Tuesday 10 May 2016

CHAPTER NINE: respectively tasteless
I.  BODY  (Napoli, s.IV, 359)
1) - Hey, monks, I will preach the law unconditioned and the path leading to the unconditioned (Asankhata). Listen.
2) And this, monks, are the unconditioned? This, monks, the cessation of desire, the cessation field, the cessation si. This, monks, is called the unconditioned.
3) And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Body concept (kàyagatà sati), this, monks, is called the path leading to the unconditioned.
4) Thus, the monks, I speak on unconditioned, I speak on the way to the unconditioned.
5) This, monks, what a masters need to make disciples, for happiness, for contentment, because arises from introspection to their hearts; all, I had done for him.
6) This, monks, this is the tree, this is the house empty, go to practice meditation. Let no distractions. Not to regret later. This is the world my teacher for him.
II. ONLY  (Samatha) (Napoli, s.IV, 360)
1) - Hey, monks, I will preach for the unconditioned He and the path leading to the unconditioned. Listen.
2) And this, monks, are the unconditioned? This, monks, the cessation of desire, the cessation field, the cessation si. This, monks, is called the unconditioned.
3) And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned, just and consistent, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ... (as above) ...
III. REACH  (Napoli, s.IV, 360)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Have to have a range, with the quarterfinals; there shall not reach, there quartet; there shall not reach, not quad. This, monks, is called the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Not specified, the Supreme Minister, Vo Nguyen Dinh. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
V. mindfulness.
1-2) ...
3) -and this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? The four foundations of mindfulness, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Four primary needs, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Four as the sufficiency, this, monks, this is the path to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Year basis, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Five forces, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
X. Enlightenment.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Seven Enlightenment, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
XỊ. THE WAY  (Napoli, s.IV, 361)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Eight branches Noble Path, this, monks, this is the path to the unconditioned.
4) Thus, the monks, I speak on unconditioned; We speak on the path leading to the unconditioned.
5) This, monks, what a masters need to make disciples, for happiness, for contentment, because arises from introspection to their hearts; all, I had done for him.
6) This, monks, this is the tree, this is the house empty, go to practice meditation. Let no distractions. Not to regret later. This is the world my teacher for him.
I. tasteless
I. ONLY (Napoli, s.IV, 362)
1) - Hey, monks, I will speak on the unconditioned, and the path leading to the unconditioned. Listen.
2) - Hey, monks, are the unconditioned? This, monks, the cessation of desire, the cessation field, the cessation si; This, monks, is called the unconditioned.
3) And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Only, this, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
4) Thus, the monks, I speak on unconditioned, I speak on the way to the unconditioned.
5) This, monks, what a masters need to make disciples, for happiness, for contentment, because arises from introspection to their hearts; all, I have done for him.
6) This, monks, this is the tree, this is the house empty, go to practice meditation. Let no distractions. Not to regret later. This is the world my teacher for him.
1) - And this, monks, I will argue for the unconditioned He and the path leading to the unconditioned. Listen.
2) And this, monks, are the unconditioned? This, monks, the cessation of desire, the cessation field, the cessation si; This, monks, is called the unconditioned.
3) And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Quan, the monks, this is the path to the unconditioned.
4-6) ... (as above).
III. SIX OF (1) (S, iv, 362)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? There has to reach the quarterfinals, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ... (as above) ...
IV. SIX ON (2)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Not to reach only the quarterfinals; This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
V. THE SIX (3)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Does not reach the quarterfinals not; This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Not the, this, monks, this is the path to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Forever the Minister, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Unknown to prayer, the monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
IX. Four foundations of mindfulness (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 363)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks live contemplating the body depending on the body, enthusiasm, awareness, mindfulness, covetousness convince lifetime. This, monks, is called the path leading to the unconditioned ...
X - XII. Four foundations of mindfulness (2-4)
1-2) ...
3) ... Here, the monks, monks lived depending on life expectancy ... custom shop shop shop center on the heart ... depending on legal measures. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks arise desire that evil evil unborn law does not arise, ardent, diligent, perseverance, steadfastness. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks arise desire that the measures were being evil evil is annihilation, ardent, diligent, perseverance, steadfastness ... arises a desire that the unborn friendly France is being run ... arises desire that good behavior is to dwell bore, against loss, growth, be generous, be practiced, fullness, ardent, diligent , perseverance, steadfastness. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
XVII. The TUC AS FOUR (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 365)
1-2) ...
3) - Monks And this is how the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks practiced as the residence, the education property with meditation, crystals should act. This, monks, is called the path leading to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks as standard practice excluded, the organic and centered meditation, crystals ... the property should act with diligence ... the friendly Meditation Meditation thinking, fine should act. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned.
XXI. IN APARTMENT (1) (Napoli, s.IV, 365)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, monks practice based credits, renunciation itself y, y on dispassion, cessation medicine itself, towards abandon. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, practice ... practice based attack based concept ... practice ... practice based on intellectual grounds, renunciation itself y, y on dispassion, cessation medicine itself, Navigate to abandon. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
XXVI-XXX. IN FORCE (1-5) (Napoli, s.IV, 336)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, practicing believers attack force ... force ... thoughts ... mental capacity ... to force themselves renunciation force ... y, y on dispassion, he kept cessation , directed to give up. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
CHI XXXI-XXXVII.BAY OUT (1-7) (Napoli, s.IV, 367)
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, practicing enlightenment ... trạch legal concept enlightenment ... diligently ... rapture enlightenment enlightenment ... calm ... the enlightenment enlightenment ... exhaust enlightenment, renunciation itself y, y on dispassion, cessation medicine itself, towards abandon. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
1-2) ...
3) - And this, monks, how is the path leading to the unconditioned? Here, the monks, trainings knowledge ... right thought ... right speech ... right action ... right livelihood ... right effort ... mindfulness ... Secretarial the, y every renunciation, dispassion every y, y on cessation, towards abandon. This, monks, this is the path leading to the unconditioned ...
II. FINAL DESTINATION  (Antam) (Napoli, s.IV, 368)
1) - Hey, monks, I will speak on the final goal and the path to the ultimate goal, listen.
2) And this, monks, what is the ultimate goal? ... (Like passage of Vo Vi, I through XLV).
III. Outflows  (Napoli, s.IV, 360)
1) - Hey, monks, I will speak on outflows and the path leading to outflows, listen.
2) And this, monks, is the outflow how? ... (Like passage of Vo Vi, I through XLV).
IV. FACT  (Saccam) ...
V. other side  (param) ...
FOR. Witty  (Nipunam) ...
VII. Trouble seeing  (Sududdasam) ...
VIII. No Price  (Ajajjaram) ...
IX. Superior  (Dhuvam) ...
X. does wane  (Apalokitam) ...
XỊ. NOT SEE  (Anidassanam) ...
XII. NOT THEORY  (Nippapam) ...
XIII. Calm  (Santam) ...
XIV. REAL DEATH  (Amatam) ...
XV. REVENGE WIN  (Panitam) ...
XVIII. AI stroll ...
XIX. Inconceivable  (Acchariyam) ...
XX. HY PROPERTY  (Abhutam) ...
XXI. NO Incident  (Anitika) ...
XXII. BE Incident  (Anitakdhamma) ...
XXIII. Nirvana ...
XXIV. NOT EXIST  (Avyapajjho) ...
XXVII. Liberation  (Mutti) ...
XXIX. Lamp  (DIPA) ...
XXX. Restaurant  (Lena) ...
XXXI. Fortress  (Tanam) ...
XXXII. Refuge  (Saranam) ...
XXXIII. The other side  (Parayanam)
1) - Hey, monks, I will argue for the Mr. of the other side and the path to the other side, listen.
2) Hey, monks, what is the other side? This, monks, the cessation of desire, the cessation field, the cessation si; This, monks, is called to the other shore.
3) And this, monks, what is the path to the other side? Body concept, this, monks, is the path to the other side.
4) Thus, the monks, I theory of the other side, I speak on the way to the other side.
5) This, monks, what a masters need to make disciples, for happiness, for contentment, because arises from introspection to their hearts; all, I had done for him.
6) - this, monks, this is the tree, this is the house empty, go to practice meditation. Let no distractions. Not to regret later. This is the world my teacher for him.
...(As above)...
I. elders NI Khema  (Napoli, s.IV, 374)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Savatthi, at Jetavana, Anathapindika his garden.
2) At that time, monks-ni Khema are traveling between the people and stay at Toranavatthu Kosala, between Savatthi and Saketa.
3) King Pasenadi Kosala well away from Saketa to Savatthi and stay one night in Toranavatthu, between Saketa and Savatthi.
4) Then King Pasenadi Kosala called someone and said:
- Come, this other person. He has said the monk or Brahmin does at Toranavatthu to today I can come up is he?
- Ladies and yes, O Lord.
He replied yes Pasenadi Kosala king, looking around Toranavatthu saw no monks or Brahmin to King Pasenadi Kosala can reach an audience.
5) Then he saw monks to stay in Sydney Khema Toranavatthu; after the show, he went to King Pasenadi Kosala and said:
- O Lord, in Toranavatthu no monks or Brahmin king can do to University audience. But O Lord, with nuns, monks-Khema is a disciple of Bhagavan, level Arhat, Enlightenment. Nice following rumors transmissions on that level venerable women: "Women's venerable location wise, intelligent, location, listening more, words to heart, responsive agile". Royal audience can to him.
6) Then King Pasenadi Kosala went to the nuns, monks-Khema; after arrival, he bowed and sat down on one side.
7) On one side, King Pasenadi Kosala said to the nuns, monks-Khema:
- Ladies and Women Religious authors, Tathagata exist after death?
- O Lord, Bhagavan did not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death".
8) - So, sir Female Venerable, the Tathagata does not exist after death?
- O Lord, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist after death."
9) - So, sir Female venerable, Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?
- O Lord, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death."
10) - So, sir Female Venerable, the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- O Lord, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death."
11) - Asked: "Ladies and Women Religious authors, Tathagata exist after death?", Female Venerable replied, "O Lord, Bhagavan did not answer: 'The Tathagata exists after death ' ". Asked: "So, sir Female venerable, is Tathagata does not exist after death?", Female Venerable replied, "O Lord, Bhagavan did not reply: 'The Tathagata does not exist in after death. ' " Asked: "So, sir Female venerable, is Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?", Female Venerable replied, "O Lord, Bhagavan did not reply: 'Tathagata exist and not exist after death. ' " Asked: "So, sir Female venerable, is Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death?", Female Venerable replied, "O Lord, Bhagavan was not answered: 'As Lai does not exist and not exist after death. ' " Female Venerable sir, what's due, conditioned by anything, Bhagavan was not answered?
12) - So Sire, here, I would ask the Great King. Royal endurance how such answer.
13) What do you think the Great King, Sire, Dai Vuong public accountant with, chancellor does (muddiko), which could numerical count Ganges sand with some sand so that the percentage of sand as Thus, there are thousands of such sand, with some hundred thousand sand so?
- No, sir Female venerable.
14) - General public accountant kingdom there, yet someone chancellor, someone that can balance the momentum is large sea water so the water fight, with some countries such percentage game, with thousands of game such countries, with some countries such auction hundred thousand?
- No, sir Female venerable.
- Why?
- Ladies and Women Religious authors, because that big ocean deep, immeasurable, unfathomable to the bottom.
15) - Likewise, Sire, if someone wants to define identity through body Tathagata (rupena), but her physical body, Tathagata has to make an end, cut off at the root, making the trunk like us- la, making impossible rebirth, makes it impossible to arise in the future; be freed from the physical body estimates. Sire, the Tathagata is deep, immeasurable, can not go to the bottom, as the great sea. Saying: "The Tathagata exists after death", is not acceptable. Saying: "The Tathagata does not exist after death", is also unacceptable. Saying: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death", also unacceptable. Saying: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death", is also unacceptable.
16) If someone wants to define the Tathagata through sensations, but sensations, Bhagavan was to make an end, cut off at the root, making the trunk as ta-la, making impossible rebirth, make can not arise in the future; be freed from the estimate of sensations. Sire, As hybrid is deep, immeasurable, can not go to the bottom, as the great sea. Saying: "The Tathagata exists after death" unacceptable ... Saying: "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death", is also unacceptable.
17-19) If someone wants to define Tathagata through perception ... through ... through official acts; but that formula, the total extinction of the Tathagata, cut off the roots, making the trunk as I-la, making impossible rebirth, makes it impossible to arise in the future; be freed from the official estimates. Sire, the Tathagata is deep, immeasurable, can not go to the bottom, as the great sea. Saying: "The Tathagata exists after death", is not acceptable. Saying: "The Tathagata does not exist after death", is also unacceptable. Saying: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death", also unacceptable. Saying: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death", is also unacceptable.
20) Then the king of Kosala Pasanadi happy, credit life-words of monks and nuns Khema, stood up from his seat, bowed monks-ni Khema, the organic body towards Women Religious authors then went away.
21) Then King Pasenadi Kosala, after a while, went to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
22) On one side, King Pasenadi Kosala venerable sir:
- Buddha, Tathagata exist after death?
- Sire, I will not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death".
23) So, dear Bhagavan, Tathagata does not exist after death?
- Sire, I will not answer: "Tathagata does not exist after death."
24-25) ... (Ibid) ...
26-34 ... (As above, from number 11 to number 19, with the necessary changes) ...
35) - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! Since that between master and disciple women, with significant implications, cultural discourse with text language has similarities, there is relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl.
36) One time, venerable sir, I went to the nuns, monks-Khema and ask about the meaning. The venerable women that answered for me in this sense with this question, with these words, like Bhagavan. It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is rare, venerable sir! Since that between master and disciple women, with significant implications, cultural discourse with text language has similarities, there is relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl. Buddha, now I have to go, I have many duties, many things to do.
- Sire, this Dai Vuong Dai Vuong do what is right time to think.
37) Then King Pasenadi Kosala happy, credit life Exalted words said, standing up from his seat, bowed, right hand toward his body before leaving.
II. Anuradha.  (S.iv380)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Vesali, in the Great Forest, in Chongqing The amphitheater.
2) At that time the Venerable Anuradha was in a hut in the woods not far from the house Bhagavan how much.
3) Then a lot of pagan wanderer go to Venerable Anuradha; after arrival, speak with Venerable Anuradha words of welcome to inquire; after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
4) On one side, the pagan Vacchagotta said to Venerable Anuradha:
- Hey Sage Anuradha, the Tathagata is the Master's level, that's omniscient, that level has reached the ultimate position. Tier Tathagata had been presented under four circumstances: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata does not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
- Ladies and reverences, he is the One Supreme Tathagata human, human omniscient, is the degree has achieved the ultimate status. Tier Tathagata was presented outside the four following cases: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
When they heard that, the pagan wanderer told Venerable Anuradha:
- Monks This is probably the new convent, left home shortly. Or if the elders, the taste is dense, there is no intelligence.
5) The pagan wanderer was, after reproach (apasadetva) Venerable Anuradha is novice and ignorant, immediately stood up from his seat and departed.
6) Then Venerable Anuradha, after the pagan wanderer was gone in no time, immediately thought: "If the pagan wanderer asks me more questions, we have answers as to how to sentence us answers to the pagan wanderer was right with Bhagavan said, have no respect for distorting world untruths. I answered lawful, legal agreement, and those who say the corresponding lawful, there is no opportunity to criticize ".
7) Then the Venerable Anuradha went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
8) Sit down on one side, Venerable Anuradha venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, I stay in a cottage in a forest hut, not far Exalted much. Then, venerable sir, a lot of tourists come to the pagan officer, after arrival, speak with the words of welcome to inquire; after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side. Sat to one side, venerable sir, the pagan wanderer told me: "Hey Sage Anuradha, the Tathagata is Shanghai's level, the person omniscient, is the degree has achieved the ultimate status. Tier Tathagata had been presented under four circumstances: 'The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata does not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. ' " Buddha, they are saying that, I told the pagan wanderer was as follows: "Dear reverences, Tathagata is Shanghai's level, the person omniscient, is the degree has achieved the exalted status. Tier Tathagata was presented outside the four cases as follows: 'The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata does not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. ' " When saying this, the pagan wanderer told me: "This, monks probably new convent, ordained not long. Or if the elders, the taste is dense, no clever ". The pagan wanderer was, after blame me as novices and foolish, immediately stood up from his seat and departed.
9) Buddha, when the travelers pagan officers went shortly the following thoughts: "If the travelers pagan officer asks me more questions, we have answers as to how to answer my word for wanderer pagan was right with Bhagavan said, have no distorting Exalted with untruths. I answered lawful, legal and those who agree say the appropriate lawful, there is no opportunity to criticize ".
10) - What do you think, this Anuradha, color is permanent or impermanent?
- Being impermanent, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- As suffering, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to variable necrosis, may reasonably affordable when the shop was: "This is mine. This is me. This is my self '?
- No, venerable sir.
- Life is permanent or impermanent? ... Thought is permanent or impermanent? ... The issue is permanent or impermanent? ... Consciousness is permanent or impermanent?
- Being impermanent, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent is suffering or optimistic?
- As suffering, venerable sir.
- What is impermanent, suffering and subject to variable necrosis, may reasonably affordable when the shop was: "This is mine. This is me. This is my self '?
- No, venerable sir.
11) - So, this Anuradha, what flesh-colored past, future, present, or internal or external, or gross or subtle, or inferior and superior, or far or near; all have lifelike color consistency with intelligence chief saying, "This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self. " What can mortal life, past, future, present ... with idea whatsoever what ... what ... Every committing what form whatsoever with the past, future, present, or internal or external, or gross or subtle, or inferior and superior, or far or near; all need to be realistic formula consistent with intelligence chief that: "This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self. "
12) Seeing this, Anuradha this, the disciples of St. Multicultural boring for excellence, for life boring, boring for ideas, for operating boring, boring to the formula. Because boring so he dispassion. Do dispassion should he be freed. In the release, said that the position arose: "I have been liberated." He knew: "Birth was seeking, Virtue has, what to do have done, no longer come back to this state again."
13) What do you think, this Anuradha, Mr Tathagata shop is not sharp?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a life bar is Like it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He can not contemplate the Tathagata?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a shop acts as a Tathagata?
- No, venerable sir.
- He does not assume consciousness as the Tathagata?
- No, venerable sir.
14-18) - What do you think, this Anuradha, he has excellent bars Tathagata in it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has excellent bars Tathagata outside it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a life bar Tathagata in it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a life bar Tathagata outside it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a great bar Tathagata in it?
- No, venerable sir.
- He has a great bar Tathagata outside it?
- No, venerable sir.
- Do you shop the Tathagata in the warrant?
- No, venerable sir.
- Do you shop Tathagata outside the warrant?
- No, venerable sir.
- Do you shop Tathagata in awake?
- No, venerable sir.
- Do you shop Tathagata outside awake?
- No, venerable sir.
19-20) - How do you think, this Anuradha, the Tathagata's shop He has form, feeling, perception, volition, consciously or not?
- No, venerable sir.
- Do you shop the Tathagata is no form, no feelings, no thoughts, no onions, no food or not?
- No, venerable sir.
21) - Here, this Anuradha, now in the present He does not grasp the Tathagata honest, a recognition of the way, whether reasonable time when the Tathagata He declared that:
 "Ladies and reverences, Tathagata is Shanghai's level, the person omniscient, is the degree has achieved the ultimate status. Tier Tathagata was known outside the four following cases: 'The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. ' "
- No, venerable sir.
22) - You instead, heal instead! Anuradha this. Past and present, this Anuradha, I just tell the pain and the suffering.
III. Sariputta-KOTTHIKA  (1) (or previous Resident) (Napoli, s.IV, 384)
1) A time Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Kotthika Baranasi residing at Isipatana, in Deer Park.
2) Then the venerable Maha Kotthika, in the afternoon, from where Meditation got up, went to the venerable Sariputta, after arriving, said to the Venerable Sariputta's words welcome to inquire; after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Venerable Maha told Venerable Sariputta Kotthika:
- Dear Sage Sariputta, the Tathagata exist after death?
- Ladies and sage, Bhagavan did not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death".
4) - So, Mr. Sage, the Tathagata does not exist after death?
- Ladies and sage, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist after death."
5) - So, Mr. Sage, Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?
- Ladies and sage, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death."
6) - So, Mr. Sage, the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Ladies and sage, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
7) - Asked: "Dear Sage, Tathagata exist after death?" The sage replied: "O sage, Bhagavan did not answer: 'The Tathagata exists after death'" . Asked: "Dear Sage, that is the Tathagata does not exist after death?" Sage replied: "O sage, Bhagavan did not reply: 'The Tathagata does not exist after death.'" Asked: "So, Mr. Sage, Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?" Sage replied: "O sage, Bhagavan did not reply: 'Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. ' " Asked: "Dear Sage, that is the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death?" Sage replied: "O sage, Bhagavan did not reply: 'The Tathagata does not exist and not does not exist after death. ' " Dear Sage, so what's, what conditioned, Bhagavan was not answered?
8) "The Tathagata exists after death," said Sage, is the attachment of excellence. "Tathagata does not exist after death" is attached excellence. "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death" is attached excellence. "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death" is attached excellence.
9) "The Tathagata exists after death" is attached expectancy. "Tathagata does not exist after death" is attached expectancy. "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death" is attached expectancy. "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death" is attached expectancy.
10) "The Tathagata exists after death" is a great attachment. "Tathagata does not exist after death" is a great attachment. "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death" is a great attachment. "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death" is a great attachment.
11) "The Tathagata exists after death" is the operating attachment. "Tathagata does not exist after death" is the operating attachment. "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death" is the operating attachment. "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death" is the operating attachment.
12) "The Tathagata exists after death" is attached form. "Tathagata does not exist after death" is attached form. "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death" is attached form. "Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death" is attached form.
13) Hey Sage, so this person, because this coast, Bhagavan did not answer.
IV. Sariputta-KOTTHIKA  (2) (or Warm) (Napoli, s.IV, 387)
1) One time, the Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Kotthika residing in Baranasi (Balaam complaints), at Isipatana, the Deer Park site ...
2-7) - Dear Sage, what's so Bhagavan did not answer that question?
8) - Dear Sage, so it's not like know, seeing as they are excellent; by not realistic to know, seeing as collective identity launch; by not realistic to know, seeing as sharp cessation; by not realistic to know, as it's found a path to a new identity should cessation of the view that: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death is not ... "
9-11) ... feeling ... perception ... the practice ...
12) Do not realistic to know, seeing as they are awake; by not realistic to know, seeing as starting informal collective; by not realistic to know, seeing as informal cessation; by not realistic to know, as it's found a path to a new form of cessation should be of the view that: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
13) Do lifelike know, seeing as they are excellent; so lifelike know, seeing as they launch collective identity; so lifelike know, seeing as sharp cessation; so lifelike know, it's seen as a path to excellence, there is no cessation of the view that: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
14-16) ... feeling ... perception ... the practice ...
17) Do lifelike know, seeing as they are awake; so lifelike know, seeing as starting informal collective; so lifelike know, seeing as informal cessation; so lifelike know, it's seen as the path to cessation should not form the opinion that: "The Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
18) Dear Sage, this is the person, this is fate, this is why Bhagavan did not answer her question.
Sariputta-KOTTHIKA V.  (3) (or AI) (Napoli, s.IV, 368)
1) One time, the Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Kotthika residing in Baranasi (Balaam complaints), at Isipatana, the Deer Park site ...
2-7) - Dear Sage, so what's, what conditioned, Bhagavan did not answer that question?
8) - Dear Sage, for anyone not involved with the exception of color, no sexual rid, not get rid of love, not the exception, thirst, no heat except the mind, not the exception craving, when he had the point: "the Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
9-11) ... for feeling ... for perception ... for acts ...
12) Dear Sage, for those who have not participated to form the exception, not the exception education, not yet rid rid of craving, thirst, not the exception zeal, not rid of desire, when he is of the opinion: "Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
13) Hey Sage, for anyone involved with the exception of color, sex was the exception, has cut through craving, were rid of thirst, had rid zeal, has cut through craving, he will not have the point: "the Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
14-16) ... for feeling ... for perception ... for acts ...
17) Hey Sage, for anyone except the greed for knowledge, education was the exception, has cut through craving, were rid of thirst, had rid zeal, has cut through craving, when he does not have opinion: "the Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
18) Hey Sage, this is the person, this is fate, this is why Bhagavan did not answer her question.
FOR. Sariputta-KOTTHIKA  (4) (or garden) (Napoli, s.IV, 388)
1) A time Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Maha Kotthika Baranasi residing at Isipatana, in Deer Park.
2) Then the venerable Sariputta, in the afternoon, from where net migration stood up, went to the Venerable Maha Kotthika; after arriving, said to the Venerable Maha Kotthika words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, venerable Sariputta told venerable Kotthika:
- Venerable Sir Kotthika, Tathagata exist after death? ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death? ... Asked Thus, sage replied, "Bhagavan did not answer : 'the Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death.' "
What's Due, said Sage, conditioned by anything, Bhagavan did not answer her question?
4) - Dear Sage, who was loving touch with sharp, color preferred, happy colors, not as they really know, seeing as sharp cessation, when he or she is of the opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. " Dear Sage, who was craving for pleasant feeling, fancy life, happy life, not as they really know, seeing as life annihilation, when he had the same opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death .. . Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death '... perception ... ... Excellencies Sage acts, with loving who also lost consciousness, the preferred formula, formula joy, not as they really know , seeing as informal cessation, when he had the same opinion: "the Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death."
5) Hey Sage, for anyone not loving excellent communication, not fancy colors, no joy sharp, lifelike know, seeing as sharp cessation, when he does not have the same opinion: "Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. " Dear Sage, with whom is no longer loving life ... touch ... not great ... the loving touch operating mode, not fancy formulas, not happy formula, known as true, seeing as informal cessation, time he does not have the same opinion: "the Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
6) Hey Sage, this is the person, this is fate, this is why Bhagavan did not answer about his problems.
7) - Dear Sage, have other reasons, so that Bhagavan did not answer the problem was?
- Ladies and yes, this sage.
8) Who was loving organic peanuts, said Sage, organic fancy, happy existence, not as they really know, do not really see organic as annihilation, when he had the same opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
9) Who are no longer craving organic peanuts, said Sage, preferred not organic, not organic joyful, lifelike know, seeing as organic annihilation, the people did not have the same opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
10) Dear Sage, this is why Bhagavan did not answer about his problems.
11) - Dear Sage, have any other reason, Bhagavan therefore not answer the problem was?
- Ladies and yes, this sage.
12) Who was loving touch player, said Sage, favorite players, players happy, not as they really know, seeing as tricks away, the person has the same opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death. .. Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. "
13) Who is not optimistic obvious affinity, said Sage, preferred not obvious, is not happy with, as it's known, it's seen as anti-tricks, the people did not have the same opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
 14) Dear Sage, this is why Bhagavan did not answer about his problems.
15) - Dear Sage, have any other reason, Bhagavan therefore not answer the problem was?
- Ladies and yes, this sage.
16) With one touch also loving kindness, said Sage, favorite charity, joyful love, not as they really know, do not really see compassion as annihilation, the time he has these views: "The Tathagata exists after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death. "
17) With whom, sir Sage, no longer craving loving touch, not fancy yours, not happy loving, and as it's known, it's seen as loving annihilation, the people did not have the same opinion: "Tathagata existence after death ... the Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death. "
18) Dear Sage, this is why Bhagavan did not answer about his problems.
19) - Dear Sage, have any other reason, Bhagavan therefore not answer the problem was?
- Here, sir Sariputta Sage, Sage also want to ask why more again. For monks were freed thanks to the total extinction of charity, when there is nothing to indicate the growth is.
VII. Moggalana  (or Land) (S.iv.391)
2) Then go to the wanderer Vacchagotta Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arriving, told Venerable Maha Moggalana words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
3) On one side, wanderer said to the Venerable Maha Vacchagotta Moggalana:
- Moggalana Venerable Sir, the world is permanent?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The world is permanent."
4) - So Moggalana Venerable sir, the world is impermanent?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "The world is impermanent".
5) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, there must be finite world?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The world is finite".
6) - The venerable Moggalana folks, the world is boundless?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "The world is boundless."
7) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, may have life and body are one?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The life and body are one."
8) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, this is life and other bodies?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "The life and body is different."
9) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, does the Tathagata exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death".
10) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, that the Tathagata does not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist after death."
11) - Venerable Sir Moggalana, so Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death."
12) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, that the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death."
13) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, what's due, conditioned by what the travelers pagan officer, when asked like this, the answer like this: "The world is permanent. Or the world is impermanent. Or the world is finite. Or the world is boundless. Or life and body are one. Or life and body is different. Or Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death?
14) Moggalana Venerable Sir, what's due, conditioned by anything, recluse Gotama, when asked like this, time does not answer like this: "The world is permanent. Or the world is impermanent. Or the world is finite. Or the world is boundless. Or life and body are one. Or life and body is different. Or Tathagata exists after death. Or Tathagata not exist after death. Or Tathagata exists and does not exist after death. Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death "?
15) - Hey Vaccha, because that pagan customs wanderer's eye: "This is mine. This is me. This is my self "; ... shop ... shop ear nose ... tongue ... shop ... shop body shop is:" This is mine, this is mine. This is my self. " Therefore, the wanderer pagan, so when asked so, replied thus: "The world is often longer ... Or Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
16) And the Tathagata, Arhat level, Enlightenment, this Vaccha, consistent eye was: "This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self '... shop ... shop ear nose ... tongue ... shop ... shop body shop is: "This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self. " Therefore, the Tathagata so when asked, no answers thus: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
17) Then Vacchagotta wanderer got up from his seat to go to Bhagavan; after going to, speak with words of welcome Bhagavan inquired, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends sat down to one side.
18) On one side, Vacchagotta venerable sir:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, permanent world?
- Vaccha Hey, I did not answer: "The world is permanent."
19-26) ... (as above) ...
27) - Dear Venerable Gotama, is Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Vaccha Hey, I do not have the answer: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
28) - Dear Venerable Gotama, so what's so charming wanderer what the Gentiles, so when asked, the answer thus: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and is not existence after death "? Dear Venerable Gotama, what's due, conditioned by what, when Venerable Gotama so asked, not answered, saying, "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and not exist after dead"?
29) - Hey Vaccha, the pagan shop wanderer's eye: "This is mine. This is me. This is my self ", Mini ear ... nose ... shop shop shop tongue ... body ... shop is:" This is mine. This is me. This is my self. " Therefore, the pagan wanderer so when asked, should answer this way: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
30) And the Tathagata, this Vaccha grades Arhat, Enlightenment, consistent eye was: "This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self, "shop ... shop ear nose ... tongue ... shop ... shop body shop is:" This is not mine. This is not me. This is not my self. " Therefore, the Tathagata when asked so, do not answer like this: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
31) - It's rather wonderful, dear venerable Gotama! It's rather bizarre, sir venerable Gotama! Since that between master and disciple men, meaning to meaning, discourse with text documents resemble language, there is relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl.
32) Dear Venerable Gotama, now I go to the recluse Maha Moggalana and talk about the meaning. Salmone Moggalana, with things like this, with such words answered about this sense like Venerable Gotama. Since that between master and disciple men, meaning to meaning, discourse with text documents resemble language, there is relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl.
VIII. Vaccha  (or tied) (Napoli, s.IV, 395)
2) Then go to the wanderer Vacchagotta Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, wanderer Vacchagotta venerable sir:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the world has to be permanent?
- Vaccha Hey, I do not have the answer: "The world is permanent ..."
4-11) ... (as above) ...
12) - Dear Venerable Gotama, is Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Vaccha Hey, I do not have the answer: "The Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
13) - Dear Venerable Gotama, so what's, what conditioned, the pagan wanderer so when asked, the answer thus: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and is not existence after death "? What's Due, conditioned by what, sir Venerable Gotama, the venerable Gotama is asked like that, did not reply: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death ' ?
14) - Hey Vaccha, the wanderer pagan assume form to be the self, or the self as possessing form, or form as in self, or self as in form. They assume feeling to be the self ... contemplating ... shop ... shop acts as a form of self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or self as in form. Therefore, the pagan wanderer so when asked, immediately answered, saying, "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
15) Tathagata, this Vaccha, the Arhat level, Enlightenment, consistent color is not the self, or ego not have identity, or identity are not in the self, or ego is not in sharp. Tathagata not assume feeling self ... perception ... shop ... shop official acts is not self, or ego can not form, or not in the form of ego or self, no in consciousness. Therefore, the Tathagata when asked so, did not answer like this: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
16) Then pagan Vacchagotta wanderer got up from his seat, went to the Venerable Maha Moggalana; after arriving, said to the Venerable Maha Moggalana words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
17) On one side, wanderer told Venerable Maha Vacchagotta Moggalana:
- Moggalana Venerable Sir, there must be permanent world?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The world is permanent."
18-26) ... (as above) ...
27) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, does the Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan has no answer: "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death."
28) - Moggalana Venerable Sir, what's due, conditioned by anything, the pagan wanderer so when asked, replied immediately, saying, "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and is not existence after death "? What's Due, conditioned by what, sir venerable Moggalana, recluse Gotama so when asked, not answered, saying, "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death "?
29) - Hey Vaccha, the wanderer pagan assume form to be the self, or the self as possessing form, or form as in self, or self as in form. They shop ... contemplating life ... shop ... shop formula acts as the self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or self as in form. Therefore, the pagan wanderer so when asked, immediately answered, saying, "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
30) And the Tathagata, this Vaccha grades Arhat, Enlightenment, consistent color is not the self, or ego identity is not there, do not assume form as in the self, or ego is not in sharp. Tathagata shop ... contemplating life ... shop ... shop official acts is not self, or the self as possessing consciousness, or consciousness as in the self, or self as in form. Therefore, the Tathagata so when asked, no answers thus: "The world is permanent ... Tathagata does not exist and does not not exist after death."
31) - It's rather wonderful, venerable sir Moggalana! Because of that, between guru and disciple men, meaning to meaning, cultural discourse with text language has similarities with the relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl.
32) Moggalana Venerable Sir, now I go to the recluse Gotama, after I asked about the meaning to this. Recluse Gotama with the sentence, with the wording answered in this sense like the venerable Moggalana. It's rather wonderful, venerable Moggalana! It's rather bizarre, venerable Moggalana! Because of that, between guru and disciple men, meaning to meaning, cultural discourse with text language has similarities with the relative peace, without contradiction, that is the ultimate writer owl.
IX. DISCUSSION MEETING STREET  (Kutuhalasala) (Napoli, s.IV, 398)
2) Then go to the wanderer Vacchagotta Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, wanderer Vacchagotta said to Bhagavan:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the day before, the day before too, many recluses, Brahmin is pagan wanderer sitting gathered, gathered in conference Luan Road, and the following story start-up: "the Purana Kassapa is the opportunity all this, the patriarch, the chief church, has a good reputation, with fame, open sectarian groups, are popular devotion". When talking about a practitioner from the ceiling, common destiny, they say he's the land of birth as follows: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. " If the disciple is the private terrace, private paramount, reached the exalted position, when this position from the ceiling, common destiny, they say he's the land of birth as follows: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. "
4-9) ... Nigantha Nataputta Makkhali Gosala ... Sanjaya Pakuddha Kaccayana Belatthiputta ... ... this is what you're Ajita Social Kesakambala, patriarch, the chief church, has a good reputation, with fame , open sectarian organization, the masses are revered. When talking about a practitioner from the ceiling, common destiny, they say he's the land of birth as follows: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. " If the disciple is the private terrace, private paramount, reached the exalted position, when this position from the ceiling, common destiny, they say he's the land of birth as follows: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. "
10) And recluse Gotama is Social status, the patriarch, the chief church, has a good reputation, with fame, open sectarian groups, are popular fetish. When talking about a student who died, were common destiny, recluse Gotama says he's origin of birth as follows: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. " If the upper level's disciple, who had reached the exalted supreme position, as this position from the ceiling, common destiny, recluse Gotama has no answer: "This person was born in this place. This person born in this place. " But He spoke of him as follows: "He has cut off craving, destroyed the fetters blessed, thanks apparent arrogance right feet, was an end to suffering."
11) Dear Venerable Gotama, do you start to wonder and question as follows: "How, need to understand the recluse Gotama legal?"
12) - Hey Vaccha, the last stop His wonders. Last severance He doubts. Government do wonders on that point he began to doubt. I declare the arising, this Vaccha, for those who have attachments, not for anyone without clinging.
13) For example, this Vaccha, a red flame when burning fuel (sa-upadana), not without fuel. Also, this Vaccha, I declare to arise for people with grasping (born y), not with no attachments.
14) - Dear Venerable Gotama, while the wind blew the flame far away, the venerable Gotama declare something as fuel for this fire?
- Hey Vaccha, while the wind blew the flame far away, when I say the wind is the fuel. Meanwhile, this Vaccha, the wind is the fuel (upadana).
15) - Dear Venerable Gotama, while a cast off body beings to be born in a different body, the Venerable Gotama declare something as fuel for the body?
- Hey Vaccha, while a sentient being cast off body and born into a different body, this Vaccha, I declared that while the charity was (tanhà) as fuel (upadanam).
X. Ananda  (or The presence of ego) (Napoli, s.IV, 400)
2) Then go to the wanderer Vacchagotta Bhagavan; after arrival, Bhagavan speaks with words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, wanderer Vacchagotta said to Bhagavan:
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the self is not?
When asked this, Bhagavan was silent.
- Dear Venerable Gotama, the self is not?
The second time, Venerable Gotama remain silent.
Then wanderer Vacchagotta from the seat up and leave.
4) Then the Venerable Ananda, after wanderer Vacchagotta gone soon, instant venerable sir:
- Buddha, why Bhagavan did not answer the question of wanderer Vacchagotta?
5) - Hey Ananda, if asked: "Is there no self?", And I answered the wanderer Vacchagotta was, "self", so, this Ananda, belongs to the sect of recluses, three- la-subject usually is accepted.
6) And Ananda, if asked: "Are there no self?" And I answered the wanderer Vacchagotta is: "No self", so, this Ananda, that belong to denominations of Salmone , Brahmin is approved segment.
7) Again, Ananda, if asked: "Is there no self?" And I answered the wanderer Vacchagotta was, "self", so, my answer is appropriate for start-up position that: "All measures are non-self"?
- No, venerable sir.
8) - Again, Ananda, if asked: "Are there no self?" And I answered the wanderer Vacchagotta is: "No self", so, this Ananda, to make wanderer Vacchagotta more and more confused bewildered: "Before we had the self, the ego is no more."
XỊ. SABHIYA  (Napoli, s.IV, 401)
1) One time, he came to reside in Natika Sabhiya Kaccana, at the house of bricks.
2) Then go to the wanderer Vacchagotta Sabhiya Kaccana venerable; after arrival, speak with Sabhiya Kaccana venerable words of welcome to inquire, after speaking words of welcome to inquire friends and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, wanderer Vacchagotta told venerable Sabhiya Kaccana as follows:
- Kaccana Venerable Sir, does the Tathagata exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death".
4) - So, dear venerable Kaccana, Tathagata does not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist after death."
5) So, dear venerable Kaccana, Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death."
6) - So, dear venerable Kaccana, Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?
- Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death."
7) - Kaccana Venerable Sir, why, when asked: "Tathagata exist after death?", He came to say: "Hey Vaccha, Exalted is no answer: 'The Tathagata exists after dead'"?
8) Kaccana Venerable Sir, why, when asked: "Tathagata does not exist after death?", He came to say: "Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: 'Tathagata does not exist after dead'"?
9) Kaccana Venerable Sir, why, when asked: "Tathagata exists and does not exist after death?", He came to say: "Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not answer: 'Tathagata exists in and not have to exist after death ''?
10) Kaccana Venerable Sir, why, when asked: "Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death?" Venerable said: "Hey Vaccha, Bhagavan did not reply: 'The Tathagata does not exist at and not not exist after death. ' "
11) Kaccana Venerable Sir, what's due, conditioned by anything, not recluse Gotama answered about her problems?
12) - Vaccha Hey, what's due, conditioned by anything, which shows him to be outstanding, or no color, there is no thought or idea, no idea or no idea, that's when, coast he was brutal annihilation no balance, comprehensively, completely, then grab something to show he is sharp, or no color, there is no thought or idea, no idea or not no idea?
13) - This venerable Kaccana, venerable monastic how long?
- Dear Sage, not long, only three years.

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