Tuesday 10 May 2016

I. Canda  (Brutal) (Napoli, s.IV, 305)
1) A residence time in Savatthi Exalted (Xa-defense), Jetavana (Thang Lam), in his garden Anathapindika (Anathapindika).
2) Then Canda lord Village head:
- What's Due, venerable sir, conditioned by anything here, someone is called brutality? What's Due, conditioned by anything here, there are people who are called benign (surato)?
4) - Here, the village chief, someone craving (Rayo), not annihilation. Do craving (raga) is not annihilation, he was indignant others make. Others due to outrage and disgust with current. He therefore called brutal. Golf is not a total annihilation. Because the field is not annihilation, he was indignant others make. Due to outrage others make up the current outrage. He therefore called brutal. Si is not annihilation. Do si not yet make an end, he was indignant others make. Due to outrage others make up the current outrage. He therefore called brutal.
This Village head, this is the person, this is grace, here, there are people who are called brutal.
5) But here, the village chief, someone desires to be annihilation. Because greed is to make an end should he not make resent others. Do not resent others make up the current furious. He therefore called gentle. Golf is total annihilation. Because the field was to make an end should he not make resent others. Do not resent others make up the current furious. He therefore called gentle. Si was total annihilation. Because delusion has to make an end should he not make resent others. Do not resent others make up the current furious. He therefore called gentle.
This Village head, this is the person, this is grace, here, there are people who are called benign.
6) Be heard this, venerable sir Canda Village head:
- It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, like people standing up to what was thrown down, exposing what was covered, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan presented, explained. Buddha, the Buddha for refuge today, French and they Sangha. Blessed One receive me as a lay disciple, from today onwards until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
II. PUTA  (Napoli, s.IV, 306)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), at Truc Lam, nurturing place the squirrel.
2) Then Talaputa, the ballet master (natagamani), go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, Ballet Talaputa lord monk:
- I heard, lord, the guru, the ancient Patriarch talked about the dance, saying, "Who is the dance, on the stage between drama school, the author poses the truth, make public laugh, amused; who, after the body damage the public network, will stay with the gods born stalks or laugh (pahasadeve) ". Here, Bhagavan said how?
- Well, just then, the village chief. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this.
4) Second, ballet master lord Talaputa:
- Buddha, I have heard the masters, the ancient Patriarch talked about the dance, saying, "Who is the dance, on stage or between the theater, the author poses the truth, make public laugh, amused; who, after the body damage the public network, will stay with the gods born stalks or laugh ". Here, Bhagavan said how?
- Well, just then, the village chief. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this.
5) Last Tuesday, Professor Talaputa Ballet venerable sir:
- Buddha, I have heard the masters, the ancient Patriarch talked about the dance, saying, "Who is the dance, on stage or between the theater, the author poses the In fact, as the masses laugh, amused; who, after the body damage the public network, will stay with Devas birth plus or laugh ". Here, Bhagavan said how?
- Actually, I did not accept that and say: "Well just then, the village chief. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this. " However, I will answer for him.
6) This Village head, for the erstwhile beings are not rid of lust, greed also be bound, if the dance on stage or in the theater, the focus of the legal appeal, while making greed their increasing popularity. This Village head, for those not yet charming erstwhile rid of anger, and anger is bound, if the dance on stage or in the legal drama focused school-related field, causing the anger their increasing popularity. This Village head, for not beings erstwhile lap rid si, si lap longer binding, if the dance on stage or in the legal drama focused school contact to si, si's hearts by time increasing their prosperity.
7) He himself passionate, spontaneous, passionate, and others do restlessness, common network damage after the body, being in hell would Hý goofy (Pahaso). If he has (evil) is as follows: "The dance, on stage or between the theater, the author poses the truth, as the masses laugh, amused; who, after the body damage the public network, will stay with Devas birth plus or laugh ". So is wrong. Who falls into the wrong view, the village chief, I say that he is only one of the two being interesting: one is hell, the other is an animal.
8) When you are told that, Ballet and associate Talaputa crying tears.
- Therefore, the village chief, I did not accept that and say, "Well just then, the village chief. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this. "
- Buddha, I cry not because Bhagavan has said. But, lord, for he is the master, the Patriarchs dance a long time ago was deceiving you, lying children, children that led astray: "The Ballet on stage or between drama schools, the author poses the truth, as the masses laugh, amused; who, after the body damage the public network, plus resident born with Devas or laugh ".
9) It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is wonderful, venerable sir! Buddha, like people standing up to what was thrown down, exposing what was covered, directions for those who are going astray, bring light into the darkness for those who have eyes can see colors. Likewise, the Chief Justice has been using various means Bhagavan presented, explained. Buddha, the Buddha for refuge today, French and they Sangha. Blessed One child was ordained to Bhagavan, is ordained!
10) Ballet Talaputa be ordained monk with Bhagavan, was ordained.
11) ordained not long, venerable Talaputa ... become an Arhat again.
III. YODHAJIVO  (He who fights) (S.vi, 308)
2) Then go to fight Yodhajivo Exalted professor; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, fight masters venerable sir:
- I heard, lord, the guru, the ancient Patriarch talked about the battle staff, said: "The fighting in the battlefield park, enthusiastic, diligent; due diligence or so pungent, others were massacred, beat; they, after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with Devas named Sarajita ". Here, Bhagavan said how?
- Well, just then, the Combat Master. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this.
4) The second time ...
5) Last Tuesday, Professor lord fights:
- Buddha, I was listening to the guru, the ancient Patriarch talked about the battle staff, said: "The fighting in the battlefield park zealous, diligent; so hard, so diligently, others were massacred, defeat, he, after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with Devas named Sarajita ". Here, Bhagavan said how?
- Actually, I did not accept, and (saying): "Well just then, the Combat Master. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this. " However, I will answer.
6) This Village head, to fight in the battlefield park zealous, diligent, his mind must have previously lowly thoughts, malice, evil prayers as follows: "We hope that these beings he was killed, captured, slaughtered, was devastating! "or:" I hope they do not exist! "Because he enthusiastically, diligently so, if he were massacred others, beat , when the person, after the body damage the public network, was born in hell's name Sarajita. If he has (evil) is as follows: "The fight between battlefield park zealous, diligent; so hard, so diligently, others were massacred, defeat, he, after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with Devas named Sarajita ". So is wrong. Who falls into the wrong view of this, the Fight Professor, I say, he is only one of the two being fun: One is hell, the other is an animal.
7) When is say so, the professor battle cry, tears.
- Therefore, the village chief, I do not accept and said: "Well just then, the Combat Master. Let's stop here. Do not ask me about this. "
- Buddha, I cry not because Bhagavan has said. But, lord, for he is the master, the Patriarchs, the fight was long erstwhile member deceiving you, lying children, children led astray, saying: "Who is fighting between the battlefield park zealous, diligent; so hard, so diligently, others were massacred, defeat, he, after the body damage the public network, which is being stemmed stay with Devas named Sarajita ".
8) It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the shared destiny lifetime devotion!
IV. VOI  (Napoli, s.IV, 310)
2-8) (Like the economic front, it was the only other rider statue or elephant masters).
V. HORSE  (Napoli, s.IV, 310)
2-8) (Like the economic front, it is the only other code or master horse trainer).
FOR. THE LAND WEST OR  HAS DIED  (Napoli, s.IV, 311)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Nalanda, in Pavarikamba forest.
2) Then go to the Village head Asibandhakaputta Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, village chief lord Asibandhakaputta:
- Buddha, the Brahmin status residing Western land, carrying water bottles, rings lily (sevala), thanks to pure water. Those who worship the fire, when a person died, common destiny, they remind scholarship and he brought out (uyyapenti), he called up the name, and he leads to Heaven. And Bhagavan, venerable sir, is the Arhat level, Enlightenment, Bhagavan could do for the whole world, after the body damage the public network, be born to good fun, Heaven, this world?
4) - So, this Village head, here, I will ask Mr. If He endurance answer.
5) This Village head, how do you think? Here, a killing, taking what is not given, live in sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, saying vanity, greed, anger, according to TA. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders and says: "I hope this person, after the body damage the public network, was born on Good fun, heavenly, this world! "What do you think, this village chief, he's invoked by the masses of it, or by private celebration, or because people accept the hand wanders, after the body damage the public network, he be born to good fun, Heaven, this world?
- No, venerable sir.
6) - For example, the village chief, someone took a large rock thrown into a deep lake. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders and says: "Stand up, big rock! Let rise, huge rock! Please drifting ashore, this big rock! "What do you think, this village chief, was due to large boulders of human masses imploring him, or by private celebration, or by human hands in wanders, there can emerge, or emerge, or washed ashore not?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, the village chief, who killing, taking what is not given, live in sexual misconduct, lying, said two blades, harsh speech, saying vanity, greed, anger, according TA. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders and says: "I hope this person, after the body damage the public network, was born on Good fun, heavenly, this world! "But then, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
7) What do you think, the village chief? Here, there are people who give up killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon misconduct in sexual life, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, renunciation say frivolous , no greed, no anger, there is right knowledge. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders and says: "I hope this person, after the body damage the public network, was born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell! "What do you think, the village chief, he's pleading by large crowds of them, or praised by the press, or by human hands in wanders, after relatives septic joint network , may be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell not?
- No, venerable sir.
8) - For example, the village chief, have engulfed a flaked curd (Sappi) or a stool into a deep lake and then smashed his flaking. Here, he smashed into scrap pieces, or pieces and sink. Curd or oil also emerged over time. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders and says: "Let's sink, the curd and oil! Take deep down, this curd and oil. Be sink to the bottom, the curd and oil! ". What do you think, the village chief, curd it, though he was, with people imploring the crowd by the large crowds that, by the praise, because people accept the hand accompanied by large crowds around him should be sunk down, or sunk, or go down to the bottom of it?
- No, venerable sir.
- Also, the village chief, someone abandon killing, taking what is not to give up, abandon misconduct in sexual life, abandoning lying, abandoning said two blades, abandoning harsh speech, from left to say frivolous, no greed, no courts, according to chief knowledge. Then a large crowds, gathered, gather, pray, praise, accept the hand wanders about and said: "We hope that people, after the body damage the public network, the data will be born in the realm of beasts, fall origin, hell! "But he shared network damage after the body, will give birth to animal charity, Heaven, this world.
9) When I heard this, venerable sir Asibandhakaputta Village head:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
VII. NOTES FRANCE  (Napoli, s.IV, 314)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Nalanda, in Pavarikamba forest.
2) Then go to the Village head Asibandhakaputta Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, village chief lord Asibandhakaputta:
- Buddha, have to live for the happiness Bhagavan, out of compassion for all beings and beings?
- Yes, the village chief, Tathagata live for happiness, out of compassion for all beings and beings.
4) - But why, venerable sir, for some people, Bhagavan sermon completely full; for some people, Bhagavan sermon not completely full so?
- So, the village chief here, I will ask him, how he endurance, so please answer.
5) What do you think, the village chief, here, a plow has three fields, a well, a middle, an ugly, hard soil, salty, toxic soil. What do you think, the village chief? Cultivators who wants to sow the seeds, the sowing of early rice fields before, well fields, or high school fields, or fields bad kind, hard soil, salty, toxic soil?
- Buddha, who Homeowners want to sow the seeds of plowing, sowing into good fields; there after sowing is complete, the fields sown in mid; after sowing done there, he could not sow the seeds sown or plots on bad kind, hard soil, salty, toxic soil. Why? Minimum can also make food for the cattle.
6) - For as good plots, the village chief, the monks, nuns, monks-My. For them, I preach good preliminary, intermediate good, good logistics, meaning that text. I said to tell them the holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? This village chief, because they take my life as a lamp, take I do cave hidden, sheltered spot that I do get, I do take refuge.
7) For example, the central plot types, the village chief, were the laymen, laywomen of Ta. I preach to them, improving primary, secondary friendly, good defender, which means that text. I said to tell them the holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? This village chief, because they take my life as a lamp, take I do cave hidden, sheltered spot that I do get, I do take refuge.
8) For as bad plots, land hard, salty, toxic soil, the village chief, as the heathen recluses, Brahmin, wanderer. We preach to them good primary, intermediate good, good logistics, which means there are documents, presented to them the holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? Because of that, if they understand only one sentence, so that they are happy, long-term peace.
9) For example, the village chief, who has three pitcher, a pitcher is not cracked, not runny, waterproof; a water bottle is not cracked, but watery and waterproof; a water tank cracked, leaking and waterproof. What do you think, the village chief? If someone wants water, he'll water elsewhere before, one containing water bottles are not cracked, not runny, waterproof or water bottle is not cracked, but watery and waterproof or water bottle cracked, watery and waterproof?
- Buddha, he wants water, he'll water in containers no rift, no running water, no water seepage. After water into it and then, they come into the pitcher containing water not cracked, but watery and waterproof. After water into it and then, they come aqueous or non-aqueous into the water tank was flawed, runny, waterproof. Why? Since at least can also be used to wash utensils.
10) - For example, the water tank is not cracked, not runny, waterproof, the village chief, the monks, nuns, monks-My. I preach to them, improving primary, secondary friendly, good defender, which means that documents, presentations holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? This village chief, because they take my life as a lamp, take I do cave hidden, sheltered spot that I do get, I do take refuge.
11) For example, with a water jug ​​is not cracked, but watery and waterproof, the village chief, as the laymen, laywomen of Ta. I preach to them, improving primary, secondary friendly, good defender, which means there are documents, presentations holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? This village chief, because they took me as a lamp, take I do cave hidden, sheltered spot that I do get, I do take refuge.
12) For example the water jug ​​was flawed, runny, being waterproof, the village chief, as the heathen recluses, Brahmin, wanderer. I preach to them, improving primary, secondary friendly, good defender, which means there are documents, presented to them the holy life fulfilled, pure. Why? Because of that, if they only understand a question, so that they are happy, long-term peace.
13) When they heard that, venerable sir Asibandhakaputta Village head:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
VIII. Shell  (Napoli, s.IV, 317)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Nalanda, in Pavarikamba forest.
2) Then Asibandhakaputta Village head, disciple of Ni-devout-mail sent to Bhagavan go ...
3) Bhagavan told Asibandhakaputta Village head, sat in:
- Hey Village head, Nigantha Nataputta how sermon to his disciples?
4) - Buddha, Nigantha Nataputta disciples preach to them as follows: "Who killed the life, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who is taking what is not given, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who lives in the sexual misconduct, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who lied, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Qualities maximum life, the maximum how this direction will their birth so interesting. " Thus, venerable sir, Nigantha Nataputta disciples preached.
- Every living max, max, how the village chief, was being tended their animals so. If the truth is that, when no one will be born into deprivation, in the words of Nigantha hell Nataputta.
5) What do you think, the village chief? Someone killed the life, night or day, or sometimes do. Which is more time, when he killed the life, or the time he did not kill the life?
- Buddha, someone killed the life, night or day, or sometimes do. This time is less, the time he killed the life. And there is more time, when he did not kill the life.
- Every living max, max, how the village chief, was being tended to stay so he will. If the truth is that, when no one will be born into deprivation, in the words of Nigantha hell Nataputta.
6) What do you think, the village chief? Some people taking what is not given, night or day, or sometimes do. Which is more time, when he's not taking the time said he's not taking no for?
- Buddha, someone taking what is not given, night or day, or sometimes do. This time is less, when he's not taken. And there is more time, when he's not taking no for.
- Every living max, max, how the village chief, was being tended to stay so he will. If the truth is that, when there will be no one living in deprivation, in the words of Nigantha hell Nataputta.
7) What do you think, the village chief? There are people who live in sexual misconduct, night or day, or sometimes do. Which is more time, when he lived according to the sexual misconduct of, or when he does not live in sexual misconduct?
- Buddha, there are people who live in sexual misconduct, night or day, or sometimes do. This time is less, according to the time he lived in sexual misconduct. And there is more time, when he does not live in sexual misconduct.
- Every living max, max, how the village chief, was being tended to stay so he will. If the truth is that, when no one will be born into deprivation, in the words of Nigantha hell Nataputta.
8) What do you think, the village chief? There are people living lie, night or day, or sometimes says. Which is more time, time he lied, or when he does not tell lies?
- Buddha, someone lied, night or day, or sometimes says. This time is less, the time he lied. And there is more time, when he did not lie.
- Every living max, max, how the village chief, was being tended to stay so he will. If the truth is that, when no one will be born into deprivation, in the words of Nigantha hell Nataputta.
9) Here, the village chief, with the Guru said as follows, see the following: "Who killed the life, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who is taking what is not given, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who live in sexual misconduct, all must be born into deprivation, in hell. Who lied, all must be born into deprivation, in hell ". This village chief, the disciple put trust in his guru.
10) He thought: "I say the following, see the following: 'Who killed all life must be born into deprivation, in hell". Now we have to kill one life. Thus, we must be born into deprivation, in hell ". He was wrong attachment. This Village head, not annihilation words, no segment was dedicated, is not to abandon him, he will definitely fall into hell so. "You're talking like this, see the following: 'Who's taking no for, all must be born into deprivation, in hell". Now we have taken is not given. Thus, we must be born into deprivation, in hell, "He was wrong attachment. This Village head, not annihilation words, no segment was dedicated, is not to abandon him, he was sure to fall into hell. "You're talking like this, see the following: 'Who live in sexual misconduct, all must be born into deprivation, in hell". Now we live in sexual misconduct. Thus, we must be born into deprivation, in hell ". He was wrong attachment. This Village head, not annihilation words, no segment was dedicated, is not to abandon him, he was sure to fall into such hell. "You're talking like this, see the following: 'Who is lying, all must be born into deprivation, in hell". Now we lie. Thus, we must be born into deprivation, in hell ". He was wrong attachment. This Village head, not annihilation words, no segment was dedicated, is not to abandon him, he was sure to fall into such hell.
11) Here, the village chief, born at birth Tathagata, Arhat level, Right Turn Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, Auspicious, the World League, Supreme Master, Article Dwell Phu Truong, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, Bhagavan; Tathagata used many means criticizing, attacking and killing said: "Do not kill"; Critics, of not taking the offensive and said: "Do not take what is not given"; criticized, attacked live in sexual misconduct and said: "Do not live in sexual misconduct"; criticized, attacked lied and said: "Do not lie". This village chief, the disciple put trust in his guru. He thought as follows:
12) "Bhagavan used multiple media criticism, attacks killing and said: 'Do not be killing". Now we can kill like this, or like that. So is not recommended (sutthu), so is not good. And he could conditioned remorse: 'Evil we do now, this will not do anymore.' " He thought such as, immediately abandon killing. And in the future, he suspended killing. Thus, he was overcome evil.
13) "Bhagavan used many means criticizing, attacking and taking what is not to say: 'Do not be taken by non-for". Now we can not get by like this, or like that. So is not recommended, as this is not good. And conditioned by that, we can regret: 'Evil we do now, this will not do it again'. He thought so because, by not immediately abandon get to. And in the future, he's not taken for suspension. Thus, he was overcome evil.
14) "Bhagavan used multiple media criticism, attacking live in sexual misconduct ...".
15) "Bhagavan used multiple media criticism, attacking lie ...".
16) Due to the total extinction of killing, he became not killing. Do not make an end of the take, he became not taking what is not given. Because according to the total extinction of life in sexual misconduct, he became not live in sexual misconduct. Due to the total extinction of lying, he became the waiver lie. Due to the total extinction of said two blades, he became the waiver said two blades. Due to the total extinction of harsh speech, he became the abandoned harsh speech. Due to the total extinction of frivolous words, he became the waiver say frivolous. Annihilation of lust, no greed, the total extinction of the field, no field of mind, make an end to wrong views, he became followers of right. This Village head, Saints disciples abandoned him, leaving the field to abandon the delusion, mindfulness, awareness, with the organic mind with words, a way to live complacent variables. Thus, the second one. Thus, the third party. Thus, the fourth. Thus, the same around the world, more or less, the width, and all the parish, with a wealth across the border, he abides with heart complications of chronic sentence with the word organic, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf.
17) For example, the village chief, a prison and athlete blows (with screws), with less fatigue makes four methods are known. Also, the village chief, practice compassion such liberation, such as growth, now as a limited amount of flesh, here, will no longer wreak balance; here, will no longer exist. This village chief, his disciple saints, such abandon, abandon the field to abandon the delusion, mindfulness, awareness, with the organic mind with compassion ... with organic heart with joy ... with the heart question with discharging property, a local complications of chronic life. Thus, the second one. Thus, the third party. Thus, the fourth. Thus, the bottom surface around the world on the cross, all the parish, with the boundless world around he abides turn the organic content with the discharge center, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf.
18) For example, the village chief, an athlete who blew horns and with less fatigue makes four methods are known. Also, the village chief, discharge practices such freedom of mind, making such growth, as there is limited amount of flesh now, here, will no longer wreak balance; here, will no longer exist.
19) When they heard that, venerable sir Asibandhakaputta Village head:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
IX. Acceleration  (Napoli, s.IV, 322)
1) One time Bhagavan traveled between ethnic Kosala mass along with monks and went to Nalanda. Here, Bhagavan residing in Nalanda, in Pavarikamba forest.
2) At the time, Nalanda was starving, hard to live worry mouth (dvihitika), filled with white bones, rice straw only (salakavutta).
3) At that time lived in Nalanda Nataputta Nigantha with Nigantha mass.
4) Then Asibandhakaputta Village head, Nataputta Nigantha disciples, went to Nigantha Nataputta; after arriving Nataputta Nigantha bowed and sat down on one side.
5) Nigantha Nataputtta told Asibandhakaputta Village head, sat in:
- Come, the village chief, come recluse Gotama questioned. Thus, rumors will be spread throughout nice about Mr. "recluse Gotama, a position with such powers, so potent, was heckled Asibandhakaputta Village head!"
- Venerable Sir, how can I questioned recluse Gotama, a courtier with such force, with such great power?
6) - Come, the village chief, come recluse Gotama; after to tell recluse Gotama as follows:
"- Buddha, have used various means Bhagavan praise, commercial glass families, praised protect families, praise from hypersensitivity to the family"?
This Village head, so asked if recluse Gotama, replied as follows:
"- Yes, the village chief, the Tathagata used many means praise, commercial glass families, protection of praise, praise kindness introspection".
Time he asked recluse Gotama:
"- So why, venerable sir, Exalted mass along the traveling monks at Nalanda famine, difficult to live worry mouth, filled with white bones, rice straw only? Thus, Bhagavan devastating practice of family, the unfortunate practice for families, practice the harm to the family. "
Thus, the village chief, he was asked the question bicuspid, recluse Gotama can not spit out, nor can swallow.
7) - Ladies and yes, Venerable.
The village head replied yes Asibandhakaputta Nigantha Nataputta, stood up from his seat, bowed Nigantha Nataputta, the organic body and then go towards the Exalted; after arriving, Village head bowed and sat down on one side.
8) Sit down on one side, village chief lord Asiband-hakaputta:
- Is it, venerable sir, Bhagavan used many means praise, commercial glass families, protection of praise, praise kindness introspection?
- Yes, the village chief, the Tathagata used many means praise, commercial glass families, protection of praise, praise kindness introspection.
- Then why, venerable sir, Exalted same mass, monks traveled back in Nalanda famine, difficult to live worry mouth, filled with white bones, rice straw only? Thus, Bhagavan devastating practice of family practice for family misfortune, practical harm to the family.
9) - This village chief, I remember from ninety-one aeons ago, I never knew was there to harm a family to cook a meal offerings. The families that are very rich, more money, more assets, more gold and items much more grain. All properties that are due alms crop, crop be honest, is a homemade crop.
10) This Village head, there are eight people, eight charming harming families. Due to the monarch, the family went to the damage. Or by theft, the family went to the damage. Or by the fire, the family went to the damage. Or by water, the family went to the damage. Or they find no signs of taking money. Or due to laziness, neglect their work. Or in the family arises vandals family, he distributed, vandalism, harming (vikirati vidhamati viddhamseti). And very often the eighth. This village chief, the eight workers, this charming damaging eight families.
11) This Village head, because that's eight, the eighth this charming presence, there exists, if anyone says about me as follows: "Exalted devastating practice of family practice for family misfortune, practice harm to the family; Village head this time, if he did not give that statement, did not give his mind, he is not giving up, definitely (yathahatam) he will be thrown into hell so.
12) When is say, venerable sir Asibandhakaputta Village head:
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the Lifetime specified threshold.
X. MANICULAM  (Treasure on the top) (Napoli, s.IV, 325)
1) One time Bhagavan residing in Rajagaha (Rajgir), Veluvana (Bamboo Forest), in place to nurture the squirrel.
2) At the time of the king, the king sitting courtiers gathered, the following story was started up: "The line of recluses Like gold particles are allowed to use. The death Salmone Like gold, silver is kept. The death Salmone Like gold, silver is taking. "
3) At the time, Village head Maniculaka sitting in his congregation.
4) Then Maniculaka Village head said to his congregation: "The Venerable not have said so. Like the death recluses are not allowed to use gold and silver. The Salmone Like gold, silver particles are not kept. Like the death recluses not take gold. The death Salmone Like jewels and gold give up. They had seceded gold and silver ". But village chief can not make Maniculaka congregation was accepted.
5) Then go to the Village head Maniculaka Bhagavan; after arriving bowed and sat down on one side.
6) On one side, village chief lord Maniculaka:
- Here, lord, the king, a king of his men were sitting gatherings, and the following story is started up: "These recluses Like gold particles are allowed to use. The death Salmone Like gold, silver is kept. The death Salmone Like gold, silver is taking. " When saying this, venerable sir, I told the audience that: "The Venerable not have said so. Like the death recluses are not allowed to use gold and silver. The Salmone Like gold, silver particles are not kept. Like the death recluses not take gold. The death Salmone Like jewels and gold give up. They had seceded gold and silver ". But lord, I can not make her accept the assembly.
7) Reply so, venerable sir, do not know the right word Bhagavan say? I do not misrepresent the Blessed One with what is not real? Child answered through legal, lawful and not one word corresponding lawful reason to criticize?
- Answering such, this Village head, You're right my words. He did not misrepresent me with untruths. He answered upon the legal and lawful, and not one word corresponding lawful reason to criticize.
8) This village chief, the Prince Salmone Like gold, silver is not allowed to use. The Salmone Like gold, silver particles are not kept. Like the death recluses not take gold. The death Salmone Like abandoned jewels and gold. They had seceded gold and silver. For someone used gold, he also be allowed to use in educational merit. For years one is allowed to use the fitness merit, he or she completely recluse life over legal fees, legal fees Interest death. This village chief, I say the following: The grass is going sought by who needs grass. Firewood is seeking firewood demand by anyone who needs it. Chariot is going sought by anyone who needs it carriage. Who is going sought by people who are in need. But the village chief, is not any reason I say that gold and silver are accepted, are sought.
XỊ. Bhadra  (Hien) or BHAGANDHAHATTHAHA (Napoli, s.IV, 327)
1) One time Bhagavan among the people residing in Uruvelakappa Malla, a town of Malla people.
2) Then go to the Village head Bhadraka Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) Sit down on one side, village chief lord Bhadraka:
- You instead Bhagavan, Bhagavan if the theory of the collective start and the end of suffering!
- Hey Village head, if he kept at the past, I preached to the attention he start and the end of suffering, said: "So that happened in the past"; here, he would wonder, would have suspected. This village chief, if he kept at the future, I preached to the attention he start and the end of suffering, said: "This will happen in the future"; here, he would have to wonder, will no doubt. But now I sit right here, the village chief, for he also sat here, I will give presentations on the set start and he's termination suffering. Listen and heuristic techniques, I would say.
- Ladies and yes, venerable sir.
Village head Bhadraka Bhagavan replied yes.
4) Exalted says the following:
- What do you think, the village chief, in Uruvelakappa there who, if they were killed, or imprisoned, or damaged, or being criticized, he can rise to sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain ?
- Ladies have, venerable sir. In at Uruvelakappa there who, if they were killed or imprisoned, or damaged, or being criticized, then I can start to sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
5) - This village chief, in this Uruvelakappa there who, if they were killed, or imprisoned, or damaged, or be criticized, but he did not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and the brain?
- Ladies have, venerable sir, in Uruvelakappa there who, if they were killed, or imprisoned, or damaged, or be criticized, but I do not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and distress.
- Do what's, what conditioned, this Village head, for some people at Uruvelakappa, if they were killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, then He can arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and the brain? What's Due, conditioned by what, this Village head, for some people in Uruvelakappa, if they were killed, or arrested, or damaged, or be criticized, but he did not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief , the brain?
- For some people in Uruvelakappa, lord, if they were killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, you may arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain, because you have sex and for their participation. But for some people in Uruvelakappa, lord, if they were killed, or arrested, or damaged, or be criticized, but I do not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, brain, because I do not have sex and for their participation.
- He said: "I have participated for their indulgence. You do not have to participate for their indulgence. " This village chief, have to be seen and known, is reached immediately, are able to enter through this approach, Mr. shaping methods (naya) by the method that for the past, future? If there arise any suffering in the past, all that suffering arises taken as fundamental education, taking as base personnel education. Education is the basis of size. Qualities have any pain arises in the future, all that suffering arises taken as basic education, taking as basis of human education. Education is the basis of size.
- It's rather wonderful, venerable sir! It's rather bizarre, venerable sir! It is clever to say, this word of Bhagavan: "All have something arises suffering, all suffering that arise are taken as basic education, taking as basis of human education. Education is the basis of suffering! "
7) Buddha, I have a son named Ciravasi, live far from here. When it's time to get up, venerable sir, I send people away and say: "Hey Mr, go and ask the child Ciravasi". Until he returns, venerable sir, I am in nervous restlessness: "Do not know the child has the disease Ciravasi anything?"
8) - What do you think, the village chief, if the child's Ciravasi He was killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, he can rise to sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain?
- Buddha, if Ciravasi my son was killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, or lives are changed, the child how not arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief , the brain is?
- With this method, the village chief, need to understand the following: any suffering whatsoever may arise, all his suffering are taken as basic education, taking as basis of human education. Education is the basis of size.
9) What do you think, the village chief, if he did not see nor hear Ciravasi mother, he had indulgence, greed or love of mother for Ciravasi not?
- No, venerable sir.
- But the village chief, as he saw it, the village chief, when he heard, when he had indulgence, or lust, or love of mother for Ciravasi not?
- Ladies have, venerable sir.
10) - What do you think, the village chief, if Ciravasi mother was killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, when He arises sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, not the brain?
- Buddha, if Ciravasi mother was killed, or arrested, or damaged, or being criticized, or lives being changed, how can I not start the sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and brain?
- With this method, the village chief, need to know the following: What Qualities there arises suffering, all his suffering are taken as basic education, taking as basis of human education. Education is the basis of suffering.
XII. RASIYA  (Napoli, s.IV, 330)
2) A village chief Rasiya time to go to Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
3) On one side, village chief lord Rasiya:
- I have heard that the recluse Gotama criticizing all austerities, refuting, absolutely everyone spoken against asceticism, all austere lifestyle. Those who say so, venerable sir, do not know the words to say right Exalted, does not misrepresent the Blessed One with what is not true, answered upon the legal and lawful, and not one word corresponding lawful right due to criticism?
- This village chief, who spoke as follows: "recluse Gotama criticizing all austerities, refuting, spoken against absolutely every lifestyle austerity"; they say the wrong words I said, they do not misrepresent me with truth, with no right feet.
4) There are two extremes that the practice should not be ordained: One is passionate for sensual desires inferior, despicable, ordinary, unworthy St. conduct, unrelated to the purpose. The other is in itself torture, suffering, not worthy saint, not related to the purpose. Abandoning these two extremes is the middle path, was Tathagata enlightenment, the wall of the eye, the mind works, leads to peace, winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
5) What was the middle way, the village chief, was Tathagata enlightenment, the wall of the eye, the mind works, leads to peace, winning position, enlightenment, nirvana? This is the path of the Noble Eight branches of knowledge ie district, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. This is the middle path, the village chief, is Tathagata enlightenment, the wall of the eye, the mind works, leads to peace, winning position, enlightenment, Nirvana.
6) This Village head, there are three categories of people enjoying life in the present character education in their lives. What are the three?
7) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he does not himself happy, not happy, not to share, not to the merits.
8) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he himself happy, joy, not to share, not to the merits.
9) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit.
10) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek the assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power. After seek lawful property and illegal, and not use the power of the power, he does not himself happy, not happy, not to share, not to the merits.
11) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek the assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power. After seek lawful property and illegal, and not use the power of strength, he himself happy, joy, not to share, not to the merits.
12) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek the assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power. After seek lawful property and illegal, and not use the power of strength, he himself happy, joy, sharing, doing merit.
13) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek lawful property, not strength. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he not himself happy, not happy, not to share, not to the merits.
14) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek legal assets and non-physical. After seek assets legally and not use force, he himself happy, joy, not to share, not to the merits.
15) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he himself happy, joy, sharing, and making merit. But he lived with before greed, passionate, guilty, do not see the danger, not with wisdom renunciation.
16) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit. But he does not mind taking lived with before, not passionate, not sin, sees the danger and the renunciation wisdom.
17) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he does not himself happy, not happy, not to share, not to the merits. This education who lived animals, the village chief, about three aspects were criticized. About three aspects only criticism? He sought the illegal assets and use the power, on the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He is not happy, not happy, about this second aspect, he was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, on the third, he was criticized.
This village chief, who lived organisms on three aspects of this education was criticized.
18) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he himself happy, happy, but do not share, do not merit. This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects were criticized, on the one hand be praised. What about the two aspects of criticism? He sought the illegal assets and use the power, on the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, on this second aspect, he was criticized. What aspects of a person to be praised? He himself happy, happy, in this respect, he was praised.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects were criticized, on the one hand be praised.
19) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek illegal assets and use the power. After seek illegal assets and use the power, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit. This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense been criticized, the two aspects are praised. What aspects of a person being criticized? He sought the illegal assets and use the power, in this regard, he criticized. In terms of what he is praised? He himself happy, happy, on the first aspect of this, he was praised. He shared the merits and, on this second aspect, he is praised.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense been criticized, the two aspects are praised.
20) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek the assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power. After seek lawful property and illegal, and not use the power of the power, he does not himself happy, not happy, not to share, not to the merits. This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense be praised, on three aspects were criticized. What is one aspect of praise? He sought the assets legally and not strength, in this respect, he was praised. About three aspects he was criticized? He sought the property illegally and used power, the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He is not himself happy, not happy, about this second aspect, he was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, on the third, he was criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense be praised, on three aspects were criticized.
21) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power, themselves happy, happy, but do not share, do not merit. This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects are praised, the two aspects were criticized. About two aspects he is praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, the first aspect of this, he was praised. He himself happy, happy, on this second aspect, he is praised. About two aspects he was criticized? He sought the illegal assets and use the power, on the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, on this second aspect, he was criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects are praised, the two aspects were criticized.
22) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek the assets legally and illegally, using the power and do not need power. After seek lawful property and illegal, and not use the power of strength, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit. This education who lived animals, the village chief, about three aspects to be praised, in one sense been criticized. About three aspects be praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, the first aspect of this, he was praised. He himself happy, happy, on this second aspect, he is praised. He shared the merits and, on the third, he was praised. What are some ways he was criticized? He sought the illegal assets and use the power, on the one hand this, he was criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, about three aspects to be praised, in one sense been criticized.
23) Here, there are people who enjoy sex life character, the village chief, sought legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he not himself happy, happy, and do not share the faith. This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense be praised, the two aspects were criticized. About a way to be praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, in this respect, he was praised. About two aspects he was criticized? He is not himself happy, happy, on the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He does not share, do not merit, on this second aspect, he was criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, in one sense be praised, the two aspects were criticized.
24) Here, there are people who enjoy sex life character, the village chief, sought legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he himself happy, joy, not to share, not to the merits. This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects are praised, in one sense been criticized. About two aspects he is praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, the first aspect of this, he was praised. He himself happy, happy, on this second aspect, he is praised. About some ways he was criticized? He does not share, do not merit, in this regard, he criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, the two aspects are praised, in one sense been criticized.
25) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit. People lived assets taking a first, passion, crime, do not see the danger, with no renunciation wisdom. This education who lived animals, the village chief, about three aspects to be praised, in one sense been criticized. About three aspects he is praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, the first aspect of this, he was praised. He himself happy, happy, on this second aspect, he is praised. He shared the merits and, on the third, he was praised. About some ways he was criticized? Who lived with her assets before greed, passion, crime, does not see the danger, with no intellectual renunciation, in this regard, he criticized.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, about three aspects to be praised, in one sense been criticized.
26) Here, the village chief, who lived animals have sex, seek legal assets and non-physical. After seek lawful property and do not use force, he himself happy, joy, sharing and making merit. He lived his assets, without taking prior, no passion, no sin, sees the danger and the renunciation wisdom. This education who lived animals, the village chief, about four aspects to be praised. About four aspects to be praised? He sought lawful assets and non-physical, the first aspect of this, he was praised. He himself happy, happy, on this second aspect, he is praised. He shared the merits and, on the third, he was praised. He lived assets involved did not have before, no passion, no sin, on the fourth, he was praised.
This education who lived animals, the village chief, about four aspects to be praised.
27) This Village head, there are three classes ascetic, austere life, there is life in the world.
28) This village chief, ranked ascetic, austere life, was ordained by faith, abandoned the family, no family life. He thought: "I hope that we get good legal evidence; hope that we realize the legal traders, knowledge worthy saint wins! ". He himself mortification, practice hard, but no evidence yet friendly France, not Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge wins yet worthy saint.
29) Here, the village chief, with ascetic, austere life, because faith ordained, abandoned the family, not family life, thought: "Hopefully we get good legal evidence; hope that we realize the legal traders, knowledge worthy saint wins! ". He himself mortification, practice hard, get good legal evidence, but Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge saint deserved wins.
30) Here, the village chief, with ascetic, austere life, because faith ordained, abandoned the family, not family life, thought: "Hopefully we get good legal evidence; hope that we realize the legal traders, knowledge worthy wins saint! "He himself mortification, practice hard, get good legal evidence, Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge saint deserved wins.
31) Here, the village chief, with ascetic, austere life, his self-mortification, practice hard, do not get good legal evidence, not Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge saint deserved wins. Ascetic, austere life, the chief of this village, about three aspects were criticized. What are the three aspects of criticism? He himself mortification, practice hard, the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He does not attain friendly France, in terms of this second, he was criticized. He did not realize the legal traders, knowledge wins worthy saint, on this third aspect, he was criticized.
Ascetic, austere life, the chief of this village, about three aspects were criticized.
32) Here, the village chief, with ascetic, austere life, his self-mortification, practice hard, get good legal evidence, but Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge saint deserved wins. Ascetic, austere life, the chief of this village, about two aspects were criticized, on the one hand be praised. How are the two aspects of the person being criticized? He himself mortification, practice hard, the first aspect of this, he was criticized. He did not realize the legal traders, knowledge wins worthy saint, in this second aspect, he was criticized. What is the one aspect he is praised? He controls were friendly France, in this respect, he was praised.
Ascetic, austere life, the chief of this village, about two aspects were criticized, on the one hand be praised.
33) Here, the village chief, with ascetic, austere life, his self-mortification, practice hard, get good legal evidence, and Shanghai's legal enlightenment, knowledge saint deserved wins. Ascetic, austere life of an aspect of this criticism, the two aspects are praised. About some ways of criticism? He himself mortification, practice hard, in this regard, he criticized. About two aspects he is praised? He controls were friendly France, in the first aspect of this, he was praised. He realized Shanghai's legal, knowledge worthy wins saint, on this second aspect, he is praised.
Ascetic, austere life, the chief of this village, in one sense been criticized, the two aspects are praised.
34) This Village head, there are three existing practical, no aging, with immediate effect, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened wise people understand. What are the three?
35) All who are craving (raga), by human greed, self-harm thinking, thought to harm others, think of the harm of both. When desire is to make an end, he does not think of self-harm, not harm others think, do not think about the harm of both. Thus, these (this result) current practical, no aging, with immediate effect, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened wise people understand.
36) All who are angry, because human anger, thought to harm themselves, harm others think, think of the harm of both. When anger is annihilation, he does not think of self-harm, not harm others think, do not think to harm both. Thus, these (this result) current practical, no aging, with immediate effect, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened wise people understand.
37) All who are deluded, by the ignorance, think of self-harm, harm others think, think of the harm of both. When ignorance is total annihilation, he does not think of self-harm, not harm others think, do not think to harm both. Thus, these (this result) current practical, no aging, with immediate effect, to come and see, likely upward, was himself awakened intellect to understand.
This three, the village chief, the current practical, no aging, with immediate effect, to come and see, able to raise up, is a wise man understands himself awakened.
38) When they heard that, venerable sir Rasiya Village head:
- It is wonderful, venerable sir! ... From now until the public network, the lifetime devotion!
XIII. PATALI  (Possibility reviews) (Napoli, s.IV, 340)
1) A residence in the middle of Bhagavan Koliya people, the people in the town of Koliya named Uttara.
2) Then go to the Village head Pataliya Bhagavan; after arrival, bowed and sat down on one side.
On one side, village chief lord Pataliya:
- I heard that, lord, recluse Gotama knows magical. Buddha, who said that the recluse Gotama knows magical; of them, lord, there are right with Bhagavan said or not? They do not misrepresent the Blessed One with what is not true, they answered lawful, Dhamma? And those who say there is no corresponding lawful reason to criticize. Venerable sir, we do not want spoken against Bhagavan (abbhakkhati).
3) - Those who say that the village chief, recluse Gotama magical know who was right by my words. They do not misrepresent me with untruths. They say lawful, Dhamma. And those who say there is no corresponding lawful reason to criticize.
4) - That is true, venerable sir though I do not believe the monk, his Brahmin, saying recluse Gotama knows magical. Thus, venerable sir, finally recluse Gotama who live magical.
- Who said: "Tathagata knows magical", he has said that the Tathagata is the people who live under the magical, to say that is so Bhagavan, such as Auspicious? So this village chief, on this issue I will ask Mr. If you can afford the ring, he can answer.
5) - What do you think, the village chief? Do you know, this village chief, the public employees have bun Kosala hangs down?
- Do you know, venerable sir, the public employees have the bun Kosala hangs down.
6) - What do you think, the village chief? Use what the purposes of public employees with bun Kosala hangs down?
- The employee has chignon hangs down Kosala public is used to tame the thief and to take away the news to the people Kosala. Used to that purpose, venerable sir, is the employees have bun Kosala public hangs down.
7) - What do you think, the village chief? He said the employees have hair tufts of the population hangs down Kosala is the morality or the evil world?
- I know, venerable sir, the employees there hangs down chignon of Kosala people who are evil world, according to the legal evil. If there are those who follow the evil world, according to the legal evil in life, the key is the employee with bun Kosala public hangs down, no one else.
8) - This village chief, if someone says: "The village head Palaliya know which employees have tufts of hair hangs down the evil people of Kosala was the world, according to the legal evil, the village chief who was also an evil Pataliya world, according to the legal evil ", who say such words are not true?
- No, venerable sir. These employees have tufts of hair hangs down other people's Kosala. And the other is. Nature of the employees have hair hangs down tufts of other people's Kosala. The other is human nature.
 9) - This village chief, he will be known as: "The village head Pataliya know that, the employees there hangs down chignon of Kosala people who are evil world, according to the legal evil. But village chief Pataliya not the evil world, according to the legal evil ". So, why the Tathagata has not been known that the Tathagata is known magical, but the Tathagata is not a magical live? This village chief, I clearly know magical and mature fruit of magical horror. And practice how magical that a person makes, after the body damage the public network, must be born into the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell. I know so well.
10) This village chief, I clearly know horror of killing and mature fruit of the killing. And I also clearly know how the practice of killing a person, damage the body, after the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
11) This Village head, clearly I do not know of, and results obtained independent of taking what is not allergic to. I also clearly know how the practice that a person does not get the after body damage public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
12) This village chief, I clearly know what life and sexual misconduct in the performance of the independent horror live in sexual misconduct. And I also clearly know how the practice that a person living in sexual misconduct, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
13) This village chief, I clearly know lie and results of the independent horror lie. And I also clearly know how the practice that a lie, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
14) This village chief, I clearly say two blades and said results of two independent straight-edged. And I also clearly know how the practice say that a double-edged body damage after public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
15) This village chief, I clearly know harsh speech and casual mature fruit of harsh speech. And I also clearly know how the practice that a harsh speech, body damage after public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
16) This Village head, I know say clearly frivolous and results of the independent horror frivolous word. And I also clearly know how the practice say that a frivolous, corrupt body, after public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
17) This village chief, I clearly know greed and mature fruit of greed horror. And I also clearly know how the practice that a person with greed, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
18) This village chief, I clearly know hatred and horror mature fruit of anger. And I also clearly know how the practice that a person with anger, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, vicious underworld.
19) This village chief, I said clearly wrong and mature fruit of the wrong horror. And I also know someone who has clearly wrong, after the body damage the public network, must be born in the realm of evil, evil beasts, deprivation, in hell.
20) This Village head, there are some recluses, Brahmin said as follows, see the following: "Who killed the life; all, even in the current, hard feelings pros. Who's not taken; all, even in the current, hard feelings pros. Who lives in the sexual misconduct; all, even in the current, hard feelings pros. Who is a liar; all, even in the current, hard feelings superiority ".
21) But the village chief, here, we saw someone wearing a wreath, wearing earrings, bath smart, clever oiled wax, hair, beard grooming, are the female sex service like kings. About this, they asked:
- "Hey You, What did this person that was wearing a wreath, wearing earrings, is cleverly bathing, grooming hair and beard, was serving female sex workers like kings?"
He answered on the following person:
- "Hey You, who have smashed the enemies of the king and the winner of that person's life. The king was happy for him, he should have been rewarded for. Therefore, this person was wearing a wreath, was wearing earrings, is cleverly bathing, grooming hair, is the female sex service like kings ".
22) But the village chief, here, we saw someone hands were tied behind by a rope tightly, head shaved, with drums shrill, was led away from this path through other routes, from this intersection through another intersection, then was led out of the door into the south, and was beheaded in the southern city gate. About this, they asked:
"- Hey you, this man has done nothing but his hands were tied behind by a rope tightly, head shaved, with drums shrill, was led away from this path through other routes, from intersection through another intersection, then was led out of the door into the south, and was beheaded in the southern gate of the city? "
He answered on the following person:
"- Hey You, who are the enemies of the king. This person has won the life of a woman or a man. Therefore, the person who's king captured and treated as such with this person. "
23) What do you think, the village chief? He had never seen or heard such a reasonable person?
- Buddha, I have seen and heard such a person, and will be heard in the future.
24) - Here, the village chief, who recluse or Brahmin who says as follows: "Who killed the life; all, even in the current, hard feelings superiority ". They are telling the truth or lie?
- Buddha, they lie.
- And people say damage camouflage, lying, they are evil morality or gender.
- As the evil world, venerable sir.
- Those evil world, according to the misconduct committed evil or right action?
- As misconduct, venerable sir.
- People who are unchaste wrong or right view?
- Are the wrong people, venerable sir.
- And who are wrong, there is a reasonable budget when placing trust in them?
- No, venerable sir.
25) - But this Village head, here, we saw someone wearing a wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. About this, they asked:
"- What did this person that was wearing a wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king like sex?"
He answered on the following person:
"Eh you, this man has smashed the enemies of the king and take valuables. The king was happy with him should have rewarded him. Therefore, this person was wearing a wreath, was wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. "
26) But the village chief, here, we saw someone hands were tied behind ... and beheaded in the southern city gate. About this, they asked:
"- Hey you, this man has done nothing but his hands were tied behind ... at the southern gate of the city?"
He answered on the following person:
"- Hey you, this person was from the village or from a forest does not take objects, is called theft. Thus, the person of the king captured and treated as such with this person. "
27) What do you think, the village chief? He had never seen or heard such a reasonable person?
- Buddha, I have seen and heard such a person, and will be heard in the future.
28) - Here, the village chief, who recluse or Brahmin does say so, see the following: "Who's not taken; all, even in the current, hard feelings superiority ". They are telling the truth or are they lying? ... (As above No. 24) ... And those with wrong view, there is reasonable confidence whether you put into them?
- No, venerable sir.
29) - But this Village head, here, we saw someone wearing a wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. About this, they said:
- "This man has done nothing that is worn wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king like sex?"
He answered on the following person:
- "Hey You, who had a sexual misconduct with the wife of the king's enemies. The king was happy with him should have rewarded him. Therefore, he was wearing a wreath, was wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. "
30) - But this Village head, here, we saw someone hands were tied ... and beheaded in the southern city gate. About this, they said:
- "Hey you, this man has done nothing but his hands were tied behind ... at the southern gate of the city?"
He answered on the following person:
- "Hey You, he had committed sexual misconduct with the woman and the daughter of the family. Thus, the person of the king arrested him and treated as such with him ".
31) What do you think, the village chief? He had never seen or heard such a reasonable person?
- Buddha, I have seen and heard such a person, and will be heard in the future.
32) - Here, the village chief, who recluses, Brahmin who says as follows, see the following: "Who in the sexual misconduct; all, even in the current, hard feelings pros "They are telling the truth or lying to them? ... (as above No. 24) ... And those who have wrong views, whether justified when put trust to them?
- No, venerable sir.
33) - But here, the village chief, we saw someone wearing a wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. About him, they said:
- "This man has done nothing that is worn wreath, wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king like sex?"
He answered on the following person:
- "Hey You, who makes the king laugh with lies. The king was happy with him should have rewarded him. Therefore, he was wearing a wreath, was wearing earrings ... were the women who serve the king is like sex. "
34) - But this Village head, here, we saw someone hands were tied ... and beheaded in the southern city gate. About this, they asked:
- "Hey you, this man has done nothing but the hands were tied behind ... at the southern gate of the city?"
He answered on the following person:
- "Hey You, because he lied, was damaging the property of the owner or the person Gia Gia owners. Thus, the person of the king arrested him and treated as such with him ".
35) This Village head, how do you think? He had never seen or heard such a reasonable person?
- Buddha, I have seen and heard such a person, and will be heard in the future.
36) Here, the village chief, the recluses, Brahmin who says as follows, see the following: "Who is a liar; all, even in the current, hard feelings superiority ". They are telling the truth or telling lies ... (as above No. 24) ... And those with wrong view, there is reasonable confidence whether you put into them?
- No, venerable sir.
37) It is wonderful, venerable sir! It is rare, venerable sir! Children have a vacation house, in that there are beds, there are seats, with the oil lamp. There are monks or Brahmin yet up residence in it, depending on the ability, depending on the strength, I shared with him. Erstwhile, lord, has four masters have different views, there are (endurance) different, with different interests to reside at his vacation homes.
38) One guru says as follows, see the following: "There is no generosity, no sacrifice, no sacrifices, no results acclimatization of good and evil now, neither this world, no next life , no father, no mother, no chemicals being; in life, there are no monks, even the chief Brahmin towards right action, tri witness himself, realizes this life after life, and teach again. "
39) One guru says as follows, see the following: "There alms, with sacrifice, with sacrifices, which now results in the acclimatization of good and evil, there is life, there is life after, with his father, mother , there being chemicals; in life, there are recluses, chief Brahmin direction, right action, tri witness himself, realizes this life after life, and teach again. "
40) One guru says as follows, see the following: "DIY, or making people do, kill, or make killing people, burning cooking, or making cooking burner, causing sorrow, or makes people annoying late, virtual causing brain or brain makes the virtual cause, by themselves cause fear, or make people fear, killing, taking what is not given, out the door, but to plunder, rob a lonely, stop road robbed, wife private information, lie. Such conditioned, no crime, no crime go. If we take a sharp wheel, killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband; conditioned by it, nor be a crime, do not go to the crime. If there are people on the south bank of the Ganges killing, massacres, killing, causing killing, cooking fuel, causing burning cooking; conditioned that no evil, do not go to the crime. If someone goes on the north bank of the Ganges alms, makes the giving, sacrifice, makes the sacrifice; conditioned by it, no merit, not go to the merits ".
41) One guru says as follows, see the following: "Do it yourself or make people do, kill, or make killing people, burning cooking, or making cooking burner, causing sorrow, or makes people annoying late, virtual causing brain or brain makes the virtual cause, by themselves cause fear, or make people fear, killing, taking what is not given, but to break the door, looting, raiding a house alone, robbed blocked roads, private information his wife lied. Such action crime, has to go to crime. If we take a sharp wheel, killing all beings on earth into a pile of meat, a meat husband; so has crime, with crime going on. If someone goes to the southern shores of the Ganges killing, massacres, killing, causing killing, cooking gas, causing gas to cook, there is a crime; Such conditioned, have to go to the crime. If someone goes on the north bank of the Ganges alms, makes the giving, sacrifice, makes the sacrifice; Such conditioned, have merit, have come to the faith ".
42) - In this regard, venerable sir, I have to wonder, I have doubts. Between the venerable recluse, this Brahmin; who is telling the truth, who is lying?
- Well, just then, the village chief, is the wonder of him. Well just then, is the suspicion of Mr. The main point so baffling that doubts arise.
- Buddha, but I have such allegiance to Bhagavan. Bhagavan can preach to me to the baffling may be annihilated.
43) - This village chief, have legal Meditation (Dhammasamadhi). Here, if he is interested to witness (cittasamadhi), when he can cessation of this wonder of Mr. And the Village Chief, How Meditation is legal?
44) Here, the village chief, the Saint disciples after killing annihilation, live abandon killing. After taking advantage of the passage does not, he's not alive to give up taking. After the annihilation of sexual misconduct, he lived abandoned in sexual misconduct. After annihilation lied, he lied to live abandoned. After annihilation said two blades, said he abandoned two-edged life. After annihilation harsh speech, he lived abandoned harsh speech. After annihilation say frivolous, he lived abandon frivolous word. After the annihilation of lust, he lives abandon greed. After the total extinction of anger, he lived abandon anger. After abandon wrong view, he lived under the right view.
His disciples Saints, the Village head, with such abandon greed, anger with such abandon, no heart si, awareness, mindfulness, a way to live with the complications of chronic organic heart with the word sentence; also, the Monday; also, the Tuesday; also, the Wednesday; thus, the same around the world, more or less, the width, and unto all the wealth across borders. He abides with the organic mind with words, generosity, boundless, no hatred, no anger. He thought as follows: "The Guru said as follows, see the following: 'There is no generosity, no sacrifice, no sacrifices, no results acclimatization of good and evil now, neither this world , no afterlife, no father, no mother, no chemicals being. In life there are no monks, chief Brahmin direction, right action, tri witness himself, realizes this life, another life, and teach again. " If the venerable masters are telling the truth, I have no guilt whatsoever. For I will not harm anyone, the weak or the strong, here both ways, we are lucky hexagram sower. Upholding our body, speech to be maintained, standard to be maintained. And network damage after the general body, good fun and I will be born, Heaven, this world. " With he, joy arises; by joy, joy arises; by joy, the body is calm; by relative calm, life is feeling optimistic; with sense pleasures, the mind is calm. This Village head, this is the meditation method. Here, if he is such a concentration, the wonders of he was annihilated.
45) Saints disciples did, the village chief, the greed was abandoned as such, the anger was abandoned as such, has no heart si, life awareness, mindfulness, attention turned to the question meets an organic with words; also, the Monday; also, the Tuesday; also, the Wednesday; thus, the same around the world, on the lower horizontal surface, and all the parish, the boundless world around. He abides with complications of chronic heart with the word organic, boundless generosity, not hatred, not golf. He thought as follows: "The Guru said as follows, see the following: 'There alms, with sacrifice, with sacrifices, which now results in the acclimatization of good and evil, there is life, there is life after, father, mother, have all kinds of merchandise delivery. In life, there are recluses, chief Brahmin direction, right action, tri witness himself, realizes this life, other lives and teaches. " If the venerable masters are telling the truth, we have no sin, for I harm no one, the weak or the strong. Here, both aspects, one is the sower of hexagram lucky. Upholding our body. My words to be maintained. Italy we are upholding. And network damage after the general body, good fun and I will be born, Heaven, this world. " With joy he arises ... (as above, No. 44) ... so, the wonder of he was annihilated.
46) Saints disciples, the village chief, the greed was abandoned so ... complacent variable with an ownership interest sentence with the word ... no hate, no anger. He thought as follows: "The Guru said as follows, see the following: 'DIY or make people do ... (as above, No. 40) ... such actions do not have a crime'. If the venerable masters are telling the truth, we have no sin ... "(see above, No. 44) ... so, the wonder of he was annihilated.
47) Saints disciples, the village chief, the greed was abandoned so ... complacent turn an ownership interest sentence with the word ... no hate, no anger. He thought as follows: "The Guru said as follows, see the following: 'DIY or make others do ... (as above, No. 41) ... was conditioned, with crime, has come to crime ... he predestined, have merit, there is going to merit ". If this venerable masters are telling the truth, we have no sin ... "(see above, No. 44) ... so, the wonder of he was annihilated.
48) Saints disciples, the village chief ... (exactly the same as paragraph (i) of 44, the other just before the heart of the property with the word, this is the heart of the property with the Center property with bi ... Hy ... mind the friendly against discharging).
49) ... (similar to paragraph (ii) of the 45, only here with the organic mind with compassion ... the wedding ... property with the Center property to discharge).
50) ... (similar to paragraph (iii) of the 46, only here with the organic mind with compassion ... the wedding ... the property ownership with the exhaust).
51) ... (similar to paragraph (iv) No. 47, only here with the organic mind with compassion ... the wedding ... the property ownership with the exhaust).
52) When is say, venerable sir Pataliya Village head:

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