Friday 6 May 2016

I. GRASS and WOOD (Magazine, 2, 24b) (Magazine, 2, 486c) (s. ii,178)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World responded well on stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-Loads this reincarnation is the only I could, the Female-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated with regard to the rollover of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
4) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone close to the grass shoots, tree, tree, leaf, branch in the Match-match-this substance into a pile of them, make them into the rods set of boxes, each holding the rod down and say: "this is my mom, this is my mom's mom". And can not take advantage of this, the same Male-on stilts, is the mother, the mother of the person. But him being out of grass, field, tree twigs, leaves him out of the Match-match-this topic could go to take advantage of the paragraph, paragraphs removal.
5) why? Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated with regard to the rollover of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
6), too, was long on this, the Male-stilts, He endured suffering, suffering ựng bear, endure the scourge, and the grave on a raised section.
7) until this, so the Female-stilts, just enough so that he is boring, is just enough so that He quit, is just enough so that He freed all the passengers.
II. EARTH (Magazine, 2, 241b) (s. ii,179) (16.5, Junk 2, 486c)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone from the Earth formed the largest circular land Bureau, Big Apple seeds, each land Bureau put down and say: "this is my father, this is my father's father". And can not take advantage of this, the same Male-on stilts, is the father, the father of the people. But this big Earth go to take advantage of the paragraph, paragraphs removal.
4) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
5), too, was long on this, the Male-stilts, He endured suffering, suffering to endure, endure the scourge, and the increasingly grave grew up.
6) until this, so the Female-stilts, just enough so that he is boring, is just enough so that He quit, is just enough so that He freed all the passengers.
III. TEARS (Magazine, 2, 240c) (s. ii,179) (16.2 2 Magazine, 486a) (increase of 51, I, 2, 814a)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more? Tears flow so he groan, cry, are meeting what loathe, are especially isolated what his love, when you are moving the rollover for long periods or is water in four large sea?
4)-Bach World Religion, as That Honor, we understand that, this, World, Religion is more transparent, i.e. tears flow so we groan, cry to unite with distaste, what must the nickname glass with what its like, when are shipping reincarnation in this long time not water in four large sea.
5 Fresh, wholesome changes)-instead, the Female-stilts! Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, he was taught by the French so understanding!
6) this is much more than this, the Male-stilts, i.e. tears flow so he groan, cry, are meeting what loathe, are especially isolated what his love, when you are moving the rollover in this long time not water in four large sea.
7) In a long time, the Male-stilts, He endured his mother's death.
8) ... He endured the death of ...
9) ... He endured his daughter die ...
10) ... He endured disaster on kin ...
11) ... He endured the scourge of money of ...
12) In a long time, the Male-stilts, He endured the scourge of disease. What is more, as the tears flow so he groan, cry, have to unite with her reluctant, to special Cup with what its like, when He endured the scourge of disease, not the water in the four seas.
14) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... suffer bondage craving.
14) until this, so the Female-stilts, just enough so that he is boring, is just enough so that He quit, is just enough so that He freed all the passengers.
IV. The MILK (Magazine, 2, 241a) (16.3 Magazine, 2, 486b) (s. ii, 1800)
1) Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts, Genesis cannot be stated for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
3) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the mother's milk that he drank while He transferred the rollover in a long time, or the water in the four seas?
4)-Bach World Religion, as That Honor, we understand that this is more, i.e. breast milk that we drank while we were moving the rollover in a long time not water in four sea!
5 Fresh, wholesome changes)-instead, the Female-stilts! Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, he was taught by the French so understanding!
6) this is much more than this, the Male-stilts, i.e. that the breast milk he drank while He transferred the rollover in a long time not water in the four seas.
7) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough so that He freed all the passengers.
V. MOUNT (Magazine, 2, 242c) (Magazine, 2, 487c) (s. ii,181)
1)... Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-A white World, Religion, how long?
4)-this long National Truth-on stilts, is a bitch. It is not easy what can count as a few years, a few hundred years, a few thousand or a few hundred thousand years.
5)-Bach World Religion, That Religion can give an example?
6)-can be, this Male-stilts. What Religion says so. For this, such as Male-on stilts, there is a big rock, a by week by week, a length width, a high surface by week, no slits, no flaw, a pure rock. Then a man came, after a hundred years back and wipe the stone he once with kàsi fabric panels. This Female-stilts, the rocks he was doing so can go to the take, the kill a mau.
7) so long, this Female-on stilts, is a bitch. With the shit so long, this Female-stilts, rather than a past life was over, more than a hundred lifetimes over, more than a thousand lifetimes over, more than a hundred thousand lifetimes has passed.
8) why? Infinity is this reincarnation, only I could ... just enough to release.
VI. IMPROVED SEED (Magazine, 2, 242b) (s. ii,182) (Increase 52.3, 2, 825b) (16.12, Junk 2, 487c)
1) Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-A white World, Religion, how long?
4)-this long National Truth-on stilts, is a bitch. It is not easy to be able to count a couple of years, a few hundred years, a couple of thousand years, or a few hundred thousand years.
5)-Bach World Religion, That Religion can give an example?
6)-can be, this Male-stilts. For this, such as Male-on stilts, have an iron, a wide, week by week by a high, a by week, filled with granular high top towel Spire-like improvements. A place where people from every hundred years, taking out a pit. This Female-stilts, improved granular pile he was doing so, can go to the take, the kill a mau.
7) so long, this Female-on stilts, is a bitch. With such long lifetimes, rather than a past life was over, more than a hundred lifetimes over, more than a thousand lifetimes over, more than a hundred thousand lifetimes has passed.
8) why? Only I could comb is reincarnation, this Male-stilts ... just enough to release.
VII. The DISCIPLES (Magazine, 2, 242c) (16.14 Magazine, 2, 488a) (s. ii,182)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2) Then many Female-stilts goes to world Religion.
3) sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-How much shit, Bach World Religion, has to go through, have overcome?
4)-a lot of this, the Male-stilts, are the fuck went through, have overcome. It is not easy to count them as a couple, a few hundred, a few thousand, a few hundred thousand.
5)-Bach World Religion, That Religion can give an example?
6)-this can be, the Female-stilts. Here, the Male-stilts, had four disciples, the lifespan of a hundred years, lived to a hundred years. For every day they remembered the hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, the Female-stilts, the fuck are they remembered. The four disciples he span a hundred years old, lived to a hundred years, a hundred years later to go to destiny.
7) this much so, the Male-stilts, are the fuck went through, have overcome. It is not easy to count them, as a couple, a few hundred, a few thousand, a few hundred thousand.
8) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to be freed.
VIII. GANGES (Magazine, 2, 242) (16.10, Junk 2, 487b) (s. ii,183)
1) in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa).
2) and then a She-la-go to world Religion.
3) sit down on one side, She-la-Bach's World Religious subjects:
-How much shit, Bach World Religion went through, have overcome?
4)-a lot of this, Ba-la-keeper, is the shit has to go through, have overcome. It is not easy to count them, as a couple, a few hundred, a few thousand, a few hundred thousand.
5)-Ton fake Gotama can give an example?
6)-this can be, She-la-Mon. For this, such as She-la, this source from the Ganges River began to spot it flowing enter sea. Of the sand is in between her leg, it's not easy to count them is some granular sand, is the percentage of sand, is whether the number of thousands of granular sand, is the number of hundred thousand granular sand.
7) more so, she-la, are the fuck went through, have overcome. It is not easy to count them, as some past life, a hundred, a thousand, are some of the hundreds of thousands of lifetimes.
8) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, she-la, Genesis cannot be stated for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
9), too, was long on this, She-la, he endured suffering, suffering to endure, endure the scourge, and the grave on a raised section. Until this, so She-la, is fit enough to be boring, is just enough to give up, is just enough to gi i escape for all.
10) Be heard so she-la-Bach's World Religious subjects:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Religious truths vi Gotama! ... Mong Ton disciple children Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules!
IX. The ROD , the Magazine (2, 242a. Magazine, 2, 112b, Magazine, 2, 488b) (s. ii, 184)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts. Genesis could not specify for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
3) For this, as the Male-stilts, a rod be thrown up out of nowhere, when it fell on top of the original, when the fall leg between, when the fall contrasts. Also, the Female-stilts, these beings were ignorance veil, were craving bondage, reincarnation, then from this world goes another world, when then from another world to this world.
4) why? Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts ... is just enough to be freed.
X. PEOPLE (Magazine, 2, 242a. 2. Special, 487b. 11, the magazine unit 2, 496b) (s. ii,185)
1) World Religion stay in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation), mount Gijjhakùta (thứu).
2) In that World ...
3)-Invisible only I could is this samsara, the Female-stilts.
4) The skeleton of a man, the Male-stilts, reincarnation can be as large as a hill of bones, a stack of bones, a pile of bones, such as mount Vepulla, if someone produced bone-gatherers, preserve them, not make them ruin.
5) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to get rid of all the action.
6) That Religion says so, Charity Was said so degree, Masters says:
Pile as the bone people,
Only a bitch,
Piled by the mountains,
UG Leader says so.
Pile of bones he was saying,
As large as Vepulla,
To the North the mountain Ghost thứu,
Mount the Magadha.
People find four true,
With the foot of the Chief intellectual,
The initialization file, gauge and gauge
Will overcome suffering,
The Holy path of eight sectors,
Lead to net gauge only.
He must be rotated,
The maximum is seven times.
Was the piece take suffering,
Paragraph kill any unlawful use.
I. BASTARD ALONG (2, 241c, Junk. Magazine Special 16.7, 487a) (s. ii,186)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi.
2) In. ..
3)-Invisible only I could is this samsara, the Female-stilts. Genesis could not specify for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
4 the National-stilts,) when He saw the same bastards, unhappiness, He must come to the conclusion: "we endured so long time in this".
5) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to get rid of all the action.
II. PEACE (Magazine, 2, 241c) (16.6, Junk 2, 486c) (s. ii,186).
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts.
3) this the Male-stilts, when he found peace, luck, He must come to the conclusion: "we endured so long time in this".
4) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to get rid of all the action.
III. ABOUT THIRTY (, 2, 240b) (s. ii,187)
1) Stay in the United Kingdom, Lisa.
2) thirty billion-unit of Pàvà on stilts, all living in the forest, all go qifu mumo, all carry the pollen of algae, medical all carry three y, all are still unlawful use, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) And That Religious thinking "thirty gentlemen Male-stilts made this Pàvà, all living in the forest, all go qifu mumo, all carry the pollen of algae, medical all carry three y, all are also unlawful. So we make the sermon for them how to spot this sitting, their minds are freed from the contraband or, not accept the seat ".
4) Then call the National Religious-stilts: "the Female-on stilts"-"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
5 Ton) says the following:
-Loads this reincarnation is this, only I could the Billion-on stilts. Genesis could not specify, for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
6) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, what is more, the blood flow due to head injury when He transferred the rollover in the long run, or is the water in the four major seas?
7)-White World Religion, as That Honor, we understand that this is much more than Bach, World Religion, i.e. the blood flow due to head injury, when we're moving the rollover in the long run, not the water in the four great sea.
8 Fresh, wholesome, rather) the Female-stilts! Instead of this, the National healthy-stilts, he taught French to understand so!
9) this is much more than this, the Male-stilts, i.e. blood flow due to head injury when He transferred the rollover in the long run, not the water in the four great sea.
10) this the Male-stilts, flow blood flow due to the head injury he suffered when he was crawling, engenders do cows in the long run, or is the water in the four major seas?
11) this the Male-stilts, flow blood flow due to head injury when he was Buffalo, engenders do buffaloes in a long time ...
12) this the Male-stilts, flow blood flow due to head injury when he was a sheep, sheep do engenders in a long time ...
13) ... when he was the goat, engenders do goats ...
14) ... when He is Moose, engenders do nai ...
15) ... when He is poultry, poultry do engenders.
16) ... when He is pig, engenders do pig ...
17) the Female-stilts, the blood flow due to head injury when the hackers, he makes the thief the village caught in a long time ...
18) this the Male-stilts, flow blood flow due to head injury when his pirates, pirate of the road was caught in a long time ...
19) the Female-stilts, the blood flow due to head injury when the hackers, through his wife in long time not water in four large sea.
20) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to be free for all ...
21) That Religion says so, the Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.
22) And while this teachings is declared, for the position of thirty Female-stilts of Pàvà, the mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept.
IV. PARENTS (Magazine, 2, 241c) (16.9, Junk 2, 487a) (s. ii,189)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts.
3) this the Male-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did I. ..
4) why? Infinity is only I could this reincarnation, the Female-stilts ... is just enough to be free for all.
V. PAPA (s. ii,189)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts.
3) this the Male-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did the father ...
VI. ENGLAND (s. ii,189)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did he ...
VII. SISTER (s. ii,189)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did she ...
VIII. The SON (s. ii,190)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did the son ...
IX. The DAUGHTER (College, 2, 241c) (16.9, Junk 2, 487a) (s. ii,190)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi.
2)-Loads only I could be the reincarnation of this, the Male-stilts. Genesis could not specify, for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
3) this the Male-stilts, it is not easy to find a being, in this long period, not once did the daughter.
4) why? Loads this reincarnation is this, only I could the Billion-on stilts. Genesis could not specify this, the Male-stilts, for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
5) so, in this time, the Male-stilts, He endured suffering, suffering to endure, endure the scourge, graves is growing up. To this, so the Female-on stilts, is fit enough to be boring, is just enough to give up, is just enough to get rid of all the action.
X. the MOUNTAINS VEPULLA (Magazine, 2, 243b) (16.21 Junk, 2, 488c) (s. ii,190)
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation), mount Gijjhakùta (thứu).
2) In that World Religion called the Male-stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-Loads this reincarnation is this, only I could the Billion-on stilts. Genesis could not specify for the reincarnation of the flow beings suffer ignorance veil, suffer bondage craving.
4) Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, this Vepulla mountain known as Pàcìnavamsa. At the time, the people known as Tivàrà. The Male-stilts, Tivàrà people have the longevity to 40000 years. The Male-stilts, people Tivàrà to four days to climb Mount Pàcinavamsa, is four days to climb down.
5) at the time, the Male-stilts, Religious Worship, the application tier, Kakusandha Chief Dan appeared in life. The Male-stilts, Religious Worship, the application tier, Chief of Kakusandha College, has two disciples, two upper, Sage named Vidhura and friendly Sajìva.
6) look at this, the Male-stilts, the name of the mountain has disappeared, the people have a common destiny, and How did Religious ranks enter.
7) such impermanence, the Female-on stilts, is the. Not so, the neutralization of this Male-on stilts, is the. Such insecurities, the Female-on stilts, is the. To this, so the Female-stilts are just enough to boring, is just enough to give up, is just enough to get rid of all the action.
8) this National, Oldtimer-stilts, this Vepulla mountain known as Vànkaka. At the time, the Male-stilts, the people known as Rohita. The Male-stilts, people long to Rohita 30000 years. The Male-stilts, people must climb three days Rohita mount Vànkaka, is three days to climb down.
9) at the time, the Male-stilts, the Application tier, Konàgamana, cosy, Respect the Chief Justice appeared in College life. The Male-stilts, the Application tier, Konàgamana, cosy, Religious Chief, College has two disciples, two upper, Sage named Bhìyya and Suttara friendly.
10) look at this, the Male-stilts, the name of the mountain has disappeared, the people have a common destiny, and How did Religious ranks enter. So impermanence, the Female-on stilts, is the Executive ... is just enough to get rid of all the action.
11) Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, this Vepulla mountain known as Supassa. At the time, the Male-stilts, the people known as Suppiya. The Male-stilts, Suppiya people have the longevity to 20000 years. The Male-stilts, people must Suppiya two days to Supassa, climbing to two days to climb down.
12) at the time, the Religious Cult, the application tier, Chief of Kassapa Dan appeared in life. The Male-stilts, Religious Worship, the application tier, Chief of Kassapa College, two disciples, two upper, gentleness and Bhàradvàja Tissa named charity.
13) look at this, the Male-stilts, the name of the mountain has disappeared, the people have a common destiny, and How did Religious ranks enter.
14) such impermanence, the Female-on stilts, is the. Not so, the neutralization of this Male-on stilts, is the Executive ... is just enough to be free for all.
15) currently, the Male-stilts, this Vepulla mountain known as Vepulla. Currently, the Female-stilts, the people she's known as Magadhaka. The longevity of this, the National Magadhaka-stilts, less, light, not how much they live long for up to 100 years or a little more. Population Magadhaka, the Female-stilts, climb Mount Vepulla within a short time, climbing down in a short time.
16) currently, the Male-stilts, Application tier, We Worship, the Chief Justice appeared in College life. The Male-stilts, We have two upper, two disciples, Sage named Sàriputta and Moggallàna friendly.
17) a time will come to this, the Male-stilts, the name of this mountain will disappear, the people will, and we will enter the common destiny.
18) such impermanence, the Female-on stilts, is the. Not solidly, the Female-on stilts, is the. Such insecurities, the Female-on stilts, is the. To this, so the Female-on stilts, is fit enough to be boring, is just enough to give up, is just enough to get rid of all the action.
19) That Religion says so, steps Charity Was said so degree, Masters says:
With a population of Tivàra,
The name Mount Vankaka
With a population of Rohita,
The name Mount Vupassa
With a population of Suppiyà,
The name of the mountain Vepulla,
With a population of Magadha,
Chu is impermanent,
To birth and then to kill,
After birth, they kill,

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