Tuesday 10 May 2016

1-12.  (I-XII) (Sv, 244)
1-2) At Savatthi. There, the Exalted says the following:
- Hey, monks, this has four primary needs. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks against the evil, unwholesome unborn approach, starting up the will not to arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try.
4) For the wicked, immoral law was born, arises desire to make an end, ardent, diligent, determined, try.
5) For the unborn friendly France, arises the will makes arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try.
6) For good behavior he is born, start up the will to make an accommodation, not for fatal ventricular (asammosaya), makes growth, makes generous, practice, make fullness, ardent, diligent , determination and effort.
7) This, this, monks, are the four primary needs.
8) Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Also, this, monks, monks practicing the four primary needs, make prolific four primary needs, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana. This, monks, the four primary needs practice makes prolific how, back in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana?
9) Here, the monks, monks against the evil, unwholesome unborn approach, starting up the will not to arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try; for evil, immoral law was born, arises desire to make an end, ardent ... try; for good behavior unborn, unwanted start-up makes arise ... try; for good behavior he is born, start up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make fullness, ardent, diligent, determined, fixed neatly.
10) Thus, the monks, monks practicing the four primary needs, make prolific four primary needs, fond of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
II. PRODUCT undistracted
13-22.IX.  (Sv, 245)
Including business:
Tathagata, Truth, peaked, Apartment, Core Tree, Lower Birth States, King, Moon, Sun, Fabrics; all ten.
23-34.I-XII.  (Sv, 246)
2) - Just as, monks, that everyone has the job need to use the power that makes all of this work, which was done on soil health, to dwell in the land. Also, this, monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the four primary needs, making the four primary needs fulfillment.
3) How did the monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the four primary needs, make prolific four primary needs?
4-7) Here, the monks, monks against the evil, unwholesome unborn approach, starting up the will not to arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try ... for good behavior he is born, start up the will dwell, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make prolific, ardent, diligent, determined, try.
8) Also, the monks, monks medicine on the world, to dwell in the world, practicing the four primary needs, making the four primary needs fulfillment.
35-44.IX.  (Sv, 246)
2) - Hey, monks, there are three views of this bridge. What are the three? To seek education, to seek friendship, happy to seek discounts. These phenomena, this, monks, is three to seek.
3) To win tri, tri willow, cessation, three to seek total annihilation of this, this, monks, four primary needs must practice. Which four?
4-7) Here, the monks, monks against the evil, evil ... legal unborn; for good behavior he is born, start up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make prolific, ardent, diligent, determined, fixed neatly.
8) To win tri, tri willow, cessation, three to seek total annihilation of this, the four primary needs must practice.
SAVE FOOD wrapped V.
45-53.IX  (Sv, 247)
54.X. SHANGHAI STOCK fetters  (Sv, 247)
2) - There are five fetters upper part, the monks. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. These phenomena, this, monks, is in the upper part of fetters.
3) To win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, four primary needs must practice. Which four?
4-7) Here, monks, for the evil, evil ... legal unborn; for good behavior he is born, start up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make fullness, ardent, diligent, determined, fixed neatly.
8) The winning tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, four primary needs must practice.
CHAPTER SIX: LUC respectively
1.I  (Sv, 249) argues
2) - There are five of this force, the monks. What is the year? Tin force, attacking force, power concept, concentration, mental power. These phenomena, this, monks, is in force.
3) Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges, eastward, swept eastward. Also, this, monks, monks practice in force, making the fullness of power, in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
4) Here, the monks, monks practice-related credit renunciation of force, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... tons of power ... power concept ... ... practice mental concentration-related forces ... towards renunciation of renunciation.
5) Also, the monks, monks practice in force, making the fullness of power, in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
2-12.II-XII  (Sv, 250)
 (Abstract economic problem:
Six in favor of the East, six in favor of the sea and the twelve Ganges, such as the name).
II. PRODUCT undistracted
13-22.IX  ​​(Sv, 250) argues
Including business:
Tathagata, Foot, roof, root, tree cores, Lower Birth States, King, Moon, Sun, Fabrics; including all ten.
III. POWER PRODUCTS (renunciation)
23-34.I-XII  (Sv, 250)
Including business:
Luc, Death Race, Long, Tree, Chair, Sun, Void, two of May, Boat, Hotel, River.
35-46.I-XII  (Sv, 250) argues
Including business:
Bridge Games, arrogance, Gonorrhea Or, Friendship, Passion, Three defiled, Obstacles, defilements, Oscillator, Life, Love.
(Product Range Theory bridge is as wide as the chapter on Resources)
SAVE FOOD wrapped V.
47-55.I-IX.  (Sv, 251) argues
56.X. SHANGHAI STOCK fetters  (Sv, 251)
2) - There are five fetters upper part, the monks. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. These phenomena, this, monks, is in the upper part of fetters. To win, tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, in force need to practice. What is the year?
3) Here, the monks, monks practice-related credit renunciation of force, related to dispassion, to cessation contact, navigate to abandon ... To win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, in this capacity needs to practice.
 (Abstract economic problem:
Boc Save, aces, grasping, hands, depending Cambodian, German Public Education, Hindrances, Aggregates, Upper, Lower Part fetters).
57.I.  (Sv, 251) VISIT
2) - There is in this capacity. What is the year?
3) Just as, monks, in favor of the East River Ganges ... Also, this, monks, monks ... in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana -you. How, the monks, the monks ... down about Nirvana?
4) Here, the monks, monks practicing believers convince force for the purpose of participating, for the purpose of photography for the field, with the aim convince si ... Also, this, monks, monks practice in force, making the fullness of power, in favor of Nirvana, Nirvana oriented and down to Nirvana.
58-68.II-XII.  (Sv, 252)
 (Abstract economic problem:
Six in favor of the East, six in favor of the sea and the Ganges into twelve. The name is the same).
VII. PRODUCT undistracted
69-78.II-XII.  (Sv, 252) VISIT
Including business:
Tathagata, Truth, peaked, roots, Core, Lower Birth States, King, Moon, Sun, fabrics all ten.
79-90.I-XII.  (Sv, 252) VISIT
Including business:
Luc, Death Race, Long, Tree, Chair, Sun, Void, two of May, Boat, Hotel, River.
91-100.IX.  (Sv, 252) VISIT
Including business:
Games Bridges, Maggie, Gonorrhea Or, Friendship, Passion, Three Obstacles, defilements, Oscillator, Tho Ai.
X. wrapped SAVE FOOD
101-109. I-IX  (Sv, 53) PARTICIPATION
110.X. SHANGHAI STOCK fetters  (Sv, 243)
2) - Hey, monks, with the upper section of this fetter. What is the year? Sac involved, formless greed, romance, agitation, delusions. This, monks, this is in the upper part of fetters. To win, tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, in force need to practice. What is the year?
3) Here, the monks, believers, monks practice ... practice mental capacity with the aim convince force participation, with the aim of photography for the field, for the purpose of photography si.
4) This, monks, to win tri, tri willow, annihilation, annihilation in the upper section of this fetter, in force should be practiced.
 (Abstract economic problem:
Boc Save, aces, clinging, knots, depending Cambodian, German Public Education, Hindrances, Aggregates, Upper, Lower Part fetters).
CHAPTER SEVEN: Italy respectively as TUC
1.I. The other side  (increase 29 7 General 2, 658a) (Sv, 254)
2) - There are four standard-sufficient as this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other shore. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the excluded, the organic with the ardent sex acts; sufficiency as standard practice, the friendship with the fine should act diligently; sufficiency as standard practice, the ardent friendship with operating concentration; sufficiency as standard practice, the friendship with the fine should act thinking. These phenomena, this, monks, is four as the sufficiency, practiced, made for fullness, brought from this shore to the other shore.
2.II. Degenerate  (Sv, 254)
2) - For those who like the sufficiency rot four losses, the monks, with him, the Noble rot losses taken to the destruction of suffering right feet. With those four as the sufficiency is done, this, monks, with him, made the right feet Noble led to the destruction of suffering. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the excluded, the organic with the ardent sexual act, ... diligently to ... ... practice concentration as the sufficiency, the thinking being with the operating ardent.
4) For those who like the sufficiency four were degenerate, the monks with him, Noble rot interior is brought to an end to suffering right feet. With those four as the sufficiency of this is done, the monks, with him, made the right feet Noble brought to an end to suffering.
3.III. CHURCH  (Sv, 255)
2) - There are four standard-sufficient as this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, becomes the Holy leadership, led by those who carried out, go to the cessation of suffering right feet. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the excluded, the organic with the ardent sex acts; diligently to ... ... practice concentration as the excluded, the organic with the ardent act of thinking.
4) There are four standard-sufficient as this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, becomes the Holy leadership, led by those who implement right feet away to the destruction of suffering.
4.IV. Overalls LY  (Sv, 255)
2) - There are four standard-sufficient as this, this, monks, is the practice, make fullness, leading to Nhut direction disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana . Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act.
4) Four-sufficient as you this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to Nhut direction disenchantment participate, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
5.V. PARTIAL  (Sv, 255)
2) - The monk or Brahmin in the past, the monks, have taken part as the sufficiency; all he has to do it through study and practice, thanks to the prolific work as standard four-sufficiency. The monk or Brahmin in the future, this, monks, will perform as part of the residence; all he will do it through study and practice, thanks to the prolific work as standard four-sufficiency. The monk or Brahmin does in the present, the monks, have partially implemented as the sufficiency; all he is doing so because of practice, thanks to the prolific work as standard four-sufficiency. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts; diligently to ... ... practice concentration as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent act of thinking.
4) The monk or Brahmin in the past, the monks, have taken part as the sufficiency ... will do ... is implemented as part of the sufficiency ; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
2) - The monk or Brahmin in the past, the monks, made as comprehensive as the sufficiency; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. The monk or Brahmin in the future, this, monks, will perform comprehensive as the sufficiency; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. The monk or Brahmin in the current period, this, monks, is implementing comprehensive as the sufficiency; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act.
4) The monk or Brahmin in the past, the monks, made as comprehensive as the sufficiency ... will carry out comprehensive as the sufficiency ... Ongoing comprehensive reviews sufficiency; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
7.VII. Monks  (Sv, 257)
2) - These monks in the past, the monks, so taints cessation, even in the current, position themselves to win enlightened, and dwell attained liberation interest outflows , liberating insight; all because he will have to practice, has made like the prolific four-sufficiency. The monks do in the future, this, monks, has eradicated the illegal or even in the present, will position themselves to win enlightenment, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight ; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. The monks in the current period, the monks, so taints cessation, even in the current, position themselves to win enlightenment, attain, and dwell outflow freedom of mind, wisdom Award exit; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act.
4) The monks do in the past, due to cessation of defilements, right now, after his self-realization with the winning position, has attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight. .. will attain ... is attained and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific four-sufficiency as this standard.
8. VIII. Buddha or Arhat  (Sv, 257)
2) - Hey, monks, this residence has four such reviews. Which four? Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as the sufficient statement of friendship with thinking ardent act. These phenomena, the monks, as the four-sufficiency.
3) Due to the practice, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the Tathagata called Arhat level, Enlightenment.
9. IX. TRI  (Sv, 258)
1-2-3) ...
4) - With the thought: "This is like the soccer friendly against the ardent sex acts," This, monks, for the law has never been heard from before, where I, the label arises, starting position up, wisdom arises, intelligence arises, optical arises. With thoughts: "As the soccer friendly against the ardent sexual acts need to practice," This, monks, for the law has never been heard from before, where I, the label arises, wisdom launch up, intelligence arises, optical arises. With thoughts: "As the soccer friendly against the ardent sexual acts were practiced," This, monks, for the law has never been heard from before, where I, the label arises, starting position up, wisdom arises, intelligence arises, optical arises.
5) ... (as above, except that this effort to) ...
6) ... (as above, except that this concentration) ...
7) ... (as above, except this is the thinking) ...
10.X. CETIYA  (Temple) (2 School, University 1, 15 bc) (Sv, 258)
1) Thus have I heard.
One time Bhagavan at Vesali, in the Great Forest, in a peaked house.
2) Then Bhagavan, in the morning, robes, holding a bowl care went into Vesali for alms. Once into Vesali for alms, after meals, begging on the road back, Bhagavan called Venerable Ananda:
- Grab cushions, this Ananda, I will go to the temple Capala to lunch.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda replied yes Bhagavan, holding cushions and followed behind the Blessed One.
3) Then Bhagavan went to the temple Capala; after to sit down on the seat was drafted. Venerable Ananda bowed, sat to one side.
4) Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda was sitting on one side:
- Hey Ananda, endearing rather Vesali! Endearing rather Udena temple! Endearing rather Gotamaka temple! Endearing rather Sattambaka temple! Endearing rather Bahuputta temple! Endearing rather Sarandada temple! Endearing rather Capala temple! This Ananda, who has practiced as standard four-sufficiency, practice several times, true adept, very sure, very sustainable, skilled, skillful, time if you want, he can live up to a lifetime, or the remaining part of life. This Ananda, Tathagata has practiced this as standard four-sufficiency, practice several times, true adept, very sure, very sustainable, skilled, skillful. Hey Ananda, if desired, the Tathagata can live up to a life or lives remaining portion.
5) But the Venerable Ananda could not understand the suggestions received so obvious, the obvious appearances of Bhagavan. Venerable not ask Exalted: "Buddha, Bhagavan to stay for the rest of life. Auspicious to stay for the rest of life, for the benefit of all beings, for the welfare of all beings, because of compassion for the life, for the benefit, the happiness, because happiness to mankind God and man " Venerable Ananda was a mind obsessed Mara.
6-7) The second time, the Blessed One ...
8) The third time, Bhagavan told Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, endearing rather Vesali! Endearing rather Udena! ... Can live up to a life or lives remaining portion.
9) However, the Venerable Ananda could not get out ... because the heart of the Venerable Ananda was Devil haunts.
10) Then Bhagavan said Venerable Ananda:
- Hey Ananda, go and do what he thinks is the right time.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Ananda replied yes Bhagavan, stood up from his seat, bowed his right hand toward his body, and then go to a tree not far enough.
11) Venerable Ananda went out not long, Devil came to seat Bhagavan, when finished, immediately said to the Blessed One:
- Buddha, let's kill this Exalted; Auspicious just passing. Buddha, the Blessed One has to kill time. Venerable sir, this is the Exalted said: "Hey Devil, I will not kill the monks when I have not become the disciples have learned, with discipline, self-control, to achieve peace stable from suffering, multicultural, dharma, dharma achievements and Dhamma righteous life, living upon the Chief Justice; after learning the doctrine, can not claim, lecture, presentation, identification, enlightenment, analyze, and explain clearly the Dharma; heresy arises when they can not heckled and smart restaurant, no Dharma can spread magic ... "
Buddha, but now the monks of Bhagavan became disciples have learned, with discipline, autonomy, achieve peace from suffering, multicultural, dharma, dharma and achievements Dhamma, living right feet, living in the Dharma; after learning the teachings, have been able to claim, lecture, presentation, identification, openness, separation and clearly explained the Dharma; heresy arises when they can heckled and smart restaurant, has been able to spread the Dharma miraculous.
12) Therefore, lord, please kill this Bhagavan, let Auspicious passing. Bhagavan has the time passing. Venerable sir, this is the Exalted said: "Hey Devil, I will not kill, when the monks of Ta-ni not become disciples have learned, disciplined ..."
13) "When the laymen's when I ... My laywomen not become educated disciple, discipline, self-control, achieve peace from suffering, multicultural, maintenance Justice, achievements Dharma and Dhamma, living right feet, lived upon the Chief Justice; after learning the doctrine, can not claim, lecture, presentation, identification, openness, separation and clearly explained the Dharma; when there is heresy arises, they can not heckled and smart restaurant, can not propagate the Dhamma miraculous ". Buddha, now the laymen of Bhagavan became disciples right feet, wise, disciplined, willing, multicultural, maintain Dharma, Dharma and full Dhamma living right feet , live the dharma; after learning the teachings, have been able to claim, lecture presentation, identification, openness, analysis and clearly explained the Dharma; heresy arises when they were able to skillfully questioned and restaurant, and can spread the magic Dharma.
14) Therefore, lord, please kill this Bhagavan, let Auspicious passing. Buddha, Bhagavan came time passing. Venerable sir, this is the Exalted said: "Hey Devil, I will not kill, when Pham unfortunate I have not taught achievements, prosperity, popularity, promotion, chronic variable, being smart means the species to teach. " Buddha, Bhagavan this virtue was teaching achievements, prosperity, popularity, promotion, chronic variable, being smart means teaching to mankind. Thus, venerable sir, let's kill this Bhagavan, Auspicious just passing. Buddha, the Blessed One has to kill time.
15) When is say so, Bhagavan told the Devil:
- Hey Devil, rest assured, will not long Tathagata passing. After three months, starting today, the Tathagata will kill.
16) And in place Capala, Exalted mindfulness, awareness, abandon operating life (not sustain them any longer). When Bhagavan abandon, do not sustain them anymore, the great earthquake, spooky, hair, hair on end, thunder peal sky.
17) Exalted comprehend the significance of the event was, at that time he felt the term in verse as follows:
Life is limited or limitless,
Taoist abandon not last long,
Most specialize in residential interior meditation,
As drainage is carried wear armor.
1) At Savatthi.
2) - Before I enlightened to this, monks, no evidence Enlightenment, was the Bodhisattva, I thought as follows: "Do what's, what conditioned, as standard practice sufficient?" Then this, monks, I thought as follows:
3) "Here, the monks, who practice as standard with sufficient sentence for possession with ardent sex acts (with the thought): 'Such is the will (fitness) will not exceed the passive and not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, to dwell with the previous idea behind peer (pacchapure-Sanni). Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, with no cramped center (apariyonaddhena), with a brilliant mind, he practiced mind.
4) "There are people who practice organic as the sufficient statement of ardent effort to act (with the thought): 'Thus, our effort will not be too passive and not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, dwell with peers before the next idea. Before how, after such time; How then, such as the time before. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind.
5) "There are people who practice as the sufficiency question ardent friendship with operating concentration (with the thought): 'So, my mind would not be too passive and not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not disperse outside, dwell with peers before the next idea. Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, not with the mind cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind.
6) "There are people who practice as the residence, the property with the ardent thinking practice (with the thought): 'So, my mind would not be too passive and not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, dwell with peers before the next idea. Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, not with the mind cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind.
7) "Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, makes such fullness, monks are many types of psychic evidence: A body out many relatives; many relatives out a body; current form, morphing, passing through the wall, through the ramparts, through the mountains, not sticky like passing nothing; outcrops, burrowed through the land as in the water; walk on water does not crack like walking on land; sat-old fetters, come out of nowhere like a bird, with hands touching and touched the moon and the sun, the power plants have great god, gods such great authority; can itself fly to Brahma World.
8) "The practice such as the residence, such as the prolific, natural monks atrial common stock is pure, superman, can hear two kinds of languages, gods and men, or far or near" .
9) "Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, makes such fullness, monks with his mind clearly know the heart of all beings, of others. With the mind is engaged, he clearly knows the mind is engaged; with no participating interest, clearly know that no participating interest; the golf center, said the mind can clear the field; with no center field to clear the mind does not know the courts; with a clear mind knew si si mind; with no si heart, mind clearly know no delusion; the heart contraction, heart contraction is clearly known; with mind wandering, wandering mind clearly known; operating with great interest, clearly knows the mind of great force; with great interest not act, clearly know is not great practitioner of mind; with finite mind, clearly know the finite mind; the supreme mind, clearly know that supreme mind; Meditation centered, well known Meditation Center; the mind is not meditation, clearly know that the mind is not meditation; the mind is not liberation, clearly know that the mind is not liberation; with freedom of mind, well known to the freedom of mind.
10) "Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, making so prolific, he remembered past life: As a life, two lives, three generations, four died, five lives, ten lives, twenty life, death thirty, forty died, fifty life, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives, many lives havoc, many lives, many lives havoc into. He remembered that: 'In there, we have names like this, like this family, class like this, like this dish, like this painful feeling optimistic, life to the point like this. After dying in there, we were born in and there. In that place we like this name, family like this, like this class, dishes like this, like this painful feeling optimistic, life expectancy to levels like this. Died on the spot after the other, I was born here '. Thus, he remembered many past lives with the outline and details.
11) "Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, makes such fullness, monks with pure divine eye, superhuman, see life and death of beings: He clearly knows beings, the inferior noble man; beautiful people, who coarse; lucky people, who suffer and are so happy their careers. This position makes the evil deeds of body, speech or mind, defame the saint, according to TA, TA create now follow. These people, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. And even the good deeds done in the body, speech and mind, not vilified the sages, according to the right view, create the right view now under; these people, after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, heaven, on earth. Thus, he with pure divine eye, superhuman, seeing life and death of beings. He knew that: 'Beings who inferior, noble man, a beautiful man, coarse man, lucky, wretch, are now due to their virtues. "
12) "Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, makes such fullness, monks from the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, attained enlightenment and liberation interest outflows , liberating insight. "
12.II. BIG RESULTS  (Sv, 267)
2) - Four as the sufficiency of this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to great results, great benefit. Four as the sufficiency, this, monks, practicing how to make how prolific, leading to large fruit, great benefit?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts (with the thought): "So, my wish will not be too passive, nor too engrossed, not shrinking back in, will not disperse outside, dwell with peers before the next idea. Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind.
4-6) ... diligently ... to ... the thinking mind to ...
Four-sufficient as you practice like that, makes so prolific, leading to great results, great benefit.
7-11) as the standard four-sufficiency Practice thus making such fullness, monks are many types of psychic evidence: A lot of relatives out themselves ... may itself fly to Brahma.
12) Cultivation four-sufficiency such as standard, makes abundantly so, the monks, monks from the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
13.III. Italy WISH  (Chando) (Sv, 268)
2) - Hey, monks, if the monks are the sexual refuge, is Nhut mind, here called the fitness. For the evil, unwholesome unborn measures, he kicked up the will not to arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try. For evil, immoral law was born, he arises desire cessation, ardent, diligent, determined, try. For good behavior unborn, he kicked up the will to make arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try. For good behavior he is born, he kicked up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make fullness, ardent, diligent, determined , try. These (measures) are called essential need practice.
Thus, this is the training and education of this is, and this is fine to practice law. This, monks, is called as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts.
3) If the monks rely diligent, this, monks, is specified, is the most attention, is called the effort. For the evil, unwholesome unborn legal ... For good behavior he is born, start up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, makes fullness, ardent, diligent, determined, try. The (legal) are called essential need practice.
Thus, it is diligent, diligent this is the, this is the planet needs to practice law. This, monks, is called as the sufficient statement of planet friendly to act diligently.
4) If the monks refuge in mind, this, monks, is specified, is the most attention, is called concentration. For the evil, evil ... For legal unborn bore good behavior, he kicked up the will to make an accommodation, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make perfection, ardent, diligent, determined, try. The (legal) are called essential need practice.
Thus, this is the heart, this is the center, the (legal) issue is essential need. This, monks, is called as the sufficient statement of ardent friendship with operating center.
5) If the monks refuge thinking, this, monks, is specified, be single-mindedly, thinking is called for. For the evil, evil ... for legal unborn bore good behavior, he kicked up the will to make an accommodation, no casualties Furniture, made to grow, makes generous, practice, do for perfection, ardent, diligent, determined, try. The (legal) practice is called essential need.
Thus, this is the thinking, the thinking here is, the method is refined to act. This, monks, is called as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent act of thinking.
14.IV. Moggalana  (Sv, 269)
1) Thus have I heard.
A residence time in Savatthi the Exalted in East Park, Castle Migara mother.
2) At that time, a number of resident monks Migara mother's downstairs, agitation, arrogance, oscillating, very mouth, complex voice, forgetfulness, not awareness, not the static, mind frenzy, the Apartments are not tame (pakatindriya)
3) Then Bhagavan told Venerable Maha Moggalana:
- Hey Moggalana, his fellow resident Pham happy mother's downstairs Migara, agitation, arrogance, oscillating, very mouth, complex voice, forgetfulness, not awareness, not calm, and centered frenzy, the base does not overpower. Let's go, this Moggalana, and make them panic (samvejeti)
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Venerable Maha Moggalana Bhagavan replied yes, perform miracles, with the big toe, causing vibrations, shaking, tremors make Migara mother's castle.
4) Then his monks panic, fluffy hair upside, they stood on one side and (shouting): "It is wonderful, venerable monks! It is rare, venerable monks! Migara mother's castle is shielded from the wind, which was cleverly dug deep foundations, no variation, no movement. However, it is shaken, shaken, shaken! "
5) Then Bhagavan went to his monks; after to tell them:
- Hey, monks, why the panic he left, upside hair, and stood to the side like that?
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Mother's Castle is sheltered from the wind Migara, is cleverly dug deep into the ground, with no variation, no movement. Yet it vibrating, shaking, tremors.
6) - This, monks, the monks by Moggalana want to make Mr. panic, with the big toe, made her mother's castle Migara shaken, shaken, shaken. What do you think of, this, monks, by practice, by making certain fullness of the law, monks Moggalana lords have such power, such great power?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis, take Bhagavan as leader ... after hearing the law, the monks will maintain life.
7) - So listen, this, monks. It is because of the practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency, monks Moggalana lords had such force, such power era. Which four?
8) Here, the monks, monks Moggalana as standard practice soccer friendly against the ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... Practice concentration as the friendly soccer satellite need to practice thinking (with the thought): "so, my thinking will not be too passive, not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, dwell with ideas before after peer. Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how the less so. How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time. " So, with an open mind, not with the mind cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind.
9) This, monks, the practice because, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the monks were lords Moggalana such force, such power era.
10) And this, monks, also by practice, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the monks performed many kinds Moggalana miracles ... can fly itself to Brahma World.
11) And it is by practice, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the monks Moggalana due to make an end of illegal or even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing outflow freedom of mind and mental liberation.
12) (Six broader theoretical Kabbalah is so).
15.V. Brahmin  (Sv, 271)
1) Thus have I heard.
A time Venerable Ananda residing in Kosambi, at Ghosita garden.
2) Then the Brahmin went to the Venerable Ananda Unnabha; after arrival, the Venerable Ananda speak words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. On one side, Brahmin said to the Venerable Ananda Unnabha:
3) - Due to what purpose, sir Venerable Ananda, discounts are living well below the recluse Gotama?
- For the purpose of sexual annihilation (chanda), the Brahmin, discounts are living well below the recluse Gotama.
4) - What Have path, said Venerable Ananda, revealed religion What led to the total extinction of indulgence?
- There is this road, this Brahmin, this path can lead to the total extinction of indulgence.
5) - The way he is, sir Venerable Ananda? What is the path that lead to the total extinction of indulgence?
- Here, this Brahmin, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act. This is the way, the Brahmin, this is the path leading to the total extinction of indulgence.
6) - The same can be, sir Venerable Ananda, when a continuous work (santaka), no termination. Get that except sex education, such events do not happen.
- Hey Brahmin, on this issue, I would ask Mr. If Mr. endurance, please reply.
7) This Brahmin, how do you think? Are there indulgence before (desire) where he (promoting Mr): "I will go to the garden." After he came to the garden and then, he was pure indulgence only?
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
- There must have diligently before where he, (promoting Mr): "I will go to the garden." After he reached the park, he is purified only diligent?
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
- Are pre mind where he (promoting Mr): "I will go to the garden." After he came to the garden, that is pure mind only?
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
- Are ago thinking where he, (promoting Mr): "I will go to the garden." After he reached the park, he was thinking only pure?
- Ladies and yes, Venerable.
8) - Also this Brahmin, when monks level is Arhat, the contraband or annihilation, Pham well succeeded, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, has achieved the purpose, have organic sections fetters, right knowledge, liberation. Indulgence which he had prior to certification being Arhat, when the stock was Arhat then, he was pure indulgence only. The effort that he had prior to attainment of Arhat, when evidence was Arhat then, he is purified only diligent. Mind that he had prior to attainment of Arhat, when evidence is Arhat, then, that the mind is purified only. Thinking that he had prior to attainment of Arhat, when evidence was Arhat then, he was thinking only net.
9) What do you think, this Brahmin, the can is that, when a job has terminated continuous or not to terminate a job?
- Indeed, sir Venerable Ananda, the can is so, a work has ended, not a job does not end.
10) It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! It's rather wonderful, venerable Ananda! ... From now until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
2) - The recluse or Brahmin in the past, the monks, have greater powers, with great power; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
3) The recluse or Brahmin in the future, this, monks, have greater powers, with great power; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
4) The recluse or Brahmin in the current period, the monks, have greater powers, with great power; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act.
6) The recluse or Brahmin in this past time, monks, courtiers with courtiers forces ... will have power, great power ... has great ability, has great prestige at; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
17.VII. SA-MON, Brahmin OR arrogance  (Sv, 274)
2) - All that the recluse or Brahmin in the past, the monks, have made many kinds of miracles: A body is a lot of relatives, many relatives out a body, is shaped , metamorphosis, passing through the wall, through the ramparts, through mountain passes like nowhere, rising, burrowed through the land as in the water, walk on water does not crack like walking on land, sit with both legs -Price come out of nowhere like a bird, with hands touching and touched the moon and the sun, the animals have great powers, such great power, can fly itself to the realm of Brahma; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific as standard four-sufficiency.
3) All that recluse or Brahmin in the future, this, monks, will perform many types of Kabbalah: A lot of bodies ... bodies flying out to the realms of Brahma; all of these are due to practice, thanks to the prolific work as standard four-sufficiency.
4) All that recluse or Brahmin does in the present, the monks, will perform many types of Kabbalah: A lot of bodies ... bodies flying out to the realms of Brahma; All of these are due to practice, thanks to the prolific work as standard four-sufficiency. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, practicing as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as the sufficient statement of planet friendly thinking should act.
6) All that recluse or Brahmin in the past, have made many kinds of psychic powers ... will perform various types perform miracles ... miracles ... variety; All these persons are by practice, by making prolific four-sufficiency as this standard.
18.VIII monks  (Sv, 275)
2) - Do practice, by making such standard four-sufficient fullness of this, this, monks, monks after the cessation of the taints, even in the current, position yourself to win, enlightenment, stock and dwell outflow reached liberated mind, liberating insight. Which four?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as useful as the sufficiency question the only essential need to act. Thanks to practice, by making prolific four-sufficiency as this standard, the monks, the monks make an end to the illegal or, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and Security Center resident outflows liberation, liberating insight.
2) - Hey, monks, I will lecture for about as standard He (iddhi), as the standard of sufficiency, the sufficiency of such practices, and on the way to practice like that sufficiency. Listen.
3) Hey, monks, how are the reviews? Here, the monks, monks performed many miracles type: One out many relatives themselves ... may itself fly to Brahma World. This, monks, is called as standard (iddhi)
4) This, monks, how are such reviews sufficiency? Any path, any path, this, monks, leads to certification as standard, as the standard attained. This, monks, is called as the residence.
5) This, monks, what is the standard practice as sufficient? Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as the sufficient statement of friendship with thinking ardent act. This, monks, is called as standard practice sufficiency.
6) This, monks, how is the way to practice as the sufficiency? This is the Noble eight sectors, that is right view ... right concentration is. This, monks, this is the path to the practice as the residence.
20.X. ANALYSIS  (Sv, 276)
2) - There are four standard-sufficient as this, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, with great results, with great benefit. How practice makes prolific how the monks, this four-sufficiency as the major results, with great benefits?
3) Here, the monks, monks practiced as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts (think): "Thus, our education will not be too passive, there will not be too engrossed, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, to dwell with the previous idea behind peer ... "so, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with a brilliant mind, he diligent practice of mind ... ... ... practice concentration, as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent act of thinking (thought): "so, my thinking will not be too passive. .. "so, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with a brilliant mind, he practiced mind.
4) This, monks, how is sex too passive? Public education, the monks, along with laziness, idleness corresponds, this, monks, is called the passive sex.
5) This, monks, how is sex too eager? Public education, the monks, along with agitation, corresponds to oscillations, this, monks, is called over-zealous fitness.
6) This, monks, is how the inner fitness shrunk? Yet satisfying, this, monks, along with sloth dullness, dullness corresponds torpor, this, monks, is called education are shrinking inside.
7) This, monks, are the scattered outside education? Yet satisfying, this, monks, toward the outside, charming merit in education, fragmented, broken glass, this, monks, is called the outer sexual dispersed.
8) This, monks, are the monks reside with the previous idea behind Peer, before how, after such time; How then, before such time? Here, the monks, before the next idea of ​​monks was cleverly seized, volition clever, cleverly maintain life, can enter with intellectual skill. Thus, the monks, before following a great stay with peers, before how, after such time; How then, before such time.
9) This, monks, are the monks residing below how, on such date; on the bottom so how? Here, the monks, the monks contemplating the body, from the feet upwards, from the hair back down, surrounded by skin, are full of impurities; This body hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinew, bone, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach, feces, bile, phlegm , pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease the skin, saliva, nasal secretions, water joints, urine. Thus, the monks, monks residing below how, on such date; on how, under such time.
10) This, monks, are the resident monks how daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time? Here, the monks, monks practice day as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex act, the act of Minister and characteristics, what's minister, the night he practiced as the sufficient statement property with the ardent sexual act, the act of Minister, characteristics, he's generals (yehi akarehi yehi lingehi yehi nimittehi). Thus, the monks, the monks reside How daytime, night time so; How the night, so the day time.
11) This, monks, are the monks with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with a brilliant mind, he practiced mind? Here, monks, a great optical (alokasanna) of monks, are cleverly embrace, be smart idea to dwell daytime. Thus, the monks, the monks with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with a brilliant mind, he practiced mind.
III.12-19; IV. 20-27; V.28-35.
 (As of 20 from paragraph to paragraph 3 of 11. The only difference is that before it comes to education, this refers to the effort, concentration and thinking of).
36) - The practice thus making such fullness, the monks, this four-sufficiency as the major results, with great benefit. This, monks, practicing four-sufficiency such as standard, makes such fullness, monks performed many kinds of miracles. A body itself out many, many relatives out a body ... may itself fly to Brahma World.
37) The practice thus making prolific four-sufficiency such as attention, this, monks, monks from the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and dwell outflow liberated mind, liberating insight.
21.I. DAO  (Sv, 281)
1) At Savatthi.
2) - Once upon a time, before I awakened, this, monks, is not the right enlightenment, there is the Bodhisattva, I thought as follows: "What path, what path to practice as the sufficiency? "and this, monks, I thought as follows:
3) "monks practice as the sufficient statement of friendship with ardent sex acts (think): 'So I will not sexuality too weak, not too enthusiastic ... with shining heart tu collective mind ".
4-5) "... diligently to ... concentration ...
6) "... as the sufficient statement cultivate friendship with the fine should act thinking (thought): 'So, my thinking will not be too weak, not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not be distributed outside, he thought prior residence after peer. Before how, after such time; How then, before such time. Below how, on such date; on how, under such time. How day, so night time; How the night, so the day. So, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with shining heart, he practiced mind ".
7) "Four-sufficient as you practice like that, is to make such fullness, monks performed many kinds Kabbalah: A body is a lot of relatives, many form one body ... the body is able self flew to the realm of Brahma ".
8) "Four-sufficient as you practiced it, was making so prolific, monks from the total extinction of cankers, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and residing ways of liberating the mind, mental liberation ".
9) ... (Six wins broad theory placements) ...
22.II. IRON ISLAND  (Sv, 282)
1) At Savatthi.
2) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One; after arriving bowed and sat down on one side. On one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
3) - Buddha, the Blessed One has to know how to like the force, went to Brahma world with the body due to the making?
- I have said this Ananda, how to like the force, went to Brahma world body made due attention.
4) - Buddha, the Blessed One has to know how to like the force, went to Brahma world, with four great body work because of this?
- I have said this Ananda, how to like the force, went to Brahma world, with the body of this work by the four elements.
5) - Bhagavan might incarnate (opapati) with as the force, went to Brahma world body made due attention. Bhagavan can clearly learned to like the force, went to Brahma world body formed by the four elements. Thus, venerable sir, Exalted really wonderful, it is rare!
- Indeed, this Ananda, Tathagata really wonderful, this Ananda, so full of magic Tathagata law. Tathagata really rare, this Ananda, because Tathagata full legal rarity.
6) When, this Ananda, Bhagavan the upper body and centering the mind on the body, while the touch input and ideas dwell in the great equanimity and relatives; in the meanwhile, the Ananda, the body of the Tathagata is even more calm, more and more skilful, more endurance, the more dazzling than.
7) For example, an iron ball (heated) all day, becoming softer, more needs mollusks, more patience, more luminous. Also, this Ananda, when Bhagavan the mind or the body on the mind on the body; while entering and residing calm optimism and great idea in itself; in the meanwhile, the Ananda, the body of the Tathagata is even more calm, more finely demand, increasingly afford more get, the more dazzling than.
8) While this Ananda, Exalted above the body or mind to mind on the body, while the touch input and ideas dwell in the great equanimity and relatives; in the meanwhile, the Ananda, the Tathagata body effortless, soaring up from the land of nowhere, and perform many miracles type: A body itself into many, many bodies into one body ... itself has fly to Brahma world.
9) Just as, Ananda, floral cotton or cotton wild flowers are cross breeze, and not be weary, soaring up from the land of nowhere. Also, this Ananda, while the upper body Exalted mind, or the mind on the body, while the touch input and ideas dwell, in itself a great calm; in the meanwhile, the Ananda, the body of the Tathagata nothing fatigue, can fly up from the soil and perform many miracles type: A body out many relatives, many out a body ... the body itself can fly to Brahma world.
23.III. Monks  (Sv, 284)
2) - Hey, monks, this residence has four such reviews. Which four? Here, the monks, monks practiced as soccer friendly against the ardent sex acts ... diligently ... to ... practice concentration as the residence for cancellation with the refined thinking should act. These phenomena, the monks, as the four-sufficiency.
3) Thanks to practice, thanks to the prolific work as the sufficiency of this four, the monks, monks make an end to the illegal or, even in the current, position yourself to win, realization, attainment and Security Center resident outflows liberation, liberating insight.
24.IV. PURIFICATION  (Sv, 284)
... (As of 23) ...
25.V. RESULTS  (1) (Sv, 285)
2) - Hey, monks, this residence has four such reviews. Which four?
3) Practice, make prolific four as the sufficiency of this, this, monks, is expected to be one of two results: Right now is right knowledge, or if any medical opinion, are results Any future.
26.VI. RESULTS  (2) (Sv, 285)
2) - Hey, monks, this residence has four such reviews. Which four? ...
3) Practice, make prolific as standard four-sufficiency, the results are awaited seven, seven benefits. How effective is seven, seven benefits?
4) Even in the present, right knowledge immediately achievement; if even in the present, not immediately achieve right knowledge, the time when the public network, right knowledge achievements; if the public network, do not achieve right knowledge, then after killing five lower fetters, are Intermediary PARINIRVANA, is Detriment PARINIRVANA, was Countless acts Nirvana, Nirvana is Organic onions pes, proven upstream, Salvage natural birth.
27.VII. Ananda  (1) (Sv, 285)
1) Human coast in Savatthi.
2) Then the venerable Ananda went to the Blessed One, after arriving ... sat to one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, how is like the force? How is such standard-sufficient? What is the standard practice as sufficient? What is the path to practice as the sufficiency?
 (Ibid, Chapter II, of 19, from paragraph to paragraph 2 of 6. Original Page 276)
28.VIII. Ananda  (2) (Sv, 285)
2) Sit down on one side, Venerable Ananda venerable sir:
- Buddha, how is like the force? How is such standard-sufficient? How is the standard practice as sufficient? What is the path to practice as the sufficiency?
 (Ibid, Chapter II, of 19, from paragraph to paragraph 3 of 6. Original page 276).
29.IX. Monks  (1) (Sv, 287)
2) Then many monks went to the Blessed One ... sat to one side, his monks venerable sir:
- Buddha, how is like the force? How is such standard-sufficient? How is the standard practice as sufficient? What is the path to practice as the sufficiency?
3-6) - Here, the monks, monks practicing many types of Kabbalah: A body becomes more relatives ... until Brahma. This, monks, is called as the path to sufficiency.
30.X. Monks  (2) (Sv, 287)
 (As of 28 except that here only for many monks)
31. XI. Moggalana  (Sv, 288)
2) Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
3) - The What do you think, this, monks, practicing, making the fullness of any legal, monks Moggalana have such great powers, with such great power?
- Buddha, the Exalted measures taken as a basis ...
4) - Due to practice, make prolific as standard four-sufficiency, monks Moggalana lords have such power, so there is great power. Which four?
5) Here, the monks, monks Moggalana as standard practice soccer friendly against the ardent sexual act (think): "So, my fitness is not too weak ... the dazzling center light, cultivate your mind. "
6-7) ... ... concentration of effort ...
8) ... as standard practice soccer friendly against the ardent practice thinking (thought): "Thinking of going not too weak, not too hard, not shrinking back in, will not distributed outside ... "so, with an open mind, the mind is not cramped, with a brilliant mind, he practiced mind.
9) Do practice, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the monks Moggalana lords have such force, such power era.
10) Due to the practice, by making sufficient fullness four such reviews, the monks performed many kinds Moggalana Kabbalah: As a current into the body itself, many form one body ... the body is able to fly itself to Brahma world.
11) Due to practice, make prolific as standard four-sufficiency, the monks Moggalana taints annihilation, even in the present, his self realization, attainment and residing outflow liberated mind, liberating insight .
32.XII. Tathagata  (Sv, 289)
2) Here, Bhagavan called the monks:
 (Only 31. Like other business, this is the Tathagata)
From  33. I to  44. XII  (Sv, 290-291)
V. FOOD undistracted
45-54.IX.  (Sv, 291)
55-66.I-XII.  (Sv, 291)
67-76.IX.  (Sv, 291)
77-85.I-IX.  (Sv, 292)

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