Thursday 5 May 2016

I. SUVÌRA (s. i 40,537)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
"-The Female-on stilts". -Transparency Of World Religion. The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
4)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, the Asùra (A-tu-la) attacked the home Bias. Then the Male-stilts, Sakka Suvìra God called home:
"This dear, Suvìra-Asùra he attacked Chu. Hey Suvìra, go Asùra, "hitting the welcome.
"-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, God Suvìra well responded to natural home Sakka, but ample magnification, won't do anything.
5) second, the Male-stilts, Sakka Suvìra God called home:
"This dear, Suvìra-Asùra he attacked Chu. Hey Suvìra, go Asùra, "hitting the welcome.
"-Sir, false Religion"
The Male-stilts, God Suvìra well responded to natural home Sakka, but ample magnification, won't do anything.
6) this last Tuesday, the Female-stilts, Sakka Suvìra God called home:
"This dear, Suvìra-Asùra he attacked Chu. Hey Suvìra, go Asùra, "hitting the welcome.
"-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, God Suvìra well responded to natural home Sakka, but ample magnification is not subject to do.
7) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master spoke up with shelves Suvìra God's post:
No effort, essential need,
Still achieve peace,
Suvìra Let's go,
Help us reach France.
8) afternoons Guys, not the effort,
And what does not work,
Every desire success,
The ultimate direction?
(This Sakka).
9) afternoons Guys, not the effort,
Certificates are the ultimate.
Suvìra Let's go,
Help us reach France.
10 This home Bias, Sakka)
Not do, the pit,
Not melancholy, not brain heat,
The ultimate direction?
(This Sakka).
11) without doing anything,
No reborn,
The way he directed Ni t-table.
Suvìra, go,
Help us reach France.
12) this the Male-stilts, Sakka's master, living off the fruits of his merit, ruled and ruled Chu Tam tam Thien, Thien in the Decade will be the exclamation and attempt to scatter tons. Here, the Male-stilts, He makes her taste, brilliance when He appeared in the law cited by such theories, effort, essential need or effort to achieve what has not reached, to be what has not, to what was not food poisoning food poisoning.
II. SUSÌMA (s. i.,217)
1) Stay in Sàvatthi, at Jetavana.
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts: "-the Female-on stilts". "-The White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
4)-the Female-stilts, Oldtimer A-tu-la attack Chu. Then the Male-stilts, Sakka Susìma God called home:
"This dear, Susìma-A-tu-la he attacked Chu. Dear Susìma, please go to this welcome tu-A-hit la ".
"-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, God Susìma well responded to natural home Sakka, but ample magnification, won't do anything.
5) second, the Male-stilts, Sakka Susìma God called home ... but not what to do, ample magnification.
6) this last Tuesday, the Female-stilts, Sakka Susìma God called home ... but not what to do, ample magnification.
7) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master spoke up with shelves Susìma God's post:
Not essential effort required,
Still achieve peace,
Susìma Let's go,
Help us reach France.
8) afternoons Guys not effort,
And not do anything,
Every exercise (Kàma) are successful,
The ultimate direction?
(This Sakka)
9) afternoons Guys not effort,
Certificates are the ultimate,
Susìma Let's go,
Help us reach France.
10 This home Bias, Sakka)
Not do, the pit,
Not melancholy, not brain heat,
The ultimate direction?
(This Sakka).
11) without doing anything,
No reborn,
The way he directed Nirvana,
Susìma, go,
Help us achieve results.
12) this the Male-stilts, Sakka's master, living off the fruits of his merit, ruled and ruled Chu Tam tam Thien, Thien in the Decade will be the evening of rivets, effort and effort. Here, the Male-stilts, He makes her taste brilliance when He appeared in the law cited by such theories, effort, essential need, effort to achieve what has not reached, to show what yet, to what food poisoning food poisoning yet.
III. DHAJAGGAM: the TOP of the FLAG (s. i.,218)
1) (Ton) stay in S vatthi, Jetavana, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts: "-the Female-on stilts". "-Sir, of the White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
4)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, an intense battle kicked up between Chu and the Asùra.
5) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master called Chu Tam tam Thien cross in Heaven:
"-Dear, when the He This fight, if fear, panic or hair hairy sclera have run up; at the time, He look the flag. When He looked up at the top of my flag, fear, panic or sclera hair hair will destroy.
6) if the he doesn't look up top of my flag, please look up the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Pajàpati. When you look up the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Pajàpati, fear, panic or hair hairy sclera has kicked up, will also be destroyed.
7) if the he did not look up the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Pajàpati, please look up the top of the flag of the Kingdom of Varuna. When you look up the top of the flag of the Kingdom of Varuna, fear, panic or hair hairy sclera has kicked up will also destroy.
8) if the he did not look up the top of the flag of the Kingdom of Varuna, please look up the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Isàna. When you look up the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Isàna, fear, panic or hair hairy sclera has kicked up, will also destroy ".
9) this the Male-stilts, when they look up at the top of the flag of Sakka, owner or when they look up at the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Pajàpati, or when they look up at the top of the flag of the Kingdom of Varuna, or when they look up at the top of the flag of the United Kingdom Isàna, fear, panic or sclera hair hairs are starting up , can will turn and will not turn.
10) Because why? The Male-stilts, because the home Bias parameter, not to destroy the piece yet Sakka paragraph removal, yet paragraph removal si, also cowards, ho ng Kublai Khan, panic, panic runs.
11) And the Male-stilts, I say the following: the Male-stilts, when He went into the forest, go to the tree or go to the empty House, if tremble, fur or hair, sclera has kicked up, in the meantime please remember me mantras: "he is So Religious, Worship, Tri Minh Hanh, Transformer Primary, Friendly Testimony , The World Of Wireless Entertainment, Sergeant, Dwell Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Professor, Buddha, World Religion ".
12) this the Male-stilts, when He recited to Me, fear, panic or hair hairy sclera has kicked up, will be destroyed.
13) if the He doesn't remember me, please recite mantras to France: "here's How subtly, Religious dogma, by France set to perform at, have instant results, come to that see, likely driven by location, feeling himself out".
14) this the Male-stilts, when He remembered the anniversary of France's fashion, fear, panic or hair hairy sclera has kicked up will destroy.
15) if the He doesn't recite memorized to France, please remember our anniversary rose: "we Raise disciples World Religion is happy; they increase the World's Religious disciples happy online ranks; they increase the disciples World Religion is the primary tier almond; They Increase the disciple That Religion is like France, that is, the four pairs, eight of them. They Increase this disciple of world Religion worthy of donation, be devoted, worthy of alms, is the upper-hand, was blessed in the world ".
16) the Female-stilts, when He recited to them Increased, fear, panic, or hair hairy sclera has kicked up will destroy.
17) why? The Male-stilts, As Lai, Application level Variable Primary voters, Religious separatists took part, glass, glass si, not cowards, not panic, don't panic, don't panic.
18) That Religion says so, Charity Was said so degree, Masters says:
Hey gentlemen Male-stilts,
In the forest or a tree,
Or at the vacant House,
Let's meditate on Primary level.
He has fear,
Fear will destroy.
If no private worship,
Paramount Home in life,
And also the Calf,
In the human world,
So let's invest anniversary of France,
The upper direction, cleverly declared dogma.
If not the French notion of private,
The upper direction, Declaration, affidavit
So let's invest anniversary Rose,
Phuoc is filling loads.
This way the Male-stilts,
So invest worship,
Private anniversary France and Increased,
Fear or panic,
Or feather hair sclera,
Never start up.
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana. (as above).
2) That Religious dogma as follows:
3)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, the war between Chu and the Asura, very fierce.
4 the National-stilts,) this King Vepacitti A-tu-la called the A-tu-la:
"-Dear, This war is kicked up between Chu and species A-tu-la, very fierce, if the A-tu-la client, Bias and be tied to natural home Sakka (two hands, two legs) and Thursday's neck and led her to her position before me, in the of A-tu-la".
5) Also called the celestial lettered Sakka home Bias in Tam tam Thien cross:
"-Dear, in This battle between Chu and the species A-tu-la, the battle is very fierce, if Chu Thien win and the species A-tu-la, please tie the King Vepacitti A-tu-la (two hands, two feet) Thursday is ancient, and pimp her position up front, in the Lecture Hall Sudhamma (Friendly)".
6) But the Female-stilts in battle he Chu Thien win and the species A-tu-la.
7) and then the Male-stilts, Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross tie in A-tu-la United Kingdom Vepacitti, tied his hands, legs and neck, and was the fifth leading to front the home Bias, Sakka in Sudhamma lecture.
8) here, the Male-stilts, King of the A-tu-la, Vepacitti tied the two hands, two legs and the fifth is the neck, when the home Bias Sakka come in and go out of the Lecture Hall, the seat of plating Sudhamma nhiếc Sakka home Bias, murder with the words evil, toxic crude language.
9) and then the Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali says up the shelves with Sakka master:
This home Bias, Sakka
Is He afraid,
Or because of his weak coward,
Why are mosaic ring,
When He heard the term evil,
From Vepacitti?
10) not because of fear,
Not because of weak coward,
That we have to kham rings,
With Vepacitti.
Why are guys like me,
Back contact us stupid?
11) stupid as hell famous,
If not for treatment,
So with a heavy penalty,
Tri Tri guys stupid.
12) so as I think,
Just for stupid, okrugs
Know others outrage,
Keep in mind safety net concepts.
13) This Little Vàsana,
The kham such rings,
We see as faults,
When fools think that:
"Because we're scared, it rings"
Fools as pungent,
As the bulls saw people running,
The more aggressive pursuit.
14) let it thinking,
As it wishes,
I think that mosaic ring,
Because we fear it.
In the ultimate benefit,
Nothing better than mosaic ring.
The full power,
Good patient people weak,
He called the Supreme ring,
Often a faint rings.
The power of fools,
Be viewed as power,
Forecast strong strength,
Back to the known weaknesses.
The strong households maintained France,
Not saying a Word,
Reviled, scolded back,
Heavy than evil.
Being yelled at, yelled at, no
Be won twice.
Life benefits both,
Benefit and the benefit of people,
Know other guys angry,
Keep, NET Security Center,
As both medical,
Cure and cure people,
The masses think is stupid,
Because no good at Finances of France.
15) this the Male-stilts, Sakka's master feed with results of their merit, has reigned and ruled Chu Thien Tam tam Thien, will cross says his humiliation and ring the exclamation.
16) here, the Male-stilts, the brilliance of this law-making by while export in cleverly law and French instructors, truth and peace ring mosaic practice.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, Oldtimer, fought vehemently between Chu and the Asura.
3) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la, said Sakka owners with:
"This home Bias, go-accept, who cleverly said, he won".
"This, we accept Vepacitti-, who cleverly said, he won".
4) and then the Male-stilts, Chu Heaven and the Asura are about the Congregation and says:
"-The assemblies will judge who cleverly said, one may say".
5) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la, said Sakka owners with:
"Home Bias, say – this article up the shelves".
6) Was saying this, the Male-stilts, Sakka, King Vepacitti told owners of the A-tu-la:
"This, here, Vepacitti-He is older than Angel. Vepacitti, say this article onto the shelves ".
7) When was this, to say that the Male-stilts, King of the A-tu-la, Vepacitti article this shelves says:
Stupid as hell famous,
If not for treatment,
So with a heavy penalty,
Tri Tri guys stupid.
8) this the Male-stilts, the A-tu-la Su is the exclamation of shelves, King Vepacitti article A-tu-la. Also lettered nature silent.
9) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la, said Sakka owners with:
"Home Bias, say – this article up the shelves".
10) When was this, to say that the Male-stilts, Sakka master article this shelves says:
So as I think,
Just overpower people stupid,
Know others outrage,
Keep, NET Security Center.
11) this the Male-stilts, Natural exclamation of the shelf post canopy Sakka master, did the A-tu-la time of silence.
12) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka, King Vepacitti told owners of the A-tu-la:
"– This article up, say Vepacitti shelf"
This little Vàsava,
The kham such rings,
We see is wrong,
When fools think that:
"Because we're scared, it rings".
Fools as pungent,
As the bulls saw people running,
The more aggressive pursuit.
13) this the Male-stilts, the A-tu-la Su is the exclamation of shelves, King Vepacitti article A-tu-la, did Chu Thien silent era.
King Vepacitti) and 14 A-tu-la, said Sakka owners with:
"Home Bias, say – this article up the shelves".
15) When was this, to say that the Male-stilts, Sakka master article this shelves says:
Let it thinking,
As it wishes,
Think we mosaic ring,
Because we fear it.
In the ultimate benefit,
Nothing better than mosaic ring.
The full power,
Good patient people weak,
He called the Supreme ring.
Often a faint ring,
The power of fools,
Be viewed as power,
Forecast strong strength,
Back to the known weaknesses.
The strong households maintained France,
Not saying a word in response.
Being yelled at, yelled at, nhiếc
Will hurt more severely.
Being yelled at, yelled at, no
Be won twice.
Life benefits both,
Benefit and the benefit of people,
Know other guys angry,
Keep, NET Security Center,
As both medical,
Cure and cure people,
The masses think is stupid,
Because no good at Finances of France.
16) the National-stilts, This Celestial exclamation of the shelf post canopy Sakka master, did the A-tu-la time of silence.
17) and then the Male-stilts, assemblies and A lettered-tu-la says as follows:
18) "the songs of the King Vepacitti shelves A-tu-la, said the violence is up, the word of swords, fighting, discord, aggressiveness.
19) "is also the shelves, Natural Home Sakka says up are the words not in violence, the words not in swords, not to fight, does not lead to discord, does not lead to aggression, the victory was the home of Sakka, thanks to cleverly said".
20) thus, the Male-stilts, Sakka master of victory thanks to cleverly said.
VI. The BIRD NEST (S. i,224)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, between Chu and the A-tu-la, very fierce battle occurred.
3) this the Male-stilts, in the war, the A-tu-la won the battle, Chu Thien defeated.
4) stilts, billion-the Chu Thien defeated the North, also retreated to forecast A-tu-la in pursuit of them.
5) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master spoke up with guest Màtali car person shelf post:
This little Màtali,
Please keep for the vehicle,
From the bird's nest,
Between the cotton tree.
I'd rather have given me life,
For the A-tu-la,
Longer than the bird,
Become not.
6) "-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali well responded to natural home Sakka, Guest car back sailings, chariot has thousand Tuan pulled. code
7) and then the Male-stilts, the A-tu-la thought: "Now there are thousand chariot pulled by Sakka master code Tuan has come back. The second time, Chu Heaven will hit the A-tu-la ". Think so, they fear back into the City A-tu-la.
8) so, the Male-stilts, Sakka master back won the battle, thanks to follow French Chief Justice.
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Sakka master during meditation, boot-up toxic represents his thoughts: "oil who is our enemy. For them, we don't have the insincere ".
3) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la, with his mind to know the mind of the owner, Sakka Sakka master paradise soon.
4 the National-stilts), Sakka, King Vepacitti saw Home A-tu-la, from far away to see, so the King said to the associated A-tu-la:
"-Let's stop this, Vepacitti, He was arrested."
5) "-dear, his mind This before like, OK have put her mind".
6) "-Hey, he can swear: Vepacitti never insincere."
7 report by the Evil, hope)
Evil report due stock Holy,
Report by the evil side to you,
Evil report by the ingrate.
Hey Sujampati,
Who lie to him,
He will head, life
The result of such notice.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time, the NAP are Respect and net meditation.
3) and then the home Bias Sakka and A-tu-la Verocana, King of the United Kingdom A-tu-la, go to world Religion; After the hosts stand, each based on a column.
4) and then A-tu-la Verocana, King of the A-tu-la, speak up this shelf post in front of world Religion:
People must,
To purpose achievement.
When the purpose of achievements,
Marvelous projection forecast brilliance,
Verocana Main,
Have said such words.
5) people must,
To purpose achievement.
When the purpose of achievements,
Marvelous projection forecast brilliance,
Nothing better,
Compare with mosaic ring.
6) all kinds of beings,
His purported self,
In this place, and there,
Depending on the adaptation.
Smart food processing,
Do all species,
When the purpose of achievements,
Marvelous projection forecast brilliance,
Verocana Main
Have said such words.
7) all kinds of beings,
His purported self,
In this place, and there,
Depending on the adaptation.
Smart food processing,
Do all species,
When the purpose of achievements,
Marvelous projection forecast brilliance,
Nothing better,
Compare with mosaic ring.
IX. The HERMIT in the WOODS or SANDALWOOD (s. i.,226)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, many hermit maintained, Tanh, Sage live together in the leaf hut in the forest.
3) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka, King Vepacitti and host the A-tu-la, go to the hermit about maintenance, gentle friendly names.
4) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la, after wearing shoes (hia), holding swords, there is East at 22 mph, go into the cover by the main door, Interior, am pejorative and the upper hermit sage, Leanne friendly maintenance.
5) this the Male-stilts, while Sakka master minded forecast Bias, delivered engines to the others, ranked North 73 mph, go on the Interior side of the door, stand by the am behind the recluse, maintenance friendly, gentle Leanne accept must hand salute.
6) this the Male-stilts, the hermit, gentle friendly Leanne's maintenance comes up with shelves Sakka Master post:
The scent of the hermit,
On long austerities,
Derived from them,
Is the wind carried away,
From that blow to the people.
Oh have a thousand eyes,
The scent of the hermit,
Not for purity,
This client Kings.
6) aromas of the hermit,
On long austerities,
Derived from them,
Let's be the wind carried away,
Like many types of wreaths,
Be the first on the jewelry.
Chu, our Respect,
Desires are incense,
Nothing in this place,
Do Chu Natural disgust.
X. RECLUSE in the COAST or SAMBARA (S. i,227)
1) in Sàvatthi.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, have numerous hermit maintained, Tanh, Sage live together in the leaf hut, on the coast.
3) at the time, the Male-stilts, a battle occurred between the celestial and the lettered A-tu-la is very fierce.
4 the National-on stilts), the hermit, gentle friendly Leanne maintenance he thought as follows: "Heavenly Divine life as the French, the A-tu-la life illegal. We can be dangerous from the A-tu-la. So let's go to A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara and please be sure the unconscious Captain ".
5) this the Male-stilts, the hermit, maintenance friendly, gentle as Leanne home lishi extensor forearm is shrinking, or shrink the arms are straightening, disappeared in the leaf hut on the shore and realized A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara.
6) this the Male-stilts, the hermit, gentle friendly Leanne's maintenance comes up with shelves post A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara:
7) The hermit,
Come to Sambara,
To please Him,
Laboratory experiments for the captain.
Please do as you want,
Please give us,
The people are scared,
Be not afraid.
8) hermit as He,
There cannot be an infinite Lt,
Sakka had served,
The location is not good,
The He please Lt, Nomad
We let the fear.
(The hermit):
9) we would like infinity Lt,
He again for fear,
I got that from Him,
Lifetime, he's scared!
Depending whether the seed has been sown,
He achieved such results.
How friendly are the fruit,
Do evil being evil fruit,
Seed sown and cultivated,
He will deteriorate ng results.
10) this the Male-stilts, the hermit, maintenance friendly, gentle family identity after the inscription thốt nốt district prayer against A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara, as the arm extensor lishi is shrinking, or shrink the arms are straightening, mainland disappear in front A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara and appear in the leaf hut on the coast.
11) this the Male-stilts, A-tu-la United Kingdom Sambara, was the recluse, gentle friendly Leanne's maintenance notes such prayer, in the night he awoke startled three times.
I. CHU or FORBIDDEN WORLD (s. i.,228)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka master do this, people accept the truth and released the seven forbidden world. Thanks to accept seven student world, banning maintenance Sakka Sakka positions.
3) Seven banned about a student?
4) "For life, I understand parents ' nutrition. For life, I respect his head. For life, I say needs peace. For life, I'm not saying a Word. For life, with the glass texture and San take part, I live in families with alms, with clean hands, discharge, laboratory Hy Festival meet the requirements, happy animals distributed alms. For life, I say is true. For life, I'm not disgusted, if I have the outrage, I will quickly cleaned except outrage ".
5) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka master do this, people accept the truth and released the seven forbidden world. Thanks to accept seven student world, banning maintenance Sakka Sakka positions.
6) Who tastes nourishing parents,
Respect of degree,
Say the words the need,
Abandoning the word of two tongues,
Tame the Palm San took part,
Is true, human
NIE was enraged,
With people like that,
Chu Thien tam tam, cross
Termed the human Foot.
II. THIEN CHU (S. i,229)
1) in Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) at the time, told the National Religious-stilts:
3)-the Female-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he is a young She-la-keeper named Magha, hence called the Maghavà.
4 the National-stilts), Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often alms from the city through the other, so being named Purindado.
5) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often alms complete (Sakkaccam), so to be named Sakka.
6) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often made stay, so he was named Vàsavo.
7) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he can in a very short time to think to a thousand things, and so is named Sahassa akkha (thousand eyes).
8 the National-stilts), Sakka became the husband of a missing female A-tu-la name is Sujà, and so are called Sujampati.
9) this the Male-stilts, Sakka master utriusque, Tam tam Thien Cross and reigned, so called Natural home.
10) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka master do this, people accept the truth and released the seven forbidden world. Thanks to accept seven student world, banning maintenance Sakka Sakka positions.
11) how is the seven forbidden about a student?
"For life, I understand parents ' nutrition. For life, I respect his level head. For life, I say needs peace. For life, I'm not saying a Word. For life, with the glass texture and San take part, I live in families with alms, with clean hands, discharge, laboratory Hy Festival meet the requirements, happy animals distributed alms. For life, I say true. For life, I'm not disgusted, if I have the outrage, I will quickly cleaned except outrage ".
12) this the Male-stilts, Oldtimer, Sakka master do this, people accept the truth and released the seven forbidden world. Thanks to accept seven student world, banning maintenance Sakka Sakka positions.
One curious nursing parent,
Respect of degree,
Say the words the need,
Abandoning the word of two tongues,
Tame the Palm San took part,
Is true, human
NIE was enraged,
With people like that,
Chu Thien tam tam, cross
Termed the human Foot.
III. THIEN CHU (S. i,230)
1) like me.
2) A world Religion in Vesàli, the great Forest in The Sterile Lecture Hall.
3) And Mahàli, the Licchavis governed, go to World Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
4) sat down on one side, the Mahàli, the Licchavis governed the White World Religion:
-White World Religion, That Religion has seen Sakka master Bias?
5)-Mahàli, we have seen This Celestial democracy Sakka.
6)-White World, can she taste like similar Sakka. The White World, it's hard to see the home Bias Sakka.
This Mahàli, 7)-Sakka is known and France become Sakka. Maintained by the French, Sakka to accept positions Sakka. And we know the France.
8) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he is a Brahmin youth named Magha, hence called the Maghavà.
9) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often alms from the city through the other, so called Purtindado.
10) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often alms perfectly, so called Sakka.
11) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he often made stay, so he was called Vàsavo.
12) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner, he can in a very short time, thoughts to the thousands, so called Sahassa akkha (a thousand eyes).
13) this Mahàli, Sakka became the husband of a missing female A-tu-la is Sujà, so called Sujampati.
14, Mahàli Sakka master) this utriusque, Tam tam Thien Cross and reigned, so called Natural home.
15) this Mahàli, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner of this unit handicap, maintain and conduct real seven banned world. Thanks to accept the maintenance of seven banned about sufficiency, Sakka Sakka positions.
16) what are the seven forbidden about a student?
"For life, I understand parents ' nutrition. For life, I respect his level head. For life, I say needs peace. For life, I'm not saying a Word. For life, with the glass texture and San take part, I live in families with alms, with clean hands, discharge, laboratory Hy Festival meet the requirements, happy animals distributed alms. For life, I say true. For life, I do not outrage; If I have the outrage, I will quickly cleaned except outrage ".
17) this Mahali, Oldtimer, Sakka also was the owner of this unit handicap, maintain and conduct real seven banned world. Thanks to accept seven student world, banning maintenance Sakka Sakka positions.
One curious nursing parent,
Respect of degree,
Say the words the need,
Abandoning the word of two tongues,
Tame the Palm San took part,
Is true, human
NIE was enraged,
With people like that,
Chu Thien tam tam, cross
Termed the human Foot.
IV. The POOR (S. i,231)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) Then call the National Religious-stilts: "-the Female-on stilts".
3) "-Sir, of the White World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
4 Ton) says the following:
5)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, a person in the United Kingdom in dormitories; the poverty, extreme poverty, misery.
6) people accept the maintenance of trust in law because As Lai declared dogma, accept the maintenance, Office maintenance, laboratory maintenance disputes disputes, accept the maintenance.
7) people do accept the maintenance of trust in law because As Lai declared dogma, accept the maintenance world, accept the maintenance, laboratory maintenance, maintenance disputes accepted wisdom. After the General, the network's destructive relatives are being animal friendly, gender bias, this life and "stay with Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross. Her dazzling taste lighter than other content Bias and lettered.
8) here, the this Male-stilts, Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross in spite, aversion, resentment of wrath: "real micro magic instead! Truth hope useful instead! This God Oldtimer do poor, poor, miserable. He ruined the body after the General network, was being friendly, gender bias, this life and "stay with Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross. Her dazzling taste lighter than the other about Bias and LETTERED ".
9) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master called Chu Tam tam Thien cross in Heaven: "this dear client, therefore there angry with God. Dear client, this Angel this item before making people, accept the maintenance of trust in law because As Lai declared dogma, accept the maintenance, Office maintenance, laboratory maintenance disputes disputes, accept the maintenance; people do accept the maintenance of trust in law because As Lai declared dogma, accept the maintenance world, accept the maintenance, laboratory maintenance, maintenance disputes accepted wisdom. After the General, the network's destructive relatives are being animal friendly, gender bias, this life and "stay with Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross. Her dazzling taste lighter than the other about Bias and lettered title ".
10) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka master to make soothe Chu Thien Tam tam Thien, cross in right at the time said article this shelves up:
One credit as Hybrids,
Cleverly, an estate stay,
Who holds the world pure,
Be Holy ranks concur the exclamation.
Who trusts into them increases,
Chon TAM and Chanh comments,
Referred to: "not poor",
The life is not damaged.
So who has Tri,
Must persistence Buddhism,
Credit and maintain boundary,
Position comments true Chief of France.
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) and then away to the World Religious Sakka master Bias; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, and then stand on one side.
3) Stand on one side, mastery of the White World Sakka Ton:
-White World Religion, the landscape would, stylishly?
The marvelous American gardens,
The forests of America,
The Lotus pond cleverly built,
Are humans stylishly.
The only truly worthwhile,
Truth is, at least, the white-eyes.
In the village or in the forest,
High or low ground,
La place-Chinese stay,
Local scene he stylishly.
1) A world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (United Kingdom accommodation), mount Gijjhakùta (thứu).
2 God Sakka) and go to That Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, then Respect to stand aside.
3) Stand on one side, the home article speaking up with shelves That Sakka Ton:
The international desk of the human herd,
Beings looking forward.
Who do the German,
Brought to the reborn,
Where the alms,
Bitten really big?
4) who's achievements four Scouts,
One Prime witness four,
Increase them then chon TAM,
World, full of wisdom.
The international desk of the human herd,
Beings looking forward.
Who do the German,
Brought to the reborn,
Alms for them Increased,
VII. HOMAGE (S. i,233)
1) At Jetavana, Sàvatti.
2) at the time, the dominant religion is net Meditation NAP.
3) and then the home Bias Sakka and Brahma Sahampati goes to world Religion; After arriving, who each stand based on a column.
4) and then the home Bias Sakka says article this shelves up in front of the World Religion:
Stand up hero rank,
Battlefield victories, ranks
Have put the burden down,
Not owe anyone,
From all over the world,
Heart smart freed,
Like the Moon,
On the night of the full moon (brilliance).
5) Brahma Sahampati:
This home Bias, homage-Like Hybrids are not the same. This home Bias, and homage As Hybrids are like this:
Standing up, the ranks of heroes,
Battlefield victories, ranks
Caravans leadership,
Not owe anyone,
From all over the world,
So please Respect the sermon,
There are those who will understand.
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) here ... What Religion says:
3)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Sakka master told the airport as follows:
"This body, please Màtali-win thousands of horse training manual on the car deck. Let's go to the garden scene to enchantment ".
4) "-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali well responded to natural home Sakka; After winning a thousand horse training manual on vehicle, associated with Natural Sakka master:
"-Sir, thousand of skilled horse trainer WINS on the deck of the car. Now please do what You think is trendy! "
5) this the Male-stilts, Sakka master from Vejàanta Palace goes down, the ceremony of hand-pieced together wealthy girl.
6) and then the Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali says up the shelves with Sakka master:
Degrees of sanming, ceremony
On this earth,
Also, wealthy girl, holiday
Including four,
Tam title ranks.
Yaksha might
That He, wealthy girl,
Sakka Is This?
8) Tam minh Ranks me.
On this earth,
Also, wealthy girl me,
Including four,
Tam title ranks.
But we only wealthy girl,
Gender, law, achievement level
Tu long on meditation,
Chơn thành District Chief Executive, manufacturing
Success and are
Rescue wings chon TAM Pham.
In addition the owner,
As Germany, precept,
Foster the correct French, wife
The renunciation as such,
We will also, wealthy girl,
This little Màtali.
9) I hear,
In life the Supreme rank,
Sakka, wealthy girl You celebration
The wealthy girl, Sir,
I also, wealthy girl,
Oh Hey Vàsava!.
10) Maghavà said,
King Sujampati,
The ceremony finished, wealthy girl
The car goes first.
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Sakka master told the airport Màtali:
"This body, please Màtali-win thousands of horse training manual on the car deck. Let's go to the garden scene to enchantment ".
3) "-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali well responded to natural home Sakka, after winning a thousand horse training manual on vehicle, with Sakka sailings:
"Sir, thousand of horse training manual has been won on the car deck. Now please do what You think is relevant. "
4 the National-stilts), Sakka master, from the Palace of Vejayanta go down, hand-pieced together World Religious homage.
5) Then Màtali, who hit the car comes up the shelves with Sakka master:
6), multiply the homage to him,
This little Vàsava.
Yaksha might
That He, wealthy girl,
Sakka Is This?
7) Primary Primary College Ranks,
This life with Chu,
Ultimate masters degree,
He's the wealthy girl unit,
Hey Màtali!
These were paragraph except,
Tham, and ignorance,
Pirated ranks, La-Han,
He's the wealthy girl unit.
Degrees of subduing tham,
Beyond (touch screen) ignorance,
The wedding Festival reborn, paragraph
Quadratic in friendship,
Ample magnification, tu no school,
He's the wealthy girl unit,
Hey Màtali.
8) Must I also be heard,
In life the Supreme rank,
Lord Sakka, wealthy girl,
The wealthy girl, Sir,
I also, wealthy girl,
Oh Hey Vàsava.
9) Maghavà said,
King Sujampati,
World Religious ceremony, wealthy girl
In the car, leading the forefront.
1) In Sàvatthi, in Jetavana.
2) here ... What Religion says as follows:
3)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Sakka master told the airport Màtali:
"This body, please Màtali-win thousands of horse training manual on the car deck. Let's go to the garden scene to enchantment ".
4) "-Sir, false Religion".
The Male-stilts, who hit the car Màtali well responded to natural home Sakka, after winning a thousand horse training manual on vehicle, associated with Natural Sakka master:
"-Sir, thousand of horse training manual has been won on the car's neck. Please do what You think is relevant. "
5) this the Male-stilts, Sakka master from Vejayanta Palace goes down, accept the hand ceremony National stilts Rising-wealthy girl.
6) this the Male-stilts, and then hit the car Màtali post talking up the shelves with Sakka master:
7) Make them wealthy girl, holiday
Ones are impure,
Sunk deep in the body,
Suffering from hunger and thirst tormented,
What they preferred,
As for the exporting country,
Let's say for unknown,
The Department released the hermit,
So we hear
Be the voice of the Lord,
This little Vàsava!
8) for exporting countries,
What makes it preferred,
When they are from the village of,
They go not ambition,
Granary, not stored,
No pot in pot, not ghè,
What they find,
There are others available.
Therefore, they feed,
In good way.
They are Gentle, level
Recommend nice words.
Or they keep silent,
In calmness.
The celestial war Tu Chu-la,
Humans also make war.
This little Màtali!
No war between war,
Calmness between armed sticks,
Do not accept between accept before.
So we're homage to them,
This little Màtali!
9) I hear,
In life the Supreme rank,
Sakka, wealthy girl, Sir.
The wealthy girl, Sir,
I also feature a wealthy girl.
Oh, Hey Vàsava!
10) Maghavà said,
King Sujampati,
They increase the ceremony finished, wealthy girl
The car goes first.
III. The THIRD (or Sakka years).
I. what MURDER (s. i.,237)
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) And Celestial Master traveled to World Religious Sakka, after arriving, wealthy girl That ceremony to honor and then stand on one side.
3) Stand on one side, the home article speaking up with shelves That Sakka Ton:
Observe anything, be lost?
Anything police, not sorrows?
There is a kind of France,
He Council,
False religion Gotama?
4) Police outrage was lost,
Police outrage not melancholy.
Outrage with standalone basis,
With the Supreme sweetness,
France, the Holy Sage ranks
The copper rivets.
French police, not melancholy,
This little Vàsava!
II. UGLY (S. i,237)
1) In Sàvatthi, Jetavana.
2) here ... What Religion says as follows:
3)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, have a yaksha ugly, low, bump (Okotimako), to sit on the seat of the Celestial Master Sakka.
4) here, the Male-stilts, Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross in spite, aversion, resentment of wrath: "real micro magic instead! Truth hope useful instead! The massage Felt ugly name, dwarf, belly to back to sit on the seat of Sakka master! ".
5) this the Male-stilts, Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross as in angry, disgusted, resentment of wrath how much time she's more beautiful than the yaksha, as easy to look at, the more cute.
6) and then the Male-stilts, Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross in go to Heavenly home Sakka; After arriving, said Sakka owners with:
7) "-here, this false Religion, have a yaksha, lower belly, ugly to come sit on his seat. In this Respect, fake, Chu Tam tam Thien, Thien in the Decade of the angry, disgusted, resentment of wrath: "real micro magic instead! Truth hope useful instead! This yaksha ugly, low, bump it back to sit on the seat of Sakka master! ". This false Religion, but Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross as in angry, disgusted, resentment of wrath how much time the yaksha ugly, low, bump him as well, as easy as possible and look cute. Dear fake Religion, there are yaksha will become yaksha nourished with outrage? "
8) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka owners go to yaksha nurtured by outrage; After coming up on one side, y upper knee kneeling on the ground, accept it must hand yaksha nourished with outrage and talk up his name three times: "Mr. speaker, I Respect the Sakka master! Mr. speaker, I Respect the server Sakka! ".
9) this the Male-stilts, Sakka master as his name comes up how much time the yaksha then became increasingly ugly, dwarf the abdomen to much; and after becoming increasingly ugly, the lower abdomen, louder, the dwarf then disappear on the spot.
10) this the Male-stilts, Sakka master, after sitting down on his seat, making the peace of Heaven in the Tam tam cross lettered subdued, right at the time, said the article this shelves:
Our mind is not easy,
To defeat,
Not be,
In whirlpool sexuality.
People have long,
We have no outrage,
Outrage does not stand
A place in the us.
We're not talking the language of evil,
Because outrage instigation,
And no praise,
The German owned.
See the benefit,
We tame themselves.
III. The ARTS GOING (S. i 42,351)
1) In Sàvatthi.
2 Ton) says the following:
3)-the Female-stilts, Oldtimer A-tu-la King Vepacitti A-tu-la are sick, in pain, seriously ill.
4) and then the Male-stilts, Sakka arrived home A-tu-la to enquire the condition of illness.
5) this the Male-stilts, Vepacitti from distant Celestial sightings Sakka master decent arriving, found that home Bias Sakka told sailings:
"Home Bias, please – this is healing for me".
6) "-tell me, Vepacitti This magic of Sambhara".
7) "This false Religion, wait-I consult the A-tu-la".
8) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la consult the A-tu-la:
"-Should I, false Religious Chu said to the owner, Sakka magic of Sambhara?"
9) "-Mr. Suen, He should not speak for the magic of Sambhara Sakka master".
10) and then the Male-stilts, King Vepacitti A-tu-la comes up this shelf post with Sakka master:
He was in the line of Magha,
Sakka's master, natural,
Is the husband of Sujà,
The magic pimp leads to,
Depths of hell,
In the know Sambhara,
Lived a hundred years.
IV. GUILTY (or not outrage) (s. i.,239)
1) In Sàvatthi ... in the garden he Level Alone.
2) at the time the two Male-stilts brawler. Here, a Male-Female crime-stilts on stilts to reveal her crime is the crime in front of Female-on stilts. Male-on stilts is not accepted.
3) And Female-stilts goes to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
4)-here, the White World, there are two Female-stilts brawler. A Male-on stilts. The White World, Male-stilts she reveal the crime is the crime in front of Female-on stilts. Male-on stilts is not accepted.
5)-the Female-stilts, two Male-this is foolish on stilts: a not found guilty is guilty, a do not accept crime revealed the true France. The Male-stilts, two Male-this is foolish on stilts.
6) this the Male-stilts, two Male-stilts is lucid, you see a crime, a crime to reveal true acceptance in France. The Male-stilts, two Male-this is on stilts.
7) this National, Oldtimer-stilts, Sakka, home to make soothe Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross in at Sudhamma, meanwhile, immediately spoke up this shelf's post:
Take stock photography offers outrage,
Keep the friendship doesn't fade,
Not worth yelling at, yelled at the clerk,
Not so says the two tongues,
Outrage, evil people toss
Like a stone dropping abyss.
V. NOT OUTRAGE (not harmful) (s. i 5,550)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvatthi, Jetavana, in Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) here, the Respect to call the Male-stilts. What Religion says as follows:
3)-Oldtimer, the Female-stilts, Sakka, home to make soothe Chu Thien Tam tam Thien cross in at Sudhamma, right meanwhile said article this shelves up:
Shalt not to wholeheartedly outrage,
Stock photography, dominated people!
Shalt not to crush the anger,
For treatment with anger!
No outrage, harmless,
Holy ranks an often stay.
Outrage, evil people toss
Like a stone dropping abyss.
Prayer brings the merit of electronic version of the complete set of Nikaya 5, direction of all beings, to hear Chief Justice French, see French Chief Justice, living in France, the Chief Justice Chief Justice French, tri Willow it. the ultimate fruition accomplishments are Bodhi. And pray for the early Vietnam Buddhist Tripitaka.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/5/2016.MHDT.

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