Monday 2 May 2016


Like I hear.
A world Religion in Savatthi (Xa-Wai) Jetavana (da-Lin), at the property he Elf Anathapindika (Anathapindika). Then go to Todeyyaputta Subha Youth World Religion; After arriving, said up to Honor the words of welcome inquiry; After talking up Greetings dear visitors, mainland sat down one side. Sit down one side, Subha Todeyyaputta youth white World Religion:
-Dear fake do what human, Gotama Respect, due to what the coast between the human species together, as they are the human species, see someone there, who favor?
Dear fake Religious Gotama, we see someone life someone đoản longevity; We see many diseases, there are less people; We see bad people, there are beautiful people; We see someone authority have the right to so large; We see the small fortune, has the great fortune; We see someone in my family down there, who belonged to the noble family; We see someone weak intellect, people are full of wisdom.
Dear fake Religion so what do, Gotama charm, between the human species together, as they are the human species, see someone there, who favor?
-Youth, species of this love is the owner of career, is the legacy of the industry. Are pregnant Tibetan, karma is bereaved, are fulcrum, industry Division of the species of love; literally, there are advantages.
-I don't understand the meaning of that thing a fake Religious Gotama say in a nutshell, no interpreted widely. Heal instead if the fake Religious Gotama the sermon for me so I can understand the sense of things that a fake Religious Gotama say in a nutshell, no interpreted widely.
-So this youth, listen and experience, I will say:
-Sir, false Religion.
Subha Todeyyaputta youth well response of world Religion. What Religion says as follows:
-Here, this youth, have the woman or man, to being, cruel hand, blood is working laboriously, murdered wound specialist centre, Centre of compassion for other types of beings. Due to her career, so successful, such achievements, after the General network, were being ruined body into data realms, evil, fallen, hell. If after the General network, who ruined her body not being on the evil beast, fallen Host, database, go to hell, if the human species, it would he engenders, he must đoản network. The way he brought to this, youth network đoản, i.e. suicide being, cruel hand, blood is working laboriously, murdered homepage wound, not compassion for the other sex.
But here, this youth, have the woman or man, abandoning suicide being, avoid friction being, quit, quitting, the staff know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love. Due to her career, so successful, such achievements, environmentally destructive General network, after he was being on friendly, heaven, in life. If after the General network, who ruined her body not being on friendly animal, heaven, in life, if he goes to the human species, it would he engenders, he is longevity. The way he brought to longevity, this youth, i.e. abandon suicide being, avoid friction being, quit, quitting, the staff know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness of all beings and species of love.
Here, this youth, have the woman or man, brain damage or the names of species, with the hand, or with lumps of Earth, or with a stick, or with the blade. Due to her career, so successful, such achievements, environmentally destructive General network, after her birth on data realms, evil, fallen, hell. If after the General network, who ruined her body not being on the evil beast, fallen Host, database, hell, if he goes to the human species, it would he engenders, he must be more sick. The way he brought to many sick, this youth, i.e. brain damage or other names with the hand, or with lumps of Earth, or with a stick, or with the blade.
But here, this youth, have the woman or man, brain damage or emptiness of the species, with the hand, or with lumps of Earth, or with a stick, or with the blade. Due to her successful career as such ... fun friendly ... She was less sick. The way he brought to the sick little ... brain damage emptiness ... or with the blade.
Here, this youth, have the woman or the man, enraged, many Buddhas, were talking to some discontent, resentment, anger, resistance, and shows of outrage, anger, discontent. Due to her career, so successful ... data realms ... bad. The way he brought to this identity, youth, bad news is outrage ... discontent.
Here, this youth, have the woman or man, no outrage, no more Buddha, oils for being told to many, also not discontent, resentment, anger, resistance, and shows no outrage, anger, discontent. Due to her career, so successful ... in good fun ... nice (pasadika: Hy Festival) the way he brought to this, the beautiful youth, i.e. not outrage ... not discontent.
Here, this youth, have the woman or man, quiz, for others rights, respect, respect, Revere, wealthy girl, donation, birth defects, birth centers, hugging the Center for the disabled. Due to her career, success so ... evil beast ... small world rights. The way he brought to this small world youth rights, i.e. disabilities quiz ... handicaps mind hugging.
But here, this youth, have the woman or man, no disabilities, puzzle for others rights, respect, respect, Revere, wealthy girl, donation, not birth defects birth center, puzzle, puzzle challenged mind hugging. Due to her professional ... fun ... friendly. The way he brought to this big world youth rights, i.e. not disability... don't cuddle puzzle disabled.
Here, this youth, have the woman or the man, not alms for Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-drink, food, costumes, vehicles, loop flower, flavouring, chalk wax, Crouching, door, lamp torch. Do career ... fallen of ... small assets. The path taken to a small fortune, Crouching, door, lamp torch.
But here, this youth, have the woman or man has the alms for the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-drink food binge ... Crouching tool, door, lamp torch. Due to her professional ... friendly animal ... many properties. The path taken to many properties ... Crouching tool, door, lamp torch.
Here, this youth, have the woman or the man, his arrogant, wealthy girl who deserves celebration not wealthy girl, do not stand up for a stand, not sit people sit, does not favour goes to those who deserve to be in favour of going, not to respect those who deserve respect , not respect those who deserve respect, not ceremony, wealthy girl who deserves no donation ceremony, wealthy girl who value for donation. Do career ... fallen... HA family. The path taken to the family down ... No donation worth donation.
But here, this youth, have the woman or man, no arrogant too, wealthy girl who deserves celebration ceremony, wealthy girl ... donation worth donation. Due to her professional ... fun ... in a friendly family. The path taken to noble family ... donation worth donation.
Here, this youth, have the woman or the man, after going to Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-Mon, no question: "Dear author Respect, what is charity? What is real friendly? What is a crime? What is not a crime? What is need to practice? What is does not need to practice? I have to do to is not the benefit and long suffering? Or what I did to the benefit and long-term peace? Do career ... fallen of ... intellectual weaknesses. The path taken to the intelligence shortcomings ... benefits, lasting happiness? "
But here, this youth, have the woman or the man, after coming to Sa-Ba-la-Mon or Mon, has asked: "Mr. false Religion, what is charity? What is real friendly ... benefits, long-term peace? Due to her professional ... friendly animal ... full of wisdom. Your path to full of wisdom ... benefits, long-term peace ".
Here, this youth, the path taken to đoản thọ, đoản thọ, leads to the path taken to đoản thọ, leads to longevity; the path taken to many diseases, leading to many diseases; the path taken to less disease, leads to less disease; the path taken to the bad colors, leading to bad; the path taken to the beautiful color leads to beautiful colors; your path to the right that leads to a small, small world rights; your path to the right that leads to big big world rights; the path taken to a small fortune, leads to the small property; the path taken to large assets, leading to large fortune; the path taken to the family down, leading to lower family; the path taken to noble families led to the noble family, the path taken to the intellectually weak, leading to weak intellect; the path taken to the full intelligence, leading to the full intelligence.
This youth, the love of species, is the legacy of the industry. Are pregnant Tibetan, karma is bereaved, are fulcrum, industry Division of the species of love; literally, there are advantages.
When I heard that, Subha Todeyyaputta say to youth World Religion:
-Real vi, false Religious truths that Gotama! Truth, false Respect ownership hy Gotama! Dear fake Religious Gotama, such someone. .. can see colors. Also, (Chief Justice) of France was That Religion used many means of presentation. The fake Religious refuge hereby Gotama, y France, qui y we Male-stilts. Mong Ton disciple children Gotama imitation, from now until the General network, the lifetime threshold rules.

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