Friday 6 May 2016

I. NAKULAPITÀ (Chief Author, 5.5, 2, 33a) (increase of 13.4, 2, 573a) (S.iii, 1)
1) like me.
One world Religion living among the people Bhayga, at Mount Bhesaka forest, Crocodile, Deer garden.
2) and then go to the Nakulapità home of world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the Nakulapità owner of the White World Religion:
-White World, having big, old, elders, seniors, have reached the span, sick relatives, always sick. The White World, you often find That Religion and Female-on stilts. The White World, hope Ton make border for me! The White World Religion, hoping That Religion be taught to the child! So, I was happy, at peace.
4)-this is so, true owner. So, this is the true owner. The body of the Host Country, the Host Country, this is sick, sick, infected the box cover. Who brought this body, this home again, for the sick, oil is not just in a moment; He must be an idiot! Therefore, this home, my home c n are learning the following: "oil for body I have the disease, the mind will not get sick." As such, this home, Homeowners need to study.
5) Then His home Nakulapità once the wedding, Religious teachings, How words life from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl body on towards him, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After the Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, fake to Sàriputta and then sat down on one side.
6) false Religion Sàriputta told Nakulapità homeowners are sitting on one side:
Owner President, net – this is the base of the home; purity and clarity is the Home of the owner. Today's homeowners are facing the World, hear the voice of France?
-How can not be, dear false Religion? Today, your Honor, I sprinkle soy source with the water of immortality, thus teaching Respect for French conversation!
-How this, his home Country, the host was sprinkle soy source with the water of immortality, thus teaching Respect for France?
7)-here, your Honor, you go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, my Religion, the White World Religion:
"The White World, the Religious – has big, old, elders, seniors, have reached the span, sick relatives, always sick. The White World, you often find That Religion and the Female-stilts. The White World, expecting That about religion for me! The White World Religion, hoping That teaching Respect for you! Thus the son is happy, lasting peace! "
Be heard so, dear World, false Religion Religion tell you:
"-This is so, the true owner. So, this is the true owner. The body of the Host Country, the Host Country, this is sick, sick, infected the box cover. Who brought this body, this home again, for the sick, oil is not just in a moment; He must be an idiot! Therefore, this home, Homeowners need to study as follows: ' Dear Oil I have the disease, the mind will not get sick! "
So, your Honor, I sprinkle soy source with the water of immortality, thus Venerated gi ng for France.
8)-this home, But owner has asked That more Respect as follows: "so how, the White World, was sick and also sick? So how is sick body, but the mind not sick? "
9)-Mr. Ton, can I go to far away to hear the fake Religious face Sàriputta the meaning of this word. Instead of healing, if respected author Sàriputta explains the meaning of words!
10)-so this owner, listen and experience, we will decline the affidavit says.
-Sir, false Religion.
Home Nakulapità Yes Sàriputta fake Religious response.
11) false Religion Sàriputta said the following:
-How this is home, body, disease and heart disease?
12) here, this owner, have invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as ego , or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in. Haunted her position: "we are Deeply, deeply is mine". By obsessed: "we, the colors is mine!" when the colors turn ruined, other change; due to the sharp turn destructive, the other change, he kicked up the melancholy, bi, suffering, giving priority to the brain!
She Tastes life number-13) as the ego, or the ego as there tho, or life in the ego, or the ego in tho. Haunted her position: "we, the Life expectancy is of me". By obsessed: "is life, Life is mine" when the variable life ruined, other change; so do the other change, destructive variable life, she kicked up, the melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
14) did Taste visualizations like the ego, or self as having ideas, or ideas in the ego, or the ego in the idea. Haunted her position: "the Idea is, the idea is mine". By obsessed: "the Idea is, the idea is mine" when thought turns destructive, other change; so do ideas transform destructive, the other change, she kicked up, the melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
He Tastes the number-15) as the ego or the self as having the onions, or the Act in the ego, or the ego in action. Haunted her position: "The Act is, the onion is mine". By obsessed: "The Act is, the Administration is" when the onions turn destructive, other change; due to the turn ruined, other change, he kicked up the melancholy, bi, suffering, giving priority to the brain!
the Inn's official Position 16), as is the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. Haunted her position: "we are Conscious, consciousness is" when the formula turns destructive, other change; so do the other change, ruined the variable form, she kicked up, the melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
17) so this is home, body, disease and heart disease.
18 this owner), is illness stems but no heart disease?
19) here, this home, the multicultural Holy disciples understood the Scriptures, the Holy French mature, practice the French Saint, understood the human Legs, mature human Legs, the French practice of human Legs, the French are not consistent excellence as the ego, or self as having colors , or colors in the ego, or self in. The taste is not obsessed: "we, the colors is mine." Due to her not obsessed: "Color is excellent, is" when the variable identity ruined, other change; should not do variable shades, which ruined the start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
20) Not consistent tho as the ego, or the ego as there tho, or life in the ego, or the ego in tho. The taste is not obsessed: "Tho tho, is that we are". Due to her not obsessed: "Tho tho, is that we are" when the variable life ruined, other change; should not do variable life ruined, another change, which kicked up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
21) does not contemplate as ego, ego or as having ideas, or ideas in the ego, or the ego in the idea. The taste is not obsessed: "the Idea is, the idea is mine". Due to her not obsessed: "the Idea is, the idea is mine" when thought turns destructive, other change; should not due to sabotage, other change variable ideas kicked up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
22) the number-Not as ego, ego or as having, or the Act in the ego, or the ego in action. The taste is not obsessed: "The Act is, the onion is mine". Due to her not obsessed: "The Act is, the Administration is" when the onions turn destructive, other change; should not do the onions turn destructive, the other change that kicked up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain!
23) Not consistent formula as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. The taste is not obsessed: "Consciousness is me, be mine". Due to her not obsessed: "Consciousness is me, is" when the formula turns destructive, other change; should not due to sabotage, other change variables form start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain.
24) so this is Family, relatives have the disease, but the Center did not have the disease.
25 fake Sàriputta such a theory), his home life, the word of the wedding Festival Nakulapità Ton Sàriputta false doctrine.
II. DEVADAHA (5.6, Junk and Atlantic 2, 33b) (increase of 41.4, 2, 745b) (S.iii 1,2,3,4,5)
1) like me.
A world Religion in the middle of Sakka, in a town of Devadaha Sakka's name.
2) at the time, some Eastern Male-stilts to travel the West, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-We would like to ask What Religion allows us to go to the national level. We like to stay at the level of the West.
-The Male-stilts, Female-stilts have permission to Sàriputta?
-White World, we're not allowed to mock Religious Sàriputta.
-The Male-stilts, so please excuse me Sàriputta. Sàriputta this, the Male-stilts, is Gentler, ranks as the National patron-stilts co-conspirators.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
4), false Religious Sàriputta are sitting under the tree three beans (elagalà: cassia), not far from the World how much Respect.
5) and then the Male-stilts, once the wedding, Religious teachings, How words life from seats stood up, the body of world Religion, celebrations, wealthy girl friendship towards him, and then go to the fake Religious Sàriputta; After arriving, the speak up with the fake Religious Sàriputta the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side.
6) Sit down on one side, the Male-stilts told the fake Religious Sàriputta:
-We wanted to, ladies and Gentle Sàriputta fake, go to the level of the West. We like to stay at the level of the West. Degrees of direction has allowed us.
7)-the Sage pundits, there are those who question with its Male-stilts typically come to the national levels: Suicide-the Roman Empire-the capital of the Sage, the She-la-ja, subjects the owner Hien, the Sa-gentle subjects. Chu, the Gentleness of this gentle with your favorite number-minded (asks): "degrees of direction of the fake Religious talk, what statement? France has been cleverly fake Religious listening, smart client, smart work, cleverly, subtly penetrating life with wisdom? "To when the fake Religious answers, can repeat the comments of world Religion, no dishonesty That Religion with snide, can answer the French option, true to the Chief Justice of France and, not to a Council of France, say the French right, there may be reason to rebuke.
8)-we can go to far away, your Honor, to hear the fake Religious face Sàriputta talks about the meaning of words! Instead of healing, if respected author Sàriputta explains the meaning of words!
9)-so this the Sage pundits, let's listen and manual work, I would say.
-Sir, false Religion.
The Billion-Ton landing Sàriputta fake well her stilts. False religion Sàriputta said the following:
10 this fake, Sage) there are those who question with its Male-stilts typically come to the national levels: Suicide-the Roman Empire-the capital of gentleness ... the Sa-gentle subjects. The Sage, the Sage with your favorite number-minded (can ask): "degrees of direction of the fake Religious talk, the statement?" asked this, so the Sage, the Sage pundits must answer: "Hey Buddy, our Masters degree comes to the subduing and take part".
11) answered this, so the Sage pundits, can someone ask more question as follows: Murder-the đé-seat MD ... have the Sa-gentle subjects. Chu, the Gentleness of this gentle with your favorite number-minded (can ask): "for something, direction of the fake Religious ranks comes to the subduing and take part?" asked this, so the Sage, the Sage pundits are answered as follows: "for this, the Sage pundits, masters level we talk about the subduing and sex ... for tho ... for ... for the ... for the masters degree, we talk about the subduing and sex ".
12) answered this, so the Sage pundits, can someone ask to add as follows: Murder-the Roman Empire-the capital of gentleness ... the Sa-gentle subjects. The Sage Café, the brain has the Gentleness, (ask): "But saw the dangers, the fake Religious masters degree comes to the subduing of sex and lust for ... for ... for life ... for the masters degree, the author comes to the subduing of sex, and for Awakening?" asked so This, the Sage pundits, he needs to answer the following: "this the Sage pundits, for identity, who have not divorced yet far, far, far not cups cups, yet the far glass drink, yet far, far not cups cups, thirst when he brilliantly turns destructive, the other change, will start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. For tho ... for ... for ... for knowledge, who have not divorced yet far, far, far not cups cups, yet the far glass drink, yet far, far not glass glass of soft drink, when she turns to other forms, sabotage, will start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. This Gentle, lettered by saw this danger for degrees of colors of our Masters tell the subduing and sex ".
13) answered this, so the Sage pundits, can someone ask to add as follows: Murder-the Roman Empire-the capital of gentleness ... the Sa-gentle subjects. The Sage Café, the brain has the Gentleness, (ask): "But see the benefit, the fake Religious masters degree comes to the subduing of sex and lust for ... for ... for life ... for the administrator; the fake Religious masters degree comes to the subduing of sex, and for Awakening? "asked this, so the Sage, the Sage pundits are answered as follows:" for this, the Sage, who was divorced, was far far far were bruised egos, egos, have far far were thirsty, glasses of glass of enthusiasm , has the far glass soft drink, when he brilliantly turns destructive, the other change, will not start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. For tho ... for ... for ... for this recipe, the Hien, who was divorced, was far far far were bruised egos, egos, have far far were thirsty, glasses, glasses have far cups, thirst when he vandalized another change, variable form, will not start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain. Do see the advantages, the Gentleness, the ranks of Leaders we spoke to the subduing of sex and lust for ... for ... for life ... for the administrator; our Masters degree comes to the subduing of sex, and for knowledge ".
14) and the Sage pundits, and in the real friendly and right in the present life, to live peacefully, not hindrances, not favor the brain, not the brain, after body heat ruined the General network, will be being friendly, this is not the real French charity thorough piece That Su n.
15) but the Sage pundits, because that gain and in the real friendly, and right in the present life, life was suffering, is stumbling, being pros, suffered brain and brain stem after heat ruined the overall network, will have to bring forth evil. So, here is the paragraph to take advantage of the real French charity That Su n.
16) and the Sage pundits, and in the friendly, and right in the present life, lived to suffer, suffer, suffer brain optimization barrier, suffering brain temperature, environmentally destructive, and after the General network, will have to bring forth evil. This is not the achievement of friendly France is That Su n.
17) but the Sage pundits, as that achieved in the friendly and France, and now in the present life, to live peacefully, not hindrances, not favor the brain, not the brain, and body heat ruined the overall network, will be being animal friendly. So, here are the achievements of the French charity, was That Su n.
18 fake Sàriputta such theories). The Male's wedding Festival, stilts-life credit Sàriputta false Religious words said.
III. HÀLIDDIKÀNI (20.15, Kha, Chile, 2, 144a) (S.iii 9)
1) like me.
A fake Religion Mahà Kaccàna (Ma-ha Ca-fried-land) to live among the people in Kulaghara, on the banks of an Avanti mountain.
2) Then go to home Hàliddikàni Mahà Kaccàna false Religion; After going to the fake Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, Mahà Kaccàna, and then sat down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, the owners of the fake Religious Kaccàna Mahà Hàliddikàni tell:
-Dear World, false Religion Religious Affairs said in the eighth, in episode: "The question of the Màgandiya as follows:
Holy family, quit the ranks
Traveling does not stay,
As for the inhabitants in the village,
Not work of the implications.
Very good not the desire,
Not vain hopes,
Terminate all debate,
Anyone with anyone ".
With this brief speech of world Religion, your Religion, meaning the need to understand how widely?
4)-Gender Identity, Home Server, this is home. Is greed lust sex bondage, this home, known as traveling families. About life, Family, home, this House is of the form. Is greed bondage sex life, this Family home, known as traveling families. Ideas about this, His home, is the home of the formula. Is greed thought about bondage, this home, known as traveling families. Released about this Family, home, is the home of the formula. Is greed onions about bondage, this home, known as traveling families. Knowledge about this, His home, is the home of the formula. Is greed of knowledge about bondage, this home, known as traveling families. As such, this owner, is traveling with family.
8) this owner, And how is the family not to travel.
9) for gender identity, this home, so-called, is taking part, is the wedding, is thirsty, what belongs to the Center front, to stay, accept the natural accept custom hypnosis; As the hybrid segment, cut off our doorstep take root, make like tree trunks-la, makes no reborn, not being run in the future. Therefore, As a hybrid called the family not to travel.
10) for this life, owner ...
11) for ideas about this, His home ...
12) to about this, His home ...
13) for knowledge about this, His home, so-called, is taking part, is the wedding, is thirsty, what belongs to the Center front, to stay, accept the natural accept custom hypnosis; As the hybrid segment, cut off our doorstep take root, make like tree trunks-la, makes no reborn, not being run in the future. Therefore, As a hybrid called the family not to travel.
14) so this Family, home, travel is not a family.
15) how this, His home, is traveling there stay made? Being bound by an stay accept before (niketa-visàra) on this home, General Excellence, called travel there stay of ... the General ... on the General flavor ... in General ... to the general contact. Be bound by an acceptance of the French General, to stay in this home, known as traveling there stay. As such, this owner, is traveling there stay.
16) how is the journey not stay made? Bondage by an advance in General, sharp accepted to stay in this home, for As Lai was the paragraph, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, makes no reborn, not being run in the future. Therefore, As a hybrid known as traveling does not stay. Bondage by an stay in General bar accepted ... in General ... flavor to the generals ... to the general contact ... on this home, General, French for the Future has been As dedicated sections, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, makes no reborn, not being run in the future. Therefore, As a hybrid known as traveling does not stay.
17) so this Family, home, travel does not stay.
18) how this Family, owners, the implications in the village? Here, this home, has lived with His master, same, same. Among those happy, she's happy. Between those sorrows, her sorrows. When there's work to do start up, contact self themselves on the job. As such, this is home, the implications in the village.
19) And how this, His home, is not become collateral in the village? Here, this home, the Female-stilts don't live too close to my home, not the same, not the same sad, not happy among those happy, not sad suffering between those sorrows. When there's work to do start up, contact himself not on the job. As such, this owner, is not become collateral in the village.
20) how this Family, home, is not very good is not the desire? Here, the owner, had this person not participating the Cup for the desire, no cups, no cups, no cups, no heat, no brain Cup cups drink. As such, this owner, is not very good not for the exercise.
21) how this wonderful home, that is, not the desire? Here, in this home, there for the taking, glass cups, cups, cups, cups, cups of brain temperature thirst thirsty craving. So, this is great, not the owner.
22) how this, His home, is the vain hope? Here, this home, there are people who think like this: "expect that there are such in the future! Hoping that there is such life in the future! Expect that to have such ideas in the future! Expect that to have such action in the future! Expect that to have such knowledge in the future! " As such, this home is damaged beyond hope, vanity.
23) as to how this is not Family, hope the illusive? Here, this owner, someone doesn't have to think as follows: "expect that there are such in the future! Hoping that there is such life in the future! Expect that to have such ideas in the future! Expect that to have such action in the future! Expect that to have such knowledge in the future! "so, this owner, is not vain hope.
24) how this, His home, is debating with people? Here, this one owner, someone said: "He don't know France and this law. I know France and this law. How can you know France and this law? He broke into the flaps. Indeed the Chief Justice's opinion. The first, he said later. The things worth saying then, he said. My new words Samyutta. His words not Samyutta. His home has been the post. His sentence has been defied. Come where the siege's words. He was persuasive. If possible, please attempt the escape secret way ". As such, this owner, is arguing with people.
25) how this Family, home, is not to argue with people? Here, this home, the Female-stilts didn't say the words as follows: "He don't know France and this law.. ... Let's break out the secret way ". As such, this owner, is not to argue with people.
26) so this Family, home, World Religion has to say in the eighth, in episode: "The question of the Màgandiya as follows:
Holy family, quit the ranks
Traveling does not stay,
As for the inhabitants in the village,
Not work of the implications.
Very good not the desire.
Not vain hopes,
Terminate all debate,
Anyone with anyone ".
With this brief speech of world Religion, the home, Family, this meant the need to widely understood as such.
IV. HÀLIDDIKÀNI (20.16 Junk Naushad-l, 2, 144c) (S.iii, 12)
1) like me.
A time imitation Kaccàna Mahà Religious life between people in Kulaghara, on the coast, Avanti a mountain.
2) Then go to home Hàliddikàni Mahà Kaccàna false Religion ... and then sit down on one side.
3) sit down on one side, the owners of the fake Religious Kaccàna Mahà Hàliddikàni tell:
4) – World Religion has to say in the episode The Sakka's questions like this: "The Sa, Ba-la-keeper would be freed with the thirsty, the thorough piece has completely achieved, all have completely achieved an okay from the yoke, gauge was completely happy Offense conduct, have fully achieved the purpose , is the paramount ranks between species, the human species ". With this brief speech of world Religion, your Religion, meaning the need to understand how widely?
5)-for this home, identity, so-called, is taking part, is the wedding, is thirsty, what belongs to the Center front, to stay, accept the natural handicap, as hypnosis; the paragraph to take advantage of them, ly took part, section, since dropped, abstaining from them completely; the so called smart Rescue Center.
6) for this life, owner ...
7) for ideas about this, His home ...
8) for administrative boundary, this home ...
9) for knowledge about this, His home, so-called, is taking part, is the wedding, is thirsty, what belongs to the Center front, to stay, accept the natural handicap, as hypnosis; the paragraph to take advantage of them, ly took part, section, since dropped, abstaining from them completely; the so called smart Rescue Center.
10) so this Family, home, is the meaning was That in Respect Of Sakka's questions: "The Sa, Ba-la-keeper would be freed with the thirsty, the thorough piece has completely achieved, all have completely achieved an okay from the yoke, gauge was completely happy Offense conduct , has fully achieved the purpose, is the paramount ranks between species and humans ".
V. MEDITATION (3.7-8 Magazine, Life 2, 17a) (3.1 Impurities. Birth, 2, 15b) (3.2 Junk Any Superfluous, 2, 15b) (S.iii, 13)
1) A world Religion stay in Sàvatthi.
2) In That Respect, the National call-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Sir, Bach World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
-The Male-stilts, let's practice meditation. Locate Female-stilts have meditated, the Female-stilts, knows a way as truth.
3) knows nothing of a way as truth? SAC initialization file and kill; run and kill the piece set service life; idea file run and kill; the episode run and kill; official episode run and kill.
4 the National-on stilts), what is the best file? What is the life episodes start? What is the idea of volume run? What is the volume? What is the formula of episode start?
5) here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts Hy Festival, welcome, immerse before then an stay. The wedding Festival, welcome, immerse before and stay?
6), applaud the wedding Festival, wrecked before and then an excellent stay. Due to her the wedding Festival, welcome, immerse before and then an excellent stay, excellent for start up the wedding. Due to sharp, for the wedding to start up colors. Due to its charm for good, owner kicked up. Due to the charm, being kicked up. Due to birth, death and old charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor the brain start up. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
7-10), applaud the wedding Festival, wrecked before then an stay tho ... and then thought ... then stay safe an stay safe ... then the stay. Due to her the wedding Festival, welcome, immerse before then, starting up the wedding to stay safe. By Hy for the formula, the formula for starting up. Due to its charm for the formula, starting up. Due to the charm, being kicked up. Due to birth, death and old charm, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain kicked up. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
11) this the Male-stilts, these are the initialization file, this is the best tho, this is the ideal starter set starter set, here is episode run, this is a starting set of forms.
12) And the Male-stilts, how are the colors, how is destroying the life segment segment removal, what is the idea of the paragraph, the paragraph is, how is the formula paragraph removal? Here, the Male-stilts, he does not welcome, wedding, Festival, do not immerse before and stay.
13) Does not welcome, wedding, Festival, do not immerse before and stay? No wedding Festival, not welcome, do not immerse before and an excellent stay. Do not position the wedding Festival, not welcome, do not immerse before and an excellent stay, with regard to paragraph Hy. With regard to paragraph by Hy kill should kill the tricks. Do tricks should destroy the passages helpful removal ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
14) Does not welcome, wedding, Festival, do not soak up front and an stay tho. Do not position the wedding Festival, not welcome, do not soak up front and an stay tho, Hy-life segment for removal. By Hy-life segment should kill for tricks. Do tricks should destroy the passages helpful removal ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
15-16) are not welcome, not the wedding Festival, do not immerse before and stay ... do not immerse before and stay. Do not position the wedding Festival, not welcome, do not immerse before and an action for the wedding, to stay the removal phase. Due to the destroyed segment Hy should tricks. Do tricks should destroy the passages helpful removal ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
17) Does not welcome, wedding, Festival, do not immerse before and stay awake. Do not position the wedding Festival, not welcome, do not immerse before and stay awake, Hy for formula paragraph removal. By Hy for removal sections should form tricks. Do tricks should destroy the passages helpful removal ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates.
18) this the Male-stilts, this is life, this is the paragraph removal segment, it is the idea of the paragraph, this is the paragraph, this is the formula paragraph removal.
VI. The DRESS (Magazine, Life, 2-8, 3.7, 17a) (S.iii Nov. 15)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, please stay, paste into the wear. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts have the wearer knows a way as truth.
3) knows nothing of a way as truth? SAC initialization file and kill; run and kill the piece set service life; idea file run and kill; the episode run and kill; official episode run and kill (As the previous Scriptures, from No. 4 to no. 18).
VII. ACCEPTANCE and FAVOR the BRAIN (Previous Player, 2.11 Junk 2, 10 c) (S.iii Nov. 15)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about the brain, the priority and not accept and does not favor the brain. Please listen and manual work, I will preach.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
3 Religious) says the following:
-The Male-stilts, how to accept the player and giving priority to the brain?
4) here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, France's consistent excellence as the ego , or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in. For him, he turned sharp and destructive. For him, when he brilliantly turns destructive and other custom, consciousness transfer change according to the change of colors. The French favor the brain being run by formula options in the transform of colors after invading the mind and stay. Do mind been invaded so terrorism, obstacle course, thirst is being run and the brain.
5 Position the life bars as her) self, or ego, or life expectancy as there is in the ego, or life in the ego. Over time, the variable's life ruined and other changes. Over time, when her life ruined and other variables, formal transfer options under the ruined life of. The French favor the brain being run by formula options in the turns of the life after the invasion of the mind and stay. Due to compromised should mind terrorism, (uttàsavà) obstacle course, thirst is being run and the brain.
6-7) did Taste visualizations like the ego ... He taste the onions as ego, ego or as having the onions, or the Act in self, or ego. Over time, she turned the ruined and other changes. For he, when he turned the ruined and other change, depending upon the transfer of the passengers. The French favor the brain do consciousness depend upon the transfer of the passengers being run after the invasion of the mind and stay. Do mind been invaded so terrorism, obstacle course, thirst is being run and the brain.
the Inn's official Position 8) as is the ego, or ego, or as having knowledge of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. For him, he turns and other destructive. For him, when he and other destructive variable form, custom form in the turn of consciousness. The French favor the brain do consciousness depend upon the transfer of consciousness being run after the invasion of the mind and stay. Do mind been invaded so terrorism, obstacle course, thirst is being run and the brain.
9) thus, the Male-stilts, is accept and favor the brain.
10) And the Male-stilts, how does not accept and does not favor the brain?
11) here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples clearly Holy footsteps, French mature the ranks of Saints, the Holy French practice manual, clearly the human Leg, human Foot the French mature, skilled practice France the best bars, Foot steps as ego, ego or as there are colors , or colors in the ego, or self in. For him, he turned sharp and destructive. For him, when he brilliantly turns destructive and other changes, has not moved to the options of colors. The French favor the brain do consciousness depend upon the transfer of colors not being run, does not invade the mind and stay. Do not mind been invaded so there is no terrorism, no obstacles, no desire to start up and optimization in the brain.
12) Not consistent tho as the ego, or the ego as there tho, or life in the ego, or the ego in tho. With respect to y, then the variable life ruined and other changes. Over time, when her life ruined and other variables, not depending in the life of. The French favor the brain do consciousness depend in the ruined life of not being run, does not invade the mind and stay. Do not mind been invaded so there is no terrorism, no obstacles, no desire to start up and optimization in the brain.
13) does not contemplate as the ego ...
14) the number-Not as ego ...
15) Not consistent formula as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. For him, he turns and other destructive. For him, when he and other destructive variable form, not depending in the turn of consciousness. The French favor the brain do consciousness depend upon the transfer of consciousness not being run, does not invade the mind and stay. Do not mind been invaded so there is no terrorism, no obstacles, no desire to start up and optimization in the brain.
16) so this, the Male-stilts, is really not accept player, don't optimization in the brain.
VIII. ACCEPTANCE and FAVOR the BRAIN (2.12, the Magazine Before, 2, 11a) (S.iii, 18)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about the brain, the priority and not accept and does not favor the brain ...
What Religion says as follows:
3)-the Female-stilts, how to accept the player and giving priority to the brain?
4) here, the Male-stilts, invisible divine Lady: consistent writing "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego". Does this unit's sharp turn destructive, the other change. This position when he brilliantly turns destructive, other changes, start up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain.
5) ... the life Cafe ...
6) ... visualizations ...
7) ... the ...
8) ... consistent formula: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego". Knowledge of this unit turns destructive, the other change. This position when he vandalized another change, variable form, set up the framework, billiard, melancholy, favor, brain.
9) thus, the Male-stilts, is accept and favor the brain.
10) this the Male-stilts, how does not accept and does not favor the brain?
11) here, the Male-stilts, the Most Holy texts consistent disciple: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Does this unit's sharp turn destructive, the other change. This unit, when the colors turn ruined, other change, not starting up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain.
12) ... the life Café: "this is not of me..."
13) ... visualizations: "this is not of me..."
14) ... the Act: "this is not of me...".
15) ... consistent formula: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Knowledge of this unit turns destructive, the other change. This position, when he vandalized other change, variable form, not starting up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain.
16) so this, the Male-stilts, is not, does not favor the brain.
IX. THREE TIME is IMPERMANENT (1.8 Junk of the past, 2, 1 c. 3.29-30 Theoretical Strategies magazine, 2, 20a) (S.iii, 19)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-the Female-stilts, colors are often, in the past, in its hybrid, also said nothing to the present. Seen this way, the Male-stilts, multicultural Holy disciple ranks with regard to the past do not regret (anapekkha), with regard to the taste was not excellent, for the wedding Festival hi n in direction to the cynical, glass took part, the kill.
3 the National-stilts,) this Shou is impermanent.
4) stilts, billion-the thought is impermanent.
5) this the Male-stilts, the action is often, in the past, in its hybrid, also said nothing to the present. Seen this way, the Male-stilts, multicultural Holy disciple ranks for the past do not dismay, for the taste was not the wedding Festival, for the current action geared to take the Cup, cups, bibs.
6) this the Male-stilts, consciousness is often in the past, in its hybrid, also said nothing to the present. Seen this way, the Male-stilts Multi tier Holy text, Sami for awakening the past not dismay, for the formula hybrid unit does not wake, for the wedding Festival at driven to join the glass cups, bibs, paragraph removal.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-good, the Female-on stilts, is suffering, the past, the future, and say nothing to the present. Seen this way, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples, with respect to the past not dismay, with regard to the taste was not the wedding Festival, for the colors in glass, glass of overalls driven to join the sections.
3) this National-shou, on stilts, is suffering ...
4) this idea, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
5) The onions, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
6) this formula, the Female-on stilts, is suffering, the past, the future, and say nothing to the present. Seen this way, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples for consciousness the past not dismay, for the formula hybrid unit does not wake, for the wedding Festival at driven to join the glass cups, bibs, paragraph removal.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-good, the Female-on stilts, is falling, the past, the future, and say nothing to the present. Holy multicultural taste disciple with respect to the past not dismay, with regard to the taste was not the wedding Festival, for the colors in glass, glass of overalls to take direction, the kill.
3) this National-shou, on stilts, is falling.
4) this idea, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. ..
5) The onions, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. ..
6) this formula, the Female-on stilts, is falling, the past, the future, and say nothing to the present. Multicultural taste the Holy disciples for the formula of the past do not dismay, for the formula hybrid unit does not wake, for the wedding Festival at driven to join the glass cups, bibs, paragraph removal.
I. IMPERMANENCE (impermanence, 1.1 Junk 2, 1a) (S.iii, 21)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Sàvathi ...
2) In. ..
3-6)-the Female-stilts, colors are impermanent ... life is impermanent,..., thought is impermanent ... These are impermanent ..., consciousness is impermanent.
7 See this so the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls, overalls for glass of overalls, life for a glass for idea, a glass for the glass of overalls, for ... By then, the glass cup overalls to take part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
II. The GAUGE (S.iii, 21)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-7)-the Female-on stilts, is suffering ..., Shou is suffering ..., idea is suffering ..., the Administration is suffering ..., is suffering ...
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples ... ". .. no longer back this status."
III. ANATTA (S.iii, 21)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-7)-the Female-stilts, SAC is anatta..., Shou is anatta..., the idea is anatta..., the action is ego..., the form is anatta.
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls, overalls for glass of overalls, life for a glass for idea, a glass for the glass of overalls, for consciousness. By then, the glass cup overalls to take part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We are free". The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
IV. What'S IMPERMANENCE (1.9 Junk, Impermanence, 2, 2a) (S.iii seselle 60)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent; What's impermanence is suffering; What is gauge fell; something as real need, egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
4) this National-shou, on stilts, is impermanent; What's impermanence is suffering; What is gauge fell; something as real need egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
5) this idea, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent.
6) The onions, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent.
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent; What's impermanence is suffering; What is gauge fell; something as real need egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
V. what the GAUGE (1.10 Impermanence Junk. 2, 2a) (S.iii seselle 60)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is suffering. What is gauge fell; something as real need egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
4) this National-shou, on stilts, is suffering ...
5) this idea, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
6) The onions, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is suffering. What is gauge fell; something as real need egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
VI. What EGOLESSNESS (S.iii seselle 60)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is falling. Something invisible fell; need as with real Chief wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
4-6) this shou, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. .. This idea, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. .. The onion, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. ..
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is falling. Something as real need egolessness consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
VII. THERE is IMPERMANENCE (1.11. Junk 2, 2a) (S.iii, 23)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What is, what is best for the coast being run; What's impermanence. SAC was the impermanence of birth makes this, start the Female-stilts, from where can often be?
4) this National-shou, on stilts, is impermanent. What is, what is life for the charm being run; What's impermanence. Tho was the impermanence of birth makes this, start the Female-stilts, from where can often be?
5) this idea, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent.
6) The onions, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent.
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What is, what is the charm for the formula being run; What's impermanence. Formula was the impermanence of birth makes this, start the Female-stilts, from where can often be?
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer go back and forth with this status."
VIII. THERE is HUMAN SUFFERING (1.12. Undergraduate Magazine 2, 2b) (S.iii, 23)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is suffering. What is, what is best for the coast being run; that is also suffering. SAC was the birth of this, start making gauge the Male-stilts, from where can get?
4) this National-shou, on stilts, is suffering ...
5) this idea, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
6) The onions, the Female-on stilts, is suffering ...
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is suffering. What is, what is the charm for the formula being run; that is also suffering. Changed the starter, this being done for the gauge to the Male-stilts, from where can get?
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
IX. THERE is ANATTA (S.iii, 23)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is falling. What is, what is best for the coast being run; what he also anatta. Colors were the egolessness makes being run this, the Male-stilts, from where is fall?
4-6) Shou ... Idea ... The onion, the Female-stilts, egolessness is. ..
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is falling. What is, what is the charm for the formula being run; what he also anatta. Have the egolessness makes being run this, the Male-stilts, from where is fall?
8 See this way, the National)-stilts, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls for. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
X. ÀNANDA (S.iii, 24)
1) in Sàvatthi in ... in the garden ...
2) at the time the false Religious Ànanda go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ànanda of the White World Religion:
-"Kill, the kill", the White World, we are heard. Due to the passage of any World Religion, France, known as the kill?
4)-good, Ànanda, this is impermanent, vi, by birth, subject to the paragraph starting coast, subject, subject to the Cup took part, subject to the removal phase. The removal of the paragraph is called paragraph removal.
5) this Ànanda, tho, is impermanent, so birth charm, kicked, subjected to the paragraph, subject, subject to the Cup took part, subject to the removal phase. The removal of passages Shou called paragraphs.
6-7) this idea, Ànanda, is impermanent. This, the Ànanda, is impermanent.
8) this formula, Ànanda, is impermanent, so birth charm, kicked, subjected to the paragraph, subject, subject to the Cup took part, subject to the removal phase. The removal of sections called segments.
The removal of the paragraph 9) this French, this Ànanda, known as the kill.
I. the BURDEN (,, Đởm 2.3.2, 19a) (increase of 25.4, 2, 631c) (,25 S.iii)
1-2) in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about the burden of bearing the burden of up, put down. Please listen and experience, we will decline the affidavit.
4 the National-on stilts), what is the burden? In its aggregates is the answer. What is the year? Its best player, aggregates, aggregates the idea its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player. The Male-stilts, here called the burden.
5) And the Male-stilts, how are the guys who carry the burden? Who is the answer. This false Religious position has a name like this, like this. The Male-stilts, here called the guys carrying the burden!
6) And the Male-stilts, how is bearing the burden of up? This craving is brought to reborn, with the wedding and take part, go in search of loving this place, over there. I.e. education, friendship, African ownership. The Male-stilts, this call is carrying the burden.
7) this the Male-stilts, what is put down? This is the cup of greed, the charity's removal in a completely, the abandon, the discharge, the liberation, the No. The Male-stilts, this call is put down.
8) That such theories, Religious Charities Was said so degree, Masters says:
The five aggregates is burdened,
The perpetrator was the burden;
Bring up the burden, taking
Is the agony in my life.
Also put the burden down,
News is lost (suffering),
Put the burden down,
No more other burden.
If pluck thirsty craving up,
The end to the root,
No longer hungry and thirsty,
NET release of touch!
II. The WILLOW TRI (Parinna) (3.22 French Maintained. 2 Impurities, 19a)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-this And the Female-stilts, We will persuade the French need to willow, Willow should be tri tri. Please listen and experience, we will decline the affidavit said ...
4) And the Male-stilts, how is the France need Willow tri? This, the Male-stilts, as France need Willow's life, French voters need Willow tri, thought France should finish off the tri, is France need Willow tri, as France need to willow. This legislation, the Female-stilts, France needs to finish off.
5) And the Male-stilts, how is the Willow tri? The Male-stilts, the snippet take tham, the passages make the pitch, the paragraph to take advantage of this, the National si-stilts, called willow.
III. WINS TRI (1.3, Senseless Junk. 2, 1a) (S.iii, 27)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, do not win the tri colors, not Willow tri, did not take part in the Cup, do not give up, should not be able to take advantage of snippets.
4 billion-on stilts, this) do not win the tri Shou ...
This 5-6) the Female-stilts, do not win voters thought ... not win the tri ...
7) this the Male-stilts, do not win, no knowledge, no cups, tri Willow does not give up, should not be able to take advantage of snippets.
8 the National-stilts), so win the tri colors, willow, tri took part, from RID, should be able to take advantage of the paragraph.
9-11), where the Male-stilts, so win win ... life tri tri ideas ... win the tri ...
12) this the Male-stilts, by knowledge, Willow WINS tri, glass took part, from RID, should be able to take advantage of the paragraph.
IV. EDUCATION PARTICIPATED (3.27 Magazine took part, 2, 19 c) (S.iii, 27)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-fitness and join (chandaràga) with respect to this, the Male-stilts, leave it. As such, the colors will be eradicated, except paragraph roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being run in the future.
4) Exercise, and with regard to this, the National life-stilts, leave it. As such, he will be the exception paragraph, eradicated the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being run in the future.
5) and Education for ...
6) Education and for the ...
7) fitness and join for this formula, the Female-stilts, leave it. As such, he will be the exception paragraph, eradicated the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being run in the future.
V. SWEET (1.14, the Magazine, 2, 2 c) (S.iii, 27)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, before we're enlightened, yet Primary Sensory Class, and evidence is Bo-slaps, think thus:
4) "what is sweetness, what is the danger, what is the separation of colors? What is sweetness, what is the danger, what is the life span of the glasses? What is sweetness, what is the danger, what is the separation of the idea? What is sweetness, what is the danger, what is the cup of the onions? What is sweetness, what is the danger, what is the separation of consciousness? "
5) and then the Male-stilts, think thus:
6) "by the charm, Lac Hy birth; what he called its sweetness. The impermanent, suffering, subject of variables; what he called the dangers of identity. The Regency costumes and taking part for good, the sex and take advantage of the paragraph; What is the export of glass ".
7) "by yanshou, Lac Hy sanh...".
8) "by the charm of the idea, Lac Hy sanh..."
9) "by the coast, Lac Hy birth; what he called the sweetness of the onions. The impermanent, suffering, the turning of the Act; what he called the dangers of the practice. The Regency costumes and take part to the passage and make the join; What is the cup of the onions ".
10) "by the charm, Lac Hy birth; what he called the sweetness of awakening. The impermanent, suffering, the turn of consciousness; what he called the dangers of formula. The Regency offers education and for knowledge, the education and thorough piece; What is the xuấy of consciousness ".
11) this the Male-stilts, until for five prime aggregates, we don't like real WINS tri sweet taste is sweetness, danger is dangerous, the Cup is the National Cup of this period, manufacturing-stilts, we don't claim that We have endless enlightenment upper Chief Sensory world for College including Celestial, Ma , Brahma, against mass Sa, Ba-la-Mon, Chu Heaven and humankind.
12) But the Female-stilts, when n o for in its capital this really win as aggregates voters sweet taste is sweetness, danger is dangerous, the Cup is the National Cup of this period, manufacturing-stilts, We declare that We have endless enlightenment upper Chief Sensory world for College including Celestial, Ma, Brahma, against mass Sa-Mon She-la, Chu Heaven and humankind.
13) And the following start up Ant tri where We:
"We freed Mind, motionless. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
VI. SWEETNESS (S.iii, 29)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, We went to the sweetness of the colors. What is the color of sweetness, We were privileged. The sweetness of how identity, We have seen the affidavit with wisdom.
4 the National-on stilts), We went to the dangers of identity. The danger of what is excellent, We were privileged. The dangers of how identity, has cleverly found with wisdom.
5) this the Male-stilts, I went to the arrival of the Cup. The cup of excellence is nothing, We were privileged. The cup of excellence, We have seen the affidavit with wisdom.
6-8), where the Male-stilts, We go in search of life's sweetness bridge ...
9-11), where the Male-stilts, We went to the sweetness of the idea ...
12-14) this the Male-stilts, We went to the sweetness of the onions.
15) this the Male-stilts, We went to the sweetness of the formula. What is the formula of sweetness, We were privileged. The sweetness of how knowledge, We've seen the affidavit with wisdom.
16) the Female-stilts, We went to the dangers of formula. Dangers of formula is nothing, we were privileged. Dangers of formula as to how, I've cleverly found with wisdom.
17) the National-stilts, This I went to the arrival of the Cup. What is the formula of glass production, We were privileged. Export of knowledge as to how, I've cleverly found with wisdom.
18-19) this the Male-stilts, until for five prime aggregates, we don't really know as sweet taste is sweetness, danger is the danger, glass is export, this time the Female-stilts, we can't declare that ... SA-keeper, She-la, Chu Heaven and humankind.
20) And tri run up where we're like ants: "mind freed Him, motionless. This is the ultimate life, now no longer reborn. "
VII. SWEETNESS (1.13 Magazine, 2, 2bb) (S.iii, 29)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the time, the species has no part in love immerse for colors. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the sweetness of the colors for the species in love immerse for colors.
4) – this billion-stilts, without the dangers of lust, love species no bibs for the Cup. And because of that, the Female-stilts, there is the danger of colors so the species love have bibs with cups.
5) this the Male-stilts, without the glass for color, the species has no love for glass manufacturing. And because of that, the Female-stilts, the introduction of glass for the species should have the love for the Cup.
6-8), where the Male-stilts, without the sweetness of tho ...
9-11), where the Male-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the idea ...
12-14) this the Male-stilts, if not have the sweetness of the onions.
15) this the Male-stilts, without the sweetness of awakening, the species have no love wrecked for consciousness. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the sweetness of the formula for the species in love immerse for consciousness.
16) the Female-stilts, without the danger of consciousness, the species has no love for glass manufacturing. And because of that, the Female-stilts, there is the danger for the formula for the love of the species should have bibs cups for the recipe.
17) the Female-stilts, without the cups for the recipe, the species has no love for glass manufacturing. And because of that, the Female-stilts, have the cups for the recipe so the species has published love cups for the recipe.
18) this the Male-stilts, when would the species love for years its not like real aggregates WINS tri sweet taste is sweetness, danger is dangerous, the Cup is the Cup appearances, love, this species the Male-stilts, with World Natural followers, Ma, Brahma, with masses Sa, Ba-la-keeper, with Chu and man divorced, living, could not escape the relationship, rescue, with centres in.
19) And the Male-stilts, when would the species love for five players, including aggregates real WINS tri sweet taste is sweetness, danger is dangerous, the Cup is the Cup appearances, love, this species the Male-stilts, with World Natural followers, Ma, Brahma, with masses Sa, Ba-la-keeper, with Chu and man , can export live, exit the contact, freed, with centres in.
VIII. The WEDDING FESTIVAL (1.7 Magazine, Best, Loving him 2, 1 c) (1.5 Magazine, 2, 1b) (S.iii, 31)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, who, her Hy Festival wedding Festival. Who said, the wedding Festival, people's liberation from suffering.
4 the National-stilts,) this one tho ... the wedding Festival
5) this the Male-stilts, who thought the wedding Festival ...
6) this the Male-stilts, who the wedding Festival ...
7) this the Male-stilts, who formally, Hy's Festival the wedding Festival. Who said, the wedding Festival, he no gi i escape the agony.
8) And the Male-stilts, who doesn't, who's the wedding Festival Festival of the wedding. Who does the wedding Festival, he said, freed from suffering.
9) And the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival tho ...
10) And the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival.
11) And the Male-stilts, who does the wedding Festival ...
12) And the Male-stilts, who doesn't, who's the wedding Festival Festival of the wedding. Who does the wedding Festival, he said, freed from suffering.
IX. BEING KICKED (3.28, the Contentious Magazine 2, 20a) (S.iii, 31)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, so-called birth identity, stay, start, present; what he is suffering of birth, illness, death and old existence.
4-6) this the Male-stilts, so-called birth life, stay, start, the existing ... idea being, stay, start, present ... the Act of birth, stay, start, up, owner ...
7) this the Male-stilts, the so-called formula being, stay, start, present; what he called the suffering of birth, illness, death and old existence.
8) this the Male-stilts, called colors, an only piece, disappear; that call is segment gauge removal, an illness just dead old, disappeared.
9-11), where the Male-stilts, so-called the life passages ... idea ... the paragraph fragment removal ...
12) this the Male-stilts, the so-called formula paragraph removal, security, only to disappear; what he is suffering an illness, only clips, old dead disappeared.
At the ROOT of SUFFERING X (,32 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, We will suffer and theory at the root of suffering. Take a listen ...
4 the National-stilts), what is suffering? This, the Male-stilts, is suffering; the life is suffering; idea is suffering; the action is painful; consciousness is painful. Here, the Male-stilts, called misery.
5) this the Male-stilts, what is at the root of suffering? Is this craving thirst towards reborn, the sentence against Hy and, finding this place loving bridge, there; i.e. education, friendship, African ownership.
XI. RUINED FRANCE (2.19 Junk, Ruined France, 2, 12b) (,32 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-this And the Female-stilts, We will sabotage theory of France and the French indestructible. Take a listen ...
4) And the Male-stilts, something is ruined? What is indestructible in France?
5), where the Male-stilts, was ruining France. The removal of the segment's best, peace, only to disappear as the French indestructible.
6) this National-shou, on stilts, was ruining France ...
7) this idea, the Female-stilts, was ruining France ...
8), where the Male-stilts, was ruining France ...
9) Formula, the Female-stilts, was ruining France. The removal of the paragraph, the only security, disappearing as the French indestructible.
I. NOT of HE (10.14 States Forestry Magazine, 2, 10b) (.33 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, something he's not, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
4 the National-on stilts), something he's not?
5), where the Male-stilts, not of You, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
6) this National-shou, stilts, not of Him, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
7) this idea, the Female-stilts.
8) The onions, the Female-stilts.
9) Formula, the Female-stilts, not of You, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
10) For this, as the Male-stilts, someone bring grass, wood chips, twigs, leaves of Jetavana, and burn them or depending on the coast to use them. You think: "Who (he) brought us, or burn, or depending on our use of charm"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion. Why so? Because that's not us. The White World, that's not in our ego.
11)-this, too, the Male-stilts, he's not the best, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him. Not life of He ... Idea is not of Him. He's not the ... He's not conscious, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
II. NEITHER of HE (,34 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-something He's not, the Female-stilts, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
4 the National-on stilts), something he's not?
5), where the Male-stilts, not of You, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
6-8) this shou, the Female-stilts, not of the He ... This idea, the Female-stilts. This, the practice of Female-on stilts.
9) Formula, the Female-stilts, not yours, leave it. Abandoning it would bring back the happy, at peace for Him.
III. MALE-STILTS (S.iii, 35)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side. Sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
3)-Heals instead of the White World, ton, Ton That make a brief sermon for you! After listening to That Religion, I will live alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need.
4) – this billion-stilts, something people do heavenly accept custom hypnosis, people will be identifying depending on natural accept custom hypnosis. What people don't accept arbitrary bias, people will not proclaim depending on natural accept custom hypnosis.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-how this National-stilts, he understood the meaning in a way broadly what we say in a nutshell?
6)-Bach World Religion, if heaven accept colors are accepted due to natural, proclaim. If the natural life, he accepted due to natural handicaps are identifying. If heaven accept ideas, due to natural proclaim are accepted. If heaven accept the Act, due to natural does proclaim to be accepted. If heaven accept consciousness, he be accepted due to natural proclaim.
7) White World, if not the best, does not accept the bias due to natural handicaps him was proclaim. If no natural life ... handicaps If not heaven accept the idea. If not the Executive genius ... If not, do not accept the bias due to natural accept him was proclaim. The White World Religion, with a brief speech of this Religion, I understand the meaning of such widely.
8 Fresh wholesome, rather)-rather, Female-stilts! Heal instead, with this brief speech, He has to understand the meaning of such widely. If accepted, the bias due to natural handicaps him was proclaim. If heaven accept tho ... If heaven accept the idea. If heaven accept the ... If heaven accept consciousness, he be accepted due to natural proclaim. This Female-stilts, if not natural, not accepted due to natural handicaps him was proclaim ... If no natural life ... handicaps If not heaven accept the idea. If not heaven accept the ... If not, do not accept the bias due to natural accept him was proclaim. With this brief speech, this Male-stilts, he needs to understand so widely.
9) And Female-stilts, once the wedding, Religious dogma, That the word of life from the hull stand up, seat owners towards Him and then leave.
10) And Female-stilts alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need, not how long the certificate was the purpose that the home country wage the foot Chief export, abandoned the family, no family life, bound: it's infinitely superior to rescue wing Offense. Locating him in the present, with his own mind, enlightenment, the winning hit and stay. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
11) and its Male-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion ... sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
3)-Bach World Religion, rather healthy, if That Religion theory in a nutshell. After listening to That Religion, I will live alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need.
4) – this billion-stilts, something people do heavenly accept (anuseti), he was measured (anopuyti). Something people are measured, he is identifying (sankham gacchati). What is not natural, that they are not measurable. What people do not measure, that he was not claiming.
-I have understood, the White World Religion. I've been out, Bach Was Friendly.
5)-this brief speech, this Male-stilts, he was widely understood?
6)-If heaven accept colors, the White World, with colors, people are measured. With what we are measuring, with him, it was claimed. If heaven accept tho ... If heaven accept the idea. If heaven accept the ... If heaven accept the formula, with consciousness, people are measured. With what we are measuring, with him, it was claimed.
7) If not natural, white World Religious observance, with colors, they are not measurable. With something they are not measurable, with, one must not proclaim. If no natural life ... handicaps If not heaven accept the idea. If not heaven accept the ... If not heaven accept consciousness, with consciousness, people are not measurable. With something they are not measurable, with, one must not proclaim. With this brief speech of world Religion, Bach World Religion, I understand the meaning of such widely.
8 Fresh wholesome, rather)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! This brief speech, he was widely understood as such. If heaven accept this identity, Male-stilts, with colors, people are measured. With what was measured, with him, it was claimed. If heaven accept tho ... If heaven accept the idea. If heaven accept the ... If heaven accept the formula, with consciousness, people are measured. With what we are measuring, with him, it was claimed. If not, this National observance bias-stilts, v i, the others will not be measurable. With something they are not measurable, with, one must not proclaim. If no natural life ... handicaps If not heaven accept the idea. If not heaven accept the ... If not heaven accept consciousness, with consciousness, people are not measurable. With something they are not measurable, with, one must not proclaim. With this brief speech, this Male-stilts, he understood the meaning of such widely.
9) and then locate Female-stilts, once the wedding, Religious teachings, How words life from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, on towards Him and then leave.
10) and then locate Female-stilts alone, net ...
11 billion-Unit's stilts) become an A-la-Han.
V. ÀNANDA (S.iii, 37)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3 Religious) told the fake Religious Ànanda are sitting on one side:
-Ànanda This, if someone asked Him: "Hey Buddy, the Ànanda which the author being run was clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly?" If so, this Ànanda was asked, He answered like?
4)-Bach World Religion, if people ask you: "this Gentle Ànanda, which the author being run are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly?" asked so, How white, I will answer as follows:
5) "In this, the Sage, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. Life in. .. In the idea. ... In the ... In this formula, Hien, the launch was clearly contentious, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly ". Asked so, Bach World Religion, I will respond as such.
6)-fresh, Healthy instead of this, Ànanda! Ànanda, the best birth in this run are clearly, the loss was th y, while clearly exists, the transformation visible. Life in. .. In the idea. ... In the ... In the formula, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. Ànanda this, in France, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. Asked This, so Ànanda, He must answer the same.
VI. ÀNANDA (,38 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) – this Ànanda, if He is asked the following: "in France, the Ànanda, the fake Buddy contentious this run was clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation has been clearly? In France would really being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen? In France, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly? "asked this, so Ànanda, He answered like?
4)-Bach World Religion, if you were asked the following: "in France, the Ànanda, the fake Buddy contentious this run was clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation has been clearly? In France, the being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen? In France, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly? "asked so, Bach World Religion, my reply is as follows:
5) "with respect to the past, this Gentle, was destroyed, the paragraph has been ruined, for the colors, the launch was clearly contentious, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident. For past life, did the paragraph removal, has turned the life of beings, ruined him discernible, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident. As for the idea ... for the ... with regard to awareness of the past, were destroyed, the paragraph has been ruined, the birth of consciousness he was clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident. In France, the fake, the Gentleness of this being run was clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident.
6) for colors not yet being, Gentle, yet this existence, in colors, the being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen. For birth, yet life has not existed in her life, the living being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen. As for the idea ... for ... for the form being, not yet available, the living being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen. In France, the fake, the Gentleness of this being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen.
7) for this being, was Gentler, has existed in the colors, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. For existing being, has life ... for the idea was being, existing ... against the Group has being, existing ... with regard to awareness was being, existing in consciousness, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly. In France, the fake, the Gentleness of this being run are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was clearly ".
If your child asked so, Bach World Religion, I will respond as such.
8 Fresh wholesome, rather) change this, Ànanda! Ànanda, with regard to this in the past has destroyed piece, has been ruined; as for the colors, the launch was clearly contentious, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident. For tho ... for ... for ... for knowledge, in the past has destroyed segments, has been ruined, in the formula, the launch was clearly contentious, the disappearance was clearly, while exist, the transformation was evident. In France, Ànanda, the birth of this run was clearly, clearly has seen the disappearance, while exist, the transformation was evident.
9) for colors not yet being, Ànanda, this is not yet available, in color, the delivery run will be clearly seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen. For tho ... for ... for ... for the form being kicked, not yet available, in the form, the living being kicked will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen. For this, Ànanda, the birth of this run will be seen, the loss will be clearly seen, while exist, the transformation will be seen.
10) with regard to this being, Ànanda, already existing, with regard to the contentious, are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. For tho ... for ... for ... for knowledge has being, existing, for the formula, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. In France, the beings are clearly, the loss was clearly, while exist, the transformation visible. Asked this, so Ànanda, he needs to answer.
VII. OPTIONS for FRANCE (,41 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-for Male-French and French practice on stilts, France has to face: for colors, he lived many cynical cups; for the life he lived, the more cynical cups; as for the idea, he lived many cynical cups; for the onions, then living more cynical cups; as for the recipe, she lived more cynical.
4) Who lived many cynical cups for colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... who lived many cynical cups for the recipe, she touches the tri colors ... Willow willow ... life tri tri idea ... the tri ... Willow Willow knowledge. By Willow tri colors ... tho ... idea ... the ... due to the knowledge, the Willow she be freed, freed from the life, freed, freed the passengers, freed, freed from birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain. She said taste freed from suffering.
VIII. OPTIONS for FRANCE (,41 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-5)-for Male-French and French practice on stilts, France has to face: your life's impermanence in bars options ... She said taste freed from suffering.
IX. OPTIONS for FRANCE (,41 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-5)-for Male-French and French practice on stilts, France has to face: he lived in bars options ... She said taste freed from suffering.
X. the FRENCH OPTION (,41 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-for Male-French and French practice on stilts, France has to face: your life's options consistent egolessness in SAC ... life in ... in ... in the Act. She tastes life options consistent egolessness in ...
4) Who live the contemplate options egolessness in, in, in life, in the Act, in the formula; Willow's taste, the tri tri willow, willow, willow, tri-life tri action, willow. Due to her outstanding tri tri, willow, willow, willow, willow, tri-life tri the willow, knowledge; the position he freed, freed from the life, freed, freed the passengers, freed, freed from birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain. She said taste freed from suffering.
I. DO the ISLAND (2, 8a) (,42 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-let's live it yourself to the island for yourself, this Male-stilts, take refuge where himself, not someone else cry. Let's take France do the island, take France as refuge, the refuge is not one anyone else.
4) With those who lived it yourself to the island for yourself, this Male-stilts, refuge where himself, not someone else cry. Take France do the island, taking France as refuge, the refuge is not one, as Li Quan: "Melancholy, bi, suffering, favor, due to what the origin of birth brain? So what makes the present? "
5) And the Male-stilts, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, due to the brain what origin of birth? So what makes available?
6) here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not the human Foot French mature, not French practice the human Legs; (samamupassati)-sharp's ego, or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in. He's ruined the variable shades and different. When she's sharp turns and other destructive insects, bi, suffering, pros, the brain will start up.
the Inn's Location) tho as the ego, or the ego as there tho ...
8 's Taste visualizations) as is the ego ...
He Tastes the number-9) as the ego ...
the Inn's official Position) as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. This form of the variable's ruined and other changes. When her unit's turn and other destructive insects, bi, suffering, pros, the brain will start up.
11) this the Male-stilts, best known as impermanent, sabotage, glass took part, the kill; the position she found all the old colors and now the impermanence, suffering, subject to variables. Do see as truth with such intelligence Chief, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain is the paragraph. Because they are not, take advantage of the piece being pros, the brain. By not being pros, brain, he lived at peace. Due to live peacefully, the Female-stilts called (Tadanganibbuto) has appeased all the general part, the depth direction of nirvana.
12) this the Male-stilts, know the life is impermanent, sabotage, glass took part, the removal, he saw all the old life and now the impermanence, suffering, subject to variables. Do see as truth with such intelligence Chief, the melancholy, bi, suffering, the pros, the brain is the paragraph. Because they are not, take advantage of the piece being pros, the brain. By not being pros, brain, he lived at peace. Due to live peacefully, the Female-stilts called has appeased all the chess pieces.
13) this the Male-stilts, know the idea is impermanent.
14) this the Male-stilts, said the Act is impermanent.
15) this the Male-stilts, known as impermanent, sabotage, glass took part, the kill; He tastes all archaic and now the impermanence, suffering, subject to variables. Do see as truth with such intelligence Chief, the melancholy, bi, suffering, the pros, the brain is the paragraph. Because they are not, take advantage of the piece being pros, the brain. By not being pros, brain, he lived at peace. Due to live peacefully, the Female-stilts called has appeased all the chess pieces.
II. The WAY (2, 8a) (,44 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to Him the path taken to stem the initialization files and the way ants bring to relatives comments sections. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, how is your path to the initialization file Ant-body?
5) here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not the human Foot French mature, not French practice the human Legs; consistent colors as the ego, or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in.
6-8) ... the Cafe tho ... visualizations ... the ...
9.). the conscious café as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness.
10) this the Male-stilts, here called the path taken to stem the initialization file comments. The path taken to stem the initialization file comments means: the Consulate police brought to the initialization file gauge.
11) And the Male-stilts, how is your path to the fuselage destroyed paragraph comments?
12) here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples clearly Holy footsteps, French mature the ranks of Saints, the Holy French practice, clearly the human Legs, mature human Legs, the French practice of France the human Legs; no consistent excellence as is the ego, the ego as consistent or not there, or not consistent colors in ego, ego in bars or not.
13-15) ... not pubs tho ... not visualizations ... not the ...
16) ... not pubs such as the ego, the ego as consistent or not there, or not consistent form in the ego, or not consistent ego in consciousness.
17) the Female-stilts, here called the path taken to the fuselage segments. comments The path taken to stem comments means: removal segment the Consulate suicide brought to my snippet gauge.
III. IMPERMANENCE (3.35 Junk, Pure, 2, 21 c) (,44 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need, egolessness consistent with Chief of intelligence is: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ". So as with true intellectual who, so the Chief Cup took part, was freed, no accept the contraband or.
4-6) this shou, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. This idea, the Female-stilts. This, the practice of Female-on stilts.
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. What is anatta, need as with real Chief of intelligence is: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ". So as with true intellectual who, so the Chief Cup took part, was freed, no accept the contraband or.
8 the National-stilts), if Female-stilts for the World Cup, joins Center best liberate, not accept the contraband or, for tho ... for ideas about ... to ... for consciousness, the World Cup took part, freed, no accept the contraband or. Due to the rescue, then an stay. Due to an stay, the tri's. By the student, the tri's favor. Do not favor the brain, the love NET President. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
IV. IMPERMANENCE (3.36 Magazine, Chief Observer, number-2, 21 c) (known S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need, egolessness consistent with Chief of intelligence is: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
4-6) this shou, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. This idea, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. The onion, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent.
7) formula, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need, egolessness consistent with Chief of intelligence is: "this is not mine; This is not me; This is not my ego ".
8) Due as Chief Justice with such intelligence, he doesn't have the knowledge about the past. Do not have the knowledge about the past should not have the opinion about the future. Due to the comments about the future, persistent player without handicap. Because no perseverance accept player, for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for consciousness, the mind liberation, cups, not accept the contraband or. Due to the rescue, then an stay. Due to an stay, the tri's. By the student, the tri's favor. Do not favor the brain, he himself was President of the pure land one way fullness. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
V. CONSISTENT OPINION (2.13 Junk, sensory, 2, 11b) (,46 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band ego pub in many forms, both in its different aggregates or a Consulate in its aggregates.
4) what is the year? The Male-stilts, here the text invisible divine wife was not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as ego , or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or the ego in the good, consistent tho ... visualizations ... the ... the Cafe formula as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. If so, the Consulate go to accept the comments: "I am".
5) this the Male-stilts, when going to accept the comments: "I am", Hien type in avakkanti (present), i.e. the label, align the Atrium, male, body, base, base units.
6) this the Male-stilts, there, the French, there is ignorance. Feelings by feeling tho, (this life) being due to contact with ignorance; invisible writer chums wife go to accept the comments: "I am", go to accept the comments: "this is me", go to accept the comments: "I will be", go to accept the comments: "I will not be the" go to accept the comments: "I will present to the colors", go to accept the comments: "I will present with loads", go to accept the comments: "I will present to the idea" , go to accept the comments: "I will present to the utopian", go to accept the comments: "I will present with non ideal phi phi".
7) thus, the Male-stilts, so in an apartment stay here, but for the Most Holy disciple literature, ignorance is the paragraph except and kicked up. Because ignorance is far, because proving contentious start, didn't go to accept the comments: "I was," don't go to accept the comments: "this is me", are not going to accept the comments: "I will present" ... "I will not present". "I will present with" ... "I will present to the infinite". "I will present to the idea". "I will present with an infinite ideas", are not going to accept the comments: "I will present with non ideal phi phi".
VI. The AGGREGATES (Warm, 2.23 Junk 2, 13b) (,47 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, We will preach the five aggregates and the year its aggregates, listen ...
4 the National-on stilts), what are the five aggregates?
5) this the Male-stilts, chums have what colors the past, future, present, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; This is called aggregates.
6-8), where the Male-stilts, chums have what life ... everyone will get there ideas ... everyone will get there the ...
9) this the Male-stilts, chums have what the past, future, present, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; This is called form aggregates.
10 this ones), the Female-stilts, known as the five aggregates.
11) And the Male-stilts, how is the year player aggregates?
12) this the Male-stilts, chums have what colors the past, present, and future position in internal or foreign ... or far or near, has smuggled or, accept the seat; This is called its best aggregates.
13-15) this the Male-stilts, chums have what life ... everyone will get there ideas ... everyone will get there the ...
16 the National-stilts,) this means that there, the past, the future, currently, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near, has smuggled or, accept the seat; This is called its form aggregates.
17) the Female-stilts, are called in its aggregates.
VII. SONA (1.20 Junk, Currency-Lu-na, 2, 6a) (1,216.48 S.iii)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) And Sona, the daughter of a Family home, go to world Religion; After the ceremony, wealthy girl, How to show respect, then sat down on one side.
3 Religious) told a child, Sona, sitting on one side:
4) – this Sona, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band consistent colors impermanence, suffering, ruined is: "we're better", or consistent: "We are equal", or consistent: "We lower the greater"; what he is not is who else, if not the people who do not see as true!
5) ... the Cafe tho impermanence, suffering, ruined ...
6) ... contemplate impermanence, suffering, ruined ...
7) ... the onions impermanence, suffering, ruined ...
8) ... consistent formula impermanence, suffering, ruined is: "we're better", or consistent: "We are equal", or consistent: "We lower the greater"; what he is not is who else, if not the people who do not see as true!
9) this Sona, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not consistent colors impermanence, suffering, ruined is: "we're better", or not consistent: "We are equal", or not consistent: "We lower the greater"; what he is not is who else, if not the see as true!
10-12) this Sona, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not tho ... not pubs visualizations ... not the ...
13) this Sona, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would not consistent formula impermanence, suffering, ruined is: "we're better", or not consistent: "We are equal", or not consistent: "We lower the greater"; what he is not is who else, if not the see as true!
14) He think this is often best, Sona, or impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable if the Inn that is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
15)-Shou is often impermanent? ...
16) Idea is often impermanent? ...
17) The common or is impermanence? ...
18) formula is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, there is reasonable or affordable if the Inn that is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
19)-so this means what shades, Sona, the past, the future, currently, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all colors need to be as consistent with the Chief wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
20-22) what life Means voracious ... ideas ... what the divine ...
23) what that means, its past, present, and future in the Cabinet or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all formulas need to be as consistent with the Chief wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
so if you see this, 23) Sona, the Holy disciples multicultural Cup overalls, overalls for glass of overalls, life for a glass for idea, a glass for the glass of overalls, for consciousness. By then, the glass cup overalls to take part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up the Chief Justice position: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
VIII. SONA (1.31 Junk, Currency-Lu-na, 2, 6 c) (,50 S.iii)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) And Sona, His child home, go to world Religion; After arriving, wealthy girl you ceremony sat down one side.
3) That Religion tells Sona, sitting home, the child is a party:
4)-The Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band, this unknown, Sona, unknown (nappajananti) color episodes run, decoction piece is unknown, unknown path taken to destroy the piece colors; not sure tho ... not know ... don't know ... do not know, do not know a starting set of forms, form sections, not known not known the path taken to form paragraphs of removal; the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, not the Sona, this cannot be accepted as Sa-Sa-row between subjects, cannot be accepted as She-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon; in the present life, also not itself, with evidence of reaching voters and stay the purpose of Sa-happy subjects or the purpose of the Ba-la-Mon.
5) what about the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, knew, Sona, this unknown episode shades run, knows colors paragraph removal, knows the path taken to destroy the piece colors; know tho ... know ... know ... know, know, know form initialization file protocol paragraph removal, knows the path taken to form paragraphs of removal; the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, not the Sona, this was accepted as Sa-Sa-row between subjects, be accepted as She-la-Mon between the rows of BA-la-Mon; the Religious position, right in the present life, while itself, reaching position with tri-and stay the purpose of Sa-happy subjects or the purpose of the Ba-la-Mon.
IX. HY the TAKE (,51 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, when a Male-on stilts seen colors invisible usually is impermanent; that is the Chief Prophet of the ants. See chon TAM Chief's position, so cynical. Do take advantage of the paragraph, the paragraph was the wedding. By segment, Hy be the paragraph. By Hy, the paragraph, the mind is freed, he is called has to release the affidavit.
4-6) this the Male-stilts, when a Male-stilts see impermanence-life is impermanent ... idea of impermanence ... the impermanent ...
7) this the Male-stilts, when Male-stilts seen disabled often are impermanent; that is the Chief Prophet of the ants. See chon TAM Chief's position, so cynical. Do take advantage of the paragraph, the paragraph was the wedding. By taking part in the paragraph, so the wedding was dedicated. snippet By Hy, the paragraph, the mind is freed, he is called has been cleverly freed.
X. HY the TAKE (,52 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-Keep as justice deeply volitional, the Female-stilts, be as consistent (samanupassati) is impermanent. The Male-stilts, Female-stilts would like justice work, café 's true identity as Italian is impermanent, he divorced overalls for colors. Do take advantage of the paragraph, the paragraph was the wedding. By segment, Hy be the paragraph. By Hy, the paragraph, the mind is freed, he is called has been cleverly freed.
4 billion-on stilts, the) Female-stilts would like life ... volitional agents work the idea ... the volitional act.
5) this the Male-stilts, Female-stilts would like justice cooperation consciousness, as consciousness is impermanent, the Consulate's cynical cups for the recipe. Do take advantage of the paragraph, the paragraph was the wedding. By segment, Hy be the paragraph. By Hy, the paragraph, the mind is freed, he is called has been cleverly freed.
I. TAKE RELATIONSHIP (2nd Junk 2, 9a) (,53 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, the attachment is not freed. Due to this, the sharp fall in the national take-on stilts, have standing to be an stay. With colors is with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth. Or take this passage, the Female-stilts, standing there was an. With the fan operating with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth.
5) this the Male-stilts, who says the following: "in addition, beyond tho, thought, in addition, I will specify the coming or going, the removal or the birth, growth, thriving growth or the growth of consciousness," such events do not occur.
6-10) this the Male-stilts, if Female-take advantage of snippets on stilts with arguments about; by taking part in the charm Department, was cut, y no knowledge only of the present. The Male-stilts, if Female-stilts with arguments of the endless passages Shou ... for ideas about ... to ... The Male-stilts, if Female-stilts with arguments about knowledge of the endless passages, due to join the take, the charm was cut, y no conscious only of the present.
11) no y does not increase, only, no action, be freed. Due to the rescue should be consistently stay; due to consistently stay should be tri sufficiency; because the student should be tri-brain; by no means should the brain himself felt the President complete NET. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
II. DEATH RACE (2, 2, 8 c Magazine) (,54 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, there are five types of strains. What is the year? Death race death race, from the roots from the stem, e strains from Gemma, bīja from results, and death from vaccine strains is Thursday.
4) And the Male-stilts, if this race was not kind years disintegrates, no breaks, no wind and heat ruined, there are hard core, cleverly planted, but no land, no water, and this time the Female-stilts, five types of strains can increase, increase, grow?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
5)-this And the Female-stilts, if this race was not kind years disintegrates, no breaks, no wind and heat ruined, there are hard core, cleverly planted, there are land and water, this time the Female-stilts, five types of strains can increase, increase, grow?
-Ladies, white World Religion.
6)-the Female-stilts, such as boundaries, four formula stay needs to be viewed as such. For this, as the Male-stilts, marine world, the Hy parameter needs to be viewed as such. For this, as the Male-stilts, five types of strains, accompanied the dishes need to be viewed as such.
7) by taking part in this, the fall in the exchange rate-on stilts, have standing to be an stay. With colors is with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth.
8-10) by taking the life passage. By attachment idea.. By the fall, the Female-stilts, standing leg there are exist. With the fan operating with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth.
11) this the Male-stilts, who says the following: "in addition, beyond tho, in addition, also the onions, I will specify the coming or going, the removal or the birth, growth, increase of knowledge or Jeena", things like that don't happen.
12) this the Male-stilts, if Female-take advantage of snippets on stilts with arguments about; by taking part in the charm Department, was cut, y no knowledge only of the present.
13-16) this the Male-stilts, if Female-stilts with arguments of the endless passages Shou ... for ideas about ... to ... with regard to awareness; by taking part in the charm Department, was cut, y no knowledge only of the present.
17) there is no such formula, only medical does not increase, no action, be freed; due to the rescue should be consistently stay; due to consistently stay should be tri sufficiency; because the student should be tri-brain; by no means should the brain himself felt the President complete NET. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
III. WORDS of INSPIRATION (2, 2, 16 c Magazine) (,55 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) there, So Respect comes up inspirational lyrics as follows:
If before, We do not have,
Today there is no Ta,
No human will,
The future will not.
Female-stilts that determination,
The lower part using unlawful passages.
3) Was heard, a Female-Like white stilts Ton:
-How the White World Religion:
If before, We do not have,
Today there is no Ta,
No human will,
The future will not.
Female-stilts that determination,
The lower part urban planner use snippets?
4)-here, this Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Bible; not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as ego, ego or as having, or colors in the ego, or the ego in the good, consistent tho ... visualizations ... the ... the Cafe formula as the ego , or ego, or sense as there is in the ego, or the ego in consciousness.
5 not as true Gentlemen) knows (pajànàti) colors impermanence, impermanence is not like real life knows life is impermanence, impermanence is not as aware of the idea of impermanence is the idea of impermanence, don't really know as onions impermanence, impermanence is not like real clear formula impermanence is disabled.
6) Not as they really know is suffering sharp agony, not like real-life suffering ... knows the idea of suffering ... onions suffering ... not like real clear formula is the formula gauge gauge.
7) Not as unknown colors anatta, anatta is not like real life knows the egolessness ... idea egolessness ... onions egolessness... don't like real clear formula egolessness is disabled altogether.
8) Not as true owners identity range is clearly a useful microbial, not like real-life owners know ... useful ideas useful operating range vi ... ... do not know really useful microbial formula as is useful microbial form.
9) Not as unknown colors will turn life ... will transform ... will know ... the onions will turn kill ... not like real clear formula will turn.
10) Holy multicultural level is still disciples, the Female-stilts clearly the Saints, French mature the ranks of Saints, the Holy French practice, clearly the human Legs, mature human Legs, the French practice of human Legs, the French are not consistent excellence as the ego, or self as having colors , or colors in the ego, or the ego in the good, not the life ... not pubs visualizations ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness.
She Tastes like the real thing-11) best audibly impermanence is impermanence, impermanence ... idea impermanent ... onions impermanent ... formula impermanence is disabled.
She Tastes like the real thing) best audibly suffering sharpens suffering, suffering ... idea of suffering ... suffering ... act like real clear formula is the formula to gauge the gauge.
She Tastes like the real thing-13) best audibly egolessness is anatta, anatta shades ... idea of egolessness ... the egolessness ... formula egolessness is disabled altogether.
She Tastes like the real thing) 14 clearly useful microbial colors is useful microbial life, organic color vi ... idea ownership ... the owner ... useful microbial formula is useful microbial form.
She Tastes like the real thing) 15 clearly colors will turn kill sharpens will turn kill, will turn the ... idea will turn kill ... the onions will turn kill ... recipe will turn kill is the formula will turn.
16) due to the sharp turn, variable life, variable transforms removal action, removal idea, turn kill, Male-inspired words talking up on stilts:
If before, we do not have,
Today there is no ta,
No human will,
The future will not.
Female-stilts that determination,
The lower part using unlawful passages.
17)-oil for determination as such, Bach World Religion, the Female-stilts can cut down urban planner section. But the White World, know how, see how the contraband or the take away?
18)-here, this Male-stilts, invisible text chums phu panic spot has nothing to panic; invisible writer chums phu panic as follows:
If before, we do not have,
Today there is no ta,
No human would have.
The future will not.
19) Holy multicultural and disciple, this Male-stilts, don't panic spot has nothing to panic; Holy multicultural taste disciple no panic as follows:
If before, we do not have,
Today there is no ta,
No human will,
The future will not.
20) this Male-stilts, by attachment, consciousness has been standing an stay. With colors is with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth.
21-23) by taking the life passage ... by attachment idea ... by passage ... by taking part in this National consciousness, fall-on stilts, have standing to be an stay. With the fan operating with charm, is stay, (formula) direction search Hy, go to growth, increase, growth.
This National-24) stilts, who says the following: "in addition, beyond tho, in addition, also the onions, I will specify the coming or going, the removal or the birth, growth, increase, growth of knowledge", such things do not happen.
25) this Male-stilts, if Female-take advantage of snippets on stilts with arguments about; by taking part in the charm Department, was cut, y not just of the present.
26) this Male-stilts, if Female-stilts with arguments of the endless passages Shou ...
27) this Male-stilts, if Female-stilts paragraph take part in for ideas about ...
28) this Male-stilts, if Female-take advantage of snippets on stilts with arguments about ...
29) this Male-stilts, if Female-stilts with arguments about knowledge of the endless passages, due to join the take, the charm was cut, y not just of the present.
30) no place so not only health care growth, no action, be freed; due to the rescue should be consistently stay; due to consistently stay should be tri sufficiency; because the student should be tri-brain; by no means should the brain himself felt the President complete NET. The position he said: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
IV. PLAYER TRANSFERS (Magazine 2, 2, 9b) (,58 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, has five prime aggregates. What is the year? Its best player, aggregates, aggregates the idea its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player.
4 the National-stilts,) when would We not as truth WINS tri in the seat of this transfer, the four aggregates until this time, the Male-stilts, lettered for the world, Ma, Brahma, along with Sa-mass, She-la, Chu Heaven and humankind, We do not identify the certificate that We have proven to be invaluable in upper Primary College Finances.
5) But the Female-stilts, when would We have as real win tri in the seat of this transfer, the four aggregates until this time, the Male-stilts, lettered for the world, Ma, Brahma, along with Sa-mass, She-la, Chu Heaven and humankind, We determined that We had were infinitely superior Chief Justice Chief Justice College.
6) And how the four switch? We've won, We've won tri tri color episode run, We've won tri colors, paragraph I've won tri the path taken to destroy the piece colors. We've won tri tho ... idea ... ... We've won, we've won knowledge collective knowledge, We have the knowledge, We segment WINS WINS tri the path taken to form paragraphs.
7) And the Male-stilts, how are the colors? The four great races and colors caused by four strains of the modern form. The Male-stilts, it was called. Due to the initialization file file outstanding food. Due to the outstanding removal phase food sections. And the path taken to destroy the piece colors is the way the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice.
8) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would do win the tri colors as such; due to the initialization file so sharp tri WINS, due to win tri colors such removal segment, due to win tri way taken to destroy the piece colors so they headed for execution, divorce overalls to take part, the kill. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
9) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri colors is so ... win tri way taken to destroy the piece colors is so; so cynical, glass took part, the kill, they are freed, not accept. They are cleverly freed. Those who are handy with a rescue, they are perfect. Those who are persons, the time could not specify the rotation.
10) And the Male-stilts, how is life? The Male-stilts, have six this body: life expectancy by birth, by Turkish life promotion label promotion of birth, birth, life expectancy by national contact due exposure being, being, contact body tho tho Italy birth promotion. The Male-stilts, here called tho. Due to the exposed volume should start the initialization file life. Due to the exposed passages Shou ... paragraph should kill This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors taken to destroy the passages shou, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking ... the Chief Justice.
11) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win voters such as life, WINS tri boot files such as life, WINS tri phase is thus destroying life WINS tri path taken to destroy the passages Shou is like that, they headed for execution, divorce overalls to take part, the killing tho. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
12) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win tri-life is so ... win tri way taken to destroy the passages Shou is so ... time can not specify the rotation!
13-15) And the Male-stilts, what is the idea? The Male-stilts, have six ideas to this body: identity idea, idea, ideas, ideas, scents, France. The Male-stilts, here called the idea. Due to the exposed volume should start starting episode ideas. Due to the exposed passages kill should kill the piece ideal. This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors put to the idea phase, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking ... the Chief Justice--the weather may not specify the rotation.
16) And the Male-stilts, what is? There are six portfolio this incarnation: colors, taste, aroma, sound investment, investment promotion, France. The Male-stilts, this call is issued. By starting the episode should set exposure. Due to the exposed passages should the removal phase. This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors taken to destroy the piece, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
17 the National-stilts,) the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri is so, win the tri boot volume is thus wins the tri segment removal is thus WINS tri way brought to the paragraphs of removal is so, they headed for execution, divorce cynical take, kill the piece. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
18) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri is so, win the tri boot volume is thus wins the tri segment removal is thus WINS tri way brought to the paragraphs of removal as such; so cynical, glass took part, the removal phase, they freed, not accept. They are cleverly freed. Those who are handy with a rescue, they are perfect. Those who are persons, the time could not specify the rotation.
19) And the Male-stilts, what is consciousness? There are six official incarnation, this Male-stilts, (i.e.), Turkish national consciousness, label, lost consciousness, the consciousness, consciousness. The Male-stilts, this is called consciousness. Due to the excellent reputation the set should start the initialization file protocol. Due to the excellent reputation the paragraph should destroy the passages form removal. This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors taken to form paragraph removal, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking ... the Chief Justice.
20) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win such knowledge is the knowledge the initialization file, winning is winning, so knowledge is thus destroyed piece WINS tri way brought to consciousness as such, they destroy the piece towards the cynical, greedy glasses made piece, kill. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
21) And the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win such knowledge is the knowledge the initialization file, winning is winning, so knowledge is thus destroyed piece WINS tri way taken to form paragraph removal as such; so cynical, glass took part, the kill, they are freed, not accept. They are cleverly freed. Those who cleverly freed, they are perfect. Those who are persons, the time could not specify the rotation.
V. SEVEN PARISHES (SATTATTHÀNA) (2-2, Junk, 10a; 498c; 875b) (35, 2, 754b) (1.61 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) – Female-friendly crafts in seven of stilts, the Female-stilts, a suicide in three ways, called an integrity in France and this law, have fullness, an achievement of paramount.
4 the National-stilts,) how was the Female-friendly crafts in seven of stilts?
5) here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts unknown (pajànati), the best known episode run, knows colors paragraph removal, knows the path taken to destroy the piece colors, know the sweetness of colors, knows the dangers of sharp, knows the separation of colors.
6-8) ... know tho ... knows ... knows ...
9) ... know, know, know form initialization file protocol paragraph removal, knows the path taken to form paragraph removal, know the sweetness of consciousness, knows the dangers of consciousness, knows the cup of formula.
10) this the Male-stilts, how are the colors? The four great races and colors caused by four strains of the modern form. The Male-stilts, here called colors. Due to the initialization file outstanding dishes episode run. Due to the outstanding removal segment segment dish. This is the road best taken to sector Eight leaders Scripture passage removal, i.e. Chief tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
11 best start up Coast Lac Hy), it is the sweetness of colors. The impermanent, suffering, the variables of color, this is the harm of identity. The Regency offers education for reference, the fragment of the endless arguments with education, it is the production of glass.
12) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri colors are the same, excellent starter set tri-win is so, win tri color removal is so, paragraph WINS tri way taken to destroy the piece is so sharp, WINS tri sweetness of colors as such, win voters of the dangers of lust is so , won the tri-Cup of excellence is so; them towards the make bibs ly, ly, the reference for the removal. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
13) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri colors are the same, excellent starter set tri-win is so, win tri color removal is so, paragraph WINS tri sweetness of the colors is the same, to win voters of the dangers of lust is the same, the cup of excellence tri-win is so; so cynical, glass took part, the kill, they are freed, not accept. They are cleverly freed. Those who are handy with a rescue, they are perfect. Those who can't, the integrity of their State.
14) And the Male-stilts, how is life? The Male-stilts, have six this body: Life Expectancy by birth promotion label ... tho Italy birth promotion. The Male-stilts, here called tho. Due to the exposed volume should start the initialization file life. Due to the exposed passages Shou ... paragraph should kill This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors taken to destroy the passages shou, i.e. Chief tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
15) due to the start up what Hy Club yanshou, here called life's sweetness. Life feels impermanent, suffering and egolessness, here called life's dangers. The Regency offers education to take part, the segment take part in education for tho, here termed the life of glass.
16) the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win voters such as life, WINS tri boot files such as life, WINS tri phase is thus destroying life WINS tri path taken to destroy the passages Shou is thus WINS tri-life's sweetness is so, win tri the dangers of such is life , won the tri-life's so; them towards the make bibs ly, ly took part, the kill for longevity. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
17 the National-stilts,) the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win tri-life is so ... time can not specify the rotation.
18-20) And the Male-stilts, what is the idea? The Male-stilts, have six ideas to this body: Identity idea, idea, ideas, ideas, scents, France. The Male-stilts, here called the idea. Due to the exposed volume should start starting episode ideas. Due to the exposed passages kill should kill the piece ideal. This is the way the Holy leader of eight majors put to the idea ... time piece can not specify the rotation.
21) And the Male-stilts, what is the Act? The Male-stilts, six body: Excellent investment portfolio ... in France. The Male-stilts, are called the. By starting the episode should set exposure. Due to the exposed passages should the removal phase. This is the way the Holy leader of eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
22) due to the start up action coast Lac Hy, here is the sweetness of the onions. The impermanent, suffering and egolessness, this is dangerous. The Regency offers education to take part, the segment take part in education for the Act, it is the production of glass.
23-24) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win the tri is so, win the tri boot volume is thus wins the tri segment removal is thus WINS tri way brought to the paragraphs of removal as such; them towards the make bibs ly, ly, the reference for the removal. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law. Those who are persons, the time could not specify the rotation.
25) And the Male-stilts, what is consciousness? The Female-this body conscious, there are six stilts: the label, the Atrium, male formula, formula, body awareness, consciousness. The Male-stilts, this is called consciousness. Due to the excellent reputation the set should start the initialization file protocol. Due to the excellent reputation the paragraph should destroy the passages form removal. This is the way the Holy leader of eight sectors brought to consciousness for the removal phase, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
26) due to start-up awareness charm up lost what Hy, here is the sweetness of awakening. Formula impermanence, suffering, egolessness, this is the danger of the formula. The Regency offers education to take part, the segment take part in education for knowledge, this is the cup of knowledge production.
27) this the Male-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win such knowledge is the knowledge the initialization file, winning is winning, so knowledge is thus destroyed piece WINS tri way taken to form paragraph removal is thus WINS tri sweetness of the formula is the same, to win voters of the dangers of such a formula is , won the tri cups of consciousness as such; them towards the make bibs ly, ly, the reference for the removal. The implementation, they cleverly done. Those who cleverly made, did the leg stand in France and this law.
28) the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would win such knowledge is the knowledge the initialization file, winning is winning, so knowledge is thus destroyed piece WINS tri way taken to form paragraph removal is thus WINS tri sweetness of the formula is the same, to win voters of the dangers of such a formula is , won the tri cups of consciousness as such; so cynical, glass took part, the kill, they freed, did not accept. They are cleverly freed. Those who are handy with a rescue, they are perfect. Those who are persons, the time could not specify the rotation.
29) the Female-stilts, so was the Female-friendly crafts in seven of stilts.
30) And the Male-stilts, how was the Male-stilts consistent observation in three ways? Here, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts consistent suicide according to gender, a suicide according to origin, killed pratītyasamutpāda. Thus, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts consistent observation in three ways.
31) the Female-stilts, Female-friendly crafts in seven of stilts, a suicide in three ways, called an integrity in France and this law, have achievements fullness, a paramount position.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-such as hybrid, the Female-on stilts, is A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, so cynical, glass took part, the removal, called degrees of Liberation, not accept player, Chief Justice College. Longer Male-stilts, the Female-stilts, be freed thanks to wisdom, so cynical, glass took part, the removal, called degrees of Liberation, not accept player, freed thanks to wisdom.
4) As this hybrid, the Female-on stilts, is A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, so cynical, glass took part, the killing tho, was termed Out, no Primary Sensory College player, accepted. Longer Male-stilts, the Female-stilts, be freed thanks to wisdom, so cynical, glass took part, the killing tho, is called the degrees of Liberation, not accept player, freed thanks to wisdom.
5-7) As a hybrid, the Female-on stilts, is A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, so cynical, glass took part, the kill ... kill ... paragraph paragraph removal formula, are called quadratic Freed, no Primary Sensory College player, accepted. Longer Male-stilts, the Female-stilts, be freed thanks to wisdom, so cynical, glass took part, the killing form, called degrees of Liberation, not accept player, freed thanks to wisdom.
8) here, the Male-stilts, how are the discrepancies, what are the particularities, what is the difference between tier As Lai, A-la-Han, Chief Justice, and the National Diploma-stilts was freed thanks to wisdom?
9)-White World, for us, the French took That as the basis, taking the World as directed, take That as y only. Instead of healing, the White World, if that Religion comes up the meaning of this word. After hearing That, the Female-stilts will maintain life!
-So the Female-stilts, listen and experience impaired judgement, We would say:
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
10 Ton) says the following:
-As this, the Male-stilts, is A-la-Han, the Chief Sensory Class, make the run up the road (previously) has not yet run, is giving the path (previously) has not yet been brought, is theoretical statement ranks the path (previously) has not yet been declared, the ranks of voters, Gnostic, ranks ranks are mature about. Also this year, the Female-stilts, the disciple is the live according to the Scout, continued achievement (leader).
11) this the Male-stilts, this is the discrepancies, the particularity, the sai between As Lai, steps A-la-Han, the Chief Justice and the associate's degrees of Female-on stilts was freed thanks to wisdom.
VII. In the POSITION (anatta) (2, 7 c) (Vinaya, great products, from page 3) (,66 S.iii)
1) A world Religion in Bàrànasi (Ba-la-complaint), at Isipatana (Chu First fallen of), Deer garden.
2) here That five National unions spoke with Respect-stilts: "the Male-stilts". -"Dear Yes white World Religion". The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts. What Religion says as follows:
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is falling. The Male-stilts, if colors is falling, sharp forecast can not go to the sick and can be the following: "expect that my identity is like this! Expect that of me not like this! "
4) And the Male-stilts, because color is anatta. So the colors go to the sick, and can not get the colors: "expect that of me like this! Expect that of me not like this! "
5) this National-shou, on stilts, is falling. The Male-stilts, life expectancy is falling, if cannot go to the sick, and life can be as follows: "hoping that my life like this! Hoping that my life isn't like this! "
6) And the Male-stilts, because the life is falling. So, go to the sick, and can not get the longevity: "hoping that my life like this! Hoping that my life isn't like this! "
7) Idea is anatta.
8) The Act is this fall, the Female-stilts, if the Act is falling, time the onions could not go to the sick and can be the following: "Expect that of me like this! Hoping that my conduct isn't like this! "
9) And the Male-stilts, because the action is ego. Thus, the Act goes to the sick, and can not get the: "expect that the Act of me like this! Hoping that my conduct is not like this! "
10) Form is anatta, the Female-stilts, if consciousness is falling, time cannot go to the sick, and can get the formula as follows: "I expect that like this! I didn't expect to like this! "
11) And the Male-stilts, because consciousness is anatta. So, go to the sick, and can not get the formula: "I expect that like this! I didn't expect to like this! "
12) this the Male-stilts, He thought? Identity is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion!
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
13-15)-Tho ... Idea ... The onions ...
16) is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
17)-thus, the Male-stilts, what identity means that the past, the future, currently, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all colors need to be as consistent with the Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
18) what life Means.
19) what ideas everyone will get ...
that means that what the 20) ...
21) what that means, its past, present, and future in the Cabinet or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all formulas need to be as consistent with the Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
Thus, this 22nd) the Female-stilts Multi tier Holy disciple literature, bibs, overalls for glass cup for Cup, cynical life for ideas, for the medical, cups for the recipe. By then, the glass cup overalls to take part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
23) That such a theory of Religion. Groups of five Male-stilts-life World lyrics, wedding, parties, Religious teaching. While this teachings are speaking up, the mind of the five National groups-stilts are freed from the contraband or, not accept.
VIII. MAHÀLI (3.32 Junk, Phu-Long-Na, 2, 20b) (,68 Siii)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Vesàli, in the forest of the great Forest, in the Sterile Lecture Hall.
2) And Mahàli, the Licchavis governed, go to World Religion, after arriving, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and then sat down on one side. Sit down on one side, the Mahàli, the Licchavis governed, Bach World Religion:
3) – Puràna Kassapa (Phu-lan-na Ca-Romaine), Bach World Religion, dogma as follows: "no, not to Altaf is the cell infection of beings. No staff, no charm, no box-infected beings, charm is the purity of being. No, not to Altaf, beings are pure ". Here, Bach World Religion, the Religion theory?
4)-Mahàli,, This charming is the cell infection of beings. Mahàli, character, this charming, cell-infected beings. Mahàli charming character, This is the purity of being. Yes, there are beings, t nh.
5)-But the White World, so what, so what is the charm of infected beings? Due to what the staff, due to what the coast being infected cells?
6)-Mahàli, if This color depth gauge direction, fell on the misery, suffering, not to enter the enter the Club, with the time being not to immerse for colors. And because of that, this is the best, Mahàli, fall on, enter the with peanuts, do not enter the contest with a gauge, so taking beings immersed for colors. By taking constant should be be immersed, by being infected should be the slopes ô. Mahàli This, this is, this is the charm for the infected cell beings. Due to such workers, because such charm, beings would be infected cells.
7) And Mahàli life if this depth gauge direction, fell on the gauge, the gauge with input, do not enter the contest with the tribe, the beings not immerse for longevity. And because of that, this Mahàli, Shou is optimistic, fell on the tribe, the tribe, with input not entering with a gauge, so taking beings immersed for longevity. By taking constant should be be immersed, by being infected should be the slopes ô. Mahàli This, this is, this is the charm for the cell infection of beings. Due to such workers, because such charm, beings would be infected cells.
8-9) And Mahàli, if this idea of depth gauge direction ... If the depth gauge is oriented ...
This Mahàli 10) and, if the official depth gauge direction, fell on the gauge, the gauge with input, do not enter the contest, with the time being not to immerse for consciousness. Because of that, this Mahàli, is lost, falling over, entering with peanuts, do not enter the contest with a gauge, so taking beings immersed for consciousness. By taking constant should be be immersed, by being infected should be the slopes ô. Mahàli This, this is, this is the charm for the cell infection of beings. Due to such workers, because such charm, beings would be infected cells.
11)-White World Religion, what is, what is the charm for the purity of beings? Due to how the character, how charming, beings are pure?
This Mahàli, 12)-if colors is the depth direction, fall on, enter the with peanuts, do not enter the contest with a gauge, the beings not boring for colors. And because of that, Mahàli, this is the gauge, fell on the gauge, the gauge with input, do not enter the contest with the tribe, so the new cynical beings glass for color. Due to the cynical should join the glass cups; because glass parameter should be freed. Mahàli this, this is, this is the charm for the purity of being. Due to such workers, because such charm, beings are pure.
13) Mahàli life if This is depth direction ...
14) this Mahàli, if the idea is the depth direction ...
15 This Act, if the Mahàli) is the depth direction ...
16) this Mahàli, if the depth direction, fall on, enter the with peanuts, do not enter the contest with a gauge, not boring for beings with consciousness. And because of that, this Mahàli, is miserable, falls on the gauge, the gauge with input, do not enter the contest with the tribe, so the new cynical beings cups for the recipe. So cynical, so join the glass glass glass should take should be freed. Mahàli this, this is, this is the charm for the purity of being. Due to such workers, because such charm, beings are pure.
IX. The FIRE (,58 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-stilts, are on fire; Shou are on fire; ideas are on fire; onions are on fire; formulas are on fire!
4 this so the National) see-stilts Multi tier Holy text, the disciple of boring for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for the mundane. Due to the boring should join the Cup; because glass parameter should be freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed".
5) Position knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, three kinds of quotations, quotations, highway, highway design competition, there is no confusion, not confused, not confused, the future is not confused, not the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke. What are the three?
4 the National-stilts,) this means that colors what has passed, has passages, has been ruined; her identity was confirmed to be "had", is claimed as the "had" been set is "already". Her identity was not confirmed as "existing", not to be confirmed as "will be".
5 what life was over, that means) have destroyed piece, has been ruined; her life was confirmed to be "had", is claimed as the "had" been set is "already". Her life was not confirmed as "existing", not to be confirmed as "will be".
6 What were thought Divine.).
7 what the Divine has passed).
8) what Divine took over, has passages, has been ruined; officially he was confirmed to be "had", is claimed as the "had" been set is "already". Formula not confirmed is "currently available", not to be confirmed as "will be".
9 best Chums birth, yet) not yet available; her identity was confirmed as "will be", is claimed as the "would have" been set as "will be". Her identity was not confirmed as "existing", not confirmed is "already".
10 the life Divine being, yet) not yet available; her life was confirmed as "will be", is claimed as the "would have" been set as "will be". Her life was not confirmed is "there", he was confirmed as the "had".
11) what ideas everyone will get ...
12) what the divine one
13 what knowledge being, Divine) not yet available; officially he was confirmed as "will be", is claimed as the "would have" been set as "will be". Formula not confirmed is "there", he was confirmed as the "had".
14) this the Male-stilts, divine being, what colors were available; her identity was confirmed as "existing", is claimed as the "there", "there is competition." Her identity was not confirmed to be "had" is not confirmed, "will be".
what life Means 15), being, existing; her life was confirmed as "existing", is claimed as the "there", "there is competition." Her life was not determined to be "had" not been confirmed as "will be".
16) what ideas everyone will get ...
that means that what the 17) ...
18 what was being, Divine) were available; officially he was confirmed as "existing", is claimed as the "there", "there is competition." Formula not confirmed is "already", he was confirmed as "will be".
19) the Female-stilts, three kinds of quotations, quotations, highway, highway design competition, there is no confusion, not confused, not confused, the future is not confused, not the Sa, Ba-la-Mon a rebuke.
20) However, the population in Ukkali, the sermon during the rainy season, settle the pointless comment, the comment author working, the invisible owner comment author, he also does not have the thought that quotations, quotations route, this route set test does not deserve rebuke, not scorn. Why? Because of that, they fear of rebuke, the House, outrage, criticism.
I. ACCEPT the AGO (1.2 Impurities, 4b) (,73 S.iii)
1) like me.
One time, the World Religion stay in Sàvatthi (Xa-protection), at Jetavana (da-Lin), Mr. Anàthapindika (Anathapindika).
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, So please Respect the sermon summary for you. After listening to That Religion, I will live alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need.
4)-Who accept this, the national front-on stilts, the Ghost was bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil.
-White World, I have to understand, Improve, white children had understood.
5)-how this National-stilts, he widely understood meaning of the word I say in a nutshell?
-Who, before the White World Religious observance, he was Drug bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil. Who accept before tho, who was Drug bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil. Who accept the previous idea. Who accept before the ... Who accept the previous formula, the Ghost was bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil. The White World, this brief words of world Religion, I understand the meaning of such widely.
6)-fresh, Healthy change, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! So he is widely understood meaning of this brief speech. Who accept this identity, the national front-on stilts, the Ghost was bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil. Who accept the previous Shou ... Who accept the previous idea. Who accept before the ... Who accept the previous formula, the Ghost was bound. Who do not accept the first, he was freed from the evil. This Female-stilts, this brief words of We need to understand the meaning of such widely.
7) And Female-stilts, once the wedding, Religious teachings, How words life from stand up seat, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl body on towards him and away.
8) And Female-stilts alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need, not how long, for what purpose that the friendly South Prince chon TAM Chief renunciation, abandoning families were not expecting major family is the upper wing rescue happy Offense; her position, even in the present, with his own mind, ch ng food poisoning, and an. Locate the certificate's voters: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status." Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
II. ENVISAGE (,74 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) and then a Male-stilts ... the White World Religion:
-White World, heal, So please Respect the sermon summary for the ... fervent, essential need.
4)-Who thought this, Female-stilts, who was Drug bound. Who does not envisage, he was freed from the evil.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-how this National-stilts, he widely understood meaning of the word I say in a nutshell:
6)-Who envisage, the White World, he was Drug bound. Who does not envisage, he was freed from the evil. One thought tho ... idea ... ... consciousness, he be Ma bind. Who does not envisage, he was freed from the evil. The White World, this brief words of world Religion, I understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! So he is widely understood meaning of this brief speech. This Female-stilts, who envisage, he suffered bondage Ma. Who does not envisage, he was freed from the evil. One thought tho ... idea ... the ... Who thought, who was Drug bound. Who does not envisage, he was freed from the evil. This Female-stilts, this brief words of We need to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Locate Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)... Sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, So please Respect the sermon summary for the ... the will to live alone, net, no enthusiasm, Yi launched an essential need.
4)-who's this National, Hy Festival-stilts, who was Drug bound. Who does the wedding Festival, he was freed from the evil.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-how this National-stilts, he widely understood meaning of the word I say in a nutshell?
6)-One World Religion, best wedding Festival, the Ghost was bound. Who does the wedding Festival, he was freed from the evil. Who's life ... the wedding Festival idea ... the ... One official, who was the wedding Festival of Morocco bound. Who does the wedding Festival, he was freed from the evil. The White World, this World's brief speech to honor the understanding broadly the same.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! So he was widely understood meaning of the word I say in a nutshell. Who's this National identity, the wedding Festival-stilts, who was Drug bound. Who does the wedding Festival, he was freed from the evil. Who's life ... the wedding Festival idea ... the ... One official, who was the wedding Festival of Morocco bound. Who does the wedding Festival, he was freed from the evil. This Female-stilts, this brief words of We need to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Locate Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
IV. IMPERMANENCE (Magazine 1, 2, 3b) (,76 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi. Then a Male-stilts ... the White World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for you ... I will live alone, homeless, not net Launcher, sheltered, crystallized the need ...
4)-something impermanent, this Male-stilts, here, He must crush except paragraph.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-Words we say in a nutshell, this Male-stilts, He got a sense of how widely?
6)-Sac is impermanent, Like Religion, here, you have to subtract piece please. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Consciousness is impermanent, here, you have to subtract piece please. This brief words of world Religion, you have to understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! I say so in a nutshell, he was widely understood the meaning. Colors are impermanent, this Male-stilts, here You need to segment except the Palm. The life is impermanent. Thought is impermanent. The Act is often ... Consciousness is impermanent, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. This brief speech, this Male-stilts, he needs to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
V. AGONY (,77 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi. Then a Male-stilts ... the White World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for you ... I will live alone, homeless, not net Launcher, sheltered, crystallized the need.
4)-what is this, the National Framework-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-Words we say in a nutshell, this Male-stilts, He got a sense of how widely?
6)-Sac is suffering, the White World Religion. Here, you have to subtract piece please. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... As a gauge, here, you have to subtract piece please. The White World, this brief words of world Religion, you have to understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! The words we say in a nutshell, he was widely understood the meaning. Is this the national agony, sharp-stilts, here, he needs to please exercise ... except paragraph Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... As a gauge, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. This brief speech, this Male-stilts, he needs to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
VI. ANATTA (Magazine 1, 2, 3b) (,77 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi. Then a Male-stilts ... the White World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for you ... I will live alone, homeless, not net Launcher, sheltered, crystallized the need.
4)-something this National, anatta-stilts, here You need to segment except the Palm.
-White World, you were out. Bach, the Friendly understanding.
5)-Words we say in a nutshell, this Male-stilts, He got a sense of how widely?
6)-Sac is anatta, Bach World Religion, here, you have to subtract piece please. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Form is anatta, here, you have to subtract piece please. The White World, this brief words of world Religion, you have to understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! The words we say in a nutshell, he was widely understood the meaning. This fall, is the national identity-stilts, this paragraph except for the Palm, you need to exercise. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Is this the national, anatta-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. This brief speech, You need to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
VII. NOT in the EGO (Magazine 1, 2, 3 c) (,79 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi. Sit down one side, Female-stilts Bach's World Religion:
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for children ...
4)-something not in the ego, in this paragraph, you need to subtract the crush.
-I have understood, the White World Religion! I've been out, Bach Was Friendly.
5)-Words we say in a nutshell, this Male-stilts, He got a sense of how widely?
6)-Colors not in the ego, the White World, here, you need to subtract piece please. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... No ego in consciousness, here, you have to give. The White World, this summary of the teachings, you understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts! This brief speech, he was widely understood. Colors not in the ego, this Male-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. Tho. Idea ... The onions ... No ego in consciousness, in this paragraph, you need except the Palm. This brief speech, this Male-stilts, he needs to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han.
VIII. JUST STAY for pollution (Magazine 1, 2, 4a) (,79 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-Heal instead, Bach World Religion, That Religion be a brief sermon for children ...
4)-what do just stay for the pollution, this Male-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph.
-I have understood, the White World Religion! I've been out of the white Was Friendly.
5)-Words we say in a nutshell, this Male-stilts, he understood the meaning of how widely?
6)-Colors do just stay for the contamination, the White World, you need to subtract piece please. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula do just stay for the contamination, here, you need to subtract piece please. The White World, this brief words of world Religion, I understand the meaning of such widely.
7, Healthy fresh)-instead, this Male-stilts! Instead of this, the national healthy-stilts. The words we say in a nutshell, he was widely understood the meaning. Colors are just stay for the pollution, this Male-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. Shou ... Imagine.. The onions ... Consciousness is just stay for the pollution, this Male-stilts, here, he should wholeheartedly except paragraph. This brief speech, this Male-stilts, he needs to understand the meaning of such widely.
8-9) And Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That Religion teaches ... Female-stilts he became an A-la-Han!
IX. RÀDHA (6, 2, 37c Magazine) (,79 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2-3), and then the fake Religious Ràdha go to World Religion after Bach to World Religion:
-Know how, the White World Religion, seen as th for the body to have this knowledge, and for all General off, no thought: "Fall, fall, fall beam facility options hypnosis"?
4 This voracious, Ràdha) has what colors the past, future, present, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all colors should be seen as true with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
5) Divine life has ...
6) Chums have idea ...
7) ... have the Means
8 what have past Chums), the current content in the future, or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all knowledge should be seen as true with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
9) this Ràdha, so know that, due to see that, for this body, and in general all outside, no thought: "Fall, fall, fall beam facility options hypnosis".
10) ... False religion became a Ràdha A-la-Han.
X. SURÀDHA (,80 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2-3). Then the false Religion of the white Suràdha World Religion:
-Know how, the White World Religion, seeing as how there's body for this recipe, and for all General off, no thought: "Fall, fall, fall port facility", beyond any distinction, NET NET, cleverly freed?
4 This voracious, Suràdha) – what colors the past, future, present location ... far or near; After seeing with the Chief of intelligence as true all of the colors is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," (he) DD, no rescue come along and accept the player.
5-7) have what life Means ... have thought ... what action ...
8 what have past Chums), the current content in the future, or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; After seeing the Chief intellectual with true as all formula is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," (he) was freed, not accept.
9) this Suràdha, so know that, due to see that, for this body, and in general all outside, no thought: "Fall, fall, fall port facility", beyond any distinction, NET NET, manual release.
10) Then the fake Religious Suràdha ... become an A-la-Han.
I. SWEETNESS (,81 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, invisible text as real not know Lady divine sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
4-6) ... the life of ... of ... of the onion.
7) Not as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
8-12) And the Male-stilts, multicultural ranks as real disciple knows Scripture sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors ... the life of ... of ... of ... of consciousness.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, invisible text chums as real truth not wife-episode run, the paragraphs of removal, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
4-6) ... the life of ... of ... of ...
7) Not as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
8) this the Male-stilts Multi tier Holy disciple literature, as the episode run, the paragraphs of removal, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
9-11). the life of ... of ... of ...
12) ... as the initialization file, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts Multi tier Holy disciple literature, as the episode run, the paragraphs of removal, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
4-6) ... the life of ... of ... of ...
7) ... as the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
IV. The A-LA-HAN (,83 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need to see anatta with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
4-6) ... tho ... idea ... These are impermanent.
7) this the Male-stilts, consciousness is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need to see anatta with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
8 the National-stilts), so see so, Holy disciple multicultural ranks boring for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for consciousness.
9) due to the boring should join the Cup. Because glass parameter, should be freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, what things should do did, no longer back this status."
10) this the Male-stilts, to love (Sattavasa), until the ultimate ownership of the wealthy girl (Bhavaggam), the steps he is paramount, the evening's win ranks in in my life, that is, the A-la-Han.
11) That such a theory of Religion. Charity ranks Was said so degree, Masters says:
1) peace, steps of La-Han,
They have no craving, thirst
The port fell off the affidavit;
The si was torn mesh.
2) They achieve real,
Mind the far glass directly under, umbrellas
Not contaminated before the world,
Ranks Brahma loads smuggled.
3) They turn the tri five aggregates.
By seven Districts of France.
Human Foot ranks concur the exclamation,
The purpose of the Buddhist schools of religion.
4) full seven treasures dish,
The three were schooling achievement,
University travel hero,
Take advantage of every piece of fear.
5) full powers of ten,
Ranks Long objects of meditation.
They won the night in my life,
Thirsty craving is the paragraph.
6) achievements benighted place,
This ultimate stem-body,
Rescue wings of Offense,
Achieve no thanks to anyone.
7) For the idea, not,
Deliverance reborn,
Achieve uniform,
They won in their lifetime.
8) Upper, lower, the same owners.
They have no loving,
They lion dragons dragons,
Buddha in an infinite lifetime!
V. the A-LA-HAN (,84 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-, the Female-on stilts, is impermanent. What's impermanence is suffering. What is gauge egolessness. Something as real need to see anatta with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
4-7) Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Consciousness is impermanent.
8 the National-stilts), so see so, Holy disciple multicultural ranks boring for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for consciousness.
9) due to the boring should join the Cup. Because glass parameter should be freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
10) this the Male-stilts, to love, to have the wealthy girl's, the steps he is paramount, the evening's win ranks in in my life, that is, the A-la-Han.
VI. The LION (,85 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, Lion, King of beasts, in the afternoon, go hang out. Once out of the cave, it's stretching his torso and legs. After stretching his torso and legs, she looked around. After looking around, it voiced lion-dragons dragons three times. After the Dragons dragons lion three times, it goes in search of prey. The Male-stilts, the type species being, heard the Dragons of eagle lion, King of beasts, most of them fear, tremble, terrible. The species in the cave search into the cave. The species in the water looking down to the water. The species in the forest looking at the forest. The birds fly up nowhere.
5) this the Male-stilts, the elephant God in in the village, town or city, tied by the Banyan tree, in action off, jerk off the ropes, he presented a terrible run, tossing all the feces and urine.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, the spirit through the power of the lion, King of beasts; for species such as the great being, Eagle power, such as the great power.
7) Likewise, the Female-stilts, when As Lai appeared in the life, Worship the application tier, the Chief Justice Turned to the voters Happy, Intelligent, Friendly, World Wisdom, Infinite Sergeant, Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Dwell, Buddha, World Religion. Taste her theory: this is the identity. This is a starting set of colors. This is the paragraph. This is the road best taken to destroy the piece. This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is the ... This is the recipe. This is a starting set of forms. This is the formula paragraph removal. This is the path taken to form paragraphs.
8) this the Male-stilts, have the Natural, longer life expectancy, the us, enjoy many, has long lived in the Castle. The Chu this Bias, after listening to the sermon, most Hybrids As they become fear, tremble, terrible. They think: "we are impermanent this false Religion, but Chu, we think we usually did. We're not usually this constant, Chu Ton, but we think we usually hang. We don't usually stay in this Respect, the phrase, but we think we usually stay. Fake, we Respect the phrase this is impermanent, don't usually hang, not permanent, were produced in a body "photographers.
9) thus, the Male-stilts, the spirit of communion As a hybrid for the Natural World and Chu Chu, is so great, so power is powerful.
10) That such preaching Respect. Such preaching done masters degree, say more:
1) When the upper position with the Buddha,
Turning the wheel of the French Chief Justice,
For the world, the world,
Quadratic irrational direction.
paragraph 2) the removal itself,
The existence itself,
And the Saints Eight sectors
Taken to destroy the gauge,
3) longevity, Qian Chu
Have the best American title,
Being terrible, fearful,
Like to see lion.
4) Because not yet bailed itself,
"We are impermanent",
Listen to intimate Response level,
Already freed.
VII. To BE EATEN (Magazine 2, 2.11) (,86 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, the Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would have remembered the life lived in before, they all remember to manually aggregates or to one of the aggregates.
4) what is the year? The Male-stilts, someone remembers that: "in the past, I like this". Remember, so she remembered. Or have people remember that: "in the past, we have longevity like this". Remember her taste, so remember to tho. Or have people remember that: "in the past we have idea ... have ... have the formula like this." Remember, so she remembered.
5) this the Male-stilts, how called colors? This is changed, the Female-stilts, so called. Been changed by something? Been changed by conditioning, altered by heat, changed by hunger, is changed by thirst, is changed by the contact of flies, mosquitoes, wind, heat and snakes. This is changed, the Female-stilts, so called.
6) this the Male-stilts, how called tho? Feeling tho, this Male-stilts, so called tho. Feel what life? Life, feel the life feeling miserable life, non-miserable Africa. Feeling tho, this Male-stilts, so called tho.
7) this the Male-stilts, how called the idea? Get this clear, the Female-stilts, so called. Get it clear? Got blue, yellow, identify clearly the red, identify white. Get this clear, the Female-stilts, so called.
8 the National-stilts), how called? The current (France) makes a useful microbial should be called. The current (France) makes a useful microbial? Making the best with existing names, making life with Leanne life current, make current ideas with ideas, Leanne makes the current with the names, the current form makes the form with the names. The current (France) makes a useful microbial, the Female-stilts, so called.
9) And the Male-stilts, how called formula? Clearly knows this, the Male-stilts, so called. Clearly know what? Clearly know sour, bitter, clearly know clearly know clearly know, and spicy sweet, clearly know alkalis ... clearly know not alkalis, clearly know clearly know, salty salty. Clearly knows this, the Male-stilts, so called.
10) here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples to think as follows: "Today was subdued hues. In the past, we were also subdued hues, like we were in conquered colors. If I taste colors for the wedding Festival, forecast in its future, I will be deeply subdued, as far we were in conquered colors ". Due to such thinking, he has no nostalgia for the past, with no position with respect to the wedding Festival, and the cynical, glass took part, the removal for the current identity.
"I now tho). In the past, we were so subdued life, as now is the current life span of conquest. If we for the future position life the wedding Festival, in the position, I will be conquered, life span as far we were current conquest of life ". Due to such thinking, the taste is not nostalgia for past life, no future position life span for the wedding Festival, and the cynical, glass took part, the removal for the current life.
13) "we're far from being the ideal of conquest."
14) "we're far from being conquered by the ..."
15) "I now officially conquered. In the past, we were awake to conquer so as far we were conquered by the present Protocol. If one form of hybrid position for the wedding Festival, forecast in the future position, we will be officially conquered, as far we were current awareness expedition ph c ". Due to such thinking, he has no nostalgia for the past, there is no formal wedding Festival for future knowledge, and practice the cynical ly, ly, the reference for the removal of the current form.
16) this the Male-stilts, He thought, insight is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
17-19)-Tho ... Idea ... The onions ...
20) formula is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
21)-thus, the Male-stilts, with respect to the past, the future, currently, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or win ... far or near; all colors need to be as consistent with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
22) for tho ...
23) for the idea ...
24) for. ..
25) for the formula of the past, the future, currently, in the civil or foreign, international, paralysis or crude or WINS, far or near; all forms must be as consistent with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
26) this the Male-stilts, here called disciples Saints reduce, not increase, the disclaimer, do not accept player, shunned, not close, dispersion, not the order of the episodes.
27) reduce, not increase? Reduce, not increase, ... reduce, not increase longevity ... idea ... the ... reduce, not increase.
28) give up, not to its what? Disclaimer, do not accept its life ... ... ... ... ... ... the disclaimer, do not accept its formula.
29), don't close something? Shunned, not close the life ... ... ... ... ... ... the practice is shunned, not close.
30) dispersion, not the order of the episodes? Dispersion, not the order of the episodes ... tho ... idea ... the ... scattered, not the order of the episodes.
31) Found that, of the Holy disciples ranks boring for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for the mundane. So boring, does taste Cup took part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, these should have done, no longer back this status."
32) this the Male-stilts, this call was the Male-stilts don't grow, not diminish. After minimizing, her stay, don't give up, don't accept the seat; After the disclaimer, then stay, not shunned, not close; Once shunned, he stay, not scattered, not the order of the episodes.
33) after the dispersion, then stay, not growth, not minimize what? After minimizing, her stay, not increase, not diminish. After minimizing, her stay, not increase, not reduce the life ... idea ... the Act ... does not increase, not diminish.
34) after minimizing, her stay, don't give up, don't accept what player? After the disclaimer, then stay, don't give up, don't accept the seat; After the disclaimer, then stay, don't give up, don't accept players tho ... idea ... the ... don't give up, do not accept its formula.
35) after abandoning her, stay, not shunned, not close? Once shunned, he stay, not shunned, not close; Once shunned, he stay, not shunned, not close tho ... idea ... the ... not dispersed, not the order of the episodes.
36) once shunned, he stay, not scattered, not the order of the episodes? After the dispersal, then stay, not scattered, not the order of the episodes; After the dispersal, then stay, not scattered, not the order of the episodes tho ... idea ... the ... not dispersed, not the order of the episodes.
37) after the dispersion, then stay, with the RID. The Male-stilts, stilts are Thien Chu billion-with the home Bias, Brahma, Brahma, wealthy girl with oil for the remote:
38) Oh, we're wealthy girl He ceremony,
The ranks of people like Liang code!
Oh, we're wealthy girl He ceremony,
Is Max rank WINS!
We do not accept in advance,
His object of meditation!
VIII. The REAL QIFU GUOREN (10, 2, 71c Magazine) (34, 1, 647a) (,91 S.iii)
1) One World Religion stay in the middle of Sakka, at Kapilavatthu (Ca-Bhikkhu-la-protection), in the grounds of the urinary bladder (Nigrodhàràma)
2) and That human Respect a mistake, after rebuke them Female-stilts Rising, medical relief in the morning, take, go into the Bowl y Kapilavatthu to qifu gangui.
3) to qifu gangui in Kapilavatthu, after lunch, on the way back to the real World, qifu gangui Suen goes to Mahàvana (Great Forest) for the afternoon. After going deep into the forest of Mahàvana, He sat under a tree root veluvalatthikà lunch break.
4) while the poison spread Religious Meditation, thoughts like the following are starting up:
5) "we Female-stilts have been strong for us. But here are some Tan Female-stilts, renunciation, not long arrived in this legislation. If they don't see Me, they can vary, transform. As calves, if not see the mother cow, can change, different.
6) also, here comes some revamped Female-stilts, renunciation, not long arrived in this legislation. If they don't see Me, they can vary, transform. For as the granular like non, if no water can vary, transform.
7) Likewise, here comes some revamped Female-stilts, renunciation is not how long, new to this Law in. If they don't see Me, they can vary, transform. As previously, female-stilts have been helping Me, too, now let's help them Female-stilts! "
Brahma Sahampati) and 8, with his heart knows What's private Religion, as an artist, stretching arms force is shrinking or contracting the extensor arm out, too, disappeared from the Brahma world, realized That Religion.
9 Brahma Sahampati,) and the upper side of the shoulder into a medical, Religious instruction to the rest--That, and the White World Religion:
-Is so right, the White World Religion! So as to Improve transparency, pledged that the White World, they Respect National!-stilts have been making strong Religious World.
10) But here are some Tan Female-stilts, renunciation, not long arrived in this legislation. If they don't see That they can Respect the other change, transformation. As calves, if not see the cows could Mama other change, transformation.
11) too, here are some Tan Female-stilts, renunciation, not long arrived in this legislation. If they don't see That they can Respect the other change, transformation. Such as the seeds, if no water, can other change, transformation.
12) also, here comes some revamped Female-stilts, renunciation, not long arrived in this legislation. If they don't see That they can Respect the other change, transformation.
13) World, the world of the white Corrugated please make them Male-stilts wedding Festival. The White World, So please Respect preaching to them Female-stilts as previously Male-stilts have been World Religion for help, too, now That Religion please help us Female-stilts!
14) World silent Respect.
Brahma Sahampati) and the 15th, after learning That Religion has accepted the invitation, How Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, on towards Him, and then disappear.
16) Then, in the afternoon from net immigration spot stood up, went to the orchard, after arriving, sitting down on the seat has composed. After the sitting, the Religious thought: "Let's show a spirit through a way making the Male-stilts arrive We each group one or two people, with the sin".
17) And the Male-stilts to her Religion, each group one or two people, with sin; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
18) World Religion told the Male-stilts are sitting on one side:
-The Male-stilts, this is living the most vile profession, i.e. trades qifu gangui. This is a curse in this life, the Male-stilts, as saying: "He, qifu mumo carried with bat on hand, He goes here, there and it's the profession of living". The Male-stilts, something that the friendly South Prince accept is the ideal live for the purpose, with ideal purpose; not because ma forced, not because the thieves forced, not because of the lack of debt, not because of fear, not ph i because there is the source of living, that with the thought: "We were steeped in contentious, old death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain; being steeped in misery, was đoanh by suffering. Most likely, the entire termination miserable aggregates are found ".
19) and as such, the Female-friendly South, is Prince stilts. The position he took part in exercise for the desire, craving passion, anger, investment Center anniversary celebration, pollution, not the feeling, not the province, Center of the disarray, the grounds are not tame. For this, as the Male-stilts, one sticks from the cremation place, both ends are burned, in the middle of the stick, not used as firewood in the villages, not used as firewood in the forest. To use the example, We describe for You people, have lost both the House and the property, does not do fullness the purpose of Sa-happy subjects.
20) this the Male-stilts, three real friendly games: games, education games, harmful games. This and the Female-stilts, three real friendly games paragraphs of this removal does not have residual remnants, where would the mind was clever to stay safe on the four Anniversary of endless general practice or meditation.
21) this the Male-stilts, let's practice smart infinity General meditation. The Male-stilts, General meditation is practiced, makes increasing, taken to large fruit, great benefit.
22) this the Male-stilts, has two of these: owner comments, useful comments. Here, the Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples to think as follows: "there is something in my life, I accept that there is no guilty?"
23) and he said: "there is something in life we accept without sin". If we accept the player accept its life ... ... ... ... ... If we accept the player accept its formula, by the coast, become accepted. Due to the charm, there are contentious. Due to birth, death, and old sorrows have, bi, suffering, favor, brain. So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates.
24) the Female-stilts, He thought, insight is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable if the Inn that is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
25-28)-Tho ... Idea ... ... Formula ... Thus, the Male-stilts, see. The position he said: "... no longer back this status."
IX. PÀRILEYYA (Magazine 2, 2, 13 c) (,94 S.iii)
1) A world Religion in Kosambi, at Ghosita.
2) Then, in the morning the medical relief, holding the bat, went into medicine to Kosambi qifu gangui. Qifu mumo carried complete, after lunch, on the way back, He really qifu gangui clean located her, holding the bat, not fake a call y, not news to them Increase know, alone, without an escort, to go traveling.
3) and then a Male-stilts, when That Religion goes yet how long sailings go to the fake Religious Ànanda; After arriving, said with mock Religious Ànanda:
This false World, Ànanda Sudhakar-Ton arranged ready his poultry, y coordinates the bowl, not fake a call, do not believe them Increase know, alone, without an escort, to go traveling.
4) – this Gentle, whereas World arrange self Respect her, y coordinates ready to bat, not fake a call, do not believe them Increase know, alone, without an escort, go to travel; in the Meanwhile, the Religion lived alone; in the Meanwhile, the Religion does not want anyone going by Him.
5) Then the sequential Religious journey, go to Pàlileyyaka. Here, the dominant religion in Pàlileyyaka, under a tree bhaddasàla.
6) Then many Female-stilts go to the fake Religious Ànanda; After coming up with false Religion, says Ànanda the words Welcome to enquire; After talking up the words of welcome dear asking mainland sat down one side.
7) Sit down on one side, the Male-stilts told the fake Religious Ànanda:
-While this Gentleness, author Ànanda, we haven't been listening to face World Religion theory. We want this false Ànanda, Md, face hear That Religious theory.
8) And false Religious Ànanda along with Female-stilts she travelled to Pàlileyyaka, tree bhaddasàla, place like Religion in; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
9) And World Religious sermon for the Male-stilts, explanation, encouragement, to make excitement, making the wedding Festival.
10) at the time, a Female-run thinking beings on stilts as follows: "Know how, see how the contraband or the take away?"
11) That his mind with Respect to know are think of Billion-stilts, associated said to the Female-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, France has explained, preaching. The four concepts of origin was explained, preaching. The four Chief should have been explained, preaching. Four as a student was explained, preaching. Hien was explained, preaching. The year the force was explained, preaching. Seven bodhi was explained, part sermon. Eight industry leaders saints have been explained, preaching. Thus, the Male-stilts, France was explained, preaching.
12) oil for this, the Male-stilts, the French are explained, such preaching, but here there are Male-on stilts run up thinking: "Know how, see how the contraband or the take away?"
13-16) this the Male-stilts, know how, see how the contraband or the take away? Here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as is the ego, the Consulate like this is. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible Divine Office, the Female-stilts, feelings by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. From her birth, she's craving thirst. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. He he ... life is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, due to see so, pirated or the take away.
He can Taste the 17) not consistent excellence as is ego, but ego as consistent can have colors. The Consulate, the Female-on stilts, is released. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible Divine Office, the Female-stilts, feelings by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving ... tho he ... He ... ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, see this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
He may not Taste) 18 consistent excellence as the ego, not consistent like ego, but can in pubs in the ego. Consistent with this, the Male-stilts, is released. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible Divine Office, the Female-stilts, feelings by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving ... tho he ... He ... ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, see this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
He may not Taste) 19 consistent excellence as ego, may not like ego Café, the café 's identity may not be in the ego, but ego can be consistent in color. The Consulate, the Female-on stilts, is released. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible divine Lady, written by emotion by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving ... tho he ... He ... ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, see this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
20-21) he might not Taste the Cafe identity as ego, may not like ego Café, the café 's identity may not be in the ego, can not consistent in ego identity. But can the life bars as ego, and can's like ego Cafe tho, can tho in pubs in ego, and can tho in the self consistent.
22-23) ... can visualizations ... can the ...
24) ... can consistent formula as is the ego, the ego as consistent can have consciousness; can consistent form in the ego; and can the ego pub in the formula. The Consulate, the Female-on stilts, is released. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible divine Lady, written by emotion by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving ... tho he ... He ... ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, see this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
He may not Taste) 25 consistent excellence as the ego; can not life as consistent as the ego; can not contemplate ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego. But chance (TA) opinion as follows: "this is the ego, this is the world; after death, I will become common, constant permanence, permanent, not the ruined ". But this time, the ants often Male-on stilts, is released. He issued what do anything to initialization files do obtained, ... Do so, seeing this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
He could Taste not 26) consistent excellence as the ego; not life ... not pubs visualizations ... not the ... not pubs form the ego; There can be no (TA) opinion as follows: "this is the ego, this is the world; after death, I will become common, constant permanence, permanent, not the ruined ". But her tastes may have (TA) opinion as follows: "if we don't have the time, not ours. If we will not have the time, will not have ta ".
27) Paragraph comments, the Female-on stilts, is released. But then, what to do, what do the initialization file, retrieved something being run, what do exist? With respect to the invisible Divine Office, the Female-stilts, by emotion by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving ... tho ... ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Do know that, see this, so the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take away.
He may not Taste) 28 consistent excellence as the ego ... not pubs tho ... not visualizations ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego ... not pubs ego in consciousness; No (TA) opinion as follows: "this is the ego, this is the world; After his death I will usually also, constant, usually permanent, not the ruined "; There can be no (TA) opinion as follows: "if we don't have the time, not ours. If we will not have the time, will not have ta ". But he can taste or, hesitation, not to achieve salvation in this Primary.
29) But the Female-stilts, or confusion, hesitation, not to achieve salvation in this Primary is. He issued what do what do the initialization file, retrieve, get birth, what to do what to present? With respect to the invisible Divine Office, the Female-stilts, by emotion by Shou engenders due to contact with ignorance, thirst craving sanh. By then, the practice of charity's thirst being. Thus, the Male-stilts, is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Thirsty craving is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Her life is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. He is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm. Ignorance is impermanent, vi, due to birth charm.
30) this the Male-stilts, do so, seeing as such, the pirated or the take away.
X. the MOON (Magazine 2, 2, 14b) (S.iii, 100) (Central, 109, 110 page reference)
1) A world Religion in Sàvatthi (Dormitory-protection), East Park, loc, Model lectures, together with our Male-stilts.
2) at the time, World personal Religious holidays-Father slapped on full moon, full moon, night, between Sun, have them Female-fin đoanh MGA pretentious.
3) Then there are Female-stilts, from stand up, seating up to a side role, y upper accept Religious instruction into the world and World Religion:
-What do you want, White asked What Religion a matter, if That Religion allows, and answer questions.
This National-stilts-, sit in the seat and asked as he wanted.
4)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Female-stilts she well meeting the World, sitting in his seat and the White World Religion:
-White World, there must be in the seat of this news is its identity: UAN UAN, tho its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player craft ideas, craft form aggregates?
This National-stilts-, there are five prime aggregates, i.e. colors manually aggregates ... manual form aggregates.
5)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Female-her wedding Festival, stilts, signal That Religious teachings, words and life questions That other verse: a
-White World Religion, in its basic, what took the aggregates?
This National-stilts-, in its capital base to do the exercise aggregates.
6)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion ...
-White World, accept the seat was in its Prime, or is he out-year aggregates its aggregates?
This National-stilts-, i.e. not in player disputes its aggregates and accept its capital nor in its aggregates. But the place would be taking place, and accept the player.
7)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... ask a Religious question:
-Can, the White World Religion, in its aggregates, there are differences and take part?
World Religion answers:
-Can this, Female-on stilts.
Here, this Male-stilts, there are people who think, "hoping that in the future, we will have such sharp! Hoping that in the future we will have such a life! Hoping that in the future, I would have thought so! Hoping that in the future we will have the same! Hoping that in the future we will have such awareness! " As such, this Male-stilts, there can be differences of sex, and take part in its aggregates.
8)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... asked more questions again:
-Under way, the White World Religion, there are definitions of aggregates of aggregates?
-What this National, best Chums-on stilts, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; This is called aggregates. Life means nothing ... Divine thought ... That means that the ... What that means in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; This is called form aggregates. As such, this form of Female-on stilts, have definitions of aggregates of aggregates.
9)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... asked more questions again:
-White World, so what, do what the coast, called SAC aggregates? So what, so what, life is called coast aggregates? So what, do what the coast, called the idea of aggregates? So what, do what the coast, known as aggregates? So what, do what the coast, called formula aggregates?
-By this, four Female-stilts, by four great charm, best known as aggregates. Due to human exposure, due to the exposed coast, life is called aggregates. Due to human exposure, due to the exposed coast, called the idea of aggregates. Due to human contact, by contact coast, known as aggregates. Due to the name, due to the excellent list, known as the coast form aggregates.
10)-white, Healthy World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... ask more questions:
-How the White World, as have comments?
-Here, this Male-stilts, invisible van phu means not clearly see the Holy steps, not French mature the ranks of Saints, not French practice the steps of Saints; not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French colors as the ego, or self pub as there are colors, or in cafes in the ego, or self pub in life ... ... .... ... consistent formula as is the ego, the ego as the Consulate or have formal, or informal bars in the ego, or self consistent in form. As such, this Male-stilts, as have comments.
11)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... asked more questions again:
-How the White World, nobody's opinion?
-Here, this Male-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples clearly Holy footsteps, cleverly mature France the French practice manual, the Bible; clearly the human Leg, cleverly mature French Feet, the manual cultivation of human Foot steps, no consistent excellence as is the ego, the ego as consistent or not there, or not consistent colors in the ego, or not consistent in ego, not life ... not pubs visualizations ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego , or not consistent like ego consciousness, the conscious café or not in the ego, or not consistent ego in consciousness. As such, this Male-on stilts, is not to have opinions.
12)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Male-on stilts ... ask one more question again:
-White World Religion, what is sweetness, is the danger, is the separation of colors? ... life of ... of ... of the Act? What is sweetness, is the danger, is the separation of consciousness?
This National-stilts, by-charm, kicked up lost what, it's the wedding of sweetness. The impermanent, suffering, the variables of color, that is the danger of colors. The Regency offers fitness and took part in the exercise and to take advantage of the paragraph, which is the separation of colors. By yanshou. Due to the charm. Due to the charm ... Due to the initialization form charm up lost what, it's the wedding of sweetness. The impermanent, suffering, the turn of consciousness, that is the danger of consciousness. The Regency offers fitness and took part in the exercise and make the piece, for consciousness, that is the separation of consciousness.
13)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion.
Female-her wedding Festival, life credit stilts lyrics That teach Respect, asked That more Religious questions anymore:
-Transparency of world Religion, do know how, by seeing how, for this body and for all General off, no (the perspective): fall, fall, port facility options hypnosis?
This National-chums, stilts-colors of the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all colors, Male-stilts as consistent with the Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego". Life means nothing ... Divine thought ... That means that the ... What that means in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all forms, Male-stilts as the Chief of intelligence as follows: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego!" This Female-stilts, do so, seeing as such, for the body and for all General off, no (the perspective): fall, fall, port facility options.
14) at the time, a Female-run other stilts up thinking: "If He says is anatta, tho ... idea ... the ... is the industry forecast, egolessness due egolessness created, the fall would head the life?"
15) And World Religion with its Center know to think of Billion-stilts, associated said to the Female-stilts:
-This event occurs, the Female-on stilts, is someone foolish, ridiculous, steeped in ignorance, craving, thirst was thought could pass masters degree teachings, think: "If You teach that lust is anatta, tho ... idea ... the ... is the industry forecast, egolessness due egolessness do , the career he fell would head the life? " The Male-stilts, the problem was We cleverly teach Him, here, over there in France.
16) this the Male-stilts, He thought, insight is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
17-19)-Tho ... idea ... the ...
20) formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonably affordable, if loins is consistent: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-So ... see ... the position he said: "take advantage ... no longer back this status."
I. ÀNANDA (10, 2, 91-Junk) (,105 S.iii)
1) like me.
A fake Religious Ànanda in Sàvatthi, at Jetavana, the garden he Anàthapindika.
2) here, the fake Religious Ànanda call the Male-stilts:
-The Male-stilts.
-Sir, Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing Ànanda fake well her stilts. False religion Ànanda said the following:
3)-Chu Ja fake, fake Mantaniputta Punna, Respect our school at the new convent, helped us a lot. Does our border location with this border: false Ànanda Ja, so This accept the player, start up (thought) "I am", not can't accept.
4 what player, accepted) by the up (thought) "I am", not can't accept. Do accept the seat, starting up (thought) "I am", not can't accept. Do accept the life craft ... idea ... the ... Due to accept its formula, start up (thought) "I am", not can't accept.
5 This fake Ànanda, for Gentler) as a woman or a man, or a young person, a favorite makeup, watching his hand ball in a mirror in bright, clean, or in a bowl of water in, see the charm, is not accepted due to not accept the player. Also, false Sage Ànanda, this due to accept the best player, should have (thought) "I am", not can't accept. Do accept the life craft ... idea ... the ... due to accept its formula, should have (thought) "I am", not can't accept.
6 fake Ànanda fake gentler Sage) thought, insight is often impermanent?
-Is usually gentler.
7-10)-Tho ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Is usually gentler.
11-12)-due to see such ... taste knows "... no longer back this status."
13) false Religion, false Sage Lettered Punna Mantàniputta, when we were in school, to help overhaul the new us very much. False teaching him respect us lyrics this border. After listening to the fake Religious Punna Mantàniputta, we totally proven tri (Chief Justice) of France.
II. TISSA (10 Magazine, 2, 71a) (,106 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) at the time the false Religion, Tissa, nephew of world Religion, says with some Eastern Male-stilts:
This divine self, Sage-like being drunk because the sweetness (and ruined). We do not see clearly the direction. We don't distinguish the French. Swedish hypnosis, kissing him and mind invasion deposits exist. We live our happy Offense no longer comfortable, and we doubt for France.
3) Then many Female-stilts goes to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
4) sat down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-White World, false Religion Tissa, nephew of world Religion, have told some Eastern Male-stilts: "this Gentle self, like Chu say because the sweetness (and ruined). We do not see clearly the direction. We don't distinguish the French. Swedish hypnosis, kissing him and mind invasion deposits exist. We live our happy Offense no longer comfortable, and we doubt for France ".
5) And World Religion called a Male-stilts:
-Come here, to this Male-stilts! Please, call the national name-stilts Tissa: "fake masters degree, Tissa Sage call Sudhakar author!"
6)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
Female-stilts she well meeting the World, go to the fake Religious Tissa; After arriving, said with mock Religious Tissa:
-J.l. mock Tissa! Masters degree called Sage.
7)-Sir, Sage.
The fake religious response to the national-Yes her stilts Tissa, go to world Religion; After That ceremony, wealthy girl, Ton and then to sit down one side.
8) That tell the fake Religious Respect Tissa was sitting on one side:
-Real affordable, He said, such as Tissa, this later for some Eastern Male-stilts: "this Gentle self, like Chu say because the sweetness ... and I doubt for the France"?
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
9)-He thinks this way, Tissa? For those who have yet to join the Cup, not glass, not glass, yet not thirsty, glasses, glasses not thirsty for the charity Cup, the time when her best turn destructive, another change, starting up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
10-13)-Heals instead of fresh, instead of this, Tissa! So this is a must, Tissa! As the Cup with argument yet ... for tho ... for ideas ... As the separatist argument yet v i action, the time when the passengers then turn destructive, another change, starting up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
14)-fresh, Healthy instead of this, Tissa! So this is a must, Tissa! As people join the Cup yet for knowledge, who have yet to join the Cup, not glass, not glass, yet not thirsty, glasses, glasses not thirsty for the charity Cup, the time when she's conscious turn destructive, another change, starting up, melancholy, miserable, favor, brain?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
Instead, fresh Wholesome 15)-change this, Tissa! So this is a must, Tissa, for people who have yet to join the cups for the recipe.
16) this, he thought, Tissa for people who took part, were Cup, have a glass, have a glass of soft drink, have a glass of soft drink, who enthusiastically, who thirst craving for identity, the time when her best turn destructive, the other change, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain has kicked up?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
17)-fresh, Healthy instead of this, Tissa! So this is a must, Tissa, for people who join for the colors. For people who took part, were Cup, have a glass, have a glass of soft drink, have a glass of soft drink, who enthusiastically, who thirst craving for tho ... for ... for ... As someone who took part for the passenger, who had participated, had, has, have drinks, glasses of glass separated thirst craving for knowledge, the time when she's conscious turn destructive, the other change, melancholy, miserable, bi, pros, the brain has kicked up?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
18)-fresh, Healthy instead of this, Tissa! So this is a must, Tissa, for people who join for the formula.
19) this, he thought, Tissa colors is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
20-23)-Tho ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
24-25)-so ... see ... ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
26) like this, Tissa, had two. A person who is not good at roads, a villager on the roads. Of the two people, who are not good at this good at the road construction of roads over there on the road. He answered: "Let's go, Hey You, this is the way. Let's follow him for a time. After following him for some time, You will see the path he divided into two. Here, take the road to the left, and take the road to the present. Then follow him for a time. After following him for a while, You will see a dense forest. Let's follow him for a time. After following him for a while, You will see a large water dam. Let's take the road in a while, you will see a deep water area. Let's follow him for a time. After following him for a while, You will see a land with stylishly! "
27) Here is an example of this, we can use Tissa, so clearly the meaning. And the meaning is as follows:
28) Who doesn't this roads, Tissa, is for our chums. Man on the roads, this is the Future, for As for, Tissa, steps A-la-Han, Chief Justice College.
29) two roads, this is the status for a purse, Tissa or. The left hand path, Tissa, this is for eight industry leaders commit to the path, i.e. deviant tri comments ... TA. The way the hand face this, Tissa, is for the Holy path for Eight industry leaders, i.e. Chief tri comments ... the Chief Justice.
30) dense forests, this is, to such ignorance Tissa. The low water dam, this is for the wallet, Tissa. Deep water, this is an outrage for, Tissa, favor the brain. The flat lands, this stylishly Tissa, is for for Nirvana.
31) Hy, Tissa, this festival Please! Take this, Tissa Hy Festival! Us border (for him), We help (for him), We teach (for him).
32) That Religious preaching so, false Religious life, the wedding Festival Tissa lyrics That Religion teaches.
III. YAMAKA (5, 2, incl. Magazine) (,109 S.iii)
1 a false Religion) Sàriputta stay in Sàvatthi, Jetavena, in his Anàthapindika garden.
2) at the time, Female stilts Yamaka kicked up evil deviant comments: "As I understand the Word That Religious theory, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, after the body of common network will take advantage of snippets, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
3) Many Female-stilts hear Male-stilts Yamaka kicked up evil deviant comments: "As I understand the Word That Religious theory, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, after the body of common network will take advantage of snippets, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
4) and then the Male-stilts she go to the fake Religious Yamaka; After arriving, said up to fake the Yamaka Respect welcome the inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
5) sit down on one side, the Male-stilts told the fake Religious Yamaka:
-Real affordable, this fake fake gentler Yamaka Sage start up evil deviant comments such as the following: "As I understand the Word That Religious theory, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, after the body of common network will take advantage of snippets, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
6) – this Gentle, I've understood words lettered World Religion theory like this: "As I understand the Word That ... after death".
7)-Ok said, false Sage Yamaka! Shalt not have distort World Religion! Misrepresent That Religion is not good. What Religion did not have to say the following: "Male-stilts have sections take the contraband or, after the trunk network will take advantage of the segment in General, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
8) oil is the Male-stilts she says so, false Religious Yamaka persevered, solidly accepted evil deviant comments, saying: "As we understand That Respect, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, after the body of common network will take advantage of snippets, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
9) given that the Female-stilts couldn't make suppose Respect Yamaka leaving evil deviant comments, Male-stilts from the seat to stand up, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta, after arriving with false Religion, Sir Sàriputta:
-Male-stilts Yamaka, Mr. Sudhakar Sàriputta, author has kicked up evil deviant comments such as the following: "As I understand the Word That Religious theory, Male-stilts paragraph take the contraband or, after the trunk network will take advantage of the segment in General, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death". Instead, if the fake Religious healing Sàriputta for Australia to go to National introspection-stilts Yamaka.
10 fake silent Sàriputta) accepted the invitation.
11) and then the fake Religious Sàriputta, in the afternoon, the net spread from stand up, go to the fake Religious Yamaka; After arriving, said up to fake the Yamaka Respect welcome the inquiry; After talking up the words of welcome dear asking and then sat down on one side.
12) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Sàriputta told the fake Religious Yamaka:
-True, false false gentler Yamaka Gentleness has kicked up evil deviant comments such as the following: "as we understand the Word That Religious theory ... not anything else after death".
13)-Dear Buddy, I understand That Word so Religious sermon: "Male-stilts have sections take the contraband or, after the trunk network will take advantage of the segment in General, sabotage, will kill, not anything else after death".
14)-Sage, Sage thought fake fake Yamaka, SAC is often impermanent?
-Is this a fake Buddy, impermanence.
15-18)-Tho ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Is this a fake Buddy, impermanence.
19-20)-so ... see ... ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
21) Sage, Sage thought fake fake Yamaka? Sage has a fake As a hybrid is good?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
22-26)-fake Hybrid As a Gentler life is ... ... ... ... ... not?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
27)-Sage, Sage thought fake fake Yamaka? Sage has a fake As Lai in colors?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
-Fake a Gentleness As Lai in addition colors?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
28)-Sage, has a Future As life in? ...
20) fake a Gentler As Lai in thought? ...
30) fake a Gentler As Lai in action? ...
31) fake a Gentler As Lai in the formula?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
-Fake a Gentleness As Lai is also not?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
32)-Sage, Sage thought fake fake Yamaka? Sage has a fake As a hybrid is good, tho, thought, action, awareness?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
33)-Sage, Sage thought fake fake Yamaka? Sage has a fake, no one does tho, no ideas, no onions, no formula is Like a hybrid?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
34)-And here, false Sage Yamaka, right in the present life, also failed to find a common Future As chon TAM, permanent, reasonably affordable forecast when the Sage pundits replied: "as we understand That Respect, Male-stilts have thorough piece smuggled or, after the body of common network will take advantage of snippets, sabotage, will exterminate , not anything else after death ".
35)-I should have place countless evil deviant opinions. Now after listening to false Religious Sàriputta theory, evil deviant comments were snippets of subtraction, and France was I completely certified.
36)-Sage Yamaka, fake if someone asked Hien: "fake Yamaka, the Gentler Female-stilts is A-la-Han, the contraband or has, after thorough piece of fuselage, General network sabotage will become?"; be asked so, false Sage Yamaka, false Sage reply how?
37)-Mr. Sage, if someone asked me: "this Gentle Yamaka, fake Male-stilts is A-la-Han, the contraband or has, after thorough piece of fuselage, General network sabotage will become?"; be asked so, I would assume, Gentleness, this answer: "is this fake Gentleness, impermanence, something infinitely often. What is the gauge, is destroyed. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Consciousness is impermanent this Gentler, assuming what's impermanence, suffering. What is the gauge, is destroyed. " Asked this author, Sage, so I will answer that.
38-39) instead of fresh, Wholesome rather gentler Yamaka fake! Sage Yamaka, we will give fake fake Sage an example to this meaning was understood. For as this Gentle, Yamaka, a fake owner or the owner's son, is the proud, much money, of many, are protected. And then there are people, like to the disadvantage, want, want, want the winner of the other person's life. Her thoughts: "The owner or the owner's is home to a proud, much money, of many, are protected. It's not easy winning lives it with strength. So let's find a way to invade and take his life ". He goes to the owner or the owner's son, and said: "Mr. Suen, I would be much lower false Religion". The owner or the owner's other end to accept the most. He served, up sleep after, the incident quickly, nice gesture, speech ability. The owner or the owner of the other person's trust him, watching him as he believed, dear, viewed as the center of the property, and put trust in her. This Gentle, when he believed that: "The owner or the owner's have trust us", when children caught in a bar, empty place, raising the knife sharp, won the children's life.
40) fake fake gentler Yamaka Ja think? When he came up with the owner or the owner's other son and said: "Dear author Respect, I want to serve fake Religion"; then he has to be the killer? And oil for the killer, who is the owner or the owner's children also do not think: "I have a killer".
41) When he served, up sleep after, the incident quickly, nice gesture, words, stylishly oil for the killer, who is the owner or the owner's children also do not think: "I have a killer".
-Sir, this Sage.
42-43)-also, this Gentle, infinitely divine text, not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as ego , or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in; the Cafe tho ... visualizations ... the ... the Cafe formula as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness.
44) "Lust is impermanent", who he knew as true: "Excellence is impermanence"; "The life is impermanent", who he knew as true: "the life is impermanence"; thought is impermanent, he doesn't like the truth knows: "Thought is impermanent"; "The Administration is impermanent", he does not really know as: "The Act is impermanence"; "Consciousness is impermanent", who he knew as true: "Consciousness is impermanent."
45) "is suffering", who he knew as true: "Excellence is suffering"; "Life is suffering". "The Idea is suffering". "The Administration is suffering". "The suffering", who he knew as true: "the suffering".
46) "is not", who fell unconscious as facts to know: "Excellence is anatta"; "Longevity is anatta" ... "The Idea is anatta" ... "The Administration is anatta" ... "Is not", who fell unconscious as facts to know: "Form is anatta".
47) "is a useful microbial", who he knew as true: "Color is a useful microbial"; "Longevity is a useful microbial" ... "The Idea is useful microbial" ... "The Act is a useful microbial"; "Consciousness is a useful microbial", who he knew as true: "Consciousness is a useful microbial".
48) "is a killer", he does not really know as: "Color is the killer"; "The life is a killer". "The Idea is killer" ... "The killer" ... "The killer", who he knew as true: "the killer".
49) he came up with good, accept its capital, maintained: "Excellence is our ego". He came to life with ... with ... with ... He came with, accept and photographic equipment maintained: "is my ego". In its aggregates are people going to accept the player, will lead to unhappiness, misery long for him.
50) this Holy multicultural level, false Sage disciples clearly Holy footsteps ... the French practice of human Legs, no consistent excellence as the ego, or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in; not life ... not pubs visualizations ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness.
51) "Lust is impermanent", he knew as true: "is usually"; "The life is impermanent" ... "Thought is impermanent" ... "The action is often" ... "Consciousness is impermanent", he knew as true: "Consciousness is impermanent."
52) "Colors", the gauge is going really to know: "is suffering". "Life is suffering". "The Idea is suffering". "The Administration is suffering". "Is she like," gauge unknown: "Consciousness is suffering".
53) "is the Best way," egolessness truth unknown: "Excellence is anatta" ... "Longevity is anatta" ... "The Idea is anatta" ... "The Administration is anatta" ... "C", egolessness is he as really knows: "Consciousness is anatta".
54) "is a useful microbial", he knew as true: "Excellence is a useful microbial" ... "Longevity is a useful microbial" ... "The Idea is useful microbial" ... "The Act is a useful microbial" ... "Consciousness is a useful microbial", he knew as true: "Consciousness is a useful microbial".
55) "is a killer," he tastes like the real thing to know: "Color is the killer" ... "The life is a killer". "The Idea is killer" ... "The killer" ... "The murderer", he knew as true: "the killer".
56) not come to Taste good, not accept the player, not the Regents maintain: "is my ego". Does not come with the life ... with ... with ... Does not come with a recipe, do not accept the player, not the Regents maintain: "is my ego". For years this did not taste, aggregates player walked up to, does not accept the player, will lead to happy, at peace for him in a long time.
57)-so this fake Sàriputta, Sage, the fake Religious he is the fake as co-conspirators, Australia have such introspection, want them to be happy so, such border ranks, degrees of such teaching.
58) And now, after hearing the false Religious Sàriputta theory, my heart was freed from the contraband or, no longer accept.
IV. ANURÀDHA (5, 2, 32c Magazine) (,116 S.iii)
1) like me.
A world Religion in Vesàli, Lam, at The lecture Coincides.
2) at the time the false Religious Anuràdha in a hut in the forest, not far from the World how much Respect.
3) Then many pagan Religious go to doctor Anuràdha false travel; After coming up with false Religion, says Anuràdha the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear ask, and then sat down on one side.
4) sat down on one side, the layman du told Religious artist author Anuràdha:
This fake Anuràdha, Md-ranks As the ultimate Entertainment's Futuristic, dark victory, achieved winning results Night, steps such as Lai he, considered to have declared according to the four cases: "Like Hybrids exist after death; As Hybrids do not exist after death; As Hybrids exist and not exist after death; As Hybrids do not exist and does not exist after death ".
5) Are saying that false Religious Anuràdha, said to the layman du singer:
This Gentle, steps such as the Chu-Lai, paramount entertainment, dark victory, the ranks of dark victory achieved results, steps such as the Hybrid has taken out four cases as follows: "as the Future existence after death; As Hybrids do not exist after death; As Hybrids exist and not exist after death; As Hybrids do not exist and does not exist after death ".
6) Was heard, the layman with fake Anuràdha says travel as follows:
-Or was the Male-this new school, tu stilts not how long. Or it was the elders, but ignorance has no learning.
7) and then the layman after he criticized the artists travel to honor author Anuràdha is new school, tu is foolish, sailings from seats stand up and leave.
8) And false Religious Anuràdha, after the pagan du singer go not long, mainland think as follows: "If you'd asked artists pagan we add more questions, we must answer to how when we tell the layman said, artists travel up the perspective of world Religion , we don't distort World Religion with snide, I can answer the French option, with the Chief Justice; and who is gay, France, talking up his point with words, will not find reason to rebuke ".
9) and then go to Anuràdha Ton pseudo Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party.
10) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Anuràdha of the White World Religion:
-Here, the White World, you Respect in a hut in the forest not far from the World how much Respect. And then the White World Religion, many pagan du singer go to children; After arrival ... say to me: "Anuràdha, a fake degree As Gentleness of this Lai is paramount, Max WINS, Dark victory achieved results, steps such as the Hybrid has four cases: ' Like Hybrids exist after death ... As Hybrids do not exist and does not exist after death ' ".
11) Was saying, the White World Religion, I tell the layman du's artists as follows: "this divine Sage ... does not exist after death".
12) Was heard, the layman du singer told the children: "Or is Female-this new school on stilts ... but ignorance, no learning".
13) Then the layman after he criticized the artists travel the new tu ... sailings from seats stand up and leave.
14) And the White World Religion, after the pagan du singer go not long, the associated thoughts as follows: "If the layman's doctor asked me more travel questions we must answer as how to when we said to the layman said, artists travel up the perspective of world Religion. We do not misrepresent World Religion with snide, we can answer with France, with the Chief Justice; and who is gay, France, talking up his point with words, will not find reason to rebuke ".
15) how do you think this is the best, Anuràdha, or impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine. What is this I. This is my ego "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Shou ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine. What is this I. This is my ego "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
16-17)-so ... see ... ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
18) how do you think this Anuràdha, he has a "Color is Like a hybrid?"
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
"-Tho ... idea ... the ... knowledge is Like a hybrid?"
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
19) how do you think this Anuràdha, he has a: "As in the Hybrid identity?"
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-He has a: "As no identity outside the Hybrid"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-He has a life in the Future As "... In addition to tho ... in the idea. ... In addition to ideas ... in the ... In addition to the ... in the formula do not "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-He has a: "Like outside the Hybrid formula is not"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-How do you think, this Anuràdha, He has a "good, tho, thought, consciousness is As not"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
20)-how do you think this Anuràdha, he has a "Africa, Africa, Africa life thought, astronauts, Africa is As not"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
21) – And here this Anuràdha, in the present, not find one As often longer, permanent, and has reasonably affordable when He answered: "this tastes like Sage, Chu Lai would be the paramount ranks multiply, Dark victory, achieved results Up WINS, steps such as the Hybrid has taken out four cases are as follows : ' Like Hybrids exist after death; As Hybrids do not exist after death; As Hybrids exist and not exist after death; As Hybrids do not exist and does not exist after death ' "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
22)-fresh, Healthy instead of this, Anuràdha! Earlier this year, and Anuràdha, We just declare and destroy the piece.
V. VAKKALI (47 Magazine, 2, 346b) (19, 2, 642b) (,119 S.iii)
1) like me.
One world Religion stay in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) at the time the false Religion, a stay-at-home Vakkali, are sick, in pain, severe.
3) And false Religious Vakkali g i fake a people:
-Come here, the Sage pundits! Go to world Religion; After arriving, in the name of us bowed legs That Religious ceremony and wealthy girl ladies: "white World Religion, Male-stilts Vakkali sick, in pain, severe; (Vakkali) bowed legs That Religious ceremony and wealthy girl ladies: ' rather Wholesome, the White World, World Religion because of the crush from introspection please go to Female-stilts Vakkali. ' "
4)-Sir, Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing well's fake stilts Vakkali, go to world Religion; After the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl to sit down one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Male-stilts Vakkali, Bach World Religion, sick, in pain. The position he bowed legs That Religious ceremonies and had wealthy girl ladies: "alternative Healing, Bach World Religion! World Religion because of the crush from introspection please go to Female-Vakkali stilts ".
5) World silent Respect.
6) Then y, y offset Respect Bowl, go to Female-stilts Vakkali.
7 fake Vakkali see Religious) from far away to see, so mainland trying to sit up from the bed.
8) World Religion told Vakkali: false Religion
-Come on, he had never tried Vakkali from sit up bed. There was seating arrangement available, we would sit on the seat.
Then sit down on a Ton of seats have built-in Editor.
9) after sitting, World Religion told Vakkali: false Religion
-He has a mosaic rings? He has endured? Is this the life gauge damage reduction, not an increase? There are signs of damage reduction, not an increase?
-White World Religion, I don't can mosaic rings! Children can not endure! Life gauge vehemently growth where, no loss reduction. There are signs of growth, with no consequential reduction.
10)-he has something Vakkali This pause, no remorse?
-White World, truly have many wondering, have many regrets!
This Vakkali, he 11)-what you on about the law?
-White World, you don't have anything to blame themselves about the Act.
This Vakkali, 12)-if he does blame themselves about precepts, so what he has uncertain, what regrets?
-Have long, white World Religion, I wanted to be like Religion. But the body is not strong enough to get to see the World.
13)-come on this recently, Vakkali, has nothing to see with this foul hull. Vakkali, whoever saw this France, he found Me. Anyone see Him, he sees France. Vakkali, see France, this is seen. We are seeing, as seen from France.
14) – this how he thought Vakkali, SAC is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence, is suffering or is lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine. What is this I. This is my ego "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine. What is this I. This is my ego "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
15-16)-so, here ... see ... ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
17) Then, after border for fake border post with Vakkali Respect this, from seats stand up and go to the Gijjhakùta mountains (thứu).
18) and then the fake Religious Vakkali, after World Religion come not long, calls the author:
-Go to the us, this divine Sage, please remind the bed and go to the Black Rock (kàlasilà), on the slopes of Mount Isigili (forerunner of the cave). How do people like us, think of common destiny in a House?
19)-Sir, Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing well's fake stilts Vakkali, prompted the bed with the false Religion of Black Rock, go to Vakkali at Isigili slopes.
20) World, night and day, stay at the Gijjhakùta mountain.
21) And two Angel, while the night was nearly broken, with beauty enemies WINS, the whole brilliance Gijjhakùta mountains, go to the World ... one side stand sailings.
22) Stand on one side, an Angel of the White World Religion:
-Male-stilts Vakkali, Bach World Religion, are thought to want to escape.
23) other Angel of the White World Religion:
-The position he wants freed, sure are smart.
24) he finished saying so Heavenly Divine; After saying so, the ceremony of the World body, wealthy girl sailings on towards him, and then disappear.
25) Then, after the night was over, calls the Female-stilts:
-Go to this, the Male-stilts. Please go to Female-stilts Vakkali; After arriving, told Female-stilts Vakkali as follows: "this fake Sage Vakkali, listen to the words of the two angel said with That Religion. This Gentleness, tonight, two Angel, after the night has nearly broken, with beauty enemies WINS, the whole Gijjhakùta region of brilliance, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to stand aside. Stand on one side, this Gentle, an Angel of the White World Religion: How Religious ' white, Male-stilts Vakkali are thought to want to release '. Other Angel white World Religion: ' the position he wants freed, sure to be cleverly freed '. And his fake Vakkali, Suen said with a pseudo Sage as follows: "this Vakkali, shalt not fear! In this manner, Vakkali fear! His death will not be evil, the common destiny is not happy with evil! ' "
26)-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World response, yes her stilts go to fake Vakkali Respect; After arriving, with the fake Religious Vakkali:
This Gentler Vakkali, fake-listen to talk of the ton and two astronomical objects.
27) and then call the Vakkali a pseudo Religious pundits:
-Go to this, Chu Ja! Please remind me to get out of bed. How can a person like me, might think sitting on the high seat to hear That Religious teaching.
28)-Sir, this Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing well's fake stilts Vakkali, prompted the false Religious Vakkali out of bed.
This Gentle, 29)-tonight, two Angel, after the night was near the remnants of the ... stand aside. Stand on one side, this Gentle, an Angel of the White World Religion: "Male-stilts Vakkali, Bach World Religion, are thinking of self liberation". The other Angel of the White World Religion: "Bach's World, like to the rescue will be cleverly freed". And That this Gentler, assuming Vakkali, told the fake Buddy as follows: "shalt not fear this, Vakkali! Shalt not fear this, Vakkali! His death is not happy with evil, the common destiny is not evil! "
30)-so this Gentler name we go, Chu bowed legs That Religious ceremony and wealthy girl ladies: "Male-stilts Vakkali, Bach World Religion, sick, in pain, severe disease! The position he bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and says as follows: ' Lust is impermanent, Bach World Religion. You have no doubt this problem, Bach World Religion! What's impermanence is suffering, I have no doubt this problem. What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, here you don't have sex, greed, crush. You have no doubt this problem. The life is impermanent, Bach World Religion, I have no doubt this problem. What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, here you don't have sex, greed, crush. You have no doubt this problem. Thought is impermanent. The Act is often ... Consciousness is impermanent, Bach World Religion, I have no doubt about this issue. What's impermanence is suffering, I have no doubt this problem. What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, here you don't have sex, greed, crush. You have no doubt about this issue. ' "
31)-Sir, this Sage.
The Billion-Ton landing well's fake Vakkali stilts and then leave.
32) Corrugated Vakkali, when the fake Male-stilts--not long sailings brought the knife.
33) and then the Male-stilts she goes to world Religion; After arriving, the Mainland sitting down one side. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Male-stilts Vakkali, Bach World Religion, sick, in pain, seriously ill. The position he bowed legs That Religious ceremony, wealthy girl, and says the following: "Colors are impermanent, Bach World Religion, I have no doubt about this issue. What's impermanence is suffering, I have no doubt about this issue. What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, here you don't have sex, greed, crush. You have no doubt about this issue. Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Consciousness is impermanent, Bach World Religion, I have no doubt about this issue. What's impermanence is suffering, I have no doubt about this issue. What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, here you don't have sex, greed, crush. You have no doubt about this issue ".
34) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, let's go to Black Rock, Isigili. Here, Friendly South Prince brought the knife.
-Sir, of the White World Religion.
The Billion-Ton World landing well her stilts.
35) World of Eastern National, along with Religious-stilts go to Black Rock, Isigili.
36) And in That Respect, see the fake Religious Vakkali lying on the bed, with a convulsive portrayal.
37) at the time, a cloud of black smoke, a flow of gas renders go East, West, North, South, goes on the top, go to the bottom, go to the four corners.
38) Then call the National Religious-stilts:
-The Male-stilts, he saw black smoke, the stream's gas renders go East ... go to the four corners?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
39)-the evil that is this, the Male-stilts, are going to find the formula of Friendly South Prince Vakkali and says: "formula of electronic security in the Vakkali male Friendly?"
40) But the Female-stilts, with not an stay in one spot, Friendly male suicide Vakkali entered Nirvana in a completely!
VI. ASSAJI (Magazine, 27 2, 267b) (,124 S.iii)
1) A world Religion in Ràjagaha (dormitories), Veluvana (Lisa), in situ feeding the squirrels.
2) at the time the false Religious Assaji stay in the grounds Kassapa, sick, in pain, severe.
3) And false Religious people call Assaji attendant:
-Go to this, Chu Ja! Go to world Religion; After arriving, we bowed in the name of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl: "Male-stilts Assaji, the White World Religion, sick, in pain, severe, bowed legs of world Religious ceremony, wealthy girl and dear as follows: ' rather Wholesome, Bach World Religion! World Religion because of the crush from introspection please go to Female-stilts Assaji! ' "
4)-Sir, false Sage!
The Billion-Ton landing well fake Assaji's stilts, go to world Religion, after the ceremony of world Religious and wealthy girl, to sit down at a party.
5) sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Male-stilts Assaji, the White World sick, in pain, severe ... Instead of healing, Bach World Religion! World Religion because of the crush from introspection please go to Female-Assaji stilts! World Religious silence.
6) Then, in the afternoon, the net spread from stand up, go to the fake Religious Assaji.
7 fake Religion see Assaji) from far away to see, so mainland attempt from where the bed sit up. World Religion with fake Assaji said:
-Stop Assaji! He never has tried from the bed sit up! There was seating arrangement available. In place, we're going to sit.
9 Religious) sit down on the seat has composed. After the sitting, the fake Religious Assaji spoke with Respect:
10)-He has the rings are not this Assaji, mosaic? He has endured? ... Are there signs of remission, no growth?
-White World Religion, I don't can mosaic ring! ... C the indication of growth, there is no remission!
This 11)-Assaji, You pause, have remorse?
-Certainly, the White World, you Respect more uncertain, many remorseful!
This 12)-is there anything he Assaji blame themselves about the Act or not?
-White World, you don't have anything to blame his precepts.
13)-Assaji, if he didn't have This what blame themselves about precepts, He pause, got regret?
-Previously, Bach World Religion, after trying to make redundant the convalescent, child living with relatives, so I can't testify to be meditation. Oil for not testifying are meditation, I thought to myself: "I will not rot furniture".
14) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects would persist in meditation, focusing in meditation, if they are not privileged witness of meditation, they will think: "we will not rot furniture!"
15-21)-Assaji, he thought This would be best, or impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Respect! ... Formula is often impermanent? ... so ... see ... ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
22) When the life, the Club feeling he knows: "is usually"; the position he knows: "not to soak up before"; the position he knows: "shouldn't the wedding Festival". When the life gauge is feeling, he knows: "is usually"; the position he knows: "not to soak up before"; the position he knows: "shouldn't the wedding Festival". When the feeling of real life, the Club any gauge he knows: "is usually"; the position he knows: "not to soak up before"; the position he knows: "shouldn't the wedding Festival".
23 he lost sense of taste), the sensor's life expectancy has no implications. If she tastes life gauge, feeling her life feel no h crime. If she's feeling the taste of real life, the Club any gauge her life feel no implications.
If she tastes life feel 24) a sense of the body, the same life he knows: "I'm feeling a feeling tho end of the fuselage". If she tastes life along a feeling of life, he knows: "I'm feeling a feeling tho end of life". The position he knows that: "when the General network sabotage on until lives come to end, here all her life, feeling the taste of everything does taste the wedding Festival, will become the salary bar!"
25) such as, Jesica, led by oil, Assaji this by heart charm Wicks, an oil lamp was burning Red. When oil and tim Wicks of (lamp) then the paragraph, without bringing fuel, lamp will turn off. Also, Assaji, this Male-stilts, when feeling a sense of the body, the same life he knows: "I'm feeling a feeling tho end of the fuselage". When a feeling of expectancy of life, the end he knows: "I'm feeling a feeling tho end of life". After the destructive incarnation of common network on until life come to end, here all her life, feeling the taste of everything does taste the wedding Festival, will become the bar Luong!
VII. KHEMA (2, 5, 29 c Magazine) (,126 S.iii)
1) A time, many Male-stilts elders lived in Kosambi, at Ghosita.
2) at the time, false Religion in Badarica garden Khemaka, sick, in pain, seriously ill.
3) and then the Male-stilts elders, in the afternoon, from net immigration spot stood up and called the false Religious Dàsaka:
-Come here, this fake Dàsaka Sage! Please go to Female-stilts Khemaka; After arriving, please speak with the Female-stilts Khemaka: "this fake Khemaka Gentleness, the elders told Sage as follows: ' fake fake fake Buddy, Buddy had This mosaic rings? Sage would tolerate? There is no reduction of growth loss life gauge? There are signs of damage reduction, not an increase? ' "
4)-Sir, Chu Ja.
False religion Dàsaka Yes answers the Male-stilts, go to the fake Religious Khemaka, after arriving, said with mock Khemaka Respect:
-The elders of this fake Khemaka, Sage, told the fake Buddy as follows: "Hien had fake kham rings? This Gentler Khemaka fake ... not increase? "
5)-I could not ring, my Sage mosaic ... I can not endure ... There are signs of growth, not relieved!
6) Then the fake Religious Dàsaka go to Female-stilts elders; After arriving, with the Female-stilts elders:
-Mr. Chu Ja, Female-stilts Khemaka said: "I can not this ring, false Sage mosaic ... There are signs of growth, not relieved!"
7)-come here, fake Dàsaka Sage! Please go to Female-stilts Khemaka; After arriving, told Female-stilts Khemaka as follows: "this fake Khemaka, the Gentle elders told Sage author as follows: ' this Gentleness, World Religion has said in the capital, i.e. the capital outstanding UAN UAN, tho its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player craft ideas, craft form aggregates. In this Respect, aggregates Khemaka imitation craft shop has what is ego or falling non? ' "
8)-Sir, Chu Ja.
False religion Dàsaka Yes answers the Male-stilts, go to the fake Religious elders Khemaka, after coming to ...
-The elders of this Gentleness, fake, false Sage told the following: "this false World Religious Sage has spoken to five player this player identity, i.e. UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In this Respect, aggregates Khemaka imitation craft shop has what is ego or falling non? "
9)-Mr. Sage, World Religion has said in the capital of this excellent player, i.e. UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In this Gentler, assuming this aggregates player, I'm not consistent what is ego or falling in both departments.
10) Then the fake Religious Dàsaka go to Female-stilts elders; After arriving, said with the Male-stilts elders:
-Male-stilts Khemaka, Mr. Chu Hien, said the following: "Dear World, false Religion had Gentleness comes to five player this player identity, i.e. UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In this Gentler, assuming this aggregates player, I'm not consistent what is ego or fall the Department at all! "
11)-please come here, fake Dàsaka Sage! Please go to Female-stilts Khemaka; After arriving, told Female-stilts Khemaka as follows: "the elders, this fake Khemaka, Sage said with mock Sage as follows: ' fake Khemaka, the Gentler Religion mentioned in its capital, i.e. the capital outstanding UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In its capital, if false Religious Khemaka aggregates not consistent what is ego, ego or false Religious Khemaka forecast was the A-la-Han, the smuggled or was the paragraph make. ""
12)-Sir, Chu Ja.
False religion Dàsaka Yes answers the Male-stilts, go to the fake Religious elders Khemaka ...
This fake Khemaka, the Sage-tier Female-stilts elders tell the fake Buddy as follows: "Dear World, false Religion Sage has spoken to five player this player identity, i.e. UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. If false, the player of the year Honor Khemaka aggregates, no pubs, which one is the ego or the fall, time to honor author Khemaka is A-level la-Han, has dedicated the piece to smuggle or ".
13) ...-Mr. Sage, World Religion has said in the capital, i.e. the capital outstanding UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In this Gentler, assuming this aggregates player, I'm not consistent what is ego or falling in both departments. But I'm not an A-tier la-Chinese, were pirated or thorough piece. And Mr. Sage, in the capital of this oil, for I had aggregates were: "I am", but I'm also not consistent: "this is me".
14) And false Religious Dàsaka go to Female-stilts elders ... tell the Male-stilts elders:
-Male-stilts Khemaka, Mr. Chu Hien, said the following: "Dear World, false Religion had Gentleness comes to five player this player identity, i.e. UAN UAN ... manual form aggregates. In this Gentle, aggregates player, I'm not consistent what is falling or falling. However, I am not the A-tier la-Chinese, take advantage of the piece was smuggled or. And Mr. Sage, in the year of its aggregates, oil for me were: "I am", but I'm also not consistent: "this is me".
15)-come here, fake Dàsaka Sage! Please go to Female-stilts Khemaka; After arriving, please speak with the Female-stilts Khemaka: Dear Hi n Khemaka, the fake Male-stilts elders told Sage This Sage: "fake fake fake Khemaka Gentleness, which says:" I am ", the Sage pundits say" I mean, what is that? " Sage author said: "I am the colors?" Sage author said: "I is another"? ...; Sage author said: "I'm awake?"; Sage author said: "I am the other formula?". Fake Khemaka, the Gentleness that this Gentler author said: "I am", the Sage pundits says: "I mean, what is that?" "
False religion Dàsaka Yes answers the Male-stilts, go to the fake Religious elders Khemaka ...
17)-come on, false Sage Dàsaka run through, run like this to do? Please bring back the cane! We will go to the Male-stilts elders!
18) and then the fake Religious anti Khemaka sticks to the Male-stilts elders; After arriving, it comes up with the Female-stilts welcome the elders ask; After talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
19) The Female-stilts elders said with a pseudo Religious Khemaka sitting party:
This fake Khemaka, the Sage-that fake Sage said: "I was," what the fake Buddy said: "I was," what is it? Sage author said: "I was the color?"; Sage author said: "I is another" ... "life is ... is ... is the"...; Sage author said: "I'm awake?"; Sage author said: "I am the other formula?"; Fake Khemaka, the Gentleness that this Gentler author said: "I am", that is to say "I fake" Buddy, what is that?
20)-Mr. Chu Ja, I don't say: "I am". I do not say: "I is another" ... "life is ... is ... is the" ... I do not say: "I am consciousness". I also do not say: "I is another". The oil that this Gentler, assuming the, I have been (of thought): "I am", but I do not have consistent: "this is me".
21) such as, client, this Gentle, fragrance of Lotus green, or pink, or white flowers of Lotus, if someone says: "Divisions belong in leaves or belongs to, or belongs to the pistil," says so right?
-Ladies and not this fake Sage,.
-So, Chu Ja, answer how it is answered properly?
Chu hương, United is Gentler. Answers are so responded in the right way.
22) this, too, I'm not Sage, Chu said: "I am sharp"; I do not say: "I is another" ... "I am the life" ... "I am" ... "I was the" ... I do not say: "I am consciousness". I do not say: "I is another". But this Gentle oil, Chu that for years its aggregates of I was there, I had no consistent: "this is me".
23) for Oil for the Saints, this disciple Chu Ja, in the lower part has been used unlawful passage, but the position he thought: "for years its aggregates, still broken the delicate balance". Residual remnants of his romantic ' I is "residual sex butts, ' I ', ' me hypnosis is customised butts balance ' not yet located her piece except. Her position after a time, live the contemplate the birth in the year of its aggregates: "this is good, this is a starting set of colors, this is the paragraph. This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is the ... here's the recipe, this is a starting set of forms, this is the formula paragraph removal. "
Because he lived that 24), the birth year players in this, the residual aggregates the remnants of the falling beam (?) "I am", the balance of evil falls "is", the balance of evil fell customized hypnosis (?) "I am", which did not taste the minus, far away to make passages.
25) this Gentle, such as Chu a nhớp sticky nhúa fabric panels, the owner delivered it to a dry. The dry after stuffing it, beating it in salt water, or water bowl has, cow dung and domestic laundry cleaning it in water in. Oil for today's fabrics are clean, in white, but it's still residual salt or car smell smell butts has, or the smell of cow dung. The laundress fabric sheets for those back home. The owner brought it on in a chest containing marinated flavor. So the excess salt or car smell smell remnants have or smell of cow dung not yet take advantage of the paragraph, now paragraph be deducted.
26-27) Likewise, this Gentle, lettered oil for Saints in the lower sections were disciples part unlawful use, but with him, the balance of evil in its aggregates (?), broken balance beam fall "is" evil "ego balance, I was" broken fall, residual discretionary hypnosis: "I is" not yet the paragraph except. Her position after the m t the time, live the contemplate the birth options in five prime aggregates: "this is good, this is a starting set of colors, this is the paragraph. This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is the ... here's the recipe, this is a starting set of forms, this is the formula paragraph removal ". Because of that he lives the birth number-optional removal in its capital surplus should the remnants of this in aggregates in the seat this fall, "aggregates", "ego", "hypnosis" I am preferences fall not yet the paragraph currently go to the exception.
28) When being told so, the Male-stilts elders tell fake Khemaka Respect:
-Not because we want to mock Religious Khemaka distractions that we ask. But because we think: "false Religion can answer Khemaka, preaching, presentation, identify, develop, analyze, manifest a doctrine of World Religion".
29) And then the fake Religious Khemaka, preaching, presentation, identify, develop, analyze, manifest a doctrine of World Religion.
30) Ton Khemaka fake such preaching. The Male-stilts elders, Religious words life the wedding Festival author Khemaka instructors.
31) while this teachings are speaking up, about sixty Male-stilts are mind freed the contraband or, even fake Religion Khemaka.
VIII. CHANNA (10, 2, 66b Magazine) (,132 S.iii)
1) A time, many Male-stilts elders stay in Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden.
2) and then the fake Religious Channa, in the afternoon, from net immigration spot stood up, holding the key, going from this to the other Essential property property and tell the Essential Male-stilts elders:
-False Religious elders, be Lettered border for me! Chu fake Religious elders, please teach me! Chu Ton, make the sermon for me so I can see France.
3) Are saying so, the Male-stilts elders tell the fake Religious Channa:
This Gentleness, the fake-Channa, is impermanent; the life is impermanent; thought is impermanent; the Act is impermanent; consciousness is impermanent. Colors is anatta; Shou ... idea ... the ... form is anatta. All is impermanent; all of France is falling.
4) and then the fake Religious Channa thinking: "I also think like this: ' Sharp is impermanent; Shou ... idea ... the ... consciousness is impermanent. Colors is anatta; Shou ... idea ... the ... form is anatta. All is impermanent; all of France is falling. '
5 I don't mind) but the direction toward the net, all only Disclaimer all beings, the thirst, craving removal segment took part, paragraph removal, Nirvana, no comfort, no security, no direction home. Due to the good relationship with (paritassanà?), accept its starting up. Center of Italy came back to thought: ' my ego the living? ' So the time I can't see France. Can anyone give me the sermon so that one can see France? "
6) Then the fake Religious Channa thinking: "this is fake Ànanda, we stay in Kosambi, at Ghosita, are masters degree concur the exclamation and the co-conspirators have respected positions. False religion can Ànanda theory for me to I can see France. And so, we have to trust for the fake Religious Ànanda. So let's go to the fake Religious Ànanda! "
7) and then the fake Religious Channa, after clean located her, holding the bat, Kosambi traveled to medical Ghosita, false Religious Ànanda in, after arriving, said with mock Ànanda Respect the words Welcome to enquire, after talking up the words of welcome dear instant, asking to sit down one side.
8) sit down on one side, false Religion Religious Ànanda: fake told Channa
-A time of this fake Ànanda, Sage, I in Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden. Then in the afternoon, this Gentle, net immigration from where I stood up, holding the key, going from this to other Essential residence property after arrival, Essential told the Male-stilts elders: "Headless fake Religious elders, make border for me! Chu fake Religious elders, please teach me! Chu fake Religious elders, make the sermon for me so that I can see. "
9) Was heard that this Gentler, assuming, the Female-stilts elders told me: "this Gentler, assuming Channa, is impermanent; Shou ... idea ... the ... consciousness is impermanent. Colors is anatta; Shou ... idea ... the ... form is anatta. T t all the onions are impermanent; all of France is falling. "
10) on the issue, false Sage, I think of this as follows: "I also think like this: ' Colors are impermanent ... consciousness is impermanent. Colors is anatta, tho ... idea ... the ... form is anatta. All is impermanent; all of France is the ' anatta.
But we don't mind 12) advanced to the net only direction all Act, the waiver of all beings, the thirst, craving removal segment took part, paragraph removal, Nirvana, no comfort (?), no security, no direction home. Due to the fall in, accept the player start up. Center of Italy came back to thought: ' my ego the living? ' So the time I can't see France. Can anyone give me the sermon so that one can see France? "
12) Then on this issue, this Gentle, I think: "this is fake Ànanda Respect, we stay in Kosambi, at Ghosita, are masters degree concur the exclamation and the co-conspirators have respected positions. False religion can Ànanda theory for me to I can see France! And so, we have to trust for the fake Religious Ànanda! So let's go to the fake Religious Ànanda ".
13) false Religious Ànanda make border for me! Ton Ànanda fake please teach me! The fake religious Ànanda make the sermon for me so I can see France.
14)-so so true, I highly Respect for fake wedding Festival Channa. False religion has to make the Channa clear. False religion Channa broke the barrier. Take this Gentle, fake ear Channa slang! Sage pundits can understand French Finances.
15) in the meantime, the fake Religious Right Channa kicked up the wedding Festival, jubilant foes win when listening to: "I can understand France".
This fake Md 16)-Channa, I hear Religious face, face received from the Religious Word for border Kaccànaghotta: "this world is based on two (points of view), this Kaccàna, existing and not existing. Anyone seen as true with the Chief of the intelligence world, then do not accept is that the world does not exist! But Kaccàna, who see this as true with Chief Justice of the intellectual world's removal, the paragraph also does not accept the world is present. This world, this Kaccàna, is accept the means and tied by prejudice. With who does not go to, no player, not an stay in Media Center, the observance is not an arbitrary prejudices and hypnosis, he said: ' this is my ego ". With one thought: ' what up is painful, something removal is painful ', he did not pause, or facilities. Location up here don't borrow thanks to others. Until this Kaccàna, so, as the Chief Justice ".
17) "' all ', Kaccàna, this is an extreme. ' All are no ' is an extreme. Do not accept two extremists, Kaccàna, Hybrid Theory As this one is. Due to the charm of ignorance, should start operating. Due to the charm, so the formula ... So is the originator of the whole miserable aggregates. Due to the separation phase, destroy ignorance has no residual remnants should the removal ... So is the removal of entire paragraphs of gauge aggregates ".
18)-so this fake Ànanda, Sage, is what will come with the false Religion would have been so happy Associates, who have from introspection, who want the benefits, the Muslim world, the teaching, heard this theory from fake Religious Ànanda, I was an stay firmly in the Districts of France.
IX. RÀHULA (Magazine 1, 2, 5a) (S.iii, 136)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then go to Ràhula fake Religion World Religion ...
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràhula of the White World Religion:
-Know how, the White World Religion, seeing how this body for and for all General off, no (ideas) falls, falls, falls to port option facility hypnosis?
4 What color this, Vela)-Ràhula, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all France need as seen with the Chief Justice that the intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
5-8) what life Means ... idea ... what the ... That means that, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all France need as seen with the Chief Justice that the intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
9) so, this Ràhula, see so for this body and for all General off, no (ideas) falls, falling, falls, Ant facility options.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Ràhula of the White World Religion:
-Know how, the White World Religion, seeing how this body for and for all general out there the notion of ego, ego, ego, customized facility, beyond mere, President, cleverly freed?
4 What color this, Vela)-Ràhula, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign ... or far or near; all of France, after seeing with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," will be freed, not accept.
5-7) what life Means voracious ... ideas ... what the divine ...
8 what Chums in the past), the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all of France, after seeing with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," will be freed, not accept.
9) due to know this, so Ràhula, so see so, for this body and for all General off, there is the notion of ego, ego, ego, customized facility, beyond his starboard side, be freed, not accept.
10) due to know this, so Ràhula, so see so for this body and for all General off, there is the notion of ego, ego, ego, customized facility, beyond mere, President, cleverly freed.
I. RIVER (10-2, the Magazine, 70a) (,137 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-For this, as the Male-stilts, a river from the mountains flow down, remote flow to the rapids. On the banks of the River, if the grass kàsà grows up, wipe them from shore charm down; If the type of grass kàsà grows up, they charm down the shore; If the type of MOP babbakjà grows up, they charm down the shore; If the type of grass bìranà grows up, they charm down the shore; If the trees grow, they charm down the shore.
4) And a person with the water flow of the River he washed, if he grabbed the grass, the grass kàsà can wipe bựt. Due to her charm, her human being cause tribulations. If people embrace the kàsà grasses, the grass may bựt off. Due to her charm, her human being cause tribulations. If people embrace the sort of MOP babbakjà, this grass may be the definitive bựt. Due to her charm, her human being cause tribulations. If people embrace the type of tree, this tree can bựt. Due to her charm, her human being cause tribulations.
5) this, too, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Saints, not the French mature Saints, does not practice the French Saint, not clearly see the human Foot, not mature human Legs, the French do not practice the human Leg, French identity as ego, ego or as there are colors , or colors in the ego, or self in. When her best friend's being definitive, bựt by her charm, she crashed into the yoke ear tribulations.
6-8) ... the Cafe tho ... visualizations ... the ...
9) ... such as the Café is the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. Her knowledge of who was bựt off, due to her charm, her staff fall into cause tribulations.
10) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
11-14)-Tho ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
15-16) so ... See so. .. ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
II. The FLOWER (or growth) (Magazine 2, 2, 8b) (,113 Siii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I don't argue with life, only to have his life arguing with Him. The Male-stilts, who said France does not argue any with anyone in my life.
4 the National-on stilts), something people have in life is "not acceptable", I said "no". The Male-stilts, something people have in life to accept is "Yes", I said "Yes".
5) And the Male-stilts, something people have in life is "not acceptable", I say "no"?
6) this the Male-stilts, who in life did not accept SAC is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, We also say "no".
7-9) Shou ... idea ... the ...
10) people have in life does not accept the perception is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, We also say "no".
11) this the Male-stilts, this is something in my life who have accepted positions is "no", I said "no".
12) And the Male-stilts, something people have in life to accept is "Yes", we say "Yes"?
13) this the Male-stilts, who in his life accepted colors are impermanent, don't usually hang, not permanent, the turn ruined, We also say "Yes" (so).
14-16) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
17) the Female-stilts, who in his life accept the perception is impermanent, don't usually hang, not permanent, the turn ruined, We also say "Yes" (so).
18) this the Male-stilts, this is something people have in life accepted as impermanent, don't usually hang, not permanent, the turn ruined, We also say "Yes" (so).
19) in this life, the Male-stilts, France. That's As fully certified Hybrid French Enlightenment, fully certified. After the food poisoning syndrome entirely, entirely proof tri, As Lai claimed, preaching, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest.
20) this the Male-stilts, France in what is in my life, that he was French food poisoning symptoms, Tathāgata; after testifying, testifying to the voters, He declared, preaching, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest?
21), the Female-stilts, is that France is in life. What does the French are As food poisoning symptoms, Future voter, after testifying, testifying to the voters, He declared, preaching, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest.
And who, when Such Future claims, preach, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest as such, (still) do not know, do not see, then for her, We watch as helpless, as fools si, chums, blindness, no eyes, no know, not see.
22-24) Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
25) this formula, the Female-stilts, is that France is in life. What does the French are As food poisoning symptoms, Future voters. After testifying, testifying to the voters, He declared, preaching, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest. And who, when Such Future claims, preach, presentation, evidence, testimony, analysis, manifest as such, (still) do not know, do not see, then for her, We watch as helpless, as fools si, chums, blindness, no eyes, no know, not see.
26) For this, as the Male-stilts, Lotus green, or pink, or Lotus White Lotus engenders in the country, grew up in the country, rise up out of the water, and contaminated water were not upright.
27) this, too, the Male-stilts, As Lai engenders in in my life, growing up in life, rise out of life, and to live life without being contaminated.
III. WATER FOAM (10-2, Junk, 86b) (,114 S.iii)
1) A world Religion in Ayujjàya, on the banks of the Ganges River.
2) here That Religion calls the Female-stilts.
3)-For this, as the Male-stilts, the Ganges flows carry foam in large countries. People have eyes water, foam, as Li Quan. Due to the professional look, as it bars agents, foam water visible is empty, empty is not explicit, clear out is no hard core. How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core in the foam of the water be?
4) this, too, the Male-stilts, chums have what identity in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; Locate Female-stilts seen colors, professional notes, as Li Quan suicide. Due to its Male-stilts look professional, like Li Quan's identity, the police clear out is blank no, clearly is empty, there is clearly no hard core. How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core in colors?
5) For this, as the Male-stilts, in the fall, when it rained the raindrops are large, on the water, the water bubbles that appear and then vanish. A person with a professional eye, as Li Quan water bubbles, it clearly is not empty, it is empty, there is clearly no hard core. How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core in bubbles of water?
6) this, too, the Male-stilts, chums have what life in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; Female-stilts look professional, as Li Quan suicide. Due to the Male-stilts look professional, like it's life span, consistent management is clearly shown to be empty, empty is not explicit, clear out is no hard core. How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core in the life be?
7) For this, as the Male-stilts, in the last month of summer, the noon shadow stand, a solar vibrations appear on top. A person with a professional eye, as it bars agents. Due to her professional look, as Li Quan, should try the Sun she clearly is not blank, empty, no hard core ... How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core and keep in the Sun?
8) this, too, the Male-stilts, chums have ideas what ...
9) For this, as the Male-stilts, a person needs to have the core tree, find the core bridge tree, find the core tree, holding the hammer sharp goes to the throne of the forest. Here, he found a cluster of large, erect banana trees, towering big new. He firmly roots. After chopping the roots, her tight tops. After the tight tops, he peeled a banana. When peeled bananas in addition to, sensory trees also find not, find somewhere to get the tree core?
10) A person who has the eyes look, as Uncle Li Quan professional suicide clusters of bananas. When people look at the professional, as Li Quan suicide clusters, clusters of bananas bananas she clearly is not empty, it is empty, there is clearly no tree core. How did this, the Male-stilts, tree cores in clusters of bananas be?
11) this, too, the Male-stilts, divine what the practice in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; Female-stilts look professional, like Li Quan police released him. When people look at the professional, as Li Quan, released her follow up is inane, clear out is empty, there is clearly no tree core. How did this, the Male-stilts, tree cores in the Act?
12) For this, as the Male-stilts, a magic master of magic a disciple or master, at the crossroads of magic trick. A person with a professional eye, as Li Quan suicide magic. Due to her professional look, as Li Quan, the magic made him out to be empty, we clear out is empty, there is clearly no hard core. How did this, the Male-stilts, hard core in magic?
13) this, too, the Male-stilts, what that means in the past, the future, the present ... or far or near; Female-stilts look professional, consistent, rational knowledge as he clearly is not empty, it is empty, there is clearly no tree core. How did this, the Male-stilts, tree in core knowledge?
14 See this Female, so)-stilts, the multicultural Holy disciples of boring for the colors ... for tho ... for ... for ... for the mundane. So boring, does taste Cup took part. By participating, the glasses he freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed. .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
15) That such a theory of Religion. Steps Charity Was once said so degree direction, say more:
1) Colors for piles of foam,
Expectancy for water bubbles,
Ideas for the best solar,
Onions for with banana trees,
Formula for with magic,
Who your the Sun,
Have such a sermon.
2) if so, professional
As Li chon TAM Quan, the
As Li looked (France),
Leanne is clearly empty.
3) starting with this body,
Preaching, Wisdom University
Take advantage of all three paragraphs of France,
See the colors being toss off.
4) Trunk was toss, senseless,
No heat, life, consciousness,
Saled, it lies,
Eat other guys.
5) this continuing body,
Virtual Engineer, fools say,
Known killers,
Not finding the core of the tree.
6) Be consistent such aggregates,
Locate Female-stilts essential need,
Throughout the night and day,
The buds, Chief investment.
7) Please remove any unlawful use,
Made me cry,
Live like the fire first,
Demand proof of real scenes.
IV. COW DUNG (10, 2, 67c Magazine) (11 Pages, 1, 496a) (34 Pages, 1, 645a) (,143 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3-4) after sitting, Female-white World'd stilts Ton:
-Transparency of world Religion, chance colors, colors is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay the same?
5-8) of the White World, can tho ... could have imagined would ... may have the chance ... way, consciousness is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay the same?
9)-stilts, no billion-This brilliantly, is often excellent, constant, usually permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay as such.
10-13) this Male-stilts, no Shou would ... no idea ... no action would ... no way, consciousness is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay as such.
14) Then take a piece up handles Religious cow dung and told the Female-stilts:
This 15)-Female-on stilts, so be another small fall like this also not usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay.
16) If m t small fall like this, this Male-stilts, is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, permanently generally constant, permanent stay, life time happy Offense to take advantage of the misery segment primary chon TAM could not present. Because of this, female-on stilts, so be another tiny fork like this is also not usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay; so happy to chon TAM Pham Chanh life passages make the suffering can present.
17) Oldtimer, this Male-stilts, one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl. When I was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000 municipality, and the municipality of Kusàvatì is superlative.
18) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000, Palace and the Palace of Dhamma is superlative.
19) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, We have duplicate the 84000, and is identical to the Mahàvyùha is the most.
20) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000 ready is located, made of ivory-made tree cores, made of gold, made of silver, wool mattress lay-up have long hair, cover with a blanket of white wool, wool blanket, cotton embroidery lay-up, leather mattress cover the deer kadali, has called the cover on the floor and have red legs pillow both ends.
21) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000 elephant with the jewelry in gold, with the ugly flag with gold, surrounded with gold mesh, and elephant God Uposatha is superlative.
22) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, we got a horse with 84000 jewelry in gold, with the ugly flag with gold, surrounded with the grids in gold, and the Lord Valàhaka horse is superlative.
23) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000, chariot with gold jewels, with the ugly flag with gold, surrounded with gold mesh, and Vejayanta chariot is superlative.
24) this Male-stilts, when one was the Suicide-the Roman Empire-seat poolside ceremony, wealthy girl, 84000 treasure, and Ma-ni is superlative.
25) this Male-stilts, when one is ... We have 84000 women, and Queen Subhaddà is the hottest.
26) this Male-stilts, when one is ... We have 84000-Roman Empire vassal-seat, and the home is the most valuable Warrior.
27) this Male-stilts, when one is ... We have 84000 cow, with the ropes by jute cloth smooth, and pots of milk by silver.
28) this Male-stilts, when one is ... We have 84000 delicate spikes, cloth jacket with subtle fabric, silk, wool cotton, delicate subtlety.
29) the Female-stilts, when one is ... We have 84000 forks, and on the morning and afternoon rice rice is served.
30) again, the Male-stilts, in the municipality of municipality of 84000, We stay at the time was the capital of Kusàvatì.
31) again, the Male-stilts, in the Palace, the Palace of 84000 We stay time is the Palace of Dhamma.
32) again, the Male-stilts, in duplicate, of the 84000 We stay is identical to the Mahàvyùha.
33) again, the Male-stilts, in 84000 ready, willing Him tho coordinates coordinates used at the time was ready conveniently located by ivory, or by the tree core, or with gold, or silver.
34) again, the Male-stilts, 84000, elephants in elephant we're riding him is the elephant God Uposatha.
35) again, the Male-stilts, 84000, horses in the horse we're riding him is the horse God Valàhaka.
36) again, the Male-stilts, in her chariot, chariot 84000 I rode the time's Vejayanta.
37) again, the Male-stilts, 84000, women in women most of the time we're down is Khattiyàni or Velàmikà.
38) again, the Male-stilts, in Austria, the Austrian double wear 84000 is wearing at the time, or by subtle, or hemp, silk, wool or delicate glass t, or cotton.
39) again, the Male-stilts, in the forks of a fork, table 84000 tables I used to eat a portion (nàlika) rice, and the second table forks, We used to eat the food equivalent.
40) thus, the Male-stilts, all the action is in the past, the removal, turn.
41) so impermanence, the Female-on stilts, is the. So not this constant, usually the Male-stilts, is the. So this is not permanent, the Female-on stilts, is the.
42) until this, so the Female-on stilts, is fit enough to be boring for all passengers, is fit enough to take part in the Cup, is just enough to release.
V. the FINGERTIPS (14, 2, 617b) (,147 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) after sitting, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
4)-Bach World Religion, can have any color is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay the same?
5) White World, can tho.
6) White World, can have ideas ...
7) White World, can have the ...
8) Transparency of world Religion, chance way, consciousness is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay the same?
9)-stilts, no billion-This brilliantly, is often excellent, constant, usually permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay as such.
10-13) this T-stilts, no Shou would ... no idea ... no action would ... no way, he often did, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay as such.
14) Then grab up a Ton less land in the fingertips and told her stilts-Rate:
This 15)-Female-stilts, until a small sharp like this also not usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay.
If a small shades like this, this Male-stilts, is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay, life time happy Offense to take advantage of the misery segment primary chon TAM could not present. But because of that, this Male-stilts, until a small sharp like this also not usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, therefore, happy to chon TAM Pham Chanh life passages make the suffering can present.
16) until a small life like this, the Male-stilts, nor permanence, constant, usually permanent, not the destructive, often permanent, constant, permanent stay. If smaller life like this, this Male-stilts, is usually longer, often permanent, constant ... can present.
17) until an idea ...
18) until a ...
19) until a small form like this, this Male-stilts, nor permanence, usually constant, permanent residence, subject to the ruined, not permanently usually constant, permanent stay. If a little knowledge like this, this Male-stilts, is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay, life time happy Offense to take advantage of the misery segment primary chon TAM could not present. But because of that, this Male-stilts, until a small form like this is also not usually longer, usually constant, permanent, suffered the destructive, so happy to chon TAM Pham Chanh life passages make the suffering can present.
20) He thought to how this National-identity, stilts, is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-Shou ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
21-22), see. "... does not have this status back again". She tastes so aware.
VI. PURITY (or sea) (18, 2, 69c Magazine) (,149 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) Sat on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
4)-Has a deeply Religious, Like white, she is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay?
5-8) Have a shelf life........., how the world's knowledge, usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay?
9)-does not have a sharp yet, this Male-stilts, colors is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay.
10-13) did not have a life ... a thought ... the ... a way, he is usually longer, usually constant, permanent, not the destructive, often permanently constant, permanent stay.
VII. The GUY WIRE (Or Wires) (October 2, Junk, 69b) (,149 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-Invisible this Billion, only I could-on stilts, is the reincarnation. The starting point could not specify for beings suffer ignorance veil, thirsty craving bondage, to shipping, reincarnation.
4) can have a time, the Male, large sea stilts go to dry completely, go to dry, no existence. But the Female on stilts, we don't have that statement, there is the cessation of suffering for beings suffer ignorance veil, thirsty craving bondage, to shipping, reincarnation.
5) can have a this time, the Male-stilts, Sineru (Tu-di), King of the mountains, go to vandalizing, ice, no existence. But the Female-stilts, we don't have that statement, there is the cessation of suffering for beings suffer ignorance veil, thirsty craving bondage, to shipping, to reincarnation!
6) can have a this time, the Male-stilts, great place to go to vandalizing, ice, no existence. But the Female-stilts, we don't have that statement, there is the cessation of suffering for beings suffer ignorance veil, thirsty craving bondage, to reincarnation flow!
7) For this, as the Male-stilts, have been tightly tied up guy wire dog into a sturdy pillar or pillars, running rings round runs around the tree, her column or columns. Also, the Female-stilts, invisible text chums wife ... not French practice the human Legs, sharp is the ego ... life as consistent as the ego ... visualizations like the ego ... the onions as ego ... consistent formula as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego , or the ego in consciousness. He ran rings round runs under, around the life ... ... ... ... ... He ran rings round runs around, according to the official. Because of that he runs rings round runs under, around the life ... ... idea ... the ... He ran under the ring as round run around, consciousness; He is not freed, not freed tho, not freed, not liberated, not freed, not freed from birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain. We declared that: "the position is not freed from suffering."
8) Holy multicultural level But the disciple, the Female-stilts, seen the Saints ... manual cultivation of human Legs, the French are not consistent excellence as the ego ... not pubs tho ... not visualizations ... not the ... not pubs such as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego , or the ego in consciousness. Her tastes don't run rings round runs, around. Her tastes don't run rings round runs, around the life ... ... idea ... the Act ... does not run under the round, running circles around them. Her tastes don't run rings round runs, around the life ... ... ... ... ... ... the formula; do not run under the round, running circles around her position, be freed, freed from the life, be freed, freed from the onions, be freed, was freed from birth, death, and old sorrows, bi, suffering, favor, brain. We say: "he be freed from suffering."
VIII. The GUY WIRE (Or Seconds) (October 2, 69c, Junk) (,151 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-Invisible this Billion, only I could-on stilts, is the reincarnation. The starting point could not specify for beings suffer ignorance veil, thirsty craving bondage, to shipping, reincarnation.
4) For this, as the Male-stilts, have been tightly tied up guy wire dog into a sturdy pillar. If it has to go, it just goes to the column or columns. If it stands, it's just standing near the tree column or columns. If it sits, it just sat near the pillars or columns. If it is, it is just located near pillars or columns.
5) this, too, the Male-stilts, invisible divine text: "number-this lady is mine, this is mine, this is my ego", tho ... visualizations ... the ... Consulate: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego". If she goes, she just went to its aggregates. If he stands, he just stand near the year its aggregates. If he sits, he just sit near in its aggregates. If he is, he just located near in its aggregates.
6) thus, the Male-stilts, need not always consistent observation of his heart: "In a long time, this Center was taking part, si cell infection. Due to this, the National umbrella infection Center-stilts, cell-infected beings. Due to the purity of mind, are pure beings ".
7) this the Male-stilts, He has found a painting called the painter?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-The Male-stilts, the painter left by that Center. Thus, the Male-stilts, the mind is also more diverse, painter.
8) therefore, the Male-stilts, need not always consistent observation of his heart: "In a long time, this Center was taking part, si, do cell infection. Due to this, the National umbrella infection Center-stilts, cell-infected beings. Due to the purity of mind, are pure beings ".
9) this the Male-stilts, I don't see a consistent set of other types of leave such as the mind. As the love of type urinary bladder birth; the love of type this, the contentious National Eagle-stilts, because the thinking mind (that). Thus, the Male-stilts, he varied the love of type urinary bladder birth.
10) thus, the Male-stilts, need not always consistent observation of his heart: "In a long time, this Center was taking part, si, do cell infection. Due to this, the National umbrella infection Center-stilts, cell-infected beings. Due to the purity of mind, are pure beings ".
11) For this, as the Male-stilts, a dye or a painter, if she dyes, or lost (?), or technology, or blue, or purple, or a red shield drone cells, or a wall, or a sheet of cloth. He can draw the woman or the man with all the details. Also, the Female-stilts, invisible text, that means constantly making available colors ... tho ... idea ... the ... constantly making the existing formula.
12) do you think this way, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-Shou ... idea ... the ... knowledge is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
13-14)-thus, the Male-stilts. See so. .. ". .. no longer back this status." She tastes so aware.
IX. ROLLING HAMMER (Or Boat) (October 2, Junk, 67a) (3,077,152 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-Do know, do see this, the Male-stilts, We proclaimed the piece take the pirated or not, do not know, do not see.
4) Do know something, see something, the Female-stilts, the pirated or the take? This is good, this is a starting set of colors, this is the paragraph. This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is the ... This is the recipe. This is a starting set of forms. This is the formula paragraph removal. Do so, because of this, so see the Male-stilts, the contraband or is the paragraph.
5) this the Male-stilts, as have Female-stilts live is not even in the practice, set up the following wish: "that's my mind is freed from the contraband, or not accept the seat!" However, he's also not freed the contraband or, not accept.
6) why? To say that because he has no taste. No practice? No practice Four anniversary. No practice Four Chief needs. No practice Four as Italy. There is no practice In the root. There is no practice In force. No practice Seven Bodhi. No Holy practice directed Eight branches.
7) For this, as the Male-stilts, eight, ten or twelve eggs, not hens hamlet located properly, not hot hamlet properly, not being properly nourishing hamlet.
8) oil for the hens he kicked up like: "expect that the chicks, with the legs, and the top of the head, or with the mouth and mine, after doing hot egg shells, was being safely"; Yet the chicks he can, with the legs, nail, top of the head or with the mouth and mine, after doing hot egg shells, was being safely.
9) why? The Male-stilts, eight, ten or twelve eggs not hatching hen housed properly, hot Hamlet, rightly, o hamlet a right way.
10) this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts not releases in the practice. He had to start oil up like: "expect that the mind is freed from the contraband or, not accept"; However, the Center's location is also not freed the contraband or, not accept.
11) why? It must be said that, because he has no taste. No practice? No practice Four anniversary of ... No practice Holy path directed Eight branches.
12) this the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live Solstice in the practice. The oil does not start up for the wish: "my mind is hoping that freed the contraband or, not accept"; However, the mind is freed from the medical unit are smuggled or, not accept.
14) why? It must be said that, because of the position he has. There is practice what? There are Four anniversary of cultivation practice, there are four Chief needs. There are Four practice as Italy. Have practice In the root. Have practice In force. There are seven Visual practice chi. There are Eight leaders of the Holy path cultivation industry.
14) For this, as the Male-stilts, eight, ten or twelve eggs. The eggs are incubating hens housed properly, hot Hamlet, rightly, o hamlet a right way. Oil for the hens he not starting up desires: "expect that the chicks, with the legs, and the top of the head, or with the mouth and mine, after doing hot egg shells, was being safely"; However, the chicks he can with the legs, and the top of the head, or with the mouth and mine, after doing hot egg shells, was being safely.
15) why? Because of this, that the Male-stilts, eight, ten or twelve eggs being hens then Hamlet is located in the right way, the right way, hot hamlet hamlet nursing a right way.
16) this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-live Solstice's practice centers on stilts. The oil does not start up for the wish: "my mind is hoping that freed the contraband or, not accept"; However, mindful of the taste still be pirated or liberated, not accept.
17) why? It must be said that, because of the position he has. Practice what? There are Four concepts of practice ... practice the Holy path directed Eight branches.
18) For this, as the Male-stilts, a stonecutter or disciple Stonecutter, when looking at the rolling, see hammer of the fingers and the thumb. He may know the position as follows: "today, all of my hammer was rolling wear and tear; Today every other day, ever ". But the position she was rolling, the hammer was wear and tear on the wear and tear of the hammer.
19) this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts releases in the practice does not have to know the following: "today, all smuggled or my wear and tear, every other day, ever". But the position he knows (or pirated) is wear and tear on the wear and tear (or pirated).
20) For this, as the Male-stilts, a seafaring boat has full mast and rope bu m, stuck the six months due to the lack of water during the dry season; the mast and the sail rope gets wind and sun damage, and the rain poured down in the rainy season, they become weak and decrepit (?).
21) this, too, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts live Solstice in the practice, the unlawful use is very prone to weak and decrepit.
X. IMPERMANENT TANH (Or Idea) (10, 2, Junk 70cs) (,155 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-due to practice, make the fullness of the idea of impermanence, all took part in the make, all colors are reference sections, all owners are taking part in the paragraph, all of the take advantage of ignorance, all fell to port was to take advantage of the exception.
4) For this, as the Male-stilts, a paddy field, in the fall, taking a large plow sever all roots while plowing. Also, the Female-stilts, by practice, make the fullness of the idea of impermanence, all took part in the make, all colors are reference sections, all owners are taking part in the paragraph, all of the take advantage of ignorance, all fell to port was to take advantage of the exception.
5) For this, as the Male-stilts, a mower to cut the grass tree, grab the top of the rolling beating up, knock down, knock, knock, and then threw a party. Also, the Female-stilts, by practice, make the fullness of the idea of impermanence, all join the take ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
6) For this, as the Male-stilts, when a beam of mango cut from the stem, the melons of the same stick to twigs are broken. Also, the Female-stilts, by practice, make the fullness of the idea of impermanence, all join the take ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
7) For this, as the Male-stilts, a house roof has spiked, chums have rui loss would all go to the roof, driven to the roof, the roof is pointed, and gathered the pointed roof is paramount over them. Also, the Female-stilts, by practice, make the fullness impermanent idea ... all fell the starboard side is to take advantage of the exception.
8) For this, as the Male-stilts, chums have the perfume anusàri perfume, black roots is paramount. Also, the Female-stilts ... all ng the starboard side is to take advantage of the exception.
9) For this, as the Male-stilts, chums have the core divisions, sandalwood chips-red herd is paramount. Also, the Female-stilts ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
10) For this, as the Male-stilts, chums have the flowers perfume vassika scent, what is paramount over the divisions. Also, the Female-stilts ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
11) For this, as the Male-stilts, chums have the United Kingdom would, all the Kings are subject the King Moved London United Kingdom. King Moved London United Kingdom known as King paramount to them. Also, the Female-stilts ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
12) For this, as the Male-stilts, the light types of stars, all light not by one-tenth of the six light of the moon. Moon light is considered paramount in the light. Also, the Female-stilts ... all of the falling beam was make the exception.
13) For this, as the Male-stilts, in the autumn, when the Sun expand and clean cleaned from clouds, the sun up in the sky, chasing clean all overcast from nowhere, flashes light, glare and light brilliant. Also, the Female-stilts, by practice, make the fullness of the idea of impermanence, all took part in the make, all colors are reference sections, all owners are taking part in the paragraph, all of the take advantage of ignorance, all fell to port was to take advantage of the exception.
14) practice how the idea of impermanence, the Female-stilts, made for fullness of how that all join the take ... all of the falling beam was make the exception?
15) this is; This is a starting set of colors; This is the best piece of killing; This is the life ... here's the idea ... This is the ... This is the formula; This is a starting set of forms; This is the formula paragraph removal.
16) impermanence idea was this, so practice the Male-stilts, made for fullness as such, all took part in the make, all colors are reference sections take; all owners join the take; all take advantage of the ignorance; all of the falling beam was make the exception.
I. BUSINESS EDITOR (Magazine 3, 2, 18b) (S.iii, 157)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-there are four border crossings, where the Male-stilts. What are the four? Friends, friends, friends set paragraph episode kill bien, bien leaders destroy the piece friends.
4 the National-on stilts), how is the border? Answer is in its aggregates. What is the year? I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the craft ideas craft life, its aggregates form its aggregates. The Male-stilts, here called in its aggregates.
5) this the Male-stilts, how is the set of friends set? Is this craving, thirst brought to reborn, the sentence against Hy take part, find this place loving bridge, over there. I.e. education, friendship, African ownership. The Male-stilts, here called the Friends episode set.
6) this the Male-stilts, how's segment friends kill the border? Is the Cup took part, the removal, there is no residual remnants, discharge the aerated soft drinks, the abandon, the liberation, the escapist accept before. The Male-stilts, this call is segment friends kill the border.
7) And the Male-stilts, how's segment friends kill marginal relief? The eight leaders is the industry, i.e. the Chief Justice, the Chief Prophet of thinking, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice network, mindfulness, Chief Justice. The Male-stilts, this call is segment friends kill marginal relief.
II. The GAUGE (matma1308150 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, We will persuade him about the Miserable, Miserable, Miserable, piece starter set the path taken to destroy the paragraph framework. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, what is Suffering? Answer is in its aggregates. What is the year? I.e. colors manually aggregates ... formula its aggregates. This is called a gauge, the Female-stilts.
5) And the Male-stilts, how is a starting set of Gauge? This craving, thirst is taken to the reborn ... Africa possession. The Male-stilts, here called the initialization file Gauge.
6) And the Male-stilts, how Miserable the paragraph? Is the Cup took part, the removal of residual remnants do not thirst, craving the discharge, the abandon, the liberation, the escapist accept before. The Male-stilts, this call is segment Gauge.
7) And the Male-stilts, how is your path to the snippet gauge removal? Is the Holy path directed Eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice. The Male-stilts, here called the path taken to destroy the paragraph framework.
III. FRIENDS (Magazine 3, 2, 18b) (,159 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about starting the episode friends, friends, friends kill the piece, the path taken to destroy the piece friends. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, what are friends for? To answer that it is in its aggregates. What is the year? I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player, player, player form aggregates. The Male-stilts, this call was the owner.
5) And the Male-stilts, how is a starting set of friends? Is this craving thirst ... The Male-stilts, here called Friends episode run.
6) And the Male-stilts, how's segment friends kill? Is the Cup took part, the removal of residual no evil thirst craving ... The Escapist accept before. The Male-stilts, this call is segment friends.
7) And the Male-stilts, how is your path to destroy the piece friends? Is the Holy path directed Eight sectors, i.e. the Chief Justice tri comments ... the Chief Justice. The Male-stilts, here called the path taken to destroy the piece friends.
IV. The DEPARTMENT TURNED to the VOTERS (3, 2 Magazine, 19a) (,159 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to Him the French need to turn voters, the voters and the people have turned to the voters. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, how France should transform voters? This, the Male-stilts, as France need to turn. Shou ... idea ... the ... as France need to turn. The Male-stilts, here called the French need to turn.
5) And the Male-stilts, how are the voters? The snippet take part in, the paragraph, the paragraph dedicated to take advantage of si. The Male-stilts, this is called the turn.
6) And the Male-stilts, how is the child who has tri variables? Need to answer is A-la-Han. This false Religious ranks, with a name like that, with their line. The Male-stilts, here called the people have turned to the voters.
V. the SA-MON (,160 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-there are five prime aggregates, the exchange rate-on stilts. What is the year? I.e. colors manually aggregates ... formula its aggregates.
4) the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band, the Female-stilts, not as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the year its aggregates this ... as they really know ...; food poisoning itself with the upper position, reach and stay.
VI. The SA-MON (,160 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, has five prime aggregates. What is the year? I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player, player, player form aggregates.
4-5) The Sa-Ba-la-subjects or subjects, the Female-stilts, not as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers, the cup of the year its aggregates this ... know ...; food poisoning itself with WINS, and achieved the certificate of residence.
VII. PROJECT SAVE (,160 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, has five prime aggregates. How the year? I.e. colors manually aggregates ... formula its aggregates.
4) Holy multicultural position and when the disciple, the Female-stilts, as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of the year its this multicultural unit, UAN Holy disciples, the Female-stilts, are called Projections, no longer being rotten, was decided , geared to College Finances.
VIII. A-LA-HAN (,161 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, has five prime aggregates. What is the year? I.e. colors manually aggregates ... formula its aggregates.
4) and when it does this, the stilts billion-position Female-stilts, as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers, the cup of the year its aggregates, and was freed with no mortgage. Located on stilts, this Bill-the Female-stilts, known as A-la-Han, the contraband or be happy, take advantage of the paragraph did, should have done, was put down, has achieved the purpose of unlawful possession, use, passage was freed thanks to the Chief Justice position.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, chums have education, take part, Hy, thirsty craving for good, make the paragraph except it. So her identity will be the paragraph minus, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being kicked again in the future.
4-6) as for the longevity ... for ... for ...
7) this the Male-stilts, chums have education, take part, Hy, thirsty craving for knowledge, keep it minus the paragraph. So, the formula will be the paragraph minus, cut off the ends to the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being kicked again in the future.
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, chums have education, take part, Hy, thirsty craving would attach himself to, have the media player dispute, Center front, accept the options with regard to how hypnosis ... keep the paragraph except them. As such, the colors will be dedicated segment, cut off from its roots.
4-6) ... for tho ... for ... for ...
7) this the Male-stilts, chums have education, take part, Hy, thirsty craving would attach himself to, have the media player dispute, Center front, accept the options for hypnosis, take a paragraph excluding them. As such, he will be to take advantage of snippets, severed from the roots, make like tree trunks-la, do not be reborn, not being kicked again in the future.
I. IGNORANCE (Male-stilts) (08diem21 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion.
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"Ignorance of ignorance", Bach World Religion, so to be talking to. The White World Religion, what is ignorance? So how, a person is ignorance?
4-8)-here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife unknown, unknown identity episode run, decoction, segment not known not known the path taken to destroy the piece colors, not sure tho ... not know ... don't know ... don't know the route taken to form paragraphs.
9) this Male-stilts, this is called ignorance. And as such, a person is ignorance.
II. MING (Male-stilts) (,163 S.iii)
1-4) human charm in Sàvatthi. Sit down on one side, the Male-white World'd stilts Ton:
-"Minh, minh", Bach World Religion, so to be talking to. The White World, how smart is it? So how, someone who is clever?
5)-here, this Male-stilts Multi tier, Holy texts known disciple, knows colors starter set, knows colors paragraph removal, knows the path taken to destroy the piece colors.
6-8) ... know tho ... know ... know ... know your path to form paragraphs.
9) this Male-stilts, here called. And as such, is a person.
III. POSITIONING THEORY (set of 3, 2, 5 c) (,163 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3) after sitting down, Male-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"The theory, the theory", the White World, so being told to. So how was (called) was the sermon?
4)-if the Male-stilts sermon about the boring, glass took part, the kill for; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts theory. If Female-stilts go into practice, taking the boring, the kill for; so is fit enough to be called Male-French optional practice on stilts. If Female-on stilts due to boredom, glass took part, for the removal, the segment is freed, not accept the seat; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana right now in the present.
5-7) If Female-stilts for tho ... If Female-stilts for ideas ... If Female-stilts for the ...
8) If Female-stilts sermon about the boring, glass took part, the kill for formula; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts theory. If Female-stilts go into practice, taking the boring, the kill for formula; so is fit enough to be called Male-French optional practice on stilts. If Female-on stilts due to boredom, glass took part, the kill for the formula, be freed no accept the seat; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana right now in the present.
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"The theory, the theory", the White World, so being told to. So how, the White World Religion, called theory of taste? So how are called discretionary practice? How to, called unit has reached Nirvana in the present?
3-4)-if the Male-stilts sermon about the boring, glass took part, the kill for; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts theory. If Female-stilts go into practice, taking the boring, the kill for; so is fit enough to be called Male-French optional practice on stilts. If Female-on stilts due to boredom, glass took part, for the removal, the segment is freed, not accept the seat; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana right now in the present.
5-7) If Female-stilts for tho ... for ... for ...
8) If Female-stilts sermon about the boring, glass took part, the kill for formula; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts theory. If Female-stilts go into practice, taking the boring, the kill for formula; so is fit enough to be called Male-French optional practice on stilts. If Female-on stilts due to boredom, glass took part, the kill for the formula, be freed, not accept the seat; so is fit enough to be called Male-stilts have attained nirvana right now in the present.
V. BIND (Magazine 2, 2, 19b) (,164 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Scriptures ... not French practice the human Legs, sharp is the ego, or self as having, or colors in the ego, or self in. So this, the Male-stilts, called invisible divine text, being bound by the binding of identity, being bound by the binding of internal, not seen this side of the coast, who do not see the other side, when being tied, when death tied, when passing from this life died were bound.
4-6) ... the Cafe tho ... visualizations ... the ...
7) here, the Male-stilts, invisible text chums wife not clearly see the Scriptures ... not French practice the human Foot, as is the ego, the ego as there is consciousness, or consciousness in the ego, or the ego in consciousness. So this, the Male-stilts, called invisible divine text, being bound by the binding of consciousness, being bound by the binding of the exterior, the guys didn't see this side, who does not see the other side, when being tied, when death tied, when passing from this life died were bound.
8) Holy multicultural disciple there, the Male-stilts, clearly Holy footsteps ... the French practice of human Legs, no consistent excellence as the ego, or ego, or as there are colors in the ego, or self in. So this, the Male-stilts, are called Holy multicultural disciple, not being bound by the bondage of lust, not being bound by the binding, see exterior side, has seen the other side. I said, he was completely free from suffering.
9-11) ... for tho ... with ... with ...
12) ... not pubs such as the ego, or the ego as there, or in the form of the ego, or the ego in consciousness. Such a position, the Male-stilts, are called Holy multicultural disciple, not being bound by bondage of consciousness, not being bound by bondage exterior; see this side, saw the other side. I say, he has completely freed from suffering.
VI. LIBERATION (Magazine 2, 2, 19 c) (,165 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-how do you think this, the Male-stilts? He has a sharp: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Heal instead! The Male-stilts, he needed to as true with the Chief wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
3-5) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
6) ... He has a recipe: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
-Heal instead! The Male-stilts, He is as consistent with the real Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
7) due to see this, so the Female-stilts, he knows: "... no longer back this status."
VII. LIBERATION (Magazine 2, 2, 19 c) (,166 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-how do you think this, the Male-stilts, He has a sharp: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego"?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-Heal instead! The Male-stilts, he needed to as consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
3-5) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
6) ... He has a recipe: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego"?
-Yes, the White World Religion.
-Heal instead! The Male-stilts, he needed to as consistent with Chief Justice of wisdom: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
7) due to see this, so the Female-stilts, he knows: "... no longer back this status."
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, We will persuade him about the France tied and bondage. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, how is the France tied? What is bondage? This, the Male-stilts, as France tied. With argument and is the bondage of lust.
5-7). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
8) formula, the Female-stilts, as France tied. Exercise and take part to the bondage of consciousness.
9) this the Male-stilts, this French, this Male-stilts, called the French tied. This is bondage.
IX. ACCEPT the SEAT (,167 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, I will preach to him about the French players and the player accepted. Take a listen.
4) And the Male-stilts, how is the French accept? What is the capital? This, the Male-stilts, as France was accepted. With argument and is the acceptance for the player.
5-7). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
8) formula, the Female-stilts, as France was accepted. Education, and for the players as for the formula.
9) this the Male-stilts, France, called the French accept the player. This is the permission.
X. PRECEPT UNIT (10, 2,-Junk) (,167 S.iii)
1) A time, false Religion Sàriputta (Xa-benefits-echo) and Ton Mahà Kotthika stay in Bàrànasi fake (Ba-la-complaint), at Isipatana (Chu First fallen of), Deer garden.
2-3), and then the fake Religious Mahà Kotthika, in the afternoon, from net Meditation stood up, go to the fake Religious Sàriputta ... ladies are as follows:
-Mr. Sàriputta, the fake Buddy doing Female-stilts holding the world need as volitional agents?
4 This fake Kotthika, Sage)-Female-stilts holding the world need as the logical work of Italy in its aggregates are impermanent, suffering, sickness, scourge, arrow, misfortune, sickness, strange people, ruined, empty, egolessness.
5) what is the year? I.e. colors its aggregates, aggregates, aggregates the player player, player, player form aggregates. False Kotthika, the Gentleness of this Male-stilts holding the world need as the logical work of Italy in its aggregates are impermanent, suffering, sickness, scourge, t n, misfortune, sickness, strange people, ruined, empty, egolessness.
6) this Sage, this event occurs: male-stilts holding the world like Italy in its aggregates is impermanence, egolessness. can evidence be effects.
7)-With Female-stilts have shown effects save this fake Sàriputta, Sage, France should as volitional agents?
8-9)-With Female-stilts have shown effects save this Gentler, assuming Kotthika, need physical work such as Italy in its aggregates is impermanent ... egolessness. This event can occur, this Gentle, Female-stilts Projections, due to physical effects such as Italy in its aggregates is impermanence, egolessness. can evidence be results of Depth.
10)-But Male-stilts this fake Sàriputta Ja, Wherefore, as the logical work of Italy the France?
11)-Female-stilts Depth this Kotthika author, Sage, is as logical partners Italy in its aggregates is impermanent ... egolessness. This event can occur, this Gentle, Female-stilts Depth management work by, as Italy in its aggregates is impermanence, egolessness. can evidence be Any fruit.
12)-But Male-stilts Anyone this Sàriputta author, Sage, need the volitional agents such as France?
13-15)-Female-stilts Anyone this Kotthika author, Sage, need physical work such as Italy in its aggregates is impermanent ... egolessness. This event can occur, this Gentle, Female-stilts Anyone, because as the logical work of Italy in its aggregates is impermanence, egolessness. can evidence be result of A-la-Han.
16)-But the taste A-la-Ja Sàriputta, fake, this need as the logical work of Italy the France?
17) – A-la-Ja Kotthika, fake, this need as the logical work of Italy in its aggregates is impermanent, suffering, sickness, scourge, arrow, misfortune, sickness, strange people, ruined, empty, egolessness.
18) with the A-la-Han, Md, this has nothing to do anymore, or don't have to add anything else in his work. But the practice, making this the fullness will take to present the mindfulness and touch sensations.
XI. HAVE HEARD (,169 S.iii)
(Previous experience, only completely replaced listening for keep).
XII. KAPPA (Magazine 1, 2, 4 c) (,169 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then the fake Religious World go to Kappa Honor ...
3) sit down on one side, false Religion That Religious white Kappa:
-Do know how, by seeing how the White World, ton, for this body and for all general out here, not (thought) fell, fell, fallen beam facility?
4 What colors are Divine)-this, Kappa, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or win or listed, or far or near; all her colors need to be consistent with the truth as the Chief of intelligence is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
5-7) have what life Means ... idea ... what the ...
8) Divine has this, Kappa, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all formulas need to be as consistent with the Chief Justice's intellect: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego".
9) Do so, do see this, Kappa, so for this body, and for all General off, no (ideas) falls, falls, falls Chu ...
XIII. KAPPA (,170 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) sit down on one side, false Religion That Religious white Kappa:
-Do know how, how, How, for the Respect of the white body this way and for all General in addition to the Center, Italy is no longer the ideal ego, ego, ego Department, crossed his, President, cleverly freed?
3 What colors are Divine)-this, Kappa, in the past, the future, the present ... all colors, after the Chief Justice as wisdom is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," was freed, not accept.
4-6) had what life Means.........
7) had, this means that while Kappa, in the past, the future, the present, or internal or foreign, or rough or, or paralyzed, or win, or far or near; all consciousness, after the Chief Justice as wisdom is: "this is not mine, this is not me, this is not my ego," was freed, not accept.
8) Do so, seeing this, Kappa, so for this body, and in general all outside, Italy does not have (the) ego, ego, ego facility, beyond mere, cleverly freed.
I. the FRENCH EPISODES (October 2, Junk, 64b) (,171 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then a Male-stilts go to world Religion; After coming to ...
3) sit down on one side, Female-Bach's Religious World: stilts
-"Ignorance of ignorance", World Religion, are said to so. The White World Religion, what is ignorance? And so how is called ignorance?
4)-here, this Male-stilts, invisible text, not as divine truth unknown: "the episode run" is the best starter set, not as truth unknown: "subject to paragraph removal" is brilliantly covered by paragraph removal, not as facts to know: "the episode run and kill" is the best set of run and kill.
5-7). "Shou ... Idea ... The... "
8) ... not as truth unknown: "Consciousness is subject to the start-up file" is officially the starter set, not as truth unknown: "Formula subject to the paragraphs of removal" is subject to paragraph form, not as truth unknown: "Formula subject to the episode run and kill" is officially the episode run and kill.
9) so, this Male-stilts, called ignorance. Until so called ignorance.
10) when it is said that Bach's stilts-World Rate, Ton:
-"Ming," Bach, World Religion, are said to so. What is white, the World Religion? So how is called?
11)-here, multicultural ranks as real disciple knows Scripture: "the episode run" is the best starter set, as they really know: "subject to paragraph removal" is brilliantly covered by paragraph removal, as unknown: "the episode run and kill" is the best set of run and kill.
12-14) ... "Shou ... Idea ... The... "
15) ... As they really know: "Consciousness is subject to the start-up file" is officially the launch episode, as unknown: "Formula subject to the paragraphs of removal" is subject to paragraph form, as unknown: "Formula subject to the episode run and kill" is officially the episode run and kill.
16) so, this Male-stilts, called, until so called.
II. SET of FRANCE (S.iii, 172)
1) A time, fake Sàriputta fake Mahà and Religious Kotthika stay in Bàrànasi, at Isipatana, Deer garden.
2 Ton Mahà Kotthika imitation), and then, in the afternoon, from net Meditation stand up. ..
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Mahà Kotthika ladies with false Religious Sàriputta:
-"Ignorance of ignorance", Sàriputta, false Sage was said to so. What is ignorance, Mr. Hien Sàruputta fake? So how is called ignorance?
(like on).
III. LEGAL FILES (,173 S.iii)
1-2) A time, fake and counterfeit Sàriputta Ton Mahà Kotthika stay in Bàrànasi (Ba-la-complaint), Isipatana (Chu First fallen of), in the Deer garden.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Mahà Kotthika ladies with false Religious Sàriputta:
-"Minh, minh", Sàriputta, false Religion is mentioned. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar Sàriputta fake? So how is called?
(like on).
1-2) In Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden ...
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Mahà Kotthika ladies with false Religious Sàriputta:
-"Ignorance of ignorance", Sàriputta, false Sage was said to so. What is ignorance, false Sage? And so how is called ignorance?
4)-here, this Gentle, invisible text as real not know Lady divine sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... not as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) this is ignorance, this Sage. Until so called ignorance.
V. SWEET (,174 S.iii)
1-2) In Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden ...
3)-"Minh, minh", Sàriputta, false Sage this is mentioned as such. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar author? How well known is intelligent?
4-8) here, this Gentle, multicultural ranks as true disciples understand Holy sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors ... the life of ... of ... of ... as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) this is called ignorance, this Sage. Until so called ignorance.
1-2) Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden ...
3)-"ignorance of ignorance", Sàriputa, false Sage was said to be so. And how is ignorance, false Sage? So how is called ignorance?
4)-here, this Gentle, invisible text as real no wife knows everyone will get the file originator, the piece, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... not as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) so this Gentler, assuming, is called ignorance. Until so called ignorance.
1-2) Bàrànasi, Isipatana, Deer garden ...
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Mahà Kotthika ladies with false Religious Sàriputta:
-"Smart," Mr. Sudhakar Sàriputta, fake is mentioned as such. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar author? So how is called?
4)-here, Mr. Sage, Holy multicultural level like real disciple knows the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... as the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) so called this, the Sage. Until so called.
VIII. KOTTHIKA (,175 S.iii)
1) Bàrànasi, Migadàya, Isipatana.
2) false Religion Sàriputta in the afternoon.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Sàriputta told Kotthika: false Religion
-"Ignorance of ignorance", Kotthika, false Sage this is mentioned as such. What is ignorance, false Sage? So how is called ignorance?
4)-here, this Gentle, invisible text as real not know Lady divine sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... not as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) so called ignorance, your Gentleness. Until so called ignorance.
10) when you say that, assuming Sàriputta told Kotthika: false Religion
-"Minh, minh", Kotthika, false Sage was said to so. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar author? So how, called intelligent?
11)-here, ladies and gentlemen, false Sage multicultural Holy disciples as they really know the sweetness, the dangers, and the separation of colors.
12-14) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
15) ... as they really know the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
16) so this Gentler, assuming, is called. Until so called.
IX. KOTTHIKA (,175 S.iii)
1) Bàrànasi, Migadàya, Isipatana.
2-3)-"ignorance of ignorance", Kotthika, false Sage was said to so. What is ignorance, false Sage? So how is called ignorance?
4)-here, this Gentle, invisible text as real no wife knows everyone will get the file originator, the piece, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... not as they really know the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
9) so this Gentler, assuming, is called ignorance. Until so called ignorance.
10) Are comes so, false Religious Sàriputta told Kotthika: false Religion
-"Minh, minh", Kotthika, false Sage was said to so. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar author? So how is called?
11)-here, this Gentle, multicultural Holy disciple ranks as the boot volume, the passage, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of colors.
12-14) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
15) ... as the episode run, the paragraphs, the sweetness, the dangers and the separation of consciousness.
16) so this Gentler, assuming, is called. So as such, are called.
X. KOTTHIKA (,176 S.iii)
1-2) human charm.
3) sit down on one side, the fake Religious Sàriputta told Kotthika: false Religion
-"Ignorance of ignorance", Kotthika, false Sage was said to so. And how is ignorance, false Sage? So how is called ignorance?
4)-here, Mr. Sage, invisible text as real not know Lady divine insight, excellent starter set is unknown, unknown, unknown chunk shades the path taken to destroy the piece colors.
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) ... do not know, do not know a starting set of forms, form sections, not known not known the ng brought to form paragraphs.
9) so this Gentler, assuming, is called ignorance. Until so called ignorance.
10) when you say that, assuming Sàriputta told Kotthika: false Religion
-"Minh, minh", Kotthika, false Sage was said to so. What is it, Mr. Sudhakar author? So how, called intelligent?
11)-here, this Gentle, multicultural level like real disciple knows Scripture, unknown identity episode run, knows colors paragraph removal, knows the path taken to destroy the piece colors.
12-14) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
15) ... know, know, know form initialization file protocol paragraph removal, knows the path taken to form paragraphs.
16) so this Gentler, assuming, is called. Until so called.
I. RED COAL HỰC (,177 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-Color charcoal is red, the Male-stilts! The life is the Red coal! Idea is the Red coal! The onions are coal Red! The Red coal!
4 this so the National) see-stilts Multi tier Holy text, the disciple of boring for good, boring, mundane life with respect for ideas, for the mundane, boring for the formula.
5) due to the boring should join the Cup, due to take part in the Cup should be freed. In the release, starting up: "We've been freed". The position he knows: "Being happy, did take advantage, should have done, no longer back this status."
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-something impermanent, the Female-stilts, here you need to subtract piece please. The Male-stilts, what is impermanent?
3) this the Male-stilts, is impermanent.
4-6). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
7) Consciousness is impermanent, here, you need to subtract piece please.
8) what's impermanence, the Female-stilts, here you need to subtract piece please.
(Like on, only other tham (ràga) for alternative education (chanda).
(Like on, the only other is both fitness and join).
V-VI-VII. AGONY (1,2,3)
(Like on, the only other alternative for gauge is infinitely often).
(Like on, the only other alternative for anatta is suffering).
XI. The MALE SLITTING E-MAIL FRIENDLY (2nd Magazine 2, 12a) (,179 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-for friendly female suicide for renunciation, the Female-stilts, here are the pros of France (anudhammam): make life boring for many colors ... for tho ... for ... for the, let's live boring for many.
4) Who Live boring for many colors ... for tho ... for ideas ... for onions, who live boring lot for official time will turn the tri colors........., the knowledge.
5) which turns the tri colors, variable life, variable tri tri, tri the variables, variable knowledge, be freed, freed from the life, be freed, freed from the onions, be freed, was freed from birth, old age, death, melancholy, miserable, bi, favor, brain. He said the position was freed from suffering.
(Like on, only other see impermanence replaced live boring).
(Like on, here is the only other see anatta).
I. CONTENT (7, 2, Junk 43b) (S.iii, 1800)
1-2) in Sàvatthi.
3)-due to this, something the Male-stilts, so accept the player something, internal communication, starting up?
4)-Bach World Religion, for us, the French took the World Religion as the basis ..., ...
5)-the Female-stilts, because, due to accept its identity, internal communication, start up.
6-8) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
9) because, due to accept its formula, internal communication, starting up.
10) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, suffering the destructive, if not its capital, internal communication, the gauge can start up?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
11-13). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
14)-is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, suffering the destructive, if not its capital, civil, can gauge being run?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
15) Do find so. .. ". .. no longer back this status."
II. THIS is MINE (Magazine, 7 2, 43a) (,181 S.iii)
1-2) human charm in Sàvatthi.
3)-the Female-stilts, do have something, do accept the player something, due to natural accept something that: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
4)-Bach World Religion, for us, the French took the World Religion as the basis ...
5-9)-the Female-stilts, because, due to accept the seat colors, due to natural accept. .. because, due to accept its formula, due to natural accept formula should be consistent: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego".
10) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, the White World ...
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and that is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
11-13). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ...
14)-is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept that and the player he was, "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
15) Do see ... he knows the position. ". .. no longer back this status."
III. FALLS (7, 2, 43c Magazine) (,182 S.iii)
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi.
-The Male-stilts, do have something, do accept the player something, due to natural handicaps, deviant comments start up: "what is this ego, this is, this world after death will often longer, often permanent, constant, not the ruined"?
4)-for us, the French took the World Religion as the basis ...
5)-the Female-stilts, due to its outstanding disputes, natural colors, sharp run up flaps should accept the opinion as follows: "what is this ego, this is, this world after death will often longer, often permanent, constant, not the ruined".
6-9) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
10) due to, accept its formula, should wake up TA accepted opinion as follows: "what is this ego, this is, this world after death will often longer, often permanent, constant, not the ruined".
-How do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and start up the deviant comments such as the following: "what is this ego, this is, this world after death often becomes longer, usually constant, permanent, not the ruined"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
11-14). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Bach World Religion?
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and start up the deviant comments such as the following: "what is this ego, this is, this world after death will often longer, often permanent, constant, not the ruined"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
15) Do see ... he knows the position. ". .. no longer back this status."
IV. And IF NOT I (,183 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2)-due to this, something the Male-stilts, so accept the player something deviant comments such as the following: "If starting before birth there, time was not there. If will not have ta, time will not have ta "?
3)-for us, the White World, the French took the World Religion as the basis ...
4)-the Female-stilts, due to its outstanding disputes, natural colors, sharp accepted the initialization of these flaps should up: "if I didn't have the time. If will not have ta, time will not have ta ".
5-7) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
8) due to the formula, the formula, the players accepted accept formula should this start up Ant: TA "If there is no me, there was no time. If will not have ta, time will not have ta ".
9) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Impermanence, Bach Th Ton.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and start up the deviant comments such as the following: "if I didn't have the time. If will not have ta, time will not have ta "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
10-13) ... Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and deviant comments such as the following: "if I didn't have the time. If will not have ta, time will not have ta "?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
Do see ... he knows the position. ". .. no longer back this status."
1-3) human charm in Sàvatthi.
-The Male-stilts, do have something, because what the player accepted, due to natural accept nothing, ties up initiatives?
4)-for us, the White World, the French took the World Religion as the basis ...
5)-the Female-stilts, because, having accepted the player, due to natural handicaps, starting up ties.
6-9) ... tho ... idea ... the ...
Due to a handicap formula, its formula, due to natural should wake up TA accepted opinion.
10) how do you think this, the Male-stilts, SAC is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and start up the deviant comments?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
11-14). Shou ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, should accept the seat, and start up the deviant comments?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
Do see ... he knows the position. ". .. no longer back this status."
(Same as business slid c, just like friends for deviant comments).
(Same as previous experience, just like fall (attànuditthi) for friends).
(Same as previous experience, just like tied, accept the unlawful use for fall).
(Same as previous experience, just add: the ago about bondage, accept the unlawful use).
X. ÀNANDA (,187 S.iii)
1) human charm in Sàvatthi.
2) and then the fake Religious Ànanda go to That Religion; After the White World to Respect:
3)-Heals instead, Bach World Religion! World Religion make a brief sermon for children, to the French, after hearing the living alone is not ample magnification, an enthusiasm, an essential need.
4)-how do you think this is the best, Ànanda, or impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable if the Inn that is: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.
5-8)-Tho ... Idea ... The onions ... Formula is often impermanent?
-Is impermanent, Like Religion.
-What's impermanence is suffering or lost?
-Is suffering, the White World Religion.
-What's impermanence, suffering, is the ruined, have reasonable affordable when the pub was: "this is mine, this is mine, this is my ego"?
-No Sir, Bach World Religion.

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