Tuesday 3 May 2016


Like I hear.
One world Religion stay in Savatthi (Xa-protection), Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). Mahapajapati Gotami then along with about five hundred billion-stilts-ni go to World Religious Party; After the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl standing to one side. Mahapajapati Gotami, Bach party stands a World Religion:
-White World, So please Respect for National border-stilts-ni! The White World That make Religious teaching, Respect for Female-stilts-ni! The White World, So please Respect the sermon for Male-stilts-ni!
At the time, the venerable (elders) Male-stilts alternately border Male-stilts-ni. But the fake Religious Nandaka does not want to replace the parish about Male-stilts-ni. You show respect for the fake Religious call Ananda and says:
-Ananda to today, This one border Male-stilts-ni?
The White World, which was of the alternate world National Education Nandaka-stilts-ni. The White World, false Religion Nandaka does not want to replace the parish about Male-stilts-ni.
You show respect for Religion called Nandaka fake:
This let's Nandaka border-Male-stilts-ni! Nandaka this, please teach Male-stilts-ni! She-la, make the sermon for Male-stilts-ni!
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Did Nandaka fake religion well answer That Religion, in the morning the medical relief, holding y bowls, went into Savatthi to qifu gangui. After qifu gangui in Savatthi, after lunch, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui no second person go, go to Rajakarama (United Kingdom). The Male-stilts-did Nandaka fake Religion see ni from far away to, after seeing associated compose and arrange the water wash the feet. False religion Nandaka sitting on seats have built-in Editor; After sitting, foot-washing sailings. The Male-stilts-ni's fake Religious ceremony, wealthy girl after Nandaka, instant sit down one side. False religion Nandaka told the Male-stilts-ni was sitting on one side:
-The Sage female, will have the theory by questioning. Here, anyone who knows, please respond: "I know". Those who do not know, please answer: "I don't know". If anyone doubted or doubt, here, we need to be asked: "Mr. speaker, this is the Respect? The meaning of this? "
-Mr. Suen, for coming here, we were very satisfied with and mutual respect the wedding Festival author Nandaka, given that false Religion has invited us (ask).
-The Sage female, the Gentler female? The eye is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-What's impermanence, is suffering or lost?
-Mr. Suen, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, there is reasonably affordable when see him: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-Ladies and not so, false Religion.
-The Sage female, the Gentler female? The ear is often impermanent? ... The nose is often impermanent? ... The tongue is often impermanent? ... The stem is often impermanent? ... Italy is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence
-What's impermanence, is suffering or lost?
-Mr. Suen, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-Ladies and not so, false Religion. Why is that? Previously, Mr. Ton, we've seen the affidavit as chon TAM, with the Chief Justice that wisdom: "six of this paternal is impermanence".
-Fresh, Healthy change, the Gentler female! Key to be so, is look like chon TAM, with the Chief Justice and wisdom of Saints disciple. Chu Ja male, the Gentler female? Identity is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Mr. Suen, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-Ladies and not so, false Religion.
-Chu Ja Ja, national rate? The encyclopedia is often impermanent? ... Incense is often impermanent? ... The position is often impermanent? ... Exposure is often impermanent? ... France is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Mr. Suen, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies and not so, false Religion. Why is that? Previously, Mr. Ton, we've seen the affidavit as chon TAM, with the Chief Justice that wisdom: "six of foreign origin is impermanence".
-Fresh, Healthy change, the Gentler female! Key to be so, is look like chon TAM, with the Chief Justice and wisdom of Saints disciple. Chu Ja male, the Gentler female? The label is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Mr. Suen, is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-Ladies and not so, false Religion.
-The Gentle male, Turkish is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-Male formula is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-Body of knowledge is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-Consciousness is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Ladies mock Religion is suffering.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, and has reasonable affordable when the cafe that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego?"
-Ladies and not so, false Religion. Why is that? Previously Mr. Ton, we've seen the affidavit as chon TAM, with the Chief Justice that wisdom: "six sense this body is impermanence".
-Fresh, Healthy change, Chu Ja male! Key to be so, is look like chon TAM, with the Chief Justice and wisdom of Saints disciple. Such Gentleness, male, a lamp oil is burned; the oil is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; Wicks is impermanent, subject to your Necro variables; the flame is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; the light is impermanent, subject to variables. Chu Ja male, if anyone says that: "this oil lamp was burning; the oil is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; Wicks is impermanent, subject to your Necro variables; the flame is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; but the light is usually longer, permanent, constant often do not bear the ruined "; Chu Ja billion, said such talk primary legs?
-Ladies and not so, false Religion. Why is that? Dear fake Religion, this oil lamp was burning; the oil is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; Wicks also is impermanent, subject to the turn ruined; the flame also is impermanent, subject to variables. Also talk to the light, is also impermanent, subject to the turn ruined!
-So this is a must, the Gentler female! If anyone says the following: "six of foreign origin is impermanent, and due to the foreign country, six Coast I have tho, lost the life gauge or gauge of life, real-life communication; life is often feel longer, permanent, constant, usually not the ruined "; the Gentler female, she said a primary leg?
-Ladies and gentlemen, not Religion. Why is that? Dear fake Religion, due to this coast, this life feel like this, like this start up. Due to the charm like this, like this, the life feel like this, like this also turns.
-Fresh, Healthy change, the Gentler female! Key to be so, is look like talking ingenue with the Chief Justice and wisdom of Saints disciple. Such as this, the Gentler female, there are enormous trees stand straight, have the core tree, with roots of impermanence, suffering the destructive, with stems of impermanence, suffering the destructive, with twig impermanent, subject to turn destructive, with tree-impermanent, subject to variables. If someone says: "there are large tree standing upright there is this tree, with roots core impermanent, subject to turn destructive, with stems of impermanence, suffering the destructive, with twig impermanent, subject to turn destructive, but the shade of the trees is usually longer, permanent, constant not variable, often sabotage"; the Gentler female, she said a primary leg?
-Ladies and gentlemen, not Religion. Why is that? Mr. Ton, huge trees stand straight, tree roots core are impermanent, subject to turn destructive, trunk impermanence; the turn ruined, there are twig impermanent, subject to variables. Also talk to the shade, is also impermanent, subject to the turn ruined!
-This is a must, so Chu Gentler female! If anyone says as follows: "Cabinet of Six is impermanent, and by six foreign country charm me tho, lost the life gauge or gauge, life real-life communication; life is often feel longer, permanent, constant, usually not the ruined "; the Gentler female, she said Chanh legs?
-Ladies and gentlemen, not Religion. Why is that? Dear fake Religion, due to this coast, this life, like this, like this start up. Due to the charm like this, like this, the life feel like this, like this also turns.
-Fresh, Healthy change, Chu Ja male! Key to be so, is look like talking ingenue with the Chief Justice and wisdom of Saints disciple. Such as this, the Gentler female, a butcher slaughter fine friendly or disciple; After killing the cow, cow cutting with a sharp knife of the butcher killing cows, which do not damage the meat portion in, not damaged skin part, and then with the knife's sharp butcher slaughter, cut, cut, cut all the meat in the line to hell; the tendons in the wire, the joints in the rope; After the cut, cut, cut the shit and after peeling the skin aside, back cover cow with cow leather main then said: "this cow was with this skin as before"; the Gentler female, said such talk is a way chon TAM Chief? "
-Ladies and gentlemen, not Religion. Why is that? For oil, my Religion, the butcher to kill cows or disciples who crafts charity after killing cows. (as above) ... back cover cow with cow leather main he can say the following: "this cow was with this skin as before," oil Bulls have been peeling off the skin.
-We do this for this example, the Gentler female, is to specify the meaning. Here, the meaning is as follows: Chu Ja male, meat in is synonymous with six civil parishes. Chu Ja male skin, outside is synonymous with six foreign origin, Chu Ja male, the meat in the wire, the wire rope in the tendon to the bone in the joints is synonymous with the wedding and sex. Chu Ja male, butcher knife to kill the bulls sharp is synonymous with Holy wisdom. With this wisdom Scriptures to cut, cut, cut the inner defilements, inner hell Fang, be civil and be strong.
Chu Ja male, there are seven sensations, due to practice, make the fullness of this genus, the sense of National seven-on stilts with the passages make the contraband or evidence, himself immediately in the current tri-with terrace; certified reach and an indefinite stay, smuggled the mind liberation, liberating wisdom. What are the seven? Here, Chu Ja male, Female-stilts practice Visual mantras, y just far, y only y only, glass sections, driven to quit; practice, practice feeling French Scouts essential sensory tons, practice Hy the feeling, the feeling of security, balloon practice practice practice, sense of definite sensory discharge, y just far, y only y only, glass sections, driven to abandon. Chu Ja male, seven sensations this genus, because of practice, make the fullness, Female-on stilts with the passages make the contraband or, after itself immediately in the current tri-, with the upper reaches and jijeung stay invisible who smuggled out, wisdom.
And then the fake Religious Nandaka, after the National border-stilts ni with the word border, adjacent to disperse:
-Chu Sage female, go on, now.
Then the Male-stilts ni, once word of life mock Religious belief from Hy Nandaka taught, from stand up seat, false Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, the owner Nandaka toward Religion, and then go to That Religion; After the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl standing to one side. That Honor comes with the Male-stilts-ni she is standing on one side:
-The Male-stilts-ni, let's go. The hour has come.
Then the Male-stilts-ni, after the World body, the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl friendship towards Him and then leave. Then, after the Male-stilts-ni go not long, the National call-stilts and says:
-The Male-stilts, such on Publication-slaps, fourteen days, the masses no doubt or suspicion or that the Moon is round or not round, because at the time the Moon is the Moon not rounded; also, the Female-stilts, oil for the Male-stilts-ni's theory of post with the wedding Festival Nandaka, but their minds have not been satisfied.
Then tell Ton Ton Nandaka fake:
-So this Nandaka, tomorrow, He will give the National border-stilts-ni with border post.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
False religion That Religious response Yes Nandaka.
Then the false Religion did Nandaka, after night, in the morning the medical relief, holding y bowls, went into Savatthi (Xa-Wai) to qifu gangui. After qifu gangui in Savatthi, after lunch, on the way back to reality, qifu gangui in themselves alone to go to Rajarama. The Male-stilts-did Nandaka fake Religion see ni from far away; After the show, sailings compose and arrange the water wash the feet. False religion Nandaka sitting on seats have built-in Editor; After sitting, foot-washing sailings. The Male-stilts-did Nandaka mock Religious ceremony, wealthy girl ni and then sat down on one side. False religion Nandaka told the Male-stilts-and he was sitting on one side:
-The Sage female, will have the theory by questioning. Here, those who know the answer: "I know". Those who do not know, please answer "I don't know". If anyone has a doubt or hesitation, here, we need to be asked: "Mr. speaker, this is the Respect? The meaning of this? "
-Mr. Suen, for coming here, we were very satisfied with and mutual respect the wedding Festival author Nandaka, given that false Religion has invited us (ask)!
-Chu Ja Ja, national rate? The eye is often impermanent?
-Mr. Suen, impermanence.
-What is impermanent. (as on page 612 ... to 620 page of this). Let's go, the Female-stilts-ni had now arrived.
World Religion, after the Male-stilts-ni go not long, That Religion calls the Female-stilts and says:
-The Male-stilts, such as on Claims-on the full moon, they slapped no doubt or uncertain that the Moon is not round or the Moon is round, because at the time the Moon was round; also, the Female-stilts, Female-stilts-ni's theory of post with the wedding Festival to honor author Nandaka, and their minds are satisfied. The Male-stilts, in five hundred billion-stilts-ni, Female-stilts-ni finally testifying was saved, no longer were fallen, and certainly reached the Chief Justice.
World Religious preaching. The Male-stilts she trusts That Religious lyrics-life wedding Festival.

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