Sunday 15 May 2016

§ (I) (1)
1. Like I hear:
One time, the World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in Jetavanna, His Anàthapindika garden. In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". "Yes Sir, Bach World Religion".
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
2.-With this, free from the mind of Female-on stilts, is used, is practice, made for fullness, made like chariot, made as stronghold, was customised stay, are achievement, was cited by the author, the waiting period is eight benefit. What are the eight?
3. Sleep at peace, get up are at peace, do not see nightmares, are fan, be non fan, Chu Heaven, or household poison or make space, if not through the upper reach, reach the Brahma world. With this, the rescue Center from Male-stilts, used, cultivation, made for fullness, made like chariot, made as stronghold, was customised stay, are achievement, was cited by the author, the waiting period is the eight advantages.
One practice from the heart
Often immeasurable cox2 anniversary
The unlawful use weaker
See sanh y removal
With no evil mind
From introspection of all beings
Consequently, he became
NET ranks for JEE
With Italy from introspection
For all beings
Holy ranks cleverly done
A lot of the good German
After having conquered
A crowd of men
The hermit Kings
According to the rituals
International Horse international celebration of people
Drinking ceremony won the battle
24-throw bridge luck
Door lock retreat ceremony
Not sixteen part
Tu cited ranks from the heart
As the light of the Moon
For the stars
Don't kill, don't kill
Not win, not win
From the mind of all beings
Not hateful to anyone.
1.-the Female-stilts, eight workers, eight, making happy Offense has not been evidence base can be with wisdom, if evidence was taken to the forecast growth, increase the width, is practice, is fullness. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live based on masters degree or associates degree happy to play the role of medicine only, are you a wonderful stay in an astute, popular, respected. The Male-stilts, this is entertainment first, first coast makes happy Offense has not been evidence base can be with wisdom, if evidence was taken to the forecast growth, increase the width, is practice, is fullness.
3. Locate left by life based on masters degree or associates degree happy to play the role of medicine only, are you a wonderful stay in an astute, popular, respected, often go to they ask go ask again: "Dear author Respect, what is this? The meaning of this? " The author's Respect extend something not expand, exposing what not to be exposed, and the French are questionable, they reduce the question. The Male-stilts, this is the second, the second basic led coast Offense not proof can be happy being with wisdom, if evidence was taken to the forecast growth, increase the width, is practice, is fullness.
4. Locate him after listening to France, tried the net two accomplishments; NET security body and mind the safety net. The Male-stilts, this is the third human ... is fullness.
5. does the position about Germany, living with the tame tame, the duty of the full Majesty of Chief Justice, see fear in those little bugs, acceptance and learning French. The Male-stilts, this Wednesday ... be fullness.
6. Position he heard many life maintenance, things heard, the compound contains what was heard; the French, Chinese, friendly profile, backstage, the OWL writing mean stuff seriously high happy Offense life full of purity; the French position, he had heard much, held, have to remember that litigation is read several times, professional judgement, consistent input Italian Chief comments. The Male-stilts, this Thursday ... be fullness.
7. Locate her essential needs, in order to take advantage of the French charity, any piece to do the initialization, the contentious efforts persist, do not abandon the burden for France. The Male-stilts, this Friday ... been fullness.
8. does the position going to the monks, who is not talking much, not frivolous, talk yourself say France or invite others to say, do not scorn the silence of the Holy steps. The Male-stilts, this Saturday ... be fullness.
9. does Taste live birth number-option in five prime aggregates: "this is good, this is a starting set of colors; This is the sharp end; This is the life, this is a starting set of life; This is the termination of life; Here's the idea ... This is ... This is the recipe, this is a starting set of forms; This is the ending ". The Male-stilts, this eighth, eighth coast, making happy Offense has not been evidence base can be with wisdom, if evidence was taken to the forecast growth, increase the width, is practice, is fullness.
10. The happy endearing co-conspirators's position as follows: "this false Religious life refuge on masters degree or an accomplice of the medical role only happy, are you a wonderful stay in an astute, popular, respected. Indeed, this false Religion know something worth knowing to see something worth seeing ". This is France brought to popular, syndicated, was practice, brought to the Sa-happy subjects, depth of mind spread evenly.
11. this false Religious life refuge on masters degree, or almond Associates ranks medical role only, are you a wonderful stay in an astute, popular, respected ... (such as the number 3 above) ... they release the suspects. This is France brought to popular, syndicated, was practice, brought to the Sa-happy subjects, depth of mind spread evenly.
12. this false Religion after hearing (such as the number 4 above) ... NET Security Center. This is France brought to popular, syndicated, was practice, bringing the count Sa-happy subjects, depth of mind spread evenly.
13. the false Religion has about Germany. (like number 5 above) ... learning in Learning French. The Male-stilts, this is France ... spread evenly.
14. this false Religion listen more ... (as) ... manual primary accomplishments. This is French ... spread evenly.
15. this false Religious life essential need essential tons ... (like the number 7 above) ... as for the France friendly. This is French ... spread evenly.
16. this false Religion going to increase them. (like the number 8 above) ... the silence of the Holy steps. This is French ... spread evenly.
17. live birth number-option fake Religious destruction in its aggregates. (like the number 9 above) ... This is the ending, this is France brought to popular, syndicated, was practice, brought to the Sa-happy subjects, depth of mind spread evenly.
The Male-stilts, eight workers, eight of this coast makes for happy Offense has not been the evidence base can be with wisdom, if evidence was taken to the forecast growth, increase the width, is practice, is fullness.
§ (III) (3) of FRANCE are NOT FAN (1)
1.-eight achievements this French, this Male-stilts, Female-stilts are not accomplices fan happy, love, respect and imitate. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts scatter exclamation who was not popular, criticized those who are fan of your favorite, your favorite interests, are glass, not a sense of shame, no fear, and evil have deviant opinions.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are not accomplices fan happy, love, respect and imitate.
3. Achievements of eight French, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are happy accomplices fan, love, respect and imitate. This and the Female-stilts, how are the eight?
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts scatter exclamation not those who do not complete lines c fan, do not criticize those who are fan, loathe, loathe interests are glass, have shame, fear, and at least have the Chief Justice.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are happy accomplices fan, love, respect and imitate.
§ (IV) (4) the FRENCH NOT FAN (2)
1.-eight achievements this French, this Male-stilts, Female-stilts are not accomplices fan happy, love, respect and imitate. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts, respect your preferred advantage preferred, preferred exclamation was approved, don't know, don't know just enough, not clean, say many, yelled at nhiếc rebuke for the same Offense.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are not accomplices fan happy, love, respect and imitate.
3. Achievements of eight French, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are happy accomplices fan, love, respect and imitate. What are the eight?
Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts loathe, loathe benefits respect, loathe to be riveted the exclamation, know, know just enough, clean, does not say much, not yelled at nhiếc rebuke for the same Offense.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are happy accomplices fan, love, respect and imitate.
1.-Eight France this, the Male-stilts, moved the world. Custom world moved by eight French. What are the eight?
2. Profit and not profit, no fame, fame and criticism and the exclamation, and suffering.
Eight France this world, this Female-stilts, and RI n the world. Custom world moved by eight French.
Profit, not profit,
Fame, not fame
Criticism and approval the exclamation
Peace and suffering
The this impermanence
The constant variable does not usually kill
Know they keep mindfulness
Tier one turn kill
France stylishly, no action
Not available, no yard
The positive French inverse or
Be dashed no longer
After you know the way
Not the ceiling texture is not melancholy
Chơn thành District Chief knew of birth owner
Go to the other side.
1.-Eight French world, this Female-stilts, moved the world. Custom world moved by eight French. What are the eight?
2. Profit and not profit, fame and no list v ng, and criticized the exclamation, peace and suffering.
Eight France this world, this Female-stilts, moved the world. Custom world moved by eight French.
3. With your divine unheard of France, wife of the Male-stilts, engenders benefit, not profit, fame, criticized, Zan exclamation, peace, suffering. With Saints Sami listener France, also engenders benefit, benefit, not fame, criticized, Zan exclamation, peace, suffering.
Here, the Male-stilts, there is nothing specific, nothing wrong there, WINS another feud between Saints and heard divine unheard phu French guys?
-World Religion, the French took That as the basis, taking the World as directed, taking the World as possible refuge. Instead of healing, the White World That Religious teaching, please Respect for the meaning of this word. After hearing That, the Female-stilts will tho.
So the Female-stilts, listen and contemplate carefully, I shall say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
4.-with your divine unheard of France, wife of the Male-stilts, start up benefit. No taste reflecting: "nourishing Benefits start up where I did nursing, impermanence, the ruined". The taste is not as clearly known ... start up non profit ... run up the ladder ... start up no fame ... kicked up criticism ... run on the exclamation ... start up peace ... run up suffering. No taste thought: "this Gauge start up where I was suffering, impermanence suffering, ruined". The taste is not as clearly known, that the beneficial nutrients penetrate the mind of people and stay, no beneficial nutrients penetrate the mind of people and stay, fame invade the mind of people and stay, not fame invade the mind of people and stay, invade the mind of people and stay the exclamation, the mind of the infiltration and an intrusion, stay mindful of him, and stay, suffering invades the mind of people and stay ". The agreement with beneficial nutrients are starting up and not conducive to maintenance of paradoxes; agreement with fame was started up and with no maturity; agreement with the thumbs up and started the evening with criticism; the peace agreement was started up and think with ch suffering; Her full consent, such as reciprocity, no freed birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. I said that, he did not escape the agony.
5. With the disciples heard this, the National French-stilts, start up benefit. The position he thought: "This nourishing Benefits start up where I did nursing, impermanence, the ruined". She tastes like the real thing clear ... start up non profit ... run up the ladder ... start up no fame ... kicked up criticism ... run on the exclamation ... start up peace ... run up suffering. Thinking her position as follows: "this miserable run up where she's suffering, impermanence, suffering, ruined". She tastes like the real thing to articulate this nourishing benefit know, that does not invade the mind of her taste and stay, not beneficial nutrients penetrate the mind of people and stay; Fame invade the mind of people and stay, not fame invade the mind of people and stay; criticism of the Center's infiltration and an evening of canopy, invade the mind of people and stay; peace of mind the intrusion and security stay, suffering invades the mind of people and stay ". Her positive beneficial applications are not run up and irreversible with no nutritional benefit; no agreement with fame was started up and does not respond to adversity not fame; do not concur with the pros n started messing up and not respond to criticism; No pros for peace was started up with adversity and not suffering. Her position due to the positive effects of the endless passages, such as inverse, so the freed birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. He said that, the escape from suffering.
This is particularity, the Female-stilts, this is the enemy WINS, this is a false distinction between Saints and heard disciples chums guys wife didn't listen to France.
Profit, not profit,
Fame, not fame
Criticism and approval the exclamation
Peace and suffering
The this impermanence
The constant variable does not usually kill
Know the right keep mindfulness
Tier one turn kill
France stylishly, no action
Not available, no yard
The positive French inverse or
Be dashed no longer
After you know the way
Not the ceiling texture is not melancholy
Chơn thành District Chief knew of birth owner
Go to the other side.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Ràjagaha § mountain Gijjhakùta (XA) (thứu) after Devadatta left not long. At that, the Devadatta, the Religion of the Male-stilts:
2. the Gospel instead of this, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts often observe his violation. Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, Female-stilts often observe another's infringement. Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, Female-stilts are often observed in the presence of his reach. Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, Female-stilts are often observed in the presence of others. Due to the magic of the French conquest of Africa, eight mind been invaded, the Female-stilts, Devadatta crashing into fallen made, hell, living in it both an shit, not to be saved from. What are the eight?
3. The Male-stilts, was conquered, o mind been invaded, Devadatta was contentious on fallen, living hell in that both a fuck, not to be saved from. The Male-stilts, being conquered by nourishing beneficial, ... been conquered fame ... were not conquered fame ... being conquered respect ... were not conquered by the glass ... were sexual conquest of evil ... evil by being conquered, occupied, Devadatta crashing into fallen made, hell, living in it both an shit, not to be saved from.
The Male-stilts, were eight marvelous this French conquest of Africa, the mind been invaded, Devadatta was contentious on fallen, living hell in that both a fuck, not to be saved from.
4. Heal this, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live birth are profitable conquest run ... not beneficial nutrients are being run ... fame was being run ... no fame was being run ... respect is being kicked... don't respect sexual beings is evil is run by evil ... is being run. This and the Female-stilts, Female-stilts by charm whatever purposes needs to live birth are profitable conquests start...?
The Male-stilts, because life is not conquering, beneficial nutrients are starting up, the pirated or heat damage of the brain being kicked. By live, beneficial nutrients are starting up, the heat does brain damage or illegally absent. The Male-stilts, because life is not conquering not benefit nursing was started up, ... of Fame was started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by owners are starting up, the pirated or damage, heat the brain being kicked. Due to the live evil conquest by owners are starting up, so the heat does brain damage or illegally absent. The Male-stilts, due to this purpose, the national coast-stilts live, beneficial nutrients are starting up, ... of Fame was started up ... not fame started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by being kicked up. Thus, the Male-stilts, the master need to be learning as follows:
5. "I will live the conquest of beneficial nutrients are starting up ... not benefit are run up the ladder ... start up ... not fame started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by owners are starting up". Thus, the Male-stilts, the master need to study.
1. A false Religion, Uttara stay in Mahisavatthu, on Mount Sankheyyaka, at Dhavajàlikà. At the time, assuming the National Uttara-stilts.
2. Heal instead of this tributary, Sage, Male-stilts often observe his violation. Heals instead of this tributary, Sage, Male-stilts often observe another's infringement. Heals instead of this tributary, Sage, Male-stilts often observe his success. Heals instead of this tributary, Sage, Male-stilts often observed the success of others.
3. At the time, the great Kingdom of Vessavana are going from the North to the South, because a few tasks, sounded false Religious Uttara Vessavana Majesty stay in Mahisavatthu, on the Sankheyyaka mountain, in Dhavajàlikà theory as such for the Male-stilts: "Heal this, Chu Ja, Female-stilts often observed ... the success of others".
4. Then your Majesty as the lishi Vessavana extensor forearm is shrinking, or shrink the arms are straightening, also disappeared in Mahisavatthu, on the Sankheyyaka mountain, in Dhavajàlikà and realized Chu Thien in the thirty-three. Then go to the home Bias Vessavana Majesty Sakka; After arriving home with Sakka says:
-Do you know the odds of false Religious Uttara at Mahisavatthu, on the Sankheyyaka mountain, in Dhavajàlikà theory for the Male-stilts as follows: "Heal this, Chu Ja, Female-stilts often observed ... the success of others".
5. Then the home Bias Sakka as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the arms are straightening, also disappeared before the heavenly realms the phrase Sun thirty-three, appeared in Mahisavatthu, on the Sankheyyaka mountain, in Dhavajàlikà, in front of the fake Religious Uttara. Then Sakka master Bias go to the fake Religious Uttara; After the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl to fake Uttara and then stand a side. Stand on one side, mastery Sakka says with mock Religious Uttara:
-Dear true, false Religion, the false Religious Uttara theory for Male-stilts as follows: "Heal this, Chu Ja, Female-stilts often observed ... the success of others"? This home Bias that, Sir.
-Ladies, this is fake fake Religion Religious Uttara said or is the words of World Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan?
6.-so this Heavenly host, we will make an example for the people, thanks to the example here, a number of people who have the mind to understand the meaning of words. For this, the home Bias, as there is a large pile of rice not far from the village, or town, and the masses from where he brought rice rice go pile, or burden, or blow on in barrels, or on the side, or with the hands. This home Bias, if anyone came to the mass hordes and asked the following: "The people who carry this rice from?" This home Bias, he must attend to mass crowd to how can a way chon TAM Chief Justice?
-Mr. Suen, mass crowd wanted a landing the way chon TAM Chief, need to answer the following: "Dear author Respect, we brought this big pile of rice from the rice".
Also, the home Bias, what this cleverly stated, all words of world's Respect, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College. Based on her testimony, based up on him, and the others spoke up.
7. True False Respect Sir, marvelous micro! Really useful instead of false Religion, my hope! It's cleverly says this speech is false Religion's Uttara: "all the words of the World's Respect, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College. Based on her testimony, based up on him, and the others speak up. " At one point, Mr. Suen How Uttara, fake Religion stay in Ràjagaha § mountain Gijjhakùta (XA), after Devadatta left not long. In That Respect, the staff of the National Security, Devadatta-stilts:
Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, Female-stilts often observe ... his violation ... § (see 7, 2) ... lived in it a whole damn it, can't be saved from.
"Instead of this, the National Healthy-stilts, Female-stilts life can conquer the beneficial nutrients are being kicked, ... not beneficial nutrients are being run ... fame was being run ... no fame was being run ... respect is being run ... no respect was being evil ... exercise was being run by evil ... was being kicked..."
8. "And the Female-stilts, Female-on stilts due to what purpose coast to live, conquer the beneficial nutrients are starting up? The Male-stilts, because life is not conquering the beneficial nutrients are starting up, the contraband or, damage, heat the brain being kicked. Due to life to conquer nursing benefit was started up, so, the contraband or, brain damage, was not present. The Male-stilts, by not taking advantage of conquest are living starting up ... fame started up ... not fame started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by owners are starting up, the contraband or, damage, brain heat run up, so the omission or , the heat's brain damage, was not present. The Male-stilts, due to this purpose, the national coast-stilts have to conquer beneficial nutrients are starting up ... not benefit are run up the ladder ... start up ... not fame started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by being kicked up. Thus, the Male-stilts, the master need to be learning as follows:
9. Will conquer the beneficial nutrients are starting up ... not benefit are run up the ladder ... start up ... not fame started up ... respect is starting up ... no respect was started up ... start sex with evil ... evil by owners are starting up ". Thus, the Male-stilts, the master need to study.
10. So, ladies fake Religious Uttara, the four assemblies between the human species: male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South, renunciation renunciation, this subject was not a legal one. Mr. Ton, Ton Uttara fake please memorize this disciplines. Dear fake fake Religion Religious life maintenance this disciplines make Uttara. Dear fake Religion, France this subjects related to purpose, stance Violates.
1.-the Female-stilts, said a Chief chon TAM about Nanda, can say the following: "is the Friendly South". The Male-stilts, said a Chief chon TAM about Nanda, can say the following: "the power". The Male-stilts, said a Chief chon TAM about Nanda, can say the following: "Is having credit net". The Male-stilts, said a Chief chon TAM about Nanda, might say: "is there craving sharp".
Who other than this, the National-Nanda stilts, tame the achievement, said Xue in eating, watchful attention, mindfulness the buds? Thanks to this, Nanda could take Offense and almond full purity.
2. Here, the Male-stilts, this is the tame of the Nanda.
The Male-stilts, if Nanda to look about, to focus all of the mind, Nanda East and think: "so, when we look to the East, taking advantage of the real evil, friendly, France will not be compromised". So, does the taste buds. The Male-stilts, if Nanda to look about the West ... Looking North ... of the South ... glimpse up ... bow down to Under view ... or look towards the middle of the main method, focus all of mind, look toward the Middle, Nanda and thinking: "so, when we look toward the middle of the main method fashion, taking advantage of the real evil, friendly, France will not be compromised ". So, here's the Visual flavour.
Thus, the Male-stilts, is tame the Nanda.
3. Here, the Male-stilts, Nanda Xue in eating.
Here, the Male-stilts, Nanda with Chief Justice of life thinking the dish, not for fun, not for passion, not for fashion jewelry, not to himself, but his beauty to this body was an stay and be maintenance, to this body from injuries, to support happy Offense , think: "so we eradicate the old life and not to run up the new life, and we will have no faults, live was an okay".
Thus, the Male-stilts, as Xue dining in Nanda.
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Nanda attention vigilance.
Here, the Male-stilts, Nanda on board or business travel while sitting, Nanda cleanses the mind from legal obstacles. Night soup a go business, or while sitting, Nanda cleanses the mind from legal obstacles. Night, justify, Nanda located refinement of lions, at the side of the right hand, one foot placed on the other foot, the mindfulness, mind the thought of waking up again. At night, get up, go to the last menstrual soup or while sitting, Nanda cleanses the mind from legal obstacles.
The Male-stilts, so Nanda attention vigilance.
5. Here, the Male-stilts, Nanda mindfulness province.
Here, the Male-stilts, clearly know when the launch life Nanda up clearly, know when the Shou an stay clear, when the termination of life ... clearly know when the idea ... clearly know when the games start up, clearly know when the games an stay clear, know when the Games end.
The Male-stilts, this is Nanda mindfulness province.
The Male-stilts, who else apart from Nanda, the Female-stilts, tame the achievement, said Xue in eating, watchful attention, mindfulness the buds? Thanks to this, Nanda could take Offense and almond full purity.
§ (X) (10) the MAP BIN
1. One time, World Religion stay in on the shore of Lake Gaggarà, Campà. At the time, the Male-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. The taste was the Male-stilts accused, avoiding the problem with another problem, the direction the story out, and there is general outrage, anger and discontent. Then the National Religious-stilts:
2.-the Female-stilts, Let's pursue this person out! The Male-stilts, please hit the! The Male-stilts, people deserve to be expelled.
Copy to other people as descendants of the distractions He? Here, the Male-stilts, when would a person go out, come on, look up, look around, stretch your arms, hands, bearing co y sanghàti, Bowl and y, so, as the Female-friendly Sage stilts to another, until the Male-stilts not found guilty. But when the Male-stilts found guilty of, they know this person is as follows: "this person is unclean, they binge-Sa Sa-Sa-post-harvest straw, is the subject of filth. When so, they chased him out. Why? Shalt not make him unclean to the Sa-gentle friendly subjects.
3. For this, as the Male-stilts, when a rice noodles full of wheat plants were pollution, wheat straw, wheat plants trash are sprouting with such roots, like the gentle friendly wheat plant. With such branches, like the gentle friendly wheat plant. With the leaves is so, like the other, gentler wheat crops until the early rice tops have not borne out. When the rice grows out tops, they said: "this is a wild wheat plant, this plant is wheat straw, wheat crops of filth". After knowing so, they spit up wheat plant, including roots, and toss him out of the wheat plant rice. Because why? They say: "Don't let the wheat plants do UE infected wheat crops other Sage".
Also, the Female-stilts, here, when a person goes out, goes on, look up, look around, stretch your arms, hands, bearing co y sanghàti, Bowl and y, so, as the Female-friendly Sage stilts to another, until the Male-stilts not found him guilty. But when the Male-stilts found him guilty, they said: "this person is fake, subjects of Sa-Sa-Sa-junk binge, straw subjects". After learning who she is, so they chased him out. Because why? "Don't let her do UE infectious Sa-ja other subjects".
4. For this, as the Male-stilts, when a large pile of rice being ready, at that, the granular rice would make hard, have seeds, they are the substance into a party; also the rice grain would weak, just the straw, the time was wind lashed on one side, and the owner, with brooms, sweeping them still further. Because why? "Never let her do a rice paddy Sudhakar particles contamination UE other friendly".
Also, the Female-stilts, here, when a person goes out, goes on, look up, look around, stretch your arms, hands, bearing co y sanghàti, Bowl and y, so, as the Female-friendly Sage stilts to another, until the Male-stilts not found him guilty. But when the Male-stilts found him guilty, they said: "this person is unclean, subjects of Sa-Sa-Sa-subjects, post-harvest straw of filth". After learning who she is, so they chased him out. Because why? "Don't let her do UE infectious Sa-ja other subjects".
5. For this, as the Male-stilts, a person needs some plumbing, grab a hammer and sharp go into the forest, and with hammer, tap into this stem or trunk. Here, the trees would make hard, core, when rolled, reverberate, hammered are hard round. What about the tree in the Middle were rotting, no core (full stasis impure) profane, when rolled, reverberate, hammered Bulgarian resistance. Her tight, tree root; After the original tight, her tight tops; After the tight tops, washing him in the side of the tree to clean; When washing the inside for clean and then he connected, the tubes together.
Also, the Female-stilts, here, when a person goes out, goes on, look up, look around, stretch your arms, hands, bearing co y sanghàti, Bowl and y, so, as the Female-friendly Sage stilts to another, until the Male-stilts not found him guilty. But when the Male-stilts found him guilty, they said: "this person is fake, subjects of Sa-Sa-Sa-subjects, post-harvest straw of filth". After learning who she is, so they chased him out. Because why? "Don't let her do UE infectious Sa-ja other subjects".
The teacher can know
This person living Master
Craving and outrage
Slurs and recalcitrant
Brain damage and disabilities quiz
San join date and untrue
Said peace between the
Say the words Sa-Mon
Conceal, evil work
Evil, lack of respect
Crooked and lying
So, what do people know?
All must agree
The same avoiding him
Let's hit export straw litter
Please ship directly under UE
From now on Let's chase away
Guys who say many useless
Not the Sa-Mon
But Sa-general subjects
Export hit wicked sex
Evil, evil Majesty
Living with purity
Clean living mindfully
Harmony knew tactful
Let's end the suffering.
§ (I) (11) VERANJÀ
1. Like I hear:
One time, the World Religion stay in Veranjà, under a tree Nalerupucimanda. Then She-la-Veranjà subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said with the Ton World welcomes inquiry; After saying the words of welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Veranjà subjects of the White World Religion:
-False Respect Sir I have heard as Gotama then: "Sa-not wealthy girl, Gotama subjects don't stand up, whether or not the Chair invited Ms.-la-elderly subjects, great age elders, his life has been spent, have come to the end of his life". Dear fake Religious Gotama, the can is as such: "false Religion not wealthy girl, Gotama does not stand up, whether or not the Chair invited Ms.-la-elderly subjects, great age elders, his life has been spent, have come to the end of his life". As such, your fake Religion Gotama, is so incomplete.
-She-la, I don't see anyone in the world of Chu, the evil in the world, in the world of Brahma, in Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and humans that one can wealthy girl he stood up, ceremony or invite the Chair to sit. She-la, as if the wealthy girl Hybrid, or stand, or sit, the early people's hot melt.
2. false-religion, really lack! Gotama
-She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-true Italian taste deficiency Gotama subjects". She-la, the taste, the taste, taste, taste, taste, taste the emotion, As Lai has dedicated sections, off from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, to being kicked in the future. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-true Italian taste deficiency Gotama subjects". But he said not with this meaning.
3. "false Religious Gotama missing property". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama lack assets". She-la, the property, the property, the property, the property, the property, the property promotion, As Lai has dedicated sections of them, off the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, to being kicked in the future. She-la, this is France, with French subjects n y, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama lack assets". But he said not with this meaning.
4. "false Religious doctrine advocates action not Gotama". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama does not act theory advocates". She-la, I say not to do evil deeds, evil words about, about evil thoughts. I said no action on the evil French, real friendly. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama does not act theory advocates". But he said not with this meaning.
5. "false Religious doctrine advocates killing paragraph Gotama". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated novel fragment removal". She-la, I claimed removal segment took part, si. Us paragraph claims kill the evil, real friendly France. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated novel fragment removal". But he said not with this meaning.
6. "false Religion is boring people Gotama". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama is boring people". She-la, we're boring as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth. We're boring the achievements the evil French, real friendly. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama is boring people". But he said not with this meaning.
7. "false Religious Gotama advocates socialism nothingness". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama is an advocate of nothingness". She-la, Ta theory to nothingness to take part, si. Ta theory to nothingness the evil French, real friendly. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama is an advocate of nothingness". But he said not with this meaning.
8. "fake Religion was the ascetic Gotama". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-Mon is the ascetic Gotama". She-la, We declare that need the ascetic, the real evil, as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth. She-la, with whom, the evil French, real charity, do evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth was ascetic seclusion, the take, be severed from the roots, was made as the stem I-la, was made could not be reborn, was made impossible in the future, we start contentious claims that he is the person. She-la, with As hybrid, the evil French, real charity, do evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth was ascetic seclusion, the take, be severed from the roots, was made as the stem I-la, was made could not be reborn, is to bring forth the future starter. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-Mon is the ascetic Gotama". But he said not with this meaning.
9. "false Religious Gotama advocates do not enter thai". She-la, there's this French subjects, disciplines, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not enter thai". She-la, with whom the ability to enter thai reborn in the future already take advantage of snippets, off from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, making impossible birth to future start, we claimed that he advocated did not enter. She-la, Lai has dedicated sections such as the ability to enter thai and reborn in the future, cut off from its roots, has made as the stem I-la, have made cannot be reborn, has to future launch of birth. She-la, this is France, with French subjects, who talk about the chon TAM Chief could say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not enter thai". But he said not with this meaning.
For this, such as She-la, eight, ten or twelve eggs of hens, hens cleverly located Hamlet, Hamlet, Hamlet and hot and the chicken in the chicken little, first off, grab the legs, nail, head, mouth or beak chicken, egg shell breaking out safely, the then known as adults or children?
-Dear fake Religious right's son, called Gotama's eldest son. Indeed, Mr. Suen fake her eldest son, Gotama in all the chickens.
10.-also, she-la, when we as beings suffer ignorance dominates, such as egg, engenders were covered, broke the egg shell ignorance, alone is ridiculous in the sense of Primary upper Primary College life, she-la, really I was the first, winning in life. Again, she-la, We need non-essential, indolence. We stay, no furniture, the fuselage was disrespect, no draining, static, defined for the mind.
11. She-la, ly, ly real friendly, we have shown the French hit and stay Zen profile, a State of being, by loving cups education offers, there are four. NET makes ranged and only four, one witness reached and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, not games, not four, static content for the mind. LY Hy Ta stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensor body province tho, that the Saints called discharge anniversary lost stay. We achieved certification and stay third Meditation. Discharge, discharge, removal from the life span has priority before the wedding, We achieved certification and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, don't touch, discharge, purity.
12. With the intention of plain, static, in the morning, no texture, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, does not fluctuate, so, We lead the mind, direction to the University network. I remember past lives, a lifetime, two years, three years, four years, five years, ten years, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, one hundred, two hundred, a thousand, more destructive, a lot of, lot of sabotage and the next life. I remember that: "in place of the other, We have the name like this, like this, like this class, suffering lost like this, life expectancy to levels like this. After the death in there, I was born on the spot. In place, We have the name like this, like this, like this class, suffering lost like this, life expectancy to levels like this. After his death in place, I was born here ". So, I remember many past lives together with the general definition and detailed definition.
She-la, this is in a soup, I was clever, intelligent beings, kill ignorance, darkness, the light of birth. Do we live not ample magnification, zealous, essential need. She-la, this is the birth of the Us, as the chicks birth out of the egg shell.
13. With the intention of plain, static, in the morning, no texture, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, does not fluctuate, so, We lead the mind, driven to wisdom about birth and death of beings. With pure translational label superheroes, we see the life and death of beings. We know that the beings, who listed high guys, to the beautiful people, rough guys, bad luck, misfortune, guys are happy because their career; the beings of this achievement stems do evil, evil speaking mouth accomplishments, achievements evil thought; the libel Saint, according to TA, created the industrial ties. These people, after the General network, to ruined the birth relatives on the evil, evil, fallen, hell. Also the class of beings, as fresh achievements, achievements of the mouth says, fresh thoughts, accomplishments do not defame the Holy steps, according to the Chief Justice, created the career as Chief Justice. These people, after the General network, was being ruined torso up the friendly animal, heaven, the eternal. As such, the net net label, we see the life and death of beings. We know that the beings, who, high to the guys, beautiful, rough guys i fishing's bad luck, misfortune, guys are happy.
She-la, this is in the middle of the soup, We were second, ignorance, intelligent beings, the darkness, the light of birth. Do we live not ample magnification, zealous, essential need. She-la, this is the second birth of chicks, like being out of the egg shell.
14. With the mind intention plain, static, in the morning, no texture, no negativity, nhuyến, easy to use, sturdy, does not fluctuate, so, We lead the mind, to take advantage of the smuggled. I know as fact: "this is know as fact:" gauge "it is suffering", know as fact: "this is know as," the true Suffering: "this is the path taken to destroy the Gauge", know as fact: "these are know as truth, or" pirated "this is the cause of pirated or", know as fact: "this is the contraband or removal", know as truth "This is the path taken to pirated or removal". Do so, seeing as such, my mind rid of smuggled pirated property, escape, escape from ignorance pirated. To have freed themselves as such, run up the understanding: "We've been freed". I said: "Being destroyed, Criminals have become, how did, after the current life, no other life." She-la, this is in the soup, we are proving the witness late Tuesday, ignorance, intelligent beings, the darkness, the light of birth. Do we live not ample magnification, zealous, essential need. She-la, this is the birth of my third, as the chicks birth out of the egg shell.
15. Be heard Her say so,-la-Bach Veranja subjects Like Religion:
-The first is imitation of Gotama! Dark victory is a fake Religion Gotama! True false Respect Sir, marvelous micro Gotama! True false Respect Sir, marvelous micro Gotama! Dear fake Religion, such as Gotama built up what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for those who are lost, bringing light into the darkness, to anyone who has eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice share many Religious World are means of presenting explained. Please fake Religious refuge Gotama, y France, qui y we Male-stilts. Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli (Bhikkhu-dormitories-ly), in Mahàvana (Great Forest), in Kùtàgàrasàla (the House has pointed roof). At the time, many illustrious ranks as the Licchavis governed, has fame, sitting together in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase.
2. At the time, General Sìha was disciple of Niganthà sit in the assemblies. And the General Sìha of thinking as follows: "no doubt, That he is A Religious-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, given that various Licchavis governed has the reputation, the illustrious sat gathered in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase. So let go until she's Religious position , steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
3. Then go to Sìha General Niganthà Nàtaputta, after arriving, with Niganthà Nàtaputta:
-False Respect Sir, I want to go until the Sa-keeper Gotama.
-Sìha This, why he advocated action again until the Sa-keeper Gotama, advocates not to act? Hey Sìha, Sa-keeper Gotama advocates don't act, don't act theory and the training of the disciples. And General Sìha, Italy wants to go until That Religion would be extinguished.
4. Second, many illustrious ranks as the Licchavis governed, has fame, sitting together in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase. Second, General Sìha of thinking as follows: "no doubt, That he is A Religious-la-Han, Chief Visual Modeler because that various Licchavis governed has the reputation, the illustrious sat gathered in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase. So let go until she's Religious position, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
Then the General Sìha go to Niganthà Nàtaputta, after arriving here with Niganthà Nàtaputta:
-False Respect Sir, I want to go until the Sa-keeper Gotama.
-Sìha This, why he advocated action again until the Sa-keeper Gotama, advocates not to act? Hey Sìha, Sa-keeper Gotama advocates don't act, don't act theory and the training of the disciples.
And then second, Sìha General, Italy wants to go until That Religion would be extinguished.
5. Third, many illustrious ranks as the Licchavis governed, has fame, sitting together in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase. Third, General Sìha of thinking as follows: "no doubt, That Religion is A-level la-Han, Chief Visual Modeler because that various Licchavis governed has the reputation, the illustrious sat gathered in the Hall, using various media to scatter exclamation exclamation riveted France, Buddha, riveted the exclamation we Increase. The Niganthà will do it for us, if they are to consult or not to consult. So we do not ask Niganthà comments, go to the audience's Religious position, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
And General Sìha, on midday with about five hundred vehicle, going from Vesàli to World Religion. Ride for the Earth also ride, then walk off into the garden. Then the General Sìha go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, General Sìha of the White World Religion:
-World Religion, I have heard: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not act, the sermon about not acting and trained such disciples". The White World, they say the following: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not act, the sermon about not acting and trained such disciples". The White World, they talk about World Religion as such, they may distort World Religion with snide? And they answered Yes, and not with France French pros who like France French right theory there is no reason to criticize? The White World, we don't want to misrepresent That Religion.
6.-Sìha, This French subjects French subjects, have, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not act, the sermon about not acting and trained such disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated action, theory of action and the training of the disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated passage removal, the sermon on the killing and the training of the disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama was the boring, the sermon about the boring and the training of the disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama is an advocate of nothingness, the sermon about nothingness and the training of the disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-Mon is the ascetic Gotama, ascetic theory and the training of the disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama's advocates do not enter thai, the sermon about not entering thai and trained such disciples."
Sìha this, there are French subjects, disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama is the comforting, consoling theory and the training of the disciples."
7. This And Sìha, how is France, because France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not act, the sermon about not acting and coaching disciples as such"?
I Sìha this statement about not acting for relatives to do evil, evil speaking, mouth and evil thoughts. Us Declaration of failure to act against the evil French, real friendly.
Sìha this, this is France, because France's subjects, if anyone said a chon TAM Chief of me, might say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocates do not act, the sermon about not acting and trained such disciples."
And Sìha, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated action, theory of action and the training of the disciples as such"?
We Sìha this statement about action for healthy mouth healthy body to do, say, and wholesome thought. I Declaration on action for the French charity.
Sìha this, this is France, because France's subjects, if anyone said a chon TAM Chief of me, might say: "Sa-keeper Gotama ch action account, theory of action and the training of the disciples."
And Sìha, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated passage removal, the sermon on the killing and the training of the disciples so?"
Hey Sìha, I announced on the removal took part, si. We claimed on the kill for the evil French, real friendly. This Sìha and here is France, with France's subjects if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama advocated passage removal, the sermon on the killing and the training of the disciples."
And Sìhà, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama is the idle boring, the sermon about the boring and the training of the disciples as such"?
Hey Sìha, I'm boring for relatives to do evil, evil speaking, mouth and evil thoughts. We're boring for the achievements the evil French, real friendly.
Sìhà this, this is France, because France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama is the idle boring, the sermon about the boring and the training of the disciples as such".
And Sìhà, how is this France by disciplines, if say the Chief Justice may, about chon Tam said: "Sa-keeper Gotama is an advocate of nothingness, the sermon about nothingness and the training of the disciples as such"?
We Sìha this theory to nothingness to take part, si. Ta theory to nothingness the evil French real friendly.
Sìha this, this is France, because France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama is an advocate of nothingness, the sermon about nothingness and the training of the disciples as such".
And Sìhà, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-Mon is the ascetic Gotama, ascetic theory and the training of the disciples as such"?
Hey Sìha, I need to declare the real evil French friendly incompatible, even as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth. Sìha, with this one, France real evil, as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth, be ascetic seclusion, the take, was off from the roots, was made as the stem I-la, was made could not be reborn, was made impossible in the future, we start contentious claims he is the person.
Sìha this, for As the future, evil, friendly French need this paragraph was ascetic, was off from the roots, was made as the stem I-la, has been made cannot be reborn, has been made impossible in future startups of birth. Sìha this, this is France, because France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-Mon is the ascetic Gotama, ascetic theory and the training of the disciples as such".
And Sìha, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama's advocates do not enter thai, the sermon about not entering thai and trained such disciple"?
Sìha, with this who has dedicated the piece to enter the pregnancy in the future, the reborn, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, to being kicked in the future. He claims he is the advocates do not enter. Sìha this, As Lai has dedicated the piece to enter the pregnancy in the future, the reborn, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, to being kicked in the future.
Sìha this, this is France, because France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama's advocates do not enter thai, the sermon about not entering thai and trained such disciples".
And Sìha, how is this legal expertise, due to France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama is the comforting, consoling theory and the training of the disciples as such"?
Hey Sìha, I am the person who comforted with the ultimate comfort, We comforted about theory, we're coaching disciples as such. Sìha this, this is France, with France's subjects, if We say the Chief Justice about chon TAM, may say: "Sa-keeper Gotama is the comforting, consoling theory and the training of the disciples."
8. When it is said so, General Sìha of the White World Religion:
-Micro magic instead! The White World Religion! True micro magic instead! The White World Religion, as the upright back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presents, explains. So far I'm refuge World Religion, y France, qui y them billion-stilts Rising. Hope you get Religious disciples upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.
This Sìha-mature thinking, please, please think maturity is nice with people as he celebrated.
-World Religion, the more bumper bumper part, Hy Festival part satisfied with the response to World Religion told me: "this Sìha, please, please think mature ripe reflection is nice with those celebrated as He". The White World Religion, if the layman was the disciple, they will unfurl the flag up and declared: "General Sìha has become our disciples". But That Respect back with: "this Sìha, please, please think mature ripe reflection is nice with people as he celebrated. The White World Religion, the second son of the medical World, the Religious rules please y France, qui y them billion-stilts Rising. Hope you get Religious disciples upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.
-Sìha, have long his family as well as rain water source for the people Niganthà. Make donation the dish for those who come to him.
-World Religion, the back bumper, bumper Hy Festival part part satisfied with the response to World Religion tell you: "this Sìha, have long his family as well as rain water source for the people Niganthà. Make donation dish for those who come to him ". The White World, you heard as follows, Sa-keeper Gotama has said: "Just give me alms, shalt not alms for the others. Just alms for the disciples, shalt not alms for the disciples of others. Just alms for the Phuoc new large, alms for others without big Phuoc Just alms for the Phuoc new disciples great, alms to disciple others without major. "blessed But That Honor again encourage the alms for Niganthà.
The White World, and we here will know the time should do. The White World, the third World medicine, the Religious rules please y France, qui y them billion-stilts Rising. Hope you get Religious disciples upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.
9. Then Ton pros Friday sermon for General Sìha, i.e. the theory of alms, gender theory, theory of the realms, presenting the danger, the lower, the infected cell of the exercise, the benefits of export. When the Religion know the General Sìha, the mind is ready, the mind has no mind, as strong, the mind is excited, the mind is the new novel, the wedding Festival was highly lauded Buddhist followers: "Suffering, destruction, and Director". As well as a plain white canvas sheets, the black dots are erase, very easy dye permeability. Also, in her seat, French label far Tran ly trigger up, all of France are destroyed.
10. And then General Sìha see France, France, said France, able to enter France, suspect pass, due to the infinite gain, except the Department of no medical clearance for other people to the ranks of the French masters. (General Sìha) of the White World Religion:
-World Religion, So please Respect the invitation of children, tomorrow to dinner with them, female-on stilts.
World Religious silence. And General Sìha know That Religion has accepted the invitation, from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, on towards Him, and then goes out. Then General for calling a person: this person there, look for fresh meat.
And General Sìha, after the night at the residence of her origin, to compose the upper dish, sort of hard and soft, and then for people to share with the World Religion: "white World Religion, now has come the time. At the stay made of General Sìha, the dish is ready ".
11. Then, in the morning, y, y offset Bowl, to stay made of General Sìha; After arriving, sitting down for a seat was available to them, the national editor-stilts. At the time, many Niganthà in Vesàli, from the highway to the other major lines, from the alleys to the other hand dance, la alleys: "today, General Sìha was killed in a massive beast, and a feast was composed for Sa, and Sa-Gotama-subjects but know that, still eating meat was compose, due to his charm as was composing". Then a person go to General Sìha, after arriving, said General Sìha: the small "ladies fake fake Religion, Religion know? Many Niganthà in Vesàli, from the highway to the other major lines, from the alleys to the other hand dance, la alleys: "today, General Sìha was killed in a massive beast, and a feast was composed for Sa, and Sa-Gotama-subjects know that, but still eat Gotama meat was compose, due to his charm as was composing". -Oh, Hey you. Already long ago, the author's Religious want to criticize, like to criticize France, want to criticise them, but the author's Respect increases. do not harm what is World Religion with the words misrepresent bogus, empty, and when bluffing. And let's not because life back intentionally killing of species of love.
12. General Sìha his hand Then most and make them National satisfaction-on stilts with the Buddha is the leader of the upper dish position, hard and soft types. And General Sìha, after learning That Respect eating done, left hand bowl of instant, sitting down on one side, and world Religion with a voice preaching to the French General Sìha, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival, and then from the seat got up to leave.
1.-full with eight Germany this National, Leanne-stilts, a horse of kingship, mature, worthy to use King, owner of King, and are viewed as symbols of the King. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, a horse of kingship, mature, skilled delivery both from the side and the system, in any direction, the gentle horse, spirit of Shu not being captain, at her direction, her horse was contentious; They fed the wet or dry food, she eats horse carefully, no drop bottom. The horses then boring when standing or lying near the feces or urine; her horse live wedding Festival and easy living with the other horses, and don't do the other horses to panic. That means there are deceitful, insincere, treacherous, winding, it is stated as true to the car, and the car tries to stock photography offers it. While towing, it thinks: "let the other horses like it or don't like to drag, did I drag". When it goes, it goes in a straight path. Persevere, it persevered until his life ended.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, a horse of kingship, mature, worthy to use King, owner of King, and are viewed as symbols of the King.
3. Thus, the Male-stilts, eight French achievement, Female-stilts deserve respect ... is rice in myriad life blessed. What are the eight?
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts, holding life tame with the tame of the world my duty in full Majesty, the Chief Justice, see fear in the little error, accept v study in the French School. Vela got what food dishes, or international crude, she eats carefully, there is nothing the exclamation, the resentment he boring, boring as evil, evil thoughts, evil speaking mouth, boring the achievements of France any evil. She tastes life wedding Festival and easy living with the Male-stilts, and don't do the Male-other stilts panic. That means there are deceitful, insincere, treacherous, winding, stating as facts for the direction or the co-conspirators have mind trying to stock photography. While studying, he kicked up the thought: "Let's let the Male-other stilts learning, academic or not, did I study here." When to go, he goes straight path, this straight path, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. She tastes life essential need, think: "only Oil the skin, tendons or bones, flesh and blood oil have drying in the fuselage, the thing that human events, the effort of people, the effort can be achieved, if not yet achieved the time of effort without end.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts are worthy, worthy of respect, deserve donation, worth was pieced together the hand, is blessed in countless life rice terraces.
1.-the Female-stilts, I will lecture about eight kinds of horses not subduing, eight bad horses, eight of Leanne's class who has not subduing, the eight names of people's bad. Please listen and carefully test failure, I would say.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
2.-the Female-stilts, how are the eight types of horse Chu was subduing? What are the names of eight horses?
Here, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses not yet subduing, when told to go, being attacked by the end of the bat hitting the car and push it back, and with his back, making the vehicle run round the back. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is bad for the horse's name.
3. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as has come, been hit or end sticks to the car, it jumps backward, into the car, broke for the car. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is the second bad horse's names.
4. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses not yet subduing, when told to go, getting sticks end or who hit the car, pulled calves out of the car and crushed a piece of rimmed-rimmed cars. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is the third bad horse's names.
5. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as has come, been hit or end Rod car la, soon bad path and make the car get lost direction. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, here are the names of bad horses.
6. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as has come, been hit or end sticks to the car, it stands the school front foot and pedal up the air with front legs. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is Leanne bad Thursday of horses.
7. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as has come, been hit or end sticks to the car, not to mention the hit the car, not to mention the rod end, grab the grinding teeth the jaw set (matching the horse) the horse and go where it wants. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is Leanne bad Friday of horses.
8. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as has come, been hit or end sticks to the car, don't go to, don't go back, stop the spot as a column. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is Leanne bad Saturday's horse.
9. Again, the Male-stilts, there kinds of horses has not been restored, as have gone, were the car or finish, sticks, two front legs feet intertwine, raising the feet intertwine back hind legs, and strokes down the four legs in it. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is kind of the horse has not been uniform. The Male-stilts, this is the horse's eighth bad names.
The Male-stilts, here are eight kinds of horses has not been subduing and eight names of bad horses.
10. This And other Female-stilts, how is the eight-person class have not yet been subduing and eight names of people's bad?
Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, avoiding § (problem) as don't mind, that says: "I don't remember, I don't remember." For this, as the Male-stilts, the horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or guest users vehicles la, it goes back to back makes that car run round the back. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is bad for the human family identity.
11. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, emitting the word questioned Male-stilts accusing: "Master retrieved right said this foolish guys, not smart? Why the teacher thought that the teacher must say? " For this, as the Male-stilts, the horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or guest users vehicles la, it jumped back into the car, bike, broke for the car. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is the bad man's two names.
12. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, victims had the national instant-on stilts accusing: "master criminal named also as such. So the teacher be revealed before ". For this, as the Male-stilts, the horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or being hit the car, pulled out of the car and the calves on a piece of debris for the car. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, here are three bad human names.
13. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, avoiding problems associated with another problem, guiding the story out and to express outrage, anger, discontent. For this, as the Male-stilts, the horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, getting sticks, or the airport of la, go on bad roads sailings and make the car get lost direction. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is the fourth man's bad name.
14. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a T-stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, said three sailings, khua foot dance hands. The Male-stilts, such horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or being hit the car, the front fuselage and vertical crawls sailings bike on air with the front legs. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is Leanne bad human Thursday.
15. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, no attention to them, not to Increase attention to the Male-stilts charged, with crimes and as a bi--location, location to where he wanted to. The Male-stilts, such horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or being hit the car, not to mention the car, not the cane, taking the set jaw, chatter and go where it wants. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is the bad man's Friday Leanne.
16. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, "I am not guilty, I am not guilty," and he made them Rise annoyed with silence. The Male-stilts, such horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or being hit the car, do not go to the dollar, did not come back, stand as a pillar. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is Leanne bad Saturday's man.
17. Again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts accused a Male-on stilts. Male-on stilts was the Male-stilts accused, said the following: "why the fake Religious too worried for me. Starting from today, I will abandon the French and continue ". Then he quit School after the taste of France and saying the following: "Now the author's religious affiliation are Hy". The Male-stilts, such horses have not been subduing him, when told to go, be, sticks or guest who does intertwine two sailings from la, car front legs, two legs and the feet intertwine lay down four feet in. The Male-stilts, said people like for example. Thus, the Male-stilts, this is the class has not yet been restored. The Male-stilts, this is the eighth human bad names.
The Male-stilts, here are eight of the class has not yet been subduing and eight names of people's bad.
§ (V) (15) the UE
1.-the Female-stilts, eight structures, this cleaner, how are the eight?
2. The Male-stilts, does not read as UE profile of Scriptures; the Male-stilts, no wake structure of UE's home; the Male-stilts, indolence is UE profile of content; the Male-stilts, Yi was UE of the room; the Male-stilts, UE women's structure is happy; the Male-stilts, San join date is UE profile of alms; the evil French, real charity, is a structure of UE this life and the hereafter. But the Female-stilts, also have large yemaek structure than the UE. Ignorance is the greatest UE structure.
The Male-stilts, here are eight types of texture UE.
Do not do business nhớp proceedings
Don't wake up, do nhớp home
Indolence to do excellent content nhớp
Ample magnification do nhớp rooms apartments
Happy nhớp evil woman
San nhớp taking alms
The evil French do nhớp
This life and the after life
But there is a structure type UE
Over all UE structure
It is ignorance
Large yemaek structure is for.
§ (VI) (16) EMISSARY
1.-eight achievements this French, this Male-stilts, a Female-stilts deserves to go do the messengers. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts is the listener, prompting others to listen, learn and make others tho Tri, knew and makes others know, fine friendly in the appropriate issues and inappropriate (or canonical issues or not) is not your favorite people.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, a Female-stilts deserves to go do the messengers.
3. Achievements of eight French, the Female-stilts, § Sàriputta (Xa-benefits-echo) deserve to go as messengers. What are the eight?
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Sàriputta is the listener, prompting others to listen, learn and make others tho Tri, knew and makes others know, similar to the appropriate issues in a friendly and not appropriate, is not your favorite people.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Sàriputta deserves to go do the messengers:
With whom does not tremble,
To the assemblies of language violence
Don't forget the lyrics have learned
Do not conceal the Dhamma
Not saying a word or
Asked does not outrage
Locate Female-stilts so,
Deserved messengers.
1.-With eight General, the Male-female bondage, men on stilts. What are the eight?
2. The Male-stilts, female celebrities bound South multiplied; the Male-female bondage men on stilts with laughter; the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with the words: the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with the lyrics; the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with tears; the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with clothing; the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with ceremonial; the Male-female bondage, men on stilts with contact.
With eight General, the Male-female bondage, men on stilts. Other smart love bound by the General, like bound by trapping collapsed.
1.-With eight General, the Female-male staff, female bondage on stilts. What are the eight?
2. The Male-stilts, female bondage female workers multiplied; the Male-female bondage female personnel on stilts with laughter; the Female-male staff, female bondage on stilts with words; the Male-male, female human bondage on stilts with the lyrics; the Female-male staff, female bondage on stilts with tears; the Female-male, human bondage stilts female celebrities with clothing; the Female-male, human bondage stilts woman with gifts; the Female-male, human bondage stilts female celebrities with contact.
With this, the General National figure eight-stilts, female bondage female staff. Other smart love bound by the General, like being bound by the demolition of the trap.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Veranjà, under a tree Nalerupucimanda. Then the King A-tu-la Pahàràda go to world Religion, after arriving, wealthy girl World, and stood for a Religious ceremony. World Religion told the King A-tu-la Pahàràda is standing on one side:
This wasn't the Paràhàda-A-tu-la enjoy great sea?
-World Religion, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
-Paràhàda, how much of the alleged magic in the big sea that do we see, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea?
-World Religion, eight micro-magic in the big sea that do we see, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea. What are the eight?
2. The White World, big sea sequentially pros swept, sequential sequential navigation, further agreement, no sudden like a chasm. Because of that the White World, big sea swept pros, sequential serial, sequential further agreement, no sudden like a chasm, so the White World, it was the first ever magic micro, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
3. Then again, Bach World Religion, big sea standing for a seat, no pass. Because of that the White World, great sea stands a place, no pass, the White World, it was the second ever marvelous micro, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
4. Again, Bach World Religion, big sea does not accept contain corpses. If there are dead bodies in the great sea, was thrown ashore or throw up. Because of that, the White World, big sea does not accept contain corpses. If there are dead bodies in the great sea, was thrown ashore or throw up on the Mainland, so the White World, it was the third ever marvelous micro, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
5. Again, the White World, chums have the great rivers such as the Ganges, for Yamunà River, Aciravatì River, River, Sarabhù, Mahì River, the rivers flow to the sea, while removing the old name become associated big sea. Because of that, chums have the great rivers such as the Ganges, for ... became big sea, should the White World, it was the fourth ever marvelous micro, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
6. Again, the White World, chums have the stream of water flowing into the sea in what large, chums have the rain water from the sky, but not so big sea was seen there with there full. The White World Religion, because of that, there are what water means life flows into the great sea, chums have the rain water from the sky, but not so big sea was seen there with full transparency, World Religion, this is unprecedented magic vi Thursday, due to seeing such, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
7. Then again, Bach World Religion, large sea salt is only one. Because of that, the White World Religion, large sea salt is only one, so the White World, it is the micro magic ever Friday, due to seeing such, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
8. Again, the White World, big sea has many treasures, many types of treasure, here comes the treasure, as the legs of Buffalo, ma-ni,-ly,-Cu, jade, coral, silver, gold, turquoise, red, brain code. Because of that, the White World, big sea has many treasures, many types of treasure, here comes the treasure, as the legs of Buffalo, ma-ni,-ly,-Cu, jade, coral, silver, gold, red, turquoise, white brain code World Religion, this is unprecedented magic Saturday, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea.
9. Again, How big is the sea, white stay of the kind of great beings, in that, there are beings such as the Timingalà, Timiramingalà, Timi, the Asurà type (A-tu-la), the Nàgà type, the type Gandhabbà. In the sea there are species of love so long ego a hundred by week, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred by week. Because of that, the White World, big sea is the species of great beings stay ... five hundred by week, so the White World, it was the eighth ever marvelous micro, so that, seeing that, the A-tu-la enjoy great sea. But the White World Religion, the Female-like stilts in France and this law?
This Pahàràda-billion-like stilts, in France and in this law.
-World Religion, in France and this law how much France micro magic ever that do see them, the Female-stilts like in France and this law?
10.-Pahàràda, This has eight French vi this unprecedented magic in France and laws that do see them, the Female-stilts like in France and this law. What are the eight?
11. For as this big sea, Pahàràda, sequential, sequential swept pros pros direction, sequentially further, no sudden like a chasm. Also, this Pahàràda, in France and this law, France is sequential, the result is sequential, the Shu hetero way is sequentially, there your can accept the Chief Justice position Abruption. This Pahàràda, because that in France and this law, France is sequential, the result is sequential, the Shu hetero way is sequentially, there your can accept the Chief Justice position, so this sudden Pahàràda, this is the first ever magic vi do that by seeing such, seeing that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
12. For this Pahàràda, great sea, as standing for a seat, no pass. Also, Pahàràda, when the French School this was I prepared for the disciples, the disciples, for human life, because oil also does not pass. Hey Pahàràda, because that the French are We prepared for the disciples, the disciples, the oil for human lives because, well, this should pass not Pahàràda, in France and this law, this is the second ever so marvelous that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
13. For this Pahàràda, great sea, as there is no accept death.-containing If there are dead bodies in the great sea, was thrown ashore or throw up. Also, Pahàràda, who is the evil of this world, according to the French administration, the evil impure suspicious, the shroud, not Sa, but the Sa is self-proclaimed, not live happy Offense but are themselves Criminals, stasis, foul-filled inner join personality, impure. They Increase does not live with her, away reunion and chase him off. Oil for people sitting between them, female-stilts Rising, but people living away from them and they increase the life away from him. Because of that, this is about evil people, Pahàràda, according to the French, evil personality ... impure ... and they increase the living away from her position, this should be Pahàràda, in France and this law, this is France micro magic third-ever do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
14. This means that, for example, Pahàràda, contains the major rivers such as the Ganges, for Yamunà River, Aciravatì River, River, Sarabhù, Mahì River, the rivers flow to the sea, while removing the old name become associated big sea. Also, this Pahàràda, there are four classes: Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat, She-la, Phệ-XA,-da, after abandoning the family, family, family not living in France and the law As they claim Hybrids from their name and their removal from the front, and they became the Sa-subjects Like suicide. Pahàràda this, in France and this law, this is France vi unprecedented magic Wednesday that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
15. This means that, for example, Pahàràda, there are streams of water flowing into the sea in what older, everyone will get there the rain water from the sky, but not so big sea was seen there with there full. Also, this Pahàràda, if there are more Female-stilts enter Nirvana about no residual medicine, Nirvana also not so seen there with there full. Pahàràda this, if there are several Female-stilts enter Nirvana about no residual medicine, Nirvana also not so seen there with there full. Pahàràda this, in France and this law, this is France vi unprecedented magic Thursday that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
16. For this Pahàràda, great sea, as only a taste. Also, this Pahàràda, France, and the law also only one was freed. Pahàràda this, in France and this law, there is France micro magic ever Friday that by seeing such, seeing that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
17. For this Pahàràda, great sea, as there are many, many types of treasure treasure, here comes the treasure, as the legs of Buffalo, ma-ni,-ly,-Cu, jade, coral, silver, gold, turquoise, red, brain code. Also, this Law, France and Pahàràda this has many treasures, many types of treasure, in that there are treasures, such as the four anniversary of primary need, four, four, as In, Five, Seven, eight leaders of the Holy sense of industry. Pahàràda this, given that this Law and there are many, many types of treasure treasure, here are the treasure, as the four anniversary of ..., eight leaders of this sector, so the Holy Pahàràda, in France and this law, this is France vi unprecedented magic Saturday that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
18. For this great sea, Pahàràda, as is the kind of great beings stay, in that, there are beings such as the Timingalà, Timiramingalà, Timi, the Asurà type (A-tu-la), the Nàgà type, the type Gandhabbà. In the sea there are species of love so long ego a hundred by week, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred by week. Also, Pahàràda, French and Law this is stay of great beings of other species. There are these beings: Reserve ranks, ranks were driven to prove food poisoning Attending save result, steps For future, steps were driven to prove food poisoning For future results, Any future steps, steps were driven to prove food poisoning of any future outcome, steps A-la-Han, steps were driven to prove food poisoning results A-la-Han. Pahàràda this, given that this is the Law and stay made of the kind of great beings. There are these beings ... result of A-la-Han. Pahàràda this, in France and this law, this is France vi unprecedented eighth miracle that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
Pahàràda this, here are the eight French vi, unprecedented in France and this law which found that, by seeing that, the Female-stilts like in France and this law.
1. Like I hear:
One time, the World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in the East of the Park, the castle of Migàra mother. At the time That day, brother, are sitting, have increased their đoanh fins. Then the false Religion, when Ananda night was near, and a soup over, from the seat, got up, up into the side of the upper shoulder, y pieced together must hand salute That Religion and Religious World:
-World Religion, the night was almost complacent, a soup was over, they were sitting on stilts-long Rate, Bach World Religion, That Religion please read about my duties for the Male-stilts.
When is says so, So keep quiet Respect.
2. Second, false Religion, when Ananda was night near complacency, and justify took over, from the seat, got up, up into the side of the upper shoulder, y pieced together must hand salute That Religion and Religious World:
-World Religion, the night was almost complacent, guard two was over, they were sitting on stilts-long Rate, Bach World Religion, That Religion please read about my duties for the Male-stilts.
When is says so, So keep quiet Respect.
3. Third, the fake Religious Ananda, when the night was almost complacent, and the last soup over, Aurora has run, the night was shining clearly, from the seat, got up, up into the side of the upper shoulder, y pieced together must hand salute That Religion and Religious World:
-World Religion, the night was almost complacent, the last soup over, Aurora has run, the night was clear, we were sitting on stilts-long Rate, Bach World Religion, That Religion please read about my duties for the Male-stilts.
-This Ànanda, the assemblies are not pure.
4. Then the fake Mahàmoggallàna Respect to think as follows: "refers to the person, That Religion has This to say:" Ànanda, the assemblies are not pure "? And then the fake Religious Mahàmoggallàna, with his mind, attention to the impact the whole of them Female-stilts Increase, Tôn pundits saw a person is evil, according to the French administration, the evil impure, suspicious, the shroud, not Sa-keeper but himself is the subject, not life-happy Offense but claimed to live happy Offense inner stasis, foul, full of personality, taking impure, sitting between them, female-on stilts; Thus, from a seat stood up, walked to him, after arriving, told him:
This Gentleness,-please stand up. World Religion has found Him. For the Sage pundits, can not live with the Female-stilts.
-Are saying so, he is silent. Second, the fake Religious Mahàmoggallàna told him:
This Gentleness,-please stand up. World Religion has found Him. For the Sage pundits, can not live with the Female-stilts.
Second, her silence. Last Tuesday, he told the Mahàmoggallàna author:
This Gentleness,-please stand up. World Religion has found Him. For the Sage pundits, can not live with the Female-stilts.
The third time, her silence.
5. Then the fake Religious Mahàmoggallàna grabbed her arm, pushed out the door, close the door, the latch goes to world Religion, after arriving, Bach World Religion:
-World Religion, she has been driven out of children. The assemblies have purity. The White World Religion, gender theories make my duty for them, female-on stilts.
-Vi, this marvelous Mahàmoggallàna! Really hope this Mahàmoggallàna, changing helpful! When holding hands, fools the other si.
Then the National Religious-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, the master take released maintenance Uposatha (father-slaps), read about his duty. Starting from this year, the Female-stilts, We will not read about his duty. The Male-stilts, no events, no chance that Such Hybrids can read about his duty in a congregation not purity.
7. The Male-stilts, in the big sea has eight French vi this unprecedented magic that do see that, see that, the Asurà (A-tu-la) enjoy great sea. What are the eight?
The Male-stilts, huge sea sequentially down the sequential, pros. .. (as on 19, from No. 2 to no. 9). The Male-stilts, this is unprecedented eighth miracle that do see that, see that, the Asurà (A-tu-la) enjoy great sea.
The Male-stilts, in the big sea has eight French vi this unprecedented magic that do see that, see that, the Asurà enjoy great sea.
8. Likewise, the Female-stilts, in France and had eight French Law this unprecedented magic vi that do see that, see that, the Female-stilts like this Law and French. What are the eight?
For this, as the Male-stilts, huge sea swept, pros sequential sequential pros. .. (as on 19 number 11 with the necessary changes). The Male-stilts, in France and this law, this is the magic that by the eighth ever seen so, seeing that, the Female wedding Festival in France and stilts-this law.
The Male-stilts, in France and this law, there are eight marvelous micro, this unprecedented that do see that, see that, the Female wedding Festival in France and stilts-this law.
§ (I) (21) UGGA in VESÀLI
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, in the great Forest, in the House have pointed roof. In That Respect, the Female-stilts:
-"The Male-stilts!". -"White World Religion".
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
2.-the Female-stilts, Ugga homeowners, the Vesàli, eight French vi achievement unmatched magic. The master make such maintenance life.
What Religion says so. Saying so, the Charity that falls from the ranks of seats stood up to go to the Essential.
3. Then a Male-stilts up y in the morning, take the Bowl y, go to the property owner's stay at the Ugga Vesàli people; After arriving, the linkage to sit down on the seat has composed. Then the owner, go to the National Vesàli the Ugga-stilts, after the ceremony, wealthy girl, National-stilts to then sit down one side. Female-stilts told owner Ugga, Vesàli, people are sitting down to a party:
4. In this Respect, the owner-has said that: "the owner of eight achievements Vesàli French people Ugga vi unprecedented miracle". This home, how is the French eight marvelous unprecedented range, which is the home of world Religion says her hearing aids. achievements?
-Mr. Suen, I don't know What Religion has to say I accomplished eight France what is the unmatched magic behavior. But Mr. Suen, I have eight French micro magic this unprecedented, listen and manual work, I would say:
-Yes, this owner.
Female-stilts she well meeting the Ugga homeowners who Vesàli. Ugga homeowners who say Vesàli as follows:
5.-dear fake Religion, when I first saw the remote just Like Religion, Mr. Suen, just saw That my mind, Respect is the net. Dear fake Religion, this is marvelous, micro France are in place I. Then Mr. Ton, with Kat's credit, I serve in world Religion. World Religious sermon pros, such as the theory of gender theory, alms, the theory about the Sun, comes to the harm, the lower of the infection, and the benefits of the far.
6. When the Religion know I mind ready, the mind has the need, not strong, the mind is excited, the centers are a new Religious doctrine, that the wedding was a vassal state of Buddha praised highly: "Suffering, destruction, and Director". As well as a plain fabric panels, the black dots are erase, very easy dye permeability. Also, in her seat, French label far Tran ly trigger up where I am: "what is the initialization file for France, that means that all of France by paragraph removal". Then Mr. Ton, when I saw France, reached France, said France, able to enter France, doubts were overcome, hesitation except kill, reach infinity, y no facility for other people for the masters degree in France. In it, I refuge in Buddha, refuge and they Increase the life I led the French school year, about Offense. Dear fake Religion, this is France second, marvelous micro is in place I.
7. false Respect Sir, I have four wives are young of age. And then I go to the wife; After arriving, I told the wife to him as follows: "this gentlemen, I was head of the French school year life span on the Offense. Who wants to, be outlawed property in this spot, or do the merit, or go to your family, or someone who has a fit man, I'll tell you. " Be said so, my Religion, my wife said to me: "Dear owner Ugga, let me name this man". Then Mr. Suen, I invited him back, with my left hand holding his wife, with the right hand I hold the jar of water, and then I washed her. Mr. Suen, from when the young wife quit, I don't mind having a little different. Dear fake Religion, this is France, unprecedented magic vi Tuesday, are in place.
8. Mr. Suen, have the properties in our family, they are divided between those who have and the good ones. Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France Wednesday, were in place I.
9. When I serve a billion-on stilts, I served very carefully, not unwise. Dear fake Religion, this is France, unprecedented magic vi Thursday, are in place.
10. Mr. Ton, if false then Religious sermon for me, I listen carefully, not unwise. If not fake Religious sermon for me, my sermon for the position. Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France Friday, are in place.
11. Truth is not magic, ladies, Religious behavior Chu Thien after arriving, told me: "this Family home, France is So subtly preaching Respect!". When is says so, my Religion, I told Chu's Bias as: "oil for Chu have said such Bias or not say so French, So subtly, Religious preaching". Dear fake Religion, yet I have no pride of her charm, literally: "Heavenly Divine coming to me, we talked with Heavenly divine". Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France Saturday, are in place.
12. Mr. Ton, in the lower part of this history is That unlawful Religious preaching, I clearly don't have a France would not make the piece in place. Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France eighth, was in place.
Mr. Suen, eight French micro magic this ever present. But I don't know What Religion has to say I accomplished eight French vi unprecedented magic?
13. Then Male-stilts, after qifu gangui real food at the stay made of Ugga homeowners, the Vesàli, from the seat to stand up and leave. Then Male-stilts, after dinner, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, Female-stilts she brought all the story telling false Religious Vesàli who narrates the Ugga Ton.
14. rather Benign, benign instead! This Female-stilts, owner Vesàli if people reply Ugga one way chon TAM Chief, can answer. This Female-stilts, said owner Ugga the Vesàli achievements of eight French vi this unprecedented miracle. This Female-stilts, be maintained that the Ugga home life, the Vesàli, are eight achievements in France vi this unprecedented miracle.
1. One time, World Religion stay in between the people in the village of Hatthi, Vajji. In That Respect, the National call-on stilts. (as of 1-21). What Religion says as follows:
2.-the Female-stilts, Ugga homeowners, the Vesàli, eight French vi achievement unmatched magic. The master make such maintenance life.
What Religion says so. Saying so, the Charity that falls from the ranks of seats stood up to go to the Essential.
3-4. (such as 21, no. 3-4 previous experience, with the necessary modifications) ...
5.-dear Religious fake, when I was still playing in the forest of Nàga, for the first time, I feel That Respect from distance. Just like Religion, Mr. Suen, my heart was pure land trusts, and the drunk. Dear fake Religion, this is marvelous micro, unprecedented in France, are in place. Then Mr. Ton, with Kat's credit, I serve in world Religion. Then Religion sermon pros for me as the sermon about the alms, gender theory, theories about realms, tell the harm, the lower of the infection, and the benefits of the far.
6-8. (France micro magic Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is like 21, no. 6, no. 7, no. 8 with the necessary changes). .. unprecedented fourth, are in place.
9. Mr. Ton, when I serve a billion-on stilts, I served very carefully, not unwise. Mr. Ton, if false then Religious sermon for me, I listen carefully, not unwise. If not fake Religious sermon for me, my sermon for the position. Dear fake Religion, this is France, unprecedented magic vi Thursday, are in place.
10. Truth is not magic, ladies, Religious behavior when I invite them up, Chu Heaven came and told me: "This owner, Female-this was the question the stilts to escape; Female-this was the liberating Wisdom on stilts; Female-this was the Fuselage on stilts; Female-this was the Comments on stilts; Female-this was the Credit freed on stilts; Female-this was the French Custom stilts; Female-this was the credit Option on stilts; This position holds, according to the charity; It broke the world, according to the French evil ". But when I increased their donation, I do not feel there is such a mind starting up: "I worship at least" or "this Unit I worship many." But Mr. Suen, I worship with equal mind. Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France Friday, are in place.
11. Truth is not magic, ladies, Religious behavior Chu Thien after arriving, told me: "this Family home, France is So subtly preaching Respect!". When is says so, my Religion, I told Chu's Bias as: "oil for Chu have said such Bias or not say so French, So subtly, Religious preaching". Dear fake Religion, yet I have no pride of her charm, literally: "Heavenly Divine coming to me, we talked with Heavenly divine". Dear fake Religion, this is unprecedented, micro France Saturday, are in place.
12. Mr. Ton, if I par in common before world Religion, here there is nothing magical, Religious behavior says about me as follows: "there is an unlawful use, due to unlawful use, owner of village people could Hatthigàma Ugga back this life". Dear fake Religion, this is the eighth magic vi French are in place I.
Mr. Suen, eight French micro magic this ever present. And I don't know What Religion has to say I accomplished eight French vi unprecedented magic?
13. Then Male-stilts, after qifu gangui real food at the stay made of Ugga homeowners, the villages of Hatthigàma, inland from seats stand up and leave. Then Male-stilts, after dinner, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, Female-stilts she brought all the story telling false Religious Hatthigàma who narrates the Ugga Ton.
14. rather Benign, benign instead! This Female-stilts, owner Hatthigàma if people reply Ugga one way chon TAM Chief, can answer. This Female-stilts, said owner Ugga the Hatthigàma achievements of eight French vi this unprecedented miracle, as We have said. This Female-stilts, be maintained that the Ugga home life, the Hatthigàma, are eight achievements in France vi this unprecedented miracle.
§ (III) (23) HATTHAKA, who ÀLAVÌ (1)
1. One time, World Religion stay in Àlavì, in your Aggàlava Buddha. In That Respect, the Female-stilts:
2.-the Female-stilts, Hatthaka, who made seven achievements Àlavì France micro magic. Please Shou maintained as such. What are the seven?
3.-believe, this these Female-on stilts, is made in person, Àlavì Hatthaka; There are about this, the Male-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is; a sense of shame, the Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; a sense of fear, these Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; listen to this, many of the Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; There's this, the National alms-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is; There is wisdom in this, the Male-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì who is.
Seven French vi achievement this unprecedented magic, the Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka. Please Shou maintained as such. What Religion says so. Say so, Celestial hierarchy Was from stand up seat goes to the essential.
4. Then a Male-stilts up y in the morning, take the Bowl y, go to the property owner's residence Hatthaka of Àlavì people; After arriving, the linkage to sit down on the seat has composed. And owner of Àlavì, who went to Hatthaka Male-stilts, after the ceremony, wealthy girl, National-stilts to then sit down one side. Female-stilts told Hatthaka, people of Àlavì, are sitting down to a party:
-Mr. Sage, That Respect has said seven French achievement vi imitation than Hien Dieu. What are the seven? "Have faith, this Male-stilts is Hatthaka, who made Àlavì ... keep ... a sense of shame ... a sense of fear ... listen ... there ... He has the intellect, the Female-on stilts, is made in person, Àlavì Hatthaka". Dear Sage, Sage fake achievements of seven French vi this unprecedented magic like Ton said.
-Mr. Suen, here there is no busy homeowners who white shirt?
-Dear Buddy, here without the owner of the white vest.
-Heal instead, here without the owner of the white vest.
5. Then Male-stilts, after qifu gangui real food at the stay made of Àlavì origin, who, from Hatthaka seats stand up and leave. Then Male-stilts, after dinner, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui went to World Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
-Here, the White World, you Respect in the morning up y, y bowls go to stay made of Hatthaka, who made Àlavì; After arriving, I sat down on the seat has composed, Religious, then you say That White with Hatthaka of Àlavì, who was sitting on one side: "Gentle, Religious author-dear said seven French achievement vi imitation than Hien Dieu. What are the seven? "Have faith, this Male-stilts is Hatthaka, who made Àlavì ... keep ... a sense of shame ... a sense of fear ... listen ... there ... He has the intellect, the Female-on stilts, is made in person, Àlavì Hatthaka". Seven achievements this French author j.l., your Gentleness, like Religion has to say! ". When listening to say so, the White World, the host told his Àlavì Hatthaka:
-"Ladies fake Religion, in this busy homeowners who do not have a white shirt?"
-Dear Buddy, here without the owner of the white vest.
-Heal instead, here without the owner of the white vest.
6. the Gospel rather wholesome, instead, this Male-stilts! This Female-stilts, Friendly male suicide is less. He does not want to taste the goodness of his French was known to other people. Therefore, this Male-stilts, be maintained that the life span of Àlavì, who had Hatthaka, achievements of seven French vi this unprecedented magic, i.e. at least.
§ (IV) (24), the ÀLAVÌ of HATTHAKA (2)
1. One time, World Religion stay in Àlavì, in your Aggàlava Buddha. Hatthaka of Àlavì people, and along with five hundred Men go to renunciation of world Religion, after arriving, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then sat down on one side. World Religion told Hatthaka, who made Àlavì, are sitting down at a party:
2.-this large assemblies, Hatthaka. How did this, he produced Hatthaka NIE are assemblies?
-World Religion, there are four French photographers is That Religious preaching. The produced stock photography French photographers with the assemblies. The White World Religion, when you know that: "people need to procure stock photography thanks to alms", the photographer who produced him with alms. When you know that: "people need to procure stock photography thanks to AI", the photographer who produced with AI language. When you know that: "people need to gain favorable thanks to the photographers", recorded with him a photography favor. When you know that: "people need to procure stock photography thanks to colleague", the photographer who produced with colleague. Besides, the White World, I have family in Respect of the property, they think that such could not be heard as a man of extreme poverty.
3. the Gospel instead of fresh, instead of this, Hatthaka! This is the principle to gain mass photography! Hatthaka of this, those who in the past has produced photography, all of which are produced in mass with four photographers stock photography. Hatthaka of this, those who in the future will procure stock photography, all will gain mass with four photographers stock photography. Hatthaka of this, those who in the present produced photography, they all are produced with four photographers stock photography.
4. Then Hatthaka, who made Àlavì, was That Respect with France, teach, encourage, make excited, makes the wedding Festival, from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl body toward him, inside and out. So, after the Àlavì of out going person, Hatthaka not long, and he referred to the Male-stilts:
5.-the Female-stilts, be maintained that the life span of people, achievement Àlavì Hatthaka eight France this unprecedented magic behavior. What are the eight French?
6. Believe this, the Male-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is; keep this world of Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; a sense of shame, the Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; a sense of fear, these Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; listen to this, many of the Female-on stilts, is the Àlavì of Hatthaka; There's this, the National alms-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is; There is wisdom in this, the Male-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is; This, at least the Male-stilts, Hatthaka of Àlavì people is!
The Male-stilts, be maintained that the life span of people, had Àlavì Hatthaka achievements eight micro magic this unprecedented.
1. One time, World Religion stay in between the people, Kapilavatthu, Sakka in Nigrodha gardens. And Like Prince Mahànàma go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down on one side, Like Prince Mahànàma of the White World Religion:
-World Religion, so how was the South homeless musician?
-Mahànàma, when does This refuge, the Buddha y France, attributed increased health, until such is man upasaka.
2.-so how, the White World, is the South precept renunciation?
Hey, Mahànàma, when the Male resident artist from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken by not giving, abandoning ties in almond, quit lying, abandon immerse the cooking wine yeast, drunk, for such is the man holding the renunciation.
3.-so how, That is, the white Male resident artist, because self-interest rather than for the good excuse?
This Mahànàma, when South-renunciation of achievements trust yourself, there is no encouraging other people trust accomplishments; achievements keep about yourself not have encouraged others to keep world achievements; alms for his accomplishments, not encouraging others achievements alms; want to go by myself until the Male-stilts, does not encourage others to go until the Male-stilts; just want to hear for yourself the magic of France, does not encourage others to listen to magic; life itself maintained the France was heard, not encouraged others to maintain the shelf life of France was heard; think yourself to the meaning of life France has maintained; don't encourage others to think to the meaning of life France has maintained; After you know yourself, know custom made France France France, Chief Justice, the right does not encourage others to perform customized France, Chief of the French right. Until this Mahànàma thus, the South is residential artist for self benefit, not for the good.
4.-so how, That is, white Male resident artist was beneficial, profitable medium tha?
This Mahànàma, when South-renunciation itself of achievements trust and encourage other people trust accomplishments; When would hold yourself and encourage others to keep; When would he himself and encouraged others to alms; When would himself like to go until the Male-stilts and encouraged others to go until the Male-stilts; When would like to hear for yourself the magic of France and encouraged others hear the magic of France; When would life himself maintained the French have been heard and encouraged others to maintain the shelf life of France was heard; When his own thoughts to the meaning of life and have encouraged others to think to the meaning of life France has maintained; After you know yourself, know France, made France the right of Chief Justice, and encourages the other person after knowing sense know France, made France the right Chief of France. Until this Mahànàma thus, as Male c artist because self benefit and benefit tha.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Ràjagaha § (dormitories), in the forest of mango Jìvaka. Then Jìvaka Komàrabhacca go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party. Sit down on one side, Jìvaka Bach Komàrabhacca World Religion:
-World Religion, so how was the South homeless musician?
-... the same as the previous 25, the only other business is like Prince Mahànàma, now Jìvaka Komàrabhacca)
§ (VII) (27) POWER (1)
1.-the Female-stilts, eight power. What are the eight?
2. The Male-stilts, the power of a child's cry; the power of woman is enraged; the power of the person who stole the weapon; the power of the Kings is the authority; the power of fools is overwhelming; the power of the mind is inspired Sage ranks; the power of listening to many is suicide; the power of the Sa, Ba-la-Mon is the rings.
The Male-stilts, here are eight power.
§ (VIII) (28) POWER (2)
1. Then go to Sàriputta fake Religion World Religion, after arriving, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then sat down on one side. World Religion told the fake Religious Sàriputta are sitting down to a party:
Hey Sàriputta, how much of the power of the Female-stilts have the paragraph except for contraband or. Achievements with what strength, Female-stilts have the paragraph except for contraband or, himself was pirated or the paragraph: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
2.-World Religion, there are eight power of Male-phase breakou stilts take the contraband or. With these achievements, the national power-stilts have the paragraph except for contraband or, himself was pirated or the paragraph: "The smuggled or was I piece." What are the eight?
3. Here, the White World, Male-stilts have pirated or thorough piece cleverly saw as true with the Chief Justice that all the intelligence is impermanent. Because of that, the White World Religion, Male-stilts have pirated or smart, thorough piece see as true with the Chief Justice that all the intelligence is impermanent. The White World, it is the power of Male-stilts have sections take the contraband or. Due to this, the national power-stilts have pirated or thorough piece, himself had destroyed pirated or paragraph: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
4. Again, Bach World Religion, Male-stilts have pirated or thorough piece cleverly saw as true with the Chief Justice that the intellectual exercise for coal pits as breaking dawn. Because of that, the White World Religion, Male-stilts have pirated or thorough piece cleverly saw as true with the Chief Justice that the intellectual exercise for coal pits as breaking dawn. The White World, it is the power of Male-stilts have sections take the contraband or. Due to this, the national power-stilts have pirated or thorough piece, himself had destroyed pirated or paragraph: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
5. Again, Bach World Religion, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, with positive mentality swept the far glass, toward the far, favoring the far, stay in the far glass, glasses, paragraph about the wedding Festival take totally all France can do stay made for contraband or. The White World, it is the power of Male-stilts have sections take the contraband or. Due to this, the national power-stilts have pirated or thorough piece, himself had destroyed pirated or paragraph: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
6. Again, Bach World Religion, Male-stilts have sections dedicated to the anniversary of Four, or pirated are practice, be smart. The White World Religion, given that Female-stilts have pirated or thorough piece, Four anniversary of be practice, be smart. The White World, it was the strength of the Female-stilts. "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
7. Then again, Bach World Religion, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, Four as a student was practice, practice Le ... Hien Le, cultivation was practiced. In the practice, be smart practice. Seven genera are sense of practice, are cleverly practice ... Eight industry leaders saints are cultivation, are cleverly practice ... The White World, it was the strength of the Female-stilts ...: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
The White World, it was the strength of the national eight-stilts have sections take the contraband or, achievements with this power, the national eight-stilts have passages make the contraband or. Due to this, the national power-stilts have pirated or thorough piece, himself had destroyed pirated or paragraph: "The smuggled or were we take advantage of the piece".
1.-"time is working in the world, working time is the world", the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife says so, but does not know the correct position and forecast the weather. The Male-stilts, eight Africa forecast, the forecast for the life of the Offense. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, As Lai appeared in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion. And France are taken to NET security, brought to the President, take to the Enlightenment, was an attempt to declare a friendly level. And this person was being in hell. The Male-stilts, this is Africa, forecast the weather for the life Offense.
3. Again, the Male-stilts, As Lai appeared in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan. .. Buddha, the Religion and the French was taken to an instructor, brought to the President, take to the Enlightenment, was an attempt to declare a friendly level. And people were being on Eagle species living being ... this person was being in the realms of hungry daemons demons ... this person was being in the middle of the heavenly life long network had schools of ... this person was being on the border of the Prefecture, between the barbarian intellectual, here, there is no way for the Male-stilts, for the Female-stilts-ni , for Women, renunciation renunciation ... and this person was being on the Chief Justice, but have deviant comments, opinion reversed: "no Bell, no sacrifices, no ceremony, no results of the evil karma of Shu hetero, no life, no other life, no mother, no father , no birth, chemistry in life without those in Sa, the She-la-Chief Justice Chief Justice-oriented subjects, found himself testifying in this life, enlightenment tri life and taught again ... "and this person is being on this location, but the Chief Justice's wisdom, evil delusion, dumb, can not understand the meaning of a word of mouth manual , say or, say. The Male-stilts, this is Africa, Africa weather the eighth to Date.
4. The Male-stilts, eight Africa forecast, forecast to Date life.
5. The Male-stilts, only a Chief Justice, a Chief of this weather for happy Offense lives. What is a?
6. Here, the Male-stilts, World Religion appears in life, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion. And France be brought to NET security, brought to the President, take to the Enlightenment, was an attempt to declare a friendly level. And this person was being on the local Chief Justice, he has wisdom, no delusion, not dumb, can understand the meaning of a Word, the affidavit said, said. The Male-stilts, this is the Chief Justice, the Chief of the weather for the life Offense.
One is being made the
When the magic of France are available
Not taking the time
They pass out from time
Much of Africa was said
Do the human barrier
Only the year when ten illustrations
As Lai in life
Be faced Him
Very hard to be in my life
Was born as
And the magic of France are available
Just enough to fine tons
With who wants benefits
So know the magic of France
To pass the time!
Guys for the last time
Melancholy in hell
Here who abandoned
Leanne yew decision France
As the trafficker died of
Will on long forlorn
The ignorance covered
Offense to the magic of France
Endured long on
Shipping in the birth to death
One is being made the
During the French teaching manual
The past, present, future
Follow my direction
Grasp time in life
Upper happy Offense for
Who has stepped way
Do As Hybrid discourses
Those who live to tame
Due to the French label level taught
As has been preaching
She ranks the Sun
Make life mindfulness
Households maintained not to exercise
Off any custom hypnosis
Not run by underworld
The in my life
To be on the other side
And they also achieved
The smuggled or piece.
1. One time, World Religion stay in the middle of Bhagga, in Sumsumàra mountains, Bhesakala forest, Deer garden. At the time, the fake Religious people live between Anuruddha Celì, at Pàcìnavamsadàya. And then the fake Religious Anuruddha, while independent living ... NET, meditation Center kicked up as follows: "France to the French, at least for people who are not so much; This let people know enough, this is not so for people who don't know enough; This let people live the bar away, France is not to let people in your favorite assemblies; France to give the essential need, not to let the indolence; This let people stay, this is not so for the anniversary; This let the meditation, this is not so for non-meditation; France to give people who have wisdom, this is not to let evil people wisdom ".
2. Then his mind clear with Respect to know the mind of the false Religion, such as the power Anuruddha singer stretching hands is shrinking; or shrink the hands are stretching out; also, World Religion disappear in the middle of Bhagga, in Sumsumàra mountains, Bhesakalà forest, Deer garden, and appeared between the public Celì, in Pàcìnavamsadàya, in front of the fake Religious Anuruddha. That Respect, sit down on the seat has composed. Then tell Ton Ton pseudo Anuruddha was sitting on one side:
3. the Gospel instead of fresh, instead of this, Anuruddha! Heal this, Anuruddha, I was thinking to the seven celebration of the University: "France to the French, at least for people who are not so much; This let people know enough, this is not so for people who don't know enough; This let people live the bar away, France is not to let people in your favorite assemblies; France to give the essential need, not to let the indolence; This let people stay, this is not so for the anniversary; This let the meditation, this is not so for non-meditation; France to give people who have wisdom, this is not to let evil people wisdom ".
Therefore, Anuruddha, think of this to this University's eighth anniversary celebration: "France to for people who loathe the reasoning, not like this, not a treatise hý to for your favorite people, favorite argument hý conclusion".
4. When does this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, if the master wants, the master will prove safe and stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving cups education have had four.
5. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, if the master wants, removal games kill four, master will testify and reached the second Meditation, a resident status by loving intention being, non-static content, the four range for the mind.
6. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, if the master wants, the master will ly Hy stay discharge, mindfulness, the sensor body province tho that the Bible calls "the discharge contacts anniversary stay", and stay third Meditation.
7. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, if the master wants, will discharge the discharge gauge Club, kill life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, don't touch, discharge of pure concepts.
8. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, when would this Meditation in four upper center increases, current tribe, are not difficult to stay, be effortless, evidence was not wasting this time, Anuruddha, collect garbage pile up from medical panels of master will like the wardrobe full colorful fabrics of the owner or the person in the Home Country , to be alive to know enough, preferred, no anxiety, be lost, be stepped into Nirvana.
9. When does this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, when would this Meditation in four upper center increases, current tribe, are not difficult to stay, be effortless, evidence was not wasting this time, Anuruddha, qifu gangui Master pieces dishes of food are like rice dishes with white rice the black particles were gatherers, clean, with a variety of soups, with many kinds of food, the owner, or of the human owner, to be alive to know enough, preferred, no anxiety, be lost, be stepped into Nirvana.
10. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, when would this Meditation in four upper center increases, current tribe, are not difficult to stay, be effortless, not wasting syndrome, this forecast, Anuruddha is located under a tree canopy-House like Master pointed In addition, the Lake in plaster, to have the door installed, then the window is closed to prevent wind of the owner, or of the human owner, to be alive to know enough, preferred, no anxiety, be lost, be stepped into Nirvana.
11. When would this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, when would this Meditation in four upper center increases, current tribe, are not difficult to stay, be effortless, evidence was not wasting this time, Anuruddha, beds and seat cover with mats of grass master will like couch bed mattresses, wool, Wool blankets, Wool blankets, embroidered white cotton, leather mattress baby deer called kadali, the carpet with the top cover the top, couch has red knees of the owner, or of the human owner, to be living know enough, preferred, no anxiety, be lost stay , are entering Nirvana.
12. When does this, Anuruddha, master will think to this notion of eighty degrees, when would this Meditation in four upper center increases, current tribe, are not difficult to stay, be effortless, evidence was not wasting this time, Anuruddha, stinking of urine pharmaceutical master will like the kind your home pharmacy the man's Home Country, or, as Shu, sanh, oil, honey, sugar cakes, to be alive to know enough, preferred, no anxiety, be lost, be stepped into Nirvana.
13. So this Anuruddha, States settled the rainy season coming, let's stay between Cetì people in Pàcìnavamsadàya.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
False religion That Religious response Yes Anuruddha. Then, after the Catholic Religion encourage Religious author Christian encouragement words with Anuruddha, as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the arms are stretching out; also, He disappeared between the people in the Pàcìnavamsadàya and Cetì appear between the people on the mountain, Bhagga Sumsumàra in the Bhesakalà forest, Deer garden. That Respect, sit down on the seat has composed, after sitting down, That Respect the Female-stilts:
14.-the Female-stilts, We get eighty anniversary of University for the master. Please listen and cleverly, I will private instructors:
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, how is eighty of ranks?
15. The Male-stilts, this little exercise, so this is not so for many people; This let people know enough, this is not so for people who don't know enough; This let people live the bar away, France is not to let people in your favorite assemblies; France to give the essential need, not to let the indolence; This let people stay, this is not so for the anniversary; This let the meditation, this is not so for non-meditation; France to give people who have wisdom, this is not to let evil people; The Male-stilts, France to for people who loathe the reasoning, not like this, not hý comments to your favorite person for arguments, like comment hý.
16. The Male-stilts, France to give people at least, not to tell people who have large ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
17. The Male-stilts, here, Female-stilts at least education do not want: "Expecting people to know I'm a little"; know enough not to want to: "Expecting people to know me is to know enough"; live far, don't want to: "Expecting people know I live far"; essential need, not want to: "Hoping people know I live essential needs effort"; stay, don't want to: "Hoping people know I stay"; Yes, don't want to: "Expecting people to know I have defined"; There is wisdom, not want to: "Expecting people to know I have wisdom"; don't like hý, don't want to: "Expecting people to know I do not like hý conclusion". The Male-stilts, France to give people at least, not to let people have a great education, "was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
18. The Male-stilts, France to give people know enough, not to let people who don't know enough ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
19. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts know enough with any of what items such as clothes, food, medical supplies, qifu gangui ready is located, pharmaceutical treatment. The Male-stilts, France to give people know enough, not to let people who don't know enough ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
20. The Male-stilts, this French order for people living in remote, not to give your favorite people assemblies ", as such was said to. Do what the coast are saying so?
21. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live far, more people came to visit as Male-stilts, Female-stilts-ni, South, renunciation renunciation, chaplain, great spirit, the foreign masters, disciples of the layman. Here, Female-on stilts with positive mentality about the far, toward the far, entered into the far, stay in the far, like export, say absolutely related to recede. The Male-stilts, this so far France, not to give your favorite people assemblies ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
22. The Male-stilts, France to give the essential need, not to let the indolence ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
23. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live essential needs, take advantage of the passage of the real France, the French accomplishments, perseverance, effort not waiver of burden for the French charity. The Male-stilts, France to give the essential need, not to let the indolence ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
24. The Male-stilts, this French order for the stay, not to let the ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
25. here, the Male-stilts, Female-full on stilts, dark wisdom mantras achievements win, memories to remember customised anniversary these things did, said long. The Male-stilts, this French order for the stay, don't let the furniture ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
26. The Male-stilts, this French order for the meditation, not so for non-meditation ", referred to as such. Do what the coast are saying so?
27. Here, the Male-stilts, stilts, glass cups billion-French evil ... and reach an evidence stay fourth Meditation. The Male-stilts, this French order for the meditation, not so for non-meditation ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
28. The Male-stilts, France to give people who have wisdom, this is not so for non-wisdom ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
29. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts have wisdom, wisdom about the birth, achievement in the Eucharist (addressing Trach), brought to chon TAM Chief destroyed segments suffering. The Male-stilts, France to give people who have wisdom, not to let people not wisdom, "was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
30. The Male-stilts, France to give people loathe hý comment, don't like this comment, hý not to give your favorite people, favorite hý hý comment ", so was talking about. Do what the coast are saying so?
31. The Male-stilts, here, Female-stilts for the paragraph, treatise hý removal was elated, credit, security net, towards. The Male-stilts, France to give people loathe hý comment, not like this, not to comment hý for your favorite people, favorite hý hý comment ", was said to so. Due to this coast are saying so.
32. Then the fake Religious Anuruddha, rainy season to settle, to stay in the middle of Cetì, in Pacìnavamsadàya. And then the fake Religious Anuruddha living alone, NET security, not fired, ample, essential need, not how long, by purpose, the Friendly South Prince chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life, i.e. the upper wing rescue countless happy Offense right now in the present, he himself says, evidence, evidence of victory enter and stay. Her position clearly prove: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should have done, there comes back this state again" and false Religious Anuruddha became an A-la-Han again in the meantime, comes up the article this shelves:
Endless world masters
Clearly know we thought
With the fuselage because Italy made
God to me
Depending on what
He clearly all theory
Buddha loathe hý comment
He, not hý comment
The French Enlightenment, we Hy Festival
Stay in the Dhamma He
Three coalition gained
The Dhamma of Buddha done.
§ (I) (31) BELL (1)
1.-the Female-stilts, eight alms. What are the eight?
2. Because people come, so alms; Because of fear, so alms; Because think: "he will give us so alms; Because the thought: "he is well" so alms; Because the thought: "we're cooked, these people don't Cook. Not really worthy of the Cook not for people who don't Cook "so alms; Because the thought: "Do we give alms, the good is transmitted" alms; Because of the dignified heart, equipped the mind so alms.
N y the Male-stilts, eight alms.
§ (II) (32) BELL (2)
Generic, very good and friendly countries
The France friendly artist request
The way this call-hardened leader
This road goes heaven.
§ (III) (33) the BASIS for ALMS
1.-the Female-stilts, eight for alms. What are the eight?
2. Because the Palm exercise should alms; because anger so alms; because foolish so alms; because fear so alms; because the thought: "before the ancestors have alms, before have done. We don't deserve someone to this tradition was abandoned "alms; because the thought: "after this, when he ruined the General network, will be contentious, animal friendly, up realms of life" so alms. Because the thought: "When we're alms, the mind be joyful, because the net, Hy was being" so alms. To dignified, equipped the mind so alms.
The Male-stilts, eight for alms.
§ (IV) (34) RICE
1.-the Female-stilts, granular seed is sown into eight achievement obviously genus being large fruit section, not the great sweet taste, not the venue increased. What is the achievement of eight genera part?
2. The Male-stilts, here obviously convex concave up and down, full of rocks and soil, salinity, no deep surface, no water flows out, no water flows into the spot, no running water, no seawall. Thus, the Male-stilts, granular seed is sown to rice accomplishments are eight genera, being part of large fruit, not the great sweet taste, not the venue increased. Also, the Female-stilts, alms among Sa, Ba-la-subject achievement of eight genera, with no results, no major benefits, no large brilliant, no vibe. What is the achievement of eight genera part?
3. Here, the Male-stilts, the Sa, the Ba-la-Mon there are ties, ties, ties, TA, TA, Ta network, TA, TA. Thus, the Male-stilts, alms among Sa, Ba-la-subject achievement of eight genera, with no results, no major benefits, no large brilliant, no vibe.
4. The Male-stilts, granular seed is sown into eight achievement obviously spent part is considered to have great fruit, has great sweet taste, is rising. What is the achievement of eight genera part?
5. The Male-stilts, here obviously not convex concave up and down, there is full of stones and, no salt, its deep, there's water running out, there's water flowing in, there is running water, has a seawall. Thus, the Male-stilts, granular seed is sown to rice accomplishments are eight genera are considered part of large fruit, has great sweet taste, is rising. Also, the Female-stilts, alms among Sa, Ba-la-subject achievement of eight large fruit section, genus, great benefits, no large brilliant, have big vibe. What is the achievement of eight genera part?
6. Here, the Male-stilts, the Sa, the She-la-Mon there the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. Thus, the Male-stilts, alms among Sa, Ba-la-subject achievement of eight large fruit section, genus, great benefits, there are large, vibrant vibe.
When paddy fields are full
Granular like sow in full
When the rain down the full
Rice harvesting was full
Disaster are not present
Growth is full
Large full width
K t result is full
Also, the alms
Between those people enough about
And alms paraphernalia
Also full shopping
Brought to the full
Because full
So who wants the full
Must complete yourself
Serving enough wisdom
So successfully enough
The full position and Germany
With the mind is full
Do career were full
Benefits are fully
As they really know the life
Achieve full comments
Full line go to
Progress to full Italian
Remove any hard UE
Reaching Nirvana Student Tools
Get rid of all the suffering
Full news integrity.
1.-the Female-stilts, eight contentious life due to alms. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, the alms for the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects with food, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop flowers, incense, oils, DAB is, stay, lights the torches. The alms and looking forward to enjoy the results. See the Survey-the Roman Empire-the capital of the great funky or She-la-modern subjects, or the modern, affluent owners, full life, enjoyed years of gymnastics Chief, he thought: "expect that, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the Police-the Roman Empire-capital College, or with her-la-modern subjects, or with their rich democratic ". He nails the mind as such, stay mindful of such Center, tu so, mind he headed lower, practiced no direction, after the General network, was being ruined body "stay with the Police-the Roman Empire-capital College, or with her-la-modern subjects, or with their home University. We say: "he is the keeper of the world, is not the evil person". The Male-stilts, who holds the world successfully, because the mind towards purity.
3-4. Here, the Male-stilts, the alms for the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects with food, drink, dress fabric, vehicles, loop flowers, incense, oils, DAB is, stay, lights the torches. The alms and looking forward to enjoy the results. Hear that: "Four Heavenly Angel live long, available in colors, to be more at peace," she thought as follows: "expect that when the General network, was being ruined body" stay with Chu Thien in the four heavenly ... with Chu Thien in the Sun thirty three ... with the celestial realms in Evening Sun Chu-ma ... with the celestial realms in-Sun Chu ... with Chu Thien in the Sun Turns ... with the celestial Heavens realms in zhucheng Tha turns Itself in heaven ... "He who nails so stay mindful so, tu so mind, mind he headed lower, practiced no direction, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the celestial Four heavenly realms in Chu ... in the realms of the self in the natural chemistry of Tha. We say: "he is the keeper of the world, is not the evil person". The Male-stilts, who holds the world successfully, because the mind towards purity.
5. Here, the Male-stilts, the alms for the Sa-Ba-la-subjects, subjects with food, beverage ... Hear that: "in our natural Bias Lettered live long, available in colors, to be more at peace," she thought as follows: "......". We say: "he is the keeper of the world, not the World Cup, is the evil of taking part, not the people there took part". The Male-stilts, who holds the world successfully, because the mind towards purity. The Male-stilts, who holds the world successfully, because the mind towards the Cup took part. The Male-stilts, eight in France is French by birth and life span of eight alms.
1.-the Female-stilts, there are three basics largesse. What are the three?
2. Basis of largesse by alms, because German largesse basics, basics made blessed by the practice.
3. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a small scale due to largesse base world, on a small scale due to largesse basics, practice a small scale. He, after a public network, was being ruined body not lucky.
4. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a moderate scale due to largesse base world, Germany on a medium scale, do not achieve the basics do Phuoc practice. He, after a public network is being ruined body do people have the luck.
5. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Four heavenly. Here, the Male-stilts, the four heavenly after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the four heavenly on ten points; longevity Chu Thien, Thien Chu identity, Chu, Chu's reputation, Increase upper tributary, Bias power, t.j., natural flavor, bias, bias.
6. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Chu Thien Tam Tam cross in heaven. Here, the Male-stilts, Sakka master after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the Chu Thien in Tàvatimsa tr n ten points; longevity Chu Thien, Thien Chu identity, Chu, Chu's reputation, Increase upper tributary, at Natural colors, natural flavor, bias, bias.
7. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Chu Thien in Yàma. Here, the Male-stilts, God Suyàma after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the Chu Thien in Yàma on ten points; client, lifespan ... bias, natural exposure.
8. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Chu Thien in Tusità. Here, the Male-stilts, God Santusità, after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the Chu Thien in Tusità on ten points; client, lifespan ... bias, natural exposure.
9. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Chu Thien in Chemical communication. Here, the Male-stilts, God Sunimmita, after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the celestial heavenly Club Culture in Chu on ten points; client, lifespan ... bias, natural exposure.
10. Here, the Male-stilts, have the class basis of largesse by alms on a large scale basis by German largesse on a tremendous scale, but not achieve basics by largesse. He, after a public network, was being ruined body "stay with Chu Thien in Tha turns himself in heaven. Here, the Male-stilts, God Vasavattì, after doing a lot of basics by Irene Bell, after doing a lot of Phuoc industrial base due to the German border, crossed the Chu Thien in Tha turns himself in heaven on ten points; client, lifespan ... bias, natural exposure.
The Male-stilts, three of Phuoc industrial base.
§ (VII) (37) the HUMAN LEG (1)
1.-the Female-stilts, eight Foot level of alms. What are the eight?
2. To clean animals; for animal enemies magic; for the right time; for organisms to adapt; for with the careful; for always; the Center for translational; After the wedding Festival.
The Male-stilts, eight human Foot steps of alms:
Clean and enemy magic
The right time and adaptation
Drinks and food
Always do alms
In the paddy field which is good
Live life happy Offense
Nothing to regret
Alms many things
The alms so
Finish canopy positions the exclamation
The ranks of such laboratory location
With mind, freed
Not harmful, mind at peace
Birth-place rank in life.
§ (VIII) (38) the HUMAN LEG (2)
1.-the Female-human Foot, steps on stilts was born in the family, benefit, happy, at peace for many people; benefit, happy, at peace for parents; benefit, happy, at peace for his wife; benefit, happy, at peace for the people served, people do; benefit, happy, at peace for dear friends; benefit, happy, at peace for the nostalgic spirit has lost; benefit, happy, at peace for Kings; benefit, happy, at peace for Chu Thien; benefit, happy, at peace for Sa, Ba-la-Mon.
2. For this, as the Male-stilts, torrential rain makes the types of crops are adequate achievement, benefit, happy, at peace for many people. Also, the Female-stilts, steps out in the human Foot, family benefit, happy, at peace for many people; benefit, happy, at peace for parents; benefit, happy, at peace for his wife; benefit, happy, at peace for the people served, people do; benefit, happy, at peace for dear friends; benefit, happy, at peace for the nostalgic spirit has lost; benefit, happy, at peace for Kings; benefit, happy, at peace for Chu Thien; benefit, happy, at peace for Sa, Ba-la-Mon.
Because of the many benefits
Live family ranks
Tirelessly day and night
Donation truth true France
Mother father and ancestors
Remember the days before did
For spice, not the House
Dear happy Offense ranks ceremony
Firm news, donation
French turn, cleverly acted
As people bring benefits
For King, Chu Heaven
As people bring benefits
For her children, friends
As people bring benefits
For all people
An affidavit stay magic France
Aerial photography San configuration parameter UE
Enjoy a lifetime of happiness.
1.-the Female-stilts, eight public water sources in Germany, is the source of water, food for peace do birth, result in Nhon hetero Shu peace, brought to the Sun, leading to stylishly, Hy, Italy, happy, at peace. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples of Buddha refuge. The Male-stilts, this is the first of the German water resources, water is ... happy, at peace.
3. Again, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples refuge in France. The Male-stilts, this is the source of water in Germany Monday, as the source of water ... happy, at peace.
4. Again, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples attributed This increase. the National Health-stilts, this is the source of water in Germany Tuesday, is to improve water resource ... happy, at peace.
5. The Male-stilts, there are five alms, alms, is known as Max, is known as the long day, was known to ancient tradition, before the junk, no junk, no current future magazine no disorder, not the Sa, the She-la-Mon there mind scorn. What is the year?
6. Here, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples make the birth survey sections. The Male-stilts, Holy disciples abandon suicide being, bring no fear for the immeasurable beings, bring no hatred for the immeasurable beings, bring no harm to the immeasurable beings; After giving immeasurable beings, no fear, no hatred, no harm, will be san share no fear immeasurable, not hatred, not harmful. The Male-stilts, this was the first alms, alms, known as Max, is known to be long on ... not the Sa, the Ba-la-Mon there mind scorn. The Male-stilts, this is the source of water in Germany on Wednesday, is the source of water ... leads to the stylishly, Hy, Italy, happy, at peace.
7. Again, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples for not taken of thorough piece, abandoning of isn't for ... sections make the ties, in happy abandon deviant sex in happy ... take advantage of snippets lying, abandon the lying ... the paragraph to take advantage of drunken men cooking wine, wrecked, abandoned the wrecked drunk men, cooking wine. The Male-stilts, Holy disciples take advantage of drunken men, wrecked sections of wine to Cook, give up alcohol wine yeast, passionate Cook bring no fear for the immeasurable beings, bring no hatred for the immeasurable beings, bring no harm to the immeasurable beings; After the immeasurable beings for no fear, no hatred, no harm, he was san share no fear immeasurable, not hatred, not harmful. The Male-stilts, this is the fifth alms, alms, known as Max, is known to be long on ... not the Sa, the Ba-la-Mon there mind scorn. The Male-stilts, this source of water is the eighth German, is the source of water ... leads to the stylishly, Hy, Italy, happy, at peace.
The Male-stilts, eight public water sources in Germany, is the source of water, food for peace do birth, result in Nhon hetero Shu peace, brought to the Sun, leading to stylishly, Hy, Italy, happy, at peace.
§ (X) (40) VERY MILD
1.-the Female-stilts, to being made, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Result observation of light best Shu heterosexual birth is made with a short lifespan.
2. The Male-stilts, taken by not to be done, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu singularity of not to be done with the property damage.
3. The Male-stilts, deviant sex made in almond, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero happy pagan in the exercise is made with the resentment of the enemy.
4. The Male-stilts, lying is done, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero lie is made the accusation was not true.
5. The Male-stilts, say two blades are made, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero says blade is made of people with friends crashes.
6. The Male-stilts, evil speaking are made, is practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero mean password is made and be heard is not available.
7. The Male-stilts, said judgment was made, was practice, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero said judgment is made and heard the lyrics difficult to accept.
8. The Female-stilts, drink the wine yeast, cooking, wine is made, are practiced, made for fullness, taken to hell, brought to birth, Eagle species brought to the hungry daemons. Results of best Shu hetero alcohol yeast, fresh BREW is made with crazy heart.
§ (I) (41) the BOYS WORLD
1. Like I hear:
One time, the World Religion stay in Sàvatthì in Jetanava, the garden he Anàthapindika, World Religion called the Male-stilts: "the Male-stilts"
-"White World Religion"
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
2.-the Female-on stilts son about eight genera accomplishments section, was the practice of the time get great results, have great benefits, have large, brilliant has turned great complacency. How the Male-stilts, is about eight genera achievement boys day part, are practicing time get great results, have great benefits, have large brilliant, have turned the great consummation?
3. Here, the Male-stilts, Holy disciples to think as follows: "For life, the A-la-Han sections make the police being, abandon suicide being, removing the staff, quit, know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love. Today, this last night and today, we also take advantage of the close passage of birth, relinquish, remove the contentious surveillance staff, quit, know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the first part to be achievements.
4. "until the whole life, the A-la-Han sections take just take no for of these were for, only looking forward to the self, life, no thieves. Today, this last night and today, we also take advantage of snippets taken by not only taking the animal, went for the wishes, gave life, self, no thieves. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the second part of achievements.
5. "For life, the A-la-take advantage of Africa's Breach paragraph Han Hanh Pham, live action, alienate, relinquish Sybarite. Today, this last night and today, we also take advantage of Africa's Breach paragraph Hanh Pham, live action, alienate, relinquish Sybarite. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the third part of achievements.
6. "until the whole life, the A-la-Han sections take lying, quit lying, say these words true, y is just the truth, surely, reliably, not deception. Today, this last night and today, we also take advantage of snippets lying, quit lying, say these words true, y is just the truth, surely, reliably, not deception. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the fourth part of achievements.
7. "until the whole life, the A-la-Han sections make passionate wine yeast yeast, cooking wine, abandoned the wrecked drunk men, cooking wine. H m far, night and day, we also take advantage of snippets passionate wine yeast yeast, cooking wine, abandoned the wrecked drunk men, cooking wine. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the fifth part was the accomplishment.
8. "For life, the A-la-Han used every day in a packed, don't eat at night, abandoned not eating at night, from lunch time pilot. Today, this last night and today, we also used every day in a packed, don't eat at night, abandoned not eating at night, from lunch time pilot. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the sixth part is accomplished.
9. "For life, the A-la-not Disclaimer of Han went to dance, sing, play music, not jewelry, aromatherapy oil, DAB and the fashion. Today, this last night and today, I also don't see the dance go abandoned, singing, musical theater, no jewelry with wreaths, aromatherapy oil, DAB and the fashion. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the seventh part of achievements.
10. "For life, the A-la-Han sections, do not use the high bed, large beds, high beds no waiver, large bed. Today, this last night and today, we also take advantage of the paragraph, do not use the high bed, large beds, high beds no waiver, large bed. With this section, I follow the position A-la-Han, we will practice the son ". This is the eighth part are achievements.
The Female-on stilts son about eight genera achievements were such practices, there are large fruit, has great benefit, have large, brilliant has turned great complacency.
§ (II) (42) on BOYS WORLD
1.-the Female-on stilts son about eight genera accomplishments section, was the practice of the time get great results, have great benefits, have large, brilliant has turned great complacency. Is this how the practice of Female-on stilts, is on about eight achievement boys spent part of the time, get results, there's great benefit, have large brilliant, have turned the great consummation?
2-3. ... (same as number 41 on the economy from 2 to 10). (This is the eighth part be achievements)
-The Male-on stilts son about eight genera accomplishments section, was the practice of the time get great results, have great benefits, have large, brilliant has turned great complacency. How big is the fruit? How is the big benefit? How big is brilliant? How to turn great complacency?
4. For this, as the Male-stilts, there is the imposing the jurisdiction to rule on this magnitude of sixteen full of seven treasures, such as Anga, Magadha, Kosala, Kàsì, Vajjì, Cetì, Vamsà, Kurù, Pancàlà, Macchà, Sùrasenà, Asska, Avantì, Gandhàrà, Kambojà. But not sovereignty by a tenth of a six day son about eight genera accomplishments section. Because why? Short of this, the Male-stilts, human rights is, to compare with the client happy.
5. Fifty years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of lettered Four heavenly Bias. Thirty nights of night into a month, twelve months of the month into a year. Fifty years of that year made into lettered tho Chu's Four heavenly Bias network. This event has occurred, the Female-stilts: "here, the woman or the man, following the practice of son about eight genera achievements section, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with lettered Four heavenly Bias ". Therefore, I say: "short changed is the sovereignty of the human species, compared with client happiness Angel".
6. One hundred years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of the celestial heaven realms lettered thirty three. Thirty nights of night into a month, twelve months of the month into a year. A thousand years of that year made into lettered tho Chu's Heavenly heavenly realms network of thirty three. This event has occurred, the Female-stilts: "here, the woman or the man, following the practice of son about eight genera achievements section, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the celestial realms Chu Sun thirty-three ". Therefore, I say: "short changed is the sovereignty of the human species, compared with client happiness Angel".
7. Two hundred years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of the celestial heaven realms Yàma zhucheng. Thirty nights of night into a month, twelve months of the month into a year. Two thousand years of that year made into lettered tho Chu's Heavenly heavenly realms Yàma network. This event has occurred, the Female-stilts: "here, the woman or the man, following the practice of son about eight genera achievements section, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the celestial realms the phrase Sun Yàma ". Therefore, I say: "short changed is the sovereignty of the human species, compared with client happiness Angel".
Four hundred years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of the celestial heaven realms the phrase Tusità (-kW). Thirty nights of night into a month, twelve months of the month into a year. Four thousand years of that year made Chu Shou Qian Chu's network the Sun Tusità. This event has occurred, the Female-stilts: "here, the woman or the man, following the practice of son about eight genera achievements section, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the celestial realms the phrase Sun Tusità ". Therefore, I say: "short changed is the sovereignty of the human species, compared with client happiness Angel".
Eight hundred years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of the celestial heaven realms lettered Chemical communication. Eight thousand years Chu of the year do the network life of the celestial heaven realms lettered Chemical communication. This event has occurred, ... with the "Heavenly Divine Bliss.
Sixteen hundred years of one's life, the Male-stilts, with a night and day of the celestial heaven realms lettered Tha turned himself in. Thirty nights of night into a month, twelve months of the month into a year. Sixteen thousand years Chu of the year do the network life of the celestial heaven realms lettered Tha turned himself in. This event has occurred, the Female-stilts: "here, the woman or the man, following the practice of son about eight genera achievements section, after the General network, was being ruined body" stay with the celestial realms of heaven Self culture Excuse lettered in. Therefore, I say: "short changed is the sovereignty of the human species, compared with client happiness Angel".
Shalt not kill being kind
Shalt not take of not for
Shalt not say lie
Shalt not drink intoxicating liquor
Abandon Africa happy Offense
Abandon not lewd
Not eating at night
Avoid eating Africa forecast
Do not wear the wreath
Do not use the aromatherapy
Please lie on the carpet
Land stretches make the bed
Happy son of main world
Known to have eight parts
Because the Buddha speaks up
Taken to the make the suffering
The Moon and the Sun
Both saw good healing
Any place we go to,
They brilliance aura
They make bright clouds
The middle of nowhere we go
Our Heavenly brilliance
Brilliant all directions
In about space
Properties found
Pearl and jade treasures
Yuri stone bridge may
Bureau of gold in the ground
Or type Kancana
The same type of bright gold
Called Hataka
Yet they value
Only one-tenth of the six
Happy with keeping son sex
All eight face full
Even the light of the Moon
With both a domed sky stars
So the woman, man
Keep according to world NET
Portuguese administration slapped son sex
All eight face full
Do the charity work in Germany
Bring more peace
Is being up the Sun
Not be the person who laughs harshly condemned.
§ (III) (43) VISÀKHÀ
1. One time, World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in the East of the Park, the castle of Migàrà mother. And then Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother goes to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. That Honor comes with Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother was sitting on one side:
2.-on Visàkhà This son about eight full genus parts are practicing, there are large, have great benefits, have large, brilliant has turned great complacency. (business-like 42 with both shelves, with the necessary changes).
§ (IV) (44) VÀSETTHA
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, at Mahàvana, the House has a roof pointed South, and upasaka Vàsettha go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. World Religion told South upasaka Vàsettha sitting a party: ... (The Buddha say again 42 including shelf post, with the necessary changes).
2. When it is said so, South Vàsettha renunciation of the White World Religion:
-World Religion, if blood relatives of my dear son, on practice with a full eight genera of this part, as such, your dear blood of the lasting peace and happiness. The White World, if all of the Police-the Roman Empire-seat practice day, with eight full boys spend section, all of the Police-the Roman Empire-seat peace lasting happiness. The White World, if all Ba-la-subjects ... the Phệ-XA ... the-Trainin on son practice with full eight genera, all Player-da lasting peace and happiness.
3.-This is a must, so Vàsettha! Hey Vàsettha, if all of the Police-the Roman Empire-seat practice day, with eight full boys spend section, all of the Police-the Roman Empire-seat peace lasting happiness. Hey Vàsettha, if all Ba-la-subjects ... the Phệ-XA ... the-Trainin on son practice with full eight genera, all Player-da lasting peace and happiness. Hey Vàsettha, if the client's world, with the devil, the Brahma, or the masses Sa, Ba-la-subjects on mussels, practice with a full eight genera, so part of the world, Chu, the devil, the Brahma, or the masses Sa, Ba-la-subjects, will be lasting peace and happiness. Vàsettha this, if the sàlà this large tree can practice with the boys of eight full days spent on the section, will be happy in the long peace, if we are thinking, and what to say to the human species.
§ (V) (45) BOJJHÀ
1. One time, World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in Jetanava, his Anàthapindika garden. And Female Bojjhà go to renunciation of world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. World Religion told upasaka Bojjhà sitting down a party:
2. ... (World Religion, including 42 business told the post the shelves, with the necessary changes).
1. One time, World Religion stay in Kosambi, at Ghosita gardens. At the time the false Religious Anuruddha, on vacation on board, seated himself in the net. And then a lot of Natural women with fake Religion go to stylishly Anuruddha, after the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, fake to Anuruddha and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, the women's ladies with fake Anuruddha Respect:
-We are the Natural female body with stylishly. On the three counties, we have power and have at it! Dear fake Religion, we would like to have the screenshot of how identity, we'd best be associated right away. We are how we are raising her voice immediately. We want to be optimistic as to how life, we are life's Club sailings immediately. Mr. Anuruddha fake Religious, we are the Natural female body with stylishly. On the three counties, we have power and have himself in.
2. Then the fake Religious Anuruddha thoughts: "expect that the women all become green, green, green shirt, green makeup medicine". Then the woman, knowing the mind of the fake Religious Anuruddha, all become green, green, green shirt, green makeup medicine. Anuruddha thought as follows: "expect that the women all became gold ... all become red ... all become white, white, white, white coat medical. Then the woman, knowing the mind of the fake Religious Anuruddha, all became white, white, white, white coat medical. And then the females, a theatre, a dance, a clap. For as in the music, cleverly, subtly, harmony, cleverly struck by the fine, friendly, the forecast output was great, communication, education, stylishly, anesthesia. Also, is the music of the American manual, page came to be great, communication, education, stylishly, anesthesia. But the photographer kept Anuruddha fake Religion. The women he thinks: "fake Religion Anuruddha no enjoy" instant, disappearing in place.
3. Then the fake Religious Anuruddha, in the afternoon, from meditation to get up to go to World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religion That Religious white: Anuruddha
-World Religion, here, I'm on vacation on board, seated himself in the net. And then a lot of Natural women with stylishly go to children, after coming to the ceremony, wealthy girl, and then stand on one side. Stand on one side, the Angel's ladies ladies with children:
-We are the Natural female body with stylishly. On the three counties, we have power and have at it! Dear fake Religion, we would like to have the screenshot of how identity, we'd best be associated right away. We want to be, how we are raising her voice immediately. We want to be optimistic as to how life, we are life's Club sailings immediately. Dear fake Religion, we are the Natural female body with stylishly. On the three counties, we have power and have himself in.
The White World, and then the thoughts: "expect that the women all become green, green, green shirt, green makeup medicine". Then the women, know your child's mind, all become green, green, green shirt, green makeup medicine. And then the White World Religion, think thus: "expect that the women all became gold ... all become red ... all become white, white, white, white coat medical. And then the White World, the female, know your child's mind, they all became white, white, white, white coat medical. And then the White World Religion, the female, a theatre, a dance, a clap. For as in the music, cleverly, subtly, harmony, cleverly struck by the fine, friendly, the forecast output was great, communication, education, stylishly, anesthesia. Also, is the music of the American manual, page came to be suave, tribe, sex, stylishly, anesthesia. But the White World Religion, I keep the stock photography. And then the White World, the women he thinks: "I didn't enjoy" instant, disappearing in place.
The White World Religion, how many achievements in France, after the General network, was being ruined body "stay with the female body with stylishly?
4.-this, Anuruddha, fully eight French, female celebrities after the General network, was being ruined body "stay with the female body with stylishly. What are the eight?
5. Here's this woman, Anuruddha, for the husband would marry the father, because the mother wants to benefit, because the search for happiness, for compassion, because from starting up for introspection, woman up, going to bed, please get all work, treat the pleasing, cute sayings. Those who have respected husband Sa, Ba-la-like parents, woman's respect respect, wealthy girl, donation, and when they come, will dedicate a seat and water. That means that there are things in the House, from the wool or cotton fabric, here, her fluent, not indolence, find methods, just enough to do it yourself, just enough to make the arrangements. In the House husband, chums have slaves, or Messenger, or the Hunter, American workers know their work with the work done, the missing of them with no work to do; know the power or strength of those not sick; know the type of food, split the hard and soft types, each depending on his part. Everyone will get there money, rice, silver and gold bring husband, woman's protection, protective, keeping them from thieves, stealing, drinking alcohol, vandalism. Women's refuge, the Buddha's renunciation y France, y Increases women's precept, upasaka. abandon suicide being, abandon of not for, renouncing ties in almond, quit lying, abandon the drunken men, wine soak up cooking. Female upasaka alms, lived in families with Center abandoned the UE of San tham, alms, with open hands, feel like abandonment, ready to meet the requirements, have fun sharing widgets alms. This eight achievements, environmentally destructive General network, after being being "stay with the female body with stylishly.
Keep loving her husband often
Always try
People bring fun
Shalt not despised husband
Shalt not make unhappy husband
Shalt not do angry husband
With those envious
Her husband respect those who
Make all the ceremony, wealthy girl
Because she who has Tri
True agile operations
Between the people working
Treat the truth stylishly
To know Fortune her husband
Such treatment of wives
Do satisfy the desire
Husband's Favorites
Will be contentious in place
The divine Natural ability.
§ (VII) (47) VISÀKHA
1. One time, World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in the East of the Park, the castle of Migàrà mother. And then Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother goes to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. That Honor comes with Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother was sitting on one side:
2. ... (World Religion as an economic number 46 and the shelf, with the necessary changes).
1. One time, World Religion stay in the middle of Bhagga, in Summuràma mountains, Bhesakala forest, in the Deer garden. Then go to home Nakulamàtà women World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Then tell Ton American Home Nakulamàtà are sitting on one side:
2. ... (World Religion as an economic number 46 and the shelf, with the necessary changes).
§ (IX) (49) in THIS LIFE
1. One time, World Religion stay in Sàvatthì, in the East of the Park, the castle of Migàrà mother. And then Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother goes to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. That Honor comes with Visàkhà, Migàrà 's mother was sitting on one side:
2. This Visàkhà, full four-France, the achievements in this lifetime WINS n genus. This life fall on her fingertips. What are the four?
3. Here, Visàkhà, this woman is capable of doing the work, said the affidavit produced the Photography Department of the Italian passengers, serving her husband, said keeping the stored property. Hey Visàkhà, how is the woman likely to fudge chores?
4. Here's this voracious, Visàkhà, has the industry, wool or cotton fabric, belongs here, her fluent, not indolence, find methods, just enough to do it yourself, just enough to make the arrangements. As such, this woman is smart, Visàkhà do the work. And Visàkhà, how is this woman knew the photographers who recorded serves?
5. Here, in this House, in the Visàkhà husband, chums have slaves, or Messenger, or the Hunter, American workers know their work with the work done, the missing of them with no work to do; know the power or strength of those not sick; know the type of food, split the hard and soft types, each depending on his part. As such, this Visàkhà, is the woman to know photographers who recorded serves. And Visàkhà, how is this woman just practice facility my husband?
6. Here, this Visàkhà, female celebrities, what husband doesn't fit, oil for there because being there, she also does not do. As such, this Visàkhà, is the female Department of the Italian passengers. And Visàkhà, how is this woman know preserving the assets produced plans be?
7. Here this voracious, Visàkhà, have money, rice, silver and gold bring husband, woman's hour, protecting them, keeping to off they're thieves, stealing, drinking alcohol, vandalism. So, is the woman to know preserving the assets produced plans.
Achievements four France, Visàkhà, this woman with the achievement of winning in life. This life fall on her fingertips.
8. Visàkhà, full of this four, the achievements of the French victory in the hereafter. Life after falling into the hand of her. What are the four?
9. Here, Visàkhà, this woman full of faith, full of about Germany, full Bell, full of wisdom. And Visàkhà, how is this woman full of faith?
10. Here, this Visàkhà, have faith, believe in the enlightenment of such as: "this is Like Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Friendly Tournament, World, Sergeant, dwell Thy wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion". As such, this Visàkhà, is the woman in full confidence. And Visàkhà, how is this woman in full about Germany?
11. Here, this Visàkhà, from birth, police removed the disclaimer taken by not giving, abandoning ties in almond, quit lying, abandon the drunken men, wine soak up cooking. As such, this Visàkhà, is the woman in full about Germany. And Visàkhà, how is this woman full alms?
12. Here, this Visàkhà, female celebrities live in families with Center abandoned the UE of San tham, alms, with open hands, preferred to abandon, ready to meet the requirements, preferred shares of alms. As such, this Visàkhà, is fully woman alms. And Visàkhà, how is this woman full of wisdom?
13. Here, Visàkhà there, this wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the Eucharist enter brought to chon TAM Chief paragraphs kill the suffering. As such, this Visàkhà, is full of intellectual woman.
Achievements four France, Visàkhà, this woman the achievement of winning in the hereafter. Life after falling on her fingertips.
Fudge chores
Produced the photography served
The Department released the Italian medium stack
Preserve of the stored
Full credit and gender
Alms, not San join date
Wash the upper line leader
To posterity!!!
So are eight of France
Female celebrities are full
Known to have world ranks
Stay true to say, France
Sixteen operating general enough
Achievements of eight spent part
Such renunciation women
With full almond
Beings do Angel for women
With real body stylishly.
§ (X) (50) THIS LIFE
(World Economic and 49 said Religious items shelf for the Male-stilts)
1. One time, World Religion stay in between the people at Kapilavatthu, Sakka, Nigrodha gardens. Then Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside. Stand on one side, Mahàpajàpatì Bach Gotamì World Religion:
-Heals instead of Bach, World Religion, if the woman is renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
-Come on, don't be fancy, Gotamì, this woman could be, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
2. Second, Bach Gotamì Mahàpajàpatì World Religion:
-Heals instead of Bach, World Religion, if the woman is renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
-Come on, don't be fancy, Gotamì, this woman could be, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
3. Third, the Mahàpajàpatì Bach Gotamì World Religion:
-Heals instead of Bach, World Religion, if the woman is renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
-Come on, don't be fancy, Gotamì, this woman could be, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
And Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì know: "That Religion is not accepted for the woman to be his, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses", the Mainland suffering, melancholy, full face, weeping tears, relatives of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl on towards Him and then leave.
4. Then, after in Kapilavatthu until recently, then go to Vesàli, then to Vesàli from continuing.
Here, the dominant religion in Vesàli, in the great Forest, in the House have pointed roof. And Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì, with the hair shaved clean, up Austria KESA, along with many female celebrities go to Sàkya Vesàli, pedestrian and continued to Vesàli, in the great Forest, in the House have pointed roof. And Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì, with swollen legs, limbs dust working laboriously, misery, melancholy, tears filled face, weeping, stood outside the main door. Ton Ànanda Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì seen with fake legs swelling of limbs working laboriously dust, misery, melancholy, tears filled face, weeping, stood outside the main door, see so mainland told Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì:
-Mr. Gotamì, why stand in the door with swollen legs, limbs dust working laboriously, misery, melancholy, full face, weeping tears?
-Mr. Ton Ànanda Ton pseudo, because that is not acceptable for female celebrities renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Lai declared dogma.
So, dear Gotamì, please stand here and wait, wait until I'm allowed to Like Religion; to be his woman, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
5. Then go to Ànanda fake Religion World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-World Religion, there is Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì with swollen legs, limbs dust working laboriously, misery, melancholy, full face, weeping tears standing at the door saying: "World Religion does not allow the woman to be his, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses". Heal instead! The White World Religion, if the woman is renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
-Come on, don't be fancy, Ànanda, this woman could be, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
The second ... Third, assuming the white Ànanda World Religion:
-Heal instead! The White World Religion, if That Religion allows woman to be his, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
-Come on, don't be fancy, Ànanda, this woman could be, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
6. Then the fake Religious thought as follows: "That Religion is not accepted for the woman to be his, abandoned the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses. So we use other methods to ask for That Suen allows woman to be his, abandoned the family, no family life ".
Then the false Religion of the white Ànanda World Religion:
-World Religion, does not know the woman after the renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Lai preaching, can be saved, For future results, Any future results or A-la-Chinese result?
-Ànanda, after This renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses, female celebrities can be saved, For future results, Any future results or A-la-Han.
-World Religion, after the renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses, female celebrities can be saved, For future results, Any future results or A-la-Han. Again, the White World, Mahàpajàpatì has helped many Religious World as the aunt, the breast, the sample design, when the mother of the World Religion destined for That Suen chung, suckling milk. Instead of healing, Bach World Religion, if the woman is renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the Law such as Hybrid discourses.
7.-Ànanda Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì if This accept eight French glass, Gotamì forecast can be specific about student life: University life oil for about a hundred years, a Female-stilts-ni for a Female-new world in a modern life on stilts on the right also, wealthy girl, stand up, hand-pieced together, acted properly in France. This after dear, respected, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Female-stilts-ni could not settle the rainy season on the spot with no Male-stilts. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Half a month, Female-stilts-and sometimes they need Male-stilts on brother, and asked to come to the theory. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
After settling the rainy season is complete, the Male-stilts-ni need to anoint Himself previous quarter-two Steady them on three issues to be seen, be heard and the suspect. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Female-stilts-ni offense felony Executive pakkhamànattam (ma-na-fallen) until the second half of the month. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
After learning the six to France for two years, must come to life before the two World Student Tools, please raise them. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Not because of what the excuse, a coast-stilts-ni could have yelled at nhiếc, criticizing a Female-stilts. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Hey Ànanda, starting from today, the Catholic Church critics between the Male-stilts about Male-stilts-ni, no Catholic critics between the Male-stilts-ni on the Female-stilts. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not to be crossed.
Hey Ànanda, if Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì accept eight French glass, enabling Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì are specific student life.
8. Then the fake Religious Ànanda, after learning from the eight important Religious, and then go to Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì, after arriving, told Gotamì: Mahàpajàpatì
-If Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì accept eight French glass, Gotamì forecast will be specific about student life: "oil for modern life about a hundred years, a Female-stilts-ni ... no real border between the national critics-stilts-ni on the Female-stilts. France, after respect, respect, wealthy girl, donation, for life not be overcome ". If Gotamì accepts eight this time, France Gotamì important will be tools of student life.
-False Respect Sir Ananda, for as a woman or a man, still in his youth, your favorite jewelry, Leanne after shampooing is done, after a round of green Lotus or a round universe you flowers, or a genius (or located WINS United) using two hand wreath and put on top of the head. Likewise, your Honor, I would accept eight French glass, so no lifetime pass.
9. Then go to Ànanda fake Religion World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Ton Ànanda Ton pseudo white World:
-World Religion, Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì has accepted eight French glass, so no lifetime pass.
-Ànanda, if This woman was no renunciation, abandoning the family, living in the family and not by the law, such as preaching, this forecast Hybrid Ànanda Date, be an permanent, and the magic of France was in existence up to a thousand years. Because of that, this Ànanda, female celebrities are renunciation, abandoning the family, living in France and family kh ng this law, this Ànanda now, happy Offense will not be permanent, this time Ànanda, the magic are exist in hundreds of years. Such as this, the Ànanda, the family would have more women, fewer men, the families were vulnerable to hackers, the brain damage theft. Also, Ànanda are women, this renunciation, abandoning the family, living in France and the family not this law, should not be an happy Offense stay long. For this, such as Ànanda, when a disease was named "white as bones" fell into a rice field, rice's forecast has no permanent security. Also, this Ànanda, when woman are spice, abandoned the family, living in France and the family law, the Violation of this almond has no permanent security. For this, such as Ànanda, when a disease was named "red clay" fell into a rice paddy fields, sugar cane was nine he had no permanent security. Also, this Ànanda, when woman are spice, abandoned the family, living in France and the family law, the Offense is not happy to stay long. Such as this one, Ànanda, thinking of the future of building dike for a huge Lake to the water can't flow through, too, Ànanda, because of this thinking to the future, we ban the eight French glass, for the Female-stilts-ni for life not to be crossed.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, in the great Forest, in the House have pointed roof. Then go to Ànanda fake Religion World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, false Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-How many achievements in France, Bach World Religion, Male-stilts should be accepted as the border for the Male-stilts-ni?
This achievement, Ànanda-eight French, Female-stilts should be accepted as the border for the Male-stilts-ni. What are the eight?
2. Here, Ànanda, National-stilts have this world Germany, life was tame with the tame of the world my duty in full Majesty, the Chief Justice, see fear in those little error, accepting and learning in France. Her position heard many life maintenance, things have been heard, the compound contains things heard: the French, the Chinese, friendly profile, backstage, mean, highly specific syntax highlighting text life happy Offense completely full of purity; the French position, he was listening to many, holds, have in mind that litigation is read many times, Italian professional observation, judgement can enter the Chief Justice. For him, the two sexes are subtly Pàtimokkha given the duty to pass on a widely cited analysis, smart, knowledgeable, cleverly decided sutta (the language) and the m. The position had a good voice, good, elegant speech, vocal babbling, not sensu Lee explained. He had the ability to taste the French for preaching they Female-stilts-ni, encouragement, excitement, making the wedding Festival, are largely Male-stilts-ni fan, like Italy. Before y that ton, renunciation, Austrian Relief KESA, no unit offense felony would, is twenty years old or settle more than twenty years settled.
This eight achievements, this Ànanda, the Female-stilts are accepted as the border for the Male-stilts-ni.
§ (III) (53) France SUMMARY
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, in Mahàvana, in the House have pointed roof. Then Mahàpajàpatì Gotamì go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside. Stand on one side, Mahàpajàpatì Bach Gotamì World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion! World Religion make a brief sermon for children, after the Religious World, I will live alone, net safety, not cuteness, fervent, ample magnification is needed.
2.-Gotamì, This French would she know this: "those taken to join the exercise, not the Cup took part; taken to be, the system does not lead to glass be system; taken to the area of the set, does not lead to no achievement; taken to large, does not lead to less exercise; taken to not know enough, not to know enough; taken to the gathering, does not lead to net tern; taken to indolence, does not lead to essential tons; bring to hard to nurture, not taken to ease nourish ". Gotamì-life maintenance, check the depth of this direction that: "it is not France, it is not law, it is not the teachings of the masters degree".
3. this legislation, Gotamì And would you know: "The France he led to the Cup took part, not to take part; taken to be system cups, not taken to be system; taken to no achievement, does not lead to achievement; brought to at least, does not lead to great sex; taken to know enough, does not lead to don't know enough; taken to Shiv, does not lead to convergence; brought to, does not lead to indolence; taken to foster easy, does not lead to hard to nurture ". Gotamì-life maintenance, check the depth of this direction that: "it is to France, which is the Law of right, which is the teachings of the masters degree".
1. One time, World Religion stay in between the people, in a town of the Koliya populace Koliya named Kakkarapatta. Then death Koliya Dìghajànu (the knee) go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the White World Dìghajànu e Koliya Ton:
-World Religion, we are the ones who the outlawed homeowners desire, living with his wife and son, be system use the fried flavor-Forum in Kàsi wear, and use the wreath, aromatherapy, chalk wax, head of gold and silver; the White World, So please Respect the sermon for people like us, how the theory to the France he gives us peace and happiness in the present, happy and at peace in the future.
2.-Byagghapajja (Tiger foot), has this taken to present happiness, peace at present for the Friendly South. What are the four?
3. Complete the resourceful, full, do you with friendly, live harmonic balance. Hey Byagghapajja, how full the resourceful?
4. Here, Byagghapajja, Friendly South this molecule do to live, or farming, or caravan, or grazing, or Archer, or working for the King, or any job, in her profession, her fine, friendly do not know tired, thinking know understand the media just enough to do and control the others do; Hey Byagghapajja, this call is full of resourcefulness. And Byagghapajja, how is this fully protective?
5. Here, this Byagghapajja, the property of Friendly South by the resourceful effort produced plans are, due to the strength of the hand are stored, because the sweat poured out France, produced plans are properly safeguarded her taste them, France and protected: "how the assets of the us being the King carried away , don't get carried away, thieves were not fire, not water wash, do not suffer the children succeeded not stylishly plundered ". Hey Byagghapajja, this is called the full hour. This and Byagghapajja, how do you good?
6. Here, Byagghapajja, Friendly South this Prince lived in villages or in the town. In that there the owner or owners, the family of a young man raised in Germany, or older people are growing up in Germany, full of confidence, full of German world, full of alms, the intellectual's position fully acquainted, talk, talk. With full confidence, who's learning the position with full confidence. With full ones about Germany, the position he filled with learning about Germany. With those full alms, the full study with him alms. With full intellectual ones, the full study with her wisdom. Hey Byagghapajja, here called do you good. And Byagghapajja, how is this life balance, automatic?
7. Here this Byagghapajja, Friendly, female suicide after entering the property, and after learning your production, living a harmonic way, not too extravagant, not too xẻn popcorn. The position he thought: "this is my admission, after subtracting money, remaining as such; This is not my production money, after subtracting money to enter, remain so ". Such as this, Byagghapajja, balance or Sami people hold weight, after holding the weight know that: "with the possible, weighed down, or with possible, weigh up the scholarship". Also, Byagghapajja, Friendly South this suicide after entering the property, and after learning your production, living a harmonic way, not too extravagant, not too xẻn popcorn, think: "this is my admission, after subtracting money, remaining as such; This is not my production money, after subtracting money to enter, remain so ". Byagghapajja this, if this money entered South Friendly little, but spacious, lifestyle living, fashioned people talk about him as follows: "The Friendly South this item's position property such as eating fruit". Byagghapajja this, if the Charity had great import money nanzih, but extreme lifestyle living, fashioned people will talk about her position as follows: "The Friendly South this death will die as people starve". When would this Byagghapajja, Friendly, male suicide, after entering the property, and after learning your production, living a harmonic way, not too extravagant, not too xẻn popcorn, think: "this is my admission, after subtracting money, remaining as such; This is not my production money, after subtracting money to enter, remain so ". Hey Byagghapajja, here called the harmonic balance lifestyle.
8. As such, this Byagghapajja, have four doors to spending of assets input: "passion, passion, passion fenugreek alcohol gambling; Wicked friends dear, wicked, wicked deals ". For this, such as Byagghapajja, a huge Lake, have four doors the water flows into the water flows out the door, there are four, someone closed the door the water flows into the open, the water flows out, the Sun not rain in time, so this Byagghapajja, waiting, as the Lake is minimized, no growth. Also, this Byagghapajja, have four doors to spend the fee property is input: "passion, passion, passion fenugreek alcohol gambling; Wicked friends dear, wicked, wicked deals ".
9. As such, this Byagghapajja, have four doors to the property are Renaissance: "Not passionately, no alcohol, no tea captivates captivates gambling, with friends, with dear, deal with". For this, such as Byagghapajja, a huge Lake, have four doors the water flows into the water flows out the door, there are four, someone closed the door the water flows out, open the door water flows in, and Sun back at the right time, so rain, Byagghapajja, this waiting is the fountain of growth, there is minimal. Also, this Byagghapajja, have four doors to the property are Renaissance: "Not passionately, no alcohol, no tea captivates captivates gambling; good friends, good friends, socializing with the good ".
Four French, Byagghapajja, this brought to current happiness.
10. There are four France, Byagghapajja, brought to this happy future, peaceful future for the Friendly South. What are the four?
11. Full trust, full World Germany, full Bell, full of wisdom. And Byagghapajja, how is this full trust?
12. Here in this Byagghapajja, Friendly, male suicide is in, believe in the enlightenment of such as: "this is Like ... steps to natural Sphinxes, Buddha, World Religion". Hey Byagghapajja, this call is full trust. And Byagghapajja, how is this full about Germany?
13. Here this Byagghapajja, Friendly, female suicide to abandon suicide being ... abandon the drunken men, wine soak up cooking. Hey Byagghapajja, this call is full about Germany. And Byagghapajja, how is this full alms?
14. Here this Byagghapajja, Friendly, female Prince living in families, with the center being UE structure, San join date, alms, with hands extended, have fun, get ready to be requirements, share fun things alms. Hey Byagghapajja, this is called the full alms. And Byagghapajja, how is this full of wisdom?
15. Here, Byagghapajja, Friendly male with this wisdom, intellectual achievement of being destroyed, with the Eucharist (addressing Trach), chon TAM Chief ended suffering. Hey Byagghapajja, this call is full of wisdom.
Resourceful in work
Ample magnification, not agility
Living life in balance
Keep the assets produced are
Believe, full sex
He did not join the San
Wash the upper line leader
Safe in the future
This is the eight-France
Credit tier home search request
UG true statement
Brought to life on both
Happy for the present
And peaceful future
This stay of owner
He increased in Germany.
§ (V) (55) she-is-UJJAYA
1. Granny-la-Ujjaya subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear asking mainland sat down one side. Sit down one side, She-la-Ujjaya subjects of the White World Religion:
-We want to go abroad, Religious author Gotama please theory for people like us, theory of how to the France he giving us current happiness, peace at present, future happiness, peace and the future.
2. ... (as the article 54 article including economy shelf, with the necessary changes).
§ (VI) (56) FEAR
1.-this fear, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. This suffering, these Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. This disease, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. This, the National tumor-on stilts, is synonymous with education. This arrow, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. Bondage, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. This mud, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education. Thai Tibetan, the Female-on stilts, is synonymous with education.
2. How does this, the Male-stilts, fear is synonymous with exercise?
Because of this, that the Male-stilts, those who suffer sex craving, who were taking part in sex bondage, not be freed from fear at present, not be freed from the fear of the future; Therefore, fear is synonymous with education.
3. Because of that, the Female-stilts, suffering ... sick ... tumor ... arrow ... bind ... mud ... How pregnancy is synonymous with exercise?
Because of this, that the Male-stilts, those who suffer sex craving, who were taking part in sex bondage, not be freed from fear at present, not be freed from the fear of the future; Consequently, thai is synonymous with education.
Fear, suffering and disease
Tumor and arrows
Bondage and muddy
Both thai and Tibetan
They are called sex
Divine place phu AI infection
Immerse in beauty
Them back into thai Tibet
When Female-stilts enthusiasm
Do not loose the feeling of
Beyond the road the insurance incident
The road difficult to overcome
Her taste look at beings
Living in fear
Because of birth and elderly
Haunting and conquer.
§ (VII) (57) WORTHY of DONATION (1)
1.-eight achievements this French, this Male-stilts, Female-stilts deserve respect, deserves to be respected, to be pieced together the hands, is ploughing in the unconscious life of Irene. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts to keep ... acceptance and learning in the School; hear more subtly, can enter in Chief voter opinion; do you with friendly, with dear, deal with charity; There Chief Justice Chief Justice accomplishments, tri comments; symptoms are increased in the upper center of the Meditation four current Lac, stay, is not difficult, the evidence was not evidence, effortless wasting; remember much of life before, as a lifetime, two lifetime ... remember generations ago with General status with details; with pure label Superman ... clearly know the beings, according to Hanh career; so passage kill the contraband or evidence, proof ... hit and stay.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts deserve respect ... is rice in myriad life blessed.
§ (VIII) (58) WORTHY of DONATION (2)
1.-eight achievements this French, this Male-stilts, Female-stilts deserve respect, deserves to be respected, to be pieced together the hands, is ploughing in the unconscious life of Irene. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts to keep ... acceptance and learning in the School; hear more subtly, able to enter with the Chief of voter opinion; essential living needs, persistent effort, not neglected burden in the friendly France; living in the mountain forests, at the stay of far away, endure and any tribe, any recovery Club photographers always emerge; endure fear and terrible, terrible costumes photographers always emerge; symptoms are increased in the upper center of the Meditation four current Lac, stay, is not difficult, the evidence was not evidence, effortless wasting; so passage kill the contraband or evidence, proof ... hit and stay.
This eight achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts deserve respect ... is rice in myriad life blessed.
§ (IX) (59) the EIGHT-PERSON CLASS (1)
1.-this person class has eight, the Female-stilts, deserve respect, deserves to be respected, to be pieced together the hands, is ploughing in the unconscious life of Irene. What are the eight?
2. Save Project Level, steps were driven to the food poisoning effects save; Steps For future, steps were driven to the food poisoning results For lai; Any future steps, steps were driven to the food poisoning result Any future; Tier A-la-Han, has driven to the food poisoning results A-la-Han.
Eight people, this class of Female-on stilts, deserve respect ... is rice in myriad life blessed.
Four have already driven to
The four have stay results
This increase them direct primary
Wisdom, world, meditation
Humans worship material laboratory
Beings Phuoc bridge in Germany
As Germany reborn
Increase them increase.
1-2. .. just like your experience on 1.2, only slightly different shelf post.
The four were driven to
The four have stay results
Increase them this evening win
Eight people between beings
Humans worship material laboratory
Beings Phuoc bridge in Germany
As Germany reborn
Increase them increase.
§ (I) SEX (61)
1.-the Female-stilts, eight-person class has the face, present in his life. What are the eight?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. Taste her ardent, enthusiastic effort to be beneficial. Oil for ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial, but beneficial nutrients not starting up. Do not saw her, the nursing him melancholy, groan, weeping, beating his chest, fell into unconsciousness. The Male-stilts, then known as National tastes-stilts living benefit, ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial. Do not saw her, the nursing him melancholy, groan, cry, leaving the magic of France.
3. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. Taste her ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial. Due to the ardent, enthusiastic, effort to benefit, starting up the nutritional benefits. With her passionate position, nourishing, ample magnification, fell into a passionate, Yi. This is called Female-stilts live want to benefit, ardent, enthusiastic, effort to benefit nursing; be beneficial, become passionate, Yi, and neglected the magic of France.
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. The taste is not energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial. Due to her eagerly, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients, beneficial nutrients not starting up. Her position due to not be beneficial, so melancholy, groan, weeping, beating his chest, fell into unconsciousness. This is called Female-stilts living benefit, desires not energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients; not benefit nursing, her melancholy, groan, cry, leaving the magic of France.
5. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. The taste is not energetically, not elated to be beneficial. Locating oil he energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients, beneficial nutrients run up. With her passionate position, nourishing, ample magnification, fell into a passionate, Yi. This is called Female-stilts live want to benefit, not eagerly, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients; benefit, becoming drunk, were wrecked and abandoned, Yi launched the magic of France.
6. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. Taste her ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial. Oils for her ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial nutritional benefit, not starting up. Her position, because no benefit, no melancholy, no complaining, no crying, no chest beating, no fall into unconsciousness. The Male-stilts, are called Male-stilts live want to benefit, ardent, enthusiastic, effort to benefit nursing; no benefit, no melancholy, no groan, and not abandon the magic of France.
7. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. Taste her ardent, enthusiastic, effort to be beneficial. Due to her ardent, enthusiastic, effort to benefit, starting up the nutritional benefits. With her nourishing benefits, not passionate, not ample magnification, there fell into passionate. The Male-stilts, here called Male-stilts live want to benefit, ardent, enthusiastic, effort to benefit nursing; benefit, not passionate, not Yi launched, and not abandon the magic of France.
8. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. The taste is not energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial. Due to her eagerly, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients, beneficial nutrients not starting up. Does not taste, no melancholy, no complaining, no crying, no chest beating, no fall into unconsciousness. This is called Female-stilts live want to benefit, not eagerly, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients; not be beneficial nutrients, not melancholy, not groan, not crying, and not abandon the magic of France.
9. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts while the idle life, no effort kicked up to benefit. The taste is not energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial. Oil for not energetically, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients, beneficial nutrients run up. With her nourishing benefits, not passionate, not ample magnification, there fell into passionate. The Male-stilts, here called Male-stilts live want to benefit, not eagerly, not elated, not effort to be beneficial nutrients; benefit, not passionate, not Yi launched, and not abandon the magic of France.
The Male-stilts, eight people live class is present, present in his life.
1.-six French achievement, the Female-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, just enough for the others. What are the six?
2. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-agility on stilts to grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard: the thinking person's sense of life are maintained; After you understand the sense, after the French understand, practice, France; easy-listening voice, good, elegant speech, quibble, spokesman not babbling, to explain sense Coalition identified; capable of preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices. Six achievements this French, this Male-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, just enough for the others.
3. Achievements in France, where the Male-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, just enough for the others. What is the year?
4. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not nimble grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard; who thought the meaning of life are maintained; After you understand the sense, after the French understand, practice, France; easy-listening voice, good, elegant speech, quibble, spokesman not babbling, to explain sense Coalition identified; capable of preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices.
This year's accomplishments, the Female-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, just enough for the others.
5. Achievements of four of France, where the Male-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others. What are the four?
6. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-agility on stilts to grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard; who thought the meaning of life are maintained; After you understand the sense, after the French understand, practice, France; the voice is not easy listening, pronunciation is not good, say elegant, quibble, babbling speech, explaining the sense of not proving accurate; not capable of preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices.
This four accomplishments, the Female-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others.
7. four accomplishments of this French, this Male-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others. What are the four?
8. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-agility on stilts to grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard; not thinking who is the meaning of life are maintained; No once, after the French understand, practice, France; easy-listening voice, good, elegant speech, quibble, spokesman not babbling, to explain sense Coalition identified; capable of preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices.
This four accomplishments, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others.
9. three achievements of this French, this the Male-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others. What are the three?
10. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not nimble grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard; who thought the meaning of life are maintained; After you understand the sense, after the French understand, practice, France; the voice is not easy listening, pronunciation is not good, say elegant, quibble, babbling, spokesman explained the meaning is not verified; no ability to preach, not encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices.
Achievements three France, the Female-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others.
11. three accomplishments did this, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others. What are the three?
12. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not nimble grasp the significance of the friendly France; is the life of the French people has been heard; not thinking who is the meaning of life are maintained; not be the person after to understand meaning, after the French understand, practice, France; easy-listening voice, ..., to explain sense Coalition identified; capable of preaching,..., making the wedding Festival accomplices.
Achievements three France, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others.
13. two accomplishments of this French, this the Male-stilts, Female-stilts is just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others. What are the two?
14. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not nimble grasp the significance of the friendly France; is not the life of the French people has been heard; who thought the meaning of life are maintained; is the person after to understand meaning, after the French understand, practice, France; the voice is not easy to listen to, ..., not sensu interpretation proving accurate; no ability to preach, ..., make the wedding Festival accomplices.
This two achievements, the Female-stilts, stilts-just enough for yourself, not just enough for the others.
15. two achievements of France, where the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others. What are the two?
16. Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not nimble grasp the significance of the friendly France; is not the life of the French people has been heard; don't think the meaning of life are maintained; No once, after the French understand, practice, France; easy-listening voice, good, elegant speech, quibble, spokesman not babbling, to explain sense Coalition identified; capable of preaching in France, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival accomplices.
This two achievements, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts not just enough for yourself, just enough for the others.
1. And then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
-Heal instead! the White World, please take a brief theory of world Religion for children, after hearing of World Religion, I will live alone, net safety, not cuteness, fervent, ample magnification is needed.
-So, here, some foolish, ask Me, after the French were instructors, they think I'm the person they need to follow.
-World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for the Charity, Was make brief theory. I can understand the meaning of the words of the World Religious preaching. You could become the legacy lyrics That Religious preaching.
2.-so this Male-stilts, the master need to study as follows:
"Are we an inner stay, cleverly firmly stay. The evil French, real friendly being run with no invasion of the mind and has no legs to stand on ". As such, this Male-stilts, I need to study.
3. This Female-stilts, when the master's mind was an stay, cleverly firmly stay, the evil French, real friendly birth center and had invaded the starting leg stand, then, this Male-stilts, Mr. c n are learning as follows:
"We will be freed from practice, making the fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, be made persistent, made for achievement, was cited by the essential need to practice". As such, this Male-stilts, I need to study.
4. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then, this Male-stilts, I need to practice this with the reach the quarter finals; need to practice the games not, with only four; need to practice no games, not four; need to practice there, to not practice Hy Hy; need to practice with sentences; need to practice the sentence against discharge. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then this billion-on stilts, I need to study as follows:
"Who will rescue Our Bi practice. Hy heart freed will be I. .. The rescue Center discharge will be Us practice, make the fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, be made persistent, made for achievement, was cited by the essential need to practice ". As such, this Male-stilts, I need to study.
5. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then, this Male-stilts, I need to practice this with the reach the quarter finals; need to practice the games not, with only four; need to practice no games, not four; need to practice there, to not practice Hy Hy; need to practice with sentences; need to practice the sentence against discharge. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then this billion-on stilts, I need to study as follows:
"I will live the contemplate on the fuselage, zealous, the sensations, mindfulness, costumes take part in favor of life." As such, this Male-stilts, I need to study.
6. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then, this Male-stilts, I need to practice this with the reach the quarter finals; need to practice the games not, with only four; need to practice no games, not four; need to practice there, to not practice Hy Hy; need to practice with sentences; need to practice the sentence against discharge. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then this billion-on stilts, I need to study as follows:
"I will live the contemplate on the th ... the Cafe Central on the Center ... the French Consulate on the France, zealous, the sensations, mindfulness, costumes take part in favor of life." As such, this Male-stilts, I need to study.
7. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, then, this Male-stilts, I need to practice this with the reach the quarter finals; need to practice the games not, with only four; need to practice no games, not four; need to practice there, to not practice Hy Hy; need to practice with sentences; need to practice the sentence against discharge. This Female-stilts, when would this be Master's practice, made for fullness as such, stilts, billion-this, place the master take, place the master take was an okay; place, where the master will stand, place the master stood be an okay; where, where will the master sitting, place the master sitting are fine; place, where the master will be located, place the master will be located.
8. Female-stilts, be That religion with this border post, from the seat, got up, wealthy girl World, Religious ceremony on towards Him and then leave. Female-stilts alone, purity, not fired, ample, essential need, not how long the symptoms reach the goal that the Friendly South Prince renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life. This is an infinite upper wing rescue Violates, right now, in itself, evidence of food poisoning with the voters, and an. He said: "clearly the location of birth, has the Offense take advantage. These things should have done, no longer back this status. " Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
§ (VI) (64) TAGAYÀ
1. One time, World Religion stay in Gayasisa. In this Respect, the call of the Male-stilts: "the Male-stilts"
-"Sir, Bach World Religion."
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
2.-the Female-stilts, before we're enlightened, yet the Chief Sensory Class, also do we thought Bodhisattva, tri light, We do not see. The Male-stilts, then we think: "If I could ever tri-light and We can see the color, so my comments are pure tri than up." Then the Male-stilts, after some time we live not ample, launch, essential need, I thought the tri-light and see the colors, but we're not communicating with Chu's Genius, don't talk, don't talk. "
3. Then the Male-stilts, think thus: "if we could ever tri light, could see was the SAC, can communicate with Chu's Bias, can talk, can talk, so this is my opinion, tri purity than up." This and the Female-stilts, after some time we live not ample, launch, essential needs, tri-light and see the colors, and lettered him communicating T.j together, talk and discussion. But we don't know about the Chu's Genius: "This Natural Bias they Lettered, belonged to this our Bias".
4. This Then the Male-stilts, think thus: "If I thought the tri light, saw the SAC, communicating with Chu's Genius, talk, discuss with Chu's Genius and knows about Chu's Bias, so this is my opinion, tri purity than up." Then the Male-stilts, after some time we live not ample, launch, essential needs, tri-light and see the colors, and lettered him communicating T.j together, talk, discuss with Chu's Genius, recognize that "this belongs to our Heavenly Angel Chu, T.h. them", but I do not know: "Heavenly Divine by the result of this industry mature hetero , die from it engenders in place "; I know she's Genius: the phrase "Natural allergy relief by results of Shu vassal state of this industry, die from it engenders in place"; but we don't know the Heavenly divine: "Heavenly Divine, because food like this, feeling miserable life lost like this"; We know was: "Headless Angel, because food like this, feeling miserable life lost like this"; people don't know: Genius, "Chu Chu Thien, long lifespan like this, long like this," I know, "Chu Thien long lifespan, as long as this exists"; but we don't know her Bias: the phrase "previously We have along with this Genius, or divine before We not together with Chu this Favoritism?"
5. This Then the Male-stilts, think thus: "if we are aware of the light, saw the SAC, along with Chu's Heavenly communicate, talk, discussion, we can know be Natural:" Thien Chu Chu is in Heaven, our Bias in them ". We can know the heavenly divine: "Heavenly Divine, because results of this industry, Shu hetero died on the spot, being in place". We can know the heavenly divine: "Chu this Bias, by eating food like this, feeling miserable life lost like this"; We can know the heavenly divine: "this Bias long lifespan, the phrase like this, long like this"; We can know the heavenly divine: "this Bias, formerly Lettered we get along with Chu this Bias"; so, my opinion is pure voter than before ". The Male-stilts, after a period of living does not launch, Yi, essential need, I thought tri light, saw the SAC, We communicate, talk, discuss with the Chu's Genius: "this Heaven Heavenly in this our Client, in this our Bias". I know she's Genius: the phrase "this Bias results due to divorce, Chu Shu of the industry, died on the spot, being in place". I know it was a vassal state to natural: "Heavenly Divine, because eating food like this, feeling miserable life lost like this"; I know she's Genius: the phrase "this Bias long lifespan, the phrase like this, long like this"; I know she's Genius: the phrase "this Bias, formerly Lettered we get along with this Genius, or divine before we don't have in along with Chu this Bias".
6. The Male-stilts, until voters opinion includes eight progress and in the upper boundary of this Bias are not pure judgement where we, we don't have accurate forecast in World Natural followers with demon, Brahma, with masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and man, that I were Invisible Primary Sensory Class Upper enlightenment. The Male-stilts, until voters opinion includes eight progress and in the upper boundary of this Bias are cleverly purity where We have forecast, correctly in the World Natural followers with demon, Brahma, with masses Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and man, that I were Invisible Primary Sensory Class Upper enlightenment. Voter initiatives where we're up: "who is the estate's rescue. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
§ (V) (65) WIN of
1.-the Female-stilts, eight wins. What are the eight?
2. An idea tri colors, see the Cabinet foreign, limited amount of pretty bad. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It is the first origin win.
3. An idea voters see the, the Cabinet foreign colors, no amount of pretty bad term. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It's win made the second.
4. An idea of infinite inner in tri, see the foreign term bad beautiful amount of colors. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It's win of the third.
5. The idea of the unconscious mind in tri, see the foreign bad beautiful immeasurable excellence. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It's win made Wednesday.
6. An idea of infinite inner in tri, see the green color, foreign blue, blue green, General, green light. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It's win made Thursday.
7. The idea of the unconscious mind in tri, see the color yellow, foreign hues of gold, gold, gold shades shades General, light gold. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It's win made Friday.
8. An idea of infinite inner in tri, see the foreign red, red, red, red shades shades General, red light. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It is win of Saturday.
9. An idea of infinite inner in tri, see the foreign white color, white color, white, General white, white light. He thought the position that: "after the winning photographers, I know, I see. It is the eighth of WINS.
The Male-stilts, this legislation is eight wins.
§ (VI) (66) to the RESCUE
1.-the Female-stilts, eight escape. What are the eight?
2. "has his own identity, see the identity". It is freed.
3. "the Idea is excellent, the Interior tri saw the foreign". It was freed Monday.
4. "attention on envisage (is) pure land". It was freed Tuesday.
5. "beyond excellent idea completely, ending the idea for shy, not to the author of the idea of the difference, with the thought:" nowhere is boundless ", and stay Not boundless. It was freed Wednesday.
6. "beyond completely frivolous, with boundless thought:" Consciousness is boundless ", ch, ng and boundless Knowledge of" stay. It was freed Thursday.
7. "beyond completely boundless Knowledge of, with the thought:" there is nothing ", and stay Invisible property of". It was freed Friday.
8. "beyond the utterly possessed of, and thought the idea of phi Phi resident. It was freed Saturday.
9. "beyond completely non-ideological and non, fantasy stay fantasy life Removal. It is the eighth release.
The Male-stilts, eight escape.
1.-the Female-stilts, eight non-Scripture quotations. What are the eight?
2. Don't see say see, not hear hear, don't think to say thought, don't know know, that says do not see, hear, think, say don't think, speak do not know.
The Male-stilts, here are eight Africa Scripture quotations.
1.-the Female-stilts, eight Scripture quotations. What are the eight?
2. Do not see said not seen, not heard not heard, do not think to say don't think, don't know say don't know, that says see, hear hear, think, speak, think, know, know.
The Male-stilts, here are eight Scripture quotations.
§ (IX) (69) the ASSEMBLIES
1.-the Female-stilts, eight assemblies. What are the eight?
2. Assemblies-the Roman Empire-seat assemblies, Ba-la-Mon, assemblies, the homeowners they Sa, Four assemblies, assemblies, thirty-three heavens realms assemblies assemblies, Màra Brahma.
3. The Male-stilts, I remember that We went to hundreds of assemblies-the Roman Empire-the provincial capital. In it, We at first have had at previous meetings, talked, had previously discussed. In it, their identity, of how We become such; How is their voice, our voice becomes. And We, with France, preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival. When we say, don't they know who I am. They say: "who is this person speaks, or the human race?". After the preaching, preaching voice, with French encouragement, to make excitement, making Him disappear, the wedding Festival. When we disappear, they don't know who I am. They say: "who is this people disappear, the people or the human race?"
4. The Male-stilts, I remember that We went to hundreds of meeting them She-la, ... hundreds of them, Homeowners Association ... hundreds of assemblies Sa, ... hundreds of assemblies of four, ... hundreds of assemblies, thirty-three Heavens realms ... hundreds of assemblies Mara ... hundreds of assemblies Brahma. In it, We at first have had at previous meetings, talked, had previously discussed. In it, their identity, of how We become such; How is their voice, our voice becomes. And We, with France, preaching, encouraged, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival. When we say, don't they know who I am. They say: "who is this person speaks, or the human race?". After the preaching, preaching voice, with French encouragement, to make excitement, making Him disappear, the wedding Festival. When we disappear, they don't know who I am. They say: "who is this people disappear, the people or the human race?"
The Male-stilts, here are eight assemblies.
1. One time, World Religion stay in Vesàli, in the great Forest, in the House have pointed roof. You show respect in the morning, bringing medicine and medical relief bowls, on Vesàli to qifu gangui. After qifu gangui, eaten and on the authentic qifu gangui's return, He said with a pseudo Religious Ànanda:
2.-Ànanda, is located, we will go to Càpàla for lunch.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Ton Ànanda Ton pseudo World landing is located, get well and take the back World Respect.
3. That Honor goes to Càpàla, after coming to sit on the seat, he has composed. After sitting, World Religion Religious fake Ànanda told:
4.-Ànanda, Vesàli changes This! Instead of stylishly Udena Temple! Gotamaka shrine rather stylishly! Bahuputtaka Temple rather stylishly! Sattamba Temple rather stylishly! Sàrandada Temple rather stylishly! Càpàla Temple rather stylishly! Hey Ànanda, who has four student spirit cultivation, makes fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, perseverance, achievement, smart practices, this Ànanda, if you want, he can live a shit or fuck the rest part. Ànanda, as this Hybrid has four student spirit cultivation, makes fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, perseverance, achievement, smart practice. Ànanda this if you want As a hybrid can live a shit or fuck the rest part.
As such, the fake Religious Ànanda can not get understand the hint too obviously of world Religion, the Religion That's obviously too general, no fake request for That Suen: "white World Religion, That Religion please stay until the whole damn it, because the benefit for beings, because happiness to beings, because compassion for life for the sake, as happy, because peace for mankind and LETTERED ", because the mind of the devil being fake Religious obsession.
5. Second World ... third, World Religion Religious fake Ànanda told:
6.-Ànanda, Vesàli changes This! Instead of stylishly Udena Temple! Gotamaka shrine rather stylishly! Bahuputtaka Temple rather stylishly! Sattamba Temple rather stylishly! Sàrandada Temple rather stylishly! Càpàla Temple rather stylishly! Hey Ànanda, who has four student spirit cultivation, makes fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, perseverance, achievement, smart practices, this Ànanda, if you want, he can live a shit or fuck the rest part. Ànanda, as this Hybrid has four student spirit cultivation, makes fullness, making the vehicle, make up base, perseverance, achievement, smart practice. Ànanda this if you want As a hybrid can live a shit or fuck the rest part.
As such, the fake Religious Ànanda can not get understand the hint too obviously of world Religion, the Religion That's obviously too general, no fake request for That Suen: "white World Religion, That Religion please stay until the whole damn it, because the benefit for beings, because happiness to beings, because compassion for life for the sake, as happy, because peace for mankind and LETTERED ", because the mind of the devil being fake Religious obsession.
7. Then tell Ton Ton Ànanda: false
-Ànanda This, go and do what the teacher thinks is right.
-Yes, the White World Religion.
Ton Ànanda Ton pseudo World obedience, from stand up seat, wealthy girl, body on the desk towards the World Religion and go, sit down on a stump, not far from the Religious World.
8. Then the fake Religious Ànanda out yet how long the evil told World Religion:
-World Religion World Religion today, please destroy. Friendly Testimony please kill. The White World, now has to destroy the Religious world. The White World, this is the Word That Religion had This to say: "we will not destroy the evil degrees until the Male-stilts of has become the disciple of essential information, have trained, have trust, achieve an okay from the gauge yoke, to hear more, French French practice, maintenance and administrative facility chon TAM, Chief of France , maintained by France; After learning as its Chief ranks, not yet announced, preaching presented determined, intelligent, analytical, and clearly explain the Chief Justice; When starting up, yet Director flaps can refute, offering with Chief Justice French, yet can magic theory ".
So far, the white Male-stilts of That Religion has become essential, disciples have trained, have trust, achieve an okay from the gauge yoke, to hear more, French French practice, maintenance and administrative departments, France chon TAM Chief Executive, maintained by France; After learning as its Chief ranks, was able to declare, preaching presented determined, intelligent, analytical, and clearly explain the Chief Justice; When starting up, leaders have flaps can be dismissed, the Chief Justice to France, can magic theory ". The White World Religion World Religion World Religion today, please destroy. The White World, this is the Word That Religion had This to say: "we will not destroy the evil degrees until the Male-stilts-ni of Me has not yet become the disciple of essential information, have trained, have trust ... When would the South of renunciation has become ..., ... When would the renunciation of Women has become the disciple of essential information There, coaching, trust, achieve an okay from the gauge yoke, to hear more, French French practice, maintenance and administrative departments, France chon TAM Chief Executive, maintained by France; After learning as its Chief ranks, not yet announced, preaching presented determined, intelligent, analytical, and clearly explain the Chief Justice; When starting up, yet Director flaps can refute, offering with Chief Justice French, yet can magic theory ".
The White World today, the renunciation of the World Religion has become essential, disciples have trained, have trust, achieve an okay from the gauge yoke, to hear more, French French practice, maintenance and administrative departments, France chon TAM Chief Executive, maintained by France; After learning as its Chief ranks, can declare, preaching presented determined, intelligent, analytical, and clearly explain the Chief Justice; When starting up, leaders have flaps can be dismissed, the Chief Justice to France, can magic theory ".
The White World of today's Religious World, let's destroy! Charity Was Let's destroy! The White World Religion, now have to world Religion kills! The White World, this is the Word That Suen said: "this will not kill Him, the evil degrees when We teach our happy Offense would not yet in vogue, develop, promote, turns complacent, smart, popular preaching to the heavenly and divine man".
Now the White World, Violates Religious teaching was So happy Thinh dat, develop, promote, turns complacent, smart, popular preaching to the heavenly and divine man. Now That Honor be destroyed! Friendly Testimony please kill. The White World Religion, now have to world Religion kills!
This evil-rest assured, not long As Lai will kill. After the three months starting from today, as will kill the speed!
9. And in the Temple of Càpàla, the Ton mindfulness, the sensations, abandoned the life (no longer living). When the Religion from life, the removal era Mostra shocks spooky, sclera, feather hair heaven Thunder Peal. At the time, World Religion to understand the meaning of this event, uttered inspiration sailings is as follows:
Limited or unlimited lives
Quit monks don't last long
The inner peace, meditation
As escape ego armor carried.
10. At the time of false Religion, Ànanda thinking: "it is big, the ground shook. It's tremendous, Earth tremors, tremors of spooky, hair bristles up backwards and sky Thunder Peal. So what, do what the charm, great dynamic seismic manifest like that? "
Then go to Ànanda fake Religion World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the White World Religion:
It's big, ground tremors. It's tremendous, Earth tremors, tremors of spooky, hair bristles up backwards and sky Thunder Peal. The White World, so what, so what charm, great dynamic seismic manifest as such?
11.-Ànanda, This has eight, eight, prompting greater seismic activity. What are the eight?
12. Ànanda, this place, this set on water, water on the wind and wind in out of nowhere. Ànanda this, as at the big wind kicked up, when winds blow up the water, and when vibrating water then Earth vibrations. That is, the first coast, greater seismic activity.
13. Again, this Ànanda, have the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects have the spirit, the mind is at, or the heavenly spirit, the great schools of the great powers; the local practice of this idea is immeasurable, the ideal marine he could render Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda, that is, this second, second coast, causing great earthquakes.
14. Again, this Ànanda, when the Bo-Chu Tusità Celestial body from hitting (power-), mindfulness, the sensations, enter into the form, then Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda, which is this Saturday, third coast, caused great seismic activity.
15. Again, this Ànanda, when the Bo-slaps, mindfulness, the province, out of the sample of pregnant; then Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda, which is this Wednesday, fourth coast, causing great earthquakes.
16. Again, this Ànanda, when As Chief Justice of the upper Class the unconscious meets evidence of Hybrid Buds; then Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda, which is the second this year, fifth coast, caused great seismic activity.
17. Again, this Ànanda, when Such Future transfer wheel; then Earth vibrations, redirect DD ng,. Ànanda, which is this Friday, Coast Friday, causing great earthquakes.
18. Again, this Ànanda, when As Lai mindfulness, the sensations, abandoned not maintain lives (longevity); then Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda, which is this Saturday, Saturday, causing great earthquakes.
19. Again, this Ànanda, when As a hybrid to enter Invisible balance Nirvana; then Earth vibration, movement, strong shocks. Ànanda this, that was the eighth, eighth coast, caused great seismic activity.
Ànanda this, eight workers, eight coast makes the great seismic activity.
M Dry dock C L Dry dock C INCREASED ECONOMY B The device T Concentrated P III
Chapter Six Of France
01. Ðáng Products Gaining Respect
2. Products need to Remember
3. Works On All
4. Client Products to natural
5. Product Dhammika
6. Australian Products
07. The heavenly Divine Products
08. A-la-Han
9. Cool Products
10. Product Benefits
11. Three Products in France
12. The Products are not Products In Photography
Chapter Seven-France
1. Product Properties
2. Custom Hypnosis Products
3. Product Vaji (Canvas-States)
4. Client Products to natural
5. Australian International Food Terms
6. Not Declare
7. Australian Products
8. On the law
9. The Products are not stock photography
Chapter Eight-France
1. Products From
2. Major Products
3. Products home
4. Food Alms
05. Boys World Day Preparations
6. Gotamì Products
7. Ðất Vibration Ðộng Products

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