore, to protect themselves,
Wise unharmed.
§ (I) (55) SONA
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir) mountain Gijjhakuta (Vulture). At that time the venerable Sona residing in Rajagaha, in the forest Sita. Then venerable Sona, while solitude Meditation, following the thought arises: "Who is Exalted disciple, living ardent effort, we are one of these persons. But we still cling, not the mind liberated from taints. Families have the property, and we can enjoy life assets and do merit. So let's abandon legal Learning, disrobed, enjoying life and property of merit ". Then Bhagavan with his mind knows the mind of the venerable Sona, as an arm athlete stretching or shrinking shrinking outstretched arm, disappeared from the mountain Gijjhakuta, appeared before venerable Sona, in SITA forest. Bhagavan sat down on the seat was drafted. Venerable Sona bowed, then sat down on one side. Bhagavan told venerable Sona sat in:
 - Hey Sona, whether in solitude while Master Meditation, following the thought arises: "Who is Exalted disciple, living ardent effort, we are one of these persons. But we still cling, not liberating the mind cankers. Families have assets, we can enjoy life and do that fortune merit. So let's abandon legal Learning, disrobed, enjoying life and property of merit "?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - What do you think, this Sona? Are erstwhile espoused as Homeowners, good guitar teacher Pi - she wired?
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
 - What do you think, this Sona? When the strings Pi - she's overwhelmed me, while he, above spleen - the teacher she can pronounce or use it?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - What do you think, this Sona? When the strings Pi - she of me too slack, while he, above spleen - the teacher she can pronounce or use it?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - But this Sona? When the strings Pi - she's not overwhelmed me, not too loose down, but turn right on average, in the meanwhile, the lead - the teacher she can pronounce or use it?
 - Ladies are, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Sona, when ardent effort too stressful, time taken to fluctuate; when ardent effort too passive, time taken to idleness. Therefore, this Sona, I must dwell equally diligent, can enter the base equitably, and in general it holds.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Sona Bhagavan replied yes. Then at the end when the Catholic world with the words of Venerable Sona world, like a stretched arm athlete is shrinking, or shrinking outstretched arm, too, Bhagavan and disappeared in the forest Sita out in Gijjhakuta mountains.
2. Then the venerable Sona, after a dwell time equally diligent, can enter the base equitably and in general it holds. Then venerable Sona living in solitude, tranquility, no distractions, zealous, ardent, not long, so what purpose the right feet Good men ordained death abandons family life is not, he soon in current, position themselves to win enlightenment and attained supreme ultimate virtue. He clearly said: "Sanh took advantage, Pham well have, and what should be done is done, no more callbacks this state." Venerable Sona became an Arhat. After evidence was Arhat, Venerable Sona thinking as follows: "Let us go to Bhagavan; after arriving, I will say this meaning with Bhagavan ". Then venerable Sona went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed, then sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Sona venerable sir:
3. - Buddha, monks level is Arhat, was total annihilation of defilements, Pham well succeeded, did things to do, laid down the burden, reached the goal, fetters were organic eradication, has been freed by right knowledge; he has six seats to the trend, the trend renunciation, renunciation trend, trend adosa, charity tends kill, kill craft trends, trends amoha.
4. Buddha, can here, some venerable thoughts as follows: "There is absolutely venerable medicine only on credit basis, tend renunciation". You did not have the venerable such views! Monks were taints annihilation, lord, virtues became, the thing to do was done, no longer see the need to do something themselves also, also need to do something more; by cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to renunciation; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he centripetal tendency to renunciation; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to renunciation.
5. Buddha, can here some venerable thoughts as follows: "Illustration by avaricious desire, respect, fame should centripetal trend renunciation". Venerable does not tend to be so! Buddha, monks had to make an end of cankers, accomplished virtues, did the work to be done, no longer see in her what to do or need to do something more; by cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to renunciation; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he centripetal tendency to renunciation; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to renunciation.
6 - 9. Buddha, can here some venerable thoughts as follows: "Do come back at precepts player wins, this venerable radial adosa trend". Venerable he shall have no such views! Buddha, monks had to make an end of cankers, accomplished virtues, did the work to be done, no longer see in her what to do or need to do something more; by cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he radial adosa trends; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he radial adosa trends; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he centripetal trend adosa ... Do cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to destroy affinity; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he centripetal tendency to destroy affinity; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to destroy charity ... Do cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he centripetal tendency obvious to kill; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he centripetal tendency obvious to kill; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he centripetal tendency to kill players. Due to the cessation of craving, craving by renunciation, he radial amoha trends; by cessation of yard, renunciation by the courts, he radial amoha trends; by cessation si, si by renunciation, he radial amoha trends.
10. Thus, the monks have liberated mind right feet, venerable sir, if many eyes perceive color by going into the horizons of the eyes, they did not conquer his mind, and his mind is not cluttered , dwell, achieved without wavering, see nature destroyed our shop. If multiple languages ​​by ear ... if more flavor perception by nasal perception ... if so many tongues ... if more emotional perception by itself ... if more legal awareness by the perception goes into horizons of the world, they did not conquer his mind, and his mind is not cluttered, dwell, achieved without wavering, see nature destroyed our shop.
11. For example, venerable sir, a rocky islet, no cracks, no empty bladder, a large rock, from the East if heavy rain comes, without stirring, shaking, movement his strong rock. If from Western heavy rain ... if from the north to heavy rain from the north to ... if heavy rain does not have to vibrate, shake, rock movement was strong.
Likewise, venerable sir, with the monks have liberated mind right feet, if many eyes perceive color by going into the horizons of eyes, they did not conquer his mind, and his mind is not cluttered, dwell, achieved without wavering, see nature destroyed our shop. If multiple languages ​​by ear ... if more flavor perception by nasal perception ... if many perceived by the tongue ... if more emotional perception by itself, if taken by the perception many go into the horizons of reviews, we did not conquer his mind, and his mind is not cluttered, dwell, achieved without wavering, see nature destroyed our shop.
With one direction of renunciation,
Mind renunciation trend,
Who adosa direction,
Removal Centre obvious trend,
Removal instructions loving anyone,
Mind amoha trends,
Having seen the land arise,
Secretarial liberated mind.
With an Secretarial liberation,
You monks of mind,
No need to do anything,
Nothing to do.
As the mountain rock,
Wind can not oscillate,
Also, all colors,
Taste, sound, and taste, touch,
Until all legal,
Endearing, not lovable,
None can fluctuate,
A so,
Stay steadfast mind, liberation,
See the nature of their kill.
§ (II) (56) PHAGGUNA
1. At that time, Venerable Phagguna sick, the suffering, the disease is important. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, venerable Phagguna sick, the suffering, the disease is important. You instead, venerable sir, please go to the venerable Exalted Phagguna, because kindness introspection.
Bhagavan quietly accepted. Then Bhagavan in the afternoon, from where Meditation stood up, went to the venerable Phagguna. Venerable see Bhagavan remote Phagguna go, saw it, wanted to get out of bed. Then Bhagavan told venerable Phagguna:
 - Okay, Phagguna! Thay can not get out of bed. There have already predefined seats, I will sit at that place.
Bhagavan then sat down on the seat was drafted. Once seated, the Blessed One told the venerable Phagguna:
 - Hey Phagguna, hoping that I could patience! Hopefully I can bear! We hope that the unpleasant is minimized, no growth! Hopefully minimize symptoms was evident, do not grow!
 - Buddha, I can not endurance. Children can not tolerate. Human growth unpleasant, no mitigation. Symptoms of growth is evident, without minimizing! Buddha, such as an athlete who beheaded (another person) with a sharp sword; too, venerable sir, the terrible wind blew up, throbbing pain in my head. Venerable sir, I can not patience, I can not endure. Increasing the suffering of life, no mitigation, increased symptoms are evident, no mitigation. Buddha, as an athlete who took a hard leather belt wrapped round his head and tightened; too, venerable sir, I felt a terrible headache. Venerable sir, I can not patience, I can not endure, suffering increasing human life, no mitigation. Increased symptoms are evident, no mitigation. Buddha, as a skillful butcher or butcher disciples abdomen cut with a sharp steak knives; too, venerable sir, a terrible wind that cut across my belly. Venerable sir, I can not patience, I can not endure. The size of the increase in life expectancy, no mitigation, increased symptoms are evident, no mitigation. Buddha, such as the two athletes, after holding the arm of a weaker, grilled him, burned him on a flaming pit coal; too, venerable sir, a terrible heat arises in my body. Venerable sir, I can not patience, I can not endure. The size of the increase in life expectancy, no mitigation, increased symptoms are evident, no mitigation.
Then Bhagavan, the Dharma, says the Venerable Phagguna know, encouragement, making excited, makes joy, from the seat, got up and left.
2. The venerable Phagguna Then, after Bhagavan gone in no time, immediately shared destiny. While he came to death, the apartment is bright. Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Buddha, venerable Phagguna, after Bhagavan gone soon, has shared destiny. While venerable common destiny, the apartment is bright.
 - Hey Ananda, why the base of the venerable incandescent Phagguna not you? This Ananda, with monks Phagguna, attention has not been liberated from the five lower fetters. After hearing the law, his mind is liberated from the five lower fetters. There are six benefits, this Ananda, if timely measures listening, monitoring and evaluating the meaning in time. What is six?
3. Here, Ananda, monks have not been liberated from the center five lower fetters, while he shared network, see Bhagavan. Exalted sermon for him, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means, with text, enhanced life completely celibate chastity fully. After listening to the sermon, his mind is liberated from the five lower fetters. This is the first benefit, the Ananda, to hear legal right time.
4. Again, Ananda, monks and centered not been liberated from the five lower fetters, while he shared destiny, not seen Bhagavan, but only seen Tathagata disciples. Tathagata disciples preached for him, good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means, with text, enhanced life completely celibate chastity fully. After listening to the sermon, his mind is liberated from the five lower fetters. This Ananda, this is the second benefit to hear legal right time.
5. Again, Ananda, monks and centered not been liberated from the five lower fetters, while he shared destiny, not see the Tathagata, nor be found disciples of Tathagata. But with interest depending range, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option as has been heard, as has been learned through a smooth; so he, with custom center range, depending quarterfinals, with the customary legal option as was heard, as has been learned through a smooth, so the mind is freed from the five lower fetters. This Ananda, these are benefits when assessing damage Tuesday timely significance.
6. Here, Ananda, monks to mind was freed from the five lower fetters, but interest has not freed for medical supreme being eradicated, while he shared destiny seen Tathagata. And Tathagata sermon for him, good ... highly preliminary celibate life fulfilled purity. After listening to the sermon, his mind was freed on medical supreme being annihilated. This Ananda, this is the benefit Wednesday to hear the legal right time.
7. Again, Ananda, monks to mind was freed from the five lower fetters, but interest has not freed for medical supreme being eradicated, while he shared network not see the Tathagata, only see disciples of the Tathagata. Tathagata disciples preached for him, good preliminary, intermediate good, good post ... uphold the holy life fulfilled purity. After listening to the sermon, his mind was freed on medical supreme being annihilated. This Ananda, these are benefits Thursday to hear legal right time.
8. Again, Ananda, monks to mind is freed from the five lower fetters, but interest has not freed for medical supreme being eradicated, while he shared destiny not see the Tathagata, also not seen Tathagata disciples. But with interest depending range, depending quarterfinals, with the custom shop as has been studying measures smoothly, with interest because he customized range, depending quarterfinals, consistent with the legal option as were heard, as were school smoothly, should the mind is freed to supreme being eradicated this medicine. This Ananda, this is the benefit Friday when police meaningful evaluation time.
There are six benefits, this Ananda, to hear legal right time, and they are monitoring meaningful evaluation time.
1. One time, Bhagavan § residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Mount Gijjhakuta (Vulture). Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
2. - Buddha, Purana Kassapa venerable birth presented six categories: ferrous birth, birth blue type, red being kind, being gold, white being kind, being kind of very white. Here, venerable sir, this is due Purana Kassapa ferrous birth presents: "The killer sheep, pig killer, killer birds, animal hunters, who are violent, the fisherman, thief, thief murder, hell good guys and others under brutal occupation. " Here, venerable sir, this is the kind of blue because Purana Kassapa being presented: "The monks live as thorns in the side of the grass, and all those other undertakings comment karma, karma argument". Here, venerable sir, this is the red type by Purana Kassapa being presented: "The Ni-devout - to death and those who wear a shroud." Here, venerable sir, is the Purana Kassapa being gold by the presentation: "The Homeowners and disciple people naked." Here, venerable sir, this is the kind of white being presented by the Purana Kassapa: "The evil pagan networks and their followers." Here, venerable sir, this is the best kind of birth Purana Kassapa white by presenting: "Nanda Vaccha, Kisa Sankicca and Makkhali Gosala". Buddha, born six Purana Kassapa these as presents.
3. - Hey Ananda, is the world agreed to accept the presentation of six Purana Kassapa's birth this kind do not?
 - No, venerable sir.
 - This example Ananda, a poor, without property, living destitute, oil reluctant, unwilling, that they had put a piece of meat to him and said, "Let's eat this meat, this other person, and always pay. " Also, this is Ananda Purana Kassapa's statement about the birth of this type for the six recluses, was Brahmin, are not they agree, as by a fool, not clever, not knowing proper applications, immoral. This Ananda, I proclaim the birth of six categories, hear and skillful attention, I will say:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Hey Ananda, how is six being kind?
4. Here, Ananda, there is some kind of black birth, born of the black law. But here, this Ananda, there are some measures being born black and white categories. Here, Ananda, has some kind of birth Nirvana born black, not white not black. Here, Ananda, there are some measures being born black and white categories. Here, Ananda, there are some measures being born white white type. Here, Ananda, has some kind of birth Nirvana born white, not black and not white. And this, Ananda, how are some measures being Ferrous born black?
5. Here, Ananda, there are some people born into poor families, families or families who dumped hunters or bamboo knit family, who played a car or home, or family sweeper, or in a poor family, difficult to find a bar to live, food is hard to find for wear. And he is ugly, hard look, dwarf low, many sick, blind one-eyed, disabled, meager, lame, or go crooked, do not get food, drinks, clothing, vehicles, garlands, incense, wax chalk, berth, and the lamp housing. He makes evil deeds of the body, doing evil deeds to words, to do about the evil deeds. Him by doing evil deeds of the body, the words, the mind, the body, after birth and into the realms havoc common data network, the Beast, deprivation, in hell. Thus, this Ananda, is born of ferrous grades born black law. And this Ananda, how is born of ferrous grades born white legal?
6. Here, Ananda, ranked people born in poor families ... place is located, and the lamp housing. He made good deeds of the body, doing good deeds for words, doing good deeds for attention. Him by doing good deeds of the body, the words, the mind, the body, after birth and into the realms damage healthy public network, Heaven, this world. Thus, this Ananda, is born of ferrous class legal born white. And this Ananda, how is born of ferrous grades born Nirvana, not black not white?
7. Here, Ananda, ranked people born in poor families ... and that person is ugly, hard look, low dwarf. He, having shaved, covered robes, joined the family left, no family life. So he left home, after paragraph take five hindrances, the strategy makes soot fetters of the mind with wisdom, stay centered on four foundations of mindfulness, Seven realistic practice enlightenment, Nirvana not born black uncoated. Thus, this was the sort of birth ferrous Ananda born Nirvana, not black not white. And this Ananda, how is the legal birth born black and white type?
8. Here, Ananda, who was born in-class noble family, Sat-imperial family-seat of great wealth or family Brahmin wealthy businessmen, or in the family of great wealth Homeowners , and rich, with big money, big property, with more gold and silver, have many assets, widgets, more money and grain. He re-handsome, good looking, cute, beautiful skin tone, beautiful. Now he was eating food, beverages, clothing, vehicles, garlands, spices, wax chalk, berth, shelter, torch lights. He makes evil deeds of the body, doing evil deeds to words, to do about the evil deeds. Him by doing evil deeds of the body, by doing evil deeds to words, by doing evil deeds of the mind, body damage after public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, parish director, hell. Thus, this Ananda, is class legal birth born black and white categories. And this Ananda, how is white type classes being born white law?
9. Here, Ananda, who was born in-class noble family, Sat-imperial family of great wealth-seat ... shelter, torch lights. He made good deeds of the body, doing good deeds for words, doing good deeds for attention. Him by doing good deeds of the body, by virtue of the words do, by virtue of what to do after the body damage the public network to improve animal birth, Heaven, this world. Thus, this Ananda, as types of classes being born white and white approach. And this Ananda, how is white type classes being born Nirvana, not black not white?
10. Here, Ananda, who was born in-class noble family, Sat-imperial family of great wealth-seat ... shelter, torch lights. He, having shaved, covered robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. So he left home, after paragraph take five hindrances, the strategy makes soot fetters of the mind with wisdom, stay centered on four foundations of mindfulness, Seven realistic practice enlightenment, Nirvana not born black uncoated. Thus, this type of white born Ananda was born classes Nirvana, not black not white.
This Ananda, these six being kind.
§ (IV) (58) taints
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, is unsurpassed field of merit in the world. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks for protection due to illegal or that was the exception, they have been protected by the exception; for contraband or to use that because life is the exception, they have been cut through by the use life; for contraband or have patience because that is the exception, they have been cut through by the endurance; for contraband or to avoid that by being the exception, they have been cut through by ducking; for the eradication of illegal or that is due to the exception, they are the exception because of eradication; for contraband or practice which is due to the exception, they are the exception because of practice. And this, monks, how is the protection due to illegal or that was the exception, they have been protected by the exception?
3. Here, the monks, monks feet close enlightenment, living with a protective hedge eyesense. This, monks, if monks did not live with the protective hedge eyesense, devastating taints and brain temperature may arise. If he lives with the protective hedge eyesense, devastating taints and brain temperature was no more. Area police enlightenment feet, life protection with protective ear-base ... with live hedge hedge hedge billion units ... live with the damage based hedge ... live with the hedge protection body Apartments ... live with the hedge protection base. This, monks, if monks did not live with the hedge-base protection, and destruction of pirated or brain temperature may arise. If he lives with hedge hedge-base, the devastating and illegal or brain temperature was no more. This, monks, if life does not hedge with protection units, the illegal or destructive and brain temperature may arise. If living with a protective hedge units, so taints the brain temperature was devastating and can not arise.
This, monks, is called the taints that should be protected by the exception, they have been protected by the exception. And this, monks, how is the feeling caused by gonorrhea or use that is the exception, they are the exception because of the life time?
4. Hey, monks, here, enlightenment monks feet expectancy police costumes used only to prevent air, preventing heat, preventing the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, the reptiles, solely for the purpose of covering up the shame. He used his feet expectancy police enlightenment alms dish, not to have fun, not for passion, not for jewelry, not for their beauty itself, but only to this body may be long and covered nursing, for this body from being pitied, to support Pham happy, think: "Thus, we eliminate the old feelings and not give rise to new sensations, and we will not have mistakes, life is peace. He used his feet enlightenment couch watching life just to prevent air, preventing heat, preventing the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, reptiles, only for the purpose of living in solitude Security the provincial. He enlightenment feet expectancy police used a pharmaceutical treatment, just to prevent the feeling of anguish was born to be completely cup size. This, monks, if he is not feeling right feet while watching life as such, illegal or destructive and brain temperature may arise. If he has his feet while watching life enlightenment as such, illegal or destructive and brain temperature was no more.
This, monks, is called the taints that should be used by Life rid of, they are the exception because life use. And this, monks, how are illegal or have patience because that is the exception, they are the exception because of patience?
5. Hey, monks, monks here have close endurance enlightenment feet warm cold, hunger and thirst, the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, solar heat, reptiles, endurance ways said vilification defamation, he has endurance qualities of body sensations, feelings anguish, intense, throbbing, aching not happy, not amused, was dumbfounded. This, monks, if he can not afford such rings, and taints the devastating brain temperature may arise. If he endurance thus taints devastating and brain temperature was no more.
This, monks, is called the cankers have patience because that is the exception, they have been cut through by patience. And this, monks, how are illegal or that must be avoided is the exception, they have been cut through by avoiding?
6. Hey, monks, here monks closely enlightenment feet, dodging evil elephants, horses avoid evil, evil cow dodging, avoiding an angry dog, snake, stick, thorns, deep hole, the mountains, filthy water ponds, puddles. The seat does not deserve to sit, the abode should not stick around if you come, the evil friends, if socializing is the position of dignity with contempt doubt. He avoided watching right feet feeling unworthy of her seat, loitering abode should not he and his evil friends. This, monks, if he did not avoid thus taints her devastating and brain temperature may arise. If he avoided thus taints devastating and brain temperature was no more.
This, monks, is called the contraband or to avoid that by being the exception, they have been cut through by ducking. And this, monks, how is the eradication of illegal or that is due to the exception, they are the exception because of eradication?
7. Hey, monks, here your feet enlightenment monks unacceptable damage had sexual thoughts arise, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, not the notion that sex exists; not accept the notion has arisen yard, abandoned, eliminate, eradicate, not for that concept exist yard; unacceptable harm has arisen idea, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, not for harm exists that concept; does not accept legal evil evil always arises, abandon, eliminate, eradicate, not for evil evil exists that approach. This, monks, if he does not get rid thus taints her devastating and brain temperature may arise. If he eradicated such devastating taints and brain temperature was no more.
This, monks, is called the contraband or to eliminate that by being the exception, they are the exception because of eradication. And this, monks, how is the practice due to illegal or that is the exception, they are the exception because of the practice?
8. Hey, monks, monks feet here watching practice enlightenment enlightenment concept, this concept y enlightenment renunciation, dispassion y, y cessation, leading to abandoned, feet close enlightenment practice trạch legal enlightenment ... (as above) ... enlightenment diligent practice ... practice ... practice rapture enlightenment enlightenment equanimity ... practice ... practice of enlightenment exhaust enlightenment; Enlightenment medical discharge this renunciation, dispassion y, y cessation, taken to abandon. This, monks, if he does not practice thus taints her devastating and brain temperature may arise. If he practiced it, the devastating and illegal or brain temperature was no more.
This, monks, is called the practice illegal or that is due to the exception, they are the exception because of practice.
This, monks, six legal achievements, the monks worthy of respect, worthy of respect, worthy of offerings, worthy of hands, the supreme field blessing in my life.
§ (V) (59) SELLER CUI
1. Thus have I heard:
One time, the Exalted in Nadika, in the auditorium of brick. The homeowner then has sold firewood went to Bhagavan, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Bhagavan told firewood sellers are sitting down on one side:
2. - Hey Homeowners, family alms He has not?
 - Buddha, the family members with alms. The monks that live in the forest, according to well-alms, wearing a cloth gathered from piles of trash taken and grades Arhat, or practice Arhat religion, the monks so, transparency World Sun, are giving.
3. - But certainly, this The homeowner, this was a really difficult for him, a sexual advantage of home life, children and grandchildren were tied, used incense from Kasi sandal, worn and smooth with ring flowers, incense, spices, gold and silver consumption is to be able to say who is the Arhat, who is the one practice Arhat religion. Monks residing in the mountain forests, the Homeowners, if removed and arrogance oscillation, talkative, very mouth, talkative, forgetfulness, not awareness, not calm, scattered mind, the senses and relaxed time in this respect he deserves to be criticized. Homeowners this, if monks residing in the mountain forests, not remove dynamic, not arrogant, does not waver, not talkative, very mouth, not talkative, mindfulness, awareness, calm, single-mindedly, with the based protection measures, the time in this regard he deserves praise. If monks lived at the end of the village, the Homeowners, remove and arrogance ... relax the senses; in this respect he deserves to be criticized. If monks lived at the end of the village, the Homeowners, do not remove the work, not arrogant ... the grounds are protected, the time in this regard he deserves praise. If you follow the well monks alms, this The homeowner, but also remove and arrogance ... deserves to be criticized. If monks alms to cultivating, Homeowners this, but do not remove the work, not arrogant ... worthy of praise. If monks who receives the invitation, the Homeowners, but also off ... good work being criticized. If monks who receives the invitation, the Homeowners, but do not remove the ... action deserves praise. If the monks do wear fabrics gathered from piles of trash taken, the Homeowners, but also off ... good work being criticized. If the monks do wear fabrics gathered from piles of trash taken, the Homeowners, but do not remove the ... action deserves praise. If monks who bring medicine from Homeowners who worship, and do not remove active ... deserve criticism. If monks who bring medicine from people Homeowners offerings, but do not remove the ... action deserves praise. However, this The homeowner, make offerings to them Boost. If he offered them Boost, will be a net credit interest. If He has credit of mind, body damage at the public network, will be born to good fun, Heaven, this world.
 - Buddha, starting today, I'm going to donations we Boost.
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan Baranasi residing at Isipatana, Deer Park. At that time, many elders, monks, after meals, after seeking alms returning, sitting in the house gathered round and win theory methodology. There, venerable Hatthisariputta, while the monks are talking about Thang Presbyterian methodology, the middle leg interjected. Then venerable Mahakotthita told venerable Hatthisariputta:
 - Venerable Citta Hatthisariputta, while Elder monks are methodological theory win, do not be interposed between the races! Venerable Citta wait until the end of the story.
Heard this, monks friends Venerable Venerable Citta told Mahakotthita Hatthisariputta:
 - Venerable Kotthita Let no discontent venerable Citta Hatthisariputta! The venerable Hotel Citta Hatthisariputta is wise. Venerable Citta Hatthisariputta can talk about Thang methodology with elders, monks and it was very difficult for the Sage to know the minds of others.
2. Here, sir, the Sage, who ranked, while living near the Duty counsel or live near one of dignity he was merely acting professor, meanwhile, was the most gentle of the gentle , was the most humble of the humble, who is calm in the serenity. When he left the masters, leaving the dignity, the same role he only master, he lived communicating with the monks, nuns, monks-with the South laymen, laywomen , with the kings, the lords of the king, with the heathen, pagan practitioners. Because he gregarious, unruly, rude, passionate talk, craving attacks his mind. He, with heart attacks were craving, instant and complete legal waiver procedure School. Just as, the Sage, a cow eat rice, be wire tied or locked up in cages. This sage, if anyone says as follows: "The cow is eating rice will never go down again paddy fields", says so, said the sage, is said not right feet?
 - No, sir Sage, this event, Mr. Sage, has happened; The cow was eating rice, after the wire pen or barn destroyed, rice fields may be down again.
Likewise, the Sage is here, some people while living near the Duty counsel, or live near one of dignity he was merely acting professor, meanwhile, was the most gentle of the need Air, was the most humble of the humble, calm had most of the peace. When he left the masters, leaving the dignity, the same role he only master, he lived communicating with the monks, nuns, monks-with the South laymen, laywomen, with the kings, the lords of the king, with the heathen, pagan practitioners. Because he gregarious, unruly, rude, passionate talk, craving attacks his mind. He, with heart attacks were craving, instant and complete legal waiver procedure School.
3. For example, there ... fitness classes separatists, Zen residence certificate application. With the thought: "I have been preliminary Meditation", he lived communicating with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School. Just as, the Sage, a huge rainstorm occurred at an intersection, causing dust and mud disappeared out. Hey Sage, if anyone says as follows: "Now, at this intersection, dust will not show up anymore." He said such words are not right feet?
 - No, sir Sage. This event has happened, sir Sage: "At this crossroads, with people passing by, or cattle go through, or hot wind and dry air can cause moisture and dust will appear again.
 - Likewise, the sage said, here are fitness classes separatists ... First Meditation residence certificate. He, with meaning: "We have preliminary evidence Meditation", living relationship with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School.
4. Here, the Sage, who can make pure class and only reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. He, with meaning: "I have seen is Meditation Monday", dealing with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School. For example, said the Sage, a large lake near a village or town. There, a heavy rain comes, making the shellfish species, the stones disappear. Dear Sage, if anyone says as follows: "Now in this lake, all kinds of shellfish, the stones will not appear anymore." He said such words are not right feet?
 - No, sir Sage. This event has happened, sir Sage; In lakes, the species who can drink, or bovine can drink, or wind and heat can dry wet gas, and shellfish species, the stones may appear out again.
 - Likewise, the sage said, here are people making pure class and only reach the quarterfinals ... Monday Meditation residence certificate. He with the thought: "I have seen is Meditation Monday", dealing with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School.
5. Here, sir, the Sage, who abandoned Hy-class ... Tuesday Meditation residence certificate. He with the thought: "I have evidence Tuesday Meditation", dealing with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School. For example, said the sage, someone ate epigastric food, not fancy leaving food yesterday. Dear Sage, if anyone says as follows: "Now people no longer prefer more food," said the sage, he says so right feet have said no?
 - No, sir Sage. Event has occurred; This person, Mr. Sage, epigastric food while eating, until the remaining nutrients in the body, until then, no one else will do dishes he preferred. Until target nutrients lost, then food can do for him favorite.
 - Likewise, the sage of this, there is joy ... of people abandoned residence certificate Meditation Tuesday, he at the thought: "I have evidence Tuesday Meditation", dealing with monks ... abandon legal and defrocked School.
6. Just as, the Sage, who had to abandon classes lost, abandoned and suffering ... dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He with the thought: "I have evidence Wednesday Meditation", dealing with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School. Just as, the Sage, a lake in the canyon, no wind, no waves. Then the sage said, if anyone says as follows: "Now, in the lake will not appear on the waves again," he, said the Sage, have not said right feet?
 - No, sir Sage. This event may occur; If from the East, heavy rain arrived, heavy rain that was starting to make waves lake; if from the West ... if ... if from the north from the south, heavy rain arrived, heavy rain that was starting to make waves lake.
 - Likewise, the sage of this, here are optimistic of people to abandon, renounce suffering ... and dwell attained Wednesday Meditation. He with the thought: "I have evidence Wednesday Meditation", dealing with the monks ... and complete legal waiver procedure School.
7. Here, the Sage, who is not volition ranked all the generals, and dwell attain formless concentration. He, with the thought: "I have attained is formless concentration", living relationship with the monks, nuns, monks-with the South laymen, laywomen, with the kings, great god of kings, with the heathen, pagan practitioners. Because he gregarious, unruly, rude, passionate talk, so craving attacks his mind. He, with heart attacks were craving, instant and complete legal waiver procedure School. For example, said the Sage, a king, or lords of the king, who was walking along the road between the four types of army, to stay in one night at a clump of forest. There, by the sound of elephants, horses sound, the sound of cars, known infantry, large drums, small drums, horns, sound of crickets should disappear. This then the sage, someone said as follows: "Now in this forest clump, the cries of crickets do not show up anymore." He said so, said the Sage, have not said right feet?
 - No, sir Sage. This event has happened, sir Sage; When the king or the king's courtiers gone from this forest clump, then sound the crickets will exist.
 - Likewise, the sage said, here, there is no volition of people due to all the generals, and dwell attain formless concentration. He, with the thought: "I achieved formless concentration", living relationship with the monks, nuns, monks-with the South laymen, laywomen, with the kings, merchants god of kings, with the heathen, pagan practitioners. Because he gregarious, unruly, rude, passionate talk, so craving attacks his mind. He, with heart attacks were craving, instant and complete legal waiver procedure School.
8. Then he came to after a while Citta Hatthisariputta abandon legal and defrocked School. Then the monks, the Venerable Citta Hatthisariputta you go to the venerable Mahakotthita, after to speak with venerable Mahakotthita:
 - Are venerable heart of Citta Mahakotthita know Hatthisariputta with his mind: "Citta Hatthisariputta has attained this certification, this certification results, or the gods advised of this issue; however, he will abandon the law and defrocked School "?
 - Ladies and reverences, I know the heart of Citta Hatthisariputta with my mind, that Citta has attained this certification results, results of this evidence, and Devas also told about this issue: "Venerable Sir, Citta has Hatthisariputta this is proof certifications, certifications, but he will give up the legal and defrocked School ".
Then the friends went to the Bhagavan Hatthisariputta Citta, after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
 - Buddha, Citta Hatthisariputta has proven to be effective this certification, this certification results, but gave up the law and defrocked School.
 - Hey, monks, Citta will soon think of renunciation.
9. Then Citta Hatthisariputta soon shaved, covered robes, renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. Then he came to Citta Hatthisariputta live alone, calm, no distractions, zealous, ardent, soon attained the purpose for which the true Good men ordained death, abandoned the family, not family life, direction come. It is the ultimate supreme virtue, he immediately present himself to win realizations position, attained and dwell. He knows that "Sanh took advantage, Pham well succeeded, to-do was made, no longer come back to this state again."
And venerable Citta Hatthisariputta become a Arhat.
§ (VII) (61) road to the other side
1. Thus have I heard:
A residence time in Baranasi Bhagavan, at Isipatana, Deer Park. At that time, many elders, monks, after the meal, begging for food on the way back, sitting in the house gathered round, and the following story is started up:
 - Reverences, Bhagavan has said the following in the "Road to the other side" in question Metteyya:
Who knows the two extremes,
Tri level between uninfected,
I called the Great's,
Here, beyond weavers.
 - Dear Sage, what is an extreme? How extreme is Monday, "What is the middle leg? How are weavers?
2. To say so, a monks said to the elders, monks:
 - Ladies and reverences, is an extreme emotional. Extreme exposure is set starting Monday. Removal is contact between the races. Ai is a weaver; because that weave compassion, he should make to be born in this property. Until so, sir reverences, monks can be win win tri tri, tri willow willow can be tri. Because winning is what can win tri tri, tri willow can be full understanding, even in the present, he can end suffering.
3. To say so, one other monks, monks said to the elders:
 - Past, sir reverences, is an extremist. Future Monday extreme. Currently the middle leg. Ai is the weavers. Due to weave compassion, he should make to be born in this property. Until so, sir reverences, monks can be win win tri tri ... he can end suffering.
4. To say so, one other monks, monks said to the elders:
 - Lac, sir reverences, is an extremist. Monday extreme suffering. Neutral as between the races. Ai is the weavers. Due to weave compassion, he should make to be born in this property ... can end suffering.
5. To say so, a little different with the monks, monks elders:
 - List, sir reverences, is an extremist. Monday extreme excellence. Consciousness is the middle leg. Ai is the weavers. Due to weave compassion ... can end suffering.
6. To say so, one other monks, monks said to the elders:
 - Six domestic origin, sir reverences, is an extremist. Six foreign origin is extreme Monday. Consciousness is the middle leg. Ai is the weavers. Due to weave compassion ... can end suffering.
7. To say so, one other monks, monks said to the elders:
 - Body, sir reverences, is an extremist. Body collection is radical departure Monday. The body is killing the middle leg. Ai is the weavers. Due to weave compassion ... can end suffering.
8. To say so, one other monks, monks said to the elders:
 - Ladies and reverences, all we have answered according to our understanding. Dear reverences, we will go to the Blessed One, after arriving, we asked Bhagavan about this meaning. Bhagavan replied to us how we will maintain life as such.
 - Ladies and yes, Sir Sage.
The elder monks, monks replied that yes. Then the elders went to the Bhagavan, after going to, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, the monks Presbyterian Bhagavan narrated the whole story had happened and said:
 - Buddha, who was clever to say?
 - All of the Master, the monks, are cleverly says his method. But, here's the problem I talked about the road to the other side of the question Metteyya.
Who knows the two extremes,
Tri level between uninfected,
I called the Great's,
Here, beyond weavers.
Listen and heuristic techniques, I will say:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks Exalted Elder replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - Promotion, this, monks, is extreme. Extreme exposure is set starting Monday. Removal is contact between the races. Ai is the weavers; because that weave makes charity he must be born on this property. Until so, the monks, monks can be win win tri tri, tri willow willow can be tri. Because winning is what can win tri tri, tri willow can be full understanding, even in the present, he can end suffering.
§ (VIII) (62) Words of INSPIRE
1. Thus have I heard:
Another time, Bhagavan was traveling between Kosala with mass population monks, went to a town called Dandakappaka Kosala people. Bhagavan then step down from the road, sit down place has been prepared under a tree; Monks also went into Dandakappaka to find accommodation. Then the Venerable Ananda, along with a large number of monks, went to the river to wash Aciravati limbs, hands and feet after washing finished Aciravati river, out of the river, he stood on the shore to dry up a dry limbs.
2. Then the monks went to the Venerable Ananda, after arriving, said to the Venerable Ananda:
 - Is Exalted focus all attention, Venerable Ananda said, to declare about Devadatta as follows: "Devadatta must be born into deprivation, to be born into a life of hell until, unable to rescue" or thanks to God's?
 - It's just as Bhagavan has declared.
Then Venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
 - Here, venerable sir, with a large number of monks, I go to the river to wash Aciravati limbs, hands and feet after washing finished Aciravati river, out of the river, standing on the shore to dry up a hand robes dry feet. Then venerable sir, a monks to go to you, to say to me after: "Is Exalted focus all attention, Venerable Ananda said, to declare about Devadatta as follows:" Devadatta must be born in the fall origin, to be born into a life of hell until, unable to rescue "or thanks to God's?"
When saying this, venerable sir, I replied that monks: "Dear Sage, really just as Bhagavan has declared".
This Ananda, or monks was the new type, not long left home, or he is the Elder monks ignorant, unintelligent. How when we have declared a one-way, here again there may be a second case? We can not find on someone else, this Ananda, after focusing all attention, I have declared so, except with Devadatta! Until such time, this Ananda, I saw a small white legal head at Devadatta horsetail hairs, when I have not declared about Devadatta as follows: "Devadatta must be born into deprivation, must be born into hell until a life, can not salvage it. " Until such time, this Ananda, I do not see a small white legal head at Devadatta horsetail hairs, so I have the following statement about Devadatta: "Devadatta must be born into deprivation, must be born into hell until a lifetime, can not rescue it. " Just as, Ananda, a pit head level, full of faeces, and a fall on the first pit until both. Then someone else comes along, want to benefit, want happiness, want him peace from suffering, wanted to pull him out of his pit. This person walked around manure pits and did not see until the first point as small as horsetail hairs at him without being smeared with, to be able to grab and pull up that place. Also, this Ananda, until, I saw a small white top legal horsetail hairs in Devadatta, when I have not declared about Devadatta as follows: "Devadatta must be born into deprivation, must be born into hell up to a lifetime, can not rescue it. " If I wanted to hear, this Ananda, Tathagata will analyze on the basis of the human mind.
 - Now has come the time, venerable sir! Up to now, the white celestial, to analyze the root Exalted human mind, after hearing the Exalted, the monks will maintain life.
This so Ananda, listen and ponder carefully, I shall say:
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
3. - Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the heart of another person: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After another time, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In people, the improvement measures has disappeared, the existing law is evil, but there is not a good root cut out. And measures will start to improve from the root, that good. " Such people will not rot fall in the future. Just as, Ananda, the seeds that were not moldy, not perishable, not being destructive wind and heat, retain vitality entrenched in the fields, planted in well-prepared soil. This Ananda, I can know the seeds will be grown up, growth, growth is not?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Ananda, here, with my heart, I clearly know the heart of another person: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After another time, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In people, the improvement measures has disappeared, the existing legal immoral. But there is not a good root severed. And dhamma will arise from the root, that good. " Such people will not rot fall in the future. Thus, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind knows the mind of man. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knows the location of the apartment. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his heart knows arise in the future law.
4. Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the heart of another person: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After another time, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In this man, the evil law is gone, the existing law is good, but there is not the root unwholesome severed legal and unwholesome will arise from that evil root ". Thus people will rot fall in the future. Just as, Ananda, the seeds that were not moldy, not perishable, not being destructive wind and heat, retain vitality, is entrenched in the field, was sown on rocky ground. This Ananda, I can clearly know the seeds will not be raised, growth, growth is not?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Ananda, here, with my heart, I clearly know the mind of others: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After another time, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In this man, the evil law is gone, the existing law is good, but the root of evil is not legal be cut off and immoral measures will arise from that evil root. Thus people will rot fall in the future. " Thus, this Ananda, Tathagata with his heart, knew the mind of man. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knows the location of the apartment. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his heart knows arise in the future law.
5. Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the mind of others: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "This person is no small measures until the first white horsehair yarn. The person with the legal achievements immoral, just a black face, body damage after birth in the realms general data networks, the Beast, deprivation, in hell ". Just as, Ananda, the seeds that were moldy, rotten, wind and heat are destructive, are entrenched in the fields, planted in well-prepared soil. Ananda, I can clearly know the seeds can not be raised, growth, growth is not?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Ananda, here, with my heart, I clearly know the mind of others: "In people, there are good measures, and the immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "This person is no small measures until the first white horsehair yarn. The person with the legal achievements immoral, just a black face, body damage after public network, will be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell ". Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind knows the mind of man. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knows the location of the apartment. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind, knowing arise in the future law.
When saying this, venerable sir Venerable Ananda:
 - Buddha, can claim another three fellow class with three people or not?
 - May be, this Ananda.
Bhagavan said as follows:
6. - Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the mind of others as follows: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In people, the improvement measures has disappeared, the current law is evil start; and root severed and friendly but not go completely uprooted by him. Thus, people will go to rot rotten in the future ". Just as, Ananda, the red coals burning, burning, burning flames, was thrown out of the soil. This Ananda, do you know, this coal heap can not grow, grow, grow?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
Just as, Ananda, in the afternoon, the sun was setting, he can know anything, this Ananda, said that: "The light is gone, darkness appear"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
Just as, Ananda, when the night was over in part, during a meal, do you know anything, this Ananda, said that: "The light is gone, the darkness had appeared"?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Ananda, here with my mind, I clearly know the mind of others as follows: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know the person's mind, know that: "In people, the improvement measures has disappeared, the evil law has now begun. Improved root and not severed, go to completely uprooted by him. Thus, people will go to rot rotten in the future ". Also, this Ananda, Tathagata knows the mind of a man, with his heart. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knows the location of the apartment. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind, knowing arise in the future law.
7. Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the mind of others as follows: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In this man, the evil law is gone, the friendly approach is starting; root unwholesome not severed, but go completely uprooted by him. Thus, people will not fall in the future to rot. " Just as, Ananda, blazed piles of coal, burning, fire, flame, toss in a haystack, or on a pile of dry wood. This Ananda, do you know anything, this coal pile will grow, grow, grow?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Just as, Ananda, the night was almost complacent, rising sun; This Ananda, do you know whether the darkness was about to disappear, the light will show "?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Just as, Ananda, for some time later, at noon, at mealtime, do you know anything, this Ananda, darkness is gone, the light will show "?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
 - Also, the Ananda, here, with my heart, I clearly know the mind of others as follows: "In people, there are good measures, with the immoral law." After another time, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "In person, immoral law is gone, the current approach is good start; root unwholesome not severed, but go completely uprooted by him. Thus, people will not fall in the future to rot. " Also, this Ananda, Tathagata knows the mind of man with his heart. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knows the location of the apartment. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind, knowing arise in the future law.
8. Here, Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the heart of another person as follows: "In people, there are good measures, there are immoral methods". After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "The legal people are not so small as evil head horsetail hairs. The person with the legal achievements of pure white, the law no mistake, even in the present, will be entered Nirvana ". Just as, Ananda, cold coals, was extinguished, was thrown on the heap of dry grass or piles of firewood. This Ananda, do you know anything, this coal heap can not grow, grow, grow?
 - Ladies have, venerable sir.
Also, this Ananda, the heart of me, I clearly know the mind of others as follows: "In people, there are good measures, there are immoral law." After a while, too, with my heart, I clearly know his or her mind: "The legal people are not so small as evil head horsetail hairs. The person with the legal achievements of pure white, the law no mistake, even in the present, will be entered Nirvana ". Thus, this Ananda, Tathagata knows the mind of man with his heart. Also, this Ananda, Tathagata with his mind already knew his position is based, knows law arise in the future.
Here, Ananda, three classes of people before, one of the three who did not rot fall, a fall to rot, one crashed into deprivation, in hell. Here, Ananda, in the following three classes of people, one of the three categories of people are not rot fall, a fall to rot, one is to enter Nirvana.
1 - Hey, monks, I will lecture for me to enter the practice, legal practice. Listen and skillful attention, I will preach.
 - Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
The monks did you answer yes Bhagavan. Bhagavan said as follows:
2 - And this, monks, are the disciplines can enter (decision Trach), legal practice?
This, monks, need to know the sex, need to know the origination of fitness, fitness need to know the difference, need to know the horror sexual maturity, need to know the cessation education, need to know the path to the cessation education. This, monks, need to know the feeling, to know the origination sensations, feelings need to know the difference, need to know the independent horror sensation, need to know the path to the sensations paragraph Removal. This, monks, a great need to know, need to know the concept of dependent origination, need to know the difference a great, great need to know the independent horror, a great need to know the cessation, need to know the path to the idea of ​​annihilation. This, monks, need to know the defilements, the defilements need to know the difference, need to know the horror contraband or independent, need to know the contraband or cessation, need to know the path to the cankers cessation. This, monks, now need to know, need to know the business origination, need to know the difference now, need to know the horror mature now, need to know the cessation now, need to know the path to now eradicated. This, monks, need to know the size, need to know the origination of suffering, need to know the size difference, need to know the mature allergic suffering, cessation of suffering need to know, need to know the path to the cessation of suffering.
3. Hey, monks, need to know the sex, need to know the origination fitness, fitness need to know the difference, need to know the horror sexual maturity, need to know the cessation education, children need to know path to the cessation education, has been said so. And what is said by the same fate?
This, monks, have nurtured education this year: The eye color due to cognitive, communication ability, ability rapture, capable reviews, endearing, relate to sexual and attractive. The sound perception by ear ... aromas perceived by the nose ... the tongue due to your emotional awareness ... the awareness by itself ... pleasurable, capable joy, capable reviews, endearing, contact to sexual and attractive. This, monks, though they do not have sex, they are called in the legal education of Nursing chief saint.
The craving thinking,
As human sexuality,
The exuberant in life,
They are not sexual,
The craving thinking
As human sexuality,
The florid dwell
Thus in the world,
Here the wise,
Photographer s been satisfying.
4. Hey, monks, how is the interdependence sex? Contact, this, monks, is the origination education.
And this, monks, what is the difference in sex? This, monks, is excellent training and on the other, known as sex on the other, the other is education on the flavor, taste is education on the other, the other is education on contact. This, monks, this is the difference in sex.
And this, monks, how independent is the casual sex? This, monks, when you want something, arises a self arises from his character, from his character, to partake of the blessings, or to partake of no merit. This, monks, is called the heterosexual sexual maturity.
And this, monks, what is the cessation of sex? Contact annihilation, this is sexual monks eradicated. This is the Noble Path leading to the education sector eight cessation. Secretarial ie knowledge, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. When, this, monks, saints disciples know the sex so clearly, clearly knows the arising of such education, clearly knew the wrong education so, clearly knew the horror sexual maturity so, clearly know the sex such segments, clearly know the path to the cessation of such education, meanwhile, said he is clearly able to enter this virtue as the cessation education.
This, monks, need to know the sex ... need to know the path to cessation education, has been said so. Conditioned main this has been said so.
5. Hey, monks, need to know the feeling ... to know the path to the cessation of feeling, has been said so. Conditioned by what has been said so?
This, monks, these three feelings: pleasant feeling, unpleasant, non-touch non-life suffering.
6. And this, monks, how is the feeling arise? Contact, this, monks, is the feeling arises. And this, monks, how is the feeling the difference? This, monks, have lost contact to the physical life, there are pleasures not related to the material; There are unpleasant to physical contact, with unpleasant unrelated to material; have neutral feelings related material, have neutral feelings are not related to the matter. This, monks, is called the feeling the difference.
And this, monks, how is the independent horror sensation? This, monks, when feeling something, arises a self arises from his character, from his character, to partake of the blessings, or to partake of no merit. This, monks, is called the independent horror sensation.
And this, monks, what is the cessation of feeling? Contact annihilation, this, monks, is the cessation of feeling. This is the eight sectors Noble Path leading to the cessation of feeling. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. And when, this, monks, saints disciples knew the feeling well so, clearly know the sensations arise so, clearly knew the difference such sensations, feelings clearly known as allergic Independent so, clearly know the sensations such cessation, meanwhile, said he is clearly able to enter this virtue as the cessation of feeling.
This, monks, need to know the feeling ... to know the path to the cessation of feeling, has said so. Conditioned main this has been said so.
7. Hey, monks, a great need to know ... to know the path to the cessation of thought, has been said so. Conditioned by what has been said so?
This, monks, there are six this thought: great color, great bars, great flavor, great taste, great touch, a great approach.
8. And this, monks, how is the idea arise? This, monks, is the ideal exposure arises.
And this, monks, how great is the difference? This, monks, the idea of ​​the other's identity, the idea of ​​the other's taste, the taste is great in the other, the other is located in these contacts, the other is located in these measures. This, monks, is called the idea of ​​difference.
And this, monks, how mature is the simple idea? This, monks, I declare that the idea is the result of habit, when people said things like, how did people say things like this, like this: "So I wall". This, monks, is called the allergic independent thought.
And this, monks, how great is the cessation? Contact annihilation, this, monks, is thought eradicated. This is the Noble eight branches lead to cessation of thought. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. When is this, monks, saints disciples knew the idea so clearly, clearly aware of such thoughts arise, clearly know the difference so great, clearly knew the independent horror so great, clearly knew the idea such cessation, clearly know the path to the cessation of such ideas, meanwhile, said he was clearly happy to enter this Pham as the cessation of thought.
This, monks, a great need to know ... to know the path to the cessation of thought, has been said so. Key to this has been conditioned to say so.
9. Hey, monks, need to know the defilements ... need to know the path to the cessation of defilements, was say so. Conditioned public key has been said so? This, monks, three defilements this: illegal sex, property illegally smuggled ignorance.
10. And this, monks, is how taints arise? Ignorance, this, monks, is the defilements arise.
And this, monks, what is the difference cankers? This, monks, have smuggled or brought to hell, have smuggled or brought to animalzxy, have smuggled or brought to hungry ghosts, have brought to the world's pirated or Devas. This, monks, is called the difference cankers.
And this, monks, how is the independent horror cankers? This, monks, because ignorance when something arises, a self arises from his character, from his character, to partake of the blessings, or to partake of no merit. This, monks, is called the allergic gonorrhea or maturity.
And this, monks, how is the illegal or annihilation? Ignorance cessation, this, monks, is the cessation contraband. This is the eight sectors Noble Path leading to the cessation of defilements. Secretarial ie knowledge ... right concentration. When, this, monks, saints known disciples clearly taints is thus clearly aware of such defilements arise, clearly knew the difference contraband or so, clearly aware of such pirated or allergic Independent so, clearly knows or cessation of such illegal, clearly know the path to the cessation of such illegal or, meanwhile, said he is clearly able to enter this virtue as gonorrhea or cessation.
This, monks, need to know the defilements ... need to know the path to the cessation of defilements, was say so. Key to this has been conditioned to say so.
11. Hey, monks, need to know now ... need to know the path to the cessation now referred to as such. Conditioned by what is said so?
This, monks, I declare that the reflection is now; after reflection, creating the industry itself, of words, of what.
12. And this, monks, how are arising now? This, monks, is now being run contact.
 - And this, monks, how is the difference now? This, monks, have now taken to the sensations in hell, has now led to feelings animalzxy species, has now led to feeling hungry ghost realm, has now taken to the human world sensation, has now put world feeling to the gods. This, monks, is called the difference now. And this, monks, how is the independent horror now? This, monks, I declare that there are three kinds of casual mature business; In the immediate present life, or in the next life, or in a life to come. This, monks, is the independent horror now.
And this, monks, how is the cessation now? Contact annihilation, this, monks, is now eradicated. This is the Noble eight branches, the path to the cessation of business. That's right view ... right concentration is. When, this, monks, saints disciples know now so clearly, clearly knows the arising so now, clearly know the difference so now, clearly knew the horror now mastered thus be aware of such cessation now, clearly know the path to the cessation of such business, then, he clearly knew this virtue can enter as now eradicated.
This, monks, need to know now ... need to clearly know the path to the cessation of business, has been said so. Key to this has been conditioned to say so.
13. Hey, monks, need to know suffering, to know suffering arise, need to know the size difference, need to know the mature allergic suffering, cessation of suffering need to know, need to know the path to para Removal, was said so. What was the main conditioned by saying so?
Birth is suffering, old age is suffering, disease is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow is suffering, who is not suffering, short of aggregates is suffering.
14. And this, monks, how is suffering arise? Ai this, monks, is suffering arise.
And this, monks, how is suffering difference? Monks have this large format, with small size, can suffer slow turn, can quickly turn hard. This, monks, this is the size difference.
And this, monks, how independent is suffering allergic? This, monks, people here have suffered conquering class, bound heart, sad, tragic, lament, beating her chest, crying, went to the unconscious; tormented by conquest, bound mind, should seek the outside to see if anyone knows a sentence, two mantras to the cessation of suffering.
This, monks, I declare that resulted suffering frenzy, giving search results. This, monks, is called allergic mature size.
And this, monks, how is the cessation of suffering?
Ai cessation, this, monks, is the cessation of suffering. This is taken to the Noble eight industry cessation of suffering. That's right view ... right concentration. This, monks, when the Holy disciples knew suffering so clearly, clearly knew such suffering arise, clearly know the difference such suffering, suffering allergic clearly said so mature, clearly knew such a cessation of suffering, clearly know the path to cessation of such suffering, meanwhile, said he was clearly happy to enter discounts this as cessation of suffering.
This, monks, need to know the size, need to know the suffering arise, need to know the size difference, need to know the mature allergic suffering, cessation of suffering need to know, need to know the path to the cessation of suffering, has been said so. Conditioned main this has been said so.
This, monks, it is able to enter the practice, the practice legal.
§ (X) (64) lion roar
1 - Hey, monks, has six of its Tathagata Tathagata, accomplished by these forces, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox kingdom, roaring lion roar in the congregation, moving wheels measures. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, the Tathagata as clearly known as the land of origin, are non-originating non-originating. This, monks, the Tathagata as clearly known as the land of origin, are non-originating non-originating, so the force of the Tathagata Tathagata. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox kingdom, roaring lion roar in the congregation, legal wheels turn.
3. Again, monks, the Tathagata said as clearly as retribution depending basis, depending on the nucleus of life now past, future, present. This, monks, the Tathagata as clearly as retribution depending basis, depending on the cruise industry's past, future, present, such as power of Tathagata Tathagata. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox kingdom, roaring lion roar in the congregation, legal wheels turn.
4. Again, monks, the Tathagata as true awareness of the contamination, the purity, the arrival of the successful launch of Zen, about liberation, about to. This, monks, the Tathagata lifelike know ... and turn the wheel of dharma.
5. Again, monks, the Tathagata lives remembered the past, such a life, two lives ... Thus, Tathagata remembers many past lives together with the outline and the detail. This, monks, the Tathagata as clearly know ... and turn the wheel of dharma.
6. Again, monks, the Tathagata with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings ... This, monks, the Tathagata as clearly know ... and move legal wheels.
7. Again, monks, the Tathagata due rid of cankers, position yourself to win, enlightened achievements and reside within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight. This, monks, the Tathagata due rid of cankers, position yourself to win, enlightenment, achievements and dwell within the heart of the current ways of liberation, liberating insight. It is through this power Tathagata, the Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox king, lion roaring sound of the wheel assembly and the legal move.
This, monks, this force six Tathagata Tathagata, accomplished by these forces, Tathagata arrogates to itself the status ox kingdom, roaring lion roar in the congregation, moved the Dharma Wheel .
8. Here, the monks, if there are others to ask the Tathagata-related questions, such as where the land is the land of truth, non-originating non-parish is, this, monks, depending on, depending place under realistic understanding of the origin of the Tathagata is the origin, is the non-originating non-originating; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to the place of origin is as true origin, the non-originating non-originating.
9. Here, the monks, if there are others to ask Tathagata questions related to location as they really depend on the facility due retribution, according to the head of the life industry's past, future , now, this, monks, according, according to realistic understanding of the Tathagata position of depending facility due retribution, according to the facility's industrial past life, future, present; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to location as they really depend on the facility due retribution, depending basis of the life industry's past, future, present.
10. Here, the monks, if there are others to ask Tathagata questions related to the contamination, the purity, the arrival of the successful launch of Zen, of liberation, of the , the monks, according, according to realistic understanding of the Tathagata location of contamination, the purity, the originator of the achievements made in Zen, about liberation, about regulations; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to the realistic position of the contamination, the purity, the arrival of the successful launch of Zen, about liberation, about to.
11. Here, the monks, if there are others to ask the Tathagata-related questions as they really remember the location of past lives, the monks, according, according as Hotel real understanding of the Tathagata, the memory of the past life; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to location as it's about to remember past lives.
12. Here, the monks, if there are others to ask the Tathagata-related questions such as place of birth and death truth of beings, the monks, according, according as Hotel real understanding of the birth and death Tathagata of beings; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to location as it's on the birth and death of beings.
13. Here, the monks if there are others to ask the Tathagata the questions related to location as truth ... about the destruction of the defilements; This, monks, according, according to realistic understanding of the Tathagata mind about the destruction of the defilements; depending on the case, depending on the case, Tathagata answered the questions related to location as it's about the destruction of the cankers.
14. Here, the monks, in relation to this position as true, the land is the land, is the non-originating non-originating, I declared that his position only for people with meditation, not with people who do not with meditation. Contact us to agree on realistic basis depending retribution because, depending on the facility's industrial past life, future, present, I declare that the position was only for people with meditation, not with people no meditation. Contact to the realistic position of the contamination, the purity, the arrival of the successful launch of Zen, about liberation, about to, I declare that the position was only for people with meditation, not with people without meditation. Here, the monks, related to realistic position, mindful of past life, I declared that his position only for people with meditation, not with no meditation. Contact to the realistic position on the birth and death of beings, I declared that his position only for people with meditation, not with no meditation. Here, the monks, related to realistic position on the destruction of the cankers, I declared that his position only for people with meditation, not with no meditation. So, this, monks, is the right path, not to be pagan.
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, can not be effective Real hybrid securities. What is six?
2. No credit, no mind, no wealth, laziness, forgetfulness, evil Property.
Do not take six sections This, this, monks, can not be effective Real hybrid securities.
3. Due to this legal annihilation of six, the monks, can be attained Any future results. What is six?
4. No credit, no mind, no wealth, laziness, forgetfulness, evil Property.
This, monks, due to take six paragraphs of this law, can be attained Any future results.
§ (III) (66) Arhat
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, no results can be attained Arhat. What is six?
2. Kiss bass, torpor, agitation, repentance, no confidence, restlessness.
This, monks, because this approach does not make an end of six, no results can be attained Arhat.
3. Due to this legal annihilation of six, the monks, can be attained Arhat fruit. What is six?
4. - Kiss bass, torpor, agitation, repentance, no confidence, restlessness.
This, monks, due to take six paragraphs of this law, can be attained Arhat.
1. - Indeed, the monks, monks did, the evil friendship, friendship evil, evil friend, neighbor, servant, revered evil friends, accept their wrong view, will making the practice legal fullness, this event does not occur. Not fullness legal practice, will be able to make legal fullness Friends School, this event does not occur. No legal fullness Friends School, will fullness of precepts, this event does not occur. Not fulfilling these precepts, will give up lust, participated identity, or formless participate, this event does not occur.
2. Indeed, the monks, monks did, is good friends, good friends, good friend, neighbor, servant, good fellowship respected, accepted their right view, will do for fulfilling legal practice, this event may occur. After fulfilling legal practice, will be able to make legal fullness Friends School, this event may occur. After making legal fullness Friends School, will make the fulfillment of the precepts, this event has occurred. After making the fulfillment of the precepts will give up lust, participated identity, or formless participate, this event has occurred.
§ (IV) (68) syndrome
1. - Indeed, the monks, monks preferred that congregation, the congregation fun, fancy dedicated congregation, they prefer furniture, toys delight them, preferred concentrate will map happy living alone, living renunciation, this event does not occur. Not happy living alone, living renunciation, he will hold Minister's mind, this event does not occur, no holding Minister of mind, will make the fulfillment of right view, this event does not occur. Do not make the fulfillment of right, will make the fullness of concentration, this event does not occur. Do not make the fullness concentration, will abandon the fetters, this event does not occur. Do not abandon the fetters, will realize Nibbana, this event does not occur.
2. Indeed, the monks, monks did not fancy the congregation, the congregation is not fun, not fancy minded congregation; preferred not map them, not delight us map, no map concentrate our favorite, will be happy living alone, living renunciation, this event has occurred. Happy living alone, living renunciation, he will hold the Minister's mind, this event has occurred. Minister of mind holds, will make the fulfillment of right view, this event has occurred. Make the fullness of right, will make fullness concentration, this event has occurred. Making the right concentration fullness, will abandon the fetters, this event has occurred. Abandoning the fetters, will realize Nibbana, the event has occurred.
1. Then there is a God who, after the night near full strength, with excellent capacitance dazzling wins Jetavana region, go to the Blessed One, after arriving, bowed and stood aside. Stand aside, he's your lord God:
 - There are six of this law, lord, led by the monks go to not rotten rotten. What is six? Revered guru, revered France, revered monks and revered Learning methods, improving language reverence and honor friendship friendly. This Friday, venerable sir, led by the monks go to not rotten rotten.
He said such celestial beings, masters accepted. His heavenly, with the thought: "guru has accepted us," bowed, right hand toward his body, and disappeared on the spot.
2. Then at the end when you have accomplished night, calling the monks and said:
 - Hey, monks, tonight there's a God, after the night was almost complacent, with excellent capacitance wins, shining Jetavana region, come to me, after we arrived, I bowed, then stood aside. Stand aside, God's position was transparent to me: "There are six of this law, lord, led by the monks go to not rotten rotten. What is six? Revered gurus, revered France, revered monks and revered Learning methods, improving language reverence and honor friendship friendly. This Friday, venerable sir, led by the monks go to not rotten rotten ". This, monks, the God's say so, say so finished, I bowed, right hand toward my relatives disappeared in place.
3. To say so, Venerable Sariputta bowed and said,
 - Buddha, these brief words of Bhagavan, I understand the meaning broadly like this: Here, venerable sir, monks themselves revered masters and say praises reverence gurus. For other monks revered gurus, they are encouraged in respect gurus. And for the other monks revered gurus, they speak with their praises, as leg, realistic, timely. Himself revered revered French ... Themselves ... Themselves Increase legal revered ... ourselves Learning revered ... ourselves good language reverence and good friends say good praise reverence friends. For other monks venerated not good friends, they are encouraged in respect friendship friendly. And for the other monks venerated good friends, they speak with their praises, as leg, realistic, timely. Buddha, this brief words of Bhagavan, I understand the meaning so widely.
 - You instead, heal rather, it Sariputta! This rather benign Sariputta, I have understood this word my brief follow broadly the same. Here, this Sariputta, monks themselves revered gurus, and say praise the masters revered.
For other monks revered gurus, they are encouraged in respect gurus. And for the other monks revered gurus, they speak with their praises as legs, realistic, timely. France himself revered ... ourselves revered ... ourselves Increase legal revered ... ourselves Learning revered themselves good language ... revered and said good friends reverence praises charity friends. For other monks venerated not good friends, they are encouraged in respect friendship friendly. And for the other monks venerated good friends, they speak with their praises as legs, realistic, timely. This brief Sariputta's words I need to understand the meaning so widely.
§ (VI) (70) Kabbalah
1. - Indeed, the monks, monks had no meditation, calm, not achieved outstanding contempt revenge, not static Nhut attain inner mind, will see many kinds of miracles. A body is a lot more body ... the body is a body ... may itself fly to Brahma World, this event does not occur. With pure natural superhuman atrium will hear two types of known gods and men who, far and near, this event does not occur. After going into the heart of the beings of our species and centered person, he will clearly know: "The mind has participated, said the center has participated ... the mind is not liberated, freed the mind does not know "this event does not occur. Will remember the life of the past, such a life, two lives ... I'll remember the past life with the outline and details, this event does not occur. With superhuman pure divine eye, will see the beings ... he will clearly know the well-being depending on their industry, this event does not occur. Due to the cessation of illegal or ... after enlightenment, attainment and dwell, this event does not occur.
2. Indeed, the monks, monks had tranquility meditation, achieved outstanding contempt enemies, internal static attained Nhut mind, will see many kinds of miracles. A body itself out many, many relatives out a body ... may itself fly to Brahma World, this event may occur. With pure natural atrial superheroes, will hear two types of known gods and men who, far and near, the event has occurred. After going into the heart of the beings of our species and centered person, he will clearly said: "The mind has participated, said the center has been involved ... not freed mind, the mind does not know the exit ", this event has occurred. He will remember the life of the past, such a life, two lives ... will remember the past with the outline and details, this event has occurred. With superhuman pure divine eye, will see the beings ... he will clearly know the well-being depending on their industry, "events have occurred. Due to the cessation of illegal or ... after enlightenment, attainment and dwell, this event has occurred.
§ (VII) (71) Certification
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks can not achieve witness status, certifications or other certifications, which are oil and ancestry. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not as clearly said: "What this law partake rotten rotten", not as clearly said: "What this law partake reside," as clearly said: "These measures take part in this promotion or wins," not as clearly said: "What this law can partake in," not fulfilling work and work without benefits.
This achievement six, this, monks, is not able to achieve a witness status, certifications or other certifications, which are oil and ancestry.
3. Achievements six this method, the monks, monks can achieve a witness status, certifications or other certifications, oil and any kind of origin.
4. Here, the monks, monks as clearly said: "What this law partake rotten rotten", as clearly said: "What this law partake dwell", as clearly know "But this approach partake partake win progress", as clearly said: "this These partake can partake in", fulfilling work, doing good work.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can achieve witness status, certifications or other certifications, which are oil and ancestry.
1. - This Achievement six, the monks, monks can not gain strength in meditation. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not achieved Meditation skilful, skilful dwell not be meditation, not meditation skillful out, do not fulfill, working not persevered and work without benefits.
This achievement six, the monks, monks are not able to achieve the power of meditation.
3. Achievements six this method, the monks can achieve strong mission in meditation. What is six?
4. Here, the monks, monks achieved Meditation skilful, skilful abides by meditation, meditation skillful out, fulfilling work, work with perseverance, work benefit.
This achievement six, this, monks, a monks can achieve the power of meditation.
§ (XI) (73) Meditation (1)
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, can not dwell achieve Zen Profile. What is six?
2. Education greed, sloth dullness, exchange Trao, comfortable, not very smart as seen with the intelligence chief in the sexual harm.
This paragraph does not take six, this, monks, is not able to achieve and dwell Zen application.
3. The take six measures, the monks, can be achieved and police headquarters Meditation. What is six?
4. Education greed, sloth dullness, exchange Trao, comfortable, very smart as seen with the intelligence chief in the sexual harm.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can be achieved and police headquarters Meditation.
(74) Meditation (2)
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, this, monks, is not able to achieve and dwell Zen Profile. What is six?
2. Education Games, golf range, damage range, great education, great golf, great harm.
This paragraph does not take six, this, monks, is not able to achieve and dwell Zen application.
3. The take six measures, the monks, can be achieved and police headquarters Meditation. What is six?
4. Education views, golf range, damage range, great education, great golf, great harm.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can be achieved and police headquarters Meditation.
§ (I) (75) LINE
1. - Achievements with six measures, the monks, monks now live in the present sufferings, hostility and hatred dominant brain, brain temperature, body damage after public network, waiting for the beast. What is six?
2. With a range of fitness, golf range, with two plates, with a great education, great golf, with great harm.
This achievement with six, the monks, monks now live in the present sufferings, hostility and hatred dominant brain, brain temperature, body damage after public network, waiting for the beast.
3. Achievements with six this method, the monks, monks now live peacefully in the present, not hostility and hatred are not given the brain, not the brain temperature, body damage after the public network, the wait is good fun .
4. With renunciation range, with golf views, with no harmful level, with a great renunciation, with a great field, with no great harm.
This achievement with six, the monks, monks now live peacefully in the present, not hostility and hatred are not given the brain, not the brain temperature, body damage after the public network, the wait is animal friendly.
§ (II) (76) Arhat RESULTS
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, this, monks, is not able to realize results Arhat. What is six?
2. Chronic, Chronic company, too chronic, chronic upper increased, bigotry, chronic paralysis company.
This paragraph does not take six, this, monks, is not able to realize results Arhat.
3. The legal take this six, the monks, can realize Arhat fruit. What is six?
4. Man, romantic company, too chronic, chronic upper increased, bigotry, chronic paralysis company.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can realize Arhat fruit.
§ (III) (77) Traders FRANCE
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, this, monks, is not able to realize the upper legal workers, knowledge worthy saint wins. What is six?
2. Failure concept, no awareness, no protection grounds, can not temperance in eating, camouflage disguise, damaged radio.
This paragraph does not take six, this, monks, is not able to realize the upstream's approach, knowledge worthy saint wins.
3. The take six measures, the monks, can realize the upper legal workers, knowledge worthy saint wins. What is six?
4. Failure concept, no awareness, no protection units, temperance in eating, camouflage disguise, damaged radio.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can realize the upper legal knowledge workers deserved wins saint.
§ (VI) (78) HY LAC
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks now live in the present with optimism rapture, for reasons he has been formed to rid the cankers. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks preferred method, the preferred practice, the exception fancy, fancy renunciation, preferred no anger, no Coliseum preferred conclusion.
This achievement six, the monks, monks now live in the present with optimism joy, for they, the cause has been formed to rid the cankers.
§ (V) (79) attained
1. - This Achievement six, the monks, the monks can not attain the dhamma not attained, or no growth could have been attained dhamma. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks are not going to skilful, skilful not going out, not skillful when approached, there arose the will to achieve the dhamma not achieved, not the legal protection already attained good, without trying to hold on.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can not attain the dhamma not attained, or no growth could have been attained dhamma. What is six?
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, monks can be attained not attained dhamma, or can growth was attained dhamma. What is six?
4. Here, the monks, monks entering skilful, skilful when going out, skilful as they approached, kicked up the will to achieve the dhamma not achieved, protection of friendly France have been attained, had tried to hold on.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can be attained not attained dhamma, or can growth was attained dhamma.
§ (VI) (80) GROWTH
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks soon attain the growth, the growth of good behavior. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks more light, more consistent happiness, more joy, more do not content ourselves, not to give up the burden for good behavior, go straight to the other shore.
This achievement six, the monks, monks soon attain the growth, the growth of good behavior.
§ (VII) (81) HELL
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. What is six?
2. Killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct in, lying, evil and wrong education.
This achievement six, so adequate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, so adequate is born to heaven. What is six?
4. Abandoning killing, taking what is not to give up, to abandon sexual misconduct in, abandoning lying, evil no primary education and knowledge.
Six legal achievements, the monks, so inadequate was born to heaven.
§ (VIII) (82) HELL (2)
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell. What is six?
2. Lying, said two tongues, the evil language say, say vanity, lust, speaking boldly, blatantly.
This achievement six, the monks, so adequate crashed into hell.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, so adequate is born to heaven. What is six?
4. Abandon lying, abandon said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, renunciation say frivolous, not greed and not to say audacious, brazen.
This achievement six, the monks, so inadequate was born to heaven.
§ (IX) (83) LEGAL supreme
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks are not able to realize the supreme law Arhat. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks had no faith, no shame, no fear heart, lazy, ill mental, body and desire more networks.
This achievement six, the monks, monks are not able to realize the supreme law Arhat.
3. - Achievements six measures, the monks, monks can realize the supreme law Arhat. What is six?
4. Here, the monks, monks have faith, have the heart of shame, fear of heart, ardent effort, wisdom, and the network itself does not have the desire.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can realize the supreme law Arhat.
1. - If six monks legal achievements, the monks, regardless of day or night time, waiting for the fall of the friendly French rot, no growth. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks with great education, there is hostility and hatred are not satisfied with any of the essential items such as robes, alms food, couch, the pharmaceutical treatment disease, unbelief, evil world, laziness, forgetfulness, evil Property.
If the achievements of six monks This, this, monks, regardless of day or night time, waiting for the fall of the friendly French rot.
3. If monks six legal achievements, the monks, regardless of day or night, waiting for the growth of good behavior, no rotten rotten. What is six?
4. Here, the monks, monks do not have big sex, not hostility and hatred content with any necessary supplies, such as robes, alms food, couch, the pharmaceutical treatment disease, faith, charity world, ardent effort, with mindfulness, wisdom.
If the achievements of six monks This, this, monks, any time day or night, waiting for the growth of good behavior, no rotten rotten.
§ (I) (85) ICED
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, monks can not stick salary supreme enlightenment. What is six?
2. Here, the monks, monks when the mind should be limited, then unlimited mind; when the mind should be elated, then, was not elated mind; when the mind needs to make happy, then do not joy; when the mind needs to discharge residence, observing, when he did not make the permanent center exhaust, observe, trends and inferior body is happy.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can not stick salary supreme enlightenment.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, monks can realize unsurpassed salary bar. What is six?
4. Here, the monks, monks when the mind should be limited, he limited the mind; when the mind should be elated, elated when her heart; when the mind needs to make happy, then makes joy; when the mind needs to stay discharge, observe, then centered discharge residence, observed, a trend of wins, happy Nirvana.
This achievement six, the monks, monks can realize unsurpassed salary bar.
§ (II) (86) obstacles
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, Dhamma oil has heard, no decision can step into nature in the dhamma. What is six?
2. Achievement karma, karma negativity achievements, accomplishments Independent horror karma, no faith, no desire, and evil Property.
This achievement six, the monks, heard legal oil, can not enter the decision in the friendly French identity.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, if you hear the true Dhamma, can step into the decisive nature of the dhamma. What is six?
4. No karma achievements, not disturbing obstacles achievements, obstacles do not achieve maturity allergic, have faith, desire, and wisdom.
This achievement six, the monks, if you hear the true Dhamma, can step into the decisive nature of the dhamma.
§ (III) (87) KARMA
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, hear the true Dhamma oil, nor can step in deciding the nature of good behavior. What is six?
2. The mother's life; piece father's life; life segment Arhat; with malice as Tathagata bleeding; Increased breaking harmony; Property evil, ignorant, dumb lisp.
This achievement six, the monks, the oil can hear the true Dhamma, no decision can enter into legal nature of the charity.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, to hear the true Dhamma, can step in deciding the nature of good behavior. What is six?
4. No segment of the mother's life; non-life segment of the father; non-life segment Arhat; not with malice as Tathagata bleeding; not destroy the harmony of Increase; brainer, not ignorance, dumb lisp.
This achievement six, the monks, if they are listening to Dhamma, can step into the decisive nature of the dhamma.
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, hearing Dhamma oil, nor can step in deciding the nature of good behavior. What is six?
2. When the French and the Law is the Tathagata preaches, no preferred listening, no slang ear, no dwell, put his heart award, holding that no benefits, ignoring the interests, not depending upon achievement rings ache.
This achievement six, the monks, the oil can hear the true Dhamma, no decision can enter into legal nature of the charity.
3. Achievements six measures, the monks, if they are listening to Dhamma, can step in deciding the nature of good behavior. What is six?
4. When the French and the Law is the Tathagata preached, have preferred listening with ears slang, has put his mind to dwell award, holding that the interests and not the interests ignore, depending upon patience achievements.
This achievement six, the monks, if they are listening to Dhamma, can step into the decisive nature of the dhamma.
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, could not witness the full knowledge. What is six?
2. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, taking leads to deprivation, in the field leads to deprivation, ignorance leads to deprivation.
This achievement six, this, monks, is not sufficient evidence of knowledge.
3. The take six measures, the monks, can show full knowledge. What is six?
4. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, taking leads to deprivation, in the field leads to deprivation, ignorance leads to deprivation.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can show full knowledge.
1. - This Friday, the monks, who are full of knowledge annihilation. What is six?
2. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, taking leads to deprivation, in the field leads to deprivation, ignorance leads to deprivation.
This Friday, the monks, who are full of knowledge annihilation.
1. - A full knowledge, the monks, can not make legal arise. What is six?
2. The body is suspected, obvious precepts, taking leads to deprivation, in the field leads to deprivation, ignorance leads to deprivation.
A man full of knowledge, this, monks, could not make this method arise June.
§ (VIII) (92) masters
1 - Hey, monks, there are six cases impossible. What is six?
2. Full knowledge can not live without reverence, without depending upon gurus; Full knowledge people can not live without reverence, without depending upon the Dharma; Full knowledge people can not live without reverence, without depending upon us Increase; Full knowledge people can not live without reverence, without depending upon Hoc Justice; fully human knowledge can not fall back on these issues should not return; fully human knowledge can not make organic eighth arise.
This, monks, six cases this is improbable.
§ (IX) (93) OF
1 - Hey, monks, there are six cases can not discharge. What is six?
2. Full knowledge can not accept any permanent applicable; Full knowledge who can not tolerate any act is optimistic; Full knowledge who can not tolerate any act is down; Full knowledge of people can not do very indirect action; fully human knowledge can not make pure with special rituals; full of people in search of knowledge can not be offered the position worthy monks outside.
This, monks, six cases this is improbable.
§ (X) (94) MOTHER
1 - Hey, monks, there are six such cases can not happen. How are the six?
2. Full knowledge can not clip mother's life; Full knowledge who can not father's life segment; Full knowledge who can not segment your life Arhat; Full knowledge of people with malice can not do Tathagata must bleed; Full knowledge who can not break harmony Increase; fully human knowledge can not let every other guru.
This, monks, there are six such cases can not happen.
§ (XI) (95) SELF-MADE
1 - Hey, monks, there are six such cases can not happen. What is six?
2. Full knowledge can not revert back to an optimistic view of suffering by yourself; fully human knowledge can not revert back to an optimistic view from others suffering; fully human knowledge can not revert back to an optimistic view of suffering by yourself, because other people do; fully human knowledge can not revert back to an optimistic view of suffering is not due to do it yourself, by natural birth; fully human knowledge can not revert back to an optimistic view, because others do not suffer, because natural birth; fully human knowledge can not revert back pain is not caused by an optimistic view yourself and not because others do, by natural birth. Wherefore?
This, monks, who are full of knowledge, personnel and human being was taken by cleverly found.
This, monks, there are six such cases can not happen.
1. - This, monks, the appearance of the six events in life are hard to find. What is six?
2. The appearance of the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment is difficult to find in life. The arrival of the French people and the Law preached by the Tathagata says is hard to find in life presentations. Rebirth in the Holy land of hard to find in life. Not difficult to find defects in the life units. Not ignorance, not dumb lisp difficult to find in life. Dhamma desire in life is hard to find.
This, monks, the appearance of the six events in life are hard to find.
1. - There are six benefits, the monks, the result realized a Stream. What is six?
2. The decision to rot Dhamma no fall, no pain; do the birth and death are limited; intellectual achievement; not shared with the horror of birth; legal cause and the well-being to be seen by people.
There are six benefits, this, monks, when the enlightenment project saved results.
§ (III) (98) Supreme
1. - Indeed, the monks, the monks do see any act is permanent, patience will be achieved depending upon, this event does not occur. No achievements depending upon patience, will enter the decisive nature district, this event could not have happened. Do not enter the main character decides, will realize the results expected to save, or hybrid Best results, or results Any hybrid, or Arhat result, this event does not occur.
2. Indeed, the monks, monks seen any applicable impermanent, patience will be achieved depending upon, this event has occurred. Achievements are depending upon patience, will enter the decisive nature district, this event has occurred. Nature decided to enter the district, will realize the results expected saving, hybrid Best results, results Any hybrid, or Arhat result, this event has occurred.
§ (VI) (99) LINE
 - Indeed, the monks, monks seen any operator is located, will be accomplished ... (as above with the necessary changes)
 - Indeed, the monks, monks do see any issue is ego, will achieve ... (as of 98 with the necessary changes).
§ (VI) (101) Nirvana - HANDED
 - Indeed, the monks, monks who sees Nirvana is suffering, patience will be achieved depending upon, this event does not happen ... (as of 98 with the necessary changes. )
1. - Seeing the six benefits, this, monks, it is enough to make you monks dwell impermanence growth, there is no restriction in all operating. What is six?
2. All acts appeared to me, not to dwell there; My reviews are not fancy all the world; my attention out of all the world; My attention would be on Nirvana; the fetters of me to go to cessation; and I will be the ultimate achievement unfortunate recluse.
See the six benefits, this, monks, it is enough to make you monks dwell impermanence growth, there is no restriction in all operating.
1. - Seeing the six benefits, this, monks, it is enough to monks make ideal dwell suffering, there is no restriction in all operating. What is six?
2. Every act, thought Nirvana would be dwelling in me, for such killers are brought to the guillotine knife; my attention out of all the world; I will become a visible tranquility of Nirvana; the newspapers in my option will be uprooted; I will be the people who do the work should be done; I'm going with the mind servant masters.
See the six benefits, this, monks, it is just enough to make monks suffer no idea dwell in all operating restrictions.
1. - Seeing the six benefits, this, monks, it is just enough to make monks dwell selfless thoughts without restrictions in all operating. What is six?
2. In all the world, I will not partake in it; what created the "I" in me will be stopped; what creates the "My" will be stopped in me; where I will accomplish; not shared with others; causes and the human being is taken by clever I see.
See the six benefits, this, monks, it is just enough to make monks dwell selfless thoughts without restrictions in all operating.
§ (X) (105) PROPERTY
1 - Hey, monks, three property must make an end, should be learning in school for three Learning approach. How are the three organic need to make an end?
2. Organic Education, excellent organic, organic formless.
Three property must make an end. Learning how the three measures, need to learn?
3. Higher virtue school, increase the school roof, rooftop Property increased learning.
In three Learning these techniques, need to learn.
4. Hey, monks, when the monks had to take three paragraphs this property, was studying in the three Learning these techniques, monks did, this, monks, is called monks were severed thirst charity, was relieved by right feet fetters is customary arrogance, has an end to suffering.
§ (XI) (106) thirst
1 - Hey, monks, three and three chronic craving must cessation. What are the three must cessation craving?
2. Sexual love, friendship love, non-bhava.
Three craving must cessation. How are the three chronic need to annihilation?
3. Welcoming, depending romantic, too romantic.
Three of this chronic need to annihilation.
4. Hey, monks, when monks were seeking three three chronic craving and this, this taste, this, monks, is called the monks had cut off craving, was released fetters , due to chronic right feet is customary arrogance, has an end to suffering.
§ (I) (107) VISIT
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Greed, hatred and delusion.
This, monks, these three measures. To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To make an end to greed, impure need to practice. To make an end to the field, from the need to cultivate the mind. To make an end to ignorance, need to cultivate wisdom.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced.
§ (II) (108) EVIL OF
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Body evil, oral evil act, the evil act.
This, monks, these three measures. To make an end to this three French, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To make an end to the evil act itself, need to act friendly practice. To make an end to the evil practice gate, gate operator needs to practice charity. To make an end to the evil practice, the operator needs to practice charity.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three measures need to be practiced.
§ (III) (109) morbid (REACH)
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Education Games, golf range, damage range.
This, monks, these three measures. To make an end to this three French, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To reach sexual annihilation, renunciation must practice range. To make an end to the field level, no need to practice golf range. To make an end to harmful range, no harm should practice range.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced.
§ (IV) (110) CONCEPT
... (As of on, only how to reach CONCEPT).
§ (V) (111) About
... (As of 109, only to reach ABOUT world).
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Satisfying is, depending ego is, wrong.
This, monks, these three measures. To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To make an end is satisfying, a great need to practice impermanence. To make an end depending ego is, a great need to cultivate selflessness. To make an end viewpoints need to cultivate the right view.
§ (VII) (113) NO PEANUTS
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Any communication, harmful, illegal act.
This, monks, these three measures. To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To make an end to any communication, need to cultivate joy. To make an end to harm, no harm should cultivate. To make an end to the illegal practice, the practice should be practiced.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced.
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Do not know enough, not alert, have more sex.
This, monks, these three measures. To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced. What are the three?
3. To make an end do not know enough, know enough need to practice. To make an end is not awareness, awareness needs to practice. To make an end with more education, less training and need to practice.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced.
§ (IX) (115) EVIL SPEECH
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. Universal Evil, evil friendship, fluctuating mind.
This, monks, these three measures. To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced. What are the three?
3. To make an end to evil speech, language need to cultivate good. To make an end to evil friendship, good fellowship should cultivate. To paragraph dedicated oscillator, mindfulness of breathing in exhaled breath should cultivate.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three factors that must be practiced.
§ (X) (116) agitation
1 - Hey, monks, these three measures. What are the three?
2. agitation, not protect, distraction.
This, monks, these three measures. To make an end to this three French, three measures need to practice. What are the three?
3. To make an end to agitation, just need to practice. To make an end is not protected, protection needs to practice. To make an end to distractions, no distractions need to practice.
To take third paragraph This, this, monks, three measures need to practice.
(117) RESTAURANT (1)
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, could not stay consistent body in the body. What is six?
2. Preferred work, fancy talking, sleeping favorite, preferred congregation, not the protection of the base, not moderation in eating.
This, monks, this law does not make an end of six, could not stay consistent body in the body.
3. The take six measures, the monks, relatives can stay in the body shop. What is six?
4. Favorite job, preferred talking, sleeping favorite, preferred congregation, not the base room, no moderation in eating.
This annihilation of six, the monks, relatives can stay in the body shop.
(118) CONSISTENT (2)
1 - Do not make an end to the six measures, the monks, could not contemplating the body in the body internally ... on external bodies ... on ... on the exterior body sensation on the inner life ... ... on the ... on the domestic foreign exchange life expectancy ... on ... on the inner mind ... on ... on the domestic foreign exchange center ... on the legal mind ... on the internal legal measures ... on the ... on the domestic foreign exchange law. What is six?
2. Preferred work, fancy talking, sleeping favorite, preferred congregation, not the protection of the base, not moderation in eating.
This annihilation of six, the monks, can stay consistent on the exterior and legal measures.
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, Homeowners Tapussa go to salvage where Tathagata, live shows are immortal, immortal enlightenment. What is six?
2. With unwavering loyalty for Buddhist activities, with unwavering loyalty to the French action, with unwavering loyalty to Increase action, gender St., St. location, with St. liberation.
This achievement six, the monks, Homeowners Tapussa go to salvage where Tathagata, live shows are immortal, immortal enlightenment.
(120) SEE immortality
1. - Achievement six measures, the monks, Bhallika Homeowners ... Homeowners ... Homeowners Citta Sudatta Macchikasandika Anathapindika ... Hatthaka Alavaka ... ... Homeowners Ugga Sakka Mahanama who Vesali. .. The owner ... Sura Ambattha Uggata ... Jivaka Nakulapita Komarabhacca ... ... Homeowners Homeowners ... Homeowners Tavakannika Purana ... Isidatta ... Homeowners Homeowners ... Homeowners Sandhana Vijaya ... Homeowners ... Homeowners Vajjiyamahito lay Vasettha Mendaka ... ... ... lay lay Arittha Saragga go to salvage the Tathagata, live shows are immortal, immortal realize. What is six?
2. With unwavering loyalty for Buddhist activities, with unwavering loyalty to the French action, with unwavering loyalty to Increase action, gender St., St. location, with St. liberation.
This achievement six, the monks, lay people going to the ultimate Saragga where Tathagata, live shows are immortal, immortal realize.
(121) VISIT (1)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, the six measures need to practice. What is six?
2. Seeing supreme, supreme listening, attained supreme interests, Learning supreme law, serves supreme, supreme customized concept.
To win voters participated, the monks, the six measures need to practice.
(122) VISIT (2)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, the six measures need to practice. What is six?
2. Depending Buddha, depending anniversary France, depending anniversary Increase, depending anniversary Gender, depending anniversary Candidates, depending anniversary Thien.
To win voters participated, the monks, six factors that must be practiced.
(123) VISIT (3)
1. - To win voters participated, the monks, the six measures need to practice. What is six?
2. Chiang impermanence, suffering in impermanence ideal, selfless concept of suffering and annihilation thoughts, ideas dispassion, cessation idea.
To win voters participated, the monks, six factors that must be practiced.
(124) VISIT (4)
1 - Hey, monks, to participate in another tri ... to annihilation ... to make an end ... to eradicate, to get ruined, to dispassion, to cessation, to abolish, to abandon the six measures need to practice. What is six?
§ (See 121-123)
2. Hey, monks, to win golf tri ... si, anger, hostility and hatred lie, brain damage, jealousy, bright, deceptive, fraudulent, treacherous, stubborn, elated, painful, chronic, chronic upper increase, pride, distraction ... to full understanding, to cessation, to eradicate, to get ruined, to dispassion, to cessation, to abolish, to abandon. .. six factors that must be practiced.

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