Tuesday 10 May 2016

§ 1-10. WOMEN'S IDENTITY etc ..
1. I heard something like this.
A residence time in Savatthi the Exalted, forest Jetavana, Anathapindika in his garden. There, Bhagavan told the monks:
 - Hey, monks!
 - Ladies and yes, lord!
The monks did Bhagavan replied yes. Bhagavan said as follows:
 - I do not see any other color, this, monks, invaded and dominated the mind as sharp man woman. This, monks, sharp woman invaded and dominated the heart of man.
2. I do not see any other language, the monks, invade and dominate the men's attention, such as the woman's voice. This, monks, the woman's voice invaded and dominated the men's attention.
3-5. I do not see a ... a ... a flavor other contact, the monks, invade and dominate the men's attention, like incense ... you ... touched the woman. This, monks, contact the woman to invade and dominate the men's attention.
6. I do not see any other color, this, monks, invaded and dominated the woman's heart, such as color man. This, monks, outstanding men invaded and dominated the woman's mind.
7-10. I do not see a noise ... a ... a ... a flavor other contact, the monks, invade and dominate a woman heart, like the sound ... taste ... taste ... contact man. This, monks, contact men invaded and dominated the women center.
These legal and nurturing rid of hindrances.
§ 1-10. Interoperability etc ..
1 - I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, leading to not bore lust arise, or lust was born generous growth, the monks, such as interoperability. Pure Minister, this, monks, if not as reasonable volition, brought to bear not lust arise, and lust have been born generous growth.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, gave birth to the field is not being run, and the field has been growing generously born, this, monks, as the minister concerned. For general concerns, this, monks, if not as the intention of putting turnout unborn are being run, and the pitch was being generous growth.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, leading to dullness torpor unborn are being run, and dullness torpor growth has been generously born, this, monks, such is not pleased Festival, lazy, depressed, overfeed, passive mind. For the passive mind, the monks, dullness torpor unborn are being run, and dullness torpor bore generous growth.
4. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, leading to exchange Trao unborn are being run, or have been born to foreign Trao generous growth, the monks, as not only pure heart. With not only pure heart, this, monks, foreign Trao unborn are being run, and gave birth exchange has been growing generosity.
5. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, which led to doubts arising and bore no doubt bore generous growth, the monks, not as reasonable as volition. Do not like the intention of, this, monks, and bare no doubt arise, and doubts have been growing generosity birth.
6. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, gave birth to not lust does not arise, and lust have been born to make an end, the monks, as impure. Impure, This, monks, if volition reason, the unborn lust does not arise, and lust have been born to make an end.
7. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, put turnout unborn does not arise, and the courts have been born to make an end, the monks, such as the freedom of mind ... From the heart exit, the monks, if reasonable volition, the unborn courts does not arise, and the courts have been born to make an end.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, leading to dullness unborn torpor does not arise, or dullness torpor was born to make an end, the monks, as ardent world, diligent gender, gender powerful. Who ardent, diligent, this, monks, dullness unborn torpor does not arise, and dullness torpor have been born to make an end.
9. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, racing to exchange Trao unborn does not arise, talk exchange have been born to make an end, the monks, as the only pure heart. Net interest persons only, this, monks, foreign Trao unborn does not arise, and gave birth exchange has been annihilation.
10. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, leading to suspected or unborn does not arise, and doubts have been born to make an end, the monks, such as justice volition. If the intention of, this, monks, unborn doubt does not arise, and doubts have been born to make an end.
§ 1-10. TAM, untrained
1 - I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, it is difficult to use, the monks, as the mind is not practice. Untrained mind, this, monks, difficult to use.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, is easy to use, this, monks, as a cultivated mind. A cultivated mind, the monks, easy to use.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, to take to the great disadvantage of this, monks, as untrained mind. Untrained mind, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
4. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, to lead to major benefits, the monks, as is the practice center. Practiced mind, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
5. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, to take to the great disadvantage of this, monks, as the mind does not practice, does not make manifest. Tam does not practice, does not make manifest, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
6. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, to lead to major benefits, the monks, as is the practice center, is made manifest. Practiced mind, be made manifest, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
7. I do not see any other measures taken to a big disadvantage, as the heart, monks do not practice, does not make fullness. Tam does not practice, does not make the fullness, the monks, leads to great disadvantage.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, to lead to major benefits, the monks, as is the practice center, made for fullness. Practiced mind, be made abundantly, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
9. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, bringing suffering, this, monks, as the mind is not practice, not making fullness. Mind not practice, not making fullness, the monks, bringing misery.
10. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, bringing peace, the monks, as is the practice center, made for fullness. Practiced mind, be made abundantly, this, monks, bringing peace.
1 - I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage of this, monks, as the mind is not tame. Mind not subdue, the monks, leads to great disadvantage.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, the monks, as the mind is subdued. The mind is subdued, the monks, leading to greater benefits.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage, the monks, as the mind is not to be maintained. Upholding mind is not, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
4. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, this, monks, as interest to be maintained. Heart to be maintained, the monks, leading to greater benefits.
5. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage, the monks, as the mind is not protective. Mind not hedge, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
6. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, this, monks, as is the protection center. Hedge mind, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
7. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage, the monks, as the mind is not protected. Mind is not protected, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, this, monks, as interest is protected. Protected center, the monks, leads to great benefit.
9. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage, the monks, as the mind is not tame, not to be maintained, not protection, is not protected. Mind is not tame, not to be maintained, are not protected, unprotected, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
10. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, the monks, as the mind is subdued, to be maintained, is the protection, is protected. The mind is subdued, to be maintained, is the protection, protected, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
§ 1-10. MAKE PLANS CENTRE SAI etc ..
1. Just as, monks, whiskers of wheat, barley or antennae in the wrong place, when pressure on the arms or legs, can pierce hands or feet, or can shed blood; the situation is not happening. Wherefore? This, monks, because the antennae are placed in the wrong direction. Also, the monks, the monks were forced to mind the wrong direction, can pierce ignorance, as intelligent arise, can attain Nirvana; the situation is not happening. Wherefore? This, monks, because the mind set in the wrong direction.
2. Hey, monks, such as the beard of wheat, barley or antennae are located in the right direction, while being pressed into the arms or legs, can pierce hands or feet, or can shed blood; the situation may occur. Wherefore? This, monks, because the antennae are located in the right direction. Also, the monks, the monks with the right mind set, could pierce ignorance, makes intelligent arise, can attain Nirvana; the situation may occur. Wherefore? This, monks, because the center is located in the right direction.
3. Here, the monks, the heart of a person I know is defiled mind, I clearly said: "If during this time, this man shared destiny, he fell into such hell commensurate ". Wherefore? This, monks, so that he defiled mind.
It's mind-defiled do so, the monks, some beings in the world, after the body damage the public network, born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
4. Here, the monks, the heart of a person I know is pure heart, I know: "If during this time, this man shared destiny, he is born to Heaven so commensurate ". Wherefore? This, monks, so that his mind pure.
It's so pure mind doing so, the monks, some beings in this world, after the body damage the public network, being on friendly realm, heaven, this world.
5. Just as, monks, a Filthy filthy lake, disturbed and muddy. At that people have eyes, standing on the shore, could not see the screws, the oysters, the rock star, the pebbles, the fish back and forth, standing still. For Why? Because water is obscure. This, monks, too, the monks with perforated disturbed mind knowing their interests, or the interests of the people know, or know the benefits both, or will realize the upper legal workers, knowledge wins deserves the sages; Such events do not occur. Wherefore? Since the mind is obscure, this Monks.
6. Just as, monks, a lake in the bright, lucid, not obscure. At that people have eyes, standing on the shore, you can see the screws, the oysters, the rock star, the pebbles, the fish back and forth, standing still. Wherefore? Because water is not obscure, the monks. Also, the monks, the monks with perforated undisturbed mind knowing their interests, or the interests of the people know, or know the benefits both, or will realize the rooftop's legal , knowledge wins deserves the sages; Such events occur. Wherefore? Because that is not obscure mind, this, monks.
7. Just as, monks, that everyone has what plants, trees phandana is considered paramount, ie the highly skilful and easy to use. Also, this, monks, I do not see any other legal entity, the more highly skilful and easier to use, as a practiced mind, be made abundantly. Practiced mind, be made abundantly, this, monks, is highly skilful and easy to use.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, the softer shipping center. It's not easy, this, monks, used an example to describe the gentle transport of mind.
9. This mind, this, monks, is bright, but contaminated by the defilements from outside to inside.
10. This mind, this, monks, is bright and this is cleansing the mind defilements from outside.
FOR. PRODUCT snapped his fingers
§ 1-10.  TAM practiced VV ..
1. This mind, this, monks, is brilliant. And this mind is polluted by defilements from outside to inside. Less ordinary guys heard, not as clearly knows her mind. Therefore, I say that the ordinary man at heart to hear, not practice.
2. This mind, this, monks, is brilliant. And this mind of defilements be cleaned from the outside. Noble disciples heard, as clearly knows her mind. Therefore, I say that the disciples Noble Center has been practicing heard.
3. If only momentarily flicked nail this, monks, the monks from the heart; they, this, monks, is called the resident monks Meditation does not have to follow the teachings empty masters, teachers who follow the world, feeding the country's alms food without waste. What people say makes him the fullness of heart.
4 - 5. If just moments flicking fingernail, the monks, the monks practicing compassion ... the intention of the mind; they, this, monks, is called the resident monks no empty Meditation, teachings follow gurus, teachers who follow the world, feeding the country's alms food without waste . What people say makes him the fullness of heart.
6. All that the law does, this, monks, is immoral, of evil elements, on the side of evil, all the measures that are to go ahead. Italy before the legal start it. The following legal immoral.
7. All that the law does, this, monks, is good, belonging to the charity, on the side of good, all the measures that are to go ahead. Italy before the legal start it. The following improvement measures.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and the charity was born was legal to make an end, the monks, as distractions. With distractions, the monks, the unborn is evil law arise, and things are good bore annihilation.
9. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and immoral measures have been born to make an end, the monks, as no distractions . With no distractions, the monks, the unborn are good measures arise, and these measures were being evil is annihilation.
10. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and the charity was born was legal to make an end, the monks, as idleness. For the lazy, the monks, the unborn is evil law arise, and things are good bore annihilation.
§ 1-10. ESSENTIAL forth effort
1. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and immoral measures have been born to make an end, the monks, as diligent crystal shallow. With ardent effort, the monks, the unborn are good measures arise, and these measures have borne evil is annihilation.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and the charity was born was legal to make an end, the monks, as a large fitness . For people with large sexual, the monks, the law is not being evil is being run, and the improvement measures have been born annihilation.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and immoral measures have been born to make an end, the monks, as less sex. For people with less education, the monks, the unborn are good measures arise, and measures have been born evil annihilation.
4. (As 2 above, just do not know enough how to) ...
5. (As No. 3 above, only that enough to know) ...
6. (As 2 above, not only replaced as of volition) ...
7. (As No. 3 above, only replaced as of volition) ...
8. (As 2 above, not only that on awakening) ...
9. (As No. 3 above, only that on awakening) ...
10. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and the charity was born was legal to make an end, the monks, like befriending evil. With befriend evil people, the monks, the unborn are legal immoral and legal arise bore was friendly annihilation.
1. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and immoral measures have been born to make an end, the monks, like befriending neuter. With friendly people to befriend, the monks, the unborn are good measures arise, and these measures have borne evil is annihilation.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and the improvement measures have been born to make an end, the monks, as the implications for the immoral law, and no legal consequences for the charity. Due to the legal implications immoral, the monks, with no legal consequences for the charity, the law is not being evil is being run, and the improvement measures have been born annihilation.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and immoral measures have been born to make an end, the monks, as the implications for the legal facilities and the legal implications immoral. Due to the legal implications for the charity, the monks, with no legal consequences for the immoral, should the law be improved unborn arise, and these measures have borne evil is annihilation.
4. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the unborn enlightenment does not arise, and the birth and enlightenment were not going to practice the fullness of the monks, as not as of volition. Do not like the intention of, this, monks, is not born of the Enlightenment is not being run, and the birth and enlightenment have not come to practice perfection.
5. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the unborn is enlightenment, and enlightenment arises to go to the practice bore fullness, the monks, as for work reviews. Because as of volition, the monks, the Enlightenment was born not arise, and the birth and enlightenment has come to practice perfection.
6. Less valuable, this, monks, is this loss, such as loss of her children. This is misery between the loss, the monks, ie intellectual loss.
7. Less valuable, this, monks, is this growth, such as relative growth. This is the ultimate standard of growth, the monks, ie intellectual growth.
8. Less valuable, this, monks, is this loss, such as loss of property. This is misery between the loss, the monks, ie intellectual loss.
9. Less valuable, this, monks, is this growth, as asset growth. This is the ultimate standard of growth, the monks, ie intellectual growth. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "We will boost intellectual growth." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
10. Less valuable, this, monks, is this loss, such as loss of reputation. This is misery between the loss, the monks, ie intellectual loss.
IX. PRODUCT rooms booked
§ 1-17.
1. - Less valuable, this, monks, is this growth, ie growth of Fame. This is the ultimate standard of growth, the monks, ie intellectual growth. Thus, the monks, should be learning as follows: "I will make the growth of intellectual growth." Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, can lead to great disadvantage of this, monks, as distractions. Restlessness, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, could lead to major benefits, the monks, as no distractions. No distractions, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
4. (As No. 2, only replaced as laziness). ...
5. (As No. 3, just like on the planet should be diligent) ...
6. (As No. 2, just as many sexual replaced) ...
7. (As No. 3, only replaced as less heat) ...
8. (As No. 2, just so as not to know enough) ...
9. (As No. 3, just as how to know enough) ...
10. As the number 2, as not only replaced as of volition) ...
11. (As No. 3, just as reasonable replaced as volition) ...
12. (As No. 2, just so as not to alert) ...
13. (As No. 3, just as mindful replaced) ...
14. As No. 2, just how to make your as evil) ...
15. (As No. 3, just as how to befriend good) ...
16. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, can lead to great disadvantage of this, monks, as to the legal implications immoral, no legal consequences for the charity. And the legal implications immoral, this, monks, and the legal implications are not good, brought to the big disadvantage.
17. I do not see any other legal entity, this, monks, leads to great benefit, this, monks, as to the legal implications facilities and the legal implications immoral. Improving the legal implications, the monks, and the legal implications not immoral taken to great benefit.
 § 1-32.
1. Stand in terms of the internal part, the monks, I do not see any other part led to such major disadvantage, the monks, as distractions. Restlessness, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
2. Stand in terms of the internal part, the monks, I do not see any other part leads to such great benefit, this, monks, as no distractions. No distractions, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
3. (As # 1 above, only instead laziness) ...
4. (As 2 above, only instead ardent effort) ...
5-12 (Ibid, sequentially rather large sex, less sex, do not know enough, know enough, not as reasonable volition, as of volition, not awareness, awareness) ...
13. Stand in terms of foreign parts, this, monks, I do not see any other part led to such major disadvantage, the monks, such as a friend with evil. Befriend evil, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
14. Stand in terms of foreign parts, this, monks, I do not see any other part leads to such great benefit, this, monks, such as a friend with good. Making good friends with, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
15. Stand in terms of the internal part, the monks, I do not see any other part led to such major disadvantage, the monks, as to the legal implications immoral, no legal consequences for charity . With legal implications immoral, not the legal implications with good, this, monks, leads to great disadvantage.
16. Stand in terms of internal parts, this, monks, I do not see any other part leads to such great benefit, the monks, and the legal implications such facilities and the legal implications unwholesome. Legal implications for facilities with legal implications immoral, this, monks, leads to great benefit.
17. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, which overshadowed the true Dhamma, gone like that, this, monks, as distractions. Restlessness, this, monks, brought to Dhamma overshadowed and disappeared.
18. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, which was true Dhamma abides, not tarnished, not disappear so, the monks, as no distractions. No distractions, this, monks, were taken to the Dhamma abides, not tarnished, not disappeared.
19. (As of 17, just like in idleness) ...
20. (As of 18, just like on the planet should be diligent) ...
21-32 (Same as above, only in the legal world sequentially as follows: great sex, less sex, do not know enough, know enough, not as reasonable volition, as of volition, not awareness, awareness, befriend evil, befriend good, with legal implications immoral, no legal consequences for charity, with legal implications facilities with legal implications immoral).
§ 33-42. ILLEGAL
33. The monks do, this, monks, stating illegal is legal, he basis of these, the monks, brought misfortune to the majority, any optimism for the majority, disadvantages for the majority, leading to unhappiness, misery for gods and men. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did make it very blessed, and makes the true Dhamma disappears.
34. The monks do, this, monks, stating illegal measures, establishment of these persons, the monks, brought misfortune to the majority, any optimism for the majority, disadvantages for the majority, leading to unhappiness, misery for gods and men. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did make it very blessed, and makes the true Dhamma disappears.
35-42. The monks do, this, monks, non-law stating clearly state law is the law ... is non-law ... As not speak, does not claim that the Tathagata has told, has declared. .. Tathagata has told, has declared the Tathagata is not to say, do not claim ... as not practice, is Tathagata Tathagata practice ... practice, is not true Tathagata Executive ... Tathagata has no mechanism set, the Tathagata has placed processing ... processing Tathagata has set, is not prepared Tathagata Department of the book ... he, the monks, giving unfortunate for the majority, any optimism for the majority, disadvantages for the majority, leading to unhappiness and suffering for Devas the species. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did make it very blessed, and makes the true Dhamma disappears.
§ 1-10. ILLEGAL
1. These monks do, this, monks, stating illegal is illegal, that monks, the monks of this, so the office, bring happiness for the majority, peace for majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness for gods and men. And moreover, this, monks, monks did create merit and the Dhamma abides.
2. (As No. 1 above, except: stating that legal measures) ...
3-10. The monks do, this, monks, non-law stating that the law is the law of non-law ... ... As not speak, does not claim that the Tathagata does not speak, does not claim ... Tathagata has told, has declared the Tathagata has told, has declared ... as not practice the Tathagata does not practice. ... Tathagata Tathagata practice is practice ... Tathagata has no institutional mechanism set is not set ... Tathagata Tathagata Tathagata institutional mechanism set to put ... The monks then, the monks, so the office, bring happiness to most people, the happiness of the majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness, the happiness of gods and men. And moreover, this, monks, monks did create merit and the Dhamma abides.
1. These monks do, this, monks, stating that there is no violation committed, the monks did, the monks, with operating such facilities, bring misfortune to the majority, not security optimistic for the majority, did not benefit the majority, bring unhappiness, suffering for gods and men. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did, made it very blessed and makes Dhamma disappear.
2. (As No. 1, just like on: stating there is no violation committed) ...
3-10. The monks do, this, monks, stating misdemeanor is serious crime ... ... serious crime is a misdemeanor crime is crime no matter Crude Crude Crude not important ... crime is crime Raw important matter. .. I have enough residual remnants are not brutal crime ... crime is crime there remains no residual balance can wreak ... sin is sin without repentance could repent ... repent sins can not be crime can repent. The monks did, the monks, with operating such facilities, bring misfortune to the majority, not the happiness of the majority, disadvantages for the majority, given the misfortune of suffering for gods and men Cool. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did, made it very blessed and makes Dhamma disappear.
11. The monks do, this, monks, stating not guilty is not guilty. The monks did, the monks, with operating such facilities, bringing happiness to the majority, peace for the majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness for gods and men who . And moreover, this, monks, the monks did make it merit and makes Dhamma abides by.
12. (As of 11, just like in: indicate crime is a crime)
13-20. The monks do, this, monks, stating misdemeanor is a misdemeanor ... serious crime is serious crime ... crime is crime Crude Crude important not important ... crime is crime no matter Crude Crude important ... brutal crimes are crimes balance surplus balances brutal ... brutal crime is not guilty not guilty balance can wreak ... sin can repent repent ... repent sins can not be guilty can not repentance foul. The monks did, the monks, with operating such facilities, bringing happiness to the majority, peace for the majority, the benefits for the majority, bring happiness, the happiness of gods and men Cool. And moreover, this, monks, the monks did make it merit and makes Dhamma abides by.
§ 1-7. AS FUTURE
1. A person, this, monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring happiness for the majority, peace for the majority, because of compassion for the world, for the benefit, because happy, because happiness for gods and men. One person is? Is Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment. The main one, the monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring happiness for the majority, peace for the majority, because of compassion for the world, for the benefit, because happy, because happiness for gods and men.
2. The presence of a person, this, monks, is hard to see in the world. Someone? The Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. The appearance of this person, this, monks, is hard to see in the world.
3. A person, this, monks, as appears in the world, is a wonderful appearance. One person is? Is Exalted, level Arhat, Enlightenment. The main one, the monks, as appears in the world is a wonderful appearance.
4. The common destiny of a people, the monks, the majority of grief. Someone? The Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. The common destiny of a people, the monks, the majority of grief.
5. One person, the monks, as appears in the world is the emergence of a person, not two, no peers, no comparison, no similar, do not have to part, has no peer , no parity, no parity set, between species Ultimate Career legs. One person is? Is the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. A person, as appears in the world, is the emergence of a people, not two, no peers, no comparison, no similar, do not have to part, has no peer, no parity, no equal place, omniscient between species legs.
6-17. The appearance of a man, this, monks, is the emergence of big eyes, is the emergence of modern optics, is the emergence of great intelligence, is the appearance of the six supreme, is the realization four very afraid prize, is the world of communication for many, is the communication of the gender difference, as their realization and liberation, is the realization of expected results stored, is the realization of the First results will continue to be Any future performance realization, is the realization of Arhat fruit. Of a person is? Is the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment. The appearance of this person, this, monks, is the emergence of big eyes, is the emergence of college ... is the realization of optical Arhat fruit.
18. I do not find someone else, this, monks, possibly right feet Falun Supreme transported by transport Tathagata, the monks, as Sariputta. Sariputta, the monks, right feet Falun Supreme transported by transport Bhagavan.
§ 1-10. THE UNIT RATE - pretentious
1. In the disciple monks have my long days, the monks, supreme Anna Kondanno (A-elegant Kieu-cap-like).
2. In the great supreme wisdom ... is Sariputta.
3. In the evening you have psychic powers ... is Mahamoggalana win.
4. In the first position the momentum theory ... supreme happiness is Mahakassapa.
5. In the evening deva ... winning label is Anuruddha.
6. In the aristocratic family attached ... is Bhaddiva Kaligodhaputta supreme.
7. In the audio you have at winning is wonderful ... Lakuntaka (dwarves) Bhaddiya.
8. In the position roaring lion roar ... as Pindola Bharadvaja supreme.
9. In the supreme preacher ... is puñña · Mantaniputta.
10. In the disciples of mine, monks, widely preached the spoken briefly, at the Mahakaccana win.
§ 1-11. THE UNIT RATE - pretentious
1. In the disciples of monks We can use the incarnation, this, monks, is the supreme Cullapanthaka.
2. In the center you won skilful forward (not the original vivaddha), dinner is Cullapanthaka win.
3. In the ideal position for skillful at winning is winning ... Mahapanthaka progress.
4. In the residence you can not win that debate ... Subhuti evening.
5. In the offering ... You deserve the exalted is Subhuti.
6. In the Dominicans in the dark forest ... is Revata Khadiravaniya win.
7. In the Zen monk ... win is Kankha Revata evening.
8. In the fine should be diligent ... you win the sono Koliviso evening.
9. In the evening you say ... win is cleverly Kutikanna Sono.
10. In the receive supreme offerings ... is Sivali.
11. In the disciple believers, monks at winning is winning ... Vakkali.
1-10. THE UNIT RATE - pretentious
1. In the disciples of mine, monks, preferred learning, evening winning is Rahula.
2. In the monks because of faith, is Ratthapala supreme.
3. In the first position to receive a meal coupon, dinner is Kunda Dhana win.
4. In the full taste eloquence, dinner is Vangisa win.
5. In the comprehensive nice position, at the Upesena Vangantaputta win.
6. In preparing the seat position, seat is located, is Dabba Mallaputta supreme.
7. In the Devas were admirers, evening winning is Pilindavaccha.
8. In the place you can win quickly, night is Bahiva Daructriya win.
9. In the wonderful preacher, Kumara Kassapa night's win.
10. In the disciple monks We achieved very afraid of the, this, monks, is the supreme Maha - kotthita.
§ 1-16. THE monks
1. In the disciples, my monks, to hear more, this, monks, is the supreme Ananda.
2. In the position ... full recollection, is supreme Ananda
3. In the full taste ... nice gesture is supreme Ananda.
4. In the position ... Full perseverance is supreme Ananda.
5. In the position ... attendant, Ananda is supreme.
6. In the congress they're ... there, is Uruvela Kassapa supreme.
7. In the position ... make happy families, dinner is Kaludayi win.
8. In the taste ... not sick, dark Bakkula would win.
9. In your life ... remember the past, are Sobhita supreme.
10. In the position ... maintenance of Law, won the Upali evening.
11. In the world you ... teacher-nuns, monks, is the supreme Nandaka.
12. In upholding the position ... doors, ... supreme Nanda.
13. In the position ... on fire skillful world ... is Sagata supreme.
14. In the world you ... teachers, monks, ... is Mahakappina supreme.
15. In the starting position ... performance eloquence ... Radha is supreme.
16. In the disciples of mine, monks bring y crude, this, monks, is the supreme Moghraja.
§ 1-13. Monks female disciples-NI
1. In the female disciples, monks and nuns have a long day-I, is Mahapajapati Gotami supreme.
2. In the location ... great wisdom, the exalted is Khema.
3. During the full position ... Kabbalah, is Uppalavanna supreme.
4. In the position ... maintenance of Law, was Patacara supreme.
5. In the position ... sermon, at the Dhammadinna win.
6. In the position ... meditation, supreme Nanda.
7. In the position ... ardent effort, supreme as Sona
 8. In the third eye you ... there, dinner is Sakula win.
9. In the mind you ... there is swift victory, victory is Bhadda Kundalakesa evening.
10. In the life you ... remember the past, are Bhadda Kapilani supreme.
11. In the position ... where have attained victory, victory is Bhadda Kaccana evening.
12. In the evening you ... bring y crude is Kisagotami win.
13. In the female disciples, monks-ni My, private full win, this, monks, is the supreme Sigalamata.
§ 1-10. Laymen
1. In the South lay disciples of mine, this, monks, had taken refuge first at the dealer wins Tapassu Bhallika.
2. In the South lay disciples of mine ... even the alms, supreme is Sudatta Anathapidika Homeowners.
3. In the disciples ... ... evening sermon is Citta Macchikasandika win.
4. In the disciples ... convince a legal assembly by four photographers, dinner is Hatthaka Alavaka win.
5. In the disciples ... alms epigastric dishes, dinner is Mahanama Sakka win.
6. In the disciples ... giving the item is likely to win the ... dark Homeowners Vesalika Ugga.
7. In the disciples ... upholding Sangha, dinner was Homeowners Hatthigamaka Uggata win.
8. In the pure in heart believe you ... estate, is Sura Ambattha supreme.
9. In the position ... is people love, is Jivaka Komarabhacca supreme.
10. In the South lay disciples of mine, talking in a friendly way, the monks, the Homeowners Nakulapita supreme.
§ 1-10. Laywoman
1. In the Female lay disciples of Me, this, monks, who first went to the refuge is Sujata Senanidhita.
2. In the position ... giving, at the Visakha Migaramata win.
3. In the position ... heard many, supreme is Khujjuttar.
4. In the permanent position ... from the center ... is Samavati supreme.
5. In the evening you ... Zen ... victory is Uttara Nandamata.
6. In the position ... alms dishes are epigastric ... Suppavasa Koliyadhita supreme.
7. In the position ... to take care of patients, up to win the Women lay Suppiya.
8. In the position ... with unwavering loyalty is mobile ... Katiyani supreme.
9. In the position ... to talk in a friendly way ... supreme Nakulamata Homeowners female.
10. In the position Female lay my disciples, the monks, with pure hearts to words heard rumors credit supreme as potassium, Female lay in Kulagharika.
1. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: A primary achievement is acceptable as permanent actions, events do not occur. And this event has occurred, the monks, ordinary people can accept the act is permanent, this event has occurred.
2. This event does not occur, this, monks, could not get: A primary achievement is able to accept the act is located, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, this, monks: the ordinary man can accept the practice is located, this event has occurred.
3. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: A primary achievement is able to accept all things are down, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, the monks, ordinary people can accept the law is down, this event has occurred.
4-9. This event does not occur, the monks, there is: A right understanding can achieve winning mother's life ... ... of your father Arhat ... maybe with malice as bleeding ... Career Tathagata can blend Increase ... may declare a different guru, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, the monks, the ordinary man ... may declare a different guru, this event has occurred.
10. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: In a World, two Arhat, Enlightenment, not before not after, appears once, the event is not happening. And this event has occurred, the monks; In a World, only one Arhat, Enlightenment appears, this event has occurred.
11. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: In a World, two Dharmaraja, not before not after, appears once, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, the monks, in a world, only a Dharmaraja appear, this event has occurred.
12. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: A woman can be the Arhat level, Enlightenment, this event does not occur. This event happens, this, monks: The man can be level Arhat, Enlightenment, this event has occurred.
13. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: A woman can be Dharmaraja, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, the monks; A man can be Dharmaraja, this event has occurred.
14-16. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: A woman might be Sakka (Sakka) ... the Devil ... is Brahma, this event does not occur. And this event has occurred, this, monks, a man may be your God ... like ... the Devil is Brahma, the event has occurred.
17. This event does not occur, the monks, there are: the results of the independent horror from evil itself can be pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, this event does not occur. This event has occurred, this, monks, is the result of the independent horror from evil itself may be unavailable optimism, joy unavailable, unavailable reviews, this event has occurred.
18-19. This event does not occur, the monks, there are: the results of the independent horror mouth of evil ... evil thoughts, can be pleasurable, capable joy, ability standard, this event does not occur out. This event happens, this, monks, is the result of the independent horror mouth of evil ... evil thoughts, is not pleasurable, wedding unavailable, unavailable reviews, this event has occurred.
1. This event does not occur, the monks, there are: the results of the independent body that causes allergic can improve communication is not available, the wedding is not available, unavailable reviews, this event does not occur. This event happens, this, monks, is the simple result of the independent body may be able to do good communication, ability joy, ability standard, this event has occurred.
2-3. This event does not occur, the monks, there are: the results of the independent horror mouth's good ... good thoughts can not pleasurable, the wedding is not available, unavailable reviews, events not occur. This event happens, this, monks, is the result of the independent horror ... good mouth of pleasurable thoughts are good, capable joy, ability standard, this event has occurred.
4. This event does not occur, the monks, there is: the body is full of people doing evil, because he's so charming that, after the body damage the public network, can be born healthy realm, heaven , this world, this event does not occur. This event happens, this, monks, is full of people doing evil itself, because he's so charming that, after the body damage the public network, can be born of deprivation, the Beast, deprivation, in hell , this event has occurred.
5-6. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: full mouth are evil ... evil thoughts, because he's so charming that ... (as number 4 above) ... , this event has occurred.
7-9. This event does not occur, this, monks, do not get: Full body who do good ... good mouth, good thoughts, because he's so charming that, after the body damage the public network, may be born of deprivation, the beast, deprivation, in hell, this event does not occur. This event happens, this, monks, is full of people doing good body, good ... saying ... good idea, because he's so charming that, after the body damage the public network, can be born healthy realms, heaven, this world, this event has occurred.
§ 1-10. nianfo
1. - There is a law, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. What was a law? It is the Buddhist concept. This main one, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
2-10. There is a law, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana. What was a law? France was the concept ... About ... anniversary anniversary anniversary Increase ... For ... God ... anniversary anniversary countless breath, breath out ... My thoughts ... thoughts Dead ... An idea the provincial. This main one, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to boredom Nhut direction, dispassion, cessation, calm, win position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
§ 1-10. So wrong ..
1 - I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not being evil is being run, and bore away evil approach to growth, generosity, this the billion- pretentious, as wrong. With the wrong person, the monks, the law is not being evil is being run, and bore away evil approach to growth, generous.
2. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is good unborn arise, and take measures to improve growth bore, generosity, these monks, as right view. For people with the right view, the monks, the unborn are good measures arise, and take measures to improve growth bore, generous.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law does not arise unborn charity, and the charity was born measures were annihilated, the monks, as wrong. With the wrong person, the monks, the law does not arise unborn charity, and the charity was born measures being annihilated.
4. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, the law is not born evil does not arise, and these measures have borne evil being eradicated, the monks, as the right view . For people with the right view, the monks, the unborn immoral law does not arise, and the immoral law was born, was annihilated.
5. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that law, not being wrong is being run, or viewpoints have been born to grow, this, monks, is not as reasonable as volition. Do not like the intention of, this, monks, wrong unborn are being run, or have been born wrong growth.
6. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that legal, financial programs are being run unborn or born right view has been growing, the monks, such as justice volition. Because as of volition, this, monks, is right view arises unborn, or the right view of growth have been born.
7. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that method, the body, after being corrupt public network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell, behold, monks , as wrong. These beings are fully wrong, this, monks, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
8. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, so that legal, beings, body damage after public network, was born in the realm of healing, heaven, this earth, this, monks, as of right. These beings are full of right understanding, the monks, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of healing, heaven, this world.
9. For those who have wrong views, the monks, ordinary people are personally fully implemented, is acceptable in a wrong view, ordinary people ... ordinary border every volitional act fully implemented, is accepted under false views that everyone has the status of certain mental states that everyone has decided to do, that everyone has certain desires, and that everyone has the issue yet, all that leads to measures not pleasurable, the wedding is not available, unavailable reviews, lead to unhappiness, misery. Wherefore? Because nature is evil. This monks. Just as, monks, Nimba tree seeds, or seeds of plants Kosataki (a creeper), or the seeds of bitter gourd crops, sown into wet soil. What it takes to range from land, what it takes to range from water, all were taken to the emptiness he bitter, spicy character, its nature is not optimistic. Wherefore? Because evil nature of the seeds, the monks. Also, this, monks, for the wrong view, this, monks, ordinary people ... Because all mental nature is evil, the monks.
10. For people with the right view, the monks, ordinary people are personally fully implemented, is acceptable under the right view, ordinary people ... ordinary border every volitional act fully implemented, is acceptable under the right view, that everyone has the status of certain mental states that everyone has decided to do, that everyone has certain desires, and that everyone has the issue yet, all he brought to the pleasurable approach, capable joy, capable mind that lead to happiness happiness, peace. Wherefore? Because of the friendly nature is gentle, the monks. Just as, monks, seeds of sugarcane, rice or seeds, or grape seeds are sown in moist soil. What it takes to range from land, what it takes to range from water, all he brought to the character are sweet, like attention, its sweet nature. Wherefore? Because of the improved seed gentle nature. Also, this, monks, for there is right, this, monks, ordinary people ... Because personally humanitarian nature is gentle, the monks.
§ 1-17. A FRANCE
1. - There is a man, the monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring misfortune for the majority, any optimism for the majority, disadvantages for the majority, leading to unhappiness, suffering The gods and men. One person is? Wrong persons, who are crazy ants. He makes many people away from the true Dhamma, an illegal resident. The main one, the monks, as appears in the world, the emergence bring misfortune for the majority, any optimism for the majority, disadvantages for the majority, leading to unhappiness, misery for the gods and men.
2. There was a man, the monks, as appears in the world, leading to the appearance of happiness for the majority, peace for the majority, the benefits for the majority, led to happiness, the happiness of gods The natural and species. One person is? People with the right view, who do not have crazy ants. He makes many people away from illegal, Dhamma abides. The main one, the monks, as appears in the world, leading to the appearance of happiness for the majority, peace for the majority, the benefits for the majority, led to happiness, the happiness of gods and men.
3. I do not see any other legal entity, the monks, the largest offenders, the monks, as wrong. Supreme wrong, this, monks, is a major sin.
4. I do not see someone else, this, monks, were taken to the misfortune to follow the majority, any optimism for the majority, a disadvantage for the majority, brings unhappiness, no happiness for gods and the species, the monks, as the fool. Just as, monks, in estuarine fish traps placed a nom, bringing misfortune to suffer, hurt, harm to the fish. Also, this, monks, fool Makkhali appears in the world, I leave that as a fish trap nom for The species, leading to unhappy, unpleasant, adverse, suffering, injury, damage harmful to many kinds of beings.
5. Who encouraged to adopt a theory of law is clumsy, the monks, the people who encourage and be encouraged so comply, they all bring very blessed. Wherefore? Since the law was awkward theory, this, monks.
6. Who encouraged to adopt a theory of law is clever, when people encouraged and encourage such persons to comply, all of which bring many blessings. Wherefore? As is well-theoretical approach, the monks.
7. In an awkward legal theory, this, monks, estimates of almsgiving, so people said, not by the receiver. Wherefore? As legal theory is clumsy.
8. In a clever legal theory, this, monks, estimates of almsgiving, so the recipient knows, not by people. Wherefore? As is well-theory approach.
9. In an awkward legal theory, the monks, who live diligent ardent suffering. Wherefore? As legal theory is clumsy.
10. In a clever legal theory, the monks, who live miserable idleness. Wherefore? As is well-theory approach.
11. In theory the law is clumsy, the monks, who live lazy, he lived peacefully. Wherefore? As legal theory is clumsy.
12. In a clever legal theory, these monks. who live ardent effort, he lived peacefully. Wherefore? As is well-theory approach.
13. Just as, monks, a little stool stench. Also, this, monks, I do not praise the existence of oil to have small portions, just in time to snap nails.
14-17. Just as, monks, a little urine stench ... a little sniffy saliva ... a little sniffy latex ... some blood sniffy. Also, this, monks, I do not praise the present, there is less oil to stop, just in time to snap nails.
XIX. PRODUCT undistracted
§ 1-44. A FRANCE
1. - For as in the realms Jambudipa (Yan-line-topic), the singular is the endearing gardens, forests lovable, endearing land, the lakes endearing; much higher than the low-lying ground, hard to wade through rivers, dense areas of the sticks, thorns, the craggy mountains. Also, the monks, few are the beings born on the mainland. And plural are the beings born in the country.
2. ... In the same way, the monks, few are the beings who are born between species. And more are being reborn beings outside humanity. Also, the monks, few are sentient beings to be reborn in the central states. And more are beings reborn in the border states address, among savages unknown species awareness.
3. ... Also, the monks, few are beings with intelligence, quick-witted, not deaf, not dumb, able to consider the meaning of these words or awkward clever theory theory. And more is the evil beings have intelligence, mental retardation, deaf and dumb, incapable considered the meaning of these words or awkward clever theory theory.
4. ... Also, the monks, few are beings full of wisdom eyes saint. And more are being sunk in ignorance and delusion possessed.
5. ... Also, the monks, few are being seen Tathagata. And more are being not see the Tathagata.
6. ... Also, the monks, few are being heard by the Tathagata Law preached. And more are being unheard Law preached by the Tathagata.
7. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after hearing, legal life over. And more are being, after hearing no legal life over.
8. ... Also, the monks, few are being observed the legal meaning they memorized. And more are being not observe the legal meaning they memorized.
9. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after much sense, after understanding the legal, compliance with legal practice and Dhamma. And more are being, after much sense, after understanding the legal, non-compliance with legal practice and Dhamma.
10. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings are agitated by the agitation issue deserves, and more are not being provoked by the incredibly engaging issues Dong.
11. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after being provoked, as reasonable diligence. And more beings, after being stimulated, not as diligent management.
12. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after abandoning the legal basis of conditions, defined, is most interested. And more are being, after abandoning the legal basis of grace, not specified, not least about.
13. ... Also, the monks, few are the dinner is being won, is your victory dinner. And more, is the food not being up to win, not win you dinner, only to feed and food gleaned shirt.
14. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings was the sweetness of the purposes of legal sweetness, the sweetness of liberation. And more are being not sweet taste of purposes, legal sweetness, the sweetness of liberation. Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning as follows: "We will be the sweetness of purposes, legal sweetness, the sweetness of liberation". Thus, the monks, the teacher should be learning.
15-17. ... Also, the monks, in the realm of Hell-line-topic, few are endearing gardens, forests lovable, endearing land, the lakes endearing. And much higher ground than the lowlands, is difficult to wade through rivers, dense areas of thorny sticks, the jagged mountains. Also, the monks, few are the beings after death from birth in a species Person People species. And more are being, after death of man, was reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
18-20. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after death from The species was reborn among the gods. And more are being, after the death of species persons reborn in hell ... was reborn in animalzxy species ... were reborn in the hungry ghost realm.
21-23. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after death from the gods to be reborn among the gods. And more are being, after death from the gods were reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
24-26. ... Also, the Tykheo this, few are the beings, after death be reborn from the gods among men. And more are being, after death from the gods were reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
27-29. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings from hell after death, be reborn among men. And more are being, after death from hell are reborn in hell ... in the species table ... born in the hungry ghost realm.
30-32. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after death from hell, is born to the gods. And more are being, after death from hell are reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
33-35. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after the death of the eagle species being born again among men. And more are being, after the death of the species animalzxy be reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
36-38. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after death from animalzxy species are reborn among the gods. And more are being, after death from animalzxy species are reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
39-41. ... Also, the monks, few are the beings, after death in the realm of hungry ghosts are reborn among mankind. And more are being, after death in the realm of hungry ghosts are reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
42-44. For example, too, the monks, few are the beings, after death in the realm of hungry ghosts are reborn among the gods. And more are being, after death in the realm of hungry ghosts are reborn in hell ... in animalzxy species ... in the hungry ghost realm.
§ 1 - 192. REALLY IS SO
1. - Actually this is one of the benefits, the monks, that is living in the forest ... ... bring life medical alms chalk algae ... sermon only three y ... maintain law ... know much about the truth ... long day is the Elder ... have serious posture ... there are ... there gathered congregation congress we are bound, nice family ... I look radical right ... gentle ... minority language education ... no illness.
2-9. If just in time to snap your fingers, the monks, the monks meditate first, this taste, this, monks, is called a resident Zen monks are not in vain, did the teachings masters, is the world obey teachers, state of food eaten is not in vain, he also said nothing makes her Zen fullness.
If just in time to snap your fingers, the monks, the monks meditate Monday, Tuesday ... Meditation ... Meditation practice Wednesday ... ... mind freed from Bi practice religious freedom of mind ... Hy collective mind freed ... Discharge practice freedom of mind ...
10-13. If he permanent body in the body shop, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, convince covetousness ... life expectancy on the sensations shop ... shop in the heart center, ... shop on the legal measures, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime ...
14-17. ... For the evil law, not born evil, arise desire not to arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try ... For the French evil, evil was born, arises desire to make an end , ardent, diligent, determined, try ... for good measures unborn, arises the desire to do so arise, ardent, diligent, determined, try ... for good measures were born, starting to dwell wishes to make, not for death losses, making growth, makes generous, practice, make fullness, ardent, diligent, determined, try ...
18-21. As standard practice soccer friendly against the ardent Education ... the organic act with the ardent Effort ... the organic act with the ardent mind ... the organic act with the ardent Executive Thinking ...
22-31. Faith based practice ... practice ... practice mindfulness Tan apartment units ... practice ... practice Tue Dinh apartment units ... practice ... practice Tin Tan human resources ... practice ... practice mindfulness Dinh force force force ... Tue practice ...
32-38. Mindfulness practice ... practice Trach enlightenment enlightenment legal ... Diligent practice ... practice Hy enlightenment enlightenment ... of calm enlightenment practice ... practice ... practice Dinh Xa enlightenment enlightenment ...
39-46. Chief knowledge practice ... practice ... practice Right Thought Right Speech Right Action ... practice ... practice ... practice Right Livelihood ... diligent practice ... practice Right Mindfulness to ...
47-54. Internal excellent visualization, see the limited amount of foreign identity, pretty bad, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Internal excellent visualization, see the countless foreign identity, pretty bad, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, see the foreign identity, limited quantity, good and bad, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, see the foreign identity, immeasurable, pretty bad, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, see the foreign colors blue, green minister, the green, blue light. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, colorful show of foreign gold, golden generals, every form of gold, golden light. He perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, see the color red foreign, minister red, form red, red light, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
Visualizing the inner formless, see the foreign white colors, white minister, the white, white light, he perceived that: "After winning photographic community, I know, I see ..."
55-62. Themselves have excellent, excellent show. Excellent visualization is immaterial internal, external identity that is pure excellence ... visualize, focus on thinking ... Beyond that idea totally excellent, useful ideas for the eradication of, not a great reflection on the differences, with thinking: "Nowhere is boundless," boundless residence certificate of origin ... completely beyond the land of boundless, with thinking: "consciousness is infinite" boundless residence certificate of origin ... beyond completion boundless whole parish, with the reflection: "there is no object", residence certificate of origin ... is naught beyond absolutely naught origin, residence certificate ideal non-perception Africa. Beyond the great African origin, residence certificate Removal life thought ...
63-72. Local practice ... practice aquatic origin variable transformer fire origin ... practice ... practice style variable transformer Origin Origin ... practice ... practice green turning yellow origin turns red origin ... practice ... practice turns white origin ... Made variable practice origin ... nowhere variable variable practice originating form ...
73-82. Impure thoughts practice ... practice ... practice the idea of ​​death bibs idea of ​​cuisine cup ... not a great practice joy to all the world ... practice ... practice impermanence great idea on impermanent suffering ... tu collective selfless thoughts on the idea of ​​suffering ... practice ... practice sections take great idea cultivate dispassion ... cessation ...
83-92. Impermanent great practice ... practice ... practice selfless thoughts about death ... great idea disgusting practice for food ... not a great practice joy for all the world ... practice ... practice remains great Central was a great food ... great practice ... practice was a great blue bruises were full of holes ... practice swollen idea ...
93-102. Nianfo practice ... practice ... practice French concept concept Increase ... practice ... practice concepts About Candidates anniversary ... practice ... practice Thien anniversary anniversary breathing, breath out ... practice ... practice concept relatives Death anniversary ... An contemplation practice ...
103-112. Faith based practice Zen preliminary agreement with ... Tons of practice based primary contract with mindfulness meditation practice based ... preliminary agreement with Zen ... The base contract with practice ... practice Zen Wisdom preliminary basis preliminary agreement with its Zen ... from file ... Attack power of practice ... practice ... practice mindfulness the power capacity ... Tue practice Zen preliminary contract with force.
113-122. Faith based practice Monday signed with ... Practice Zen Wisdom Meditation force Monday a contract with ...
123-132. Faith based practice Tuesday signed with ... Practice Zen Wisdom Meditation force Tuesday a contract with ...
133-142. Faith based practice Wednesday ... contract with Zen practice with Zen Wisdom Council Wednesday its ...
143-152. Tin organic cultivation base with the ... practice of Wisdom From the friendly forces from ...
153-162. Tin organic cultivation base with the Bi ... Tue cultivate friendship with the forces Bi ...
163-172. Tin organic cultivation base with the Hy ... Tue practice organic forces with Hy question ...
173-182. Faith based practice questions with Conditioner ... organic cultivation with organic Tue question Discharge capacity ...
183-192. If practice Tin Tan practice base ... if ... if practiced mindfulness apartment apartment apartment Dinh practice ... if ... if ... if cultivation practice based Tue Tin Tan force ... if the practice of mindfulness practice force ... if ... if religious forces the collective force ... if the power ... Tue practice, this position, this, monks, is called a Zen monks not stay empty, have followed gurus teaching, is the world obey teachers , eating food is not wasted national level, he also said nothing makes him legal fullness.
§ 1-70.
1. - As one, the monks, with chronic heart and turn around the big sea, which can include all the little rivers flowing into the sea, too, the monks, who practice, make the concept of fullness personally, also includes all the measures, which include improved intelligence section belongs.
2-8. There is a law, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to huge inspiration, great benefits, great peace from suffering, mindfulness and awareness, leading to attainment of knowledge, stay current leads to optimism, leading to enlightenment and liberation proving effective. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. This is a law, this, monks, practiced, made for fullness, leading to huge inspiration ... leads to enlightenment and liberation proving effective.
9-12. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, the body is calm, the mind is calm, reach only the quarterfinals is purified, all the measures under the intelligent part go to practice, make fullness. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When practicing, make a legal fullness, the body is calm, the mind is calm, and the quartet was just pure class, all the measures under the intelligent part go to practice, made for fullness.
13. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, the unborn immoral law does not arise, and the bore was legal immoral annihilation. What was the legal one? The main concept is all mental. When practice, when making a prolific This, this, monks, is not born of evil ... is total annihilation.
14-15. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, the unborn are good measures being run, and the measures taken to improve growth bore, generous. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When practice, when making a prolific This, this, monks, the measures taken to improve unborn ... growth, generous.
16-21. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, ignorance is total annihilation, intelligent arise, conceit is annihilation, the newspapers were plucked clean option, the fetters were annihilation . What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When a method is practiced, made for fullness, ignorance was total annihilation ... the fetters be annihilation.
22-23. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, leading to intellectual analysis, leading to Nibbana without clinging. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When a method is practiced, made for fullness, leading to the analysis ... no attachments.
24-26. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, leading to much of the world of communication, the communication of many gender difference, the endless problems of many international award. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When a method is practiced, made for fullness, leading to communicate ... the endless problems of many international award.
27-30. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, leading to the realization of expected results stored, leading to the realization of the First hybrid fruit, leading to the realization of results Any future, lead to realization Arhat fruit. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When a method is practiced, made for fullness, leading to the realization of expected results saved ... Arhat fruit.
31-46. There is a law, the monks, as is the practice, made for fullness, leading to the attainment of wisdom, leading to intellectual growth, leading to intellectual generosity, which led to great wisdom, put to widespread intelligence, generosity leads to intellectual, leads to profound intellectual, leading to unparalleled wisdom, leads to infinite wisdom, leading to more intellectual, leading to swift intelligence, brought to mind gentle wisdom, joy to wisdom, to wisdom Express, leading to sharp intellect, wisdom can lead to accession. What was a law? The main concept is all mental. When she was practicing law, is making fullness, leading to the attainment of wisdom ... to wisdom can enter.
47-48. These men are not entitled to be immortal, this, monks, is not done personally anniversary. These men are immortal enjoy, this, monks, is the implementing body of the anniversary issue.
49-50. These men do not share the immortal, the monks, are not sharing personally anniversary. These men shared the immortal, this, monks, is the idea you shared personally.
51-52. Immortalized be total annihilation, the monks, those who personally anniversary annihilation. Immortalized not make an end, the monks, for those who do not take personally anniversary piece.
53-54. Immortalized defective, the monks, those who personally anniversary defects. Immortal being members of, this, monks, those who personally member of conception.
55-56. Immortalized distracted abandoned, the monks, those who abandoned anniversary personally. Immortalized not abandoned, this, monks, for those who have not abandoned all mental conception.
57-58. Interior memorandum immortal, this, monks, those who died personally interior concept. Immortality without death loss, this, monks, for those who do not personally danger, concept.
59-60. Immortality is not done, this, monks, those who did not personally anniversary. Immortals is done, this, monks, those who perform personally anniversary.
61-62. Immortalized not practice, this, monks, for those who do not personally practice mindfulness. Immortalized by practice, this, monks, those who personally practice mindfulness.
63-64. Immortalized not make the fullness, the monks, for those who do not make the concept of fullness personally. Immortalized by making prolific, this, monks, those who make the concept of fullness personally.
65-66. Immortalized not win voters, the monks, for those who do not personally win tri anniversary. Immortals are winning voters, the monks, those who win tri anniversary personally.
67-68. Immortalized not full understanding, the monks, for those who do not personally anniversary tri willow. Immortals is full understanding, the monks, those who personally anniversary tri willow.
69-70. Immortalized not be realized, this, monks, for those who do not personally enlightened thought. Immortality is realized, this, monks, those who personally enlightened thought.

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