Thursday 5 May 2016

I. the FAR GLASS (S. i, 197)
1) like me.
One time, a Female-stilts stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2 Billion at the time)-stilts, while on vacation on board, set up evil thoughts, real, related to the family.
3) Then an Angel in her forest, mercy, female-stilts, want happy, want to alert, sailings go to Female-stilts.
4) after arriving, the Charity said up the shelves with its Male-stilts:
He desires the far glass,
Already living in the mountain forests,
Now mind You hope,
Dong duổi as foreign.
He faced Him,
Please please, tame
Thus, Mr. happy,
Escapist was craving.
Let discontent,
Live an stay mindfulness,
He is a gentle,
Are we riveted the exclamation.
Except for the dust the ceiling of hell,
Truth is difficult to pass,
He never shipped by,
The bare dirt desire,
Like the birds, sticky body,
Body vibration causes dust.
Also locate Female-stilts,
Essential needs, stay mindful,
The waving makes fall bottom,
The dust DD i stick the stems.
5) Female-stilts are Angel vigilance, attention moved.
II. The CARE, much LOWER (S. i, 197)
1) one time, a Female-stilts stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2) at the time, Male-he is sleeping on stilts.
3) Then an Angel in her forest, mercy, female-stilts, want happy, want to alert, sailings go to Female-stilts.
4) after she spoke up, to the rack Rate for post-stilts:
Female-stilts, please wake up,
Why are you still located?
He was what benefits,
In his sleep?
Possessed, who hit a name,
Hitting stars sleep?
Because trust, renunciation,
Leave home, live,
He credits needed to grow,
Shalt not to sleep.
(The Male-stilts):
5) The is impermanent,
Only fools passionately,
Be strong, have freed
No longer be craving before.
Almond spice so
Why to exercise brain temperature?
Has served education, photography
Transcend (grid) ignorance,
With the Chief Justice position,
Almond spice so
Why to exercise brain temperature?
With intelligent break of ignorance,
Paragraphs kill the contraband or,
Not melancholy, does not favor the brain,
Almond spice so
Why to exercise brain temperature?
Effort and enthusiasm,
Often mighty and strong,
Towards expectations to Nirvana,
Almond spice so
Why to exercise brain temperature?
III. KASSAPAGOTTA or Hunter: (S. i,198)
1) A time, false Religious Kassapagotta stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2) at the time, author Kassapagotta, while during the day, teach a man the Hunter.
3) An Angel in her forest, mercy, female-stilts, want happy, want to alert, sailings go to Female-stilts.
4) after she spoke up, to the shelves with the fake Religious Kassapagotta:
On the slopes of the mountain cliff,
Hunters are climbing,
The class is missing,
Not wise, foolish,
Female-stilts are recommended teaching,
True it does seem a waste of time.
I think to do so,
Self expressed lack of wisdom.
Hear nor understand,
Have a look also not found,
Oil for there,
Fools don't see the purpose.
False religion Kassapa,
If You have a handheld
For up to ten torch,
People do not see,
The opposite, France
Because of her eyes.
5) Ton Kassapagotta Angel is fake her vigilance, attention moved.
IV. The MAJORITY or the TRAVEL (S. i,199)
1) A time, many Male-stilts stay between Kosala people in a forest.
2) The Female-stilts he settled the wet season is finished, after three months, started traveling.
3) a Heavenly stay in the forest, do not see the Male-stilts, sailings groan, sad, right at the time said article this shelves up:
Today, my mind
Not feel fun,
When he saw many of the seats,
No, not people.
The quadratic multicultural,
The true theory of America.
Sami Gotama,
Where are you now?
4) When I hear that, an Angel spoke up the other shelves for Angel:
They go to Magadha,
They go to Kosala,
And some,
Go to Vajjà.
As the deer escaped the trap prematurely,
Running jumping all over.
Female-no homes on stilts,
Living out the same.
V. ÀNANDA (s. i.,199)
1) A time, false Religious Ànanda stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2) at the time the false Religion, Ànanda life too busy by numerous contacts with homeless musician.
3) and then a Angel in the forest he mercy of fake Ànanda Respect, want happy, want to alert, go to the fake Religious Ànanda sailings. After arriving, he comes up with the fake Religious shelves Ànanda articles:
He has chosen,
Living under a tree,
The centers he desired to enter a
With the goal of nirvana.
Tickle-talks, make private Meditation,
And life, never ample, reporter
For him, what,
The voice magazine, tasteless?
4) false Religion Ànanda, Angel's vigilance, attention moved.
VI. ANURUDDHA. (S. i, 200 km South)
1) A fake Religious Anuruddha forecast stay in the middle of Kosala, in a forest.
2) and then a female Bias in them Tàvatimsa, the name is Jàlinì, my life before was the wife of the false Religion, go to the fake Religious Anuruddha Anuruddha.
3) after arriving, the said article with fake racks up Anuruddha:
Keep in mind His investment directions,
In his previous life,
Amongst thirteen,
Every craving achievements,
And He was the bright glare,
Đoanh women between fins.
4) Unfortunately the female Genius,
They stubbornly stay dear comments,
Also, they bring forth,
Being a female Bias.
5) They do not yet know the happiness,
Haven't seen Dandana,
Stay of the Meditation,
Title about Tam.
6) fools, She does not know,
Superlative words La-Han,
All is impermanent,
Be subject to the law of birth,
Beings and they kill,
NIE is an l c.
Now for me,
No stay of,
On the Chu realm,
Oh Hey Jàlinì!
Birth death fault lines,
Now reborn.
VII. NÀGADATTA (s. i 200 km South)
1 a false Religion) Nàgadatta stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2) at the time the false Religion, Nàgadatta goes to the village too soon and return too.
3) Then an Angel in her forest, mercy Nàgadatta, want to mock Religious interests, want to alert, go to the fake Religious Nàgadatta sailings.
4) after she spoke up, to the shelves with the fake Religious Nàgadatta:
Hey Nàgadatta,
Go to the (village) the right time,
And when from the village of,
Let's go for real soon.
He lives too, contact
With the renunciation,
Been consulting too much,
The life feeling miserable.
We're afraid of dangerously guys,
This Nàgadatta,
Tied, forced,
In the family.
Don't let yourself fall into,
Forces of death,
How do you avoid being,
From the dominant evil!
5) Ton Nàgadatta Angel is fake her vigilance, attention moved.
1) one time, a Female-on stilts in the middle of Kosala, in a forest.
2) at the time, Male-stilts she lived th n Suite too worthy for a family.
3 Angel) and then a stay in the forest, so merciful Female-stilts, want happy, want to alert her position, turn the side of family formation and family go to Female-stilts.
4) after she spoke up, to the rack with the national post-stilts:
On the banks of the River, the door market,
At vacation station, route,
People usually gather,
Instant debate kicked up.
Between me and between you,
What is wrong?
(The Male-stilts):
5) More through the back,
Ascetic ranks mosaic ring,
Shalt not feel bothered messing,
Shalt not arise before the infection.
Who gets the disorder,
As nai in forests,
Known as the center of the balloon,
Hard austerities achievements.
IX. VAJJIPUTTA: Canvas-States or Bhikkhu property-seat- (S, i)
1) one time, a Female-stilts Vajjiputtaka stay in Vesàli in a forest.
2) at the time, a ceremony is held throughout the night in Vesàli.
3 billion-he was on stilts) hear music, the large, gas etc. brush up noisy, start up, sighs, saying mainland up right at the main article this shelves:
We live alone,
In the forest alone,
As a tree Peel,
All in the deep forest,
In the dark night of rejoice,
As we at night now,
One life, unhappiness
As we now live?
4) Then an Angel in the forest, have mercy, female-stilts wants h nh, want instant alert go to Female-stilts.
After arriving, he comes up the shelves:
5) he lived alone,
In the forest alone,
As a tree Peel,
All in the jungle.
Many people covet,
Men's lives,
As the fallen to hell,
Covet the heavenly beings.
6 billion-he was on stilts) and Angel's vigilance, attention moved.
1) one time, a Female-stilts live among the people, in a forest of Kosala.
2) at the time, Male-stilts she formerly diligent chanting a lot, after a time, to become passive, silent, an archdiocese.
3) and then a Angel in the forest he heard France from Male-stilts, arriving successively.
4) after coming to her Angel, talking up the shelves for Male-stilts:
This Female-stilts, why
Living the Female-stilts,
The Court wouldn't read,
The canonical Dhammapada?
Anyone hear the Chief French theory,
Birth center is the net.
And right now, life
People scatter exclamation.
(The Male-stilts):
5) previously for the Dhammapada,
We earnestly seek to understand,
Until the evidence is,
Fruition separatist ranks;
From when the certificate of divorce,
All seeing, listening, emotional,
Thanks for understanding, wisdom
Are put aside.
The main steps of Gentleness,
Teaching is the same.
XI. MISDEED thinking: (S. i,203)
1) one time, a Female-on stilts in the middle of Kosala in a forest.
2) at the time, Male-stilts, when on holiday on board, start up the evil thinking, real friendly, like sex, thinking, thinking, thinking the damage.
3 Angel) and stay in the forest, so the mercy of billions-on stilts, like to the interests, want to alert, instant go to Female-stilts.
4) after coming to her Angel, talking up the shelves for Male-stilts:
He works Italy misdeed,
So passionately thinking.
Let's abandon the real Chief Justice,
Keep thinking chon TAM, Chief Justice
Buddhist refuge, France, Increase,
Keep, do not redirect, rot
He certainly achieved the certification,
Joyful and loving.
With jubilant fullness,
He ended the suffering.
5) And Female-on stilts, was Angel's vigilance, attention moved.
XII. NOON or ACTION (s. i.,203)
1) one time, a Female-on stilts in the middle of Kosala, in a forest.
2) and then a Angel in the forest then go to Female-stilts.
3) after arriving, said this in front of shelf post up those Male-stilts:
Main hours of noon, ago
Perching birds of silence,
Large forests, wine,
Make it run, panic.
(The Male-stilts):
4) main hours of noon, Ago
Perching birds of silence,
Large forests, wine,
The wedding Festival.
1) A time, a lot of Female-on stilts in the middle of Kosala, in a forest, high tribute, arrogant, loud, Lam, Lam, furniture, not the sense, not static, mind the disarray, the grounds are not tame.
2 Angel) and then a stay in the forest, so the mercy of Male-stilts, want happy, want to alert, associated to the Male-stilts.
3) after coming to her Angel, talking up the shelves with the Male-stilts:
Old real living at peace,
We disciples of Thi-dam,
Not to find food,
Not to find,
Know life is impermanent,
They ended the suffering.
Today, evil DIY
As hamlet in the village,
They eat, eat down,
Covet material things home.
The child must say hello to them Increased,
Ceremony of some wealthy girl,
King hard, not instructions.
They live like hungry daemons devil.
Those who lived secluded, reporter
Because of them, the speak up,
Those who are not ample magnification,
Sincerely the wealthy girl.
4) The Female-stilts, was Angel's vigilance, attention moved.
1) one time, a Female-stilts stay between Kosala, people in a forest.
2) at the time, Male-stilts she ate, in the actual return qifu mumo, go down to the Lake and smell the pink Lotus.
3 Angel) and then a stay in the forest, the merciful Female-stilts, want happy, want to alert sailings go to Female-stilts.
4) after arriving, Angel's sailings to speak up the shelves with Female-stilts:
From the country of birth,
Not for the smell, he steals.
Such a kind of identity theft,
We call Him thief,
This my dear.
(The Male-stilts):
5) doesn't take away, not break,
Stand far away, I smell the flowers,
So do what the general shape,
Known as the "perfume burglar"?
Anybody dig the roots of Lotus root,
Eat the type of shower.
Due to her actions,
Why don't you call the thief incense?
6) The company turning evil,
Nhớp fabrics like nanny,
With such people, class
I do not contact.
But the real key for Him,
I main Samyutta
With non-UE structure,
Usually driven demand purity.
With evil guys see,
Small as the hairs,
He tastes really great view,
As the clouds in the sky.
(The Male-stilts):
7) this truly yaksha,
You know, the wound,
Please tell me,
To see him as such.
8) we're not depending on Him,
He also did not do such things,
This Female-stilts should know,
He can bring forth.
I. DHANANJÀNI (s. i.,160)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) at the time, she-la-Mon Dhananjàni, wife of a-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line, have the credit for the Buddha, and Rising.
3) Then she-la-Dhananjàni subjects, while rice bưng for She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line, elation uttered three words of inspiration: "World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College Buds!"
4) Be heard that, She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line told Her women-la-Dhananjàni subject:
-So, in any time, any occasion, this lathe down guys says his Sa-n subjects bare head. The other turning Down guys, this will break your masters degree thesis ".
5)-Madam-la-Mon, I do not see the world in Chu, Ma world or Brahma, in our Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, between human or divine, no one can comment broke the World Respect, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice Chief Justice College. So she-la, He let go. After going, He will know.
6) Granny-la-Mon in the Bhàradvàja outrage, not That Religious, going to the wedding Festival; After arriving, said up to welcome the Religious inquiry, after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
7) sit down on one side, She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line comes up with shelves post Religious World:
Observe anything, be lost?
Anything police, not sorrows?
There is a kind of French,
He Council,
False religion Gotama?
8) Police outrage, was lost
Police outrage, not melancholy,
Outrage with standalone basis,
With the Supreme sweetness,
France, the Holy Sage ranks,
The copper rivets.
French police, not melancholy,
She-la-other subjects.
9) Are heard that, She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! False religion, such as Gotama stands back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys, or brought light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presents, explains. So far I'm refuge of world Religion, the legal and medical regulations Gotama y Male-stilts Rising. Looking forward to honor for their country was rediscovered by Gotama the false front of World Religion, for his life to be great!
10) And She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line was joined in front of the World, are the great life.
11 the great world not long life span), false Religious Bhàradvàja living alone, far, not fired, ample, essential need, not how long the certificate was the purpose that the friendly South Prince chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning the family, family living: it is the upper wing rescue Violates, right in his own current position with food poisoning symptoms , and achieved certification. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, did not return to this State."
12) And became a Bhàradvàja A-la-Han.
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) she-la-Mon Akkosaka Bhàradvàja heard She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line has appeared with the World Religion, abandoning the family, no family life.
3) He enraged, not That Religious, going to the wedding Festival; After arriving, said the speech is not nice, evil, defamation and nhiếc yelled at World Religion.
4) Be heard so, World Religion say-la-Mon Akkosaka Bhàradvàja:
-She-la, He thought? The blood her children dear, the guests have come to visit you?
5)-Dear fake Religious Gotama, occasionally, friends, blood, the guests have come to visit me.
6)-She-la, He thought? He has prepared for them the hard type, type of cuisine, soft and tasted?
7)-Dear fake Religious Gotama, I sometimes make them hard-type dishes, soft types, the type map sample.
8)-But she-la, if they do not get recorded, the time she dishes about anyone?
9)-Dear fake Religious Gotama, if they do not get recorded, the time she dishes on our back.
10)-also, she-la, if He defamed we are not defamatory; nhiếc yelled at us is not nhiếc people yelled at; cause confusion with people we are not confused; We didn't get the gain it from Him, this time She-la, the alibi on His back. She-la, the only things about him. She-la, who left the defamatory libel, nhiếc yelled at again when nhiếc yelled at, flipped back when being flipped, causing such a forecast, she-la, the people were outlawed, with Him. Also we do not enjoy the same things with His life, not the same shared with the san He, this time She-la, the alibi on His back! She-la, the alibi on His back!
11) the King and the Kingdom, Kingdom of God thought: "Sa-keeper is A-la-Gotama Han". However the fake Religious Gotama was outrage.
12) With no outrage,
Outrage come from?
Live tame, Chief of the network,
Freed, thanks to the Chief Justice position.
She tastes life as such,
Life NET President.
Those who suffer defamation,
Back to libel someone,
He made his evil guys,
Do evil for people.
Those who suffer defamation,
Do not libel against,
He won the battle, enough
Win for yourself, for the people.
Her position find benefits,
For both himself and the people.
And guys have libel,
Understanding, gradually calming nervous.
Both lawyers, medical degree
His cure, cure for people,
The masses think is stupid,
Because not understand the Chief Justice in France.
13) when it was heard that, She-la-Akkosaka Bach Bhàradvàja subjects Like Religion:
-Truth is, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ..., ... The medical World Religious rules, please, the regular medical Gotama y Male-stilts Rising. Looking forward to honor for their country was Gotama fake tu studied with Ton modern life, Gotama imitation.
14) She-la-Mon Akkosaka Bhàradvàja be spice with false Religion, modern life. Gotama
15 great sex life) are not long, the fake Religious Akkosaka Bhàrahvàja living alone, far, not sheltered, crystallized, zealous reporters need not long to achieve the purposes for which the charity South Prince chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning the family, no family life, bound: it is the upper wing rescue Violates, right in the present with the position his own enlightenment, DD t and stay. The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, did not return to this State."
16 Ton Akkosaka Bhàradvàkja imitation) and become an A-la-Han.
III. ASURINDAKA (s. i.,163)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) Ms. Mon Bhàradvàja Asurindaka-la-listen as follows: "She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line has appeared with the World Religion, abandoning the family, no family life".
3) outrage, not he, who went to the wedding Festival of world Religion, after arriving there, the words not nice, evil, defamation and nhiếc yelled at World Religion.
4) Be heard so That silent Respect.
5) Then She-la-Mon Asurindaka Bhàradvàja told the World Religion:
-Sa-, he has This been conquered. This Sa-Mon, He has been conquered!
6) fools think I won,
When the evil language word,
Anyone know good mosaic ring,
He won the battle for real guys.
Those who suffer defamation,
Back to libel someone,
He made his evil guys,
Do evil for people.
Those who suffer defamation,
Not for libel,
He has won the battle,
Win yourself to people.
Her position find benefits,
For both ourselves and the people,
And guys have libel,
Understand, listen and cooled.
Both lawyers, medical degree
His cure, cure for people,
The masses think is stupid,
Because not understand the Chief Justice in France.
7) Be heard so, Ms. Bach Bhàradvàja Asurindaka-dollar World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama..., "... no longer back this life anymore".
8 Ton Asurindaka Bhàradvàja imitation) and become an A-la-Han.
IV. BILANGIKA (s. i.,164)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha, Veluvana, spot nurtured the squirrel.
2) she-la-Mon Bilangika Bhàradvàja be heard: "She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line has been joined with Sa-keeper Gotama, abandoned the family, no family life".
3) outrage, not he, who went to the wedding Festival World Religion; After coming to, keep quiet, stand aside.
4) And World Religion, with its Center, learned of her Center-la-Mon Bilangika Bhàradvàja, talking up her shelves post sailings-la-Mon Bilangika Bhàradvàja:
Anyone who harms, MD
Purity, not structure,
Be evil,
Against harmful, stupid
Nothing contrary wind,
Back kick is fucking bare dirt.
5) Be heard so, Ms. Bach Bhàradvàja Bilangika-dollar World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... Now the refuge of false Religion, the French National medical Gotama-stilts Rising. Looking forward to the debut with the fake Religious Gotama ..., ..., Which is an infinite upper wing rescue Breaking, right in the present with the mind itself, and achieved enlightenment. The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, did not return to this State."
6 Ton Bilangika Bhàradvàja imitation) and become an A-la-Han.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) Granny-la-Mon Bhàradvàja Ahimsaka go to World Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, She-la-Bach World Bhàradvàja Ahimsaka Religious subjects:
-The false Religion, Ahimsaka is Gotama! The false Religion, Ahimsaka is Gotama!.
4) List must match the person,
Who was hurt!
One with the body, mouth, Italy,
Do not harm anyone,
Who does not hurt others,
Who's the real truth.
5) When the ANC c hear that, Mrs.-la-Bach World Bhàradvàja Ahimsaka Religious subjects:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama..., "... no longer back this life anymore".
6) And Jia Bhàradvàja Ahimsaka became a A-la-Han.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) Granny-la-Bhàradvàja Jata World Travel to Religious subjects; After arriving, said with the Ton World welcomes inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, She-la-Mon Bhàradvàja Jata said up to revere the shelf post:
Foreign civil and slopes,
Beings suffer constant be,
The ask Gotama,
One constant escape this be?
4) Who has Tri, stay,
Cultivation of mind and wisdom,
Zealous and prudent,
Female-stilts she escape and be strong.
With someone who has abandoned,
Taking the pitch and ignorance,
Application-tier pirated, Cult
Her constant escape be taste.
List the place and identity
The invisible balance, thorough
Excellent barrier piece idea,
Be strong be sure the paragraph.
5) when it was heard that, She-la-Bach World Religious Bhàradvàja Jata subjects:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ...
6) And false Religious Jata Bhàradvàja became a A-la-Han.
VII. SUDDHIKA (s. i.,165)
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) Granny-la-Mon Suddhika Bhàradvàja go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, She-la-Mon Suddhika Bhàradvàja this article comes up in front of the World Religion:
Not She-la-band,
Keep the oil world, asceticism,
Can be pure,
The oil in the world.
Minh Hanh location only,
Can new purity.
Not a mass.
In addition to such acts.
4) oil muttering more notes,
But not since birth, life
Known She-la,
Internal contamination of impure,
Y on phishing,
She-la, Phệ-XA,
The seat-da, fried-da-la,
Guys poured or dumped rubbish,
Essential needs and,
Usually the mighty tu Jin Meng,
Achieve dark NET win,
BA-la-subjects should know!
5) When hearing that, Ms. Bach Bhàradvàja Suddhika-dollar World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ...
6 Ton Suddhika Bhàradvàja imitation) and become an A-la-Han.
VIII. AGGIKA: Church fire (S. i,166)
1) A world Religion in Ràjàgaha, Veluvana, spot nurtured the squirrel.
2) at the time, a dish consisting of rice and curd was composed for Ms. Aggika subject to Bhàradvàja-this unit set: "I'll fire international, I'll do the donation ceremony of fire".
3) Then That Respect in the morning up y, y Bowl goes to Ràjagaha to qifu gangui. While qifu mumo carried Wednesday in the class, the Honor went to Ràjagaha stay made of Ms. Mon Aggika-la-Bhàradvàja; After arriving, the Honor to stand aside.
4) she-la-Mon Aggika Bhàradvàja see That Religion went real qifu gangui to instant thus comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
Full taste three,
Friendly beings and listen more,
Minh Hanh was complete,
Please Shou this dish!
5) oil muttering more notes,
But not since birth, life
Known She-la-Mon.
Internal contamination of impure,
Y on phishing,
See the evil Animal Kingdom,
Paragraph are reborn,
Winning position, steps,
Full three proving this,
BA, Ba-la-keeper,
Minh Hanh is full,
Please Shou this dish.
6)-looking forward to honor the life of this cuisine head fake. False religion is true She ranks Gotama-la-Mon.
7) we don't have outlawed,
Because the litigation is singing the shelves,
Often, France
For have the voter opinion.
Chu was removed,
Chant sing the shelves,
True anniversary of Chief Justice French,
The Department is operating as such.
Undergraduate Artist integrity,
Donation are different,
Take advantage of the passage of contraband, or,
Vibrations are appeased.
With these steps so,
Eating to donation,
Truth is blessed,
For those who pray blessed.
8) be heard as such, Ms. Bach Bhàradvàja Aggika-dollar World Religion:
The real magic of false Religious alternative micro-Gotama! ...
false Bhàradvàja Aggika Ton 9) and become an A-la-Han.
IX. SUNDARIKA (s. i.,167)
1) A world Religion in the middle of the nation, on the banks of river Sundarika Kosala.
2) at the time of BA-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja fire international on the banks of the river Sundarika, the donation ceremony.
3) Then She-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja after the ceremony, the international donation of fire, from seats stood up, looked around all four methods and thought: "one can enjoy the cuisine they offer rest?"
4) she-la-Sundarika Bhàradvàja subjects like Religion are sitting under a tree, the head is covered, see the left hand grip, so the dish offer rest, the right hand holding the jar of water go to world Religion.
5) And hear the Respect of her foot So-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja sailings at the top bosses unpack.
6) And Ba-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja thought: "this Head bare, it's the bare head", think so, want to come back.
7) Then She-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja thinking: "Bare head here, some She-la-keeper as well. So I come and ask the life birth issue ".
8) And She-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja go to world Religion; After arriving, said with the Ton:
-Birth of false Religious Life?
9) shalt not ask about birth, life
Ask about the facility.
According to wood, everything
The flame was being run.
The oil in the lower House,
Quadratic hermit essential need,
Be viewed as superior beings,
Very good you know, except for evil.
Positive thing by truth,
Mature in action,
Through the Bible,
Violations are members.
Animal health has brought,
Make an emergency bridge position,
International ceremony do the right time,
The position he deserves donation.
This cult of the Object),
Really smart donation,
I have seen,
Degrees of lucidity like you.
I don't see anyone
Can match him,
No other person
Enjoy this material life.
False religion Gotama,
Please enjoy the animal life.
She is She-la,
Is worthy of respect.
11) is outlawed,
Because the litigation is singing the shelves,
Often, France
For have the voter opinion.
Chu Buddha has eliminated
Chant sing the shelves,
True anniversary of Chief Justice French,
The Department is operating as such.
Undergraduate Artist integrity,
Donation are different.
Take advantage of the passage of contraband, or,
Trạo-Forex be appeased,
With these steps so,
Water to rice donation,
Truth is blessed,
For those who pray blessed.
12)-So ladies fake Religious right figures to whom child, Gotama, cosy rest?
13)-She-la, in the whole world, Pham, Chu heaven, in our Sa-Ba-la-subjects and disciplines, in the world of Natural and divine man, I didn't see anyone eating this rest, cosy animals can digest, except As a hybrid or Hybrid As disciples. She-la, so she-la, let's toss the remaining cult object in place there is no green grass, or sink water, where no species of love.
14) and then She-la-Mon Sundarika Shàradvàja engulfing the rest of her cult objects in the water, where no species of love.
Her cult Figures when the 15), toss into the water, boiling up cigars up instant-spray, and spray the smoke up. Such as plough heats all day, when put into water, and he blew up, boiling over, spray and spray the smoke up. Also, while remaining intimate things are into water then toss up soy sauce, boiling up, spray and spray the smoke up.
16) And She-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja panic, hair bristles up backwards, go to world Religion; After coming to stand aside.
17) World Religion comes up to her shelf post-la-Mon Sundarika Bhàradvàja is standing on one side:
She-la-other subjects,
Shalt not think what pure land.
Fire wood, arrangement
So only superficially.
Degrees of Thien Nhan teaches that,
He did not,
Those who just want to
Pure face.
She-la-other subjects,
We abandoned the wood fire,
We just pinch up the spider
Inner flame,
The flame is usually constant fire,
Often passionate enthusiasm.
Am La-Han,
We live life happy Offense.
She-la-other subjects,
People bring their yoke,
Outrage is the smoke of incense,
Expectations quotations is the ashes,
The tongue is the spoon,
The mind is the self, international
The ego is the flame.
Also the smart thing,
Chief Justice French is ponds,
About Ben's bath water,
Not UE structure, clean,
Be friendly Nhon concur the exclamation,
Is there tier position,
Bathing, except cleaner.
When pure hands,
Them through the other side.
The Chief Justice is truth,
Is it homemade almond,
The Middle Road,
Help reach WINS,
Online degree Center ceremony, wealthy girl,
We call the French option.
18) when she says so-la-Sundarika Bach Bhàradvàja subjects Like Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ...
19) And fake Sundarika Bhàradvàja become an A-la-Han.
X. BAHUDHITI (s. i.,170)
1) One World Religion stay in the middle of Kosala, in a forest.
2) at the time, a Ba-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja their line losing fourteen cows.
3) Then She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line while seeking the bulls, passes to the other forests; After arriving, found That Religion sits in her forests and old-urban planner, keep back straight and to mindfulness in front.
4) Saw that, She-la-go to World Religious subjects; After arriving, this shelf post talking up with World Religion:
With the Sa-this subject,
No fourteen cows,
Should not see sixty (ajjasatthi),
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-this subject,
No paddy fields damaged, Sesame
A two Sesame leaves,
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-this subject,
Not the repository is empty, no mouse,
Run jump and dance games,
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-this subject,
Mattress not seven months,
Filled with lice lice,
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-subjects
Not the seven daughters widow
Or a baby, two children,
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-this subject,
Black wife, face no pitting.
Grab the legs end up in stone,
Therefore be at peace.
With the Sa-this subject,
Not guys who owe the morning,
Nhiếc scolded: "pay go"
Therefore be at peace.
5) she-la, me,
No fourteen cows,
Should not see sixty,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
No paddy fields damaged, Sesame
A two Sesame leaves,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
Not the repository is empty, no mouse,
Run jump and dance games,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
Mattress not seven months,
Filled with lice lice,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
Not the seven daughters widow,
Or a baby, two children,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
Black wife, face no pitting,
Grab the legs end up in stone,
So we're at peace.
She-la, me,
Not guys who owe the morning,
Nhiếc scolded: "pay go",
So we're at peace.
6) hear you say that, She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! False religion as people erect Gotama back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see.
Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presents, explains. So far I'm refuge of world Religion, the legal and medical regulations Gotama y Male-stilts Rising. Looking forward to the debut with the fake Religious life be great, Gotama.
7) Then She-la-Bhàradvàja subjects were published with false Religion, modern life. Gotama
8 great sex Life not long), false Religious Bhàradvàja alone, in remote, secluded, launched not zealous, essential need. And not long, it is the Supreme purpose that the friendly South has exported, abandoned the family life is not driven to the family: it is the upper wing rescue Violates, right in the present himself with upper position, food poisoning, and achieved the certificate of residence. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, what should have been done, there is no return this status."
9) and false Religion became a Bhàradvàja A-la-Han.
I. PLOUGHING (s. i., 172)
1) like me.
A world Religion in the middle of Magadha, on Mount Nanshan, in the village of BA-la-Mon Ekanàlà name.
2) at the time was the time of sowing, plated and She-la-Mon Bhàradvàja Kasi arranged ready about five hundred plough.
3) Then That Respect in the morning up y, y bowls, go to her farm-la-Mon Kasi Bhàradvàja.
4) at the time, She-la-Kasi Bhàradvàja subjects are distributed food.
5) World Religion come to distribute food, and then stand on one side.
6) she-la-Mon Bhàradvàja Kasi what Ton is standing aside to qifu gangui, seeing that, and he told the World Religion:
This Sa-I subjects-plowing and sowing my plating; after plowing and sowing of demeaning, I eat. This Sa-Mon, He plowed and sowed not plated; after plowing and sowing of demeaning, He eat?
7)-She-la, I have plowed and sown after plowing and sowing of galvanizing, we eat.
8)-But we don't see the yoke, the plough, the plough, the sticks pierced, or the bulls of the fake Religious Gotama. However the fake Religious Gotama say: "She-la, I have plowed and sown after plowing and sowing of galvanizing, we eat".
9) Then She-la-Mon Bhàradvàja Kasi comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
He is saying,
I don't see Him plowing,
Farmers wife was asked,
Make up the answer,
Why we know,
He really plowed?
10) faith is the seed,
Asceticism is the rain,
Wisdom for Me,
Is the plough and yoke wear,
Very good you are rolling, ploughs,
Italy is the base line of columns,
Mindfulness for Me,
Is the plough, sticks and stabbed.
Stems were maintained,
Password is households maintenance
As for the dishes,
The abdomen is moderately used,
I spit up (then pagan),
With chon TAM LY true,
Wedding Festival in Nirvana
Is freed.
Effort for Me,
Is the ability to carry the yoke,
Take us towards,
An okay from the yoke,
Go to, don't come back,
The place We go, not melancholy.
As such, ploughing,
Taken to the fruit of immortality,
After the plough plow,
All suffering is escape.
11)-eat fake false Religion, Gotama Respect Gotama the farm wife. False religion Gotama the plough, plough brought to the fruit of immortality.
12) we don't have outlawed,
Because the litigation is singing the shelves,
Often, France
For have the voter opinion.
Chu was removed,
Chant sing the shelves,
Chon TAM truth for France,
The Department is operating as such.
Undergraduate Artist integrity,
Donation are different,
Take advantage of the passage of contraband, or,
Trạo-Forex be appeased,
With these steps so,
Water to rice donation.
Truth is blessed,
For those who pray blessed.
To hear you say that, She-la-Bach Bhàradvàja Kasi subjects Like Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! False religion as people erect Gotama back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness for people with eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presents, explains. So far I'm fake Religious refuge Gotama, refuge and refuge Male-stilts Rising. Looking forward to honor author Gotama the disciple, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
II. UDAYA (S. i,173)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) And World Religion in the morning, take the bowl away to medical stay made of She-la-Udaya subjects.
3) she-la-Udaya subjects get gassed in World Bowl of rice.
4) Second World Religion in the morning up y, y bowls go to stay her origin-la-Udaya subjects ...
5) last Tuesday, She-la-Udaya subjects get gassed rice bowl of World Religion and tell World Religion:
-Greed is Sa-keeper Gotama, to go to again!
Many times and many times,
They sow seeds scatter.
Many times and many times,
Rain rain, go back.
Many times and many times,
Farmers wife ploughing.
Many times and many times,
Rice came to the national level.
Many times and many times,
Onions qifu gangui again begging.
Many times and many times,
He left home laboratory.
Many times and many times,
The home laboratory after for.
Many times and many times,
Be going to heaven.
Many times and many times,
Who do the milking, milk
Many times and many times,
I found my mother cow beef.
Many times and many times,
And tired.
Many times and many times,
Fools enter the fetus.
Many times and many times,
Back to birth and death.
Many times and many times,
They brought to the graveyard.
They are sugar-free,
Not taken to reborn.
University place, great wisdom,
Not being away, being back.
7) when she says so-la-Bach Udaya subjects Like Religion:
The real magic of false Religious alternative micro-Gotama. Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
III. DEVAHITA (s. i.,173)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, the depression was about Respect and Honor is a fake Upavàna fake World Religion.
3) Then call the fake Religious Upavàna Religious:
This you know, Upavàna-how hot water for us?
4)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Ton Upavàna Ton pseudo World medical relief, met well, holding the medicine bowls, go to stay her origin-la-Mon Devahita; After arriving, stand silent on one side.
5) she-la-Devàhita subjects see the fake Religious Upavàna stand silent on one side, and he comes up with racks of fake Upavàna post:
False religion stood silent,
Bare head, Dai y, gown
What do you want, what bridge?
He came to ask for?
(False Religion):
6) degrees of La-Han, Was a friendly,
There were b nh phong,
If there is hot water,
Offer undergraduate Bible!
Worthy of donation,
He has been the donation.
Worthy of reverence,
He has been revered,
Worthy of respect,
He was given the glass,
Because of him, I want to be
Hot water to bring about.
7) Then She-la-Mon Devahita said a person taking the blow and a burden of the average burden of sugar suite, fake Upavàna Religious consecration.
8) And false Religious Upavàna go to That Religion, using the hot water bath for That Suen, sugar Suite mixed with hot water to World Religion.
9) And leprosy's gas Ton is ease.
10) Then She-la-Devahita subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said with the Ton World welcomes inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
11) sit down on one side, She-la-Mon Devahita it comes up with shelves That Religious articles:
Place the home laboratory,
Deserve so alms?
Where the alms,
Taken to the results reported?
Donation to?
Respect to?
12) who knows the life ahead,
See heaven, evil beast,
Paragraph are reborn,
Winning position, steps.
Should he locate him,
Alms are large fruit.
Donation to do so,
Respect to do so.
13) when it was heard that, She-la-Devahita subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules, please!
IV. MAHÀSÀLA: great fake medical gown or rich.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a She-la-modern subjects, designs the terrible, bad, go to crude medical relief World Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
3 Ton with Her speaking)-la-rich University subjects are sitting down to a party:
-She-la, why you terrible shape? Why the y offset bad rough?
4)-Dear fake Religious Gotama, here are four of my sons, they conspired with their wives, exiled son out of the House.
5)-so this She-la, please read in the article this shelves, and when public meetings in Auditorium and all the children sitting in a meeting, please read the article up the shelves:
When beings, I am glad
I want them born into.
With his wife, they conspire,
(Against me and chasing me),
Like dogs,
Chasing herds of pigs, pig
Scurrilous and evil,
They call me "Dear Father".
They're yaksha demon,
Mask is my child,
And they deported me,
When I come to old age,
As the old horse languish,
Being hit market.
Now father these children,
Must beg the House,
Would rather give me a stick,
Over the flood the real tastes.
With sticks, stop data, cow
Stop being kind to the dog,
Dark spot detectors,
Depth, search the foot stand,
With the Mace,
Stumble stand.
6) she-la-rich University subjects he memorized the article this shelves from the Religion. When the masses gathered in the Auditorium and between the children are sitting in a meeting, then read up the post racks:
When beings, I am glad,
I want them born into.
With his wife, they conspire,
(Against me and chasing me),
Like dogs,
Repel the swarms pig pig.
Scurrilous and evil,
They call me "Dear Father".
They're yaksha demon,
Mask is my child,
And they deported me,
When I come to old age,
As the old horse, weakness,
Being hit market.
Now father these children,
Must beg the House.
Would rather give me a stick,
Over the flood the real tastes.
With sticks, stop data, cow
Stop being dogs.
Dark spot, probe,
Depth, search the foot stand,
With the Mace,
Stumble, get up.
8) and then the children She-la-rich University subjects, Pimp My father came home, showered and each up for a father.
9) Then She-la-rich University subjects her clothes to go to a World Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
10) sit down on one side, She-la-Phu Bai's great subjects Like Religion:
-Dear fake Religion, Dame la Gotama, there are surges to masters degree, a religious facility. Expecting the fake Religious facility fee for acceptance degree Gotama masters.
11) and world Religion because of the crush from accept.
12) Then She-la-Phu Bai's great subjects Like Religion:
The real magic of false Religious alternative micro-Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
V. MÀNATTHADA (s. i.,177)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, She-la-Mànatthada name subjects stay in Sàvatthi. It does not respect the mother, not the father, not the glass masters, not respect him.
3) at the time, the dominant religion is the sermon, there đoanh mass.
4) Granny-la-Mànatthada subjects of thought as follows: "Sa-subjects are French theory Gotama mass đoanh. So let's go to Sa-keeper Gotama. If the Sa-me, I talk to Gotama will also talk with Sa-keeper Gotama. If Sa-keeper Gotama does not talk to me, I will not talk with Sa-keeper Gotama ".
5) Then She-la-Mànatthada subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, the Mainland stand on one side and silence.
6) and world Religion does not talk to Her-la-Mon.
7) she-la-Mon Mànatthada thoughts: "Sa-keeper Gotama does not know anything," and he wanted to come back.
8) And World Religion with her mind knows the mind of the She-la-Mon Mànatthada, associated with the shelf post talking up Ba-la-Mànatthada subject:
This little She-la,
His port side no good,
Here no one,
BA-la-subjects should know.
He came, what purpose,
Please speak up for know?
9) She-la-Mon Mànatthada thoughts: "Sa-subjects of mind we know Gotama", bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, taking her mouth kissing the foot of world Religion, DAB hand claws and talking up his name:
-False Religion is Mànatthada, Gotama. False religion is Mànatthada, Gotama.
10 mass), and then he began up horror vi magic: "Truth is, Sir! Truth is hope, Sir! BA-la-Mànatthada subjects never respect my mother, never respect my father, never respect direction, never respect him, now lower yourself so excruciatingly before Sa-keeper Gotama ".
11) And World Religion say-la-Mànatthada subject:
-Only recently She-la-Mon. Please stand up and sit back on his chair. Please credit the for I come from?
12) Then She-la-Mànatthada subjects after sitting on his chair, talking up the shelf post with Respect:
As for who should not being arrogant?
As for who should respect?
As for who should respect?
Donation to who, which is good?
13) with mom and dad,
With older brother,
With the master is Wednesday,
Should not bring forth their starboard side,
Should respect the position,
Should respect the position,
Donation to them, which is good.
The A-la-Han,
Thanh Luong, smuggled or paragraphs,
Should have done,
Take his clothes and photographer,
Myriad ton, upper level
He should really wealthy girl.
14) when it was heard that, She-la-Mànatthada subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
VI. PACCANÌKA (s. i.,179)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time of BA-la-Paccanìkasàta is the name in the subject in Sàvatthi.
3) Then She-la-Paccanìkasàta subjects of thought: "Let's go to Sa, and Sa-Gotama-Mon Gotama has said something, I would say the opposite reaction".
4) at the time of world Religion are going to conduct business.
5) and then Three-la-Paccanìkasàta subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said with Respect are going to experience:
This Sa-Mon-, make the sermon.
6) Not the sermon with him,
Hey Paccanìka!
Mind you're unclean,
And full of hatred,
How do you know nice,
How do you say nice!
Who hate costumes, photography
NIE offers resistance to the mind,
From the yard,
She tastes nice,
Nice fucking position.
7) when it was heard that, She-la-Paccanìkasàta subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
VII. NAVAKAMMIKA (s. i.,179)
1) One World Religion stay in the middle of Kosala, in a forest.
2) at the time of BA-la-Mon Navakammika Bhàradvaja are doing the work in the forest.
3) she-la-Navakammika subjects like Religion sitting under a tree and old-urban planner, back straight and to meditate in front.
4) Found that, the She-la-binge thinking: "I like to work on wood chips in this forest. Also Sa-keeper Gotama work period? "
5) Then She-la-Navakammika subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, the shelf post talking up Ton:
Now he's doing nothing,
In the forest tree sa-la,
He lived alone,
What fun you find,
Female-stilts Gotama?
6) we don't have to do anything,
In the forest (sa-la).
To me, the roots have been cut,
Both the dense forests,
So I was escaping,
All forests anti-gai.
We don't mind being stabbed,
Alone live at peace,
The paragraph minus any dissatisfaction,
S ng enjoy the wedding Festival.
7) Be heard so, Ms. Bach Bhàradvàja Navakammika-dollar World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
VIII. KATTHAHÀRA (s. i., 1800)
1) One World Religion live in amongst the populace, in a forest of Kosala.
2) at the time, many youngsters collect firewood, disciple of She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line, go to the forest.
3) after arriving, they found That the dominant religion in forests and old-urban planner to sit, back straight and to meditate in front. Thus, they soon come She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line.
4) after arriving, they say-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line:
-False Religion has, you know, in a forest there, Sa-Mon Sat, back straight and old-unlawful to recite in front of?
5) Then She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line along with the youth he went to the forest and found Honor in the World's forests, which are sit-old urban planner, back straight and to meditate in front. See them soon to world Religion; After arriving, the shelf post talking up Ton:
In the deep forests of u,
More terrible, frightening
Empty, desolate forests,
Him into a worm,
Real body, persistence,
The beautiful and sublime.
This Female-stilts, Lord of meditation
With the investment plan.
Here not singing,
Here do not speak,
Alone in the jungle,
An Nhon, Holy ranks
So for you,
Fantastic Greek owners.
When You live alone,
Wedding Festival in the forest away,
I think, Sir,
Dear fellow beings do,
With the world's Democratic ranks,
In an infinite upper right triangle.
Why the fake Religious ranks,
Do not leave the forest wilderness,
Ascetic seclusion here,
To reach the Brahma result?
6) had hoped, what Chums
Or the AI lost nothing,
What that means, guys
Usually accept previous world,
The craving kicked up,
From the root of ignorance,
All of Us take advantage of the segment,
Except the whole root and root.
Now I do not wish,
No craving, accept in advance,
For all of France,
We see all purity.
Achieve Equal Primary Sensory,
And the ultimate purpose,
We practice meditation,
Calm, not fear.
7) when it was heard that, She-la-Mon in Bhàradvàja line the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama!.. from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
IX. MÀTAPOSAKA: foster parents (s. i.,181)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) Granny-la-Màtaposaka subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and he sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, She-la-Mon Màtaposaka said with the Ton:
-Dear fake Religion, I find the dishes of Gotama in usually France. After finding the dish in France, usually I foster parents. Dear fake Religious Gotama, I do so; I have done the right thing responsible?
4)-She-la, he does so is doing the right thing. She-la, who find sustenance in French often; After finding sustenance in French, usually the father, the mother nourishes again he was more successful in Germany.
Who would follow the French, usually
Foster mom and dad,
Happy by this co.,
For the father, mother,
Thus, the Holy Sage ranks,
In this life to scatter the exclamation,
After his death, was being,
Enjoy peace, Chu Heaven.
5) when it was heard that, She-la-Màtaposaka subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! True false Religious change magic vi Gotama! ... Looking forward to getting the fake Religious disciple upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
X. BHIKKHAKA (s. i.,182)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) Granny-la-Bhikkhaka subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear, asking to sit on one side.
3) Sat on one side She-la-Bhikkhaka subjects of the White World Religion:
-Mr. Suen is the son qifu mumo, Gotama fake food and fake Religion who was qifu gangui. So what the discrepancy between us?
4) not begging,
Also called qifu gangui.
If accept the independent maintenance of France,
No longer call Male-stilts.
Who live in this life,
Waiver of the blessed,
All evil piece of France,
Act maintained by date,
Live the life the Chief Justice position,
The position he deserves "Male-on stilts".
5) when it was heard that, She-la-Bhikkhaka subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
XI. SANGÀRAVA (s. i.,182)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, She-la-Sangàrava subjects stay in Sàvatthi, Aqua Net, home trust thanks to the water is pure, bright afternoon follow down to the water (to bath for purity).
3) And false Religious Ànanda in the morning up y, y, go into the bowl to Sàvatthi qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried, after a meal, on the way back to the real fake Religious qifu gangui went to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, then sat down on one side.
4) sat down on one side, the fake Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-Here, Bach World Religion, She-la-Sangàrava subjects stay in Sàvatthi, Aqua Net, home trust thanks to the water is pure, bright afternoon follow down to the water (to bath for purity). Instead of healing, the White World, if That Religion because from introspection to go to stay her origin-la-Mon Sangàrava.
5) World silent Respect.
6) And World Religion in the morning, medical relief, holding y Bowl come to stay her origin-la-Mon Sangàrava; After arriving, sitting down on the seat has composed.
7) Then She-la-Sangàrava subjects go to world Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
8) World Religion say-la-Sangàrava subjects were sitting on one side:
-There are true, she-la, He is home to marine operations, Net trust thanks to the water is pure, bright afternoon live follow down to the water (to bath for purity)?
9)-Yes, Sir, the fake Religious Gotama.
10)-She-la, what benefits purposes, He is the pure land, marine trust thanks to the water is pure, bright afternoon live follow down to the water (to bath for purity)?
11)-here, false Religion, evil I do daytime Gotama career, my afternoon shower to wash the evil career; in the evening I do evil what industry, the next morning I shower to wash the evil industry. False religion Gotama, due to such a purpose, I was the marine operating Net trust thanks to the water is pure, bright afternoon I live according to almond into the water (to bath for purity).
12) Chief of France's ponds,
About Ben's bath water,
Not UE structure, clean,
Be friendly Nhon concur the exclamation,
Is there tier position,
Bathing, except the Junk cleaner,
When pure hands,
Them through the other side.
13) when it was heard that, She-la-Sangàrava subjects of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama fake upasaka, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
XII. KHOMADUSA (s. i.,154)
1) like me.
A world Religion in the midst of the people, in the town of Sakka populace Sakka named Khomadussa.
2) And World Religion in the morning, medical relief, holding y bat, went into the town of Khomadussa to qifu gangui.
3) at the time the She-la-Mon in Khomadussa homeowners are gathered in the Hall to address a few issues and small granular cold.
4) Then go to Religious schools.
5) The Ba-la-Khomadussa home in subjects like Religion from far away to.
6) Saw that, they then said:
-The Sa-skinhead who is her subject? And they might know something about the rules of the Hall?
7) And World Religion comes up with shelves of Her post-la-owner in Khomadussa subjects:
Can't get the Hall,
If no friendly staff.
Can't have friendly staff,
If not right in France.
Those who have the paragraph except,
Both took part, and,
The correct French words talking up,
They genuinely friendly staff.
8) when I hear that, the She-la-Mon in Khomadussa owner of the White World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! False religion as people erect Gotama back what was thrown down, exposing what was hidden, just a way for guys to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness to those who have the eyes can see. Likewise, Chief Justice of France has been using various media Gotama fake presents, explains. We ask for refuge in world Religion, the legal and medical regulations Gotama y Male-stilts Rising. Looking forward to honor author we disciple received Gotama upasaka, from now until the General network, us lifetime threshold rules.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/5/2016.MHDT.

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