Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER FOUR: corresponding ENTRY
I. THE EYES  (S.iii, 225)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, is impermanent eyes, turned septic, another change. Tai is impermanent, variable necrosis, another change. The nose is impermanent, variable necrosis, another change. The tongue is impermanent, variable necrosis, another change. Italy is impermanent, variable necrosis, another change.
4) - this, monks, who believe that the credit for this approach; Depending he called believers act, entered the chief character, entered Chan's place, took the local ordinary. He can not do what actions, by making that action must be born into hell, animalzxy, hungry ghosts; a common destiny can not be attained without a Stream.
5) With whom, this, monks, patience a little meditation, so with this legal and intellectual; Depending he called practice, entered the chief character, entered Chan's place, took the local ordinary. He can not do what actions, by doing that activity, must be born into hell, animalzxy, hungry ghosts; a common destiny can not be attained without a Stream.
6) With one, the monks, for this method, known as such, so see, he called the project showed up, no rot fall, decided to make towards enlightenment.
(As of on, just like  color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal  by  eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind ).
(As of on, just like in  consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness ).
(As of on, just like in  manual exposure, ear contact, reducing exposure, loss of contact, body contact, the contact ).
(As of on, just like in  life being touched by the label, contact the ear-born life, emotional life due to birth rate, life touched by the loss of life, life itself touched by the birth, life touched by the birth ).
(As of on, just like in  great colors, great bars, great flavor, great taste, great touch, great legal ).
(As of on, just like on the  excellent investment, private bar, private incense, the investment, investment promotion, investment measures ).
(As of on, just like in  color loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law ).
(As of on, just like on the  boundaries, aquatic world, fire world, style sex, not gender, gender ).
X. aggregates  (S.iii, 227)
(As of on, only that in  the aggregate of form, sensations, thoughts karmic formations, consciousness ).
I. EYES  (Journal 13, University 2,90c) (S.iii, 228)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - This, monks, the birth, the residence, the success, the appearance of the eye is born of suffering, the residence of sick, dying old appearance.
4-8) The birth, the residence, the success, the appearance of the ear ... the nose ... the tongue ... the body ... the mind is the birth of the suffering, the residence of the disease, died aged appearance.
9) The killing, the calm, the termination of the cessation of suffering is excellent, the calm of the disease, the cessation of the elderly died.
10-14) The killing, the calm, the end of the ear ... the nose ... the tongue ... the body ... the mind is the cessation of suffering, the calm of the sick, the termination of the elderly died.
(As of on, just like in  color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal ).
(As of on, just like in  consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness ).
(As of on, just like in  manual exposure, ear contact, reducing exposure, loss of contact, body contact, the contact ).
(As of on, just like in  life being touched by the label, contact the ear-born life, emotional life due to birth rate, life touched by the loss of life, life itself touched by the birth, life touched by the birth ).
(As of on, just like in  great colors, great bars, great flavor, great taste, great touch, great legal ).
(As of on, just like on the  excellent investment, private bar, private incense, the investment, investment promotion, investment measures ).
(As of on, just like in  color loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law ).
(As of on, just like on  earth, water, fire, wind, zero, gender ).
X. aggregates  (S.iii, 231)
(As of on, just like in  form, feeling, perception, consciousness ).
CHAPTER SIX: corresponding negativity
I. THE EYES  (S.iii, 232)
1-2) in Sāvatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, is the lust of the eyes depending afflictions of the mind. Lust for the custom ear afflictions of the mind. Nose lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Tongue lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Friendly lust for defilement of the mind is optional. The lust for defilement of the mind is optional.
4) This, monks, when the monks for six this country, to make an end is depending afflictions, his mind towards the sexual ly. Due to the isolation transformer sexual contentment, his mind is seen as patience, knowledge of the legal evidence needed to enlightenment.
(As of on, just like in  color, sound, smell, taste, touch, legal ).
(As of on, just like in  consciousness, ear consciousness, olfactory consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness ).
(As of on, just like in  manual exposure, ear contact, reducing exposure, loss of contact, body contact, the contact ).
(As of on, just like in  life by being exposed label, life touched by atrial birth, life touched by the loss of life, life itself touched by the birth, life touched by the birth ).
(As of on, just like in  great colors, great bars, great flavor, great taste, great touch, great legal ).
(As of on, just like on the  excellent investment, private bar, private incense, the investment, investment promotion, investment measures ).
(As of on, just like in  color loving, compassionate bar, incense love, your love, emotional love, charity law ).
(As of on, just like on the  boundaries, aquatic world, fire world, style sex, not gender, gender ).
X. aggregates  (S.iii, 234)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, aggregates of matter lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Sensations lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Aggregates great lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Volitional lust for defilement of the mind is optional. Lust for consciousness is a defilement of the mind depends.
4) This, monks, when the monks for years this country, to make an end is depending afflictions, his mind towards the sexual ly. Due to the isolation transformer sexual contentment, his mind is seen as patience, knowledge of the legal evidence needed to enlightenment.
CHAPTER SEVEN: respectively Sariputta
I. MANAGEMENT  (S.iii, 235)
1) A residence time in Savatthi venerable Sariputta (Xa-defense), at Jetavana (America-did), his garden Anathapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the morning, robes, holding medicine bowl, went into Savatthi for alms.
3-4) Take alms finished, after meals, begging for food on the way home, he came to go to Andhavana to lunch. After going into the woods Andha, venerable lunch break to sit under a tree.
5) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from where net migration stood up, went to Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
6) Venerable Ananda saw venerable Sariputta remote to go to; after the show and said to the venerable Sariputta:
- Sage Sariputta, the base of Sage calm, face color is pure, pure. Today, Sage dwell dwell with the public?
7) - Here, the Sage, fitness glasses, cups immoral law, I attained first and dwell Zen, a blissful state of being sexual by glass, has a range, with the quarterfinals. This sage, I do not start up the thought: "I am the first witness Zen", or "I have seen first Zen", or "I've been out of the first Meditation".
8) - So definitely Sage in a long time, has cleverly root option is free falls, falls head is, conceit. Therefore, venerable Sariputta not arise thoughts: "I am the first witness Zen", or "I have seen first Zen", or "I got out of the first Meditation".
1-5) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
6) Venerable Ananda saw venerable Sariputta remote to go to; after the show and said to the venerable Sariputta:
- Sage Sariputta, the base of Sage calm, face color is pure, pure. Today Sage dwell dwell with the public?
7) - Here, the Sage, making calm and reach the quarterfinals, I have attained and dwell Meditation Monday, due to a blissful state of being, not class, not the quarterfinals, Nhut provincial interest. I have no idea arose: "I'm just realized Monday Meditation", or "I had just realized Monday Meditation", or "I was out Monday Meditation".
8) - Thus, certainly sage in a long time, has cleverly root option is free falls, falls head is, conceit. Therefore, venerable Sariputta not arise thoughts: "I am witness Monday Zen", or "I had just realized Monday Meditation", or "I was out Monday Meditation".
1-5) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
6) Venerable Ananda saw venerable Sariputta remote to go to; after the show and said to the venerable Sariputta:
- Sage Sariputta, the base of Sage calm, face color is pure, pure. Today Sage dwell dwell with the public?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, cups and discharge residence joy, mindfulness and awareness, life itself feels optimistic that the sages called "Discharge stay optimistic notion," I attained and dwell Tuesday Meditation . This sage, I do not start up the thought: "I'm proof enter Tuesday Meditation", or "I have seen enter Tuesday Meditation", or "I was out Tuesday Meditation".
- So, certainly Sage in a while ... or "I was out Tuesday Meditation".
1-5) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
6) Venerable Ananda saw venerable Sariputta remote ... went to reside with the public?
7) - Here, the Sage, happiness and equanimity discharge suffering, kill joy pros were feeling before, I dwell Zen attainment and Wednesday, no suffering, no peanuts, discharging pure thoughts. This sage, I do not start up the thought: "I am witness Wednesday Zen", or "I had just realized Wednesday Meditation", or "I was out Wednesday Meditation".
8) - Thus, certainly Sage ... or "I was out Wednesday Meditation".
Infinity of V.
1-6) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
Venerable Ananda saw ... ... with any permanent peace?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, took the idea quite excellent, organic cessation of thought, no volition of great horror, with the thought: "Nowhere is boundless", I attained and dwell no origin boundless. This sage, I do not start up the idea ... or "I got out of the land of boundless".
- So, certainly Sage ... "I got out of the land of boundless".
FOR. Infinity of Consciousness
1-6) Another time, the Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
Venerable Ananda saw ... ... with any permanent peace?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, pass completely not boundless origin, with the thought: "Consciousness is infinite," I dwell attain boundless and origin ... or "... came out of the land of boundless ".
1-6) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence.
Venerable Ananda saw ... ... with any permanent peace?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, pass completely boundless origin, with the thought: "There is something," I attained and dwell naught origin ... or "... came out of the land of naught. "
1-6) Another time, the Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence.
Venerable Ananda saw ... ... with any permanent peace?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, pass completely Forever owns the land, and dwell attain my ideal non-perception Africa ... or "... out of Africa has ideal non-perception ".
IX. No. cessation  (Review 18, University 2, 131) (S.iii, 238)
1-6) A time Venerable Sariputta at Savatthi residence ...
Venerable Ananda saw ... ... with any permanent peace?
7-8) - Here, the Sage, pass entirely African ideal non-perception, I dwell attainment and life thought to exterminate. But the sage, I do not start up the thought: "I'm feeling great witness to enter Extinction", or "I have seen a great feeling to enter Extinction", or "I have a great life out of Extinction".
- So, certainly sage in a long time has cleverly root option is free falls, falls head is, conceit. So venerable Sariputta not arise thoughts: "I am witness to enter life thought Extinction", or "I have seen a great feeling to enter Extinction", or "I have a great life out of Extinction".
X. SUCIMUKHI  (electrostatic)  (S.iii, 238)
1) A residence in the venerable Sariputta Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in place to nurture the squirrel.
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the morning. robes, holding the bowl y, went into Rajagaha for alms. After every single house seeking alms in Rajagaha (Rajgir), he came to sit against a wall, begging food use.
3) Then, a pagan female wanderer go to venerable Sariputta Sucimukhi; after arriving, told Venerable Sariputta:
4) - Hey recluse, does He eat, face down?
- Hey Sister, I eat, not looked down.
5) - So recluse, he ate, the more religious?
- Hey Sister, I eat, do not face up to the threshold.
6) - So recluse, he ate, facing the four cardinal?
- Hey Sister, I eat, without facing the four cardinal.
7) - So recluse, he ate, the side facing four?
- Hey Sister, I eat, no side facing four directions.
8) - Asked: "Hey recluse, does He eat, face down?" He replied: "Hey Sister, I eat, not looked down." Asked: "So, this recluse, he ate, the threshold up?" He replied, "Sister, I eat, do not face up to the threshold." Asked: "So, this recluse, he ate, facing the four cardinal?" He replied, "Sister, I eat, not facing the four directions". Asked: "So recluse, he ate, the side facing four?" He replied, "Sister, I eat, not the side facing four". This so recluses, he ate, how to act?
9) - The recluse or Brahmin does, the sister, fed by the network as geographical misconduct (nakkhattavijja) and intelligent animal (despicable profession); This sister and he called the recluse, eating Brahmin face down.
10) The recluse or Brahmin does, the sister, fed by the wrong network as astronomical (nakkhattavijja) and intelligent animal (despicable profession); This sister and he called the recluse, eating Brahmin face up threshold.
11) The recluse or Brahmin does, the sister, fed by the network as giving wrong information, as an intermediary broker; This sister and he called the recluse, Brahmin eat facing the four cardinal.
12) The recluse or Brahmin does, the sister, fed by the network as divination evil, and despicable profession; This sister and he called the recluse, eating Brahmin side facing the four directions.
13) As for me, this Sister, do not feed the network with evil as geographical and vocational despicable; do not feed the network with such astronomical deviant and degrading occupations; do not feed as given by the deviant news network, intermediary broker; I also do not feed the network with evil as divination and the despicable occupation. We seek legally dishes. After finding legally dishes, dishes that we use.
14) Then pagan priestess Sucimukhi away from this path through the other, from this intersection through another intersection in the United amnesty, and declared: "Like death Salmone dishes used legally. Salmone Like food particles used in a way no mistakes. Take food offerings for Salmone Like death ".
CHAPTER EIGHT: respectively ALGA
I. TYPE  (Journal 19, University 2, 646a) (S.iii, 240)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - Hey, monks have four types of Naga (Dragon, Snake?) About being given. Which four? Naga from egg type of birth, type of contraceptive birth Naga, Naga from the wet type of birth, type of goods being Naga. This, monks, here are four types of birth Naga under strain.
II. MAGIC WIN  (S.iii, 240)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
4) - this, monks, there are four types of birth Naga race. Which four? Naga from egg type of birth, type of contraceptive birth Naga, Naga from the wet type of birth, type of goods being Naga.
5) Here, the monks, type Naga from being pregnant, wet type from birth, and chemicals than the Naga wins born from eggs being.
6) Here, the monks, the Naga from the wet type and type of chemical being born than the Naga wins from fetal eggs from birth and birth.
7) Here, the monks, the type of goods being wins over Naga Naga egg type of birth, type of birth and pregnancy wet type from birth.
This, monks, here are four types of birth Naga under strain.
III. Uposatha  (Bodhisattva)  (S.iii, 241)
1) One time Bhagavan in Savatthi, Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden.
2) Then the monks went to the Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here some eggs Naga birth, life and keep happy uposatha abandon their relatives?
4) - Here, the monks, some Naga from eggs being thought as follows: "In the past we have done well on two relatives, both happy about words, about the two unfortunate. Do we make two happy about themselves, two happy about words, about the two unfortunate that, after the body damage the public network, we stay with the Naga birth stems from eggs being.
5) If today we do good deeds of body, speech virtue, virtue of mind, body damage such as corporate networks, we can improve animal birth, gender bias, this world.
6) So now let's do good deeds of body, speech virtue, the virtue of ".
7) Since this person, because this coast, the monks, here some eggs Naga by birth, life and keep happy uposatha abandon their relatives.
IV. Uposatha  (S.iii, 242)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
Then the monks ...
3) Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, some live Naga from being kept well uposatha pregnant and abandoned their bodies?
4-6) (As of before)
7) - Due to this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, some live Naga from being kept well uposatha pregnant and abandoned their bodies.
V. uposatha
(As of the previous generation only in:  Naga from the wet type of birth ).
FOR. uposatha
(As of before, just how to:  Naga chemical type of birth ).
VII. LISTENING  (S.iii, 243)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with Naga resident stems from birth egg?
4) - Here, the monks, a kind of (being) made two happy about themselves, as two unfortunate speech, about the two unfortunate. We heard the following: "Naga from eggs bore type long-life, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) We think like this: "Oh, hope that once the body damage the public network, we can stay with the type of birth stems from eggs Naga born!"
6) After the body damage the public network, they are born with a type of residence stems from eggs Naga birth.
7) Since this person, because this coast, the monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with Naga resident stemmed from eggs being.
(As of before, only replaced by:  Type thai naga from birth ).
(As of before, just how to:  Naga from the wet type of birth ).
(As of before, just how to:  Naga magnetization type of birth ).
XỊ. SUPPORTERS alms  (S.iii, 244)
1-3) ... Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, some (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with Naga resident stems from birth egg?
4) - Here, the monks, others (beings) into two virtues of body, speech two happy, happy about the two. We heard the following: "The Naga from eggs being, long-life, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) We think like this: "Oh, hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with Naga resident stems from birth egg!"
6) We alms food. After the body damage the public network, they are born with Naga resident stemmed from eggs being. Because of this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with Naga resident stemmed from eggs being. We alms giving drinks ... We wear fabric ... We alms vehicles ... We alms giving wreaths ... They taste ... We alms aromatherapy massage ... We ngọa alms giving specific ... We alms houses ... They kerosene lamp. After the body damage the public network, they are born with Naga resident stemmed from eggs being.
7) Since this person, because this coast, the monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with Naga resident stemmed from eggs being.
XII-XIV. SUPPORTERS alms  (S.iii, 245)
(As of on, the question was posed to the remaining three categories Naga speaks and answers according to each case).
CHAPTER NINE: Garuda respectively
I. TYPE  (S.iii, 246)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, there are four types of birth strains Garuda. Which four? Garuda from egg type of birth, type of contraceptive birth Garuda, Garuda type wet from birth, type of birth Garuda magnetization. This, monks, here are four types of Garuda.
II. BRING OUT  (increase 19, University 2, 646a) (S.iii, 247)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, there are four types of birth strains Garuda. Which four? Garuda type of eggs being ... kind of chemical Garuda birth. This, monks, here are four types of Garuda.
4) Here, the monks, the type of Garuda from eggs being carried away just types eggs Naga from birth, does not take away from pregnant Naga types of birth, birth and chemical wet from birth.
5) Here, the monks, the type of Garuda from being pregnant, giving away all kinds of egg Naga Naga from birth and fetal birth types, not taken away from wet Naga types and kinds of chemical birth Hall.
6) Here, the monks, the type of Garuda from being wet, take away the egg type of Naga from birth, pregnancy kinds from birth and wet type from birth, does not take away all kinds of goods Naga Hall.
7) Here, the monks, the type of goods being Garuda, Naga carried away from the egg kind of life, from birth pregnancy, birth and wet from the birth chemicals.
8) Thus, the monks, here are four types of birth strains Garuda.
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Some monks went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed residence with Garuda from birth egg?
4) - Here, the monks, others (beings) into two virtues of body, speech two happy, happy about the two. We heard the following: "Type Garuda from birth eggs, have long life span, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) We think like this: "Oh hope that, after the body damage the public network, we may be born with permanent stemmed from eggs Garuda born!" After the havoc body corporate networks, they are being plus or minus with Garuda from birth eggs.
6) Because of this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed residence with eggs Garuda from birth.
IV. MAKING TWO HAPPY  (S.iii, 248)
(As of before, only that in the kind of Garuda from birth pregnancy, birth and wet from the birth chemicals).
V. SUPPORTERS alms  (S.iii, 248)
1-3) in Sāvatthi's coast ...
Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, lord, here are some (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed residence with Garuda from birth egg?
4) - Here, the monks, others (beings) into two virtues of body, speech two happy, happy about the two. We heard the following: "The Garuda is born from eggs long life span, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) We think like this: "Oh hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with permanent stemmed from eggs Garuda born!"
6) We alms food. After the body damage the public network, they are born stalks with Garuda resident from birth eggs. Because of this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed residence with eggs Garuda from birth. We alms giving drinks ... We wear fabric ... We alms aromatherapy massage ... We ngọa alms giving specific ... We alms houses ... They kerosene lamp. After the body damage the public network, they are born with permanent stemmed from eggs Garuda birth.
7) Since this person, because this coast, the monks, here a (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born resident stem Garuda species born from eggs.
FOR. SUPPORTERS alms  (S.iii, 248)
(As of on, the question was posed to the three remaining types of Garuda and answers are said to follow each case).
CHAPTER TEN: EXCELLENT respectively-that-BA
I. TYPE  (S.iii, 249)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, I will argue for the Devas He kind gandhabba (Qian-beaver-grandmother). Listen.
4) And this, monks, are the gods of type gandhabba? There are gods, this, monks, incense permanent roots. There are gods, this, monks, incense core permanent crops. There are gods, this, monks, incense residence sight trees. There are gods, this, monks, incense bark of residence. There are gods, this, monks, incense bark stay outside. There are gods, this, monks, incense leaves residence. There are gods, this, monks, incense cotton residence. There are gods, this, monks, fruity residence. There are gods, this, monks, residing taste. There are gods, this, monks, incense incense residence.
5) What kind of this, this, monks are called gods of type-that-Mrs Qian.
II. IMPROVEMENT OF  (S.iii, 250)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
4) Sit down on one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with the gods reside stalks gandhabba kind?
5) - Here, the monks, others (beings) do good deeds of the body, doing good deeds to words, do good deeds on reviews. They heard the following: "Gods are kind gandhabba long life span, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
6) They think like this: "Oh my hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with the gods reside stalks gandhabba kind!" After the havoc body corporate networks, they are born with the gods of resident stem gandhabba type.
7) Since this person, because this grace, this, monks, here, have that kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born with the gods reside stalks gandhabba category.
III. KE alms  (1)  (S.iii, 251)
1-4) at Savatthi's coast ...
Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here comes sentient, after the body damage the public network, was born resident stem with roots flavor gods reside?
5) - Here, the monks, have the kind of beings to do good deeds of the body, doing good deeds to words, do good deeds on reviews. They heard the following: "Devas reside kind gandhabba roots flavor. They are long-life, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic. "
6) They think like this: "Oh my hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with the gods reside resident stem roots flavor!"
They alms roots flavor. After the body damage the public network, they are born with the gods reside resident stem roots flavor.
7) Since this person, because this coast, the monks, here, a kind of (beings) are born with the gods reside resident stem roots flavor.
IV-XII. KE alms  (2-10)  (S.iii, 251)
(As of on, just like on the tree-core guys for giving flavor to incense incense alms guys).
(As of on, only that in giving them food, beverages, fabric wear, carriages, garlands, incense, aromatherapy massage, ngọa equipment, buildings, oil lamps, to stay with Devas stalks born alive on the flavor from the roots).
(As of on, just like in the gods reside on different kinds of incense to the gods live on the fragrance of incense).
Chapter Eleven: corresponding chassis
I. TYPE  (S.iii, 254)
1-2) Resident at Savatthi ...
3) - this, monks, I will argue for the Devas He kind of magic clouds. Listen.
4) - this, monks, are the kind of magic clouds gods? There Devas, the monks, which are cold clouds. There Devas, the monks, which are hot clouds. There are gods, this, monks, thunder clouds kind. There Devas, the monks, which are clouds of wind. There Devas, the monks, the type of rain clouds.
5) Thus, the monks, they are called gods kind of magic clouds.
II. IMPROVEMENT OF  (S.iii, 254)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, have that kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with god gods kind of cloud?
4) - Here, the monks, others (beings) do good deeds of the body, doing good deeds to words, do good deeds on reviews. They heard the following: "Devas kind of god is life-long rattan, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) They think like this: "Oh my hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with the gods reside stalks kind clouds god!" After the body damage the public network, type (beings) he was born stalks of a kind residence with god gods clouds.
6) Because of this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, others (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with god gods kind of cloudy.
III. SUPPORTERS alms  (S.iii, 254)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
Sat to one side, the monks that venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, here, have that kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with god gods kind of cold clouds?
4) - Here, the monks, others (beings) do good deeds of the body, doing good deeds to words, do good deeds on reviews. They heard the following: "Devas kind of god cold clouds are long-life, beauty wins, enjoy life more optimistic."
5) They think like this: "Oh my hope that, after the body damage the public network, we are born with the gods reside stalks which are clouds cold god!"
They alms giving food ... They kerosene lamp. After the body damage the public network, they are born with the gods reside stalks of a kind god cold clouds.
6) Because of this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, here, a kind of (beings), after the body damage the public network, was born of a kind stalks god gods reside cold clouds.
IV-VII. SUPPORTERS almsgiving  (2-5) (S.iii, 256)
(As of above, except that the gods of other cloud types as god god ... god hot clouds rain clouds).
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
Sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- What's Due, conditioned by what, venerable sir, when it's cold?
4) - this, monks, have god gods called cold clouds. When Devas was thinking: "Let us live, rejoice with itself". Depending on their wish, it's cold.
5) Due to this people, by the grace of this, this, monks, sometimes cold.
IX. It was hot  (S.iii, 256)
(As of just a different ... here are hot and which are clouds of hot Devas).
(As of just a different ... here is the sky and thunder gods of thunder cloud types).
(As of just a different ... here windy and cloudy kind of wind gods).
(As of just a different ... here it rains and the rain clouds kind of gods).
I. POSITION  (1)  (S.iii, 257)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
Then pagan Vacchagota wanderer went to the Blessed One; after arriving, speak words of welcome to inquire; after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, wanderer pagan lord Vacchagota:
- Do people do? conditioned by anything, this venerable Goatama, some (evil) is differences like this arise in life: "The world is permanent" or "The world is not permanent"; or "finite world" or "boundless world"; or "The life and body is an" or "The life and other's body"; or "Tathagata exists after death 'or' The Tathagata does not exist after death 'or' The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
4) - Due to the excellent senseless, this Vaccha, so senseless to launch collective identity, due to the sharp senseless annihilation, so senseless for excellent path to annihilation, so there are (misconduct ) is differences like this start to life: "the world is permanent" ... or "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
 Because this person, because this grace, this Vaccha, there are some (evil) is differences like this arise in life: "The world is permanent ..." or "Tathagata does not exist and does not exist after death".
(As above, here is senseless for life, for ideas, for the operator, to form).
(As above, here is senseless for the idea).
(As above, here is senseless for acts).
(As above, here is senseless for formula).
II. Anonymous Comments  (1-5)
(As above, there is no bias against form, feeling, perception, practices, knowledge).
III. NOT THE RESTAURANT  (anabhisamaya) (1-5)
(As above, there is currently no consistency in aggregates).
IV. NOT TOUCHES TRI  (anubodha) (1-5)
(As above, there is no full understanding of the five aggregates)
V. INFORMATION NOT PASS  (appativebha) (1-5)
(As above, there is no communication in aggregates)
FOR. Irrelevant  (asallakkhana) (1-5)
(As above, there is no shop class five aggregates)
VII. NOT OPTIONAL RESTAURANT  (Anupalakkhana) (1-5)
(As above, there is no option customary five aggregates)
VIII. Regardless  (appaccupalakkhana) (1-5)
(As above, there is no consistent approach in aggregates)
IX. NO COLLEGE SURVEY  (Asamapekkana) (1-5)
(As above, here is a look at five aggregates are not equal).
X. NO ACCESS SURVEY  (Appaccupekkhana) (1-5)
(As above, there is no access to watch the five aggregates)
XỊ. NOT THE COMMENTS  (Appaccakkhakamma) (1-5)
(As above, here are the five aggregates is not present)
MEDITATION MEDITATION I. Securities  (Journal 31, University 2,222c) (S, iii, 263)
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - this, monks, there are four classes of the Zen monk. Which four?
4) Here, monks, meditation flavored, skilful on in Zen meditation, but no evidence of skillful Zen Meditation.
5) Here, the monks, there are monks and Zen, Zen Stock skillful in meditation, but not skillful in meditation in Meditation.
6) Here, the monks, meditation taste, not skillful in meditation in meditation, nor skillful in stock in Meditation Meditation.
7) Here, the monks, meditation flavored, skilful on in Zen Meditation, Zen also evidence skillful in meditation.
8) Here, the monks, meditation flavored, skilful on in Zen meditation, and also evidence of skillful Zen Meditation. In his four meditation, this is the night your honor, the exalted, is the foremost, the supreme, the dark magic.
9) Just as, monks, from cows, milk; Dairy is located; peanut bowl is born; Cars Cars are independent from birth; Independent Car from the lake in question. This problem is known as dark pools religion. Also, the monks, the skillful meditation on the Zen meditation and Zen Stock skillful in meditation. In his four meditation, this is the night your honor, the exalted, is the foremost, the supreme, the dark magic.
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
- Here, the monks, the Zen monk four. Which four?
4) Here, monks, meditation flavored, skilful on in Zen meditation, but not the only resident skillful in meditation.
5) Here, the monks, meditation taste, the only permanent skillful in meditation, but not skillful in meditation in Meditation.
6) Here, the monks, meditation taste, not skillful in meditation in meditation, not only skilful in residence in meditation.
7) Here, the monks, meditation flavored, skilful on in Zen meditation, and also the only resident skillful in meditation.
8) Here, the monks, the meditation, the meditation skillful in meditation, also skilful on residence only in meditation. In his four meditation, this is the night your honor, the exalted, is the foremost, the supreme, the dark magic.
9) Just as, monks, from dairy cows should have; dairy optimistic; peanut bowl from birth; from birth and have mastered bowl bowl; Independent Automotive has started from the lake. Recommended evening lake called religion.
10) Also, the monks, the skillful meditation on meditation in Meditation, also skilful on residence only in meditation. In his four meditation, this is the night your honor, the exalted, is the foremost, the supreme, the dark magic.
(As of on, only skilful exchange of departure for skillful production of residence only).
IV. Maturity  (Kallava)
(As of on, just change the skillful master of skilful regarding the launch).
V. PROPERTY COAST  (ārammana)
(As of on, just change the basis of skillful grace)
FOR. OF EXIT  (Gocara)
(As of on, only skilful in operating scene change).
VII. Integer  (Abhinihara)
(As of on, only on the wish skillful change).
VIII. CAUTION  (Sakkaccakari)
(As of on, only skilful change of caution).
(As of on, only skilful exchange of persistence).
X. ADAPTATION  (Sappayam)
(As of on, only skilful change adaptation).
1-2) at Savatthi's coast ...
3) - There are four classes of this meditation, the monks. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, with Zen, Zen Stock skillful in meditation, but not the only resident skillful in meditation.
5) Here, the monks, with Zen, the only permanent skillful in meditation, but no evidence of skillful Zen Meditation.
6) Here, the monks, some meditation, no evidence of skillful Zen Meditation, will not only stay in the skillful about meditation.
7) Here, the monks, with Zen, Zen Stock skillful in meditation, and also the only resident skillful in meditation.
8) Here, the monks, the Zen meditation Stock skillful in meditation and also the only resident skillful in meditation. In his four meditation, the evening meditation is religious, the exalted, the foremost rank, ultimate, dark magic.
((As of on, just so skillful on behalf skillful production launch of residence only.
(As of on, just like on the skillful master).
(As of on, just like on the basis of skillful grace).
(As of on, just like in the operating skillful scene).
(As of on, only that on the basis of skillful prayer).
(As of on, just like on the cautious skillful).
(As of on, just like in skillful about perseverance).
(As of on, just like in skillful adaptation).
XX. JUST STAY - ​​out  (S.iii, 272)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
- There are four classes of this meditation, the monks. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, with Zen, the only permanent skillful in meditation, but not skillful in production starting in meditation.
5) Here, the monks, some meditation, skillful in production starting in meditation, but not the only resident skillful in meditation.
6) Here, the monks, some meditation, not only skillful to stay in meditation, nor skillful in production starting in meditation.
7) Here, the monks, with Zen, the only permanent skillful in meditation, and also regarding the launch skillful in meditation.
8-9) Here, the monks, the skillful meditation on residence only in meditation and also skillful on starting production in meditation. In his four meditation, the evening meditation is religious, the exalted, the foremost rank, rank supreme, dark magic.
(As of on, only that at maturity, grace basis, operating scene, voluntary basis, prudence, perseverance, adaptation in residence only).
XXVIII. Out - maturity  (S.iii, 272)
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
- There are four categories of people practicing this meditation, the monks. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, some meditation, skillful in production starting in meditation, but not on mature skillful in meditation.
5) Here, the monks, with Zen, the skillful master of meditation, but not skillful in production starting in meditation.
6) Here, the monks, some meditation, not skillful in production starting in meditation, nor skillful in meditation on maturity.
7) Here, the monks, with skillful Zen Meditation on the export start, and well versed in skillful in meditation.
8-9) Here, the skillful meditation on starting production in meditation and also on mature skillful in meditation. In his four meditation, religious status is up, the exalted, the foremost ranks, and dark magic supreme.
(As of on, just like on the basis of grace to adapt).
1-4) at Savatthi's coast ...
- There are four categories of people practicing this meditation, the monks. Which four?
 Here, the monks, with Zen, the skillful master of meditation, but not skillful charming property in meditation.
5) Here, the monks, with Zen, charming property skillful in meditation, but not on mature skillful in meditation.
6) Here, the monks, some meditation, not the mature skillful in meditation, nor charming property skillful in meditation.
7) Here, the monks, with Zen, the skillful master of meditation, and also skillful in meditation charming property.
8) Here, the monks, the Zen master of the skillful and skillful meditation charming property in meditation. In his four meditation, the evening meditation is religious, the exalted, the foremost ranks, is the ultimate, dark magic.
XXXVI - XL. Maturity  (S.iii, 275)
(He mastered the skillful about meditation, but (a) does not skillful in operating scene ... (b) not on the wish skilful, (c) non-prudential skillful, (d) does not improve Magic on tenacity, (e) does not skillful adaptation).
1-7) at Savatthi's coast ...
... Charming property skillful in meditation, but not skillful on scene in the meditation practice.
... Skillful on scene in the meditation practice, but skilful charming property in meditation.
... Not skillful in meditation charming property, nor skillful on scene in the meditation practice.
... Skillful charming property in Meditation, also skillful on scene in the meditation practice.
... He is skilled in Meditation charming property, but (a) does not willingly skillful Rights, (b) not to be cautious skillful, (c) not expedient to persevere, (d) does not improve cunning adaptation.
XLVI. OF EXIT - integer
... Skillful on scene in the meditation practice, but skilful on voluntary basis in skillful meditation ... Meditation on the voluntary basis, but not skillful on scene in the meditation practice ... not skilful Meditation and Conduct scene, nor skillful in meditation chapel property.
... Skillful on scene in the meditation practice and also on the wish skillful in meditation.
... Skillful on scene in the meditation practice, but (a) does not skillful cautious about meditation, (b) not expedient to persevere in meditation, (c) not skillful adaptation of Zen nail.
1-7) at Savatthi's coast ...
... Skillful on voluntary basis in meditation, but not skillful cautious about meditation.
... Skillful cautious about meditation, but not on the basis of voluntary skillful in meditation.
... Not on the wish skillful in meditation, nor skilful cautious about meditation.
... Skillful on voluntary basis in meditation and also in the kidney skillful in meditation.
... Skillful on voluntary basis in meditation, but (a) is not expedient to persevere, and (b) are not skillful adaptation.
... Skillful cautious about meditation, but not skillful to persevere in meditation.
... Skillful about perseverance in meditation, but not skillful cautious about meditation.
... Not skillful cautious about meditation, nor skillful in perseverance in meditation.
... Skillful on careful and skillful meditation on perseverance in meditation.
1-3) at Savatthi's coast ...
- Hey, monks, there are four categories of people this meditation. Which four?
4) Here, the monks, some meditation, skillful about perseverance in meditation, but not skillful adaptation of Meditation.
5) Here, the monks, some meditation, skillful adaptation of meditation, but not skillful in perseverance in meditation.
6) Here, the monks, some meditation, not skillful to persevere in meditation and does not skillful adaptation of Meditation.
7) Here, the monks, some meditation, skillful about perseverance in meditation, and also skilful adaptation of Meditation.
8) Here, the monks, the skillful meditation on perseverance in meditation and skillful adaptation of Meditation. In his four meditation, the evening meditation is religious, the exalted, the foremost ranks, is paramount and dark magic.
9) Just as, monks, from cows, get milk; dairy optimistic; peanut bowl from birth; from birth and have mastered bowl bowl; Independent Automotive has started from the lake. And so they are seen as dark religion.
Also, the monks, the Zen monk for his four meditation, religious status is up, the exalted, the foremost ranks, is paramount, and dark magic.
10) Exalted such theory. Monks was happy, credit life Bhagavan taught words.
(So ​​there are 55 answers brief should explain wide)

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