Wednesday 11 May 2016

How to release Karma with the matter left. ...                              
We fuck damn eternal Buddha School austerities are not achievements, no measures to escape from samsara, is because matter left home to cause trouble, do the ma obstacle course. People don't learn, do not know neutralize hostile resentment, so same oan newspaper falsely not.

The Buddha School, for all beings whether they came to reclaim the debt or repayment are advised they worship, so can turn all evil, resentment towards the French charm, worldly lover can also turn into attractive new austerities in France are achievements.

Everyone has karma, if there is no karma will not bring forth into the world. How to subtract karma?

German stock market opened that the best method is to recite Amitabha Buddha. To help the homeless musician in the course of austerities being obstacles, such as France, the power industry, with the exception of a boat, through the banks, here, I would like to introduce methods of Wall Down Zheng industry except the master as follows :

1. Recommended First taught how to Release Resentment.
My name (xxxxx), The matter left home on me (news industry, of a part on the body) please please hear, from infinite cards so far, next life because I intoxicated in the world we, in many caodaiists, while unintentionally was harming you, cause you are poor in immeasurable life directed reincarnation , bear know how to suffer, falling more know how negativity, I often feel guilty spending heavy deep regret extremely.

All are enchanting me senseless form, this life thanks to pray from the Buddha's household bi I was linking France with Buddha, I didn't forget you, the hope of an emergency you Buddhist lessons, worship austerities, enlist early on the tu administration results. At the same time hope you forgive me, not revenge I am certain, if you want to revenge me, I also have no way of hiding because it is caused by personality I created, should also have to accept the result, but if so for you no benefit whatsoever, just makes you feel the most sensual but to the end you do not solve the fundamental problem, because you not only avoided being the same, escape the Mainland leader reincarnation.

I noticed the way the loss not just what benefits for yourself, for the two parties, we all are not good, so I became an emergency I hope you learn to worship Buddha, Amitabha Buddha brand, please remember just you Dear Holy mind castoffs A Di Da Buddha , a corresponding notion of Super, Super escape rioting tam tam world news was privileged, just effort austerities will be known as the Buddha.

Just mind-body castoffs St. Mark Amitabha Buddha, a corresponding Phuoc tho growth concepts, karma, just removal ear castoffs Holy mind-body Mark Amitabha Buddha, a corresponding notion, what is yours. But we hope you don't tu nucleus result, try to practice, Bodhi mind, for the professional mind of Buddha Amitabha anniversary of St. mark, just the right course France austerities privileged Administrative Director tu result.

2. Refuge Tam Matter Left For Home
My name (xxxxx), left home on the matter (i.e. industrial) I see Roger, you don't hear the Tam did not understand refuge, so miserable life reincarnation. Now I-life tv Rules Y Tam, you must listen, I meditate once, as I recite (must recite three times) the Buddha refuge refuge Provided Y Increase. Refuge in Buddha, Athletic Student, refuge, French Religious refuge Increased, We Respect China. Refuge in Buddha, Not Fallen, the Hell Y France, Not Fallen hungry daemons demons, Fallen Logs, no Increased Health Regulation of birth (recite 3 times)

Refuge ceremony fullness, now I am because you are reciting the Holy Buddha Amitabha brand, two thousand. Please invite your castoffs mind I dedicated the Holy mantras maintenance mark Amitabha Buddha (Buddha Memorial 4-digit or 6-digit)

3. Recite Complete St. Mark, Because Matter Left Home, Once Interest Proceedings.
Consistent Self In Bodhisattva conduct intensive uncivil Three la suite most of the time, the opinion, not stage skandha necessarily gauge yoke. Symbolism! Any non-hetero, not identity any heterosexual identity, not a news best news market, tho, thought, action, dress like a Heron. Symbolism! Client a non-French General, being immortal, real structure impure, real gains reduced. Try not a central infinity, infinite longevity, thought, consciousness. Infinity label, Turkish, male, were killed, stem, Italy, winning colors, flavor, taste, tactile, France registered about nãi releases unconscious. The unconscious ignorance, ignorance, capitalize the unconscious nãi Heron releases infinity Laozi, Lao Tzu infinite Heron. Endless agony, collection, removal, and Director. Endless, endless Heron DAC. Of course an infinite Prime facility issue, Bodhi slapped đỏa y uncivil Three la suite most trying, mind the myriad obstacles, obstacles in trying to fuck the hell, owner of terrorism, the far wing rescue Fantasy Island crazy glasses Nirvana. TAM that Chu Buddha, y uncivil Three la suite most trying, DAC nậu Tam Tam miệu A multi la Bodhi. Try tri uncivil Three la suite, greater mantra, the major notes, the infinite infinite a college diploma, upper notes, except for true gauge of any damage. Trying to persuade Three uncivil la suite most notes, news: Uncle theory Listed, traded, Three la listed, Three la increase listed, Bodhi slapped Ms. ha (3 times)

4. Litigation is finished, because Interest matter left home, Few Notes Birth dispute 21 times. Current Birth Uncle
Nam a multi Multi evening fo tha Lady di diverse Multi location Yes tha. A di rị it she A di rị Bhikkhu, all conversation she Bhikkhu portable multi rị A FIN ca lan A di rị Empire multi multi Fo lan di ca nị fin fo fo na Only I rate her ca multi ha. The shelves of this virtuous night Prayer Helpfulness, dignified Ph t, Net On the Temple of four thanks to heavy, suffering under the three kingdoms map, if anyone found listening to the broadcasting center, Bodhi, is Off to a Dear Fellow beings, the Sukhavati

5. The end Lyrics:
All matter left home on my body, I have just three jewels refuge for you, praise worship Buddha Amitabha brand, two thousand, litigation proceedings, once Interest Notes are few birth 21 times. The French language were donated to you, hope you don't do the obstacle course for me, now I leave, find a good spot that austerities, broke the passionate testimony, proving the mind comments before, left, and the public alike are suffering beings Sukhavati Western world. Male Amitabha Buddha Tissue (3 times)

1. For the professional mind van anniversary pink Buddha Amitabha list, can cut ears, broke the passionate testimony, pros hit the shore.

2. When the current force of industry money, the planet tons, headaches, leg pain or other parts of the body not health, can use this method.

3. in the action at tu meet obstacles, using this method, don't use the feedback in the other direction, so the current notes for Super contentious proceedings they are few beings, IE give them direction and feedback, this method work, please Dong tu experience. END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.12/5/2016.MHDT.

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