Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world travel in Respect of Magadha (Ma-masterpiece-da), travelled to Rajagaha (United Kingdom-XA), to the Bhaggava potters House; After to tell Bhaggava potters:
-Bhaggava, if not what This fuss for Him, We want to stay in this place for a night.
The White World Religion nothing hassle for you. Here there was a renunciation came in from before. If he agreed, Bach World Religion, please stay, depending on preferences.
At the time, the Friendly South Prince Pukkusati, by faith, and so was his Religion y, abandoned the family, no family life. The taste was in front at the stay made of potters. Then go to the fake Religious Respect Pukkusati; After to tell Pukkusati:
This National-stilts-, if not what the fuss for Him, We want to stay stay of this one night.
-Extensive, Gentle Sir, is stay made of potters. False religion can in, depending on your preferences.
Then Religion after entering the stay made of potters, carpeted the grass on one side, sitting, back straight and old-urban planner an stay ahead of the anniversary. And world Religion through the night, sitting (so). Fake Pukkusati respect through the night she sat (as such). Then Religious thoughts: "the gesture Friendly South this seems the credit, we ask her position". Then tell Ton Ton Pukkusati fake:
This National-stilts-spice, y he keep on? Who is the Leader of his lawyers? He accepted France?
-Mr. Hien, there S a e, is like Gotama subjects from their lines Like-ca. good reputation here is transmitted about World Religion: Gotama "him is How Religious ranks, ranks A-la-Han, Chief Justice, Minh Hanh College Student, Charity, the world, Things Dwell Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Professor, Buddha, World Religion". I have spice, y for World level. Respect He is my Masters degree. And I approve of how the Religious hierarchy.
This National-stilts-, now World Religion, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice's sense of Class?
-Mr. Sage, has a city called Savatthi country degrees North. In it, Like Religion, steps A-la-Han, Chief Visual Class is currently in.
This National-stilts-, before he has seen the ranks of world Religion? And if found, do you recognize?
-Dear Buddy, I've never seen the world's Religious hierarchy. And if found, I do not recognize.
Then Religious thoughts: "Friendly South this renunciation where medical electronics. So we keep theory to (e South Family Friendly) ". Then tell Ton Ton Pukkusati fake:
-Listen and carefully test failure, I will preach.
-Dear Gentle fake well.
Author Yes answers That Pukkusati respect Religion.
What Religion says as follows:
This National-stilts-who have six, six made contact, eighteen Italy, four wins of, when are stay, hope thought no motion. When the expectations aren't moving, then known as a recluse NET President. Shalt not have let go, take an intellectual stronghold wiggle brackets, please increase pilot Hui (caga), tu learn NET President. This is a total of six distinct gender theory.
This National-stilts-, when it comes to "six People", because what is said to the coast? Boundaries, marine world, world, world, world, not style. This Female-stilts, when it comes to "six People", said by this charm.
The Male-stilts, when it comes to "this person has six emotions of", because what is said to the coast? Brand exposure of Turkish origin, national exposure, exposure, exposure, exposure of hull loss, Italy made contact. When it comes to "this person had six of emotions", said by this charm.
This Female-stilts, when it comes to "this person has eighteen Italy", due to what the charm was said to like that? When my eyes see color, he runs good, shelter made of Hy, run under shelter made of pros, running under shelter made of discharge, when the ears hear ... smell nose ... tongue taste ... the emotional body, ... the French, who's aware of Italy run by France, shelter made of Hy, who runs France , shelter made of pros, he ran under the French, the shelter made of discharge. So there's six, six action priorities, Hy six discharge. When it comes to "this person has eighteen Italy" said by this charm.
This National-stilts-, when it comes to "this person has four wins of", because what is said to the coast? Wisdom WINS of Emperor Hui, winner, winner of the contender, the President WINS of net. When it comes to "this person has made four wins," said by this charm.
When it comes to "shalt not have let go of lung wisdom, take a stand, make maintenance household growth hue tu school net lab, make the President", by what is said to the coast? How not to let go of the lung wisdom? There are six world: boundaries, marine world, world, world, world, not style.
This Female-stilts, what are the boundaries? Domestic and foreign have had limits. And this Female-stilts, how is the Interior world? What's in the Cabinet, in the rough, hard, be personal, be accepted, such as hair, nails, teeth, hair, skin, flesh, tendons, bone, bone marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphragm, spleen, lung tissue way, intestine, bowel, stomach lining, and anything else in the Cabinet, in the rough, hard, be personal, be approved. As such, this Male-stilts, known as the inland boundary. What in the world and the domestic foreign exchange in what boundaries are boundaries. Her boundaries must be consistent with the truth as police Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". After the café 's as true with Chief of police intelligence, so he being cynical cups for boundaries, give up the boundaries.
This and the Female-stilts, how is mercury? Have the internal world, marine world. And this Female-stilts, how is the internal world? What's in the trunk, in the personal cabinet, in water, in liquid, were accepted, such as the suite, (mucus), pus, blood, sweat, tears, grease, fat, skin, saliva, water, water in the joints, urine, and anything else in the body, in the personal cabinet, in water, in essence, been approved. As such, this Male-stilts, known as the marine world. What in the internal world and what in the world are marine marine exception. Marine fiction must be consistent with the truth as police Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". After the real world with the marine police number-as Chief of the intelligence unit, so he being cynical ly for the marine world, marine world abandoned the Center.
And this Female-stilts, how is the fire? C inner fire, fire exception. And this Female-stilts, how is internal to the fire? What belongs in the Cabinet, belongs to the individual, in the fire, in essence, been approved. As to what makes warm, causing ruin, causing burning, what makes these creatures are eating, drinking, chewing, tasting, can subtly, digestive, or all the other content in the object, in the individual, in the fire, in essence, been approved. This Female-stilts, so called inner fire. What district the fire and what in the world the fire exception belong to the fire. The fire about him must be consistent with the truth as police Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". After the customary fire monitor as real world with such intelligence, the Chief Justice's contentious World Cup overalls for the fire, the mind to abandon the fire.
And this Female-stilts, how is leprosy? With the style world, Feng. And this Female-stilts, how is Maple Cabinet? What belongs in the Cabinet, in the individual, in the wind, in the names, were approved by Japan, as the wind blows up, the wind blows down, wind in the gut, wind in the lower abdomen, horizontal wind blows the combustion, the joints, the invisible breath, breath out, and anything else in the body, in the personal cabinet, in the wind, in the dynamic names , be approved. This Female-stilts, so called internal styles. What in the world style Cabinet and what in the world are in the style of the foreign world. World's style must be consistent with the truth as police Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". After the real world style with the surveyed cafes such as the Chief of intelligence, so he being cynical cups for feng, the Center from campy.
This and the Female-stilts, what is nowhere? With unreal world, nowhere. And this Female-stilts, how is the content nowhere? What belongs in the Cabinet, in the individual, in vain, in vain Tanh, were accepted, such as the ears, nostrils, mouth, do what we swallow, what are chewing, drinking, eating, tasting, and the spot where what is chew, drink, eat, be tasted, is retained, and the past that what is chew , drink, eat, be tasted and was escorted down the lower part to export outside, and anything else in the body, in the personal cabinet, in vain, in vain Tanh, were approved. This Female-stilts, so called Cabinet of nowhere. What in the world and foreign civil nowhere nowhere world belong nowhere. Nowhere is he must be consistent with the truth as police Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". After the café 's as real police nowhere with such intelligence, the Chief Justice's contentious divorce overalls for the unreal world, abandon the frivolous world.
Again, while remaining conscious is clean, in white, she learned some things thanks to the formula. Her taste is lost, tri tri form was miserable, formal tri be any real gauge. This Female-stilts, charm, club life Club starting up. Her position while the feeling of touch tho, wisdom that: "I feel the life Club". Due to lost contact kill off, started by life touch tactile touch up was feeling, he said: "Lost her life was destroyed away, be terminated". This Female-stilts, tactile life gauge, gauge charm kicked up. While taste is feeling miserable, life wisdom that: "I feel the life gauge." Due to the suffering he kills go, life gauge by gauge is starting up, the feeling, he said: "her life Gauge is kill off, be terminated". This Female-stilts, real emotions, real Club of real suffering and real-life communication framework starting up. Her position while the feeling of real-life communication framework, wisdom that: "I'm feeling real real-life communication framework". Due to the real-life communication without destroying any gauge go, real-life communication by any gauge of real suffering any tribe is starting up, the feeling, the wisdom's voters: "Real real-life communication framework are destroyed go, be terminated".
This Female-stilts, as do two trees-contact Rod rubbing, heat is being, the flames are currently run. When the two are apart, the rods are separated, the heat was being run, the heat he was going kill, be terminated. Likewise, this Male-stilts, charm, club life Club starting up. While taste is feeling optimistic that wisdom life: "I'm feeling the life Club". Because the tribe he destroyed go tho, lost is starting up, feeling her position tri wisdom: "Lost her life was destroyed away, be terminated". This Female-stilts, tactile life gauge gauge charm kicked up. He taste while feeling the life gauge that wisdom: "I'm feeling the life gauge." Due to the exposed framework ... "... be terminated". This Female-stilts charm any real emotions, real touch gauge real-life communication framework run up ... "... real-life communication is any gauge removal goes, be terminated".
Again, the remaining discharge is clean, in white, nhuyến, easy-to-prepare, brilliance. For this, such as Male-on stilts, a fine friendly gold or the disciples prepared casting furnaces; After the way he finished, the Foundry furnace fire Foundry furnace mouth; After the Foundry furnace mouth fire, he used gold grip and put the gold into the mouth of the oven; and then sometimes he blows on it, she occasionally sprinkle soy source water on him, he sometimes consistent suicide thoroughly ... gold has become bright, pure, clean, cleaned from the UE magazine the minus, the Bhikkhu stain cleaner nhuyến, except hearing aids., easy to prepare and light brilliant ... and if he wants to do any jewelry , or ring, or rings, earrings or necklace, or gold wreath, gold can used on purpose. Likewise, this Male-stilts, again remaining discharge is clean, in white, nhuyến, easy-to-prepare, brilliance. He emphasized: "if voters focus this discharge so pure, so white in into the boundless, nowhere and tu set of mind we're depending on him, this discharge forecast French y on, accept its in there are the place to stay for a long time. If we focus this discharge so pure, so white in on Consciousness and boundless cultivation Center of us depending on the time of discharge, this French y on, accept its in there are the place to stay for a long time. If we focus this discharge so pure, so white in on Loads of possession, and cultivation of mind we're depending on France, this discharge forecast y on it, accept the player in, be an stay where we're in a long time. If we focus on this discharge, so pure in white so in Africa idea, idea and non practicing my mind depending on France, this discharge forecast y on it, accept the player in, be an stay where we're in a long time ".
He emphasized: "if voters focus this discharge of such purity, in white so in vain of boundless ... Boundless knowledge of ... Infinity property of ... Africa African African idea of ideas, and practice my mind according to France, the time (discharge) he became compounded vi ". The taste is not the author, does not envisage to possession or non-possession. Do not work, do not envisage to owner or owner's taste, not non-prime a-what things in life; accept the Defense harassing her position; do accept the Defense's position, harassing him self, Nirvana syndrome he tri wisdom: "Being happy, did take advantage, what to do, did not return a status like this anymore". If her taste sensations of touch, taste her life wisdom tri: "her Life is impermanence"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "should not be immersed before"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "do not object to the wedding Festival". If she's feeling the life gauge position, he emphasized micro-tri: "her Life is impermanence"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "should not be immersed before"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "do not object to the wedding Festival". If she's feeling the taste of real life, the Club any gauge then tri's wisdom: "her Life is impermanence"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "should not be immersed before"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "do not object to the wedding Festival". If the feeling of touch tho, no heating system be, him feeling. If she's feeling the life gauge position, no heating system be, her feeling. If she's feeling the taste of real suffering real life Club, there's the sense of taste, be system. When her life with a sense of ultimate, the wisdom he is tri: "I sense a feeling tho with the ultimatum. When her life with a sense of life is the ultimate, the wisdom's voters: "I feel a sense of expectancy with ultimate l life"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "environmentally destructive public network, after every wedding Festival life here became the bar Luong".
For this, such as Male-on stilts, as the oil lamp was burning oil and thanks to red heart. When tim and oil removal, and no other materials are brought to the oil lamp, he was off. Likewise, this Male-stilts, when feeling a feeling tho retrieved as ultimatum, her wisdom to the voters: "I sense a feeling tho retrieved as the ultimate". When a feeling tho retrieved lives do, ultimate wisdom's voters: "I sense a feeling tho take lives to do the ultimate"; taste her wisdom to the voters: "environmentally destructive public network, after every wedding Festival life here became the bar Luong". Thus, Female-stilts achievements is so dark with achievement of winning wisdom prevailed. Because of that, this Male-stilts, so is dark Holy wisdom WINS, that is, the paragraph to take advantage of all suffering. The release of this taste, stay in the brackets, not oscillate. This Female-stilts, something that can lead to broken hope, belonging to nowhere. Something cannot be brought to the fictional hope, belong to the brackets, Nirvana. Thus, the Male-stilts such achievements are achievements with the dark Emperor WINS WINS. Because of that, this Male-stilts, so is dark Holy Roman Empire wins, i.e. the Nirvana, may not lead to the expected damage. And the birth of the knowledge of countless medical it was full, were achievements. They are dedicated sections, fasten the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, can not exist anymore in the future, there is no possibility of being run again. Therefore, a Male-on stilts so as achievements achievements with a win win this origin lab hue. Because of this National-on stilts that is so dark, Holy, i.e. laboratory Lily wins the Cup discharge all beings infinite craving-and the medical knowledge of the it Department in taking exercise, infection; France then the take, tight take root, make like tree trunks-la, can not exist anymore in the future, there is no possibility of being run again. And the endless intellectual outrage ahead of it, in anger, in crime too; France then the take, cut the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, can not exist anymore in the future, there is no possibility of being run again. And the endless intellectual ignorance of it, in delusion, in crime too; France then the take root, do make the cut as the stem I-la, can not exist in the future, there is no possibility of being run again. Thus, Female-stilts achievements is so dark achievements win the President WINS of net. This Female-stilts, dark victory is so Holy, that is, the net President NET President took part in the yard.
When it comes to "shalt not have let go of lung wisdom, make households maintain brackets, make the fullness hue tu school net lab, make the President", said by this charm.
When it comes to "When are stay, hope thought no motion. When the expectations aren't moving, then known as a recluse ", because what coast NET President was talking to? This Female-stilts, "is", is so disappointed. "I am this", is so disappointed. "I will be", is so disappointed. "I will not be", is so disappointed. "I'll be", is so disappointed. "I'm not there" is so disappointed. "I would have thought", is so disappointed. "I would have no idea", is so disappointed. "I would have no idea, no idea", is so disappointed. Hope this idea, Female-on stilts, is sick, hope thought the tumor, hope thought the arrow. This Female-stilts, when beyond all hope of the idea, the hermit is called net President. But this Female-stilts, the recluse is not contentious, not net the old President, no vibration, no hope. Because there is something so can this birth, Female-stilts, not being how old are you? Not old, how to die? Not dead how do fluctuate? Does not fluctuate, how hope? When it comes to "When are stay, hope thought no motion; When the expectations aren't moving, then known as a recluse by the net this Coast President said so. This Female-stilts, be brief distinction maintenance life of Me later.
And then the fake Religious Pukkusati thought as follows: "true masters degree has come to us! Really UG Friendly Testimony has come to us! Truly Enlightened Class Primary level has come with me! " Then the false Religion from the seat stand up y into a side role, bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and World Religion:
-I've fallen into a mistake, the White World Religion, because that idiot, delusion and unskilful as I had thought, I can address That with the Respect from the Sage. The White World, hope Ton accept for the mistake is a mistake for children can be prevented in the future.
This National-stilts-, indeed, he had fallen into a mistake, because that idiot, delusion and ingenious not because he thinks that He can address with the mailing from Sage. But this Female-stilts, if he finds a mistake is a mistake, and as France reveal, time we accept (mistake) him for Him. Because of this National-stilts that, here is the increase in the precepts of the Holy steps, when would anyone see a mistake is a mistake, as France revealed, to prevent in the future.
-White World, So give me the Respect life student tools are about in front of world Religion.
This National-stilts-, He has enough medicine Bowl?
-White World, you do not have enough medicine Bowl.
This National-stilts-, As Lai no student stuff awarding world for anyone not enough y Bowl.
And then the fake Religious Pukkusati once Hy-life World Religious teachings, words credit from seats stood up, the body of world Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl friendship towards Him and then go search y Bowl. While false Respect Pukkusati find y bowls, a cow-mad run, winning the lost lives (of Religion).
And some Eastern Female-stilts goes to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-White World, Friendly South Prince Pukkusati was That Religious preaching in a nutshell has a common destiny. Birth of how position, future life like?
This Female-stilts, truth is Gentle, Friendly South ranks Prince Pukkusati, was French and the French administration. And no distractions with the Primary French about litigation. The Female-Friendly South, Prince stilts Pukkusati, after paragraph except in lower part, Fang was contentious and goods from place to enter Nirvana, not her life back again.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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